Fortnite Free vbucks / How to get free v bucks fortnite skins , v bucks PS4, XBOX, PC, Android iOS - Duration: 3:18.
Treniruotėje Belgrade žalgiriečiai tikrino buvusio V.Micičiaus klubo lankus - Duration: 3:53.Vasilije, žinome, kad pažįsti šią sporto salę nuo mažų dienų. Papasakok apie tai.
Taip, ši salė garsi tuo, jog tai buvo namų arena Železniko FMP klubui.
Šioje komandoje yra žaidę vieni garsiausių talentų. Pats čia praleidau trejus metus. Iš čia likę daug gražių prisiminimų.
Kiek Jums buvo metų?
Čia žaidžiau nuo 13 iki 16 metų. Tai buvo pirmas rimtas žingsnis į profesionalų krepšinį.
Tuomet komanda turėjo geriausias sąlygas ir infrastruktūrą jaunuoliams žaisti krepšinį. Tai buvo gera ir naudinga patirtis man.
Kai tik nusileidome, pastebėjome, jog daug serbų žurnalistų norėjo su jumis pasikalbėti. Ko jie Jūsų klausė? Kuo domėjosi?
Klausė paprastų klausimų – kokie mūsų lūkesčiai finalo ketverte, ką galvojame apie „Fenerbahce" ekipą,
kaip esame pasiruošę rungtynėms ir ar esu laimingas būdamas Belgrade ir savo pirmajame Eurolygos finalo ketverte.
Jiems tiesiog papasakojau apie viską paprastai, nenorėjau atskleisti jokių mūsų taktinių paslapčių. Tai tiek.
Vasilije, mes klausiame žalgiriečių apie Stambulo „Fenerbahce" komandą. Kaip vertini varžovų pasirodymą Eurolygos atkrintamųjų varžybų metu?
Per pastaruosius kelerius metus „Fenerbahce" išlaiko panašų žaidimo ritmą – viso sezono metų jų žaidimas tik gerėja, kad būtų pasiruošę atkrintamosioms.
Per kiekvieną atkrintamųjų seriją turkų ekipos žaidėjai pagerina savo sportinę formą. Tai nutiko ir šiame sezone, kovojant su Vitorijos „Baskonia".
Fenerbahce" pasisekė, kad turėjome namų aikštės pranašumą, „Baskonia" labai gerai žaidžia namų arenoje.
Kaip bebūtų, paskutinėse serijos rungtynėse „Fenerbahce" įrodė turinti tvirtą charakterį.
Komandą treniruoja lemiamų kovų užgrūdintas vyriausiasis treneris, todėl jie žino, kaip atiduoti visas jėgas.
Manau, kad esame pasiruošę. Visas šis laikas, kurį praleidome kartu, bei visos žaistos rungtynės, leido mums patirti labai daug.
Visuomet žaidžiame kaip komanda. Esame nusipelnę laimėti.
Makáme! Zvyšujeme důchody až o 11 tisíc ročně! - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Roza main piyas se bachne ka tarika | Sakhat Garmi Men Roza Rakhne ka Asan Tarika | kamran sultan - Duration: 3:31.Roza main piyas se bachne ka tarika | Sakhat Garmi Men Roza Rakhne ka Asan Tarika | kamran sultan
The White House 'Buckles Up' For Mueller Probe - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
New Rules On Twitter And A Tiger At Prom - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Swedish Meatballs Aren't Really Swedish - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Chadwick Boseman On Bringing Humanity To 'Black Panther' - Duration: 11:32.-------------------------------------------
Kids Pitch A New TV Show: 'Strangest Things: The Golden Mysteries' - Duration: 12:18.-------------------------------------------
Hallmark's White House Apology Collection - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Tactics Explained | Red Bull Salzburg - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
✅ O nahození pojistek požádala loni v srpnu seniorka (†78) ze Zbýšova na Brněnsku souseda Pavla Fejt - Duration: 1:11.Fejtu, který bydlel naproti u rodičů, podle jeho slov rozlítilo, když mu stařenka začala rozmlouvat příliš vřelý vztah k nezletilému synovi jeho bývalé přítelkyně
Když mu řekla, že kluk stejně není jeho, sevřel jí hrdlo rukama. Vraždu pak dokonal záclonou
Z bytu si poté odnesl pokladničku s 15 tisícovkami. U olomouckého vrchního soudu se včera domáhal zmírnění trestu, který mu vyměřil už krajský soud
Vrchní soud mu ale nevyhověl. „Trest je přiměřený," konstatoval mluvčí soudu Staniclav Cik
Yoojung and Mina are going on a trip together!! [Battle Trip/2018.05.13] - Duration: 10:46.1, 2, 3, 4.
♪ Spring is here ♪
- Yoobom... / - Nabom...
Spring is here.
You also prepared an event, didn't you?
Before we started the trip,
we prepared a small event.
When you post a photo of yourself
watching our trip on TV,
we will choose one of the viewers
and give you the photos we took.
- That's great. / - It's really an idol special.
It's a 20-year-olds' spring trip.
This is Mina and Yoojung's trip.
Why don't we shout out your name to start us off?
Spring flower trip at 20.
- Yoobom. / - Nabom.
- Let's check it out! / - Let's check it out!
I'm already feeling excited.
My excitement is up to here.
Planning a trip is when you're excited the most.
I'm Mina of Gugudan.
Hello, I'm Yoojung of Weki Meki.
(They were part of I.O.I from Producer 101 Season 1)
(They finished their time with I.O.I)
This trip will be meaningful.
How beautiful.
So, we...
This time...
For the first time...
For the first time...
We're going on a trip together.
- So cute. / - We...
Just turned 20, you know.
- Right. / - Now...
We have no limitations.
- They're gone. / - We're a bit more...
- Free. / - That's right.
It's my first time going on
an overnight trip with a friend, without my parents...
It's a first for me too.
We only had beach, pension, beach, pension.
We didn't plan anything.
- We only went to play. / - Right.
- This was your first time? / - Yes.
I've never spent a night out.
It's our 1st trip as 20-year-olds,
I want to do this
when we go on our trip.
I have a wish.
At a roof top bar.
I want to try the cocktails there.
- At a fancy bar? / - While listening to music...
A glass of cocktail.
Your mind is already at the bar.
I want to
do something like
riding a bicycle with you.
But I don't know how to ride one.
- Huh? / - If we ride a 2-man bicycle...
I can only go straight.
You can drive the bicycle.
You can enjoy the view while I drive the bicycle.
I got it.
In junior high,
the twin look was trending.
That's right.
I've never worn a matching outfit with my friend.
And I want to...
Go drinking...
I want to drink.
It must be fun just imagining it.
From a long time ago,
I've wanted to go backpacking on a train.
That's a great idea.
Since it's spring now,
we must go see the flowers.
- I've been thinking about it. / - Really?
If we're going to see flowers,
we have to see a field that's
covered with flowers.
While we're at it.
Let's go to a place with a whole field of flowers.
I've done my research.
Suncheonman National Garden's spring flower festival.
The festival lasts from April 6th to May 22th.
Are there a lot of flowers in Suncheon?
- For that long? / - I really want to go to a festival.
This proves that the flowers over there
are so strong.
Are you saying the soil there is fertile?
Yes, because of that,
you can see flowers until May.
The flowers will still be in bloom...
- Even after this show airs. / - Right, right.
The festival ends on May 22th.
- I really want to go see flowers. / - Right?
- We can take photos. / - Flowers like this.
There are a lot of tulips.
Look at that.
And this place is...
This is where you can take the best photos.
- This place is really nice. / - Right?
Flowers are everywhere.
I read that Suncheon is
a must visit place to go by train
for travelers who are in their 20s.
That's what you were after.
- Yeah. / - That's what you're after.
- You were. / - At first...
I planned a train trip from the start.
There's also that.
It's a place that's set up to show
what Korea was like in the 1960s and 1970s.
It's like going back in time.
You and I
can go back in time too.
This is nice.
The Yoobom Nabom Trip.
You feel like crying again, right?
Anyway, we can try that.
We can take a lot of photos here.
I only picked
the destination which is Suncheon
and the transportation, the train.
Next to
Yeosu and Gwangyang are located.
- That's the whole itinerary. / - Yes.
- Yeosu, Suncheon and Gwangyang. / - Yeosu is nice.
- Yeosu is great. / - But...
Yeosu has been introduced on Battle Trip already.
But they showed a tiny part
of Gwangyang that time.
Like a brief preview.
We can introduce the city thoroughly this time.
- We'll be thorough. / - Yes, thoroughly.
Gwangyang is famous for bulgogi.
Gwangyang bulgogi.
- Yes, we have that. / - We can introduce that.
- We can... / - You look so happy.
We can try the bulgogi too.
Let's find a lot of fun things to do there.
Let's make our trip amazing.
You find out more about Suncheon.
I'll find more about Gwangyang.
Should we clap?
We have a great plan.
Right. Then...
Let's name our trip.
My name is Yoojung and you're Mina.
And it's spring or "bom."
Mina, Yoojung...
Yoojung. Yoobom, Nabom.
And Yoo sounds like "you."
So it's like your spring, my spring.
- Like you and me. / - Yes, like that.
- Sounds great. / - Yoojung, Mina.
- Yoobom Nabom. / - I like it.
You and me.
- Your spring, my spring. / - My spring.
Yoobom Nabom.
Let's go!
- So natural. / - They sound different.
♪ Are you ready? ♪
♪ I'm ready ♪
♪ Spring, spring, spring, spring is here ♪
- Yoobom. / - Nabom.
Spring is here!
Looks so fun.
It's a swing!
Want me to push you?
(She steps on the flowers)
I stepped on the flowers.
- So cute. / - Cute.
- Cute. / - I love this place.
It smells like tonic.
(Smell of the herbal tonic)
It's like adult spicy rice cakes.
I like the taste of jujubes.
- So pretty. / - Finally...
- She's drinking. / - Is that wine?
I've always wanted to try this.
With friends...
We haven't seen that dance in ages.
It's different when the originals do it.
(Yoojung's spring)
(Mina's spring)
(Current time, 4:30 a.m.)
- 4:30? / - 4:30 a.m.
- Yes. / - We are at Yongsan Station.
We're in Yongsan now.
Yes, this is Yongsan Station.
Don't you think we should visit
many places in Suncheon?
That's why
we will get on the first train
and get moving.
- This way, we'll visit many places. / - Right, right.
Yoojung said
I need to trust her and follow her lead today.
That's right. Let me handle today's itinerary.
We'll take a good look around Suncheon
and take a rest.
Okay, okay.
- Let's go. / - Let's go.
Let's go.
(They set out to Suncheon)
What's this?
What's going on?
What is this? Is this a train station?
- You've only been to Seoul Station? / - Wait...
I'd never been.
- You've never even been to Seoul Station? / - No.
Yoojung is fascinated by our station.
What is this place?
- I've never seen this before. / - This is Yongsan.
- So many firsts for you. / - Yes.
It feels so strange.
It's like...
I still can't believe it.
We're really going on this trip.
We have an important matter on our hands.
The much anticipated...
We made these the other day.
You must take those on trips these days.
If you take a photo through those...
- They turn out great. / - Right.
It'd be great if you make one
before going on your trip.
When you take a photo with that at the beach,
it looks so good.
This is how they turned out.
Isn't this pretty?
So pretty.
Let's take this out...
- Yeah. / - And take a photo here.
Right here.
This is the spot. This is it.
This looks good.
So it shows.
(Toppers are the focus)
(Yoojung sleeps on the train)
(Yongsan Station, Suncheon Station)
(2 hours and 40 minutes)
(Suncheon Station, 7:50 a.m.)
We've arrived at Suncheon Station.
This is Suncheon!
Was that your first time there?
- Yes. / - Yes.
My gosh.
We have to do this thing.
- What is it? / - A photo with the station name.
We need to take a photo with the sign.
- People take photos like that. / - Isn't that pretty?
Where are we going now?
- We will... / - You told me to follow your lead.
After I.O.I, this is the first time...
- We've gone anywhere together. / - That's right.
Doesn't it feel like...
- We've gone back to that time? / - Yes.
To really travel back in time...
Are we going?
We will take the bus to travel back in time.
- It must've been a great trip. / - That way.
- Let's go. / - Were you in high school in I.O.I?
- Yes. / - Yes.
We first met when we were 17.
Oh, my.
Besides, you were so busy when you were in I.O.I.
- You didn't have time to travel. / - That's so true.
That's right.
Yoojung and Mina's wine tasting experience "This is weird.. XD" [Battle Trip/2018.05.13] - Duration: 8:41.I looked, but there is no rooftop bar in Gwangyang.
But I found a better place.
- Really? / - Yes.
- We don't need to go to a rooftop bar. / - Really?
- We don't need to go. / - Really?
I found a really great wine bar.
So we...
I don't know. I really like that place.
Look at her. She's happy just thinking about it.
What a great time.
We've gotten changed again.
We're dressed up nicely.
We'll take a cab
to the wine bar.
I'm really excited. I've never been to a wine bar.
Are you taking a cab to the wine bar?
But you take a bus everywhere else.
- Cab for the wine bar... / - They got changed too.
- They're spending money. / - They got changed.
- Our clothes... / - You need that black cab.
I feel like we shouldn't be here.
No, we have to hold our heads up.
- We're 20 years old. / - Right.
- We can go in. / - That's right.
I understand why you want to dress up.
- I'm scared. / - Let's not show that it's our first time.
They don't want to show that it's their first time.
- Hello. / - Having your first dress shoes...
At age 20.
You can never forget. I still remember too.
This is weird.
(They're given a menu)
(What does this mean?)
- But we don't know about wine. / - Of course not.
It was too difficult.
- It's difficult. / - What do we do?
I still don't get wine.
Can you recommend us something?
We don't know much about wine.
The bestselling wine at our bar is
(Ca'Bianca? What?)
(What? I have no idea what he's saying)
I'll tell you what to do as an expert.
Take recommendations and keep
drinking different ones.
Then once you find one that you like,
memorize the name.
Memorize what it's called?
- Memorize the taste. / - Once you memorize that...
That becomes your standard.
Wine starts from there.
- He's Muhammad Ali of drinking. / - Seriously...
You should learn how to drink from Sikyung.
(The bartender leaves)
I can't remember the names.
All I remember is d'Acqui.
Even if I pretend to be an adult, I can't fake it.
It bubbles up a little bit.
So it's easy to enjoy.
It's pretty.
- It looks tasty. / - It's affordable too.
It looks good.
Thank you.
This is awkward.
I feel awkward.
This is awkward.
- I feel weird. / - This is too...
That's a pretty sound.
It's good.
I like how it tickles my nose.
Why does it tickle my nose?
That's the wine bouquet.
- This is the bouquet? / - Yes.
(Yoojung learns about wine bouquet)
You look good with wine.
She seems mature when she's drinking wine.
- It suits her. / - She didn't hunch when she drank wine.
- You're right. / - She sits up straight.
She hunched over when she ate spicy rice cakes.
(Wait, this looks like it's for grownups)
- Gosh, this is weird. / - I know.
- Thank you for the food. / - Thank you.
Eat then drink? Or drink then eat?
- You're such beginners. / - Whichever way you want.
I'll try this first.
(Yoojung and Mina are playing grownups)
It suits her.
- Like she's experienced. / - It suits them.
Mina looks good too.
(Staring at Yoojung)
(What's wrong?)
It feels so weird. I can't believe you're drinking.
I feel the same.
They think it's funny.
Now I can feel
that we're 20.
- This is the last day of our trip. / - Right.
The trip will end after we see the rainbow fountain.
- Don't you feel sad? / - I don't want to go back.
Don't you feel sad? Right?
But the fountain will be great.
- Is it good? / - Yes, it's huge.
Is it?
You can look forward to seeing it.
Can I look forward to it? Alright.
(Darkness falls over Seocheon)
This is the last course of our trip.
Such a shame.
What's that?
That's the Rainbow Bridge.
The lights come on at night.
It's beautiful.
They have the best reactions.
- The best. / - Such good reactions.
Isn't it fascinating?
They go up so high.
It feels refreshing to see the fountain in front.
So pretty.
- Wow. / - Wow.
Music, lights, fountain.
- All in sync, right? / - Yes.
It's high enough to reach for the stars.
(The first song is over)
(The next song continues)
("On a Spring Day with Cherry Blossoms" by J-Cera)
It feels somewhat touching.
It feels so good to watch it with your best friend.
(The words "You and Me" appear all of a sudden)
(What's going on?)
Is that possible?
Wait a minute.
- What's going on? / - I prepared this.
I just got goosebumps.
- You did this? / - Yeah.
When did you do this?
- Can you make a request in advance? / - Yes.
You can upload words or photos on the homepage.
- Congratulations on being 20. / - Mina, you're so clever.
We're 20...
I feel sad.
You can also display a photo.
Isn't so pretty.
This is so touching.
I can't believe we're 20.
I think we had...
Some time for inner peace. It was so enjoyable.
- You both became 20 this year. / - Right.
She organized it and cried alone.
This is so nice.
When you're with a good friend, you get emotional.
You really do.
It feels so special that we're on
a trip to celebrate the age of 20.
(Yoobom Nabom enjoy their trip to the last moment)
- I bet you'll remember this trip forever. / - Yes.
We were a team, so we spent a lot of time together...
- But it was our first trip. / - First time.
I came on the first trip of my life after turning 20.
I'm glad that I came here with you.
It feels more special and meaningful with you.
We'll go on a trip together again when we become 30.
- 30? / - That's nice.
It was amazing.
Yoobom Nabom, spring is here!
- Bye. / - Bye.
(The end of Yoojung and Mina's spring)
The famous plum blossom shaped macarons! [Battle Trip/2018.05.13] - Duration: 11:12.- Gwangyang. / - You said you wanted to ride bikes.
How about I teach you?
I've learned before
so I can ride it.
But I can only go straight.
Let me teach you.
Where can we ride bicycles?
Near Seocheon Riverside and Seomjin River.
- There are a lot of canola flowers. / - Canola flowers.
It's covered with the flowers there.
- All covered. / - Really?
We have to ride bikes now.
I'm so happy.
Do many people ride bicycles at Seocheon Riverside?
I think so.
- It's right next to where you were. / - Yes.
- That looks nice. / - Perfect course.
- You eat bulgogi then... / - You don't get that in Seoul.
- Exactly. / - This is Seocheon Riverside.
- Seoul is too artificial. / - Really?
- It's so pretty here, isn't it? / - Yeah.
The flowers are beautiful here.
Doesn't it make you feel good...
- To see the open view here? / - Right.
Just watching the river flow makes me feel good.
They're all cherry trees but no blossoms.
This place must be beautiful with cherry blossoms.
- It must be really beautiful. / - Right?
This place must be colorful all the time.
I love the colors here.
Riding a bicycle here must be nice for sure,
but walking must be nice as well.
(They play with each other)
Now let's go ride bicycles.
This is so nice.
We'd like to rent bicycles.
From April 6th...
You can rent bicycles for free
in Gwangyang.
- Really? / - Yes.
If it's free, you should ride it.
They just started this service.
The weather is great today. It's so sunny.
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
Hey, Mina.
There are only...
This many canola flowers.
That road is supposed to be covered with flowers...
But we were there too early.
(It wasn't like this when I looked it up online)
It's supposed to look like this.
There might be more canola flowers by now.
Yes, by now, it'll be in full bloom.
It's okay. We can enjoy this subtle beauty.
You're right.
"Subtle beauty."
She's right. There's subtle beauty.
As you push the pedal, put the other foot on the pedal.
You're good.
You're good.
I can do this.
Okay. Come here.
How do I?
Turn around.
Be careful.
Be careful.
She can't turn corners.
(You can just turn corners with your feet)
Actually, I can't turn corners either.
What the?
You two are a great team.
(They're excited)
Mina, I love this.
Mom, dad, I'm riding a bicycle.
This is nice.
The weather is so nice, isn't it?
It would've been nice if there were canola flowers too.
- It'd be so beautiful with the flowers. / - Right?
I'm sure they'll make it look like it with CG.
Canola flowers!
(Yoojung and Mina ride along the flower path)
(Mina rides the bicycle with only one hand)
I want to do that too!
No, I can't.
Choi Yoojung, you're a fool.
Kang Mina, you're a fool.
(Although there are no flowers, they enjoy the ride)
How was it?
Although there were no flowers, it was very nice
with the cool breeze and everything.
The weather makes the ride even more enjoyable.
- Let's go eat plum blossom macarons. / - Okay.
Let's go.
- Plum blossom macarons? / - Yes.
I heard Gwangyang is famous for plum blossoms.
But around the time we visit the city,
there are no plum blossoms.
It's sad to miss it though.
So we will see the plum blossoms through food.
- They have plum blossom latte. / - Really?
- Goodness. / - It looks pretty, doesn't it?
And these are plum blossom macarons.
They come out like this.
- Isn't that pretty? / - It's so pretty.
I'm really worried about my team now.
- Their reactions are so bad. / - That's a real flower.
When guys eat bulgogi and it's really good,
they go...
The end.
(The famous plum blossom shaped macarons)
(They look super cute)
(Plum blossom macarons, $2 each)
We took so many pictures.
They're great for photographs.
(She's taking pictures again)
They're so pretty.
It's perfect girly photos to upload on social media.
- That 20s feel. / - What does it taste like?
This is raspberry cream cheese and
this is cream cheese.
(Yoojung takes a bite)
(Mina takes a bite too)
They say it's the best macaron
if it doesn't crumble...
- When you bite into it. / - It didn't crumble!
That didn't crumble.
- That macaron was so soft. / - Yes.
- It went in slowly like this. / - Like this.
- Isn't it really chewy? / - Yes.
It goes in like this.
It goes like this.
I've never had a macaron this chewy.
I highly recommend this.
(Cream cheese macaron this time)
It's so delicious.
Some people don't like sweet stuff that much.
I don't think this is that sweet.
It's not that sweet.
Now, we have to drink milk tea right after.
It's so pretty, I feel bad eating it.
(What's this flower?)
It's a real flower!
Hey, it's a real flower.
It's a real flower!
She has a great reaction.
- That milk tea is so pretty. / - Hey, it's a real flower.
(Spray rose means "I can't stop admiring")
(I have to taste it even if it's pretty)
It's so good!
(Smiling brightly)
What kind of milk tea is this?
It's a mix of earl grey, assam
and English breakfast are blended.
I knew it.
I love milk tea so much,
so I tried many different kinds but this tastes new.
It has a flowery aftertaste.
It's so good.
Three kinds of tea are blended together,
so unlike other milk teas, it tastes more like a flower.
This milk tea is so good.
I'm quite shocked by this.
We had plum blossom macarons,
so now we'll have a latte.
One dessert after another. Nice.
Let's go have some latte.
Let's go.
(She packs the leftovers)
It's a great set. Macaroon and milk tea.
It's a perfect combination.
(They're on their way to have plum blossom latte)
This place is 5 minutes away from the macaron shop.
- Really? / - It's really close.
It's right here.
- Hello. / - Hello.
It's pretty.
- The cafe is so pretty. / - It is.
We're going to have this.
Plum blossom...
- You have to have that. / - It's so pretty.
(Adorable plum blossom latte)
(Plum blossom latte with pink whipped cream)
It's really pretty.
It's really pretty.
Did you hear that?
"It's really pretty."
That was from the bottom of his heart.
It was.
It's so pretty.
It's so pretty.
Won't it look pretty if we take pictures with these?
- Shall we? / - Since they're all plum blossoms.
Good, good.
This is perfect for taking pictures,
when you come with a friend.
It's so pretty.
Take them right away.
(She takes pictures with all her heart)
(Burning it up)
(Plum blossom latte, macaron)
You can use a straw to drink this...
But it's better to drink it like this
so you can drink in with the cream.
It's really delicious that way.
It's not the cream you think.
It's not whipping cream.
It's really so...
How should I explain?
I was taken aback.
When I drank it, the cream didn't go into my mouth.
That's "Secret Garden."
You have a mouthful of cream
and coffee suddenly goes in.
The condensed milk cream was really dense.
- The cream is so good. / - Yoojung.
(They drink it one more time)
You can even chew the cream. It's that dense.
- Condensed milk. / - Condensed milk...
- That's cheating. / - Cheating.
- That's cheating. / - Do you want to try this?
Try this.
This one has a strong coffee smell.
People who can't drink coffee
can drink this.
This feels like eating...
- A pink cloud. / - You're right.
I've never tasted a pink cloud...
- But that's how you'd describe it. / - Right.
- It's sweet. / - The cafe is very cute.
(I finished it)
- One more plum blossom latte. / - She had two.
You said you don't eat much.
Thank you.
(They enjoy spring as they drink plum blossom latte)
You have to try the bulgogi in Gwangyang! [Battle Trip/2018.05.13] - Duration: 11:19.It reminded of us of the past.
Don't you love that time?
- Right before you fall asleep and talking. / - Yes.
What are you thinking about?
I'm just... Sad.
That this will end tomorrow.
I've always wanted to travel
without my parents and I'm glad that...
- I'm doing this with you. / - Right?
That's what made it better.
We wore school uniforms and took photos.
- We also ate vintage snacks. / - That's right.
Being able to travel with
just you and me was so good.
I realized we received so much love back then.
I feel like I'm experiencing that again.
That's such a classic dance.
So many people cheered for us.
I feel so thankful for that.
(Memories more precious because we can't go back)
We have to get up early and have the breakfast buffet.
That's right.
Whatever you've prepared...
- Just trust me. / - I'll just follow that course.
Sounds good.
Let's hurry up and sleep.
- There's lots to eat tomorrow. / - Let's sleep.
- "There's lots to eat tomorrow." / - Turning the light off.
They're so cute.
I didn't tell you the highlight.
- We're going to eat Korean beef. / - What?
- Korean beef? / - That's why we have to sleep now.
I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
Let's go to sleep. We have to wake up early.
- I'll see you in my dream. / - Do we have to?
You don't have to.
- You can't stop talking. / - Sleep well.
The sun will rise at this rate.
♪ The sun is up ♪
♪ Get up now ♪
- What do they have? / - Let's eat breakfast.
- Take two pieces of toast. / - Is that in the guest house?
- Guest house breakfast? / - Yes.
- In the basement. / - It's for free?
- Part of the accommodation fee? / - Yes.
- Is it working? / - Isn't it working?
We've never used a toaster before.
(It must be working since it's warm)
(They try the cereal)
That's so cute.
This is new.
Is this all we get?
It's too little.
- Stop, stop. / - Stop? Okay.
(Let's eat now)
It's so cute.
- Let's eat. / - Let's eat.
(They are filling their stomachs before they leave)
She hunches so well.
She eats while hunched.
- She always hunches over. / - When she eats...
She's really into it.
If Yoojung planned the day in Suncheon...
Today is my plan.
- Mina's spring. / - Mina, Mina, Mina.
♪ Mina, Mina, Mina ♪
Don't you think Gwangyang will be really fun today?
I really want to try Gwangyang bulgogi.
They have a bulgogi street in Gwangyang.
The street is filled with bulgogi restaurants.
That's right.
- We must specialize bulgogi. / - I like that.
We must specialize bulgogi.
If Yoojung planned the day in Suncheon...
Today is my plan.
This is so good!
(Captivating 20-year-old's hearts)
- We're finally going. / - It just passed by.
- I'm looking forward to this. / - Looking forward to it.
It's so pretty here.
Seocheon Riverside.
So nice!
I love it.
Yoobom Nabom, spring is here.
(We'll start Mina's spring in Gwangyang right now)
(Mina's spring)
We're looking forward to it.
- Will they start with bulgogi? / - It's Gwangyang.
This weather makes me want to hum.
♪ I'm a banana allergy monkey ♪
This must be the bus stop.
This must be the bus stop.
It must be.
Bus 77 will arrive soon.
Bus 77 is here.
- Hello. / - Hello.
It's meat.
There is a special combined tour ticket
between Suncheon and Gwangyang.
It's cheaper if you visit more than 3 places.
Really? This is amazing.
We're here.
- This is the Gwangyang bulgogi street. / - Right.
- It's Gwangyang bulgogi street. / - It says it right here.
(Gwangyang bulgogi street)
- Wow. / - So many bulgogi restaurants.
We're going to a Korean beef bulgogi place.
- The Korean beef that kept me up last night? / - Right.
- You like pickled plums, right? / - Yes.
You can eat it with pickled plums.
- Plums and bulgogi. / - That's right.
It's destiny.
- What did they say? / - Destiny.
Oh, destiny.
The other places cost over $20.
But for us...
The owner raises cows.
- Really? / - Yes.
That's why it's cheap.
- Really? / - Yes.
It's perfect for the early 20s.
- How do I put it? / - Very cheap and delicious.
- Very satisfactory. / - That's right.
- Trip without money pressure. / - You're right.
♪ Let's go eat Korean beef ♪
(They finally get to taste Gwangyang bulgogi)
- The bulgogi was so delicious. / - It looks so good.
It really looks good.
Plum? You eat it with plums.
- That looks so good. / - That is delicious.
- It was so good. / - Show us quickly.
Here... At other places,
they marinate the meat beforehand.
- That's right. / - It's that common brown color.
Here, they marinate it before it's cooked...
- So the meat is read. / - Really?
You know that pretty raw meat color?
- Pretty color. / - Gwangyang bulgogi doesn't have soup.
- They cook it like that. / - That's right.
And you cook it.
- It's different to the bulgogi we know. / - Right?
It looks delicious.
That was so good.
Thank you.
There are so many side dishes.
The meat looks so nice.
(Make some noise!)
The meat is red unlike the meat they serve
in other restaurants.
It's so red.
This is the pickled plum.
I've had chili pickles before...
- But I've never tried this before. / - It looks good.
- That's really good. Pickled plum. / - It's good.
It's sweet and sour.
It's so sour.
- Can I just have this instead of pickles? / - Right?
So good, right?
- It was so sour. / - It's great for digestion.
- True. / - Indeed.
I'm excited.
(Falling for the meat)
Yoojung's starting to hunch up now.
She's hunching.
It cooks fast.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
(What does Gwangyang bulgogi taste like?)
Her reaction doesn't let us down.
(I did it because it was so delicious)
We apologize to the waitress.
Our girls react so loudly.
I get now why people said
you have to try the bulgogi in Gwangyang.
I know now.
There's no point coming here if you don't try this.
I thought the meat would be dry because it's so thin.
- But it's juicy. / - Yes, and it's very chewy.
Is there any way to make it even more delicious?
Wrap it in lettuce and perilla leaf.
Like this.
This is unfair.
You shouldn't do this.
That tastes amazing.
Is it for me?
(She takes a big bite)
(Do you like it?)
It hit you.
You just chewed on the pickled plum, didn't you?
I can see that.
In Suncheon, Gwangyang, you must eat this.
- This? / - It's game over with this.
I want to go back just to eat that.
- Really? / - Me too.
- Is it that good? / - Okay, I fully get you now.
I get what you're saying.
The pickled plum is so fresh and sour.
(She also opens her mouth wide)
I like how it pops in your mouth.
The pickled plum has a distinctive taste.
That's what makes the whole thing delicious.
- It's delicious. / - It's so delicious, isn't it?
Try the meat fresh from the grill.
Try the meat.
(It's so hot)
- She's so funny. / - Look at her face.
It tastes so good.
You have to eat it fresh from the grill.
That's right.
You shouldn't let it rest on the plate.
You have to bring the meat straight from the grill.
- You shouldn't use a plate? / - You have to eat quick.
- As if you're fishing. / - That's right.
Woojin, are you convinced?
I'm kind of jealous.
It looks so delicious.
(They're enjoying the really hot food)
This is amazing.
It's different.
- This is why we came here. / - Right.
This is so... If you didn't eat this,
you shouldn't say you've been to Suncheon,
You must try this here. Okay?
This is incredible.
I don't think I will eat any other bulgogi from now on.
It's so delicious.
I think Yoojung can be a great actress too.
- So many faces. / - Such a variety of expressions.
They eat so well.
(They keep eating)
(They finished the food)
We'd like to order 2 more portions of meat.
That's it.
- They need to eat more. / - More plums too.
- Thank you. / - You need to get more.
Thank you.
- Shall we begin? / - Shall we begin?
- Actually... / - Is this a beginning?
(I'm done)
(I'm just getting started)
(Even when Yoojung left, Mina kept eating)
I want to go to Suncheon.
Yellow Everywhere! How many canola fllowers are here!?Amazing!! [Battle Trip/2018.05.13] - Duration: 11:29.(Suncheonman National Garden)
(30 minutes on Bus 66)
I'd like to see 100 million flowers.
(Spring is when everything is in full bloom)
This place is really huge.
We're here.
We're finally here.
Well, this is where I've been
looking forward the most.
- Me. / - Me too.
Right? Right?
- Let's check it out first. / - Hurry, hurry.
I think we should hurry to see a lot.
Let's hurry and check it out.
We have to walk around a lot.
I really wanted to look at flowers.
(It's the size of 150 soccer stadiums)
150 soccer stadiums?
- Yes, it's really big. / - It's huge.
Healing forest.
By the way...
I was wondering how 100 million flowers
could fit in one place.
But it's so huge.
We should check the map.
There's a lake too.
1-hour course, 2-hour course.
This one starts from East Gate to Rose Garden,
Maze Garden, Lake Garden, German Garden,
Dutch Garden...
Let's take
the Yoobom Nabom course.
- Shall we go? / - Okay.
You might not be able to see the whole thing in a day.
Some people stay there overnight
just to visit this place.
There are a lot of people here.
It's so...
The tulips are so beautiful.
(Flower path from the entrance)
How pretty.
♪ The world ♪
♪ Is a little cold ♪
♪ Compared to ♪
♪ When I was living inside you ♪
♪ Without anything lacking ♪
The tulips there...
- Are just the beginning. / - Right.
This is just the beginning?
- This is just the beginning. / - Tulips are the start.
How many flowers are there that this is just the start?
That's how big it is.
I can't believe I'm here.
- There's a lake as well? / - Yes.
I can't believe there's such
a big national garden.
- It's so fascinating. / - That path is so beautiful.
- Right. / - I can't believe such a place exists.
It's really nice there.
Many people said that we had
to visit the Dutch Garden,
so we added it to our course.
- ♪ I like ♪ / - It's so pretty.
♪ You ♪
This is so beautiful.
It looks so pretty.
It was really pretty.
It's a perfect place to take nice pictures.
Any random photo turns out nice.
It'd be great for photos.
This is so pretty!
This is too much.
I think this is my first time seeing tulips
since I was a little girl.
We don't often see tulips unless
you're in an amusement park.
It's so pretty.
Are we in Korea?
- So pretty. / - I love this color.
- This? / - I'm really into...
- Lavender these days. / - Lavender?
- Can I sit down? / - Yes.
1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3.
- So pretty, right? / - That's so pretty.
It's all flowers in the back.
The flowers are so nice.
Like this.
- Pretty. / - That's how it's done.
Is it a trend to close your eyes
when you take photos like this?
They do that these days.
Like this.
To make you seem fresh.
So it's a trending pose, right?
- Closing your eyes. / - Right.
Now, we're going to see canola flowers.
After seeing canola flowers,
we'll see animals.
There are so many things we need to see.
So first, let's go see canola flowers.
(Everything that is yellow is canola flowers)
(My goodness)
- Seriously. / - Amazing.
How many flowers are there?"
How many canola flowers are here?
This is just...
Like Jeju-do.
This is amazing.
- It's so pretty. / - Seriously, it is.
Make sure you come here.
It was so pretty.
I wanted to take pictures of
the good memories here,
so I brought soap bubbles.
- You brought these for pictures? / - Yes.
Will it work?
But it should be windy...
But it should be windy...
You need a lot of wind...
- Huh? / - Goodness.
They'll fly out now.
So pretty.
- That's like... / - I thought it was photo-shopped.
They look like manga characters.
Here we go.
- God? / - Ready...
- Hey! / - Did it come out okay?
- Did we get a good one? / - I think I did.
Oh, wow.
- That was really fascinating. / - That was good, right?
I think it is.
How did you get the slow-mo right here?
That's awesome.
- Good job. / - Please pat my head.
- Good job, good job. / - I did so well.
Let me take a video of you this time.
- That's a good one. / - I can tell it's good.
- It turned out well. / - It did.
- She smiled. / - She did well.
She smiled.
It was good when she smiled.
This is where it starts.
This is how it turns out. Isn't it pretty?
Then the bubbles fly out.
You did well too.
- Hey. / - I know how it works now.
- Nice. / - Okay, okay.
- Then... / - Yeah?
Let's go see the flamingoes you wanted to see.
I heard there are other animals as well.
Let's go see animals.
Let's hurry.
- Let's go! / - Go!
- I want to see. / - How do you feel right now?
My heart is racing!
- This place is really nice. / - It is.
- Wow. / - Wow.
The first time in my 20 years of life seeing flamingoes.
It's like they're wearing stockings.
Look at their bodies.
They're forming a heart.
I wish I could touch them.
Two flamingoes make a shape of heart together.
They can be standing with only one leg.
Yeah. Behind the one that's sleeping.
You're right.
They have such thin legs.
It's really interesting that they sleep on one leg.
They hide the other leg.
This is so fascinating.
- Everything's a first. / - Right.
- Seeing flamingoes for the first time. / - All firsts.
- First time in the Dutch Garden. / - First trip.
There's more inside?
Yes, in that building over there,
there are other animals.
Bye, guys.
We're leaving.
- They're very flexible. / - They are.
They can bend like this.
- What are you doing? / - She's good at that.
She's good at that.
- Good at bending her body. / - Yeah.
At times like this, you just have to move along.
I'm not going to respond.
(The next friends after the flamingo are)
- Prairie dogs? / - Oh, my.
Oh, they're so cute.
- So cute. / - Aren't they too cute?
So cute.
Do you want to be on Battle Trip?
They eat a lot.
What is that? They make it look so good.
I know.
- They were so cute. / - Eating so well.
- Goodness, fennec foxes. / - Fennec fox!
- They're so pretty. / - Aren't they pretty?
I want to raise them.
Oh, my. They're so cute.
People say I look like a fennec fox.
- That's right. / - You do.
- You look like one. / - You like alike.
So cute.
They're so cute.
- Meerkats! / - Seriously.
It was so amazing. They were standing up like this.
They're on the lookout
for large predators.
That's why they stand on their feet and look around.
Please stand for us.
- Just once. / - That's what I'm thinking too.
They want to take photos.
- Zoom. / - Just once.
- Please just once. / - But they...
Do it just once.
They must be going inside.
We wanted to take that so bad.
Did you wait for ages?
Like this...
No, like this.
Let's walk and then do this.
Got it?
Walk and 1, 2, 3.
- That's what happened? / - What's going on?
How pretty.
They actually gathered.
- Oh, my. / - So cute!
It was fascinating...
- That they actually stood up. / - Wait a minute.
How did you call them?
It was so amazing.
They must've been aware.
Try it when you go there.
It might work.
So cute.
They know how to act on TV.
Look at that.
They actually put their hands like that.
- So cute. / - They're so cute.
Their noses are red.
Are they trying to pretend to be bigger than us?
(I'm not going to lose)
I'm so happy.
I become happy when I see cute animals.
Thank you.
- Bye. / - Farewell.
1, 2, 3. Step, step, step.
Are you a meerkat?
- Cute. / - They're so cute.
From Suncheon to Gwangyang...
We'll have to sleep a night, right?
- Right. / - We have to sleep.
- We do. / - At a guest house.
That sounds good.
I didn't know this was a guest house.
(Suncheonman National Garden to guest house)
(Automatic reflex)
- Let's go this way. / - Here it is.
The guest house. Shall we go inside?
- Let's hurry. / - Let's go.
(A place to rest for a short time today)
- Hello. / - Hello.
(Guest house, double room for $50)
(They enter the guest house)
It smells so nice.
So nice.
- $50 for 2 people is cheap. / - Yes.
- This bed. / - Yeah.
Isn't it similar to the ones in the I.O.I dorm?
- These rails? / - Yeah, the rails.
- But this place is better, right? / - Yeah.
You know why?
- It's two single beds here. / - Yeah.
It's good to sleep there together and make memories.
- You can talk and sleep. / - It's so good.
It reminded of us of the past.
Drs. Rx Thinking of Proposing? This Fruit Might Help - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Schools Banning 'Best Friends'? - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Ambition | LED - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Ambition | Licht&zicht - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Ambition | Licht&zicht | - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Ambition | Licht&zicht | - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Cardi B ne bouge pas, Camila Cabello fait une grosse chute et Chris Brown s'accroche... | France 365 - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
EMERGER - Break & Fall (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:44.♫ My heart's on my sleeve and thinking kills me ♫
♫ What do I want? What do you want? ♫
♫ What do we want? Tell me ♫
♫ Just wrap it up please ♫
♫ What have we got? One shot ♫
♫ At this now ♫
♫ So we free fall down that dark hole ♫
♫ and we hope for ♫
♫ a hand to catch our hearts ♫
♫ in the end so we don't fall again ♫
♫ Here we go ♫
♫ Everyone talks, but nobody's right ♫
♫ It's a fading light ♫
♫ Just see it through your own eyes ♫
♫ Here we go ♫
♫ Everyone talks, but nobody's right ♫
♫ It's a fading light ♫
♫ You just see it through your own eyes ♫
♫ Tonight ♫ (your eyes)
♫ The weatherman's out searching daylight ♫
♫ We know the sun shines when your and my ♫
♫ shadows collide ♫
♫ Don't bend back man, you'll break and fall ♫
♫ Don't lose hold and let go ♫
♫ Sooner than you hoped for ♫
♫ Sooner than you know ♫
♫ Here we go ♫
♫ Everyone talks, but nobody's right ♫
♫ It's a fading light ♫
♫ You just see it through your own eyes ♫
♫ Don't bend back man. You'll break and fall ♫
♫ Don't lose hold and let go ♫
♫ Sooner than you hoped for ♫
♫ Sooner than you know ♫
♫ Here we go ♫
♫ Everyone talks, but nobody's right ♫
♫ It's a fading light ♫
♫ Just see it through your own eyes ♫
♫ Here we go ♫
♫ Everyone talks, but nobody's right ♫
♫ It's a fading light ♫
♫ You just see it through your own eyes ♫
♫ Break and fall ♫
♫ Break and fall ♫
♫ Break and fall ♫
♫ Break and fall ♫
♫ We break and fall, we break and fall! ♫
全球60多個國家正式將人民幣納入「外匯儲備」特朗普也害怕了? - Duration: 5:59.-------------------------------------------
ELECTRONIC MEDITATION - Expola #4 (feat. Pogo) (2018) - Duration: 10:46.- Äh? So what? So what we'll doing here? - Something else.
Jugendzentrum B58 sanieren – oder einfach neu bauen - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Ninja Fortnite Epic-------------------------------------------
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Le policier aperçoit une tortue dans l'eau, s'approche et comprend que ce n'est pas du tout ça - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
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6 choses qui arrivent quand vous n'avez pas de rapports sexuels - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
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Tamara 2 - Bande Annonce Officielle - UGC Distribution - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
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Arithmetic Progression Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Math I| Practice Set 3.3 - Duration: 55:36.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Arithmetic Progression Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Math I| Practice Set 3.3 - Duration: 55:36.-------------------------------------------
Sheila se confie sur la douleur de la mort de son fils - Duration: 1:25.-------------------------------------------
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Maurane « pas facile » à vivre les hommes - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
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Warriors vs Rockets Live Stream: How to Watch Game 2 Online Without Cable - Duration: 2:00.Warriors vs Rockets Live Stream: How to Watch Game 2 Online Without Cable
The top-seeded Houston Rockets look to get back on track against the defending champion Golden State Warriors when they meet for Game 2 of the West finals on Wednesday night.
Game 2 is scheduled for 9 p.m.
ET and will be broadcast nationally on TNT.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch the game live on your computer, phone or streaming device by signing up for one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Hulu With Live TV: In addition to a Netflix-like on-demand streaming library, Hulu now also offers a bundle of live TV channels, including TNT.
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the game on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the Hulu app.
DirecTV Now: TNT is included in all four of DirecTV Now's channel packages.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial no matter what package you choose, and you can then watch the game live on your computer via the DirecTV Now website, or on your phone, tablet or streaming device via the DirecTV Now app.
For more infomation >> Warriors vs Rockets Live Stream: How to Watch Game 2 Online Without Cable - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
川普在做总统前和泰森私交甚密!之后泰森还请求他帮忙翻案 - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
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JYP出大事!傻帽家自作曲愛豆也要揭竿而起了! - Duration: 9:26.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> JYP出大事!傻帽家自作曲愛豆也要揭竿而起了! - Duration: 9:26.-------------------------------------------
✅ Voici les pâtisseries les plus populaires pendant le ramadan - Duration: 1:36.RAMADAN - La période de jeûne des Musulmans débutera ce jeudi 17 mai, comme l'a annoncé le Conseil du culte musulman (CFCM) deux jours plus tôt
Il leur sera interdit de boire, manger, fumer de l'aube au coucher du soleil pendant près de 30 jours
Chaque soir, après le crépuscule, ceux qui font le ramadan rompent le jeûne avec un repas qui s'appelle l' "iftar" avec une datte, des abricots secs et des jus
Ce n'est qu'après une prière que les familles se réunissent autour d'un repas très copieux où les desserts tiennent une part importante
Des pâtisseries, pour la plupart d'origine maghrébine, qui seront régulièrement consommées au cours du ramadan
Certaines sont d'ailleurs plus prisées que d'autres, comme vous pouvez le voir dans la vidéo en tête d'article
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
For more infomation >> ✅ Voici les pâtisseries les plus populaires pendant le ramadan - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
DOLLS LOL and chocolate sausage. Cartoon LOL Toys SURPRISE - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> DOLLS LOL and chocolate sausage. Cartoon LOL Toys SURPRISE - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
Croisé enveloppé / noeud de base en écharpe extensible avec un nouveau-né - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Croisé enveloppé / noeud de base en écharpe extensible avec un nouveau-né - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
Incredibles 2 Sneak Peek-------------------------------------------
Cosmic Shimmer Chalk Cloud Ink & mini stencils - Duration: 6:34.-------------------------------------------
When a burglar enters your house but he turns out to be a good guy - Duration: 1:27.UHHH UHHH YA like that
Oh hey man what are you playing
Oh sick nice nice, yeah...
I hope you don't mind me asking but who are you?
Aw I was gonna rob your house but I decided to jam on your Xbox
Hope that's all good
Aw yeah you know I thought as much
Well welcome stranger make yourself at home
Say I don't mean to intrude but so you think I could use the TV because my favourite trashy
reality show's about to be on and I really want to watch it
*exhale* that is pretty inconvenient but I'm in a good mood so yeah you can have it
Okay thank you so much sir I really appreciate it
Hey tell you what why don't I just stream the game from the Xbox to the monitor and
you can just play it on the monitor?
What you can do that?
Yes sir please allow me to demonstrate
Hey this is greeaaat what a great invention
Yeah I know right it's a VivoStick from ASUS
DO you mind if I take this stick along with me?
It would be my honor good sir
You just plug this into any monitor or TV and it just turns it into like a little computer
that you can use to do email, Netflix and you use an app to control it
Jesus Christ what is this a commercial?
So long stranger!
What a great guy
Aorus 5X v8 Gaming Benchmarks - 15 Games Tested! - Duration: 4:42.-------------------------------------------
MA COME TI STRUCCHI!? FT.THE COLORS OF YOUTUBE - Duration: 5:59.-------------------------------------------
Problèmes d'érections à 40 ans que faire ? | MuLLu TV - Duration: 12:22.-------------------------------------------
Singapore 2nd coins - Duration: 6:18.hello people here you going today my name is Glenn and today I have the coins
of Singapore and this is the second series of the Singapore dollar it was
replaced in 2013 in fact the current series and these ones have just plants
on them on the other side it has the coat of arms okay so do you once in as
the Vander orchid the national flower of Singapore the five-cent is the fruit
seller plant the Tencent has the Jasmine Jasmine's a beautiful smelling flower
the $0.20 has their powder puff pan the 50 cent has a yellow alum and a flower
and the one dollar has zeros periwinkle awesome
now for the 10 and 20 cent or the one cent 10 and 20 cent these are probably
issued every year although some is we don't have the minty twirl so the 5 cent
the ones that were not issued were you 90 106 and away and now only issued in
mid sets the 50 cent well there is low mintage over 93 no 7
so did they are the coins I look for and the 1 dollar is only in sets in 91 92
9605 and a 7 so if you get in here those then they're taken out of sets or
proof sets yes they do actually issue a small many proofs it's probably about
five thousand as far as I can see and they are pretty expensive as for the
metal content okay you once in words broadens from 85 to 90 and then I was
copper-plated zinc this one's a couple pages in Qin you five cent knees
aluminium bronze in 10 20 50 just copper-nickel so 75%
copper 25 percent nickel same for Australian coins and the whatever coins
the older British coins in Canadian coins any one dollar is also aluminium
bronze lightly five cent so that's generally well in Australia that's like
a 92 percent copper Iverson aluminium two percent tin the edge you can see if
you have a high percentage of copper and a lower percentage of a silvery top
metal then the coin looks silver so copper itself is brown but it doesn't
need a high content to actually affect the color so here I have the other side
of the coins and as you can see there's two different versions of Dakota bombs
mum with up mum went down most other the moon here it's just an
outline there it's just fully filled in so the coins we did down facing was 1985
to 1990 and then I change it in 1992 the reef facing up in this occurred on all
coins and it's none of them actually read as well languages on here we have
four languages so we have English down the bottom we have Tamil to the left we
have a Malay on the top and we have Chinese on the right now the Chinese the
these official in Malaysia is our man during a lot of people not Malaysia
Singapore Malaysia as well but Cantonese these also spoken and probably hacker
Chinese thing we just know the side of this coin just has a Republic of
Singapore but earlier coins before 1990 also muled as well so here I have two 50
cent coins one from 9686 near one from 97 no she can see when is the writing on
it increase writing yet one is raided and
the 20 cent coin is also raided the 10-cent coin it's also rated the old at
the same type of reading five cent coin is raided you one dollar coin is raided
but the one dollar coin is actually rated and has ink use lettering just
says Republic of Singapore in theory you can actually get these coins in
circulation in Singapore I got this an Australian change but they just like to
spending and they is still legal tender so if someone won't accept them you can
just take it to the bank and exchange it for face value current coin and that
concludes my talk on singapore coins of this second series so if you're
interested in singapore coins i'll leave a link down below Billy I think if you
really want to purchase some off eBay because they are and actually good coin
set as you can see they're quite pretty and the current coin sets are also good
as well as well as banknotes well have an awesome coin collecting time people
and just be safe bye bye
'몰카범' 편파수사 기념으로 이벤트 한다는 까페 (ft.여성우대할인) - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
13+ Small Signs You Might Belong to INFJ Personality Type - Duration: 3:41.13+ Small Signs You Might Belong to INFJ Personality Type
We all know that one of the way to determine someone personality type is by using the Myers-Briggs-Indicator
Often called MBTI test, which developed by the mother and daughter duo, Katherine Briggs
and Isabel Myers, basing upon the Carl Jung's theory that human beings engage in four things
most of the time: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking.
INFJ, which is an abbreviation of Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging, is considered
to be the rarest personality type among the sixteen.
People with INFJ personality type are known to be emotionally intelligent, and somewhat
mysterious (mostly due to their introversion nature) and make up only 2% of the world's
The type has been dubbed "the advocate" for dramatic effect.
David Kiersey, who developed the Kiersey Temperament Sorter, called these INFJ's Counsellors
and classified them in a temperament he called "the Idealists".
So, do you think that you are one of those rarest?
Do you sometimes think that at some point you are different from everyone you know?
Let's check if you find these 15 signs on your personality.
If anything, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't
miss any of our interesting updates in the future.
#1 - You are a deep thinker.
You are going to think many times before interacting with other people even speaking a single word.
You are a kind of over analytic person.
#2 - You may find it so hard to find your romantic partner as you expected.
#3 - You think that you need to help everyone to improve themselves.
#4 - You almost have no problem with anyone or anything.
But if someone does not give you positive value, you will throw them away with no doubt.
#5 - You may have a great potential but you never feel of being at the top of it.
#6 - You are a creative minded.
Your mind is always hungry to learn more.
#7 - You are very independent, and no one needs to save you.
#8 - It's one of the most hated characteristics of INFJs.
You think that you are not judgmental, but the fact, you are.
#9 - You seem like you don't need other's help.
You prefer to figure something out on your own.
#10 - You are a detail oriented person.
#11 - You like to think before acting.
Planning what you are going to do, you may be ten miles ahead than others.
#12 - You are actually a super friendly person, but other do not realize that you are as you
never show it the way at first.
#13 - You play the outcast role, but you are fine with that.
#14 - Mostly, you need your times all alone.
That's what makes you.
The more crowded the circumstance you involved in, the lonelier you feel.
What a paradox!
#15 - Other may tell that you are really awkward.
Well, those are some small signs you might belong to INFJ personality type.
So, Really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
2 Bedroom Condo in Cambridge Village Condominium in Pasig City for Sale 2M - Duration: 2:25.Chat Live 24 x 7 about this property now - at
Cambridge Village Condominium by Empire East
Property address: : Cambridge St, Pasig
2 Bedroom Condo in Cambridge Village Condominium
Floor Area: 50 sq.m., Bedroom: 2, Bathroom: 1
2 AC units, new Kitchen cabinet
Price for Sale: PHP 2,000,000
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JYP出大事!傻帽家自作曲愛豆也要揭竿而起了! - Duration: 9:26.-------------------------------------------
김준희가 또… 본능적 아찔함 - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Elegant Party Dresses For the Stylish Woman | New Arrival Fashionable Dress - Duration: 4:06.
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✅ Arjen Lubach gaat met solo-komedieshow op tournee - Duration: 2:04.De presentator gaat met Arjen Lubach LIVE! voor zijn eerste solo-komedieshow. Voordat hij in 2014 overstapte naar de televisie en succes boekte met Zondag met Lubach, speelde hij in diverse theaterformaties, waaronder Op Sterk Water
"Ik kom uit het theater, misschien zullen heel veel mensen dat niet weten. Dat komt vooral omdat ik in zalen speelde waar ook niemand zat
Ik sta al vanaf mijn 22e in het theater met verschillende groepen, dus het is voor mij bekend terrein", zei Lubach in M, de talkshow van Margriet van der Linden
Lubach, die voor zijn programma de Televizierring kreeg, keek ook nog even terug op zijn eerdere optredens in het theater waarbij het publiek het veelal liet afweten
"Al die jaren dat ik naar Zeeland reed in een oud Volkswagentje en dat de theaterdirecteur dan zegt: 'O ja het is niet zo goed, er zitten maar zestig mensen
O nee, ik kijk verkeerd, dat is morgen, er zitten er dertig'", grapt de komiek. Uitzoomen Toch ziet de in Groningen geboren Lubach de theatertour met vertrouwen tegemoet en kijkt hij uit naar zijn hernieuwde werkzaamheden op een podium
"Nu ik een tijdje televisie heb gedaan, wat altijd hyper-actueel moet zijn, het moet echt over die week gaan, wil ik weer een beetje uitzoomen, iets over de wereld als zodanig of iets persoonlijker worden en daar een show over maken
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