Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 2 2017

-You started here and got your big start in New York

because it was in the kind of cabaret alt-comedy scene.

But, I mean, all my friends know you

and like, "Oh, Bridgett Everett's the best!"

-Aw, that's really sweet. -How did you start doing those?

-Well, I actually started doing karaoke.

[ Laughs ]

-It started with karaoke? -Yeah.

-All good things start with karaoke.

-Well, a lot of people don't know --

That's true. A lot people think karaoke's sad

but I think it's wonderful.

[ Laughter ]

-I love it, man, I love it.

-I mean, if you don't see a mental healthcare professional

like I do, like, that's where you're gonna work it out.

[ Laughter ]

-It's fun! So, you just started there

and then people were like, "Hey, you got a good voice"?

-Yeah, basically. It was like from there to here.

Two weeks ago, I was singing karaoke

on the Lower East Side, and now I'm here.

[ Laughter and applause ] -I love Sing Sing!

I know that! -It's so good, right?

-Absolutely, yeah, yeah. So, you just go

and you do your jams, and then you ended up, like...

I know you did a lot of shows at Joe's Pub.

-Yeah, I work at Joe's Pub a lot, and I'm a cabaret singer.

And I know that "cabaret" is a very cool,

almost like a hot buzz word right now. [ Laughs ]

-[ Laughing ] Yeah, exactly.

-I remember I was at this comedy festival

with my friend Adam,

who happens to be Ad-Rock of the Beastie Boys.

I'm just dropping that right now.

But we're riding around, and everybody's like, "Oh!

What are you guys here for?" And he's like, "Oh, she's

a cabaret singer." I was like, "Shut up!"

[ Laughter ]

-"Come on! Please don't tell anybody."

He's so cool. He can do cabaret.

People are like, "Yeah! Ad-Rock does cabaret, man!

It's cool," you know?

But when I do it, they're like, "That's that waitress from

the Upper West Side, right?"

[ Laughter ]

-But you have a motto which is "DDHD" or something like that?

What is that? -Well, actually,

I'm sure you've heard of LL Cool J before, right?

-Absolutely, yeah. I love him.

-He told me -- Well, he didn't tell me,

he told Oprah. [ Laughter ]

He told Oprah...

-So many names are dropping right now.

I'm freaking out right now.

He told Oprah? Where were you with LL Cool J and Oprah?

-I was at home watching "Lifeclass."

-Oh. [ Laughter ]

Interesting. That's where Oprah airs, yes.

-And basically, she's like, "LL, how do you do it?

Your empire -- You got your fragrance empire

and you're on these television shows

and you're a rapper and you're a mogul."

And he's like, "Oprah, DDHD."

And I was like, "What just happened?"

-I love that you licked your lips, yeah.

-And he has the best lips in the world.

If I saw them, I would just touch them.

[ Laughter ]

But "DDHD" stands for "Dreams Don't Have Deadlines."


-It's so tired, right? But it's true.

When you're 42 years old waiting tables, you're like,

"DDHD." I got tattoo, tattoo, tattoo, tattoo, tattoo.

[ Laughter ]

-But man, oh, man, you've been crushing it.

What a great summer! You have two giant movies out.

-Giant! -Well, they are!

I mean, you got "Fun Mom Dinner,"

which is Molly Shannon, Toni Collette.

I mean, it is super fun.

Adam Levine, Adam Scott, all kinds of people.

-Yeah, and moms should have fun!

That's the way it's -- Yeah. It's what you want it to be.

-It's so much fun. -Oh, it's ridiculous.

It's great. And then you have "Patti Cake$."

-Yeah, "Patti Cake$" is --

Oh, you were gonna say something.

I interrupted you. It's your show.

It's like I'm at your house and I'm telling you what to say.

I'm sorry! -No, what are you talking about?

-I didn't even bring you a gift. -No, I want you to talk!

-I didn't bring you anything! I didn't know, I'm sorry.

-You don't bring me a gift.

-No, no, Quest told me, he's like, "Bring Jimmy nuts

or chocolate bars."

-"Bring Jimmy nuts"?

[ Laughter and applause ]

-I'm kidding. -What are you talking about?

[ Laughter ]

"Bring Jimmy nuts"? Don't bring Jimmy nuts!

I don't want any nuts!

-I don't want any nuts. I'm very happy that you're here.

I don't need nuts. [ Laughter ]

-Everybody likes nuts. I love nuts!

-I know you love nuts. -I love nuts.

[ Laughter and applause ]

Oh, my God. I'm single.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Funky music plays ]

-All right. Hey! Ho! Hey!

[ Both laugh ]

-Oh, my God.

-Let's talk about -- So, you have "Fun Mom..."

[ Laughter ]

-The Roots just played for me while I danced!

-"Fun Mom Dinner." -Yeah, bring me back.

-You have "Patti Cake$." -Okay, I'm back.

-"Patti Cake$," but this is about a rapper --

Patti Cake$, and that's your daughter in the movie,

and you play the mom.

-Yeah, I totally don't have a daughter in real life,

but if I did, it would be Patti Cake$

because she's --

She's, like, a -- She's a rapper.

She lives in New Jersey, she's got big dreams,

and it's kind of like

if you took, like, "Rudy" and "8 Mile" and you made like a --

And "Rocky" and you made a movie, that's what you get.

-Yeah. Because you really do root for her.

-You root for her. It's a -- I think it's a great movie.

And I'm really proud to be a part of it.

-I want to show a clip.

Here's Bridget Everett in "Patti Cake$."

Take a look at this.

-Come on. -There you go.

-Come on. Drink up.

-[ Laughs ]

-One more. -Yeah. Hey.

It's a marathon, not a sprint.


No. -Mnh-mnh.

-What you got? Your [bleep] period or something?

-Whoa! -Whoa!

-Oh, my God, sweetheart.


-Come on.

[ Laughter ]

-That's it. There we go.

-There you go. -Yeah.

-There you go.


To family, right?

Blood is thicker than Jager.

[ Laughter ]

-Blood is thicker than Jager.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Blood's thicker than Jager.

Ohh! How exciting.

-Well, Bridgett -- -See? I'm a wonderful mother.

I didn't even know it. -[ Laughs ] Exactly.

Well, you're getting great reviews for this.

Thanks for doing that.

You know, I always say all good nights begin with karaoke

and they also end with karaoke.

-God, I hope so.

-And I was just wondering if maybe...

[ Cheers and applause ]

We always have a microphone. We always have a microphone.

[ Laughs ] You stretch out?

-Ooh. -You have to stretch out.

You have to stretch out?

-What -- Is that the Celine Dion microphone?

-Oh, yeah, this is the one.

[ Laughter ]


-I guess I can sing a little...

"Piece of my Heart" by Janis Joplin.

If it's okay. -Yes. Please. We'd love it.

-♪ You're out on the streets ♪

♪ Looking good ♪

♪ And, baby, deep down in your heart ♪

♪ I guess you know that it ain't right ♪

♪ Never, never, never, never never, never ♪

♪ Hear me when I cry ♪

♪ When I cry at night ♪

♪ Honey, I cry all the time ♪

♪ And each time I tell myself ♪

♪ That I can't stand the pain ♪

♪ But then you hold me in your arms ♪

♪ And I'm singing once again ♪

♪ I want you to come on, come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Take it ♪

♪ Take another little piece of my heart now, baby ♪

-♪ Break it ♪

-♪ Break another little piece of my heart now, baby ♪

-♪ Ohh-ohh, have it ♪

-♪ Have another little piece of my heart now, baby ♪

♪ You know you got it ♪

♪ 'Cause it makes you feel good ♪

-Oh, my goodness!

Bridget Everett. [ Laughs ]

Standing ovation! Standing ovation right there!

"Patti Cake$" is in theaters August 18th.

"Fun Mom Dinner" in select theaters this Friday.

We'll be right back with a performance from French Montana!

Stick around, everybody.

[ Cheers and applause ]

For more infomation >> Bridget Everett Gets a Standing Ovation for Her "Piece of My Heart" Karaoke Performance - Duration: 7:43.


Behind The Scenes of 'Sucking Sunday' (ENG CC) - Duration: 3:25.

one .. two.. three..

behind the scenes

(in the middle of filming 'Pretending to know strangers..')

-I'm not the person. -I've shared materials about it in the group chat.

-I think you got confused..

-You have to check it because..

after that..

I felt so ashamed that I wanted to kill myself..

-Is she your girlfriend?

in the middle of filming 'Wicked man laughing'

-She is so beautiful.

-If she wasn't your girlfriend, I would take her for my own.

(warming up)

-Could you take a picture of us?


-.. full body shot? or..

I suddenly became a wedding photographer..

-one .. two.. three..

(I envy them…) -hold on. do it again.


-what the heck?

in the middle of filming 'moving tree'

Sunday was beside himself because It was scorching hot.

in the middle of filming 'Gorilla Prank'

after filming, we went to a zoo to see a real gorilla lol

in the middle of filming 'telling people stories void of meaning..'

-I know Jude Law but Jude Law doesn't know me.


(Is he recognizing me?) -Hi!

-Do I know you?

-Are you Hyun-woo, aren't you?

No, I'm not.

in the middle of filming ' Disagreeing with people..'

-Where is The Central Library?

-This is The Central Library.

-this is not.

-isn't it? where do you think it is?

(what an unexpected question..) -I..I think.. I think this is not anyway.

-where is it? -I..I mean.. I'm sorry..

-Let's go to a bunch of high school girls.

-What high school do you go to? -we're not high school students.

-so you are middle school students? -Yes, we are.

-what school? -Gang-il middle school!

-Gang-ill middle school! ahhhhhh!!

-Good afternoon! I'm Sunday.

It's pouring here due to the seasonal rain front moving north.

I have to say this and sweep my hair up.. but It's not raining hard…

I had waited for heavy rain for 3 days .

and finally .. we caught the moment.

-Hello, we are Sucking Sunday on Youtube..

We are filming a prank video lol

thank you for the people allowing to be in our videos

For more infomation >> Behind The Scenes of 'Sucking Sunday' (ENG CC) - Duration: 3:25.


Противостояние / Растения против Зомби / Мультфильм (6+) С субтитрами - Duration: 15:32.

For more infomation >> Противостояние / Растения против Зомби / Мультфильм (6+) С субтитрами - Duration: 15:32.


Making a hair appointment in NY! - Duration: 6:04.

Hey guys! It's Chika. みなさんこんにちは、ちかです。

Another journey is about to begin!

That's right! そうなんです!

The road trip that I told you about the other day begins today!!

Are you guys ready to take a month long trip with me みなさん、1か月間のNYからLAまでのちか旅、

from New York to LA? 準備はいいですか?

I'm going to be uploading daily, starting today. 今日から毎日動画をアップしていきますよ!

Smells like New York.

It does!

I look like a yellow cab...

Hi. どうも。

Where are you going? どちらへ行きますか?

Manhattan. マンハッタンです。

Do you know Riff Down Town? リフ・ダウンタウンってわかります?

It's the hotel. ホテルなんですけど。

I'll give you the address. 住所教えますね。

Let me look it up really quickly. ちょっと調べますね。

It's 102 Greenwich street. 102 グリニッチ・ストリートです。

We're staying near Battery Park.

We started our trip in New York 今回の旅はニューヨークからスタートで、

and will be hanging out here for a couple of days 数日間ここで過ごした後、

before we head to DC. DCに向かいます。

Welcome to Manhattan! マンハッタンにやってきました!

The road is closed so we got dropped off a few blocks away.

Very , very discreet! とても控えめなエントランス。

We're staying at this interesting boutique hotel.

It's big! Oh, it's nice!

It's got a kitchen too

Oh, it's cute! かわいい!

It's got a retro feel to it.

I love the brick walls.

When you look out from here, the view is really nice.

But if you get closer and peak out... major construction lol

Oh yeah! I have to make a hair appointment!

I'm going to get my hair cut in New York tomorrow!

So let's make that appointment right now. なので、早速予約しちゃいましょう。

Thank you for calling. How may I help you?

Hi, I wanted to make an appointment to get my hair cut and colored. もしもし、カットとカラーの予約をしたいのですが

Okay. For which location? どちらの店舗ででしょうか?

For the upper west side. アッパーウェストサイドです。

and do you have any schedule restrictions? ご都合の悪い曜日・時間帯などはありますか?

I know it's quite sudden, but 急なのはわかっているのですが、

I was wondering if you had an openings tomorrow. 明日は空きがないでしょうか?

I see that the earliest appointment we have 最短でお取りできるのが

is Tuesday on the Upper West Side. 火曜日にアッパーウェストサイドでとなります。

Normally, for color appointments it's 4 to 6 weeks out for booking. カラーの予約は通常4〜6週間前の予約になります。

But I'm guessing someone cancelled their appointment last minute, でも、おそらく直前にキャンセルした方がいて

so that's why Tuesday is open at the moment. 現時点で火曜日が空いてるんです。

Alright, thank you! I'll try another time! ありがとうございます。また別の機会でトライします。

Okay. Talk to you then. では、その時にね。

Alright, let's try again. では、もう一度トライしてみましょう。

Can you hold, please? 少々お待ちいただけますか?

Thank you for holding. お待たせしました。

Hi, I wanted to make an appointment to get my hair cut and colored? カットとカラーの予約をしたいのですが、

Sure. What kind of color? もちろん!どんなカラーですか?

I wanted to get a balayage. (最近流行りの)バレアージュをしたいのですが。

Ok, what days and times are good for you? ご都合のいい曜日と時間帯は?

I know it's a little bit sudden, but did you have any openings tomorrow? ちょっと急ですが、明日は空きはないでしょうか?

Tomorrow I can get you in 7:30 PM. 明日は夜の7時半なら入れられますよ。

Do you have anything else maybe the next day then? その次の日は何かあったりしますか?

Yeah, the next day, do you want during the day? その次の日は、日中がいいですか?

I have during the day available. 日中ならありますよ。

What time would that be? それって何時になりますか?

Yeah, I have 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock, はい、12時、13時もありますし

2 o'clock, 3 o'clock 14時、15時も

I'm going to check and call you back. ちょっと確認してからまた連絡します。

But I was actually wondering ちょっと気になっているんですが、

I have dark brown hair right now 今は髪の毛がダークブラウンですが、

and I wanted my ends to be blonde. そして髪先をブロンドにしたいのですが

and you want the high lights to be blonde? ブロンドのハイライトを入れたいのね。

I'm Japanese so I have dark hair, but 日本人なので髪は暗いのですが、

I had it bleached a little while ago. 少し前にブリーチをしていました。

So it's dyed brown now, なので今は茶色に染めてありますが、

but it's actually bleached underneath でも、実際は中身がブリーチされています。

So I just wanted to make sure that that would be okay. それが大丈夫か確認したかったのですが。

It should be. 大丈夫だと思いますよ。

You're always welcome to come in for a complimentary consultation. 無料相談はいつでも受け付けていますよ。

If you want to clarify anything. 確認したいことがあれば。

We have the base prices 基本料金はありますが

Obviously, if she has to do anything extra もちろん、追加で何かをしないといけない場合は

she would let you know as she does it, その場でお伝えしますが

but there could be up charges from there. そこから追加料金が発生することもあります。

Let me just look at my schedule really quick 急いで予定を確認しますので

and call you back in a few minutes. 数分後にまた掛け直しますね。

Okay, awesome. We look forward to it! わかりました。待ってますね!

Sounds good, thank you! 了解です。ありがとうございます!

I wanted to go the Shakespeare in the park tomorrow night...

I guess we should just do it tomorrow night though.

It'll be bright enough in the salon.

Alright, let's call them back. では、掛け直しましょう。

Good afternoon! こんにちは!

Hi, I just called a few minutes ago about getting a balayage. 数分前にバレアージュの予約で電話したのですが

Just calling back to confirm the time 時間を確定するために掛け直してます。

Sure what day and time did you want? はい、何日の何時がよかったですか?

so 7:30 tomorrow would be perfect. 明日の7時半がいいです。

Okay, awesome! 了解、いい感じ!

Alright, and what's your name?

Chika. C-H-i-K-A

Last name? 苗字は?

Yoshida. Y-O-S-H-I-D-A

Awesome! Phone number? はい!電話番号は?

It's country code +81 国番号 81

Oh so you don't have a U.S. number, right? アメリカの番号はないってことよね?

I don't have a U.S. number, no. アメリカの番号は持ってないです。

Okay, do you have an email? わかりました。メールアドレスはありますか?

Yes, I do. はい、あります。

And we need a card number to hold the appointment. 予約をホールドするのにカード番号が必要です。

We have a 24-hour cancellation policy. 24時間のキャンセルポリシーがあります。 (24時間以内でのキャンセルは料金が発生する)

Okay, one second. わかりました。ちょっと待って。

Do you know about how long that would take? 大体どのくらい掛かるはわかりますか?

Yeah, it's going to take はい、

Let's see.. どのくらいかな...

About two, two and a half hours. 2時間、2時間半

in that ball park, maybe more. そのぐらいだと思うわ。もしかしたらもう少し。

I've got my card number. カード番号の準備できました。

Okay, go ahead. どうぞ。

Expiration? 有効期限は?

Is July 2020. 7月の2020年です。

Alright, you are all set! では、予約完了!

We will see you tomorrow, Chika. 明日のご来店お待ちしております。

That's 7:30 PM Monday July 31st 7月31日、月曜日の7時半に

for your full balayage and a hair cut. フル・バレーアジュとカットで。

Alright, thank you very much. はい、ありがとうございました。

Okay, thank you. Buh-bye!

Have a good day! 良い1日を!

Yes! I got my appointment! やった!アポ取れた!

I'm getting my hair cut and colored tomorrow! 明日髪の毛のカットとカラーです!

I want my hair to gradually get lighter towards the ends.

We are in New York! We're going to start vlogging every single day! ニューヨークに来て、明日から毎日アップです!

I'm going to try really hard to keep up the daily vlogs!

If you're excited for all the travel videos give me a thumbs up!

Oh and if you haven't followed me on Instagram or Twitter インスタとツイッターをフォローしてない方は、

Be sure to do that, because I'm uploading a bunch of pictures on there as wel! ぜひ!沢山の写真をアップしてます!

See you tomorrow! 明日ね!

Oh, I never say that! 滅多に言わないよね!

For more infomation >> Making a hair appointment in NY! - Duration: 6:04.


Re-Read, Re-Write, or Burn Tag - Duration: 9:55.

Hi everybody, it is Julie from Pages and Pens and today I am here with a fun tag

video. This is the rewrite reread or burn tag. Right? I'm not sure who the creator

of this tag is. but I will have them listed down below. I will find them. I

just know that I've seen this all over Booktube. So, in here I have a whole bunch

of titles of books and I will pull three of them and I need to decide which one I

will burn, which one I will rewrite, and which one I will reread. I don't know how

many I put in here, so I don't know how many rounds we're gonna do. We're just

gonna see. I am nervous? I mean I'm a writer so there's a lot of things I

would like to rewrite. There's also a lot that I would like to reread. And, there's

plenty I would like to burn, I did see Heather from Bookables who took out

all of these books and like showed you the covers. Um that's crazy sauce. I'm not

doing that because they're all over my room. I have Wintersong by SJ Jones. I

have Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and I have ACOTAR by the Sarah J Maas. Right

off of that I'm going to burn Wintersong. I was super disappointed by that.

You guys know that, I have a full review. I will link it up above but this was a

labyrinth retelling that I did not like. Six of Crows I'm going to reread because

there's not a thing about that I would change and I love Leigh Bardugo. She is

everything. And then I will rewrite a Court of Thorns and Roses because

there's room for rewriting in all of Sarah J Maas's books. What would I

rewrite in that one? I mean, diversity. Racial. Sexual. Any kind of diversity

there. That one was not even difficult. Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

Shatter Me by Tareheh Mafi and Queens of Geek by Jennifer

Wilde. I am going to reread Eliza and Her Monsters because it's perfection and

I don't want to change anything. I'm going to burn Shatter Me because out of

all the books in that particular series it's the one that drove me the craziest

because I hated the writing in it. And then I'm going to rewrite Queens of Geek.

I liked it. I liked it a lot, but I think it could have been a little bit more

realistic. I actually really enjoyed it when I read it and then I watched do a

review of it in like one of her wrap ups. I will link that down below because she

pointed out some things that I was like "yeah how about that". I think that could

be rewritten and made better. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson Furthermore

by Tahereh Mafi. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera. I'm gonna reread

The Final Empire because I love that series. Rewrite More Happy Than Not

because I loved this book but there were parts of it that drove me crazy and it

was really slow for me to get into. There was like a focus on like wall ball I

didn't think was necessary. Like, I understand you wanted to get like the

community vibe but I feel like he could have been done in other ways. Like there

were parts of this book that I didn't understand why they were in there, And

then I guess I'm burning Furthermore which I didn't dislike. I don't have

anything against Furthermore. I know I'm burning a lot of Tahereh Mafi but I

liked it I just not more than the other ones. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Uprooted by Naomi Novik. This is not gonna be hard. The Hollows by Rachel

Morgan. Alright um shocker I'm going to burn Uprooted

because I hate it and then the Book Thief and The Hollows by Rachel Morgan (NOTE:This series is by Kim Harrison)

reread The Hollows series because I love it and I honestly can't imagine how I would

want to rewrite that. And then as sacrilegious as it is I'm going to

rewrite The Book Thief. I'm gonna make her steal more books -it's very

misleading that title. Can there be a kiss in this book? I'm not gonna say what

like I don't want to spoil anything but can there be can there be a kiss in this

book? Like my heart broke that there was no kiss in this book. I'm this is not as

hard as I thought it was gonna be.That was - right off the bat there. I was

worried about this. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. What

am I gonna do? The Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling. Order the Phoenix by JK

Rowling. Shit. Reread The Hate U Give. Oh my god. How is this happening? I didn't

love The Philosopher's Stone out of all of them but I could rewrite it. But I

can't burn Order of the Phoenix. I loved Order of the Phoenix and I know that's

like some people's least favorite book but mine was the Goblet of Fire that was

my least favorite. I'm gonna re- shit! shit. I'm gonna rewrite The Philosopher's

Stone. I don't know what I would change in it I can't get rid of the first book

of the series because then like how do you continue with the series? So that I'm

gonna burn the Order of the Phoenix and we're just gonna have to like mesh that

information into other books. That was not easy. Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine

Harris it's the whole series. I didn't do like one specific book. A List of Cages

by Robin Roe and Twilight by Marissa Meyer. Burn Twilight. I mean I don't hate

it. I'm not like on the Twilight hate train but I can get rid of it in

comparison. I'm gonna rewrite A List of Cages because I felt like it had

potential. The premise of it had potential but that

book did not connect with me. I filmed a whole review and

I don't know when that's gonna be up in conjunction to this video but we will

probably had the live show by the time that you see this video. I'll link those

both in the description box below but I was not a fan of this book and I feel

like I could have been so maybe I can rewrite this that I actually give a crap

about the characters. Which means I am rereading the entire Sookie Stackhouse

series which is something that I would like to do anyway. Between The Hollows

series and the Sookie Stackhouse series like I have a lot to reread but I really

do want to reread those. I have Lady midnight by Cassandra Clare the Mortal

Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Good Lord and Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan

McGuire. Rereading Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire. I am burning The

Mortal Instruments series because I don't like them and I will rewrite Lady

Midnight to make Emma less annoying. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. A Long

Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers and The Diviners by Libba Bray.

Oh shit. Okay. Reread The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet because I can't

imagine a way that I would want to change that and I'm not burning it. I

would rewrite The Diviners to make Evie a little bit less obnoxious and then I'm

burning Shadow and Bone. I'm sorry because Leigh Bardugo is like one of my

auto buy, amazing authors, but I was not a super fan of that trilogy. The Raven Boys

by Maggie Stiefvater. The School for Food and Evil by Soman Chainani. So far could

get rid of all them. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender which

I cannot get rid of that's by Leslye Walton. So, I will reread the Strange and

Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender. I will rewrite the School for Good and Evil by

Soman Chainani, because I feel like that had so much potential the first book was

not that bad but I feel like there was improvements that could have been made

there that would make it a little bit less- like jarring- a little bit more

accepting maybe. Like lead into the following books a little bit better and

then I'm gonna burn the Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater because it's not my

favorite book in the series and it's not my favorite series in general. So then we

have Wicked Lovely by Marissa Marr, This Savage Song by Victoria Schwabb, and We

Are the Ants by Sean David Hutchinson. Reread This Savage Song by

Victoria Schwabb because it's amazing. I'm gonna rewrite We Are the Ants by Sean

David Hutchinson because I think that with like less teen masturbation, sans

alien abduction. Like, I understand what it was supposed to like stand for

but there's like other ways that he could have done it that made it less

sci-fi ish and focused more on the actual like point of the book. I don't

think that was necessary. And then I would burn Wicked Lovely. I am rereading

that series and I love it and it's Fae but it's not good so I could get rid of

it. I'm just dumping out three at this point,

not even like picking out of there. A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwabb,

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Jesus Jules. The Lord of the Rings

trilogy by JRR Tolkien. I am rereading the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.

There's nothing I would change about those and there's no way I'm burning

them, ever. Shit this one's hard. I'm gonna rewrite illuminae. I don't know what I'm

gonna do or what I'm gonna change because I didn't hate it and I feel like

the reason I didn't get into a quicker was like not the books fault it was just

me getting used to the book. So I'd just change like a name or the name of a

place or something. And then I guess I'm burning A Darker Shade of Magic which

I'm just now getting into, so I don't have like a loyalty to it yet.

I don't not like it. Sorry. One Day by David Nicholls, which was upside down, I

know. Caraval by Stephenie Garber. Empire Storms by Sarah J Maas. So I'm gonna

reread One Day by David Nicholls cuz it's my all-time favorite -like cry

worthy lose my mind crying book. I loved this book and I think it was partly

because of where I was in my life during the time of reading this but it's

amazing. I'm going to rewrite Empire of Storms because again diversity. There's a

beach scene that can stay. I like some of the character arcs, mainly the side

character arcs, but there's things that I could change about that I'm not gonna

get into what because then it's just spoilers. But there's things I could

change. And then I'm burning Caraval by Stephanie Garber, which I actually didn't

hate. But I mean, it's not better than the other ones. There's actually just three

left, so this is perfect. Alright last round. This was not as hard as I

thought it was gonna be. All for the Game series slash Foxhole Court series by

Nora Sakovik, An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir and A Court of Wings and

Ruin by Sarah J Maas. Again not difficult. I'm going to reread An Ember in

the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir because it's flip-it amazing. The fact that this is a

debut novel like baffles me. I'm burning the All for the Game series because I

flippin hate it. And, I'm rewriting ACOWAR because it

was so bad and I could definitely make that better because anybody could make

that better. I did not- I was so disappointed with that book. I can't

believe it that actually like evened out the way that it did. I am impressed with

myself because there was no math that when it's making those. None of those

rounds were that bad. Let me know if your answers would have differed down below.

I'm sorry I didn't sit here and do the like oh ah what am I gonna do what should I

do oh my gosh-- but like I know what I'm

gonna do. I'm very decisive. That has been my

reread, rewrite, or burn tag. Again I will have the originators listed down below.

Who am i tagging? No one because this has literally been around for forever and a

day. But, if you've not done this yet and you would like to or you'd like to redo

it, then consider yourself tagged. That has been my tag. I hope you guys have

enjoyed it. If you did be sure to give me a big thumbs up, click subscribe, and I'll

see all of you in my next video. Bye.

For more infomation >> Re-Read, Re-Write, or Burn Tag - Duration: 9:55.


How to Actually Deliver Value in a Cold Email? [Framework] 📧Cold Email Teardown📧 - Duration: 5:08.

In today's cold email tear down,

I want to go through when

delivering value goes wrong.

So let's jump into the spam box

and see where these guys might be going

horribly wrong.

So the subject of the email is

your estimated monthly earning from YouTube,

typo in the subject line of course.

And then it's hi there, how are you doing

I'm Bharathan, managing partner at Cambrian Enterprises,

a digital marketing company.

But the thing I wanted to show you guys is

I've enclosed a screenshot of your monthly earnings

from YouTube, and then it's this big screen shot here.

Hope this information's useful for you.

Now you can also improve it by making your videos

more popular.

Let's take this over to GoogleDocs,

cause I want to break down where he's going wrong,

and then rewrite this email so it actually delivers value

to the YouTubers that he's reaching out to.

Alright, so here we are.

So the main thing I want to discuss with this email

is how to actually deliver value

to the people that you're emailing.

Bharathan, when he's going through and writing this email

he should go through a thought process of

one, who is the person that I'm trying to reach?

And for them it's YouTubers, right?

People with a certain number of subscribers I assume,

or maybe it's a certain number of revenue from YouTube.

Thinking about those people,

the next question to ask is

as a digital marketing company what value

can I add to these people?

And the main reason this is getting marked as spam

and thrown into the spam box is that

as a YouTuber who makes money from YouTube,

right here it says making $35 to $565 a month.

I'd say that's enough to know how much I make, right?

Most YouTubers know how much they make from YouTube.

So by showing them what they already know

you're actually wasting their time

and delivering anti-value, and that is one of the

most infuriating things in the world.

When somebody's telling you something you already know,

and not offering anything of value.

So let's remove that.

Let's remove this subject line,

and let's see if we can rewrite this in a way

that's going to make a YouTuber interested.

So what is a piece of value that you can add,

as a marketing company, to a YouTuber

that will get them to open the email.

One, we went through in the video proposal video

tear down that we did, and that piece of value was

looking through their YouTube channel

and doing a live tear down.

If this guy wants to do it at scale,

maybe that's not the best approach.

But he could do that approach.

The other thing he could do is

think about one or two ideas that would be valuable to

a YouTube marketer.

Possibly something that's valuable to like

90 to 100% of these YouTube marketers,

and then put those ideas in the email,

and ask if they want to talk further.

So let's rewrite the email with that in mind.

Subject: Big fan of your videos.

I get emails like this all the time.

I open 'em almost 100% of the time.

People open emails where people say they're big fans of you.

Especially if you're creating content,

because most of content creation,

especially when it comes to entrepreneurs is an ego play.

People like making videos because they like to feel

that people are getting value from their work,

and if you can make somebody feel good

with your subject line

they're almost always going to open that email

because they want that hit of dopamine that comes

when you hear good stuff about yourself.

So subject, big fan of your videos.

Hi Alex, love all your content.

Hi Alex, love all your content,

spent all of last Sunday binging on your sales videos,

and you can replace sales with whatever.

This is fully templatized.

Even if you just send it out to sales YouTubers,

you don't need to customize it at all,

and that's what we're going to talk about

with the ideas as well.

So here's the two ideas that I think would be valuable

for almost 100% of YouTubers.

So one, a lot of your videos

have relatively high watch time,

if you create content that is 10 minutes or longer

you can insert two more ad breaks,

longer content has also been shown

to rank better on YouTube.

A lot of your videos have relatively high watch time

means almost nothing, right?

What does relatively high mean?

It could mean if they look at their analytics

two minutes or more, it could be 20 minutes or more.

But it also seems like it's researched.

And then number two.

The banner and about page of your channel could do

a better job at converting viewers into subscribers.

I recommend discussing your upload schedule

in more detail and pointing people to a valuable video

off the bat.

Also something that could apply to almost 100% of channels.

I'm sure even if the about page does describe the channel,

they'll read this and feel like it could be doing

a better job.

So those are your two ideas off the bat.

Remove this.

And then finally the call to action.

If you find those valuable,

I'd love to go over some more specific improvements

that could take you to a 100k subscribers in the next year.

This could also say something about revenue,

if they find that revenue's the driver.

So that could take you to over $10,000 a month in revenue

in the next year.

Can I send over a few times for a quick call

thanks Bharathan.

If you find value in this video,

you can download this script

by going over to the description and just clicking that.

It's all in there.

If you find value in this video

feel free to like it to encourage

this type of content on YouTube.

Subscribe for more B2B Sales Training,

and if you need marketing support

for your digital agency, check out


For more infomation >> How to Actually Deliver Value in a Cold Email? [Framework] 📧Cold Email Teardown📧 - Duration: 5:08.


"Was It Worth It?" How Trump's lies impact WH staff - Duration: 11:43.

For more infomation >> "Was It Worth It?" How Trump's lies impact WH staff - Duration: 11:43.


Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PS4) #7 SK-TITULKY (MADHOUSE) - Duration: 38:28.

For more infomation >> Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PS4) #7 SK-TITULKY (MADHOUSE) - Duration: 38:28.


David lacht sie aus: Jessi beim Gassigehen total überfordert - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> David lacht sie aus: Jessi beim Gassigehen total überfordert - Duration: 1:41.



For more infomation >> LENOVO IDEAPAD 320: НОУТБУК ДЛЯ ЭКОНОМНЫХ - Duration: 3:27.


Take a Digital Tour of America's National Parks - Duration: 1:43.


[If sights like this captivate your sense of exploration…]

[Or remind you of that trip to the U.S. you dream of taking…]

[The Internet has your (temporary!) solution.]

[Exploring the Earth is now easier than ever before.]

[Google Earth's update gives users a nearly immersive experience.]

[Follow along the ravines of the Grand Canyon…]

[Float above the spire atop Independence Hall…]

[Navigate the complex canals of the Everglades…]

[Or follow a curated experience with the Voyager feature.]

[Celebrate the U.S. National Parks Service's 101st anniversary…]

[with a digital adventure through America's landmarks.]

[For more videos, go to]

[Produced by the U.S. Department of State]

For more infomation >> Take a Digital Tour of America's National Parks - Duration: 1:43.


US Launches Test Missile Amid N. Korea Tensions - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> US Launches Test Missile Amid N. Korea Tensions - Duration: 0:25.


Volvo V50 1.8, 171.000 KM. INCL. ONDERHOUDSHISTORIE - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.8, 171.000 KM. INCL. ONDERHOUDSHISTORIE - Duration: 0:55.


Mitsubishi Galant 2.4 GDI MOTION, 1E EIGENAAR. 166.000 KM. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Galant 2.4 GDI MOTION, 1E EIGENAAR. 166.000 KM. - Duration: 0:59.


Invest in the future, invest in its entrepreneurs // Expo Live – GIDC, Grenada - Duration: 0:56.

my name is Keisha matcha I work with the Grenada investment development

cooperation in 2005 we established a small business development center

focused on promoting a spirit of entrepreneurship throughout Grenada this

helping them to upgrade and expand become export already with a focus on

being viable and sustainable you know it's really critical that we solve some

of the problems that we have and the seed funding from Expo Live would really

help them to actually kick start the project we really like to say thank you

to the Expo life team for considering our concept for considering our proposal

for giving us the opportunity to actually implement our initiatives

For more infomation >> Invest in the future, invest in its entrepreneurs // Expo Live – GIDC, Grenada - Duration: 0:56.


'Crowd-solving' may provide the solutions you need // Expo Live –, Egypt - Duration: 0:58.

yummmm can be calm which means it is possible in Arabic the idea of

crowdsourcing R&D to solve industrial organizational environmental and social

challenges coming from governmental entities NGOs or company by posting

these challenges online and let the crowd either students engineers

scientists solve this challenges and in return they get a reward I applied for

it again because I believe it has an impact not only from a financial support

perspective but also from a networks support Expo of course it

internationally well-known platform for ideas and for change opportunities I

believe it will provide us a leapfrog from just being initiative or a company

working in two countries to be known on an international level

For more infomation >> 'Crowd-solving' may provide the solutions you need // Expo Live –, Egypt - Duration: 0:58.


Gr8 Inspiration: Ultimate Bucs fan helps kids - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Gr8 Inspiration: Ultimate Bucs fan helps kids - Duration: 2:07.


Film Ferrania P30 first calibration test in HC110 dilution B - Duration: 6:23.


so first thing first I'm going to calibrate my development and my exposure

before playing a bit with it because otherwise I don't know what I'm shooting

so for me always the same calibration team okay as permitted on the gray card

so f 2 and 2/3 here 1/8 on a second here you see I'm on a tripod

yeah I'm putting the camera in the dog bag because I did something like 12

shots calibration shots and I don't need to waste the entire roll of that


okay so this is fin saranya developing the HP 110 ignition be for five minutes

and it is shot this frame at ISO a right not bad this one shot I at ISO 40s or 20

okay and then it became this 10 and on the other side so I so ad and iso 160

won't stop down right so we can see that there is no details in the back as here

is tying in all the details here I sweaty there's still beer details in the

bags whereas here there's nothing this frame which is interesting one to me

so this is a shot at ISO Foley okay so there is plenty of detail in the blocks

I pissed in the neck so I'm going to see that in contact printing now to God it's

a bit to be contrasty for neck and we can see that okay side by side is ready

ISO fully and obviously it's Victor's because I see but not too bad at five

minutes in HTML or I guess the result of this calibration in a contact print so

the reference frame I shot that I saw Eddie or Killswitch underdeveloped so

all this was developed in an HC 110 for five minutes a deletion B so one

two three one and clearly so this is the the frame that plus two stops so II i-20

and clearly it is a really good frame okay a new print takes the larger

because the video is actually quite bad anyways so we can see that we have a

very very nice graze only highlights are superb and the mid-tones are great as

well the deep blacks however are like it's stuck in the blank zone don't pay

attention to this empty spot with just a mistake indeed under the enlarger I will

print kill it at grade one okay seat even Bella and look at those tones and

induce tones of superb so uh this is a very very good film to be shot and

developed in HD 110 for five minutes or even less and I do it quite contrast to

film it can be manipulated into a very nice outcome I think a great one the

deepest blacks are actually it's not registering here and with this a

smartphone video because yeah the video is actually called bad egg I can see it

but you have to trust me on that anyways so at grade one we can clearly

see details in the deep blacks also here so I think in order to shine this thing

needs to be pulled a bit so underdeveloped and and overexposed and

it can be actually a great team I think and this for me is just very very nice

see super so all in all it's a promising film


For more infomation >> Film Ferrania P30 first calibration test in HC110 dilution B - Duration: 6:23.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *AUTOMAAT* / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / RADIO-CD / LMV - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI *AUTOMAAT* / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / RADIO-CD / LMV - Duration: 1:00.



The latest North Korean ICBM test brings major parts of U.S in its range.

HWASONG-14 was successfully tested on Friday and may have a range of 10,000 Km.

Kim Jong Un is quoted as saying "the whole US mainland" is now within North Korea's reach.

He called Pyongyang's weapons program "a precious asset" that cannot be reversed nor replaced,

according to Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The state controlled media added that Washington should regard the launch as a "grave warning."

U.S will have to accept the fact that now its mainland can be targeted by North Korea,

which was never the case till now.

As the situation remain tense with no signs of easing, we look at a specific weapon possessed

by U.S that can be play a major part if U.S chooses a military option against North Korea.

In this video, Defense Updates analyzes the capabilities of B2 Spirit bomber and examines


Lets get started.

The B-2 Spirit was developed to take over the United States Air Force's (USAF) vital

penetration missions, able to travel deep into enemy territory to deploy their ordnance,

which could include nuclear weapons.

The B-2 is a flying wing aircraft, meaning it has no fuselage or tail.

The blending of low-observable technologies with high aerodynamic efficiency and large

payload gives the B-2 significant advantages over previous bombers.

Stealth capability provides greater freedom of action as the bomber can evade enemy air


Currently only Russia may have the radar technology to detect B -2, though the effectiveness is

still not known.

North Korea is far off from having this kind of radar technology.

B-2 Sprit has a maximum speed of Mach 0.95.

The U.S. Air Force reports B2's range as approximately 6,900 miles or 11,000 km.

B2 has an excellent payload, which makes even single one to be extremely destructive.

It has 2 internal bays for ordnance and payload with an official limit of 40,000 lb (18,000

kg) and maximum estimated limit of 50,000 lb (23,000 kg).

So it can have different weapons configuration, which are noted as follows:

1. 80× 500 lb class bombs like Mk-82 or GBU-38

2.36× 750 lb CBU class bombs

3. 16× 2,000 lb class bombs like Mk-84 or GBU-31

4. AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) and AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

5. 16× B61 or B83 nuclear bombs on Rotary Launcher Assembly (RLA)

Because of its range and stealth capability, B 2 will be able to strike deep inside the

North Korea.

Its payload enables it to carry not only huge amount of conventional bombs but also nukes.

Now let us check how powerful are the B61 or B83 nukes that can be deployed by B-2.

The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the U.S. cache.

It is a low to intermediate-yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon featuring a two-stage

radiation implosion design.

The weapon is 3.56 m (11 ft 8 in) long, with a diameter of about 13 inches.

Its basic weight is about 320 kg (700 pounds), although the weights of individual weapons

may vary depending on version and fuze/retardation configuration.

The B61 is a variable yield, kiloton-range weapon.

Tactical versions (Mods 3, 4, and 10) can be set to 0.3, 1.5, 5, 10, 45, 60, 80, or

170 kiloton explosive yield.

The strategic version (B61 Mod 7) has 4 yield options, with a maximum of 340 kilotons.

The B83 thermonuclear weapon is a variable-yield gravity bomb developed by the United States

in the late 1970s, entering service in 1983.

The bomb is 3.7 meters (12 ft) long, with a diameter of 18 inches.

The bomb weighs approximately 1,100 kilograms (2,400 pounds).

With a maximum yield of 1.2 megatons of TNT, it is the most powerful free-fall nuclear

weapon in the United States arsenal.

North Korea has conducted 5 nuclear tests till now.

The most powerful device, which was detonated on Sept 2016, had a force equivalent of 25

kilotons of TNT, according to the most analysis.

Trinity Test in New Mexico in July 1945, which ushered in the nuclear age, had a yield of

20 kilo tons.

Hiroshima's "Little Boy" bomb had a yield of 13-18 kilo tons whereas Nagasaki's "Fat

Man" bomb had a yield of 20–22 kilo tons of TNT.

So, B 61 in its top configuration having 340 kilo tons, is about 17 times more powerfully

than Fat Man bomb.

Like wise, B 83 in its top configuration of 1.2 megatons, is about 50 times more

destructive than Fat Man bomb.

No sanctions or diplomatic pressure has been able to compel North Korea into slowing down

its nuclear and missile programs.

The frantic pace of missile tests clearly indicates its leaderships resolve to develop

and deploy long-range missiles with nuclear warhead.

The latest ballistic missile test has severely raised the stakes on the Korean peninsula,

but US has limited military choices to tackle the threat from Pyongyang without risking

retaliation that has the potential to destroy South Korean capital Seoul.

Day after the missile test on Saturday, a evidently concerned President Trump slammed

China in a series of tweets:

"I am very disappointed in China.

Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a

year in trade, yet they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk.

We will no longer allow this to continue.

China could easily solve this problem!"

As Trump administration weighs in the options including military once, B 2 Spirit could

be the weapon of choice as it has the capability to inflict a lethal precision strike with

option of using nukes.

A strike like this could be aimed at North Korean military infrastructure, taking out

vital assets in one swift go.

With possibly millions of lives at stake, it is to be seen how Trump administration

deals with the situation.



Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:59.


BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:07.


Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:54.


Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes #4 - Duration: 2:07.

Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes #4

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Ryder Paw Patrol for Children / Bad Baby cry Finger Family song Nursery Rhymes #4 - Duration: 2:07.


CALABACIN REBOZADO - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> CALABACIN REBOZADO - Duration: 2:41.


Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:54.


FİFA 17 - KASMA SORUNU KESİN ÇÖZÜM!! - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> FİFA 17 - KASMA SORUNU KESİN ÇÖZÜM!! - Duration: 6:08.


Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 VTi 120pk Tendance eerste eigenaar - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Picasso 1.6 VTi 120pk Tendance eerste eigenaar - Duration: 0:54.



For more infomation >> Freestyle


For more infomation >> Freestyle


US Launches Test Missile Amid N. Korea Tensions - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> US Launches Test Missile Amid N. Korea Tensions - Duration: 0:25.


For more infomation >> US Launches Test Missile Amid N. Korea Tensions - Duration: 0:25.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta / navi / cruise - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta / navi / cruise - Duration: 1:36.


For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta / navi / cruise - Duration: 1:36.


Raz Degan lascia l'Italia: la nuova sfida dopo L'isola dei famosi - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Raz Degan lascia l'Italia: la nuova sfida dopo L'isola dei famosi - Duration: 3:05.


For more infomation >> Raz Degan lascia l'Italia: la nuova sfida dopo L'isola dei famosi - Duration: 3:05.


Simone Veil morte : Le SMS douteux d'une conseillère en communication d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Simone Veil morte : Le SMS douteux d'une conseillère en communication d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 2:40.


For more infomation >> Simone Veil morte : Le SMS douteux d'une conseillère en communication d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 2:40.


Citron, sel et poivre peuvent guérir ces 7 problèmes mieux que n'importe quel médicament - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Citron, sel et poivre peuvent guérir ces 7 problèmes mieux que n'importe quel médicament - Duration: 6:40.


For more infomation >> Citron, sel et poivre peuvent guérir ces 7 problèmes mieux que n'importe quel médicament - Duration: 6:40.


Elle a toujours une odeur incroyable dans sa maison mais personne ne sait pourquoi - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Elle a toujours une odeur incroyable dans sa maison mais personne ne sait pourquoi - Duration: 5:30.


For more infomation >> Elle a toujours une odeur incroyable dans sa maison mais personne ne sait pourquoi - Duration: 5:30.


Chỉ Cần Nhìn Điểm Này Của Phụ Nữ Nhận Biết Ngay Cô Nàng Này Là Bậc Thầy Trong H,a,m M,u,ốn - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Chỉ Cần Nhìn Điểm Này Của Phụ Nữ Nhận Biết Ngay Cô Nàng Này Là Bậc Thầy Trong H,a,m M,u,ốn - Duration: 3:50.


For more infomation >> Chỉ Cần Nhìn Điểm Này Của Phụ Nữ Nhận Biết Ngay Cô Nàng Này Là Bậc Thầy Trong H,a,m M,u,ốn - Duration: 3:50.


What's In my Hospital Bag? | Basic essentials to take to hospital - Duration: 14:26.

good morning! Shawn here from with another video. today's video is

going to be what's in my hospital bag because I'm 35 weeks currently

pregnant and it is time to get the hospital bag by the door. if you are

interested to see what's in my hospital bag, what I'm packing and taking to the

hospital...keep watching. thank you for watching. so maybe you are

also pregnant like myself and this is your first baby or your second. this is

my second. and you're looking to see what others are packing in their hospital bag...

what you actually need. I tried to go for the essentials. the first time with my

first son we actually didn't have a bag packed. he was two and a half weeks early

and I was not prepared so I just kind of scrambled and threw stuff in and honestly

I don't even remember what I took to the hospital but I survived.

here I've got the stuff kind of right beside me and I will have to insert a

picture of what my bag looks like. it is actually too heavy for me to pick up. so

I'm taking for my going home outfit... I'm just taking a pair of stretchy pants. these

are the ones that I bought at bye bye baby. what brand are they? Motherhood

Maternity. they're just stretchy sweatpants. so I'm

just taking those probably going home. just taking an old t-shirt that's

comfortable that will still fit. this one is from Target. it's just a comfy cotton

t-shirt. then let's see here I am taking a bathrobe. I did not take a bathrobe the

first time with my son but I've brought this super comfy cheap and inexpensive

bathrobe from Target. I am taking two gowns... sleeping gowns that can also ...I

could use for nursing. they are from oh man

I'm forgetting the name of the company. I will post the link of where I got these

down below but it's just a polkadot one. this is actually one of those that you

wear when you are delivering. I'm not gonna do it that way I'm just

gonna wear it after baby girl is here. but it has snaps on the side so it'll be

really easy to nurse from and it goes past my knees. but that was cute and then

also from that same website... baby be mine... that's what it's called baby be

mine... I got a it's a light blue again it's a nursing gown that you can

just pull down on the front. so I'm taking those two. I'm also taking a pair

of flip-flops this time just to wear home. if I'm not wearing flip-flops

my feet were very swollen after the first time I gave birth with my son so

I'm gonna take flip-flops or if I need to wear them around the hospital or in

the shower or whatever. I have those. I'm also taking some simple cleansing wipes

just to get the makeup off my face or if I want to just freshen up and get clean.

these do a really great job of making me feel fresh and clean. and I've got my

contact solution just in case I'm wearing my contacts. I'm also planning to

take my glasses but I can't put those in until last minute. then I just have a

small kit of essentials with deodorant, mouth wash, lotion, face wash, breath mints.

what else is in here? I also have some of those shower

sheets. excuse me my indigestion is getting to me. some shower sheets just in

case I want to wipe myself down but don't want to take a shower in the

hospital then I can do that .toothbrush, toothpaste basically anything basic. I'm

not taking any makeup. I don't think... no. I've got some lip gloss in here,

chapstick which is a must, dry shampoo... I'm using the bumble and bumble dry

shampoo... I've got a tube of Sephora lip balm in here, I've got my doTERRA

balance essential oil. this really calms me down on a regular day. here are one of

the shower sheets by Yumi that I got .

I just put in a packet of shampoo and conditioner but I doubt I will actually

use that but just in case. and then I've got some different samples of facial

moisturizers. the hospital tends to dry your skin out. what else is in here? I

think that's about it. Hairbrush... I didn't pack a hairbrush. did

I pack a hairbrush? but maybe I put it in one of the side pockets in my bag. all right, the

last few things I packed for myself.

I did grab a huge thing of Aveeno lotion because I like to say moisturized

in the hospital. this little pouch is filled with quarters just in case

anybody needs to get snacks from the vending machine, hairbrush, and I did pack

two nursing bras to sleep in. they're just basic baby be mine. I'll link those

down below because I think I got these from the same place that I got the

nursing gowns. and then I've just got... I doubt my milk will come in but just in

case I've got some bamboobies washable nursing pads that are just a

fabric on both sides just in case. never know. doesn't take up that much space. all

right so I'm also bringing some snacks I just haven't packed all of those yet. I

did pack some cheddar Chex Mix and a couple bags of M&Ms just in case my

husband and son need some snacks because I don't know if I'll be able to or just

in case the cafeteria is closed after I give birth. kind of want some sweet and

salty snacks. I do have just a little ziploc bag full an extra set of clothes

for my son and my husband also put a ziploc bag with a shirt, an

extra set of clothes for him as well.

the last thing is I just grabbed this out of the target dollar bin section

it's just something that my son can do if he's in the waiting room too long.

he's 9 years old so just giving him something. and then I will also put him in... I

got a gift from baby girl to her big brother that I will also wrap and

include in my hospital bag and then my son still has to pick out a gift from

him to baby girl so he still has to pick that out but that will go in my

hospital bag. and I am taking a pillow. I think that's it. if I am forgetting

anything that you think I should take please please please let me know and put

it in the comments down below. something that was helpful for you. there's just

some things that I'm not worried about that I know the hospital will have so

that's why I've just kind of tried to do the bare essentials and I know I'm not

going to want to fuss with makeup so I'm not not doing makeup. but I always like

to have lip gloss on. I'm very excited I'm having baby girl any

week now. I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant but by the time you see this video I

will be 36 weeks pregnant. and here's the baby bump. let's see if I can get in the

camera shot. there it is. yep that's pretty big. so everything seems to

be going smoothly so far. I keep picking up new symptoms but you know it is what

it is. so I practically finished my video and realized I never showed you what is

in the suitcase for baby girl. so again I have a just a little zip lock bag. I'm

just simply taking a muslin blanket for a swaddle or in the car seat when we

ride home. I am taking one pair of mittens. I did not have any mittens with

my son and he got a little scratch... he scratched his own face when he was born

so I'm bringing those. then I just have a little newborn onesie that was

cute with the snaps down the front for the car. And look at the feet, little

cute feet. and for when I take a picture...

this matches my nursing gown. it's just a little sleeper. A Baby Be Mine polka dot sleeper

that the bottom is open and a little hat so if i want to take a mother and baby girl

picture then this will match my nursing gown. so that's all that I'm taking for

baby girl because the hospital provides everything else. so if you like

this video please give me a big thumbs up, share with your friends, and don't

forget to subscribe. I post new videos every week and I'm trying to get ahead

in preparation for the birth of baby girl. I will probably take a week or

two off from doing videos depending on how I feel but I'm going to try and pre

film as much as I can. so thanks for watching and I will see you in my next



For more infomation >> What's In my Hospital Bag? | Basic essentials to take to hospital - Duration: 14:26.


Eng sub 시바견(shibainu)_곰탱이(Gom&Taeng)_기차타고 물놀이 다녀온 멍멍이(traveling with dogs on a train) - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Eng sub 시바견(shibainu)_곰탱이(Gom&Taeng)_기차타고 물놀이 다녀온 멍멍이(traveling with dogs on a train) - Duration: 3:32.


i don't wanna live forever / meme (Flipaclip) turn on the subtitles lmao - Duration: 0:17.

Wait how did I made this subtitles????



*sad face with tears*

Ok I'm done.... thanks for watching because I hate my life so lmao

For more infomation >> i don't wanna live forever / meme (Flipaclip) turn on the subtitles lmao - Duration: 0:17.


(Eng sub) [다이어트레시피/148kcal] 토마토 팍시 / Tomato farci / Stuffed tomato - Duration: 5:57.

(Eng sub : :)*

Today's main ingredient is tomato!

I'm going to be making a pretty dish with it

Without taking away the stem,

slice the top part of the tomato like a lid.

Make some space inside by scooping the tomato out.

Try to maintain the shape. Quite important later on

You can use the scooped out tomato as a sauce

or eat by itself. Anyhow you want '~'

To stuff the empty part of the tomato,

usually people use pork as the base

but I'm going to use chicken breast and veggies.

You can customize it anyhow

but make sure you mince it before.

I diced some mushrooms along with some onion.

Bell peppers

and brocolis work as well!

Basically anything that my eyes catch haha….

Just normal chicken breasts are fine

or else you can use chicken breast sausages or patties.

Now we are going to fry this on a pan

You can put in the oven as well..but the weather is too hot for that

Fry the garlic first and then everything else

In order of firm ingredients to soft ingredients.

I was going to do it in order

but then it was too much work so I poured everything….:D*

Fry the veggies till they cook

and evaporate some moisture.

For the last step, add the chicken breast

then season it with pepper.

I also used smoked paprika, which I personally in love with.

It's my go to seasoning. It works well with tomato paste.

I added the tomato that I scooped out before

To make it suitable for a meal, I added some oats

For the color, parsley. I mean.. why not

Now pour the cooked ingredients into the empty tomato

Today's serving fills up about 3 tomatoes

Fill it to the top to make it look appetizing.

Just for fun, I did it with cherry tomatoes.

It's a bit of a work but so cute!

In the end the cherry tomatoes were the ones that tasted better lol

I also got some cheese that's essential for tomato farci.

Using a low sodium sliced cheese is

one of my tricks in this recipe

I topped the stuffed tomatoes with these cheese

This is quite festive for someone on a diet right?

Once you are done, cover the tomato with it's lid

and after massaging with some oil, bake it for 20 min in 180℃

By the way, don't microwave it. Rather use a frying pan

This is how you get your filling but freshing chicken breast tomato

Tada! Your tomato farci XD*

For more infomation >> (Eng sub) [다이어트레시피/148kcal] 토마토 팍시 / Tomato farci / Stuffed tomato - Duration: 5:57.


Film Ferrania P30 first calibration test in HC110 dilution B - Duration: 6:23.


so first thing first I'm going to calibrate my development and my exposure

before playing a bit with it because otherwise I don't know what I'm shooting

so for me always the same calibration team okay as permitted on the gray card

so f 2 and 2/3 here 1/8 on a second here you see I'm on a tripod

yeah I'm putting the camera in the dog bag because I did something like 12

shots calibration shots and I don't need to waste the entire roll of that


okay so this is fin saranya developing the HP 110 ignition be for five minutes

and it is shot this frame at ISO a right not bad this one shot I at ISO 40s or 20

okay and then it became this 10 and on the other side so I so ad and iso 160

won't stop down right so we can see that there is no details in the back as here

is tying in all the details here I sweaty there's still beer details in the

bags whereas here there's nothing this frame which is interesting one to me

so this is a shot at ISO Foley okay so there is plenty of detail in the blocks

I pissed in the neck so I'm going to see that in contact printing now to God it's

a bit to be contrasty for neck and we can see that okay side by side is ready

ISO fully and obviously it's Victor's because I see but not too bad at five

minutes in HTML or I guess the result of this calibration in a contact print so

the reference frame I shot that I saw Eddie or Killswitch underdeveloped so

all this was developed in an HC 110 for five minutes a deletion B so one

two three one and clearly so this is the the frame that plus two stops so II i-20

and clearly it is a really good frame okay a new print takes the larger

because the video is actually quite bad anyways so we can see that we have a

very very nice graze only highlights are superb and the mid-tones are great as

well the deep blacks however are like it's stuck in the blank zone don't pay

attention to this empty spot with just a mistake indeed under the enlarger I will

print kill it at grade one okay seat even Bella and look at those tones and

induce tones of superb so uh this is a very very good film to be shot and

developed in HD 110 for five minutes or even less and I do it quite contrast to

film it can be manipulated into a very nice outcome I think a great one the

deepest blacks are actually it's not registering here and with this a

smartphone video because yeah the video is actually called bad egg I can see it

but you have to trust me on that anyways so at grade one we can clearly

see details in the deep blacks also here so I think in order to shine this thing

needs to be pulled a bit so underdeveloped and and overexposed and

it can be actually a great team I think and this for me is just very very nice

see super so all in all it's a promising film


For more infomation >> Film Ferrania P30 first calibration test in HC110 dilution B - Duration: 6:23.



The latest North Korean ICBM test brings major parts of U.S in its range.

HWASONG-14 was successfully tested on Friday and may have a range of 10,000 Km.

Kim Jong Un is quoted as saying "the whole US mainland" is now within North Korea's reach.

He called Pyongyang's weapons program "a precious asset" that cannot be reversed nor replaced,

according to Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The state controlled media added that Washington should regard the launch as a "grave warning."

U.S will have to accept the fact that now its mainland can be targeted by North Korea,

which was never the case till now.

As the situation remain tense with no signs of easing, we look at a specific weapon possessed

by U.S that can be play a major part if U.S chooses a military option against North Korea.

In this video, Defense Updates analyzes the capabilities of B2 Spirit bomber and examines


Lets get started.

The B-2 Spirit was developed to take over the United States Air Force's (USAF) vital

penetration missions, able to travel deep into enemy territory to deploy their ordnance,

which could include nuclear weapons.

The B-2 is a flying wing aircraft, meaning it has no fuselage or tail.

The blending of low-observable technologies with high aerodynamic efficiency and large

payload gives the B-2 significant advantages over previous bombers.

Stealth capability provides greater freedom of action as the bomber can evade enemy air


Currently only Russia may have the radar technology to detect B -2, though the effectiveness is

still not known.

North Korea is far off from having this kind of radar technology.

B-2 Sprit has a maximum speed of Mach 0.95.

The U.S. Air Force reports B2's range as approximately 6,900 miles or 11,000 km.

B2 has an excellent payload, which makes even single one to be extremely destructive.

It has 2 internal bays for ordnance and payload with an official limit of 40,000 lb (18,000

kg) and maximum estimated limit of 50,000 lb (23,000 kg).

So it can have different weapons configuration, which are noted as follows:

1. 80× 500 lb class bombs like Mk-82 or GBU-38

2.36× 750 lb CBU class bombs

3. 16× 2,000 lb class bombs like Mk-84 or GBU-31

4. AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) and AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM)

5. 16× B61 or B83 nuclear bombs on Rotary Launcher Assembly (RLA)

Because of its range and stealth capability, B 2 will be able to strike deep inside the

North Korea.

Its payload enables it to carry not only huge amount of conventional bombs but also nukes.

Now let us check how powerful are the B61 or B83 nukes that can be deployed by B-2.

The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the U.S. cache.

It is a low to intermediate-yield strategic and tactical nuclear weapon featuring a two-stage

radiation implosion design.

The weapon is 3.56 m (11 ft 8 in) long, with a diameter of about 13 inches.

Its basic weight is about 320 kg (700 pounds), although the weights of individual weapons

may vary depending on version and fuze/retardation configuration.

The B61 is a variable yield, kiloton-range weapon.

Tactical versions (Mods 3, 4, and 10) can be set to 0.3, 1.5, 5, 10, 45, 60, 80, or

170 kiloton explosive yield.

The strategic version (B61 Mod 7) has 4 yield options, with a maximum of 340 kilotons.

The B83 thermonuclear weapon is a variable-yield gravity bomb developed by the United States

in the late 1970s, entering service in 1983.

The bomb is 3.7 meters (12 ft) long, with a diameter of 18 inches.

The bomb weighs approximately 1,100 kilograms (2,400 pounds).

With a maximum yield of 1.2 megatons of TNT, it is the most powerful free-fall nuclear

weapon in the United States arsenal.

North Korea has conducted 5 nuclear tests till now.

The most powerful device, which was detonated on Sept 2016, had a force equivalent of 25

kilotons of TNT, according to the most analysis.

Trinity Test in New Mexico in July 1945, which ushered in the nuclear age, had a yield of

20 kilo tons.

Hiroshima's "Little Boy" bomb had a yield of 13-18 kilo tons whereas Nagasaki's "Fat

Man" bomb had a yield of 20–22 kilo tons of TNT.

So, B 61 in its top configuration having 340 kilo tons, is about 17 times more powerfully

than Fat Man bomb.

Like wise, B 83 in its top configuration of 1.2 megatons, is about 50 times more

destructive than Fat Man bomb.

No sanctions or diplomatic pressure has been able to compel North Korea into slowing down

its nuclear and missile programs.

The frantic pace of missile tests clearly indicates its leaderships resolve to develop

and deploy long-range missiles with nuclear warhead.

The latest ballistic missile test has severely raised the stakes on the Korean peninsula,

but US has limited military choices to tackle the threat from Pyongyang without risking

retaliation that has the potential to destroy South Korean capital Seoul.

Day after the missile test on Saturday, a evidently concerned President Trump slammed

China in a series of tweets:

"I am very disappointed in China.

Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a

year in trade, yet they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk.

We will no longer allow this to continue.

China could easily solve this problem!"

As Trump administration weighs in the options including military once, B 2 Spirit could

be the weapon of choice as it has the capability to inflict a lethal precision strike with

option of using nukes.

A strike like this could be aimed at North Korean military infrastructure, taking out

vital assets in one swift go.

With possibly millions of lives at stake, it is to be seen how Trump administration

deals with the situation.



EBONY BOOMBOX - A Grindhouse Short Film - Duration: 15:24.

Get ready for action



And eighties

All in one single movie

S-sir... sorry sir, I don't even...

What do you mean by "sorry"? Give me the money already!

I don't even understand what you're saying, sir

This guy's a moron, give me the money and stop talking in weird, dude

Give me the cash

With your permission sir, I do have s-some concerns about your language

but I'm afraid I definitely don't

The cash yo, give me the cash, you ain't unders...?

What is it? What do you want yo?

Do you like black booties?

Never tried any, but...

With my deepest respect lady, I'm not quite satisfied with the fact of you being here

We gonna have a good time, huh?

Yeah bro, I like girls just like coffee

black and really hot


Thank you very much brave lady, I really don't know how to show you my gratitude!

My name is Alexander Cooper, delighted to meet you!

I think I've seen you before somewhere, perhaps in school?

I can see you're not a too talkative lady, is there anything I could possibly do for you?

You can just say "yes" or "no" with your head

Be careful, papi

I-I will! Thank you very much, lady!


Oh Stevenson my friend, what are you doing here?

We met for the physics homework, remember?

No possible way!

Certainly, it's true

and then she told me "be careful, papi" and she left like nothing had ever happened!

If you don't mind that I ask...

What exactly is this?

Oh Stevenson my friend, you'd be truly delightful of knowing that this

certainly is the Magic Cube!

The... the Magic Cube?

The Magic Cube!

I took the liberty of doing some research

and I found that whoever solves the mistery of this cube

will be formally rewarded with extraordinary powers

Did you heard that?

I trully have... did you leave the windows open or something?

I'm concerned I didn't, Stevenson my friend

What's wrong, Spike?

Oh my!

If it doesn't bother you, please take the Magic Cube and run!

Run my dear friend! Take the Magic Cube and run!

By Einstein's moustache, it's you!

Would you mind if I took the liberty of getting in your hospitable house?

If you excuse me, I would like to let you know my most saddest feelings right now

for my delightful friend, Stevenson

he lost his life just some minutes ago

and... I'm deeply troubled about myself in this very moment

If I don't sound too rude, I think you never told me your name

which I'm definitely eager to hear

Ebony Boombox

It's him!


I'm seriously concerned we need a B plan...

The Magic Cube!


You have made my anger truly become alive, sir

Now I'm going to show you what

Ouch... I can't believe you've done this!


Toma lo tuyo, papi!

Thanks again, my dear Ebony

Now... let's see the face of this disgusting...


You did it, Ebony!

No, we did it

Not so fast!

Sir... I'm deeply concerned about how my family owns you money

but... you can truly have my word that

I know you did everything you could possibily do to maintain our unity



My greatest apologies Cynthia, but you never really cared about me


Please don't leave, this has been the best thanksgiving day ever!

And all thanks to you!

I'm proud of you, son

For more infomation >> EBONY BOOMBOX - A Grindhouse Short Film - Duration: 15:24.


Volkswagen Tiguan (3) Comfortline Business R Tiguan 1.4 92 kW / 125 pk TSI SUV 6 versn. Hand - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan (3) Comfortline Business R Tiguan 1.4 92 kW / 125 pk TSI SUV 6 versn. Hand - Duration: 0:59.


Cemu 1.9.0 | 100% Complete Shader Cache | Breath of the Wild - Duration: 1:49.

Hey guys, whats up and welcome back to BSoD Gaming

So as you may or may not know, I have been breaking my balls making this shader cache... really, this was a pain in the ass to make :D

It is available for you to download down in the Description

Literally....Everywhere...So many hours, So many dead Bokoblins...

That was a nice transition....

But seriously, you should be listening to me right now...

If anyone asks me where do I put the file in the comments...I WILL FIND YOU...

Shameless self plug of my previous video....

Once again, Cheers for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this little bonus commentary...

For more infomation >> Cemu 1.9.0 | 100% Complete Shader Cache | Breath of the Wild - Duration: 1:49.


BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:07.


Chỉ Cần Nhìn Điểm Này Của Phụ Nữ Nhận Biết Ngay Cô Nàng Này Là Bậc Thầy Trong H,a,m M,u,ốn - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Chỉ Cần Nhìn Điểm Này Của Phụ Nữ Nhận Biết Ngay Cô Nàng Này Là Bậc Thầy Trong H,a,m M,u,ốn - Duration: 3:50.


【UnderTale】Sans vs Flowey [ VIETSUB CC ] ( Sans The Skeleton Channel ) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 【UnderTale】Sans vs Flowey [ VIETSUB CC ] ( Sans The Skeleton Channel ) - Duration: 3:26.


iphone 8, borderless amoled display touch bar, new gesture, quick access to multitask,split screen m - Duration: 1:10.

iphone 8, borderless amoled display touch bar, new gesture,

For more infomation >> iphone 8, borderless amoled display touch bar, new gesture, quick access to multitask,split screen m - Duration: 1:10.


IN HOC SIGNO VINCES (2011) | short film - Duration: 11:51.

For my Mother

In the morning on 23rd April 1835

in a small village near Opinogóra

an exhausted and cringed boy

was found next to an old windmill.

As it turned out later his name was Kordian.

His mother was a widow who lost his husband in one of those

pathetically hopeless uprisings.

According to her assertion Kordian was sent to the town

in the early morning on Wednesday.

As Kordian wanted to come back sooner he took the shortcut through the forest.

The interesting thing is that when Kordian was found

he was holding a small nutcracker.

So, a question arises:

what secrets are hidden in this small, modestly looking forest?

"In This Sign You Will Conquer"

Narrated by

Music performed by

Cinematography and edited by

Written, produced and directed by

When I was going to the hut, where Kordian and his mother lived

I was thinking only about one thing...

What frightened Kordian so much that he ran through the dark forest

as long as he fell unconscious from exhaustion?

I return to reality quickly

because something bad is happening in the village.

I. Grażyna, count's daughter

- What did they tell you about that bed?

I'm sure they told you

that they took it out so they boy could feel the sun on his skin.

But that is not true.

At least not everything is true.

When they woke up today the bed was already here.

They didn't know who, how

or when could carry it out.

They kept looking among people.

Mischief-makers in the village.

But they couldn't find anything.

As it's not an ordinary bed.

The legs start to grow under this bed at night.

Long, wooden legs.

When this bed straightens its leg

it can arise over the roofs

of the highest huts in the village

and over the highest trees

in the highest wood near here.

And when this bed straighten its legs

it can carry a man lying in it over the fields

and it disappears somewhere over the horizon.

II. Kordian, the only witness

We have almost forgotten about Kordian.

Let's have a last look at him

before we set out on a journey.


a sad thing comes to my mind:

contemporary medicine does not know the cure

which would allow to sustain life in people like Kordian.

Furthermore, we should think whether there's much sense in such treatment.

Perhaps it would be better to let such poor people die

instead of robbing them from their dignity.

In such cases death is a good way

to free these people and their families from suffering.

III. Gustaw, our guid

Gustaw is a little shy, that's why we took him aside

to ask what do people say about Kordian.

I will not mention the vague

and in fact dangerous suspicion of simple people.

I can assure that we will focus on them later.

In the meantime we reach the place which is most frequently mentioned

as a solution to the mystery.

After a while we lose not only the count of time

but our way as well.

Are we going in to the right direction

and what's waiting for us at the end of the road?

IV. Mystery solved

There's the solution to the whole mystery.

That is what people say

when they want to pilgrimage here.

But I don't believe that a dead get up from the coffin

and set out for a journey.

That a person rose from the dead.

No, I suggest another solution.

That's what must have happened:

before the door to the morgue was closed somebody sneaked inside and hid.

When darkness came he started pulling out the dead body.

As it was heavy

an unknown perpetrator

was dragging the body on the ground

or carrying it on his back.

And Kordian must have noticed that.

Atmosphere of mystery in the forest,

a strange building

and Kordian's exhaustion

caused that Kordian misinterpreted the events.

Suddenly, to our surprise

we can hear carol singers from behind the window.

But it's the wrong season!

Why are they doing this?

Are they perhaps following some absurd behaviour?

What's more...

What's happening?

What? No! That's not fair...


I don't agree...



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