Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 24 2018

"Shithole" California AG Threatens Employers Who Help ICE, Trump Has Big Surprise For Him

In a shocking announcement, California's militant Attorney General Xavier Becerra has

threatened any employers with prosecution if they are caught helping U.S. Immigration

and Customs Enforcement (ICE) capture and deport illegal aliens.

Now, President Donald Trump has a big surprise for the Golden State "shithole" politician,

and he isn't going to like it one bit.

President Donald Trump (left), Xavier Becerra (right) (Photo Credit:, YouTube/KQED)

California is well known for being the testing ground for all things Communist, and the latest

announcement made by Attorney General Xavier Becerra proves once and for all that the liberals

who run that state will stop at nothing to put illegal aliens before their own legal


During a press conference on Thursday, January 18, 2018, Bacerra (D-CA) said that employers

in California who are found cooperating with ICE will be prosecuted, according to The Gateway


Becerra was careful to note that employers would only be prosecuted if they cooperate

in a manner that violates California's new laws as a sanctuary state.

Has California's leadership completely lost their minds?

This threat from Becerra most certainly reeks of liberal insanity.

I don't know why people in California put up with this kind of militant progressivism.

Employers in any state should cooperate with ICE whenever called upon to do so.

Helping our law enforcement officials, whether local or federal, to uphold our laws is admirable

— unless you live in California, apparently.

According to NTK Network, Becerra used California's new laws to level his threat at employers

in the state, saying, "There are new laws in place in California now in 2018 with the

advent of 2018.

I mentioned two of them specifically, AB 450 and SB 54.

AB 450 in particular deals with the workplace in particular and how we go about treating

the information about the workplace and employees at the workplace by employers."

It won't be long before California drives every profitable company to another state

with their madness.

California is quickly turning into a literal "shithole" because of liberal policies.

The leadership in that state doesn't seem to understand that, eventually, this will

all come back to bite them in the rear end.

As taxes continue to rise and businesses leave California, liberals are creating conditions

for economic collapse by operating as a sanctuary state.

Becerra is going to get a huge surprise from President Donald Trump, and very soon.

According to Breitbart, acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan

will soon be sending an army of federal agents into various parts of California to conduct

one of the biggest immigration enforcement actions in recent history.

If California wants to brand itself a "sanctuary state," they can deal with the consequences.

In October 2017, Homan fired back at California's Governor Jerry Brown after he signed the state's

new sanctuary law and warned that the new policy would cause ICE "to conduct at-large

arrests in local neighborhoods and at work sites, which will inevitably result in additional

collateral arrests, instead of focusing on arrests at jails and prisons where transfers

are safer for ICE officers and the community."

I could not agree more with Homan's tactics.

I think California's leadership needs to learn a lesson in regards to putting its own

citizens before illegal immigrants.

They certainly shouldn't be threatening businesses, which are the life-blood of the

economy, with retribution for cooperating with ICE.

In the coming weeks, Becerra will get to see first hand the consequences of his party's

out of control policymaking.

Thank God, we finally have a President who will uphold the laws of our country.

It is more crucial now than ever that American patriots continue to support President Donald

Trump and his efforts to put Americans first.

As the President continues to deal with attacks from the left, on a daily basis, remember

that it's strictly because he wants to make America

great again.

For more infomation >> "Shithole" California AG Threatens Employers Who Help ICE, Trump Has - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 34:23.


BREAKING Trump Just Did It Right Before Massive Women's March This Weekend! Hell Yeah! - Duration: 23:59.

BREAKING Trump Just Did It Right Before Massive Women's March This Weekend!

Hell Yeah!

It's that "special" time of year when liberal women and their emasculated male supporters

gather together in hoards and flood the streets across the country in ridiculous pink hats.

Despite saying they're "empowered" by taking their "rights" back and screaming

for free birth control, the Women's March is really just an army of victims wanting

to scream and accomplish nothing.

It's their hate for our supposedly misogynistic president that they're putting on display,

while ignoring the droves of liberal men this year who have been exposed as the true groping


Now, just hours before this embarrassing nonsense of pink hats fills the streets in a city near

you, the nemesis of the movement, President Trump himself, has just ended it for all of

them in a move he made.

While they continually tout Trump as a misogynist and anti-woman in everything he does, they

reap the benefits of what he has actually done for them already that Barack Obama never

did, and they are currently benefitting from it as they march.

Conservative Tribune reports:

One of the many unfounded criticisms lodged against President Donald Trump by his liberal

haters is that he is some sort of sexist misogynist that mistreats and looks down upon successful


Of course, anyone who knows or has been following Trump for any amount of time — and who has

a bit of intellectual honesty — understands that such a smear couldn't be further from

the truth.

The reality of the situation, as laid out in detail in an op-ed for The Hill by GOP

strategist Jen Kerns, is that Trump actually has more women at senior levels in various

parts of his administration than any of his recent predecessors, including former Presidents

Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Also, it is worth noting that several of those women are minorities or descended from immigrants

to America.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the liberal media has decided not to report on that fact

in favor of perpetuating the narrative that Trump hates women, minorities and immigrants.

It's also of note that Trump has more females on his staff than any president before him

and his campaign manager at the end of his election was a woman, who has received endless

insults from the left.

They want to talk about rights and respect, but trash the man who grants both the women

in this country far more than his predecessor.

So, it's not about what they say, it's about what they want which is free stuff and

negative attention on Trump.

Facts prove this.

On the other side of the spectrum, is a separate march the same weekend that women are getting

involved in and is an actual worthy counter cause with a completely different message

of empowerment.

If a woman wants to really march for her rights and prove that she has a choice, this is the

event she can be involved in to really make a positive difference and not a divisive one.

National Review reports:

This Sunday, hundreds of thousands of women across the country will storm the streets

in the second annual March for Women.

Last year, the first Women's March took place the day after Donald Trump's inauguration,

in a display of wrath against the new Republican administration.

This year's march promises much of the same sentiment.

But all people who truly want to empower American women should turn their attention elsewhere,

to an event that receives much less media acclaim: the March for Life, which will mark

its 45th anniversary this morning on the National Mall.

It is this march, not the Women's, that presents a unified, pro-woman message, instead

of a narrow agenda driven by identity politics.

The March for Women, in spite of its title, is defined not by what it stands for but by

what it stands against — more specifically, who it's against.

It's a direct response to the fact that millions of Americans elected Trump, and these

women and their male allies are driven by animus against him, whom they view as the

leader of an oppressive system that robs women of rights.

Maybe they're correct, maybe not.

But a movement fueled primarily by what it's against is not a movement that will last.

The problems they lament existed long before Donald Trump, and yet there were no pink-knitted

p***y hats marching en masse until his election.

And while their concerns will outlast Trump, too, the Women's March has already proven

itself to be just another means by which the Left expresses the rage of the current moment.

Its leadership and platform discourage broad cultural support.

And, just one year into its existence, its internal fractures are already showing.

It's time that women really take womanhood back and we have our president to thank for

making that even possible.

He's recognizing talent, intelligence, and ability, in a person as to who to select for

professional positions and not just their gender.

Isn't this what feminists say they want?

It's what they have now that they didn't have before but they're too busy protesting

without a cause


see it.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Trump Just Did It Right Before Massive Women's March This Weekend! Hell Yeah! - Duration: 23:59.


The Foreign Policy Problem Trump Cannot Get Out Of - Duration: 11:42.

Forgot beautiful and amazing human beings to the we are ...

changed it lyrics.

Sorry I've been gone for awhile it's good to be back ...

I've been working on a lot of projects behind the scenes ...

that will soon be manifested and put into forwishen on this ...

YouTube channel that of course I believe you guys ...

would very much enjoy but I'm back for now and there's ...

been a lot of distractions propaganda and ...

disinformation out there keeping us away from the ...

reality of what's actually happening in this world and ...

that's why in this video I kind of wanted to refocus and talk ...

about the important issues happening right now ...

specifically with turkey a major US Ally and of course ...

American foreign policy within the Middle East now the first ...

story I wanted to get into comes from Hannover ...

Germany we're at the airport a hundred and eighty Kurds ...

beat up passengers that were arriving from Turkey ...

predominantly using flagpoles and other makeshift ...

weapons on the unsuspecting Turkish ...

passengers that were arriving in Germany.

Like this and other outraged by the Kurdish people is ...

mainly happening because of a new Turkish military ...

operation that is the called of branch and is currently ...

invading I'm bombing the Syrian city of Afrin now it's ...

important to note here the conflict between the Kurds ...

and the Turkish government have been happening for a ...

very long time not only historically but also presently ...

since 1978 where the Kurdish people are looking for ...

independent within Turkish territory of course the Kurds ...

are saying that this is Kurdistan and their land ...

turkey is responded by saying no and we have a ...

land dispute which of course is leading to human conflict ...

and of course it was only a matter of time and it was only ...

a matter of time with this conflict brewing and now ...

escalating that other world leaders would be involved ...

like we're seeing right now especially now since Turkish ...

troops invaded Syria and push their way into the ...

Kurdish Terror. Course the Kurds responded ...

with a missile strike and side of turkey and turkey is saying ...

there's no turning back from this Syrian Invasion and ...

ultimately could be a sign towards a bigger growing ...

escalating conflict with many world powers involve turkey ...

has been extremely aggressive in this offencive ...

even arresting their own citizens who voice support for ...

the Kurds with the Turkish president even involving that ...

there's no turning back and so far in this conflict at least ...

two hundred and sixty curds and suppose it Islamic State ...

Fighters have been killed in this military Defence all ...

according to the Turkish military of course the Kurds ...

are not only responding with missile strikes but also a call ...

for Mass mobilization to defend at the city of Afrin ...

us-backed Rebels inside of Siri or even considering ...

joining the fight with the Kurds against turkey would ...

even reported video showing of Syrian FSA fighters ...

heading towards the Battle of Afrin this is.

What's the same FSA the free Syrian Army which was ...

supported by the United States and collaborated with ...

both Al Qaeda and Isis against the Syrian ...

government and at the same time they are also officially ...

asking US president Donald Trump for more weapons in ...

order to fight off Iranian influence in the region also ...

according to the sohr Syrian Observatory for human rights ...

organization we are getting reports that us backed ...

Rebels and forces just released hundreds of Isis ...

members inside of Syria and of course now the Syrian ...

Kurds are officially pleading for support from the u.s.

Coalition especially now since the Russians are getting ...

involved and according to Curtis officials the Russians ...

reached out to the Kurds and said that if they give up their ...

territory to the Syrian government that the Syrian ...

government and Russia will defend them against turkey ...

of course the Kurds have turned down the Siri.

Government Center still trying to carve out their own ...

country as officially the US plan for them and they're ...

supposedly stabilization efforts where the United ...

States planned to create a territory inside of Syria away ...

from the Syrian government that would have been ...

controlled by the Kurds this plan of course is officially ...

failing and Russia just recently officially announced ...

that the United States should leave The Sovereign territory ...

of Syria of course that's not going to happen with Donald ...

Trump having a massive unknown number of US ...

troops boots on the ground inside of Syria right now but ...

interesting Lee enough we are seeing the Syrian ...

government and United States actually have the ...

same stance on this issue with both the Syrian and ...

American government telling the Turkish government to ...

stop and Retreat from the city of Afrin even us defense ...

secretary Jim Mathes officially said that the turkey.

Government is distracting against their efforts to defeat ...

Isis even though it was Turkey the United States that ...

arm and funded the Syrian rebels Isis and turkey even ...

directly before buying Isis oil being caught red-handed ...

with it and that's beyond the point and their interest of ...

course was always to overthrow Basher al-assad ...

gain more control of the region and go after the Kurds ...

now the United States is urging turkey to have a ...

limited Invasion and is dealing with a quagmire since ...

this is a major fight between two major US allies with the ...

us previously intervening by sending their own troops to ...

Kurdish territory so they wouldn't be attacked by the ...

Turkish government of course the un can't do much on this ...

action since you violating serious Sovereign territory ...

was the in thing to do within the last couple of years with ...

exterior of the United States now turkey here on and also ...

Russia just just going right into that country what to eat.

Pointless anyway but this conflict will not be easy for ...

the United States to resolve as turkey has accused the ...

United States of building a terrorist force with the ...

support of the Kurds and turkey forcing a position on ...

the United States saying yes. At this Invasion when you the ...

United States stops supporting the Kurds of ...

course this only highlights more failed US foreign policy ...

and from my analysis will only lead to the Betrayal of ...

the Kurds once again as previously occurred during ...

Barack Obama's administration even Donald ...

Trump's Administration and it happening now most likely a ...

third time because as we know ever since 2001 the ...

official US policy was always to overthrow the Syrian ...

government and Bashar al-assad which they have ...

failed then it was to balkanize Syria and leave it into ...

multiple states which now is also failing because of these ...

latest actions by the Kurds and Turks and of course ...

leaving it to you what do you think is the current u.s..

Could you right now when it comes to their Siri and policy ...

if there even is one of course let me know in the comments ...

section below I personally think the United States may ...

not even have one but convince me if you think I'm ...

wrong I also and other great news about American ...

exceptionalism an American foreign policy within the ...

Middle East we had US vice president Mike Pence ...

recently on his tour of the Middle East where he loudly ...

praise the miracle of Israel mainly speak into the hard ...

right of Israeli politics promising to move up the ...

embassy to Jerusalem 2 2019 I move which which once ...

again is created more of a cluster pluck in the Middle ...

East and only making the situation worse while rowing ...

American influence in the region.

Keep sending troops down there as the United States is ...

actually considering right now as the US Army is redying ...

plans to increase the total number of troops in ...

Afghanistan by a thousand US troops now that's just ...

brilliant brilliant American foreign policy historically ...

speaking troop invasions and Troop increases have nefar ...

backfired on the United States but hey there's ...

another component missing here.

Well when I just joined the Coalition and bomb innocent civilians.

Just like we saw happened to Dave with the u.s.

Coalition with Saudi Arabia. Just conducted more air ...

strikes and killed nine civilians in Yemen five of ...

them being children as we're helping the world's worst ...

humanitarian Crisis occur right now even the Germans ...

have officially halted all arms exports to Saudi Arabia for ...

their bombing campaign of Yemen.

Which they're doing with the United K and the United ...

States and of course no surprise human life always ...

takes a backseat to economics and there's a lot ...

of economic factors that we truly get into on this YouTube ...

channel of course it never really mentioned on the ...

mainstream Media or government officials will keep ...

talking about democracy and liberating people but you ...

have to understand oil and the u.s.

petrodollar play a major role in a lot of decisions that the ...

United States makes geopolitical gasoline ...

consumption slowly declining and oil not being the ...

foreseeable future for enriching Nations there's ...

definitely a quickening of escalations a struggle for ...

resources and influence as receiving the US Open Leaf ...

face off against Russia and China in a new Cold War ...

mentality that is escalating and just plain stupid and ...

foolish even according to Donald Trump that made ...

previous statements about how stupid is that the United ...

States spends over 7 trillion. Dollars on defense really war ...

and Wild Wing those statements in order to get ...

elected he is now spending 2 billion dollars a day ...

increasing that amount indebting this country ruining ...

economic prosperity and continuing of foolish policy ...

that only fuels the military industrial complex that is ...

solely and Industry of murder and death all the while with ...

support of the central banks shifting economic Global ...

wealth away from the people to the very few and just not being cool.

What do you say.

You think I'm wrong convince me in the comments section ...

below I always answer questions as soon as the ...

video comes out and of course I'm not hearing any of ...

this information on any mainstream media platform ...

so please share this video with your friends and family ...

members to get the word out there about what is really ...

happening in the world get those gosh darn Tide Pods ...

out of your mouth and understand that every small ...

action that you take actually has a lot of significance once ...

you take it because believing you do actually creates the ...

first step in making good things happen and if ...

everyone started thinking that way and not being a Negative ...

Nancy Debbie Downer I think the world would be a totally ...

different place and I really believe in that and that's why ...

I love you guys thank you again so much for watching ...

and of course supporting us on we are change.

Org forward slash donate because if it wasn't for your ...

donations and contributions we wouldn't be here.

And we only are because of you so thank you and stay ...

tuned for more.

For more infomation >> The Foreign Policy Problem Trump Cannot Get Out Of - Duration: 11:42.


Living Rural w/ a Disability/ Chronic Illness [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 6:39.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

Hey guys!

In today's video, I am going to talk about what its like to have a Chronic Illness or

Disability in a rural community.

I think there are many stark differences between living in a city and living someplace rural

when you have a Chronic Illness or a Disability.

So before we get into the video, please be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you

liked it, subscribe if you're new, and please be sure to check me out on Twitter and Instagram

- all my social media links will be in the description below.

So let's start with the obvious - health services.

When you live rural doctors and hospitals are farther away.

For me, it takes about 20 minutes of driving to get to the closest hospital and it takes

about 45 minutes to get to the next biggest major hospital in my province.

Wait times are really long.

It can take two weeks to get in to see your family doctor, and sitting in the ER waiting

room for more than 8 hours is quite common.

Often hospitals are understaffed and overcrowded, and they are sorely lacking many services

to help patients.

It can take months to get an MRI and years to get certain surgeries done.

It can take more than 6 months to see a specialist and often some specialists are not in your

immediate area so you have to travel to the city, and sometimes you may even have to travel

out of province.

This is again usually because the province or the city or the town that your living in

is quite underfunded, underpopulated, the population doesn't support some of the specialists

that many people would have to go see.

And as you can imagine with the lack of funding, there's also a lack of treatment.

So if you have a rare disease or a complex disease - then usually you either have to

travel long distances to see a specialist or you have to travel out of province and

sometimes that can be out of your own pocket, which can put a lot of financial strain on

the individual.

And some who are unable to travel or unable to afford certain treatment will simply not

get treated and go untreated.

So there are certain treatments and specialist that can be quite inaccessible to many.

Like I said some may not have the funds or the means to travel farther away to get care

leaving them without treatment options that could possibly improve their quality of life

or lead to a diagnosis.

Next, we will talk about accessibility.

Living in a rural community has its many drawbacks when you are disabled.

Oftentimes local establishments like the bank, the post office, the convenience store, arent

always wheelchair accessible, or easy to get to.

So there can end up being many establishments like the grocery store, and restaurants that

are inaccessible to the disabled.

Things are also farther away and if you don't have the ability to drive, or you can't drive

for long periods of time or you need someone else to drive you - then things can become

pretty inaccessible to you.

Oftentimes there are not taxis in rural areas, there very rarely is certain bus services

and different modes of transportation, and even if there is oftentimes cabs won't accept

wheelchair users.

Delivery services are limited as well.

You can't have your groceries or your take out simply delivered to you.

And often you have to pay extra shipping when ordering online because you're in a more remote

area and not in a city.

Some of us are only able to go grocery shopping once a month, and as you can imagine fruit

and veggies do not stay fresh for that long.

And often this can be so much harder in the winter.

Sometimes snow removal can take up to days to happen when you live rural, and the conditions

on the road often times are bad and dangerous, and if you have a Disability you don't want

to risk the chance that you feel awful and not be able to drive yourself home with bad

road conditions.

So because we have a lot of snow storms we end up missing quite a lot of appointments,

we will prolong going to the grocery store, and sometimes we will prolong getting medication

because we can't make it to the pharmacy.

When considering fun activities to do it can be quite tricky to find a place that is completely

100% wheelchairs friendly and accessible, so sometimes parks, museums, and even hotels

are not 100% wheelchair accessible and that can really make it hard to figure out where

to go and what to do, when you do wanna do something.As many people know when you live

in a small community you pretty much know everyone and everyone pretty much knows everything

about you, and what's going on.

People love to talk.

When I was younger and I first got sick I had some pretty nasty rumors spread around

about me.

I had people I didn't even know talking about me, and obviously, that was never a fun feeling.

And I feel like when you're living in a small town often you come across people who are

very small minded.

I lost a lot of friends when I became sick, and part of that is due to me just becoming

sick, and people not understanding that I was sick, and people just didn't talk to me

anymore, and people didn't bother to call me, and because I do live rural and most of

my other friends did -it would not be as easy as just walking out of the house and going

down the street and visiting your friend who's sick.

So oftentimes we were miles away.

And because you live in a small community oftentimes when you go grocery shopping or

just to the local convenience store, the bank, or the post office, you end up running into

friends or I guess former friends, and that was also pretty awkward at times.

And most of the friends that I did have we eventually drifted apart and went our own


As you can gather from this video, it is quite hard to live in a rural community when you

have a Chronic Illness and a Disability.

I think many of us who do, face unique challenges that those who live in a city wouldn't otherwise


I hope you guys enjoyed today's video.

In the comments below I want to know where you guys are located at.

I'm am located in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Please be sure to give this video a thumbs up, subscribe if you're new.

Please be sure to hit the notification button down below to get notified when i upload new

videos, all my social media links will be in the description below, and I hope to see

you guys next time , bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> Living Rural w/ a Disability/ Chronic Illness [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 6:39.


Veterans Group Submits Super Bowl Ad, Americans Pissed To Learn Why NFL Rejected It - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Veterans Group Submits Super Bowl Ad, Americans Pissed To Learn Why NFL Rejected It - Duration: 5:09.


Vừa Gặp Đã Yêu - Một Câu Chuyện Ngôn Tình Bi Thương | Nghe truyện ngôn tình mới nhất - Duration: 5:18:32.

For more infomation >> Vừa Gặp Đã Yêu - Một Câu Chuyện Ngôn Tình Bi Thương | Nghe truyện ngôn tình mới nhất - Duration: 5:18:32.


Tax reform is just the juggernaut, will take a lot to slow economy down: David Nelson - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Tax reform is just the juggernaut, will take a lot to slow economy down: David Nelson - Duration: 5:56.





TRUMP Thumps Democrats Again for Putting Interests of Illegals O - Duration: 1:14.

TRUMP Thumps Democrats Again for Putting Interests

of Illegals Over US Citizens

On Friday night Democrats shut down the US government for illegal alien rights.

The minority party cut off military paychecks in favor of DREAMER illegal immigrants.

The US Senate will vote on the #SchumerShutdown Monday at noon.

President Trump slammed the Democrats all weekend over the shutdown

Trump continued the attacks on Monday morning.

For more infomation >> TRUMP Thumps Democrats Again for Putting Interests of Illegals O - Duration: 1:14.


FBI: Albuquerque's hate crime reports double - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> FBI: Albuquerque's hate crime reports double - Duration: 2:12.


MONSTER HIGH DOLLZAP' #19 (English sub) - Duration: 4:36.

Hi everyone, it's Anastazia Custom speaking

and welcome to this 19th edition of DollZap'

where I will show you 4 Monster High dolls that I customized

Let's begin with Alice in Wonderland

from the Tim Burton movie

and the dress is made by Haute Plastic

Let's continue with two sisters : Cindy and Claire

The both dresses are made by Sweet Dreams

And here is Nancy, who is inspired by the steampunk theme

and the dress is made by Haute Plastic

I hope you liked this video, see you soon

Tchuss !!

For more infomation >> MONSTER HIGH DOLLZAP' #19 (English sub) - Duration: 4:36.


PBS NewsHour full episode, January 23, 2018 - Duration: 56:53.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour full episode, January 23, 2018 - Duration: 56:53.


Tell Ford to Put Clean Cars in the Fast Lane - Duration: 0:54.

(upbeat music)

(engine revving)

(automobile sputtering)

(digital music)

For more infomation >> Tell Ford to Put Clean Cars in the Fast Lane - Duration: 0:54.


Construction starts on three new flyovers at I-35 and US 183 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Construction starts on three new flyovers at I-35 and US 183 - Duration: 2:15.


The Greatest Showman - Tightrope - Scott & Ryceejo a cappella - Duration: 5:38.

Some people long for life that is simple and planned

Tied with a ribbon some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land

To follow what's written, but I'd follow you to the great unknown

Off to world we'd call our own

Hand in my hand and we promised to never let go

We're walking a tightrope, high in the sky, we can see the whole world

down below

We're walking a tightrope

Never sure, never know how far we could fall

But it's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view

Walking a tightrope

With you, ooh

With you, ooh, oh with you

Mountains and valleys and all that will come in between

Desert and ocean you pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream

Always in motion, so I'd

Risk it all

just to be

with you

and I risk it all

For this life we choose

Hand in my hand and we promised to never let go

We're walking a tightrope, high in the sky we can see the whole world down below

We're walking a tightrope

Now I'm sure

That you'll catch me, if I should fall

Ryceejo: Well it's all an adventure

That comes with a breathtaking view Scott: Well, it's all an adventure

that comes with a breathtaking


Walking a tightrope

With you, ooh


With you, ooh

Oh, with you

With you, ooh

With you

*Inaudible talking*

All right right hey, thanks for watching!

We were so grateful to have Stephanie and David to dance with us for our music video

Stephanie is an incredible ballroom dancer and also she is Scott's sister and

David moon is a professional ballroom dancer as well as an instructor and a performer right now with dance

You can find his channel at David Moon Media on Instagram and also films music videos

He did one of ours two years ago if you can guess what it is. You get three gold stars

And all those links are below

Thank you so much to our patrons who make this all possible their names are somewhere on this screen probably over David's face

I don't know. There's somewhere well. Thank you so much. You make this possible


If you want to know what that is check out down below. See how you can support us and help support these videos

We're doing more Disney mashups. We have another Disney mashup coming out next month

We've already arranged it and it's all recorded and everything. We're just

Waiting for snow to film it if that gives you any hint. It hasn't snowed in Utah, but we're waiting for that so

I never thought I'd say that I don't like snow

Please snow! Okay. Anyways. Thank you so much for everything

For more infomation >> The Greatest Showman - Tightrope - Scott & Ryceejo a cappella - Duration: 5:38.


Great Titan Everest Tiny House CaBin 28 For Sale For $54.999 - Duration: 1:56.


For more infomation >> Great Titan Everest Tiny House CaBin 28 For Sale For $54.999 - Duration: 1:56.



Mr Kim


We're supposed to treat our foreign customers

But today, foreign customers are going to treat us

They bought us some great snacks of Korea

Did you prepare this all?

(Singing a Korean song called 'All for You')

This is a song called All for You

That's right

He's fluent in Korean

and here's Fei

Fei can't really speak Korean

Where are you from?

I can't speak Korean


Is she from the States?

I'm from the States

But you really do look like Korean

Do you have an Asian heritage?

We bought this at Mapo Market

It's a corn dog

What's this?

I thought it was interesting

so I just wanted to try this

You never had it before?

I've never seen it before

Let's share this with Emil then

I know they brought these for us

but it's important for him to know how it tastes like

It's a corn dog

Is there a sausage in ther?

Isn't this chocolate?

The outer part of the corn dog is very sweet

It's same as this corn dog here

But this is much more unique

The outside part is different

I like this one better

Why did you buy these for us?

You didn't do this, do you?

Did somebody tell you to do this?

What did he say?

We have to tell it to Fei too

He said who are you


Is your girlfriend Korean?

I don't have a girlfriend

All guys are the same

They all say that they don't have a girlfriend

They say that they're not married

Why don't you tell them that you got married?

Which Korean food do you like the most?

Maybe my favorite Korean food is

Your time is up

Are you traveling or living in Korea now?

She will leave on Friday but she wants to come again

Do you come back and forth?

Are you here for travel?

You don't speak Korean at all?

I thought you're fluent in Korean

Did you hear that?

I can't

She's pretending that she couldn't speak Korean


That was your turn but Fei took it

That's not an easy food to try

She understands what we say

Where do you live?

She understands us

Ring ring

Ring ring

That's the worst part of Korea right there

Do you like Tuna kimchi soup?


It's very famous dish in Korea

You have to mix kimchi


Explain that for me

Put the fish can inside the soup

Would you translate that in Chinese too?

I recommend this kind of sweet food to foreigners

It's a honey sweet potato

It's very sweet

and this one is also nice

It's silkworms

What do you call this?

We call this silkworm

They call this silkworm

Cheer up

I'll show you how to eat

You enjoy that

Can I have this?

Please try this

Let's share

It's very nice

This is street food

I think many foreigners would want to try these food

Please chew this

Try that one

Wait for a sec

It's made out of dried persimmon

It's a drink with dried persimmon and nuts

It's nice

It doesn't contain nuts though

I think she understands us

You really like this

I'll show you how to eat this nicely

You should eat it with silkworms

She speaks Korean

She's not from the States

Put the sikhye in here

What are you going to do?

You'll be surprised

This will move when it goes in there

It will move in there

Please tell her that it would go alive


That's so crazy

He's shaking the bun in there

That's not a quiz

Fish cakes?

That's the third

Can I say the answer?

You should get the present too

That'll be so nice

Corn dog

What was the correct answer?

She's here for a week

A lot of foreigners visit Korea for travel

What's the second best reason to visit Korea?

Is it because of Kpop?


Is it business?

Can I say the answer?

To teach English?

To work

To work


It's 8:10

Our TV show will start on January 24th

Our show will be aired on every Wednesday

It will be aired on 8:10 PM

I can't really tell you to watch our show honestly

We're trying our best

I just wish you guys to do your favorite things

No, please watch our show

Cheer up

We have a lot of luxury cars

Professional drivers are waiting for you

Our customer will be here soon

We have to do it quickly

For more infomation >> OMG!!! FAMOUS KOREAN CELEBRITY COMEDIANS + EmilTube! - Duration: 11:17.


Your Viewers = Your Customers | Master Class ft. Tim Schmoyer - Duration: 6:53.

How do you make money and make your channel financially sustainable so you

can continue to provide the content and the value to your audience that they

want from you? Hey guys! Great to see you. My name is Tim Schmoyer and I have been

working with YouTube creators helping them grow their audiences since 2010.

Let's do a quick recap here to make sure you're tracking with where we're going.

Number one, you need to grow a solid YouTube audience. And number two, you need

to know exactly who that audience is. It was called the target audience. Who's

the most ideal subscriber for your YouTube channel.

And then why should they subscribe in the first place? Number three, that value

proposition. What are they subscribing for? You need to be able to define that

and clearly articulate that. And then you need to know what your revenue streams

are. Now if you are making money on YouTube, you actually already have

somewhat of a business model in place, and you have a product already. If you

look at your channel like "what's my product?" Well, there's two ways to think

about it. Either your audience is your product, or your audience are, they are

your customers, and you're gonna sell something to them directly. In this video

I want to talk about if you are treating at your viewers as your customers.

YouTube already has a feature built into their system that makes it easy for you

to start doing that, and that is the Super Chat during live streams. If you're

not already familiar with Super Chats, it's simply a way that viewers can pay

to promote one of their their chats during a live stream to the creator.

And the higher the amount of the viewer's purchase for that Super Chat, the longer

that chat comment will stay pinned to the top of the chat feed during the

live stream. Personally, when I livestream on my channel at Video Creators, the

Super Chat has been an amazing opportunity, not only for me to connect

better with my audience and for some of them to connect better with me, but

also it's a good value exchange. They're supporting me financially while I'm

doing my best to deliver good value to them through the stream. Let me share

with you guys a few things that I've learned personally from using Super Chat

on my channel, sometimes earning up to several hundred dollars an hour from

my community. Like, they are amazing, I appreciate them so much.

Number one, it's important that you first acknowledge that this feature even

exists. A lot of your viewers aren't as educated about YouTube as you are, and

they might not even know that this is an option that they could have. Two, when you

do talk about it, focus on the benefit it has for the viewer. Don't just talk about

like "hey you guys can give me money" as if, remember back to our mindset, it's not

about trying to just extract value and extract the money from these people, but

it's more about like "how can I serve these people in a way that makes them

feel like compelled" like they want to support this, and they want to be a part

of this, and they want to take the next step in our community here on this

channel. Number three, when you do get a Super Chat, act excited. Like show your

appreciation to that person who is giving up some of their hard-earned

money to support you and be in front of you and connect with you during this

live stream in a deeper, more meaningful way. Now that can kind of be hard

sometimes though, if you're trying to do like a produced show or produced live

stream. You just can't interrupt yourself constantly whenever a Super Chat comes

in, right. So what I recommend you do is have a "Super Chat commercial break", where

you're going to deliver the content and the value through the live stream that you

want, but at set intervals you're going to stop and you're going to catch up on

all the Super Chats that have come in so far.

Just catch up, respond to each one of those, and then continue on with your

content. Another way to deliver and capture good value through your YouTube

videos when your audience are your customers is to create a product that

you're going to sell to them. And this is where knowing your target audience and

your value proposition really becomes important. The way I think about like in

terms of creating a product that you're going to sell, is how can you deliver 10x of

that same value that they're subscribed like the thing they already want from

you, what is that thing they want? How do you sell that 10x value in a package

that they're willing to pay for? Let's say you have a woodworking channel where

you're teaching people how to build things with wood. So you make a video

just showing how you are gonna make a coffee table, right. So you make that

whole video showing how the coffee table, and that's like 1X the value. But

then you say at the end of the video like hey maybe the product is you know

for $9.95 they can buy a PDF that's going to have video of

every step of the way, like video instructions. It's going to have the

entire like list of all the materials they need to buy so they can go straight

to a store and just buy everything that they need to buy. And then it's gonna

have the cut list, all the supplies laid out, it's gonna have nice big pictures of

every cut, every screw hole. Now let's say though, for example, you're not an

educational channel, you're more of an entertainment channel. Like "Tim that

makes perfect sense for the DIY, tutorial, how-to type of channels. But I am

actually like I'm a vlogger, or I'm a gamer, or I'm a comedy channel or

something like that - how does that work for me?" Same principle applies. What is

the value that your target audience wants to consume from you, and then how

can you package that and 10x that same value in a format they're willing to pay

for? So in that example, let's say you're a family vlogger, and one of the things

you're gonna start doing on your channel regularly is start doing something

called Family Adventure Day. And let's say that's just a day that you go out

and your family tries to experience something new in a way that's, you know,

relatively inexpensive. All for the purpose of building relationships with

the people in your family. Let's say you start doing a family adventure day once

a week. And then in every single one of those videos, you can easily integrate a

product of your own saying "hey guys this is what we're doing to build

relationships as a family. If you guys want some ideas of how you can do this

with your family, we have a PDF you can download. It's called

52 Family Adventure Day ideas that cost $10 or less." So they can get 1X in the

video watching your story watching you guys build your relationships together

as a family. But then they can buy this PDF and say like here's a whole like

fifty-two more ideas I can do one of these a week for an entire year and

build relationships my family. You get what I'm saying? So same principle applies. One

of the great things about YouTube, though, is that your revenue streams are limited

pretty much just by your creativity. You can come up with a lot of different

ideas than the ones we've suggested here. And I want to hear from you in the

comments of this video - what other ideas have you implemented on your channel? Or

maybe you're thinking about implementing on your channel? And read the comments

other people are leaving down there, you're gonna learn a ton from them. If

this is something you're thinking through, you're gonna

a lot of other ideas from those people down there as well. Thanks for hanging

out with me a little bit here, and we will see you guys at the next Creator

Academy Master Class. See you then, bye! For more lessons from the Creator Academy,

check out the links in the description and be sure to subscribe. Thanks for


For more infomation >> Your Viewers = Your Customers | Master Class ft. Tim Schmoyer - Duration: 6:53.


444 Synchronicity Meaning Why Does 4 44 Keep Appearing Wherever - Duration: 3:54.

444 Synchronicity Meaning Why Does 4 44 Keep Appearing Wherever I Look

by Conscious Reminder

Do you find your eyes drawn towards the watch exactly when it shows 4:44?

Have you seen these three 4�s other times too?

Have you been noticing them a lot lately?

If yes, then it is a message from the spirit world, where they want to get in touch with


Showing you triple numbers or synchronicities is your spirit guide�s way of getting your


It might mean many different things, so here we tried to sum up the 5 most common interpretations

of seeing 444 synchronicities:

You have started your journey of spiritual awakening.

444 is a sign to let you know that you are now on your path to spiritual awakening.

You started this journey because you wanted to know what the real nature of the universe

is or if you wanted to know more about yourself, other than what is obvious on the surface.

Whatever the reason was, you started seeking spiritual answers to your questions and in

the process have become more aware of the universe and different energies.

Seeing 444 is a sign from the spiritual world that you are on the right track.

You have the support of your guardian angels in the journey of your life.

This is a sign from your guiding angels that they are right by your side in your life journey

and you can ask them for any kind of help you want.

As humans we have free will and therefore they need our permission before they can help

or interfere in our life.

Give them this permission by engaging in conversations with them and asking them to show you the


They are there and they are listening and they will help you by showing you the path

you need to take.

Have faith in where you are going In the journey of life, there are many moments

when we second guess ourselves and are plagued with doubts.

But if these doubts have no solid foundations, your spirit guides will show you the number

444 to assure you that you are on the right path and need not be worried.

They are telling you to confidently take strides in the direction that you have chosen for

yourself and do not be afraid because they are there to help you whenever need be.

You are in sync with the universe As you unravel your spiritual origin and dimensions

you will realize that you are in fact, one with creation.

You are not just the product of the universe, but also a part of it.

You are becoming more aware of the energies of the universe and the spirit world that

surrounds you and this is making you be in perfect harmony with all of them.

You are in complete synchronicity with the universe and all its denizens and this is

the way of the spiritual world to show you where you have arrived.

Pay attention to your gut feeling.

This is perhaps the most important message that the universe is trying to get to you.

Now that you are more aware of the spiritual world and are in harmony with the universe.

You are already well on your way to spiritual awakening and therefore now, more than ever

before you need to trust your instincts.

You are supported and guided at every step and no you just need to listen to your own

self, because you know the best.

This is the most important message that 444 synchronicity has for you and you should better

pay attention to it.

For more infomation >> 444 Synchronicity Meaning Why Does 4 44 Keep Appearing Wherever - Duration: 3:54.


3ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario - 23 de enero de 2018 - Ciclo B - 7:00 PM - Duration: 1:33:18.

For more infomation >> 3ª semana del Tiempo Ordinario - 23 de enero de 2018 - Ciclo B - 7:00 PM - Duration: 1:33:18.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250 Automaat - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250 Automaat - Duration: 1:00.


Chief Consular Officer Jason Spellberg on H-2A/B visa announcement - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Chief Consular Officer Jason Spellberg on H-2A/B visa announcement - Duration: 0:36.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Style - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Style - Duration: 0:59.


Quick 3 Minute Fat Loss Workout For Busy People | All Levels Beginner to Advanced | Reveal Abs 2018 - Duration: 6:01.

level one now I think this is a really nice starting point especially for some

of you who are heavier because this will be really easy on the knees and the

joints and having a bit of extra weight could affect your joints so we don't

want to jump into anything literally with jumping in it because

that may not be the best for your joints so I think this is a nice starting point

here this will be challenging though if you're heavier person or if you're unfit

you know getting into fitness this will still challenge you

sufficiently now level 2 which might seem like a big step up from level 1 but

you're not standing up just yet this is gonna give you the necessary

cardiovascular endurance that you need for the explosiveness at later levels

there's still some explosiveness here but it's not quite at that advanced

stage yet this is a nice preparatory phase for what's to come and right here

my camera betrayed me you can't even trust your own equipment these days

level three now I want you to pay attention to how I'm standing up I'm not

getting up slowly the explosiveness that we learned from level two transfers very

well into this level three notice how I'm just kind of snapping myself up I'm

doing each rep separately so that you can see but when you're doing them I

want you to do them consecutively one after the other level four now here's

where things get interesting you're actually gonna be jumping now and you're

gonna be putting hands up in the air whether or not you choose to wave them

like you just don't care that is up to you but I want you to do a jump and I

want you to yeah I think I was a lost counter where I was there but anyways

yeah so that's level four level five and now here things start to get really

difficult this is what it difficulty sets in so at the bottom position you're

gonna drop down into sort of like a push-up and this is actually a full

Burpee this is what a true burpee looks like well it's the level five everything

else before this was just beginner stuff helping you get to this stage level six

as you can see push up get a little core rotation there another push up and

then you go for the jump level six is truly truly brutal this it's gonna take

you a while to get everything coordinated you might miss a push-up at

first you might actually do too many pushups actually I don't know who'd want

to do too many push-ups but it's gonna take you a while to get a coordination

down for this because there's so much involved it when you get it when you try

it you'll realize that this is brutal and it's actually really good for your

cardiovascular system you'll hate me now and you'll thank me later

now let me show you how to implement this in a workout so let me give you an

example real quick okay let's say you are at level 3 so you can do level 3 for

around 45 seconds then you rest for 20 seconds and you move on to level 2 and

you do level 2 for as you can let's say you do it for around 30

seconds then you take another 20 seconds rest and then you downgrade again to

level 1 and you'll keep doing this until you hit 3 minutes 3 minutes is the time

limit that's it standard time obviously you'll need to set a stopwatch right

before you start so that you can know where you're at and when you can do the

first exercise which would have been the level 3 for the full 3 minutes then you

move on to level 4 and then after you can do the level 4 for the for 3 minutes

then you move on to level 5 for a full three minutes and then finally level 6

when you can do level six for a full three minutes I guarantee you that's a

guarantee you'll be very fit you'll be fitted in practically almost everyone

you know well that's it for this super quick no excuse workout for busy people

if you like this content if you want more leave a like subscribe I'll

definitely be back with more bye

For more infomation >> Quick 3 Minute Fat Loss Workout For Busy People | All Levels Beginner to Advanced | Reveal Abs 2018 - Duration: 6:01.


Selfies on iPhone X - Apple

For more infomation >> Selfies on iPhone X - Apple


For more infomation >> Selfies on iPhone X - Apple


GRWM Purple Cut Crease Tutorial with Colorescience Total Eye 3-in- 1 Renewal Therapy SPF 35 Primer - Duration: 16:28.

Hey, friends, welcome back.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Courtney, and I have my two standard poodles, Phaedra

and Nyx, hanging out in the room with me, so if you see them in the background, that's

what they are.

Today's video is sponsored by Colorescience, so thank you Colorescience for making this

tutorial possible.

I'm very excited, because I get to debut their Total Eye 3-in-1 SPF 35 product.

It launches on February first on Colorescience website, and it will be available for pre-order

from January 23rd, which should be today.

This is a three in one treatment product.

It has SPF 35.

It's supposed to correct around the eye area with neutral peach tone, and with continued

use it's supposed to address issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles under

the eyes.

This is what the applicator looks like for this eye cream product.

It's supposed to be cooling when you put it on and reduce any puffiness.

Now, I've already put on my SPF 55 from Emme Diane all over my face, and I'm going to go

ahead and put this on next.

And it's actually kind of neat because you just pull down, let me see if you can see

this, you just pull down like this to get out product.

And then you dot it around your eye area.

I did half a pump.

And then I'm going to smooth it with my finger.

And I was a little nervous at first because I don't usually use tinted primers very much,

but I find that this light peachy color is actually very neutral because it does blend

in pretty well with my skin, and it covers up any discoloration.

I don't really have dark circles.

Sometimes, very rarely, you'll see a little bit of dark purpley right here at my inner

corner, but that's only if I've had very little sleep.

And this feels really good when you put it on the skin.

I basically feel like, when I'm looking it, it blends out pretty seamlessly.

You can see a slight peach tint.

I'm just going to go ahead and set this with the Milani Prep Set Go setting powder and

a big fluffy brush.

This is a bdellium 787.

And I will be primed and ready to put on eye makeup.

Now, you guys asked for me to do a tutorial on that cut-crease look that I did with Stila

Cosmetics Cloud, so that's what I'm going to do for you.

I basically use two different pallets for that.

The Kat Von D Pastel Goth, which is no longer available.

But if you're looking for similar colors to what I'm going to be using, because I'm going

to be using Meow and Dope.

I would recommend checking out the Sigma Crème de Couture palette, because it has some pastel


And also, Darling Girl makes some really nice matte pastels, too, if you like those eyeshadow


I'm just running my brush over both of those purple colors, because I want to create a

soft purple transition crease.

And then, I am blending, basically, when I'm applying this, in circles.

And I'm using the Sigma E25 just to build up the color on the lid, well on my transition,

so on my hood.

And I'm going to go ahead and bring this color down onto my lid and my lower lid.

So now that I have the purple all over my eye I'm going to take another brush, and this

is the Sigma E35, and just blend in circles all over to make sure this is pretty soft.

This is one of my Soft Spots brushes.

It's basically just a light, fluffy brush that's smaller than what I was using before.

I just want to add more depth to my purple, which is why I'm layering it.

And I'm not going up quite as high as I went on the other color.

This color has quite a bit more pigmentation than the Kat Von D colors, so it can be really

easy to go overboard, so use a very light hand.

So, what I did last time after I finished this step, was I went back to the color Meow,

which is the lighter of the two purples, it's more like the pinky purple from the Kat Von

D Patel Goth palette.

And I started blending this at the inner crease.

And our lower lid.

I just feel that layering these purples makes it look more like it has more depth.

I'm going to take the Nyx 31 brush with lilac, which is like a pastel, lighter purple matte,

and help to blend the outer edges of this, right on the brow bone.

I just think it's going to make for a smoother looking eyeshadow look.

I'm actually going to go ahead and do my brows next, just because that'll help me with my

eye shape.

This is Queen of the Fill in black.

And I really need to get my brows shaped and tinted because they're looking pretty sad

right now.

I'm just blending that tinted brow gel through my brows.

This is my favorite brow pencil, it's the Color Pop jet set black.

So, this part is probably a little bit different than what you've ever seen.

This technique was actually taught to me by one of the girls in the PhyrraNyx Facebook


I believe that her name is Maria.

So, what I'm going to do is basically take the Stila Cloud, and I'm going to kind of

paint this heavily onto my lid because I want it to transfer when I blink.

And then I'm going to use a brush to clean it up.

So I am absolutely trying to blink to make it transfer as much as possible on my hooded

eyes, because that's going to show me how high to take the color for my hooded eyes.

And then I'm just going to grab a short little round brush.

Until I met Maria I'd never seen anybody do that whole blink technique, but I do think

it really works.

And then, how far you take it to your outer corner is obviously personal preference, but

I'm going to actually bring some eyeshadow out there, so I don't want to bring it all

the way out.

I really just use this little brush to fix the shape.

And I feel like, by doing this, it makes your hooded eye shape work for you rather than

against you.

And then, I'm taking more of that color cloud on this little brush to do my inner corner.

Well, really the inner V hood.

There you go.

So now that I have that on, I'm going to go back to the Kylie palette and use the color

blueberry, which is like this dark cool gray.

It's a really great color.

Putting a little bit of that dark cool gray on the brush, and I tapped off the excess,

and I'm going to go where the color cloud meets the purple, maybe slightly above it,

and start blending at that line with this brush.

And I'm doing this very gently.

And I'm going to bring it down on the outer corner of my lid, kind of in the outer V accent


And the outer lower lid.

And don't worry, we're going to go back and blend this.

I'm kind of doing a cut-crease, but we're going to blend it out, so don't think it's

just going to stay like that.

I'm just going to make the other side match.

Going to go back to Turning Violet from the Kylie palette.

And this is another detail smudger brush.

And right along the top, where that gray color is, I'm hitting that with the purple on this


And just really blending this out really more.

And we're going to go back with another color, so don't worry, it's still not going to be

this harsh.

Now we're going to go back with Lilac, which is the pastelly purple.

And blend those colors.

And I'm using the Nyx 31 brush for this.

I'm going to go back with Meow and the Sigma E25.

I'm going to clean up the fall-out under the eyes, and just shape the eyeshadow just a

little bit more.

And then I'm going to go back with a little bit more of the Colorescience, and just put

a tiny little bit on a brush, my Sigma P89.

Just cleaning up around the eye with the Colorescience.

I did buy a new eyeliner to try a bunch of you recommended to me.

It's the Physicians Formula Ultra Black eyeliner.

So I'm going to see how this works.

And hopefully it works well.

I'm really just lining at the upper lash line.

I also bought a new pencil to try for tight lining.

This is the Wonder Two Super Stay liner in black.

So, I'm going to try and tight line with this.

This is Sigma Final Touch.

I'm going to put this on my lower water line.

I did pick up the Smashbox Photo Finish eye primer to try with this mascara, because I

haven't used a lash primer in a while.

Holy crap.

Well, it looks like this is going to give me some nice length.

I almost forgot to tell you that if you use the coupon code TOTALEYECN, which I'm going

to put on the screen and the description box down below, you can get a free mascara whenever

you order the total 3-in-1 eye cream.

Let's see how this works.

I think I'm liking the mascara and the primer together.

I'm going to put on my Hourglass Veil mineral primer.

And I already have a pretty good amount of glow going on from my Emme Diane SPF sunscreen,

SPF 55.

I'm going to put on my Idun Minerals Nordic Veil foundation in the shade Jorunn mixed

with just a drop of the Hourglass.

And as somebody with dry skin, I really prefer my skin to be glowy, as apposed to super matte.

This is the Nyx sponge, and if you haven't seen these sing its praises, I think it's

my favorite, I think it actually beats out the beauty blender for me now.

So now I'm going to set it with my Laura Gellar Balance-n-Brighten in porcelain.

And I do this because it basically helps my foundation to last all day.

I'm going to put on Physicians Formula plum rose blush.

This is absolutely my little trick for blush.

If you don't know how far to take your blush, put two fingers here, and then do a little

back and forth swish shape.

I'm going to add a teeny tiny little bit of contour with the Physicians Formula Murumuru

Butter Bronzer.

And then I'm going to use my Artist Couture Jackie Aina highlighter in La Peach.

I'm basically going to use this as a blush topper highlighter, because then I'm going

to go in with another highlighter.

And I'm going to go in for the coup de grâce with my Makeup Geek Celestial Highlighter,

my favorite highlight.

I'm just doing this right under the eyes.

I'm going to use it to highlight the eyes, as well.

So sort of in a C-shape around the eye, and then I'm going to go under the brow and at

the inner corner.

Just so I have a little bit more extra highlight going on.

So this is more Makeup Geek Celestial just right under my brows.

And then I'm going to go ahead and highlight at the inner corner with it.

I'm going to add a teeny tiny bit more blush with Urban Decay's Rapture.

Just a really tiny bit.

I'm excited because I have a new lip product to try.

This is Marc Jacobs.

And the color is, it's on here somewhere, Night Mauves, like night moves.

So I just put on Marc Jacobs Night Mauves lip pencil.

This is actually from their, I think, new liquid lipstick line.

Yeah, it's the new liquid lip crayon.

So I'm really excited to try this.

I'm going to put a teeny tiny bit of Huda Beauty Snobby at the center of my lips.

This is from my new Give Me Some Lip kit from Sephora.

I'm back from having to take Nyx outside to go potty.

It was a very impromptu potty break in the rain.

And I ended up blotting this because the gloss made the lipstick come off on my teeth, which

I hate.

I do like the slightly iridescent effect from it though.

So I'm going to go ahead and zoom in so you can see the finished eye look.

So here's the finished eye look.

I want to say thank you again to Colorescience for sponsoring this tutorial.

Let me know if you decide to check out the Total Eye 3-in-1 Renewal Therapy SPF 35 product.

I really do love it as an eye primer and color corrector, and I think it's awesome that it

as extra skin benefits for fine lines around the eyes, and the SPF 35 because you know

I'm crazy about wearing SPF since the sun is so brutal here in Florida.

If you like this video and found it fun, entertaining, and helpful, please give it a thumbs up and


I love it when you share my videos and it really helps me out, so thank you very much.

And if you haven't already, click on that little subscribe button down below and I'll

see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> GRWM Purple Cut Crease Tutorial with Colorescience Total Eye 3-in- 1 Renewal Therapy SPF 35 Primer - Duration: 16:28.


For more infomation >> GRWM Purple Cut Crease Tutorial with Colorescience Total Eye 3-in- 1 Renewal Therapy SPF 35 Primer - Duration: 16:28.


Giant Woman (French Cover) - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Giant Woman (French Cover) - Duration: 1:17.


For more infomation >> Giant Woman (French Cover) - Duration: 1:17.


EELS - Trouble With Dreams (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> EELS - Trouble With Dreams (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 4:36.


For more infomation >> EELS - Trouble With Dreams (Subtitulada en Español) - Duration: 4:36.


Voici le secret d'un médecin célèbre pour se débarrasser de la graisse abdominale - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Voici le secret d'un médecin célèbre pour se débarrasser de la graisse abdominale - Duration: 6:01.


For more infomation >> Voici le secret d'un médecin célèbre pour se débarrasser de la graisse abdominale - Duration: 6:01.


L'Éveil de la bête (Saga Coffin Joe/Zé do Caixao) - 1970 - 1h34 -V.O St.Fr - Film complet - Duration: 1:34:30.

For more infomation >> L'Éveil de la bête (Saga Coffin Joe/Zé do Caixao) - 1970 - 1h34 -V.O St.Fr - Film complet - Duration: 1:34:30.


For more infomation >> L'Éveil de la bête (Saga Coffin Joe/Zé do Caixao) - 1970 - 1h34 -V.O St.Fr - Film complet - Duration: 1:34:30.


Dealing with Anxiety After Chi...

For more infomation >> Dealing with Anxiety After Chi...


LA CAPTURA DE M.GORDO - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> LA CAPTURA DE M.GORDO - Duration: 3:26.


Citroën Jumpy BlueHDi 120 Business M Navi/SAM/LMV/PDC - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy BlueHDi 120 Business M Navi/SAM/LMV/PDC - Duration: 0:54.


Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-JET ACTUAL / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / EL. PAKKET / RADIO-CD - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 M-JET ACTUAL / 5 DEURS / AIRCO / EL. PAKKET / RADIO-CD - Duration: 0:57.


Giant Woman (French Cover) - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Giant Woman (French Cover) - Duration: 1:17.


Phantom Shorts EP. 6 Comfort and Joy - Duration: 2:42.

Previously on Phantom in Paradise!

Wow. Wow. I'll tell you what. Alignment!

Before any of this happens...

We ensure that our test vehicles go through a professional

mounting road force balancing (Got it. Check) and a computerized four wheel

alignment. Alignment! The equipment and technology is so sophisticated in this

building (Oh) and we value alignment so much (Hmm) that we simply can't allow your

cameras into the build. Interesting. Bye, Chris. Ta-ta for now.

Ahhh. I'm in heaven. Mounting, computer spin balancing, hand grinding, double hand torquing

and and and finally...Alignment!

So crucial. And the most magnificent rack I have ever witnessed.

You've got that right. This car won't even so much as smell the

track until we've got all the caster, camber, toe and thrust angles perfect.

Just like Tire Discounters. Wow. Say, would you like to hear about the time I first

used a hunter alignment rack. Sure would, Phantom. Sure would but first let's go have a little fun.


So, Phantom. Now we get to go for Hot Laps.

Hot Laps? Seems harmless.

Now that I know we're aligned. Properly!

You okay there, Phantom? You doin' alright, buddy?

Fine. Oh my!!!

Phantom, I live my life one slide at a time.

Well said young man.

Oh, yes! One slide at a time, Phantom. One slide. You doing alright there, buddy?

Yeah. Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine thanks for asking. Both hands on the wheel there, Ryan. Keep a steady grip.

Don't lose your lunch, Phantom. Don't lose your lunch. It's alright, buddy.

Oh, I've lost my looks before but not like this. Whoa!

Sometimes people get a little scared of these things.

It's alright. We are perfectly under control the whole time.

I have total confidence, Ryan, in your abilities. Remember Ryan, safety first!

Out for a Sunday drive (singing).

It's Thursday, Ryan. AHHHHHHH!

So Phantom, what do you think of your first Ride and Drive?

Wow. Wow I. Exactly. Alignment. Safety. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Ryan, these tires are, well they're incredible.


For more infomation >> Phantom Shorts EP. 6 Comfort and Joy - Duration: 2:42.


GRWM Purple Cut Crease Tutorial with Colorescience Total Eye 3-in- 1 Renewal Therapy SPF 35 Primer - Duration: 16:28.

Hey, friends, welcome back.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Courtney, and I have my two standard poodles, Phaedra

and Nyx, hanging out in the room with me, so if you see them in the background, that's

what they are.

Today's video is sponsored by Colorescience, so thank you Colorescience for making this

tutorial possible.

I'm very excited, because I get to debut their Total Eye 3-in-1 SPF 35 product.

It launches on February first on Colorescience website, and it will be available for pre-order

from January 23rd, which should be today.

This is a three in one treatment product.

It has SPF 35.

It's supposed to correct around the eye area with neutral peach tone, and with continued

use it's supposed to address issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles under

the eyes.

This is what the applicator looks like for this eye cream product.

It's supposed to be cooling when you put it on and reduce any puffiness.

Now, I've already put on my SPF 55 from Emme Diane all over my face, and I'm going to go

ahead and put this on next.

And it's actually kind of neat because you just pull down, let me see if you can see

this, you just pull down like this to get out product.

And then you dot it around your eye area.

I did half a pump.

And then I'm going to smooth it with my finger.

And I was a little nervous at first because I don't usually use tinted primers very much,

but I find that this light peachy color is actually very neutral because it does blend

in pretty well with my skin, and it covers up any discoloration.

I don't really have dark circles.

Sometimes, very rarely, you'll see a little bit of dark purpley right here at my inner

corner, but that's only if I've had very little sleep.

And this feels really good when you put it on the skin.

I basically feel like, when I'm looking it, it blends out pretty seamlessly.

You can see a slight peach tint.

I'm just going to go ahead and set this with the Milani Prep Set Go setting powder and

a big fluffy brush.

This is a bdellium 787.

And I will be primed and ready to put on eye makeup.

Now, you guys asked for me to do a tutorial on that cut-crease look that I did with Stila

Cosmetics Cloud, so that's what I'm going to do for you.

I basically use two different pallets for that.

The Kat Von D Pastel Goth, which is no longer available.

But if you're looking for similar colors to what I'm going to be using, because I'm going

to be using Meow and Dope.

I would recommend checking out the Sigma Crème de Couture palette, because it has some pastel


And also, Darling Girl makes some really nice matte pastels, too, if you like those eyeshadow


I'm just running my brush over both of those purple colors, because I want to create a

soft purple transition crease.

And then, I am blending, basically, when I'm applying this, in circles.

And I'm using the Sigma E25 just to build up the color on the lid, well on my transition,

so on my hood.

And I'm going to go ahead and bring this color down onto my lid and my lower lid.

So now that I have the purple all over my eye I'm going to take another brush, and this

is the Sigma E35, and just blend in circles all over to make sure this is pretty soft.

This is one of my Soft Spots brushes.

It's basically just a light, fluffy brush that's smaller than what I was using before.

I just want to add more depth to my purple, which is why I'm layering it.

And I'm not going up quite as high as I went on the other color.

This color has quite a bit more pigmentation than the Kat Von D colors, so it can be really

easy to go overboard, so use a very light hand.

So, what I did last time after I finished this step, was I went back to the color Meow,

which is the lighter of the two purples, it's more like the pinky purple from the Kat Von

D Patel Goth palette.

And I started blending this at the inner crease.

And our lower lid.

I just feel that layering these purples makes it look more like it has more depth.

I'm going to take the Nyx 31 brush with lilac, which is like a pastel, lighter purple matte,

and help to blend the outer edges of this, right on the brow bone.

I just think it's going to make for a smoother looking eyeshadow look.

I'm actually going to go ahead and do my brows next, just because that'll help me with my

eye shape.

This is Queen of the Fill in black.

And I really need to get my brows shaped and tinted because they're looking pretty sad

right now.

I'm just blending that tinted brow gel through my brows.

This is my favorite brow pencil, it's the Color Pop jet set black.

So, this part is probably a little bit different than what you've ever seen.

This technique was actually taught to me by one of the girls in the PhyrraNyx Facebook


I believe that her name is Maria.

So, what I'm going to do is basically take the Stila Cloud, and I'm going to kind of

paint this heavily onto my lid because I want it to transfer when I blink.

And then I'm going to use a brush to clean it up.

So I am absolutely trying to blink to make it transfer as much as possible on my hooded

eyes, because that's going to show me how high to take the color for my hooded eyes.

And then I'm just going to grab a short little round brush.

Until I met Maria I'd never seen anybody do that whole blink technique, but I do think

it really works.

And then, how far you take it to your outer corner is obviously personal preference, but

I'm going to actually bring some eyeshadow out there, so I don't want to bring it all

the way out.

I really just use this little brush to fix the shape.

And I feel like, by doing this, it makes your hooded eye shape work for you rather than

against you.

And then, I'm taking more of that color cloud on this little brush to do my inner corner.

Well, really the inner V hood.

There you go.

So now that I have that on, I'm going to go back to the Kylie palette and use the color

blueberry, which is like this dark cool gray.

It's a really great color.

Putting a little bit of that dark cool gray on the brush, and I tapped off the excess,

and I'm going to go where the color cloud meets the purple, maybe slightly above it,

and start blending at that line with this brush.

And I'm doing this very gently.

And I'm going to bring it down on the outer corner of my lid, kind of in the outer V accent


And the outer lower lid.

And don't worry, we're going to go back and blend this.

I'm kind of doing a cut-crease, but we're going to blend it out, so don't think it's

just going to stay like that.

I'm just going to make the other side match.

Going to go back to Turning Violet from the Kylie palette.

And this is another detail smudger brush.

And right along the top, where that gray color is, I'm hitting that with the purple on this


And just really blending this out really more.

And we're going to go back with another color, so don't worry, it's still not going to be

this harsh.

Now we're going to go back with Lilac, which is the pastelly purple.

And blend those colors.

And I'm using the Nyx 31 brush for this.

I'm going to go back with Meow and the Sigma E25.

I'm going to clean up the fall-out under the eyes, and just shape the eyeshadow just a

little bit more.

And then I'm going to go back with a little bit more of the Colorescience, and just put

a tiny little bit on a brush, my Sigma P89.

Just cleaning up around the eye with the Colorescience.

I did buy a new eyeliner to try a bunch of you recommended to me.

It's the Physicians Formula Ultra Black eyeliner.

So I'm going to see how this works.

And hopefully it works well.

I'm really just lining at the upper lash line.

I also bought a new pencil to try for tight lining.

This is the Wonder Two Super Stay liner in black.

So, I'm going to try and tight line with this.

This is Sigma Final Touch.

I'm going to put this on my lower water line.

I did pick up the Smashbox Photo Finish eye primer to try with this mascara, because I

haven't used a lash primer in a while.

Holy crap.

Well, it looks like this is going to give me some nice length.

I almost forgot to tell you that if you use the coupon code TOTALEYECN, which I'm going

to put on the screen and the description box down below, you can get a free mascara whenever

you order the total 3-in-1 eye cream.

Let's see how this works.

I think I'm liking the mascara and the primer together.

I'm going to put on my Hourglass Veil mineral primer.

And I already have a pretty good amount of glow going on from my Emme Diane SPF sunscreen,

SPF 55.

I'm going to put on my Idun Minerals Nordic Veil foundation in the shade Jorunn mixed

with just a drop of the Hourglass.

And as somebody with dry skin, I really prefer my skin to be glowy, as apposed to super matte.

This is the Nyx sponge, and if you haven't seen these sing its praises, I think it's

my favorite, I think it actually beats out the beauty blender for me now.

So now I'm going to set it with my Laura Gellar Balance-n-Brighten in porcelain.

And I do this because it basically helps my foundation to last all day.

I'm going to put on Physicians Formula plum rose blush.

This is absolutely my little trick for blush.

If you don't know how far to take your blush, put two fingers here, and then do a little

back and forth swish shape.

I'm going to add a teeny tiny little bit of contour with the Physicians Formula Murumuru

Butter Bronzer.

And then I'm going to use my Artist Couture Jackie Aina highlighter in La Peach.

I'm basically going to use this as a blush topper highlighter, because then I'm going

to go in with another highlighter.

And I'm going to go in for the coup de grâce with my Makeup Geek Celestial Highlighter,

my favorite highlight.

I'm just doing this right under the eyes.

I'm going to use it to highlight the eyes, as well.

So sort of in a C-shape around the eye, and then I'm going to go under the brow and at

the inner corner.

Just so I have a little bit more extra highlight going on.

So this is more Makeup Geek Celestial just right under my brows.

And then I'm going to go ahead and highlight at the inner corner with it.

I'm going to add a teeny tiny bit more blush with Urban Decay's Rapture.

Just a really tiny bit.

I'm excited because I have a new lip product to try.

This is Marc Jacobs.

And the color is, it's on here somewhere, Night Mauves, like night moves.

So I just put on Marc Jacobs Night Mauves lip pencil.

This is actually from their, I think, new liquid lipstick line.

Yeah, it's the new liquid lip crayon.

So I'm really excited to try this.

I'm going to put a teeny tiny bit of Huda Beauty Snobby at the center of my lips.

This is from my new Give Me Some Lip kit from Sephora.

I'm back from having to take Nyx outside to go potty.

It was a very impromptu potty break in the rain.

And I ended up blotting this because the gloss made the lipstick come off on my teeth, which

I hate.

I do like the slightly iridescent effect from it though.

So I'm going to go ahead and zoom in so you can see the finished eye look.

So here's the finished eye look.

I want to say thank you again to Colorescience for sponsoring this tutorial.

Let me know if you decide to check out the Total Eye 3-in-1 Renewal Therapy SPF 35 product.

I really do love it as an eye primer and color corrector, and I think it's awesome that it

as extra skin benefits for fine lines around the eyes, and the SPF 35 because you know

I'm crazy about wearing SPF since the sun is so brutal here in Florida.

If you like this video and found it fun, entertaining, and helpful, please give it a thumbs up and


I love it when you share my videos and it really helps me out, so thank you very much.

And if you haven't already, click on that little subscribe button down below and I'll

see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> GRWM Purple Cut Crease Tutorial with Colorescience Total Eye 3-in- 1 Renewal Therapy SPF 35 Primer - Duration: 16:28.


The Greatest Showman - Tightrope - Scott & Ryceejo a cappella - Duration: 5:38.

Some people long for life that is simple and planned

Tied with a ribbon some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land

To follow what's written, but I'd follow you to the great unknown

Off to world we'd call our own

Hand in my hand and we promised to never let go

We're walking a tightrope, high in the sky, we can see the whole world

down below

We're walking a tightrope

Never sure, never know how far we could fall

But it's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view

Walking a tightrope

With you, ooh

With you, ooh, oh with you

Mountains and valleys and all that will come in between

Desert and ocean you pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream

Always in motion, so I'd

Risk it all

just to be

with you

and I risk it all

For this life we choose

Hand in my hand and we promised to never let go

We're walking a tightrope, high in the sky we can see the whole world down below

We're walking a tightrope

Now I'm sure

That you'll catch me, if I should fall

Ryceejo: Well it's all an adventure

That comes with a breathtaking view Scott: Well, it's all an adventure

that comes with a breathtaking


Walking a tightrope

With you, ooh


With you, ooh

Oh, with you

With you, ooh

With you

*Inaudible talking*

All right right hey, thanks for watching!

We were so grateful to have Stephanie and David to dance with us for our music video

Stephanie is an incredible ballroom dancer and also she is Scott's sister and

David moon is a professional ballroom dancer as well as an instructor and a performer right now with dance

You can find his channel at David Moon Media on Instagram and also films music videos

He did one of ours two years ago if you can guess what it is. You get three gold stars

And all those links are below

Thank you so much to our patrons who make this all possible their names are somewhere on this screen probably over David's face

I don't know. There's somewhere well. Thank you so much. You make this possible


If you want to know what that is check out down below. See how you can support us and help support these videos

We're doing more Disney mashups. We have another Disney mashup coming out next month

We've already arranged it and it's all recorded and everything. We're just

Waiting for snow to film it if that gives you any hint. It hasn't snowed in Utah, but we're waiting for that so

I never thought I'd say that I don't like snow

Please snow! Okay. Anyways. Thank you so much for everything

For more infomation >> The Greatest Showman - Tightrope - Scott & Ryceejo a cappella - Duration: 5:38.


Mary, the trapped girl - The Xav Experience - Duration: 11:01.

If you're seeing this your captions are running perfectly fine.

The Xav Experience presents

hiimmarymary: Analysis and commentary

Welcome to another episode of The Xav Experience!

In the past we've talked about TV invaders,

bizarre home videos

evil androids,

but today I'll show you one of the most complete oddities on the internet.

It's about a girl. A girl who woke up with barely any memory and in a house of which she can't get out.

She's Mary, and something very unsettling happens around her.

On April 21st, 2016, the hiimmarymary YouTube account is created,

over two months later, the twitter account "Hithereiammary"

tweeted for the first time.

On July 5th, she tweets again.

Four days later, Mary uploads "Hello" on YouTube.

Mary states that she doesn't know if anyone can watch the video,

she tells that she woke up the previous week with no idea of who she is, where she is and how she got there.

She thinks she's trapped in a house, which looks like her parents', but some things are off.

She can't get out because doors won't open and windows are unbreakable.

She hasn't encountered any other person, so to pass the time, she started recording stuff.

She also explains that she avoids showing her face because she's shy.

Her computers run properly but she can't see or interacr with anyone else on the internet.

It's as if she was completely alone in the universe.

This prevents Mary from receiving help, it prevents the story from being interfered.

During this period of time in which Mary is alone, her videos can't be commented on.

On July 24th, she uploads the video "Dislikeness". A word that completely defines Mary.

In the video, she explains that she has enough food, water and lighting to live.

However, at night, lights work randomly, forcing her to put lanterns everywhere.

Look at this portrait or a blonde girl in a white dress, we'll come back to it later.

Mary, bored or tired, taps the door. Those taps are actually morse code for "S.O.S."

The girl tries to find information about her, searching for things in the house.

She finds a picture of herself, which she doesn't like and cuts her face off the photo.

In the following scene, Mary is washing her hands when, on the mirror, a girl appears. She's wearing a black dress and a white mask, and poses while mocking the real Mary.

The video closes with to messages, one very noticeable saying the above.

The other one is almost transparent, and it says "She's so much prettier than me".

A month later, Mary uploads another video called "goodnight?"

She states that she can't sleep at nights anymore.

Notice what seems to be a corrupted family photo on the bottom right.

Mary struggles with boredom, so she does different things, like playing a cover of Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer.

This song talks about inherited diseases and mentions a family that she can't escape from, that lives inside her.

I don't think this song was randomly chosen (And I'm not the only one).

It has to do with the story and we'll see why.

Mary tells that she has been sleeping during the day and staying awake during the night, after being stalked by a shadow man.

Days later, Mary is still trying to fight the darkness, surrounding herself with lights as much as possible.

This is useless as the shadow man still haunts her, and now something that looks like a dark ink splat threatens her too.

In the following video, things get "worse".

Mary is also stalked by another entity. A women wearing a black dress and a veil covering her face.

In the first video, the protagonist is presented.

The first villain, the masked girl is presented in the second video.

The shadow man is introduced in the third video.

The dark spot shows up in the fourth video.

The black veil woman is properly introduced in the fifth video.

And the we have all that haunts Mary in the house. A man, two women and a pit of darkness.

As the videos are uploaded, Mary tweets thoughts, reactions and information that adds to the story.

She doesn't remember her family and the pictures at her house are less and less familiar.

Since then, Mary tries to go on with her troubled life,

drawing a map of the house so she can know where she's safe and hwere she isn't.

She also shows more confidence. Enough to show her face, apply makeup and talking.

However, the entities are still tormenting her.

The constant bullying drives Mary to finally escaping the house.

She discovers a forest which she calls "garden".

She says she could spend hours there, and is notoriably more relaxed.

Still, she has to get back to the house and deal with the monsters.

Every time the demons take advantage of her, she harshly criticizes herself.

We get to "Hide and seek", where Mary confronts the faceless woman, after a long chase.

The monster reveals Mary created them.

So, they are not supernatural beings; they are inside Mary's head.

We're now at "Check in",

where Mary says she spends more time at the garden than at the house for obvious reasons.

The garden is endless, she can walk nonstop without going anywhere else other than the house.

For Mary, it's better than reality.

For a second we can see a woman wearing a white dress. New character?

Remember the girl from the portrait? I think that was focused on purpose and she may had something to do with this lady.

Coming back to the video, Mary no longer worries about her past, and is trying to move on.

She ends up revealing she can see other people on the internet.

From this video on, comments are activated. She can also answer to tweets.

That has been the latest video up to now.

What's up with Mary since then?

She's still posting on Twitter, as I said. She has discovered music and memes.

She also brought things from the garden to the house but they disappeared.

It seems like no foreign object can enter the house without it vanishing.

She also adopted a rock and kept it in her pocket, so it couldn't disappear.

Per fan suggestion, the rock is named Dwayne.

She also addressed the lady in white, but she coudln't identify her neither interact with her.

On January 19th, she talked about opening a blogspot so she can talk about recent happenings.

And the story goes on...

Now let's get to the point.

Hiimmarymary is a ficticious webseries.

Nothing in the videos is real

and the girl making this is a 20 year old college student, who refers herself as K, preserving her anonymity.

Anyway, she's been recently interviewed in an hour and a half long video.

I have yet to watch it but it should reveal a lot of things.

In addition, she has a Tumblr blog dedicated to the making of the webseries.

This is fiction. But it's a very good fiction.

Made mainly with Adobe AfterEffects, HIMM stands out for its excellent editing and awesome storytellling,

blink-and-you'll-miss-it details,

and a lot of metaphors that symbolize Mary's backstory.

In my opinion, Mary is a girl with a lot of self-esteem problems.

YouTuber Inside A Mind proposed the theory that the monsters stalking Mary represent mental illnesses.

The shadow man represents insomnia, preventing Mary from sleeping.

The masked girl, the image of her body, Mary's self-awareness.

The woman with the veil covering her face, anxiety. The constant state of fear.

This has big chances of being true, but I also think that the mosnters are representations of Mary's family inside her mind.

The fact that it's her parents' house, and that she played Runs in the Family on piano,

besides the corrupted photo, indicate the importance of family in this story.

A sister that looked perfect, with a flawless beauty like a mask's, and who received all the attention.

A mother that bullies her unwanted daughter and treats her like an annoyance.

A father that doesn't interfere and lurks from the shadows, letting everything happen.

But, who's the woman in white? I don't think she'll be a villain.

She represents light, Mary's tranquility, opposing to the darkness of the monsters.

We need more videos to get to know this character, and I can't wait for them!


A girl wakes up in a house the resembles her parents'. She has no memory other than her name, Mary.

To kill boredom, she tells her experiences on YouTube and Twitter.

However, she can't see anyone else on the internet other than her.

The house has enough commodities and goods for Mary to live well.

She's attacked by 4 monsters who are actually a product of Mary herself and her fears, traumas or mental illnesses.

After some time, she manages to escape and stay in the garden outside the house.

This causes her to see other people on the internet and interact with them.

And the story goes on.

Please subscribe to her, follow her on Twitter and Tumblr,

it's a really good production but is still a bit underrated.

It draws influence from horror videogames,

it's also inspired by other webseries,

such as Marble Hornets, for instance

and other series that focus about Slender Man.

However this is a very original idea, and it has a good message,

so it deserves following.

What do you think that will happen to Mary now that she is exposed to a whole new world?

Remember to comment and subscribe to watch more content of this kind!

I'm Xav and I'll see you in the next Experience!

Thank you for tuning in The Xav Experience!

Subscribe for more quality content!

For more infomation >> Mary, the trapped girl - The Xav Experience - Duration: 11:01.


YOUTUBE Partner Program 2018 A SMALL YOUTUBER's THOUGHTS! - Duration: 10:41.

What up guys? Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry and let's

talk YouTube Partnership Program! As you, I'm sure know,

if you are part of the YouTube creator

community. That there are changes within the partner program for a YouTube. In

order to be eligible for Adsense income. but "income" I should say. My opinion, I'm

just gonna put full disclaimer, is slightly controversial among the small

creators. My opinion is not probably going to be a popular one.

I am fully warning you. So if you don't want to hear me say that what I think is

going on will be okay and will be good, then you'll probably just want to click

away right now. But if you want to hear my take on it, then you can keep watching.

So I think I have a little bit of a responsibility to touch quickly on this

subject, since I have created a couple videos showing my progress of YouTube

throughout this last year. I haven't quite hit my year mark yet. But I wanted

to give you guys my take on it. Since I had a high performing video of my 10,000

views and what happens with Adsense when hit 10,000 views. So that was a milestone

that YouTube put in place with a partner program back in April of 2017 and I hit

that in August, so it took me about four months to hit that. And you guys had a

lot of questions there. I hope, I guess, to be a somewhat inspirational video

right here. Somewhat ranty video. Like I said some of you guys won't like what I

have to say and that's alright, we're all entitled to our own opinions. No problem

but let's all just be kind about it. So with that being said, we can all calm down.

If you are unfamiliar with what the new requirements are for your adsense

account to be approved: its you must have one thousand subscribers and four

thousand hours of watch time. Four thousand hours. So me personally, I

already have the four thousand hours of watch time. And if you want to

know how I achieve that, with only...I'm just under seven hundred subscribers at

the moment, is I post at least two videos a week and on average those video

or 10 minutes. However, my average watch time is about 4 minutes and then views

vary depending on the video. And as I just said, my subscriber count is just

under 700 subscribers. So what that means, for my channel, is I need to pump out

more quality videos and faster. Faster I'd say because YouTube has created a

leniency if you're small YouTube creator. You have until February 20th to reach

that milestone without going through the process and I think that's pretty cool.

You know, it was more than 30 day notice and most companies can be just being

like "ok starting now you need to have it, if you don't have it too bad". So they

gave you some leniency. They are working with small creators, I feel. And I'm

readjusting my goals, putting out more content, and if I don't hit my thousand

subscribers by February's gonna be ok.

It's gonna be a little annoying, I guess we'll see what happens, if I don't reach

that. And once I do reach the thousand - then figure out what happens next. Just

like what happened when you reach 10,000 views. You kind of just wait around and

then all of a sudden you're starting to make, you know, CENTS again. So I don't know

If that's the situation that's gonna happen, but you guess what we're gonna be

finding out. So if I don't reach the milestone that is set in place by

YouTube by the February 20th date, then I will post a video updating you guys what

happens once you do hit that milestone. So, what my opinion is as a small

youtuber, a small content creator on this platform of the YouTube Partnership

Program, is that it's gonna be okay. I first heard about it back, you know of

course, last week when everything came out. And my first instinct, and I mean all

of our first instinct is to react negatively.

Without thinking to just react. And of course, there's constant changes going on

with YouTube, especially in the last year or two. And it can be challenging to try

to not instantly go to a negative space. And...and that's hard. And I know. And I see

a lot of people going there. And instead of reacting to this one, this time I

decided to take a step back and just read evaluate my situation.

Reevaluate my goals. And see, is this doable? And putting that aside, I'm not

making much anyways. And I think all small creators need to sit down and

analyze their numbers here. And see that, for me at least, it's not a huge revenue

loss or anything. My December Adsense revenue was good, it however is because

of December and holidays and budgets for ad companies. December I made 200 bucks,

so that's nice that gets put right back into the channel. However, when I went to

January, and I'm sure you all know this that are watching it that have a youtube

adsense account, it went down to a dollar maybe, a day. Maybe, I think it went

down to 50 Cent's. But I want you guys, if you are a small creator out there, to

look at your goals and look at the reason why if you're super upset about

all of this. Let yourself be for a second and then pick yourself back up and say

how am I gonna hit it? How am I gonna get those goals? How am I gonna reach my

goals, in life and in YouTube? Things are gonna change in your job, in your 9 to 5,

or whatever you work, things are gonna change. And change is always

uncomfortable but it doesn't have to be a detriment. If you're in it for the

right reasons. And now that's all a question that we all need to ask

ourselves. For me, my channel is about growing the community and we can all

gather together and enjoy makeup and having fun with makeup and hair and

beauty, in this cool thing called YouTube. I am so..I'm such a nerd with

this YouTube stuff. That's why I sprinkle all these videos throughout. But I am

not discouraged. My agenda has a ton of videos planned out and I'm going on

vacation I need to film a ton before then and edit half of them before then.

So that they're ready to be posted as soon as I do. If you need any inspiration

or any help to help navigate through this crazy YouTube world, you guys know

who I like to watch/follow & thats: Roberto Blake, Derral Eves, and Tim Schmoyer with

Video Creators. They all are a wealth of knowledge.

There are a lot people out there too that have a ton information on how to grow a

successful YouTube channel. Not I'm not saying my youtube channel is "successful"

necessarily, but for my standards and what my goal is I am succeeding. I am

growing my community. If I eventually make money from this, then that's great!

But it's not my main priority. It's not. And I don't think it's realistic for me

to put that pressure on myself if I'm under a thousand subscribers here. And if

you haven't yet, make sure you download the tubebuddy extension app. What I love

about tube buddy is the tools that help me decide on what my best title, tags, and

keywords will be. As well as if a video will be searched a lot or if it has a

lot of competition. And it's just helped me out tremendously and I definitely

think you should a very least check it out. Smaller channels that are here to

grow and to succeed, in whatever capacity your goal is and it will not be wavered

by this, should actually be excited about this milestone. I mean right now anybody

can apply to it, which wasn't even the case. I think it was five years ago it

was only select people that could make money off Adsense. And it kind of got out

of control! Word got out, people started posting videos just to go viral, and do

stupid things. And the market is just... the YouTube is crazy now. And because of

this, now they're having to backtrack and make these milestones. And guess what?

I bet there'll be another milestone, if a bunch of people hit this milestone super easy.

Then I bet you, YouTube will do another one. So don't be surprised. And that just

gives me the challenge to be ahead of these things. To push myself to get ahead

of these things before they happen. I also hear a lot of people complaining.

Both small YouTube creators, large YouTube creators, and everybody in

between, even consumers complaining, that YouTube is not what it used to be. Or

it's not fun anymore or they're taking YouTube's taking the fun out of it. And I

have one thing to say about that... that's not YouTubes fault. Maybe the

only fault YouTube has for that is to let anybody apply for Adsense accounts

and get approved. Because that created this whole mindset that anybody can get

rich quick off of YouTube. And guess what? You can't, you can't get rich

quick off of youtube. If YouTube is not what it used to be, then stop making

videos about stupid things that aren't what it should be.

Stop making clickbait and everything! Make videos that you want to produce.

Don't make a bunch of rubbish that you don't really stand behind. And that is

the way that we can change YouTube back to whatever this ideological theory is

about how YouTube used to be! YouTube is how you want to make it! So moral of the

story is, do not be discouraged. If you're in it for the right reasons reevaluate

your goals, your quality, and challenge yourself. And see what you can do to

reach your milestones faster. I know easier said than done...but I am currently

doing it and that's kind of why I wanted to give you guys a take on what a small

youtuber thinks of this whole thing. And what I think of it, I just think it's another

challenge for me to a check off my list because I love my lists. So with that

being said, if you want SUBSCRIBE to this channel because you're interested

in watching my journey. Or you're interested in the beauty world (hair, skin,

makeup). I posted like three or four videos about my youtube journey so far,

not too many, so I am NOT here to be a YouTube about whatever you know techie

type of channel. But I am super interested in it, so I do sprinkle them

throughout as not to take away from what my channel is really about. Which is

beauty and having fun and whooping ooh! Thank you so much for sitting down and

watching my opinion. I am not entitled to your view and I'm not entitled to your

subscription and your watch time. If you enjoyed this, then that's freaking

awesome. Thank you so much for sitting down and watching it. Thank you for

taking time out of your day to devote to watching what I have to say. I'm not

entitled to it but I am so so grateful for it.

And with that being said, you guys have a wonderful lovely day! XOXO

For more infomation >> YOUTUBE Partner Program 2018 A SMALL YOUTUBER's THOUGHTS! - Duration: 10:41.


Living Rural w/ a Disability/ Chronic Illness [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 6:39.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

Hey guys!

In today's video, I am going to talk about what its like to have a Chronic Illness or

Disability in a rural community.

I think there are many stark differences between living in a city and living someplace rural

when you have a Chronic Illness or a Disability.

So before we get into the video, please be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you

liked it, subscribe if you're new, and please be sure to check me out on Twitter and Instagram

- all my social media links will be in the description below.

So let's start with the obvious - health services.

When you live rural doctors and hospitals are farther away.

For me, it takes about 20 minutes of driving to get to the closest hospital and it takes

about 45 minutes to get to the next biggest major hospital in my province.

Wait times are really long.

It can take two weeks to get in to see your family doctor, and sitting in the ER waiting

room for more than 8 hours is quite common.

Often hospitals are understaffed and overcrowded, and they are sorely lacking many services

to help patients.

It can take months to get an MRI and years to get certain surgeries done.

It can take more than 6 months to see a specialist and often some specialists are not in your

immediate area so you have to travel to the city, and sometimes you may even have to travel

out of province.

This is again usually because the province or the city or the town that your living in

is quite underfunded, underpopulated, the population doesn't support some of the specialists

that many people would have to go see.

And as you can imagine with the lack of funding, there's also a lack of treatment.

So if you have a rare disease or a complex disease - then usually you either have to

travel long distances to see a specialist or you have to travel out of province and

sometimes that can be out of your own pocket, which can put a lot of financial strain on

the individual.

And some who are unable to travel or unable to afford certain treatment will simply not

get treated and go untreated.

So there are certain treatments and specialist that can be quite inaccessible to many.

Like I said some may not have the funds or the means to travel farther away to get care

leaving them without treatment options that could possibly improve their quality of life

or lead to a diagnosis.

Next, we will talk about accessibility.

Living in a rural community has its many drawbacks when you are disabled.

Oftentimes local establishments like the bank, the post office, the convenience store, arent

always wheelchair accessible, or easy to get to.

So there can end up being many establishments like the grocery store, and restaurants that

are inaccessible to the disabled.

Things are also farther away and if you don't have the ability to drive, or you can't drive

for long periods of time or you need someone else to drive you - then things can become

pretty inaccessible to you.

Oftentimes there are not taxis in rural areas, there very rarely is certain bus services

and different modes of transportation, and even if there is oftentimes cabs won't accept

wheelchair users.

Delivery services are limited as well.

You can't have your groceries or your take out simply delivered to you.

And often you have to pay extra shipping when ordering online because you're in a more remote

area and not in a city.

Some of us are only able to go grocery shopping once a month, and as you can imagine fruit

and veggies do not stay fresh for that long.

And often this can be so much harder in the winter.

Sometimes snow removal can take up to days to happen when you live rural, and the conditions

on the road often times are bad and dangerous, and if you have a Disability you don't want

to risk the chance that you feel awful and not be able to drive yourself home with bad

road conditions.

So because we have a lot of snow storms we end up missing quite a lot of appointments,

we will prolong going to the grocery store, and sometimes we will prolong getting medication

because we can't make it to the pharmacy.

When considering fun activities to do it can be quite tricky to find a place that is completely

100% wheelchairs friendly and accessible, so sometimes parks, museums, and even hotels

are not 100% wheelchair accessible and that can really make it hard to figure out where

to go and what to do, when you do wanna do something.As many people know when you live

in a small community you pretty much know everyone and everyone pretty much knows everything

about you, and what's going on.

People love to talk.

When I was younger and I first got sick I had some pretty nasty rumors spread around

about me.

I had people I didn't even know talking about me, and obviously, that was never a fun feeling.

And I feel like when you're living in a small town often you come across people who are

very small minded.

I lost a lot of friends when I became sick, and part of that is due to me just becoming

sick, and people not understanding that I was sick, and people just didn't talk to me

anymore, and people didn't bother to call me, and because I do live rural and most of

my other friends did -it would not be as easy as just walking out of the house and going

down the street and visiting your friend who's sick.

So oftentimes we were miles away.

And because you live in a small community oftentimes when you go grocery shopping or

just to the local convenience store, the bank, or the post office, you end up running into

friends or I guess former friends, and that was also pretty awkward at times.

And most of the friends that I did have we eventually drifted apart and went our own


As you can gather from this video, it is quite hard to live in a rural community when you

have a Chronic Illness and a Disability.

I think many of us who do, face unique challenges that those who live in a city wouldn't otherwise


I hope you guys enjoyed today's video.

In the comments below I want to know where you guys are located at.

I'm am located in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Please be sure to give this video a thumbs up, subscribe if you're new.

Please be sure to hit the notification button down below to get notified when i upload new

videos, all my social media links will be in the description below, and I hope to see

you guys next time , bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> Living Rural w/ a Disability/ Chronic Illness [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 6:39.


'Cheese In the Trap' the movie starring Park Hae Jin and Oh Yeon Seo gets a release date - Duration: 1:53.

'Cheese In the Trap' the movie starring Park Hae Jin and Oh Yeon Seo gets a release date

The much-awaited movie adaptation of popular webtoon series Cheese In the Trap is finally getting a release date!.

On January 23, production company Mountain Movement Story relayed, We have signed a distribution contract with Little Big Pictures. According to the production company, the film has been confirmed to hit theaters toward the beginning of March.

A specific date has not been revealed.

We are looking to aim for March 14, White Day, the agency hinted, causing many fans to anticipate the big screen premiere.

 Previously, production for Cheese In the Trap kicked off last April and completed filming in June of 2017.

The movies cast includes Park Hae Jin, Oh Yeon Seo as the main leads, alongside Dara, Yoo In Young, Park Ki Woong, Kim Hyun Jin, and more.

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