Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 2 2017

This week…we go back to school at YouTube Space LA, introduce a friend to a local favorite and Leo gets a visitor in the camper van.

Alright, we're off to YouTube Space LA, let's get going.

It's going to be hot in the Valley, I think it's going to be a lot cooler on that side of the hill.

[Joe] So what are you looking forward to in the class?

I'd really like to see the live streaming in action and have them show us exactly how to do it.

[Joe] Look at the little pony!

They're going to talk about live streaming on mobile.

and also how to do it on desktop.

But I think there is more of a push for mobile live streaming.

And the parking lot begins.

We're going about 5 miles per hour.

We've got 20 miles to go.

Kait and I both used to commute in this every single day.

It's one of the big things that prompted us to consider a lifestyle like this

and actually get out of Los Angeles, get on the road and live life for ourselves rather than being stuck in a parking lot for 3 hours a day.

I figured in the 10 years I was at my last job,

I had spent over a year of my life sitting in traffic.

When I came to that realization, it was like a light bulb had gone off that something had to change.

We couldn't afford property down by where we worked so it was either we move and find something

Or we do something else.

And this is something else.

[Kait] We became nomads. Yep, we became nomads. [Kait] and now we live the van life.

And we're much happier for it.

[Kait] Are you backing in? Backing it in.

Gotta make sure the step comes in.

[Kait] Back to school.

Yes, back to school like Rodney Dangerfield.

I love that movie!

[Joe] What are you going for?

I'm going for the YouTube teddy bear.

I have a good feeling.

Come on teddy bear!!!

I got one! I got one!

Don't fall, don't fall!

Ah I'm so excited!

I can't believe I got a teddy bear!

This just made my day!

Now that was a good class and maybe we should do some more live streaming?

[Kait] I think we should definitely do, maybe once a month?

Yeah, once a month, once a week.

[Kait] Well let's not get ahead of ourselves. Once a month to start.

What I thought was crazy is when they were talking about people who are live streaming 24/7.

[Kait] Well I definitely want to check out those channels.

[Kait] That's pretty impressive.

[Kait] Alright, to the Venice office.

That's why they call it the binocular building.

Hi, my name is Sarah Pittman.

I'm here with the Russos in their awesome campervan.

That now I'm going to go shop for because this is my new obsession.

We were fortunate enough to connect with them.

We've been following them on YouTube forever.

We want to do the whole van life, RV life.

We're kind of making the move, saving up to make the transition.

So being able to experience this, and see, you know where the movies happen, where the magic happens, everything like that.

Is fantastic and I'm obsessed with this van and I think need one.

They've just changed my life, I love it!

They're actually looking to transition to RV life but now that they've seen our camper van, they think they could actually do a camper van instead of a larger RV.

I'm really excited to see where their journey takes them.

With all the road grime on this thing, it's time to wash the camper van.

This is a lot easier and a lot quicker than trying to wash the Class A.

Plus it's a lot safer.

Being up on that roof, washing the top was a bit sketchy.

[Kait] Well I did it most of the time.

I was worried for you.

[Kait] I'm sure you were.

Having the sky light is pretty convenient.

We're head back to YouTube SpaceLA.

Today, it's a class on audio.

I know our audio needs a little bit of work, hopefully we're going to learn a few things.

And make it that much better.

Alright, let's go get to class.

It's back to school, part 2!

And I have my coffee.

With Leo hair on top of it.

We're not the only camper van.

[Kait] I think that's more of a production van.

I don't think so.

No, it looks like somebody is living out of that.

That, is a production truck.

That is a camper van.

[Kait] What kind is it?

It's a VW, how do you now recognize this?

[Kait] I'm not used to see that rooftop.

[Kait] Big stretch!

[Joe] It's nice and cool in there.

Well you had the fan on high.

That was actually a great class.

A lot to kind of take back and digest. Figure out how can we make our sound better .

I think every situation is different.

We're not in a studio recording this stuff, we're always running and gunning pulling the phone out.

How do we make that the best possible.

[Kait] And it's not cheap to upgrade audio equipment. [Joe] Oh no!

[Kait] That one mic I couldn't believe was $1,000!

Yes, and I don't think that's on the spectrum of being expensive.

[Kait] No, that's what's crazy!

What do you think Leo?

We might have to take some of your food money.

[Kait] He says, I like to pant in the background of your audio.

We need the pant filter on our editing software.

[Kait] Alright, off to see some friends?

The VW bus we saw,

belongs to Fun for Louis.

He has a YouTube channel, I've seen some of his videos.

But I didn't recognize the van

As soon as I saw him drive by, he had that...his dreadlocks and looks exactly like he does in his videos and I was like "Ah it's Louis!"

[Kait] Who knew the whole time we were admiring Louis's van.

I would have liked to have met the guy, he seems like a very cool person.

[Kait] Well we missed him by a few seconds.

[Kait] What do you think of the camper van Shelton?

Pretty cool man!

[Kait] Could you live in here full time?

Ummmm I don't know.

I don't know if I would survive the bathroom.

[Kait] What about weekend trips?

Yeah, definitely weekend trips.

I don't know about full time though.

I could do the beach, or Yosemite or something like that.

I mean the bed is huge enough.

The only thing would be showering and if I fit on the cassette cause I'm a big guy.

The tonnage rule, I love it.

[Kait] Thank you!

Hi guys, how are you doing.

[Kait] Tomas! Hola, como esta?

[Kait] You weren't here yesterday!

No, I was at my house.

[Kait] What are you going to get?

Prosciutto and fresh mozzarella.

Large please, thank you.

[Kait] It was so weird to be here yesterday and not see you.

[Thomas] No, because I leave early today, I mean yesterday.

Basil, a little bit of olive oil.

Look at that, beautiful.

[Kait] This is their famous panzerotti.

[Kait] Tell us what you think.

Mmmm man.

[Kait] Cheesy, doughy, gooey.

I will tell you what, I'm glad I don't live that close to this place...I would never survive.

[Joe] Leo, you're getting a bath buddy.

[Kait] He thinks he's going for a walk.

[Kait] Poor guy.

[Kait] He doesn't know what's coming.

[Kait] Good boy!

[Joe] Leo, how's it feel to be clean bud?

You certainly look a lot better.

It's just going to take a couple days to get you dry now.

[Kait] Lucy! Hi!

Welcome to our humble abode.

[Kait] You ready for camper van life?

What do you think Leo, we might have a new hitchhiker.

[Kait] She's louder than Leo!

[Kait] I can't tell if he's happy or upset about this situation.

He likes it.


[Kait] Uncle Joe...uh, here comes Leo.

[Kait] Leo's like, I don't get to be on the dinette, what's happening?

I'd put Leo up here but he

Do you like coffee?

Lucy, can I have a kiss?

[Kait] Oh my God!

Next time, we are hosting a Live Stream where we answer your questions on Camper Van Life.

Join us here, Wednesday August 9th, 2pm Pacific.

If you can't make it, it will be on VOD.

For any of you Patrons out there, make sure to submit your questions beforehand and we will see you then.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up.

Subscribe if you haven't already.

And if you want to start the camper van series from the beginning, check it out up here.

See you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Back to School | Camper Van Life - Duration: 12:51.


iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri - Sunset Selfie — Apple - Duration: 0:16.

Hey Siri, take a selfie.



Hope I don't cause an eclipse.


For more infomation >> iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri - Sunset Selfie — Apple - Duration: 0:16.


How to play the Pudel - Duration: 7:36.

This tank has a rich history.

It is beautiful, and there are identification marks on its armor

that no one else in the game has.

But most importantly, it's the first Premium tank of the Polish tech tree.

With a national crew, the way it should be.

And today we will tell you how to play it.

Does the tank look familiar? That's right, it's a Panther.

During the Warsaw Uprising, the Polish captured two of these vehicles.

The revolters named one of them the "Pudel"

in honor of their fallen friend with this nickname.

The Polish newcomer is played the same way as the German medium tanks.

The question is: how do you play it effectively.

Let's examine its armor first.

If you put the tank face forward to the enemy,

even the gun mantlet has a spot only 110 mm thick.

The mantlet is roundish,

so the relative armor thickness in its upper and lower parts is much higher.

However, even the Tier V vehicles can penetrate its turret,

but only with a lucky hit.

You can position your vehicle to sidescrape. Then, the front hull armor

will protect from shells with armor penetration of 130 mm.

Not the most reliable protection.

The hull's side behind the running gear is 40 mm thick.

You can absorb damage with side armor like this

only at more than 70 degrees to the normal. A shell will ricochet.

However, 120-mm guns and higher-caliber guns

will penetrate the Pudel's armor, because the 3-caliber rule will apply.

Withstanding hits from most Tier VI, VII, and VIII vehicles will be hard.

It's important to remember to avoid close combat.

The tank performs very well at long and medium ranges.

There are several reasons for this.

First of all, its good accuracy.

The dispersion is 0.35. You can get this down to 0.31 over 100 meters

with the help of Ventilation, the Brothers in Arms perk,

and the Bread with Smalec consumable.

Next, its gun depression. Minus eight degrees.

This allows you to use the terrain folds, exposing only the turret to the enemy.

Yes, it can be penetrated, but if you're constantly on the move,

the enemy will have trouble hitting the Pudel.

"Wait a minute!" you might say.

"The aiming circle expands when the tank is on the move!"

And you're right. That's why experienced tank commanders recommend

rolling out carefully to deliver a shot.

Lock the turret and avoid traversing the hull. Like this!

You may even have time to fire twice.

The higher the enemy gun caliber is,

the longer their gun will take to reload.

Attention to detail leads to victory!

And here's another pearl of wisdom tested in thousands of battles.

If the enemy has set their sights on you,

don't engage in a skirmish unless absolutely necessary.

Of course you'll want to respond to the bully… but wait 10 seconds.

Disappear from view.

When the enemy switches to another target, fire!

Let them fidget and expose their vehicle to allied fire.

If the opponent doesn't take the bait, it's better to change position.

Or even switch flanks.

Since we've entered the path of military cunning and temperance,

it makes sense to remember the concealment rules.

A skilled tanker will try to take position behind a bush or fallen tree.

They add to the concealment bonus. But you don't need to roll into them.

After the shot,

the concealment bonus will disappear for a short period of time,

and your tank will light up like a firework.

The right solution will be to roll back 15 meters from the bush.

When it's not transparent anymore, you can fire.

In this case, the flora will still conceal the tank.

Another option is just to roll away from the enemy

to leave their maximum view range circle.

In this case,

the opponents won't be able to see where you're firing at them from.

You can improve the efficiency of these tactics

with the help of equipment, crew skills, and consumables.

This way you can increase your view range up to 471 meters

and secure your right to fire first.

If you master the nuances of these tactics, everything will go well.

This Premium tank will delight you with consistent earnings and frags.

Although, that's until you face a Tier VIII opponent in battle.

Standard shells with armor penetration of 150 mm

won't even pierce through the lower glacis of the IS-3.

APCR shells give you higher chances, but it's still not enough.

What do you do in such situations?

The most obvious tactic is to avoid them.

To do so, you need to think about where the dangerous opponents may go

and choose a position on the other flank.

There will probably be vehicles that you can penetrate more easily.

If your guess is wrong,

remember convenient positions with bushes and trees.

Now it's time to show your mastery.

You need to pick targets correctly

and shoot at the opponents with thin armor or those exposing their sides,

including the dangerous Tier VIIIs.

In the heat of close combat, your opponents often expose their front wheel.

And it's a real gift for a vehicle with a high rate of fire.

You need to seize the moment and knock off the enemy track immediately.

And then just keep them tracked until their hit points fade away.

Not everyone knows, but quick-firing guns have another useful aspect.

They're good at setting enemy fuel tanks on fire and exploding ammo racks.

The thing is that any module has its own hit points.

If a shell hits a module, its hit points decrease, and then restore gradually.

When the ammo rack hit points reach 0, it blows up.

The more often you hit the module,

the lower the chances are that it will restore.

However, you'll need a bit of luck.

The chance of damaging the ammo rack is 27%.

And if you get lucky, then…

the turret of the menacing opponent sets off for a mesmerizing flight.

A real festival with fireworks.

Let's get back to harsh reality. What do you do in this situation?

Tier VIII against Tier VI. Is the sad result inevitable?

There are chances.

And they depend on the experience and savvy of the commander.

Roll back 15 meters off the bush. Knock off the enemy track.

And persistently press the "T" key!

Asking for help in the chat doesn't hurt.

Now everything is in the hands of artillery and allies.

Of course, you could throw in the towel and take a loss.

The enemy is much stronger after all…

But no! Never surrender!

Display defiance and military cunning. That's how legends are born!

For more infomation >> How to play the Pudel - Duration: 7:36.


The Most Confusing TV Series Endings Explained - Duration: 6:28.

Series finales can be tough to pull off for even the best TV shows.

They have to wrap all of the show's plotlines and character arcs in a way that is satisfactory

and sensical.

Sometimes, that means a show will close on a question mark to allow fans their own interpretations

or perhaps even room for a spin-off.

And while that might work with some programs, an open ended finale can often seem so unfinished

that fans are left clamoring for answers years after the fact.

To help resolve some of the most frustrating show endings, here's a look at what showrunners

really meant for fans to take away from these confusing conclusions.


For a show that was already redefining weird, Lost's last episode really went off the rails.

The fifth season ended with Jack and the crew setting off a hydrogen bomb on the island

while visiting the 1970's, so the sixth and final season picked up with two separate timelines:

one where the survivors are still stuck on the island in the present, and another where

the plane seemingly never crashed.

This alternate timeline soon revealed itself to be much different than the original, and

many of the characters were living completely different lives.

The final episode revealed that this timeline was actually the afterlife.

Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof later explained that the afterlife plotline was supposed to

demonstrate how the events on the island weren't purgatory, as many suspected.

Unfortunately, the message was so, well, lost in the chaos of the sideways world exploration

that even they couldn't really explain all the finite details.

The Sopranos

The fade-to-black finish for The Sopranos was so unexpected that many viewers thought

their cable feed had been interrupted when it happened.

Fans of the show had spent months and months speculating about what incredible drama would

befall Tony Soprano and his family to close out such an eventful show, but … none of

that happened.

Instead, Tony, his wife Carmela, and their kids met up for dinner -- after an excruciatingly

drawn-out parallel parking job by Meadow.

With Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" blaring out over all the inaction, Tony noticed a

suspicious man lurking around the diner and ...


"Don't stop"

According to series creator David Chase, the ending implied that Tony was always going

to be paranoid as a result of his mafioso history and that endings for guys like Tony

tend to happen just that quickly and unexpectedly.

Thanks to some frame-by-frame analyses after the fact, it's pretty clear that the guy Tony

was eyeing, who went to the bathroom nearby his table, probably ended his life right then

and there.

But the fact that Chase chose not to actually show his death was irritating, considering

the show wasn't shy about showcasing some serious brutality before.

Parks and Recreation

The final season of Parks and Recreation jumped forward in time a few years to 2017, in which

Leslie Knope has become a regional director of the National Parks Service.

But if that time-tripping wasn't enough, the series finale skipped even further ahead to

detail the next few years in the lives of all the main characters, particularly Leslie

and her husband, fellow Pawnee government worker Ben Wyatt.

Both are approached to run for governor of Indiana, with Leslie said to have served two

terms in the post, while Ben went on to serve in Congress.

"Joe Biden knows his way around a seafood risotto."

Then, much farther along in the future, they attend the funeral of Jerry Gergich with a

Secret Service detail in tow.

That means either Leslie or Ben is President of the United States, but who is it?

Show creator Mike Schur, inspired by the ambiguity of the finale of The Sopranos, says he felt

"there was room for one big question mark."

Schur told Variety that he "wanted people to be able to fill in their own blanks and

make up their own minds."

Considering the fact that Leslie Knope always had Oval Office ambitions, it was probably

her, but the fact that we didn't get to find out for sure meant fans had to order extra

waffles to cope.

30 Rock

NBC's 30 Rock seemed to have a relatively straightforward finale, going full meta by

having their faux show, TGS, wrap in conjunction with the real show's end.

But there was one element of the big finish that was extremely odd.

In the very last scene of the show, which takes place several generations in the future,

Liz Lemon's granddaughter is all grown up and is pitching a show about her grandmother

to the new head of the network, who just so happens to be... an apparently immortal Kenneth?

Throughout the show, Kenneth was an NBC page who was painted as something of a simpleton,

but in retrospect, the show might've been building to the reveal that Kenneth was a

timeless creature all along.

After all, how many references did Kenneth make to old actors and songs that were so

obscure even those in the entertainment business around him couldn't keep up?

"I was pretty addicted to coke back in my Wall Street days."

Mad Men

After nearly a decade of failed marriages, salacious affairs, a bunch of booze, and a

deep dive into his abandoned identity, Donald Draper escaped his life as a snazzy Madison

Avenue executive and sought solace in a hippie commune.

His journey to rock bottom was the very fabric of Mad Men's seven seasons, so when he showed

up at a California hideaway desperately weeping over his mistakes and emotional disconnections,

it seemed like Don might finally change his ways.

But that final shot of him peacefully meditating en masse was not the end-all be-all for the

creative genius' days in the sun.

The series ended with a credits cutaway to the famous 1971 Coca-Cola commercial of a

cross-cultural singing group chanting about wanting to buy the world a Coke and indicated

that Don's take away from so much self-discovery was really just another awesome ad idea.

Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner later agreed that Don indeed remained an ad man to the

end, as the commercial suggested, saying, "Why not end this show with the greatest commercial

ever made?

I am not [into] ambiguity for ambiguity's sake.

But it was nice to have your cake and eat it too, in terms of what is advertising, who

is Don and what is that thing?"

As a result, viewers were left thirsty for more, so the choice of a soda ad was certainly


Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Most Confusing TV Series Endings Explained - Duration: 6:28.


Meet The Truck-Driving Mom In A Business With Hardly Any Women (HBO) - Duration: 3:54.

— I'm a truck driver for Price Chopper right now, it's a local company.

I'm gonna have my breakfast coffee, and then I'm gonna go.

Don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed.

I don't think you're going to be going to bed before Mommy leaves.

Make sure you help Jeff clean up and put everything away.

I'll miss you.

Bye, honey!

Love you.

I leave the house at 9, I clock-in at 10.

Drivers can work 14 hours on-duty, 11 hours driving.

They can send me a really long dispatch, or I could do a bunch of short ones.

I became a truck driver because I was a 19-year-old single mom.

Trucking has provided me with financial stability.

It has made me a financial provider for my son.

I would say being local is almost harder on the driver than over-the-road,

because when you're over-the-road,

all there is to do is sleep when you're not working,

so it's real easy to get your rest.

When you're local, your family's expecting you.

But you have an obligation to get your rest before you drive this massive vehicle.

And then there are the people who think,

because I'm a female, I have it easy,

which is not true.

When I was in a sleeper cab for a different company,

I was outside the produce market and the manager of the receiver was saying,

"You must get so lonely in that truck, how about you come out to dinner with me,"

"and you can use my house to shower if you want."

I declined, and I had to keep going back there.

Because I declined, he wouldn't unload my trailer.

He'd make me sit there and wait, and make me the last truck.

We're heading to the warehouse.

We're going to drop it in a door so that the warehouse workers can unload it.

They're going to clean up the trailer,

it's gonna go back in the line to be filled again for another dispatch.

There's really no one to call at 3 in the morning.

All you have is a radio.

That's one bad thing about working nights,

but everyone knows that driving the truck is easier at night.

It's open roads.

I don't know about the future.

Drones are never going to be delivering the palates of food.

That's not happening.

It's not gonna apply in my lifetime.

I know our lifestyle, and we're not going to be able to advance if I lose this, so...

My license is my resume.

I treat it seriously, I take the job seriously.

It's a good feeling, having a career.

No one's gonna stop me from giving my son the life he deserves.

I'll find a way.

For more infomation >> Meet The Truck-Driving Mom In A Business With Hardly Any Women (HBO) - Duration: 3:54.


Family pleads for answers in deadly shooting - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Family pleads for answers in deadly shooting - Duration: 1:27.


CS:GO - When PRO PLAYERS Use GLAWKS!! (BEST PRO GLOCK PLAYS!) - Duration: 10:31.


nice, we

What's wrong?

cop opener, honey - Oksana baiul a belated I've been build seven and

a third day only time you get a

glimmer of hope they're like are they're killing each other finally we've got a good shot of this can be a


Barely even want me to is so winnable. He's got 12 Hp Nico's got six and renkin 18. I want pretty positive all

Let's go for massive kills our bialys. Oh, we're finally done fucked up now

0:01 like here. We go virus. Yo on the smoke once there's

there's ink them guys there's

Ltd - laughs all right oh, I'm in that one stairs right now stairs I

Don't see him stairs

Ticket chump, take a dead there's victims. There's my street

from blatantly

Get one pack the stairs. I'm going to triple. Oh

My cut out the 6/8 I've ever had ever in my life

1 Hp say noon

Okay, okay, okay?


No, okay, you're gonna win one if you want all right ready three two

pussy Jumpin Burst oh

my God yeah, we got sure I've asked you five different appear in this I see a

Palace Whoso deliver three shots

This unit often sponsor halls. What's this? What's happened up? Well according to the land ahead shore on a second one because why not?

With Dennis really running out met with a nice fat. I'll go watch are rightfully and what really it

Once it'll play

Hey, and to oceanside

No idea what to cinemas you're going to move out there's a second pickup from stewie now looking for a third as the smoke starts

To fade away, he's got open presents to try and take down knife

But now falling away regardless own object don't have anything to do here

Do we finding another pickup as that's gonna be a fourth cell slaps almost alive is going to be Duncan's doing gravity 8 and yes

He can he is going to do it stewie

Just absolutely dominates optic and will continue the lead here into the second half for C9. That's obviously so nicely done from stupid just

looks like A


What is that? What is this?

I'm seconds six influence running away already

Always in this morning the two HP and Al who makes it work gross double headshot the op

Miss and that's going to be enough for them to get 14

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it's not out chicken chicken shit and

One more later one more collectible chicken chicken chicken desk and Connector. He spoke chicken nothing

He doesn't want is been for a min

For me. I don't know what's going on, but it is so easy. Hey

Tell me a highway



The final time honk excuse me address common. Happy Tomatoes

Posture is false when yellow fox into central vision of the most unreliable car Mandjak on People kill Stark viet deity called

Okiru Clubman yo socky when spencer. I give'em member in my career

without a keeper to the

Trouble feel hola, hola ace

If we memorize the chroman my acute adored another years in around the smog I think so

I was making a fruit or first, Marquez Rose view

Concludes doing this all by himself guys get on get in my backpack

He says we're gonna win this I still want to defuse that bomb is ticking away quite buff it is and there's no smoke on

It great shot. So now tormented me like that's not one versus one now has a break myself new usP

He's pretty much done. All he needs to parry is pushing on him event heads away. He's done

All he needs he has all the information with the shot

But the defuse is not Paul donna perry and what a play from Bent head

Close middle took this

inside of the toque of his felt

That they just caught the solving and made sure that he went down before he reappeared elsewhere has fallen is going to try babysit

The bomb it did get planted good shot from Haines and up all on to Coldzera

Last Year's highest rated player over 2016. He started it off. He's got to get the head shot on the second Authority

That's a bit of a hit for cloud nine

But nothing will get the reef ranked in and they should be able to get the bomb down there

That smoke is Gonna feed pretty soon, Jw

Is actually walking right through it sees a guy by you box turns around

The head shot of one goes around leonard and Gw is finally Gonna get shot down

But he did everything right then it's just automatic trying to hold off the point of one on three yeah

It's not really much you can do here down to 45 x Piers well

That's a good start finds the first head shots motor-Pod on the bomb the informatics should have a pretty easy ride with this one

We've got a defuse kit as well automatic still can be a nuisance gonna find another Killer here down to the 1V1

automatic versus Crim's comes very good news situations

Can he step out the bombs ticking away those are automatic my I've done enough air. This is absolutely brilliant

So this should be in a playbook somewhere together - it could go out mid right now together sama


Buzzy do I so want on k de Segovia

Processors last round of nepal Vikas bahl torn I'm not a connoisseur tabulous todos de Fondos sumif restrain ministry, Tyria

Attaboy Lockridge Oscar

does Kutner

Onto one as well against Ricky here

Finally taking him down to Costa still alive and well with support from S&S is a bond for AJ

Get the triple kill a Pom Tony mange kiss is a feast like

Especially the spots he plays on ct. Side, not only does he make plays like this, but on sticky side

Guys often like yeah the guy's not look like a flush one over here now one ocean routes

attention or again a box russian-made with a balloon

Went through behind you and that's a 10-inch okay? Oh my God

They repeat those La mettrie

what I could walk with


Is the epitome of wrinkles do you want?

the to the Va gets this here to


On insect events each truck wall easy plant he's easiest plan of your life

my God ah

For more infomation >> CS:GO - When PRO PLAYERS Use GLAWKS!! (BEST PRO GLOCK PLAYS!) - Duration: 10:31.


Eminem's About To Drop a Comedy Film About Battle Rapping - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Eminem's About To Drop a Comedy Film About Battle Rapping - Duration: 2:07.


Dow hits 22,000 - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Dow hits 22,000 - Duration: 0:21.






CHOCOLATE RICOTA CHEESECAKE (Spanish) - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> CHOCOLATE RICOTA CHEESECAKE (Spanish) - Duration: 7:21.


That Lost Minute - Duration: 1:04.

Oh, that English teacher of ours,

trying so hard to hold our attention,

when we had far more important things on our

minds than grammar and spelling and navigating

that ocean of words known as English.

He or she must have thought, "God, if only I could

get one minute of this across to these

fidgeting geniuses!" And that little gem of

wisdom we might have received, if only the bell

hadn't rung, is it lost forever? Maybe not!

Imagine: If given only one minute to speak,

What would your favorite English teacher

love to tell you today? Well, join the fun

as we embark on a one minute voyage of

discovery into the magic and power of those

words we use every day. Surprising insights!

New perspectives, as we do a little

WordSailing of our own! [music rises for tag]

Don't miss a single minute: Subscibe free now!

For more infomation >> That Lost Minute - Duration: 1:04.

------------------------------------------- Video - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Video - Duration: 2:15.


Zlatí hoši z Goldman Sachs - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Zlatí hoši z Goldman Sachs - Duration: 8:14.


Why Not Make a Sinaiticus Bible? - Duration: 12:11.

If you go online, you can Google "World's oldest Bible"

What will pop up ?

"Codex Sinaiticus."

I was taught this in Bible college.

So from then, for decades (this was the early 1980s)

I searched for the "world's oldest Bible" --

Codex Sinaiticus.

Most books actually only showed me one single page of Sinaiticus --

John 21.

But in 2009, Codex Sinaiticus came online.

And thanks to Jack McElroy, I have been able to search

and study his huge copy of Sinaiticus for a year and a half.

In addition, all the high-quality photographs

are available on

I have learned way more by examining it for myself

than all the lectures, legends and lies I have heard about it

from professors, preachers and book authors.

I thought I'd ask you a fun question.

Never mind that Codex Sinaiticus is the most accepted,

but never actually scientifically tested book in history.

Let's ask a simple question.

Why don't we see a Bible based solely upon the Sinaiticus?

Wouldn't that be interesting?

Let me tell you why you haven't,

and probably never will, see one.

Hi, I'm David Daniels from Chick Publications.

Codex Sinaiticus, in the form we find it today,

is missing 12 entire books and most of 6 more.

That's over one fourth of the 66 Bible books,

over a third of the 39 Old Testament books.

In addition, it has the Apocrypha,

but only six books of the Apocrypha: Tobit, Judith,

1 and 4 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon

and Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus).

But this is just the Old Testament and Apocrypha.

The reality is, we just don't have enough

to make a Sinaiticus Old Testament.

So much for that idea.

But what about the New Testament?

"Aha!" says the New Testament scholar.

"The Sinaiticus has an absolutely complete

New Testament!"


So why don't we have a Sinaiticus New Testament?

There are a few reasons.

And each one is embarrassing.

That is why I am going to tell them to you.

But first, let me say that there is a book

that calls itself a Sinaiticus New Testament,

by Henry T Anderson.

But it's not really the Sinaiticus.

In many of the things I will show you, they didn't dare put

what the Sinaiticus actually said -- or didn't say.

I call "foul" on that.

No fair changing the Sinaiticus.

So to keep it simple, I'll stick with

the original Sinaiticus text as carefully handwritten,

I will not count its corrections, erasures,

line-outs, marginal notes, or any other sneaky tricks.

That seems fair to me.


The New Testament has a number of

one of a kind readings in Sinaiticus.

Matthew 13:54 says in the King James,

54 "And when he was come into his own country,

he taught them in their synagogue ..."

"Country" here is "patrida."

But that's not what the Sinaiticus says.

It says "And when he came

into his own 'antipatrida' Antipatris" --

which is 46 miles away from Nazareth,

in Samaria, not Galilee.

It's a clear error.


Here's Galilee, here's Nazareth.

And there's Antipatris.

Neither Anderson's

Sinaiticus New Testament, or even

Tischendorf's English New Testament

admits that.

Not even in a note!

How about Luke 1:26?

The King James reads simply:

26 "And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God

unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,"


See the word right there?

Mary and Joseph are from Nazareth, in Galilee.

Everybody knows that...

...except the Sinaiticus.

The Sinaiticus reads

"Eis polin tis Ioudaias he onoma Nazaret"

"unto a city of Judea, named Nazareth."

That will liven up your Bible study.

Even Sunday school kids know that's wrong!

But Anderson and Tischendorf didn't admit it.

Not even in a note.

Let's kick it up a bit.

John 7:53 to 8:11, the story of the Jesus

and the woman caught in adultery, is completely missing

from Sinaiticus.


On the same line, it goes from John 7:52 to 8:12.

But gutless Anderson and Tischendorf

both stuck those 12 verses into their New Testaments.


If Sinaiticus "oldest and best;" if Sinaiticus is so good,

put your money where your mouth is.

Remove John 7:53-8:11 from your Bible.

And while you're at it, be honest.

Remove Mark 16:9-20.

Don't fudge and write it in italics or put a bar or a bracket around it.

Don't write some big explanation.

Just remove the resurrection appearances of Christ

in Mark 16.

But they won't sell you a New Testament

without those 24 verses, even though they are missing

from Sinaiticus.

What about the important words of Luke 24:51?

51 "And it came to pass, while he blessed them,

he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven."

"kai anefereto eis ton ouranon."

The words, "And was carried up into heaven" are actually

not in the original writing of Sinaiticus.


They're added in a note later, up at the top.

That means that there is no mention

of Jesus' bodily resurrection in the Sinaiticus Gospels at all,

Mark 16 or Luke 24.

So the only mention in Sinaiticus of Jesus' bodily ascension

into heaven is in Acts 1, verses 2, 10 and 11.

Scholars have used this to argue that Jesus

didn't actually ascend at all.

Like my old professor Bob Schaper at Fuller said,

"If you had Polaroid camera, you wouldn't have seen

Jesus ascend into heaven."

Despite the fact, of course, that the real scriptures say

that is exactly what He did.

Did he base his disbelieving Jesus' ascension

because of the Sinaiticus?

Then these unbelieving "scholars" make up a 3 step argument

using Sinaiticus and their own evolutionary theory

about the Gospel:

1) Even though history says the order the Gospels were written

was Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, just like all the Bible manuscripts,

and even Origen, these scholars made up the lie

that "Mark came first."

2) Since Sinaiticus Mark doesn't have the resurrection

or ascension in 16:9-20, and Sinaiticus Luke

takes out the part of the ascension from 24:51,

they made up the lies that "Jesus' wasn't bodily raised

from the dead" and that "Jesus

didn't ascend into heaven."

Then they made up the lie that "Jesus' resurrection

and ascension were added to the gospel later."

3) Then they show that Sinaiticus Mark 1:1 didn't say

Jesus was "the Son of God."

But, Sinaiticus still says God calls Jesus

"my beloved Son, In whom I am well pleased"

in verse 11

So based on Sinaiticus Mark 1, they stated the lies

that "Jesus was only a man," "God adopted Jesus

as His son His baptism,"

on top of the lies that "Jesus wasn't bodily

raised from the dead," and "Jesus didn't ascend into heaven."

Brothers and sisters, that's what some text critics claim

is "original Christianity!"

So because of the textual critic Constantin Tischendorf,

claiming Sinaiticus was the "World's Oldest Bible,"

and people accepted it without thinking twice,

there came the false doctrine

that "Jesus that was an ordinary man,

adopted by God as His Son at His baptism,

who was killed, and buried, but who wasn't raised from the dead

and wasn't ascended into heaven.

Would you buy a real Sinaiticus New Testament now?

Now for some good news.

Codex Sinaiticus is a FAKE, a PHONY, a FRAUD.

And over the past year I've learned that it was actually created

between 1839-1840, and it was probably edited

up through 1843.

Eyewitnesses originally saw it as white.

Some white pages are still in Leipzig and you can see them online,

marked LUL on

And the rest of it was colored (that's the very next page).

The rest of it was colored to make it look old,

probably about 1853.

You can see that marked BL for British Library.

So the "World's Oldest Bible" -- isn't.

You don't have to place your faith in the Codex Sinaiticus.

It's not the world's oldest Bible.

But it is a part of the world's biggest fraud.

One book I wrote that is coming out soon

deals with that.

The next book will go into detail about who made the Sinaiticus,

where, when and why.

Guys, don't let them tear down your faith

with a flaky fake.

Grab hold of the rock in English, the King James Bible,

and don't let it go.

God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

For more infomation >> Why Not Make a Sinaiticus Bible? - Duration: 12:11.


Keyboards & Command Line Interfaces: Crash Course Computer Science #22 - Duration: 11:24.

Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to CrashCourse Computer Science!

We've talked a lot about inputs and outputs in this series, but they've mostly been

between different parts of a computer – like outputting data from RAM or inputting instructions

to a CPU.

We haven't discussed much about inputs coming from humans.

We also haven't learned how people get information out of a computer, other than by printing

or punching it onto paper.

Of course, there's a wide variety of input and output devices that allow us users to

communicate with computers.

They provide an interface between human and computer.

And today, there's a whole field of study called Human-Computer Interaction.

These interfaces are so fundamental to the user experience that they're the focus of

the next few episodes.


As we discussed at the very beginning of the series, the earliest mechanical and electro-mechanical

computing devices used physical controls for inputs and outputs, like gears, knobs and

switches, and this was pretty much the extent of the human interface.

Even the first electronic computers, like Colossus and ENIAC, were configured using

huge panels of mechanical controls and patch wires.

It could take weeks to enter in a single program, let alone run it, and to get data out after

running a program, results were most often printed to paper.

Paper printers were so useful that even Babbage designed one for his Difference Engine, and

that was in the 1820s!

However, by the 1950s, mechanical inputs were rendered obsolete by programs and data stored

entirely on mediums like punch cards and magnetic tape.

Paper printouts were still used for the final output, and huge banks of indicator lights

were developed to provide real time feedback while the program was in progress.

It's important to recognize that computer input of this era was designed to be as simple

and robust as possible for computers.

Ease and understanding for users was a secondary concern.

Punch tape is a great example – this was explicitly designed to be easy for computers

to read.

The continuous nature of tape made it easy to handle mechanically, and the holes could

be reliably detected with a mechanical or optical system, which encoded instructions

and data.

But of course, humans don't think in terms of little punched holes on strips of paper.

So, the burden was on programmers.

They had to spend the extra time and effort to convert their ideas and programs into a

language and a format that was easy for computers of the era to understand – often with the

help of additional staff and auxiliary devices.

It's also important to note that early computers, basically pre-1950, had an extremely simple

notion of human input.

Yes, humans input programs and data into computers, but these machines generally didn't respond

interactively to humans.

Once a program was started, it typically ran until it was finished.

That's because these machines were way too expensive to be waiting around for humans

to type a command or enter data.

Any input needed for a computation was fed in at the same time as the program.

This started to change in the late 1950s.

On one hand, smaller-scale computers started to become cheap enough that it was feasible

to have a human-in-the loop; that is, a back and forth between human and computer.

And on the other hand, big fancy computers became fast and sophisticated enough to support

many programs and users at once, what were called multitasking and time-sharing systems.

But these computers needed a way to get input from users.

For this, computers borrowed the ubiquitous data entry mechanism of the era: keyboards.

At this point, typing machines had already been in use for a few centuries, but it was

Christopher Latham Sholes, who invented the modern typewriter in 1868.

It took until 1874 to refine the design and manufacture it, but it went on to be a commercial


Sholes' typewriter adopted an unusual keyboard layout that you know well – QWERTY – named

for the top-left row of letter keys.

There has been a lot of speculation as to why this design was used.

The most prevalent theory is that it put common letter pairings in English far apart to reduce

the likelihood of typebars jamming when entered in sequence.

It's a convenient explanation, but it's also probably false, or at least not the full


In fact, QWERTY puts many common letter pairs together, like "TH" and "ER".

And we know that Sholes and his team went through many iterations before arriving at

this iconic arrangement.

Regardless of the reason, the commercial success of Sholes' typewriter meant the competitor

companies that soon followed duplicated his design.

Many alternative keyboard layouts have been proposed over the last century, claiming various


But, once people had invested the time to learn QWERTY, they just didn't want to learn

something new.

This is what economists would call a switching barrier or switching cost.

And it's for this very basic human reason that we still use QWERTY keyboards almost

a century and a half later!

I should mention that QWERTY isn't universal.

There are many international variants, like the French AZERTY layout, or the QWERTZ layout

common in central Europe.

Interestingly, Sholes didn't envision that typing would ever be faster than handwriting,

which is around 20 words per minute.

Typewriters were introduced chiefly for legibility and standardization of documents, not speed.

However, as they became standard equipment in offices, the desire for speedy typing grew,

and there were two big advances that unlocked typing's true potential.

Around 1880, Elizabeth Longley, a teacher at the Cincinnati Shorthand and Type-Writer

Institute, started to promote ten-finger typing.

This required much less finger movement than hunt-and-peck, so it offered enhanced typing


Then, a few years later, Frank Edward McGurrin, a federal court clerk in Salt Lake City, taught

himself to touch-type; as in, he didn't need to look at the keys while typing.

In 1888, McGurrin won a highly publicized typing-speed contest, after which ten-finger,

touch-typing began to catch on.

Professional typists were soon able to achieve speeds upwards of 100 words per minute, much

faster than handwriting!

And nice and neat too!

So, humans are pretty good with typewriters, but we can't just plunk down a typewriter

in front of a computer and have it type – they have no fingers!

Instead, early computers adapted a special type of typewriter that was used for telegraphs,

called a teletype machine.

These were electromechanically-augmented typewriters that could send and receive text over telegraph


Pressing a letter on one teletype keyboard would cause a signal to be sent, over telegraph

wires, to a teletype machine on the other end, which would then electromechanically

type that letter.

This allowed two humans to type to one another over long distances... basically a steampunk

version of a chat room.

Since these teletype machines already had an electronic interface, they were easily

adapted for computer use, and teletype computer interfaces were common in the 1960s and 70s.

Interaction was pretty straightforward.

Users would type a command, hit enter, and then the computer would type back.

This text "conversation" between a user and a computer went back and forth.

These were called command line interfaces, and they remained the most prevalent form

of human-computer interaction up until around the 1980s.

Command Line interaction on a teletype machine looks something like this.

A user can type any number of possible commands.

Let's check out a few, beginning with seeing all of the files in the current directory

we're in.

For this, we would type the command, "ls", which is short for list, and the computer

replies with a list of the files in our current directory.

If we want to see what's in our "secret StarTrek Discovery Cast dot t-x-t file",

we use yet another command to display the contents.

In unix, we can call "cat" - short for concatenate.

We need to specify which file to display, so we include that after the command, called

an argument.

If you're connected to a network with other users, you can use a primitive version of

a Find My Friends app to get more info on them with the command "finger".

Electromechanical teletype machines were the primary computing interface for most users

up until around the 1970s.

Although computer screens first emerged in the 1950s, and were used for graphics they

were too expensive and low resolution for everyday use.

However, mass production of televisions for the consumer market, and general improvements

in processors and memory, meant that by 1970, it was economically viable to replace electromechanical

teletype machines with screen-based equivalents.

But, rather than build a whole new standard to interface computers with these screens,

engineers simply recycled the existing text-only, teletype protocol.

These machines used a screen, which simulated endless paper.

It was text in and text out, nothing more.

The protocol was identical, so computers couldn't even tell if it was paper or a screen.

These virtual teletype or glass teletype machines became known as terminals.

By 1971, it was estimated, in the United States, there was something on the order of 70,000

electro-mechanical teletype machines and 70,000 screen-based terminals in use.

Screens were so much better, faster and more flexible, though.

Like, you could delete a mistake and it would disappear.

So, by the end of the 1970s, screens were standard.

You might think that command line interfaces are way too primitive to do anything interesting.

But even when the only interaction was through text, programmers found a way to make it fun.

Early interactive, text-based computer games include famous titles like Zork, created in


Players of these sorts of early games were expected to engage their limitless imaginations

as they visualized the fictional world around them, like what terrifying monster confronted

them when it was pitch black and you were likely to be eaten by a grue.

Let's go back to our command line, now on a fancy screen-based terminal, and play!

Just like before, we can see what's in our current directory with the "ls" command.

Then, let's go into our games directory by using the "cd" command, for "change


Now, we can use our "ls" command again to see what games are installed on our computer.

Sweet, we have Adventure!

All we have to do to run this program is type its name.

Until this application halts, or we quit it, it takes over the command line.

What you're seeing here is actual interaction from "Colossal Cave Adventure", first

developed by Will Crowther in 1976.

In the game, players can type in one- or two-word commands to move around, interact with objects,

pickup items and so on.

The program acts as the narrator, describing locations, possible actions, and the results

of those actions.

Certain ones resulted in death!

The original version only had 66 locations to explore, but it's widely considered to

be the first example of interactive fiction.

These text adventure games later became multiplayer, called MUDs or Multi-User Dungeons.

And they're the great-forbearers of the awesome graphical MMORPG's (massive, multiplayer

online role playing games) we enjoy today.

And if you want to know more about the history of these and other games we've got a whole

series on it hosted by Andre Meadows!

Command line interfaces, while simple, are very powerful.

Computer programming is still very much a written task, and as such, command lines are

a natural interface.

For this reason, even today, most programmers use command line interfaces as part of their


And they're also the most common way to access computers that are far away, like a

server in a different country.

If you're running Windows, macOS or Linux, your computer has a command line interface

– one you may have never used.

Check it out by typing "cmd" in your Windows search bar, or search for Terminal on Mac.

Then install a copy of Zork and play on!

So, you can see how these early advancements still have an impact on computing today.

Just imagine if your phone didn't have a good ol' fashioned QWERTY keyboard.

It could take forever to type your Instagram captions.

But, there's still something missing from our discussion.

All the sweet sweet graphics!

That's our topic for next week.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> Keyboards & Command Line Interfaces: Crash Course Computer Science #22 - Duration: 11:24.


iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri - Kitchen — Apple - Duration: 0:16.

Hey Siri, set a timer for 10 minutes.

[SIRI DING] OK, 10 minutes and counting.

Man everything does sound better in French.

Gimme some, Chef.


For more infomation >> iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri - Kitchen — Apple - Duration: 0:16.


iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri - Reminder — Apple - Duration: 0:16.

Hey Siri, remind me to dominate relentlessly today.


Okay, I'll remind you.



Already on it.


For more infomation >> iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri - Reminder — Apple - Duration: 0:16.


Santa Maria da Feira - Part I - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Santa Maria da Feira - Part I - Duration: 2:06.


Real Estate Video Production Hack With DJI Osmo Mobile - Duration: 2:39.

If you're a real estate professional this is a game-changer. This is a real

life example of how you can create professional cinema quality video for

real estate with your phone and an app and a special tool that I'm going to

tell you about right now. What I'm using is the DJI Osmo Mobile and that's what

I'm using to stabilize the video that's why it looks so smooth. Now I'm at the

cottage so I'm just using a random cottage building as an example but this tool

this Osmo Mobile is an indispensable and affordable handheld stabilizing tool that I believe

every real estate professional should have in their arsenal because it allows

you to capture high quality video on the fly. In this case I'm showing you an

example of the exterior of said property of course you can take it

through the interior as well. But what you would do here is you would marry

this video with a description of the property and I'm going to show you how

to do that in just a moment. This is all done on your phone. So the app that you

can use..and again all of this can be done on your phone which is amazing

because the Osmo Mobile works with your mobile device your phone. You're going to

use it to shoot and capture that quick little video like I showed you at the beginning. What

you'll do then is you'll use an app called Videoshop and Videoshop is really easy

to use as well. You import your video and then it gives you an option to do a

voice over which is exactly that. It's your voice overtop of the video and all

you need to do is if you've already got it written up is you read the actual

word-for-word description that you've already created. So you would just read

through that audio and you can pair that with your video and literally within

just minutes you can have a professionally shot or at least

seemingly professionally shot cinematic quality video with your own voice so

there's the personal branding part of it because there's connection it's you as

the real estate professional whose voice we're hearing. You've got a video now

that's ready to go that you can start putting out on social media. You can put

it on Facebook, you can put it on YouTube you could put it on all of your social

platforms and start promoting your listings right away. You don't have to

wait for the video crew to arrive. You don't have to wait for however many

days it takes you know to get that professional video production done.

Osmo Mobile. Videoshop app and the work you've already done. That's it. I would be

honoured to jump on the phone with you to help you take your business to

the next level with video and personal branding.

I'll talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> Real Estate Video Production Hack With DJI Osmo Mobile - Duration: 2:39.


Enter the World of Virtual Rea...

For more infomation >> Enter the World of Virtual Rea...


Gran subida de la Resonancia de Schumann de la Tierra detectada, pero nadie sabe por qué - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Gran subida de la Resonancia de Schumann de la Tierra detectada, pero nadie sabe por qué - Duration: 4:15.


KKBOX華語單曲2017年7月排行榜 - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> KKBOX華語單曲2017年7月排行榜 - Duration: 12:22.


Dr. Debra Sowell - Chief of Pediatrics - Duration: 3:08.

My name is Debra Sowell and I am the Chief of Pediatrics here at Graves Gilbert Clinic.

Well we offer obviously child visits and we basically cover from the newborn nursery all

the way through quote unquote until they graduate from high school or they turn nineteen, kind

of whichever is first or last.

We provide preventative services, which includes a lot of times of course immunizations and

well visits and certain things that we do at all the what we call our well baby visits

and then as children are older obviously school physicals, camp physicals, sports physicals,

that sort of thing and then of course we provide sick care.

Another service that we offer is that we have a Developmental Pediatrician on staff who

does autistic screenings.

These are becoming more and more important.

Well immunizations are vitally important.

We have basically three sets of vaccines that children get.

One of course are what we call a primary series and those start actually the day they're born.

The first twenty-four hours they're started on Hepatitis B vaccine and then those vaccines

are given, a series of vaccines are given at two, four, six, twelve, fifteen, and eighteen

months of age.

Then we have the school age vaccines, which are usually given some time between four and

six and then we have the sixth grade/adolescent vaccines that are out there.

Obviously the primary set are to get everything in and protect against most common causes

of Bacterial Meningitis, to protect against Whooping Couch, which we still had an outbreak

of Whooping Couch within the last few years up in Edmonson County.

I always tell parents, this isn't something that happened in California, this happened

in Edmonson County.

We want to have our babies protected against that.

At the school age, those are just booster shots at the four to six age group.

They're vaccines they've already had, so we're boosting up against actually Polio, DPT, so

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and most importantly the "P" part of the Whooping Cough.

They get an MMR.

Measles, Mumps, and German Measles and then they get a Chicken Pox booster at that time

if they haven't had Chicken Pox the disease.

Then at the sixth grade, we add a new vaccine, which is a Meningococcal vaccine.

We get a Tetanus booster at that time with the Whooping Cough part of it and then we

also get the HPV vaccines.

So basically, every set of vaccines sort of has a different importance factor.

For more infomation >> Dr. Debra Sowell - Chief of Pediatrics - Duration: 3:08.


The Attributes of Jehovah

For more infomation >> The Attributes of Jehovah


For more infomation >> The Attributes of Jehovah


8 astuces de cuisine que tout le monde doit avoir à la maison ! La N°2 est juste géniale ! - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 8 astuces de cuisine que tout le monde doit avoir à la maison ! La N°2 est juste géniale ! - Duration: 3:58.


For more infomation >> 8 astuces de cuisine que tout le monde doit avoir à la maison ! La N°2 est juste géniale ! - Duration: 3:58.


#10 Avondje met de boot III (English Subtitled) - Duration: 5:54.

This video is powered by Pond Hopper Nation

Trolling for pike, part 3

Welcome a new video

We're in the boat, yet again

The weatherconditions are

..fairly cloudy

Mark and i, are on the hunt for pike

I've no clue where we going

That's Mark's descission

So i hope to catch something tonight

and make some numbers

So i hope you'll join us tonight as well

Mark told me about a wonderful area, inside the Lyceum Area in the city of Alkmaar (Holland)

It's not very far from here, but to get there we need to go through the canals first

We go through the Baan gracht, you might recognize this sluice from the last vlog..

From here, we'll end up in the Singelgracht

Slowly. we're trolling through the Lyceum Area

I'll use the SPRO Fat iris, they're fine for trolling in shallow waters

Mark uses a BBZ swimbait from SPRO

It's not going very well..

we're trolling for like 25 minutes now

and we didn't had a single bite, nothing...

We decided to stop trolling for a minute,

and try casting in for a while, hopefully to catch something

It's still early

Who knows what will happen

Whatever we tried, we didn't caught anything yet,

We decided to keep going further, deeper inside the Lyceum area

So far, We don't have any luck at all

Of course we can keep on going inside this area, but we decided to the Bergermeer for now

We think that our chances for results will increase if we are going to the Bergermeer for now

The waters here are dirty, no clearity at all

I think the quality of the water can be a huge factor for not catching fish unfortunately

So let's go the Bergermeer, because this area is a disaster..

Going all the way back to the Bergermeer is a long way, i really hope it's worth it.

Mark, moors his boat carefully. We caught pike here before..

As you can see, we just moored the boat

The last time we've been here, we caught pike

I really hope they're hungry here again.

We're on the borders of the Bergermeer now

On our way here, i had a bite, but i lost it...

It could be a large perch, or a small pike

Let's see what we can catch here

It's a beautiful spot

This tough night couldn't get any better without the rain

I didn't changed lures, i refuse to believe this firetiger doesn't do the trick

Mark changed lures into the RedHead SPRO Fat Iris 40 grams

Bad luck here, so we're going further ahead

Just before we wanted to give up, finally we get what we wanted so bad...

Mark get this attack on his rod, we pike fishermen like so much

There it is, Mark caught this beautiful pike on the redhead

Lucky for us, we didn't go home without at least one result..

Just snap a photo, before we release the pike where it belongs

This was the toughest trolling night ever, Still a beautiful catch for Mark

Thanks for watching, please give a thumbs up if you liked this video

If you want to see more of my videos, please subscribe and see you next video

For more infomation >> #10 Avondje met de boot III (English Subtitled) - Duration: 5:54.


For more infomation >> #10 Avondje met de boot III (English Subtitled) - Duration: 5:54.



For more infomation >> VACANCES: 7 CHOSES À FAIRE AVANT DE PARTIR - ANTHONY - Duration: 5:16.


For more infomation >> VACANCES: 7 CHOSES À FAIRE AVANT DE PARTIR - ANTHONY - Duration: 5:16.


Dreamworks Spirit Horse

For more infomation >> Dreamworks Spirit Horse



so we're here

I've already filmed some scenes

I gotta be quiet because we're on set

but look

I'll show you

how it looks like

here's where we were filming some scenes

For more infomation >> VLOG #2 - I'M ON NICKELODEON? ON SET FOR VIKKI RPM | ELA. - Duration: 4:56.


Real Estate Video Production Hack With DJI Osmo Mobile - Duration: 2:39.

If you're a real estate professional this is a game-changer. This is a real

life example of how you can create professional cinema quality video for

real estate with your phone and an app and a special tool that I'm going to

tell you about right now. What I'm using is the DJI Osmo Mobile and that's what

I'm using to stabilize the video that's why it looks so smooth. Now I'm at the

cottage so I'm just using a random cottage building as an example but this tool

this Osmo Mobile is an indispensable and affordable handheld stabilizing tool that I believe

every real estate professional should have in their arsenal because it allows

you to capture high quality video on the fly. In this case I'm showing you an

example of the exterior of said property of course you can take it

through the interior as well. But what you would do here is you would marry

this video with a description of the property and I'm going to show you how

to do that in just a moment. This is all done on your phone. So the app that you

can use..and again all of this can be done on your phone which is amazing

because the Osmo Mobile works with your mobile device your phone. You're going to

use it to shoot and capture that quick little video like I showed you at the beginning. What

you'll do then is you'll use an app called Videoshop and Videoshop is really easy

to use as well. You import your video and then it gives you an option to do a

voice over which is exactly that. It's your voice overtop of the video and all

you need to do is if you've already got it written up is you read the actual

word-for-word description that you've already created. So you would just read

through that audio and you can pair that with your video and literally within

just minutes you can have a professionally shot or at least

seemingly professionally shot cinematic quality video with your own voice so

there's the personal branding part of it because there's connection it's you as

the real estate professional whose voice we're hearing. You've got a video now

that's ready to go that you can start putting out on social media. You can put

it on Facebook, you can put it on YouTube you could put it on all of your social

platforms and start promoting your listings right away. You don't have to

wait for the video crew to arrive. You don't have to wait for however many

days it takes you know to get that professional video production done.

Osmo Mobile. Videoshop app and the work you've already done. That's it. I would be

honoured to jump on the phone with you to help you take your business to

the next level with video and personal branding.

I'll talk to you soon.

For more infomation >> Real Estate Video Production Hack With DJI Osmo Mobile - Duration: 2:39.


BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA - Polyglot Gathering 2017 Travel Vlog | How to travel better | Things to do - Duration: 7:57.

- Hey, Language Tsar. Welcome to Polyglot Gathering 2017 in Bratislava.

- So, hey, I'm just heading

down to the Polyglot Gathering 2017.

Really excited to go there, hang out with some old friends, make some new friends.

Learning languages is one of my big passions. What's really the motivation for me to

go to these kind of events is meeting people with a similar interest ...

a set of common interests in life. The kind of people that I meet at the Polyglot

conferences or Polyglot gathering like this one in Bratislava in Slovakia are

people with the same passion and mindset that I have and it's not just about

learning languages. Of course I get to practice lots of them there at the

conference. It's also meeting people that are also really very passionate about traveling and speaking

those local languages when they travel.

[German] - Why? Why not?

- First time at the Polyglot Gathering or not?

- The 3rd time! - The 3rd time, wow!

- Are those 3 fingers? Yeah!

[Portuguese] - Well, it's the first time that I take part in the conference

and I've always following YouTube channel from people like you

and others as well

I've always been curious so I decided to come.

[German] - We want only the truth!

[English] - Are you recording this, Conor?

[English] - Gareth Popkins - Hello! Cheers!

This is my free espresso. - You get a free one. - We get it for free so put that camera down. - Okay.

- The Martians are coming to Earth and they are using like a big huge tripods, you know, like

the one you have ... - Oh, nice. So you think my camera, my GorillaPod, is like something out of a sci-fi

film? - Exactly!

- Luca, you're loving ... you're loving my camera. What have you dubbed my camera? - Oh boy!

- The 'rat'! - I like the 'rat'.

It's like the fox on Trump's

- Trump's what? - He's got the fox!

[Romanian] - This is called 'ie'. One 'ie' and in plural it's 'ia'.

- Where is it from? - It's from Romania, typical of Romania.

[Russian] - I don't know. Now I don't know, I've forgotten!

[English] Masculine and feminine languages ... the voice and everything ...

- Ok, give us the example of a masculine language.

- Finnish! [Finnish] I love you!

[English] This is a harder, harder ...

[Swedish] Hi, what's your name? My name is Lars.

This is Swedish language.

[German] - We were in a dream club, a club in a mountain.

- And the music? - It was fantastic ... we had a lot fun.

[English] - This is my own theory.

- Where would you put French? - French is feminine.

- Feminine? How feminine?

[French] - I don't know. It's a very melodic language.

- Do I make jokes about ... - This is Sébastien. He is so serious!

- The Language Tsar is never the butt of the slightest joke!

- The slightest joke? That means that I am always the butt of jokes!!

[Slovak] - Come over here to me! - Come over here!

[English] Pretty girls. - Pretty girls are all from Slovakia ...

- Because we drink so much. No, and it's fun.

[Spanish] - Are you going to drink? - A little ... - Ahhhh ...

[Slovak] - I have a tattoo in Spanish ...

[English] - We are ready. - Jan is exciting as always.

- What's up, Conor?

Say "hi everybody". - Do I look hungry?Because I'm hungry.

- You're hungry for what? For more language learning

- Well, let's say that.

[German] - A good opportunity to come to Bratislava ...

to meet old friends again ...

[Portuguese] - Dude, I've loved languages for a long time, principally because I can travel

and I love to get to know new cultures and new people in each place that I go to.

So when you people see that you are trying to speak their language

it's a totally different experience

in getting to know the places in a city - a completely different experience!

And I'm here to exchange ideas with people here and with my other friends

that I know from other conferences and online as well.

[Dutch] - What I find great at this conference is that there are really people with, yeah, the same hobby,

with same passion and many of the people here I know already from YouTube or from famous blogs.

[Italian] - How's it going? - All is good!

- Why have you come here to the Gathering? - Because there are many interesting people

like, Conor, for example, that I can meet.

- I'm here to see the latest trends in language learning

and I have a few friends here who speak many languages.

[German] - Why a language conference? You speak so many languages already!

- Yeah. I love to see these people again and maybe meet someone who speaks even more languages

who perhaps have more tips and we can bond and that is why I come.

[English] - Basically, Idahosa is going to help me to improve my pronunciation

in German, Portuguese, Spanish and French I think, yeah? -Yeah

- Sure, so at the Mimic Method we focus on learning languages by ear and the

first step in our program is to look at the elemental sounds of that language. So

for example is thirty-nine elemental sounds in Spanish, fifty-six elemental

sounds in German, fifty-five in Portuguese and 38 in French. So if

there's something wrong with your pronunciation in any of these languages

what we're really saying probably is that you're mispronouncing one of these

sounds. So what we're going to do is send our recording to our team, we'll take a

look at it, analyze it and get back to you pieces from our elemental sounds

master class for you to work on, pay attention to and once you figure out

what you're missing, what sounds you're mispronouncing in your language, it's

just a question of having somebody explain it to you. Like, oh this is how

you actually make the sound

- It's tasty! Very good.

- It's tasty because of the fat

And this is ... sardines - Let's try this one.

[French] What do you think? It's good?

- Yep! - It's good or not? - It's good! - Ok, great! What is it? It's the sardines?

- It's a type of 'tartine'. I don't know how to call it in French. We call this a 'spread'. It's a local speciality.

- Yeah, and this is, for example, small beans.

- Usually dry wines.

- We have dry and semi-sweet ones so the dry ...

- So, I am about to leave Bratislava. I am going to take a train now to Vienna,

and then take a flight onwards to Berlin where I'm going to be shooting an episode of another YouTube

channel, called Easy German.

I'm in Berlin, made it safely ... gonna shot Easy German in the morning.

For more infomation >> BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA - Polyglot Gathering 2017 Travel Vlog | How to travel better | Things to do - Duration: 7:57.


ZOOLTRIC | FUTURE HOUSE MIX - Duration: 37:47.

Burak Yeter - Tuesday (RudeLies ReBoot)

BROHUG - If I'm Wrong


David Puentez & Bonka - Like This

BROHUG - Make Money

Brooks - If Only I Could

Brandon Reeve - Regrets

Maakhus & Native People - Kill

Uplink & Jason Gewalt - Euphoria

Sikdope - Snakes

Oliver Heldens - Koala

Assix & Jason Gewalt - Wanderlust


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