Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 22 2018

Hey There! Welcome To Life Noggin!

With temperatures rising, forests being destroyed and oceans polluted, we need a clean energy source

that wont cause more damage to our fragile planet

as you probably know, there is a lot of debate on which energy source is the best.

The perfect energy source would be efficient, safe, cheap, clean, and there'd be lots

of it.

So, using those criteria, let's take a look at some of the commonly used energy sources

to see how they all stack up.

The most recent data available from the US ENERGY ADMINISTRATION

reports that of all the energy used around the globe in 2017, 33% came from petroleum, 27% from coal, 23%

from natural gas. 13% from renewables and 4% from nuclear fission.

Non-renewables like natural gas and coal release crazy amounts of greenhouse gases and pollutants,

so in terms of cleanliness, they're out.

Nuclear produces radioactive material, which we definitely don't want.

After looking at renewables, hydroelectric and wind power are the cleanest sources of

energy, producing very little to no emissions or impact on the environment.

We also want an energy source that won't break the bank.

Wind is in the lead here too, costing just $45 per megawatt-hour, with natural gas coming

in at $87, coal $102, and nuclear $172.

While rooftop solar panels aren't very cost-effective, energy from large-scale, utility panels now

only costs about $60 per megawatt-hour. So, not bad!

The sun is pretty much screaming at us with energy, so we have to figure something out.

Energy source efficiency is commonly measured using something called heat rate, which factors

in the amount of fuel needed to generate power.

Since non-renewables like coal, petroleum, nuclear and natural gas are using finite resources,

this efficiency is pretty important.

Of those, natural gas is, by far, the least efficient, with petroleum, nuclear and coal

all being pretty equal.

But when it comes to renewables, there unfortunately isn't one measurement that allows us to

compare their efficiencies since their power comes from different sources.

What about safety?

Each energy source has its own hazards.

Non-renewable plants have big risks like oil rig explosions or mine collapses, but renewables

have their own dangers too.

Solar workers are exposed to carcinogens.

Biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel are highly reactive and combustible.

Geothermal workers inhale deadly particles.

And while wind turbines are subject to collapsing and natural events like lightning strikes

and fires, it appears that wind is the safest.

Then, there's the importance of availability.

No matter how great an energy source may be, if we don't have a lot of it, what's the


Natural gas, petroleum and coal will run out.

And there isn't always wind, sun or rain.

But, nuclear power industries are currently exploring whether extracting uranium from

seawater could result in a virtually limitless supply of nuclear energy.

There's also some promising tech on the horizon for the availability and longevity

of renewables too.

Lithium-ion batteries.

They've got a long lifespan, can hold crazy amounts of energy, and their cost is dropping.

So pairing these with renewable energy generators across the world could make clean energy even

more tempting.

It seems to me that wind energy is our best option.

We'll just need to learn to live with those ugly wind turbines, which is a small price

to pay, for ya know, humans living longer

Would you be on board for a wind-powered world? Do you think solar is the way to go?

Let us know in the comment section below, or tell us, what should we talk about next?

Let's say we do have to get off this planet, how could we create our very own?

Check out this video!

We'd want it to be in the habitable zone. Meaning the planet should have an

orbit the right distance from it's star, to insure optimal temperatures and most importantly, liquid water.

As always, my name is Blocko! This has been Life Noggin!

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> Could We Make The Perfect Energy Source? - Duration: 3:47.


Star Wars: Die 5 tödlichsten Kampfdroiden der Separatisten [Legends] - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Die 5 tödlichsten Kampfdroiden der Separatisten [Legends] - Duration: 4:28.


If Commercials were Real Life - The Egg Sitter - Duration: 3:42.

the Egg Sitter cushion an amazing new flex cushion that supports your backside and

spine so well you can sit on an egg without breaking it

incredible. You want me to sit on this egg? I'm not gonna sit on that egg. Okay

Is it gonna hatch or what? I can't believe I'm doing this.

I don't even feel it. God I think I just heard a chirp, it's either that or a cry

for help. It didn't even break? You know I'm telling you right.. that's a fake egg

Oh I was wondering about that. No way. Now that's a good cushion. No way that

stupid little blue thing is gonna keep that egg from cracking all over my ass

and then me walking around the mall with egg yolk on it for the rest of the day

I just saw a guy in Brookstone who looked like you got butt-fucked by Humpty Dumpty

I really hope that was you guys. Did it break? No look! Oh my, that's craaazyy

where do I get one of these cushions? And the Oscar goes to Ethel.

I'm not gonna sit on the egg it's gonna crack when I sit on it I guarantee it. 52 bucks? Hell yeah I'll sit on

that egg

holy shit it didn't break I feel like I laid that egg, look at that. Hey how do

you like the eggs scrambled over easy I farted on? hey it's just super

comfortable I mean it literally feels like I'm floating on air. I'm starting to

work up an appetite you guys got any bacon I could sit on? - maybe a croissant

yeah I hear this is how Denny's chefs prepare their eggs. The honeycomb design is

constructed of elasticor that absorbs pressure points by collapsing in on

itself wow it's so amazing right now how comfortable this blue thing is that

I'm sitting on I don't even realize that there's an egg jammed up my ass. Is that

enough or you need more? You know it'd be great is if we cut a hole in this thing

and use it to take shits, you can call it the egg shitter. This feels like a

massage it's loosening me up just as I'm sitting

here it's amazing! Good god Ethel, hold it in your Spanx

loved you I'm golden girls. And it's super strong and durable always retaining its

shape amazing. Mahk the human chicken. I feel like a fucking idiot

whoo whoomf I like that! I can sit on that all day. Wow, are we sure there's just an egg

under there? Call me

marky-mark Dunkin Donuts Boston baked beans. Hey Mahk you ever heard of a website called

SkillShare? Yeah listen I was on there and I saw a course for green

screen editing I need you to take that. Hilarious cuz I saw a class on

acting I think you should sign up for. That is a knee-slapper, actually I saved

a few courses on basic camerawork you definitely need to take those. Oh man!

Hilarity. Yeah. Because I saw some classes on writing I think you should look at

comedy writing. That my friend is laughable, you know what I went ahead and

I signed up for a few courses on basic human hygiene you definitely need to

take those, hey uh by the way you look like a fat Gilligan in that t-shirt

what did you do? Find a fucking McDonald's on the island?

There's not even a course for that is there? No. Seriously if you want to

continue to learn and grow as a creator, artist, or businessperson? Sign up for

Skillshare using the link in the description. The first seven hundred

people to sign up get the first two months for $0.99. Seriously

you wanna help support Zebra corner then go sign up. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> If Commercials were Real Life - The Egg Sitter - Duration: 3:42.


MUST TRY Green Tea Latte in Tokyo - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> MUST TRY Green Tea Latte in Tokyo - Duration: 8:18.


10 things what need to fix in GTA Online - Duration: 5:27.


Today we will have a video made from the category "Enrages"

Since I play GTA Online for a long time...

...And with each update it gets worse and worse.

And the developers are not in a hurry to correct stupid mistakes...

...Prefering to overstate the prices for everything three times...

...To make more players spend on the game.

Someone can say that it is easier to forget all these things, and play something else.

But please announce that I paid for this game...

...And so I want it not to be spoiled by idiotic things.

Today I'd like to tell you about 10 little things that break the balance of the game completely...

...And by fixing which developers could greatly simplify the lives of players.

I doubt that one of them will look at this video...

(Speaks english with a russian accent)

The first thing is unreasonable complexity.

In all the latest updates there were enemies who either shoot from cars and shelters with an accuracy of about 100%...

...Or have an unreasonable huge amount of health.

It is very contrast with the little health of my character...

...Body armor on which disappears after 3 shots...

...And in the end, all shootings are reduced to a banal sitting in shelters.

Money for missons.

As you know, in GTA Online everything has become excessively expensive...

...And it takes a lot of money.

A LOT of money.

Unfortunately, all old missions have excessively low payouts...

...Which are not enough for one novice.

So why not raise payments for robberies, and other missions, or other game modes at least a half times?

Just look. That's what it is!?

Heists themselves.

They came out a long time ago, but since then, shortcomings have been eliminated almost less than not at all.

Arranged robbery so that all the main must need 4 players...

...Therefore, in half of the preparatory tasks all the work can be done alone or together, but no...

...Instead, I have to wait for eternity until someone comes to play and pray that it was not a damn noob who will leave after the first failure!

Maybe you should remake this system in the manner of updating "Doomsday Heist"...

...Where only two players are needed?

And yes, please correct the music already.

Two years instead of a normal soundtrack in all heists played a theme of triathlon!

How it sounds today (the last 3 years)

How it should sound (and it was on the release of the update)


In the update "Smuggler Run " appeared such a thing that it became possible to sell your plane...

...But only added in this add-on.

For all purchased before it this option does not apply...

...And it's bloody stupid that I can't sell my damn not the right gold "Business Jet"...

...Which I spent $10.000.000 on because of my stupidity.

It is my property, let in the game, and let me dispose of it as I wish.

The same applies to all the rest of the transport, called through "Pegasus".

The prices of things.

I can understand that secret jetpack...

...Soviet retro-plane...

...Or a polish nanotank is worth every penny.

But here's the rest...

Well, not a lot of junk is worth more than a tank!

Such prices only provoke players to use trainers and dupes of cars...

...So unloved by the developers.

Length of the missions.

In a single player for characters, moving from one end of the state to another moved the action of the plot for a long time...

...Or caused them a lot of negative emotions.

In GTA Online same trip through the entire state almost a routine thing.

The missons themselves.

In principle, all these works by the boss, biker, or smuggler quite fit into the universe.

But saving the world from a narcissistic artificial intelligence with an army of biorobots and a parody of Elon Musk...

...And there are already rumors about the emergence of aliens.

All this "nano" crap in the concept of the game to put it mildly not very suitable.

Why not add simple missions like the first heist or Lamar's missions, which coolly fit into the atmosphere of the game?

Or do a couple of missions with references to famous moments from past parts?

Players will love it!

New transport.

It's all very sad here, and that says a man who knows what he's talking about.

(A lot of my videos about special vehicles in GTA)

The Batmobile available on the heitsts?

Another expensive sports car? Yes please.

Another modification of the "Comet"? Why not?

From players for a long time there is a request for street racing cars...

And part of that demand was satisfied with Benny's cars.

Well, give something like that!

I would be very happy to see a races in the manner of old Need For Speed.

In general, the situation has recently improved.

Recently added "Hustler " I am very impressed...

...But it did not change anything at all.

The fight against cheaters.

No comments...

I explain: in GTA Online you can be banned simply because you are in the same session with a cheater. And the system of filing complaints is so crooked that while you are looking for a button of complaint in the menu - your character is carried to the nines.

And the last.

Update "iFruit"

Who does not remember, it is such a small app for Android and IOS, through which you can make your own number plate on the car in GTA Online.

And actually, it is not needed for more.

But at the same time, it could be very cool to connect with new updates.

In "Bikers" or "Gunrunning" to see the progress of production, you need to go directly to the warehouse...

...What takes a bunch of time.

And through the app on the smartphone could be very convenient to look at one moment, without wasting time in the game.

That's all.

If you like this video, like it, subscribe to the channel, and you can watch the rest of the videos on the channel.

Thank you all for watching. See you again

Thanks to SergGamer for english subtitles

For more infomation >> 10 things what need to fix in GTA Online - Duration: 5:27.


[ VOSTFR] BTS V, J-HOPE, JIMIN Interview japonaise pour Face Yourself 10.03.2018 - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> [ VOSTFR] BTS V, J-HOPE, JIMIN Interview japonaise pour Face Yourself 10.03.2018 - Duration: 6:56.


2 Điều Ngu Ngốc Lớn Nhất Đời Người Khiến Phúc Đức Dần Tan Biến Triết Lý Nhà Phật - Duration: 23:20.

For more infomation >> 2 Điều Ngu Ngốc Lớn Nhất Đời Người Khiến Phúc Đức Dần Tan Biến Triết Lý Nhà Phật - Duration: 23:20.


The Upside of Being Awkward - Duration: 5:40.

So the other day I went to shake someone's hand and they went for a fistbump and then

I went for a high five and then they went back to a handshake.


We've all fumbled, tripped and rolled our way into some pretty awkward situations.

So I wanted to explore why these uncomfortable situations make us feel awkward.

And it may come as a surprise that awkwardness can have benefits.

The feeling of awkwardness seems to trigger several emotions at once: Anxiety, surprise,

fear, embarrassment, uncertainty.

But most importantly, it makes you feel self-conscious.

In her new book, Cringeworthy: A Theory of Awkwardness, science journalist Melissa Dahl

suggests that Awkwardness is when you suddenly become overly

conscious of yourself, because you become acutely aware that the "you" you perceive

of yourself is different from what others are seeing.

It's thought that our strong sense of self and our social awareness evolved because we're

an extremely social species.

We needed to be aware of our public perception to know how we should behave to fit in.

Psychologists think we construct two mental presentations of our "self."

One private self from within our own body, and another self that is perceived by others

from their point of view.

The ability to imagine ourselves from the point of view of others emerges early on.

Children start to recognize themselves in a mirror around the age of 18 months.

If you put a sticky note on their head, they immediately reach to remove it once they see

it in the mirror.

But children are not just aware of themselves.

Around this time, they seem to also form awareness of the awareness of other people about them

– co-awareness.

If they see that everyone else in the room has a sticky note on their faces, they hesitate

to remove their own.

Now, there's always a little bit of discrepancy between these two selves.

It's what psychologist Philippe Rochat has called "the irreconcilable gap."

We can never quite reconcile how we feel about ourselves and how we feel others perceive


Awkward moments are when that gap is unusually widened.

Imagine you walk into a room full of people and you're dressed like an astronaut.

Suddenly, the world divides in two: it's you on one side, and all the people on the

other side with their eyes on you.

Awkwardness is a type of embarrassment where everyone is in on it.

And everyone, politely, says nothing.

The good news is that we tend to believe we're being noticed more than we actually are.

This is called the spotlight effect.

In a classic experiment, researchers made students wear a large shirt emblazoned with

Barry Manilow's face and walk into a room full of other students.

Later they asked the study participants how many people they think noticed them.

The participants estimated on average half of the people noticed the shirt.

In reality, only a quarter had.

People do care about how you look and what you do, but not as much as you think.

Knowing this little fact can help us shift our focus away from ourselves and make awkward

moments a bit less painful.

Not focusing on yourself can also help you resolve an awkward situation.

Imagine you are in the middle of an uneasy conversation, maybe with someone whose name

you don't remember.

Your brain's default is to dive into a spiral of anxiety.

Now you worry about what you are going to say next and how you're going to be judged

and wonder why you are so socially awkward.

But this makes your social skills even worse.

Instead, focus on the other person, ask them a question, anything.

Just stop being so introspective.

Another trick to overcome the rush of social anxiety during awkward moments is to reframe

your feelings.

Anxiety means strong physiological reactions: your heart pounds, you breathe fast and your

muscles are tense.

These are the same reactions you feel when afraid or angry, when your safety is threatened.

And you feel these reactions when you mess up in a social situation.

Your brain is evolved to fear breaking too many social rules because it can lead to social


But there's also another emotion that has the same physiological reactions: excitement.

You can reinterpret the feelings of your anxiety in your body as excitement by telling yourself

"I am excited."

It's called anxiety reappraisal and it can change your mental state from a threat mindset

to an opportunity mindset.

Experiments show that when we're feeling nervous about, say, karaoke singing or public

speaking, people who reappraise their anxiety as excitement perform better than people who

try to calm down.

People have varying degrees of social skills and some of us are more sensitive to awkwardness

than others.

While these ideas can help us handle awkwardness a bit better, it's also important to give

credit to this neglected emotion.

It's a good thing that we're aware of ourselves and care about how others perceive


Feeling awkward can push us to sharpen our social skills.

And when we detect awkwardness in others, it can spur empathy and compassion in us.

Awkwardness has the power to connect us through mutual human ridiculousness.

For more infomation >> The Upside of Being Awkward - Duration: 5:40.


Backstabbing For Beginners | Official Trailer HD | A24 - Duration: 1:42.

My name is Michael Sullivan,

and I have a story I think you're gonna wanna hear.

I knew his father.

He'll do.

The program is called, Oil Fulfilled,

the UN will manage the sale of Iraqi oil,

and use the profits to provide

humanitarian relief to alleviate the hardship.

I will do anything I can to help your child.

It sickens me, to have to stand there,

and listen to your lies.

Justin Cutter, Central Intelligence.

We think, oil for food is being gained,

for private gain, possibly with help

from the inside, which is where you are.

Yeah, I'm not gonna spy for you.

Just keep your eyes and ears open, that's all.

There are some after service fees.

I'm pretty sure they're kickbacks.

I took this job because I want to help people.

Come on, kid, you wanted a career in diplomacy,

well you're missing your golden moment.

Your predecessor, he was murdered.

You need to be very, very careful.

You know it's very dangerous,

for you to be in this god-forsaken desert, unescorted.

But, consider this a courtesy.

Get in the car.

For as long as I can remember,

I've wanted to make a difference.

We've been through this, Michael, this is how it works.

Moscow, Beijing, Saddam, hash funds, mafia greed.

And who's side are you on?

You and me kid, we can save the world.

Trust me.

For more infomation >> Backstabbing For Beginners | Official Trailer HD | A24 - Duration: 1:42.


What's In My Bag Travel Edition: The Breakdown With Miguel Quiles - Duration: 6:28.

In this video I'm going to give you guys a

look at what I have inside my camera bag.

Welcome back to The Breakdown, and my

name is Miguel Quiles, and without

wasting any time I want to go through

all of the gear that I have inside of my

camera bag, and kind of talk to you guys

about why I have it, and what I use it

for. So let's go ahead, and first talk

about the camera bag. The actual camera

bag that I'm using is the Think Tank

Airport Advantage Roller. What I really

love about this camera bag is that it is

extremely durable, it will take abuse

getting wheeled back and forth to

different countries, all throughout the

year, and the really awesome thing about

it as well, is that there are times when

you're going to get on regional flights

where overhead space is going to be very

limited, and what I love about this is on

those smaller regional flights, this bag

does fit in the overhead compartment, so

you won't run into situations where they

end up checking your bag, and you get

your lenses back, and your cameras and

everything is broken. For the actual

equipment that I carry with me inside of

my camera bag, I usually have three

camera bodies. I have the Sony a9, I

have the Sony a7R III, and today I also

have the Sony a7 III, which I'm taking

for a little bit of a test, shoot,

throughout this week, but typically I

would have three camera bodies with me

at all times,

mainly because one will be a camera that

I'm actually taking photos with, and I

usually have additional cameras set up,

to record b-roll, record behind the

scenes footage, so that's typically

something that I would shoot with

something like an a7 III or even the a7R III.

Now since I am typically shooting

portraits, I have a collection of

portrait lenses, so the two main culprits

which you would see in most portrait

shooters bags. I have the Sony 24 - 70mm

2.8 G Master lens. the 24 - 70mm focal

range is just an all-around workhorse of

a lens, if I want to shoot full body, if I

want to shoot close-ups, it gives me the

ability to be able to do that, with

beautiful background blur,

that I've just gotten very used to using,

and then on the longer side, I have the

70 - 200mm 2.8 G master lens, which also

is really great for shooting full-body.

If I can back up, it really compresses

the background, or it brings the

background a little bit closer to the

subject, or I could shoot very close-up

portraits, where I just fill up the frame

with a person's face. Which if you see my

work on Instagram, you'll kind of get an

idea a lot of the portraits that you see

there are shot at the longer end, of some

of these lenses, like the 70 to 200mm.

Beauty portraiture has been my thing as

of late and so my secret weapon for

doing that, I have 2, which is the 90

mm 2.8 G Series lens, it's a

macro lens from Sony, and I also have the

100 mm 2.8 STF, which stands for

Smooth Transition Focus. Both of these

lenses allow me to get really, really

close. Bring in that background, get a

really nice compression, if I'm shooting

outdoors, if I'm shooting in the studio, I

used a 90 macro to be able to capture

immense detail, so you get all of the

skin texture, you could really fill the

frame. You can get super close to the

person to capture details in the makeup,

and things of that nature. So I tend to

switch between the 90 and the hundred

mm just depending on whether I'm

shooting outdoors, or I'm shooting in the

studio. The last lens that I carry with

me is an 85 mm lens. Now I

personally owned the 85 mm 1.8,

and the 85 mm1.4 from Sony. One

is a standard Sony lens, and the other is

their G Master Lens, and so they both fit

inside of this bag, but typically I tend

to bring the 85mm 1.8, especially when I'm

traveling, because the quality is

fantastic. You don't really lose very

much in terms of image quality, but it's

a little bit lighter, and it just works

for my workflow. So I have an 85mm, a 90mm, a

100mm, a 24 - 70, a 70 - 200, and that kind

of rounds out the lenses that I bring

with me with the three camera bodies.

Now one of the other things that I also

bring with me, is the Sony RX0 and I

have two of them in this bag, and the

reason that I bring those, is that

anytime that I want to shoot

behind-the-scenes footage, or if I'm

driving somewhere, if I want to vlog I'm able to

take these small cameras with me,

they record in high-definition video, and

they're just rugged, they're, they're

shockproof, they're waterproof. I can throw

these things around and don't really

have to worry about them getting damaged.

I could capture some really interesting

footage along the way, I also carry my

battery grip. I carry a 15 foot tethering

cable at all times even if I'm shooting

outdoors. If I have the opportunity I

love to shoot tethered, because it gives

me the opportunity to automatically

bring all of my photos to my laptop.

Saves me a step in the post-processing

when I get home. I get to show my clients

right there on location what the photos

look like, and it just makes everything

much easier for me. I'm able to arrive at

my favorite photos much, much, quicker,

so I bring this 15 foot cable with me

everywhere. I have my Profoto air

remote that I also carry inside of my

bag, and then on the outside of the bag,

on the outside flap, I carry my laptop

with me, have a couple of different

laptops that I have been using over the

past few months, and both of them fit

anywhere from 13 to 15 inches, fits on

the inside of this bag, with no problems

whatsoever. So that's what I have in my

camera bag. What's inside of your camera

bag? What gear are you using? what lenses

and camera bodies are you guys in love with?

Let me know in the comment section below.

if you guys have any questions for me as

well about the gear that I'm currently

using, you could leave that in the

comments as well while you're here. Make

sure you subscribe to AdoramaTV, they

have new content coming out all the time,

make sure you check out the Adorama

Learning Center as well. Because there's

tons of great articles there, with more

information to help you get better at

photography, videography, all of that good

stuff. With that being said, thank you so

much for watching The Breakdown, and I

will see you in the next video.

Bye everybody!

For more infomation >> What's In My Bag Travel Edition: The Breakdown With Miguel Quiles - Duration: 6:28.


EATING SUSHI with AKIDEAREST in Japan - Duration: 7:36.

seba goes again to eat sushi for us

and we should thanks him for this sacrifice he is making for us

and tonight special guest is AKIDEAREST

we are in OMOTESANDO and we are about to eat Sushi

with Unhappy Fabian

and Hungry Aki

you can speak italian right?

we are having sushi and aki is eating tenpura

here we can really eat everything

don't forget you chopsticks

so you see? different plates = different price

so you can have sushi for 130 --- 530 yen

what are you eating? can you talk italian please?

so I've chosen to eat akagai, tsubugai, hotate and this one with natto and okura

that many of you might not like it and also I'm having ika

this is from Yuriko that is not with us today

this one instead is for St3pny, that I know how much he loves natto XD

this is ALL FOR YOU my dear friend

another one, this one for Favij

this is my favoriteeee!

bye bye

For more infomation >> EATING SUSHI with AKIDEAREST in Japan - Duration: 7:36.


10 ЗАЧУДУВАЧКИ ФАКТИ #34 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 10 ЗАЧУДУВАЧКИ ФАКТИ #34 - Duration: 2:21.


Rise - A Romance Blooms (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Rise - A Romance Blooms (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 1:32.


Obama SECRETLY Leaves US! Trump Shocked By 'Criminal Evidence' Left In Oval Office - Duration: 6:38.

Obama SECRETLY Leaves US! Trump Shocked By 'Criminal Evidence' Left In Oval Office

Barack Obama was just caught secretly leaving the United States for New Zealand.

Obama left shocking criminal evidence inside the Oval Office, which has now been discovered,

prompting President Donald Trump to issue a warning to Obama and his deep state rats.

You don't want to miss this.

We have no idea when Obama officially left the United States, but we do know he secretly

arranged to depart so no one would know.

This is really strange behavior for a former President of the United States, but considering

the speculation that a second special counsel is being appointed to investigate crimes done

by Obama's deep state rats, it all adds up.

Newsmax reported, "Former President Barack Obama has imposed a strict media ban and gag

order on his events this week in New Zealand, Newshub reports.

Members of the media can attend the events but can't report on them from inside; live

streaming, tweeting or posting is explicitly banned; media can't ask questions."

It's all locked down.

"Whenever President Obama undertakes private engagements, one of the conditions is that

they're closed to public reporting," organizers from Air New Zealand and the NZ Council told


Most of the Obama visit is in the "neither confirm or deny" category, they go on to


It's no wonder Obama chose to flee the country right now.

After the firing of now former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the heat got turned

up on all of Obama's deep state rats.

Now, we also know that Obama left an evidence trail right inside the Oval Office.

In case you aren't aware, the real criminals who colluded with Russia and had an illegal

operation to thwart then-candidate Donald Trump from winning the presidency were the

Obama administration, and Barack didn't cover himself good enough.

The operation extended after Trump got elected with the goal to get him impeached.

That's still going on by the Democrats.

Now, a few of the deep state rats who we know are former FBI Director James Comey, former

National Security Advisor Susan Rice, former UN Ambassador Samantha Powers, and a woman

named Lisa Monaco, who was the head of the DOJ National Security Division.

Monaco left a trail of evidence going from the illegal unmasking of US citizens being

done, Trump and his campaign people, under the illegal FISA warrants, back to the Oval

Office via the "Presidential Daily Briefings" (PDB).

Now, that's really bad news for Obama, as you can imagine, and if you think presidents

are untouchable when it comes to being held accountable for crimes committed, let's

all remember former President Richard Nixon.

"During the 2015/2016 presidential election, Lisa Monaco was one of the key WH figures

doing the unmasking of raw intelligence provided by the 'small group' collaborators (with

Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes).

Monaco was also one of the key policy strategists, heck, she was the architect, who utilized

the compartmentalization of intelligence to hide the fingerprints of collaboration.

This was the issue that initially stymied HSPCI Devin Nunes," reports The Conservative


Initially stymied Nunes?

Not any longer.

Every day the president gets the "Presidential Daily Briefing," and it's classified information

from the Intelligence Community, FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc.

The PDB is in sections, it's not one big document.

Nunes initially couldn't find "all" of Obama's PDBs, but then he was directed

to a certain Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, or SCIF, probably by Admiral Mike


That's when Nunes found Obama's PDBs which have all the illegal FISA activity and other

illegal spy games targeting Trump.

"Nunes stated the intelligence product he reviewed was 'not related to Russia, or

the FBI Russian counter-intelligence investigation.'

So the product itself was likely a product for the President, that was not part of the

ongoing FBI counter-intel product," reports The Conservative Treehouse.


Obama's PDBs prove he was "in" on the illegal spy games from the beginning.

So what do Obama and his deep state rats do now that they have been caught?

Just last month, they set up a website called "National Security Action," and this is

going to blow you away.

All the big deep state rats are apart of this "National Security Action" coalition.

Here's what they say their mission is: "Under President Trump's reckless leadership, the

United States is weaker in the world, less safe, and more isolated.

He is retreating from the world stage, undercutting the intelligence and law enforcement agencies

that keep us safe, undermining the diplomacy that prevents wars, insulting our allies,

attacking democratic traditions, and cozying up to dictators while abandoning America's

commitment to universal rights and human dignity."

Now, that's just the beginning paragraph.

Ben Rhodes, who was Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor, and a huge deep state rat,

along with Jake Sullivan, who was the senior policy advisor to Hillary Clinton's 2016

election campaign, are listed as "co-chairs" of this organization that has meetings.

Can you guess what they discuss?

Well, Trump's impeachment, of course.

They are waiting to swoop in immediately after they get Trump impeached and save the country.

Others listed are Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, and Jen Psaki, Obama's former White House

Communications Director.

If you go on to read their entire "focus" page, it sounds pretty darn close to treason

to me.

They are desperate, many of them are facing potential prison sentences.

It's time that the American people learn the entire truth of what crimes were committed

by Obama and his minions.

Andrew McCabe was the first one to bite the dust, that firing was the first shockwave

felt by all the deep state rats and launched Obama to run to New Zealand.

I'm sure he will come back, he's just taking a little time aboard before his passport

is taken away for good.

For more infomation >> Obama SECRETLY Leaves US! Trump Shocked By 'Criminal Evidence' Left In Oval Office - Duration: 6:38.


Chicago top cop fired by Rahm Emanuel will run for mayor - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Chicago top cop fired by Rahm Emanuel will run for mayor - Duration: 2:25.


BTS "Jimin & Jungkook" | Wait | JIKOOK (KOOKMIN) - Duration: 2:44.

Wait, wait, wait, don't leave me

Wait, wait, wait, don't leave me

Where you going? Where you going? Why you leaving?

I can't lose you, I can't lose you

Girl I need you, girl I need you (Wait)

And don't you love me?

Guess you don't want me, you don't want me (Wait)

We back and forth, yeah, this ain't working

Love ain't perfect, love ain't perfect

I'm holding on to pieces of us

That I just can't let go

I know this is a desperate kind of love

But it feels like it's home

Where you going? (Where you going?)

I'm holding on to pieces of us

Cause I just can't let go

Wait, wait, wait, don't leave me

Wait, wait (wait)

What you thinking? What you thinking?

Where's your mind at? (Wait)

Don't you miss us, don't you miss us

Cause you don't call that, you don't call that (Wait)

Are you happy? Tell me are you happy?

Are you smiling? Are you smiling? (Wait)

Girl what happened? Tell me, girl what happened?

Cause I am dying, I am dying

I'm holding on to pieces of us

That I just can't let go

I know this is a desperate kind of love

But it feels like it's home

Where you going? (Where you going?)

I'm holding on to pieces of us

Cause I just can't let go

For more infomation >> BTS "Jimin & Jungkook" | Wait | JIKOOK (KOOKMIN) - Duration: 2:44.



For more infomation >> CANCER SYMPTOMS WOMEN OFTEN IGNORE!! - Duration: 3:31.


Why you shouldn't fear protein on keto - Duration: 1:38.

Okay, now let's get into the story then.

So here's the pancreas.

In fact I had to pick this image for fear of using an image that looked a little dirty.

But I hopefully... this is the pancreas, tucked underneath the stomach

and of all the myriad cells the pancreas has,

cells that are involved in endocrine functions,

cells that are involved in digestive or exocrine functions.

We want to zoom in on the beta and the alpha cells.

And these are famous because they produce insulin and glucagon respectively.

And insulin and glucagon...

What's interesting is that they're produced right beside each other

in these little pockets of cells within the pancreas.

And yet they're enemies in a way and they're each antagonizing the other

in almost every possible biochemical event.

If insulin is trying to do something glucagon is trying to stop it.

If glucagon is trying to do something, insulin is trying to stop it.

So it's pretty much like my kids.

Nevertheless we see insulin, to quote Mike and Mary Dan Eades,

because they said it well...

Insulin is the hormone of feeding and storing

and glucagon is the hormone of fasting and burning.

What that means then in a bigger, biochemical sense

is that insulin is a hormone of anabolism or building things up,

taking simple molecules and making them into something bigger and keeping it

and then glucagon wants to take the complex molecule and break it down,

usually breaking it down into an energy source

that the body can then use.

So it is catabolic,

it is one of those fundamental or prototypical catabolic hormones.

Whereas insulin is the prototypical anabolic.

For more infomation >> Why you shouldn't fear protein on keto - Duration: 1:38.


Law & Order: SVU - Twisted Love (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Law & Order: SVU - Twisted Love (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:07.


Chicago PD - How Many Times? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Chicago PD - How Many Times? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:29.


Carlos Lozano se la juega y destapa 'la cara B' de los colaboradores de Sálvame - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Carlos Lozano se la juega y destapa 'la cara B' de los colaboradores de Sálvame - Duration: 3:01.


Honey B. Family ennakkoterveiset Lauluntarina-iltaan - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Honey B. Family ennakkoterveiset Lauluntarina-iltaan - Duration: 1:36.


BADKIZ's Monika Announces Departure From Group And Start Of Solo Career - Duration: 2:39.

BADKIZ's Monika Announces Departure From Group And Start Of Solo Career

BADKIZ member Monika revealed her future plans.

During a V Live broadcast on March 20 titled Goodbye.


, Monika announced that she will no longer be promoting with BADKIZ and will start a solo career.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

In Korean, English, and German, Monika said, I will not take part as a member of BADKIZ anymore.

I will start my career as a solo singer and my new song will come out on [March] 23.

Its a love song.

Please show me your love this Wednesday..

Monika said she came to this decision after lots of thinking and talking with her members.

She added that the agency respected her decision and her members gave her lots of support.

Towards the end, Monika teared up while thanking her fans and members for their support, and asked fans to continue to support BADKIZ, who is currently preparing for a comeback sometime in April.

Monikas track Will It Get Better? (literal title) will be released on March 23 at 12 p.m.

KST. Source () ().

For more infomation >> BADKIZ's Monika Announces Departure From Group And Start Of Solo Career - Duration: 2:39.


Kia Picanto 1.0 5-zits First Edition in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 5-zits First Edition in nieuwstaat met 7jr. Garantie!! - Duration: 0:57.


Islamic Wazaif In Urdu | Wazifa For Job | Jald Job Pany ka Wazifa | Wazifa For Wealth - Duration: 4:26.

Wazifa For Job

job pane ka wazifa

wazifa for wealth

For more infomation >> Islamic Wazaif In Urdu | Wazifa For Job | Jald Job Pany ka Wazifa | Wazifa For Wealth - Duration: 4:26.


Musica Per Riflettere Rilassarsi - Scrivere E Ispirarsi - MUSICOTERAPIA - Duration: 1:00:25.

Music To Reflect Relax - Write And Inspire - MUSIC THERAPY

For more infomation >> Musica Per Riflettere Rilassarsi - Scrivere E Ispirarsi - MUSICOTERAPIA - Duration: 1:00:25.


L27:Compiler Design Tutorial,SLR(1) Parser Full Explained Example,Simple LR Parser,LR Parser Hindi - Duration: 46:46.

For more infomation >> L27:Compiler Design Tutorial,SLR(1) Parser Full Explained Example,Simple LR Parser,LR Parser Hindi - Duration: 46:46.


เล่นเกมส์กับคนอเมริกาพร้อม TRICKS เป็นนักเรียนแลกเปลี่ยนและวิธีจีบฝรั่ง (ซับไทยกด CC) - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> เล่นเกมส์กับคนอเมริกาพร้อม TRICKS เป็นนักเรียนแลกเปลี่ยนและวิธีจีบฝรั่ง (ซับไทยกด CC) - Duration: 10:33.


糖尿病飲食指南,糖尿病吃什麼蔬菜好 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 糖尿病飲食指南,糖尿病吃什麼蔬菜好 - Duration: 4:16.


Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Innovation Edition S tronic | Virtual Cockpit | - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Innovation Edition S tronic | Virtual Cockpit | - Duration: 1:02.


জেনে নিন কিডনি রোগের ৯টি লক্ষণ | Symtoms Of Kidney Disease | How To Protect Kidney | Bd Health Tips - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> জেনে নিন কিডনি রোগের ৯টি লক্ষণ | Symtoms Of Kidney Disease | How To Protect Kidney | Bd Health Tips - Duration: 5:36.


Food poisoning, global problem - Duration: 10:32.

Health Network, For Public Health

Hi, you are listening to audio on website

Food poisoning, global problem

In a WHO press release, with a global assessment of food poisoning, affects public health every year.

They found that nearly one in 10 people in the world, or about 600 million people, suffered from food poisoning, and as a result, 4200,000 were reported to have died, and tragedy was a third of the world's population. that number is under 5 years old.

1. Food poisoning attacks the globe.

So far, the assessment of food poisoning is vague, inaccurate, this has covered, do not let the community know the price of food contaminated.

Since 2010, there have been 33 threats to the burden of disease, due to food poisoning, which experts have estimated.

About 18 million of them belonged to severe diarrhea.

These diseases are most likely to occur throughout the world, and in every part of the world, will provide locally-evident evidence.

In Vietnam, there are thousands of food poisoning cases. Recently, there have been cases of poisoning that are collectively causing many deaths.

Meanwhile, the cause of complex poisoning, the toxic test is difficult.

2. What is food poisoning?

To understand why food poisoning occurs, it is important to understand the standards of safe food.

In 1998, the Ministry of Health had a list of sanitary standards for food.

In particular, there are many chemicals and microorganisms used as indicators, to assess the quality of food hygiene.

However, with the development of science, many chemicals are put to use in daily life, microorganisms also change the appearance.

Because humans use a lot of chemicals to destroy them, and with many other reasons, the causes of food poisoning are becoming increasingly complex and difficult to control.

For example, with pesticides, there were 144 substances used as food hygiene indicators, but by 2001, there were 356 pesticides in our country, of which 303 were allowed to be used. 27 restricted substances, and 26 banned substances.

Or with mice, especially the rat poison, smuggled from China in large quantities, cheap, high toxicity, dangerous for the whole, but the majority of people choose to use.

Most of these rats have not been identified so far, so it is difficult to diagnose and treat poisonings in particular, and the management of pesticides. in general.

Accordingly, food poisoning is a clinical syndrome caused by:Food contaminated with microorganisms, or products of microorganisms, the most common.

Foods contaminated with toxic chemicals, or ingested plants, or toxins.

3. What causes food poisoning?

Of the cases of food poisoning, only 41% were found cause.

In particular, bacterial agents are 79%, 14% chemicals, 4% viruses and 1% parasites.

Bacteria:For foods such as vegetables, grains, seeds, milk and products, staphylococci, Bacillus cereus, Campylobacter fetus, or yersinia enterocolitica, are responsible for poisoning.

With unclean water, E. coli, both toxins and invasive species, Shigella species, Salmonella enteritis, Y. enterocolitica, C.fetus, or Vibrio cholera, and so on, cause poisoning.

With meat and eggs, especially processed meat, meat is poorly cooked, inadequately preserved, or transported incorrectly, susceptible to infection.

Cream cakes, or with milk, eggs, and other egg products, are contaminated with bacteria, in amounts up to the extent that they can cause illness.

In these foods, the bacteria are usually staphylococci, C.perfringens, B.cereus, the Salmonella and Campylobacter jejuni.

Virus:Viral gastroenteritis, more frequently than detected, causes include Norwalk virus, Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Calcivirus.

Due to parasites:Due to eating contaminated food such as raw vegetables, water, food contaminated with amoeba stool, or larvae.

Food poisoning due to chemicals in food:Including additives, preservatives, regulators, synthetic sweeteners, synthetic pigments.

In addition, pollutants such as plant protection chemicals, heavy metals, dioxins, radioactive isotopes, and Agent Orange are also pollutants in foodborne pathogens. dangerous and long-lasting.

The current situation, there are many types of plant protection chemicals on the market, and the arbitrary use and preservation of chemicals are high risk of food poisoning.

4. Signs of food poisoning.

When food poisoning occurs, the patient may appear immediately, but may also up to several hours, a few days later to see symptoms.

Typical symptoms of food poisoning are:

Abdominal discomfort and nausea:This is the most common sign of food poisoning.

Hazardous agents such as bacteria, fungi, chemical attack enter the gut.

At this point, the body's immune system immediately activates, and reacts with nausea and vomiting to remove toxins.

Depending on the level of toxicity, the symptoms of vomiting will vary, the more toxic the receptor, the more severe vomiting.

When symptoms appear, the patient should go to the medical facility for first aid.

Diarrhea:After eating for a few hours, suddenly felt abdominal cramps, sad to defecate.

The number of bowel movements increased many times, loose stool, accompanied by signs of abdominal distention, flatulence, cramps, sweating.

Long-term diarrhea, which causes the body to deplete due to dehydration, serious electrical.

Increased heat:This symptom usually appears in, or after, multiple diarrhea.

Cause, body temperature increased to prevent the attack of harmful bacteria.

Headache:This is also one of the common symptoms of food poisoning, severe pain, or mild, depending on the person's condition, and level of poisoning.

5. Treatment of food poisoning at home.

Food poisoning has two forms, acute poisoning and chronic poisoning.

In acute poisoning, signs appear immediately after ingestion, patients experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, excessive walking, and so on.

Chronic poisoning, not immediately after eating, and no obvious poisoning symptoms, toxins in food quietly accumulate gradually in the body, and cause long-term health consequences, even can cause cancer.

In this article, we show how to deal with acute food poisoning.

Vomiting induced:This is the first step to take, to help people poisoned food to remove toxins, to limit the absorption of toxins inside the intestinal wall.

Fingers should be placed in the victim's mouth, and the tongue should be pressed lightly. Do not use long fingernails or saline solution to induce vomiting.

Removal of toxins in the body:Activated charcoal can be used, as they have the ability to absorb many different types of toxins.

In cases of toxic metal poisoning such as mercury, lead, give milk, egg white.

Acidic toxicity, heavy metals, magnesium oxide, powdered coal.

To limit the stomach to absorb more toxic, need food poisoning patients to eat food such as:porridge, rice flour, milk, egg white, and so on.

Water and electrolyte supplementation:People with food poisoning quickly lose water, lose electrolyte balance.

Slight loss of ability, stunned brain, heavy can affect the life.

Therefore, when food poisoning, vomiting should be added water, electrolyte immediately.

At home, the oresol solution may be administered to the patient.

With symptoms of mild food poisoning, can be remedied at home, but with severe conditions, it is necessary to quickly first aid, then transferred to the nearest medical facility, so that the patient is emergency timely.

To limit the stomach to absorb more toxic, need food poisoning patients eat foods such as:porridge, rice flour, milk, egg white, and so on.

The burden of illness, due to global eating, is a major problem, affecting communities around the world, especially children, and people in low-income areas.

The use of additives, in processed foods, as well as in plant protection chemicals, growth drugs, in aquaculture, contributes a great deal to this problem.

Master:Nguyen Hai.

The content of this post is ending, you have questions, questions please share the comments below this article.

Please subscribe to the Health Network channel, share this article with your friends and follow up with the next audio.

Hope this article will bring you many useful things.

Wish you always healthy.

For more infomation >> Food poisoning, global problem - Duration: 10:32.


Fuck Trash Rap - Ssahita ( Prod.dannyeb ) dizz vizakyy - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Fuck Trash Rap - Ssahita ( Prod.dannyeb ) dizz vizakyy - Duration: 1:45.


Live Eagle Cam

For more infomation >> Live Eagle Cam


For more infomation >> Live Eagle Cam


For Kids, How Much Screen Time is Too Much? | Let's Talk | NPR - Duration: 2:14.

The amount of time that little kids spend with small screens

has skyrocketed in the last five years.

As an education reporter and a mom, I wanted to know: How much screen time is too much?

I talked to dozens of experts, and surveyed over 500 families,

and came up with three simple rules.

(And yes, they're inspired by food writer Michael Pollan.)

Enjoy screens, not too much, mostly together.

Rule No. 1: Enjoy screens.

Whether you want your kid to be great at the arts, design, business, or science,

they'll need tech skills too.

That means using devices as tools for creation, discovery and connection.

Children learn by playing.

Why not invite them to go beyond passive viewing by sending emojis to Grandma, or trying out

a coding language like ScratchJr.

Rule No. 2: Not too much.

Too much screen time contributes to poor sleep, obesity

and the risk of negative mental, social and emotional outcomes.

Tips for cutting back include:

Shut down screens well before bedtime—the blue light keeps people awake.

Don't swipe while you eat.

That includes you, too, parents.

Mindless eating with a side dish of media can drive up the risk of obesity,

and it crowds out family time.

Don't let screens trap your kid indoors.

They need to get outside and play, every day.

Rule No. 3: Mostly together.

It can be easy to treat a screen as a babysitter,

but kids often need help understanding what they see.

Talk with your kids about what they're watching or doing online,

ask them to show you the latest app or game,

or put on a music video and dance together.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to screen time, but these three little rules

should help your kids, and you, maintain a healthy balance.

Anya Kamenetz, NPR News, New York.

For more infomation >> For Kids, How Much Screen Time is Too Much? | Let's Talk | NPR - Duration: 2:14.


For more infomation >> For Kids, How Much Screen Time is Too Much? | Let's Talk | NPR - Duration: 2:14.


「Nightcore」→ "In My Blood" (Shawn Mendes/Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:15.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ "In My Blood" (Shawn Mendes/Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ "In My Blood" (Shawn Mendes/Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:15.


7 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back [And What to Do About It] - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> 7 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back [And What to Do About It] - Duration: 5:44.


For more infomation >> 7 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back [And What to Do About It] - Duration: 5:44.


CORSAIR HYDRO SERIES H60 - Liquid Cool your CPU: Cooler, Quieter & More Controlled - Duration: 1:33.

Hey guys I'm George, and this is the HYDRO SERIES H60 LIQUID CPU COOLER.

The H60 has been one of our best selling coolers for years

and we made it even better.

The HYDRO SERIES H60, features a 120mm radiator

which would fit in just about any case that has a 120mm rear fan mount

mid-Tower ATX, micro ATX or full tower ATX.

The H60 is a HYDRO SERIES COOLER, which means it uses liquid

to cool the CPU instead of air or copper or other materials.

One of the benefits of that, well for one it could be quieter

and smaller form factor to get the same cooling performance you can

out of 3lbs of copper or aluminum, that would take up a ton of space

inside your case and impede airflow.

The improved pump head has a new cold plate that improves perfromance

significantly over any 120mm cooler we've ever launched

and it looks cooler too. The white LED back lit logo adds

a touch of flare to any build. The HYDRO SERIES H60 is compatible with all modern

Intel and AMD sockets and installation is completely tool free

it's easier than ever, you'll be done in minutes.

The HYDRO SERIES H60, comes with and SP120 PWM FAN

which ranges from 600 RPM all the way up to 1700 RPM.

So whether you want maximum performance or minimum noise

you can choose that through PWM control.

The improved copper cold plate and the higher density radiator

team up for the best performance we've ever offered in a 120mm radiator.

The new version of the H60 is our coolest, quietest and best performing 120mm radiator cooler ever

and it looks cooler too.

For more information, head on over to CORSAIR.COM

For more infomation >> CORSAIR HYDRO SERIES H60 - Liquid Cool your CPU: Cooler, Quieter & More Controlled - Duration: 1:33.


For more infomation >> CORSAIR HYDRO SERIES H60 - Liquid Cool your CPU: Cooler, Quieter & More Controlled - Duration: 1:33.


How to make crochet bag/backpack "Nora" - Easy tutorial ♡ Katy Handmade - Duration: 57:37.

hello everyone and welcome back in a brand new video! I'm Katy and

welcome on Katy Handmade. in today's tutorial we're going to make this bag /

backpack, the nora model. I say bag / backpack because for those who follow me on

facebook knows that I made two versions both this and the first in blue the first one

in blue it was just this backpack I have decided to turn it into a bag

in fact I did not put the braces however I say backpack because I have

made this handle that still remember very much the backpack. further advice

that I can give you, however, to be able to wearing is to add one

shoulder strap or a long handle is indifferent.

I decided to bring this first tutorial because I had more parts ready

let's say more registered parts of the tutorial, of course, however, for how much

regards the blue version you will see both the flap that bottom of this tutorial

because as I told you already in the previous tutorials are tending to

recycle the various pieces of mine tutorials to save time though

however, the explanation is always that so obviously as I always tell you there

I give my ideas but you can quietly customize this

version putting the braces then make it become a real backpack

own. regarding the t-shirt yarn many of you have asked me where

take it, I already had it at home because anyway I'm full of

material, I have boxes full of t-shirt yarn but then I was told that anyway

Sergio cirillo has it, so in the info box here below I leave the link of

their page because they really have it so much, there is and choice of this kind

of this t-shirt yarn. it's not a collaborative video though

many will ask why if I sells the material advice other suppliers

in reality I sell what is mine though I have not started a business

nothing I simply share mine 360 degree passion so I suggest you

my ideas also in the form of kits then if someone wants to buy them well

otherwise I live the same, I continue to do the tutorials so it can happen

that I continue to advise suppliers, but I kept doing it also in

private when I was asked information. so done this

premise I leave you to the list of the necessity and then we start with the

our project

Crochet n.7, in my case because however the tape is light and once processed

it remains thin while using one thicker tape like the licra, there

I recommend using a crochet number 8. so let's start with ours

bottom making an initial loop

in this way, and let's start 15 chains

made the 15 chains, now we come back back with sc, then starting

from the second st from the crochet hook

I'm going to make 1 sc in every chain

in the last chain I go to work 1 sc, 1 ch

1 sc

1 ch and 1 sc, then in the two ends of the bottom I will go to

make increases. for increases I do not I'm the kind of person who follows them

precise patterns or, yes I do increases but I do them on the basis of how

it transforms the work we say, to make you understand if I see that the fund is embarking

I'm going to make a chain, I use the chain to make the increases, however

anyway to make you a tutorial well I gave myself a test and then I did

the pattern is written so anyway give you a precise outline from

follow because otherwise if you have to follow a tutorial dedicated to the fund

how I really do it, that is, it does not have scheme, I go based on how the work

it takes shape. so after doing it this increase I'm going to do one again

sc in each st below until you reach the last chain

on the other end

arrived at the last chain we go to make 1 sc, 1 ch

1 sc, 1 ch, and the other sc is enough we have already made it to

start lap then the next sc let's go get it on

in the sc below then practically on both ends

we did the same number of increases. I do 1 sc on the

sc below, in this case I make another chain one

sc on the st below, we proceed the

work by doing sc in the successive 12 sts

now let's make 1 chain 1 sc on the next st

1 ch, 1 mb in the next st

below, 1 ch, 1 sc in the next st

below another chain, another sc in the st

next below so we will have to to do we will have to repeat ( 1 ch and

1 sc) x4 times there

now I proceed by doing one sc in the following 13 sts

and now let's go for one again 1 ch and 1 sc in the next st

in the next row below 1 ch and 1 sc

1 ch and 1 sc in next st

1 ch and 1 sc in next st

for the last time a1 ch and 1 sc in next st

we will have repeated in this case 6 times the group

of (1 ch and 1 sc). at this point we proceed doing

1 sc in 13 next sts

and also in this end we will have to repeat the groups of (1 ch and 1 sc)

x 6 times. then I'm going to make 1 ch and 1 sc

in next st (repeat x5 other times)

and at this point I'm going to make 1 sc in next 16 sts and then

let's go to close the job with sl st

this is the result we are going to cut the tape, we pull it out

and with the help of the needle let's go to close with the buttonhole of

closing I will not close at this point but in the next

and then obviously it goes to block everything inside the stitches. so this is it

the result of the fund more or less like I do it with a precise pattern

that I thought only for you well. at this point we go to do the

body of our backpack then we always start with the initial loop

and this time I want to start from the back so I do not hook on the short side

but I hooked on the back I have changed crochet, I took the number 8 for

make the body of the bag a little more wide

I'm going to hook in the central st of the back side of ours

bottom taking only half the chain behind this way and I'm going to do

1 sc

I will therefore work 1 sc back loop only in every st below

well finished the lap, we go to close with 1 sl st in the

first st and at this point we should start processing the body of the

bag or backpack anyway. I I will work the body of the bag with the

"canestro stitch" that is the same st that I used for the clutch "Aida"

of which you are asking me in so many the tutorial. know that it is in

I'm recording it along with all these other tutorials

so calm. the only problem is that I could not find the same

closure that I used for that because anyway I took it a long time

do in a haberdashery then I'll use another one closure, but in any case the procedure

of the clutch bag does not change obviously. for regarding the backpack you can

use any stitch. then let's see how to work ours

body of the backpack. here we go first of all to make a chain

afterwards we make a sc back loop only in the first shirt then

here we aim to take only half a

chain behind

in this way we make 1 sc BLO precisely, then we aim

crochet taking all the st below, then

this is what we find under the sc blo, that we have

just made, this is the next one, we must

aim the crochet like this so we take it all we take the

tape or anyway the cord that we are using we pull it out

and we close sc in this way

let's proceed, let's go for the crochet in the middle of the chain behind the

next row below then in this we take only half the chain

behind and we make a sc. now we have to alternate the sts, therefore

where there is the sc BLO we will do the canestro stitch then we take all the

Next st below we take the thread we pull out

and we close sc then we will have to proceed in this way for

all the way around. I do not remember exactly if I showed you this st already

in some tutorials surely yes it seems to me, in the bucket

shimmer with jute. maybe I leave it to you linked here at the top of the "i" .. and

let's continue this way

finished the lap I'm going to close with sl st

but if you want you can also continue to work in spiral without closing turns,

that is a bit subjective. then point the crochet in the first chain that

we did and close with sl st.

in this way, now I'm going to do it initial chain and on this lap

we should alternate the points then where we have the sc BLO we have to

make the canestro st, where we have the canestro stitch we have to knit

sc BLO. then in the st next we have 1 sc BLO

I'm going to get all of it knit and I'm going to make a canestro st

or anyway sc

in the next st we have a canestro stitch so I'm going to take only

half a chain behind and I do one sc this way and proceed

alternating the sts. it's really a lot simple because anyway just look

the points we have below, here we have the sc so I'm going to make the canestro stitch

here we have the canestro st and I'm going to do sc BLO. If

I did not make the sc BLO, it would come anyway the normal canestro st without these

small strips, and proceed in this way for all the ride is also

for all the subsequent turns that there I leave here shown above obviously

this is the total number of laps that we have to do including the first lap

together with the measure in centimeters. so if you want to use a

yarn different from mine you have like reference the measurement in centimeters,

so we reach these measures and then see you to finish our backpack.

well after finishing the body of the bag, then, after doing 18 laps e

reaching about 21.5 / 22 cm, this is the result. I kept a bit

lower, but of course if you prefer you can do it even higher. I am

kept low a bit because I preferred make it lower than the other

backpack, and some because I do not the tape was enough. I really have

so much tape but they are all boxed and I do not want to get her out of the box

and then put it back in to bring it in the new house, so I arrange one

with what I have outside. now let's go to cut the thread and let's close

with the closing buttonhole. as you can see, I closed it on the back

all laps with sl st let's say that you notice slightly little

however, this is the back then we do not care that much

as regards the flap, we always start with the initial loop and

we start 16 ch

well at this point always starting from the second chain from the crochet,

so not this but this, let's go to make 1 sc in every chain


in the last chain we are going to repeat the same procedure we did

also for the fund then in the last one chain we make (1 sc

1 ch, 1 sc, 1 ch, 1 sc)

we will work only on one end, and increase we will work them only on

so let's go back with sc

once the lap is over, we will finish it here because now we will have to work in rows of

roundtrip so let's make a chain and turn around

work and we will go to work 1 sc in next 13 sts

because then on this end we will have to work increases for it anyway

round the part. Point the hook in the first st and I make 1 sc

and I will do 1 sc in each st below until you get 13


ok at this point we will have to work 6 groups consisting of 1 chain and 1

sc like we did for the bottom, so let's make a chain, one

sc in the next st below and we repeat this

procedure for 6 times

at this point let's go back with sc so we will have to do

1 sc in the last 13 sts

also finished this lap, let's go to make a chain, turn,

and we'll go to work first one sc in the following 15 sts

worked the 15 sts we should go to work

groups to form increases e we will then work 1 chain

and 1 sc, this group, for 9 times

so let's make a ch 1sc in next below so

until obtaining 9 groups of

1 ch and 1 sc

then made 9 increases, proceed working sc

in each st below up to end the line

this round also ended this we have finished the lines of

increase and we will have to continue working a further line without increases then

doing sc in every st below and then we'll go to work

the finishing lap. so I proceed making 1 chain,

turn and I make a sc in the first st and

1 sc in every st below

also finished this line, let's go to make a chain, turn around and

we will work the finishing lap, then I'm going to work a sc

taking only the half chain behind of the underlying st in this way,

so I will make a sc BLO in each st below

regarding this version that I'm showing you in the tutorial I want

give you an alternative to closing since, however, I only had one

of that "folder" and I thought of apply a ring here and work it

together with theflap while I am working the sc, I insert

the ring to then make a band on the underlying part of the backpack e

so you can close it with a simple one ring and a snap lock that is located

easily in all haberdasheries. then I'm going to work sc BLO

and I have to find the center of this flap, here,

I sign with a brand points where I have to arrive with sc

and where I have to start taking then the ring

so here I have to do the sc without taking

the little ring and here I'll take it too the ring so I take it this way.

in this way I got stuck the ring and now proceed doing mine

sc BLO in the remaining ss

after the line we go to finish even this part, so let's do one

chain we work sc in this point, and a sc in

every line that we find ourselves underneath

in this way. now I'm going to cut the thread and close with the closing buttonhole.

After that we go to hide the thread in excess between the sts. good to this

we have to go sewing our own flap, at least I will do this first

step. we take ours flap and place it according to the

the height we want. I also changed the snap because

this in my opinion is more comfortable for then create the band that we are going to

sew on the bottom and besides being more comfortable and even a little bit cuter

to see, so I'm going to put it back,

and regarding the height of the flap is our pleasure. We can

put it all completely down or on .. it's a subjective thing

I will go to position it this way, obviously it also depends on how many

chains you started for the flap, because more chains started more there

the flap is big. I go to take the tape that was me

advanced, I will go to hide the thread later. I go

to create the initial loop in this way and I will try to sew mine

flap with sl st. first of all I would say to take one

I act on the corners because I already have them folded the backpack here

to make me a little bit account of the dimension

so I would say to mark myself with a brand points the corners so I know where there is

the bending, more than anything else I'm going to do it in these retro seen that however I will have to

sew the flap. so I'm going to mark the corner but it's a thing

my you can do it and do not do it. then later

I have marked the two points I go to bring the loop inside

of the bag and I'm going to pull it out with crochet

in this way I take the flap, point the crochet in

a st that is parallel to the point where did we escape from


I take the loop, I pull it out into this way, it's a bit difficult to make you

see, however, I will try to make you understand. in practice I'll have to sew all of it

flap along the edge, with sl st entering both points

of the flap both in the sts of the backpack. then stitch with the crochet in the stitch

next of the flap e even in the backpack I take the thread

from inside

he pulled it out and closed it directly with sl st. I proceed this way

until all the flap is sewn.

Well, once all the flap has been sewn, let's cut the thread and send it to

hide between the sts.

well at this point with a bit of tape that advanced me, I go to

create the band that me will still hold the snap. then

I always keep it hooked to the flap so that I can work

measure where I will have to get. I take the crochet number 7 and go to

make the initial loop

Turn and go to work directly in the ring of the

snap. then point the crochet in the ring and I'm going to make

1 sc, I do another, then 2 sc in total, and I will try to do one

Romanian braid from this point. in theory I'm going to turn

I take the st in this way, yarn over and close both buttonholes. Turn,

I take this loop and this other loop a total of 3 loops,yarn over and

I close the first two and then the second two. Turn

I'll take this first

loop, I take the second one

in this way, yarn over, close the first 2, and close the second two. Turn

and I repeat this procedure I take the first one I take the second one

yarn over, close the first two

I close the second two and proceed up to reach the measure we need

ok I reached my size then for the last time he worked

I take the two loops, yarn over and I close everything together

I then go to pull the whole thread out so much so, there is little left of it

I'll have to go and sew this band to the center of the base then on these points

here those in the coast we go to sew entering and leaving the processing

then once the band has been sewn let's block the thread inside

with a little patience. well this turned out once

assembled the backpack. at this point we should go and make the handle

the braces. in this case we have two options we can buy the handle and

ready-made leather / faux leather braces, there are suppliers that

however they sell them, or we can make them us with yarn. in this

case I will use the cord that is less elastic therefore if you want to continue to

follow the tutorial and then implement the backpack just like I realized it

I continue to follow the tutorial

because I will show you how to make it both the braces that handle anyway

they have the same procedure so I'll show you the sample right

and then regarding the length see a little according to your tastes

in this case I will use simple white cord, any lanyard is fine

provided it is 3 mm. I will work with crochet 3.5mm, so I'm going to do the

initial loop as usual e I will work a simple Romanian braid

so how did we do it for the lanyard of the snap only that in

In this case we will start from the chains. so I'm going to do 2

chains, stitch the crochet in the first chain and I take the thread and I do one


in this way. Turn, point the crochet in this loop that would be

the first chain I take this loop, yarn over

and I close both loops together this step is just to start

after which we turn the work, we take these two loops then one and two

yarn over and we close the first two

yarn over again and close the second two we turn the back on

work and proceed by repeating the same procedures then I take the first loop

I take the second that I'm still on side, yarn over close the first 2

yarn over again, I close the second two and proceed in this way until

reach the length I need this concerns both the handle and the


finished your handle, go to turn the work around

take the two loops we yarn over and we close all the loops together. at

this point we do not go to cut the thread but let's finish our

Romanian braid. so I do one chain and I will go to aim the crochet

in all these loops that there we find lateral to the Romanian braid

then point the crochet in this I take the thread and I make sl st

and I will make sl st in each loop we find ourselves, in this


we will go to outline all of ours Romanian braid. when I'll come here I'll do it

a chain, 1 sl st inside the central st

1 chain and then step on the other side and I do the same procedure up

to get to the end where I will cut the thread I will close with the loops of

closing and our handle is ready, therefore

I proceed, I just wanted to show you the finishing process .. I do not think so

I will make the straps for this model because I prefer to keep it by hand

in short, maybe I will put a chain

well I finished as you can see the my handle, now I'm going to cut the

thread and close with the closing buttonhole

I think it's more so nice, you let me know below

in the comments what do you think if you like it more so or do you prefer to keep anyway

the classic Romanian braid. so I go cut the thread and close it with one

closing buttonhole

put the snap is very simple I already put it on one side, but seen it

that many of you often ask me how maybe apply a chain or one

shoulder bag I simply use these

round snap and now I go

practically to apply it right on the end then here, I do it

pass between the stitches [...] and here I have applied the snaps. now we must

go to apply it to the backpack / bag. we choose a position on the back, me

I'll try to put it lower possible so that anyway once

that is standing the snaps can not be seen. so I open

always the snap I still go to switch it between the sts. how long

it's about when you have to practically apply the chain to you open the

snap put the chain and then this part go and lock it in one

of the sts of the bag .. now there I show why maybe someone who

wants to put the shoulder strap ..

I have now put it right on chain of course to put one

shoulder strap go in a st more in low type here

put and stay in place, that is not nothing so difficult. so I go to

apply my handle

and here we have applied ours handle. at this point the bag is ready

obviously you can customize the model as you like it then

maybe apply a handle or what want

same thing for the type of closure. good Girls! at this point we have finished

our bag and this is the result. of course you can customize it in

based on your tastes so you can change the closure to put a button

a magnet a folder closure, create the drawstring and more

put the braces I did not put just because I want it anyway

leave as a bag not as a backpack but still keep the style of one

backpack because I like them especially the backpacks. then

I hope this project is there liked! you asked me in many

the tutorial and as you know, I look for it always sharing everything with you.

so let me know below in the comments what you think

obviously you can do this project with any yarn because

however I always leave the measures in centimeters so it's simple too

recreate it with different yarns. not worry that I will also take you

projects in lanyard since anyway not all of you are lovers of the sling, e

nothing .. I invite you to subscribe to the channel if you like it

always remember to activate from bell because otherwise there

notifications arrive and do not appear not even in the home the new tutorials .. e

share the tutorial with all your creative friends.

I send a kiss and I wait for you always in the next tutorial

Bye My Dears Ladies <3

For more infomation >> How to make crochet bag/backpack "Nora" - Easy tutorial ♡ Katy Handmade - Duration: 57:37.


For more infomation >> How to make crochet bag/backpack "Nora" - Easy tutorial ♡ Katy Handmade - Duration: 57:37.


Voici une astuce simple pour se débarrasser de la graisse abdominale à la maison - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Voici une astuce simple pour se débarrasser de la graisse abdominale à la maison - Duration: 6:59.


For more infomation >> Voici une astuce simple pour se débarrasser de la graisse abdominale à la maison - Duration: 6:59.


Revue REFLETS - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> Revue REFLETS - Duration: 8:39.


For more infomation >> Revue REFLETS - Duration: 8:39.


Back In Time - teaser [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 0:41.

Me, when I grow up, I will be a princess

But what the fuck am I doing on this earth ?

John I can't.

I can't be with you.

Your brother rapes you and your mother beats you ? know that we all have our little troubles, right

This morning, I couldn't open my jam pot again

and it ruined my day your cities !

For more infomation >> Back In Time - teaser [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 0:41.


For more infomation >> Back In Time - teaser [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 0:41.


Les 7 principaux bienfaits de la maca et plusieurs façons délicieuses et faciles de l'utiliser - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> Les 7 principaux bienfaits de la maca et plusieurs façons délicieuses et faciles de l'utiliser - Duration: 13:38.


For more infomation >> Les 7 principaux bienfaits de la maca et plusieurs façons délicieuses et faciles de l'utiliser - Duration: 13:38.


TECHNIQUES FORTES pour les états Hypnotiques Plus Profonds et la Guérison Instantanée - Duration: 10:51.

Deep results can be achieved through the use of the gaze

Deep results can be achieved through the use of the gaze

In this deep state, the person takes a new direction to an unconscious level everything is rebalanced - cured from the inside

In this deep state, the person takes a new direction to an unconscious level everything is rebalanced - cured from the inside

Involuntary movements release emotional tensions and blockages

Involuntary movements release emotional tensions and blockages

Nonverbal methods activate the vagus nerve that releases an assortment of hormones and neurotransmitters

Nonverbal methods activate the vagus nerve that releases an assortment of hormones and neurotransmitters

With nonverbal techniques, we can completely unlock this gel through the body we deflate the person and settle the vagus system

With nonverbal techniques, we can completely unlock this gel through the body we deflate the person and settle the vagus system

Bilateral head movements help reconnect hemispheres and alertness Research shows effects on the anterior cingulate cortex.

Bilateral head movements help reconnect hemispheres and alertness Research shows effects on the anterior cingulate cortex.

with nonverbal methods, the subject enters a state of emptiness, where automatic rebalancing occurs, and where we can free the person from limiting and negative patterns

with nonverbal methods, the subject enters a state of emptiness, where automatic rebalancing occurs, and where we can free the person from limiting and negative patterns

In the cataleptic state, the conscious mind is disabled and the inner self is altered it makes it easier to unlock blockages further

In the cataleptic state, the conscious mind is disabled and the inner self is altered it makes it easier to unlock blockages further

It is a highly beneficial and therapeutic condition for transformation and regeneration

It is a highly beneficial and therapeutic condition for transformation and regeneration

The subject is immediately very responsive. With nonverbal hypnosis, you already have the receptive state in seconds.

The subject is immediately very responsive. With nonverbal hypnosis, you already have the receptive state in seconds.

Hypnotic cataleptic phenomena are an excellent way to heal body and mind, to enter higher states of consciousness

Hypnotic cataleptic phenomena are an excellent way to heal body and mind, to enter higher states of consciousness

For more infomation >> TECHNIQUES FORTES pour les états Hypnotiques Plus Profonds et la Guérison Instantanée - Duration: 10:51.


For more infomation >> TECHNIQUES FORTES pour les états Hypnotiques Plus Profonds et la Guérison Instantanée - Duration: 10:51.


Wörthersee : les apprentis de VW au travail - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Wörthersee : les apprentis de VW au travail - Duration: 1:55.


For more infomation >> Wörthersee : les apprentis de VW au travail - Duration: 1:55.


GENÈVE 2018 EN PHOTOS : LE STAND BMW - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> GENÈVE 2018 EN PHOTOS : LE STAND BMW - Duration: 4:15.


For more infomation >> GENÈVE 2018 EN PHOTOS : LE STAND BMW - Duration: 4:15.


Nagui s'en prend à Bertrand Cantat dans C à vous -AZ NEWS - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Nagui s'en prend à Bertrand Cantat dans C à vous -AZ NEWS - Duration: 1:49.


For more infomation >> Nagui s'en prend à Bertrand Cantat dans C à vous -AZ NEWS - Duration: 1:49.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


Be Better (BoJack Horseman Remix) - Duration: 3:06.

Fool me once, fool me twice...

Fool me chicken soup, with rice

You need to get your shit together

The woods are dark and scary, but the only way out is through

You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself

Like that makes it okay

You need to be better!

Traveling on a spaceship so far away from home

To find a new and better place, a planet rich with loan (?)

We learned a lot and had some laughs but they couldn't make us slaves

No they couldn't... make us...

(Slaves!) You need to get your shit together

The woods are dark and scary, but the only way out is through

You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself

Like that makes it okay...

You need to be better!

It's you, it's... you

You need to be better! It's you, you, you

You are all the things that are wrong with you

You can't escape my wise words

You need to get your shit together!

You need to be better, you need to be better!

You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself

Like that makes it okay! You need... to... be...

Hey! Thanks for watching!

This track was actually made with Goodhertz plugins...

Goodhertz is an audio software company that makes amazing effects and utilities

So if you're into music production or if you want to get into it, you should really check them out

There's a link in the description. Ok, thx, bye!

For more infomation >> Be Better (BoJack Horseman Remix) - Duration: 3:06.


EATING SUSHI with AKIDEAREST in Japan - Duration: 7:36.

seba goes again to eat sushi for us

and we should thanks him for this sacrifice he is making for us

and tonight special guest is AKIDEAREST

we are in OMOTESANDO and we are about to eat Sushi

with Unhappy Fabian

and Hungry Aki

you can speak italian right?

we are having sushi and aki is eating tenpura

here we can really eat everything

don't forget you chopsticks

so you see? different plates = different price

so you can have sushi for 130 --- 530 yen

what are you eating? can you talk italian please?

so I've chosen to eat akagai, tsubugai, hotate and this one with natto and okura

that many of you might not like it and also I'm having ika

this is from Yuriko that is not with us today

this one instead is for St3pny, that I know how much he loves natto XD

this is ALL FOR YOU my dear friend

another one, this one for Favij

this is my favoriteeee!

bye bye

For more infomation >> EATING SUSHI with AKIDEAREST in Japan - Duration: 7:36.


Пледы из пряжи Alize Puffy. Схемы узоров и описание техник вязания. - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Пледы из пряжи Alize Puffy. Схемы узоров и описание техник вязания. - Duration: 5:47.


Episódio 17 | COMO SALVAR SEU CASAMENTO - PARTE 2 - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> Episódio 17 | COMO SALVAR SEU CASAMENTO - PARTE 2 - Duration: 7:48.


Những Pha Biến Ảo Của LeeSin Rank Đồng 6 - Duration: 37:12.

For more infomation >> Những Pha Biến Ảo Của LeeSin Rank Đồng 6 - Duration: 37:12.


7 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back [And What to Do About It] - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> 7 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back [And What to Do About It] - Duration: 5:44.


BMW, 최고급 SUV 'X8' 출시 검토..럭셔리 SUV 시장 '공략'[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> BMW, 최고급 SUV 'X8' 출시 검토..럭셔리 SUV 시장 '공략'[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:25.


Meizu E3, Official Review Introduction - SAK!!! - Duration: 5:17.

Meizu E3, Official Review Introduction - SAK!!!

Frameless smartphone Meizu E3 (2018) received a dual camera 12 + 20 megapixel.

As expected, Meizu E3 today introduced the Meizu E3 smartphone in China.

It is made in a fashionable now frameless design with a fingerprint scanner on the side face and a dual main camera.

The main camera combines a 12-megapixel Sony sensor with a two-color LED flash

and a dual-phase autofocus system,

as well as Sony's 20-megapixel auxiliary module for depth information and a 2.5x zoom.

Both modules are protected by a sapphire crystal.

Meizu E3 is enclosed in a metal case, equipped with a 5.99-inch display with Full HD + (2160 x 1080 pixels),

an 8-megapixel front camera, a 3360 mAh battery with fast charging.

Hardware base was the eight-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 636,

6 GB of operating and 64 or 128 GB of internal flash memory with the ability to expand microSD cards up to 128 GB.

Supports two SIM-cards, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi (802.11 ac), Bluetooth 5, GPS + GLONASS,

there is a USB Type-C port.

The dimensions are 156.8 x 75 x 7.6 mm, and the weight is 160 grams.

The smartphone runs under the Android 7.1.2 Nougat operating system with Flyme OS 6.3.

Meizu E3 is offered in black, golden and blue color options at a price of about 284 and 315 US dollars, respectively.

Sales will start on March 31, 2018.

For more infomation >> Meizu E3, Official Review Introduction - SAK!!! - Duration: 5:17.


Audi A3 Limousine 1.0 TFSI Sport Lease Edition LED, Navigatie, Cruise Control, PDC, 17"LM - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Limousine 1.0 TFSI Sport Lease Edition LED, Navigatie, Cruise Control, PDC, 17"LM - Duration: 0:56.


Audi A1 Sportback Adrenalin 1.0TFSI/96pk Navigatie, Cruise control, 17"LM - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback Adrenalin 1.0TFSI/96pk Navigatie, Cruise control, 17"LM - Duration: 0:54.


Volkswagen Golf 1.2TSI/105pk Comfortline Executive ·Navigatie · Xenon · Cruise Control - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2TSI/105pk Comfortline Executive ·Navigatie · Xenon · Cruise Control - Duration: 0:58.


현대차 아이오닉, 전기차 가격은 내리고·하이브리드는 올리고...[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 현대차 아이오닉, 전기차 가격은 내리고·하이브리드는 올리고...[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:38.


캐딜락, V8 엔진 탑재한 신형 CT6 공개..모습 살펴보니...[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 캐딜락, V8 엔진 탑재한 신형 CT6 공개..모습 살펴보니...[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:22.


GENÈVE 2018 EN PHOTOS : LE STAND BMW - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> GENÈVE 2018 EN PHOTOS : LE STAND BMW - Duration: 4:15.


르노·닛산·미쓰비시 재편 움직임..르노삼성에 미칠 영향은?[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 르노·닛산·미쓰비시 재편 움직임..르노삼성에 미칠 영향은?[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:37.


Pangan News 2018 #2 - Valentine's Day - What Makes You Feel Loved? - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> Pangan News 2018 #2 - Valentine's Day - What Makes You Feel Loved? - Duration: 9:30.


Back In Time - teaser [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 0:41.

Me, when I grow up, I will be a princess

But what the fuck am I doing on this earth ?

John I can't.

I can't be with you.

Your brother rapes you and your mother beats you ? know that we all have our little troubles, right

This morning, I couldn't open my jam pot again

and it ruined my day your cities !

For more infomation >> Back In Time - teaser [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 0:41.


iSSi Flash III Pedal Review - Duration: 5:03.

Hey everyone this is Colton Lock aka Funtivity Colton here with

Today we are checking out some brand-new SPD pedals by iSSi. Let's go

check it out.

These pedals are the iSSi flash III, a standard dual sided SPD pedal very

similar to a Shimano SPD pedal. These are designed to be a direct successor to iSSi

Flalsh 2 with a few really nice improvements like a smoother bearing

a better pedal platform and more customizable options. The first thing

you'll notice about this is probably the awesome color. The flash 3 comes in 10

awesome different colors so you can match it to any color scheme. It comes in

teal, violet, pink, high-vis yellow, or these, lava red. I chose the lava red

because I thought it would match the details of my epic really well and I

really loved that extra bit of pop that it brings to the bike. I will say that I

am a little bit disappointed with the quality of the paint on these pedals,

it's just not very durable. Granted I live in a place that is rocky AF. Pedal

strikes are a guaranteed and most of my pedals are dinged and scraped up like

crazy. I was just really disappointed to find that within literally the first ten

miles of using these pedals the paint was chipping off all over the place. Now

I understand pedals are gonna get dinged up, I just wished that the paint was

going to last a little bit longer. Aside from the weak paint, the flash IIIs

have a lot going for them. They use a standard SPD cleat which I really like

because all of my bikes are set up with SPD pedals, and I can use one pair of

shoes to hop on any of the bikes. The Flash III comes standard with a 52.2

millimeter spindle, but ICI does offer two longer spindle length

options as well to allow riders to get just the right Q factor. Like most

clipless pedals, the iSSi Flash III comes with an adjustable spring tension system

that is really simple to use. There's a small indicator above the

tension bolt with a plus and minus symbol to indicate the tightness

relative to the maximum or minimum, so you can adjust them exactly to your

liking. I typically like my pedals really tight with a minimal float, and I found

that I could crank these babies way up nice and tight. Speaking of the float, the

Flash III is sporting a fairly standard 4 degrees with a 14.6 degree angle

of release which is very similar to most Shimano SPDs. All of those factors

combined with a nice platform on this pedal really made me feel confident and

glued to these pedals. The new model is said to shed debris a lot better than

the flash twos, and I found that they worked quite well. I think all of you

riders that like to get nice and dirty-- I'm looking at you cyclocross riders--

will be really impressed by these pedals. I even had a chance to get out on the

fat bike with these quite a few times and was really pleased with how well

they shed the mud and the snow. I actually got to ride iSSi's trail pedal as

well which I found I liked even more on my fat bike and my trail bike. It has a

little bit bigger of a platform but still sheds debris just as well, making

it just right for these disciplines. One of the best things about these pedals

are the bearings. These axles spin on impressively smooth, sealed bearings

that in my opinion are even smoother than Shimano SPDs. The best part: they

are fully serviceable and replaceable with parts sold by iSSi. I have really

beat these pedals up over the past few months, and aside from the chipping paint,

I have seen no decline of performance since the day I opened the box. I think

both the Flash and the Trail series are great pedals.

I love the buttery smooth bearings, the adjustable tension system that gets nice

and tight, smooth clip in and clip out, and I really love the color options

which are a nice change of pace compared to the basic B Shimanos that

we all have. It's a little tough to tell you how much these weigh because of the

different variations, but my standard Flash IIIs with a standard spindle came in

at 344 grams. The top-of-the-line Flash 3 uses 3 bearings for the smoothest

spin and retails for $105. The new Flash II drops down to a bushing and bearing

system and is priced at $85. And finally the Flash I is the most

affordable of the bunch at $65. If you're looking for something with a bigger

platform, take a look at the Trail 1 series as seen here for $70, with options

ranging all the way up to $125 for the top-of-

the-line Trail III model. So thanks for hanging out with me today. To check out

the iSSi flash three pedals. If you haven't yet, be sure to click this little

link to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any of our awesome videos. Be

sure to follow me on Instagram and Strava @funtivitycolton. Thanks so

much for hanging out with me today we'll catch you on the trail.

For more infomation >> iSSi Flash III Pedal Review - Duration: 5:03.


Wörthersee : les apprentis de VW au travail - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Wörthersee : les apprentis de VW au travail - Duration: 1:55.


Quyển Sổ Tử Thần (12/37) - Nhạc 8D | Nhạc Phim Anime Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:01:14.

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