what is going on Amazon sellers or hopefully soon to me Amazon sellers my
name is beau crabill and I've been selling online for over a decade now and
I started out an eBay working on the side of my father's eBay business and
now I sell on Amazon and actually work with some of the same exact vendors as
Walmart Target Macy's Best Buy and all the big-box retailers and now I'm
talking to you in this video explaining to you exactly how you can sell big
brand-name products on Amazon okay so this video is not going to be entirely
about selling on Amazon it I'm actually in this video I'm gonna explain
sometimes word if you fit in this certain category or fit in this
situation you should not be selling on Amazon okay so you're gonna want to stay
along and watch this entire video to see if you fit in that little section okay
now what all this videos gonna be about is actually be comparing eBay verse
Amazon and what I think is probably the best place for someone to be at and kind
of just going back and forth between the benefits of eBay the benefits of Amazon
the downsides of eBay and the downsides of Amazon okay
now however what I'm going to be explaining these two it's really going
to be two entirely different businesses okay because I still sell on eBay in the
same exact online retail business model I do on Amazon and how that works with
all my eBay sales today I made a video on this side of the livestream in a
while ago but all my eBay sales today actually stem from my Amazon inventory
okay with multi-channel fulfillment now if you're not sure what that means
that's totally fine that's that's a different video but just keep in mind
what I'm comparing these two businesses I'm not talking about the business model
I am in for eBay but when I'm talking about Amazon I am talking about the
business model I am for Amazon so now an obvious benefit I'm a start with the
benefit of Amazon is probably what every single person use is that Amazon's
automated you're spending less time you're not having to deal with a bunch
of like shipping and you're not having to deal with a bunch of like customer
service so that's an obvious thing and with that you're able to actually sell a
lot more products and by spending less time okay if I want to go make a
purchase order of twenty five thousand dollars of products that that takes me
one phone call to go sell some products on Amazon right or one email and then
that's ordered with eBay if I want to go source twenty-five thousand dollars
worth of products in the methods I explained for people beginning on eBay
such as the arbitrage methods and doing that it's gonna take you
months to find $25,000 worth of inventory okay now if you're really fast
may take you a month but that what that's gonna take a lot of time Amazon
and the online retail model takes a phone call okay however when we now a
benefit of eBay is I truly believe is that say if I had a thousand dollars or
five hundred bucks or hundred dollars I think I could 10x that or 5x it a lot
faster on eBay all right so for example I true believe
I can turn a hundred dollars into a thousand dollars a lot faster on eBay
then on Amazon okay or I can turn a thousand dollars into five thousand
dollars a lot faster on eBay then on Amazon now the reason why which is not
gonna go to a downside of Amazon is that if you're beginning on Amazon and if
your I would say lower on capital so maybe less than three thousand dollars
the logistical time is really going to make it harder for you to scale in the
beginning now the reason why I write say if you order a thousand dollars worth of
products and that thousand dollars worth of products you make a purchase order
today and say if you make that purchase order with a us-based supplier which is
the i only promote working with us-based companies sound brand name products on
Amazon if you want to learn more about that I will be hosting a webinar where
you can feel free to join the first link in description but if you go order
products from your suppliers it's gonna take about a week or so for products to
simply get delivered to Amazon and then probably another week for Amazon the
check and those products and specs them and make them active an FBA so you're
looking at you make a purchase order thousand dollars you're gonna have to
wait two weeks for them to even start selling and then Amazon doesn't even pay
you for another two weeks okay because Amazon pays every two weeks so you're
looking at maybe three to four weeks before you actually even get any money
and that's not saying that you've sold out all your inventory now if I Bey you
could literally go buy products today and the methods I show you with
arbitrage on eBay you could go buy products today and you could sell them
you could make money get money into your PayPal account and you can reinvest the
profits okay because with eBay right you buy the products and this model I'm
talking about is you buy the products you list them on eBay and they're
automatically listed alright there's no process of shipping it to an EVA foam
Center with eBay list of products and someone could literally bond today I've
actually the methods I've shown people I've literally gone to stores retail
stores and this is when I was doing a while ago I would buy products like at
Ross Dress for Less I would buy them and have them listed before I left and
before I got back home I would sell out a good amount of the units okay not all
of them but I might sell two or three units but like literally would take me
about an hour to sell some products now with Amazon that's pretty much
impossible I mean you could do fulfill my merchants and that can happen but it
still gonna take two weeks for them to get your money
eBay you make sales PayPal pays you right away that is a huge benefit okay
you can go really reinvest because if you have a thousand bucks right you can
you can turn that thousand dollars and you can maybe get 10% of your money and
about maybe a week or so on eBay Amazon like it's not even possible to get your
money back within two weeks okay so so that leads to my next point I would say
a benefit of Amazon is Amazon you're trading dollars for time okay eBay the
downside of it is your trading time for dollars all right there is for sure a
plateau with eBay with Amazon I do not think there's a plateau you can scale
scale and scale now there's all this a certain point that can't be doing
billions of dollars or anything like that but there's Amazon sellers out there for
example etailz which eat ales is a much bigger Amazon seller than myself
but he does 90 million almost hundred million a year in his Amazon business
they're a big company and they're the same exact business model I that okay
I'm actually on several of the products that details of selling I sell the same
exact products and the difference between me and him and the difference
between me and someone else is doing maybe 500 bucks couple thousand bucks a
month is just the process of having more products in there all right now the time
spent to be I would say of selling one product a day versus of products a day
is not much of a time difference at all on Amazon so that's really cool factors
that I would say time is not a factor in Amazon for that aspect of scaling eBay
it is eBay you're simply trading your time for dollars okay and what I mean by
that is you're like if you want to go make more revenue on eBay you're simply
gonna go put in more time you're gonna go buy more products and we go list more
products okay so just to recap this video I would say the benefits of Amazon
is one you can go order so many more product
in just a quick phone call and just get more units in stock and basically start
your business a lot faster and Amazon right if you want to get to a certain
point however another benefit of eBay is I think you can scale a lot faster if
you have low capital call it under maybe a couple thousand dollars maybe under a
thousand dollars I think you can scale that a lot faster okay but with Amazon
you are trading dollars for time and time is not a factor at all I would say
with Amazon and how in auvs in offices and also the obvious factors with Amazon
how its automated how you're not handling customer service and then with
eBay - you're just getting paid by PayPal directly and both with both with
eBay you are trading time for dollars and just the more effort you put into
there so kind of recap that I think if you are an aspect where maybe you're
familiar with online business maybe you have capital maybe over a few thousand
dollars and Amazon's a better fit for you and maybe if you're not in a huge
rush but if you want to simply make some quick short-term fixes then I think eBay
is probably the best fit for you okay thank you so much for watching this
video now if you want to stay up to date with all of my new content to be the
first one to see all the cool stuff I'm releasing feel free to subscribe to my
youtube channel then when you hit subscribe you want to make sure you hit
the little belt so you can get notified for my videos and then also feel free to
attend the free webinar that I will be hosting on exactly how you can be so in
brandon procs amazon the webinars 100 set free to e 10 it most likely be in
the first link in description you can attend that webinar you're gonna learn
exactly how to sell brand name products on Amazon okay
and when you can also do is you can join the free public Facebook group I have as
well you can search it it will be in the probably towards the end of my
description there will be a link to that and you can also follow me on twitter at
beau Crabill follow me on instagram at beau credible as well and then also you
can follow my facebook fan page which is official official beau credible you can
just hit follow and you can see all the content be up to date with everything
you can see coming from me okay
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