Newspaper Translation
By Onn Rathy
【ゴルフライブ】最近、違和感を感じていますか? - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
As American Paychecks Surge, 2018 Election Polls Take a Sudden Turn - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
We Have One Primary Illusion That All The Other Illusions Depend - Duration: 3:32.We Have One Primary Illusion That All The Other Illusions Depend Upon
�We have one primary illusion that all the other illusions depend upon. It is the sense
of a separate, independent, self-existing entity we call me. As soon as this one is
seen to be illusion and never having actually existed, the rest fall like a house of cards.�
Nihilism as a philosophy is nothing new. It�s a form of �spiritual� mind control, a
smug cultural identification pattern that insures that the true history of Humanity
is never investigated nor discovered.
The full spectrum divine immortal Human blueprint, prior to genetic manipulation, that would
allow us to access any time or energy level in the universe, is dismissed as �there
is neither self nor other�. So why bother. Its all a dream. It has an ingenious built
in catch 22�if you speak against it your protestations are meaningless as you are an
illusion. You don�t exist.
This anti belief system belief system is another program to disempower and generate an intellectual
dead end, which, with a little decorating, can become a carefree cozy nook. Get comfortable
and ride out the storm until you are placed by someone who does not exist into your illusory
It�s an existential philosophical loop hole that conveniently relegates the unspeakable
suffering within this deviant fear- based realm into the file marked �illusions�,
while a considerable percent of our bothers and sisters are impacted by genocide, cultural
misogyny, pedophilia, chemtrail generated diseases or a �simple� lack of clean water.
Someone needs to point out to them that it�s all an illusion. Or perhaps they deserve this
hardship�it�s their �karma� (another suppressive program that ensures unquestioning
submission and obedience through guilt and shame). They need to continue dying and being
reborn through the recycling system in order to position themselves in a situation where
they have access to the information that they don�t exist.
The Template information integrates the understanding that out of 3 billion base pair chemicals
in the Human gene Code only 60 million are active. We have been genetically modified.
The mutant state of the Human Blueprint is a piece of the puzzle without which the Human
condition cannot be fully appraised.
There is a new era of self realisation rising out of the comprehension of the Human Masterpiece;
giving rise to solutions that exist at levels outside of the problems. Rather than a better
problem or a dangerous compromise.
There is no separation between matter and spirit. There is no separation. We are Simultaneously
one and different . Fractal aspects of primordial awareness�sentient and sovereign. Never
was there a time when we did not exist, never will there come a time when we cease to be.
We are not only this we are the universe.
Witness describes shots fired through classroom window - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
Can Congress legislate an end to school shootings? - Duration: 9:37.-------------------------------------------
Oprah on Making Things Happen in Your Life | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 1:12.How do you find the balance between making things happen and
letting things happen
I love that question you do all that you can do you do the work you prepare you get ready for the
opportunity to step in
Because that's what luck really is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity, and then you let go you do the work
You do whatever is necessary
To be prepared for whatever it is you're trying to acquire or
attain or
Accomplish and then you let it go you release it you release all
attachment to the outcome
Because you know you have done everything that you possibly can do and when you've done everything you can do that's the moment of
surrender release and
Then if it's supposed to be yours it will come to you
Principal and vice principal amid criminal investigation at Albuquerque middle school - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Melania Trump Has Stayed Silent On Valentine's Day Because of an illicit Scandal In the White House - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
A Message on Lent - Duration: 8:29.Well I wanted to have a little visit with you today, and talk about Easter.
But even more important - spend a little time talking about Lent.
Easter has been called a return every single year to baptism.
But Lent is the preparation for that return.
So often we in the calendar year pass by Easter all too fast because we haven't prepared for
And you know, Easter is the most important event on the entire Christian calendar - when
we celebrate the death, the burial, the resurrection of our Lord.
You know, Paul said if Christ has not risen from the dead, then our hope is simply vain.
We're still dead in our sins.
So we don't want to pass by the Easter celebration all too fast.
it is the pinnacle of the passion of our Christ.
He is risen, he is risen indeed.
And while there are differences in the Eastern and the Western Lenten calendars, as an example
- an unfortunate example - of disunity within the body of Christ.
You know, the Eastern Church using the Julian Calendar, the Western Church using the Gregorian
There is an undeniable unity, and we can't forget that.
An undeniable unity when it comes to the utmost importance of the ressurection of Jesus Christ.
If you want to find out more about that, read, mediate on 1 Corinthians chapter 15.
Because without resurrection, there's no Christianity.
So whether you begin with Lent on Ash Wednesday in the West or Clean Monday in the East, I
encourage you to participate in the pilgrimage down the road of resurrection by participating
in the Lenten practice.
Lent, or Great Lent - it's a 40-day period of fasting, and prayer, and penance preceding
the Paschal celebration.
By the way, if you don't know what "Paschal" means, look it up.
Check it out.
It has to do with Passover.
It goes all the way back to the Old Testament.
There's a derivation of the word.
Become familiar with it.
As the resurrection of Christ is the seminal event in history, preparation for the paschal
celebration - it's the event in the calendar year that is of transcendent importance.
Lent is of course 40 days.
It is a 40-day period practiced by Christians all around the world.
It is a time of washing - washing away of habits that are displeasing to the Lord.
While this is a penitent practice, it is not merely a period of repentance.
It's a process.
It's a process in which we are called to come ever closer to our Christ.
You can come closer to Christ through ascetic practices.
You know asceticism has a bad connotation but there's a positive connotation of ascetic
practices that remind us of the purpose of the passion that our sin separates us from
God, who demonstrates his own love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Check it out in Romans chapter 5.
Some Christians abstain from something during Lent
and that is to remind them of the sacrifice of Christ.
And while some churches encourage members to commit to a sacrifice that can benefit
the less fortunate, remember you do that - you do that so you can do something for someone
else. It's not just what you're doing for yourself.
You can take the funds - the funds that you would have ordinarily have spent on eating
out, and you can donate those funds - those unused resources - to people that are in need.
So Lent is a time-- it's a time of humility, where the 40 days correspond to things that
you've read about in the Scripture.
The periods of 40 days in the Scriptures like, well, the Jews wandering in the wilderness,
or the 40 days that the Ninevites took to repent, or the 40 days during which the Lord
Jesus Christ himself experienced temptations in the desert.
Lent of course culminates in holy week.
Holy week begins the day after Palm Sunday and I will tell you, Palm Sunday has transcendent
significance to me.
During Palm Sunday, we memorialize Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem but for me,
it is also remembrance of my own chrismation.
These 40 days are the most important time in the Christian calendar regardless of what
they bring to your mind.
They reach their climax in the commemoration of the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the
cross - we celebrate that Good Friday - his resurrection from the dead the following Sunday.
So let us faithfully this year do something.
Let us practice the Lenten period as we journey down the road of resurrection, where we can
proudly proclaim that "it is finished!"
That "He has risen!"
That "He has risen indeed."
I finish a lot of my letters with the salutation "Christ is risen."
And there's an affirmation: Christ is risen indeed.
You know if you don't know anything about Lent, get a little primer on Lent.
One of my favorites, "Great Lent: Journey to Pascha."
It's written by Alexander Schmemann, and it-- in this book, I was reminded of the Lenten
Prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian, of all the Lenten hymns and prayers.
One short prayer can be called the "Lenten prayer."
Let me share it with you.
Again, this is one of the great teachers of spiritual life, St. Ephrem the Syrian, and
he said this: "Oh Lord and Master of my life, take from me this period of sloth, of faintheartedness,
of lust for power, even idle talk.
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to thy servant.
Yea, o Lord and King, grant me to see my own error, and not to judge my brother.
For thou art blessed unto the ages of ages.
If Lent is just a word, take this opportunity to translate the word into a practice - a
practice that you can engage in from this day until the day-- maybe I should say this
year-- until the day you go home to be with the Lord.
The Lenten period is a period of transformation.
It is a preparation.
It is a time which can become the apex of your year just as Christ and his resurrection
is the apex of life.
The Shell Singing Pump - Chinese New Year - Duration: 1:53.We hear Chinese New Year Songs every year
But when was the last time we sang along?
Introducing the Shell Singing Pump
Hello, how are you?
Can you see me on the screen?
Hello, good evening! Can you see me?
Congratulations! You've been selected to sing a Chinese New Year song with me!
Okay. Come on, get ready!
Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni Ya Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni
He Xin Nian Zhu Xin Nian Xin Nian Na Nian Lian Nian
Bao Zhu Sheng Sheng Cui Ren Xiang You Nian
He Xin Nian Zhu Xin Nian Xin Nian Na Nian Lian Nian
Sui Yue You You Guang Yin Ru Jian
Hui Shou Wang Shi Ru Yan Tong Ku Xin Suan
Xi Wang Cong Jin Wan Shi Ru Yuan
He Xin Nian Zhu Xin Nian Xin Nian Na Nian Lian Nian
Yuan Da Jia Dou Guo Ge Tai Ping Nian
Good job! You sang well!
This Chinese New Year Let's sing along and spread the "ONG"
Have a Happy Chinese New Year
Kung Hei Fatt Choy!
Digital Update: Outside BSO Headquarters Where School Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz Is Being Questio - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Trump administration drafting 'scorecard' for Medicaid changes - Duration: 3:18.Trump administration drafting 'scorecard' for Medicaid changes
The Trump administration is working on a "scorecard" with states that will measure how well the
changes they make to Medicaid are working, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
"The scorecard is still in development and is a priority for CMS," an agency official
told the Washington Examiner. "We have been working with states on its development to
ensure it�s a collaborative process and isn�t a 'federal government knows best'
approach to providing greater transparency and accountability of the Medicaid program."
A specific timeline wasn't provided but the document is expected later this year. The
news follows recent changes to Medicaid that are being allowed by the Trump administration,
including authorizing programs in which certain recipients would be required to work, volunteer
or enroll in classes as a condition of receiving medical coverage. Medicaid is jointly funded
by the state and federal governments, and comes at little or no cost to beneficiaries.
Though the work and community engagement programs in states contain multiple exemptions, critics
worry that people who meet the requirements would still become uninsured because they
wouldn't be able to keep up with the additional paperwork. People on Medicaid are generally
low income, have disabilities, or care for another person.
Part of the scorecard's aim would be to measure the possible outcomes that result from the
requirements. Possibilities include states tracking how many people are no longer enrolled
in Medicaid, and whether they left the program because they were able to obtain health insurance
themselves, obtain it through a job, or whether they instead became uninsured.
According to a speech in which CMS Administrator Seema Verma previewed the scorecard, the documentation
would use data from states to track whether positive health outcomes had resulted from
the policies, and will be available to the public. It would measure items like outcomes
in children's health, how well the program is being carried out and measuring the effects
of treatment and prevention.
"We not only owe it to the beneficiaries we serve both young and old, but to the taxpayers
funding them to make sure that our investments are actually producing positive health outcomes
and helping our recipients lead better, more independent lives," Verma said.
CMS has the authority to allow states to make changes to some of the Medicaid program through
a waiver process, though the latest requirements are being challenged in court.
Sony - BRAVIA - W66F/WF66 Series - HDR TV - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Modern Beautiful Cayman Gooseneck Tiny House on Wheels by Innovate Tiny - Duration: 4:05.Modern Beautiful Cayman Gooseneck Tiny House on Wheels by Innovate Tiny
Digital Update: 'He Wore A Gas Mask & Had Smoke Grenades': Sen. Bill Nelson On School Shooter - Duration: 5:47.-------------------------------------------
Velan muerto como si estuviera en pelea de lucha libre | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
At Least 17 Killed In Florida School Shooting - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Violento tiroteo en escuela secundaria de Fort Lauderdale | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Business Statement - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 AMBITION Urbanpakket, Navigatie, Parkpilot incl. parkeerassistent, Cruise - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
clem park lane b yard n my b day - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 URBAN Panoramadak, Trekhaak incl. ESP, Navigatie, Cruise control, Parktro - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 PRESTIGE / AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 CDI AMBITION / NAVI / PDC /XENON - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
A DAY WITH AJANI, Episode 48:The Currency for Our Success is Attention! - Duration: 1:52.the currency for our success is attention
the one thing that I come across a lot is when a songwriter or producer
starts complaining about how people are not buying music anymore and how Spotify
is being unfair and how you know it is hard to even make money off of royaltes
the market is changing as a songwriter as a producer we have the build a
community and also get revenue from other places in order to be successful
in what we do if you look at the DJ Khaled's of the world we insurgents into
the music industry was built off of snapchat for all the behind the scene
people like the songwriters and producers we have to make sure that we
are doing extra if you hate social media then so be it
however for someone who wants to be successful it's important for me to
showcase my story to give my perspective and to build my own community there's
three billion people on the internet three billion people and there's enough
people for you to build a community from the people out there that you can reach
and target to where they will actually buy your product so make sure you look at
all the opportunities you have and make sure you conquer them by adapting your
game to what goes on in the marketplace today my name is Ajani Griffith and
watch out for episode number 49
County Council not on board with new school for Dulaney High - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
10 Most Functional Foods That Destroy Cancer Cells - Anti Cancer foods - Duration: 4:33.10 Most Functional Foods That Destroy Cancer Cells.
Cancer is affecting so many people in the world today.
While eating foods does not solve everything, they can be preventive agents that help destroy
cancer cells at the base level and boost overall well-being.
Most Functional Foods In The World Which Destroy Cancer Cells.
Olive Oil.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil can help to protect against, such as colon cancer, breast cancer,
and prostate cancer.
It is one of the healthier oils you can have in your home for light frying and use as a
salad dressing.
Just about all types of berries – including strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries
and raspberries – contain substances called ellagic acids and polyphenols, both of which
can slow the growth of tumors.
Some of the polyphenols can also help kill off cancer cells.
Cherries contain perillyl alcohol, which has been found to be effective at destroying a
variety of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.
When buying cherries, it is wise to choose organically grown fruit whenever possible
as conventionally grown cherries often contain high levels of pesticides and other chemical
Garlic has antibacterial properties, and the theory is that it can help the body ward off
cancer in a number of ways, including killing the cancer cells outright.
It may also help to repair the damage done to the DNA, and help to stop cancer cells
from multiplying and spreading.
These are several reasons why you have to embrace this stinking rose and add it to more
of your dishes.
It's one of the anti-cancer super foods that contains Lycopene, and is high in Antioxidants
that attack cancer-triggering free radicals in the body.
Lycopene is known to kill Mouth Cancer cells and is linked to reduced risk of Breast, Prostate,
Pancreas and Colorectal Cancers.
It is actually more effective when cooked.
Green Tea.
Green tea is full of the compound catechin, an agent that has been shown to protect cells
from free radicals associated with cancer that can damage their DNA.
The release of catechins is best from loose leaf tea, so skip the baggies and seep away
cancerous agents.
The cancer blocking properties of pumpkins are well known, and there is even a campaign
to plant pink pumpkins during breast cancer awareness month to remind people to eat more
Give strong consideration to eating the seeds as well, as they contain plenty of Vitamin
E, an antioxidant that helps to defy cancer.
High in Beta Carotene, carrots fight many forms of cancer including Lung, Stomach, Intestinal,
Bladder, Prostate, Breast, Throat and Mouth.
It's better to eat them raw rather than cooked and in moderation due to high sugar
Cauliflower contains proteins, lipids, sugar, vitamins, and various minerals, such as calcium,
iron, phosphorus, copper, and manganese.
Eating cauliflower frequently can increase your liver's detoxification capacity and
immunity, help you avoid catching a cold, and prevent scurvy and also remove some type
of cancer.
A review of studies on therapeutic foods suggested curcumin, a component of turmeric, kills tumor
cells by regulating multiple cell-signaling pathways.
This spice can be added to any dish: scrambled eggs, chicken, and anything else your taste
buds desire.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK High up! Achteruitrijcamera | Cruise Control - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Opera Of Doing Good (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 0:45.Forgive and say that's all right and i don't mind.
Go to mass everyday and whenever you can as well Care for the unwanted unloved and uncared
for Try to become a saint Be faithful be just be humble Trust God be cheerful be virtue
Fast be patient be loyal and all ways hope in God Be merciful Say everyday your sweet
in and out sweetie Do everything out of love and also do it for God Say to people everyday
what is written in God's Love Book
Remain (GIF Music) With Unconditional Love Share Plz And Subscribe Xo !!!! - Duration: 1:33.If anyone sees his brother sinning if the sin is not deadly he should pray to God and
he will give him life This is only for those whose sin is not deadly There is such a thing
as deadly sin about which i do not say that you should pray All wrong doing is sin but
there is sin that is not deadly we know that no one begotten by God sins but the one begotten
by God he protects and the evil one cannot touch him
Whoever does what is good is of God whoever does what is evil never seen God Blessed is
the one who reads aloud and blessed are those who listen to this prophetic message and heed
what is written in it for the appointed time is near
Remain faithful until death and i will give you the crown of life whoever has ears ought
to hear what the spirit says to the churches The victor shall not be harmed by the second
Be earnest and repent
They went out to the whole world to assemble them for the battle on the great day of God
the almighty behold i am coming like a thief blessed is the one who watches and keeps his
clothes ready so that he may not go naked and people see exposed whatever you do do
it out of love and for the glory of God
HomePod - Beat - Apple-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple-------------------------------------------
clem park lane b yard n my b day - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> clem park lane b yard n my b day - Duration: 5:53.-------------------------------------------
杨幂因发际线再次被调侃,这个发际线超低的女星也被群嘲过 - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 杨幂因发际线再次被调侃,这个发际线超低的女星也被群嘲过 - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
[THE KOMPANY] BLACKPINK x EXID x RED VELVET Performance | KSU Overnight 2018 1st Place - Duration: 10:59.CY: And now, first place
Jisoo: We will now announce first place
Jisoo: Drumroll!
CY: Louder, louder!
Jisoo: Ah, who could it be?
Jisoo: First place is...
*crowd goes wild*
For more infomation >> [THE KOMPANY] BLACKPINK x EXID x RED VELVET Performance | KSU Overnight 2018 1st Place - Duration: 10:59.-------------------------------------------
Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA-------------------------------------------
M-DOT launches driver safety site - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI | Airmatic-pakket | Navigatie | Voorstoelen verwarmd | - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
1만m 달리면 몸살 증세…그래도 이승훈은 포기하지 않는다 - Duration: 5:28.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Corolla 1.4 VVT-I TERRA 5-deurs | Elek.ramen | APK t/m 09-2018 | MEENEEMDEAL! - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
#HappyValentinesDay #AllMyLovin #Beatles #Cover 2/14/18 - Duration: 2:15.Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true And then while I'm away
I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to you
I'll pretend that I'm kissing The lips I am missing
And hope that my dreams will come true And then while I'm away
I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to you
All my loving, I will send to you All my loving, darling I'll be true
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true And then while I'm away
I'll write home every day And I'll send all my loving to you
All my loving, I will send to you All my loving, darling I'll be true
All my loving, all my loving Woo, all my loving, I will send to you
Songwriters: JOHN LENNON, PAUL MCCARTNEY © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
For non-commercial use only.
Data from: LyricFind
My Post-Stroke Dystonia - Duration: 5:02.Hi! Today, I'm going to talk about something that I"ve been meaning to talk about for a long time: how I developed dystonia.
Somebody asked the question a long time ago, and I never got around to answering it, so here's what happened.
I was at a writers group meeting at Barnes & Noble in my neighborhood and
I go into the restroom, and I had a stroke and
It was bizarre. I was only 48, and
that's not old.
It's certainly not an age when a person expects to have a stroke. Nobody expects to have a stroke. I guess.
Especially me. I was very healthy. I exercised regularly. I still exercise regularly. And
I had none of the risk factors.
But it just happened, and
so I had this stroke, and I was in denial at the time.
I couldn't believe when somebody told me what was happening.
I was, like, no. It can't be. I'm too healthy for that, but it was it was true. And
my whole left side was paralyzed.
But I was fortunate to be able to get treated
promptly, so that I could recover just like that, really.
It was the same day essentially, and
I thought that I had totally dodged a bullet, but I hadn't.
Five or six months later, I started to notice that my left hand was pulling all the time and that my left foot was
clenching in
all the time.
So ...
what I learned after talking to a neurologist was that
this can develop---this condition can develop (dystonia) after a stroke
for reasons that nobody understands. And that's what happened to me.
One of the things I would like to point out is that I don't think I would have self-published if I hadn't gotten dystonia.
Because I learned from this experience that
no matter how healthy or
sure of anything you think you are,
something horrible can happen that can change your life like that.
And I thought you know, if I'm going to get my work out there, I'm just going to do it.
Because I had been trying so hard.
I had been writing to agents and publishers trying to get my book published
and---here's the irony
I had the stroke right around the same time that I found a small publisher to take on my first novel.
the publisher went under nine months after I signed with them,
and I had the stroke at the same time, so it was like a double whammy and
I went through a period of not knowing what to do.
But I just kept writing and
that was the important part. I just kept at it, and I kept trying. I kept trying to find an agent or a publisher, and
It just wasn't working out, I don't know.
It's just one of those things. I kept at it and kept at it, and I finally just said the hell with it,
I'm getting my work out there. And
what happened after that
I have
no explanation for.
I got lucky, I think, that I made the New York Times bestseller list.
There was a certain amount of strategy involved, but not necessarily the best strategy for now.
Things have changed considerably since 2011, and
what I hope to do in other videos is talk a little bit more about writer lifestyle and how to deal with
writing for a living when you're dealing with something like a disability.
So that's it for now, and I'll talk to you later.
Green Screen Adventures! - Duration: 10:07.I've gotta tip my tails sticking in my back oh my god
happy new year I'm here in prestige studios helping my friend guy who has
totally just self-produced all of his own he's really awesome I'm
just helping doing behind the scene vlogging stuff so it's kind of a cool
cool workday for me right now also I'm super excited about vlogging
this because I did a video not long ago about how important I think it is to
make your own ish and just go out and do it and guy is doing that
yeah I go to my hugh jackman thing
hi I'm Lily I'm the first AC hi I'm Jonathan and the gaffer this is like
pretty normal or like well put together compared to some yeah yes stuff yeah no
matter it's like oh he's still fun with Brian he always is it you know enjoyable
for us and directed to like he surprisingly him by himself doing
everything like he does it really well and we were being treated really well
compared to like some bigger cities in Florida so yeah it's really a delight to
be on the set with him
hi I'm Georgia and I'm playing Abby I'm just Romano I'm a makeup artist I really
love personally the sci-fi sort of genre I mean love it I read it I watch it I
you know it's my favorite sort of I guess genre you could say disaster
movies on my second but so when he came to this idea I was like I really love
the idea that it's in London it's kind of present time in a way but it's it's
sort of creepy sci-fi without it being on a spaceship in the middle nowhere
like it's sort of like it's happening in the streets where we are and that kind
of stuff I love when it's like a you know black mirror Twilight Zone cuz like
oh yeah you're like oh god we didn't know but they're under the streets where
our lunch comes that will be a good time to chat after having lunch okay because
right now we're gonna bring the treadmill in which Georgia actually put
in the car last night we were rehearsing yesterday really busy during the exit
right now we're about a third of the way through the day yay
and as far as shooting goes but as far as time goes we're nearly done so we go
shoot two-thirds of a movie in about an hour and a half which is doable because
we have professional people working with us you guys this is guy hey this is all
you this project yeah this is gonna be sort of footage for him and then also
for me but you guys should follow guy on Instagram and Twitter right yeah all the
places I'll put links below the director of demons love London I'm also in it and
also wrote the project so demons love London is based on a really old British
folklore about a civilization a subspecies of humans that live amongst
us they're very mischievous and they steal things from us and we never quite
see them we see them out of the corner of our eyes they're very small and this
is bringing that story into the modern world we're shooting it in modern-day
London we shot all the plates which are the backgrounds already in London
earlier this summer and now we're matching the actors in LA with the
footage that we we shot in London the story's about a young nurse who finds
this what she thinks is a child on the streets of London who pickpockets her
and she befriends him and he starts to trust her and they have a little code
these little we're calling them little demons because they have horns and Tails
that they're not allowed to speak to humans and this is the first human that
little shale has ever spoken to so it's the story is really about their
friendship how he's helping her to get what she wants out of life and to find
love and find the job that she needs and she's helping him to kind of become more
fulfilled as a person and being happier more comfortable with who he is and
embracing his little tail and he's home and helping each other to become happier
that's the story putting it together it's been a long process I initially
start with the idea about seven years ago and I wrote a novel based on the
whole story so we had the whole world plotted out and then I took that novel
and made it into a screenplay and so I have the screenplay and now this is just
a little introduction to the project so I can do fundraising and I can make it
into a bigger project and shoot it as a feature my last feature I was able to
finance myself it was very indie production but this with the green
screen and the special effects and everything it's going to lead up need a
lot more people so this is kind of part of a pitch packet that I'm going to be
sending out and hopefully we'll get some some investors and be able to make the
full project
what made me want to make my own work was that I was like a lot of actors
going out on auditioning and the roles that I was getting were more fun and it
was great to do those projects but I I didn't have a really large scale nothing
really challenged me like this kind of thing you know you're when you're an
actor you're only able to work the jobs that are available to you but when you
create your own work you can do anything the sky's the limit and you can really
stretch yourself as an actor when you're in class for example you pick your
scenes and you can play all different types of characters and you can show
sides of yourself that the casting director might not always see so I could
go in for a casting for a schoolteacher or a British somebody or a priest I kept
getting cast as a priest in all these different movies no one would ever cast
me as a four foot tall demon living under the streets of London so that's
why I love to make my own work because I get to do this
the reason why I'm excited to have like this on the vlog is this is probably the
most like the best example of make your own ish and I mean this is a legit studio
and it's you know this costs money itself so I know it can seem daunting
like my when if you look at my vlogs for the stuff I make it's like us with the
camera outside running around not nothing but there's so many different
ways to make your own stuff and like you said the last thing you did you didn't
need to do special effects or anything like that but I can talk about that
really quick yeah yeah yes so if anyone's looking for took a project
where it's really bare-bones filmmaking but it's an entire feature my last film
is Alastair 1918 and you're I'm no doubt you'll probably know but if you want to
have an example like a case study of what you can do with just very limited
resources just the camera actors and you know just going out there and shooting
something then take a look at that and if anyone has any questions about
filmmaking just hit me up on Instagram or Facebook and I'd be happy to answer
any questions okay guys the best all right
okay I'm gonna venture these guys are gonna stay here for much longer than me
good job good job are we done all right thanks for coming
by and visiting us today let me say that again without slurring my lines what are
my lines again hey thank you so much for coming and visiting us today hopefully
we'll have that film for you a you be able to watch right here on this channel
pretty soon that's it for me okay you've got you up all the subscribers yeah I
know of anyone following me subscribers but none of the balance solid you have
to get high five high fives - oh I thought we were gonna Wow
gobi capsicum curry mp4 - Duration: 7:16.please like and share
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