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5.05 "Figuring it Out" | Out With Dad - Duration: 19:03.This series was funded by fans like you.
- So how have you been? - Good.
How are you feeling about what we talked about during our last session?
- Curious. - How so?
Given where we were headed,
I kind of had this idea that we were gonna come to some grand conclusion,
that I only date women to shut people up about me being single.
Cause I'm comfortable being single, right?
- I've said that before. - You have.
- And there's nothing wrong with that. - Very true.
And as such, I rarely seek out a new romantic relationship.
I avoid them.
And yet, when I'm in a relationship... I genuinely enjoy it.
And then, they stress me out... And I push them away.
And poor Rose becomes my scapegoat every time.
- You thought about this quite a lot - I have.
And here's where I'm stuck.
Why do I say that I don't want to be in a relationship,...
when truthfully, I really DO want to be in a relationship ?
And then, furthermore, why is it that, when I'm in a relationship, ...
...I run away from it?
Okay. There's lots to unpack here. So...
Well, do you like romance?
Sure. Well, to a point.
Okay. So, you're not aromantic then?
An aromantic person is someone who experiences little or no romantic attraction.
- Asexuality - No, no, actually. Uh...
An asexual person is someone who experiences little or no SEXUAL attraction.
An asexual person can still have romantic feelings.
An asexual person can still have... romantic feelings.
What are you thinking about?
Oh... uh...
There was a woman at the PFLAG meeting a few weeks ago. She hates relationships.
She said that ....
A relationship inevitably leads to kissing, which inevitably leads to sex.
And so she hates it. She hates all that stuff, holding hands, everything.
Well, it sounds like she could be both asexual AND aromantic, then.
Right. Both.
I thought that they were the same thing. But they're not.
No. Nor are they mutually exclusive, either.
Well, could I be asexual then? ... No!
[snigger] No.
It's actually totally possible, Nathan.
But I've...
I mean... He's.. Like, it... you know...
Okay, well, simple question :
Do you like sex?
Actually, no.
No, I don't!
I don't. I really don't, actually, cause...
I remember on our honeymoon even,...
when we finally ...
I was like : "That's ... IT?"
That's what everyone's been going on about? Everyone...
...been saying ...
I need to do and it was so ...
And Angela, I mean... She loves sex. Right? She wanted to do it all the time.
And I did it, but I didn't enjoy it. I was lousy.
I was so lousy!
But I didn't want to disappoint her, so I... I just...
So I...
didn't want to disappoint her
because I'm a provider... and providers don't disappoint.
So I push away relationships because I...
... don't want them to lead to the inevitable disappointment of sex!
- But you do want romance? - YES!
Yes, I do!
I want romance, but not sex.
And then, I thought they were the same thing, but they're not.
- No, they're not - But they seem so connected.
Well, it's very true. I mean, our society puts a lot of emphasis on sex.
Yeah. Yeah. And, and I...
I just assumed that you can't HAVE a relationship without sex.
- That may be true for some people, Nathan - But not me.
Not you.
This is amazing. This is amazing!
This is amazing!
I'm asexual.
[snigger] All this time, I...
I don't have to like sex.
Oh. Wow. Thank you.
- Oh, hi Vanessa. - Hi, Mr Miller.
Funny seeing you here.
- Are you going to that music festival tonight? - Rose mentioned it
Yeah, my dad and I are going. You guys could come with us.
- I'd love to, I'll run it by her. - Cool.
My dad could use a positive role model like you. [Nathan nods]
Hum... Do I have your consent to tell her that I saw you here?
- I hope to see you tonight. - Bye.
Counsellor : Vanessa, come on in...
- Hey, Vanessa. - Hey. - How's your week been?
- Nothing like I could ever expect it in my life. - Good unexpected or bad unexpected?
I'm not sure.
So, where should we begin?
Well, I um ...
I ran into someone from my past...
and... we've been texting ever since.
This has been the weirdest week of my life. I feel like I keep repeating myself:
"This is really happening".
I think the last time I recorded a video diary, Vanessa was still in my life.
And now she's back ...
And here I am.
None of this has been what I expected
That's stupid.
I guess I thought I'd never speak to her again.
I guess I knew one day it would happen.
I always imagined that, if I did see her again, I'd be in charge...
I would tell her what a bitch she was, how she ruined my-
How she was a negative impact on my life.
But.... none of that is true. It wasn't her fault.
God, I still don't know what to trust, what really happened.
She says it's the same for her too.
It's ... weird.
Like, I kind of got used to hating her.
Now what?
Spending the day with her was so...
I even started believing that we might go back to the way it was.
[The song "Side Swept" by Late July plays quietly... ]
I was cleaning my room.
Somehow, I hadn't heard that song in all these years ...
and all of a sudden, it's randomly playing.
And I'm 15 again.
I felt for her just came...
... flooding back.
And I'd give anything for it to be that way again.
But it can't be.
And I guess I don't want it to be. I mean, I was still in the closet back then, even it myself.
The stuff Claire was saying about us being meant to be.
The thing is the Vanessa that she was talking about, ...
... she's changed, she's gone.
So much has happened to her.
And I've changed too.
Neither one of those two people are even alive anymore.
maybe these two new people ...
aren't meant to be.
I... don't know what will happen.
And I'm scared.
I've spent so long holding on to the past that I feel like I lose something of myself when I move on.
I guess I just described growing up.
I don't know what will become of us.
Maybe, we'll just ... be friends.
Maybe, I'm okay with that.
Or maybe...
We'll see...
I'm going to this thing tonight with Alicia and Owen.
Maybe I should invite her.
Maybe I should... Maybe I should invite Dad too.
Owen says he'd love to see him again, and,...
I'm so worried about him.
He's holding onto the past too, I can see that.
Might too much with everybody plus Dad, he'd be the literal fifth wheel.
No, he'd be the figurative fifth wheel, he'd just literally be the fifth person.
I'll see if he wants to go. Sometimes, he's in a weird place after counselling anyways.
I'll see he might not be up for it.
I'll text her right now.
[ She laughs ]
They have no idea.
I still haven't told them yet.
It will be all worth it, just to see the looks on their faces. ... when she shows up.
- Hey, Blossom - Hey, Dad.
- Uh, did I interrupt you? - No, I was just finished.
How was counselling?
Really good, actually.
Uh... you, uh... you won't believe this but ...
I ran into Vanessa... Vanessa LeMay.
- You see the same counsellor - Yeah. - Huh...
She's having that festival tonight with her dad,
and invited us.
I just invited her.
Well, she invited you ... us.
- With her dad, eh? - Yeah.
- I was gonna go with Alicia and Owen - Oh! Well...
- It's okay, I don't have to come. - It's too important.
Okay,... um... I'll get ready then, cause...
Do you know what asexuality means?
Yeah... pretty sure
It's okay, Nathan. She love you, no matter what.
I think I'm ...
I mean I'm not positive but,
I'm pretty sure.
- it just makes so many things make sense then. - Ooohh...
Dad, that's awesome...
You must be so relieved.
I am, uh...
- Um... I am relieved. - I know
Uh, yeah...
I guess you do, huh...?
Huh, I give up these arguments with myself and I'm...
thinking about things I've said and behaviors that I have had,
that contradict a reality, in which Nathan Miller...
- But then... I have so much to process... - Dad!
I get it, you don't have to explain...
The whole self-argument thing?
Trust me when I tell you: ... I understand
Yeah... Yeah, I bet you do.
Dad, I'm proud of you.
This is a big deal.
So, really you're okay with this?
There are five stages a child goes through, when a parent comes out to them as asexual...
- This on my face is phase one - Shut it!
- I'll get ready for the party.. the concert ... the festival. - Okay.
- Uh... Dad... - Yeah?
Don't forget your earplugs.
I know how you get around loud music.
Thanks, Blossom...
Loud music, eh?
I swear Owen said it was this weekend.
Where's your dad?
I just thought, with Alicia and Owen coming, it wasn't a "bring your own dad" thing anymore.
I'm sorry, I... cancelled on them, when I thought you were bringing your dad.
But it doesn't matter anyways because I obviously have the wrong date.
It's okay.
Hi Nathan.
Hi Vanessa.
... again.
So, this is... really happening...
I guess so.
- You know, I'll... I'm just gonna good go - No, Dad, wait...
- Are you sure? I feel bad, I invited you. - You don't need to worry about me, Rose.
I'm exhausted anyway.
This is a new beginning.
For both of us.
You don't need to be out with dad.
Captions synchronization by Michel Cantigneaux
Mooji: Buďte v Tom Naplno (Be Fully On Board) - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Stewie2K DENIED! ScreaM EPIC FAIL! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration:
Top 10 Disturbing Things Bought On The Black Market – Part 2 - Duration: 6:32.Hey hey heyyyyy - right.
The Black Market.
Theres something we should all stay clear from right?
Well, yeah but its also something that we all seem to be really interested by because
the video we did on it was very well recieved.
A lot of you asked for a part 2 and I am never one to disappoint.
Im Danny Burke and this is the top 10 disturbing things bought on the black market - part 2.
Starting off at number 10 we have Moon Dust.
In 2011, a strange item went on sale at an Auction House in St Louis - some dust from
the moon.
Fake right?
Well NASA confirmed it was real.
Investigators believe the dust, about the size of a fingerprint, was taken off a film
cartridge used by astronauts on the first trip to the moon in 1969.
The dust was put on to a piece of clear tape and then disappeared before resurfacing at
this auction house.
They estimated these few specks could be worth as much as 1,500 dollars.
Next up at number 9 we have Human Hair.
Hair extensions and wigs are a huge global business.
A lot of them are synthetic but for some people - only real hair is good enough.
That means it has to come from real people.
A lot of that hair is ethically source but some is far from it.
In places like India, many women in small villages find that selling their hair is the
only way to survive.
They don't receive a fair amount for it.
Even worse, a 2006 report found that some husbands were forcing their wives into selling
their hair while slum children were being tricked into having their heads shaved in
exchange for toys.
Next up at number 8 we have Fake IDs.
When I say fake IDs, what do you guys think of?
Probably teenagers trying to buy alcohol before theyre allowed to.
However, on the black market, theres a lot more serious IDs being handed around.
For a certain price, people can buy fake passports for any country in the whole world.
This can help criminals get into countries theyre not allowed to and even give them whole
new identities.
There have even been cases of people buying police badges so that they can pose as cops
and get away with serious crimes ... Moving on to number 7 we have Sea Cucumbers.
These marine creatures may not be the prettiest thing in the ocean but they are quickly becoming
one of the most valuable.
Many countries in Asia and around the world see them as tasty delicacies to eat, leading
to overfishing there.
So, they search elsewhere.
This has led to huge illegal operations in places like the US to harvest Sea Cucumbers
Prices can now reach up to $500 or more for a kilogram of dried Sea Cucumber.
Normal cucumbers are still pretty cheap though.
Coming in at number 6 we have Rhino Horns.
For thousands of years, many traditional Asian medicines have seen Rhino horns as the key
to curing a number of diseases.
In countries like vietnam, 1kg can now fetch up to 100,000 dollars.
As long as people are prepared to pay that kind of money, there will always be poachers
willing to risk it and hunt the rhinos in their native Africa.
Its always good to see the pictures of police seizing the smugglers Rhino horns but disturbing
to think that each one of them came from a living Rhino …
Next up at number 5 we have Crude Oil.
Oil is something we think of as belonging to big companies or governments - trading
it for billions of dollars.
Sometimes though, black marker thieves can get their hands on a few dozen barrels.
In 2010, there were 712 of these pipeline thefts in Mexico alone.
Each barrel can end up selling for over 100 dollars - making the criminals rich and even
more willing to keep stealing … At number 4 now we have How To's.
How To videos are all over YouTube but on the black market - theyre sold in the form
of e-books and quite often, theyre a lot weirder.
There are ATM hacking tutorials that teach you how to withdraw 20 from a cashpoint but
get 80.
There are guides for how to make MDMA for 1.50 or how to get free pizza in the UK.
For a dollar you can buy -The Ultimate Guide To Texting Girls- or even the Essential Underground
Handbook of secret informations for just 5 dollars.
It all sounds very strange but hey, cant argue with those prices.
At number 3 now we have Official Uniforms.
We talked about Fake IDs a little while earlier when people try and pretend to be someone
theyre not - well this is kinda one step further - just having the full, legit uniform.
There is a whole section of the black market that has real police, pilot of flight attendant
Some of these will be sold to people who want to make their bedroom role playing more authentic
but others can be more sinister.
If someone gets their hands on a real police uniform and ID - how would you know theyre
not the real thing?
At number 2 we have The Old Bomb.
Its no secret that dangerous modern weapons are traded illegally on the black market but
what about old ones?
Check this out - the seller claims this is an unexploded WW1 Shrapnel Shell Bomb.
That means this thing could potentially explode at any given moment.
That wouldnt be too surprising considering its probably over 100 years old.
Youre essentially buying something that could kill you at any given moment - and thats probably
why its on the black market ...
And finally at number 1 we have Social Security.
In many countries, your social security number is essentially what lets you participate in
Youll need it for jobs, bank accounts, lisences, loans and background checks.
The number is totally unique for you.
Well, on the black market, people sell social security numbers.
Well banks will often attach a credit score rating to your social security number.
This could be the difference between a bank loan or not.
So, people are eager to get their hands on a social security number that has a good credit
The only worrying question left is: how did they get the social security number in the
first place?
Well guys, those were some more creepy things that have been found on the black market.
I think Im gonna stick with the normal market but at least I now know where to look if I
ever do want The Ultimate Guide to texting girls.
As always, thanks for watching, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next
Borrowing against your home - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
President Donald Trump Makes Statement From White House On Asia Trip (Full) | NBC News - Duration: 36:17.-------------------------------------------
Madison Beer, Sky Katz, Marsai Martin & Gabbie Hanna Today! | TRL Weekdays at 4pm - Duration: 9:13.-------------------------------------------
SCP 1522 Ships That Pass In The Night | Object Class: Neutralized | Vehicle / Sentient SCP - Duration: 9:35.SCP-1522 "Ships That Pass In The Night" Object Class:neutralized
Item #: SCP-1522
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were tracked and monitored
by MTF Pi-2 (aka "Baldr's Pyre").
MTF Pi-2 vehicles consisted of 2 Hamilton-class cutters and 1 National Security Cutter (SCPS-Minos),
with associated aircraft.
Civilian maritime traffic was directed away from the expected course of SCP-1522-1 and
When this was not possible, MTF Pi-2 ships were to fire flares in order to attract and
lead SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 into isolated ocean areas.
Description: SCP-1522 refers to two fishing trawlers (SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2), each
39 m in length.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were capable of speeds surpassing that of their specifications.
Prior to Incident-1522-Rho, their highest observed speed was 120 knots.
Controls on SCP-1522-1's and SCP-1522-2's bridges were capable of autonomous movement,
but were immovable by Foundation personnel.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were assumed to be sapient, and usually responded to SCPS
vessel signals to change course.
Records indicate SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were manufactured simultaneously in 1991 at
the Parkol Marine shipyard in Whitby, United Kingdom.
After construction, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were kept in Whitby harbour for several months
due to financial complications, before being sold to separate buyers.
They served with their respective companies for 3 years, before being decommissioned as
a result of recurrent mechanical issues.
No anomalous effects were present during this time.
It is unclear whether SCP-1522-1 or SCP-1522-2 actually underwent a decommissioning process.
In May 1997, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were detected, in a re-furbished and re-painted
condition, off the southern coast of Alaska.
Foundation VBSS operations found no crew aboard either ship.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were tracking a Gray whale mother and calf.
Using modified active sonar pings to mimic cetacean calls, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2
spent the majority of their time finding and engaging in play-like activity with various
whale species.
The hulls of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 regularly came into contact for prolonged periods while
observing the animals.
During a 7-month period spent in the Arctic, presumably searching for the Bowhead whale,
SCP-1522-2 collided with an iceberg.
Part of the iceberg penetrated SCP-1522-2's outer hull and it was unable to free itself.
SCP-1522-1 spent several weeks towing SCP-1522-2 and the iceberg into warmer waters until the
iceberg had melted.
SCP-1522-2 remained afloat, but was not subsequently observed moving faster than 10 knots.
Addendum-1522-1: Event log of Incident-1522-Rho, taking place 60 km north-west of Ullapool,
Scotland in mid 2011.
Foreword: The following log is a composite account of eyewitness reports and video feeds
taken from members of MTF Pi-2.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were following a pod of Minke whales.
<Begin Log>
11.51 - SCP-1522-1 curves around the bow of SCP-1522-2, before briefly accelerating to
80 knots, creating a large wave which splashes several Minke whales and causes SCP-1522-2
to rock slightly.
11.54 - SCP-1522-2 comes up to the port side of SCP-1522-1 and sounds its foghorn.
They turn together in a south-westerly direction.
12.18 - Both SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 come to a complete stop.
No activity is registered from either ship for a period of 17 seconds.
SCP-1522-1 then focuses its weather surveillance radar on SCP-1522-2 and sounds its foghorn
three times in slow succession.
12.19 - SCPS Minos detects a RGM-84 Harpoon, inbound on a bearing of three-four-zero.
Vector indicates SCP-1522-2 as target.
12.20 - SCP-1522-2 sounds its foghorn four times and begins moving at 8 knots to touch
its hull with that of SCP-1522-1.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 collide gently.
SCPS Minos detects a second RGM-84 Harpoon on a bearing of three-four-zero.
12.22 - SCP-1522-1 moves and turns to a bearing of three-four-zero.
SCP-1522-1 then accelerates to Mach 4, resulting in large plumes of steam and the creation
of a bow wave of approximately 60 m in height.
SCP-1522-1 vanishes over the horizon in 23 seconds.
12.23 - Harpoon missiles hit SCP-1522-2's starboard side.
SCP-1522-2's hull is ruptured and it begins to sink.
All lights on SCP-1522-2 go out.
12.26 - SCP-1522-1 is seen returning from the direction it previously left.
SCP-1522-1's foghorn is continually blaring.
SCP-1522-1 tries to prevent SCP-1522-2 from taking on water by moving to SCP-1522-2's
starboard side.
12.28 - As SCP-1522-2 becomes completely submerged, numerous active sonar pings are detected,
originating from SCP-1522-1.
SCP-1522-1 begins a series of complex high-speed movements.
Resultant subsurface wavepatterns create multiple zones of high pressure below SCP-1522-2 in
an apparent effort by SCP-1522-1 to cause SCP-1522-2 to resurface.
12.30 - SCP-1522-2 is no longer visible from the surface.
SCP-1522-1 ceases all activity.
16.00 - An MH-65C Dolphin helicopter is launched from SCPS Minos, and approaches SCP-1522-1
for monitoring.
No change in activity is reported.
19.36 - SCP-1522-1 lets out a sustained call from its foghorn.
SCPS Minos's sonar detects large rectangular masses detaching from SCP-1522-1, later found
to be parts of SCP-1522-1's hull.
SCP-1522-1 is fully submerged within 10 minutes.
Closing Statement: SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were to be raised and beached, in preparation
to be taken for salvage at Site-6, Svalbard.
Weather conditions caused salvage operations to be delayed for several months, resulting
in the decayed condition seen above.
The remains of a GOC ship of indeterminate class was discovered at 59°30'N, 6°09'W.
No lifeboats were found.
Addendum-1522-2: During the recovery and investigation of the vessels, two small partially-formed
apparently non-anomalous rowing boats were recovered from within the hull of SCP-1522-2.
These vessels were extracted from SCP-1522-2 and are currently stored in situ at Site-6,
Addendum-1522-3: Following the beaching of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2, an unclear humanoid
figure was spotted near the wrecks.
No such figure was detained.
The note below was found on the bridges of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2.
They were happy, before the end.
Not all ships have to pass in the night.
Wonder Woman's Controversial Costume | Yellow Spandex #11 | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 8:50.Hi, I'm Versha and I'm here to wax philosophical about Wonder Woman's wardrobe.
In the movies, it's fierce and functional, equal parts Greek armor and comic book classic.
But her costumes have been a flashpoint of controversy since the very beginning,
And in the decades since her debut, there has been a ton of debate over Diana's duds.
So on today's very special 'Yellow Spandex,' we're going to take a look at the ever-evolving
Politics of Wonder Woman's Costume.
We'll start just before the Golden Age of Comics, in 1925.
That's when psychiatrist William Moulton Marston fell for one of his students, Olive Byrne.
Marston was already married, but he and his wife Elizabeth welcomed Olive into their home and lived as one family.
But even though Marston and Olive had two children together, 1920's morality wouldn't allow her to wear a wedding ring.
Instead, she wore a pair of heavy silver cuffs to symbolize their commitment.
When Marston created Wonder Woman a few years later, he used Olive's jewelry as the inspiration for Diana's bulletproof bracers.
Or, as they're technically known, her "Bracelets of Submission."
See, Marston was also obsessed with bondage.
In the early comics, Wonder Woman is constantly getting tied up, shackled, and spanked.
But it was all part of his own strange vision of feminism.
She wears a burlesque outfit?
It's athletic!
And silver bracelets?
They deflect bullets.
Suffragette literature was filled with images of chains and bondage,
and early activists fought for the right to vote by chaining themselves to government buildings.
This is before 50 Shades was cool, and actually way cooler.
Marston had this symbolism in mind when he created Diana.
She was supposed to be an example of a woman's potential when she's not "tied down,"
But society still had a problem with her wardrobe.
In her first appearance, Wonder Woman wore a long, flowing, star-spangled skirt,
which gradually evolved into a fairly modest pair of shorts.
They're a far cry from the straight-up thongs Diana would wear in the 90's,
but a woman in shorts was still enough to cause a ruckus in the 40's.
They're not reading anything constructive. They're reading stories devoted to adultery. To sexual perversion. To horror.
To the most despicable of crimes.
The National Organization for Decent Literature-- which was apparently a real thing-- put her comics on their list of Publications Disapproved for Youth because
"Wonder Woman is not sufficiently dressed."
Now, this is no kind of a night for you to be flying around in that outfit!
This was part of a larger moral panic that was sweeping the country,
mostly thanks to psychiatrist Fredric Wertham and his book 'The Seduction of the Innocent.'
Total bullshit.
He singled out Wonder Woman for giving girls the "wrong ideas" about their place in the world.
If you want to raise a generation that is half stormtroopers and half cannon fodder, with a dash of illiteracy, then comic books are good.
Seriously, screw that guy.
DC caved, and changed Wonder Woman from an action hero to a more "traditional" female role.
How do you expect to get a husband flying around all the time? Isn't it about time you stay in one spot for a change?
So instead of being a badass Amazon warrior,
Diana spent most of the 50s and 60s pining for her man while taking up odd-jobs like fashion model and advice columnist.
In 1968, Denny O'Neil and Mike Sekowsky tried to modernize Diana during the Bronze Age.
In his first three issues on the comic, O'Neil sent the Amazons away to another dimension, removed Diana's superpowers and got rid of her costume, lasso and bracelets.
The "New-Look" Wonder Woman travelled the world as a kung-fu super spy and ran a fashion boutique on Bleecker Street in her downtime.
Instead of a costume, Diana Prince wore a white jumpsuit on the job, which was likely inspired by Emma Peel from 'The Avengers.'
Look, Denny O'Neil had good intentions.
He was an early force for promoting social justice through comics,
like in his legendary 'Green Lantern/Green Arrow' series with Neal Adams.
And his Wonder Woman was an honest attempt to make her more relevant for the era of Women's Liberation and the Equal Rights Amendment.
O'Neil thought removing Diana's powers and costume would make her a more realistic role model for ordinary women.
But even he admits that his reboot missed the mark.
In 1972, writer Gloria Steinem was working with DC Comics' parent company to launch her groundbreaking feminist magazine, 'Ms.'
Also, I didn't know she worked with DC. That's so cool!
She hated the idea of Wonder Woman as a mundane mortal, and started a campaign to restore the character to her roots.
Steinem argued that O'Neil's reboot went too far from the empowering figure that Diana was created to be.
Without her costume, Wonder Woman was simply another mortal woman in a man's world,
whose only defense was Judo she learned from her (male) teacher, I Ching.
Diana represents the Amazon warrior that's inside every woman.
She's not a bad James Bond knockoff, she's literally a goddess.
Steinem convinced the DC editors to return Diana's costume and powers,
which she proudly announced in the debut issue of Ms.
On the cover?
Wonder Woman, larger-than-life and back in her classic costume.
That more or less brings us to the Modern Age.
Diana had a rough time in the 90s.
In comics, it was an era of excess.
The men were walking battletanks,
and the women were objectified with huge breasts, tiny waists and even tinier outfits.
Diana was unfortunately no exception.
Throughout the decade, her classic uniform kept on shrinking.
It was even briefly replaced by a terrible new costume involving biker shorts and a black bikini.
Like, I kinda like the idea of a goth Wonder Woman, but I don't think that's how I want her to look.
But with the success of superhero movies in the 2000s,
publishers finally began to realize that superheroes weren't just for adolescent boys.
In recent years, women and girls have been buying comics in record numbers.
As a result, there's been a new wave of discussion on costumes for female superheroes.
Nice outfit. Those heels make it tough to walk?
I dunno. Do they?
And of course, Wonder Woman is at the heart of the controversy.
Women in comic books were traditionally designed with the male reader in mind,
But fans started wondering just how practical it was to fight crime in a bathing suit and high-heels.
So, in 2010, artist Jim Lee gave Diana a drastically different costume.
For starters, he got rid of the eagle design on her chest and the star-spangled pattern on her briefs.
So, naturally, Fox News wailed that Wonder Woman was losing her patriotism and succumbing to the secret Globalist agenda.
The other new addition?
Not everyone was a fan, including Gloria Steinem.
She said the new costume "gives us the idea that only pants can be powerful,"
But hey, it's not like men haven't fought wars in dresses before.
Recently, the comics have started to use a costume resembling the one from the DCEU films.
Which brings us back to Gal Godot's movie uniform.
Yes, her armor is leaving a lot of vulnerable skin exposed.
Yes, the ultimate Amazon warrior still has no time for pants.
And yes, she is wearing heels.
But to Patty Jenkins, it's all wish-fulfillment.
She said she wants her Wonder Woman
"to be hot as hell, fight badass, and look great at the same time — the same way men want Superman to have huge pecs and an impractically big body."
I think the coolest opportunity with Wonder Woman is that she's the archetypical ideal of the greatest woman.
Jenkins brought Wonder Woman to life as the hero she wanted her to be,
and seeing as how the movie is officially the highest grossing superhero origin in history,
She must have been onto something.
As we wait for 'Justice League,' 'Wonder Woman 2' and the DCEU's Diana-focused future,
It's kind of amazing to think how far women have come in comics,
And how much further there is still to go.
World's Simplest Thanksgiving Turkey | Food Network - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
Stanley Didn't Have to Die—The Work of Byron Katie - Duration: 29:18.-------------------------------------------
President Donald Trump delivers remarks at the White House - Duration: 43:11.-------------------------------------------
Aion - Zero to Hero ~ Edition #1 / Zbroje / Poziomy / Broń - Duration: 12:57.-------------------------------------------
Popelnd, BH-Check & Gähnend: Was ist mit Jennifer Lopez los? - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
(November 15, 2017) A woman wants her boyfriend to take a lie detector.... - Duration: 41:24.-------------------------------------------
Induction Cooktops: What is an Induction Cooktop - Duration: 1:17.Innovation outdoes itself at The Home Depot. Featuring a full line of induction
cooktops and ranges, induction cooktops target your pots and pans directly using
electromagnetic fields rather than radiant heat. This means your pots and
pans will get heat faster and waste less energy. Induction cooktops work with
cookware that contains metal, especially on the bottom. To determine if your
cookware is compatible, place a magnet on the bottom. If it strongly sticks, it will
work. Induction cooktops are also safer to use if you mistakenly turn on an
induction burner without the appropriate cookware, the surface won't get hot. Once
you remove the cookware, the heating stops. Finally, temperature control is a
key feature of induction cooktops and often the most important feature for
serious cooks. They offer more precise heating control than gas or electric
cook tops with more settings and better performance at lower temperatures. Get
cooking with induction cooktops, available at your number one home
improvement retailer The Home Depot.
VLOG 24 | Switching Diapers + Normal Work Night! - Duration: 11:13.-------------------------------------------
BTS (방탄소년단) INSPIRED OUTFITS PT.2 // RM - Duration: 3:54.Hey Everyone!
Today, I have outfits inspired by Namjoon from BTS!
This is the last of the series for the individual members
so, let me know in the comments out of all the videos I've done for them, which one was your favorite!
If you haven't seen them all yet,
I will put a playlist on the screen, up here
Sometimes, I see comments asking me for other members but most of the time, I've done them already
so, you can click this playlist and easily watch all of them if you want to~
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video and let's go ahead and get started!
DNA I Love Your Holes - Rainbow Six Siege Funny Moments - Duration: 0:22.I wasn't sure if my holes were helping at all.
Don't really know the roofing on that very much.
DNA I love your holes.
EU-Gerichtshof erkennt Impfschaden an | 15.11.2017 | - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
VW T6 Transporter - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
VW Touran - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Audi Q3 - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
VW T6 Multivan - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
VW Touran - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Happy Death Day movie 2017 ( story ) - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
VW Passat Variant - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Simplify Your Grocery Shoppi...-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Simplify Your Grocery Shoppi...-------------------------------------------
The Time I Google His New Girlfriend - VLOG THERAPY N. 8 - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> The Time I Google His New Girlfriend - VLOG THERAPY N. 8 - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool `n Blue 5-Deurs & Airco - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.4 VTi Cool `n Blue 5-Deurs & Airco - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
BIG HAUL 😍🙌🏾 PRIMARK, STRADIVARIUS, HUDA BEAUTY, MAC ... I DMK - Duration: 12:48.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> BIG HAUL 😍🙌🏾 PRIMARK, STRADIVARIUS, HUDA BEAUTY, MAC ... I DMK - Duration: 12:48.-------------------------------------------
Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Subaru Forester - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
WEIRD YOPLAIT YOGURT TASTE TEST CHALLENGE / The Aloha Tribe with Jordan - Duration: 7:52.Today we are doing the Weird Yoplait Yogurt Taste Test Challenge! Yay!
We have ten different flavors of yogurt and whoever guesses the most flavors correctly wins!
Let's Get Started!
For more infomation >> WEIRD YOPLAIT YOGURT TASTE TEST CHALLENGE / The Aloha Tribe with Jordan - Duration: 7:52.-------------------------------------------
Comment perdre 10 kg ? Différentes solutions - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Comment perdre 10 kg ? Différentes solutions - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Beef Rub | Pitmaster Shane Signature Series - Duration: 1:11.Hey guys, Shane Draper here with Grilla Grills and got a Silverbac smoking in the background.
We got some awesome hamburgers on there, and we used the brand new Grilla Grills beef rub.
It's all about adding that unami to everything beef.
Burgers, steaks, tenderloin, beef ribs, you name it, we've used it and tested it and it's
Went with all the seasonings and all the herbs that fit beef, got the pepper balanced right,
got the heat balanced right, and got all those unami flavors balanced right.
And, something you don't usually see in beef rub, got it done with a clean label.
No MSG here, no gluten, this stuff is fantastic.
Give this a try, it's gonna be on our website.
I'm Shane Draper, this is Grilla Grills and we will see you next time.
For more infomation >> Beef Rub | Pitmaster Shane Signature Series - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Mijoter c'est quoi ? Jean-François Piège, Terrasse Rouge - Château La Dominique - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Mijoter c'est quoi ? Jean-François Piège, Terrasse Rouge - Château La Dominique - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Everton : Sandro déjà sur le départ ? - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Everton : Sandro déjà sur le départ ? - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Souffrez-vous de sexsomnie ? - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Souffrez-vous de sexsomnie ? - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Fetty Wap + Campus DJ-------------------------------------------
BTS (방탄소년단) INSPIRED OUTFITS PT.2 // RM - Duration: 3:54.Hey Everyone!
Today, I have outfits inspired by Namjoon from BTS!
This is the last of the series for the individual members
so, let me know in the comments out of all the videos I've done for them, which one was your favorite!
If you haven't seen them all yet,
I will put a playlist on the screen, up here
Sometimes, I see comments asking me for other members but most of the time, I've done them already
so, you can click this playlist and easily watch all of them if you want to~
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video and let's go ahead and get started!
SCP 1522 Ships That Pass In The Night | Object Class: Neutralized | Vehicle / Sentient SCP - Duration: 9:35.SCP-1522 "Ships That Pass In The Night" Object Class:neutralized
Item #: SCP-1522
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were tracked and monitored
by MTF Pi-2 (aka "Baldr's Pyre").
MTF Pi-2 vehicles consisted of 2 Hamilton-class cutters and 1 National Security Cutter (SCPS-Minos),
with associated aircraft.
Civilian maritime traffic was directed away from the expected course of SCP-1522-1 and
When this was not possible, MTF Pi-2 ships were to fire flares in order to attract and
lead SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 into isolated ocean areas.
Description: SCP-1522 refers to two fishing trawlers (SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2), each
39 m in length.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were capable of speeds surpassing that of their specifications.
Prior to Incident-1522-Rho, their highest observed speed was 120 knots.
Controls on SCP-1522-1's and SCP-1522-2's bridges were capable of autonomous movement,
but were immovable by Foundation personnel.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were assumed to be sapient, and usually responded to SCPS
vessel signals to change course.
Records indicate SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were manufactured simultaneously in 1991 at
the Parkol Marine shipyard in Whitby, United Kingdom.
After construction, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were kept in Whitby harbour for several months
due to financial complications, before being sold to separate buyers.
They served with their respective companies for 3 years, before being decommissioned as
a result of recurrent mechanical issues.
No anomalous effects were present during this time.
It is unclear whether SCP-1522-1 or SCP-1522-2 actually underwent a decommissioning process.
In May 1997, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were detected, in a re-furbished and re-painted
condition, off the southern coast of Alaska.
Foundation VBSS operations found no crew aboard either ship.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were tracking a Gray whale mother and calf.
Using modified active sonar pings to mimic cetacean calls, SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2
spent the majority of their time finding and engaging in play-like activity with various
whale species.
The hulls of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 regularly came into contact for prolonged periods while
observing the animals.
During a 7-month period spent in the Arctic, presumably searching for the Bowhead whale,
SCP-1522-2 collided with an iceberg.
Part of the iceberg penetrated SCP-1522-2's outer hull and it was unable to free itself.
SCP-1522-1 spent several weeks towing SCP-1522-2 and the iceberg into warmer waters until the
iceberg had melted.
SCP-1522-2 remained afloat, but was not subsequently observed moving faster than 10 knots.
Addendum-1522-1: Event log of Incident-1522-Rho, taking place 60 km north-west of Ullapool,
Scotland in mid 2011.
Foreword: The following log is a composite account of eyewitness reports and video feeds
taken from members of MTF Pi-2.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were following a pod of Minke whales.
<Begin Log>
11.51 - SCP-1522-1 curves around the bow of SCP-1522-2, before briefly accelerating to
80 knots, creating a large wave which splashes several Minke whales and causes SCP-1522-2
to rock slightly.
11.54 - SCP-1522-2 comes up to the port side of SCP-1522-1 and sounds its foghorn.
They turn together in a south-westerly direction.
12.18 - Both SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 come to a complete stop.
No activity is registered from either ship for a period of 17 seconds.
SCP-1522-1 then focuses its weather surveillance radar on SCP-1522-2 and sounds its foghorn
three times in slow succession.
12.19 - SCPS Minos detects a RGM-84 Harpoon, inbound on a bearing of three-four-zero.
Vector indicates SCP-1522-2 as target.
12.20 - SCP-1522-2 sounds its foghorn four times and begins moving at 8 knots to touch
its hull with that of SCP-1522-1.
SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 collide gently.
SCPS Minos detects a second RGM-84 Harpoon on a bearing of three-four-zero.
12.22 - SCP-1522-1 moves and turns to a bearing of three-four-zero.
SCP-1522-1 then accelerates to Mach 4, resulting in large plumes of steam and the creation
of a bow wave of approximately 60 m in height.
SCP-1522-1 vanishes over the horizon in 23 seconds.
12.23 - Harpoon missiles hit SCP-1522-2's starboard side.
SCP-1522-2's hull is ruptured and it begins to sink.
All lights on SCP-1522-2 go out.
12.26 - SCP-1522-1 is seen returning from the direction it previously left.
SCP-1522-1's foghorn is continually blaring.
SCP-1522-1 tries to prevent SCP-1522-2 from taking on water by moving to SCP-1522-2's
starboard side.
12.28 - As SCP-1522-2 becomes completely submerged, numerous active sonar pings are detected,
originating from SCP-1522-1.
SCP-1522-1 begins a series of complex high-speed movements.
Resultant subsurface wavepatterns create multiple zones of high pressure below SCP-1522-2 in
an apparent effort by SCP-1522-1 to cause SCP-1522-2 to resurface.
12.30 - SCP-1522-2 is no longer visible from the surface.
SCP-1522-1 ceases all activity.
16.00 - An MH-65C Dolphin helicopter is launched from SCPS Minos, and approaches SCP-1522-1
for monitoring.
No change in activity is reported.
19.36 - SCP-1522-1 lets out a sustained call from its foghorn.
SCPS Minos's sonar detects large rectangular masses detaching from SCP-1522-1, later found
to be parts of SCP-1522-1's hull.
SCP-1522-1 is fully submerged within 10 minutes.
Closing Statement: SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2 were to be raised and beached, in preparation
to be taken for salvage at Site-6, Svalbard.
Weather conditions caused salvage operations to be delayed for several months, resulting
in the decayed condition seen above.
The remains of a GOC ship of indeterminate class was discovered at 59°30'N, 6°09'W.
No lifeboats were found.
Addendum-1522-2: During the recovery and investigation of the vessels, two small partially-formed
apparently non-anomalous rowing boats were recovered from within the hull of SCP-1522-2.
These vessels were extracted from SCP-1522-2 and are currently stored in situ at Site-6,
Addendum-1522-3: Following the beaching of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2, an unclear humanoid
figure was spotted near the wrecks.
No such figure was detained.
The note below was found on the bridges of SCP-1522-1 and SCP-1522-2.
They were happy, before the end.
Not all ships have to pass in the night.
Andreas Wijk ‒ Blue Ribbon (ft. Jimi Tents) - Duration: 3:07.Andreas Wijk ‒ Blue Ribbon
Arrested funny hamsters with suspicion of stolen flour - Duration: 1:21.Thanks for subscribing to my channel!
Outreach360 Touch the Future Sponsorships - Sustaining education with a monthly Donation - Duration: 3:49.(John reading in Donald Duck voice)
No, you don't read that.
(Fiona speaking) Just, you know, that personal level of knowing the kids
and them knowing us, that's what keeps me coming back.
(Tamara speaking) I think one of the key reasons we keep coming back year over year
is because we see the growth, the change, and the development of our students.
(Kari speaking) They get it. They're already talking about, you know
where do they want to go to school, where do they want to go to college.
They were also speaking about how they can give back.
So they're already talking about it.
(John speaking) Outreach360 gives a group of kids,
the next generation of leaders in this country,
an opportunity that they would not simply have without this program.
(Tamara speaking) The Touch the Future sponsorship program is a way that we
can give back to the community. With the support of our employer,
we donate a certain amount and then our employer matches those funds.
And that gets contributed directly to Outreach360.
It's, again, a small amount, but we know that it's making a difference.
(John speaking) I see the impact of the Touch the Future program
in a couple of ways. One is, it sustains what we did.
Without those funds, this program wouldn't exist,
These kids wouldn't have been-- and I wouldn't have been touched
this past week by the way I've been moved.
I understand the program now has 50 new kids.
Touch the Future enabled those 50 new kids to be here.
But beyond that, I see where they want to build the new center,
and I think Touch the Future is actually going to change the future
for not only those 50 but for potentially many, many more.
(Silvia speaking) To help with the sponsorship of this program,
to me, is really important because
you know, like the old saying says,
"You give a fish to somebody and they are fed for a day . . .
. . . but if you teach them how to fish, you feed them for life."
So, I feel like I'm doing that.
I'm giving the kids the opportunity and the tools
to succeed and help themselves and their families.
So I feel really good, and I feel like I know where my money is going.
and I'm very proud of it.
(Kari speaking) Okay, as a finance person,
I would say that the return on your investment is worth its weight in gold.
Seeing how much these kids get out of this program,
makes it worth every penny that's contributed.
(Fiona speaking) It really isn't a lot that we give every month,
but month over month, if everybody can give a little bit,
it's going to make a big difference.
And if this is supporting the program, supporting the children,
allowing them to improve, it really--it just makes sense.
BIG HAUL 😍🙌🏾 PRIMARK, STRADIVARIUS, HUDA BEAUTY, MAC ... I DMK - Duration: 12:48.-------------------------------------------
The Time I Google His New Girlfriend - VLOG THERAPY N. 8 - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Learn Dragonslayer Manuals || Quick New Trick Ep.2 - Duration: 9:09.-------------------------------------------
The Thankful Heart - The Spoken Word - Duration: 2:53.♪♪
EXPLORING Ruta Puuc - The FORGOTTEN Mayan Ruins in the Yucatan ! (MEXICO) 🇲🇽 - Duration: 10:57.What is up members of the Barrio
It's Jon coming to you from Merida
And today we're taking our first day trip outside of the city
To explore Ruta Puuc
I think I pronounced that correctly
They are some of the lesser known Mayan ruins
In the Yucatan area
This is going to be really cool
If you're new to this channel I do want to make sure that you're subscribed and have notifications turned on
So you don't miss out on any of our adventures in Mexico
Today we're going to try to hit up 5 different Mayan ruins
Starting with Uxmal
We rented a car
Took about an hour to actually get this car
That was kind of a bummer
It's a little bit after 9 AM
Had a little bit of a late start
I don't know how many of the ruins we're actually going to be getting to
But I hope to give you guys a little bit of the history
Behind each of these
As we go along
And now let's bring in Adriana
Who is the driver today
You got lucky because this car
We rented happens to be the car you have at home right
Exactly, so it's very easy
And comfortable
Is it easy to drive in Mexico compared to the U.S
Not that easy
I think in the U.S people are more educated to drive
We've entered stop number 1
I kind of wish we got here a little bit earlier
As a bunch of tour buses
Arrived at the same time
It seems to be the trick.
Come here right as it opens around 8 AM
It's about 10 o'clock right now
There's some clouds
I don't think we're going to bake that much under the sun.
It's 223 pesos admission for foreigners
And now we're going to go explore this area
Which is about 1KM all around
My first impression is that this place is awesome
Because you're just wandering around
All of these ruins
Their are a couple of sign posts giving you some basic information
If you're a real history buff I would recommend that you do a tour
Today we just weren't in the mood
And wanted to hop around at our own pace
But you can get a tour guide outside of the entrance
Now this is being restored
You can see right here that they are working on things.
This is not in its original form
But I think if it was in its original form
Obviously it wouldn't look as nice
Adriana has a very disputable fact
About the Mayan ballfield here
Well i'm not sure about this
But some people believed
That the team that lost
They were sacrificed
To the gods
So if they won
They were blessed
By gods
But i'm not sure about it
That's a lot of pressure to win
If I was a Mayan I would definitley want to win
And that is the hoop right there
Win or die.
We made it to the top of the tallest structure that is open to the public
And the view is quite good
I do have a slight regret
I think if we had a good tour guide
It really would have brought this area more to life
Feels like a lot of people here are more concerned with taking the best instagram photo
Than actually trying to appreciate what the Mayans did here and we're guilty of this as well
I do think if you can find a good tour guide
It would definitley be worth it
It's funny but its actually fresh
It is really fresh in here
And when you wake up in the morning you have a great view of this
We are leaving Uxmal right now
This is by far the biggest Mayan ruin on Ruta Puuc
Actually 5 times bigger than any of the other ruins
We are heading for Kabah right now
We've got four more to go
I don't know if we're going to get them all in one day but we're going to try
It's about 20 minutes away
Google maps is still working
I think
22 minutes away
We made it to Kabah and from the outside it looks a heck of a lot smaller than Uxmal
After Uxmal I'm pretty sure that every other site is going to have three times less people.
There's maybe 10 people here right now
And in a way Adriana and I like it here better
It's more peaceful
We feel like we have the place to ourself
The structures they look a bit different
Then they were at Uxmal
A few keys to doing this trip
Bring lots of water
And lots of sun tan lotion
Best advice for you
Jon says that I might be Mayan
Because my ancestors were Mayan
But I don't really think so
You're a little to tall for them
I'm to tall for them also
We spent about 35 minutes at Kabah
Now we are heading for Sayil
The great thing is that after Uxmal to here.
All of the ruins are really really close together
The driving should be pretty minimal at this point
We've made it to the parking lot of Sayil and there are just two other cars parked here
I'm hoping we're practically going to have this place to ourselves
This is el palacio norte
The northern palace
And they said that perhaps
350 people lived in this 3 story complex here.
This is the god of fertility
And for my younger viewers out there
We're going to be blurring this
I was trying to find the form
It was so weird
This is the head
These are the arms
And what is that...
Just like you have to see it
We are heading to stop number 4
And it's Xlapak
I think that's the correct work
So let's see..
Yes. Xlapak
Got it.
We got the proper pronunciation it's Xlapak
And we are the only people here
And this is also the only one of the 5 ruins
On this trail
That is free.
This is the palace here
Probably one of the better known structures
And I don't think we're going to be seeing all of this place
It's a big circle
We've been drained by the sun, do you want to see everything here
Or no?
I want to.. but I feel really tired
And we still have one more ruin to go.
One more stop to go on Ruta Puuc
But we are going to head back
To Uxmal for the light show
This is vlog is not going to be over
After this next stop
Labna was 50 peso admission
About 2 dollars and fifty cents
Like most of the other ones
I am most excited about seeing this one because I've seen pictures on the internet
Of an Arch
That.. it looks really cool
We're going to head for it
My first impression here is that this seems like the least restored
Of all the ruins we've looked at
I can not stop re-iterating how cool it is to have the whole ruins to yourself
It feels like we've just discovered it.. no
Kind of right..
I don't think so..
Labna was my favorite
Because their was nobody here
It has this unique path right in the middle of the complex
And the arch was awesome
So I think a combination of all those factors just it being very unique to me.
Makes the last one.. I think the best for last.
Here's what is going to happen right now
We are walking to the car
We actually booked a hotel very close to Uxmal
So we can see the light show at night
We're going to go back to the hotel
We're going to take a shower
Relax a bit
And then come back
With the finale
Don't go anywhere
Alright we are back at Uxmal
And after a nice long warm shower
And some airconditioning
We're going to check out the light show here. Which costs about 92 pesos
For a foreigner
Now I've heard some reports that it's a bit touristy
Let's be the judge of it together
Adriana is totally expecting a tourist trap here
Yeah my expectations are here..
We just escaped the show
I thought it was pretty terrible
I don't know what about you?
Yes, as I told you I didn't expect something exciting there.
I think personally the audio is fine.
Because it tells you the story of the Mayas
But it's in Spanish
As a Mexican and a Spanish speaker
It's pretty interesting
But someone that doesn't speak Spanish
Might find it boring as hell..
I speak enough Spanish
And I think it would have been boring in any language
Even in English
The lights just .. weren't good..
They need to update their technology
It's 2017.
They need some live actors
Or holograms
Or virtual reality..
Something like that
I am not recommending that you do the night show
Do visit Uxmal during the day
Totally totally worth it
In fact everything on the Ruta Puuc I thought was worth it
Any suggestions for people?
You have to do it.
I mean it's really really worth it
During the day go through Ruta Puuc
Or come here during the day
It's amazing you have to come.
Guys one very important tip
There are not many gas stations around here
We almost ran out of gas
Make sure if your car rental company like ours.. does not give you more than a little bit of gas
Fill it up.. don't fill it up
But get quite a bit
Before you leave Merida
That will help you out
Guys thank you so much for watching
We covered so much today
Hope you enjoyed this vlog
Make sure you're subscribed if you are new
We've got a lot more fun things coming out
From the Yucatan
In the next month
Appreciate everything.
Until next time.
Vlog #14: MY WHEELCHAIR CAME! Unofficial unboxing + a wheelchair walk (11/14/2017) [CC] - Duration: 13:57.[music: Defqwop - Say The Word (feat. The Ruin)]
[intro: Pinhead: "I. AM. PAIN."]
Randy: Smells good!
Me: Does it?
[music: Kovan & Electro Light - Skyline]
There it is.
Such a helpy.
Randy from background: NOT REALLY!
Is that yours?
Is that yours now?
[beeping] oh my god.
[high-pitched beeping continues]
You think so, baby?
[beeping] Oh yeah!
Good girl.
What do you think?
Doesn't even care.
What do you think?
Is this yours?
[music: Rameses B - Beside You (feat. Soundr)]
Which way...this way?
No. [laughter]
NO. [laughter] No.
Randy: Very quick.
[high-pitched beep]
[music: Lakey Inspired - Summertime Love]
Beef Rub | Pitmaster Shane Signature Series - Duration: 1:11.Hey guys, Shane Draper here with Grilla Grills and got a Silverbac smoking in the background.
We got some awesome hamburgers on there, and we used the brand new Grilla Grills beef rub.
It's all about adding that unami to everything beef.
Burgers, steaks, tenderloin, beef ribs, you name it, we've used it and tested it and it's
Went with all the seasonings and all the herbs that fit beef, got the pepper balanced right,
got the heat balanced right, and got all those unami flavors balanced right.
And, something you don't usually see in beef rub, got it done with a clean label.
No MSG here, no gluten, this stuff is fantastic.
Give this a try, it's gonna be on our website.
I'm Shane Draper, this is Grilla Grills and we will see you next time.
LORENZO PARTIDA: Fúnebre (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
Pinball FX 3 The Walking Dead Table 1080p 60 fps - Duration: 33:40.Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD
VW Polo - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
DIY LOL Surprise Dolls EASY Custom Christmas Gifts Affordable Holiday Presents People Want! - Duration: 4:22.Hi friends it's me Tiffany Taylor
so today I'm showing you how to make some DIYs LOL surprise doll gifts that
are so easy to make and guarantee your friends and family will love and get use of it
If you try any of the diys I would love to see pictures so be sure to add
#HOLIDAYSWITHTIFFANY on your instagram or tweeter
but first if you are new to my channel
SUBSCRIBE and click the bell right next to it so you know when I have a new video
give this video a thumbs up if you are excited for the holidays!
and also I want to give a shout-out to alyamaya funny baby channel
they do the best LOL Surprise doll pretend play videos
so go check them out their channel link is in my description box below
now let's get started
ho ho ho
to make this custom DIY LOL Surprise Doll Pets ornaments
print images on sticker paper, cut, stuff with paper or glitter and put sticker
to make this DIY LOL surprise doll mug
I used design your own mug, print image
trace and done!
for this LOL Surprise doll phone case I used mod podge
glue images on phone case, dries clear
to make DIY lol surprise doll custom pins I trace and color images on graphix
shrink film, put in oven, flatten and hot glue tie tack pins
so that was my Christmas gifts ideas video
I hope you enjoyed it if you did give me a thumbs up
come join the fun! click right here on my face
I love you all so much! I'll see you on my next video! Bye friends!
New YouTube Channel! - Duration: 7:52.-------------------------------------------
Cortometraje BLACKMAIL - Duration: 17:23.The events depicted below never happened. This is what the suspects claim.
Saturday, 7.00 a.m.
Damn! Fuck!
Just for an ace, a damn ace!
Monday, 10.15 a.m.
Good morning!
Time is up. You had the whole weekend.
Please, tell Mr. Víctor to cut me some slack.
I have just gone to the bank to ask for a loan they refuse to give me.
I have called all my friends these days and none of them will lend me the money.
But I will manage if you can give me some extra da…
Shhhh! This is not our problem.
Maybe you thought we were the bank, but we charge the interest rates way sooner.
Just one more day. That's all I'm asking.
I'll do whatever, but I need some extra time.
I'm begging you…
All right.
Mr Victor gives you 24h
So hurry up or face the consequences.
Thank you! Thank you!
Oh, and don't fuck with us.
Don't try to run away.
If you do, we will find you. Wherever that is.
It's nine p.m. The news.
Local broadcasting.
We come to an end reminding you that this afternoon Mr Cipriano Souto was buried
He was a local businessman, director and founder of the Souto Steel company.
He passed away last Friday afteroon. Souto is leaving a large inheritance to his wife…
Your brother's cell phone…
Are you Cipriano Souto's widow?
Yes, Who's calling?
Listen carefully. I have your husband's corpse.
What is it?
Follow my directions and you will get it back without any problems.
Tomorrow by 9 a.m. leave a bag with 100,000€ in a cave near Wolf Rock, in St. Anton´s beach
And don't you go there. Neither you nor anyone else.
If you do anything foolish, forget about getting the body back.
Is this a joke? Who are you? This is not funny!
But what is going on?
Listen, lady. Your husband is going to be on the news again for sure.
What the headlines will say is up to you.
Son of a… If I find out who you were I'm going to ...
Tell me what the hell is going on!
Listen to me, bastard. This better not be true
because you don't know who you're playing with here.
YOU listen to me, because you don't know what this game is about.
Either you do what I say or your family is gonna be involved in an unparalleled scandal.
Stop by the cemetery and check if I am joking.
You know the terms, now fulfill them.
EVA, tell me what's going on, right now!
I'll tell you on the way to the cemetery. There's no time.
On the way to the cemetery? But what the fuck…?!
But what are we going to do now?
We don't have all that money!
I'm taking over this right now. I know who can help us.
Let me handle this. No hobo is going to taint this family's honor.
Sorry to call you at this time of night, but I need your help urgently.
Thanks. I owe you one.
You don't owe me anything. Your family has done a lot for me
Tomorrow you will hear from me. Bye.
Bye, Víctor.
We are gonna fuck that bastard.
Tuesday, 9.05 a.m.
What the fuck?
Is this how you were planning to pay me off?
Mr Victor, let me explain…
I was about to get it. I didn't know what else to do. Please, you must understand…
That you fucked an honest family to sabe your own ass?
There is nothing that can justify it. Hand over the corpse right now.
I don't have it here.
It's in the outskirts. By the hanging tree.
Don't make it worse. You are going top ay off whether you like it or not. So, go on. Move it.
We will need a pickaxe and a shovel. They are in the trunk
Do we tie him up?
Not necessary. It'll be quick. And also, he is gonna behave, wont' you, Julito?
Totally epic, bury him under a tree…
In fact he is over there…
Dig him out .
Quite honestly, I thought you'd get the money,
That's why I cut you some slack…
but this business is too dirty, even for me.
You deserve no mercy.
Boss! It's over here!
We have it. It's in the outskirts, by the hanging tree.
I thought you'd like to meet our little friend ...
before the work is over.
All right, we are on our way.
Victor? Victor? Are you still there?
They're at the hanging tree. Let's go
Leave those!
The guns too, come on!
Get out of here!
Look at this, the hunter caught.
You are dead, son of a bitch.
Really? Let's cut a deal. If you don't want me to kill you right here.
You wouldn't. You are a damn piece of shit!!
I have nothing to lose, so if I were you, I wouldn't talk so much.
You are not in a position to give orders, don't you think?
You are going to make a transfer to my bank account.
300,000€. And I want them right now.
You're nuts! I don't have that much money…
Come on! Don't mess with me. You've got that and much more.. extorting people like me for three-number debts…
From no won, you are gonna leave me alone forever.
Wherever I am, I don't wanna know about you, or any surprises of any time.
Get it? All of this in exchange for your life.
All right…
So call, for fuck's sake… your accountant or whoever you like, but do it now…
and give me the car keys. I'm keeping that too.
You've got balls to do this.
I mean it. Nobody had ever dared, and I wouldn't have thought you'd be the first,
taking into account what a chicken you are.
Shut up and do what I say!
From the first hand I knew you were a weakling
The worst player and yet the more hooked.
The one who wouldn't miss any night despite losing in every one of them.
We always wondered why you kept coming.
Then we heard about your story.
The depression, family problems, your job issues…
and we were surprised you were still able to pay, even if they were small amounts.
People like you are doomed to lose.
You were born for that.
Shut up!!
Oh my God!
Who was that son of a bitch?
Who cares? It's just a corpse.
By the way Eva, your husband is waiting.
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