Welcome to the Developer Update, I'm Jeff from the Overwatch team.
I'm here today to follow up on a previous Developer Update
where I mentioned some hero balance changes that were coming.
So, recently with our Lunar New Year patch, the "Year of the Dog" patch,
we accidentally patched in some changes that were headed
to the PTR, but that weren't fully finished and not all the
changes made it.
So, some of you might have noticed a weird sneak preview of
some of these changes and for that I apologize that mistake happened.
We backed those out, but now they're making their way to the PTR for you
to check them and test them in the upcoming week.
So, some of the things that we are changing have to do with Mei.
And Mei in particular we don't think is that far off from being
pretty well balanced but she could use a little bit of help.
So, something that we're trying is increasing the duration of her freeze.
How this will affect you as a Mei player or somebody playing against Mei?
Before there were those moments where Mei would be using
her primary fire against you, would start to be freezing somebody
maybe somebody with a lot of mobility, maybe Genji or Tracer or somebody
like that and then they would go around a corner and Mei
would lose them pretty quickly.
We think this increase to the freeze time, raising it from one second to
one and a half second, will give Mei more of a chance to fully
freeze some of her enemies.
So, we're interested to see how this plays out.
We're also giving Mei a few more shots with her icicle on her
endothermic blaster.
So, that's her alternate fire the snipey one.
So, you should have a few more opportunities to headshot Tracer when
she's coming at you.
So, that's Mei, we're looking forward to those.
Then there's a lot of changes happening for Sombra.
The biggest change is probably that we're no longer tracking
Ult charge or generating Ult charge off of her hacked health packs.
We felt like this mechanic was playing out a little awkwardly.
We also felt like her EMP, as powerful as it is as an Ultimate, was happening
very frequently.
So, we'd rather move her Ult generation into her damage done
with that in mind we've done a few tweaks to her gun.
So, let us know how that feels.
We're also experimenting with some changes to hack.
We've sped up the hack time.
So, it's much quicker now for Sombra to actually get a hack off on various
targets and then we're doing some experiments where hack also effects
some targets in ways that it hadn't previously.
So, to use some examples now when hacked Genji can no longer
double jump or Pharah can no longer use her hover jets.
Again this is an experiment we're gonna see how this feels.
The question here is should these abilities be included or excluded
from hack?
And perhaps are there other abilities that should be included in hack?
And how should overall Sombra play out using that hacking mechanic?
One last change to Sombra that I think is particularly interesting is that she's
gaining extra time on her translocator, this should
give her more of an opportunity.
There's a lot of times where you throw that translocator out, you use
some of her abilities like Stealth to get in there you start to set up an
attack to help your team and it feels like Translocator expires and you get
yourself in trouble or you feel obligated to use translocator before
you've fully done what you wanted to do.
So, this gives Sombra a little bit more of a window to do those Sombra things
that she needs to do before her translocator expires and gives her
more chance to come back.
Now Doomfist is also getting some attention.
And some of you might have noticed this when we when we inadvertently patched
some of these things in and then remove them, but Doomfist now on his
hand cannon the ammo recovery rate is much faster.
Sometimes I hear players describe this as he can reload faster,
but Doomfist doesn't actually have a manual reload he has an ammo recovery
rate and we felt like it was a little bit slow.
As you all know, we also previously changed how the hand cannon
itself was shooting.
He shoots more bullets that do less damage, hopefully, for
around the overall same amount of damage per second that he's doing,
but it's more consistent now in a more consistent pattern.
This, combo'd with the ammo recovery rate, we think will feel
really excellent.
Now not coming to the PTR this this time around but
very soon is Hanzo.
Geoff Goodman our Hero Designer made a post on our forums describing
some of the Hanzo changes that we've been trying.
I thought I'd share those for you as well these are
things that were not going to do, but I think it's interesting for you
to know some of the things we're exploring.
So, one of the things we tried was replacing Scatter Arrow with an
actual new ability called Piercing Arrow.
This arrow shot very fast and was kind of a snipey shot
for Hanzo, but it also completely ignored barriers so while it was really
cool and really powerful for Hanzo, it felt super weird if you were playing
Zenyatta for example and you were behind Reinhardt's shield and you
suddenly just took a really devastating headshot and
got killed.
So, we pulled away from that ability.
We also experimented with giving him an ability on his reload button
since Hanzo does not have to reload that would in essence allow him to
do either a Sonic Arrow or this Piercing Arrow ability more frequently.
Again it was a pretty fun idea, it didn't play out how we really
expected it to.
So, we took it in some other directions.
We also tried addressing a lot of the issues with Scatter Arrow.
We experimented with having it not scatter off of the floor.
So, you had to get a shot off of either walls or the ceiling before it would
scatter to avoid those really frustrating foot shots that
so many people have complained about.
All this ended up feeling like was a giant nerf
to Hanzo and that wasn't our intention.
Right now the direction we're exploring is giving him a completely new ability
that gives him a window when he fires off the ability to shoot
arrows in rapid succession.
Right now we're experimenting with five arrows at a very high fire rate.
It's a lot of fun, I think this one might be worth trying so we might put it to the
PTR and we've also given Hanzo a horizontal leap that allows him to
leap in whatever direction he's facing to either forward, back, left, or right.
This is more meant as a disengage for Hanzo, of course you can sometimes use
it to get into cool interesting places, that's pretty fun also.
So, some of these things might make their way to the PTR.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on them and see what you think
as you play with some of these different abilities.
But the immediate ones coming to the PTR are: Doomfist, Mei, and Sombra.
Hanzo is coming up soon, but is not quite ready yet and as I
mentioned before Symmetra is on our list.
We're brainstorming different versions of what Symmetra changes could be.
And last but not least, we're also talking a lot about Torbjörn,
how to make him more viable and a more accepted teammate
and a more accepted hero that we want to see him in more instances.
So, that's coming further down the line we hope these
hero balance changes give you guys some really concrete things to both
play test with us on the PTR, but also discuss on the forums.
As always, we'll be following all the feedback and we really thank all of you.
Thank you for all of your input.
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