Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 2 2017

Hey I'm Jake and get ready to App All Knight.

My emotions for you make me feel like I'm in a Prison Architect which allows you to build and manage a maximum security prison.

Although you start off with the basics like whether or not you want lakes or forests it

gets more complicated.

For example if you select failure conditions, that means you have to uphold a certain standard

or you will be imprisoned yourself.

The settings you select can get pretty specific like guard dogs or the temperature of the


Once you've selected certain factors you'll deal with things like grants which by the

way you can only accept two at a time.

This one is for a detention center which will help you turn the field into a functioning


With this game there's a lot to explore because when you think you've thought of it all

something else pops up.

It could be water pipes or flooring for the warden's office.

And with your love of building why not create the longest

Snakebird you can on this surprisingly complicated puzzle game.

Swipe to move and collect fruit.

Each piece will make you longer which can be beneficial or detrimental.

Like in this case where being long actually causes it to get stuck. Nooo!!

But sometimes it can hook you to a surface and keep you from falling into the water which is good

because snakebirds are bad swimmers. But they're good snakebirds.

In addition to this you'll have to figure out ways to maneuver obstacles like spikes.

In later levels you will have to work with two snakebirds which can be tough since you

have to get both of them to the end.

But you can also use them as bridges and stair cases.

Just tap on the one you want to move to wake it up.

You can undo moves but sometimes it's easier just to start again.

This game requires a lot of back tracking and experimentation but you can absolutely

do it because

You're a Flipping Legend.

This endless runner type game is challenging because it requires you to make split second


And if you make the wrong one it isn't very forgiving.

Tap left and right to move diagonally from square to square.

If you flip in the direction of the wall you're on you'll come out the other side.

If you go too long without blasting an enemy you'll lose health and die.

To avoid this collect coins on your path but if you're a currazzzyy risk-taker

and go out of your way to get them it can give you more options at the shop. Ohh shopping.

Getting enemies is what gives you experience points to get to the next level.

There are five worlds to get through and once you can reach one five times, a portal will

open to reach it more easily the next time.

But you do have to spend coins to use it.

Each worlds come with new challenges like obnoxious ghosts when you land on a gravestone. Stay dead.

Picking up one of these helps you avoid instant doom when you take a wrong turn.

Just remember you can only use it once so try to avoid the fateful Drop…

Wizard Tower.

A platformer where you ascend over 50 floors packed with traps and enemies.

No two playthroughs are the same so you'll always be delightfully or unpleasantly surprised.

The controls are simple.

Tap left and right but keep in mind you don't stop moving so you need to pay attention before

you land in the path of a bitter foe.

But if you can land in the right place at the right time you'll defeat them because

every time you hit a surface a projectile launches and weakens them.

You have to do this first and then push the stunned enemy to kill it.

Gems will appear which you can now pocket to earn experience levels.

When you level up you can pick a new skill and in this case I could use a new life. Just in general.

Unlock characters for different capabilities but you won't find out what they are until

after you purchase them so good luck with that.

You must defeat all enemies in a current level to proceed to the next.

Oh and watch out for the prison guard. Hey prison.

He's mean, scary, and no match for you unlike the ones you make on

Spot it Duel a multiplayer game of speed.

In the allotted time, your task is to find as many pairs of symbols between the two discs

as possible.

It's not only a race against the clock but also against your opponent because to win

you need to find more than they do.

You get more points when you tap a symbol that takes up a lot of spaces.

As you improve your skills you'll open up tougher and tougher arenas giving you the

chance to climb the worldwide leaderboard.

You can acquire new Dobble characters with their own skills to sharpen your strategy.

Alright let's see who I'm battling...oh "Me."

Jake vs Me.

I'm feeling conflicted but I'm giving it all I've got. Captain.

It's tempting to lose any semblance of sanity in the panic to make as many matches as possible

but stay calm and seek out the most abundant symbols and you will win.


I beat Me.

Way to go Jake.

Better luck next

time Me.

You failure!

Hey good looking. Links to all the apps can be found in the description below.

Right down there. Below. Below. Frame.

And if you want more App All Knights. More apps for your devices

Guess what! There's a playlist right here. Full of them. It's lovely. Quite lovely.

Ya know what's lovelier than that? You. What are you doing tonight?

Wanna come hang out? We could maybe just watch a movie. What's in theaters right now? The Emoji movie

Is what we're not gonna see. But we could see something else. Spiderman!

That was pretty good. I really enjoyed it. Michael Keaton, great villain.

Okay I'll meet you at the theater. And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> What Is THIS?! -- App All Knight - Duration: 5:07.


TESTING MAGNETIC FALSE EYELASHES WTF! First Impresion Review | Roxette Arisa - Duration: 8:14.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel. So I've been seeing these magnetic lashes everywhere on Facebook on Instagram on Twitter

They're everywhere every single time I see them

There's just so many thoughts going through my head like

Are they going to work are they going to look good? Is it? Just like some kind of gimmicky thing that

Doesn't really work like there's just a lot of stuff going on here my noggin so I decided to order them

They finally came in and I'm gonna sit down and film right now

Trying them out for the first time testing them out and seeing I guess what they're all about to be it completes

Disaster could work out, and it could be life-changing, so we're going to see what it is

Like I said, I just got in a mail, so let's go ahead and open it up

I just got back from San Francisco last sleet last night really late sent them those

But I saw this and I was like oh my God I have to try these out

but thank you guys so much for those of you who came at San Fran and

To gem beauty San fran I should say and it came to my meet-up

It was so so

So nice to meet you guys like hands-down best part of being a youtuber is being able to meet you guys in person

And just like see your smiling faces and give you guys hugs and everything like that so again

Thank you guys to all of you who came to my meetup, and I did blog the whole thing by the way

So if you're not subscribed to my vlog channel make sure to subscribe because I'm going to be uploading the blog's this week

And I can't wait. It's Gonna be so much fun

I'm going to edit them or right after this video, but anyways let's go ahead and get back into this lash thing

So this is from the brand 1/2 lashes. Which is the one that I saw on Facebook these are the instructions right here

Let's go ahead and get the products out and then we'll try to follow the instructions to actually apply this rosal. Oh

Okay, the package is actually really nice because they aren't cheap you guys they honestly are not cheap these were for one

set it costs doesn't stay on here, but if I

Remember correctly just offset off my head

I'm pretty sure of about seventy dollars or about maybe 75

But I'll put more and flow down below if you want the exact pricing, but definitely was not cheap

So you get one pair of the magnetic lashes from once you lash?

And then you also get a cleanser for the lashes that comes in

Same little package when you dress by like one set it comes with a cleanser

So I mean that's kind of nice when I saw this online

It looks really easy to apply

But I just I'm just a little shook. I don't know how I'm gonna like it

You know it comes with like a little case like this

Let's open us up. Oh, I think I'm opening it

Upside down sorry guys no. It's not okay um

Okay, so this is what you get

Do you guys see this let me do a little zoom action?

So this is what we're working with today apparently it has two pairs of lashes

Which I actually didn't know so you do get two lashes

They look very natural looks like they were made with synthetic hairs probably just from the looks of it

And I mean we can open up the cleanser just so you guys can see what it looks like so that's what cleanser

I really like their packaging. I'll be real I guess we'll just

Go for it. This is what the top lash looks like that little strip in the middle is the actual magnet

So you take the top one and you're supposed to place it on your eye and kind of line up the outer

Line up the Outer

portion the outer part with your natural

Outer part, I don't know if I'm supposed to wear Mascara

It doesn't say anything in the in the instructions, so I don't know you take the bottom one. Oh, this is hard

It's weird to put on

Boy, I think you're just trying to like connect. Oh, oh

Okay, that's that connected you try it you have to try to connect like that

the magnet in the middle, but like

It didn't it connected, but it's not like laying flat to my lashline

Maybe it's user error. Let me try this one more time, okay?

They're on there lined up with the outer part of my lash, which is exactly what the instructions say to do oh

Can you see oh?

Even worse application on my part on afraid you are the type of person that likes a natural lash look

Then you might like the look of this

But the biggest thing that I'm seeing that I don't like that

I don't think it's going to be easy for you guys use the magnet will clasp together all you three?

But the actual like the rest of the lash band doesn't stick to your lashes so like

One is going to look janky too. You could easily

Just take it like fall off. You could pull them off an accident. It's like

I don't feel like this is very reliable and also the other thing is like

They're so easy to poof I've already lost one top and one bottom in the span of this video

So I'm only working with one left pair

I mean, do you guys see this like even where I try so hard to put them on?

They just kind of fall off the lashes because they're not adhering to the actual my lash line

It's like clasping together right on the lashes themselves, so disaster exploiting aven

I'm not trying to put both on just to see how they look so we could see like a finished look hMM

Oh you guys the other thing is you can feel like you can feel that. There's something on your lashes

It's way worse than glue it like feels like there's like literally a magnet on your lashes because there is

But let's just see what happened if I put on Mascara you can like

see the

the Magnetic lashes like literally falling off

Lee, so

What are your guys thoughts honestly comment down below do you think you would use this do you think it looks good?

What are your thoughts right? Now? What is going through your head cuz honestly what's going through my head

I would never use these again. I probably will never even open the case again because a

They aren't easy for me to apply. They don't stick to my lash line at all

They really clasp onto the lashes instead of the lash line b. I don't like the way they look that's just me

That's my personal opinion or floating all my lashes right now that and itself makes it something that I?

Am not keen to use again

Just because they're going to fall off soon, and they're very easy to please I'm like sitting here thinking

$70 for these I can't like if they were going to last you your whole lifetime

Maybe maybe if you'd like if you really like them, but honey I already lost a full pair

So I'm gonna stick to my strip lashes all can be very very hard to apply at first

But once you get the hang of it girl

I could like pop these on in a second be good to go

and it's honestly I find the easier and quicker to apply a normal pair of false lashes rather than

Messing around with these

but that's just me you know, so

That's what muscles up. Let me know okay?

I have to take these off honestly because they're like messing with my eyesight it feels weird

I'm just going to put this out there one more time

It does feel strange like looking out and like feeling magnets on your lashes

That's just me though, but yeah

Let me know if you guys like this video if you guys want me to try anything else crazy. That's out there

I mean I feel like there's always something new and crazy coming out that I see on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and I like all these

Things that I'm just like does that actually work though, so yeah

let me know if you guys want me to try anything else out and

Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already hit that little subscribe

And it's completely free and then you'll always stay up to date with my videos

And you can also subscribe to my blog channel like I said before

Because I'm so excited to go and edit the on Jem DD, San Francisco vlogs and I?

Don't know. I'm just excited anyways, so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and

I think that's going to be it for me remember you are beautiful inside and out

I love you guys so so much, and I will see you next time bye

Honestly, it's not sticking to my lashline what?

For more infomation >> TESTING MAGNETIC FALSE EYELASHES WTF! First Impresion Review | Roxette Arisa - Duration: 8:14.


The Killers - Run For Cover (Live From Jimmy Kimmel Live!) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> The Killers - Run For Cover (Live From Jimmy Kimmel Live!) - Duration: 3:50.


American Truck Driver & Trump's Trans Ban: VICE News Tonight Full Episode (HBO) - Duration: 27:40.


The trans ban rocks the military.

Uprising in Jerusalem.


The global gag rule on the ground:

— The Treasury Department is sanctioning 13 senior officials

connected to the Venezuelan government.

Treasury also threatened more, quote, "strong and swift" economic sanctions

if President Nicolàs Maduro goes ahead with Sunday's vote to rewrite the constitution.

Venezuelan opposition groups began a 48-hour nationwide strike against the plan,

blocking off streets with garbage, tree branches and other objects.

The Kremlin responded to new sanctions passed by the House of Representatives,

calling the measure, quote,

"an extremely unfriendly act" and "sad news" for U.S.-Russian relations.

President Putin's spokesman warned of possible retaliation,

but also said Russia would hold off on a response until the sanctions become law—

which requires President Trump's sign-off.

Ohio executed Ronald Phillips today—

the state's first execution since January 2014,

when it took Dennis McGuire 26 minutes to die.

State officials had put executions on hold since then,

as they tried to obtain new lethal injection drugs,

but there were no reports of complications today.

Phillips was given the death penalty

for the 1993 rape and murder of his girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter.

Police in Minneapolis will now have to activate their body cameras during every call for service,

or any activity that officers initiate themselves.

The policy goes into effect Saturday.

It comes after an officer shot and killed Justine Damond,

who had called 911 to report a possible sexual assault.

Neither officer who responded had his body camera turned on at the time of the shooting.

— What good is a camera if it is not being used when it may be needed the most?

— The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission

has identified the men who dragged a live shark behind a boat in a video that's sparked widespread outrage.

The names were withheld pending an ongoing investigation,

but authorities say it isn't clear if the men broke any laws.

Washington is in the grips of the most intense fights over health care in eight years—

and it hasn't been going great for the ruling Republicans.

So this morning,

President Trump changed the subject in typical fashion,

sending out a raft of harsh tweets

announcing a total ban on trans people serving in the military.

The move upends a careful process begun during the Obama administration

to figure out how to integrate trans men and women into the fighting forces.

Two years ago,

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced

that the Pentagon would look for a way to end its ban on trans personnel.

In June of last year,

the Defense Department released a study from the RAND Corporation,

finding that thousands of transgender people were probably already serving,

and that allowing them to do so openly wouldn't have a big impact on cost or readiness.

With those findings in hand,

Carter officially ended the ban—

and said the DOD would pay for medical transitions for trans personnel.

Pentagon officials have admitted they had no idea that today's reversal was coming.

Neither did the ranks of trans soldiers and officers currently in uniform.

— At every level of the military,

there is complete confusion about

what the President's announced ban on transgender service members

will actually mean.

Will it lead to the expulsion of the thousands of trans people on active duty,

permanently disqualify trans cadets working toward commission from the military academies,

or bring back the days of "Don't Ask Don't Tell"?

No one really knows.

I asked the Pentagon for comment,

but Director of Defense Press Operations Captain Jeff A. Davis

said he knew nothing more than what was on the President's Twitter.

He released a statement referring all questions to the White House

and promising clarification later on.

Sue Fulton is a former army captain who's advocated for LGBT service members.

She's the first openly gay member of the board of West Point,

and she told me she feels the ban is a betrayal of the the principle

that all qualified people should be able to serve:

— I'll tell you what's interesting:

the service members are reacting with alarm.

But what's even more interesting is we're hearing over and over

that their chain of command,

the commanders, officers, and NCOs above them,

are outraged.

They are reassuring the service members, "We will fight for you."

They are reassuring the service members that policy isn't made with a tweet.

These soldiers have been downrange with their buddies who came out last year as transgender,

and they will have each others backs—

because that's what troops do.

— The military is the number one employer of transgender people in the U.S.,

and if they're discharged, the departures could impact units across the military's missions.

I spoke with Cathrine Schmid,

a transgender officer on active duty in the army,

who stressed that she was speaking with us as a private citizen.

What level of uncertainty does this bring for you personally?

— Very little is ever certain, in my job field.

We have to be prepared to roll with the punches, so to speak.

One thing the military has taught me

is how to deal with uncertain situations and carry on with what I need to do.

— How do you think this is going to affect various units and the military as a whole?

— There are thousands of us spread throughout the service.

We have helicopter pilots, we have drill sergeants,

we are represented in every aspect of military service.

As is well known, we can't afford to lose thousands of troops.

If we are declared to be unfit to serve,

then the military as a whole will be worse off without us.

— And what do you think is next for you?

— If I am not performing my duties, then I'm just proving them right.

And so, my current attitude is that I am resolved

to fulfill my responsibilities, to perform my duties,

as a non-commissioned officer in the United States Army,

and to carry on until such time as I receive new marching orders.

— Just 40 minutes after tweeting out the trans ban,

Trump returned to Twitter to rain fire on one of his favorite new targets—

his own Attorney General, and ardent supporter,

Jeff Sessions.

Trump lashed out at Sessions for not firing acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe,

who Trump thinks is in the pocket of "Crooked Hillary."

This just a day after telling the world he was disappointed in Sessions,

and two days after calling him, quote, "beleaguered."

You'd think Sessions would've thrown in the towel by now.

But there are good reasons why he might not want to.

Alexandra Jaffe explains.

— Here's the thing about beleaguered Jeff Sessions:

he's actually the President's most successful cabinet secretary—

even after getting caught lying about his contacts with Russia.

In less than five months on the job,

he's revived the War on Drugs,

rolled back certain Obama-era LGBTQ protections,

and gotten tougher on illegal immigration.

The latest example:

Yesterday, the Justice Department announced

localities seen as sanctuary cities wouldn't be eligible for some federal funds.

Another promise achieved.

Sessions has so much momentum

that former Obama administration officials are really concerned:

— One of the things that strikes me is that

Jeff Sessions has been able to be extremely effective

even while operating under a cloud of suspicion.

But it hasn't slowed him down.

He's been able to turn the department around,

change litigating positions on extremely important cases,

and redirect federal prosecutors in ways that are ultimately not going to make us safer,

but are going to balloon our federal prison population.

— These have been priorities for Sessions, an ultra-conservative immigration hardliner,

for his entire career.

— Every one of our citizens,

no matter who they are or where they live,

has the right to be safe in their homes and in their communities—

safe from gangs, and rapists, and carjackers, and drug dealers.

— So why would he ever willingly give that opportunity up?

Trump could, of course, just fire Sessions—

there's been a lot of talk about that here in D.C.

The thinking is that Trump's endgame is to axe Sessions

and replace him with someone who will fire Bob Mueller,

the special counsel leading the Russia investigation.

Sessions can't, because he recused himself from everything related to the inquiry.

But any new, friendlier, AG Trump would appoint

would need Senate approval.

And the first question at that nominee's confirmation hearing would be:

"Will you commit to preserving the independence of the Russia investigation?"

Even with a Republican majority,

no candidate would get confirmed without making that promise.

And you may have heard the term "recess appointment" thrown around—

a way for the President to circumvent the entire confirmation process while Congress is on break.

That wouldn't work, either—

because Congress could use procedural moves to avoid going into recess in the first place.

Democrats are already hinting they'd do just that.

So if Trump fired Sessions,

he'd probably be stuck with an acting Attorney General—

the current Deputy, Rod Rosenstein,

who appointed the special counsel in the first place.

Could Trump fire him?


But that would be so politically dangerous that even a reckless president—

even Donald Trump—

would pay a steep political price for even trying it.

— Members of Congress have moved to strengthen a funding ban that targets abortion across the globe,

by including it in a foreign aid bill that they sent to the House floor this week.

The measure would shore up the Trump administration's so-called "global gag rule."

It's a policy that prohibits American aid dollars from going to any health organization

that advocates, studies or even mentions a need for safe abortion.

The effects are already being felt in the African nation of Malawi,

where advocates say women need more access to the medical procedure.

— This song is part of a campaign to prevent deaths from unsafe abortion.

The procedure is illegal in Malawi,

so many women go to a local witch doctor, or try to abort at home.

When these women come down with infections and bleeding,

which happens often,

they come to the female ward.

The district hospital in Kasungu is the only one serving about 600,000 people.

— Sylvester Zimba is a nurse at the female ward of the hospital who specializes in post-abortion care.

— So what is an example of an object that you might find?

— So you're keeping their secret.

— The penalty for having an abortion is 14 years in prison.

But a proposed bill would decriminalize abortion

in cases of rape and incest, fetal anomaly, and mental health.

Chrispine Sibande, the National Director at IPAS,

a nonprofit that fights for safe abortion worldwide,

is leading the charge on the bill.

He says Donald Trump just made his job a lot harder:

— Three days into the Trump administration,

the President signed a policy that blocks money

to any international group that so much as mentions abortion.

Reproductive rights activists call it the "global gag rule."

Every Republican president since Ronald Reagan has enforced the policy,

but the Trump administration went much further:

the so-called gag rule affects all $8.8 billion of U.S. global healthcare assistance.

— But the opposition to Malawi's abortion bill has cheered Trump's support for the funding ban,

including these Christian activists:

— Pastor Nick Chakwera is a leading opponent of the bill.

— Many of the groups who stand to lose U.S. government funds

for, quote, "promoting" abortion

say they won't back down.

That includes the Family Planning Association of Malawi,

which runs birth control clinics across the country.

— So it's birth control,

it's antibiotics against sexually transmitted infections,

HIV treatment.

That all goes away.

— Yes.

— In Lilongwe, Malawi's capital, alone,

Mbendera estimates that 600,000 women will lose access to birth control because of the Trump policy.

Advocates know what's going to happen next:

Under the Bush-era gag rule,

abortion rates actually rose in sub-Saharan Africa.

— It will definitely increase the number of criminal abortions that will occur,

and therefore increase the number of patients that we have here,

and increasing the maternal mortality.

— So, less money for family planning groups,

if they choose to advocate for safe abortion, equals…

— More unwanted pregnancies.

More unplanned pregnancies.

More illegal abortions.

More maternal mortality rates.

— More women dying. — Yes.

— Sylvester Zimba, the nurse,

can barely keep up with the number of women who are already having unsafe abortions.

He knows it's about to get worse.

The gag rule isn't supposed to affect emergency care.

— But in May,

Zimba was told that because of the Trump administration's policy,

he was losing his USAID funding anyway.

— So when you hear the US government say, "This is a pro-life policy,"

what's your reaction?

— Fighting between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police

continued in East Jerusalem last night,

in the deadliest violence the city has seen in more than two years.

Early Tuesday morning,

Israeli authorities removed disputed metal detectors from outside al-Aqsa Mosque.

The installation of the censors almost two weeks ago

triggered mass demonstrations by Palestinians

and outrage across the Muslim world—

where they were seen as an attempt by Israel to assert control over one of Islam's most important holy sites.

But the protests have shown no signs of subsiding.

Jake Hanrahan has more from Jerusalem.

— As soon as the prayers finished here, in Jerusalem around al-Aqsa Mosque,

the police started firing stun grenades.

The protesters here, you can see them running—

it's absolutely chaos.

— In a conflict with no shortage of sensitivities,

there are few more delicate than those surrounding the al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem.

It's administered by the Palestinians, but access to the compound it's in,

which also contains the sacred Jewish site of Temple Mount,

is managed by Israel.

This isn't the first time it's seen violent clashes.

In 2000, former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's controversial visit to the compound

escalated the tension that led to the Second Intifada.

It's against this historical backdrop

that Netanyahu ordered the installation of metal detectors

after two Israeli policeman were killed outside the Mosque on July 14th.

Jawad Siam is a prominent Palestinian activist.

He's been coming to the site of the Mosque for days now to protest.

Despite the removal of the metal detectors,

Jawad and thousands of Palestinians like him say they'll continue to protest.

— Netanyahu ignored warnings from senior security officials not to install the metal detectors,

egged on by Israel's right-far-right coalition and keen to deflect from a personal political scandal.

After backtracking,

many Israelis are wary of appearing to give in to the Palestinians' demands.

Netanyahu now faces a backlash even from his own party.

— Do you think it was a mistake for Netanyahu to decide to remove the metal detectors?

— The Palestinians say it's about the Israelis trying to control them, and not about security.

— There is a lot that divides Palestinians, but they've been united by this crisis.

Netanyahu's latest demand

that all visitors to the Mosque must be searched before they can enter

is likely keep people on the streets.

— I'm a truck driver for Price Chopper right now, it's a local company.

I'm gonna have my breakfast coffee, and then I'm gonna go.

Don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed.

I don't think you're going to be going to bed before Mommy leaves.

Make sure you help Jeff clean up and put everything away.

I'll miss you.

Bye, honey!

Love you.

I leave the house at 9, I clock-in at 10.

Drivers can work 14 hours on-duty, 11 hours driving.

They can send me a really long dispatch, or I could do a bunch of short ones.

I became a truck driver because I was a 19-year-old single mom.

Trucking has provided me with financial stability.

It has made me a financial provider for my son.

I would say being local is almost harder on the driver than over-the-road,

because when you're over-the-road,

all there is to do is sleep when you're not working,

so it's real easy to get your rest.

When you're local, your family's expecting you.

But you have an obligation to get your rest before you drive this massive vehicle.

And then there are the people who think,

because I'm a female, I have it easy,

which is not true.

When I was in a sleeper cab for a different company,

I was outside the produce market and the manager of the receiver was saying,

"You must get so lonely in that truck, how about you come out to dinner with me,"

"and you can use my house to shower if you want."

I declined, and I had to keep going back there.

Because I declined, he wouldn't unload my trailer.

He'd make me sit there and wait, and make me the last truck.

We're heading to the warehouse.

We're going to drop it in a door so that the warehouse workers can unload it.

They're going to clean up the trailer,

it's gonna go back in the line to be filled again for another dispatch.

There's really no one to call at 3 in the morning.

All you have is a radio.

That's one bad thing about working nights,

but everyone knows that driving the truck is easier at night.

It's open roads.

I don't know about the future.

Drones are never going to be delivering the palates of food.

That's not happening.

It's not gonna apply in my lifetime.

I know our lifestyle, and we're not going to be able to advance if I lose this, so...

My license is my resume.

I treat it seriously, I take the job seriously.

It's a good feeling, having a career.

No one's gonna stop me from giving my son the life he deserves.

I'll find a way.

— Oh my gosh.

— This is cool.

— Arcade Fire consistently delivers.

It's strong.

I hear the ABBA.

— I think it's great.

Now more than ever, it reminds me of "Dancing Queen."

But whatever.

That's a good song, and this is a good song,

and it's a solid song.

— Is this Cheap Trick?

— He's been really nice to us, Alice.

— Now, it's hard to, like, judge the music,

because you're thinking of the man, and he's…

a fine human being.

He's come a long way.

— This, to me, I didn't mind.

It seemed high-level.

There is some cool lyrics in there, when you can understand them.

It was buried a little bit, but…

— Who is it?

— Shabazz Palaces.

— Shabazz Palaces?

That's a cool name, shit.

"So c'mon down to Shabazz Palaces Chevrolet."

— It's cool, it's heavy on the "Five Years" Bowie, you know?

I never know how I feel about those kind of things.

We try not to go that far, as far as they went, with that.

— I like a record with passion.

And this definitely has passion.

I almost thought it was "Five Years," though.

— It's still "Five Years."

— Still "Five Years."

— That's VICE News Tonight for Wednesday, July 27th.

For more infomation >> American Truck Driver & Trump's Trans Ban: VICE News Tonight Full Episode (HBO) - Duration: 27:40.


MISSION HLÁŠKY (pri natáčani) - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> MISSION HLÁŠKY (pri natáčani) - Duration: 5:08.


【HQMV】Monster (LDN Noise Creeper Bass Remix) // Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa【BKOトリオ】 - Duration: 1:33.

You can call me monster (monster)

I'm creeping in your heart babe

I'll flip you over, break you down, and swallow you up

I'll steal you and indulge in you

I'm gonna mess you up

I'm engraved in your heart

So even if I die, I'll live forever

(Come here girl)

You call me monster

I'll go into your heart

You can call me

London noise

You call me monster

I'll go into your heart

For more infomation >> 【HQMV】Monster (LDN Noise Creeper Bass Remix) // Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa【BKOトリオ】 - Duration: 1:33.


Dispatch - "Only The Wild Ones" [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:19.

♫ Long hair and longer stride

♫ Skateboarding afair with a primal tribe

♫ In your cutoff painted pants

♫ Charging down the craggy mountains

♫ With our thrift store friends

♫ who you find so,

♫ So in love with the falling earth

♫ Oh you wake in the middle of the falling night

♫ With the summer playing coy

♫ In the attics of the city night

♫ We talked corso and the MC5

♫ You could dance like

♫ We were all alright

♫ And only the wild ones

♫ Give you something and never want it back

♫ Oh the riot and the rush of the warm night air

♫ Only the wild ones are the ones you can never catch

♫ Stars are up now no place to go

♫ But everywhere

♫ One I met in the green mountain state

♫ I dropped out, and he moved away

♫ Heard he got some land down south

♫ Changed his name to a name the birds could pronounce

♫ And only the wild ones,

♫ give you something and never want it back

♫ Oh the riot and the rush of the warm night air

♫ Only the wild ones, are the ones you can never catch

♫ Stars are up now no place to go but everywhere

♫ No place to go but everywhere

♫ And in the city the mayor said

♫ Those who dance are all misled

♫ So you packed your things and moved to the other coast

♫ Said you gonna be like Charlie Rose

♫ Only the wild ones,

♫ give you something and never want it back

♫ Oh the riot and rush of the warm night air

♫ Only the wild ones, are the ones you can never catch

♫ Stars are up now no place to go but everywhere

♫ Only the wild ones,

♫ Give you something and never want it back

♫ Oh the riot and rush of the warm night air

♫ Only the wild ones, are the ones you can never catch

♫ Stars are up now no place to go but anywhere

♫ Mmm, mmm

♫ Mmm

(music fades)

For more infomation >> Dispatch - "Only The Wild Ones" [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:19.


Japan Opens 'Spamusement Park' - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Japan Opens 'Spamusement Park' - Duration: 0:56.


Rührend: Hier singen Coldplay für Chester Bennington (†41) - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Rührend: Hier singen Coldplay für Chester Bennington (†41) - Duration: 1:37.


ODD SQUAD | Snack Rounding | PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:51.

or just circles.

There's gotta be another pattern.

-Where's Ohlm? -Getting snacks.

And he better not come back empty-handed.

-I came back empty-handed. -Why?!

It's not my fault your order was wrong.

My order is perfect!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What happened?

Orchid said to get eighteen apples

and fifteen hot chocolates from the break room.

But Oksana only hands them out in groups of ten.

Orchid, does Ohlm have to get you

the exact amount of snacks you want?

As long as he brings me somethin'.

[Otis] So Ohlm, just round up or down to the nearest ten.

[Ohlm] What's rounding?

[Otis] This is rounding.

Look, here's a number line from ten to twenty.

Eighteen's closer to twenty,

so you can round up to twenty apples.

What about the fifteen hot chocolates?

It's right in the middle.

If a number ends in five,

you give it a nudge and round up.

So fifteen becomes twenty hot chocolates.

Alright, I'll go back down there.

Ohlm, stay. We have to focus.

If we don't solve this, you're both going back to the Academy.


Alright. We looked at shapes.

Why don't we look at numbers?

The villain stole two of these,

four of these, two of these, and four of these.

The villain is only stealing even numbers!

Even what?

An even number's an number that can be

equally split into two groups.

And four and two are both even.

We did it! We solved the case!

No, we didn't solve it. This is just a good clue.

I know who did it.

Please don't make up another villain.

I got nothin' then.

I've an idea-- Even Steven. He loves even numbers!

Looks like we have to pay him a visit.


For more infomation >> ODD SQUAD | Snack Rounding | PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:51.


Охотник за разумом (1 сезон) — Русский трейлер (2017) - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Охотник за разумом (1 сезон) — Русский трейлер (2017) - Duration: 2:09.


Лидерство / Лидерство в управлении - Duration: 14:38.

Hello Youtube!

With you, Mikhail Snitko, and the theme of this video is leadership.

What is leadership?

Leadership is the ability to influence a person without the use of authority.

What is this impact?

Leadership is always the impact of a person on a person.

The fact is that in people's relations, there are always two levels, role and personality,

where each person is always in one or another role.

What is the personal level?

This is the level of emotion.

Every person is a person, any person has his own personal characteristics, character, habits,

some social experience.

What is the essence?

The fact is that the person has many roles, but the personality is always the same.

If the role level answers the question of what is happening in a particular situation,

then the personal level answers the question, how does this happen?

When we talk about leadership, we mean the impact on the person's level of a person,

without regard to the level of the role, solely by personality on the person.

When it comes to management, what is added to the role level?

For example, is there a leader who has a role as a director, that, besides a post, can support

his role level?

In this case, the role level is reinforced by some kind of control system, of course,

if it exists.

In other words, there is always some kind of regulation behind the role.

What determines the role level?

It is defined by powers, job descriptions, corporate structure, etc.

What determines the level of personality?

Where does one person get an idea of another person?

It is distributed as follows: 55% is a person's non-verbal behavior.

What does the non-verbal mean?

These are body signals and 38% is the design of speech.

It turns out that one person gets information about another person by 55% using visual contact

and by 38% with the help of hearing, the rest 7% is the content of speech.

Let's decipher what will be included in these 55%.

What are the parameters in which one person sees the other, decides who is in front of

him, and how to behave with him?

The elements of a person's visual assessment include gestures, body position, leg position,

head position, facial expressions, eye contact, appearance and distance.

With regard to the design of speech, what does it include?

The design of speech includes - tempo, timbre, emotionality, loudness, articulation, intonation

and the number of semantic blocks.

The fact is that many elements of speech processing depend on the internal state.

Often the influence of the speech of the leader on subordinates is ineffective, for the reason

that he does not correctly formulate his communication.

Why is it important to be able to formulate your speech correctly?

It is in the way a person speaks and makes up 93% of the meaning.

There are two key aspects that are fundamentally important: open and closed poses.

What is closeness?

This is protection.

Why is it important?

The fact is that any closeness, even if it is comfortable for a person, is subconsciously

perceived by another person as alertness, lie and insecurity.

It does not matter why a person is in a closed position, the reaction of another person to

a closed posture, is always subconsciously perceived with alertness.

Therefore, if the task is to make the right impression, it is impossible to communicate

in a closed posture categorically.

Therefore, if the manager intends to make the right impression on someone, he should

forget about closed poses forever.

It is also important to understand that the nonverbal is connected with the internal state,

and the internal state is directly related to the nonverbal - this is like two communicating


You can adjust the internal state and this will affect the nonverbal and vice versa,

you can adjust the nonverbal, and it will affect our internal state.

There is such an expression of the eye - the mirror of the soul.

When we meet another person with our eyes, we can understand a lot about a person.

But what is the problem of eye contact?

The fact is that most people are not used to eye contact.


Learning through eye contact is something about a person, we discover ourselves.

In most cases, people try to avoid eye contact, but to have the right effect on a person,

to exert a leadership influence, eye contact is always necessary, and eye contact is stable.

What does stable mean?

To look a person in the eye for up to 2-3 seconds and not to mimic.

How is the education of a leader?

It always happens through a change in the properties of the character.

Because any attempt to master some superficial techniques, with a real life of collision

will not survive.

Therefore, without changing the character, learning something is useless.

Each person has a so-called security center.

What is this center?

This is the system that is responsible for our security.

The fact is that the instinct of self-preservation has not been canceled yet.

Because a person, like all living things, seeks to preserve his life.

Therefore, in order to preserve our life, we must have a certain center that is responsible

for security.

Why is it important to understand?

The point is to start working on people, it is important to first understand yourself

as a person.

Because if the manager does not understand how the other person works, he can not be

managed by other people.

As you know, most grievances of grief leaders are directed, not to themselves, but to subordinates.

Why is it so?

All the salt is that a person can control another person solely through his behavior.

Man controls others by controlling himself.

Because the management of other people is always carried out through their actions.

Therefore, the behavior of employees is always a reflection of the behavior of the manager.

The leader manages other people through his actions, so it's not about how to make employees

shame, but about how you can behave depending on what he wants to get out of the way, and

people in turn will be on it one way or another Way to respond.

If people do not respond or respond, but not how the leader wants, this problem is not

in people, but in the leader.

Because the key to managing other people is in ourselves, regulating our behavior, we

achieve the correct behavior of other people.

But how many leaders do they want?

How to make it so that the staff changed, but I did not change.

How can I do that?

The answer is no.

Therefore, the issue of managing other people is always the answer to the question, how

to manage yourself?

Everyone has a security center.

What does the security center do?

He makes an assessment of the people around us, about how to behave?

What determines the danger or safety of a person?

From his right or wrong behavior.

Assessing the surrounding people, our body builds a kind of social behavior, thanks to

which it remains alive, i.e.

His society does not eat.

Actually, the center of human security is engaged in the evaluation of those who surround

us, forming a certain pattern of behavior.

How does it work, for example, in negotiations?

People, communicating with each other, on a subconscious level, are actually tuned to

mutual behavior.

Is it good or bad?

If you understand how this works, you can influence this, depending on the context,

forming the model of behavior that will properly rebuild the interlocutor.

But let's analyze this idea in a management context.

In management there is such an axiom - the head has the right to make a subjective decision.

What does it mean?

He, in whose authority the regulations are, has the right, at his own discretion, to apply

them or not to apply.

Employee, having committed a violation, may fall under the rules, and the head has the

right to decide whether the situation deserves the application of the regulation or not.

It turns out that the application of the regulations is not mandatory, if the owner of the regulation

so decided.

Because not every offense of a subordinate deserves punishment.

Therefore, it is the prerogative of the owner of the regulation to decide whether the culprit

is punishable or not.

It is also important for the leader to be able to cause the subordinate to cause pain.

What does it mean?

If the employee behaves correctly - the leader is respectful and complacent, if the employee

behaves illegitimately and provocatively, the head immediately turns around the right

side to the employee, and produces the necessary administrative impact.

When all is well, the leader is affectionate and benevolent, but as soon as an employee

admits an unlawful action - the head instantly makes a corrective effect, and then returns

to the former friendly behavior pattern.

Also, one of the main management tools, is the moral impact, both positive and negative.

Often a leader suffers either one or the other side.

It is also very important for the leader to be able to positively adjust his subordinates,

share information, talk about prospects, and show attention to the person's personality.

Most of the problematic issues the manager should be able to solve without the use of

punishing regulations.

The company must necessarily be punishing regulations, when specific penalties are used

for certain offenses.

But the manager, who is a professional, not a tyrant, uses these tools practically.

A competent leader knows how to keep employees in subordination without it, he can rely on

it, but not use it.

As, the gun that hangs on the wall, but from which they shoot in exceptional cases.

The cases of the shot are known, gunpowder sometimes smells in the office, everyone knows

that the gun is working, but to fire right and left, a wise leader can not afford it.

If the leader is not deprived of the mind, he simply does not allow his employees to

act deserving punishment, he builds the form of the relationship in such a way that they

do not have an idea, commit any offense.

Let's look at an example of delays.

Many people are not violators in spirit, they often fall into a situation where there is

a certain lack of resources.

For example, an employee wants to do something, but various circumstances interfere, because

according to the law of the economy - resources are always limited.

In such cases, time trouble, each person begins to set priorities, he begins to choose where

to strain, and where you can relax, because it is impossible to strain simultaneously

in all places.

If you take some average employee, then in the morning before going to work, a person

is always in a position of choice - to sleep a little longer or get up early, but the way

to come to work in time is known to everyone.

What is the problem?

The problem is to strain, for example, to get up early or convince yourself to do something,

while having to give up something.

Often people choose for themselves a situation of a little more comfort, that is, they do

not want to infringe on themselves.

Why is this happening?

Because they believe that they can be late.

In fact, in most cases people do not plan their tardiness.

But why are they late?

They just do not want to properly strain.

A person basically does not mind coming to work on time, if circumstances do not hinder

him, but circumstances prevent him from doing something, but somehow do not interfere, but

the person does not want to strain.

For example, to think about how not to be late for work today is also a strain.

It turns out that a person chooses for himself a certain zone of comfort, while any action

to convince him of something becomes useless.

There is also such a category of terrorist leaders who like to be late, apply to their

employees such punishment as fines.

It turns out some form of corruption, the employee is late, and the company earns it.

In fact, what is required of an employee?

Money to tear off from him or that he came to work on time?

The correct goal of management is to prevent an employee from committing a violation.

Therefore, the problem lies in the fact that it never occurred to the person, that it is

possible to arrive late for work.

The task of the manager is to build a model of behavior in which, when an employee thinks

that there is a probability of being late, he starts to run to work at a gallop.

The leader's behavioral model is not that he thinks how to punish a person, but how

to make it so that the employee does not want to commit an act that can lead to punishment.

Leaders, if necessary, it is important to learn the art, to make the conversation unpleasant

for your employee.

What is it for?

To the employee again to participate in such conversation the desire did not arise.

It turns out that the subordinate begins to learn both the light and the dark side of

his boss, and he wants to communicate with his bright side and extremely do not want

to deal with the dark.

It is also important to understand when the situation deserves correction, the purpose

of such a corrective conversation with the employee is that the person, in the process

of conversation with the manager, should realize what is his mistake and understand how to

act next time.

An extremely important point for the employee to realize what the violation is.

It is also important that he on this occasion experienced a negative emotion.

The art is that the employee experienced negative emotions, but could not be offended.

What is the problem of resentment?

Resentment does not force a person to reconsider their own behavior.

The fact is that if a subordinate decides that this asshole is always not happy, then

a person will not reconsider his behavior ever.

Resentment is in fact a kind of fuse.

How it works?

Being offended, a person thereby relieves himself of the need to evaluate himself.

The person starts to think, once everything is to blame, then I'm fine, so you can not

change anything in yourself.

To cause pain and hurt are different things.

What does it mean to hurt?

This makes you comprehend the act, induce a person to introspection, in which he was


To offend is to insult a person when his ego suffers damage.

The task of the manager is to learn how to introduce the employee into this circle of

revision of his mistakes.

The purpose of the painful impact, so that a person comprehended his own behavior, was

upset about this, understood that he behaved incorrectly and made appropriate conclusions.

It is also important for the leader to be flexible at the personal level and hard at

the role level.

What does it mean, flexible at the personal level?

This does not mean that rudeness and familiarity are allowed.

Since the manager has more responsibility, greater authority, greater knowledge, it is

important for him to be wisely indulgent to human actions, which do not fall under the


The leader can explain his decision, but he is

not obliged to do this.

He also does not have to prove his decision.


Proving - weak.

He can explain his decision, he sells his decision to the employee, that is, explaining

his decision, he is counting on the human mind.

Often the explanation is perceived by subordinates as dependence.

Such employees, believe that since his leader starts his decision to explain to him, then

there is the opportunity to challenge him.

Entering into such a conversation, the leader is important to be extremely sensitive.

Because such attempts are important to suppress on the vine.

The role of management is to prevent events.

Because a wise manager does not allow the actions of subordinates, for which he will

have to, then punish them.

On this optimistic note, I propose this video to be rounded off.

Therefore, I want to wish you professional success, inexhaustible inspiration and more


Subscribe to my channel, express your point of view in the comments, put a husky and see

you in the following videos.


For more infomation >> Лидерство / Лидерство в управлении - Duration: 14:38.


Nail Boutique Owner Grows Business In Baltimore | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> Nail Boutique Owner Grows Business In Baltimore | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 11:22.


What to Wear to a Film Shoot Please Turn On Closed Captioning - Duration: 12:35.

Hello This is Seth Welling and welcome to the vlog. Please excuse the fan having the

ceiling fan be on cause it's so hot today! I have a new vlog today, obviously and I don't

know what I'm gonna call it. Maybe extraneous film stuff or well, I'll just start. This

vlog is about all the other stuff you need on a film shoot. I have my notes. Cause everyone

talks about cameras and gear and extra batteries and having quarters to you know. mess around

with your tripod if you need to mount your camera on a different tripod. Coins will probably

do it for you. I just had to do it with my Sirui tripod. I'm never sure of how to say

that. But Coins. And pens. But what they don't talk about well, Film Riot does but the other

photography vlogs don't talk about altogether stuff you need on a shoot. So here we go.

The first thing I would suggest is a pair of good shoes or boots. These are my favorite

boots. Obviously they're a little scuffed. But these are Asolo. I don't know but they're

just Way expensive. But these are what people use to hike the Appalachian Trail or you know.

the Alps. They're made in Romania. Always get the ones that are made in Romania not

made in China because Romanians and other Europeans hike. Chinese may not hike. But

they don't have a history of hiking like the Europeans. This one has a Vibram sole.

Whoops My face. A Vibram sole. And it's my favorite sole. I've stood on these for

sixteen hours - no foot pain. It's got a steel shank running down through it because

it is a hiking boot. And this makes it to the shoot every time because it's waterproof.

You can stand on it for an extended period of time and they're better than my sneakers.

And, moving on. Pants. I like to wear. I like to wear, well these are LL Bean but well just,

these have comfort waist. They stretch and you know. When you're on a film shoot you

want to be comfortable because you're reaching and bending and putting up lights and tripods

and doing all kinds of things. But looking down in you bag for another battery or whatever.

Comfort waist pants stretch with you. You can put a belt on. You probably should be

wearing a belt anyway because going to a film shoot, especially if you're being paid for

a shoot, you'll want to look professional, a little more professional. So if you think

the jeans are too casual, they make comfort waists in khaki pants and no one will ever

know. Yup, so. Comfort Waist. I'm wearing one of my many aloha shirts and I always wear

an aloha shirt because on days like this it is hot. And when you're on a film set with

the lights, well the LED lights are pretty good. They don't give off much heat. But

when I was working with the soft boxes with the fifteen hundred watt lights, oh boy that

was some hot film work. And, you know. this breathes and it looks a little bit more presentable

than a t shirt. You know. you have a collar. And if you spilll food on it, it'll wipe

right off. And all my shirts and pants and whatever are Scotchguarded because you know,

if you're on an airplane, drink comes right off. IF you're at a wedding. it comes right

off. IT doesn't make you look like you have huge food stains, or whatever stains on your

clothing. When people are looking at you. maybe want to hire you for wedding? You know,

bar mitzvah whatever- you want to look like you know what you're doing and it's okay

to be a little artier if you're a photographer or a filmmaker, wedding video photographer

because they expect you to be a little arty. But with the aloha shirt.. When I bend and

stretch, this is why this button is open. I've been on shoots where my button unbuttons

itself because I'm bending and stretching with film lights and stuff. And chairs and

moving furniture and and then the interview subject comes in so blue tape. I know people

use gaf tape but blue tape is painter's tape. It's an oxymoron but it's not really

sticky. It comes right off. Let's see if I can actually do this and not look foolish.

Yeah, see so it comes right off. But when it sticks on, it holds your buttons in place

and it looks well it looks a little bit unusual but then, you're Arty! You know? Maybe you

can put it on the placard right under here and just stick it there and make it double

sided: make a loop and just stick. But I like to stick it over the buttons because the button

is the actual weak spot. So, oh yeah I also bring a t shirt because film sets are hot.

And you're under pressure, you know? You're hot. Sometimes the sun is out so maybe you

should bring a hat. Especially if the hat is branded with your company logo. Some people

wear polo shirts but you know, hats do it too. Have free advertising. That was good,

so yeah. So with it being hot: body spray. And this is cheap cheap body spray. Don't

spoil your CK1 unless you want to smell like CK1 during your shoot, This is musky smelling

or if you're a woman, well you know what to get. Just cheap Walmart stuff because it's

better than smelling like a Wookie. Do not smell like a Wookie on a film shoot. Number

one. Anything is better. Just don't spray it all around so you don't smell like a

perfume department or you're just wafting. But you just want to keep the stench to a

minimum. And I'm pretty sure that's all we have for today. so thank you for your time.

If you like this video, like and subscribe - Oh Yes, one more thing that I forgot to

write down. Wear a watch. And I don't have an apple watch or a Galaxy Gear or whatever.

I have a watch. It's a pretty cheap Tag. You don't have to buy a Tag. Just go to

well maybe not Walmart but just get like a Seiko or something that looks good because

watches are are really the most acceptable jewelry that men wear. And people want to

see you and make sure you're not wearing a Casio or something or at least a Nice Casio.

They want to see a little bling- casual bling/ IT may help you - they may think you're

put together. Think about the watch, and probably not the Apple watch This battery? I change

it about once every year and a half. I've had this for about four years. It's a used

watch. I didn't buy it new but no one knows that but you. You want a watch because you

know, time Oh, bouquet tossing, you know? First kiss. Whatever. Nieces and nephews pictures

in half an hour. You know you don't want your watch to die when you're on the clock.

Literally. Make sure that your watch doesn't fail you. So I think that's truly the end

of the video.

For more infomation >> What to Wear to a Film Shoot Please Turn On Closed Captioning - Duration: 12:35.


Necrocareer: One day in a life of a shop assistant in a DVD-store - Duration: 21:02.

-Hello -Hi

-So, shall we go? -Let's go!

I'd like to tell a couple of words about this place

I have been living here for five years now

and all of these places appeared here not so long ago.

They opened Burger King, KFC, etc.

People hang around here to have a bite mostly.

Previously, here used to be less people.

But this place was here since forever.

Pizza Foot... I've never been there.

I like KFC. I go there occasionally.

And I never new there is a book store over there.

This is another part of a ritual

If it isn't a bus number 50 it is subway.

Well, here we go.

"Frundzenskaya" metro station.

The road isn't that interesting.

As I was saying if I don't catch a bus I go to the subway

And here I go through this yard, pass the playground

This is the shop.

Earlier it was "Yubileyniy"

Now it is "Sosedi" but I don't care.

I like to smoke here.

From time to time cats, dogs and other cute creatures pass through here.

"How often people come here and don't buy anything?"

-Almost every time.

I can't say this place is crouded

But it depends

Mostly kids come here

They come here while their parents are doing shoppling

And kids... They aren't interested in that

They come here and look at discs, cartoons and stuff

They walk around and look

And if you approach them they run off or say "No no! I don't need anything. Just looking"

Mostly kids

Sometimes adults but you can understand just by looking at them why they are here

You start to see who is here to buy and who is here to look

About 70 present of people here aren't buying anything here

They are waiting to meet somebody here or simply looking

Some people take a picture of a window case and then download from torrents.

So this guy over here comes here often

about 2 or 3 times per month.

He does the same strange thing everytime

He takes the discs he already looked at

Opens them

And looks at the front of it

Not like this to check if the disc is scratched

No! Just on the front of the disc

I find this ritual weird

But still, something else to look at

Some things I definitely can't understand

- He was window shopping for a long time and finally bought something


He did bought something

I thought he never will

Actually I see it this way-

He looked at discs

In Warhammer 40k Universe psykers had a similar ritual

The idea is that you are not choosing a weapon but rather a weapon chooses you

He came and looked

You and your weapon should be spiritually one

This is why Abandon lost all of this thirteen crusades

The sword didn't listen to him

And a boy here found what he was looking for

"Edge of Tomorrow" Not a bad choice!

Tom Cruse doesn't appear in crap

This job is perfect for me

I don't break a sweat

Bosses that annoy you and stand around, simply don't exist

If he needs something we both have phones

I have a lot of time to deal with personal business

The demand on the goods is low. Stress is low as well.

I can play some games, watch some videos with some cool drummers

I can watch some videos with some video games

That my PC will never be able to run and this place will never carry just because

It is somewhat cozy here

You can write something

I do occasionally write different stuff


Even this gets boring


It can't be good forever

I work on these kinds of jobs for quite some time

Before that...

Before that I worked in a same kind of a shop but it was bigger and in another shopping mall

Closer to where I live

Difference is drammatic


Here the shop is smaller

Showcase is glazed and everything is smaller

In the previous shop it was a proper pavilion

What I like about this new place is more or less understanding management

Here it isn't an old idiot

With mentality of someone from the Soviet Union

That thinks that everything that doesn't look like her

Degenerative, bad, disgusting and guilty by default

Conflicts appeared out of nowhere

Problems with the cash register were written off on me. Bad sales- on my looks

The looks of the shop assistant!

I do understand that it is also important

But I believe that if someone, or even if I want to buy something

I don't care who sells it to me


Of course if those are not Dalits from Mumbai with their skin pouring down their bodies

But I don't look like one, do I?

From the other standpoint both jobs are dead

But still just as a reminder

They didn't like...

They didn't like a hairy freak

And hired a clean young man in a suit. And you know what he did?

Stole around 18 million old rubles ($900) from the shop

And ran off! Where you might ask?

I don't care about that! I just had a laugh.

But really one shouldn't laugh, but rather cry.

It was in 2014 but they are still judging by the cover...

Conflicts in this shop


Is another of my favorite subjects

I enjoy looking at them so to say

Sometimes the truth is on the client side and sometimes on the shop assistant's

Second is more common

You know...

You know there are always people that believe they are always the centers of the universe

And we all know they are very wrong

Sometimes those people come here and start screaming, being noisy

Provoke the security, cashiers

For example yesterday a gentleman was very disappointed with

I am not really sure what happened

That the cashier took something with bare hands? Or something else?

He was shouting at her, made her hysterical


Why do you do that?

Can someone explain?

Tell me, Yorick

What should we do?

Yorick is silent as you see.

I am also silent.

I don't get it

...don't get it.

Yup. Downloading

And will keep downloading

Everyone loves free stuff

As a whole...

I see it this way-

Physical discs are dying

The only way to earn money on them

is to have 3rd and 4th PlayStation

X-Box- things you can't download

And of course sell quality products

So that people wouldn't be ashamed to pay

"You do sell illegal copies of discs?"


"Do you have licensed copies?"

No licensed copies. No.

It's weird actually, in my old place we had 3 "licenses" and 2 were bought time.


The boss is the boss!

"What do you do when you are not working?"

Well, apart from the job, I have 2 interests

First is music.

I play the drums. I enjoy it a lot.

I even am, sort of, capable of it.

Second interest is simpler-

I love video games.

Enjoy playing sometimes.

Unfortunately don't have a PC of my own yet

so I am playing the games through on YouTube.

And I also watch a lot of drum videos on YouTube

I see myself in the drums

I want to do it, want to push further.

All other things, like games, are nothing but entertainment.

As I already said,

I write my thoughts down, but is it also entertainment for now.

I am still learning the craft.

Still sharpening the skills so to say.

But the results on the drums are already seen and I want to keep moving

While occasional writing takes inspiration to be done

Drumming requires discipline.

This is what want to do and where I see myself.

This is basically the reason I do this job.

Paying for rehearsal space time.

And it is pretty much all I need.

"How much do you earn here?"

Let me put it this way...

Not really that much.

3 million of rubles ($150) for a whole month work and occasional bonus when it is available.

In case I work the whole month. No weekends. No nothing.

It is literally impossible

I am on a my second week with no weekends and I am starting to go mad to be honest.

I need some rest.

"Who takes these kinds of jobs?"

I guess, people who have a situation similar to mine.

Who are not pressured by the rent and bills or...

Who are not motivated by a need to earn as much money as possible to spend it all after that.

I know exactly how much money I need.

Accounting for all my expenditures...

it is enough.

The money i get here. For now.

Also the people who couldn't be bothered with employment take these jobs.

There's no career growth here.

What growth can you expect from a place where there is only you and your boss!

So not career people.

More like mellow people.

People who are mellow in many ways so to say.

Yeah! Mellow people chose these jobs

They are chill about the growth, chill about the money.

People who can bravely carry a banner with the text "Don't bother us!"

Who have their own cockroaches in their heads

that they are more likely breeding, rather than are tying to get rid off.

"What is your idea of happiness?"

Idea of happiness?

One man ones said a smart phase that I can relate to.

"Happiness is a constant feeling of joy"

But after living through some episodes of my own life I understand that

You can't be constantly happy- you get used to it.

And it is no longer a thing it used to be.

If try to make up my own idea of happiness...

For me it is doing what I want more often than doing what I don't want to do

"What is your idea of unhappiness?"

Unhappiness is when you don't know what you want.

"Where do you want to live?"


The place where I currently reside

suits me for now.

I would like to live in this country.

In a one- two room apartment, maybe even renting.

Depends on with whom I will live there.

Pay the rent, so that no one would bother me.

I usually don't bother anyone, so...

But also I'd like to travel for a change rather than moving to another country.

"Who is your favorite hero in real life?"

Real life? Not a character?

Here I can point out 3 people...

First is Pancho Villa

Hero of Mexican Liberation.

The person who is responsible for

Mexico becoming what it is today

I am inspired by his discipline.

He was an old and sick man who gathered a militia that became an army

That managed to fight off both the US troops and the previous overlords of Mexico.

This is the first one.

From the peaceful times...

I am not sure I can call this person "a hero", but...

I respect my late granddad very much.

In some sense I even admire him.

He was a person that deserves respect. His deeds never diverged from words

He knew what he wanted and did what he wanted and did it well.

"What do you love the most?"

Playing drums, of course

Talking to interesting people

Talking with some of my comrades that I always enjoy

I also love keeping myself clean!

But dislike washing my hair!

You may have noticed that.

"What do you hate the most?"

What I hate the most?

I don't like doing what I don't like to do.

Hate doing some senseless stuff

Hate those formalities


At school I hated those public lessons.

Hated those school lines,

When you do something not because it may be beneficial

not because it may be interesting,

but because you "have" to do it.

And if you ask "Why?" they tell you "You have to because you have to!"

I want my actions to have some reason for it.

And everything else can be described by the word "bearable"

Most things don't really trigger such feelings as hatred or anything else.

Most things in life are so passable that they are not worth it... In my opinion...

For more infomation >> Necrocareer: One day in a life of a shop assistant in a DVD-store - Duration: 21:02.


Amber Lee's Weather Forecast (Aug. 2) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Amber Lee's Weather Forecast (Aug. 2) - Duration: 3:09.


Days Recap 8/2/17 "MARLENA IS SENT TO A PSYCHIATRIC FACILITY" Days of Our Lives - Duration: 6:48.

MediaPromos,UCVZqkg8SuFcVwW3iRJhtSjg,Days,Recap,8/2/17,MARLENA IS SENT TO PSYCHIATRIC FACILITY,Days,of,Our,Lives,Days of Our Lives,Days Recap 8/2/17,ays Recap 8/2/17,ys Recap 8/2/17,s Recap 8/2/17,MARLENA IS SENT TO A PSYCHIATRIC,days of our lives,days of our lives recap,days of our lives spoilers,days of our lives full episode,days of our lives preview,days,days video,soap,soap opera,days soap,days soap video

For more infomation >> Days Recap 8/2/17 "MARLENA IS SENT TO A PSYCHIATRIC FACILITY" Days of Our Lives - Duration: 6:48.


Severe Weather Update For Tuesday, Aug 2 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Severe Weather Update For Tuesday, Aug 2 - Duration: 1:27.


Désintoxiquez votre foie à l'aide de ce magnifique jus - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Désintoxiquez votre foie à l'aide de ce magnifique jus - Duration: 2:06.


Montessori for kids | Learn 200 words in English | Body parts, fruits, shapes, colors, numbers - Duration: 10:41.

Montessori for kids - your children learn 200 words in English.

For more infomation >> Montessori for kids | Learn 200 words in English | Body parts, fruits, shapes, colors, numbers - Duration: 10:41.


Stephanie's Horse Carriage

For more infomation >> Stephanie's Horse Carriage


HOW TO assemble the DRS-B dust removal system - Duration: 2:33.

Here at Hilti, we provide you with many options for controlling concrete dust on the jobsite.

Our dust removal systems, or DRS, work with a wide range of our products.

In this video, we will show you how to use your Hilti concrete breaker in conjunction

with our DRS-B attachment and vacuums.

Please refer to OHSA table 1, section 10, for respirator

use guidelines in this application. This process can be replicated with the following tools.

Step 1: Begin by choosing the chuck cap based on the tool model. Refer to the sticker inside

the case when in doubt . TE 500-AVR and 700-AVR take the lined cap. TE 800-AVR, TE 1000-AVR,

and TE 1500-AVR, all take the square patterned chuck cap.

Step 2: Place the chuck cap on the chuck. Then, fit the hose barrel over the chuck cap and close the strap latch.

Step 3: Place the insert into the chuck.

Step 4: Based on the insert chosen, choose the proper shroud and fit over the end of the barrel.

Use the short shroud for pointed and narrow flat chisels and bushing chisels from

11-½ inches up to 15-3/8 inches. Use the long shroud for pointed and narrow flat chisels

and bushing chisels from 15-1/2 inches up to 19-3/4 inches long.

Step 5: Attach your vacuum to the barrel. Once the system is assembled, turn on the

vacuum then the tool to begin use. Check out

Want to know more about your Hilti Vacuum?

Check out our how-to videos on use and maintenance.

We are here to help. Visit us online, or, contact our customer service teams to set up a demonstration.

For more infomation >> HOW TO assemble the DRS-B dust removal system - Duration: 2:33.


Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:51.


Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Ford B-Max - Duration: 0:47.


HOW TO set up and use the DRS-Y dust removal system - Duration: 2:46.

Here at Hilti, we provide you with many options for controlling concrete dust on the jobsite.

Our dust removal systems, or DRS, work with a wide range of our products.

In this video, we will show you how to use your Hilti combihammer in conjunction with DRS-Y and vacuums.

This process can be replicated with the following tools.

Please refer to OSHA table 1 for guidelines on respirator use.

Check section 7 for drilling and section 10 for jackhammering.

Make sure to unplug the tool before you begin assembly.

Step 1: Remove the side handle from the tool by twisting it counter-clockwise.

Step 2: Replace the side handle with the barrel assembly.

The gap in the barrel allows access to the chuck unlocking mechanism.

Screw the side handle clockwise until it is tight.

Note, for certain tool generations, you may need to remove this black ring from the barrel,

in order for the barrel to fit over the tool's nose.

If you are unsure, please contact customer service for assistance.

Step 3: Place your insert inside of the tool chuck.

Step 4: Based on the insert, choose the proper shroud and place it over the end of the barrel.

Use the short or medium head for Pointed and Narrow Flat chisels and bushing chisels up to 15-3/4" in length.

Use the long shroud for chisels between 15-3/4" and 19-1/2" in length.

Use the long collapsible shroud for drill bits up to 2" diameter and 22" in length.

For percussion core bits, use the short collapsible shroud for bits up to 3-9/16"in diameter

and up to 11-1/2" in length.

Step 5: Attach your vacuum hose to the barrel.

Once the system is assembled, turn on the vacuum then the tool to begin use.

Want to know more about how your Hilti Vacuum?

Check out our how to videos on use and maintenance.

We are here to help!

Visit our website for more information about dust removal systems, or, contact our customer

service teams to set up a demonstration.

For more infomation >> HOW TO set up and use the DRS-Y dust removal system - Duration: 2:46.


HOW TO set up and use the DRS-S dust removal system - Duration: 2:48.

Here at Hilti, we provide you with many options for controlling concrete dust on the job site.

Our dust removal systems, or DRS, work with a wide range of our products.

In this video, we will show you how to use your Hilti TE tool in conjunction with your DRS-S and vacuums.

We're using a TE 3-C in this demonstration, but the process is the same for any Hilti TE tool with a depth gauge.

Please refer to OSHA table 1 for guidelines on respirator use.

Check section 7 for drilling.

STEP 1: Begin by removing the tool from the box and fitting the depth gauge.

For any rotary hammer TE 50-AVR and higher, you will need

to use one of the depth gauges sold separately for these tools.

Step 2: Turn the red knob on top of the DRS-S tube counterclockwise to loosen the clamping collar.

Step 3: Insert your drill bit into the chuck.

Step 4: Slide the DRS-S assembly onto the depth gauge from the back of the tool. Turn the red knob clockwise to tighten the clamp.

Step 5: Choose the proper extraction head based on your bit diameters, and fit the head

to the front of the DRS-S assembly. The small head is for drill bit diameters up to ¾ of

an inch, while the larger head is for diameters up to 3-¼ inches.

Step 6: Use these tabs to adjust the starting length of the spring loaded section of the tube. Make sure that

the extraction head is flush with the end of the drill bit, so that no dust falls once

you start drilling. The DRS-S also has a stopping tab, to prevent drilling beyond a specific

depth. Setting the tab will stop the tube from compressing while drilling.

Step 7: Screw on the shroud hose with the proper adapter.

Step 8: Attach your vacuum hose to the shroud hose.

Once the system is assembled, turn on the vacuum then the tool to begin use.

Want to know more about your Hilti Vacuum? Check out our how-to videos on use and maintenance.

We are here to help. Visit us online or, contact our customer service teams to set up a demonstration.

For more infomation >> HOW TO set up and use the DRS-S dust removal system - Duration: 2:48.


Learn Colors With Animals For Children, Bad Baby Cry Colors for Children to Learn Finger Family song - Duration: 2:07.

Learn Colors With Animals For Children, Bad Baby Cry Colors for Children to Learn Finger Family song

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Animals For Children, Bad Baby Cry Colors for Children to Learn Finger Family song - Duration: 2:07.


W杯予選ピンチ…大迫、右足首靱帯損傷で戦列離脱 ケルン監督「時間かかる」 - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> W杯予選ピンチ…大迫、右足首靱帯損傷で戦列離脱 ケルン監督「時間かかる」 - Duration: 4:44.


Dreamworks Spirit Horse

For more infomation >> Dreamworks Spirit Horse


For more infomation >> Dreamworks Spirit Horse


Céline Dion et Pepe Munoz bras dessus bras dessous à l'hô­tel Ritz - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Céline Dion et Pepe Munoz bras dessus bras dessous à l'hô­tel Ritz - Duration: 1:53.


For more infomation >> Céline Dion et Pepe Munoz bras dessus bras dessous à l'hô­tel Ritz - Duration: 1:53.











Phthalates, a group of chemicals used to soften and increase the flexibility of plastic and

vinyl, have been banned from children�s toys for about 10 years. However, researchers

have recently found them in children�s food. The report was conducted by an independent

laboratory and paid for by environmental advocacy groups, though it has not been published in

a peer-reviewed journal.

Known to disrupt hormones, cause birth defects, and provoke learning and behaviour problems

in older children, phthalates have long been controversial, and this news only heightens

the growing concerns people have regarding processed foods. And the biggest culprit?

The all-time favourite, mac and cheese.

The new study of 30 cheese products determined that phthalates were present in all but one

of the samples tested. They found the highest concentrations to be in the processed cheese

powder that makes boxed mac and cheese mixes so popular.

�The phthalate concentrations in powder from mac and cheese mixes were more than four

times higher than in block cheese and other natural cheeses like shredded cheese, string

cheese and cottage cheese,� said Mike Belliveau, executive director of the Environmental Health

Strategy Center, one of four advocacy groups that funded the report. The other groups include

the Ecology Center, Healthy Babies Bright Futures, and Safer States.

Food manufacturers don�t intentionally add phthalates to their mixes, but we nevertheless

face the consequences of the chemical being used in plastics or packaging ink.

The researchers were motivated to test cheese following a 2014 scientific review that said

dairy products are �the greatest source of dietary exposure� to DEHP � the phthalate

pointed out as the most commonly banned. This recent research found DEHP to be the most

common, and in higher average concentrations than other phthalates.

The study tested 10 different varieties of mac and cheese, including ones labeled organic,

and found high levels of phthalates in all of them. All of the products were purchased

in the United States and shipped in the original packaging to VITO, the Flemish Institute for

Technological Research in Belgium. Here, fat samples were taken from each product, analyzing

13 phthalates via validated test methods.

�Our belief is that it�s in every mac �n� cheese product � you can�t shop

your way out of the problem,� said Belliveau. The researchers are urging Kraft to take action,

as nine of the tested products were made by the company.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not banned phthalates in food, but environmental

and food safety groups petitioned the FDA last year to remove all phthalates from food,

food packaging, and food processing and manufacturing equipment. According to Tom Neltner, chemicals

policy director for the Environmental Defense Fund, the petition has been delayed temporarily

for technical reasons.

Mike Schade, the campaign director for Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, pointed out that

the switch to phthalate-free packaging isn�t a tedious one. �The good news is that there

are safer, affordable alternatives to phthalates,� he said. �Kraft should identify and eliminate

any phthalates in its cheese products by ensuring that safer alternatives are used in food processing

and packaging materials throughout its supply chain.�





Horse Riding + DIY Treats

For more infomation >> Horse Riding + DIY Treats



Welcome back.

I'm clover and I'm here with another group of 50 bizarre facts a curious cat can dig


Today, I'm fixated on fish but not just any fish – the fearsome beast with the amazing

teeth – the Piranha!

I was curious if piranhas are really as bad as the movies make them seem and besides,

their teeth are just so amazing I knew there would be some curious facts to discover – the

first, the word piranha actually means fish tooth.

I don't think most of us have actually seen a piranha in real life since they are native

to the rivers of South America though apparently some piranha can be found in warm lakes and

rivers in North America as well.

They have also been introduced to other places including northern brazil, Hawaii and other

parts of central and north America.

There are between 30 and 60 different species of pirhana but they all share most of the

same characteristics so whether you've seen one in person or only in the movies, everyone

likely recognize their round bodies, bulldog like face and amazingly noticeable teeth.

If you haven't even seen a picture, a piranha is basically just a silver fish covered in

red patches that serve to camouflage it in muddy river beds though they can also have

yellow, black, or grey mottled skin and often have colorful underbellies.

The piranha can usually be found hanging out in small groups of about 20 fish waiting for

a tasty meal but sometimes as many as 1000 piranha will gather into a protective pack

hoping to save themselves from predators like dolphins, crocodiles, caiman, large birds,

turtles and even river otters.

See, if an adorable otter can hurt a piranha there can be no doubt the movies have maligned

what is actually a pretty cool fish.

Movies would have us think that a piranha wants nothing more than to devour every morsel

of meat it can find but it turns out that the piranha is actually an omnivore and an

opportunistic one at that usually eating whatever is close rather than roaming in huge packs

looking for a chance to wreak feeding frenzy like devastation.

While it does eat snails, fish and other aquatic animals it will also eat fruit and seeds with

equal pleasure.

Maybe the stories come from the fact that a piranha will eat larger creatures such as

mammals and birds if they fall into the water but such things don't happen all that often.

Most movies show piranhas finishing off a giant mammal in only seconds when they get

into a feeding frenzy but even a large school of piranha will need a little more than that

to eat a substantial sized meal.

What is real from the movies is the piranha teeth and jaws.

Adult piranha's grow between 5 and a half and seventeen inches and weigh in at about

7 and half pounds but they have the teeth and jaw strength of a much more fearsome creature.

Their triangular shaped teeth are very sharp and arranged in a single row in their powerful

jaw and are sharp and fierce enough to bite through a silver fishing hook.

That's not to say those teeth are invincible.

In fact, its not uncommon to find a piranha with a bunch of missing teeth.

Don't worry though, it is just waiting for new ones to grow since the piranha's teeth

are replaced continuously throughout its lifetime.

Actually, that's pretty neat too.

The piranha's teeth grow in four sets – one for each corner of its mouth and each set

is replaced about every 100 days.

The jaw is equally impressive with enough strength to crush a human hand if one is foolish

enough to offer it up to a hungry piranha.

If you really want to see one, its easiest to find a school during the daytime when most

piranha are out seeking food because they usually feed communally.

Don't worry though The only time a feeding frenzy happens is when there is a shortage

of food or fresh blood in the water which the piranha can detect in much the same way

sharks do.

See they have a special sensory organ designed specifically to sense blood and will rush

to the source of fresh blood in hopes of an easy eal.

Piranha usually feed according to size with the larger fish monopolizing the waters in

the late after noon or early evening and smaller more visible at dawn.

Piranha's are also good parents.

The female piranha can lay up to 5000 eggs in a bowl shaped nest in the sediment of a

river or lake.

The male and the female both swim around the pits to protect and tend to the eggs which

hatch after only a few days though the exact time depends on the temperature of the water.

Newly hatched piranha feed on zooplankton until they grow large enough for more regular

fare and both fishy parents will work to protect the young from predators until they are grown.

So you see, piranhas are actually pretty cool creatures that can live up to 25 years in

the wild and only about 10 to 20 in captivity so you probably don't want one as a pet.


f you do see one in an aquarium, keep your hands out because despite all I've shared,

they will bite you.

If possible, ask the aquarium keeper for a tooth or two.

Locals in areas where there are many piranhas have found that piranha teeth make awesome

weapons and tools.

Since they shed those teeth often, the aquarium might have some they are willing to share.

Thanks for spending some time with me while I satisfied my curiosity about whether piranhas

are as bad as movies make them seem.

Click subscribe because I'll be back tomorrow with another 50 curious facts for you.

See you then – clover out.

For more infomation >> 50 FEARSOME PIRANHA FACTS YOU WON'T BELIEVE - Duration: 5:01.


【HQMV】Monster (LDN Noise Creeper Bass Remix) // Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa【BKOトリオ】 - Duration: 1:33.

You can call me monster (monster)

I'm creeping in your heart babe

I'll flip you over, break you down, and swallow you up

I'll steal you and indulge in you

I'm gonna mess you up

I'm engraved in your heart

So even if I die, I'll live forever

(Come here girl)

You call me monster

I'll go into your heart

You can call me

London noise

You call me monster

I'll go into your heart

For more infomation >> 【HQMV】Monster (LDN Noise Creeper Bass Remix) // Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa【BKOトリオ】 - Duration: 1:33.


TESTING MAGNETIC FALSE EYELASHES WTF! First Impresion Review | Roxette Arisa - Duration: 8:14.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel. So I've been seeing these magnetic lashes everywhere on Facebook on Instagram on Twitter

They're everywhere every single time I see them

There's just so many thoughts going through my head like

Are they going to work are they going to look good? Is it? Just like some kind of gimmicky thing that

Doesn't really work like there's just a lot of stuff going on here my noggin so I decided to order them

They finally came in and I'm gonna sit down and film right now

Trying them out for the first time testing them out and seeing I guess what they're all about to be it completes

Disaster could work out, and it could be life-changing, so we're going to see what it is

Like I said, I just got in a mail, so let's go ahead and open it up

I just got back from San Francisco last sleet last night really late sent them those

But I saw this and I was like oh my God I have to try these out

but thank you guys so much for those of you who came at San Fran and

To gem beauty San fran I should say and it came to my meet-up

It was so so

So nice to meet you guys like hands-down best part of being a youtuber is being able to meet you guys in person

And just like see your smiling faces and give you guys hugs and everything like that so again

Thank you guys to all of you who came to my meetup, and I did blog the whole thing by the way

So if you're not subscribed to my vlog channel make sure to subscribe because I'm going to be uploading the blog's this week

And I can't wait. It's Gonna be so much fun

I'm going to edit them or right after this video, but anyways let's go ahead and get back into this lash thing

So this is from the brand 1/2 lashes. Which is the one that I saw on Facebook these are the instructions right here

Let's go ahead and get the products out and then we'll try to follow the instructions to actually apply this rosal. Oh

Okay, the package is actually really nice because they aren't cheap you guys they honestly are not cheap these were for one

set it costs doesn't stay on here, but if I

Remember correctly just offset off my head

I'm pretty sure of about seventy dollars or about maybe 75

But I'll put more and flow down below if you want the exact pricing, but definitely was not cheap

So you get one pair of the magnetic lashes from once you lash?

And then you also get a cleanser for the lashes that comes in

Same little package when you dress by like one set it comes with a cleanser

So I mean that's kind of nice when I saw this online

It looks really easy to apply

But I just I'm just a little shook. I don't know how I'm gonna like it

You know it comes with like a little case like this

Let's open us up. Oh, I think I'm opening it

Upside down sorry guys no. It's not okay um

Okay, so this is what you get

Do you guys see this let me do a little zoom action?

So this is what we're working with today apparently it has two pairs of lashes

Which I actually didn't know so you do get two lashes

They look very natural looks like they were made with synthetic hairs probably just from the looks of it

And I mean we can open up the cleanser just so you guys can see what it looks like so that's what cleanser

I really like their packaging. I'll be real I guess we'll just

Go for it. This is what the top lash looks like that little strip in the middle is the actual magnet

So you take the top one and you're supposed to place it on your eye and kind of line up the outer

Line up the Outer

portion the outer part with your natural

Outer part, I don't know if I'm supposed to wear Mascara

It doesn't say anything in the in the instructions, so I don't know you take the bottom one. Oh, this is hard

It's weird to put on

Boy, I think you're just trying to like connect. Oh, oh

Okay, that's that connected you try it you have to try to connect like that

the magnet in the middle, but like

It didn't it connected, but it's not like laying flat to my lashline

Maybe it's user error. Let me try this one more time, okay?

They're on there lined up with the outer part of my lash, which is exactly what the instructions say to do oh

Can you see oh?

Even worse application on my part on afraid you are the type of person that likes a natural lash look

Then you might like the look of this

But the biggest thing that I'm seeing that I don't like that

I don't think it's going to be easy for you guys use the magnet will clasp together all you three?

But the actual like the rest of the lash band doesn't stick to your lashes so like

One is going to look janky too. You could easily

Just take it like fall off. You could pull them off an accident. It's like

I don't feel like this is very reliable and also the other thing is like

They're so easy to poof I've already lost one top and one bottom in the span of this video

So I'm only working with one left pair

I mean, do you guys see this like even where I try so hard to put them on?

They just kind of fall off the lashes because they're not adhering to the actual my lash line

It's like clasping together right on the lashes themselves, so disaster exploiting aven

I'm not trying to put both on just to see how they look so we could see like a finished look hMM

Oh you guys the other thing is you can feel like you can feel that. There's something on your lashes

It's way worse than glue it like feels like there's like literally a magnet on your lashes because there is

But let's just see what happened if I put on Mascara you can like

see the

the Magnetic lashes like literally falling off

Lee, so

What are your guys thoughts honestly comment down below do you think you would use this do you think it looks good?

What are your thoughts right? Now? What is going through your head cuz honestly what's going through my head

I would never use these again. I probably will never even open the case again because a

They aren't easy for me to apply. They don't stick to my lash line at all

They really clasp onto the lashes instead of the lash line b. I don't like the way they look that's just me

That's my personal opinion or floating all my lashes right now that and itself makes it something that I?

Am not keen to use again

Just because they're going to fall off soon, and they're very easy to please I'm like sitting here thinking

$70 for these I can't like if they were going to last you your whole lifetime

Maybe maybe if you'd like if you really like them, but honey I already lost a full pair

So I'm gonna stick to my strip lashes all can be very very hard to apply at first

But once you get the hang of it girl

I could like pop these on in a second be good to go

and it's honestly I find the easier and quicker to apply a normal pair of false lashes rather than

Messing around with these

but that's just me you know, so

That's what muscles up. Let me know okay?

I have to take these off honestly because they're like messing with my eyesight it feels weird

I'm just going to put this out there one more time

It does feel strange like looking out and like feeling magnets on your lashes

That's just me though, but yeah

Let me know if you guys like this video if you guys want me to try anything else crazy. That's out there

I mean I feel like there's always something new and crazy coming out that I see on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and I like all these

Things that I'm just like does that actually work though, so yeah

let me know if you guys want me to try anything else out and

Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already hit that little subscribe

And it's completely free and then you'll always stay up to date with my videos

And you can also subscribe to my blog channel like I said before

Because I'm so excited to go and edit the on Jem DD, San Francisco vlogs and I?

Don't know. I'm just excited anyways, so I hope you guys enjoyed the video and

I think that's going to be it for me remember you are beautiful inside and out

I love you guys so so much, and I will see you next time bye

Honestly, it's not sticking to my lashline what?

For more infomation >> TESTING MAGNETIC FALSE EYELASHES WTF! First Impresion Review | Roxette Arisa - Duration: 8:14.


Do All Blind People See the Same? | Blind Q&A #3 - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Do All Blind People See the Same? | Blind Q&A #3 - Duration: 7:12.


Garage Gym and Kettlebells - Fringe Sport vlog 1 August 2017 - Duration: 5:36.

Hey Fringers! it's Peter here again and finally I am back in my garage gym.

So we've got my rig behind me, my bars on the wall, got my kids hanging out trying

to sell beverages to the neighbors. Yeah, very nice sweetie

so really happy to be home I'm actually taking off in a day or two to the

CrossFit Games and if you guys are going to be at the games I'm only going to be

there Friday night so feel free to text me if you want to meet up or possibly

catch a WOD or something like that my personal mobile (512) 423-6275.

So love to get together with any and all Fringers that are there. Anyway,

talking a little bit about the sale of the week the sale is on kettlebells and

kettlebells are actually one of the first products that we brought in for

Fringe and it's a you know training implement that I really, really like and

have used over the years I'm going to show you one of my personal kettlebells

here so there's an artist here in Austin named Connie

Arismendi and we'll link her up in the notes down below and in addition to

doing sculptures and that sort of thing she also does art on kettlebells so this

is a custom kettlebell that she made for me years and years ago and one of the

things about that kettlebell is that has got Icarus on the bell because for

whatever reason I've often personally identified with Icarus - Icarus rising

or whatever I feel like I'm always striving just at the edge of my

abilities and every now and then I get knocked down of course I get back up and

because I guess didn't get back up. Quick sidenote, not that it really matters I

was doing some research on the Icarus myth and a number of scholars

actually think that rather than the Icarus and Daedalus

his father crafting wings out of wax and feathers that that the wings were

actually a metaphor for ships that they built like maybe based on a true story

and there were these two gentlemen you know imprisoned on an island and

then they built ships and somehow Icarus damaged his mast and his sails and

that's where you get kind of him flying too close to the Sun and the wings

falling apart and then of course and falling to his death.

Anyways back to the point, we're doing 10 to 20 percent off

kettlebells this week and our kettlebells are really awesome right now

we're only doing them in kilograms sizes but that's a really common thing for

kettlebells, for me personally oh man I'm sweating here in Austin, Texas

super hot. For me personally, I am a big fan of just like a 16 kilo kettlebell

for like real easy male warmups and then for actually working out I usually

personally use a 24 or 32 kilo kettlebell so I do a lot of my workouts

with with 32 kilo kettlebells about 70 pounds and lately I've been doing a lot

of farmers walks and that sort of thing with the 70s. So if you want to do a

really great warm-up exercise, I don't know about the programming necessarily

on this but one of the things that I do is I do

21, 15, 9 of snatches just going arm to arm. So sorry, so basically I'll start with my

left arm with a 16 kilo kettlebell and then do 21 snatches then 21 snatches

with the right arm and then 15 with the left 15 with the right 9 the left 9 with

the right and that's a really great warm-up that I really enjoy. So something

else that I've enjoyed doing with a 24 kilo kettlebell is there's a 10,000

swing challenge for 10,000 kettlebell swings in a month and have not ever done

that I don't know if I will but you typically break that up into 500

swings per workout and the way you do 500

swings per workout is you do, sorry I'm trying to remember what the... okay I think

yeah you do 20, 30, 50, so you do 20 swings and then rest 30 swings and then rest 50

swings and then rest and it's pretty brutal on the forearms. Especially

because you're really working that grip strength. So that's something that you

can definitely try out. So again we're doing 10 to 20% off kettlebells at

Fringe, feel free to pop by and check them out, if you're going to be at the

game hit me up, if you like what we're putting out in terms of content, if

you're watching this on YouTube just go ahead boom boom boom hit subscribe below

and if you leave us a comment and if you like what we're doing in email form, you

know tell a friend and you know I'm also sending this from

I respond to all emails you know hit me up, let me know what's going on. Sorry

one other things we've got a whole new slate of barbells coming down the pipe.

They as I record this right now, are not on the site but if you're really

interested in checking out some new high end barbells hit me up with an email Have a great day! Cheers

For more infomation >> Garage Gym and Kettlebells - Fringe Sport vlog 1 August 2017 - Duration: 5:36.


How I Stay Fit While Travelling - Duration: 3:11.

Alright, I want to show you some of the things I travel with, and keep my fitness up as I'm

on the road.

It's just a little bag full of super bands and a trigger point, small foam roller.

I have two difference resistance; the orange is a lighter resistance, the red is a heavier resistance.

I can do a lot of different exercises with these bands.

I can do all my exercises that I do in the gym, basically, to keep my fitness level up

on the road.

For instance, one of these would be, I'm using this bike here but I'm doing a single-arm row.

From there, I can go into ... I can use a fence post, a door handle, what I have in the room.

Single-arm chest press.

If the handle is digging into you, or the band is digging into you, a lot of times what

I'll do is just use a towel or wash cloth to take some of that pressure off.

I'm getting my chest workout.

Now, I can go here and do a little rotation, my head is following my hands.

Now, I'm working obliques, core.

From here, if I want to do a little cardio blast, I do a little jump squat movement.

For those of you who want to keep ... Do some legwork.

I can even do some squatting techniques here.

It's not really the same as free weights, but it's going to keep your fitness level up. Right?

Stuff here about the ... Feeding the pythons.

Nice hammer curl.

Good at keeping that posture, nice and tall.

Do some tricep work.

Take it to the floor for the donkey kick.

We're working glutes.

Front to back, keeping that posture.

Nice quadricep position.

Both sides.

Flip over.

Resistant V-sits.

That's just a sample of some of the exercises I can do with super bands, but it's great,

easy to travel with, light-weight, and they're very inexpensive.

For more infomation >> How I Stay Fit While Travelling - Duration: 3:11.


Le Retour Du Courrier - Duration: 1:10.

This man's name...

is Max Krieger!

"But I'm Max Krieger!!"

"Got your ID?"

A torn apart man...

"Say, honey, what is that?"

"Don't touch that, it's my operation Band Aid!"


An impossible love...

"Darling, I think I'm in love with Tom Jones..."


And a singer...

full of doubts.



"Hey, yer gettin' on our nerves with yer DOUBTS!"

A fished-out family...


"Is it the Salmon family?"

"No this is the Trout family!"

A thankless fight

"Ugh!" "You're welcome!"

"OUGH!" "My pleasure!"

"Urgh!" "No worries!"

And suddenly... A double agent!

"Excuse me, Ma'am, you can't park here..."

"Why, alright m-mister uh misters the agent-s"

An explosive movie!


An action movie...

"Next Germaine..."

"I'm pouring the vinaigrette..."


With Blenton Papolara

"Can't believe this..."

Kingsley Sleelady

"Noo, NOOO!"

Brad Babblebeebu


Kritekrat Krabalaka

"Hehehe, hairs!"

Return of Post

A movie by Martens Fapenwilly

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