Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 9 2017

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Top 10 Popular Television Brothers And Bollywood Sisters | You Didn't Know - Duration: 4:38.

Top 10 Popular Television Brothers And Bollywood Sisters | You Didn't Know

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Tactics Explained | Why Everton Should Hire Thomas Tuchel - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Tactics Explained | Why Everton Should Hire Thomas Tuchel - Duration: 3:51.


Siêu Nhân Dép Rách - Tập 13: Tấm Cám Bống Bống Bang Bang - Phim Hài Siêu Nhân Hay Nhất 2017 - Duration: 11:53.

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For more infomation >> Siêu Nhân Dép Rách - Tập 13: Tấm Cám Bống Bống Bang Bang - Phim Hài Siêu Nhân Hay Nhất 2017 - Duration: 11:53.


William Patrick Corgan: The Spaniards - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> William Patrick Corgan: The Spaniards - Duration: 4:07.


Introduction to permaculture farming - Denisa Tomášková - Duration: 56:25.

Permaculture Farm - a Way to the Ethical and Sustainable Food Production

hello, my name is Denisa Tomášková

and I work for a czech permaculture academy as a teacher

of permaculture courses

and I also create permaculture designs as a permaculture designer

that means that I consult my clients about their sites

that are of different sizes

from small gardens to many acres

we make permaculture systems

today I hacve prepared for you a short overview of what it means "the permaculture farm"

permaculture farming is very different from a conventional farming

but also from the organic agriculture

the main difference is that permaculture is a design system based on ethical rules

let's have a look on what is it we want to compare a permaculture farm to

can permaculture feed the world?

a long time ago when I started to study permaculture my friends used to ask me if permaculture could feed the world

they used to say it was a very nice concept based on the nature but...

I was talking only about small systems in gardens which was only a complementary production

those many years ago I was curious too

at that time I also tended to a quite a big piece of land, I had two hectares

I kept asking myself how to... how to make the production on the big land function

conventional agriculture produces unbelievable yields nowadays

it can produce grain around 5t per hectare

potatoes 22t per hectare

60t per hectare sugar beet

those are huge numbers

the price we pay is of course very well known, but it is extremely difficult

to reach those numbers in monocrop in organic agriculture

these yields are dependant on the artificial energy added to the system regularly

we use fossil fuels to power the tractors

we use many chemicals as fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides

the price we pay is:

soil degradation and water regime disturbance

the soil treated this way succums to wind and water erosion

the soil horizon is compacted by the heavy machinery on the fields

lastbut not least : agriculture is one of the major contributors to the carbon emissions

let's have look how is permaculture facing the challenges connected to food production

let's begin with what really is permaculture

there are many definitions of permaculture

I like this one:

permaculture is a set of tools that helpes us to create

ethicasl and ecological livelihood

it is based on the three basic ethical rules

Earth care, people care, sharing the surplus

this concept was created by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren

in Australia in the 70's

and originally it was really created as a concept of a sustainable agriculture

permanent agriculture

as years passed it was widento ed"permanent culture"

permaculture is based on nature

it copies natural principles of functioning

I have chosen a couple of permaculture principles

that we use when we design permaculture systems

permaculture principles are the main tools for the design

permaculture systems should copy the nature so that they consume less energy over time

conventional agriculutre requires constant imput of energy

it requires plowing, pesticies, herbicides

in permaculture we aim for a kind of production that does not require these imputs

ipermaculture farm should not need to buy in the fertilizers, to pollute the soil with chemicals

the first principle I chose is WE WORK WITH NATURE RATHER THAN AGAINST IT

in permaculture we carefuly observe the nature

we try to visit unspoiled places

Bill Mollison himself worked in and observed the Tasmanian rain forest

and he relized hat nature does not need to plow

does not need to fertilize and yet nature is extremely productive

and so we work in cooperation with nature, we don't try to fight it

we observe and duplicate the natural functioning of systems

eventually this makes the work on the farm easier

another core principle of permaculture is THE PROBLEM IS THE SOLUTION

we often try to resolve problems with a big imput of energy

for example if we have a wet piece of land, we can either meliorate it

and make it into something different from the natural tendency of the place

or in permaculture we can plant some water loving plants and adjust the production to the plsce

or we can make a pond there

another permaculture priciple is TO MAKE THE LEAST CHANGE FORTHE BIGGEST EFFECT

again we are trying rather think more and to do less

for example if we have some old buildings on the site

we can renovate them, we can pull them down or we can creatively use them with a minimum energy imput

we can tranform them into a shed, summer kitchen

our students in our courses come up with all sorts of solutions

another principle i chose is CATCH AND STORE ENERGY

that is absolutely essential for a permaculture system to function

if we develop a farm that is supposed to bring the yield

we need to work with the energies that enter the site very crefuly

these energies can be various

it can be the sunshine, the wind

it can also be people that come

it can be turists

so people make a form of incoming energy as well

in permaculture we work with the energy so that

invite the beneficial energies and block the negative energies

we store the energy in plants

we try to catch the energy of the wind

we transform it into electricity or use it to dry wet places

there are many ways

those energies we do not want on the site we divert or block

for instance the unwanted hot summer wind can be diverted by a windbreak

another permaculture principle is DESIGN FROM PATTERN TO DETAIL

when we design a site we define the main idea, the master pattern first and then we proceed to details

the master pattern is processed into bigger detail over time

the detailed design of a chicken coop or a raised bed comes last

the last permaculture principle to show here is


the surplus in ecosystems is concentrted on the edges

if we take for example forest and a meadow the most species will be found on the transition from one ecosystem to another

if we take a river bank - it is the place where the water ecosystem meets the solid dry earth

the edges are always the most productive

in permaculture we design edges on purpose to obtain the yield they bare

the edge can generate the yield that we as farmers can selll

in permaculture design we are aiming for a system where the demand for imputs is minimized

and the need for energy imput decreases over time

that is a big difference to the conventional agriculture and

I think also to the organic agriculture

because also in organic agriculture we use energy demanding techniques

there are more smart tools in permaculture

we use those tools to design or only to contemplate about the design

the tool I chose is a concept of ZONES

zoning in permculture means that we keep often used things closer and less used things further from the house

there is a house in the centre and the things that need most care around the house

in this zone there will be for instance plant nurseryor other plants that need daily care

there will be some small QUIET animals in this zone

the further from the house we go, there will be elements of the design that need less and less care

so as we already understand the zone around the house, zone 1 is for small intensive systems

zone 2 will be for bigger animals, small trees, chicens and still often used things

such as strawberries for breakfast

zone 3 is for the main crop and big animals

for instance potato field does not require daily attention

in zone 3 there will be pastures and ponds

the ponds if managed properly can produce up to 30xmore nutrient than the dryland

zone4 is a managed forest of your choice - for firewood, timber. it is a place where we store energy long term

zone 5 is a wilderness

there is no human intervention in this part of the property

this place is left on it's own

zone 5 is present in all sizes of the sites

zone 5 is a textbook of nature that we observe and learn from it

let's have a look on the water management on a permaculture farm

in pemaculture we try to always function acording the permaculture ethics - Earth care, people care and fair share

these are three common ways to deal with water on the property:

water is a resource that is becoming scarce even in our counry - we experience droughts and floods

there is a basic rule in permaculture for water: SLOW SPREAD SINK

we use swales on contour, little ponds and marshes and keyline design to keep the water on the property as long as possible

swales are tree growing features!

the small ponds and dams are used for animals, for putting out fires and for growing fish and water plants, can be a lso used for irrigation

we aim to produce a mosaic of water features that most resembles the natural system

keyline design uses a special plow made by P.A.Yeomans that rips the soil open and allows to infiltratethe soil with water and air

keyline plow can be also used to sow the seeds into the pastures

soil is a resource that can be renewed, but only with a great difficulty.

plowing and chemicals destroy the soil life

in permaculture we care for soil by groudcovers, annual or perennial, no-till techniques and pasture cropping.

there are farms that can produce a nice crop without turning the soil

annual groundcovers- a sequence of plants on the field so that the soil is never bare and also the weeds cannot grow

as a groudcover we can use rye, clover, daikon and many others

daikon root opens the soil

pasture cropping can be also effective if the sequence is right - theanimals intensively graze, trumole the grass and then the soil is ripped and sown

the animals are used on the permaculture farms for services they can perform

on permacculture farm we use animal tractors - chicken tractor, pig tractor and we use other animals for other activities too

the chickens can help with the pests in the orchard

obtaining a yield on a permaculture farm: witn animals, greenmanure, biochar, compost teas and vermicompost

on a permaculture farm we try to produce all the fertilizer necessary, so that we do not have to import anthing

it is necessary that a farm cooperate with the close surroundings

and there is a return of at least a part of the residues

the aim is to be self sefficient with producing of the energy

how can we do it? we use animals, they can replace some machines, e.g for tillage and weeding

another way for enhancing the soil quality is a green manure

if we have to till, we should use cover crops after harvest because of protection and accumulation of nutrients in soil

another method we can use even on a larger areas is biochar applicacion

there are experiments in Germany and also in Australia

it is basically a charcoal with an enormous surface and it is like a sponge and a shelter for microorganisms in the soil

Experiments proves that the soil with biochar is very productive.

there two main ways for fertilising as such: compost tea, which is microbial and mycelial leachate

it is added to nutrient solution and during the aerobic process there is a reproduction of useful microorganisms

and this solution can be used for large areas

advantage is to mix the suitable solution for a certain crop

the cereals prefer more bacterial component, trees and bushes prefer mycelial component and the tomatoes like half-half ratio

there is a research about it beacause the microbial organisms are crucial for health and growth of plants.

there is a hope that conventional fertilizers could be replaced by this

for smaller vegetable production. it is possible to use so called vermicompost which is a product of earthworms

they are special manure earthworms which feed on organic matter

there are big vermicompost productions

fertilizing with vermicompost is very efficient, especially with vegetables is higher yield

let's have a look on animals, so far we have been talking about plant production

animals should be part of each permaculture farm, it doesn't mean that a farm has to be specialised on animal husbandry

permaculture farmer always will be a passionate producer of compost so it is useful to have animals for composting

however if we want to focus on animal production, there is several models of attitude

Joel Salatin from U.S., he is an organic farmer, he is commercially successful

it is often a problem that permaculture farmer can grow and produce good vegetables, good meat but he has got a problem to sell it

and he is a good at production but also at sale.

he started "mobile farm". he has got his own plots and rented plots

all the facilities are mobile, on the wheels

what you can see on the pic, it is "egg mobile"

the hens are changing the plots every day

so there is no degradation of the plot, they fertilise and aerate the soil

at the same time, there is an elimination of pest problem, because animals are not in touch with their own excrements

those hens have a good diet of insects, of course they get the food from farmer

his farm is located in Virginia and its name is Polyface farm

another person who works with animals on a permaculture farm with diverse crops, he produces potatoes, cereals, fruits and vegetables and animals, is Mark Shepard

his concept restoration agriculture, it is permaculture farm where there is a water management, well-done design of zones that there is no waste of energy

the next concept which is accepted by permaculture is holistic management

the soil degradation is huge, especially in dry areas, because there is intevsive pasture with no time for plant regeneration

this concept was created by Alan Savory and it is for enhancing the soil quality

improve the quality of pastures and at the same time to produce meat and milk

the principle of this concept is that we work a certain intention and with financial concepts, and the animals are moved around with enough time for plants to regenerate

and create root system large enough to ensure carbon sequestration and a good growth of plants to the future

if we had one hectar plot and a herd of sheep, we wouldn't use whole hectar for sheep but divide it into smaller pieces

so sheep graze on one piece and when they return, the grass should be fully regenerated

and parasites in excrements should have broken life cycles after that time

there is much more examples but we don't have enough time to talk about it

now let's have a look how it is with permaculture farming and care about people

primarily farms care about people in a way of producing the food which enable to survive

it is even more obvious for permaculture farms. the permaculture products should be healthy, alive, appropriate, not chemical

currently there is an increasing tred of growing in the cities

it is beacuse there is an effort to grow the food locally

why are we doing that? we try to decrease the impact on the environment because of long distance transport of food

but it is also beacuse fresh vegetables and fresh food has got a bigger nutrient value than long stored vegetable

it means that there are more and more urban farms

definitely it is not something what would replace a mass production

but from human care point of view and what quality people can get, it is very beneficial because people in the city have got a possibility to buy completely fresh product

some urban farms work typically, hydroponic, but lots of them implement permaculture principles

and thanks to that there is a phenomenon of people around farms

and the community forms around the food what i think it is really appropriate and beneficial

now let's talk about how the farmer can share the surplus

of course, the aim of farm is to produce something what is possible to pass on

in permaculture it is one aspect that we create the surplus and it is possible to use it but at the same time there is a formation of new information

because permaculture farmers try many new things, they obtain the knowledge and art which they can share with others

so this is that surplus which each permaculture farmer can share

the way they can do it by several ways. there is an organisation of organic farms for volunteers, WWOOFing.

you can find information about it online

then there is an international map of permaculture projects, where it is possible to find projects from your climate

it is possible to add information about your project, your experience, your difficulties

in the Czech republic, there is an organisation Permakultura CS and its partner Academy of permaculture

where we like people who come and share their experience on permaculture courses

and in magazine which is published by permaculture association, it is called Klíč k soběstačnosti (Key for self-sufficiency)

and on permaculture convergences every year

knowledge it is that precious what permaculture farmer can share

so it was very short review about specifics of permaculture farms and techniques

for those who are interested in this topis, can visit or

you can find lots of useful information onlie, permaculture community is wide and global

it is not only about Australians but also what people do in our climate

thank you for your attention and i hope we will meet at some permaculture course or a meeting of permaculture community in the Czech republic

For more infomation >> Introduction to permaculture farming - Denisa Tomášková - Duration: 56:25.


Pilih Nyaman Atau Kata Teman? #GadgetStory - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Pilih Nyaman Atau Kata Teman? #GadgetStory - Duration: 3:03.


Saoirse Ronan Misspelled Ed Sheeran's Tattoo On Purpose - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Saoirse Ronan Misspelled Ed Sheeran's Tattoo On Purpose - Duration: 2:00.


[Showcase] Jeong Hye Sun(정혜선) _ ONLY YOU(너면 돼 (Feat.Kyo)) - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> [Showcase] Jeong Hye Sun(정혜선) _ ONLY YOU(너면 돼 (Feat.Kyo)) - Duration: 5:29.


Beneath Kyiv. Episode 2. Русские субтитры. - Duration: 11:25.

For more infomation >> Beneath Kyiv. Episode 2. Русские субтитры. - Duration: 11:25.


Belə Şeylərdə Olur - Sabir Samiroglu vine 2017 - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Belə Şeylərdə Olur - Sabir Samiroglu vine 2017 - Duration: 0:36.


Слышу самого себя в Наушниках! 🎧 Как исправить? - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Слышу самого себя в Наушниках! 🎧 Как исправить? - Duration: 2:50.


КАК ОТЛИЧИТЬ ПОДДЕЛЬНУЮ МОНЕТУ. Монеты Царской России. Подделки. Часть 2 - Duration: 14:25.

For more infomation >> КАК ОТЛИЧИТЬ ПОДДЕЛЬНУЮ МОНЕТУ. Монеты Царской России. Подделки. Часть 2 - Duration: 14:25.


😋 PÉ DE AMORA, UMA DELÍCIA! | Nô Figueiredo 9/11 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 😋 PÉ DE AMORA, UMA DELÍCIA! | Nô Figueiredo 9/11 - Duration: 3:09.


#TwitterFail: Just when you thought Twitter couldn't be worse - The Feed - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> #TwitterFail: Just when you thought Twitter couldn't be worse - The Feed - Duration: 2:13.



Hi and welcome, I'm MattLs

and today we will think if FS17 Platinum is worth to buy.

To answer this question I prepared some graphs,

and figured out how to investigate this if it's worth or not.

This is only a clear data. If it's worth it depends whether you like it or not,

here I'm only showing data I gathered.

Which only showing more or less a profitability,

based on what DLC is containing.

And we can see that

there are most of tools - 14,

there is also a problem, because when I'm creating this video

on the official website there is still "Coming Soon" sign

so I don't know if the will add more tools or not.

so I counted fourteen.

There are four vehicles,

three tractors and one sprayer.

Two combine harvesters - "Bizon" and this one for sugarcane.

And also there is one map.

And in my profitability scale there is "1,25".

About this scale I will tell you later

Let's go further.

Here are what some FS DLCs contain.

There are all DLCs for FS17,

we have here "Platinum", "Big Bud", "Kuhn",

and for FS15 I choosed "Gold", "Holmer" and "JCB".

And you can see all this DLCs shown and what they contain.

As you can see "Platinum" have pretty much a lot vehicles, combines,

similar to "Gold".

"Kuhn" has only tools.

"Big Bud" two tractors and rest are tools.

So this is how it looks.

Let's go to the next.

Here you can see profitability in points and prices of these DLCs.

And points:

for tool I gaved [0,5 point], for vehicle [1 point], for harvester [2 points] and for map [10 points].

And this are added points.

"Platinum" get [25 points], only higher is gold

with approximately [27,5 points].

And as you can see other DLCs are pretty low

in term of price.

As you can see only "Platinum" and "Gold" have bigger points count than price.

And on the next graph I have

profitability shown as value.

I calculeted it dividing points by price.

And here are results.

"Gold" is the most profitable DLC.

And if I go back, you can see that "Gold" price is only 15 Euros,

and "Platinum" is 20 Euro so here is a difference.

And "Gold" have also more points because it contains more things.

So here is why "Gold" is the most profitable DLC in terms of price/content.

"Platinum" is not a lot worse,

it's on second place.

And the worst are those DLCs with only vehicles and tools without map.

It's because for map I gaved a lot of points,

For more infomation >> IS FS17 PLATINUM WORTH ITS PRICE? - Duration: 6:49.


CUTE Pink Makeup【Kazuki Ujo】|eng sub - Duration: 11:31.

Today I use the pink make up the widen the eye crease.

Good morning, this is Kazuki Ujo.

I am an Youtuber and artist.

Today I am going to mainstream flashy cute pink hair makeup.

So let's start!

For the color contact, I use the BIBICON - GRAY which I bought on the internet, made in Korea.

I chose gray because I think it matches the pink tone.

I use the base of Beauty Magic - SMOOTH SKIN BASE first on the nose.

Once I received it as a present. As I tried it, the cream of it fit the skin so good,

Covering the pores naturally. Since then I have been using it.

For other parts of the face which doesn't want to be oily,


Extend it all over and let it blend in

Today I want to have a cute image so to create a good base is really important.

For the Eyelid gluei, I use the ROYAL- PETIT EYEM.

I have been trying a lot of Eyelid gluei these days.

For today's pink makeup, I want to have a wide eye crease, so my choice is this one.

I usually have 3 to 4 lines on my eye crease,

which appears randomly every day.

So I need to change different Eyelid glue accordingly.

My advice, is to put it on twice or three times, and use the cotton swabs to rub on it after it dries.

In order to smooth and hide the shiny part.

For concealer I use CEZANNE - Higlight Concealer Clear Beige.

Use it on the points you need. Under the eyes, the side of nose, corner of the mouth,

And the acne, if you have it too.

To spread it better, use the finger to tap on it carefully.

Foundation is KATE - Powderless liquid for COVER

This one has been really popular and I always wanted to try.

I started using it recently.Starts with the gel, then turns into powder.

It's really good. You just have to extend it overall.

Next is Foundation from CHANEL

We already have the KATE's foundation on, so we only need to put this on the light and middle part of face

The parts that needs to be brighter.

Which I use as the highlighter for the middle of the face.

Next is Eyebrow Mascara of CEZANNE

Today I want a clear image of the eyebrows,

So I brushed twice carefully, after it dried.

When waiting for the eyebrows to dry, let's put on the highlight and lowlight.

Highlighter and low lighter by KATE

Be sure to have enough on the sides of face, to have a good face shading effect.

And for the nose and chin, have the highlight to make it bright.

For the nostrils, , also put some lowlighter to make it look more sharp with the shadows.

Last time I pronounced it badly as 'Shaving',but It's shading.


Next is Eyebrow pen from CEZANNE:

It has a thick lead and easy to draw heavy eyebrow lines.

I shaved the upper part of the eyebrows, to draw the lower lines.

By drawing the lower lines of the eyebrows can make the face look chiseled and cute.

Next is CEZANNE's Eyeliner

Since the eyebrows are drawn low, we still don't have the eyebrows on the root.

So we need to use this as eyeliner to draw some.

This can make the eyebrows look more natural.

I bought this recently. the MAYBELLINE NEY YORK eye makeup palette

It really has a lot of color in it and I couldn't wait to buy it.

I use the red one to add some red color on my eyebrows.

For eyeshadow, I use the KATE - metal glamour eyes RD-1

I think the pink color really looks good on the skin

I bought it recently and I am using it really often.

Using it from the bright color to the dark color, and put it on the eyelid evenly.

First, put the most light color on the whole eyelid.

Bring down the tone, and put the pink color on.

In order to make the eyelid look more brighter,

Put it mainly on the sides of the eyelids and keep the centre with the bright color.

Next I am using the Magic Powder, Rouge Red.

This red color looks really vivid on the skin, So I adding on the upper and lower eyelines.

For the corners of the eyes, use the thin cotton swabs to tap the color on.

You can also use the cotton swabs to blur it a little bit.

For the Eyelid glue I am using today, I started to worry about the shiny part of it,

I use the MAYBELLINE NUDE palette's eyeshadow to cover it dark.The matte color can cover it better, so I suggest the nude one.

Back to the KATE metal glamour eyes RD-1,

use it again on the eye bags and the drawing the double eye lines.

To make the shadows with the darkest color, brush on the upper and lower parts of the eyelids.

Using MAYBELLINE NUDES palette pink color the bright part of the eye bags.

And also on the centre of the eyelid, where it is too light,

use the white color,in order to make the eyes look more 3D

And this color is for the shadow of the eye bags.


It contains with fibres and extends well.

Put it evenly on the whole eyelashes.

This is MAJOLICA MAJORCA mascara

I have eyelash extension on the upper lashes, so I only put this on the lower lashes.

Put it one by one, carefully.

For the pink makeup, I chose this brown one.

I am using MAJOLICA MAJORCA - Gel Liquid Liner

This one also has a little bit red in it, instead of the normal black ones.

The outside looks a bit damaged but no problem on using it.

Drawing a bit heavily today.

I think the gradation of pink and brown might look really cute, so please draw it clearly like me.

drawing a little longer on the corner of the eyes.

The next eye Liner is CEZANNE - Gel Eyeliner 20

Use this to draw the red upon the brown double line,

in order to have a bright image of the eyes.

For the Blush I use the pink one from CANMAKE

This one has a soft look and cute so I have been using it for long and many times

Spread it on the cheek.

Draw a circle under the eye and extend it to the side of the eyes.

For today's pink makeup, I had it heavier than normal.

The second blush I use is the Magic Powder- Rouge Red

Put it on the middle of the blush we had added earlier and extend it little by little.

Having the blush can make the total image more lovely,and align with the color of the eyes

In order to make the eyes, the cheek, the lips, the same color.

The lip color I use is this really cute: Palette inside the Ariel's package

The red in it is kind of matte color and looks very lovely.

To make the lips have a pink image over all, draw it evenly on the lips.

Then use the lip gloss in the same palette.

It has a little bit glitter in it which is very cute.

Have it in the middle of the lips and extend to the side.

Finally, to have a lovely image, use the eyeliner to draw the dots under the eyes.

This is a pencil type eyeliner, so to draw a good dot, I suggest you to move it in circles for many times.

It is a little bit difficult, but don't give up!

To have shadow under the dots, I use this to draw a bit

In order to have a fluffy hair look, I made pig tails.

Bring the hair back in a little after you made them,

Take a little bit of hair out.

Tease the hair and pin it.

The curl of the hair is a twist, which includes inward and outward curls

Repeat it on both sides and that's all.

For the side hair, I made the princess cut.

A little bit of inward can make it look really lovely.

For the front, I use the hair iron to have the inward curl.

I chose the two big ribbons, to coordinate with the makeup and dress.

Did you like it?

Today I had made with total pink image.

With the pink and brown color to have a sweet image.

Not only the makeup, but also the hair is with fluffy image.

With only the makeup, it may not look natural and sweet enough, so the hair is also made cute

The key point of the coordinate, is to choose the pink dress to match the makeup and ribbon.

This is all I can do with cute cute pink color today.

I also have lots of other videos.

Please check them out!

This is Kazuki Ujo, thank you so much for watching!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> CUTE Pink Makeup【Kazuki Ujo】|eng sub - Duration: 11:31.


Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S ACENTA AUTOMAAT, CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S ACENTA AUTOMAAT, CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 0:54.


截止發稿已有8首歌曲點閱率破1億,YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多的華語歌曲 Top100 數據統計時間2017/11/07 - Duration: 24:04.

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クレヨンしんちゃん アニメ 2017 - クレヨンしんちゃん 映画 Vol 6 - 子供のための新春アニメーション新エピソード - Duration: 1:43.

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Hi and welcome, I'm MattLs

and today we will think if FS17 Platinum is worth to buy.

To answer this question I prepared some graphs,

and figured out how to investigate this if it's worth or not.

This is only a clear data. If it's worth it depends whether you like it or not,

here I'm only showing data I gathered.

Which only showing more or less a profitability,

based on what DLC is containing.

And we can see that

there are most of tools - 14,

there is also a problem, because when I'm creating this video

on the official website there is still "Coming Soon" sign

so I don't know if the will add more tools or not.

so I counted fourteen.

There are four vehicles,

three tractors and one sprayer.

Two combine harvesters - "Bizon" and this one for sugarcane.

And also there is one map.

And in my profitability scale there is "1,25".

About this scale I will tell you later

Let's go further.

Here are what some FS DLCs contain.

There are all DLCs for FS17,

we have here "Platinum", "Big Bud", "Kuhn",

and for FS15 I choosed "Gold", "Holmer" and "JCB".

And you can see all this DLCs shown and what they contain.

As you can see "Platinum" have pretty much a lot vehicles, combines,

similar to "Gold".

"Kuhn" has only tools.

"Big Bud" two tractors and rest are tools.

So this is how it looks.

Let's go to the next.

Here you can see profitability in points and prices of these DLCs.

And points:

for tool I gaved [0,5 point], for vehicle [1 point], for harvester [2 points] and for map [10 points].

And this are added points.

"Platinum" get [25 points], only higher is gold

with approximately [27,5 points].

And as you can see other DLCs are pretty low

in term of price.

As you can see only "Platinum" and "Gold" have bigger points count than price.

And on the next graph I have

profitability shown as value.

I calculeted it dividing points by price.

And here are results.

"Gold" is the most profitable DLC.

And if I go back, you can see that "Gold" price is only 15 Euros,

and "Platinum" is 20 Euro so here is a difference.

And "Gold" have also more points because it contains more things.

So here is why "Gold" is the most profitable DLC in terms of price/content.

"Platinum" is not a lot worse,

it's on second place.

And the worst are those DLCs with only vehicles and tools without map.

It's because for map I gaved a lot of points,

For more infomation >> IS FS17 PLATINUM WORTH ITS PRICE? - Duration: 6:49.


For more infomation >> IS FS17 PLATINUM WORTH ITS PRICE? - Duration: 6:49.


紀念愛情的傷痛-瑪格麗特(Margarita) | 如果這世界酒消失了 - Duration: 1:41.

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1 CNRACL Affiliation Principe - Duration: 1:18.

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S Remix Thai Club

2018 Collection

ចង្វាក់ថ្មីៗ កក្រើកដំបូលក្លឹប

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截止發稿已有8首歌曲點閱率破1億,YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多的華語歌曲 Top100 數據統計時間2017/11/07 - Duration: 24:04.

For more infomation >> 截止發稿已有8首歌曲點閱率破1億,YouTube點閱率最高觀看次數最多的華語歌曲 Top100 數據統計時間2017/11/07 - Duration: 24:04.


Pilih Nyaman Atau Kata Teman? #GadgetStory - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Pilih Nyaman Atau Kata Teman? #GadgetStory - Duration: 3:03.


What Happens When Google Disagrees With You? - Duration: 4:47.

I used to be a senior software engineer at Google.

Until they fired me.

For doing something unforgivable.

Something so controversial that it was the number one news story for days.

My crime: I wrote an internal document, that among other things, suggested that men and

women, on average, are different.

Like I told you.


The politically progressive viewpoint, which is dominant at Google and in the media,

is that all disparities in society are due to injustices.

Or in this case, that the gender gap in tech is solely due to some form of sexism.

But is this true?

The politically correct answer is: yes.

And Google acts accordingly.

It treats men and women differently during hiring and promotion, holds official women-only

events, and gives mandatory sensitivity training on how to combat alleged sexist bias.

Of course, all of this makes sense if sexism is indeed the sole cause of the imbalance.

But what if men and women are not exactly the same?

Then, sexism is just one of many possible causes of the imbalance, and exclusionary

programs and differential treatment can be a counterproductive form of sexism.

These practices actually increase tensions and make some feel like Google cares more

about their gender than their programming ability.

As an engineer, when I'm faced with a problem, I want to solve it.

So I decided to research the premise: that men and women are exactly the same.

I wrote my findings in a 10-page document, titled, "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber".

You can read it online.

What did I discover?

That not all of the male-female disparity in tech may be the result of sexism.

That at least some of it may be attributed to men and women having different goals

for their careers and their lives.

To cite just two examples:

In the study "Women, Careers, and Work-Life Preferences," published in the British Journal

of Guidance and Counseling, the study's authors conclude that women, across populations,

tend to look for more work-life balance, while men tend to have a higher drive for status.

And according to a study by Cal State Fullerton psychologist Richard Lippa, men, on average,

tend to be more interested in things, while women tend to be more interested in people.

These findings have been replicated many times.

They've actually been cited by other researchers as a cause for the gender gap in tech.

In other words, I didn't make this stuff up.

In fact, after my document came under attack, evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller

said its "empirical claims are scientifically accurate."

But Google disagreed.

Like…really disagreed.

First, the company's newly appointed VP of Diversity, Integrity, and Governance, Danielle Brown,

posted a memo that said my report "advanced incorrect assumptions about gender."

Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, sent a memo to all employees saying that I "cross[ed]

the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes."

This was, he added, "not O.K."

Then, he fired me.

By that point, much to my shock, my document had gone viral.

News outlets were branding it an "anti-diversity manifesto."

But if they had read what I wrote, they could see for themselves that it was pro-diversity.

I had suggested multiple ways that we could get more women into tech without resorting

to counterproductive discrimination.

Ironic, isn't it?

The company that hires some of the smartest people in the world couldn't handle a well-reasoned,

scientific discussion.

But my firing pales in comparison to a larger issue.

Will Google force upon its users the same politically correct views that it forces upon

its employees?

The evidence is disturbing: Google already manipulates its products

to fit a certain viewpoint.

Just one example: YouTube, Google's video platform, restricts access to dozens of PragerU

videos, along with videos made by other influential moderates and conservatives.

Yes, Google is a business and can set its own policies.

But for its billions of users, Google is their main gateway to information, the lens through

which they view the world.

This makes Google, in some ways, more powerful than even the government.

And that means Google has a special responsibility to, well, simply follow its own motto:

"Don't be evil."

I'm James Damore for Prager University.

For more infomation >> What Happens When Google Disagrees With You? - Duration: 4:47.


Quavers and Kit-Kats: 50 surprisingly low-calorie treats that can help you stay trim - Duration: 8:50.

Quavers and Kit-Kats: 50 surprisingly low-calorie treats that can help you stay trim

Having a light bite during the day is perfect for keeping hunger pangs at bay between meal times.

Research shows that 75% of us often daydream about snacks and on average we gobble up to 73,000 calories worth in nibbles.

But if you can keep your snacks under 100 calories a time, then you could stop yourself putting on weight.

Whether sweet or savoury tickles your fancy, here are 50 snack ideas that are all under 100 calories.

Two Jaffa Cakes = 92 calories.

A banana = 90 calories.

Quavers (multipack bag) = 88 calories.

Metcalfes Milk Chocolate Skinny Rice Cake = 83 calories.

Cadbury Mousse = 90 calories.

M&S Chocolate Teacake = 75 calories.

Ten Pringles = 100 calories.

Kit Kat, per finger = 54 calories.

Milky Way Fun Size = 70 calories.

Cheese strings = 60 calories.

Weightwatchers Chocolate Mini Roll = 87 calories.

Galaxy Instant Hot chocolate = calories.

Starbucks Cappuccino with semi-skimmed milk = 97 calories.

McDonalds Carrot Sticks = 34 calories.

Two Mini Babybel Light = 84 calories.

16.Blue Riband biscuit = 99 calories.

Burger King Fresh Apple Fries = 28 calories.

Special K cereal bar = 89 calories.

Starbucks Tall Cappuccino = 91 calories.

Twix Fun Size = 98 calories.

Twiglets = 96 calories.

Snack-a-Jacks Sweet Chilli Kick = 88 calories.

Hard boiled egg = 70 calories.

Slice of Soreen Malt Loaf = 86 calories.

Alpen Chocolate and Fudge bar = 70 calories.

Tic Tacs (18g box) = 70 calories.

A slice of Marmite on toast = 100 calories.

18 olives = 70 calories.

Calippo lolly = 100 calories.

Twenty Five Jelly Belly Jelly Beans = 100 calories.

Twister lolly = 85 calories.

Mullerlight yogurt = 99 calories.

Mullerlight yogurt = 99 calories.

One bourbon biscuit = 70 calories.

Solero lolly = 99 calories.

Four marshmallows = 95 calories.

Two crackers with peanut butter = 93 calories.

Fruit pastilles lolly = 61 calories.

Wimpy hashbrown = 93 calories.

Cup of tea with milk = 12 calories.

A toasted crumpet with honey = 100 calories.

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Five dried apricots = 95 calories.

Two Chicken McNuggets = 85 calories.

French Fries Worcester Sauce flavour = 94 calories.

Skinny Cow ice cream stick = 94 calories.

Skips crisps = 90 calories.

Ten salted peanuts = 75 calories.

Thirty grapes = 100 calories.

Two Rich Tea calories = 72 calories.

One McVitiess Milk Chocolate Digestive = 86 calories.

An apple = 55 calories.

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