Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 25 2018

alright let's go in Oh oh Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today we're

checking out the ditch school to get rich avi adventurer avi this is by

shovelware studios I'm actually really excited to say that this is actually

kind of funny like the title of it so today we are not going to school grid

ditch school we are gonna get branch ok that's it you're one of Greg's friends

right wanna buy some school merch nope zoo-wee

mama okay you liking my outfit dude we miss the

bus I don't know if we don't beat it to

school we're gonna be late oh wow oh my gosh we got hit by a bus

okay three do one of these again okay oh my goodness oh we gotta beat the bus to

school oh my goodness didn't know I'm gonna beat it can we start this can

restarting this I didn't know the bus was gonna hit me oh my gosh it's the

school we're gonna be late crap freaking me oh crap oh my goodness

oh yeah I could jump alright let's go let's go let's go I'm closer now I did

this like two seconds ago is really bad so we're gonna try to beat it this time

come on come on we can do this let's go we'll beat this stuck in a school crap

those walls come on let's go oh the jumps help jump in jump in oh

come on I'm gonna beat you to school you bye okay come on jump

alright it's gonna make a left turn come on come on come

yes yes yes oh yeah yeah oh crap I missed one of those things so it's okay

I'm gonna Chuck spider bit back that's okay get here boom

get over here crack those wall crap another turn I was gonna turn left I

mean right all right let's go oh my goodness turn right again the

difference at school oh my goodness all right oh crap wait oh wait finish finish

you're right here yes I wanna know right there's a bus stop no it didn't

okay whatever let me get those golden that we was ditching school to get rich

but I guess we're going to school together I want to ride a dragon it just

works really not a lot of drag right and we're trying 486 robots not I've drunk

is just a writer okay we need cash fast let's ditch class and

go make money okay I have made our promise all right watch out for hall

monitor traps we need cash fast let's ditch class and go make money off of

other people's work okay that's not nice all right let's go

crap this always a bet the janitor should be fired

oh my goodness oh the homeowner truck whoa crap free connect and go this way

all right here we go turn left all right what's that what

happened what did I touch I don't even know what I touched oh my goodness all

right let's go try to do like wide wide turns I guess not

don't touch that great big Oh get up all right come on

don't touch the water crap oh my goodness here we go how many times is it

gonna take Christine to do this level we're gonna I see okay go go go go all

right here we go turning left all right jump stop Wow Oh quick quick it didn't

it didn't kill me all right good good checkpoint yay all right oh my goodness

all right let's go nice school a bitter bitter bitter injury wait wait oh well

crap they got me I was too distracted looking at whatever that ish was on the

floor I thought it was like a checkpoint or something but it's not oh oh oh oh

goodness you girls got some skills Dakota boobs

Creek okay that was a glitch on the game's fault really because and I'm like

stopped it like froze for a second okay boom no come on get up there

okay move over my nose my nose my nose okay go to the left oh crap crap crap

crap oh oh oh oh oh we end as we in this yes we got a sneak through this

classroom watch out for the professor okay I'm the

Boy Who Lived all right so you didn't die oh let me

tell you all about the time I killed dumbledore today oh my god that's a

useful by the way and as a massive spoiler okay so I guess we jump on this

one whoo these deaths are a bit far apart mr. snake okay

thank goodness make sure you press you don't touch the chief just take my word

for it okay let's gross Oh Oh what the heck osode it's so gross there's more

cheese hey we're not even halfway through this thing and they're already

pulling out the lazy obstacles I like how they make fun of themselves you know

the shovel where people come all right come on this way I like going diagonal

and these this one oh I put this country quays I don't know it's gonna take me 20

years to answer zoo-wee mama this janitor's closet is

huge okay oh wow and there's a leak the janitor a crap they need to UM

really take care of this because that's disgusting uh oh no no no no okay

uh you go sir don't be sir good please don't jump in my this nasty

spot right here quick into this and Bailey oversized vent oh

crap you see the sprayers Oh No double jump that's gonna be none I don't

mean I interview double jump okay here we go oh goodness come on come

on come on Oh so Rudy hate it okay now it's the

same thing except blue cheese I'm I'm not mad just disappointed that's funny

okay free giving stuff that's disgusting all right help assist our roblox

Auggie's okay is that it are we done we made a roblox games to make quick quick

buck jump through the projector screen to

help them test it okay there we go okay I mean I'm gonna say mommy it's just a

different level star war we need you to play test our Star Wars I beat if this

works out we'll make mad cash okay Oh so this oh my cannot be making fun of

themselves in there Auggie it's like that it's like a inception type of thing

going on here okay yeah I made it

Leia trip twice but oh oh crap boom get come come on thank you almost died

boop boop bop freaking eggs they don't have a lot of height on there for you

yeah just walk in a minute okay don't is this stuff with that will you choose to

travel on the lights or the dark side let's go on the top okay maybe not

Oh freaking a okay I went through the dark side

prepare okay oh oh frickin a oh gosh this is like speaking

next level on these uh these bullets and their aim

okay get it got it whoo oh yeah the trash keep oh this is so disgusting

Oh frickin a okay here we go come on oh oh oh thank you

oh you should from the toilet did you finish your boat please sir I'm a little

bored okay let's go this way what's in here Omega go find an

extinguisher quick all right let's go find the extinguisher everybody and

everything is on fire this girl is on fire okay we go this way I need to

extinguish the fire frickin a okay alright let me jump up here jump here Oh

linoleum Brown ravioli jump jump double jump crap jump here jump here jump here

then double jump over here yeah use that double jump Betty okay

checkpoint ah what does that say um oh goodness

Oh use me he's trying to help look at him oh okay I need this person not to

see us just like your lovebirds mr. Samson get it I got it yeah I

extinguished this cool our work survived yes when was that

okay ba relax aw he was a flux to try this next one is this the place Jurassic

Park what is gonna happen in here oh I'm nervous okay let's try to a drastic

world zombie I'm nervous that's why I like my accent went away

okay there's a lot of stuff here you got the bedrock bar grill all right let's go

up here see what's going on

okay ah freakin a alright let's go in Oh oh my

goodness oh that towel is ope let me get in here okay I'm stuck

Oh stay on the outside okay I guess we just keep free today

can I go underneath it yes I freakin okay go go go go go go go go come on

come on oh okay good good good job good job good job Vince isn't working we need

to stop that look or stoop stoop lower okay

so large pile of poop and got inspired for the next game oh dear

Oh Sonic okay this is all very interesting and unique and weird right

you gotta get our obvious back no they don't contain the emoji movie ah be okay

it will continue to leak and destroy the universe Metal Sonic just stole our

roblox files alright so I guess we're gonna go this way okay let's get him he

is fast as heck and he's freaking robots robot Sonic

I don't get another boost okay nice come on just jump over them you got it whoa

whoa whoa that is cool wait wait wait touching it isn't work oh my goodness

okay let's go let's go let's go I'm really nervous about this I feel like

the ground might cut out somewhere so touching I'm gonna work I will catch you

metal metal robots robots Sonic can you shoot your name also because it's really

I lost the race crap up to do it again alright here we go all right here we go

cuz I touched him I can't touch him okay let's go

don't touch me oh my goodness let's go let's go let's go all right

chump he like changes sides and so do you you just know why I had to fight her

fight robot roblox robot what's his name this was this guy's name

Sonic okay oh I'm gonna hit I'm ahead I'm ahead

well girl my head I cut them off but I'm ahead just make it just keep going girl

girl don't fall behind don't fall behind my booty hurts right

now I'm so focused right now so intense so intense oh girl you got it you got it

you got it you got it he's really close up behind you though

don't mess up do not mess up jump yes yes yes girl you're gonna beat him

you're gonna be terrific anybody here right now just keep movin keep movin

keep movin keep movin keep movin go Coco Coco Coco Coco yes and your dumb robot

robot okay yeah me too oh I have the money dude obviously six

real crazy 6x with all the money roblox is paying us we can afford McDonald's

food that good if something's funny about this play place much like how

cruel turned out to be a bad guy I had check it out if I were you what the play

place let me let me take a look what's this

I think nerds if you can call them that have only gotten more hip and

assimilated into culture okay what's all this

it just walks through here this is kind of cool

what just happened he told me to do it

Skyrim on on Nintendo switch is it all Nintendo switch I don't even know war

has changed America is a country of Liberty meeting of meeting among

immigrants is instead of simply assimilating ok so I have thought a

system that used information fast-food to control the so consciousness and his

primal urge to eat however Affairs on the surface have made

that difficult if we can't stop the beast all will be lost not just for food

ah police but they whole universe every universe hey speaking of beasts have you

heard about the new game it's called stem it just works

and want to buy a copy my man oh my goodness what is going on I don't like

this anymore did it start over ok we finish I finish

it all alright I'm gonna the gameplay here this

one was very odd very very weird it matched up a bunch of stuff but I was

happy when we got to the parts that were fun like the part where you're flying

you're flying the ship and then you're flying yourself so those are cool other

than that it was pretty like it was fun like the racing thing I think was a

great idea all that stuff it was just a bit tough you know not tough just random

it was very random and very randomized let me know you in fact down below the

comment section if you've got a level that you would like to suggest let me

know down below if you like this video like button don't worry used to

subscribe and so we're gonna click on notifications valve because YouTube's

going through some you know clinches right now so this way you're notified of

why I vote

For more infomation >> NO SCHOOL!! | ROBLOX DITCH SCHOOL TO GET RICH OBBY - Duration: 15:42.



For more infomation >> DEADPOOL 2 TRAILER 2 | TODOS OS DETALHES QUE VOCÊ DEIXOU PASSAR! - Jujuba ATÔMICA - Duration: 11:38.




For more infomation >> REACTING TO THE BEST KICKS/COMEBACKS IN TRACK HISTORY w/ Ryan Trahan - Duration: 8:33.


15 Hoaxes That Fooled The World - Duration: 8:26.

• What photo was used to depict a humanitarian crisis, but was just part of an art project

in a different country?

What image is fake despite every part of it being objectively real?

From footprints to fruits, here are 15 hoax images that fooled the world... at least for

a few days.

15 – Fairy Pools • This image is wrong on many levels.

It claims to be the famous Fairy Pools of Skye in Scotland.

• But not only is it photoshopped, the original picture isn't even in Scotland.

The photo is of the Shotover River in New Zealand.

• And while the original picture is still majestic and beautiful... it's not exactly

the high-contrast alien planet of purple and blue depicted in the image.

14 – Fried Chicken Oreos • In 2014, the internet exploded as an image

appeared showing that Fried Chicken Oreos were about to be a thing.

• Considering Oreos are now available in flavors ranging from Watermelon to Banana

Split, this didn't really seem TOO outlandish.

After all, chicken and waffles is a thing, so maybe it would just taste like that?

• We may never know, because the image was fake, and Oreo has no plans to make it NOT


13 – Syrian Orphan Boy • This image went viral under the guise

of it being a Syrian boy sleeping between the graves of his dead parents.

And in that context, it's heartbreaking.

• Luckily, at least in this case, that context is completely false.

The picture was taken in Saudi Arabia, the child in the photo is the photographer's nephew,

and it's part of an art project about unconditional love between parents and children.

• Those aren't even real graves – they're just piles of stones.

12 – Fake Dino Baby • An image that surfaced in 2004 was suggested

to be a real, live dinosaur, that had somehow survived in Malta.

• Of course that wasn't true – it turned out to be a model submitted to a Japanese

magazine in 1992 as part of a contest.

• In fairness... it's a pretty good model.

11 – Fetus Footprint • After this image of a footprint on a mother's

belly circulated in 2004, people immediately set about figuring out whether or not it was


• While the photoshopping looks pretty convincing, a gynecologist asked about the picture laughed

at the notion.

• Apparently, if that picture WAS real, the woman would be in critical condition,

because it would mean the fetus had torn through the wall of the uterus.

10 – Petrified Lightning • The good news is that this photo is real.

It's not photoshopped or anything.

This is a real thing that existed.

• But the caption it went viral with described it as a "fulgurite," a structure resulting

from lightning striking sand.

• That caption is completely wrong.

Fulgurites are real, but they form under the sand, and one of that size would be in a museum


• No, the reality of this photo is that it's an art piece by a guy known as "Sandcastle


And this photo shows less than half of the whole thing.

• This is one of those rare hoaxes where the real story is just as interesting as the

fake one.

9 – Snow-Covered Sphinx • No, the Sphinx wasn't covered in snow

after Egypt's first snowfall in over a century.

• But these photos aren't manipulated.

This photo is taken from a theme park in Japan that houses multiple small-scale reproductions

of famous monuments.

• So the snow is real, and the people are real.

And the Sphinx is real... but also fake.

Got it?

8 – "RMONEY" • During the 2012 US Presidential election,

Mitt Romney was repeatedly accused of caring primarily for the interests of the rich and


• And someone else discovered that by making it look like two kids had stood in the wrong

spot, they could poke fun at exactly that.

• But the photo is manipulated – the lettered shirts are real, but the kids stood in the

right spot.

7 – Viagra HQ • Okay, it is admittedly hilarious to see

this photo with the caption "Viagra Corporate Headquarters."

• But does this really look like a corporate headquarters?

And Viagra isn't a company.

It doesn't have a headquarters – it's a drug owned by Pfizer.

• Having said all that, the photo is totally real.

It's just of an unrelated building in Oregon with questionable tastes in topiary arrangement.

6 – Tourist Guy • Shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks,

a photo started circulating that appeared to show a photo taken from the top of the

World Trade Center shortly before being struck by a plane.

• Except that the plane in the picture was the wrong kind of plane, there was no motion

blur, and the photo is facing the wrong direction.

• So it's extremely fake.

5 – Horse Dog • Hercules, the English Mastiff, was the

biggest dog in the world in 2001, weighing in at 282 pounds.

• And a short paragraph about Hercules was attached to this photo when it went viral

in 2007.

• The dog in this picture, however, is not Hercules, and while there is no consensus

or proof on the matter, the general assumption is that it probably isn't even real.

4 – Snowball • In 2000, a story and photo surfaced of

a gargantuan, 87-pound cat named Snowball.

The photo made the cat's owner Internet famous for a bit.

• But the man immediately admitted he'd created the image as a joke, and never intended

for it to go beyond a few friends he'd e-mailed it to.

• The "real" Snowball is named Jumper, and he weighs a pretty normal 21 pounds.

3 – Moon Melon • Japan is known for doing some interesting

things with fruit, so when a picture of a deep blue watermelon known as a "moon melon"

surfaced, it seemed somewhat legit.

• The Moon Melon was supposedly very expensive and would scramble your taste buds to make

salty foods taste bitter and sour foods taste sweet.

• That was the story, anyway.

The reality is that somebody just colored a watermelon blue in Photoshop and did a pretty

good job.

2 – Stop Being Poor • Paris Hilton is a symbol of unearned excess


And so for her to pass judgement on poor people is pretty much the highest of insults.

• Fortunately, her "Stop Being Poor" tank top isn't real.

The ACTUAL tank top she wore to that event had a similar design, but said "Stop Being


1 – Venice Freezes Over • A few years back, Venice had its worst

freeze in years.

The famous canals froze over, leaving boats stuck in the ice.

• And then a photo started circulating of that freeze.

And that photo is a complete fabrication, which is unfortunate, because it looks awesome.

• The photo is a composite of a photo of Venice with ice from Lake Baikal.

The individual parts are real individually, but not together.

For more infomation >> 15 Hoaxes That Fooled The World - Duration: 8:26.


En 2 DÍAS: Elimina las Manchas Oscuras Con Pasta de Dientes. No lo Creerás!! - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> En 2 DÍAS: Elimina las Manchas Oscuras Con Pasta de Dientes. No lo Creerás!! - Duration: 2:37.


Swedish House Mafia ‒ Reunion ⚇⚇⚇ (Mix) 🔥 - Duration: 20:01.

For more infomation >> Swedish House Mafia ‒ Reunion ⚇⚇⚇ (Mix) 🔥 - Duration: 20:01.


The Sims Logic (Ep.8): Sims 4 - Duration: 9:04.

Andy could you help me out and do the laundry?

Nah, no thanks mom I'm busy.

For god's sake Andy!

Would it kill you to do laundry once in a while?


HAHAHAHAHA sims are so stupid!

I just removed the pool ladder and they started drowning.

Thank god I'm a real human with my own free will here hahaha, hahaha, ha, ha, ha.

Dad, my face is a such mess!

What should I do?

Oh its fine dont overreac- Aw man, seems that you're going to die of

starvation because you're surrounded by these small things.

Oops looks like you don't have any space to die.

Guess you have to magically turn into a tombstone then!

Whoa you're so beautiful!

You look really gorge- ooh nope, nevermind, I take my words back.

Let's see what pets sims have here, ooh Laura here has an adorable cat, Johnny has

his extremely loyal dog, Penny has a cute little goldfish, Ricky have this cool-looking

frog, Mxok#awq@p has, uh, whatever that thing is, Bob has a hamst-, oh, I have to buy a

dlc for a dlc just for that?

N-no thanks, and Emily, what is your pet?


Umm, you sure have a bizzare taste in pets, huh?

Oh, so you're trying to plant a lemon tree right next to a stone fence but you're too

lazy to go around the fence to reach the gate, oh that doesn't matter.

You can always plant it by clipping through the fence and continue taking care of it with

the same method!

Hey, butler!

Yes, is there anything I can do to help you?

Can you fix me up a nice dish?

Oh sure, but take a look at this, look at my shocking knife cutting tricks, and my acrobatic

food-mixing spin, and my impossible dough-making techniques, and my astonishing spice-adding

trickeries, and my- just cook my goddamn food already.

COMMERCIAL BREAK, feeling like an idiot?

How about making yourself look less like an idiot by wearing this DAMMIT EMILY sweater?!

It comes with various designs!

This sweater is made by yuliand.

She's really good at these you should check her channel out.

Download link is in the description.

Oh crap a fire!

Fiuh, good thing I have a fire alarm though.

The firefighter will arrive shortly!

*5 minutes later* God, where the hell is the firefighter?!

Oh god I just realised that we're in Sims 4 where firefighters don't exist and the

alarm basically does nothing!

Noooooooo- Hello people!

Come on in and grab these stuffs!

I'm sure that these are worth it!

A new promo, buy 1 with the price of 2 and get 1 free!

Fresh poops still warm!

Yeah, I know selling literal crap won't sell, I'm just messing arou-.


I don't understand why people make such cool houses and buildings.

It's not like sims will appreciate it.

Well, I guess they do appreciate it but come on!

I can just place tons of this knight statue in the room and they still consider it beautifully


I mean, I can also put these house objects without roofs and walls and they can live

just fine!

"Haha abi ur just jealous because you cannot build anything other than a shoebox" SHUT


Okay, okay, I'm just kidding.

I'm actually good at building!

This is the proof!

Wow you can actually build something other than a shoebox!

How did you manage to build it?!

Oh man, it's a long and exhausting process.

And it's definitely not a resized children doll house or anything.


These fake cars decided to stop for a while to let some fake ducks to cross the street,

when they don't even care if Sims were on the street?!

You heartless monsters.

Oh hey Abi!

What is it!

Uhh hey I heard you had a BACKYARD telescope, can I borrow it?.

I'll be sure to return it.

Oh sure, here!

Uhh nevermind about that.

Oh, how about a microscope?

I also heard that you have one.

I had a biology project to do.

Ok here.


Your daughter's dollhouse got smashed into pieces?

Bang it with a hammer!

Oh, so the strings in your clothesline snapped?

Bang it with a hammer!

Hey mom, do you have some photos when I was a baby?

I really want to reminisce about it.

Well of course, darling!

I framed it even!

Here's when you were around 3 months, and here's when you managed to walk to first

time, darling!

Here's when you eat your first solid food!

Time flies so fast!

I'm gonna make a vegetable salad!

Well, looks like meat's back on the menu.

Apparently, there's a romantic interaction called "exchange numbers".

But what's the point?!

Your sim can do as simple as waving at a random person in a restaurant and you'll get their

phone number immediately!

By the way, if you want to know where I get this awesome American diner, just watch until

the end of this video.

So you're enemies with this guy and he's like your ultimate nemesis?

That's okay, even after you had a fight with him, you can still always have a nice

civil conversation as if your nasty relationship with him are nonexistent.

So you want to have a social network account?

Nope, you can't do that until you reach level 5 of the charisma skills which can be

improved by talking to yourself in the mirror.

Then you can finally create a social network account!

And once you reached level 10 in charisma skills, you can upload a viral video which

will become popular immediately and you'll gain a million followers in your social network

! Man, charisma sure is useful!

Haha you're so fat, haha you're so fat!


Oh yeah?

That's such an overused bullcrap excuse! (ganti jadi skeleton tulang gede).

O-okay then.

Ooh look, a rocket is going to take off!

Let's stand right next to the freaking rocket engine.

I'm sure it's really-really safe!

So eating a Selvadoradian food or drinking a Selvadoradian increase your Selvadoradian

culture skill?

This means that just by only eating and drinking food and drinks from there over and over again,

my sim can understand all about this culture and master the cultural dance immediately!

Of all the available empty dining chairs, sofas, and barstools, you decided to sit on

this random piece of rock to eat your food instead.

Hmm, let's see what we can say to her.

Uhh, "unintentionally insult interest"?

Pfft yeah right, I definitely didn't choose on that interaction intentionally duhh.

Ouch, that's got to hurt!

Wait, why are you smiling?


I think you need to see a psychiatrist.

Thanks so much guys for watching episode 8 of The Sims logic.

Also, huge thanks to Sims Trooper for voicing some of the dialogues here.

This is actually my first time I collaborated with someone, so be sure to check this other

video on her channel where I do a voiceover cluelessly on one of her amazing speedbuilds

on an American diner!

And be sure to check out her channel as well where she builds a lot of awesome creations

and do fun let's plays on her channel!

That's all from me and see you later!

For more infomation >> The Sims Logic (Ep.8): Sims 4 - Duration: 9:04.


CBC Music Live from the 2018 JUNO AWARDS Red Carpet - Duration: 1:30:25.

For more infomation >> CBC Music Live from the 2018 JUNO AWARDS Red Carpet - Duration: 1:30:25.


Liberals "March For Life" In DC, But People Are Talking About What They Left Behind - Duration: 3:54.

Liberals "March For Life" In DC, But People Are Talking About What They Left Behind.

Thousands of liberals marched in D.C., demanding an end to the Second Amendment.

But what they left behind in our nation's capital tells you everything you need to know

about these "heroes."

We may never understand why liberals hate the Constitution.

It seems they love going after every freedom protected by the Bill of Rights.

They hate Christians and religious freedom.

Freedom of speech is controlled through "hate speech."

And, of course, they want such severe gun control that no law-abiding citizen will ever

exercise their Second Amendment right.

Whenever gun violence occurs, liberals jump on the gun control bandwagon.

This weekend, many of them showed up to Washington D.C. to protest for more gun control.

These entitled, arrogant elitists marched through our nation's capital, waving signs

and demanding change.

Their pithy poster boards spewed obnoxious messages, trashing Americans and our leaders.

How brave.

How noble.

But once the cameras were turned off and the media attention died down, the marchers did

something different.

I guess they decided that their signs were no longer important.

So, they left them there.

In the middle of the streets.

These "social justice warriors" littered D.C. with their poster boards and other garbage.

I guess fighting to "protect children" doesn't extend to keeping their streets


Let's deconstruction this, shall we?

Liberals claim to be the responsible ones in our society.

More responsible, they say, than patriotic Americans who safely own guns.

They even march in D.C., showing off how responsible they are, when they ask our government to

rob us of freedom.

But how do they show their "responsibility" when the event is over?

They dump their garbage all over the city!

Here's a tip leftists: if you really cared about this country, you'd pick up after


Nothing says "I hate America," quite like littering the nation's capital with your

poster boards.

I mean, how hard is it to fold up a piece of cardboard and carry it with you?

You brought it there, after all.

If this surprises you, then you haven't been paying attention.

Liberal advocates just might be the biggest hypocrites in our society.

They squawk on a daily basis, demanding "action" and "change" for our country, but they

leave behind them a trail of destruction the likes of which we haven't seen outside of


It makes sense when you think about it.

They're Socialists, after all, and the core virtue of Socialism is demanding other people

clean up your messes.

This isn't even the first time liberal protesters left a shocking amount of trash after an event.

So why would environmentally-conscious liberals trash cities?

Because they can.

Thanks to the liberal media, they are not held to any real standard.

The news crews come out, fawning over these "heroes," but they refuse to report on

how these protesters leave all this trash.

Conservatives who march, on the other hand, are held to demanding standards wherever they


Have you ever heard of pro-life advocates leaving behind trash?

Of course not, because they know they'll get reamed by the press if they did.

March for Life has occurred in D.C. for over 40 years.

They never leave the city in a mess because the liberal media would torch them.

Leftists, on the other hand, get away with murder because the press is on their side.

Once again, liberals hold themselves to a different standard than everyone else.

It's high time we called them out for their hypocrisy.

And filth.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Liberals "March For Life" In DC, But People Are Talking About What They Left Behind - Duration: 3:54.


Ask Jase: Camp Ovens, Springs, Comfort & Trailer Tyres ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 8:11.

That looks like the one.

G'day, guys.

Time for another Ask Jase segment, so today I'm gonna roll straight into it actually.

Who have I got here?

I've got Lloyd.

Okay Lloyd, if you're watching, how you goin', mate?

What I've got here is--oh they wanted to know--Lloyd wants to know, so 'Jase, what is that brand

of camp oven that you use when you're cooking on the show?

I would really like to know, because I want to get one.'

Okay fair enough.

Well here you go.

This is going to be a bit of a spoiler actually.

As you'll notice here on the front here, All 4 Adventure, About that Much.

It's a nicely embroidered cover.

So this is a bag for the #1 off the factory floor All 4 Adventure camp oven.

And there it is, All 4 Adventure stamped into the top of it.

And here she is.

You can see it here. This is a spun steel camp oven.

This is the camp oven, and it's even got a little trivet in the bottom here.

See that? That's pretty cool.

This one obviously is brand new, so you know, it doesn't look like my old one that I've been using.

Now I have been using a spun steel camp oven since day dot, would you believe?

Well I'll tell you what, a spun steel camp oven is one that weighs absolutely nothing.

Like this thing is made of spun steel.

Look how light that thing is.

The conventional camp oven is made of cast iron, so it's heavy. It's brittle.

It can break--not that they break very often, but I have seen them broken, mind you.

Now weight is a factor. Weight is always a factor.

So this is why I got drawn towards the old spun steel camp oven, and that's why we're

making our own spun steel camp ovens with the All 4 Adventure logo stamped in them.

Comes in a nice bag. It's even got a nice glove.

But I use the spun steel camp oven, because one, it's fast and effective cooking, ok?

The lid seals on the top and creates like a convection oven... so a convection-type setup.

If you want to, you only have to put stuff on the top.

You don't have to put stuff underneath as opposed to a cast-iron camp oven which you

need truckloads of heat to get that thing nice and warm.

Okay, so I find this effective.

It's fast, effective, convection-oven-type cooking.

So there you go, Lloyd, hopefully that answers your question, and there's a bit of a spoiler

going on there.

You've actually got to see the first All 4 Adventure camp oven.

Alrighty so we've got another question here.

This is an interesting one.

Suzanne, okay, Suzanne if you're watching, how you going?

And it says here, "Hi boys, can you tell me what kg rated EFS springs are under the

D-max. Thanks. PS. Love this year's series."

Okay thank you. Thank you, Suzanne.

Alright so the D-max has got 2-inch EFS heavy-duty suspension kit in it.

Now basically the first thing you got to do is, I wouldn't be too interested in what I've

got in the back of mine.

It'll be more so what sort of weight you've got in the back of your D-max.

So work out bull bar, side steps, you got an EFS winch in there, if you've got all those

things, and then you've got a canopy on the back or a tray on the back, that would depend

on what rating springs that you get.

The springs that we've got in the back can handle a full load, so we're looking at around

that 800--I think it was it was--around that 7-800 kilo rating.

But like I said, the best bet is to ring the experts, and the experts are EFS.

You'll get to talk to somebody, and they will be able to help you with your inquiry a lot better than me.

All I can say is that the suspension that went under the D-max was awesome, and it rode really well.

So ask the experts on that one.

Alright so we've got another one here, Lance.

Okay Lance, how you goin', buddy, if you're watching.

"Since you guys have driven so many different dual-cab utes, what is the most comfortable

and reliable one you have driven?"

I don't know about that many.

I guess we have 200, 79, D-max.

Oh Simon did have some Mazda there at one stage, but that's a fair time ago.

So let's get something that is, I suppose, current and let's go with the dual-cab D-max for instance.

The dual-cab D-max, I don't know about you, I drive it around when I'm at home, but Simon

drove it on the show, and he had nothing but good things to say about it.

So nice and comfy.

The one thing he did say about it, it was nice and compact, yet it had that little bit

of grunt and that it could handle doing some towing and off-road ability.

So Simon said it was quite good.

When I drive it around at home, I've taken it up the beach and done a few things with the D-max.

I actually quite enjoy it.

You know behind me is a big 200 series Land Cruiser dual cab, and that thing is a huge big limousine.

And yes, it drives along nicely and does all those things, but sometimes it's a bit big.

Sometimes I like zipping around in the D-max, so there you go.

A dual-cab D-max... quite comfortable and rides well and reliable, yes.

We flogged the crap, well Simon flogged the crap out of D-max's over the last season,

and don't forget the camera car.

The camera car gets twice as much beating as Simon gives it.

Those boys are hard on the gear, and it pulled through.

So they were quite impressed with it.

No dramas whatsoever.

We've got one more here... Christopher.

How you goin', mate, if you're watching.

"Hi guys, I'm looking at leaving from Darwin doing a Cape down New South Wales into Victoria

later this year.

My concern is I'm taking my boat, a 5.5-metre, and was wondering is it worth swapping the

tyres to a wider tyre same as the tow vehicle even though I add height.

Is it worth it or just run standard boat tires? Thanks.

Thought I would ask the blokes who have done it." There you go.

Sorry about the way- I'm reading it as he writes it.

Okay what he was basically saying was should I get rid of the standard boat trailer tyres

and put some offroad, bigger offroad tyres.

You know what? Hell yeah.


Well I'll tell you what, that tyre you get on your boat trailer, like that's probably

the cheapest piece of crap you can find to chuck on it.

That's what they do when they do the boat trailer.

Flick that sucker straight off.

Get yourself some aftermarket rims, whether it be alloy or steel, and get a decent tire on.

I run 285/75/16s on the big boat trailer.

Dual axle, so there's four of those tires. I've got a couple of spares.

They're the Mickey Thompson 285 and they're MTZs.

You don't have to run MTZs. You can run ATZs, okay?

Now you don't have to go with such a big tyre, but the one thing I can tell you is that

that tyre will handle all the road conditions that you give it.

So it's a fair haul from Darwin to New South Wales, I'll tell you now, a lot of miles on the bitumen.

And tyres get hot.

They get worked under load, okay?

So having a good quality tyre can mean all the difference between getting caught

down at the threeways, if you're familiar with.

That is in the middle of nowhere, and paying $600 for basically a $2.00 tyre back home.

So get some good tyres on your boat trailer, mate. I would definitely recommend that.

That's all I've got this week, guys, so keep sending in those questions,

and hopefully I can give you the answers. See yas.

For more infomation >> Ask Jase: Camp Ovens, Springs, Comfort & Trailer Tyres ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 8:11.


How Does Life Live? A Little Girl Wants to Know. | Op-Docs - Duration: 3:40.

"So I'm going to ask you some things that you've asked me.

And then I just need you to repeat them.



"Um … how does life live?"

How does life live?

"Can girls be robots?"

Can girls be robots?

"Say that again, a bit louder."


[melancholy piano]

Why is fire called fire? Where is winter?

Why do we have to sleep? How many dogs are in this world?

Where do ants come from? Why are some things special?

Why don't worms have faces?

Why is the sun in my eyes?

Why does everybody not like pink — just black?

What do princesses do? What do you want to be when you grow up?

Do girls have vaginas? Why do boys cut their hair?

How do you make water?

Why you you like beau — beautiful things so much?

Why do you pick flowers and they die?

Are you old, Mom?

Why are the leaves falling down? Will I have another birthday?

Why doesn't everybody know me? What are you talking about?

What's a conversation?

Why do people laugh at me? Why is she mean?

Why. Are. You. On. Your. Phone?

What happens when I don't like you, Mom?

What is mean and nice? What is kind?

Do you love me?

Why are kids small? Where did you find me when I was a baby?

Why does the heart beat? Why do my feet sparkle?

What is bacteria? Does it hurt you?

How does food …

turn into poo?

How do you be a mermaid, Mom?

Why can't we see angels? Can you turn me into a fairy?

Do blue butterflies eat parts of the sky?

Do worms cry? Do bugs die?

Why did the birds fly away?

Why are we humans? Why do we eat animals?

Why do trees just stand there? Why is it night time when people are awake?

Why does the Earth move? What is atmosphere?

Did God make the ocean? Where does the Sun go?

Why is the world so messy? Why do we all have cars?

What is a molecule? What does 'extinct' mean?

What is power? What is history?

Why are we going to die?

How do people get killed?

What is fragile?

When did the world —

When did the world even start?

Mom, why are we starting again?

"Just one more time."

What is history?

How does life live?

"I can't hear that." [girl laughing]

[girl laughing] "What?"

How does life live?

For more infomation >> How Does Life Live? A Little Girl Wants to Know. | Op-Docs - Duration: 3:40.


UAU! Isso é o Que o Jejum Intermitente Faz No Seu Cérebro - Duration: 3:59.

Intermittent fasting may not be a term new for you, because this diet pattern

has become popular in recent years. due to its health benefits.

One of these benefits is prevention of diseases linked to the brain.

Diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, although they have not yet been cured, they may

be prevented by fasting.

This statement was made by many experts, among them Dr.

Mark Mattson, chief of the Neuroscience Laboratory of the National Institute of Aging.


Mark also teaches at Johns University Hopkins and has already received numerous awards

for their brain-related research and neurological disorders.

In one of his lectures, Mark questions our standard diet, which consists of eating three

or more times a day.

According to him, eating often does not is something healthy and there is at least a decade

supporting this idea.

One of these studies, done with animals, showed that the caloric restriction increases the expectation

life and slows the onset of diseases chronic diseases linked to aging.

The study also points out that the improves metabolic rate and stress

oxidative, increases insulin sensitivity and alters the functions of the neuroendocrine system

and the sympathetic nervous system.

In short, fasting has the ability to improve brain function.

Mark also states that activities that challenge our brains, including intermittent fasting

and vigorous physical exercise are challenges cognitive.

These activities promote the growth of neurons and the formation and

of synapses.

As if that were not enough, he also believes that intermittent fasting improves the ability

of nerve cells repair the DNA.


Mattson also says that the habit of eating three times a day is relatively new,

and the history of evolution of our species demonstrates this.

He believes that today there are a lot of pressure to eat three meals at the

day, and this type of incentive may have large companies.

But before you begin a radical change in eating habits, it is important to emphasize

that this change should not be abrupt.

As most people are already accustomed to with a frequency for feeding, a

good way to get the benefits of fasting intermittent would be with a diet with periods

of calorie restriction.

This pattern of diet has become popular with the name of Diet 5: 2, and consists in restricting

calorie consumption for 2 days of the week (non-consecutive), and eat the recommended calories

for you on the remaining days.

The suggested calorie restriction is 500 calories for women and 600 calories for


See in the description of this video more information on this diet, fasting and videos of others

experts advocating the practice of fasting intermittent.

And you, already did or intend to fast intermittent?

What were the biggest benefits you realized?

For more infomation >> UAU! Isso é o Que o Jejum Intermitente Faz No Seu Cérebro - Duration: 3:59.


Source: Trump indicates to his associates he is preparing to oust VA secretary Shulkin - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Source: Trump indicates to his associates he is preparing to oust VA secretary Shulkin - Duration: 5:56.


Anti-Gun March SHUTDOWN After Who Showed Up With Enough Firepower To Wage W-r - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Anti-Gun March SHUTDOWN After Who Showed Up With Enough Firepower To Wage W-r - Duration: 5:25.


Aici e casa mea - Trailer - Duration: 2:02.

I want to be someone in life

to help my family

So we can have another room

For me and my sister

I want to be a cirgurian, in order to help the ones in need

Mostly, children with disabilities

We should find, as many people as possible

And leave aside the ones who don't respect others

Who don't respect us

Who don't respect the environment

Who say something in our face

But then in our back, disapoint us

Which means that they are not honest

They can't respect their promises

I want to reach something in life

This is my dream

My name is Bogdan...

This video...

would have to last 1h and 27 min.

So you could see the path that I do every day to school

Me and my brothers .

For more infomation >> Aici e casa mea - Trailer - Duration: 2:02.


Bilgisayardan İnternetin Şifresini Öğrenme windows 7 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Bilgisayardan İnternetin Şifresini Öğrenme windows 7 - Duration: 1:42.


[APRICITY] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - THANKS(고맙다) Dance Cover - Duration: 4:18.

Hey guys thank you for making it to the end of the video

Thanks for watching our dance cover of "Thanks" by Seventeen

And if you haven't watched our previous cover


My boss is calling me...

Oh okay...

Well don't forget to like this video

Make sure to subscribe

and follow us on Facebook and Instagram

all links will be in the description down below.

Special thanks to our patrons subscribers

Emily and Fae

For more infomation >> [APRICITY] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - THANKS(고맙다) Dance Cover - Duration: 4:18.


Pity new baby just born so weak&need milk alot|Mom monkey scare&fear&protect baby|Monkey Daily 482 - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Pity new baby just born so weak&need milk alot|Mom monkey scare&fear&protect baby|Monkey Daily 482 - Duration: 10:12.


남의 나라 1년 예산을 개발에 쏟아 만든 미군의 신무기 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 14:46.

For more infomation >> 남의 나라 1년 예산을 개발에 쏟아 만든 미군의 신무기 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 14:46.


TRAS LOS PASOS DE MARÍA MAGDALENA. Con José Luís Giménez, autor de La Revelación del Grial Viviente. - Duration: 31:03.

For more infomation >> TRAS LOS PASOS DE MARÍA MAGDALENA. Con José Luís Giménez, autor de La Revelación del Grial Viviente. - Duration: 31:03.


sadimsad - hold tight, ill b back soon - Duration: 1:53.

sadimsad - hold tight, ill b back soon

For more infomation >> sadimsad - hold tight, ill b back soon - Duration: 1:53.


🔴LIVE #31 Ranked and OutBreak Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 1:34:50.

For more infomation >> 🔴LIVE #31 Ranked and OutBreak Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 1:34:50.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Start/Stop INNOVATION ** DEMO** - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Start/Stop INNOVATION ** DEMO** - Duration: 1:02.


SpaceCamp (1986) - Duration: 1:47:26.

Only a shooting star.

Come on, Andie. Everybody's watching on TV.

You can't see it if you don't come in.

Can too see it.

Just another wisher.

He winked at me!

John Glenn winked at me!

I'm going up.

l am.

I'm going up.

We are at T minus 19 days and counting

toward main engine test of Atlantis on July 23rd...

- Thanks. - Hi, darling.

- I'm not going up. - Yeah, I heard.

I can't believe it.

They chose Eddie Miller instead of me.

He gets airsick in cars.

That's why I married you instead of Eddie Miller.

I thought for sure I was getting up there this time.

You'll get your chance next time.

Primary objective of the test...

You're damn right I will.

You're not gonna be the only one in this family to walk on the moon.

Think of the bright side.

You get to spend your summer with me at Space Camp.

Oh, no.

You promised.


I get to play "Let's pretend I'm an astronaut" with a bunch of kids.

These aren't just kids, you know.

These are clean-cut all-American kids.

Make me proud.

I believe this is one of your kids now.

Yep, I'd recognize him anywhere--

clean-cut, well motivated...


Great boosters!

- Will you turn that down? - What?

Would you mind turning that down?

Okay, okay, no sweat.

You want Space Camp?

No. My father wants Space Camp,

but I want my head examined.

- It was worth it for the car. - Let's hope so.


Would you get your ass out of my parking spot?

Yeah, right. Sorry about that.

Space Age technology, huh?

Have a good summer.

Make sure you check that left mag, Dad. It's sticking.


Welcome aboard, campers.

I'm Zach Bergstrom, director of Space Camp.

We're going to train you just like NASA trains astronauts.

I didn't say "real astronauts"

because at Space Camp, you are real astronauts.

Robert Pickett, Purple Team.

Lonnie Fowler, Red Team.

- Kathryn Fairly. - Kathryn Fairly.

Blue Team.

- Hideo Takamini. - Hideo Takamini.

Blue Team. Gardener...

Kevin Donaldson, Yellow Team.

Dennis Anderson, you're with the Green Team.

Susan Lange, on the Green Team.

Ricky Powell, you're on the Purple Team.

- David Joe, White Team. - Chris Chu, White Team.

Okay, everybody, let's all gather in the Rocket Park

where you'll meet the other members of your team.

Leave your bags here. You can pick them up later.

Come on, everybody, let's move it.

Orientation at 1300 hours.

Four years ago Space Camp was created

not only to provide you with hands-on access to space hardware,

but also to teach you how to work together as a team.

Hi, I'm Andie Bergstrom.

You're an astronaut! The first female pilot!

Yeah. How did you know that?

I've read all about you in the "Young Astronauts" program.

Let's see, you were the backup pilot for the first Discovery flight,

but Coats got it instead.

Yeah. I remember.

What are you doing here?


- And what is your name? - Rudy Tyler, ma'am.

Spit it out, Rudy.

Rudy Tyler, ma'am!

I meant the gum, Rudy.

You look like a guy with...

...a lot of energy.

I'm making you Mission Specialist #1,

Equipment Function and Operation.

Wow. Thanks, ma'am.

My father told me when you come to Space Camp, they give you--

We'll talk about it later, okay?

By the way, this is Space Camp and not the Marine Corps.

- Yes, ma'am. - You can call me Andie.

Hi, Andie. I'm Tish.

Tish Ambrosé. Right there.

Yeah. So what brings you to Space Camp, Tish?

Well, I did this audit at JPL in radio astronomy.

It was unbelievable!

I mean, can you imagine an extraterrestrial disc jockey?

Like, listening to radio waves from space?

I mean, like waiting for signs of intelligence?

- Like-- - I know the feeling.

I'm gonna make you Mission Specialist #2,



Max! What are you doing here?

Checking in for my next mission against the Empire, Your Highness.

Your next mission is to haul ass back to Junior Camp right now.

Come on, Andie.

I've been at Junior two summers running.

Don't kick me out.

- You're just not ready. - I am too ready!

Okay, one screw-up, and you're back in the little leagues. Got it?

Copy, Rogue Leader.

Roger and out.

Hideo Takamini.

- Hideo Takamini? - Right here.

Hideo Takamini?

Well, actually it's pronounced Kevin Donaldson.

I don't have a Donaldson.

Well, you have one now.

I'm Kathryn Fairly, and it's an honor to meet you.

- I'm sorry... - It's okay.

Okay, I have two positions left-- Pilot and Shuttle Commander.

Kevin, tell me why you'd like to be Shuttle Commander.

I wouldn't, no.

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines

of Mission Regent...

or Sovereign, maybe?

Something like that.

Kathryn, what about you?

I know a lot about the space program,

and I'm going into the Air Force Academy.

And I want to be the first female Shuttle Commander.

You think that's more important than Pilot?


It's okay.

You can let her have it because I don't really care.

- Really? - Yeah.

Now that you're Shuttle Commander,

you're gonna have to start to care, Kevin.

Kathryn, you can be Pilot.



This is a mock-up of the cargo bay and the storage pallets.

That arm is the remote manipulator system.

It can be used for repairs

and to link up with satellites or other vehicles.

This is a zero-gravity chair.

It rides on a cushion of air which creates the feeling of weightlessness

you encounter when you leave the earth's atmosphere.

Come on, Max.

This is the greatest thing since the X-Wing Fighter!

This is the Shuttle simulator, which you're going to learn to fly

at speeds of up to Mach 25.

It looks complicated, but when you get the basics down, it's easy.

The computer does most of the work.

The first lesson I want to teach is...

"Why I won't touch anything until I know how to use it."

- By Rudy Tyler. - Right.

- Yeah, Rudy. - ls everybody okay?

This is the Mercury Sigma 7.

When they were building these capsules,

the astronauts demanded the engineers create a way for them

to be able to pilot the capsule back through the re-entry

through the earth's atmosphere.

Otherwise they would feel like monkeys...

What the hell is that?

A prototype maintenance droid.

NASA built him for the space station.

- When's he going up? - He's not.

They blew it on his shielding.

His chips become unpredictable in about two hours.

He's such a complex piece of machinery,

NASA hasn't been able to iron out all the bugs.

So he helps out here and at Kennedy.


It's a midget extraterrestrial!

No, he is the world's only $27-million handyman.

- Where the hell is that ratchet? - In your hand.

He's also quite literal.

Okay, we've all met Jinx. Let's get going.

Come on.

...third-stage separation before it gets into orbit...

Dennis, I got you that manual.

How many pounds of thrust does the shuttle produce at lift off?


How'd you know?

How in the world did she know all that?

Got me.

You know, that Kevin is a real babe.

- He's a jerk. - Oh, really?

He's completely unserious.

Did you check out the size of his hands?

Earth to Kathryn. Come in, please.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to figure out how to run this thing. See?

For a multi-axis trainer?

It's one of the toughest parts of the training.

Scary for a pilot. You know anything about it'?

Three concentric circles

spinning in different directions simultaneously.

Object--to stabilize from central point utilizing hand controls.

You want a piece?

- How'd you know all that? - I remember everything I read.

It's a real drag sometimes.

My mind gets totally cluttered.

- What'd you get on your SATs? - 800s.

You ever, like, talk about anything aside from learning things?

You know, you're real pretty.

Kind of understated.

But you got great eyes.

You know...

I could do this great makeup job on you.

Guys go for eyes...kind of.

Guys go for what I haven't got.

Makeup's not gonna help.

Thanks anyway.

What's your essay going to be about?

"Why I'm going to be the first female Shuttle Commander."

That is going to go down real big.

Andie will get a kick out of that.

What's yours going to be about?

I'm going to do "I want to go into space

"to contact life forms that exist on chemicals

other than carbon and oxygen."

You should visit my high school.

So we struck this deal.

He got me to Space Camp, and I got me a Jeep.

So what are you doing here?

I wanna be the first guy to have a fast-food franchise in space.

- Rudy T's. - Are you serious?

Yeah. Some guy in a space station is gonna get a Big Mac attack,

Rudy T's gonna be there.

So that's why you're here?


Come on.

I like learning.

Some guys in my school said,

"Yo, Rudy, how come you takin' science?

You don't need to be takin' science, man."

They don't ask me if I like science.

Do you like science?

Yeah. I love science.

Now ask me if I'm any good at it.

Not so hot, huh?

Some things I just can't figure out.

It's a bummer, man.

My philosophy is to sleep late,

drive fast,

and not take any of this shit seriously.

Straight UP?

Hey, booster-breath, leave me alone!

- Let me see it, kid. - Come on.

Who are you, the Imperial Guard or something?

What do you got in there? Let us take a look.

- What's going on? - This kid's got this thing in there.

We just want to see it.

Why don't you evaporate, laser-brain?

- Lay off the kid! - Let's take a look.

Wow, look at that!

Holy shit!

Shit-solid waste aboard space station

can be handled in one of two ways--

Jinx, cancel!

Okay, get down.

What is it'? What's it do?

Anything you ask him to.

- Sure moves slow. - Jinx, shake a leg.

- Don't do that! - All right.

Man, he literally does what he's told!

Jinx, move over here, buddy.

Stop it!

Get your hands off me!

Play dead.

That's enough!

Shut up!

Wiggle your ears!


It's broken. Let's get out of here.

- See you later, Dave. - All right.

Sorry, kid.

Servos activating.

Sensor generators are okay.

Image analyses are clean.

Retractors stabilized.

I'm gonna put your shield on now, Jinx.

Don't worry. It'll be okay.

You're here with your buddy Max.

When I'm done with you, you'll be as good as new.


Yo, Jinx.

Yo, Max.

All right!

All right!

I can't believe it.

I can't believe those Green Team jerkoffs did that to you.

What a bunch of monkey clones. They ought to be zapped.

- Where are you going? - To zap them.

No, no, Jinx, stop it!

There you go again.

Why do you have to take everything so literally?

How else should I take it?

No, no, Jinx, it's okay. Don't worry.

Don't worry, you'll be okay.

You know...

You're really neat, Jinx.

You too, Max.

Friends forever?



By the time you leave Space Camp,

you will know the function of every circuit on the shuttle.

You may never get the chance to fly in it,

but it won't be because you don't know how.

If you ever get to be astronauts,

you're going to thank us for making you wear these jumpsuits

because they provide ease of movement

and additional storage space in orbit.

The cushions of air the zero-gravity chair rides on

helps you simulate the weightlessness

you'd experience during EVA-- extravehicular activity.

That's the work you'd be doing outside the shuttle.

To work in space, you have to know how to move in it.

Don't push off. Nothing will stop you

unless you're acted upon by an outside force.

Kathryn, it's your job as Pilot

to monitor all the on board systems and feed that data to Kevin,

who, as Commander, is in charge of the orbiter.

You can suit up in your EMU in five minutes, Rudy,

once you get the hang of it.

EMU--that's extravehicular mobility unit.

You're gonna need it to do any activity in the vacuum of space.

Kathryn, give me the coordinates of the space station at 0100 hours.

You have to call up whatever information I ask for in a moment.

Split-second decisions are essential.

You're traveling at 17,000 miles an hour.

There is no room for error.

You'll find your spacesuits stored in the airlock.

You're on your own there when you depressurize

as you prepare to move from the cabin into the cargo bay.

Okay, Kathryn, now it's your turn in the multi-axis trainer.

This is one of the most critical tasks to master,

especially if you want to achieve top ranking here

as a shuttle pilot.


Okay, you have 30 seconds to stabilize.

Here you go.

Thirty seconds.

All right, start it up.

If the shuttle is spinning when it re-enters the earth's atmosphere,

the astronaut has just seconds to stabilize

or he might enter a flat spin.

Keep your head centered. Don't turn it right or left.

- Push your stick forward. - I got it.

Fifteen seconds.

You're yawing to the right. Turn it left.

Go right, right. Come on, you can--

Come on, Kathryn. You're not a passenger, you're a pilot.

- Fly it. - I'm trying.

- You've got ten seconds. - I'm going to be sick.

Come on.

Five seconds. Come on, Kathryn, fly it.

Okay, shut it off.

I would have gotten it in another minute.

Another minute, you would have been burnt up on re-entry.

Come on and get out. We're running late.

I can do it. You're just not giving me a chance.

All right.

Five minutes, but that's all.

Come on, Kevin.

Okay, next I'm going to show you

how to strap yourselves into our orbital exerciser.

- Rudy, you want to go first? - Give me a hand.

A microgravity environment is equivalent of prolonged bed rest,

causing the heart to weaken...

You know, I wouldn't let Andie get to you like that.

I couldn't please her if I spent the rest of my life trying.

Why do you want to please anybody but yourself?

I don't know.

I'm not an expert, but it seems to me

that if you just eased up on the thing, you could handle it.

You're just trying too hard.

Maybe we have something in common.

You know, there's this full moon tonight.

You're gonna turn into a werewolf or something like that?

No, but I know this great place

where we could check the shuttle out.

Right. I'll get caught breaking curfew. No way.


If I can handle that, will you go?

All right.

All right.

Say, Max, you got a minute?

You've been coming here for a couple of years.

What's the best way to get to the beach?

You're gonna ask him?

Distract and destroy the Imperial Guard.

You've got ten seconds.

What would Luke Skywalker do?

How would he get to the launch pad'?

Kid's gonna go for the droid.

Jinx, what's the best way to the launch pad?

Go out to main gate, go to highway, turn left--

That takes me right by Zach Bergstrom's office.

Is there another way to the launch pad, Jinx?

A secret way?


Turn left before Zach's office, turn right at Rocket Park,

avoid maintenance building, go east.

Depending on ground speed, beach can be reached...

No one talks!

Look at that shuttle!

Can you believe that it can go from the earth up into the stars?

Look, there's the Seven Sisters.

Oh, yeah?

It's so beautiful up there.

I wish it was like that down here.

So, you're really into this space stuff, huh?


Ever since I was a little girl.

My dad used to take me up in his plane

and hold me on his lap.

Sometimes at night

I used to reach out and try to touch the stars.

I couldn't wait to grow up.

What's so special about going up?

In space, anything is possible.

Maybe we could even do things right up there

instead of screwing them up like we have down here.

Yeah, but what's the point?

We're all gonna get nuked anyway.

Kevin, that's just an excuse

for people who are afraid to try.

Hold it. Hold it one second here.

It's not that I'm afraid to try.

It's just that...

I don't know. I just don't care, I guess.

- Yes, you do. - I do?

It's just that it's easier to say you don't care...

...than it is to try...

...and then fail.

I know.

I'll never tell.

Torture me, kill me-- I'll still never tell.

Fess up. Where's Kevin?

Max is gonna get it.

Kathryn is gone, too.

All right.

Where are Kevin and Kathryn?

Kevin and Kathryn are at launch pad.

It is a secret.

Let's go.

I thought you said you cleared it.

Yeah, well, I kind of cleared it.

Yeah, kind of.


I'll just be a minute.

We were just talking.

That's not the point, and you know it.

Nobody cares about Space Camp more than I do,

and you've been on my case since day one.


The first time I met you, I saw it in your eyes.

It's like looking in a mirror.

You're special, Kathryn.

Why are you so hard on me?

Because someday you're going up.

But the only way you will

is if you have every drill down better than everyone else.

There's no room for mistakes--

every "I" dotted, every "T" crossed.

That's the way I learned it.

That's the way you'll learn it.



What's going on?

What, is it morning already?

Who talked?

It wasn't me, Han Solo.

The Emperor got information out of Jinx.

I'm not Han Solo, okay?

And you're not Luke Skywalker.

There's no Empire, and there's no Force,

and there's no Dark Side, okay?

You're just an ordinary kid, and so am I,

and maybe nobody ever lives happily ever after, all right?

So just...

Just stay away from me.

Far away.

I wish I were far away.

I wish I were anywhere except here!

I wish...

I wish I was in space.

I wish I was in space.

Hello, Jinx. How can NASA help you?

Put Max in space.

There is no Max listed in Astronaut Program.

There is now.

How come I have to do all the dangerous stuff?

Joe Allen and Dale Gardner did this on Discovery 51 -A.

It's okay.

Somehow I don't think that's gonna make him feel any better.

Range scale at orbit on primary.

Roger. Primary and secondary.


Enter OMS 1 burn program, Pilot.

Roger, OMS 1, Commander.

Stand by, Pilot.

Atlantis, this is control. We have orbit confirmed.

125 nautical miles.

Inclination of 35 degrees.

You are in position for satellite recovery.

Rudy, man, you're on.

Rudy's the best on the RMS.

Don't worry, Max.

Rudy knows this arm like the back of his hand.

Sorry, Rudy, I didn't know you were there.

I almost dropped Max!

Instigate emergency power-loss scenario.

Killing power, sir.

What's going on?

Somebody get me down from here or I'm gonna be sick!


Rudy, relax, man. You're freaking out.

Get me down from here!

Control, this is Atlantis. We're experiencing electrical failure.

- Switching to auxiliary cells. - That's my decision, not yours.

Wait, it's that one.

I know, it's the green one right next to the red.

- Rudy, what are you doing? - That was the wrong one.

I got it now. Here you go.


Rudy, just cross-wire it.

Sit down.

Sit down! That's an ord--

Forget it.

I can handle it.

What is going on in there?

We're showing another OMS burn.

The pilot must have hit the switch when she got up.

Why isn't she at her post?

She's just too busy doing everybody else's job.

Orbit's decaying, Shuttle.

Okay, take over, Commander.

Hey, it's not my job, man.

You ask the pilot to do that question.

I'm sick and tired. I'm doing no more windows.

You're falling out of orbit, Atlantis.

You're coming up on atmospheric interface.

You're gonna be toast.

MY God!

Careful. There's a lot of live stuff.

Pilot, do you copy? Pilot.

I'm sorry, Kathryn's not in right now,

but if you'd like to leave your name and number at the tone,

she'd be glad to get back to you.

You're coming up on interface, Atlantis.

Roger that, Atlantis.

Ladies and gentlemen, please return your seats and tray tables

to their full upright positions

and extinguish all smoking material,

as we are about to land in the red zone.

No survivors!

Rudy, we're gonna flunk.

We're not gonna flunk if you just listen to me.

All of you, stop it!

I'm sorry, but Rudy was--


I don't wanna hear about it.

I can't hear it. You know why?

'Cause you're all dead.

You just disintegrated during re-entry.

Don't you understand what that means?

You're all dead because you didn't work together as a team.

And you're responsible.

- Me? - That's right, you.

You're Shuttle Commander.

You are responsible for everything that happens on this ship.

I didn't ask to be responsible, remember?

That's a pitiful excuse for killing four people.

Oh, God. I don't believe this.

Look, nobody got killed, okay?

I mean, it's just Space Camp.

Launch possibilities.

What are possibilities of launching Max into space?

There is no possibility at this time.

This is not going to be easy.

- Hello, Commander Bergstrom. - Hi, you two.

How are you doing?

What's a "firf"?

That's FRF-- flight readiness firing.

That's how NASA tests the main engines of the shuttle.

This is the first year we got permission

for you guys to experience it, and some of you...

...are even gonna be able to sit in this.

You'll get an astronaut's point of view. See ya.

Engine test.

Jinx must be ready, Thursday, 4 p.m.

Max on shuttle during engine test.

How do we change engine test into lift off?

Worst-case scenario-- thermal curtain failure.

Define "thermal curtain failure."

Failure of heat shield during engine test.

Only one booster will ignite.

Result-forced launch.

Why launch?

If you do not light the second booster at launch,

the shuttle will lift off and crash.

That is unacceptable.

To avoid worst-case scenario,

second booster must be ignited.

Result-perfect launch.

Thermal curtain failure possibilities?

One thermal curtain failure every 4.9 million years.

Max won't live that long.

Max needs thermal curtain failure.

Max and Jinx friends...


I can't believe our luck! We get to sit inside the shuttle.

Hold at T minus 60 minutes until the test firing

of the three main engines aboard Atlantis.

At this time, the orbiter test conductor...

- Pretty cool, huh? - Yeah.

- You all right? - Yeah.

You heard just a few minutes ago...

It's amazing, isn't it? I can't believe our luck!

...countdown cut-off procedures.

We will continue the countdown on board the shuttle...

The engine ignition occurs

at about six seconds prior to T minus zero.

Everything has been continuing to go very smoothly

here in the firing room at the Launch Control Centre

and out at Launch Pad 39A.

Once again, the duration of this test firing

will be between 20 and 22 seconds.

The test should be completed at the plus time shown on the clock,

a mission-elapsed time of approximately 15 seconds.

The next 20 minutes are going to be the most exciting of your life.

Twenty minutes? I wish twenty days!

Max into shuttle.

Engine test into launch.

Max into space.

Our NASA test director will be verifying...

We don't have a lot of time in here.

Watch your heads when you come in.

Look at this place!

- I feel like a real explorer! - It is so incredible!

- Is that a closet? - No.

Everybody take the seats that you were assigned in the simulator.

Kathryn and Kevin, get up in your seats.

In space it doesn't matter where the seats are.

- How do you get up'? - Just hop up.

There you go.

The only thing missing here is a tape deck.

Pilot and Commander strapped in.

This is amazing!

It's better than the Millennium Falcon!

I can't believe they actually fly this.

Max, Tish, take your seats on the mid-deck.

If you need any help, just holler.

Roger, Commander. I'll arm the laser guns.

May the Force be with you.

Please put on your helmets

and make sure your headsets are plugged in.

Pilot and Commander, unstow cue cards.


Cue cards? Right.

APU fuel.

Right RSC cross-feed.

Is everybody set?

- Roger. - Roger.

- Kevin, look at that! - It's a bunch of numbers to me.

Control, this is Atlantis. Do you copy?

Roger, Atlantis. This is Launch Control.

Radio check, over.

Solid Rocket Boosters A and B, ignition off.

- Stand by for main engine test. - Stand by.

Atlantis, do you copy'?

She's all yours.

Go ahead.

- Are you sure? - Yeah.

Come on, will you answer the man?


Control, this is Atlantis.

Radio check satisfactory. Over.

I heard that, Kathryn!

Stand by for FRF ignition.

Counting down.

T minus ten...







Go for main engine test.

We have main engine start.

T plus five...

Max needs thermal curtain failure.


Oh, my God!



Thermal curtain failure.

Max and Jinx friends forever.


We have overheat on Booster B.

- Temperature? - 1,200 degrees and climbing.

Get that thing operational.

The thermal curtain is failing.

Terminate the test.

We're past shutdown temperature. We can't stop it.

We have thermal curtain failure.

What does that mean?

Booster B-- temperature is critical.

Kathryn, get out of there now!

Andie, make 'em stop! Make 'em turn it off!

They're trying!

Booster B is near ignition. It's gonna light.

Andie, help us!

Light Booster A! Launch us or we're gonna explode!

What's happening?!

Please, Andie!

Grab her, Rudy!

- Do it. - Zach, we're not authorized.

Light it or they're gonna die.

Ignite Booster A.

- Five...four... - Arm booster igniters.

Booster igniters armed.

- Rudy, hold on to her! - I'm trying!

Go for launch! Now!

Light it.

Kathryn! Get in the seat!

Go, baby, go.

My God!

We have lift off.

Bye, Max.

Instituting roll maneuver, Atlantis.

Roger, Control.

Roll maneuver complete. Atlantis, you're looking good.

Do you want to take it?

Jesus Christ, Zach!

I guess you're not going to have to wait so long after all.

You're going to have to throttle.

Atlantis, this is Control.


Copy, Control.

Main engines at 65%.

Kathryn, just hang on!

It's three G's. I know it's tough.

Kevin, you've got to drop the solid boosters.

They're on your side.

Now arm SRB separation.

I don't know which ones!

Panel C-3.

On your right side.

Atlantis, you are go for SRB separation.

Hit it!

Control, this is Atlantis.

We have SRB separation.

- Over. - They have SRB sep.

Atlantis, this is Control.

Press for MECO. You are go for main engine cut off.


This will be the lead story...

MECO is on schedule. Over.

I don't know where this drill's gonna end, baby.

Hang in there.

Roger. MECO is on schedule. Over.

Control, this is Atlantis. Do you read? Over.


We're losing her.

This bird wasn't flight-ready. They only have short-range radio.


Kevin, we have MECO.

Go for ET sep on my mark.



Do you know where it is?

I think so. Got it!

They got their OMS burn.

They're still climbing.

Come on!

Tracking reads Atlantis at 180 by 33.

They're in orbit.

I didn't touch a thing, Andie. Honest.

I know, Rudy.

Well, ladies and gentlemen,

I think we've achieved orbit.


- Kathryn, are you okay? - I think so.

You're floating.

Just relax and allow yourself to flow with it.

I could lose the lift off, but this is incredible!

Weightlessness! This is unreal!

I feel like I'm flying.

- We're in space, Kevin. - I can't believe it.

Max, Tish, are you okay?

- Why me'? - I feel sick.

We're gonna die.

We're already dead.

This feels like a dream.

Kevin, is this incredible or what?

You got more guts than me, Rudy.

- Man coming through. - Oh, my God.

It's like magic.

Max, you gotta try this flying.

Watch your head, Max.

- Are you all in one piece? - I think so.

- Good. - Jesus.

Well, I think we have a few things to talk about.

A few things?


Maybe you can touch those stars now, huh?

Let me see.

Is that Earth?

Sure is, Max.

That's the coast of Africa right there.

And there's the Swiss Alps.

It goes by so fast.

What an amazing sunset.

Boy, I could stay up here forever.

Me too.

Andie, I wanna go home.

- What went wrong, Andie? - What's a thermal curtain failure?

How did this happen?

It's not important how it happened.

What's important now is how we get back home.

We are going home.

Folks, I'm gonna need all your help to get there.

Rudy, you and Kevin stow the aft deck seats.

We have no voice contact with NASA.

Telemetry is still on.

The safest procedure will be for them to bring us down on auto

at the next available window.

There are windows out there?

No, it's where we re-enter the Earth's atmosphere

at the right time and place

so we can land at Edwards Air Force Base.

First re-entry for Edwards is in 12 hours.

Okay, we just sit tight,

and we keep everything running till then.

In the meantime, I'm gonna check this mother out.

- This is unprecedented. - I don't know what to tell you.

I gotta give some statement. They're right there.

I want that gallery cleared out.

Take those kids back to Space Camp.

- The president has to be told. - They'll be back in 12 hours.

How am I supposed to keep a lid on this?

People for 500 miles know the shuttle went up.

Tell them the truth-- we launched my wife

and five kids from the Space Camp.

They'll never believe it.

What's your reading?

South 5-5-55.

We have to find an earlier re-entry.

- Why? What's the problem? - The shuttle wasn't flight-ready.

They won't be alive in 12 hours.

One tank of oxygen?

How long will one tank last?

Twelve hours.

That's not enough.

We'll need more for re-entry, at least another hour.

So what are we gonna do?

Re-entry to landing-- 14 hours.

Estimated oxygen supply-- 11 hours, 56 minutes.

Max will erase?


Get Max out of space now.


NASA is working on the problem.

NASA needs help.

Any Suggestions?

- Daedalus. - Of course, Daedalus.

Now if only we could talk to her.

She's a good pilot, Zach.

She'll think of it.

Great. No oxygen was provided for the life-support system.

What about the propulsion system?

We can raid liquid oxygen from there.

The propulsion system uses nitrogen tetroxide, Rudy.

We want to breathe, not dry-clean our lungs.

Let's think. Where are we gonna get more oxygen?

I could run down to 7-11.

Right, Kev.

That's it.

- What's it? - You wanna share this with us?

Yep. We're going to Daedalus.

- The space station. - That's right.

Isn't it still under construction?

But they already have oxygen storage.

Kevin, get in the seat.

The rest of you just hang on, prepare for manoeuvre.

We're gonna transfer to another orbit.

I just hope we have time.

We're going for Daedalus rendezvous.

Prepare for OMS burn.


Power up.

- Kevin, give me a course bearing. - Course bearing, right.

Kevin, you did this in the simulator. Come on.

I faked it in the simulator.

Then get out of the seat. Kathryn.

- I'll get it. - Out!

Kathryn, give me a course bearing.


Stand by for OMS burn.

Go for OMS.


Thanks a lot, NASA. Congratulations for a job well done.

Okay, give my thanks.

Jerry and Wayne did a great job.

Three for three...

We have Atlantis transferring to a higher orbit at 76.4 degrees.

She remembered!

That's it.


Give me Daedalus ETA.

The estimated time of arrival at Daedalus

is 26 minutes and 13 seconds.

This would be easier if we could reach Mission Control.

- Did you do it? - It was too difficult.

Tell me what you want me to do.

Max, do I have to do everything for you?

You've got a 180 IQ. You can't figure it out'?

All right, now, Max, it's very simple, okay?

Just like a dentist's chair.

Like a Mr. Thirsty.

I ain't getting in there.

Max, don't worry, okay?

It's not like you're using it for much else anyway.

Okay, hop in.

Don't forget to turn the fan on, okay?

There's Daedalus.

We made it.

Andie, I know we made it here,

but how are we gonna make it to re-entry

without help from Ground Control?

Well, I've been giving that a lot of thought lately,

and I've come up with one good idea.

- I had an idea. - What?

Well, you know how you said--

Like, how you said they have that telemetry stuff

and, like, they could read all our instruments?

Well, I was thinking--

or maybe I was just inspired by the view and all--

ls that India we're coming up on?

What idea?

Yeah, well, code.

The CXT switch?

You mean Morse code.

Yeah, I read a book on it once.


Go get on the switches. Good idea, Tish.

They've gotta hear us.

All right, Kathryn, I need you to help me get ready.

It's time for me to get into the airlock.

Sounds good...

Jinx help NASA.

Jinx help NASA.

Jinx help NASA.

Max, are all the elements of the spacesuit in place?


Kathryn, did you double-check to see

if the portable life-support system has been charged?


I'll be in there for a while suiting up and depressurizing.

I'll establish contact when I'm ready to go into the cargo bay.

Okay, Rudy, open the airlock.

I'm going to bring back two tanks of oxygen.

We've gotta have a backup.

Once I'm out there, I'll be gone about 20 minutes.

Once I'm out there, I'll be gone about 20 minutes.

Don't talk any more than you need,

and don't move around unless it's absolutely necessary.

Here, Andie.

Kathryn, you're in charge until I get back.

I once knew this guy who could hold his breath underwater for hours.

Nobody could ever figure out exactly how he did it.

Well, maybe it wasn't hours,

but it sure was a long time.

That was when I was on the swim team.

It was freshman year.

He used to do it, too-- hold his breath for hours...

...just by thinking about eating French fries.

I guess he really got off on eating French fries.

You're using up oxygen, man.


Kathryn, do you read me?

Roger, Andie.

I've entered the cargo bay and I'm securing the hatch.


Kind of makes you miss the good old days of camp, doesn't it?


When I'm locked into the MMU, prepare to open the CBDs.

Kathryn, do you copy?

Roger, Andie.

Prepare to open CBDs.

It's a go for cargo bay doors, Rudy.

Cargo bay doors activated.

Oh Zach!

What was that, Andie? I couldn't quite copy.



We only have one hour left.

I found them!

- All right! - All right!

Come on, please!


Oh, God. I just can't reach them.


They're still in their storage modes.

I'm gonna have to try it without the MMU.

No. Tell her not to.

She'll have no power, no control.

She'll tumble out into space without her jet pack.

Where is she?

Damn it!

It's no good. I just can't reach it.

Well, she has to! Tell her she has to get them!

Tish, she can't, all right?

Make her.

She just isn't small enough.

Well, I am.

You can't go out there.

It's a good idea, guys.

I am ready.

- Push a little harder. - Double-check everything.

Is this the only suit you could find?

It's the only one down there.

Tish, give me your belt.

What an excellent idea.

What are you going to do with her belt?

We are going to make this suit as small as Max

so he can fit through Daedalus.

All right, Maxwell!

Commander Skywalker reporting in.

Rudy, I want you to make sure that RMS arm is in lock.

Double-check everything.

Radio check is okay.

What about these doors over here?

It's okay. They have to be able to get back in.

Okay, Max, get strapped into the RMS,

and Rudy will swing you over to Daedalus.


No way!

Let me in! I changed my mind!

Let me in! Please let me in! Let me in!

I changed my mind!

Max, you have to help Andie.

Let me in! Please let me in!



Use the Force, Luke.

Stretch out your feelings.

The Force is always with you.

- Look! - Go, Max.

- You can do it. - Unbelievable.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Help me.


I'm sorry, Max. Hang in there.

It's me! I'm hereto rescue you!


I'm small enough to reach the oxygen.


That's the way, Max.

Now unstrap the tank and pass it over to me.

Only one minute left.

Okay, Max, I'm gonna take this back to the ship.

The sooner you get that second tank,

the sooner we can go home.

I'm hurrying, Andie. Honest.

I know you are.

Rudy, please keep that arm steady.

He's doing the best that he can.

I know, but she is trying to load the canisters.

Could you guys argue without talking?

Well, that's it, campers.

All we have left is the air in the cabin.

Oh, my God!

Oh, no!


Save me!


I can't stop!

Look, Max.


I'm right behind you.

I can't stop!

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna let you get away from me.

I'm getting closer.

I can't stop!

- Come on! - Hold steady.

Reach your hand out.

I'm trying to.

- I'm gonna get you. - I can't reach!

Help! Andie!

I'm almost there.

I've got your foot.

Okay, I've got your foot.

You think you're scared now?

Wait till your parents get the bill for breaking Daedalus.

Forty minutes to re-entry.

They're cradling the arm.

Let's hope there's oxygen on the end of it.

Connect the tank hose cap to the... valve.

Which one? There are two.

Rudy, remember, this is pure oxygen.

If we make the wrong connection,

we're gonna be sitting in the middle of a fireball.

You must get it right.

It's the blue valve next to the green.

There is no blue one next to a green.

No, no, not green. I meant yellow.

Rudy, we're all gonna be dead before you make up your mind.

It's the blue valve next to the red.

It's the wrong hose.

It is not. It's the red one.

Will somebody please make a decision?

It's the red one.

It's the yellow!

I have been studying this book since I came to camp.

I know I'm right.

Believe me.

Do it, Andie.

It's the blue valve next to the yellow valve.


Good job, Rudy.

- All right! - That was cutting it close.

- They got air! - All right!

Let's get this thing programmed for re-entry.

Put 'em on auto and bring 'em on home!

Okay, Max, I have it now. You can go in the airlock.

And, Max...





What's happening?

Status check'?

We are closing the cargo bay doors.

Prepare for de-orbit burn.

What's going on?

Nothings responding.

Who's closing the cargo bay doors?

Help me! Andie's not in yet!

Come on, Andie.


It's NASA. They're bringing us down on auto.

Well, make 'em stop!

Come on. I don't have her!

Stop the doors!

She's not in!

Look at Andie.

Andie, do you hear us?

Andie, come in.

Andie, can you read us?

T minus 23 minutes for re-entry window.

Prepare for RSC burn.

Let's turn 'em around for deceleration.

There's a manual override switch here.

I saw it.

Where is it?

Here it is.

If we override NASA, we'll miss the window.

We've gotta go now.

We can't leave Andie. She'll die.

Yaw manoeuvre complete.

Stand by for OMS burn.

Kathryn, take the window.

It's your only chance.

Prepare for de-orbit burn.

Ready for countdown.


Nine seconds.


Do something, Kathryn.

Two seconds.

Rudy, open the cargo bay doors. Tish, unstow the medical kit.

Listen, we're going to open the doors.

Bring Andie in. This time use the foot restraints.

Hang in there, buddy.

- All right, Rudy, do it. - Now?

Come on, Andie.

Help me run a check on the manual systems.

Come on, Andie.

Okay, Max. Okay, let her go.

I got her.

All right, guys, let's take this thing off her.

Andie? Andie.

I'll get her gloves. Let's get her out of the EMU.

- Transport her to the sleep station. - Tish, anything?

No, nothing.

I don't get it. Why would she override auto?

And miss the window. How much oxygen did they buy?

Not enough to make it to the next window at Edwards.

Why would she miss their last chance?

What the hell else is going wrong up there?

How is she?

I think she shattered her arm

and she broke her ribs.

I don't know, really.

So, Kevin, what the hell do we do?

Rudy, I don't know.

Well, we have got to do something.

Christ, I'm not a doctor! I don't know what to do!

Look, guys...

Just get back to your stations,

and I'll stay here... with Andie.

I want to stay with Andie.

I'll stay with Andie, okay?

You just get back to your stations.

I guess we just keep doing what we're doing.

We missed the window.

I know.

We don't have enough oxygen to last till the primary for Edwards.

- You did the right thing. - Yeah?

Do they think so?

Andie's part of the crew.

You took responsibility for her.

Somebody had to.


That's what makes a good flight commander.

I'm a good pilot, but I'm no commander.

My mom always says that...

...being boss and being bossy isn't the same.

I'm never gonna see her again, am I?

Come on. Come on.

- There's nothing new here. - There's something we're missing.

Yes, Mr. President. We'll stay in touch.

The only thing we're missing is a miracle.

- I've got an idea. - Let's hear it.

Come here.

Hey. guys.

I've got a question.

I was looking outside and wondering,

is Edwards the only place where we can land?

- I don't know. ls it? - I don't know.

I remember reading about the shuttle landing in White Plains or something.

Come on, it's in the middle of New York.

White Sands. White Sands, New Mexico.

Columbia of '82 landed there

'cause the strip at Edwards was too wet.

So if we could make the window to White Sands...

We can land there.

Tish, get going.

- Make them hear us. - All right.

Rudy, I love you.

- Check out the coordinates. - You got it.

Max, take care of Andie for me.

Let's see if we can navigate this bird ourselves.

I'm not gonna speculate about anything.

What about the kids?

As soon as I have something to confirm, I will.

Jinx put Max in space.

Jinx can get Max back.

Jinx put Max in space. Jinx can get Max back.

Jinx put Max in space.

How'd you know about Max, Jinx?

Jinx and Max friends forever.

Jesus Christ.

Get that thing out of here. Get security.

Maybe he can help us, unless you've got a better idea.

Wait a minute!

Jinx, how can you help NASA?

C- O-M-E I-N...

C- O-N- T-R- O-L...

Take it out of here. Get it out.

...M-E I-N...

C- O-N- T-R- O-L...

Come in, Control.

C- O-M-E I-N...

C- O-N- T-R- O-L...

Come in, Control.

Max's code.

- Morse code. - Max's code.

Damn! They're talking to us! We got Morse code.

Jack, translate this.

Jinx, I'm treating you to a can of oil.




White Sands. Columbia, '82--check it out.

White Sands re-entry window is nine minutes.

Get me White Sands.

We have to send them a landing software update.

I hope White Sands is ready for this.

They'll make it ready. It's our only shot.

- They're never gonna hear this. - Just keep going, Tish.

What's wrong now?

Whip me, beat me, take away my charge card!

NASA is talking!

- Did somebody say NASA? - It's NASA!

It's NASA!

Guys, they need an OMS burn, like now!

- OMS burn coming right up. - Window coordinates?

She's gotta slow that thing down to 4,800.

It's not Andie, Zach. I just got that.

Andie's hurt.

Some kid named Kathryn is flying the bird.

113 by 17.

Window coordinates-- 113 by 17.

Roger that. We figured 250 by 19.

Well, we weren't that far off.

Our time parameter--0210.

We have to be at re-entry at 0210, and that's in...

That's in six minutes!

Zach wants to know how Andie's doing.

Give me a headset.

- She wants a headset. - She wants a headset?

Okay, Andie, relax. Don't worry about it.

We can handle it, okay?

Max, you and Andie get strapped in.

Get me out of this now.

Helium pressure...

Kevin, you know, I never knew how to do this.

- I don't know-- - Of course you can do it.

No, it's re-entry.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

We'll all die, right'?

We're all gonna die if you don't do it,

so just relax, okay? You're panicked.

You're damn right I'm panicked.

Okay, fine. That's perfect. I'll do it.

All right.

Tish, you ever read a book on how to fly this thing?

Okay, I'll do it.

So competitive, aren't we?

Okay, team.

Let's put these helmets on, and let's do it.

Okay, Kathryn, lock coordinates in.

Coordinates locked in.

Stand by for OMS burn.

Twenty-nine seconds and counting.

Hey, Max, we're going home.

Great! I'm starving.

All right, OMS burn on my mark.



Preparing for yaw manoeuvre.

You're doing great, Pilot.

Come on, Kathryn, you can do it.

Just take it easy.

Entry interface in two minutes.

Re-entry's in range.

Prepare for 180 roll.

Standing by.

Okay, and...

Go for roll.

You're lookin' good!

We're passing through 135 degrees on the way to 180, Andie.

You said you couldn't fly this thing.

I think we came around too much.

- Oh, no, wait a minute. - What's wrong?

- What's happening? - Look!

Kathryn, make it stop!

Kathryn, you're in a flat spin.

You've got to concentrate.

She's lost it. She's coming in out of control.

Ionization blackout in 30 seconds.

Tracking's gonna lose them.

Coming up on re-entry. We've gotta stabilize.

You guys, get strapped in!

What happened to the lights?

The trainer.

Remember the trainer. You can do it.

Kathryn, listen to me.

We talked about when it would be your turn.

This is it.

Do you COPY?


Good work.

You've got to bring the nose up.

We have to go in at an angle.

Right. Re-entry angle should be 30 degrees at least.

We're at 26.

Twenty-seven. Keep going.


- Ionization blackout. - We've lost contact.

Watch the readout on the nose attitude indicator.

You can fly it, Kathryn.

Keep the nose at 30 degrees.


Just a little bit more. Push it. Thirty!

- It's not holding. - We're burning up!

Come on, be there.

Don't push it. Ease up on the yaw jets.

Come on! Come on, keep holding it.

Come on.

Kathryn, you can do it.

Where are we'?

We're dead. We didn't make it.

I know we made it.

I know we did.

Goldstone's picked them up.

You did it.

- She did it! - Good job, Kathryn.

Good flying, Kathryn!

Oh, God.

Good job.

You did it, Kathryn.

No. We all did it.

Damn right we did!

We all did it.

Atlantis, this is Control. Do you copy?

- Mission Control! - NASA!

Copy that, Control.

This is Atlantis.

All right!

Way to go.

Andie, are you all right?


We're all fine.

We're just real happy to be home.


Atlantis, we have you on auto and we are bringing you home.

For more infomation >> SpaceCamp (1986) - Duration: 1:47:26.


Swedish House Mafia ‒ Reunion ⚇⚇⚇ (Mix) 🔥 - Duration: 20:01.

For more infomation >> Swedish House Mafia ‒ Reunion ⚇⚇⚇ (Mix) 🔥 - Duration: 20:01.


For more infomation >> Swedish House Mafia ‒ Reunion ⚇⚇⚇ (Mix) 🔥 - Duration: 20:01.


Watch Live: SEVENTEEN BSS, NCT 127, CLC, And More Perform On "Show Champion" - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Watch Live: SEVENTEEN BSS, NCT 127, CLC, And More Perform On "Show Champion" - Duration: 0:50.


For more infomation >> Watch Live: SEVENTEEN BSS, NCT 127, CLC, And More Perform On "Show Champion" - Duration: 0:50.


D'excellents aliments pour nettoyer l'intestin | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> D'excellents aliments pour nettoyer l'intestin | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:24.


For more infomation >> D'excellents aliments pour nettoyer l'intestin | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:24.


Secret Butter Slime Recipe?

For more infomation >> Secret Butter Slime Recipe?


Penn Zero: Part-time Hero I'm Super! Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Oscar Edwards - Duration: 15:45.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE my Videos! Thank you very much!

which makes you smart I don't know I haven't eaten it yet good you get looks

like uncle Chuck's deconstructed hamburger mystery meat tomato soup

instead of ketchup and a hand it's all yours

if I'd sugar I get jumpy Oh God spirit yes I do

I've got spirit how uh that was our mascot can't turn off the whole sidekick

thing how do you mean okay we're on a spaceship just put down the laser

blaster laser blaster what is this 27:15

Admiral we should focus on our mission our ship is out of fuel crystals our

only hope Thank You crewmember light butter

what's the point get out of here you weird little space

not cool sash lasers aren't for fooling around with unless you're playing laser

tag or giving a presentation or you're watching a laser show at a concert that

feels amazing flare go tree no I don't want to okay give me one figure this oh

boy that treat moved through me like lightning oh we're gonna go we're gonna

go but nobody looking at this is so embarrassing wait no that's not ears

what's the smell like you smell your ear

this is your fault you did this to Penn and I will not let

you take away the only thing more bugs no stay sorry bud I didn't want to have

to do this but it's for your own good this collar looks ridiculous

well well well can we just get them in minutes your ship will lose power and

crash into the atmosphere and burn up thought you'd enjoy a front you guys

need a minute just watch your defeat boy sorrow

sad robe everyone screws up sometimes not me doing this job right that's my

thing it's my reward I don't get a congratulations cake not me Phyllis said

it's better if they don't know they can be proud of what they don't

know so I have to be proud of myself we can still save the day

actually no you've discovered the crystals too late

pain is gone the ship's about to burn up also this pointer that was pointless I

guess we know now why you're just a sidekick


Oh Sashi zone so what do you think I love it

yeah these reports she is about what science in life you know it'd look like

toilet paper no need to punish all of us I will not be thrown under the bus but I

will write the bus home oh I'm gonna go up and they what's with all the pipes

and gross bathtubs I guess they worship plumbing here or

something why would I do that it's a quality whip trust me you'll love this

whip I've seen better whips okay we'll see if you've tasted better whips are

you sure that was long enough to reach that Larry I'm just saying we could

where are my manners Larry you go

you never get hurt

wait where's the idol this boom yeah but where's the idol mister forgotten to

shut my man

I'd hate to see the but this was made for directly to you was about to flush

it I'm saying don't flush it be very clear about this don't flush it

it's Boone's fault

guys I have a theory and a gross and crazy solution

no wonder this guy was so mad the idol

you're putting it in wrong no no it goes with the paper coming from the bot

that's how an inconsiderate person would do it out the bottom for your bottom

that's the same

for the DB you might what do light toilet very satisfying Phyllis is very

proud Wow these are heavy what are they real gold

of course Phyllis is not cheap born where have you been I was like doing

totally American boy things


but they in this reindeers eyes I didn't trust so I cut him out Oh Nate mom guys

just thinking about you on Christmas Eve not a big deal just

another day that brings families together except

Uncle Chuck Aunt Rose house but I'd be bombed if this were my first Christmas

without my parents who were trapped in a loss to mention oh gosh the fence exact

situation most people nice for you I built a roller skate skate

displacement of radioactive waste you forgot to make her one didn't you


no no sorry for yelling that is literally my nightmare actually

something's up with my moo-hoo I'm just wondering if maybe you could

tinker with it so I could yeah I don't know doctor made me know he totally is

Phyllis you sure you don't want in on these takut eggs okay I want a magnet

that attracts cool t-shirts a set of metal also I want a dog that knows how

to fly a jet pack let's just get this over with

Sasha check the specs all right you're filling in for Santa the elves have gone

missing and there's a major Blizzard coming in a weird way

what's your backs we don't know what they're gonna find in here

snazzy those are dwarves not elves well they're still small and adorable don't

open that box sorry

no one's gonna know

I have so many flavors delicious well then just quietly eat your arm okay yes

sir we rescued the elves and take the gingers by surprise wrong villains

always have the back entrance covered maybe for Christmas I'll get you a

dictionary so you can look up you know I think the snowman's plan makes more

sense we do this right we fixed the moon who and save Christmas thinking into

defeat late check wait what did I say

wait you said it rolling down there that's it

wait why looking for this I see you've met my associate mr. snowman it's not

just my eyes that are made out of coal well sort of snowman's head over you

guys cuz I wanted to get the moo-hoo fixed

don't be so hard on yourself yeah there's nothing more depressing than a

sad Santa except for like maybe an Easter Bunny's lost except for the part

about ruining Christmas for all eternity that's gonna bother me for a while we've

got 10 minutes before the blizzard we can still get that sleigh in the air

backstage but there's Christmas magic in the air and I had the earliest song

I'll make the bet there's babies

people and yucky Yeti caterers the evilest caterers in the entire northern

hemisphere now that's pretty evil we get out of here no matter how small hello

I'm Santa all we need to do is make a chimney and I can slide right through it

baby full Santa you know like putting a toy under a tree

from your sag it's like my drama teacher says commit or quit so much

don't tell mom but I'm about to ruin my dinner

guys thanks Santa we were trapped in there for hours oh no more speeches

Sashi you and those little else go get the reindeer Boone and I we got the


it was chatter on the ice and you'll never speak to your parents again forget

Christmas turn the sleigh around and I'll give you back your breakfast move

Merry Christmas mom and dad

conifer tick

For more infomation >> Penn Zero: Part-time Hero I'm Super! Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Oscar Edwards - Duration: 15:45.




For more infomation >> REACTING TO THE BEST KICKS/COMEBACKS IN TRACK HISTORY w/ Ryan Trahan - Duration: 8:33.


We Burned this Mountain ! - Duration: 6:10.

This is the mountain called Mount Aso and

We are going to burn it yes, we all go into barn it we're going to burn like I think around there

So it happens every year

The the people in this city

Burn the designated area so the car so the cows that they have could eat new grasses

And they don't want any of these tree

Growing anymore because you know it's for the best for the cow to eat

Good and healthy

New grasses every year so that's what happening stay tuned to watch what happens

So there are about 40 people up there

It's basically all the men in the town


there's a team for setting a fire and there's a team for spraying water so the fire won't go anyone else and

Yeah, we end up having about 40 people and there were photographer

There are people who has drones and everything it is a very famous event so you see in this mountain

there is part where they have a tree, and there is part where they have just grasses and

this is because they have been doing this practice for 1000 year and


Because they are grazing the cows and firm animals outside

just letting them eat the grass for the summer and it's easier for them to have the cows that way and

It's stress-free for the cows to eat just grasses outside

-not captivated. Also if you have all those trees

You would have boar you would have deer you would have snakes and it's just horrible. That's why they have to burn

The mountain and so that they could have a new and fresh and healthy grasses for the cow

so we have the team of 40 people and

We have about I don't know I think we have about 10 trucks

So we split in two teams

one for the west side one for the east side and the way they do it is that they

start fire from both sides and then

The fire will meet in the middle so

either of the fire will not go any

Anywhere father that their area if you know what I mean

. It's a very practical way to burn the field and

I have learned that there are so many kinds of fire and depends on the wind the fire

Could outrun you like

really fast and

Also, if you get too close to the fire it just burns your skin

It's not the fire that hurts. It's just the heat of

the fire that hurts


as I was flying the drone

One of the guys saw me flying the drone and said hey, let me fly the drone

So I let him fly the drone and as soon as he started flying it

he just crashed into trees and look at this as


Two of the four

Blades were broken so you know

Just one lesson learned never let anyone

Fly your drone without their experience it will just go horrible, but the good thing came out of it. He felt so bad

He brought this

It's a deer horn

It's deer horn tomorrow. I will be polishing this and

Tried to make a use of it

So please like comment and subscribe for more interesting uploads you tomorrow

Now I'm going home look how beautiful the cherry blossom is

For more infomation >> We Burned this Mountain ! - Duration: 6:10.


Will TGC move to PornHub??? The Fight - Day 5 - Duration: 3:05.

Hey guys, welcome back, huge thank you to everyone that has been smashing that subscribe

button lately.

I'm pumped that you guys are on board with TGC.

Now, over the last week or so a ton of people have been leaving comments on our videos or

sending messages about TGC moving over to pornhub and I wanted to make a separate video

to address that specifically.

In case you aren't up to speed, YouTube recently changed their policy on gun content, you can

watch my video on that linked in the description, and that caused a ton of concern throughout

gun channels and the gun industry in general.

People are afraid that they may have their channels shut down because of these new rules.

As a counter measure, creators across the board are looking for alternative places to

post videos that will allow gun content.

Makes sense.

One of the most notable places that you guys have been asking about, like I said, is porn


InRangeTV was the first to make this move and it quite literally has been seen all over

the world.

They made a HUGE impact with that move.

No question.

But I don't see that as the right move for TGC.

I'm not saying those guys were wrong for doing it because it obviously got a ton of people

talking about the issue at hand.

I personally don't know if it will have any impact on the end result but thats not the

point here.

I personally believe that no one is going to pornhub looking for gun content.

And let's say you did try to go there and somehow got past your work firewall or were

watching on your phone and some porn ad pops up on the video.

Its not a practical solution.

On top of that, the gun industry being mostly conservative, would likely not be interested

in placing promotions in content posted on a porn website.

NOW, here's the thing that could make a difference.

We talked about this on the TGC podcast last week.

If the owners of pornhub decided to take that infrastructure, sanitize it, and create an

alternative to YouTube... that would be huge.

If the traffic data on pornhub is to be believed, they are getting nearly 3 times the traffic

that youtube sees on a daily basis so they could EASILY handle the traffic.

But that brings me to a different point... what if we are forcing porn hub into a conversation

that they don't want to be a part of?

For instance, when people open carried in starbucks to try and make a point, starbucks

was forced to make a statement and they made one that a lot of gun owners didnt like...

is this move to PH doing the same thing?

Its tough to say.

Like I said, I don't fault anyone for moving over there and trying to make a splash with

the audience and garner some attention BUT that is not the right move for TGC.

I'm curious to know what you guys are thinking.

Would you actually go to pornhub to watch gun videos or would you rather see them posted


Sound off in the comments below and let me know your thoughts.

As always guys, there are links down in the description for you guys to check out if you

want to support us directly and as always thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Will TGC move to PornHub??? The Fight - Day 5 - Duration: 3:05.


Исполняем желание Ригоса! Ну и играем в осу! - Duration: 6:56:10.

For more infomation >> Исполняем желание Ригоса! Ну и играем в осу! - Duration: 6:56:10.


IU(아이유) - My Old Story(나의 옛날이야기) (Cover By Hailey Rosario) - Duration: 3:37.

Do you remember that lonely alleyway?

I still remember now

The anxious days when I couldn't tell you I loved you

Did you know that?

The beautiful nights of the past when we were childish

I'm still in love

You childish person

You try to take all of me

You heartless person

Were you too shy to say anything?

Did you not like me?

I still can't figure it out

If you hear this song please come to me

My dear, I'm still waiting

You heartless person

This night tries to take all of me

You childish person

Tonight, tomorrow night, and the night after that

I'll wait forever


Thank you! Don't forget to subscribe! <3

For more infomation >> IU(아이유) - My Old Story(나의 옛날이야기) (Cover By Hailey Rosario) - Duration: 3:37.


Juan Gabriel - CONCIERTO "20 AÑOS" 2DA parte (Con El Mariachi Arriba Juárez) - Juangabrielisimo 1991 - Duration: 34:08.

For more infomation >> Juan Gabriel - CONCIERTO "20 AÑOS" 2DA parte (Con El Mariachi Arriba Juárez) - Juangabrielisimo 1991 - Duration: 34:08.


Shinteki Souzou- Yousei Teikoku (Kami Teki Souzou) [Captions] - Duration: 4:04.

What to protect if,

Something that does not shape in my heart?

The truth will continue to hide

Even if I chose to be on your side

If I admit all my betrayals and mistakes

Their will be no hatred in my soul

When everything changes when I'm with you

I will draw the creation of the gods

And challenge the battle, without returning

Because this life is not deplorable

The last person,

That reflected in my eyes, was you

To hopefully to protect,

Since God will avenge the strength of my feelings

What to believe in,

When we're living without reaching an answer?

I will keep on doing unnoticed swings

With a frightened innocent smile

If it hurts painfully, soon fully I will end with life

If it is for you, I will revive from the bottom of the abyss

The myth keeps on repeating again

But one day, I will end that never-ending fable

Because in this life I show no regret

The last person,

That reflected in your eyes, was me

To hopefully to believe,

Since God will avenge the strength of my feelings

I will create things with all my mighty,

For the world that you and I so desired

I will draw the creation of the gods

And challenge the battle, without returning

Because this life is not deplorable

The last person,

That reflected in my eyes, was you

To hopefully to protect,

Since God will avenge the strength of my feelings

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