Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 2 2017

[ Cheers and applause ]


-Questlove, do you want to explain how the game works?

[ Laughter ]

-Yes, Jimmy.

In this game, I will read each of you a mind-blowing fact,

and you must decide if that fact is true or false.

-All right.

-If you choose the wrong answer, we will blow your mind.

[ Laughter ]

And you will be blasted in the face

from the tube in front of you.

[ Laughter ]

Make the right choice,

and your opponent gets their mind blown.

[ Laughter ]

-All right.

-The first fact is for Jeremy.

You ready?

-I'm so ready.

[ Laughter ]

-True or false?

-I mean...

-This is insane. -I mean, I feel like --

-Why would you get this, the first question?

-I feel like I got the easy one, right?

-[ Scoffs ]

-I mean, the inventor of the Frisbee

had his body turned into a Frisbee after he died.

I mean... -No, come on.

-If he did, I'm not playing anymore Frisbee.

I'm gonna have to say it's definitely, definitely false.

-Yeah, I think that's false.

-Your mind is definitely getting blown, Jimmy.

-I know, my mind's gonna be blown,

but I would've said it was false, too.

-Yeah. -The answer may surprise you.

-No, it doesn't.

[ Laughter ]


[ Laughing ]

[ Buzzer ] Aah!

-It's true. -Got salad.

-Can we see that again in slow motion?

-Wow. It is true.

Look at that, salad. [ Laughter and applause ]

We got a salad right there.

-I got salad.

-He really did?

That's -- That's -- Wow, that's bizarre.

-The next fact is for you, Jimmy.

-Yeah, cool.

-Truth or lie? -Yeah.

-In their lifetime, average person,

38 days brushing their teeth.

I sometimes brush my teeth twice a day.

[ Laughter ]

-You got to start doing the math.

-I sometimes brush them three times a day.

[ Laughter ]

38 days. What would equal --

38 days?

That seems like it's too little.

-Yeah, I think so, too.

-I want to say that is a -- that is a lie.

-The answer may surprise you. -It may surprise me.


-Come on, man.

[ Buzzer ]


-What was that? -Was that socks?

Did he get socks?!

-What was that? -I think you got kid socks.

-What was that? Can I see it in slow mo--

What hit me in the face there? Was that a --

-I think you got some kid socks.

-A sock? [ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Got hit with a baby sock.

-Jeremy? -Yes, I'm ready.

-You're up next. -I'm ready.

-Fact or fiction?


[ Light laughter ]

-Come on, man.


[ Blows ] Really?

-Wrestling Hall of Fame?

-I think Wrestling Hall of Fame is, like, you know --

It's just...

I'm not batting so well here.

I think I might have to, um...

Abraham Lincoln... [ Chuckles ]

-Are you gonna pick --

Abraham Lincoln's in the Wrestling Hall of Fame?

-No, no! No.

I think I'm gonna say that is definitely fiction.

-[ Laughs ] I don't know, man.

-The answer may surprise you. -Get blown, buddy.

[ Laughter ] -He's been known to --

Let's get blown. -Let's get blown.



[ Buzzer ] Ahh.

-It's true.

Can we please see that again in slow motion?

-Rose petal.

I think it was rose petals. It's very romantic.

Yeah, you got the roses.

Beautiful, beautiful.

Kiss from a rose.

It's like a -- It's like a Seal video.

[ Laughter ]

-Dang you, Lincoln! -Yes.

-Jimmy. -Yes?

-The next fact is for you. -Thank you, man.

-True or false?

[ Laughter ]


-"Could be. Could be.

Could be."

[ Laughter ]

You know what?

It's so bizarre, that I'm gonna say it's true.

I don't know.

-Lincoln's in the Wrestling Hall of Fame.

What are you laughing at?

[ Laughter ]

All right. I think it's true.

-The answer may surprise you. -Oh, geez.


-[ Groans ]

I could be right.

-What'd you say, true or false? I don't remember.

-I said true, he was.


[ Light laughter ]

[ Buzzer ]

How am I supposed to know that? What was that?

-That is a lie.

Let's see that again in slow motion.

-How would I know that, man?

That was a good one, there. What was that, yarn?

[ Laughter ]

For heaven's sakes.

Now we're getting crafty. Okay.

All right, here we go.

[ Thunder crashes ]

-Does anyone know what that means?

-Excuse me.

-That means it's time for our final question.


-It's a simple yes or no question,

and it comes with a twist.

-I'm ready.

-If you answer incorrectly,

both of your minds... -[ Laughs ]

-...will be blown.

Jeremy? -Yes.

-This conundrum is for you.

[ Laughter ]

-What do you think?

If you're exposing all your stuff

in your, like, business socks...

-I think you are naked.

-You're totally acceptable to walk down the street

'cause you're not naked?

-No, you will be arrested by the police.

-You'd be arrested, right?

-Yeah, you would be arrested for public nudity.

-"Look, man, I'm not naked. I'm wearing socks."

-That's true. [ Laughter ]


-"So please take these handcuffs off."

-Wait, wait, wait.

Can I ask, where are you wearing the socks?

[ Laughter and applause ]

All right, all right, all right.

[ Bell dings ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-The Chili Peppers. -Chili Peppers.

-Can't arrest the Chili Peppers. -Can't arrest them.

Are you naked if you're only wearing socks?

-Are you naked?

-I want to say no.

-Yeah, you're not naked. -You're not naked.

-No. -You got socks on.

-Hey, guess what. -What?

-The answer...

-The answer may surprise you, yes.

Yeah, that's right.

-[ Groaning ]



[ Buzzer ]


-You are wrong!

You are naked if you're only wearing socks.

-You are naked!

-Let's see that again in slow motion, please.

-Oh, my God.

[ Laughter ]

-My wig has totally came off. [ Cheers and applause ]

I'm gonna say the winner tonight is Jeremy Renner, everybody.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you for doing this, buddy, as always.

For more infomation >> Blow Your Mind with Jeremy Renner - Duration: 7:36.


Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Take.. - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Take.. - Duration: 2:38.


Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Taken as one debate - Video 2 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Taken as one debate - Video 2 - Duration: 4:50.


Нейробика с Александрой Рудамановой Упражнение №7 - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Нейробика с Александрой Рудамановой Упражнение №7 - Duration: 0:53.


Will Lithium Shortage Kill The EV Industry? - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Will Lithium Shortage Kill The EV Industry? - Duration: 6:10.


Honda CR-V 1.6D Elegance Black Edition | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-V 1.6D Elegance Black Edition | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:52.


Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Taken as one debate - Video 3 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Taken as one debate - Video 3 - Duration: 4:59.


[Themed Cafes In] Seoul KOREA - Cafe De ONE PIECE [원피스 카페] in Hongdae - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> [Themed Cafes In] Seoul KOREA - Cafe De ONE PIECE [원피스 카페] in Hongdae - Duration: 2:19.


Aadhar card finger print machine ke current lagne se darr gaya ye insaan - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Aadhar card finger print machine ke current lagne se darr gaya ye insaan - Duration: 1:20.


Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Taken as one debate - Video 1 - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> Commerce (Cartels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill- Committee stage - Taken as one debate - Video 1 - Duration: 11:27.


Five Bad Baby Jumping On The Bed Popular Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children Kids Babies LEARN COLORS - Duration: 1:47.

Five Bad Baby Jumping On The Bed Popular Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children Kids Babies LEARN COLORS

For more infomation >> Five Bad Baby Jumping On The Bed Popular Nursery Rhymes Songs for Children Kids Babies LEARN COLORS - Duration: 1:47.


Step Pop-Up Card - Duration: 20:41.

Hello stamper, I'm France Martin from

Today I'm going to show you a step card I call "Here Comes the Bride".

You're going to see in a minute when you open it up - voila! it's a pop-up.

It looks like the bride is walking in.

Here's the same thing except I used the So Detailed on this one and that die is not available

any more but I thought it was so pretty so why not share it.

It's the same thing, I just used the So Detailed thinlits for that.

So let's get started.

What you're going to need for this - I'm using 4 stamps sets.

This is for the greeting - Floral Phrase for the greeting.

Beautiful View is for the bride.

Vertical Greeting - I'm using this for the flowers there.

And this - the Mediterranean Moments - is for my background in.

So those are the stamp sets.

For the front I'm using the Blooming Heart thinlits and it comes with those 2 little

flowers that are those flowers.

Also, the brick wall embossing folder.

That's about the basics of what we're using.

With the markers and that we're going to show as we go along.

Let's get started.

In the cardstock you're going to need a piece of Powder Pink for your little flowers, and

the heart is from some shimmer paper.

I used shimmer paper also for the bride and those little flower pots there.

You're going to need a piece of Smoky Slate that measures 5-1/4" x 4".

You're going to need 2 pieces of Whisper White cardstock.

1 piece measures 8-1/2" x 5-1/2".

This one we're going to score at 4-1/4".

So this is just a regular A2 card scored right in the middle.

This one is for the insert, so this one will be the base of the card, this is our insert.

It measures 8-1/4" x 5-3/8".

We're going to score this one at 3/4", 1-1/2" and 5".

We will actually score that again though.

Then we will take this and we have to do our opening for the bride.

I'm going to bring a paper cutter here.

We're going to start at 1-1/2", so put your paper at 1-1/2".

Bring your cutting blade to the mark of 2".

So you're at 1-1/2" and you're going to bring your cutting blade at 2".

You're going to cut to 5".

Bring that all the way down to 5".

Lift this up, move your paper to 3-7/8".

Again, you're going to start at the 2" mark, and bring that to 5".

Now we will remove this piece of paper.

I could have stamped the bride on it and cut it out, but I found that was more difficult

than the way we're going to do it.

Now we have our 2 marks there.

Turn this so you have your score over there.

Now you're going to put that at the 2" mark.

You're going to go from the 1-1/2" mark over here to 3-7/8".

Stop there.

Now you will push that to 5", so that should be right at your score.

Again, you're going to go at 1-1/2" all the way to 3-7/8".

So it should be exactly what your line was.

If it's not just right, you can take your snips and take care of that that way.

Et voila.

Now you've got your opening.

You will take this piece, put it in your brick wall embossing folder, and you're going to

put it this way so you're going to see the Sizzix will be sideways there, because you

want your bricks to stack up, you don't want it to stand up.

You will bring your embossing folder to your 5" score line.

Emboss this.

After you emboss this, voila - this is what you get.

Now you're going to take your Smoky Slate ink or you can use any type of grey or whichever

color of brick that you want.

One thing that you want to do though is cover the bottom.

Let me put this this way.

I will cover the bottom because we don't want

this to cover that.

We don't want any ink there.

I put my ink pad directly on my bricks.

Just tap it very gently.

It depends how dark or light you want your bricks.

You want some different coloration in your bricks.

Then let's put that aside for now.

Now your piece of Smoky Slate that measures 5-1/4" x 4" - emboss it with the brick wall


This guy will be embossed the same way, the Sizzix logo on the side.

You want your bricks stacked, not standing up.

You will again take your inkpad and tap it right on top of it.

The color can vary depending on how much ink you get on your inkpad or how little you get.

Like mine I see is getting lighter as I go because I've done a few of these today.

Now that is ready.

Let's remove this.

Now you'll take a piece of cardstock that measures 2-1/2" x 1/2".

So it's 2-1/2" x 1/2".

Score at 1/2", 1, 1-1/2" and 2".

We will fold this - this is going to be our little box that's going to pop in and out

for the bride.

We're going to fold this this way.

For this I like to use my Tombow just because I can move it around if it's not just right.

Put the Tombow there, and then we'll do our little box.

Et voila.

We're going to let this dry, and now we're going to do our bride.

I've got a piece of shimmer cardstock over here, and you're going to take a black inkpad.

You don't want the bottom of this dress, so what I'm going to do is just the top.

We're going to stamp this . Et voila.

Now you're going to take a black marker and finish her dress.

You want the girl about 4".

You don't want it longer.

If it's longer you can alter her.

That's no problem.

Now you're going to take your pencil and bring the dress down.

Zig zag this a bit here.

Et voila, you get your dress.

I used the Wink of Stella to color the whole girl.

I wanted more sparkle.

I did a little bit of Blushing Bride right here by her neck and I gave her some highlights

in her hair with Crumb Cake just to get a little bit of brown with her black hair.


You're going to fussy cut that.

What I mean by fussy cut is take your scissors and just cut.

One thing that I did after I was done - if I went too much or if you have to cut it after

- you take your black marker and you can do your line there.

So then it's going to look just like it was stamped.

So that's how I did the bride.

By the magic of this, I've got a bride done over here.

So each dress is going to look different, just because they're handmade.

For our flowers, I stamped them like I said on shimmer - you could use white cardstock.

This is one stamp.

What you have to do again is fussy cut, but this time you're going to cut the stem right

there at the flower pot.

You're going to take some Dimensionals, and let's turn this to the back.

You're going to bring the stem almost to the bottom there.

You're going to take a Dimensional.

We're going to use 2 Dimensionals.

I'm going to hold that right there so it's straight, put the Dimensional there, and put

a Dimensional here.

Now you're going to need 2 of them.

Now we have all the details in place so we can assemble our card.

On this one, the card base that measures 8-1/2" x 5-1/2" that we scored, we need to take the

Mediterranean Moments and do our stamping.

And that is going to be done in Smoky Slate, because I just wanted the soft background.

I don't measure anything - a lot of times I think I'm allergic to a ruler.

So it's in the back cover, not on the bottom.

Usually we stamp on the bottom.

It's going to be in the back cover.

Inside, I should say.

We're going to take our Smoky Slate and eyeball that in the center.

Make sure it's the right direction though.

And stamp that right here.

Et voila.

Now let's glue this.

This one, like I said, we have to score again.

And why did I score it the first time and again now?

For some reason it wants to fold better.

So you're going to have the brick at the top there - again you're going to score at 3/4",

and really give a good push on that score.

And then at 1-1/2" again.

And then that was 5".

This one shouldn't matter but we will do it again.

Now we're ready to assemble our card.

We are almost done.

You're going to take the last score here, the one at the 1-1/2" - it's tricky because

you get the score of the bricks, so you have to really pay attention where the score was.

And then this one.

So those 2 should match perfectly equally there.

And really it should have been this way and then this way.

See, it's perfect equally.

Now I'm going to take this.

You want to reinforce all your scores before you assemble.

It's going to make your life much easier.

Now the first part you want to put on your card is only this flap.

I personally like to work with Fast Fuse, so that's what I'm using.

You can use the adhesive of your choice.

I would recommend a strong adhesive because it's going to pull on a 3D card like this.

Just leave a little bit of a gap at the top, I would say about 1/8" and apply that right


Make sure you're straight on each side.

Now fold and bring this here.

And you're now going on either side that''s just what you want.

You're going to put adhesive on the back of this here, and you keep this down - bring

the flap of your card, the back here, and I like to keep this down and go from here

so it's straight down.

Et voilaaa - is that cool?

Now for the greeting, I'm using one from the Floral Phrase set.

One thing I want to tell you while I have your attention - if you have problems with

a stamp set that falls, you can use beeswax - put a little bit of beeswax like chapstick

right here.

That's going to help your stamp stick to the block.

It will not fall off again.

So if you don't like the card I bet this tip's going to make you happy that you watched this.

We're going to stamp our greeting right here.

Et voila.

Now the little box that we did we're going to glue inside here.

It's going to be our pop-up.

That we're going to glue on 2 sides only.

I like to put the layer where they mount together in the back.

So that's going to be the back.

Again I like to use my Tombow for this because I get time to move it around if it's not just


I've got this as the back and this is going to be the bottom.

Glue 2 sides side by side.

Now we're going to take this and put it in the center here and close it down.

Ooh, I've got something there - it's good we're going to cover there.

Hold it there a little bit so it's going to stick, and voila.

Now let's do the front and we will put the bride in at the end.

The bride is the last one to come to the wedding.

This is dry.

We will again apply some adhesive of your choice.

Put that right here.

This I already precut, and I use the brush to remove it from the Framelit, the little

die brush.

I did all the flowers, and inside the flowers I colored them with Wink of Stella, and then

I'm going to just use Glue Dots and put them right here.

That's the only thing I did.

Again, I'm going to use Tombow for this - got a little piece that was stuck there.

Just add a little bit - if I had thought a little harder I could have used an adhesive

sheet that would have made life faster.

We're going to put our lovely art right in the center here.

Now for the greeting, the Congratulations, let's hope I brought it... well let's keep

moving along - I don't see it, maybe I will see it.

This we already prepared.

We're going to put our little flower pot right there on each side.

And one right here.

Now for the bride, again I use the Tombow.

We're going to put the Tombow right here.

That's a bit too much - let me remove some because it's going to make a mess here.

See, you can fix that.

We're going to put our bride right here.

She has a skinnier dress, this one.

Just a little bit there.

Then we're going to close this.

Now I'm looking for my greeting, but that's no big deal, I can explain to you what I did.

Here it is - I knew if I looked... ok, let's see if our bride - perfect.

For the greeting, it's about 3-1/2" for the length, so it depends on the greeting you're

going to put - I just put a little v, so I cut in the center and then on each side.

Take my bone folder - up, up, and then I go inside a bit so I have a nice wavy banner.

I'll use some glue dots on each end, and our card is done.

Oops - make sure you grab the glue dots.

Right here.

And I did add also some pearls into those little flowers, so what I do is just add pearls

in the center of my flowers.

I think weddings need pearls or something bling, right?

So that was the end.

So I hope that you've enjoyed this pop-up card.

I'm going to remove this a bit because I want to put a pearl there, and voila.

So you get the front, very simple, but the party's inside.

Here we go, my friends.

Again thank you so much for watching, hope you're going to stop again soon.

Bye bye for now.

For more infomation >> Step Pop-Up Card - Duration: 20:41.


Arrest made in Hyde Park robbery - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Arrest made in Hyde Park robbery - Duration: 0:42.


Teenage girl killed by falling tree in Fort Thomas - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Teenage girl killed by falling tree in Fort Thomas - Duration: 0:54.


Chờ Em Trong Đêm ► Soobin Hoàng Sơn [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Chờ Em Trong Đêm ► Soobin Hoàng Sơn [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 5:25.


Stafford House International - San Diego - Duration: 0:44.

I had just finished my last year in college and I was trying to decide what to do next

and then I decided to do some Professional Certificates and I was looking for a school

that was able to provide me that.

Then I found Stafford House and I've been here for two months now and it's been such

a great experience and I've met so many people from all over the world which is the coolest

thing and the city itself is spectacular, I mean the weather is awesome,

we have nice beaches.

San Diego has been...I don't know, I think it's one of my favourite cities I've ever been to!

For more infomation >> Stafford House International - San Diego - Duration: 0:44.


'사서고생' 선후배 5人, 벨기에 근황 '이 조합 훈훈' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> '사서고생' 선후배 5人, 벨기에 근황 '이 조합 훈훈' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:55.


【Catch Pokemon GO Moltre】 Jay Chou《One Breath》| Hong Kong Science Museum &Toy exhibition [YYTV] - Duration: 2:58.

Hello everybody! I am Pokémon GO Moltre

Today (2017/8/1) I was caught by rios in Hong Kong

So had to come here to be a narrator

Today, YYTV and rios go to the toy exhibition and Hong Kong science museum

Background music is YYTV singing Jay Chou《One Breath》

For more infomation >> 【Catch Pokemon GO Moltre】 Jay Chou《One Breath》| Hong Kong Science Museum &Toy exhibition [YYTV] - Duration: 2:58.


Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:00.


Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:00.


Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.150,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.150,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:00.


Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:59.


Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR!! - Duration: 0:54.


Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 100PK Titanium €21.600,- RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 0:59.


BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:05.


Hyundai I30 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I30 - Duration: 1:02.


Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai I30 - Duration: 0:54.


Me being terrible at - Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) - Duration: 12:08.

hello and welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog

okay Green Hill Zone Act one I'm Sonic your trusty blue hedgehog and I have to

get to the end of the level but being super fast I mean that's it basically

you can attack people by jumping on their head or using your spin when you

jump you like spin as well in a ball and that can hurt enemies and I did not

know that for most of my life honestly I'm pretty sure oh and that is the end

of the level I don't even realize that fast I must be that good

act 2 I don't

know there's probably some other special abilities but I don't know them I just

only know how to jump

oh this part I remember this is my favorite thing ever

if you go over here you'll get the Super Boost and you'll die whee and then you're

Super Saiyan as well like unstoppable

And that's the second level so this is another one of the Sega Genesis games I played on my

Sega Genesis mini and I also suck at this one just like I suck at every

single game I play which is I mean should I even bother saying it anymore

like I actually just suck at every game

Sonic, I never finished this game I don't remember how far I got up to I remember

this all I remember is this underground like a lava place and that is it

At least the beginning isn't very hard

so supposedly this game has a story does it

Oh Eggman of course

oh my god

can you even get hit if you just stand in the corner? At least the music's pretty

cool the battle itself is well the opposite of cool it is I dunno

what do you expect me to do

GET HIM! Get him! oh whoops

okay release all the bunnies and now they're going to repopulate and destroy

the entire environment because they just

yeah they eat too much crap and they shit all over the place and it's

horrible why would you want to release all those that's bad

stupid sonic ah don't mind me just touching lava and only losing a few coins

Sonic man he's hella strong he does not give a damn and I should

be giving more damns because I'm dying

this level I remember this level and I remember it being quite difficult

ah puzzles um what huh I guess what I don't get it at


but anyway I got another shield thing and Sonic is slippery in this game, is he

slippery in all games or is it just this game? platforming in a Sonic game very

difficult because he's so fast and slippery what is that can you go

through them I don't know oh god oh god

no I gonna get crushed!

do-do-do-do-do that was not fun at all

that was not my fault like I was trying to get off but the game wouldn't let me

get off I don't know I just wanted to get off.

Yeah it looks like you can go through that

What!? am i just bad at this game or is it some bullshit

I had my shield up and everything. You can't be giving me these insta-kills here why

do people even like Sonic honestly this is the first Sonic game right? this is

the first one I don't know why anyone would want to play this

just kidding it's fun and all just because I'm bad yeah as you saw right

there I'm pretty bad

and huh as you go through that sign you gotta jump for those extra points

Are they even points I don't even know but I was jumped because they look cool

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

oh no no no no this kind of level thing it is so hard

ha ha ha like that what am I supposed to do I am so dead no no no no give me my

ring back don't you dare now I'm screwed why is

the lava waiting for me aah

I even waited! Oh my God stupid spikes I hate spikes, spikes are the worst and I

almost killed myself. This is the second world and it's already impossibly

hard why is there lava in the second world how do you beat these guys? okay

hit the head what?!?!

Oh need one of those okay wish me luck bon voyage

whoa man that was crazy man if you jump you can't even see where the block is kind

of screws your oh you can look down and if you stay down there do you just

die that's what I presume oh come on I jumped on his head ah

Ahh! don't you dare okay I'm going to try to be a bit more not stupid Oh God

right as I start jumping

boing boing boing boing boing boing boing

oh yeah okay oh my god oh my god what um hello hello like and this is

where I die cuz those things just hate me okay I didn't die why is that oh no

another one of those worms I'm screwed aren't I?

don't you dare! that is the end I

guess of Sonic the Hedgehog thank you and "SEGA" goodbye

next time I will see you again

shut up Sonic stop

k baibai

For more infomation >> Me being terrible at - Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) - Duration: 12:08.


Peugeot 107 ACTIVE 1.0-12V 5D Automaat, Nette auto! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 ACTIVE 1.0-12V 5D Automaat, Nette auto! - Duration: 0:51.


Superstar JYPNation - Upgrading Cards (Part 12 : TWICE 'KNOCK KNOCK' (R24-R31)) (N/J/JI/D/CH) - Duration: 1:29.

Hello, everyone! I'm LUMINØUS.

This video's going to show you about 'How much cost I'll use to upgrade...'


Let's Go!

Start with NAYEON.

NAYEON : R24 => R31 Total Cost : 52,500/135,000 (7/18) (Succeeded/Total) (Not bad for NAYEON.)

Next, Leader-Nim, JIHYO.

JIHYO : R24 => R31 Total Cost : 52,500/142,500 (7/19) (Also JIHYO. :D)


JEONGYEON : R24 => R31 Total Cost : 53,300/265,300 (7/35) (JEONGYEON... Failed 28 Times. ㅠㅠ)

Next, Dubu DAHYUN.

DAHYUN : R24 => R31 Total Cost : 52,500/240,000 (7/32) (DAHYUN... Failed 25 Times. ㅠㅠ)

Last Member, CHAEYOUNG.

CHAEYOUNG : R24 => R31 Total Cost : 52,500/120,000 (7/16) (CHAEYOUNG saved my life. ㅠㅠ)

Total Succeeded Cost : 266,300 Total Used Cost : 902,800 (Failed : 85 Times) KNOCK KNOCK : R24 => R31!

And that's all! Thanks for watching, everyone. Hope you enjoy watching this!

Please like, comments or subscribe! for more videos about Superstar JYPNation. See you next time!

For more infomation >> Superstar JYPNation - Upgrading Cards (Part 12 : TWICE 'KNOCK KNOCK' (R24-R31)) (N/J/JI/D/CH) - Duration: 1:29.


For more infomation >> Superstar JYPNation - Upgrading Cards (Part 12 : TWICE 'KNOCK KNOCK' (R24-R31)) (N/J/JI/D/CH) - Duration: 1:29.


Présentation des fonctionnalités de la GeForce GTX 1080Ti LIGHTNING - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Présentation des fonctionnalités de la GeForce GTX 1080Ti LIGHTNING - Duration: 1:19.


For more infomation >> Présentation des fonctionnalités de la GeForce GTX 1080Ti LIGHTNING - Duration: 1:19.


Les coquillettes bio de Thomas Dutronc après la baisse des APL : les twit­tos ne digèrent pas - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Les coquillettes bio de Thomas Dutronc après la baisse des APL : les twit­tos ne digèrent pas - Duration: 3:19.


For more infomation >> Les coquillettes bio de Thomas Dutronc après la baisse des APL : les twit­tos ne digèrent pas - Duration: 3:19.


Lieblingsort: Botanischer Garten - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Lieblingsort: Botanischer Garten - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> Lieblingsort: Botanischer Garten - Duration: 0:54.


1 mois avant un AVC, votre corps va vous envoyer ces signaux alarmants – Ne les ignorez pas ! - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> 1 mois avant un AVC, votre corps va vous envoyer ces signaux alarmants – Ne les ignorez pas ! - Duration: 6:36.


For more infomation >> 1 mois avant un AVC, votre corps va vous envoyer ces signaux alarmants – Ne les ignorez pas ! - Duration: 6:36.


Do Not Buy Drum Kits

For more infomation >> Do Not Buy Drum Kits


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 4-Matic | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 350 4-Matic | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:52.


Gnash feat. Olivia O'Brien "I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU" (karaoke+) - Duration: 4:15.

Gnash feat. Olivia O'Brien "I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU" (karaoke+)

For more infomation >> Gnash feat. Olivia O'Brien "I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU" (karaoke+) - Duration: 4:15.


Will You Press The Button? | With my GIRLFRIEND - Duration: 22:16.

Kat- Hi!

Miya- Aw

M- so cute

M- Aww

Caleb- [whispering] I wanna throw up.

M- Go away! You're ruining moment!

M- I just gotta-

M- Aw

M- Aw, oh my god. *chuckle*

M- Kat, your eyeliner!

C- So, are you guys gonna like talk or? *laugh*

M- No! Shush!

Hi everybody! So I'm in Iowa, and I'm with my girlfriend Kat.

Kat- Sup.

Rowan- You're here, and we are gonna be playing "Will you press the button?" which I'm sure everybody has heard of by now

but we thought it'd be fun, so...

That's what we're gonna do, so I guess we're just gonna start off right away.

Okay, so I guess we'll just go back and forth reading the questions?

K- That works.

R- Uh, and then we'll both answer.

So the first one is: "You get the power to send electric currents through objects/people,

but the love of your life becomes an emotionless doll." *chuckling*

K- I mean.. *chuckle*

*laughing* that's-

*Kat laughing, growing in volume*

K- I'm just kidding! I would never do that!

Oh wait, are you doing this one, or?

R- We're both answering, but we're taking turns like reading them.

K- Depends on what the day is that I'm like- *both laughing*

R- Those days when I'm really pissing you off.

*Kat laughing and Rowan chuckling*

K- No! That I'm already like an emotionless doll, but-

R- Oh! *Both laughing*

K- So, not much would be changed but- I have a lot of feelings.

R- So you'd just always be an emotionless doll? Or just when you...

put currents through things?

K- That's a good question.

R- I think it's like you just become an emotionless doll forever.

K- Forever?!

R- Yeah, like you have that power, but then like,

the other one turns into a doll.

Are we still alive as the doll?

Are we an actual doll, or is it like "Emotionless doll"? As in the-

*Rowan laughing* K- Either way, I don't want that.

R- Yeah, no I wouldn't do that.

I don't know why I'm talking about it so much. No! I wouldn't do that!

That's terrible. And I don't really- K- Of course not!

R- I don't really have the need to send electric shocks through things.

K- I do.

R- You do?

K- I have a lot of rage.

R- *snicker* That's true.


So, most people said no. *chuckle*

Fucking ads!

*chuckle* Fuck you! ..Uh, okay.

Next one! Ok, you read this one.

K- "You get to go on an adventure. You'll save the world to get the girl and have the best damn battle theme ever."

And.. "but!

You will have party members, half of them will die horrible deaths. You have no way of knowing who."

R- Well, can you- If you pick all terrible people then half of them will die.

K- You got a point there.

R- Although then you'd have to go on an adventure with terrible people, but might be worth it.

K- I'm down for an adventure, so..

R- Plus, then I'd get you.

K- Ayyy! * chuckle* R- Ayyy! *laugh*

K- So yeah, I'm gonna press yes.

Yeah, most of the people said yes anyway.

*Rowan ticcing*

Next one.

R- "You become the perfect version of yourself.-" *Gasp*

You're already the perfect version of yourself.

K- Stop it, you.

R- "But you refresh your social life and have to start off from having no friends."

Well, does that count as you?

Because like we talk through text mostly. Does text count as social Media?

K- Good question?

I have no friggin clue! I mean-

I'm down for starting over, but I don't want to like lose you or anything, so.

R- Then I would lose my whole Youtube channel.

K- Oh frick.

R- This is getting too meta.

R- Umm. *Kat sighs stressfully*

*Rowan laughing* K- Thinking's hard! R- FUCK!

*Kat giggling*

*Rowan ticcing*


I don't really mind-

Ok yeah, I mind.

I was gonna continue that sentence, but then I'm like, most of my friends are on social media so..

I was gonna say I wouldn't mind refreshing most of it, but then I was like nah.

I wouldn't- Cause I'm pretty okay with myself right now, so I don't care if I'm not perfect. K- I like my friends so.

R- Yeah, no.

R- Haha! K- Yeah, most people said no. R- No, most people said yes!

K- Oh wait. R- Fuck, we both read that wrong. *Both laughing*

R- Most people said yes. K- Reading's hard, ok!?

R- Yeah, apparently we're just too into the social medias. *music starts playing from phone* Fuckin ads.

Oh my God. This is probably copywritten.

"You can stop-" No, you're supposed to read this. K- Oh,wait.

R- *fake laugh* Don't listen to me.

K- "You can stop time,


every time- uh" fuck! *Both laughing*

"Every minute you spend with time stopped will take away one hour of your life,

Seconds add up so you can't always stop it with less than a minute."

R- So like if it's like two minutes and three seconds, then it's three hours. Not two hours.

K- That sounds complicated and too much work, so I'm gonna say no. *Rowan chuckles*

R- Yeah, that'd be really.. bad.

K- I'd rather speed up time than stop time.

R- Yeah, I don't really have a ton of reason to stop time.. I don't have much to do anyway. *chuckle*

K- So, I'm gonna say nah. *mumbles* Cause I'm lazy.

Oh, it's like almost 50/50.

*Rowan ticcing*

R- Okay.

"You gain the ability to have perfectly accurate control-

controllable (save the fact that you must make at least one a day, or be faced with the worst pain imaginable,

by the most twisted mind in all of creation) predictions of the future."

So you have to predict the future once a day, I guess? And you can do it perfectly accurate and controllable.

"But, no one you try to warn will believe you until it's too late,

And you are not strong enough to change the future on your own."

[whispering] Why would you want that?

K- No. I'd cry so much! R- That just sounds bad!

K- No, no. R- You just know terrible things are gonna happen and then not be able to do anything about it. No, thank you!

Yeah, a lot more people said yes than I thought they would.

47 said yes, why would you want that? Do you want to suffer?

[whispering] Probably.

*loud tic* Okay, here.

K- "You can read anything any language even music, but you can't write anything by any means."

R- [quietly] No.

K- Why? No.


R- *chuckling* What is wrong with you guys?!

*chuckling* No.

We didn't even have to think about that one. K- Yeah i- No.

R- You can't write any- What?

K- That means like texting too. R- Like, it'd be- yeah.

Like, being able to read everything would be cool, but. K- It's basically another form of communication like [indistinct]

R- Yeah.

"Everything you imagine becomes real, but every day you imagine one bad thing."

How bad?

K- I have a vivid imagination, so it just depends.

Yeah, like can you control which bad thing comes to life?

No, because everything you- Oh!

Everything you imagine becomes real, but like I think of bad things all the time! K- Same here.

Yeah, no. No no no no. Huh-uh. R- Not worth it at all.

*Both laughing* If I had that power, I'd think of more bad things.

K- Wait, everybody said yes, like most people said yes. 64 percent said yes 36 was like nah.

I'm the nah. R- Y'all really think you have that pure of minds?

[whispering] I don't think so.

*Rowan ticcing*


K- "You get to meet your favorite fictional character-" Yes!

*kat laughing loudly* R- Ha! Yes! I don't care what the requirement is. K- "and spend 24 hours with them,

But the series that the character's from is canceled and all evidence of the show ever existing is destroyed."

R- No, I Wouldn't do that.

I'm socially awkward enough that it wouldn't be good enough experience for me to- K- Same here, honestly like- but..

R- Wait, how long do you spend with them? K- 24 hours.

R- That's like too much and not enough time at the same time, so it's just a weird amount of time.


K- Most people said no. R- Yeah. Would other people remember the..

the show too?

K- It said all evidence, so I don't think- no. R- Aw, fuck that.

K- Yeah, no. That would suck. R- No.

Ok. K- I take it back.

*Both laughing* K- I was like 'Yeah!' R-'Yeah!.. NO!'

K- 'Yea- nonono.'

R- "You become the most talented in your field of work, but you must drink your inferior's sweat instead of water."

I would never do that.

K- Mix it with something. R- [quietly] No.

K- *laughing* No?

Well, but I don't drink much water. So could I just not drink any water, therefore not drinking any sweat?

*Rowan chuckling*

There is water in things though.. Like fruit and stuff.

Do you have to like inject the fruit? K- I don't know man.

R- But, no. I wouldn't do that, ever.

Sweat is fuckin' gross.

No! I clicked yes! K- *laughing* You fucked up! How could you?

R- *Both laughing* I'm the worst! K- I forgive you.

Now what did people say? R- Uh, most of them said no, like 70%.

K- Yeah, that's yeah. R- We said yes, but we meant no.. so.

*rowan giggling*

Huh! I'll just make mine worse.

Ok. *chuckle*

K- "You cannot die until you find your one true love and marry them,

but you're extremely hideous and overweight." R- Does that mean we will die?

Like you're immortal until like you find your true love, basically. R- Well, then we're already fucked.

*Kat laughing*

"But you're extremely hideous and-"

but that's already- R- Nooo! *Kat laughing loudly*


*chuckling* You're not hideous or overweight!

K- Debatable, but.. if you say so. R- Noo. *Kat softly giggling*

*Kat laughing* R- That doesn't give me any pros. K- What do I say to this? Just no then or?

R- No, cause I might die then anyway.

And no. I don't- yeah.

I'm good. K- Yeah, most people said nope. R- Yeah.

*Rowan ticcing*

[tic] fuck off.

Not you. *Both laughing*

"You work for your dream company where everyone treats you well, but you work as the cleaning staff"

I wouldn't mind that at all. K- I wouldn't care.

R- I really like organizing things.

K- Yeah, me too. That's my favorite thing to do at work. Except like the cleaning part because people at gas stations suck.

R- Yeah, but it's working at your dream company so like- K- Oh yeah!

R- So we'd want to be animators or like designers. K-Yeah.

R- So like, there wouldn't be much cleaning to do. K- I'd just dust the laptops, and admire people's work.

R- Clean up pencil shavings and shit, I'm fine with that. K- Yeah. R- I get to look at pretty artwork all day.

K- Same, that'd be cool. R- I'm fine with that, K- Me too.

R- Oh damn, 51% said no.

Do people really hate cleaning stuff that much?

Depends on what you're cleaning I guess.

Yeah, that's true. But like who's dream job is to work at like a- I don't know, somewhere that's like really dirty?

I guess like schools? K- Not mine. It's just what I do though already.

*music starts playing from phone*

*music stops*

K- [sadly] I was jammin' out. *Both laughing*

R- Okay. Uh, it's your turn.

I think? Is it your turn? K- Yeah.

"Every bit of text on the internet will be grammatically correct,

but you'll have-" wait, fuck. "You'll only have access to the web pages for three hours a day.

R- I don't care if things are grammatically correct. K- I don't give a fuck.

R- Like things already aren't, and it doesn't bother me much, so. K- Yeah.

R- Whatever. K- I don't care.

R- Okay, we'll do a few more and then maybe ask some random end questions? If that sounds good? K- Sure! yeah.

R- "You have all the money you will ever need, but you must drink one cup of dishwater every day."

You could like mix it with flavoring.

K- I'd do it. R- Yeah. K- Money!

Both- MONEY! *Both laughing*

K- I could visit you all the time! I'm drinking that dishsoap. R- Well, yeah. Fuck yeah!

I'm burping bubbles bitch! *Rowan laughing*

K- I don't give a fuck!

*Rowan giggling*

R- You could just like buy house from there. You could buy train to go between houses. K- *Gasp* I want a train!

R- *Chuckling* House trains! K- Babe, let's get a train! R- House trains!

K- I want a tree house. R- Ooh, that'd be fun.

K- [Softly chanting] Tree house! Tree house! R- We should get a tree mansion.

That's a thing. K- Is that a thing? R- Yeah! There are tree mansions.

K- [whispering] Really? R- Yeah.

We could get a tree mansion like made FOR us. We would have all the money we need.

*Both laughing, Kat more giddily* K- I'm drinking the dishsoap!

R- Yeah, dishwater isn't that bad.

K- Nah, not for like a million dollars like-

R- Well..

Are they talking about like used dishwater? Cause I was thinking like water with soap in it.

Same here, that's what I thought it was.

With dishwater, they might mean like.. water after you've washed dishes in it.

Cause, no then.

K- Eh, I don't care. R- Wet food really grosses me out.

K- What if you- You know those one pills that you can like take and it like makes your mouth taste things differently?

R- Yep! Miracle berries, I think they're called?

K- What if you ate one of those before you tried that? R- We should do that! K- Let's do it!

R- Not with dishwater, but with other stuff. *Both laughing*

K- Ok. R- We should get some Miracle berry things. K- Yeah, I'm down for that.

R- Ok, so.. yes. *Chuckle*

Yeah, most people said yes.

Ok, let's do like two more, if they're good ones.

*Rowan ticcing*

K- "You will live in any fictional world or dimension you like,-" Yes!

R- See, we said this last time though and it was no.

K- Maybe I should read the bad thing first. R- Yeah! Maybe! *chuckling*

K- "But!-" R- "But!"

K- Drumroll please. *Rowan giggling*

"All of the people you know-" *Both giggling*

K- Wait "All the people-" wait, what? "All of the people knows-

you destroyed the--"

K- Yeah, they wrote that wrong. R- Yeah, it's just grammatically incorrect. It's just- It's "know".

K- "-you destroyed their hopes and dreams and their eternal hatred is burned deep inside your mind."

I'm Gonna reread this. *Rowan laughing*

R- What does that have to do with anything?

"All the people know you destroyed their hopes and dreams and their eternal hatred is burned deep inside your mind."

So like, everybody in the fictional universe hates you.

K- I don't give a fuck. *laughing* R- Depends on the fictional universe.

Cause some fictional universe I only want to go to because of the characters. K- That's true.

R- But if it's shit like Merlin and shit, where there's like Magic...

Well then people would kill me, so no.

I feel like I wouldn't. I want people to like me too much.

K- Wait, you would hate me too then! R- Aw!

K- Because it's all the people you know. R- Would I be in the fictional universe? K- Yeah "All the people you know".

R- No, it just says "All of the people know you destroyed their-" so it's just all the people who were there. [whispering] I might not be there.

K- Well, if you're not there then it doesn't matter.

R- Yeah, I was just about to say that I was like, 'Then who fuckin' cares? I don't care.' K- No.

R- Most people said no.

Okay, last question! If it's a good one, if it's crap we'll do another one.

"You becrom-" *giberish*

"You BECOME-" Giggling* "a prestige chef

cooking for 5-Star restaurants with a single compliment by Gordon Ramsay,

But your taste buds die from your spectacular food in two years after your first taste. Nobody else is affected by this."

I don't really wanna be a chef.

K- I tried when I was like six, it didn't go very well so..

R- Everyone almost died! .. No.

*Rowan snickering*

[whispering] It was close. K- Yeah, it was close.

R- No, I don't really care about being a chef.. so nah.

K- Yeah, most people said no. R-Yeah.

That one was the last question.

I'll ask you some questions? K- Ok.

K- What's your favorite color? *Rowan chuckling* R- Yeah!

My favorite colors are Seafoam green and Coral,

and then all pastel color just cause pastel is fuckin' awesome. K- What's my favorite color?

R- It's teal!

K- *laughing* How'd you know?!

R- How?! I don't know!

Everything is teal in here. K- I like teal.

*Rowan chuckling*

How about, since my YouTube is about my Tourette's..

Does my tourette's affect like our relationship or like?..

Any dynamic between us? K- I don't think so.

R- No? K- Nah. R- Not at all?

K- I don't- *giberish*

Is this a right or wrong question?! R- *laughing* No! It's- no!

I just wanna know like- if it like-

If you like think anything about it, or if it like makes a difference in anything?

K- Honestly, I'm pretty used to like-

I don't know. I don't really notice like- R- Yeah, a lot of people I know say that they get used to it when they're around me.

K- Yeah, so.. R- So, no? K- Yeah, no.

R- It doesn't really make a difference. K- This sleeve's like all the way up there and the other one's-

R- Because I'm sure a lot of people want to know like if it's like hard or weird dating with Tourette's for some reason,

But I haven't found that to be the case. K- No. R- And if somebody does

think that you're like weird, or stupid, or you're being offensive because you have Tourette's then they're obviously not the right person.

K- Yeah.

*Both laughing* R- Well, obviously!

For some people that isn't obvious though, so like-

Yeah. K- I like to think I'm pretty chill about it. R- Yeah! No, yeah. You don't like mention it ever.

Yeah. K- Hee.*Both giggling*

R- Ok.

How about.. Has it been fun having me here?! K- Yeah! Yeah, I'm so happy you're here! Like-

It feels unreal. R- Yeah. K- [High pitched] And you're leaving tomrorrowww!

R- Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow. We're filming this the night before I leave. K- We procrastinated this whole time making this video. R- Yup.

K- So yeah, it's been really fucking awesome having them here, and I'm probably gonna cry a lot.. tonight and tomorrow. R- Yep.

R- There's gonna be a lot of tears. K- I have a lot of feelings.

R- But we'll see each other soon though, hopefully.

She's gonna hopefully come to Oregon where I live, so.

That should be awesome. I've also had an awesome time here by the way, she didn't just like having me here.

I, I had a lot of fun.

But yeah, so I'm going home tomorrow, but it's been really awesome.

And we've caught up on a bunch of shows that we've been watching together.

It's been awesome.

*Kat squeeking* Yeah, it has! R- Yay!

*Laughing* Okay! Before it gets any more awkward, let's finish off the video!

*Rowan laughing*

*Kat making high pitched squeeks* R- She's gonna go out of frame.

Okay, well I'm gonna post this right when I get home from my trip tomorrow, and it'll take like..

Probably like a few hours since it's a little over 20 minutes, and I'm probably gonna edit some stuff out anyway,

but I'll try to upload it as soon as I can and I'll get back to uploading..

Somewhat regularly, *chuckle* I don't have a schedule, but hopefully every few days or like once a week or something like that.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Thank you for waiting during my whole trip!

I've been trying to keep in contact with you guys in the comments and everything and on Instagram and all that nice stuff,

which all the links for my social media will be in the description, so I hope you guys like this video

and I'll see you in the next one! Bye guys!

It's filming, so you're gonna be on camera. *laughing* K- Yep.

This is Caleb, Kat's brother. K- Yup.

Caleb- I didn't ask to be here. *Rowan and Kat laughing*

R- *chuckling* He doesn't wanna be here.

K- We're just like "We'll just add this in. We'll just be like 'Hey this Caleb!'"So.. *snap*

For more infomation >> Will You Press The Button? | With my GIRLFRIEND - Duration: 22:16.


Gnash feat. Olivia O'Brien "I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 4:10.

Gnash feat. Olivia O'Brien "I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU" (karaoke+chords)

For more infomation >> Gnash feat. Olivia O'Brien "I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 4:10.


Me being terrible at - Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) - Duration: 12:08.

hello and welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog

okay Green Hill Zone Act one I'm Sonic your trusty blue hedgehog and I have to

get to the end of the level but being super fast I mean that's it basically

you can attack people by jumping on their head or using your spin when you

jump you like spin as well in a ball and that can hurt enemies and I did not

know that for most of my life honestly I'm pretty sure oh and that is the end

of the level I don't even realize that fast I must be that good

act 2 I don't

know there's probably some other special abilities but I don't know them I just

only know how to jump

oh this part I remember this is my favorite thing ever

if you go over here you'll get the Super Boost and you'll die whee and then you're

Super Saiyan as well like unstoppable

And that's the second level so this is another one of the Sega Genesis games I played on my

Sega Genesis mini and I also suck at this one just like I suck at every

single game I play which is I mean should I even bother saying it anymore

like I actually just suck at every game

Sonic, I never finished this game I don't remember how far I got up to I remember

this all I remember is this underground like a lava place and that is it

At least the beginning isn't very hard

so supposedly this game has a story does it

Oh Eggman of course

oh my god

can you even get hit if you just stand in the corner? At least the music's pretty

cool the battle itself is well the opposite of cool it is I dunno

what do you expect me to do

GET HIM! Get him! oh whoops

okay release all the bunnies and now they're going to repopulate and destroy

the entire environment because they just

yeah they eat too much crap and they shit all over the place and it's

horrible why would you want to release all those that's bad

stupid sonic ah don't mind me just touching lava and only losing a few coins

Sonic man he's hella strong he does not give a damn and I should

be giving more damns because I'm dying

this level I remember this level and I remember it being quite difficult

ah puzzles um what huh I guess what I don't get it at


but anyway I got another shield thing and Sonic is slippery in this game, is he

slippery in all games or is it just this game? platforming in a Sonic game very

difficult because he's so fast and slippery what is that can you go

through them I don't know oh god oh god

no I gonna get crushed!

do-do-do-do-do that was not fun at all

that was not my fault like I was trying to get off but the game wouldn't let me

get off I don't know I just wanted to get off.

Yeah it looks like you can go through that

What!? am i just bad at this game or is it some bullshit

I had my shield up and everything. You can't be giving me these insta-kills here why

do people even like Sonic honestly this is the first Sonic game right? this is

the first one I don't know why anyone would want to play this

just kidding it's fun and all just because I'm bad yeah as you saw right

there I'm pretty bad

and huh as you go through that sign you gotta jump for those extra points

Are they even points I don't even know but I was jumped because they look cool

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo

oh no no no no this kind of level thing it is so hard

ha ha ha like that what am I supposed to do I am so dead no no no no give me my

ring back don't you dare now I'm screwed why is

the lava waiting for me aah

I even waited! Oh my God stupid spikes I hate spikes, spikes are the worst and I

almost killed myself. This is the second world and it's already impossibly

hard why is there lava in the second world how do you beat these guys? okay

hit the head what?!?!

Oh need one of those okay wish me luck bon voyage

whoa man that was crazy man if you jump you can't even see where the block is kind

of screws your oh you can look down and if you stay down there do you just

die that's what I presume oh come on I jumped on his head ah

Ahh! don't you dare okay I'm going to try to be a bit more not stupid Oh God

right as I start jumping

boing boing boing boing boing boing boing

oh yeah okay oh my god oh my god what um hello hello like and this is

where I die cuz those things just hate me okay I didn't die why is that oh no

another one of those worms I'm screwed aren't I?

don't you dare! that is the end I

guess of Sonic the Hedgehog thank you and "SEGA" goodbye

next time I will see you again

shut up Sonic stop

k baibai

For more infomation >> Me being terrible at - Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive) - Duration: 12:08.


The Steiner Move Day One - Duration: 15:57.

Swag glasses...

He really was a nice trucker guy. Thanks, trucker guy!

Carl's Jr. rocks! Especially the Western Bacon Cheeseburgers

We do know what's going on, but we don't care.


I love Jennifer's weird little moments.

He had my truck... Obviously.

*mumble mumble*

Yeah, that was a bad cut

Sorry about your ears!

Again, sorry!

The BEST Fallout game


I've watched my video clips. I AM boring apparently...

It would've been more entertaining than listening to me.

There are trees... Lots of trees

I broke that promise

She was right. About me lying. My pants weren't on fire.

Check the description for the poll link!

Literally literally

Correction: Weatherford has 11,978 residents versus Oklahoma City's 638,367.

Yes... I have a habit of doing accents. Don't judge me!

Yes, that's a turtle.

Yes ma'am.

I had no idea what she was saying.

For more infomation >> The Steiner Move Day One - Duration: 15:57.


Spruces In Finnish Mythology & Folklore (Finnish With Subs) - Duration: 3:35.

Merry Meet lovely people. It is Niina and you are watching Fairychamber Channel.

In Finland most important conifers are spruces

and pines.

In Finnish folklore spruce has been one of the sacred trees.

More further north one travels spruces become more thin.

This is because in north

thick trees wont handle the

the weight of the snow and

and that is why

spruces become thicker and thicker the more north you´ll go.

Tallest spruce tree in Finland can be found from the Vesijako´s natural park

and it is 45 meters tall.

Finnish word kuusi (spruce) is proto Finno-Ugric


When pine tree in Finnish mythology often is connected to the sun.

Spruces are connected to the moon.

Word Kuusi (spruce tree) might also have connections to the Finnish word Kuu (the moon).

Spruce have been also connected to the shadows and night. Yönpuu (tree of the night) varjopuu (tree of the shadow).

Spruces grow very thick and create shadows that is why

there is always very little life below them.

Young spruce tree can only grow in the shadows of

older spruce trees.

Spruces have been musical trees.

When person went into the spruce forest to shout

there was always a great echo.

People also carved countless Kanteles (traditional Finnish harp-like instrument)

and bells for the cows.

Resin collected from the spruce trees was used to heal wounds

and it was used as disinfectant


People also used to chew spruces resin like chewing gum

and heal their teeth ache with it.

Back in the days hunters, travelers, berry pickers

often stayed under a spruce tree if it started to rain.

For a

traveler handful of spruce branches

was a great mattress. To me that

sounds like sleeping on a spike strip.

During summer field works children were

taken under spruce trees to sleep

because it was cool there.

In Finnish mythology pines are sacred to Ukko the thunder god

and spruce is sacred to Tapio the forest god.

Spruce tree that grow wider not taller

and didn´t really have a clear top was called Tapionpöytä (Tapio´s table).

Hunters were supposed to eat

the first hunted meal in the Tapio´s table.

If there was left over food it was sacrificed to the god

and put under the tree.

Tapio´s table was also known as Tapionkämmen Tapio´s palm.

Hunter also had to sacrifice

goblet of vodka to the Tapio´s palm or the first hunted


That is how hunters made shore they got good hunting luck

and also showed respect for the forest god

and/or to the forest deities.

Bringing Christmas trees inside houses started in Middle Ages among Lutherans.

Custom that later on also arrived to Finland from Germany.

But custom itself has much older origins.

In Finland and in all Scandinavian countries

homes were decorated with always-green tree branches during winter solstice.

This didn´t only happen in Finland

or just in Scandinavian countries.

It was a custom practiced all over

northern hemisphere in countries where people celebrated winter solstice in all different ways.

Briging ever-green tree branches inside

were symbols of vitality and eternal life.

In Finland conifer trees have always symbolized vitality

also because they are common part of the landscape

and are ever-green trees.

Thank you for watching. I will see you on my next video.

Bye bye )O(

For more infomation >> Spruces In Finnish Mythology & Folklore (Finnish With Subs) - Duration: 3:35.


Aadhar card finger print machine ke current lagne se darr gaya ye insaan - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Aadhar card finger print machine ke current lagne se darr gaya ye insaan - Duration: 1:20.


BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> BMW 218 Active Tourer - Duration: 1:05.


我返黎啦!!!! | 順路去埋東京| vlog - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 我返黎啦!!!! | 順路去埋東京| vlog - Duration: 5:40.


UNLOCK YOUR VITAL ENERGY. With Claudia Boschi, wellness therapist and life coach. - Duration: 27:45.

UNLOCK YOUR VITAL ENERGY. With Claudia Boschi, wellness therapist and life coach.

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