Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 5, 2018

Youtube daily report May 16 2018

Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and Welcome back to Crash Course, Statistics.

We have to wait for a lot of things in life.

We wait until we're old enough to live on our own, or go to college, or drive a car.

Waiting can suck, and it's even worse when you don't know how long you'll have to wait.

Luckily, in certain situations, probabilities can help you guess how long it might take

for something to happen, like getting a full house in poker, having your first daughter,

or winning the lottery.


For example, you're eating from a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans during

a fun, if risky, hang out with your friends.

These Jelly Beans have some flavors that are awesome like Cherry and Peppermint, and some

not so awesome like Grass, or Boogers, or Vomit. Ewww.

The problem: you don't know if you're gonna get a good or gross flavor until you eat it.

And you know that your affinity for this game will go away if you're ever unlucky enough

to come across one of those Vomit flavored beans.


It's delicious.

But how likely is it that you'll be able to eat 4 of these odd Jelly Beans before you

get that dreaded Vomit flavor and decide to get new friends?

Turns out, there's a formula to do this.

The Geometric Probability Formula.

This formula comes from The Geometric Probability Distribution, which looks similar to the Binomial

Probability Distribution that we talked about in the last episode.

But they do something a little bit different.

Geometric probabilities tell you the probability that your first success will be on your nth try.

And success here just means the event we're interested in happens, it's not always a good thing.

For example, the probability that your first Vomit flavored jelly bean will be your 5th

Jelly Bean this means that the first 4 beans were all not vomit flavored.

Let's pretend the probability of getting a Vomit flavored bean is 5%, then there's

a 95% chance that you'll get any other flavor.

As you remember from the multiplication rule.

Our chance of getting four non-vomit beans in a row is 0.95 x .95 x .95 x .95 or .95^4.

The probability of then getting the Vomit bean is 0.05, so all together, the probability

of getting 4 non-vomit beans and then 1 Vomit flavored bean is this or about 4.07%

In a more general form, The Geometric Probability Formula says that the probability of the kth

try being your first success, is the probability of failure to the k-1 power, times the probability

of success to the first power.

Which is what we just did in the vomit jellybean example..

The probability of the 5th try being your first success was the probability of 5-1 or

4 failures and then one success.

If we graph the geometric probability for all possible values of k, we get a Geometric

distribution that shows us the probability of each trial being the first time we get a success.

For example let's look at a section of the geometric distribution for finding the probability

that each trial is the first time we'd eat a vomit flavored jelly bean.

You'll notice that I said "a section of" because the geometric distribution could go

on forever technically we could eat thousands of Bertie's Beans and still not find any

Vomit Flavored fact that's pretty much what I hope when I eat them.

It's just very unlikely, which we can see on our graph.

As k increases, the probability of that being your first success gets incredibly low, mostly

because you'll probably have found the flavor that shall not be named already.

Let's look at another example: You're finishing up basketball practice and your

coach announces that you'll have to make one free throw before you can leave.

You're really bad at free throws, and you have a 20% probability of making any given shot.

So we can calculate the probability that the first shot you make is your 10th shot.

Plugging everything into our formula, we discover that the probability of this particular scenario

is this: or about 2.7%.

The Geometric distribution for this example looks like this which gives us all the probabilities

that a certain trial is the first time you make a shot: But you'd also get to leave

if you made it before your 10th shot.

To calculate the probability that you'll have to shoot 10 or fewer free throws before

you make one, we can add up all the geometric probabilities from 1 up to 10.

This essentially tells us the probability that it takes k or fewer tries before your

first success which you might remember from when we talked about cumulative distributions.

A cumulative geometric distribution is incredibly useful because often when we ask questions

about how long we have to wait for a certain outcome, we want to consider whether it happens

before the nth trial.

Like we said, whether it's the first or 10th shot, you still get to leave practice,

and it turns out that there's a 89.3% chance that before your 10th shot, You will have

made a basket.

That make for a total of about 92% chance that you'd make it on or before your 10th shot.

If you want to find the average number of shots you need to take before you score, you

can use the geometric distribution to calculate its mean, which is 1 divided by the probability

of success or this.

The mean number of shots we'd need to take before we made our first would be

1/0.2, which is 1/(1/5) or 5.

And this makes some sense.

The smaller the probability of success is, the more tries we'll need--on average--before

we get a success.

For example, if there's only a 10% chance that we'd make the shot, we're really

bad basketball players we'd now need to try an average of 1/(1/10) or 10 throws

before we sink that perfect shot.

The mean and cumulative frequency of the geometric distribution can help you weigh your options.

Say you're at Target, and you see the display of Pokemon cards.

You really want that Pikachu card, but let's say that the probability of getting one is


You have enough money to either buy 4 packs of cards, or Star Wars Episode VI on Blu-Ray.

Star Wars guarantees ewoks.

Pokemon means maybe Pikachu.

You're really into small cute animals...small cute animals with Static ability...even better.

You want that Pikachu.

Is is worth it?

If each pack of Pokemon cards has 10 cards, you'll have 40 cards, each with a 1/200

chance of being a coveted Pikachu.

The probability that you wouldn't get a Pikachu until your 40th card is only about

.04 %, but the cumulative probability that you'd get a Pikachu on your 40th card or

earlier is about 18%, which isn't bad.

So now you're left to decide whether it's worth it to forgo an evening with ewoks for

an 18% shot at getting your beloved Pikachu.

That part is something statistics can't decide for you.

Before we wrap up probability...let's look a really fun statistical paradox...the birthday paradox.

There are 365 birthdays that anyone can have, we're not going to count leap days-- to

keep things simple.

So let's say there are 20 people in your classroom.

What's the likelihood that there would be any shared birthdays?

To seemed like it'd be pretty low.

Let's assume that there's an equal probability of having a birthday on each day of the year.

That's not quite true, but it's close enough.

The first person we look at has a 100% chance of having a unique birthday, simply because

we haven't looked at anyone else yet.

The second person also has a pretty high chance of having a unique birthday, they could be

born on any of the 364 days on which person #1 wasn't born, so there's a 364/365 chance

of having a unique birthday.

Similarly person #3 can be born on any of the 363 days on which neither person #1 or

person #2 are born, so there's a 363/365 chance that they'll have a unique birthday as well.

And this pattern continues for all the people in the room.

By the 20th person, there is a 346/365 chance that they have a unique birthday.

Using the multiplication rule, we know that the probability of ALL of these events happening--in

other words each person having a unique birthday-- is the product of all these probabilities.

So the probability that everyone has a unique birthday is about 59%.

That means that the other 41% of the time at least two people will share a birthday.

Once you get up to a group of 70 there's a 99.9% chance of someone will be sharing a birthday with someone else.

This is one of those instances where statistics trumps my own intuition.

And a good reason to be prepared for the possibility of double cupcakes if you have a big class.

Probabilities are important.

They're things we use all the time.

When you're at your local diner and see those super cool Crane machines, you might

estimate the probability that you can snag that sweet stuffed otter by the time your

food arrives and whether it's worth your time and money to even try.

Or you can use them to figure out that on average, you'll probably have to wait a

looooong time before you win the California State Lottery , like a really long time, on

average it should take you about 15 million tries.

That's a lot o' lotto tickets.

Brandon made me say that.

Geometric probabilities, and probabilities in general, allow you to guess how long you'll

have to wait for something, so you can decide whether it's worth it.

As the famous mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace once said, probability "is basically just

common sense reduced to calculus; it makes one appreciate with exactness that which accurate

minds feel with a sort of instinct, often without being able to account for it."

In other words, it allows us to quantify things we already feel.

Probability assigns numbers to common sense.

And we all need a little more of that.

Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Geometric Distributions & The Birthday Paradox: Crash Course Statistics #17 - Duration: 10:19.


✅ Ministr vnitra plánuje vyhodit šéfa rozvědky, Babišova vláda v demisi je pro - Duration: 3:38.

Ministr vnitra plánuje vyhodit šéfa rozvědky, Babišova vláda v demisi je proMinistr vnitra Lubomír Metnar navrhl postavit ředitele civilní rozvědky Jiřího Šaška mimo službu a vláda ve středu žádosti vyhověla

Informovaly o tom servery a Odvolání Šaška, který stojí v čele Úřadu pro zahraniční styky a informace (ÚZSI) od léta 2014, souvisí s vyšetřováním hospodaření této tajné služby

„Zahájil jsem řízení o zproštění funkce ředitele civilní rozvědky. Zítřejším dnem nabude na právní účinnosti," řekl Metnar serveru iDnes

cz. Šašek je postaven mimo službu, dokud nebudou vyřešeny kontrolní procesy ohledně hospodaření tajné služby, řekl Metnar Aktuálně

cz. „Pan generál mi stále dokola tvrdil, že je vše v pořádku. Jeho vyjádření z posledního týdne už mě nepřesvědčila," uvedl Metnar

Dodal, že svým krokem chce zajistit objektivitu vyšetřování podezření týkajících se hospodaření tajné služby

O Metnarově kroku už byl informován předseda sněmovní komise pro kontrolu činnosti ÚZSI Pavel Blažek (ODS), kterému to po jednání vlády telefonicky sdělil ministr vnitra

„Jsme dohodnutí, že na jednání komise, které by mělo proběhnout příští týden, nám aktuální dění v civilní rozvědce popíše a své vládní kroky zdůvodní," napsal Blažek ČTK

Vysvětlení od ministra vnitra v demisi či od Babiše bude chtít podle svého šéfa Jana Hamáčka i ČSSD, s níž ANO vyjednává o společné vládě

"To je samozřejmě závažný krok, pokud vláda v demisi, vláda bez důvěry zprostí služby jednoho z ředitelů tajné služby

Očekávám, že pan ministr nebo pan premiér vysvětlí, jaké důvody k tomu vedly," řekl novinářům Hamáček

Na otázku, zda by případná výměna šéfa civilní rozvědky či šéfů státních podniků a institucí mohla představovat pro sociální demokraty překážku ve vládní spolupráci s ANO, šéf ČSSD přímo neodpověděl

„Platí, že pokud by mělo dojít ke jmenování nového ředitele, tak to by měla udělat vláda s důvěrou," uvedl Hamáček

Šašek vede ÚZSI od července 2014. Vedením tajné služby pověřil Metnar nového Šaškova náměstka Radka Musílka, uvedl server Aktuálně

cz. ÚZSI je civilní rozvědkou. Úkolem služby je chránit Českou republiku proti hrozbám, kterými jsou mezinárodní terorismus, šíření zbraní hromadného ničení a jejich komponent, ekonomická zločinnost, různé formy politického extremismu a podobně

Podle zákona jmenuje a odvolává ředitele ÚZSI ministr vnitra se souhlasem vlády. Z výkonu své funkce je ředitel civilní rozvědky odpovědný ministru vnitra

Česká republika má tři tajné služby. Kromě ÚZSI je to ještě civilní kontrarozvědka Bezpečnostní informační služba a armádní tajná služba Vojenské zpravodajství

For more infomation >> ✅ Ministr vnitra plánuje vyhodit šéfa rozvědky, Babišova vláda v demisi je pro - Duration: 3:38.


The Real Reason Peppers are Spicy - Duration: 5:53.

If you've ever taken a bite out of a habanero, you might think the purpose of its spiciness

is obvious.

Eating it hurts.

A lot.

So for a plant, spice is a great way to tell us to not eat that.

At first, that's what scientists thought, too: that pepper plants evolved spiciness

to deter mammals like us from eating their fruits.

Joke's on them!

But careful research on wild peppers suggests that's actually a secondary benefit at best.

The real reason peppers are spicy probably has more to do with defending against much

smaller dangers, like insects and mold.

The main compound that makes peppers spicy is capsaicin.

It binds with special heat-sensing receptors on your nerves, which is why spicy peppers

feel like they're burning you.

And while lots of people like eating spicy foods, it's not usually because they enjoy

the painful feeling that comes with biting into a raw hot pepper.

For the most part, other mammals don't like the pain, either.

Which led scientists in the 1980s to suggest that spiciness evolved for that reason—an

idea known as the direct deterrent hypothesis.

When this hypothesis has been put to the test, it's largely held up.

Plants generally produce fruit to encourage animals to eat them and spread the seeds around

in their poop, but some animals are better seed spreaders than others.

For pepper plants, it turns out mammalian guts often reduce the viability of the seeds,

while bird guts don't.

So ideally, a pepper plant wants its fruits to be eaten by birds but not by the likes

of us.

Birds' heat-sensing nerves aren't sensitive to capsaicin, so it seems like a perfect choice

for chemical defense against mammals.

Some lab and field studies support the idea that spiciness evolved as a deterrent, because

rodents and other mammals just don't really seem to like eating spicy peppers.

But that's not always the case, which has led researchers to question if the direct

deterrent hypothesis is right.

For example, we know that spiciness doesn't stop humans from eating hot peppers, partly

because we can develop a tolerance for increasing levels of heat.

Partly because, apparently, we love pain!

Or just showing that we can!

We're like, "I'll take the extra spicy!"

And then it's the Thai restaurant and you've made a huge mistake...

And it turns out that other mammals can appreciate spiciness, too.

In a study published in 1990, researchers had 4 rats eat spicy food for two weeks while

5 other rats didn't.

Afterwards, when given the choice to return to a non-spiced diet, 3 of the 4 rats in the

first group stuck to the spiced meals

And 1 of the 5 that didn't have the spicy stuff went over to the spicy stuff!

That's a small study, and it's nearly 30 years old, but it does suggest that some

mammals are okay with a little heat, and maybe would even learn to eat spicy peppers if surrounded

by them.

But the biggest blow to the direct deterrent hypothesis comes from studies of the natural

variation in pepper spiciness.

In wild populations, the spiciness of a given species varies, probably because producing

capsaicin costs the plant in other ways.

So if they can get away with being bland, they stop making it.

When scientists have surveyed wild pepper plants in places like Bolivia, where both

mild and hot peppers grow natively, they've found that mammals don't tend to eat the

peppers — not even the mild ones.

Plus, peppers don't tend to be more spicy when there are more mammalian plant-eaters

around to eat them.

So mammals don't seem to be a big concern, even for the non-spicy plants.

Instead, spiciness is associated with local climate: spicier peppers grow in areas with

more rainfall.

And scientists have found that more than 90% of wild plants have signs of fungal damage.

So in the late 2000s, scientists started to think that mold, not mammals, might be the

real reason for spiciness.

One fungus in particular has proved devastating to wild peppers—researchers found it was

the only significant cause of damage to fruits and seeds of Bolivian peppers prior to dispersal.

When insects make holes in the peppers, they create tiny scars that are associated with

infection, probably because they give the fungus a foothold.

But capsaicin effectively stops its growth.

Where both spicy and mild varieties of the same pepper grow, spicier peppers are much

less likely to be infected.

And researchers have found that the more scars you find on peppers in a given area, the spicier

they tend to be — probably because they need more protection from the fungus that

can grow in all those scars.

Capsaicin is a decent bug repellent, too.

All this suggests that spiciness really did evolve to deter insects and kill fungi — and

if so, that also explains why pepper fruits get hotter as they mature.

Most fruits have gross-tasting compounds in them early on, which is thought to prevent

critters from eating them before the seeds are ready to be spread.

Once they're ripe, those compounds mostly disappear, inviting seed-spreading animals

to feast.

Peppers exactly the opposite—they get spicier as they ripen.

And if the spice is meant to deter mold, that makes sense.

There's no point where the plant can let down its guard against mold, because the fungus

can—and will—attack no matter how big or small the pepper is.

And riper fruits represent more investment by the plant, so the absolute worst time for

a fruit to become spoiled is right when it's finally ready for its seeds to be dispersed.

So that increase in spiciness over time is another point in favor of the idea that it

probably evolved as a defense against insects and the fungi they facilitate.

Researchers think that if mammals are also discouraged from eating them, it's probably

more of a helpful side bonus.

So the next time you dig into a nice plate of Szechuan or vindaloo, rest assured that

that burn probably isn't meant for you.

It's just the lovely taste of chili pesticides.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you love eating the hottest peppers in spite of the burn, you might like our episode

on how spicy food might be good for you—independent of its antimicrobial action.

For more infomation >> The Real Reason Peppers are Spicy - Duration: 5:53.


The Final Retractable, Junkyard Gold - Preview Ep. 6 - Duration: 4:05.

(rock music intro)

- Well, this is a shock.

A Ford Skyliner, a retractible, in a junkyard.

Now these were built between 1957 and 1959,

and this one is, of course, a 59,

the third and final year for these things.

These were priced about $350 more

than a regular Sunliner convertible

but are absolutely a very different car.

Now for decades before the arrival of these cars in 1957,

Detroit automakers struggled to combine

the benefits of an open aired convertible,

the sportiness of that, and the weather

tight features of a hardtop.

Well, Ford finally delivered in 1957

with the Skyliner.

With the push of a button inside,

you get a series of electric motors

and hydraulic rams which then raise this roof

which is articulated in two components.

It then folds down underneath the deck lid

which then closes,

and you go from the convenience of a hardtop

to the fun of a convertible.

It's a pretty cool piece.

Now this is an absolute landmark post war automobile.

What a shock it is to see this thing in a junkyard.

Now they're not particularly rare,

but up to three years these were built,

this is by far the most scarce.

The thing with this is that this is Ford's

new one year 1959 body.

It's kind of square, kind of clunky,

but it's also the final application of this,

the forward hinged hood which kind of takes

its cues from the Ford Thunderbird.

In the late 50s, Ford did have an overhead valve

in line six, but it was never available

in the Skyliner in 57, eight, and nine.

The reason is these cars are pretty heavy

with all that mechanism.

And I think Ford figured that the power to weight ratio

would be pretty lame, so as a result,

all Skyliners came with one of three engines.

The 292 y block with 200 horsepower,

the 332 two barrel with 225 horsepower,

or the big dog, the 300 horsepower 352 four barrel.

Which one do we have here?

Let's take a look.

Okay, alright, this looks to be an FE big block.

This is either the 332 or the 352.

And again, 1958 was the first year

for Ford's FE family big block,

and here in 59 is the second application.

Now this engine actually has a lot of legacy.

These actually became big Nascar race engines

in the early 60s at 427 cubic inches,

but here in this car, we see it

in a pretty humble state of tune.

Let's take a closer look at the retractible roof.

Now there's a hinge right here, a seam,

so that when the roof rises up,

it can articulate and fold down underneath

this panel right here.

Now when this goes up, there are rams and hinges

that allow all that to tuck down inside,

and then this closes down quietly and gently.

And wah-la, you go from a hardtop to a convertible

in about one minute's time.

It all happens from the driver's seat.

You just push a button.

Motor has to be running because it takes

a fair amount of electricity to run

all these relays and motors,

but one minute later, you've made the transition.

The Skyliner shared the same basic dash

and instrument cluster as Fairlanes except for one thing.

There's a hole right there where the switch

to actuate the roof used to be.

Now it's specific to these cars,

and it always goes missing.

People grab them for their restorations.

Now keep in mind, this whole system is electric,

but there are no computers involved.

This all happened years before micro processes,

but the same basic idea has been emulated

by Mercedes Benz, BMW, and even Chrysler.

But it happened right here first.

Ford Skyliner.


Now if this was mine, well, I got to say,

over 12000 of these cars were built,

so they're not particularly rare.

Trouble is, this one is so rusty

that it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars

to do this thing back to square one,

so I think I would let it go.

I'd part it out as they're doing

so the parts and pieces can allow

other Skyliners to live on.

Speaking of living on, let's move on

and see what else we can find here

at the bone yard.

(rock music)

Oh (laughs), this is that 69 Z28 they're talking about.

(rock music)

For more infomation >> The Final Retractable, Junkyard Gold - Preview Ep. 6 - Duration: 4:05.


ABC Execs Tell Roseanne To Stop Supporting Trump, Didn't Expect Her Response - Duration: 4:04.

ABC Execs Tell Roseanne To Stop Supporting Trump, Didn't Expect Her Response.

No one is going to push Roseanne Barr around, not even the ABC executives who are dismayed

with the pro-Trump stance that the star and her character have taken.

These executives promised to make some changes, but they were not prepared for Roseanne to

come firing back with both barrels.

Now that Tim Allen's "Last Man Standing" is coming back to television this fall, after

being shuttered by ABC, "Roseanne" will be one of only two shows that feature a main

character that supports the president.

But ABC executives, the same executives that gave Allen's show the boot, said that they

were going to make changes to the show and tone back the politics.

"The decisions that we made last year in terms of canceling Last Man Standing were

made with the best information, that we had at the time," ABC entertainment president

Channing Dungey said in a conference call before the network's upfront presentation,

according to TheWrap.

"I think that one of the things that was fresh for us with Roseanne on the air is that

it is focusing on a family, that is in a different economic status than some of the other family

comedies, that are on the air," Dungey said, before adding that the goal of the network

is to be "as diverse and as inclusive as possible across all metrics."

Yeah, provided that the diversity does not include any characters that don't toe the

liberal line.

"I think that they're going to stay on the path that they were on toward the end

of last season, which is away from politics and toward family," Dungey said.

Is Dungey also asking "Black-ish" to get off of the path of politics?

It is unlikely because "Black-ish" routinely takes shots at President Donald Trump and


Dungey apparently did not check in with Roseanne.

The star had something to say about it on Tuesday when she reassured the fans of her

show that her pro-Trump character, and the politics on the show, are going nowhere.

"Don't worry, #Roseanne show fans-next season will be even braver/funnier/timely

than this season, despite what anyone mistakenly says," Barr wrote on Twitter.

Fans of the show were thrilled to see her stand up to Dungey and those who want to silence



It's your show and if you decide on a different direction, fine – but someone else deciding

for you didn't sit well," one fan wrote.

"ABC is trying to stifle your creativity.

Stand strong," Dana Matthew Worley said.

"I'm glad to hear that!

That is why so many people like and gravitate towards you.

You stand strong on what you believe and you don't let anyone try to change your creative


Nicole Nesbitt wrote.

"I love the political issues you address in your show!

Most network shows are afraid to do that.

Opioid crisis and the crap that is health care.

Love your voice Roseanne!"

Charly Cain said.

"Thank God you have the balls to stick up for the POTUS – sick of these waxy celebrities

making statements probably written for them," another fan wrote.

Did ABC not know who they were getting when they brought back Roseanne?

She has never been one to run and hide from controversy.

In fact, she is usually running towards it.

No suit in an office in New York City or Los Angeles is going to tell her what to do or

what topics to cover on her show.

ABC shelved "Last Man Standing" and gave a ton of excuses to explain why they canned

a top-rated show.

Those excuses didn't trick anyone with the ability to think.

We knew that they did it because the show was pro-Republican.

But the "Roseanne" reboot is such a juggernaut that there would be no way to excuse canceling


The only chance they had was to change what topics they allowed the show to cover — a

restriction they put on no other show.

Fortunately, Roseanne Barr told them where to stick it.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> ABC Execs Tell Roseanne To Stop Supporting Trump, Didn't Expect Her Response - Duration: 4:04.


Behind the Scenes: Flex Tape® Clear Commercial - Duration: 4:48.

(upbeat music)

- If you look right out there,

we should shoot a commercial.

Think it should have something to do

with water,


tape, and the Bahamas.

Think that's what we should do.

(upbeat music)

(energized rock music)

- So let's go make some history.

Flex-tape clear history.

- Super-strong, - Chum, chum,

- water-tight barrier. - CHUM!

- That seals out the elements. - Now!

- And you can see right through it,


- Mike.

- You must be constantly dropping.

Right by the boat.

- Go, go, go. - That seals out the elements.

But it creates a super-strong,

Water-tight barrier. - Stop chumming.


- You guys can't toss that

when I'm in the middle of my line.

- Hey Jay, try not to hit me with the chum.

Okay Jay?

- Okay let's get this!

- (crewman one) Alright.

- (crewman two) Movin' out.

- (crewman one) Movin' out.

- In the little tugboats.

- That seals out the elements

and you can see right through

- Again.

- That seals out the elements

and you can see that's there's no sharks.

- What's the issue?

- That's it guys, for whatever it's worth

I am constantly fighting the camera to my right.

I know what you're saying is scripted

but it ain't happening.

- Three, two, one, action.

- It creates a super strong water-tight barrier

that seals out the elements

and you can see right through

- (bleep)

(upbeat music)

- Come off there. Come off the cuts

(upbeat music)

- I'm about to drive around in the ocean

and see this bad boy right here.

Let's go flex-on

- Are you (bleeping) kidding me!

- Did it break?

- What the (bleep)?

I need that socket and ratchet real quick

- I'm right here bro, I'm right here.

- Fixing a pull cord on the boat that broke

so we can start it without having to

lose our fingers.

(rock music)

- He's on the move

(rock music)

- Guys the pounding this tape can take

is incredible.

It's just super strong.

I mean, I'm going out that way

right into the wind. Bang, bang!

It's just great. It's really incredible.

(rock music)

- I love that scene

- My God.

- I love that stuff.

- I think this is like, the land

packs so much resistance

- No, I agree, and it makes it less obstruct.

- I'd like to have at least one shot

where you go up and it's just ocean.

And you start working our way back and then

you do your shots

(guitar music)

- Ready?

- It's very helpful if you get lined up

and you hold that line.

- That means he's going to have to start

a little bit higher so the waves come to him.

I'm sure it looks amazing wherever

the hell they are.

- Can you deliver your line here?

Just going through beautiful glassy water.

- Think I'm going to need a bigger boat.




Where did everybody go?


For more infomation >> Behind the Scenes: Flex Tape® Clear Commercial - Duration: 4:48.


Coca-Cola's London Office | CNBC International - Duration: 2:58.

Hi. Welcome to Coca-Cola HQ here in London. Let me show you around.

This is our amazing reception.

One of the first things you notice is the huge four meter-high light installation.

You might have noticed our balloons. We're actually celebrating our 132nd birthday this month.

This is our huge heritage wall, spanning three stories,

featuring art and pieces throughout our history at Coke.

The heritage wall combines the old and the new,

featuring some of our first adverts for the 1940s,

right through to the specially new commissioned art pieces.

Here on our first floor is our marketing and comms teams.

At Coke GB we have 20 brands and over 80 drinks.

Tucked in the corner of the office is our secret formula fridge

for samples or products that have not yet been released.

This is one of the 21 meeting rooms here in the office, all fitted with latest technologies

so we can video conference some of our colleagues around the world.

We have loads of fridges throughout the office all full with drinks from the portfolio

and they're all free.

Food is a huge part of our day too.

You have a huge variety of subsidized food options available every day,

from pot dishes, pastas, sandwiches, as well as some delicious fresh salads.

Let me show you something really cool.

This is our Coca-Cola freestyle machine, full of our drinks and international flavors

that you can use to create your own version of a drink.

My favorite is Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Cherry Vanilla.

We offer a range of activities in and out the office,

such as circuits, yoga, Pilates and stretch class.

We also have great changing room facilities for those who choose to cycle in

or work out at lunchtime.

Need to de-stress and relax?

Treat yourself to a massage in our peaceful library room.

On a day like today, our roof terrace is an amazing place for you to catch some rays,

enjoy your lunch or just do some work in the sunshine.

One of my favorite parts of the office is our living green wall,

specifically planted to attract the bees in London.

At the end of our roof terrace we have this amazing orchard,

filled with five different apple trees.

We then use the apples to make pies, crumbles and chutneys which are all used in the cafe.

We don't get very much sun here in London so to celebrate this,

we're going to be finishing off with a barbecue.

So thanks very much for joining us here at Coke HQ.

For more infomation >> Coca-Cola's London Office | CNBC International - Duration: 2:58.


Team-Up Tales Episode 2: Dee Dee - Duration: 1:28.

The life we live as heroes is not an easy one.

It takes a lot to put your life on the line, day in and day out.

You need something to inspire you.

Or someone

In my case, that someone was my Dee Dee.

She was why I fought.

What kept me going through every battle.

DeeDee and I met online.

At first we would just message once in awhile.

But soon it was everyday.

I told her everything.

I gave her everything.

My heart.

My soul.

My ATM number.

Then one day I called her, and my new teammate Deadpool's phone started ringing.

Turns out, there was no Dee Dee.

Deadpool was Dee Dee.

Yea he'd been catfishing me for over a year.

He thought it was pretty funny.

And it was.

I'm... pretty sure it was.

(He fake laughs)

(crying) I miss you, Dee Dee!

For more infomation >> Team-Up Tales Episode 2: Dee Dee - Duration: 1:28.


USGS Status Update of Kīlauea Volcano - May 16, 2018 - Duration: 2:38.

So, over the past 24 hours activity on the lower east rift zone has continued.

There's been active fountaining in some of the fissures although it's kind of decreased

in activity over the last 24 hours a little bit.

So fissure 17 had been pretty active, with an active lava flow heading over a mile to

the east, that's still growing but at a really slow rate.

Some other fissures were active overnight, according to field crews.

That includes reactivation of fissure 13.

Lots of gas emissions, lots of S02 coming out of all the fissures.

So, activity continues on the east lower rift zone.

The big action over the last day or so, has been up at Halemaʻumaʻu Crater.

Yesterday morning we started to see some pretty intense ash emissions from the crater.

The highest that the cloud of the ash reached was about 12,000 feet above sea level and

winds were pushing that ash down to the southwest over the Kau dessert area.

We had some reports of ash fall, trace amounts of ash fall in the downwind direction.

Because of that activity at the crater, that went on for a few hours, HVO raised the aviation

color code from orange to red.

That aviation color code to red is just an indication to the aviation community that

there's significant amounts of ash from the eruptive activity.

So we've had some questions from folks about what code red means.

It sounds a little bit alarming, it's really just to say that we see significant amounts

of ash from this ongoing activity and to warn aviators about that ash.

It doesn't mean that a really big eruption is eminent, it's really just characterizing

that aviation situation.

So that's what is going on up at Halemaʻumaʻu.

Overnight things quieted a little but we expect this kind of ash emission to wax and wane,

get more or less intense given our dynamic situation.

The winds are a little different today, the trade winds have slacked off.

So there are some concerns that up in Volcano Village and in the park area we might get

increased ash fall and of course SO2 over that next day or so, so that'll be a concern

of folks in that area.

For more infomation >> USGS Status Update of Kīlauea Volcano - May 16, 2018 - Duration: 2:38.


ABC Execs Demand Roseanne Stop Talking About Trump, Her Response Sent SHOCKWAVES Through Studio! - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> ABC Execs Demand Roseanne Stop Talking About Trump, Her Response Sent SHOCKWAVES Through Studio! - Duration: 4:57.


HUGE! Florida Election Supervisor GUILTY Of Rigging Election For Wasserman Schultz ... - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> HUGE! Florida Election Supervisor GUILTY Of Rigging Election For Wasserman Schultz ... - Duration: 5:48.


The Nib: Full Engagement | 205 (full episode) - Duration: 4:18.








[wild cheering]

You know the rules: Two fighters enter... and one le-

Wow. Look what eternal overlord Trump tweeted THIS time.

ugh, really?


HARDLY appropriate of the immortal master of the northern continent,

to threaten Smoking Craterville with another nuke!

He's gonna start world war four!!

Parenting challenges us and changes us in many ways.

Some of them for the better. Some of them, well...

Why can't I drink like I used to!?

My body is no longer able to process alcohol.

All you had was a wine cooler.

I know!

With dinner.

I know!

Two nights ago!

My prolonged hangovers affect my ability to properly vet my child's TV habits.

Is she watching Poltergeist?!

...Fuck it, it's educational.

And other parents act weirded-out by barfing all of the sudden.

Oh my... should I call a social worker? Right now?

I'M [hiccup] FINE!

[vomiting noises]

At least my kid's good at making Bloody Marys.

You like, mommy?

Is there... finger paint in this? Actually, I'm kind of into it.

Welcome back, Mr. Zuckerberg. How was your fact-finding trip?

I have seen how the hu-mans live and share!

Look, I brought one with me to test the newest features.


Here's your day pass.

The media devoured itself with endless pivots chasing our masterful algorithms.

We updated from news feed to video, now back to family engagement

Anything to keep the monkeys hooked, so we can harvest their data.

They're addicted to our service even as it ruins them. Yet!

They still spend time offline. Disgusting.

Sign here, and here.

Do you know about human lungs? Perpetually in use. Genius.

How does Facebook become THAT essential

You, in a way, will be my lung.

Breathing life into the... Final Facebook update.

State of the art, huh?

Don't be scared. Many like it here!

Fully immersive, never offline.

Always serving you custom ads from the brands you love.

You're welcome.

I thought this was a beta test!

Oh... It is. Welcome to... full engagement!


(crowd) Happy new year!!

I'm so excited

it's finally 2119.

Me too! 2118 was THE WORST.

No, I'm excited because this is the year

that women will finally be paid the same amount as men.


Don't you know your history?

Ancient economists calculated that the wage gap would finally close THIS YEAR.

Oh yeah... I saw something about that in the holo-library.

But wasn't the wage gap because women have babies?

Are you saying we're sterile?!

No! Children were an excuse.

Having a kid hurt women's wages—but not men's.

Without paid maternity leave, women often had to leave work for years after they had kids.

But dads, for some unevolved reason, almost always kept working,

without even asking for paternity leave.

Well, what about—

Let me finish!

Women of color got paid even less than white women.

It was a very sexist and racist time.

Female dominated professions like teaching, nursing, and social work .

were paid less than male dominated blue collar ones.

But for 150 years, we've been closing the gap!

And now, this is the year!

We may be forced to live in space—

Because we turned the earth into a Waterworld hellscape—

But at least now we'll get equal pay!

Jeff! Buddy!

Heard you did great work researching the wage gap in the holo-library—

I'm giving you a raise!

Thanks Captain!

Ugh. Some things never change.

Oh, well. Maybe next year.

Just to confirm. That raise is for Jeff. Not you.

See you guys later.

For more infomation >> The Nib: Full Engagement | 205 (full episode) - Duration: 4:18.


JUST IN: Entire DNC About To Be Dem*lished After Secret Audio Leaks – They Have EVERYTHING! - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Entire DNC About To Be Dem*lished After Secret Audio Leaks – They Have EVERYTHING! - Duration: 6:02.


Our Lives Are Manufactured from the Cradle to the Grave - Duration: 4:21.

Our Lives Are Manufactured from the Cradle to the Grave

By Julie Alexander,

Our lives are manufactured from the cradle to the grave.

Our parents have been brain washed by society and the media.

We have also been brain washed by society and the media.

We are constantly being led in certain directions.

Directions the powers that shouldn�t be want us to go.

We are treated like sheep, we are manipulated and controlled.

Whichever way they want us to think they will find a way.

They produce stories, situations and spread them throughout the mainstream media outlets,

then they sit back and smile at how clever they are.

They can instigate riots, demonstrations, anger and huge waves of emotions.

Their favourite emotion is fear.

They love it when we are fearful and anxious.

They manufacture situations specifically for their own agenda.

Most major terrorist events are manufactured to frighten humanity to think and respond

in a certain way.

Our freedom is being taken away from us each and every day, a little bit here and a little

bit there.

So quietly we do not see it.

We are made to feel like outcasts if we don�t go along with the official narrative.

If we disagree with the media and the masses we are termed crazy.

If we have our own views about what is really going on, we are labelled conspiracy theorists.

Most people are so tired from working and trying to survive, they go along with these

stories, they believe them.

They have no quiet time to sit and think about these things, they have no peace.

Life has been organized this way, to make sure we have no time to think.

We are working every day, looking after our families, usually both partners are working.

Women who want to stay at home and look after their children are looked down upon.

What is more important than our children?

Let them be at home with their mother, the education system will start programming them

soon enough.

Turning them into unthinking little robots that believe everything that they are told,

not being encouraged to think and work things out for themselves.

Everyone, stop for a minute, switch off the TV programming machine, switch off your time

consuming phones, stop reading the newspapers, stop thinking about work.

Relax, calm your mind, think for yourself, listen to your heart, how do you really feel

about your life.

Are you whizzing through each day, tired and exhausted at the end of it?

Can you actually stop and think for a minute?

Make space in your life to think and relax.

Is this the life you want?

Look around at the world, the wars, the geoengineering, the vaccines, the GMO�s, the flouride in

our water, the 5G roll out.

Is any of this right, is any of this for the benefit of humanity?

Is any of this what you really want?

Slowly the truth will come to you, once you know some truths, you will want to know more.

Each day somehow you will find time to find out what is really going on in the world today.

The truth will blow your mind for a while, it will make you angry, very angry, then it

will make you sad, so very sad.

Eventually you will come through all this, you will no longer be a sheep, you will be

part of the world that has woken up.

You are not alone when this happens.

There are many of us out in the world, trying each and every day to wake up a few more people,

until critical mass has been attained and Humans will be Free once more.

Then you will be living in the real world, not the manufactured world.

For more infomation >> Our Lives Are Manufactured from the Cradle to the Grave - Duration: 4:21.


NASA ScienceCasts: Cool Science on the International Space Station - Duration: 4:13.


Cool Science on the International Space Station – presented by Science@NASA

NASA researchers are creating a spot colder than the vacuum of space inside the International Space Station.

In 2018, a new atomic refrigerator will blast off for the space station.

It's called the Cold Atom Lab (CAL), and it can refrigerate matter to

one ten billionth of a degree above absolute zero,

just above the point where all the thermal activity of atoms theoretically stops.

"At this temperature, atoms lose their energy and start to move very slowly,"

explains Rob Thompson, CAL Project Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

"At room temperature, atoms bounce off each other in all directions at a few hundred meters per second.

But in CAL they'll slow down a million-fold and condense into unique states of quantum matter."

CAL is a multiuser facility that supports many investigators studying a broad range of topics.

Eric Cornell, a physicist at the University of Colorado and the National Institute of Standards and Technology,

will be leading one of the first CAL experiments.

Cornell and his team will use CAL to investigate particle collisions and how particles interact with one another.

Ultra-cold gases produced by the Cold Atom Lab can contain molecules with three atoms each,

but which are a thousand times bigger than a typical molecule.

This results in a low-density, "fluffy" molecule that quickly falls apart unless it is kept extremely cold.

How is particle behavior affected as more particles are introduced?

What can be learned about quantum objects when several atoms are interacting at the same time?

Cornell says, "The way atoms behave in this state gets very complex, surprising and counterintuitive,

and that's why we're doing this."

Cornell shared the 2001 Nobel Prize in physics for creating Bose-Einstein condensates,

another state of quantum matter that can be studied inside CAL.

Bose-Einstein condensates are essentially blobs of quantum matter that look and behave

like waves that exist at these ultra-cold temperatures.

In the freefall of space, the condensates can hold their wavelike forms for five to ten seconds,

much longer than on Earth, providing researchers a window into the quantum realm.

Thompson says, "We can use CAL to test general relativity and quantum mechanics.

One of the biggest questions in physics today is how those two work together."

University of Rochester physicist Nick Bigelow, and University of Berkeley scientist Holger Müller

along with their colleagues plan to use CAL to test a cornerstone of Einstein's theory of relativity,

the equivalence principle, which holds that gravity and external acceleration cannot be distinguished experimentally.

They plan to repeat Galileo's iconic experiment dropping cannon balls off the Leaning Tower of Pisa,

but using atoms instead. Dropping atoms inside CAL and letting them fall for several seconds

as the station orbits Earth will allow researchers to precisely figure out the differences

between how the atoms accelerate.

This experiment may reveal how gravity and space-time are woven through the quantum realm.

A researcher at JPL named Jason Williams also plans to use ultracold two-atom molecules

to develop tools for the next generation of precision gravity tests with quantum gases.

Many more experiments are planned for this "cool" new laboratory—and no one knows where they will lead.

"With CAL," says Thompson, "We're entering the unknown."

For more from the International Space Station, visit

For cutting-edge physics on and around Earth, stay tuned to

For more infomation >> NASA ScienceCasts: Cool Science on the International Space Station - Duration: 4:13.


😱The doll Possessed | Subtitled | Avakin Life History of Horror - Duration: 3:28.

Real Story of Terror Avakin Life Karen

The possessed doll

What a great room

The baby will sleep here

This closet does not open that weird

Sister, this closet is stuck

Well, I'll put things in another place

What a beautiful doll

I'll stay with her

It is something dark

Your son found a doll

It looks very bad


Minutes later ...

But how ...

How do you open the wardrobe?

* whispers *

Who are you talking to?

You are not going to answer me !!!

He drew a chained child

Ready!! You can not enter anymore

Oh my God, how did you open the closet

OMG & all that blood

Blood was not known who was

Goodbye forever damn doll JaJaJa !!

In the closet died a child who had his parents chained. That chained child was the child who drew the house.

Apparently the doll was the boy & had an evil spirit, it all ended when they burned the doll & the boy got angry with his aunt

For more infomation >> 😱The doll Possessed | Subtitled | Avakin Life History of Horror - Duration: 3:28.


Here & Now Wednesday May 16 2018 - Duration: 1:01:50.

For more infomation >> Here & Now Wednesday May 16 2018 - Duration: 1:01:50.


Fear The Walking Dead || We Are Alive - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Fear The Walking Dead || We Are Alive - Duration: 3:29.


Yanny Laurel - 10 HOURS EXTREME CHALLENGE - CAN YOU GET TO THE OTHER SIDE? - Duration: 10:01:34.

[10 Hours of a Machine making an indistinguishable sound that some claim is 'Laurel' and others claim is 'Yanny']

For more infomation >> Yanny Laurel - 10 HOURS EXTREME CHALLENGE - CAN YOU GET TO THE OTHER SIDE? - Duration: 10:01:34.


Florida Election Supervisor GUILTY Of Rigging Election For Wasserman Schultz – They Found It ALL - Duration: 5:31.


Florida Election Supervisor GUILTY Of Rigging Election For Wasserman Schultz – They Found


In what is an ironic twist of events it has come to light, the elections supervisor in

Florida's second-most populous county broke state and federal law by unlawfully destroying

ballots cast in Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz's 2016 Democratic primary.

This is according to a recent ruling by a judge in a case brought by the congresswoman's

challenger who wanted to check for voting irregularities.

The ruling states the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office violated state and federal

laws by destroying ballots from a 2016 Congressional race too soon — and while the ballots were

the subject of a lawsuit against the office.

The ruling does allow Wasserman Schultz's challenger Tim Canova to have the attorney

fees he has paid be reimbursed by the elections office.

Leonard Collins, his attorney, said those costs exceed $200,000 already.

This leaves Florida taxpayers on the hook for Wasserman Schultz and her unethical behavior

yet again.

This recent ruling stems from Canova's bid to unseat Wasserman Schultz in the primary

race for the Democratic seat.

Canova lost the race by roughly 57% to 43% or 28,809 votes to 21,907.

Canova has also gotten the state of Florida to take interest in this case, and as a result,

the governor's office states that it plans to start election monitoring will be so "the

citizens of Broward County can have the efficient, properly run election they deserve."

According to the Sun-Sentinal "Canova, who was checking for voting irregularities

in the race, sought to look at the paper ballots in March 2017 and took Elections Supervisor

Brenda Snipes to court three months later when her office hadn't fulfilled his request.

Snipes approved the destruction of the ballots in September, signing a certification that

said no court cases involving the ballots were pending.

Snipes called the action a 'mistake' during testimony she gave in the case, saying the

boxes were mislabeled and there was 'nothing on my part that was intentional' about destroying

the contested ballots.

'When I sign, I sign folders filled with information,' Snipes said in her testimony,

later adding: 'I trust my staff.

They have the responsibility of giving me information that's correct.'

Circuit Judge Raag Singhal ruled Friday that Snipes wrongly destroyed public records because:

— The elections office is required to maintain the ballots in federal elections for 22 months,

while Snipes destroyed the ballots after 12 months, which is the retention period for

state elections.

The ballots were the subject of a pending lawsuit, so it would take a court order from

the judge in the case to allow their destruction.

Snipes 'has not presented any evidence refuting that the public records sought were destroyed

while this case was pending before this court,' Singhal said.

Snipes will appeal the decision, said her attorney, Burnadette Norris-Weeks.

'We think the judge is wrong,' Norris-Weeks said.

The elections office never refused to provide access to the ballots, she said.

Instead, it rejected a request by Canova to use outside equipment to scan the ballots,

Norris-Weeks said.

Also, it didn't receive a partial payment to cover the costs of the public records request

until days before the suit was filed and the scanned copies of the ballots it can currently

provide are 'accurate and inherently reliable,' she said.

It was a mistake [destroying the original ballots], but the ballots were preserved,'

Norris-Weeks said.

'They were scanned shortly after the election.'"

It is not currently known if the judge's ruling in civil court will lead to charges

being filed in criminal court against Snipes.

A spokesman for Broward State Attorney Michael Satz stated a decision had not yet been made

but that their office was in the process of obtaining a copy of the judge's order and

looking into it.

It is not currently known exactly what sort of monitoring system will be implemented in

the coming months in an effort to ensure election integrity but Norris-Weeks states that she

sees this as an effort by Republican state leaders to get some control over the heavily

Democratic county.

Canova, who currently works as a professor at Nova Southeastern University, is calling

for Snipes to be fired as she failed in one of her most important duties, as well as violating

the trust of the citizens of Broward County and of the state of Florida.

He states that given the ruling and the circumstances – "I think dismissal is an appropriate


The judge's ruling in the case cited previous legal precedence that held "dismissal was

an appropriate sanction for failing to preserve evidence 'even though the destruction of

evidence may have resulted from negligence rather than an attempt to obstruct justice.'"

Collins stated of Canova and the events that transpired – "He was absolutely stonewalled

by the supervisor of elections.

When they were required to provide the records to us, they destroyed them."

Canova announced in April that he plans to leave the Democratic Party but also fully

intends to challenge Wasserman Schultz to a rematch in November as a candidate with

no party affiliation.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Florida Election Supervisor GUILTY Of Rigging Election For Wasserman Schultz – They Found It ALL - Duration: 5:31.


Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:23:40.

Title: Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube)

For more infomation >> Starbucks & Starbucks Music: Starbucks Music Playlist (Starbucks Inspired Coffee Music Youtube) - Duration: 3:23:40.


Lil Uzi Vert x Lil Pump Type Beat - "Melo" | Prod. By @Chad_G x TnTXD - Duration: 3:14.

Lil Uzi Vert x Lil Pump Type Beat - "Melo" | Prod. By @Chad_G x TnTXD

For more infomation >> Lil Uzi Vert x Lil Pump Type Beat - "Melo" | Prod. By @Chad_G x TnTXD - Duration: 3:14.


LE GYPSY Quartet At Tango Y Vinos 1/ - May 2018 - Duration: 13:00.

For more infomation >> LE GYPSY Quartet At Tango Y Vinos 1/ - May 2018 - Duration: 13:00.


Webtoon Let's Play Ep 28 | Top Romance Webtoons Let's Play Episodes 28 - Duration: 15:32.

webtoon Let's play ep 28

Top romance webtoon let's play episodes 28

Creator : Mongie

For more infomation >> Webtoon Let's Play Ep 28 | Top Romance Webtoons Let's Play Episodes 28 - Duration: 15:32.


◄DISCOUNT► Roamio OTA VOX 1TB DVR | Antenna DVR and Streaming | 1TB Storage - Duration: 1:05.

introducing the TiVo Romeo OTA Vox bringing together free live TV your

recordings and streaming apps so you can watch what you want how you want Romeo

OTA Vox harnesses your HD antenna to deliver a higher quality image with all

of t-bo's powerful features use your voice to watch and record sports news

and primetime shows or launch your favorite streaming app skip commercials

catch every episode with one pass see spot-on predictions with smart bar and

so much more all with no monthly cable bill or TiVo service fees cut the cord

keep the power the TiVo Romeo OTA box

For more infomation >> ◄DISCOUNT► Roamio OTA VOX 1TB DVR | Antenna DVR and Streaming | 1TB Storage - Duration: 1:05.


Ninja Fortnite Epic

For more infomation >> Ninja Fortnite Epic


For more infomation >> Ninja Fortnite Epic


Signature Club A PMAO Baobab Hydrating Soak Colossal N... - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Signature Club A PMAO Baobab Hydrating Soak Colossal N... - Duration: 8:59.


For more infomation >> Signature Club A PMAO Baobab Hydrating Soak Colossal N... - Duration: 8:59.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA (Trekhaak / Design Pack) - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA (Trekhaak / Design Pack) - Duration: 1:13.


For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA (Trekhaak / Design Pack) - Duration: 1:13.


6 signes révélateurs qu'un homme ne peut pas faire tomber sa femme enceinte - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 6 signes révélateurs qu'un homme ne peut pas faire tomber sa femme enceinte - Duration: 4:29.


For more infomation >> 6 signes révélateurs qu'un homme ne peut pas faire tomber sa femme enceinte - Duration: 4:29.


Meghan's Dad Rushed To Hospital In Critical Condition, She Shocks Harry With Cold Move - Duration: 5:47.

Meghan's Dad Rushed To Hospital In Critical Condition, She Shocks Harry With Cold Move.

It's been confirmed that Thomas Markle, Sr. suffered a massive heart attack and was

rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon where he is undergoing heart surgery early

Wednesday morning.

With the wedding in utter chaos, the palace has gone dark after Prince Harry was shocked

by Meghan's cold and calculating move.

Don't miss this.

Shocking developments happened late yesterday afternoon as Meghan Markle's beleaguered

father Thomas Markle, Sr. was rushed to the hospital, and it has been confirmed he suffered

a massive heart attack and is undergoing life-saving surgery this morning.

Although his exact whereabouts are unknown, we do know that he spoke to TMZ from the hospital

late yesterday afternoon.

The 73-year-old Markle told TMZ, "They [doctors] will go in and clear blockage, repair damage

and put a stent where it is needed."

That may sound easy, but don't be fooled.

That's his best case scenario.

The procedure called an angioplasty starts out fine, but many times angioplasty ends

up in open heart surgeries.

This is a very critical procedure, and with his poor health history, his obesity, and

the fact he smokes, the doctors will have an open heart team on standby.

Placing the "stent" tells us his arteries will collapse.

A stent is like a pen coil placed inside the artery to keep it open.

So he is in critical condition in a hospital somewhere in either California or Mexico.

TMZ reported, "Thomas had a change of heart Tuesday … after receiving texts from Meghan

saying she loved him and was concerned for his health.

He told us he hoped he could travel to England to walk Meghan down the aisle."

That was before the recent heart attack.

"It [the heart attack] came just hours after Meghan seemed to have convinced her father

to change his mind and walk her down the aisle," reports the Daily Mail.

"I hate the idea of missing one of the greatest moments in history and walking my daughter

down the aisle," Mr. Markle said yesterday before his health crisis.

"Of course, I'd walk her down the aisle.

This is a historic moment.

I'd like to be a part of history."

If you think Meghan or any family members are rushing to his side, you're wrong.

Hey, the circus must go on, that's what the future royal bride-to-be says.

Palace insiders say Prince Harry was dumbstruck and then fuming over Meghan's coldness after

they learned her father was rushed to the hospital and would undergo a critical heart


Sarah Vine, a royal expert who is married to British conservative politician Michael

Gove, is fuming along with Harry.

In an article titled, "Why the debacle surrounding Meghan's father would never have happened

if Diana was still alive," she writes, "If it were me, I'd be tempted to call the whole

damn circus off and just tie the knot quietly in private, well away from the cameras.

Why they didn't just do that in the first place is slightly baffling."

Ms. Vine's sentiments went viral with many Brits and Americans sharing her outrage.

She continues, "But while Meghan is clearly at ease with her new cultural and social status,

the same cannot be said of those she has left behind."

"Given that Harry and Meghan are so passionate about mental health, you would have thought

the potential strain that being at the center of such a global event could place on her

father would have been a concern to them," adds Ms. Vine.

Sarah Vine's article was posted just hours before Mr. Markle was taken to the hospital,

but she's spot on when she says she doesn't understand why Meghan's dad was left in

Mexico and fed to the paparazzi, knowing he was clearly out of his depth.

She doesn't get why no one had the sense to dispatch a trusted aide from Kensington

Palace out to Mexico the moment the engagement was announced.

Knowing Diana, she believes Harry's mother would have intervened and he would have been

brought to the U.K. weeks ago.

Vine asks, "With the wedding only a week away, what on earth was he still doing there?

Why wasn't he already in the UK, attending rehearsals, being talked through what to expect

and getting to know the social landscape?"

"She [Diana] would have seen this coming, stepped in, held his hand, made him feel welcome

— no matter what.

Diana had her defects, but in terms of emotional intelligence and kindness towards others you

couldn't fault her."

So what is Meghan doing?

Well, she sent her personal assistant to pick up her mother at the very posh VIP area at

Heathrow Airport.

Doria Ragland was whisked away to the lavish Cliveden House where she'll be treated like


It's speculated that Ragland will be given an audience with the Queen and the rest of

the royal family prior to the wedding, but that is not confirmed.

In fact, Kensington Palace officials are in utter chaos as the Queen continues to be in

an uproar over the screw-ups with Mr. Markle.

It's pretty clear Meghan ignored her father for months, and then at the last minute, she

wants him to walk her down the aisle, although he wasn't going to be allowed to be in the

carriage ride to the church with her mother.

One royal watcher asked, "Was he suppose to meet them at the church coming from a Travel


I'm with 60% of United Kingdom citizens who say under these circumstances this wedding

is just vulgar and they won't tune in.

We all hope Mr. Markle comes through his heart surgery without any complications, but as

for his daughter, the soon to be Duchess of Sussex, she's said she wants to change the


Well, someone needs to tell "her royal highness" that charity starts at home.

what do you think about this?

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USA facts today.

For more infomation >> Meghan's Dad Rushed To Hospital In Critical Condition, She Shocks Harry With Cold Move - Duration: 5:47.


For more infomation >> Meghan's Dad Rushed To Hospital In Critical Condition, She Shocks Harry With Cold Move - Duration: 5:47.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-05-15 22:53:42 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-05-15 22:53:42 - Duration: 5:01.


For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-05-15 22:53:42 - Duration: 5:01.


✅ Bourgeois:"Vaksbondsprotest is voorbarig, maar ik begrijp de ongerustheid over het pensioenbedrag" - Duration: 3:40.

Bourgeois:"Vaksbondsprotest is voorbarig, maar ik begrijp de ongerustheid over het pensioenbedrag" Het protest van de vakbonden vandaag tegen de pensioenplannen van de regering is "voorbarig", er is immers nog niets beslist

Dat zegt Vlaams minister-president Geert Bourgeois (N-VA). De minister-president begrijpt wel de ongerustheid van de mensen over het pensioenbedrag

"Wat niet kan, is dat mensen langer zullen werken voor minder pensioen. Daar geef ik de mensen die ongerust zijn gelijk

" "Minister Bacquelaine heeft nog niets beslist. Er is nog geen concreet voorstel

Betogingen zijn voorbarig. Maar we zullen nu eenmaal moeten aanvaarden om met zijn allen iets langer te werken", aldus Bourgeois vanuit Vietnam, waar hij een economische missie leidt

  Lees ook 55.000 betogers aanwezig in Brussel: "Actie nu al geslaagd" Wel trekt Bourgeois een streep in het zand als het gaat over het pensioenbedrag

"Het kan niet zijn dat je op het einde van de rit langer moet werken maar minder verdient

Dat kan niet voor mij. Daar geef ik de mensen die ongerust zijn gelijk. Ik ben heel duidelijk

Als er plannen zouden voortvloeien waarbij je met langer werken minder pensioen hebt, dan zeg ik neen

" Zware beroepen Vandaag kwamen tienduizenden mensen op straat tegen de regeringsplannen rond de pensioenen

Een heikel punt zijn de zware beroepen. Maar Bourgeois is alvast geen voorstander van de term zwaar beroep

"Ik spreek liever over zware taken. Bij elk beroep komt er stress aan te pas. Maar dat betekent niet dat je in een situatie zit waar je niet meer kunt werken", aldus Bourgeois

"Ploegarbeid bij nacht doen op bepaalde leeftijd wordt echt zwaar. Overdag in twee ploegen is dat helemaal iets anders

" Generiek een beroep als zwaar uitroepen, vindt hij dan ook geen goed idee. "Op den duur heeft iedereen een zwaar beroep

We moeten elkaar niets aanpraten", stelt hij. Wat hij wel een zware taak vindt vanaf een bepaalde leeftijd, is die van kleuteronderwijzeres

"Die moeten elke dag letterlijk kinderen bepamperen en optillen, daar moeten we inderdaad het gesprek over voeren

"  Als we het hebben over langer werken, hebben ook de bedrijven hun verantwoordelijkheid, stelt Bourgeois

"Een werkgever moet meer doen dan werk geven, je moet ook mensen stimuleren en kansen geven om levenslang te leren


For more infomation >> ✅ Bourgeois:"Vaksbondsprotest is voorbarig, maar ik begrijp de ongerustheid over het pensioenbedrag" - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> ✅ Bourgeois:"Vaksbondsprotest is voorbarig, maar ik begrijp de ongerustheid over het pensioenbedrag" - Duration: 3:40.


Madness Of It All [Beat Tape]

For more infomation >> Madness Of It All [Beat Tape]


Michigan State and Nassar survivors reach $500M settlement - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Michigan State and Nassar survivors reach $500M settlement - Duration: 2:40.


M jak miłość. Kinga w ciąży ofiarą hejtu. Życzą jej, żeby straciła dziecko - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość. Kinga w ciąży ofiarą hejtu. Życzą jej, żeby straciła dziecko - Duration: 3:10.


MSU to pay Nassar victims $500M - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> MSU to pay Nassar victims $500M - Duration: 3:47.


Ślub Izy i Artura w M jak miłość. Suknia ślubna to prezent od psychopaty - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Ślub Izy i Artura w M jak miłość. Suknia ślubna to prezent od psychopaty - Duration: 2:12.


I'm Offended by Literally Everything! - Duration: 1:55.

Booo! <Crowd jeering>

I'm offended because you're gay.

I'm offended by Chick-Fil-A.

I'm offended by your Starbucks cups.

I'm offended by the Donald Trump.

You have an opinion that's different than mine!

So now I gotta scream and whine!

'Cause I'm offended by everything!

Come on now. Dance and sing.

I'm offended 'cause you own a gun.

I'm offended 'cause you ain't no fun.

I'm offended by intelligent design.

I'm offended by the way you drive.

I'm offended by your race.

I'm offended when I look at your face.

I'm offended by your immigrants.

I'm offended you're a pacifist.

I'm offended by your pro-war stance.

I'm offended by your sagging pants.

You have an opinion that's different than mine.

So now I gotta scream and whine.

'Cause I'm offended by everything.

Come on now. Dance and sing.

Uh yes, excuse me, down here. Yeah, uh...

Isn't some of this kind of ridiculous?

Are some of these actually maybe not worth getting offended over?

Is every single one of these battles worth fighting?

Why does it always have to be 'us versus them'?

Why does everything have to be so extreme and polarized?

Wasn't this nation made great by leaders and people willing to compromise and sometimes meet in the middle?


We're offended 'cause you won't take a stand.

We're offended 'cause you're a middle man.

We're offended 'cause you're riding the fence.

We're offended by your common sense.

<Catchy end tag music>

For more infomation >> I'm Offended by Literally Everything! - Duration: 1:55.


Graciela - Duration: 0:14.

Hi, I used to be an alcoholic and a self mutilator.

My name is Graciela True and I am a Teen Challenge graduate.

For more infomation >> Graciela - Duration: 0:14.


2018 USU Undergraduate Commencement - Duration: 1:05:06.


Will the audience and graduates, please be seated.

Thank you all for coming.

This is a great day for the entire huntsman school community.

It's an especially great day for our graduates, we're proud of each and

every one of them.

On behalf of Utah State University and

the Jon M Huntsman School of Business, welcome to this graduation ceremony.

We are pleased to have seated with us on the dais this afternoon Jaren Hunsaker,

Scott Nixon and Clark Whitworth.

All members of the USU Board of Trustees.

Will you gentlemen please stand and be recognized?


>> Also with us is Cody Davis who has been

the Huntsman School of Business Senator this past year.

Cody, we're greatly appreciative of everything you've done for

the Huntsman School, and the University.

Pleases stand to be recognized for all your hard work.


>> And we dare not forget some of the most

important guests who are here today.

Would the families, and friends of our graduates please stand and be recognized.


>> And now graduates in the first of what

will be many congratulatory expressions, will you please stand and

let your honored families and friends recognize you?


>> I'd also like to recognize my

colleagues in the Huntsman School, our department heads, associate deans,

and faculty and staff who are with us today.

Will the great faculty and staff of the Huntsman School of Business please stand

and be recognized. >> [APPLAUSE]

>> Thank you all so much.

Our program today will follow this outline.

Following my remarks we'll hear from our valedictorian Dillon Pearson.

After Dillon's remarks, we will award the diploma and

afterwards I'll make some brief concluding remarks.

Graduates, I'd like you to reflect back on your first day on this beautiful campus,

and think about the hopes and dreams you came to Utah State with.

Think about the amazing journey you've been on.

Think about the challenges you faced.

Bloomberg terminals, calculating net present value,

sales Jedi training Python, focus Friday.

Somebody told me about hudu, I don't know what hudu is.

The disappointments and all the accomplishments, new ideas,

new experiences, new relationships that are now a part of who you have become.

All of these experiences are part of the adventure that brought you to this moment.

And here's the great part.

It's only just beginning.

There's a reason why we call this a commencement.

It's a beginning.

We are now sending you forth on your great post graduate journey.

It'll be a quest for meaning, for contribution and ultimately for

great accomplishment.

The end result we see from our curriculum and the entirety of the Huntsman

experience formalized in the mission of the Jon M Huntsman School of Business

is to develop leaders of distinction in commerce and public affairs.

At the core of the Huntsman School is a simple guiding philosophy,

do the right thing for our students.

Just focus on our students.

Whether in designing a new building, in hiring incredible new faculty,

in creating new courses and programs.

Amazing results will follow.

Again, it's been another remarkable year at the Huntsman School of Business.

And it all centers on you, our incredible students.

Just a few weeks ago,

Utah State University held its annual Robins Award Program, recognizing

some of the outstanding student, faculty, and staff achievements of the year.

And the Huntsman School students walked away with top honors.

This year, international business major, Michael Scott Peters,

was awarded the Man of the Year Award.

Emily Turner, an international business and economics major,

was recognized as Woman of the Year.

Entrepreneur Holston Vanderslice was recognized for achievement of the year,

and the culminating award, named for Billy Robbins, in whose honor the entire event

is named, was given to business administration major Christian Hobbs.

By the way, Christian was one of six of our graduates headed to work for

General Mills, and for the eighth time in the last nine years, one of our own

Huntsman students, Jaren Hunsaker, was elected as student body president.

Michael, Emily, Halston, Christian, and

Jaren will you all please stand and be recognized.

You are the best of the Huntsman School and

just five sources of great.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Seated on the dais

today are these outstanding students as well as faculty and

staff who've been recognized this year for their achievements in the Huntsman School.

There names are in the program,

please help me recognize all the great members of the Huntsman School community.


>> We will now hear from our valedictorian

Dylan Pearson who is graduating in accounting with a perfect 4.0 GPA.

Dylan grew up in Fielding, Utah and attended Bear River High School.

He served an LDS missions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

An upon returning he began attending USU.

Dylan has been married to the love of his life Caitlyn for three years.

Their pride and joy is their darling baby girl Violet who I met for

the first time last night.

They are also proud of their Labrador Retriever named Charlie.

Dylan will go to work for

PricewaterhouseCoopers in their Salt Lake office upon graduation.

Dylan, please join us at the stand.


>> Well, this is a little intimidating

because there's a lot of mighty people here today.

It's been drilled into our heads, the motto of the school of business,

to dare mighty things.

And I think that we've done it.

I think that the graduates should feel very proud of themselves for

getting here, for getting a degree.

And I really feel like the friends, family, parents,

siblings, spouses, everyone who is here that supported us to get to this moment,

they're the ones that have really done something mighty.

I'd like to share with you something that you guys have seen in the halls a lot and

probably read a lot.

It's the quote by Theodore Roosevelt

that give us our motto of the School of Business.

It says, far better it is to dare mighty things,

to win glorious triumphs even though checked by failure,

than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,

because they live in the great twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

So, when we think about this quote, when we think about our motto for the School of

Business we're suppose to dare mighty things, we're suppose to do great things.

And it's my argument as we look around and

see everybody that supported us to get to this moment, our family, our teachers.

Everyone who's brought us here.

That's what being truly mighty is.

When we affect the lives of others around us positively,

that is when we are at our mightiest.

That's when we're at our greatest.

And I know that that's true.

And there's one thing that's happened today and

that you've gained a greater responsibility to help those around you.

As college graduates you now have a greater capacity to learn, to grow,

to earn money, and you also have a greater capacity to help the world.

And because you have that greater capacity to help the world,

you have a greater responsibility to help the world.

Some of you might recognize that, it's a little paraphrased.

And so I'd like to challenge all of you to go out and

dare mighty things, don't do them for yourself.

You're going to be great, you're going to do great things, you're going

to have great careers, but that's not why we're here, and that's not why we do it.

You're going out to help people, to be a mentor, to get people here in your place.

To positively affect those around and positively affect the world.

And I'd just like to challenge all of you to do that, to take this with you,

to take the motto of the School of Business with you.

And when you have a choice to do the easy thing,

or to do the mighty thing, do the mighty thing,

thank you. >> [APPLAUSE]

>> Thank you for these words, Dylan.

We're proud of you and your accomplishments.

And now, we're gonna go directly to the awarding of the diplomas.

Today, 807 undergraduates are being recognized for

earning their bachelor's degree at the Huntsman School of Business.

Please note that 146 of these degrees were granted through our undergraduate

program in China and will be awarded in a separate ceremony.

Also, yesterday,

over 250 students were honored at our graduate commencement exercise.

We will now proceed with the granting of the degrees.

I'd like to ask the members of our board of trustees who are with us today,

to stand at the end of the center ramp here, and

to congratulate the graduates as they come forward.

I know that our many friends and

family members wanna take photos of our graduates.

But I ask for your cooperation as we'll need to move quickly,

due to the large size of our graduating class.

For your convenience, we have arranged for two professional photographers

to take photos of our graduates as they receive their diplomas.

These photos will be available to you to download free of charge

in the later part of the week.

So please resist the temptation to come down in front.

And now with that,

let me invite our board of trustees members Darren, wanna come down?

And we'll begin the process of awarding the diplomas.



>> Ladies and

gentlemen, I'm honored to present the class

of 2018 garduation from Jon M Huntsman School of Business.

Congratulations, graduates. >> [APPLAUSE]


>> I don't usually ask

myself to give a commencement address.

But I'd like to share a few words with you in closing about the great benefactor and

friend, who's name is printed on the diplomas that you have earned today.

This school, this state, the nation and the world lost a great leader,

a highly successful entrepreneur and a global visionary on February 2nd,

2018, when Jon Huntsman died at age 80.

Jon loved Utah State University.

And he loved the school of business, that since December 3, 2007 has borne his name.

He liked to say, I've been observing Utah State University for

the past 50 years and this is the finest college in America.

I didn't go there but I recognize that as the institution where I would go today,

if I had to select the best university, end quote.


>> Yeah.


>> The son of an Idaho school teacher John

and his wife Karen have devoted their lives and

$1.5 billion to improving the human condition.

Working to eradicate cancer and

to provide educational opportunity for thousands of students.

In 2007, he challenged us to build a business school that produces

students who can compete with the best and the brightest anywhere in the world.

We were not there in 2007 and I told him so.

Dean Anderson he said,

we're not investing in Utah State because of where you are today.

We are investing in Utah State because of what we can help you achieve

in the future.

Last year, as you know, John doubled his investment to more than $50 million and

helped us secure another $25 million from his friend, Charles Koch.

Were he with us still, he would be very proud of you the graduates today.

His challenge in 2007 has brought us world class faculty, incredible new

curricular and extra curricular opportunities, local, national and

global accolades and in 2016, a beautiful state of the art building.

That like the principle business building at his Alma mater, the Warton School at

the University of Pennsylvania is named John M Huntsman Hall.

It's been a decade and more of amazing progress but we are not done.

Our purpose is to be an engine of growth for

our community, the state, the nation and the world.

And to enable our students to lead lives of meaning and contribution.

Our mission is to develop leaders od distinction in the world's of commerce and

public affairs.

And our strategic objective, is to creat the finest undergraduate program in

business and economics in the inter-mountain west.

All of this requires building a culture of excellence.

Where students own their own education and faculty and

staff are focused on students' success, as their highest priority.

It requires a restless and

relentless desire to improve, to innovate and to get better.

And it requires confidence in our own ability to make a positive difference in

the world.

Finally, it requires the humility to recognize that we don't yet

have all the answers and probably never will.

John saw this in us when he said,

there is a remarkable atmosphere on campus and in the community of Logan.

The university has a sense of purpose.

There is remarkable quality of life here.

These features will all combine to help us make

this business school one of the finest in the country.

John's vision for the Huntsman school was that we would eventually provide a Wharton

like ivy league quality education at a public school price for

the students of the west.

That's a very tall order.

But John Huntsman was bold by nature.

He was the very living embodiment of our motto, dare mighty things.

And he believed in us.

And he expected us to dare mighty things.

USU today is a much better institution because of his generosity,

his friendship, his love and his example.

He was our partner every step of the way.

He was totally aligned with our vision but

he constantly encouraged us to reach higher, to dig deeper, to accomplish more.

If I were dean for 100 years,

I doubt we could find another partner of such surpassing gifts.

We will miss him greatly.

We have special reason to pause on this commencement day

to remember the things that John Huntsman stood for.

Because his brand is now our brand.

We will carry on his legacy.

The values that he stood for, service above self, hard work,

generosity and respect for the dignity of all people,

endowed our school with qualities more valuable than the $50 million he gave us.

Now, in his honor, I would like to ask you, all of you, our graduates and

everyone in the audience, to stand and join me in reciting words

that John himself once spoke at a college commencement exercise.

These words now embellish the John M Huntsman memorial library

on the top floor of our own Huntsman hall.

Everyone would you please stand.

Would you all stand?

You have these cards.

Everybody have a card?

Okay, I will read these words through once and then I'd like to ask all of you,

the graduates and the audience to read them through together in unison with me.

Here, I'll read first.

No exercise is better for the human heart Than reaching down and lifting another up.

Now, let's all say these words together.

Are you ready?

No exercise is better for the human heart, than reaching down and lifting another up.

Thank you so much.


>> Congratulations graduates.

You may be seated.

Thank you honored members of the audience.

Our graduates have achieved well and now graduates, I would challenge you and

ask you to remember these words of John Huntsman.

And always remember, as graduates of the John M Huntsman School at

Utah State University, who you are and what you represent.

Do you remember that mother?

Mother always taught me that.

Everyday I walked out the door she'd say, remember who you are and

what you represent.

And you have an opportunity to remember that as well.

As you remember, you're graduates of the John M Huntsman School of Business.

Now will you please direct your attention to screens above for

a short video featuring John Huntsman speaking directly

about Utah State University and his hopes for you our graduates


>> The world is changing dramatically.

In business, students must understand the role of emerging nations.

They must study the volatility of currencies

in order to comprehend financial commerce in a dynamic world.

Hopefully we will earnestly seek the most enriching

seminars of study that will give our graduating students

a jump start on either Wall Street or Main Street,

in either Toronto or Tremont, in either Beijing or Bocatelo.

We're just in the beginning years of what we'll look back on and

see as a great runway to the moon.

Truly the School of Business on this beautiful and unique campus should strive

to teach not only the latest state of the art business practices, but

the implication of ethics and all of it's forms to ensure that

each graduate is a man or woman of unquestioned integrity.

At the end of the day, our character together with our charity

will determine our ultimate destiny.


No matter what the business occasion may bring,

no matter what your situation may be personally, if you're ethical and

honorable in what you're doing, you will always come out ahead.

No exercise is better for the human heart than reaching down and lifting another up.


I'm humbled that a rural boy,


Could have his name on this school.

I thank you.

God bless you.



>> We will certainly miss John Huntsman.

But because of what he has given us, we will always have him with us.

As you leave here today I invite you and

I challenge you to commit yourself to becoming a leader of distinction

in your home, in your community, and in the world of commerce and public affairs.

Remember our motto, dare mighty things.

And remember, the world needs more Aggies in the four corners of the world,

leading lives of meaning and contribution.

You now represent us.

The Huntsman School of Business and Utah State University and we are proud of you.

As you came across the stand today and I looked into your eyes and

I saw the brightness of hope that you have for your future careers and

your enthusiasm and energy.

I had to thank my lucky stars that I have had the privilege of being your dean.

We are proud of you.

And John Huntsman, and his hopes go with you as well.

Congratulations graduates and best wishes for your continued success.


>> What do you think audience?

Can we give them a standing ovation?

What do you think?


>> Thank you so much.

And now as we conclude,

I'd like to ask the audience to remain seated while our graduates recess.

Students, please follow your marshalls as they excuse you row by row and

you are led up the east stairs.

Now in a moment, I'm gonna say some words that I think you'll all

appreciate because it will conclude our ceremony today.

Class dismissed.


For more infomation >> 2018 USU Undergraduate Commencement - Duration: 1:05:06.


Netwatch - Cyberpunk 2077 Megacorporations Lore - Duration: 7:54.

Connection: Night City

Welcome to the MadqueenShow hub

I am your host B-62

Today we enter the net

Netwatch is the big boogeyman of the net

This megacorporation started in Europe as a private organization, heavily sponsored

by megacorporations, designed to combat rogue hackers and computer crime

Under pressure from several governments of the European Union, they managed to get a

loose charter under the United Nations

From there, they expanded globally, with each region handling it slightly differently

Now, governments and corporations pay a regular contribution to local Netwatch offices and

Netwatch acts as a separate business affiliated only directly with local governments

The central Netwatch office is in London, which is rather strange, considering how peripheral

London is to the European Union

Must be the low rents…

There is usually one Netwatch operation offices in each region of the net

which acts purely as a scheduling

and information nexus, but, of course, payroll records are also kept there

Netwatch operates out of whatever locale they can, often moving after each run to make tracing

more difficult

There are many differences on the way the Netwatch operates depending on the region

of the Net you're in

If you're in the States, that's Netcops stronghold and its staff is accordingly

Half of these SysOps are Pro-Level runners with the rest as Mid Levels and a few trainees

They have the best equipment available

They also have the power to arrest any illegal hackers and bring them before the government

for prosecution

They are also allowed to carry Black Ice with them in case of computer assault by noted fellons

This amounts to the equivalent of a license to carry a concealed weapon

At Araska we value the safety of your home

your new Arasaka Personal Home Scanner

is next generation threat detection equipment

that responds to potential threats in miliseconds

to keep you and your family safe

Arasaka Feel Protected

In Australia, for instance, things are very different for Netwatch, as in Pacifica, in

general, they only have a very little legal

power and they patrol the entire area as "concerned volunteers"

Especially in the Australia and New Zealand area of the Net, where they are under a rather

restrictive agreement: Australians keep control of the enforcement end

It will be Australian police that apprehend any criminals located by Netwatch and they

will be tried in state courts

In addition, any "excessive force" used by Netwatch will be prosecuted, so SysOps

tend to be on their best behavior there

Of course, if you're dead or a brain is a fried vegetable,

it's kinda hard to press any charges

The problem that edgerunners have with Netwatch, apart from the danger of their operators,

is that they reinforce the artificial divisions that others have brought from the physical

world into the plane of information

They pretend to be a legitimate enforcement division, supposedly summoned into existence

by some near-religious mandate from the masses, and by this vainglorious posturing, they appear

to lend credence to the concepts of intellectual property and theft of information

Like any faction that has no real arguments to support their position, they resolve their

lack of arguments by hiding behind barricades of rhetoric and firing clitchés and buzzwords

at those who encroach too close

Netwatch says they want to make the net safer for humanity, but they never defined what

is the meaning of humanity or what part of the humanity are they making the net safer for

Was the net unsafe in the first place?

Thanks for entering the net with us, I hope we'll see your avatars again, good evening

and long life to Rache Bartmoss

For more infomation >> Netwatch - Cyberpunk 2077 Megacorporations Lore - Duration: 7:54.


Tinnitus Masking Test | CLIP 7 | | 3400Hz|7500Hz Boost - Duration: 1:00:11.

Heres the final clip in the series. this is when the rain had almost stopped, so the drips and flowing water off the roofs is the loudest sounds. Ive boosted 3400Hz and 7500Hz. There is some birds in the background but not too loud. this scored 19/325 in the origional test so one of the least favourite by far. As always please be carefull with the volume, and please leave a comment below to let me know if it helps, or even makes it worse for you. Original TINNITUS RAIN MASKING EXPERIMENT- Hi All, Interesting results from Part 1 ! Here are the numbers- Total people took part = 325 Clip 1- 109 votes Clip 2- 36 votes Clip 3- 26 votes Clip 4- 30 votes Clip 5-70 votes Clip 6- 19 votes Clip 7- 19 votes 16 people found none of them worked at all, and a handful of people found it actually made their Tinnitus worse! ( sorry about that!!)Number 1 ( the highest pitch) was the clear favorite, with 5 also a strong favorite.I'm still digesting the many comments and input from you all, and I thank you massively for taking part and giving me such good feedback. So now for PART 2 of the Test/Experiment- I'm creating 7 individual videos of each clip, but longer versions. Say 1 hour. Obvs I don't need you to watch for 1 hour for the test!! But I know some of you will appreciate the longer versions for sleep etc.I'm going to be dramatically boosting certain frequencies within each one. The ones that I think was helping to mask your T.I know for sure, that no matter what I do, what works for some won't work for others, but by you guys giving me more amazing feedback like in Part 1, then this will only help me to produce better material for us all.

For more infomation >> Tinnitus Masking Test | CLIP 7 | | 3400Hz|7500Hz Boost - Duration: 1:00:11.



- What's up guys?

I'm back and today's video we're gonna cover

how to lose fat without being miserable.

(upbeat music)

- [Female Singer Off Camera] ♪Ah, ah♪

- My name is Tanner Chidester and I'm here to help you

lose fat and keep it off forever because the same things

that believe make you successful in fitness

also make you successful in life.

Today's topic, we're gonna go into how to lose fat

and keep it off forever.

So a lot of you are watching this channel or video

have probably tried lots of different diets, okay?

You might have tried ketogenic, paleo, vegan,

all kinds of different diets or workout programs.

Now the problem is is you get results, right?

You'll start and you'll get a lot of great results

but what ends up happening is that after you've gotten

some results and lost some weight,

it becomes unsustainable, right?

You're not able to to sustain it because it's not flexible.

It's very rigid.

So for example, let's say a trainer gives you a diet plan

and he says you cannot have breads,

you cannot have ice cream, you cannot have donuts,

you cannot have those things.

What ends up happening is you're very motivated

when you start.

So when you start, you are getting all kinds of results

because you feel very motivated, you're gonna keep doing it.

After a few weeks go by, you start to realize

you can't go out with your friends anymore,

you can't have anything with your kids,

you can't go out to dinner and get anything

that looks fun on the menu.

So you start to lose motivation and

then you finally fall of the nutrition plan.

So the way you do this, is you have

to have a flexible plan, okay?

You have to have a coach or a trainer

who is able to show you how to have flexibility

so, for example, when I go out

with my friends on the weekends,

if they want to go to a bar, I'm able to have alcohol

and still drink it.

Or if I wanna have dessert or if I wanna have pizza,

I'm able to do that because I have the knowledge

and the foundation behind all the nutrition plans.

What you need to understand is that a nutrition plan

can be catered to any individual.

So if you like to eat a certain way in certain things

or at certain times, there's a way for you to do that.

What you have to understand is that most of the plans,

or trainers or coaches out there, are taking the plan

and trying to mold it to you, right?

They're taking a plan and saying

"Hey, do this you'll get results."

The problem is that that they do that

for every single person and what might work for Greg

or Lindsay won't work for you.

And so what you need to understand is the principles

behind nutrition.

And what it comes down to at the end of the day guys,

the number one thing that gets you results

with nutrition and in your lifestyle

and getting you a great body is understanding

that if your goal is to lose body fat,

you have to be in a caloric deficit.

Quite simply, a caloric deficit is

where you're eating less than your body needs.

That's the easiest way to put it.

And if you're trying to gain muscle,

you have to eat more than your body needs

so it has calories or energy to pack on muscle.

A lot of times you see people doing the opposite

of what they need to be doing.

So they're trying to lose body fat,

but they're eating way too much or they're not being active.

And then on the other side, they're trying to build muscle

but they're starving themselves.

So at the end of day guys, to summarize this video,

what you need to understand is that

it's not about the diet plan, it's more about the

quantities and the amounts of food that you're having.

I want you to understand that you can eat anything you want,

but you have to have the simple foundation

and understand what is going on and what the science says

because, quite honestly, in the fitness industry today,

there's way too much bogus information

and stuff going out there that just isn't true.

Thank you so much for tuning in.

What I want you to do is if you're new here,

please consider subscribing.

Hit that button right here, to the channel,

where I'm gonna be pumping out three videos minimum week

to try to help you shred fat and keep it off forever.

Also guys, question of the day.

What is your favorite thing to eat?

Go ahead and comment down below.

And what I want you to do is put down

what your favorite thing to eat is

and imagine if you could actually eat that

and still get results.

Also if you have any other questions or comments,

please drop them below as I'll be going through

and I'll be answering everything personally.

Again thank you so much for tuning in

and going on this journey with me on how to lose fat

and keep it off forever.

(upbeat music)

- [Male Singer Off Camera] ♪I am the, I am the sick boy,

they say that I am the sick boy♪

For more infomation >> HOW TO LOSE FAT WITHOUT BEING MISERABLE?! - Duration: 4:48.


DIY Journal Pockets | How To Make Pockets For A Journal - Duration: 4:28.

Hey whats up you guys? My name is Emily and in this video I'm going to show you

how to make pockets for a journal in three different ways.

Lets get on with the video!

For the first pocket you want to place a piece of cardstock paper

of any color onto the front cover, back cover, or on a piece of paper in your journal

so you can see where you want to cut the pocket.

Then you can cut the pocket out of the paper like how I did here.

You can cut the pocket into any shape

and you want to make sure it fits on the back of the journal

or on a piece of paper that's in the journal

so cut off any of the extra paper so the pocket will fit on the journal.

I decided to cut the pocket at a angle.

You can also round the pocket to fit the edge of the journal.

Once you like how your pocket looks you can put glue on

the edge where the pocket won't open at.

Then you can place it onto where you want it to be

on the journal and you want to wait for the glue to dry.

You can put binder clips on the pocket so the pocket doesn't move while the glue is drying.

When the glue is drying or when the glue is dry

you can put washi tape on the edge of the pocket that opens like how I did.

If you want you can also glue or tape pictures onto the pocket.

When the glue is dry you can put whatever you want into the pocket like paper or stickers.

The second pocket I'm going to show you how to make is for a journal with rings in it.

You want to fold a piece of cardstock paper in half.

Then you want to cut out a pocket on one side of the fold on the paper.

You can make the pocket in any shape that you want.

I decided to cut the pocket at a angle.

After you cut your pocket,

place the pocket onto your journal to make sure it fits

and if it doesn't fit you want to cut the extra paper off so it fits into the journal.

Now you want to place the pocket onto the journal

and mark where each hole will go for each ring with a pencil.

Then you can take a hole puncher and punch a hole where each mark is.

Now you can open the pocket up and put glue on the bottom edge of the paper

and then you can place the pocket in the glue.

You can put binder clips on the pocket so it stays together while the glue is drying.

When the glue is dry you can add some washi tape

on the edge of the pocket or wherever you would like.

The last thing you have to do is that you want to put the pocket onto the rings of your journal.

If you're having trouble with getting the pocket onto the rings

you can cut the holes so you can slide the pocket on the rings.

When you're done with your pocket you can put anything that you want into the pocket

like extra paper or pictures.

You can also stick a picture on a paper clip and put it on the edge of the pocket like how I did.

For the last pocket you want to get one or more envelopes.

When you have an idea of how you want to lay out your envelopes

you can lay out the envelopes on the front cover,

back cover, or on a piece of paper in the journal

so you know how it will look when your done.

You can lay the envelopes horizontally or vertically in the journal

and depending on the size of your journal

you can put more than one on the cover or the page.

Then you want to open your envelope

and put washi tape around the envelope to attach it to the journal.

Don't put any washi tape on the flap of the envelope.

You can also glue the envelope to the journal instead.

When you're done with the envelope pocket

you can put anything that you want into it like stickers or extra paper.

and that's how you make all of these pockets!

In the comments down below let me know what you think about these pockets

and if you like this video give this video a thumbs up

and subscribe to see more DIYs

and bullet journal videos near the end of each month.

and I will see you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> DIY Journal Pockets | How To Make Pockets For A Journal - Duration: 4:28.


Volkswagen Golf 1.0TSI/115PK Edition · Connect · Airco · Cruise control - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.0TSI/115PK Edition · Connect · Airco · Cruise control - Duration: 1:12.


Volkswagen Golf 1.0TSI/115PK Comfortline Executive · Navigatie · Cruise control · PDC - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.0TSI/115PK Comfortline Executive · Navigatie · Cruise control · PDC - Duration: 0:55.


Škoda Octavia 1.2TSI/110pk Ambition Businessline · Navigatie · Cruise control ·18"LM - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Škoda Octavia 1.2TSI/110pk Ambition Businessline · Navigatie · Cruise control ·18"LM - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4TSI/160PK Sport & Style Executive · Xenon · Pan.dak · Parkassist - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4TSI/160PK Sport & Style Executive · Xenon · Pan.dak · Parkassist - Duration: 1:14.


😱The doll Possessed | Subtitled | Avakin Life History of Horror - Duration: 3:28.

Real Story of Terror Avakin Life Karen

The possessed doll

What a great room

The baby will sleep here

This closet does not open that weird

Sister, this closet is stuck

Well, I'll put things in another place

What a beautiful doll

I'll stay with her

It is something dark

Your son found a doll

It looks very bad


Minutes later ...

But how ...

How do you open the wardrobe?

* whispers *

Who are you talking to?

You are not going to answer me !!!

He drew a chained child

Ready!! You can not enter anymore

Oh my God, how did you open the closet

OMG & all that blood

Blood was not known who was

Goodbye forever damn doll JaJaJa !!

In the closet died a child who had his parents chained. That chained child was the child who drew the house.

Apparently the doll was the boy & had an evil spirit, it all ended when they burned the doll & the boy got angry with his aunt

For more infomation >> 😱The doll Possessed | Subtitled | Avakin Life History of Horror - Duration: 3:28.


Best Way to Promote Your Business Online - Duration: 6:32.

Hello everybody, my name is Terry Floyd I'm here to bring you the best way to promote your business online

When I say to promote your business online the best way, you know I'm mostly talking out of my own personal opinion you

Might find something better

But my personal opinion from what I've experienced, this is more than a more powerful ways to promote your business online

The best way to promote your business online is

Using a simple system that's been around for the last six seven years for lead lightning

The lightning really yes, really

You're basically for the price of seven dollars you are getting a capture page a sales page

a CRM customer manager and

an autoresponder with either a

nine day response or 17 response

All for the price of a one-time fee of seven

They also give you an option to plug

your businesses sales page

into your email responder

whereas will send out your leave lightning link and

The person when they opt-in to your capture page

They will give one email for lead lightning and one generic email is representing your business

You can't make any changes to this. There is some limit school for being seven dollars still for seven dollars. You gonna have a chance?

to get your items out in front of eyeballs and share your Lead Lightning this is almost the best part about Lead Lightning

Once you get it out there in front of people

It will

You will receive six dollar Commission's wherever to my side upper buys into

Six dollar Commission's for every Lead Lightning sale . So basically you will be getting six dollars to generate leads

the thing you generate seven people into Lead Lightning

To make 42 bucks

100 people $600

best way to promote your business online

And then if you go higher and from lightly lightning

Let's say you go into power lead system and go all the way in

Which is now

And was at one point

five hundred dollar commission

But as of last Monday

on the 14th

He went up to thousand dollar commissions

Then basically from you somebody making

Six down something our purchase from you and stuff out of the six dollar commission that works its way all the way up to

fifteen hundred dollars possibly from sale

from selling Lead lightning

It's a good way to get your foot in the door you're back in the day the vacuum cleaner salesman

Would come ring your doorbell you crack the door first thing you do was watch that foot in there. I get the whole spiel off

you don't have that anymore, but now

You're giving them something for their six dollars or seven dollars

You're going get the this nice little marketing suite

Which is most people in the beginning when they first get online, they don't have money for

Online sales pro

or $300 a month or click funnels or

whatever else is out there, you know they have

limited funds to try and get some their first little

Taste of online fortune and what's better, then they put a link out it may be that day or the next day

You make six dollars

If this needs to look it will show you that it's working look show. Whoever you're bringing In. That' its working

And then maybe a lot they'll they'll they'll go up. Yeah, they'll upgrade and when they upgrade

You could have been that take you into a whole different system

We're still your other videos down the line on that, but for now we're looking at Lead lightning

Which comes full up sales of power lead system and at the time of this website here

You'll see that is possible

$526 day

pay out and

A lot of people have gotten it. I've gotten it one time

It hadn't be my first paycheck. I've got I got two people to go. All-in. I'm a 1,100 bucks

That's my first payout

from the pure on power leases and

That was all started from a leaf lightening membership

Okay, it comes with two other responders ever

When you pushing your link in the ultimate you get a nice 17 day


And then we have a nine day I'll respond I just Philippe lighting itself you can't make any changes

When you are in lead lightning, but you go out

Probably the best part the best part about lead lightning

You're going to get paid the next week

You're going to get paid. They have not missed a Payday over six years

So you will get your money

That's something that we've got here all of all the systems down

This isn't working. You have had any problems like that and it keeps going and keeps going. It keeps going

Do yourself a favor?

Look down below throw me a like for the video that's if you liked it. Give me comment on the videos if you wanna comment and

Check out some of the links down below if you want to check it out

I'm looking forward to seeing you on our lead lightening team

You'll still get access to power lead system our group you bring you an is plenty of support

I have my own personal training my own personal support and

You can see how things go. Thank you for your time and

You guys have a good day

For more infomation >> Best Way to Promote Your Business Online - Duration: 6:32.


Volkswagen Touran 1.2TSI/105PK Comfortline Executive 7P. · Pan.dak · Navigatie · Cruise control - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran 1.2TSI/105PK Comfortline Executive 7P. · Pan.dak · Navigatie · Cruise control - Duration: 1:12.



Intro is Playing

For more infomation >> UNLOCKED 🔥QUAD BIKE GT🔥 | MMX HILL DASH 2 | HOW TO GET NITRO IN GAME 😉 - BY PRESTIGE | HUTCH GAME - Duration: 11:12.


Long Range Slinging 120m - Duration: 4:11.

Practicing at long range is much more different than short range practice.

At short range you can vary the shape and mass

of the projectile as well as the power of the throw

without big issues.

You can lob or you can zap the stone to the target.

It's almost like aiming in two dimensions.

At long range the effects of drag become more obvious

The closer to your max range you throw the smaller the window of choices becomes,

you reach a point when you can't zap the stone anymore to the target but only lob it.

Main drag effect for ellipsoid projectiles is angle of attack

Like in a javelin throw, angle of attack changes the trajectory of the projectile dramaticaly.

From the throwers point of view you can see the stone travel the first 20-30m with an angle of attack

and then change its trajectory, so now it's aligned and has no angle of attack .

Angle of attack means more surface area so more drag

For spherical stones , you should either do a spiral throw or a backspin throw.

I personally can't do a backspin throw as easily as a spiral.

Backspin will add range to the throw. As hop up does in airsoft .

Throwing with angle of attack or with backspin means there is

more drag but also there is lift, so lower angles of release should be preferred.

So what are the advantages of training @ long ranges?

You learn to have better control of the pouch orientation

by controling your wrist.

Otherwise the stone has random angle of attack.

In order to reach the target you learn more efficient throw mechanics

(it feels like you open up your movements)

at the same time you gain more power.

The practice at long ranges is much more demanding and probably more productive.

angle of attack is the angle between the projectiles long axis and the vector of relative wind speed

Angle of attack can be up down left or right so you may fall further or shorter than the target or completely miss

the vertical plane even if the at the first 30m the throw was aligned.

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