As we get into the dog days of the summer I wanna get you guys up to speed on some behind
the scenes happenings, as well as tell you a bit about my plans for the near future.
Before I do that, I quickly want to address my conversation with Patreon CEO Jack Conte
from earlier this week.
I think this chat, as much as any we've had here, gets to the heart of what I've tried
to do with The Rubin Report for the past two years.
Jack and I had an honest conversation about new media, economics and personal liberty
and couched around the issue I care most about, free speech.
I hope whether you came away from the interview agreeing with Jack or not, you got a better
understanding of the complexities and contradictions we all face whether you are a creator, a CEO,
or a supporter of online content.
As I've mentioned time and time again, I believe vital it is to occasionally put down your
phone, disconnect from the grid, and reconnect with the real world.
This is something I've tried to incorporate into my life as much as possible, but usually
is much harder than it should be.
The constant need to be online and in the discussion, whatever that discussion is, can
be incredibly inspiring and valuable, but it also can be draining and time sucking.
Beyond just doing The Rubin Report, I've been trying to work on a book for the past year,
as well as catch up on a some side projects, as well as seting a little time for mental
With this in mind, I want to lay out the rest of our summer for you:
This week on the show we have British columnist and commentator Katie Hopkins, who is sure
to trigger many of those who are trigger-able, then I head to New York City to do The Greg
Gutfeld Show.
After this, I'll be truly experiencing one of the highlights of my professional life
as I interview Richard Dawkins at the 92nd Street Y in NYC.
The event sold out almost immediately before I even had a chance to mention it to you guys,
but the fine folks at the Y are giving us the video of the whole 2 hour interview, which
we'll be posting right here on our channel next week.
After this interview with Dawkins, I'll be going off the grid completely for the rest
of the summer, until September 5th, which the day after Labor day.
Fear not though, you will be getting new Rubin Report episodes every week.
We've already taped interviews with Professor Gad Saad, columnist Guy Benson, economist
Pia Malaney, and chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, Yaron Brook.
Since we've taped these interviews already, I can promise you you're gonna dig all of
them, and each episode is truly different from each other.
What we may lose from filming and releasing in the same week, I promise you get back with
a continued focus on ideas rather than news cycles.
While we will post interviews as scheduled, I will not be on social media of any kind
until September 5th.
That's right: I'm not going to tweet, post on Facebook, share on Instagram, or anything
We're going to automate some posts in advance so we can promote our weekly episodes, but
I won't be sharing anything else, checking mentions, or even reading the news.
I'm looking forward to having some relaxation time on the beach, but will spend most of
the this break catching up on reading, exercising, and most importantly, focusing on this book,
which is long overdue.
Basically, I'm not going to look at screens of any kind except for when I'm writing.
I'm sure people will try to talk to me about the news, but I'm going do everything in my
power to truly shut down and really escape from the day to day, play by play madness.
Yes, I'll miss some Trump tweets, I'll miss a few faux outrages, and I'll miss whatever
else happens in the world, but I have a suspicion that the world will keep spinning without
And I also have a suspicion that I'll be better off for this break afterwards.
It seems kinda crazy to take a vacation and truly escape the web days, but that pretty
much was the norm only a decade ago.
If the world does end while I'm gone, I suppose it'll have to end without me live-tweeting
More importantly than anything else, I just want to thank all of you who not only watch
this show, but share it with friends and family and who are having these conversations in
your own lives.
There is absolutely no doubt the issues we are talking about here are taking root in
the real world and real change is on the horizon.
If I didn't think we could change the world by having these honest conversations on the
importance of free speech and individual liberty, I assure you I'd do something else.
It's never too late for me to pick up my NBA dreams.
Before I sign off, I want to give a special shout out to all of you who have supported
us on Patreon and PayPal since we went independent about 14 months ago.
You guys truly have helped me make my dreams come true and now you're giving me and my
crew a little breathing room, allowing me to work on this book, and helping us take
it all to the next level.
I already have a packed schedule of speaking gigs and college events coming up this fall,
and I look forward to coming back more focused and invigorated than ever before.
Without your support, not only couldn't we do this show at the professional level which
we do it, but there's certainly no way I could take a few weeks to clear the mind and plot
the future.
Maybe some of you will join me on this technology-free couple weeks, but for those who don't, I know
you'll enjoy everything we've cooked up for you while I'm gone.
Again, thank you all for your support and generosity and as we enter season 3 of The
Rubin Report in September, I promise you, this is just the beginning.
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