3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370
Allied Race Taunka - Would It Work? | Customization, Gear, Faction & More - Duration: 8:35.Hello guys, So, in this video we will look at how it would
be like if the Taunka were to become a playable race.
Keep in mind that these files have been in the game for a long time and that this doesn't
they will ever become playable.
If you missed any of my other videos where we talk about potential races, than make sure
to check them out.
So this is me trying to read the story bare with me guys.
The Taunka are decendants of the yaungol, and millennia before the first war, the yaungol
roamed central kalimdor and lived in peace with the demigod cenarius, however they were
eventually driven south because they didn't want to share their hunting grounds with the
After their enslavement one group, who would later take up the name "tauren", resettled
in kalimdor while some traveled across the entire continent until they reached The Storm
Peaks in Northern, and they would later become known as the taunka.
The Taunka, Tauren and the Yaungol retained some contact with one another for many years,
but the Great Sundering shattered the connections between the tribes.
So what classes would the Taunka be able to play as?
According to the lore they can be hunters, shamans and warriors but more classes would
defiantly be added.
I will show you all the classes with the tomb of sargeras gear later in the video so you
can see how it looks like, but first lets take a look at their customization options.
Guys.. im not sure how to say this.. but only the male characters are available I mean it's
almost becoming a meme by now, however they have 4 different skin color options and 3
different facial hair options, so there is a lot of room for improvement if they were
ever added as an allied race, what unique options would you like to see?
Now its finaly time to take a look at how the gear looks like on a Taunka, and to be
honest I LOVE IT!
The gear looks so good on them but I didn't expect anything else considering both the
Taunka and the Taurens are decendeants of the yaungol, let me know what you think.
So, what racial mount would the Taunka use?
If we consider their heritage the obvious choose would be a kodo, but I'm not sure
if a kodo can resist the cold nature of notherend, but I know you guys will have a lot better
suggestions than I do.
So now we have finaly reached the 1 million dollar question, what faction would the Taunka
I mean maybe not a million dollar question but anyway If we consider their yaungol heritage
and the quests available in the game I would say the horde would be the obvious choose
in my opinion.
Also would you play as a taunka? and where would their starting area be, a solution could
be to let them start at level 58 in Northerend considering the new zone scaling feature,
let me know what you guys think in the comments below.
So that's it for this video guys, if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a thumbs up
and consider subscribing to my channel to keep up with my latest videos.
I will leave the rest of this video with the highmountain tauren cutscene if you haven't
seen it yet make sure to watch it.
Thank you for watching and I hope to see
you again.
Nigella Lawson Australian Breakfast TV Interview (2018) - Duration: 8:40.-------------------------------------------
FEMINISM ÄR CANCER (Eng subs) - Duration: 7:17.This celebrity criticized feminism in her podcast.
She said some feminists take it too far and that she doesn't wanna call herself feminist because of all the misandry.
So to prove Bianca wrong, and that feminism really is a peaceful religion, feminists flocked together and poured out hate on her.
It ended with her begging forgiveness with tears in her eyes,
then she stayed at home for a week because she was so sad about the misinterpretations and personal attacks.
And I quote: "I was truly sad because it's hard to take misunderstandings. It really weighed on me to be called misogynist because I'm really not."
"People saw me as something I'm not."
You're really not alone there, I can tell you. That's exactly why Pär Ström left the debate a few years ago.
He wrote many debate articles and books where he presented facts and statistics,
and argued calmly that both genders have problems, but in different ways.
And feminists only replied with personal attacks, insults, threats and mockery. No real arguments.
Because that's what feminists do. They're not good with facts and research and serious arguments.
However they are good with emotional blackmail, bullying campaigns and trying to get people fired.
Alexander Bard fell victim to this recently, feminists want to see him fired because he's "sexist, racist and homophobic".
Of course there's no basis for any of this, they just don't like how he's talked about the #MeToo campaign.
Which has also gone too far, apparently it's sexism for men to like hot girls with big boobs.
No.. God, how terrible. How dare they?
How dare men be attracted to women who don't look like boys?
And why can't you fuck boys? Pedophiles are a minority too, and it's such a pity about minorities right?
Feels like it's just a matter of time before the LGBT-movement derails into that direction.
It's also sexism to use sextoys, because sex-robots can't give consent. And therefore you're a rapist.
And this feminist describes how she went on a date and got angry when the guy wanted to split the tab.
Equality sounds great on paper, but when feminists actually get treated like men they don't like it.
Because the feminist idea of equality is that women should have special privilege.
Feminism is cancer. It's more a disease than a serious political orientation, because what it does to people is horrendous.
It kills their empathy, ability to argue and perception of reality. All of a sudden facts are oppression, and you stop being friends with people because they disagree.
There's a reason why over 70% of Sweden doesn't call themselves feminist.
There's many reasons actually, like feminists using peoples tax money to put up period art in the subway.
Here's a subway in Moscow.
Here's what it looks like in Stockholm.
So Putin has a better sense for decoration than all our feminist government.
Nah just kidding, Lenin deserves the credit there.
The communist regime decided to make trainstations look like palaces, so the working class could partake in the beauty otherwise reserved to the upper class.
I usually don't praise communists, but god damn that's a good idea. Seriously.
Anyway, it's funny how feminists say feminism is JUST about equality.
"It's just about men and women being equal... Same terms, equal treatment.."
Then suddenly you're a rapist if you fuck a fleshlight.
And if you smile at girls it's sexism. This is what feminists do, they lure you in with "equality" but then they define equality so loosely it covers insane opinions.
And I understand that there's many reasonable feminists out there, I get that, don't generalize.
But to be honest their label is a joke. You're not a feminist just because you believe in equality.
Feminism is more political and complex than that.
Feminism is when you think it's a problem that there's more men than women in corporate boards, even though women prefer male bosses.
Feminism is when you think equality is about equal results, and not equal opportunities.
Personally I respect science and biology. Men and women are simply a little different and therefore will make different choices in life.
You can see sex differences in brain anatomy with one month old babies.
Feminism is when you dehumanize rape victims because they have the wrong political values.
One woman was denied to talk at a MeToo-manifestation because she's a nationalist.
Fuck that's loyal. Sisterhood, right?
And that's why I don't call myself feminist. Because it's a pathetic label.
If I think rape, slutshaming and sexual harassment are serious problems, I'm just a regular person capable of empathy. Not a feminist.
That men and women should be treated equally is a common opinion in Sweden. You're not special in any way because you believe that.
So the feminist label is just a desperate attempt for insecure women to feel special and compensate for their shitty self-esteem.
And for men it's just a way to get laid. Often without consent. We saw that with Virtanen, and Soran, and all the other leftist men named in #MeToo
In summation, I wish people were smarter than to listen to hysterical idiots.
Because I've been to the pub, and it's pretty obvious that gender analysis doesn't get anyone moist.
Traditional gender roles is what attract people to each other, and ultimately sex is a stronger biological drive than listening to Aftonbladet.
So my tips to all girls and guys out there, who are surrounded by rabid feminists:
Girls, get better friends. You're worth more than that. Don't respect people that don't respect you.
And guys, find something better to fuck. Seriously.
Stop thinking with your dick you fucking bellend
Cận Cảnh Quy Trình Sản Xuất Đũa Dừa Sạch Bến Tre • Miền Tây Vlogs Tập 135 - Duration: 16:28.Welcome to Mien Tay Vlogs
Fish pants - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
CBS Los Angeles Live Stream - Duration: 8:41:38.-------------------------------------------
Coach Park Hang Seo heated up with the decision of the referee - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 3:21.Singapore referee has two decisions to disadvantage U23 Vietnam end of the first match against U23 Qatar.
Having equalized with U23 Qatar, U23 Vietnam conceded 39 minutes for a penalty.
Singapore referee Bin Jahari said Bui Tien Dung pulled forward Ali in the penalty area and pulled the yellow card defender wearing U23 Vietnam No.
The slow turnovers showed that the foul was not clear when both players were in contention.
Coach Park Hang Seo heated up with referee decision dispute - Photo 1.
And yet, to 43 minutes, this Singapore referee refuses to blame when Phan Van Duc made a clear foul in front of the Qatar.
If the referee blows the penalty, U23 Vietnam had a dangerous free kick, have the opportunity to equalize.
Coach Park Hang Seo was very angry with this decision and clearly expressed face.
The director of the match also regularly shot close to the Singaporean referee, as well as being puzzled by this controversial decision.
By the time the first half ended, the machines came close to referee Bin Jahari.
The fans watching this match is very urgent with the referee.
Not only Vietnamese fans criticized Jahari but also many other Asian fans.
The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii - Duration: 18:12.The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii
As information continues to emerge confirming that there was a ballistic missile attack
against Hawaii that was intercepted on January 13, the investigation begins to shift from
what happened, to who was responsible.
In this article, I analyze various sources describing the attack, and identify the mysterious
naval force that was most likely responsible for launching the ballistic missile, which
presumably was nuclear armed.
In my January 17 article, I listed three alternative news sites referring to sources that all said
that a ballistic missile was launched against Hawaii by a stealth submarine.
The alternative news sources were radio host Dr. Dave Janda, Operation Disclosure (RV/Intelligence
Alert), and the Public Intelligence Blog.
The Operation Disclosure and Public Intelligence blog sites point to an Israeli submarine as
responsible, while Dr. Janda said it was a submarine belonging to a rogue Chinese Navy
Further corroboration for the ballistic missile attack explanation comes from former Forbes
Magazine writer, Benjamin Fulford, who says that according to his insider sources, there
was a submarine based attack:
One sign of this extreme tension came last week when �a missile from a cabal submarine
was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,� Pentagon sources say.
Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following
SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,� but later this was reported to be a false alarm.
It was not�it was an attempt by �the cabal� to blame the attack on North Korea and use
it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.
Both Fulford and the Public Intelligence claim that the ballistic missile was intended to
simulate a North Korean attack suggesting the responsible submarine was in the vicinity
of North Korea, either in the Sea of Japan or off the Japanese coastline.
In determining the type of missile attack against Hawaii, yet another source refers
to a Hawaii tourist boat about 100 miles out at sea that saw what appeared to be a meteorite
exploding in the air shortly before the Hawaii Emergency alert went out Saturday morning,
January 13.
The additional source appeared as an update to the original Public Intelligence blogsite
article about the Hawaii missile attack:
Word here in Hawaii is that a group of tourists and tour guides were on a boat 100 miles off
shore Saturday morning around 8 AM when they witnessed what they thought to be a meteor
blowing up over the ocean.
It was reported on Hawaiian channel 2 but then removed from their website.
Rumor is the launch came from an Israel Dolphin 2 submarine.
Some college basketball games had a red alert across the screen from US Pacific Command
declaring a missile launch in the Pacific near Hawaii.
This additional Hawaii source is vital in understanding what happened since it reveals
that the missile was coming down from the upper atmosphere following a ballistic trajectory
similar to a meteor.
This helps confirm that a ballistic missile was involved rather than another type of nuclear
delivery system such as a cruise missile which fly much closer to ground and have a far more
limited range.
Of the sources cited so far, aside from Dr. Janda, all believe a faction of the Israeli
Navy was behind the attack using a dolphin class submarine supplied by Germany.
The USS Liberty attack during the 1967 Arab Israeli war is often cited as an example of
Israel launching a false flag attack against the U.S. to embroil it in wars against Israel�s
regional enemies.
In a private email received on January 19, former CIA covert operative and Marine Intelligence
Officer, Robert David Steele, says that the attack was a �Zionist submarine doing a
USS Liberty on Hawaii�.
In considering the possibility of a rogue Israeli submarine being responsible, it�s
important to review the armaments possessed by the class of submarines belonging to the
Israeli Navy.
In a news story describing Israel�s possession of Dolphin class submarines purchased from
Germany, its armaments are described as follows:
The Dolphin boats are equipped with six 533mm standard torpedo tubes and four 650mm jumbo
tubes and can carry 16 weapons.
The smaller tubes can fire torpedoes and Harpoon anti-ship missiles as well as other conventional
weaponry, but its larger tubes are what makes the Dolphin class so special.
From them, frogmen, remotely operated vehicles and especially large cruise missiles capable
of carrying nuclear payloads can be deployed.
Israel�s Dolphin Class submarines can carry cruise missiles which are well suited for
Middle East operations, rather than ballistic missiles which are better suited for long
distance targets thousands of miles away.
Ballistic missiles require much larger �boomer submarines� to launch them, rather than
the smaller Dolphin class submarines possessed by Israel.
The Dolphin 2 submarine is 69 meters (225 feet) in length, which is less than half the
size of the Ohio class boomer submarines (170 meters/560 feet long) used by the US Navy
to carry Trident ballistic nuclear missiles.
Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles need vertical missile tubes as opposed to the more traditional
horizontal torpedo tubes used for Sea Launched Cruise Missiles located at the front of the
smaller Dolphin class submarine.
Consequently, it�s unlikely that a renegade faction of the Israeli Navy launched the ballistic
missile attack since their Dolphin class submarines simply don�t have the capacity.
Furthermore, it�s hard to imagine how a U.S. war against North Korea and/or China
would advance Israel�s national security interests, which are far more concerned about
threats posed by major regional rivals such as Iran.
Dr. Janda describes a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy being responsible, and that after
the missile had been intercepted and destroyed by the US.
Missile defense system, the regular Chinese Navy destroyed the submarine.
This explanation is perhaps the scariest to consider since the US national security apparatus
would almost certainly hold China responsible for such an attack despite any genuine factional
divisions within the Chinese Navy.
The immediate U.S. response would have been, at the very least, a direct retaliatory nuclear
attack against China�s main regional ally North Korea, which would have been scapegoated
for a Hawaii attack.
After destroying North Korea�s military infrastructure, the country would have then
been subsequently overrun and occupied by the U.S. Military and its South Korean ally
in an analogous way to Afghanistan after the 9/11 attack.
China�s strategic interests would have been severely setback in such a scenario.
It�s hard to imagine any Chinese military commander, rogue Navy faction or not, would
risk a nuclear retaliatory strike by the U.S. that would set back China�s steady emergence
into a global superpower over the next decade or so.
Patience is a characteristic that China�s political leaders possess in abundance.
Consequently, I find it unlikely that a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy was behind the
ballistic missile attack.
So who then launched the attack against Hawaii?
For an answer we need to consider legendary Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye who in 1987 described
the existence of a shadowy government within the U.S. with its own separate military assets.
There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising
mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from
all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.
Inouye was clearly convinced of a very highly classified U.S. agency that had the independent
funding and wherewithal to develop its own Air Force and Navy outside the regular chain
of military command.
In contrast to the assets of the regular U.S. Air Force and Navy, this covert fleet of ships
and aircraft would be �dark�, in terms of its security classification.
It would therefore be appropriate to call it the �Dark Fleet� which is what secret
space program insider Corey Goode says it is called by the U.S. military according to
his confidential sources [Skype Communication Jan 18).
He says that it is separate to another �Dark Fleet� which is a Secret Space Program that
operates in Deep Space.
I need to point out that in 2017, I personally met some of Goode�s confidential Earth Alliance
They provided many documents to prove they are deeply connected to NATO security operations
and the European intelligence community.
They have continued to provide Goode intelligence information since they consider him to be
a genuine extraterrestrial contactee, and asset of a Secret Space Program Alliance known
to exist by NATO officials.
What U.S.
Government agency would have the ability to raise its own �Dark Fleet� outside the
regular chain of military command and Presidential executive authority?
The only U.S. agency capable of doing so is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
More specifically, we are talking about the CIA�s Directorate of Operations (formally
Clandestine Service) which runs all its global covert operations, where a Dark Fleet would
have been developed to meet operational requirements.
The 1949 CIA Act comprised additions to those sections of the 1947 National Security Act
that dealt with the creation of CIA.
The 1949 CIA Act gave a Congressional stamp of approval to the creation of a �black
budget� it could spend without recourse to U.S. law as the following section make
� any other Government agency is authorized to transfer to or receive from the Agency
such sums without regard to any provisions of law limiting or prohibiting transfers between
appropriations [emphasis added].
Sums transferred to the Agency in accordance with this paragraph may be expended for the
purposes and under the authority of sections 403a to 403s of this title without regard
to limitations of appropriations from which transferred.
Essentially, this gave the CIA the power to generate large amounts of money through covert
means and launder it however it wished through the Pentagon and the U.S. bureaucracy.
The funding was used for an unofficial �black budget� that by 2001 was estimated to be
as high as $1.7 trillion annually.
In addition to having the financial means, the CIA has long been developing its own covert
Air Force.
This began in the mid-1950�s when the CIA established Area 51, as the location to develop
future fleets of spy planes with the aid of companies such as Lockheed, which today is
the world�s largest defense contractor.
In the 1960�s the CIA began training personnel to develop skills necessary to operate its
spy planes on U.S. aircraft carriers.
CIA documents confirm that the U.S. Navy was training the CIA on how to operate spy planes
on their carriers:
The above document went on to discuss how Kelly Johnson, Director of Lockheed�s Skunkworks,
helped the CIA launch its U-2 spyplane from the USS Kitty Hawk
Another CIA document shows the Navy�s reluctance to allow the CIA to use its aircraft carriers
to carry spy planes in trouble spots like the Mediterranean, thereby creating the operational
necessity for the CIA to eventually acquire its own aircraft carrier to carry fleets of
spy planes around the world.
These official CIA documents support the conclusion that by the 1970�s the CIA�s Directorate
of Operations had its own squadrons of spy planes, and would have acquired its own aircraft
carrier out of operational necessity that it could operate anywhere around the world
without any kind of government oversight.
As far as the CIA having its own submarines, a Washington Times article from January 3,
1985 shows that two ballistic missile submarines, USS John Marshall and Sam Houston were handed
over to a 2000 man Special Operations Force.
It can be guaranteed that the CIA�s Directorate of Operations would have similarly justified
the acquisition of ballistic missile capable submarines for its own covert operations around
the world.
With the CIA�s role in generating multiple black budgets, it could easily have diverted
some of these funds to defense contractors for building ballistic missile capable submarines
for exclusive use in clandestine operations.
It�s worth noting that Lockheed Martin builds the Trident II ballistic missiles for the
Ohio class submarines currently possessed for by U.S. Navy.
As noted earlier, the CIA and Lockheed have developed a long and close relationship since
their joint efforts to develop Area 51 for spy planes and other advanced technologies
in the 1950�s.
Therefore it is very possible that the CIA�s Dark Fleet possesses Trident II ballistic
nuclear missiles developed by Lockheed Martin.
Consequently, Inouye�s claims of a shadowy government possessing its own Air Force and
Navy is very feasible given what we know about the CIA�s history, and official documents
showing its military assets, training and close relationship with defense contractors
such as Lockheed Martin.
The CIA had the independent funding to create squadrons of spy planes that could operate
from an aircraft carrier with the necessary support craft that altogether constituted
a CIA controlled aircraft carrier battle group that included nuclear submarines.
So was the CIA�s Dark Fleet behind the ballistic missile attack on Hawaii?
I put this question to Corey Goode and he responded:
Yes, They DO have an Air Craft Carrier and destroyers and support vessels, a whole fleet�.This
stuff has been a part of recent briefings in the form of informed speculation as to
what occurred in Hawaii/Japan.
All are pretty convinced that a rogue CIA sub fired missiles and MIC SSP [USAF/NRO/DIA
Secret Space Program] took the missiles out.
We are all waiting for specifics and confirmation but these are �read in� General/Colonel
types doing the speculating.[Skype Communication 1/19/18)
The CIA�s Directorate of Operations has long been the primary asset of what Inouye
called the Shadow Government, but today is referred to as the �Deep State�.
Due to President Trump�s December 21, 2017, Executive Order freezing the financial assets
of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption, Trump was not only declaring war
against U.S. global elites involved, but also against the funding sources for the CIA�s
covert operations.
The CIA�s black budget is made possible by human rights abuses and corruption around
the planet that provides almost unlimited funds for its covert operations, including
its Dark Fleet.
Consequently, the CIA�s Dark Fleet had the means, motive and opportunity to attack Hawaii
with a ballistic nuclear missile that would embroil the Trump administration in a major
regional war with North Korea and possibly China.
Significantly, on January 16, Japan�s major public broadcaster also warned the public
about an incoming ballistic missile attack.
Once again, a false alarm was issued shortly after by government authorities.
It�s quite possible that the same submarine responsible for the Hawaii attack, launched
another missile attack, this time against Japan, presumably Tokyo.
It was also brought down, probably by the same defense forces that tracked and destroyed
the Hawaii bound missile.
Again, the purpose would have been to simulate a North Korean attack thereby triggering a
major regional war.
Such a war would distract the Trump administration and U.S. military from going after Deep State
assets, and tie down the U.S. in a serious regional confrontation.
Thankfully, the U.S. Navy and Air Force, along with the USAF run secret space program, were
able to neutralize the attacks on Hawaii and Japan.
The multiple sources and documents cited above lead to a remarkable conclusion.
A CIA created secret Navy launched ballistic missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan using
a Dark Fleet created in the 1970�s to support covert operations around the world.
Consequently, neutralizing the �Dark Fleet� and reigning in the CIA�s Directorate of
Operations must become a high priority goal for the Trump Administration and the Pentagon.
A major step in doing so is for the truth to be officially released about ballistic
missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan.
The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.80 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2018.01.23] - Duration: 34:38.Do you know what you did to Haesol?
You're the one who did this to Haesol!
Calm down, Seora.
Who was it?
Who made you do it?
Tell us.
Who ordered you to cause the accident?
It was...
Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk's order.
(Episode 80)
Why did Mr. Ju have to get caught now?
Why did you mess with Jaeuk
and create this mess?
Otherwise, we would've lost Haerim.
You gained Haerim in exchange for losing Jaeuk.
When I think about Jaeuk, I want to destroy you...
But I'm holding back for Haerim's sake.
Since it'll be dangerous for her
if anything happens to you.
We need to do something.
We'll have to sacrifice someone else.
Someone else? What do you mean?
I've laid down a backup plan
in case of situations like this.
A backup plan?
Why did Kang Jaeuk...
Have you do that?
I don't know the details.
Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk
said to eliminate Ki Seora's husband,
Han Jiseop.
I deserve to die.
Han Jiseop was the target.
I never imagined your child would run in.
I'm so sorry.
How could you do such a thing
just because you were told to?
You used to be on my mother's side.
How could you do that
for the vice chairman?
The vice chairman said...
He'd make me the chief secretary.
I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight.
I'm sorry.
Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk
didn't act alone, did he? Who was his accomplice?
Was it Haerim?
Was it Assemblyman Jin?
Tell us the truth!
The only person who gave me that order...
Was the vice chairman.
Are you okay?
Mr. Ju!
Mr. Ju!
If Mr. Ju talks, we're through.
It was my mistake.
I shouldn't have asked my dad to do that.
All he did was do what I asked,
but he's going to be hurt.
Mr. Ju isn't like that.
He may have betrayed mother,
but he'll remain true to your father.
He won't admit that your father hired him.
Okay. Did they look like they believed
that Jaeuk acted alone?
You betrayed me to protect Assemblyman Jin,
so you'd better remain loyal to him.
You know that's how you can
atone your sins to me, right?
Good job, Mr. Ju.
Han Jiseop.
That's why you should've exited quietly
when Jaeuk returned.
You used Haerim
to claim Jaeuk's spot.
You did this to yourself.
The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.
If Jaeuk really was Jaeuk...
He'd have no reason to kill your husband Jiseop.
if the current vice chairman is Han Jiseop,
it makes sense.
Because once the real one is gone,
the fake can act like the real one.
Still, how could a person...
Do such a thing?
People can do much worse...
If their ambition covers their eyes and ears.
That disgusting ambition...
Sacrificed his own daughter.
Seems to have been an unexpected variable.
Han Jiseop.
I can't forgive him.
It's cold out. Why don't you wait inside?
I'm not cold at all.
I'm happy with the fact that I'm waiting.
Are you that happy about waiting for your daughter?
I never knew how happy it was
to have someone return home.
But then again, you waited for your daughter
to come home for 24 years. I understand.
Gosh. I feel so sorry and guilty,
I don't know what to say.
Don't be.
At least we met again.
Come in with Seora when she gets home.
Stop sighing so heavily.
Seeing Madam Park waiting for Seora,
makes me feel weird.
A part of me is happy for them,
but a part of me feels like
I'm losing what's most precious to me.
Don't be too disappointed.
Seora isn't going anywhere.
My brain understands that
but my heart doesn't get it yet.
Why are you home so late?
What's wrong?
Did something happen?
Look at you. You're freezing.
Why are you out in the cold?
It's okay.
I couldn't feel the cold because
I was waiting for you.
Yes, my daughter.
Don't wait outside like this.
I don't want you to wait for me
while shivering in the cold.
What happened at the police station?
Did you see the driver's face?
It's cold. Let's go inside.
Okay, let's go in.
You should huddle together with your blood.
I'll make you feel the pain that I suffered...
Because I wasn't your blood.
You two will have to hug each other tight to endure it.
we've been dating for exactly 6 days,
20 hours and 30 seconds.
They say you break up if you keep counting.
That means you want me
to stop counting so that we won't break up.
You've gotten smarter lately.
Shouldn't we tell that part-timer punk
and your parents as well, that we're going out?
Tell them what?
Don't be stupid!
Hey, you two...
He knows now.
Don't fight. I'll kill you.
Do Rahui.
It just happened.
Have a drink. She said not to fight.
Don't cry. Be a man.
You need to look like this to be
a vice chairman's mom.
your path is paved with gold in your golden years.
To think, Jiseop is the vice chairman of Gangin Group.
What luck.
You dirty scoundrel.
Dirty scoundrel?
Oh, my gosh.
Don't try anything stupid.
Or you may end up going to jail.
Why is he saying such frightening things in his sleep?
Should I give up on becoming the chairman's wife?
And settle for being the vice chairman's mom?
If I live with a sick old man who lost all of his powers,
I may spend the rest of my life taking care of him.
Was he listening?
Oh, my head.
Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my.
My goodness.
He's snoring with his eyes open.
What a frightening sleep habit.
What should I do about that troublemaker?
Gangin Foods' franchise business is
expanding at a shocking rate.
Not only are our sales up,
we have been selected as a company
that respects small markets and coexists
with the world.
We made the cover of a business magazine.
This success was only made possible
by the sweat and hard work of the Gangin family
including all of you.
When Chairman Kang Junchae took a step back,
I stayed up many sleepless nights thinking
that Gangin Group was in serious danger.
However, with your swift actions,
we made more progress
than we did under the chairman.
That's correct.
Of course,
Kang Inuk also played a critical role,
but I believe the vice chairman's leadership
played a huge part.
That's right.
Thank you.
Secretary Lee,
who said you could let someone in
without my approval?
If you do this again,
you'll be fired.
I'm sorry.
Should we go to the police?
Or will you confess everything
and step down from there?
You choose.
You must have something big...
Seeing that you're bringing up the police.
I'm curious.
Dashed my last sliver of hope.
You forfeited even the slightest right...
To be Haesol's dad.
This is a waste of time.
Will you continue to sit there?
I need to let you hear this first before I go.
Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk
said to eliminate Ki Seora's husband,
Han Jiseop.
I deserve to die.
Han Jiseop was the target.
I never imagined your child would run in.
I'm so sorry.
This fake recording sounds pretty good.
Listen further to see whether or not it's fake.
Mr. Ju said this himself.
I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry.
Kang Jaeuk didn't act alone, did he?
Who was his accomplice?
Was it Haerim? Was it Assemblyman Jin?
Tell us the truth!
The only person who gave me that order...
Was the vice chairman.
You can't get out of it now.
Just come clean and turn yourself in.
That is the only way to safeguard the tiny right
you have to be Haesol's dad.
Do you think that will be sufficient evidence?
I don't think...
You'll find any proof that I gave him those orders.
Han Jiseop did it.
I'm Kang Jaeuk.
Han Jiseop, who did that, is dead already.
You really...
The person that Mr. Ju met with was Han Jiseop,
and I, Kang Jaeuk,
never did such a thing.
If you want to frame me for what Han Jiseop did...
while impersonating me,
I'll prove that I, Kang Jaeuk...
Never met with Mr. Ju to give such orders.
That is the first thing I'll do.
Please leave.
I believe
you've been rude enough.
We knew he wouldn't admit it.
That recording...
Isn't direct evidence that the current Kang Jaeuk...
Is in fact Han Jiseop.
What do we do now?
First, we must report Mr. Ju to the police,
and secure the conversation they had.
The police will be able to figure out if the person...
He spoke with was Jaeuk who is still alive
using his fingerprint.
You're right.
The problem is how do we drag...
Jaeuk to the police station.
Mr. Ju.
I thought you'd be quivering with fear.
You seem well.
I must be used to it thanks to you.
I heard Mr. Ju stated that you acted alone.
I thought it was the perfect crime
but I guess your luck ran out.
It was inevitable.
This must've been your doing.
I framed my son
for murdering my son?
How amusing.
It's true that you had Mr. Ju kill Jaeuk!
You're the one who planned to kill me.
I just destroyed your plan
in order to survive.
If I'm framed as the murderer...
You'll be a murderer's mother.
Is that okay?
Of course not.
You may be my enemy who killed Jaeuk...
But you're living as my son, Jaeuk.
I won't turn my back on you...
So transfer the stock in Jaeuk's name...
To Haerim.
You refuse to give me Jaeuk's shares...
So I want you to transfer them to Haerim
for my peace of mind.
There's nothing Haerim
won't do for you.
You can trust her.
If she wants, I'll do that.
I don't understand.
Not long ago,
you loathed her as well,
saying we were accomplices.
But now, you want me to give everything to her?
Jaeuk is dead and gone anyway.
You guys are the only ones I can lean on.
My blood is boiling...
But what choice do I have?
We're all accomplices.
I'll discuss it with her.
What brings you here?
Mr. Ju stated that my husband
made him cause Jaeuk's accident.
What's that about?
Did you put him up to it?
Did he tell you to talk with me about it?
He did nothing wrong.
All he did was follow along with my plan.
But how could he take the blame?
I got blood on my hands because of him.
He can sacrifice that much.
If I get hurt,
so do you. Don't you get it?
I can't handle it if he gets hurt.
It's better if I get hurt.
So what?
Will you turn yourself in?
I will if I must.
Do you plan to ruin your life for some punk
who may become nothing again at any time?
Do you think I hid your identity
and raised you for the past 30 years
to let you become a murderer?
I will give you all of my shares in Gangin Group.
So prepare to participate in business management.
Was this...
Your goal all along?
You hid my identity
and crushed my feelings...
In order to take control of Gangin Group
for your election?
Blood is blood.
That's all you can trust.
Han Jiseop, your husband,
doesn't share a drop of blood with Seonae.
She and I have just one objective.
It's to make you, my blood...
The owner of Gangin Group.
Do you get it now?
What was that?
Jin Gukhyeon transferred his stock to Haerim?
What else has he done?
The real estate too?
I'll need to hurry things along.
Let's take care of it today.
Please prepare accordingly.
You bought time by agreeing to the divorce...
But you were doing this behind my back?
What are you doing?
Are you just getting home?
What are you doing in my room?
Let's share your room at least when you're out.
Share my room?
Why not?
Like people share houses, we can share your room.
We're in similar situations anyway.
Similar situations?
You're his mother and so am I.
We share a son.
We can share a room too.
Share a son?
What do you mean?
We have a connection since we share the same son.
A person really is defined by their lifestyle.
With this fancy room
and a fancy tea and book,
I feel like I've become royalty.
Thanks for letting me use your room.
What's going on?
Did she figure out that Jiseop was her son?
Oh, it's you.
How are sales these days?
Good. The shop is in such a good location.
It isn't because the location is good.
We have a good reputation,
and your ex-husband Seonghae
is good at drawing in customers, that's why.
I think you're drawn to him as well.
What? You're observant.
I got a call from Reporter Oh.
He says your wife called reporters to your house.
I think she plans to make
an important announcement.
Is she planning to tell them about the divorce?
You must stop her.
She may talk about other things as well.
Do anything you can to stop her!
Hi, dad.
She did?
I tried to stop her but she insisted on leaving,
saying she had to do something at her house.
She said not to tell you because you'll worry.
Okay. I'll call her.
Yeonhui-dong, please.
let's stop by Gangin Group's office first.
Hi. It's mom.
Where are you?
- You're going to your house? / - Oh?
The truth is, I called reporters to the house.
I'm going to tell them about the divorce.
I'll go with you.
No, I can go alone.
- I called my lawyer too. / - No.
I'll go with you.
Where are you? I'll come to you.
Okay, then. Come to Gangin Group.
I'm going to meet someone there and then go home.
Okay. I'll call you when I get there.
Dad, it's me.
Sorry but can you watch Haesol?
Do you have time to talk?
I'll be brief.
Yes, of course. Please have a seat.
Did I surprise you?
What happened?
Have you been hiding the fact that you could walk?
I don't have time, so I'll get right to it.
Seora told me everything.
I'm sure you had your reasons.
You knew too, didn't you?
That Seora was my real child.
I'm sure Haerim begged you not to tell.
I know.
Do you know when a person
is the happiest?
It isn't when the person succeeds
and makes money.
It's when you see the person
you love, the happiest.
That is when a person is the happiest.
Even clothes made of gold
are uncomfortable
if they aren't mine.
I don't understand...
Anything you're saying right now.
This will be the first and last time
I ask you for a favor.
return to Haesol. Be a dad she won't be ashamed of.
Seora is suffering a lot.
Gangin Group, please.
I lost you to Seora,
but you want to take my man
and return him to her too?
I can't believe you can walk.
Sorry, I'm in a rush.
On finding the real Yeorim.
No matter how hard you try to interfere,
you can't keep people apart that fate wants together.
You worked hard hiding Yeorim
all this time.
I'll escort you.
I'll escort you to where you're going.
I don't trust you or
your dad anymore.
Whatever happened between you and dad,
I was your daughter for almost 30 years.
I endured all the suspicions you had toward me...
And lived as your child.
Let me escort you one last time.
I should give you one last chance.
I'm at the office.
Thank you for coming all the way here.
Please, sit.
When is Madam Park coming?
What's the rush?
Have some tea first.
This is homemade quince tea.
It has a nice fragrance.
Aren't you Gangin Group's
Vice Chairman Kang Jaeuk's mother?
You recognize me?
She's our only daughter's mother-in-law.
She's like a friend to my wife,
so she helps us now and then like this.
It isn't easy to be friends with your in-laws.
You're amazing.
Take a bottle of quince tea with you when you leave.
It's a small gift from me.
Thank you.
you can't go with her.
Haerim, stop right there!
Mom! Mom!
Get in!
Stop your mom.
Don't let her come home.
She won't pick up?
What do we do?
(My Daughter Seora)
I plan to
retire from politics today.
Why are you suddenly retiring from politics?
I want to stay by my wife
and atone for my sins toward her.
As her husband,
I failed to look after her properly.
She had been heavily medicated
due to her severe depression.
where are we going?
This isn't the way home.
stay with me today.
Your daughter will take you somewhere very nice.
Your dad sent you, didn't he?
Where are you taking me this time?
Stop the car. Stop it now!
I couldn't look after my wife,
who is the closest to me.
How can I oversee the nation?
I plan to retire from politics...
And focus on my wife's health
and nothing more.
Oh, no.
My mom...
I won't lose her. I promise I won't.
Pull over. Pull over!
Let go of the wheel!
- I said to pull over! / - Let go, mom!
Just sit still, will you?
(The Secret of My Love)
Where's Madam Park right now?
- I'll answer that. / - Honey!
If you found your birth mom, live happily with her.
Live for your child, Haesol!
I won't live like an idiot any longer.
Your wife Haerim, whom you adore so dearly,
is done for too.
Do you remember that obstetrician?
I do, but it was so long ago
A fire?
Jiseop won't give up Jaeuk's shares that easily.
We must make him nothing but an empty shell
and drag him down.
Han Jiseop, it's time to take off that disgusting mask.
What do you think you're doing?
- It's over for you. / - What?
INCREASE YOUR AWARENESS and Know Your Self - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 14:10.we have about 140 doctors working in our Hospital Swami ji except myself nobody
wants to become spiritual I don't know what exactly spirituality leave what
you're talking spirituality I would like to be like that but many people don't
believe it if you're working from morning to night and we were happy and
patients are happy we make some money in this spirituality is essential for life
for now in spirituality essential right now you are who you are only because of
just put it isn't it isn't it - just with heart liver kidney would you be who
you are just with body would you be who you are
just with this mass of flesh and bone would you be who you are the spirit in
you is what makes you who you are isn't it so you somebody spiritual not
spiritual everybody spiritual where everybody has a spiritual the question
is just this somebody has attended to his body well whoever kept his body well
goes through the physical world well isn't it the man who is physically fit
now he wants to run and catch the bus he runs and catches the bus those people
like your patience the way they kept their body now they'll only fall under
the bus it's cheap they cannot say you know do
anything worthwhile physically isn't it isn't it so if your physical body as
well you go through the physical world well if you're mentally capabilities are
good you go through the psychological phases of your life good isn't it if you
have a weak shake your mind then psychologically you suffer if your
emotions are strong and balanced you experience emotional face of your
life wonderfully isn't it you can throw yourself into every emotion and still be
perfectly balanced enjoying all of it similarly if you have exercised your
spirit and kept it well you go through another dimension of your life well
without which you are nothing now like you said we are working we are happy our
patients are happy no your patients are never happy when they come they are
unhappy because they are not well when they go they're unhappy because they
have to pay the bill
so patients are never happy only thing is they may be little happy because they
thought they will be dead but they survived that is only momentary isn't it
today I think I'm going to die suppose even if it cost me that much money I
survived and little bit of happiness today but tomorrow morning everything is
same once again isn't it like before going to the hospital what all problems
I had they have multiplied during my stay in the hospital isn't it so my
business my family my other things whatever problems I had that one month
stay in hospital and out I am little poorer but all my problems
have multiplied in one month's absence isn't it something so I'm not happy
again struggle coming to the doctor
doctors are happy I don't think so I'm not saying all doctors are unhappy
that's not the point I'm not talking about doctor as a doctor as a human
being he is ability to happy be happy not concerned with this profession it's
just a human capability maybe some human beings who happen to be doctors are
happy some human beings who happen to be doctors are unhappy isn't it so being a
doctor is not bringing happiness or unhappiness
if you are a certain kind of human being you are happy if you are not you're not
either you're making yourself happy or unhappy it depends on so many factors
happiness may be just this that you are little better off than other people
around you as we already looked at this that's not happiness that's just a kind
of sickness isn't it we are little better off than people around us if
that's your joy is it not sickness yes so that means it everybody is well you
will not be happy isn't it so that's what it amounts to
isn't it it's an unfortunate way of being happy it is a kind of sickness now
do we need spirituality everybody needs it there's no question about it
some are aware of it some are not aware of it but everybody is seeking to be
joyful by his own nature isn't it right now you have multi gauged your happiness
to something outside of you wouldn't you like to be happy by yourself doctor our
patient criminal or police this or that everybody would like to be happy
blissful by themselves so they are all longing to be spiritual then they're all
longing to be spiritual now what is the people that keep asking me if a guru can
you tell us what is the difference between a spiritual person and a
materialistic person actually there are no such two people your body mind and
spirit is one isn't it can anybody separate it only if I have you short it
can be separated isn't it yes or if you grow in your awareness it can be
separated that's different now is somebody hundred percent metal istic is
somebody hundred percent spiritual there is no such thing
however spiritual you are you still have to carry the body with you isn't it in
your experience you may be free from it but in reality you have to carry it with
you you have to feed it do you have to wash it you have to close it all these
things are there isn't it isn't it so so you are still mentalistic can you give
up your spirit and just live with your body No so you're still spiritual the
difference is just this materialistic people beg for everything in their life
their happiness they'll beg from somebody they love they'll beg from
somebody their peace they'll beg from somebody for everything that they need
most essential things in their life they have to beg somebody isn't it true only
their food they earn everything else they beg a spiritual person his love his
peace his joy everything he earns by himself only his food he begs if he
wants to earn his food that's no big deal he will earn it but right now he
thinks it's not so important and he begs it that's the difference the only thing
that people are learning is their food and clothing isn't it what else are they
owning see just the simple process of life after all what is most of the
humanity doing just eating sleeping reproducing dying this all the doing
isn't it you may be believing I am doing many things if moment of death comes to
you and you turn back and see just see what you have done with your life all
you have done is simple plain survival in a complex mess but simple plain
survival isn't it just to survive and exist see what's happening to human
beings most people as the age they are becoming own dead so much pain they have
become isn't it with age they are not becoming wise they are becoming own dead
so just the simple process which every worm every insect every dog and cat and
bird goes through to go through that process human become human beings have
become incapable at the end of their lives they are so hurt and pained about
everything around them isn't it have you are you exposed to people's
pain and suffering on a daily basis not the physical side Sartre there are any
number of any variety of pains you know every day my life is with hundreds of
people you won't believe it's unbelievable the variety of suffering
that human beings have created for themselves is so unbelievable you know
there's simply no reason they just go on doing it because there is nothing else
doing it themselves with which is worthwhile they have to go on messing
themselves non-stop slowly you just look back please take a picture of yours when
you were five six of years of age and look at yourself now how the joy has
been squeezed out of you yes simple process of living you are not
doing anything great you are not trying to reach other other worlds or anything
just existing and surviving isn't it for that all this has happened is it
worthwhile is it worthwhile causing all this pain to yourself just to eat sleep
procreate and die one day if you're on your deathbed it won't mean anything
anyway do you know all of you will die one day I am not wishing it upon you I
bless you with a long life but do you know any way you will die one day yes is
it okay let's just imagine the next moment is our depth turn back and see
what have you got what have you got to show as life tell me that moment is
anyway going to come in our lives isn't it so yes anyway it's going to come is
it not time that we looked at it now not tomorrow isn't it time that we looked at
it right now and not tomorrow because you don't
know if you'll be here tomorrow is anybody here who's come with 24-hour
guarantee card no we are hoping and aspiring that's different but do you
have a guarantee card for 24 hours no it could be any moment isn't it so he is it
not important that we address it is it not important to know what my life is
about where does it begin where does it end where do I come from where do I go
is it not important you have made too much elaborate preparations see right
now you want to go to Gandhipuram from here do you book a seat from the bus ten
days ahead do you take a suitcase do take a
lunchbox and water bottle and everything to go to Gandhipuram no you hop onto
some bus and go if there is nothing you will walk and go isn't it now you want
to do a long distance journey very long now you booked your tickets prepare
everything take the food take the water whatever you may need on this long
journey you want to go to Antarctica you want to take everything isn't it
possible now this is just like this from your birth to death is just a short
journey you've made too much reparation too much preparation you have enough
clothes to wear for a lot three lifetimes isn't it isn't it so can you
wear all those clothes in one lifetime you have enough for three lifetimes
you have footwear for eight lifetimes and you are seeking liberation I am NOT
saying you should not enjoy the physical things around you but if that is the
supporting thing for who you are if who you are is only because of what you wear
if who you are is only because of the car that you drive if who you are is
only because the house that you live in if who you are is only because of the
qualifications and nonsense that you carry around with you
life is not worthwhile all these things you can have if who you are is well
established in blissfulness you become a doctor you become an engineer you become
any damn thing in the world all of it can be enjoyed
but if who you are is not established whatever you become you will suffer
you're a doctor you will suffer if you're a patient you will suffer
Eleven Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way - Duration: 6:06.11 Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way
Let's admit it together, we have all been equipped with intuition, some people know
it as the "gut feeling".
Our intuition is used basically to keep us safe and helps us to make decisions by following
our heart.
It informs us of impending danger and guides us through life.
Even Steve Jobs, considered one of the richest men of affairs of the story,
he said that Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intelligence.
This has had a big impact on my work.
We all have this innate ability to make decisions based on our intuition, but some of us have
a better connection to that inner voice.
If you tend to listen to your heart in the face of a difficult decision, then probably,
you are also listening to your intuition
Number 1.
The highly intuitive people do not ignore their instincts; rather, they listen to them
earnestly, and make decisions almost exclusively from this source of wisdom.
Many people are still skeptical about the intuition, but others rely on that.
So, for highly intuitive people it does not matter if others think that their "inner
voices" are crazy; they always listen and in some cases, this
could mean the difference between life and death.
Number 2.
According to Sophy Burnham, author of the book "The Art of Intuition," the majority
of intuitive people are introvert.
This makes sense, because introverts cultivate energy from within and can not hear their
insights without having around them silence.
In addition, the highly intuitive people never feel alone; in fact they can not wait to spend
time in solitude and catch up with the latest insight.
Number 3.
Musicians, artists, fire-eaters, dancers, writers and creators all have one thing in
common, they allow their creativity to guide them
through life and never call into question whether this makes sense or not.
In fact, they are following their passions, because they know that their creativity makes
them feel alive.
Cultivating inner creativity will allow the life force to flow within them, something
that the intuitive people have already figured out.
Number 4.
Intuitive people have a high level of self-awareness, meaning they are keenly in tune with their
inner feelings and perspectives about themselves.
They learned this through a kind of peaceful spiritual practice, which allows them to clear
the outside world for a while 'and pay attention only to the inner knowledge.
These people tend to have less 'mental fog', because they have learned to sit quietly with
themselves, then, to feel comfortable in solitude.
Their thoughts do not affect them anymore, because they know how to let them go.
Number 5.
Intuitive people look at the outside world with open eyes and heart.
They can connect deeply with others, because they have learned to do it by connecting with
Number 6.
This does not mean that every pain requires drastic measures,
but the intuitive people know they need to pay attention to how they feel in order to
take care of themselves.
Science has discovered that our gut is essentially a second brain because of the large number
of neurons lining the intestinal walls.
Number 7.
The highly intuitive people have a special talent for understanding and empathy.
They are able to offer advice and guidance when needed.
Often people approach them to share intimate details of their lives, because they feel
immediately at home in the company of an intuitive person.
Intuitive people can also read the other without having to say a word, this helps them to better
understand each individual.
Number 8.
The universe speaks to us in a variety of ways and intuitive people know it.
They do not see anything like a coincidence, such as frequently see the same numbers on
a clock, or to see the same person at the mall from time to time.
Everything has meaning for the intuitive person.
Number 9.
Even if they relate well with others, intuitive people naturally put themselves in first place,
so that they can better serve others.
They take time off from work when needed and create their spaces every day to flow through
their inner wisdom.
They believe in working smarter and have difficulty understanding our obsessed society.
Intuitive people make sure first of all, to feel good about themselves.
Number 10.
Intuitive people know that their inner voice can not flow with the negative energy by blocking
the knowledge and healing waves.
Thus, their intuitive balance and their energy, releases negative emotions in order to let
them go.
Number 11.
This type of people can not keep their emotions to themselves, as opposed they let them flow
and create space for others to do the same.
Intuitive people will feel totally at ease in their own skin and do not apologize for
having human emotions.
All in all, that's the 11 things that highly intuitive people see and experience in a different
Really cool information isn't it!
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
⚠️🔥 MUTANT DEADPOOL SEVİYELERİ! - Minecraft 🔥 ⚠️ - Duration: 10:24.-------------------------------------------
||MMD|| echo ||MODEL DL|| - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Universal sound card from China | ORICO SC1 - Duration: 8:43.Have a nice day, my name is Askar and with you "IT Verdict" channel
Have a nice day, my name is Askar and with you "IT Verdict" channel
Hooray, finally the first video after a big big break
and I do not know what about you, but personally
I'm very happy about it))
For this December and January, a lot of work has been done, that new videos would be better
and I think that you will like all updates.
But what changes have been made on the channel, I will not list,
I wonder if one of you will be able to list them all in comments to this video)
I wonder if one of you will be able to list them all in comments to this video)
And yes, not everything is finished and brought to mind, but now everything is ready directly
to ensure that it is stable to produce video and it's great. So, let's begin.
to ensure that it is stable to produce video and it's great. So, let's begin.
Surely any of you remembers one of the first videos on the channel,
where I did a big comparative review of cheap sound cards from China,
but then to find among them a universal solution that could be recommended to everyone did not really work out.
but then to find among them a universal solution that could be recommended to everyone did not really work out.
but then to find among them a universal solution that could be recommended to everyone did not really work out.
And finally, today I will share this decision.
This product from the already well-known company ORICO,
USB HUB which I already had in my review.
This is a sound card ORICO SC1
By habit I would start with the appearance, but the sound card is not the thing that requires
a detailed evaluation from this side. The most important thing for me personally
in this case is that it would be convenient for the card to operate
well and of course the build quality.
well and of course the build quality.
Well, in this regard, everything is fine. The device does not look cheap
and is very well assembled. It has wide cable going to the USB connector,
and of course this design allows in some cases to protect the USB port
and of course this design allows in some cases to protect the USB port
of the computer from mechanical damage.
of the computer from mechanical damage.
On the main panel is a volume control, which by the way adjusts the volume
On the main panel is a volume control, which by the way adjusts the volume
2 buttons for muffling the headphones and microphone, respectively.
2 buttons for muffling the headphones and microphone, respectively.
By the ports. Unexpected and pleasant was the fact that there are as many as 3 connectors.
By the ports. Unexpected and pleasant was the fact that there are as many as 3 connectors.
One is the usual microphone connector.
But the other 2 ports on the output sound at first glance may seem the same.
A logical solution if you want to output sound simultaneously to both headphones
and speakers. However, if you look closely, you can see that the ports are subscribed
in different ways. Above one are the headphones and the second headset.
in different ways. Above one are the headphones and the second headset.
Accordingly, the port designated by the pattern of the headset is a combined
Accordingly, the port designated by the pattern of the headset is a combined
one and you can connect it to a headset with a 4-pin mini-jack, which is very convenient.
one and you can connect it to a headset with a 4-pin mini-jack, which is very convenient.
In general, with regard to ease of use and assembly - all very well.
Everything works and will not cause any complaints. What about the sound?
Everything works and will not cause any complaints. What about the sound?
I'll share my impressions and start with the microphone first.
I did 4 tests for different recording conditions, let's listen to what happened.
I did 4 tests for different recording conditions, let's listen to what happened.
One, two, three, two, three. The test comes with the help of a micro, with which I write all my videos.
Settings are set so that the gain on the microphone is not included on the card,
but the microphone volume is set to maximum. So, one two three,
now I'll stop talking, listen to the amount of noise.
now I'll stop talking, listen to the amount of noise.
And oncemore one two three, two three.
And oncemore one two three, two three.
The second test, One two three,one two three, the sound goes through the recorder zoon h1,
I say into it and the sound from it through the AUX cable is output
to the microphone port of the Orico card. So one two three, two three.
Now again I will stop speaking. And once two three, two three.
Now again I will stop speaking. And once two three, two three.
So, the third test. This is a test with my new micro,
which I took just a couple of days ago.
This is probably well known for many boya m-1 and let's hear how the sound card
will sound with this micro. One two-three, two-three,
I'll stop speaking. And one two three.
I'll stop speaking. And one two three.
And now just a few music tracks that I submitted to the microphone port.
And now just a few music tracks that I submitted to the microphone port.
Well, I think there's no need to talk about it. For its money,
the sound she writes is wonderful.
As for the characteristics specified in the sound output specification:
Frequency range: 15 - 25 000 Hz
Frequency range: 15 - 25 000 Hz
Signal to noise ratio> = 80 dB
And yes, I almost forgot. The device is compatible with both windows and with
Lynux and Mac OS and in the settings supports additional effects,
such as bass enhancement, surround sound, room correction and normalization of volume.
such as bass enhancement, surround sound, room correction and normalization of volume.
Now according to the sound:
The sound on the headphones card shows really good and it does not go
in any comparison with the cards that I had in the comparative review.
Moreover, it is good both in sound and in loudness, for example,
the Cloud core, which require a slightly more powerful source,
sound quite loud and there is no hint that something is sinking somewhere.
sound quite loud and there is no hint that something is sinking somewhere.
Everything sounds exactly on the entire frequency range.
Everything sounds exactly on the entire frequency range.
Well, let's sum up. And the first thing I want to say
about this sound card is that in my opinion this sound card
is an ultimatum, and a very versatile device that also works out for its money for 100%.
is an ultimatum, and a very versatile device that also works out for its money for 100%.
Good sound, clean recording, good build. I actually did not come up
with something for the time of use that I could rank to its minuses.
Unless the ring adjustment volume is not very convenient for rotation
Unless the ring adjustment volume is not very convenient for rotation
for it bulges it is small and rotating it is not always convenient. Otherwise, some pluses.
for it bulges it is small and rotating it is not always convenient. Otherwise, some pluses.
The card is perfect for replacing the built-in sound that is decoupled
on most average motherboards and will be better in all respects.
on most average motherboards and will be better in all respects.
Well, if this card would cost more than 20$ - I would have thought,
is it good idea to recommend it. But for its price i definitely recommend to buy and thats all.
is it good idea to recommend it. But for its price i definitely recommend to buy and thats all.
Thank you for attention! Be sure to write what you think about
this device, especially if you are the owner of this card and also write how you update
the channel and what you could see)
Also, be sure to subscribe to the channel, and if you are already subscribed
then click on the bell and see you you in the new video,
of which then you will certainly be informed by our YouTube
of which then you will certainly be informed by our YouTube
With you was the IT Verdict channel , bye bye!
【初音ミク】テラクラウド【オリジナル】/【MIKU】TERA CLOUD 【original】 - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Harry Styles to be The Next James Bond? (2018) - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
4 практических СОВЕТА, как грамотно ПОВЫШАТЬ ЦЕНЫ на свои услуги и НЕ ПОТЕРЯТЬ клиентов. - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Eskimo Quickfish 3 [Ice Shelter Review] - Duration: 18:36.let me just get the obvious question out of the way yes this is an Eskimo brand
ice shack I do not believe any actual Eskimos were used or harmed in the
making of this ice shack fishing buddies it's me mark otherwise known here on
YouTube as EatnLunch this is my review of an early birthday
present but I just got last night
Eskimo quickfish 3 ice fishing shelter supposedly holds up to three
people there's a major upgrade size-wise compared to my previous Shack so on the
box there's lots of specs including the size I should be able to
stand straight up inside this thing what's a cool part if you can see it look
at the size of the crappie this guy got you think the shelter will allow me to
catch such crappie I am 100% certain that it will let's
open it up and check out what's inside
there's a lot of tape here guys Oooh. Comes in a bag as you can see
it comes in this big bag that has shoulder straps on instead of dragging
it behind you like I did with my previous Shack I'll be able to walk
around with this thing strapped onto my shoulders
I don't think it makes me any more likely to fall down the ice feels pretty
secure the thing says it weighs 23 pounds which is less than I believe less
than what my current Shack weighs so I can tell right off the bat though one
difference between this particular shelter and what I'm used to is what I
would do is pop up the shelter basically all my stuff in it and then drag that
all out on the ice kind of using the shelter itself as a sled to carry all my
gear so obviously I'm going to have to you know use a sled to pull the rest of
my gear out with me I'll work all that out later for now let's just stick with
the tent itself
hopefully this isn't like one of those big air mattresses or something where
once you take it out of the bag you can never get it to fit back in again I
guess we'll find out I'm in my basement right now where it's nice and toasty
we'll see what this is like out on the ice as well yeah everything is harder in
the wind and the snow on the ice etc okay so slide it up
looks like feet went in first there's a bag here which appears
okay well this includes anchors screw in ice anchors to go around the shelter and
hold the thing down which I imagine is quite important otherwise it could very
easily turn into you know basically a parachute you go sailing off into the
wild blue yonder I also have no idea what this is it's got a clip oh I think
it's a clip for like if you have to hang like your registration tag or something
like you have to do in some states so you clip this to the outside I'm guessing product
registration card it does come with instructions I'm not gonna use these
unless I absolutely have to Velcro strap easy enough
first thing I notice it might have been nicer if this was actually attached
somehow to the shelter otherwise it's kind of just hanging loosely and one
more thing to lose I suppose though this tossed it inside the bag and it won't be
a big deal okay so it's got feet wait we're losing
I'm starting to wonder if I should read the instructions there's lots of these
little handles around
honest I'm not sure I believe this here I can see that there's some handy little
basket on the inside that's nice I'm gonna resort to reading the instructions we've got not
gonna read instructions just yet
I can tell it's supposed to be much easier than this illustration one
I don't read French remove shelter Chrome backpack carrying bag I already did that
move tied a strap around the shell prior to did that lay the shelter flat on the
ground check there's no material twisting or overlapping ends up any
poles do not force the shelter or clothing around the folding watch for
the entanglement of poles and I may be suffering from pole entanglement gotta be a
trick to this I don't see how to make it flat
grasp webbing loop
I believe this to be the center of the roof
it's like a big crazy space dome this year
how about a visual tour eskimo quick fish three I got a window in there he's
some kind of air vents this I'm guessing is the spot where you can clip that
thing I showed you before looks like I've got doors on both sides and as you
can kind of see the walls point out I like that design because what that means
is when I'm sitting in this thing or when we as a group as people Fisher
people as humans as humanity are sitting inside this thing it's gonna be more
elbow room because it's bigger around the circle at sort of that elbow height
if you're sitting down then it is at the top or the bottom so lots of elbow room
this thing oh it's dark in here spooky spooky okay I'm in dark though
three windows for Windows Fisher folks I'm not sure if you can see me very well
but compared to my previous ice shelter I can tell you that this thing is
massive I can stand up straight and I'm about six two so I can easily walk
around I can't oh there's plenty of room if I want to bring out I don't have to
sit on a bucket anymore I can bring out a chair like one of those folding camp
chairs but just the square footage on the floor very very large especially
when it's just me but it'll also be comfortable having two maybe even three
people in here looks like some o-net baggies but you can stick your phone and
stuff like that in that super good oh here we got the flaps for some
ventilation so that's cool this thing is huge guys this thing is
huge I gotta say I'm pretty pumped about it it was a little bit more of a
struggle getting it up for the first time than I anticipated
I have a feeling that would get easier with time definitely I think the
benefits are going to outweigh any of that just having this much room on the
ice using the little Shappell shelter that I've had for probably 10 years
I mean it's cramped in there if you've got all your gear just one guy fishing I
usually sit at a fish horizontal or diagonal now with this thing that's
not going to be a problem I could have multiple holes plenty of room for my
electronics heaters provisions any of those
associated items like that now this is not the insulated version they do make
an insulated version but actually the fabric here feels like pretty good
quality and it's got some number that I don't know the meaning of related to its
I think wind resistance capabilities regardless its it's gonna be a lot
better than what I've grown accustomed to over the last 10 years or so a very
inexpensive choice just based on first impressions and spending a few minutes
with it I'm not having actually fished out of it yet and I had it on the ice I
can say a few things it's extremely large very convenient as far as the
amount of space there's some handy storage pockets built right in very
portable assuming I can collapse it back down and get it back into the bag
potential downsides the fact that I will have to I think use the ice anchors more
frequently and just the sort of unwieldy miss that I experienced on my first try
setting it up that may not turn out to be an ongoing issue I have a feeling it
won't actually
now let's see how easy it is to take down and get back into that bag so I
guess this is where that elastic strap is gonna come in handy so the velcro
strap actually has a nice doubled over loop on it okay strap wrapped around it
I'm gonna see if I can get it back in the bag we're gonna be first okay it
kind of just goes in like an oversize Kent chair and ready to put on my
shoulders I come out of here alright fishing buddies stick around the reviews
not over I'm gonna get some uh nice footage of this thing this evening
probably tomorrow as well so this is not just an unboxing I'm gonna get some
footage of actually using this thing on the ice setting it up on the ice
probably dealing with some wind it's suppose to be a little windy this
weekend so stick with me more of the review coming up again my name is Mark
otherwise known as eating lunch if you like fishing like I do if you like
nonsense like I do if you like fishing gear fishing reviews of gear fishing
apparel mostly fishing eating fish mostly fishing then I suggest you
subscribe to my channel there's no reason not to really hit that subscribe
button click the little notification bow so you don't
that part is very important so now I stay tuned for the next section this
video review of the eskimo quick fish 3 ice shelter that portion of course will
take place on the ice I'll show you where it's going tonight
this step out of the basement here I'm lucky enough to work from home now if
you look down there this is the code that I live on and that's the main lake
there a part of the main lake tonight I'm gonna go out to where my Cove sort
of meets the main lake and I'm gonna do some channel catfishing through the ice
I'm not targeted channel kept to the ice yet this year I'm gonna do it tonight
gonna do it inside my brand new eskimo quick fish 3 ice fishing shelter
just getting a little win here make things a little more challenge nice
shelter in this wind it's the free man shelter
worked out pretty easy
Fisher people fishing buddies finally I'm set up inside my new ice
shack learn a couple of little lessons along the way I set up the tent
is sort of right angles to where the direction that the wind was blowing so
with these little pop-out sides the wind was blowing directly into one of those
so I kept wanting to pop the side in now the wind has died down a little bit so I
don't think that'll have to be or that'll be as much of a problem but next
time I will definitely try to point one of the corners of the shelter into the
wind as opposed to go and square it up against it now just kind of rookie
mistake on my part got so much room in here I don't know what to do with it I
do realize though that I need to get some hooks so I can hang things and keep
them off of the icy floor and the wet floor because there is no floor to this
shelter as you can see I also didn't really line up the shelter very well
according to where my holes in the ice are as you can also see definitely going
to consolidate my gear a little bit so other than the lack of I think it'd be I
love the windows they do include a few pouches on this particular unit I wish
they had included some type of loops or straps or something just for hanging
things around I think that would have you know made things quite a bit easier
I'm not sure if you can see up there I rigged up some LED lights that I'm that
I'm running off of the same battery as my sonar I got all the room in the world
excited my new eskimo quickfish 3 ice shack he's gonna set things up a little
bit differently next time I definitely have learned a couple lessons on my
first outing but just the sheer amount of room that I have access to in here
and how easy it is to keep it warm
nine-day difference terms of comfort you see I don't have a
coat on gloves heaters on as low as it can go
granted it's not that cold of a night
but it seems to be a good quality fabric I should probably actually open the
ventilations getting a little humid in here but overall I'm really excited I
think this is really gonna just work out great for me and if I want to have you
know my old shack was a two-man Shack and it was tight in there you want to
put a heater sonar let alone two sonars and a heater it just was it was just too
tight you're sitting on buckets or it's now again don't know if you can see me
but I feel like I'm sitting on easy street I feel like I'm sitting on a
mansion I got all the elbow room in the world and you know I'm I'm filling up me
you know maybe a third of the area here could put a guy there to put a guy there
some holes in the middle honestly I think you can fish for it be tight to
fish for in here but you could do it but two three no problem one thing I will
say I need to bring some I need some hooks and it's um some type of hooks
hangers that type of thing to keep more things off of the wet ice attempts to
develop and I also probably just need some kind of little you know table or a
milk crate something like that would be good that I could stack some things on
top of keep them off the ground lessons learn love and learn baby
Секретная техника секса. Как произвести впечатление на мужчину в постели. - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Für 5. B-Day ihrer Tochter: Jana Inas süße Einhorn-Deko! - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Business Solution Automaat | Ambition - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Style - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Dino Train Nursery Rhymes For Children | Mary Had A Little Lamb | Dinosaur Kids Songs | Baby Toonz - Duration: 3:10.Dino Train Nursery Rhymes For Children | Mary Had A Little Lamb | Dinosaur Kids Songs | Baby Toonz
Dental Student Kimsilseup] What's in Kimsilseup's box? /w Eng subtitle - Duration: 5:47.Hello, again! This is Dental student Kimsilseup.
In this video, little bit ashamed... but
Let me show you "What's in my box"
contents :)
I'll reveal! the inside of my box.
And I wanna share with you about the know-how of the arrangement tip.
let me show you this from outside to inside.
let's see the storage space on the outside.
There are many stickers on the outside,
because I've eaten Kakao bread every morning. lol.
I've given the picture part of every sticker to friends, so there remains only the name part.
As you see, stationery is here.
Oil-based bold pen, required.
Mechanical pencil, required.
color lead, required.
some day, I'll introduce how to get color leads.
15cm long metal ruler also required.
must be a scaler mark from the edge
the minor unit of scaler mark must be under 0.5
This is another ruler that I bought in a hurry cuz I thought I've lost it.
a rubber band also required.
Naming sticker is required to tag all my instruments.
Let's see the inside of the box.
3 floors in total.
see this from top to bottom
you can see the six containers that I purchased from "Daiso".
This is a container for storing new resin teeth for each jaw.
Those are kept by tooth number.
4 containers for adults and 2 containers for children.
In front, results are kept in zip-lock bags purchased at a "Daiso".
I wrote down on the bags what kind of lessons I did and when.
It will help me later in the day.
Let's see the 2nd floor.
This floor is divided into four sectors.
In the left sector, there are instruments for clinical practice.
Resin block for prep. exercise.
Endo ruler for endo practice.
amalgam mulling paper with matrix band.
Instruments for endo practice.
burs for crown preparation.
Fissure burs and round burs.
Files for endo practice.
In the next sector, there are instruments for laboratory practices.
Turbo jet lighter
is required.
Round bur for lab practice (#2 #4 #6 #8)
bur for interproximal prep. in the middle
with fissure bur.
I made these into one to carry them easily.
burs for trimming plaster and resin.
Bur set for resin polishing, I bought in Amazon for $20.
Miscellaneous burs
There are so many burs, right?
actually I don't have enough.
In the next sector, there are instruments for oral examination and familiar instruments.
In the last sector, there are instruments that are not used frequently but need.
And this is the last floor!
Instant glue, required.
Ruler, protractor, and calculator for orthodontics
Two by size
Three jaw and bird-bick plier for orthodontics.
Cutter and long nose plier for orthodontics.
Trays of different sizes
which are for impression.
I'm collecting leftovers of wax.
This is of service to me someday.
PKT set.
scissor and brush also here.
Did you enjoy it?
I prefer to have all my instruments in one opening.
Plz subscribe this channel and like this video.
Thank you for watching this video.
Coach Park Hang Seo heated up with the decision of the referee - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 3:21.Singapore referee has two decisions to disadvantage U23 Vietnam end of the first match against U23 Qatar.
Having equalized with U23 Qatar, U23 Vietnam conceded 39 minutes for a penalty.
Singapore referee Bin Jahari said Bui Tien Dung pulled forward Ali in the penalty area and pulled the yellow card defender wearing U23 Vietnam No.
The slow turnovers showed that the foul was not clear when both players were in contention.
Coach Park Hang Seo heated up with referee decision dispute - Photo 1.
And yet, to 43 minutes, this Singapore referee refuses to blame when Phan Van Duc made a clear foul in front of the Qatar.
If the referee blows the penalty, U23 Vietnam had a dangerous free kick, have the opportunity to equalize.
Coach Park Hang Seo was very angry with this decision and clearly expressed face.
The director of the match also regularly shot close to the Singaporean referee, as well as being puzzled by this controversial decision.
By the time the first half ended, the machines came close to referee Bin Jahari.
The fans watching this match is very urgent with the referee.
Not only Vietnamese fans criticized Jahari but also many other Asian fans.
[Free music, no copyright] Umbra Feat SalBerkmin - FortyThr33 X Epshteyn - Duration: 4:41.
Origami flower out of paper. Gift and decoration on March 8, Valentine's day - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Nunca Arranque Esta PLANTA se Aparecer no Pátio da Sua Casa ➜ ESTE É O MOTIVO... - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
UTILEV® - The Utility Lift Truck-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> UTILEV® - The Utility Lift Truck-------------------------------------------
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA * 19" Tekna wielset - DEMO - BTW auto - Design Pack - Vision pack (vol - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 N-CONNECTA * 19" Tekna wielset - DEMO - BTW auto - Design Pack - Vision pack (vol - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370 - Duration: 15:29.3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370
For more infomation >> 3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370 - Duration: 15:29.-------------------------------------------
Volvo XC60 bjr 2012 2.4 D5 AWD 158kW/215pk 6-bak OCEAN RACE Intellisafe Pro CLIMA + ADAPT.CRUISE + N - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 bjr 2012 2.4 D5 AWD 158kW/215pk 6-bak OCEAN RACE Intellisafe Pro CLIMA + ADAPT.CRUISE + N - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Adventure of a LITTLE KITTEN cartoon kittens cartoon for kids and Gummy Bear #MM - Duration: 20:18.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Adventure of a LITTLE KITTEN cartoon kittens cartoon for kids and Gummy Bear #MM - Duration: 20:18.-------------------------------------------
Origami flower out of paper. Gift and decoration on March 8, Valentine's day - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Origami flower out of paper. Gift and decoration on March 8, Valentine's day - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
VIRM(M) Treinen Aankomst tegelijk op Amsterdam Zuid - Duration: 1:00.Station Amsterdam Zuid
For more infomation >> VIRM(M) Treinen Aankomst tegelijk op Amsterdam Zuid - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
YouTube TV-------------------------------------------
BMW 3 Serie Touring 330D M SPORT EDITION (M Sportpakket - M Aerodynamic pakket - Lederenbekleding) - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
VIRM(M) Treinen Aankomst tegelijk op Amsterdam Zuid - Duration: 1:00.Station Amsterdam Zuid
BMW 5 Serie Touring 525D EXECUTIVE | ECC-AIRCO | CRUISE CONTROLE | LM VELGEN | PDC | APK T/M 30-06-2 - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Die Löwen-Liga: Stolz schafft Erfolg - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
¿Surfeó Hugo Vau una ola de 35 metros? - Duration: 1:44.Did Hugo Vau surf the biggest wave ever? registered?
Hugo Vau's name is one step away from sneaking in the Guinness Book of Records.
As long as you confirm what for now it's a rumor that these days he picks up every time
more strength: the 36-year-old Portuguese surfed a wave of 35 meters.
If the evaluation committee checks and recognizes the dimensions, Vau would pulverize the record
current, which until now Garrett McNamara has with a wave of 23.77 meters.
The feat, which has been included among the nominated for the Big Wave Awards of
the World Surf League, the past happened Wednesday in Nazaré (Portugal), a region
that attracts dozens of surfers every year wanting to dance on giant waves.
Up there - like every winter for the last ten years- moved from
new Vau to see if this time I had luck.
He, along with other athletes, waited patiently until the big mamma was left
see, and he went for it.
"Today I probably saw the biggest wave surfed in Nazaré by Hugo Vau, "commented the photographer
of the team, Jorge Leal.
Now the decision is in the hands of the committee evaluation, which should determine the
size of the wave.
Everything seems to indicate at the moment that he rode for 40 seconds the wave of 35 meters.
If confirmed, it will go directly into the book Guiness of the records.
Eleven Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way - Duration: 6:06.11 Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way
Let's admit it together, we have all been equipped with intuition, some people know
it as the "gut feeling".
Our intuition is used basically to keep us safe and helps us to make decisions by following
our heart.
It informs us of impending danger and guides us through life.
Even Steve Jobs, considered one of the richest men of affairs of the story,
he said that Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intelligence.
This has had a big impact on my work.
We all have this innate ability to make decisions based on our intuition, but some of us have
a better connection to that inner voice.
If you tend to listen to your heart in the face of a difficult decision, then probably,
you are also listening to your intuition
Number 1.
The highly intuitive people do not ignore their instincts; rather, they listen to them
earnestly, and make decisions almost exclusively from this source of wisdom.
Many people are still skeptical about the intuition, but others rely on that.
So, for highly intuitive people it does not matter if others think that their "inner
voices" are crazy; they always listen and in some cases, this
could mean the difference between life and death.
Number 2.
According to Sophy Burnham, author of the book "The Art of Intuition," the majority
of intuitive people are introvert.
This makes sense, because introverts cultivate energy from within and can not hear their
insights without having around them silence.
In addition, the highly intuitive people never feel alone; in fact they can not wait to spend
time in solitude and catch up with the latest insight.
Number 3.
Musicians, artists, fire-eaters, dancers, writers and creators all have one thing in
common, they allow their creativity to guide them
through life and never call into question whether this makes sense or not.
In fact, they are following their passions, because they know that their creativity makes
them feel alive.
Cultivating inner creativity will allow the life force to flow within them, something
that the intuitive people have already figured out.
Number 4.
Intuitive people have a high level of self-awareness, meaning they are keenly in tune with their
inner feelings and perspectives about themselves.
They learned this through a kind of peaceful spiritual practice, which allows them to clear
the outside world for a while 'and pay attention only to the inner knowledge.
These people tend to have less 'mental fog', because they have learned to sit quietly with
themselves, then, to feel comfortable in solitude.
Their thoughts do not affect them anymore, because they know how to let them go.
Number 5.
Intuitive people look at the outside world with open eyes and heart.
They can connect deeply with others, because they have learned to do it by connecting with
Number 6.
This does not mean that every pain requires drastic measures,
but the intuitive people know they need to pay attention to how they feel in order to
take care of themselves.
Science has discovered that our gut is essentially a second brain because of the large number
of neurons lining the intestinal walls.
Number 7.
The highly intuitive people have a special talent for understanding and empathy.
They are able to offer advice and guidance when needed.
Often people approach them to share intimate details of their lives, because they feel
immediately at home in the company of an intuitive person.
Intuitive people can also read the other without having to say a word, this helps them to better
understand each individual.
Number 8.
The universe speaks to us in a variety of ways and intuitive people know it.
They do not see anything like a coincidence, such as frequently see the same numbers on
a clock, or to see the same person at the mall from time to time.
Everything has meaning for the intuitive person.
Number 9.
Even if they relate well with others, intuitive people naturally put themselves in first place,
so that they can better serve others.
They take time off from work when needed and create their spaces every day to flow through
their inner wisdom.
They believe in working smarter and have difficulty understanding our obsessed society.
Intuitive people make sure first of all, to feel good about themselves.
Number 10.
Intuitive people know that their inner voice can not flow with the negative energy by blocking
the knowledge and healing waves.
Thus, their intuitive balance and their energy, releases negative emotions in order to let
them go.
Number 11.
This type of people can not keep their emotions to themselves, as opposed they let them flow
and create space for others to do the same.
Intuitive people will feel totally at ease in their own skin and do not apologize for
having human emotions.
All in all, that's the 11 things that highly intuitive people see and experience in a different
Really cool information isn't it!
Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
Volkswagen Polo Comfortline 1.0TSI/75pk · Airco · Adaptive cruise control · LED dagrijverlichting - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo Trendline 1.0MPI/65pk · Connectivity pakket · Elektrische ramen · Radio multimedi - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
【初音ミク】テラクラウド【オリジナル】/【MIKU】TERA CLOUD 【original】 - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
6✨NYE LONDON 2017-2018 - Duration: 19:02.Sorry for all the grammar & spelling mistakes that probably will be in this x
Hello everyone! Welcome to this new video.
I went for new years eve to London with my parents and Vivianne
But it didn't go like we planned to, after the first day i've got the flu and have been ill the whole week, and "celebrated" new year in my bed
We didn't do all the things we planned to do, I also didn't film everything I wanted to but I hope you guys still enjoy.
Maybe you remember that Vivianne and I collect Geofilters together and so did we in London, and here they are
well, only a part of it because it was a lot. Our total is now over 1000 and got around 100 in London
And that's it for this time. I'm really sorry that this video turned out the way it should've been but hopefully next time will be alright again.
I will see you again next month, on the 23rd. Bye!
[KoreanASMR]Blue Yeti & SR3D Test ㅣ Ear Cleaning ㅣ Squishy ㅣ Glass Bottle ㅣ Ear Massage ㅣ Tapping - Duration: 10:09.Hello.
This is the Blue Yeti.
(Please check the extra information section.)
There's another one I bought with the Blue Yeti.
We bought SR3D together.
This sticker here is made by Youtuber '직장인 K씨 SOHEE KIM'.
I received it as a gift.
I pasted it in SR3D. And the Blue Yeti.
I'll write down the reason why I bought this microphone in the extra information section.
Mike test. Let's get started.
This is a simple Korean accent test..! This is a little difficult to translate... I'm sorry.😢😢
hello guys,
Trả lờiXóaI don't really buy the idea of recommending professionals online but I promised Mich (michackersolution@gmailcom) this recommendation for a job well done and from my personal experience, he's one of the best private investigator/hacker out there cuz he know how to really go about these stuffs and truly honest with his service...
I was having issues with my spouse and businesses associate,my spouse was cheating while my business partner wanted to blackmail me, I was worried until I saw Mich on here...we talked a few times and he promised to help me and within 4 hours I was seeing their messages and also deleted conversations...I'm really glad I got in touch with him....he's into jobs like Whatspp,viber,Fb, clearing of criminal records ,Text,cal logs iCloud,bank hacks and so on.....
you can call or text him on +1408 818 9369
whaspp him on +16282043675
..thank me later