Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 20 2018

































































For more infomation >> Kendall Jenner's Stalker Arrested After BREAKING Into Her House! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:43.


5 Charged In Carjacking Of Off-Duty Police Officer - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> 5 Charged In Carjacking Of Off-Duty Police Officer - Duration: 0:36.


6 Morning Drinks That Can Flush Pounds of Toxins and Waste from your Body in no Time - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 6 Morning Drinks That Can Flush Pounds of Toxins and Waste from your Body in no Time - Duration: 3:51.


3 Law of Attraction TRUTHS I Wish I Knew Earlier - Duration: 21:34.

this video I'm going to be sharing with you three law of attraction truths that I wish

I knew earlier.

If I would have known these earlier, I would have saved so much time and I would have achieved

my goals easier than ever.

Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you three commonly understood law of

attraction mindsets of the way we go about attracting what we want.

I'm going to be showing you how it is completely outdated and how it only works from a certain,

you could say level of consciousness and how when we shift that perspective, everything

and our life can change and how also when we shift that perspective, things become so

much easier because in the very beginning of my youtube channel, when I first started

making daily videos, the main thing that I would promote was massive, massive action

which did get me massive results.

However, the reason it got me massive results because I loved what I was doing.

Even though I was working full time at the time I was working at Barneys New York selling

woman's shoes, I was also working 40 hours a week, uh, there and I was also working about

25 to 30 hours a week making daily videos because I made myself a choice.

This is what I'm going to do.

Bank daily videos.

I did that and I got results.

I was like massive action, massive action, massive action.

However, the things I learned along the process has totally changed everything because while

I still do what I love, obviously I'm making videos, still do daily videos.

I woke up this morning and it's the first thing I do every day, but it's also what I

love to do.

But many times in my past, I look at my past and there's been times that I would do and

take massive action doing things consistently.

But if I wasn't passionate about it, it wasn't sustainable.

Not only was it not sustainable, but it's almost like things would happen to show me,

hey buddy, this ain't the thing to be doing.

This isn't what is actually going to get you results.

So it's about being in tune with that higher energy stream, understanding that when we're

doing what we're passionate about, we are in a higher vibrational state.

When we're in a higher vibrational state, we manifest things easier than ever.

So in this video I'm going to be sharing with you those three things I've learned in the

last year and a half of a taking massive action and also things that I found that it made

everything so much easier.

Now, the first thing that most people that teach the Loa will tell you and the thing

that you'll learn, especially from the old school law of attraction books, I remember

this is something that was in the book think and grow rich, which I think still is a great


However, there's this understanding that when you transcend it, it changes absolutely everything,

and it is this understanding.

The first one is about the idea of desire.

Most people believe that desire is the best thing.

Desire is what gets you results, but all desire does is if it's transferred into intention

then is powerful.

I'll explain that in a minute, but the moment we say I really, really want something is

the moment we vibrationally say, I really, really don't currently have that something.

So it's about being aware of the vibrational resonance because we always get in life a

reflection of what we believe and a reflection of our vibration.

So that's always reflected back to us.

Now are we resonating with the vibration of the reality we want?

If we say I really, really desire it, will the version of us that is already experiencing

the reality we want.

They already have that which we want so they don't have to desire it.

So the key is seeing it from a new perspective because I've realized this is my own life.

The more I needed really want something, the further away that thing goes because wanting

and needing is a energy of desperation and it is also an energy that retracts whatever

is in its field.

So this is about being aware of the different levels of manifestation when it comes to where

are we currently at?

Because there are times that desire can be as some a good thing because desire will it

monetize will call forth upon you to then see what do you want so you can become clear

on your focus.

But if you remain in that desire, you will remain in that lack vibration and no matter

how much action you take is coming from a place of desperation.

Now, the key is is some people, what happens is unconsciously they have a desire.

They're going about their stuff.

They create resistance, but then eventually they let go of the outcome.

When they let go of the outcome, they let go of the resistance and then all the sudden

it flows through and they say, yes, you see the desire got me the result, but really the

desire and got them to ask for it, got them to focus on it.

Then they created a resistance and then what happened is eventually they let it go and

then it came through.

Viewer see that where somebody maybe wants to attract a relationship that really, really

want it and they're really, really thinking about it and it doesn't happen, but the moment

they go do something, they forget about it.

It's like they're just have in front of their friends and then all of a sudden it just pops

into their life.

It's because they've desired it, but then they've let it go.

They forgot about it or they already gotten to something else and it changed their vibration.

This is about more so understanding, desire, think about it in the form instead of vibrational

resonance that transformed my life because now I see things more in the form of, now

how can I just desire something, but how can I transfer that desire into intention?

This is where the power is.

I've shared this before with some of the other concepts that I shared on the channel like

reality, Trans Surfing, but there's this idea of if I have a desire to put up my hand right

now, the desire to put up my hand does absolutely nothing because I haven't actually transferred

that desire into an intention.

Now you could say, well, a desire is a good thing because then what you can do to get

desire and then you could actually intend for it.

You could actually do it, so the difference is that is that right there.

It's just making that shift from desire into intention.

Many people might have desires.

They may say, Hey, I want to have a Lamborghini.

Hey, I want to do this.

I want to be at that person.

You can desire it all you want, but unless you say I intend, and then you back that up

with being you backed that up with the vibrational resonance.

It doesn't actually happen.

Think of everything in the world as a vibrational resonance and the key is knowing that the

version of you that already has that which you want to experience at that already exists.

The key is putting yourself in that vibrational state by knowing that you can develop a perspective

that your cup is already full.

You don't have to want something, therefore lack something.

This is a game changer when you begin to apply it because you see that desire isn't necessarily

always the key like it always has been shown in the old school law of attraction teachings.

Now from a certain paradigm, from a paradigm of complete unfocused, this from a paradigm

of a lower vibrational states of being attachment attached to the thoughts, it can eventually

pull you out of there over a lot of resistance and struggle, but there's a higher level way

of doing it and the higher level way of doing it is by knowing you're already whole and

complete and then vibrationally resonating with that reality that you want.

You bypass all that resistance and you allow things to happen easier than ever, but the

logical mind wants to understand everything.

How am I going to explain or do all of this?

Let go of linear thinking, let go of needing things to happen, a certain sequence allow

things to happen by taking action, by having a clear outcome of what you want, and then

trusting to come in.

If we have a certain perspective, a blueprint for how everything has to happen, we limit

ourselves because there could be many different ways.

If you want to attract something into your life, do you want to track the person into

your life?

For example, if you set the intention, you go out, you put yourself in certain situations

where that could likely happen.

Maybe you go to yoga, you'll do something of where that person would be the kind of

person that you'd want to attract.

Maybe you go do that, but maybe then somebody comes up to you and says, Hey, you want to

go to this place over here?

And you're like, nope, I don't want to go do that.

I'm too focused on trying to get this, this, uh, this person into my life.

But if you were to go with that person, maybe that would lead you.

If you were to trust the process, that would lead you going out somewhere else, maybe lead

you to that person you see, but the logical mind wants to understand everything.

This is something that's also very strong through a lot of eastern philosophy.

Letting go of the outcome, understanding that desire is not the key.

It has more so been.

It's almost like thinking is the desire thing, thing, thing, thing instead, be be present

to the moment because in that spaciousness you allow a lot in, so that's something that

I think is so cool because it bridges the two worlds of the western idea of understanding

goals to that of the eastern philosophy of not being attached to the outcome.

Now the second thing that I wish I knew earlier when it comes to law of attraction is that

it's not about the focus.

Focus is important, but more so than what we're focused on.

Then thinking, I want this.

We don't always get in life that which we want, which is the desires, because what we

want, we say we don't currently have, but we always get a reflection of what we believe

to be true.

This, in my opinion, and one is one of the most powerful things that if you begin to

get to the core of what you believe, you change everything.

Now, the truth is, as this one isn't the most sexy thing, I've made many videos before on

them, how beliefs create reality, but it's not like they get the most views on youtube.

It's not the thing you'll hear a lot of people talk about.

However, it is not my opinion.

One of the most powerful ways we can go about changing our life is changing our core beliefs,

changing what we believe to be true, because we can want all we want a Lamborghini, but

then we don't believe that Lamborghini can come into our life or we don't know or aren't

resonating in the frequency of it.

By adding value to other people or creating that level of abundance, then it won't happen.

We have to believe that it is possible for it to happen.

Remember that old school Henry Ford quote, whether you believe you can or you believe

you can't, you're right.

It's just a matter of perspective and choice, but in general, get to the core of what you

believe to be true and everything in your life will change.

Now there's a couple of simple ways of going about this and this is something that I've

done in many different layers of my life, different areas of my life in different layers.

I've let go of many beliefs because they used to have a belief that I wasn't worthy because

of my childhood kind of being brought up the way that I was and then I was able to.

A way after I broke out of that experience then is years later I still had to work through

it and you start to become aware of those patterns and I remember not feeling worthy,

not feeling like I deserved a lot.

I had to become aware of these patterns.

I have to observe them and then I had to let them go and see that they were outdated.

You See, what happens many times is when we were younger, something happens and when something

happens, we give it a certain meaning and then we carry that meaning with us.

Sometimes our whole entire life.

Sometimes somebody will be 30 years old, 20 years old, whatever it is, but carrying around

the beliefs and the perspectives of when he was or she was six years old when the parents

said to go do this or some traumatic experience where the parents got divorced and he automatically

said, stay parents got divorced because of me.

I'm not worthy.

This is that.

What is the effect I have on people and then subconsciously carry that around or this is

how this is what happens when people around me or whatever it is.

So you see it's about being aware of those beliefs because unless you're aware of the

beliefs, you can't actually change them.

They're just on autopilot.

Here's the thing too.

Most people are on autopilot completely on autopilot.

They're playing out scripts.

I remember when I had my old nine to five job every day I'd go in and be like the same


I get up every day.

I would do brush my teeth the same way.

I would then go and do the same type of things at the same type of thing for breakfast.

Then I would go to work and have the same conversations, help different people, but

have similar types of experiences, and then go do something else.

It was all sequenced and all on autopilot.

The key is waking up from the autopilot, waking up from the beliefs that we have and being

aware of them because in the light of awareness is where everything changes, so to change

your beliefs is actually very simple and it's almost so simple that some people go, it must

be more complicated than that, but it doesn't have to be you.

Become aware of your beliefs.

That's always the first step.

Become aware of what you're thinking, become aware of what you believe to be true, and

you could just simply ask the question, what would I have to believe is true to be having

this kind of experience?

When you ask that question, the brain will start to look for the answers and you'll start

to see patterns of what that is.

What would I have to believe is true to be having this negative experience, this negative


All emotions come from beliefs.

We must first believe something to be true, to have any type of emotion and maybe some

emotions are on autopilot, maybe naturally we feel love for certain people easier than

others, but when it comes to life situations, the idea of a rainy day, for example, whether

we feel positive or negative, emotion to that will depend upon our beliefs about it and

our prior reference experiences about it.

So this is about understanding what do you believe to be true?

Well, if you're feeling negative, resistance about and relations, maybe you say, hi, always

attract the same type of person.

This is a common one, man.

This guy always treats me bad as Grillo is so is this way.

I always attract the type of person.

Well, the key is asking yourself the question, what would I have to believe is true to be

having this kind of experience over and over again, and then you can ask yourself another


What experience in my past is what caused the ripple of this belief?

And it may be, well my first girlfriend or boyfriend was this way and they were this

way, and then I interpreted this meaning, I have to believe that I wasn't worthy, had

to believe that they were the only ones that could make me happy and I have to believe

that now I'm looking for that person in other places because of the heartbreak or whatever

it is.

So you see, you start to become aware of these.

You start to see and then you see that what you're becoming aware of was a perspective

of the old version of you that no longer resonates the old version of you that is outdated.

The moment you identify that it's outdated and the moment you're aware of it is the moment

you can let it go.

You make a choice then to just let it go.

Thank you.

It serves me for a period of time.

I'm now wearing my beliefs.

They you.

I let it go.

Is that simple?

That's how you change any belief.

You simply become aware of what the belief is.

You ask and find the root of the belief, which means you say, well, would I have to believe

is true, or what is the reference?

Experiences comes.

You'll start to get a sign of what that is.

Maybe it takes a day or two.

You're starting to get assigned to what that is.

You say, Oh, thank you.

That belief was trying to keep me safe.

That belief was something that's now outdated.

I now choose to let you go, and as you let it go, you then transform your life because

then that pattern is no longer being carried around with you, so if I would've known this

earlier, I would have created so much more easily because I wouldn't have been doing

it from a place of lack and I wouldn't be doing it from a place of believability of

believing I wasn't worthy yet.

Missing, getting more to the core.

Your beliefs create your reality.

You will always get a reflection of what you believe to be true.

If you change your beliefs, you change your life.

That simple and it is so, so powerful.

Now, the third thing that I wish I knew earlier when it comes to the law of attraction is

simply that of state of being.

This is so under emphasized, but nonetheless, it's one of the most powerful things because

another thing that we experience in our life is a reflection of how we feel, so if we are

in a less good state, everything that we see outside of us is going to be a reflection

of that.

They have that same wherever you go.

There you are.

Wherever you go, in whatever state you're in, you're gonna.

Look around and find more and more evidence of that.

Now, the thing is is when it comes to your state of being, you will always experience

opportunities and situations that are equal to that state of being.

So for example, you fill an amazing state of been.

You will also experience more people that are of a similar nature.

You will experience more people and situations that mirror that back to you.

I remember I used to have a sales commission job before I was doing youtube full time,

so about over a year ago and when I had this job, what I was doing is I go in everyday.

It was purely sales commission job.

It wasn't.

I didn't get paid an hourly.

I would go into work every day and what I would do is I would be able to see an intimate

correlation between what I think and what I experienced that day because I had a really

good day.

I mean it was right there in front of me.

If I sold $5,000 for that day, that means I'd make about 500 bucks.

It was about 10 percent commission.

So the idea is I could go into work everyday and see how well I did based on my mindset,

based on my beliefs, based on what I thought about the day.

Now here is the cool thing.

If I simply chose to focus more on my state of being on feeling better, everything aligned


You see, it's a funny idea, but this is what I would do.

I would actually go into work.

I worked in Barneys New York selling woman's shoes, which means I was helping people buy

$1,200 pair of shoes, $800, pair of shoes, people that are buying expensive shoes and

normally they go, you got to be a professional around these people.

I wasn't like that.

I like to just have fun.

I like to just like kind of joke around a lot.

I was known at work for somebody that was just always like pulling pranks are doing

stupid stuff because I like to just lighten the mood and it got me in trouble sometimes,

but it was also a lot of fun and here's what I noticed though.

The more I focused on my goals, I've gotta do this gotTa do this, gotTa do this.

The more serious I was about it, the less well I would do, but the more I went in and

I simply had fun, the more I focus on increasing my own state of being and then just being

that and just having fun.

The more things would work out for me anyways because this is the thing I realized if I

would have fun, I get people into a fun state because it's contagious and they're are more

likely to buy it because then they're in a buying state.

Buying is an emotion.

People buy based on emotions, so by just being in a good state, all these opportunities would

open up to me and it was simply because I was changing my state of being so we normally

think, oh, it's about the goal setting.

It's about this.

It's about that.

No, it's about your state of being.

How are you feeling?

You can apply this to almost anything you want to be more attractive to someone else

than simply change your state of being and then go out.

You will be more attractive.

Change how you feel loose enough.

Don't take life so seriously, and as you do that, everything in your life will begin to

change because you always get a reflection in life of how you feel.

Just like always getting life a reflection of what you believe to be true, how you feel

is going to be something that you always see experiences that are equal to that, so it's

something that can be primed with time and it's something that you gain momentum with,

but the more you focus on feeling good, the more you focus on feeling good for the sake

of feeling good, the more you will experience, more reasons to feel good.

Like the saying is as you go there you are as you feel in a great state of being, so

will everything around you be a mere reflection of that.

Everything is a reflection of the inside, so change your state of being.

You change these three things.

It will change your life.

I wish that I knew all of these earlier in my life if I would have known that my beliefs

create my reality that's more about getting to the core of what I believe to be true.

If I would've known that desire actually blocked, that had me experiencing what I want and what

I can instead do is set intentions and transfer that desire and the intention, and if I simply

knew that by doing that, it would transform my life.

Plus that have changing my state of being.

Everything in my life would be different right now.

Now I'm grateful for what I've been through because now I can help you go through the

same type of thing and I can help you understand.

It can be easier than you think, but nonetheless, this is something that you learn with time.

Some that I've learned to experience, not reading this in a book.

This is something I just simply learned as I went through.

I had a sales commission job for like eight years, so I saw every day is when I went in

with a certain perspective.

What I would get out of it, when I would hit my goals, when I wouldn't hit my goals, what

kind of energy state was necessary.

It was like an experiment every single day of me using the law of attraction and I found

out what works in states of being beliefs and intention, so that's where the power is,

that what you can begin to apply.

That's what will change your life.

Now, if you want, I have a free guided meditation will help you to raise your vibration because

when you raise your vibration, you manifest things easier than ever because you're in

a higher vibrational state.

That meditation is absolutely free.

You're going to see it in the top of the description box below.

I recommend you listen for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it.

Also, I'm going to be doing more live q and a's on instagram, so if you want to ask me

questions you want to engage with me and interact, I'm going going to put my instagram boop right

there, and other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video.

So if you're to light the street, if you liked it, subscribe.

If you haven't already hit the little notification here so that you could see the daily bids

that I do, and other than that, as always, peace.

Much love and Naama stay.

For more infomation >> 3 Law of Attraction TRUTHS I Wish I Knew Earlier - Duration: 21:34.


How Will Trump's Reaction To Jamal Khashoggi's Death Affect Political Climate? - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> How Will Trump's Reaction To Jamal Khashoggi's Death Affect Political Climate? - Duration: 4:32.


Splatuber trick or treating「Splatoon 2 🦑」 - Duration: 2:14:22.

For more infomation >> Splatuber trick or treating「Splatoon 2 🦑」 - Duration: 2:14:22.


Judicial Watch Files Compliant Against Christine Ford's Corrupt Lawyers - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Judicial Watch Files Compliant Against Christine Ford's Corrupt Lawyers - Duration: 3:12.



Skstuidos !!



HYSTERICAL CLIP! Derrick gets SHEEP-ISH | Family Feud - Duration: 0:41.


















For more infomation >> HYSTERICAL CLIP! Derrick gets SHEEP-ISH | Family Feud - Duration: 0:41.


GTA FORTNITE - Duration: 5:01.

A Trooper, listen, one of our associates has been captured - he is in Leaky Lake.

You have to hurry and save him before it's too late.

He is Omega, be fast and don't joke around.

Okay Boss, this shouldn't be hard at all.

Good job, im watching you. Check the left window of the left building.

You better pay me well for this!

Oh no! We don't have much time, when the time is right, destroy him!

Bravo Trooper, now shoot the wall and set him free. Their reinforcements are coming!

Yo Trooper!

Yo Omega!

What's up Trooper?

Wife and children are fine, what happened?

I heard through their radio that reinforcements are coming!

Wich means we have to get the hell away from here!

Right, but i think it's too late for that.

What do you mean?

I can hear them coming from that direction!

Wait wait wait... In that case, we need a plan!

Okay, there are two of us, we go there, no talking, we come close and then *baam*

And then we make them loosers, get it?

Absolutely, get ready, they're coming!

This was easier then expected...

I have to agree with you on that one, Skull Trooper and Omega are rulling!

Ops, seems like we said that too early...

We will have to use Rift To Go if we want to get away from here!

Don't you dare aghhh...

I think we escaped...

Yeah, i think so, for now...

Okay, let's get back home.

Thanks for this bro, i'll tell Boss to reward you a lot.

For more infomation >> GTA FORTNITE - Duration: 5:01.


Paul Manafort Just Showed Up To Court Looking Like A Mob Boss Straight Out Of The Sopranos - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Paul Manafort Just Showed Up To Court Looking Like A Mob Boss Straight Out Of The Sopranos - Duration: 2:48.


Trump Supporter Dating App Leaked ALL Users' Data On Launch Day - Duration: 3:49.

If you were one of the 1,600 people earlier this week who downloaded the app Donald Daters

on release date, I have some bad news for you.

Other than the fact that, obviously, you're a close-minded person who's probably never

going to find love, the bad news is that Donald Daters, which was an app for IOS and Android

for like-minded Donald Trump supporters to meet, find love and live happily ever after;

the day that it launched earlier this week they accidentally leaked all of their users'

data to anyone who knows how to access that kind of thing.

In fact according to Tech Crunch, multiple different groups were able to get in there

and access all of the private data of all 1,600 people who had already signed up on

the Donald Daters app.

Literally, upon launch, this thing leaked all the data for these lonely Donald Trump

supporters out there looking for love.

And this next half of the story helps explain why this thing was such a complete failure.

You see, Donald Daters was actually founded by former Marco Rubio campaign aide Emily


Now, "former Marco Rubio campaign aide" is all you needed to know.

And if I were to tell you that there was a new restaurant down the street that was being

run and founded by a former Marco Rubio campaign aide, you could probably go ahead and guarantee

that it's going to have bad service, bad food, and bad environment.

Marco Rubio, much like Donald Trump himself, everything the guy touches turns to crap.

And that apparently also happened with Emily Moreno who left the Rubio campaign to go start

this dating app for Donald Trump supporters, because she claims it's so hard out there

for Trump supporters to date, to find somebody willing to date them.

So we wanted to set this up so that everybody that supports Trump could find a like-minded


Now hear me out on this.

Maybe, maybe if you weren't supporting a racist who locks little children in cages and acting

like everything with that is totally fine; maybe if you didn't support the biggest bully

to ever occupy the White House; who still, being one of the most grotesque-looking human

beings in the country, still finds it okay to make fun of other people's appearances,

even as President of the United States; maybe if you didn't support those things, it wouldn't

be so hard to find a date.

I mean look, in my younger days, I dated conservative women.

And yes we had political disagreements, but it didn't end the relationships.

You can still find somebody who you disagree with on politics and have a happy and healthy


But what's happened now is that these Donald Trump supporters have become a cult.

And they're only happy cohorting with other cult members, because they're the only other

ones who will accept them.

This isn't about political differences.

It's not about policy differences.

It's about those of us who live in reality and those, like those on Donald Daters, who

want to continue living in this fantasy alternative reality, where only their opinions and their

feelings matter.

For more infomation >> Trump Supporter Dating App Leaked ALL Users' Data On Launch Day - Duration: 3:49.


Water Main Burst Forces Seniors Out Of Waukegan Apartment Complex - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Water Main Burst Forces Seniors Out Of Waukegan Apartment Complex - Duration: 0:29.


Middle Splits - Flexibility Tutorial #3 - Duration: 14:35.

Hello pole friends

if you don't know me, I'm Julie Frota and every week we post a different tutorial video here on the Splits Project channel

this week we're gonna talk about the middle splits

but before we move on, don't forget to comment, like and subscribe to this channel

this week's tutorial is not only for pole dancers it's for all kinds of dancers

and people interested in yoga

maybe martial arts, everybody who is interested in getting more flexible

and I know a lot of people struggle with the middle splits

I've been receiving a lot of requests for doing this video totally dedicated to middle splits

and I believe the reason for that is because it's one of the most difficulties people have

most of them can stretch in so many different positions

but the middle split is usually the hardest one

I'm going to show a few techniques here to improve it

and aslo we' re going to focus on not getting your knee hurt

because that is also a problem that a lot of people have

they start stretching the middle splits

sometimes because you're feeling so much pain in different places

you may not even understand if this pain is supposed to be there or not

so here is a warning, no, if you're feeling your knee you shouldn't be feeling this pain

you should limit your pain to the area of your adductors

but now let's see what we can do about it

let's start with some rotation movements to warm up the adductors

we should do ten rotations for each direction

both legs

now let's lay down on the floor with your legs straight up

hold your feet or your ankles, whatever feels more confortable

take a deep breath and bring your knees down as you breath out

you should feel the entire back in contact with the floor

let's repeat this movement at least three times

for the last time hold the position for longer

no less than 30 seconds and if you can stay longer, then it's better

now butterfly position

again try to keep your entire back in contact with the floor and push your knees to the floor

you should engage the lower abs and glutes to keep the back aligned

now arch your back so that you can bring your knees even closer to the floor

and then align your back to the original position

try to keep your knees closer to the floor

repeat this at least three times

relax your legs

the exercises we're doing here in this tutorial

that have the knee bent, for instance the frog position, the butterfly

they have the intent of improving your middle splits but at the same time, they protect your knees

the movements that are in the straddle position

they're great for middle splits but you have to pay more attention

to see if you're not feeling pain on your knee in the process, so you don't get hurt

now let's remove the rubber matt to do the frog position

it's easier if you're in a sliding surface

engage your glutes trying to bring your pelvis to the floor

stay for at least 30 seconds

now let's sit in a straddle position with the hands in front of you

you're going to slide your hands to the front untill your limit

stay in your limit for some time and then you repeat the movement trying to reach even further

take a deep breath, empty your lungs and try to go further

do not rest your elbows on the floor

when you support your body with your elbows it holds you back

and makes it difficult the work of the gravity to push you to the floor

keep your arms extended so that the weight of your body will help the movement

now for the next exercises we're going to need to use the wall

these ones are my favorit middle splits practices

lay down on the lfoor with your legs up against the wall

and open the straddle position untill your limit

keep in mind to keep your entire back in contact with the floor all the time

when you reach your limit you're gong to stay there for some time

minimum 30 seconds

after some time you should feel that the pain is not so strong anymore

and that allows you to open your legs a little bit more

repeat it a few times

bring your legs back very slowly not to hurt your muscles

relax your muscles

next exercise is going to be with your belly on the floor

notice that I removed the rubber mattt to make it easier to slide

the idea is the same as in the previous exercise

stay in your limit ant every time you feel your muscles relax you can go furher

engage the muscles of the lower abbs and glutes if you feel your pelvis coming out of the floor

next position will be facing the wall

push your body as close to the wall as posiible

again every time you feel your muscles relaxed push it even further

now for the next exercise you will need some yoga blocks

I don't have any at home, so I guess it's a good oportunity to use my husband's Harry Poter collection

place the block under your knee. This way you can force the stretch but also avoid injuring your knee

that is particularly good if you already have a 180º split and want to get an oversplit

if you feel that it's still easy you can add more blocks

always try to bring your pelvis to the floor

if that is still easy we can bring something more challenging

once again you should stop if you feel pain on your knees

go back slowly and relax your legs

so that was our middle splits practice

I really love sharing this with you because I'm a huge fan of middle splits

I guess you can notice that

and there are so many movements that we can do using the middle splits

like the spatchcock, the kite

they look really cool and require a lot from the middle splits

also, of course, not only for pole dancers, for any kind of dancers and other practices

you're going to benefit a lot from having an improved middle split

so if you liked the video give a thumbs up here and subscribe to the channel

so that you don't midd the next information that I'm going to share with you

see you next week

For more infomation >> Middle Splits - Flexibility Tutorial #3 - Duration: 14:35.


English Tutor Nick P Lesson (284) Prefer A to B Not Prefer A Than B - Duration: 1:42.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is lesson 284 . The title of today's lesson is

prefer A to B, not prefer A than B. Yeah. Sometimes students of ESL will sometimes

say that they prefer one thing than another. Where you should be saying, you

prefer one thing to another. So let's take a look here. So we prefer one thing

one thing to another not than. Okay. Look at the first example of course with the

X. This is wrong. So a student might say I prefer coffee than tea. No you can't just

say it that way. So normally you would say I prefer coffee to tea. So you prefer

one thing to another. All right. Let's look at the next note here.

You can however say that you prefer one thing rather than another. Maybe this is

where the confusion comes in. Maybe students have heard rather than, and they

just forgot about rather. And they're just using than. So again, let's look at

more examples here with the check. This is correct. I prefer coffee rather than

tea. Yeah that's fine. All right and three more examples here.

I prefer morning classes than night classes. No. You can't just say it like

that. The next two with the checks. These are correct.

I prefer morning classes to night classes. So you prefer one thing to

another, Or the last one here. I prefer morning

classes rather than night classes. That would be fine too. All right. Good.

I hope you got it. I hope it's clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

For more infomation >> English Tutor Nick P Lesson (284) Prefer A to B Not Prefer A Than B - Duration: 1:42.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Ambition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Ambition - Duration: 0:59.


If was Realistic (Animation) - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> If was Realistic (Animation) - Duration: 2:38.


Judicial Watch Files Compliant Against Christine Ford's Corrupt Lawyers - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Judicial Watch Files Compliant Against Christine Ford's Corrupt Lawyers - Duration: 3:12.


3 Law of Attraction TRUTHS I Wish I Knew Earlier - Duration: 21:34.

this video I'm going to be sharing with you three law of attraction truths that I wish

I knew earlier.

If I would have known these earlier, I would have saved so much time and I would have achieved

my goals easier than ever.

Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you three commonly understood law of

attraction mindsets of the way we go about attracting what we want.

I'm going to be showing you how it is completely outdated and how it only works from a certain,

you could say level of consciousness and how when we shift that perspective, everything

and our life can change and how also when we shift that perspective, things become so

much easier because in the very beginning of my youtube channel, when I first started

making daily videos, the main thing that I would promote was massive, massive action

which did get me massive results.

However, the reason it got me massive results because I loved what I was doing.

Even though I was working full time at the time I was working at Barneys New York selling

woman's shoes, I was also working 40 hours a week, uh, there and I was also working about

25 to 30 hours a week making daily videos because I made myself a choice.

This is what I'm going to do.

Bank daily videos.

I did that and I got results.

I was like massive action, massive action, massive action.

However, the things I learned along the process has totally changed everything because while

I still do what I love, obviously I'm making videos, still do daily videos.

I woke up this morning and it's the first thing I do every day, but it's also what I

love to do.

But many times in my past, I look at my past and there's been times that I would do and

take massive action doing things consistently.

But if I wasn't passionate about it, it wasn't sustainable.

Not only was it not sustainable, but it's almost like things would happen to show me,

hey buddy, this ain't the thing to be doing.

This isn't what is actually going to get you results.

So it's about being in tune with that higher energy stream, understanding that when we're

doing what we're passionate about, we are in a higher vibrational state.

When we're in a higher vibrational state, we manifest things easier than ever.

So in this video I'm going to be sharing with you those three things I've learned in the

last year and a half of a taking massive action and also things that I found that it made

everything so much easier.

Now, the first thing that most people that teach the Loa will tell you and the thing

that you'll learn, especially from the old school law of attraction books, I remember

this is something that was in the book think and grow rich, which I think still is a great


However, there's this understanding that when you transcend it, it changes absolutely everything,

and it is this understanding.

The first one is about the idea of desire.

Most people believe that desire is the best thing.

Desire is what gets you results, but all desire does is if it's transferred into intention

then is powerful.

I'll explain that in a minute, but the moment we say I really, really want something is

the moment we vibrationally say, I really, really don't currently have that something.

So it's about being aware of the vibrational resonance because we always get in life a

reflection of what we believe and a reflection of our vibration.

So that's always reflected back to us.

Now are we resonating with the vibration of the reality we want?

If we say I really, really desire it, will the version of us that is already experiencing

the reality we want.

They already have that which we want so they don't have to desire it.

So the key is seeing it from a new perspective because I've realized this is my own life.

The more I needed really want something, the further away that thing goes because wanting

and needing is a energy of desperation and it is also an energy that retracts whatever

is in its field.

So this is about being aware of the different levels of manifestation when it comes to where

are we currently at?

Because there are times that desire can be as some a good thing because desire will it

monetize will call forth upon you to then see what do you want so you can become clear

on your focus.

But if you remain in that desire, you will remain in that lack vibration and no matter

how much action you take is coming from a place of desperation.

Now, the key is is some people, what happens is unconsciously they have a desire.

They're going about their stuff.

They create resistance, but then eventually they let go of the outcome.

When they let go of the outcome, they let go of the resistance and then all the sudden

it flows through and they say, yes, you see the desire got me the result, but really the

desire and got them to ask for it, got them to focus on it.

Then they created a resistance and then what happened is eventually they let it go and

then it came through.

Viewer see that where somebody maybe wants to attract a relationship that really, really

want it and they're really, really thinking about it and it doesn't happen, but the moment

they go do something, they forget about it.

It's like they're just have in front of their friends and then all of a sudden it just pops

into their life.

It's because they've desired it, but then they've let it go.

They forgot about it or they already gotten to something else and it changed their vibration.

This is about more so understanding, desire, think about it in the form instead of vibrational

resonance that transformed my life because now I see things more in the form of, now

how can I just desire something, but how can I transfer that desire into intention?

This is where the power is.

I've shared this before with some of the other concepts that I shared on the channel like

reality, Trans Surfing, but there's this idea of if I have a desire to put up my hand right

now, the desire to put up my hand does absolutely nothing because I haven't actually transferred

that desire into an intention.

Now you could say, well, a desire is a good thing because then what you can do to get

desire and then you could actually intend for it.

You could actually do it, so the difference is that is that right there.

It's just making that shift from desire into intention.

Many people might have desires.

They may say, Hey, I want to have a Lamborghini.

Hey, I want to do this.

I want to be at that person.

You can desire it all you want, but unless you say I intend, and then you back that up

with being you backed that up with the vibrational resonance.

It doesn't actually happen.

Think of everything in the world as a vibrational resonance and the key is knowing that the

version of you that already has that which you want to experience at that already exists.

The key is putting yourself in that vibrational state by knowing that you can develop a perspective

that your cup is already full.

You don't have to want something, therefore lack something.

This is a game changer when you begin to apply it because you see that desire isn't necessarily

always the key like it always has been shown in the old school law of attraction teachings.

Now from a certain paradigm, from a paradigm of complete unfocused, this from a paradigm

of a lower vibrational states of being attachment attached to the thoughts, it can eventually

pull you out of there over a lot of resistance and struggle, but there's a higher level way

of doing it and the higher level way of doing it is by knowing you're already whole and

complete and then vibrationally resonating with that reality that you want.

You bypass all that resistance and you allow things to happen easier than ever, but the

logical mind wants to understand everything.

How am I going to explain or do all of this?

Let go of linear thinking, let go of needing things to happen, a certain sequence allow

things to happen by taking action, by having a clear outcome of what you want, and then

trusting to come in.

If we have a certain perspective, a blueprint for how everything has to happen, we limit

ourselves because there could be many different ways.

If you want to attract something into your life, do you want to track the person into

your life?

For example, if you set the intention, you go out, you put yourself in certain situations

where that could likely happen.

Maybe you go to yoga, you'll do something of where that person would be the kind of

person that you'd want to attract.

Maybe you go do that, but maybe then somebody comes up to you and says, Hey, you want to

go to this place over here?

And you're like, nope, I don't want to go do that.

I'm too focused on trying to get this, this, uh, this person into my life.

But if you were to go with that person, maybe that would lead you.

If you were to trust the process, that would lead you going out somewhere else, maybe lead

you to that person you see, but the logical mind wants to understand everything.

This is something that's also very strong through a lot of eastern philosophy.

Letting go of the outcome, understanding that desire is not the key.

It has more so been.

It's almost like thinking is the desire thing, thing, thing, thing instead, be be present

to the moment because in that spaciousness you allow a lot in, so that's something that

I think is so cool because it bridges the two worlds of the western idea of understanding

goals to that of the eastern philosophy of not being attached to the outcome.

Now the second thing that I wish I knew earlier when it comes to law of attraction is that

it's not about the focus.

Focus is important, but more so than what we're focused on.

Then thinking, I want this.

We don't always get in life that which we want, which is the desires, because what we

want, we say we don't currently have, but we always get a reflection of what we believe

to be true.

This, in my opinion, and one is one of the most powerful things that if you begin to

get to the core of what you believe, you change everything.

Now, the truth is, as this one isn't the most sexy thing, I've made many videos before on

them, how beliefs create reality, but it's not like they get the most views on youtube.

It's not the thing you'll hear a lot of people talk about.

However, it is not my opinion.

One of the most powerful ways we can go about changing our life is changing our core beliefs,

changing what we believe to be true, because we can want all we want a Lamborghini, but

then we don't believe that Lamborghini can come into our life or we don't know or aren't

resonating in the frequency of it.

By adding value to other people or creating that level of abundance, then it won't happen.

We have to believe that it is possible for it to happen.

Remember that old school Henry Ford quote, whether you believe you can or you believe

you can't, you're right.

It's just a matter of perspective and choice, but in general, get to the core of what you

believe to be true and everything in your life will change.

Now there's a couple of simple ways of going about this and this is something that I've

done in many different layers of my life, different areas of my life in different layers.

I've let go of many beliefs because they used to have a belief that I wasn't worthy because

of my childhood kind of being brought up the way that I was and then I was able to.

A way after I broke out of that experience then is years later I still had to work through

it and you start to become aware of those patterns and I remember not feeling worthy,

not feeling like I deserved a lot.

I had to become aware of these patterns.

I have to observe them and then I had to let them go and see that they were outdated.

You See, what happens many times is when we were younger, something happens and when something

happens, we give it a certain meaning and then we carry that meaning with us.

Sometimes our whole entire life.

Sometimes somebody will be 30 years old, 20 years old, whatever it is, but carrying around

the beliefs and the perspectives of when he was or she was six years old when the parents

said to go do this or some traumatic experience where the parents got divorced and he automatically

said, stay parents got divorced because of me.

I'm not worthy.

This is that.

What is the effect I have on people and then subconsciously carry that around or this is

how this is what happens when people around me or whatever it is.

So you see it's about being aware of those beliefs because unless you're aware of the

beliefs, you can't actually change them.

They're just on autopilot.

Here's the thing too.

Most people are on autopilot completely on autopilot.

They're playing out scripts.

I remember when I had my old nine to five job every day I'd go in and be like the same


I get up every day.

I would do brush my teeth the same way.

I would then go and do the same type of things at the same type of thing for breakfast.

Then I would go to work and have the same conversations, help different people, but

have similar types of experiences, and then go do something else.

It was all sequenced and all on autopilot.

The key is waking up from the autopilot, waking up from the beliefs that we have and being

aware of them because in the light of awareness is where everything changes, so to change

your beliefs is actually very simple and it's almost so simple that some people go, it must

be more complicated than that, but it doesn't have to be you.

Become aware of your beliefs.

That's always the first step.

Become aware of what you're thinking, become aware of what you believe to be true, and

you could just simply ask the question, what would I have to believe is true to be having

this kind of experience?

When you ask that question, the brain will start to look for the answers and you'll start

to see patterns of what that is.

What would I have to believe is true to be having this negative experience, this negative


All emotions come from beliefs.

We must first believe something to be true, to have any type of emotion and maybe some

emotions are on autopilot, maybe naturally we feel love for certain people easier than

others, but when it comes to life situations, the idea of a rainy day, for example, whether

we feel positive or negative, emotion to that will depend upon our beliefs about it and

our prior reference experiences about it.

So this is about understanding what do you believe to be true?

Well, if you're feeling negative, resistance about and relations, maybe you say, hi, always

attract the same type of person.

This is a common one, man.

This guy always treats me bad as Grillo is so is this way.

I always attract the type of person.

Well, the key is asking yourself the question, what would I have to believe is true to be

having this kind of experience over and over again, and then you can ask yourself another


What experience in my past is what caused the ripple of this belief?

And it may be, well my first girlfriend or boyfriend was this way and they were this

way, and then I interpreted this meaning, I have to believe that I wasn't worthy, had

to believe that they were the only ones that could make me happy and I have to believe

that now I'm looking for that person in other places because of the heartbreak or whatever

it is.

So you see, you start to become aware of these.

You start to see and then you see that what you're becoming aware of was a perspective

of the old version of you that no longer resonates the old version of you that is outdated.

The moment you identify that it's outdated and the moment you're aware of it is the moment

you can let it go.

You make a choice then to just let it go.

Thank you.

It serves me for a period of time.

I'm now wearing my beliefs.

They you.

I let it go.

Is that simple?

That's how you change any belief.

You simply become aware of what the belief is.

You ask and find the root of the belief, which means you say, well, would I have to believe

is true, or what is the reference?

Experiences comes.

You'll start to get a sign of what that is.

Maybe it takes a day or two.

You're starting to get assigned to what that is.

You say, Oh, thank you.

That belief was trying to keep me safe.

That belief was something that's now outdated.

I now choose to let you go, and as you let it go, you then transform your life because

then that pattern is no longer being carried around with you, so if I would've known this

earlier, I would have created so much more easily because I wouldn't have been doing

it from a place of lack and I wouldn't be doing it from a place of believability of

believing I wasn't worthy yet.

Missing, getting more to the core.

Your beliefs create your reality.

You will always get a reflection of what you believe to be true.

If you change your beliefs, you change your life.

That simple and it is so, so powerful.

Now, the third thing that I wish I knew earlier when it comes to the law of attraction is

simply that of state of being.

This is so under emphasized, but nonetheless, it's one of the most powerful things because

another thing that we experience in our life is a reflection of how we feel, so if we are

in a less good state, everything that we see outside of us is going to be a reflection

of that.

They have that same wherever you go.

There you are.

Wherever you go, in whatever state you're in, you're gonna.

Look around and find more and more evidence of that.

Now, the thing is is when it comes to your state of being, you will always experience

opportunities and situations that are equal to that state of being.

So for example, you fill an amazing state of been.

You will also experience more people that are of a similar nature.

You will experience more people and situations that mirror that back to you.

I remember I used to have a sales commission job before I was doing youtube full time,

so about over a year ago and when I had this job, what I was doing is I go in everyday.

It was purely sales commission job.

It wasn't.

I didn't get paid an hourly.

I would go into work every day and what I would do is I would be able to see an intimate

correlation between what I think and what I experienced that day because I had a really

good day.

I mean it was right there in front of me.

If I sold $5,000 for that day, that means I'd make about 500 bucks.

It was about 10 percent commission.

So the idea is I could go into work everyday and see how well I did based on my mindset,

based on my beliefs, based on what I thought about the day.

Now here is the cool thing.

If I simply chose to focus more on my state of being on feeling better, everything aligned


You see, it's a funny idea, but this is what I would do.

I would actually go into work.

I worked in Barneys New York selling woman's shoes, which means I was helping people buy

$1,200 pair of shoes, $800, pair of shoes, people that are buying expensive shoes and

normally they go, you got to be a professional around these people.

I wasn't like that.

I like to just have fun.

I like to just like kind of joke around a lot.

I was known at work for somebody that was just always like pulling pranks are doing

stupid stuff because I like to just lighten the mood and it got me in trouble sometimes,

but it was also a lot of fun and here's what I noticed though.

The more I focused on my goals, I've gotta do this gotTa do this, gotTa do this.

The more serious I was about it, the less well I would do, but the more I went in and

I simply had fun, the more I focus on increasing my own state of being and then just being

that and just having fun.

The more things would work out for me anyways because this is the thing I realized if I

would have fun, I get people into a fun state because it's contagious and they're are more

likely to buy it because then they're in a buying state.

Buying is an emotion.

People buy based on emotions, so by just being in a good state, all these opportunities would

open up to me and it was simply because I was changing my state of being so we normally

think, oh, it's about the goal setting.

It's about this.

It's about that.

No, it's about your state of being.

How are you feeling?

You can apply this to almost anything you want to be more attractive to someone else

than simply change your state of being and then go out.

You will be more attractive.

Change how you feel loose enough.

Don't take life so seriously, and as you do that, everything in your life will begin to

change because you always get a reflection in life of how you feel.

Just like always getting life a reflection of what you believe to be true, how you feel

is going to be something that you always see experiences that are equal to that, so it's

something that can be primed with time and it's something that you gain momentum with,

but the more you focus on feeling good, the more you focus on feeling good for the sake

of feeling good, the more you will experience, more reasons to feel good.

Like the saying is as you go there you are as you feel in a great state of being, so

will everything around you be a mere reflection of that.

Everything is a reflection of the inside, so change your state of being.

You change these three things.

It will change your life.

I wish that I knew all of these earlier in my life if I would have known that my beliefs

create my reality that's more about getting to the core of what I believe to be true.

If I would've known that desire actually blocked, that had me experiencing what I want and what

I can instead do is set intentions and transfer that desire and the intention, and if I simply

knew that by doing that, it would transform my life.

Plus that have changing my state of being.

Everything in my life would be different right now.

Now I'm grateful for what I've been through because now I can help you go through the

same type of thing and I can help you understand.

It can be easier than you think, but nonetheless, this is something that you learn with time.

Some that I've learned to experience, not reading this in a book.

This is something I just simply learned as I went through.

I had a sales commission job for like eight years, so I saw every day is when I went in

with a certain perspective.

What I would get out of it, when I would hit my goals, when I wouldn't hit my goals, what

kind of energy state was necessary.

It was like an experiment every single day of me using the law of attraction and I found

out what works in states of being beliefs and intention, so that's where the power is,

that what you can begin to apply.

That's what will change your life.

Now, if you want, I have a free guided meditation will help you to raise your vibration because

when you raise your vibration, you manifest things easier than ever because you're in

a higher vibrational state.

That meditation is absolutely free.

You're going to see it in the top of the description box below.

I recommend you listen for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it.

Also, I'm going to be doing more live q and a's on instagram, so if you want to ask me

questions you want to engage with me and interact, I'm going going to put my instagram boop right

there, and other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video.

So if you're to light the street, if you liked it, subscribe.

If you haven't already hit the little notification here so that you could see the daily bids

that I do, and other than that, as always, peace.

Much love and Naama stay.

For more infomation >> 3 Law of Attraction TRUTHS I Wish I Knew Earlier - Duration: 21:34.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 PHEV INSTYLE+ Geen Import/ Leder/ Xenon/ Elektr-dak/ Camera/ Trekhaak/ Ex b - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 PHEV INSTYLE+ Geen Import/ Leder/ Xenon/ Elektr-dak/ Camera/ Trekhaak/ Ex b - Duration: 1:12.


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Skstuidos !!



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For more infomation >> 央视又一次"提及"黄晓明,标题2个字太显眼,网友:官宣 - Duration: 2:52.


徒弟夺冠选手收编,郭德纲成相声有新人最大赢家 - Duration: 4:13.

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王珂投资又赔了?这一次刘涛忍不住了,网友:专业坑妻20年 - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 王珂投资又赔了?这一次刘涛忍不住了,网友:专业坑妻20年 - Duration: 2:24.



For more infomation >> DESCRIPTION DE LA VIE APRÈS LA MORT, vue par L'HYPNOSE RÉGRESSIVE - Duration: 49:54.


Ils trouvent un chat derrière leur porte et n'avaient pas remarqué un petit détail - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Ils trouvent un chat derrière leur porte et n'avaient pas remarqué un petit détail - Duration: 3:14.


For more infomation >> Ils trouvent un chat derrière leur porte et n'avaient pas remarqué un petit détail - Duration: 3:14.


Muriel Robin atomise Charles Consigny dans On n'est pas couché - Duration: 6:57.

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For more infomation >> Muriel Robin atomise Charles Consigny dans On n'est pas couché - Duration: 6:57.


la " monnaie sounna" vous n'aviez jamais entendu parler ! Sheikh Imran Hosein - Duration: 9:51.

...vous obtenez un bénéfice, un gain ou un avantage

auquel vous n'êtes pas justement attitré,

c'est du Riba (de l'usure),

ce soir, nous allons passer du temps sur ce deuxième type de Riba

Le Prophète a dit : " Bilal, ceci est l'essence même du Riba ( l'usure).

- Ce que tu aurais dû faire

- Ce que tu aurais dû faire eut été de vendre les deux kilogrammes

- Vendre les deux "parts" de dattes que tu avais,

de qualité inférieure,

puis avec cette monnaie tu pouvais acheter un kilo

des autres dattes de qualité supérieure.

Et (en l'occurrence) ça représentait la même valeur, valeur égale.

Et donc c'était haram d'échanger deux paniers de dattes pour un

c' était du Riba (de l'usure).

Mais pourtant

Omar ra

a échangé 4 chameaux pour un,

et ceci n'était pas haram

Alors pourquoi (l'échange inégale des dattes ) était haram

et celui-ci( échange inégale de chameaux) était hallal?

- Et Ali ra à échanger 20 chameaux pour un,

ces 20 étaient probablement des bébés chameaux , et le chameaux en échange était peut-être une femelle enceinte

et ceci n'était pas haram (illicite), donc la question que nous posons ce soir est :

" Pourquoi était-ce haram (illicite) d'échanger deux paniers de dattes pour un,

et c'était Riba (de l'usure).

Mais ce n'était pas haram d'échanger quatre chameaux contre un, ou vingts chameaux pour un ?

C'est une bonne question n'est-ce pas?

Vous avez de la chance que je n'ai pas le temps de vous questionner ce soir

- Pour répondre à cette question, nous devons aller voir un autre hadith,

et vous avez tous déjà entendu ce hadith avant, chacun d'entre vous.

Il est dans Sahih Bukhari.

Le prophète paix et salut sur lui décrit une forme de transaction,

dans laquelle il y a un échange

d'or contre de l' or

ou de l' argent contre de l'argent ,

du blé contre du blé ,

ou de l'orge contre de l'orge

ou des dattes contre des dattes ;

ah c'est celui qui nous intéresse , des dattes contre des dattes ,

ou (échange) du sel contre le sel,

et il a déclaré qu'une fois que c'est l'un de cette liste contre lui-même;

ça doit être égal pour égal (en même quantité)

s'il y a deux paniers d'un côté, vous devez avoir deux paniers de l'autre côté.

Si ce n'est pas le cas, c'est du Riba (usure)

pourquoi est -ce de l'usure ? rappelez-moi de répondre à cette question

si je l'oublie,

pourquoi serait-ce du Riba (de l'usure)

d'échanger deux paniers de dattes pour un panier,

pourquoi ?

Avant de répondre à cette question,

et rappelez-moi aussi parce que je peux oublier,

alors rappelez-moi de répondre à la question

"pourquoi les quatres chameaux pour un ce n'est pas Riba (de l'usure).

Quand on regarde ce hadith, il y a 6 éléments mentionnés,

deux d'entre eux sont des métaux précieux; or et argent,

et les quatre autres peuvent être décrits comme

des marchandises d'utilité quotidienne

qu'est-ce qu'ils ont en commun, ces six éléments mentionnés ?

il y a deux choses qui sont communes aux six,

le premier est celui-ci;

Que tous les six ont été utilisés comme monnaie

sur le marché, (notamment) à Médine,

s'il y avait une pénurie de pièces d'or et d'argent,

ils utiliseraient les dattes comme monnaie à Médine.

La deuxième chose qui est commune à tous les six ?

et que le Premier ministre de Malaisie

n'a compris que très récemment

quand le Soleil est déjà couché (CAD; un peu tard)

c'est que pour les six : (l' or, l' argent, le blé, 'orge , les dattes ou le sel),

c'est que pour les six :

la valeur de la monnaie est dans la monnaie,

autrement dit ; dans tous les six ; la monnaie avait une valeur intrinsèque

car j'ai entendu avec mes propres oreilles le Premier ministre de Malaisie dire

il y a quelques années ,

bien sûr il va être embarrassé maintenant que nous rappelions cela

il a dit ;"la monnaie n'a pas de valeur intrinsèque "

-Maintenant il est en rétropédalage

parce que maintenant

il commence à apprendre des petites choses venant de nous

qui enseignons sur le sujet depuis des années maintenant !

Et donc les deux choses que ces 6 ont en commun sont ,

numéro un ;tous les six ont maintenant été utilise comme monnaie,

et numéro deux ; dans tous les cas,

la monnaie avait sa valeur intrinsèque.

Bienvenue frères et sœurs dans la monnaie Sounna,

dont vous n'aviez jamais entendu parler avant,

vous avez entendu parler de Sounna pour la barbe,

vous avez entendu parler de Sounna pour salat (la prière),

mais vous n'aviez jamais entendu parler de la monnaie Sounna avant,

Toute première fois.

Qu'est-ce que c'est que la monnaie Sunna?

la monnaie Sounna ; ce sont soit des métaux précieux , soit des matières

alimentaires de première nécessité (&longue conservation)

et la monnaie Sounna est une monnaie qui a une valeur intrinsèque

" J'ai laissé derrière moi deux choses; et aussi longtemps que vous vous tenez à eux

vous ne serez jamais égaré

le livre de d'Allah et ma Sounna"

et cela aussi était dans la Sounna.

Et nous l'avons abandonné aujourd'hui,

celle-ci (monnaie actuelle) est du Riba.

Nous vous expliquerons comment c'est Riba,

nous avons abandonné ce qu'était la monnaie Sunna ,

et nous l'avons remplacé par l'usure

ce soir on vous expliquera comment!

- Mais attendez une minute

cette monnaie qui est la monnaie Sounna est - elle aussi dans le Coran ?

( oui )

Ça veux dire que nous avons abandonné le Coran également ?

oh Mais ce serait (un constat) terrible !

Allons donc vers le Coran pour voir ;

quand Yusuf paix sur lui (Joseph)

avait été (jeté par ses fréres) dans le puits

vous secouez votre tête ? (vous voyez de quoi je parle?)

ok ,

Yusuf psl était dans le puits

, les voyageurs sont venus au puits; ils l'ont sortis du puits

et ils l'ont emmené en Egypte et ils l' ont vendu

sourate Yusuf " Washarawhu bithamanin bakhsin darahima ma'doodatin

"..Et ils le vendirent (à vil prix) pour quelques misérables dirhams."

Sourate Yusuf verset 20

Quel est ce mot dirham?

- Un dirham, c' est une pièce de monnaie en argent,

un métal précieux.

- Et puis il y a ce verset aussi dans le Coran;

Dans la Sourate al-Imran ( verset 75),

ou Allah swt dénonce le double standard des Juifs.

Et rappelez - vous que ce n' est pas imran Hosein qui parle,

C'est Allah soubhanahou wa'ta'ala,

donc s'ils veulent arrêter une personne

ils devront arrêter Allah swt!

laissez-les donc essayer de faire cela !


Wamin ahli alkitabi man in ta'manhu bi' qintar in yu-addihi ilayka

" Et parmi les gens du livre, en l'occurrence, ici c'est les Juifs,

il y a ceux qui, si vous leur confiez un quintar , = 12000 pièces d'or

soit environ 3500 US-dollars ,

et vous leur demandez de vous les garder en toute sécurité,

lorsque vous voulez les récupérer, ils vous les rendront,

pourquoi? parce-que (seulement si) vous êtes un Juif ( comme eux )

waminhum man in ta/manhu bideenarin la yu-addihi ilayka

Mais parmi eux , il y a ceux qui , si vous lui donnez un seul Dinar d'or

demandant de vous le garder en toute sécurité,

quand vous voulez le récupérer , vous ne pouvez pas en obtenir le retour

SAUF ....

For more infomation >> la " monnaie sounna" vous n'aviez jamais entendu parler ! Sheikh Imran Hosein - Duration: 9:51.


For more infomation >> la " monnaie sounna" vous n'aviez jamais entendu parler ! Sheikh Imran Hosein - Duration: 9:51.


Cheb Zaki Sghir 2019 Saher ellil Live Toop | سهر الليل ميقدو كان الرجالة روعة - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Cheb Zaki Sghir 2019 Saher ellil Live Toop | سهر الليل ميقدو كان الرجالة روعة - Duration: 6:01.


For more infomation >> Cheb Zaki Sghir 2019 Saher ellil Live Toop | سهر الليل ميقدو كان الرجالة روعة - Duration: 6:01.



For more infomation >> FORTNITE : JE RUSH LES 20 POINTS AU TOURNOIS ALPHA !! - Duration: 58:07.


For more infomation >> FORTNITE : JE RUSH LES 20 POINTS AU TOURNOIS ALPHA !! - Duration: 58:07.


Soi số lô đề chuẩn ngày 21 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Duration: 21:44.

For more infomation >> Soi số lô đề chuẩn ngày 21 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Duration: 21:44.


For more infomation >> Soi số lô đề chuẩn ngày 21 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Duration: 21:44.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅑ-야 ya(ja/jaː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅑ-야 ya(ja/jaː) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅑ-야 ya(ja/jaː) - Duration: 0:31.


포스트맨(POSTMEN) - 예뻐졌더라(She has gotten pretty) M/V 자막 - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 포스트맨(POSTMEN) - 예뻐졌더라(She has gotten pretty) M/V 자막 - Duration: 4:14.


3 Law of Attraction TRUTHS I Wish I Knew Earlier - Duration: 21:34.

this video I'm going to be sharing with you three law of attraction truths that I wish

I knew earlier.

If I would have known these earlier, I would have saved so much time and I would have achieved

my goals easier than ever.

Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you three commonly understood law of

attraction mindsets of the way we go about attracting what we want.

I'm going to be showing you how it is completely outdated and how it only works from a certain,

you could say level of consciousness and how when we shift that perspective, everything

and our life can change and how also when we shift that perspective, things become so

much easier because in the very beginning of my youtube channel, when I first started

making daily videos, the main thing that I would promote was massive, massive action

which did get me massive results.

However, the reason it got me massive results because I loved what I was doing.

Even though I was working full time at the time I was working at Barneys New York selling

woman's shoes, I was also working 40 hours a week, uh, there and I was also working about

25 to 30 hours a week making daily videos because I made myself a choice.

This is what I'm going to do.

Bank daily videos.

I did that and I got results.

I was like massive action, massive action, massive action.

However, the things I learned along the process has totally changed everything because while

I still do what I love, obviously I'm making videos, still do daily videos.

I woke up this morning and it's the first thing I do every day, but it's also what I

love to do.

But many times in my past, I look at my past and there's been times that I would do and

take massive action doing things consistently.

But if I wasn't passionate about it, it wasn't sustainable.

Not only was it not sustainable, but it's almost like things would happen to show me,

hey buddy, this ain't the thing to be doing.

This isn't what is actually going to get you results.

So it's about being in tune with that higher energy stream, understanding that when we're

doing what we're passionate about, we are in a higher vibrational state.

When we're in a higher vibrational state, we manifest things easier than ever.

So in this video I'm going to be sharing with you those three things I've learned in the

last year and a half of a taking massive action and also things that I found that it made

everything so much easier.

Now, the first thing that most people that teach the Loa will tell you and the thing

that you'll learn, especially from the old school law of attraction books, I remember

this is something that was in the book think and grow rich, which I think still is a great


However, there's this understanding that when you transcend it, it changes absolutely everything,

and it is this understanding.

The first one is about the idea of desire.

Most people believe that desire is the best thing.

Desire is what gets you results, but all desire does is if it's transferred into intention

then is powerful.

I'll explain that in a minute, but the moment we say I really, really want something is

the moment we vibrationally say, I really, really don't currently have that something.

So it's about being aware of the vibrational resonance because we always get in life a

reflection of what we believe and a reflection of our vibration.

So that's always reflected back to us.

Now are we resonating with the vibration of the reality we want?

If we say I really, really desire it, will the version of us that is already experiencing

the reality we want.

They already have that which we want so they don't have to desire it.

So the key is seeing it from a new perspective because I've realized this is my own life.

The more I needed really want something, the further away that thing goes because wanting

and needing is a energy of desperation and it is also an energy that retracts whatever

is in its field.

So this is about being aware of the different levels of manifestation when it comes to where

are we currently at?

Because there are times that desire can be as some a good thing because desire will it

monetize will call forth upon you to then see what do you want so you can become clear

on your focus.

But if you remain in that desire, you will remain in that lack vibration and no matter

how much action you take is coming from a place of desperation.

Now, the key is is some people, what happens is unconsciously they have a desire.

They're going about their stuff.

They create resistance, but then eventually they let go of the outcome.

When they let go of the outcome, they let go of the resistance and then all the sudden

it flows through and they say, yes, you see the desire got me the result, but really the

desire and got them to ask for it, got them to focus on it.

Then they created a resistance and then what happened is eventually they let it go and

then it came through.

Viewer see that where somebody maybe wants to attract a relationship that really, really

want it and they're really, really thinking about it and it doesn't happen, but the moment

they go do something, they forget about it.

It's like they're just have in front of their friends and then all of a sudden it just pops

into their life.

It's because they've desired it, but then they've let it go.

They forgot about it or they already gotten to something else and it changed their vibration.

This is about more so understanding, desire, think about it in the form instead of vibrational

resonance that transformed my life because now I see things more in the form of, now

how can I just desire something, but how can I transfer that desire into intention?

This is where the power is.

I've shared this before with some of the other concepts that I shared on the channel like

reality, Trans Surfing, but there's this idea of if I have a desire to put up my hand right

now, the desire to put up my hand does absolutely nothing because I haven't actually transferred

that desire into an intention.

Now you could say, well, a desire is a good thing because then what you can do to get

desire and then you could actually intend for it.

You could actually do it, so the difference is that is that right there.

It's just making that shift from desire into intention.

Many people might have desires.

They may say, Hey, I want to have a Lamborghini.

Hey, I want to do this.

I want to be at that person.

You can desire it all you want, but unless you say I intend, and then you back that up

with being you backed that up with the vibrational resonance.

It doesn't actually happen.

Think of everything in the world as a vibrational resonance and the key is knowing that the

version of you that already has that which you want to experience at that already exists.

The key is putting yourself in that vibrational state by knowing that you can develop a perspective

that your cup is already full.

You don't have to want something, therefore lack something.

This is a game changer when you begin to apply it because you see that desire isn't necessarily

always the key like it always has been shown in the old school law of attraction teachings.

Now from a certain paradigm, from a paradigm of complete unfocused, this from a paradigm

of a lower vibrational states of being attachment attached to the thoughts, it can eventually

pull you out of there over a lot of resistance and struggle, but there's a higher level way

of doing it and the higher level way of doing it is by knowing you're already whole and

complete and then vibrationally resonating with that reality that you want.

You bypass all that resistance and you allow things to happen easier than ever, but the

logical mind wants to understand everything.

How am I going to explain or do all of this?

Let go of linear thinking, let go of needing things to happen, a certain sequence allow

things to happen by taking action, by having a clear outcome of what you want, and then

trusting to come in.

If we have a certain perspective, a blueprint for how everything has to happen, we limit

ourselves because there could be many different ways.

If you want to attract something into your life, do you want to track the person into

your life?

For example, if you set the intention, you go out, you put yourself in certain situations

where that could likely happen.

Maybe you go to yoga, you'll do something of where that person would be the kind of

person that you'd want to attract.

Maybe you go do that, but maybe then somebody comes up to you and says, Hey, you want to

go to this place over here?

And you're like, nope, I don't want to go do that.

I'm too focused on trying to get this, this, uh, this person into my life.

But if you were to go with that person, maybe that would lead you.

If you were to trust the process, that would lead you going out somewhere else, maybe lead

you to that person you see, but the logical mind wants to understand everything.

This is something that's also very strong through a lot of eastern philosophy.

Letting go of the outcome, understanding that desire is not the key.

It has more so been.

It's almost like thinking is the desire thing, thing, thing, thing instead, be be present

to the moment because in that spaciousness you allow a lot in, so that's something that

I think is so cool because it bridges the two worlds of the western idea of understanding

goals to that of the eastern philosophy of not being attached to the outcome.

Now the second thing that I wish I knew earlier when it comes to law of attraction is that

it's not about the focus.

Focus is important, but more so than what we're focused on.

Then thinking, I want this.

We don't always get in life that which we want, which is the desires, because what we

want, we say we don't currently have, but we always get a reflection of what we believe

to be true.

This, in my opinion, and one is one of the most powerful things that if you begin to

get to the core of what you believe, you change everything.

Now, the truth is, as this one isn't the most sexy thing, I've made many videos before on

them, how beliefs create reality, but it's not like they get the most views on youtube.

It's not the thing you'll hear a lot of people talk about.

However, it is not my opinion.

One of the most powerful ways we can go about changing our life is changing our core beliefs,

changing what we believe to be true, because we can want all we want a Lamborghini, but

then we don't believe that Lamborghini can come into our life or we don't know or aren't

resonating in the frequency of it.

By adding value to other people or creating that level of abundance, then it won't happen.

We have to believe that it is possible for it to happen.

Remember that old school Henry Ford quote, whether you believe you can or you believe

you can't, you're right.

It's just a matter of perspective and choice, but in general, get to the core of what you

believe to be true and everything in your life will change.

Now there's a couple of simple ways of going about this and this is something that I've

done in many different layers of my life, different areas of my life in different layers.

I've let go of many beliefs because they used to have a belief that I wasn't worthy because

of my childhood kind of being brought up the way that I was and then I was able to.

A way after I broke out of that experience then is years later I still had to work through

it and you start to become aware of those patterns and I remember not feeling worthy,

not feeling like I deserved a lot.

I had to become aware of these patterns.

I have to observe them and then I had to let them go and see that they were outdated.

You See, what happens many times is when we were younger, something happens and when something

happens, we give it a certain meaning and then we carry that meaning with us.

Sometimes our whole entire life.

Sometimes somebody will be 30 years old, 20 years old, whatever it is, but carrying around

the beliefs and the perspectives of when he was or she was six years old when the parents

said to go do this or some traumatic experience where the parents got divorced and he automatically

said, stay parents got divorced because of me.

I'm not worthy.

This is that.

What is the effect I have on people and then subconsciously carry that around or this is

how this is what happens when people around me or whatever it is.

So you see it's about being aware of those beliefs because unless you're aware of the

beliefs, you can't actually change them.

They're just on autopilot.

Here's the thing too.

Most people are on autopilot completely on autopilot.

They're playing out scripts.

I remember when I had my old nine to five job every day I'd go in and be like the same


I get up every day.

I would do brush my teeth the same way.

I would then go and do the same type of things at the same type of thing for breakfast.

Then I would go to work and have the same conversations, help different people, but

have similar types of experiences, and then go do something else.

It was all sequenced and all on autopilot.

The key is waking up from the autopilot, waking up from the beliefs that we have and being

aware of them because in the light of awareness is where everything changes, so to change

your beliefs is actually very simple and it's almost so simple that some people go, it must

be more complicated than that, but it doesn't have to be you.

Become aware of your beliefs.

That's always the first step.

Become aware of what you're thinking, become aware of what you believe to be true, and

you could just simply ask the question, what would I have to believe is true to be having

this kind of experience?

When you ask that question, the brain will start to look for the answers and you'll start

to see patterns of what that is.

What would I have to believe is true to be having this negative experience, this negative


All emotions come from beliefs.

We must first believe something to be true, to have any type of emotion and maybe some

emotions are on autopilot, maybe naturally we feel love for certain people easier than

others, but when it comes to life situations, the idea of a rainy day, for example, whether

we feel positive or negative, emotion to that will depend upon our beliefs about it and

our prior reference experiences about it.

So this is about understanding what do you believe to be true?

Well, if you're feeling negative, resistance about and relations, maybe you say, hi, always

attract the same type of person.

This is a common one, man.

This guy always treats me bad as Grillo is so is this way.

I always attract the type of person.

Well, the key is asking yourself the question, what would I have to believe is true to be

having this kind of experience over and over again, and then you can ask yourself another


What experience in my past is what caused the ripple of this belief?

And it may be, well my first girlfriend or boyfriend was this way and they were this

way, and then I interpreted this meaning, I have to believe that I wasn't worthy, had

to believe that they were the only ones that could make me happy and I have to believe

that now I'm looking for that person in other places because of the heartbreak or whatever

it is.

So you see, you start to become aware of these.

You start to see and then you see that what you're becoming aware of was a perspective

of the old version of you that no longer resonates the old version of you that is outdated.

The moment you identify that it's outdated and the moment you're aware of it is the moment

you can let it go.

You make a choice then to just let it go.

Thank you.

It serves me for a period of time.

I'm now wearing my beliefs.

They you.

I let it go.

Is that simple?

That's how you change any belief.

You simply become aware of what the belief is.

You ask and find the root of the belief, which means you say, well, would I have to believe

is true, or what is the reference?

Experiences comes.

You'll start to get a sign of what that is.

Maybe it takes a day or two.

You're starting to get assigned to what that is.

You say, Oh, thank you.

That belief was trying to keep me safe.

That belief was something that's now outdated.

I now choose to let you go, and as you let it go, you then transform your life because

then that pattern is no longer being carried around with you, so if I would've known this

earlier, I would have created so much more easily because I wouldn't have been doing

it from a place of lack and I wouldn't be doing it from a place of believability of

believing I wasn't worthy yet.

Missing, getting more to the core.

Your beliefs create your reality.

You will always get a reflection of what you believe to be true.

If you change your beliefs, you change your life.

That simple and it is so, so powerful.

Now, the third thing that I wish I knew earlier when it comes to the law of attraction is

simply that of state of being.

This is so under emphasized, but nonetheless, it's one of the most powerful things because

another thing that we experience in our life is a reflection of how we feel, so if we are

in a less good state, everything that we see outside of us is going to be a reflection

of that.

They have that same wherever you go.

There you are.

Wherever you go, in whatever state you're in, you're gonna.

Look around and find more and more evidence of that.

Now, the thing is is when it comes to your state of being, you will always experience

opportunities and situations that are equal to that state of being.

So for example, you fill an amazing state of been.

You will also experience more people that are of a similar nature.

You will experience more people and situations that mirror that back to you.

I remember I used to have a sales commission job before I was doing youtube full time,

so about over a year ago and when I had this job, what I was doing is I go in everyday.

It was purely sales commission job.

It wasn't.

I didn't get paid an hourly.

I would go into work every day and what I would do is I would be able to see an intimate

correlation between what I think and what I experienced that day because I had a really

good day.

I mean it was right there in front of me.

If I sold $5,000 for that day, that means I'd make about 500 bucks.

It was about 10 percent commission.

So the idea is I could go into work everyday and see how well I did based on my mindset,

based on my beliefs, based on what I thought about the day.

Now here is the cool thing.

If I simply chose to focus more on my state of being on feeling better, everything aligned


You see, it's a funny idea, but this is what I would do.

I would actually go into work.

I worked in Barneys New York selling woman's shoes, which means I was helping people buy

$1,200 pair of shoes, $800, pair of shoes, people that are buying expensive shoes and

normally they go, you got to be a professional around these people.

I wasn't like that.

I like to just have fun.

I like to just like kind of joke around a lot.

I was known at work for somebody that was just always like pulling pranks are doing

stupid stuff because I like to just lighten the mood and it got me in trouble sometimes,

but it was also a lot of fun and here's what I noticed though.

The more I focused on my goals, I've gotta do this gotTa do this, gotTa do this.

The more serious I was about it, the less well I would do, but the more I went in and

I simply had fun, the more I focus on increasing my own state of being and then just being

that and just having fun.

The more things would work out for me anyways because this is the thing I realized if I

would have fun, I get people into a fun state because it's contagious and they're are more

likely to buy it because then they're in a buying state.

Buying is an emotion.

People buy based on emotions, so by just being in a good state, all these opportunities would

open up to me and it was simply because I was changing my state of being so we normally

think, oh, it's about the goal setting.

It's about this.

It's about that.

No, it's about your state of being.

How are you feeling?

You can apply this to almost anything you want to be more attractive to someone else

than simply change your state of being and then go out.

You will be more attractive.

Change how you feel loose enough.

Don't take life so seriously, and as you do that, everything in your life will begin to

change because you always get a reflection in life of how you feel.

Just like always getting life a reflection of what you believe to be true, how you feel

is going to be something that you always see experiences that are equal to that, so it's

something that can be primed with time and it's something that you gain momentum with,

but the more you focus on feeling good, the more you focus on feeling good for the sake

of feeling good, the more you will experience, more reasons to feel good.

Like the saying is as you go there you are as you feel in a great state of being, so

will everything around you be a mere reflection of that.

Everything is a reflection of the inside, so change your state of being.

You change these three things.

It will change your life.

I wish that I knew all of these earlier in my life if I would have known that my beliefs

create my reality that's more about getting to the core of what I believe to be true.

If I would've known that desire actually blocked, that had me experiencing what I want and what

I can instead do is set intentions and transfer that desire and the intention, and if I simply

knew that by doing that, it would transform my life.

Plus that have changing my state of being.

Everything in my life would be different right now.

Now I'm grateful for what I've been through because now I can help you go through the

same type of thing and I can help you understand.

It can be easier than you think, but nonetheless, this is something that you learn with time.

Some that I've learned to experience, not reading this in a book.

This is something I just simply learned as I went through.

I had a sales commission job for like eight years, so I saw every day is when I went in

with a certain perspective.

What I would get out of it, when I would hit my goals, when I wouldn't hit my goals, what

kind of energy state was necessary.

It was like an experiment every single day of me using the law of attraction and I found

out what works in states of being beliefs and intention, so that's where the power is,

that what you can begin to apply.

That's what will change your life.

Now, if you want, I have a free guided meditation will help you to raise your vibration because

when you raise your vibration, you manifest things easier than ever because you're in

a higher vibrational state.

That meditation is absolutely free.

You're going to see it in the top of the description box below.

I recommend you listen for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it.

Also, I'm going to be doing more live q and a's on instagram, so if you want to ask me

questions you want to engage with me and interact, I'm going going to put my instagram boop right

there, and other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video.

So if you're to light the street, if you liked it, subscribe.

If you haven't already hit the little notification here so that you could see the daily bids

that I do, and other than that, as always, peace.

Much love and Naama stay.

For more infomation >> 3 Law of Attraction TRUTHS I Wish I Knew Earlier - Duration: 21:34.


BMW 3 Serie 316i EXECUTIVE M PAKKET, AUT, SCHUIFDAK, XENON! - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 316i EXECUTIVE M PAKKET, AUT, SCHUIFDAK, XENON! - Duration: 1:14.


Impractical Jokers - "Favorite Greek Dish" Ep. 720 (Web Chat) | truTV - Duration: 5:33.

We always say the last day of shooting the TV show,

Al's just gonna punch Murr right in the face,

and then the crew all laughs, and then they all say

they're gonna line up and punch Murray in the face.


Hey, guys, and welcome to "Ask A Joker."

I'm your Joker this week. My name is Brian Quinn.

I've been on the show "Impractical Jokers"

since the first episode,

and I've been in every episode since.

Hey. I'm trying to sleep here, pal.

Who am I talking to?

So, those are my credentials.

So now I'm gonna answer questions

because I'm qualified to.

So, let's get to some questions, which you can ask

on the social medias with the hashtag "AskAJoker."

Okay, so, Katie asks, "Are you okay?

You seem off lately. Down.

Just checking with you. Making sure you're okay."

Well, Katie, thank you for the question.

I am doing the best I've ever done.

I'm extremely happy. Everything's great.

The season just won't end.

It just won't end. But today it's ending.

You know, I'll get two days off before we go on tour,

you know, and those two days, really, I'm gonna soak them in.

It's gonna be great, but I am doing literally

the best I've ever done in my entire life.

Thank you. I'm very happy.

Winston asks, "What have been your favorite

and least-favorite animals from the show?

The camel, the alligator, the cats, Joe's dogs,

spiders, elephant?"

Well, look, clearly, spiders I don't even consider animals.

I don't know what purpose tarantulas serve.

Oh, God!

There's vengeance in those eyes.

Aah! Get if off! Oh, you're all dead.

You ever look up a camel spider? It's the most evil creature.

I would -- I mean, if I had to eliminate one of them,

I'd get rid of the camel.

No, I'd probably get rid of the tarantula,

because tarantulas are in America, camel spiders are not,

and I have to put my own needs first.

I'm sorry, rest of the world.

Oh, God, get it off me!

What did I like most? I mean, ah, you know --

I don't know. The elephant was cool.

I liked... I got to kiss her.

Pepe the camel was great, you know?

My cats have been in the show, so I'd probably say my cats.

But it's pretty cool hanging out with animals.

What the hell are you doing? Get the hell away from me!

Are you kidding me?!

[ Laughter ]

Oh, here's -- Cory is asking, "Who is more annoying --

Pepe the camel or Pierre the Mime?"

Please just go to bed.

Pepe was not annoying.

Yes, he pooped and peed in my living room,

and, yes, he smelled horribly, but, man, I loved him.

He had those two little, adorable humps.

He was three months old.

He was just so cute. I kissed his head.

They didn't air that, but I kissed his head a bunch.

He's a very cute camel.

I love you. I love you.

You know, and I did also kiss Pierre,

but for different reasons,

so I'm gonna say Pierre is more annoying.

You don't know what it's like! You don't know what it's like!

Mia --

"What advice would you give to aspiring emergency responders?

I'm in the process of becoming

a fish and game warden in Florida

because I like animals more than people.

Obviously, don't get shot and don't get eaten by a gator

are no-brainer tips."

Well, I can only speak for the fire department.

I would say cardio.

Don't be [bleep] afraid! Don't don't make me

do this by myself.

It's a journey, people.

If you keep up cardio,

that's where you're gonna, you know,

outlast the person trying to steal the alligator

or trying to, I don't know, poach a stingray.

They're gonna -- They're gonna run,

and if you have good cardio, you're gonna track them down.

That's what I'd say. Cardio. That's just for life, though.

Whoo, whoo! Get on the [bleep] train, people!

Gus asks, "You worked in a Greek restaurant this week.

What's your favorite Greek dish?"

My favorite Greek dish.

Is Gal Gadot Greek? No, she's Israeli.

So not her. Hmm.

Favorite Greek dish.

I'm gonna look up Greek actresses.

See what we got here.

Oh, Jennifer Aniston. Still got it.

Betty White! I got to go with Betty White.

Betty White's my favorites Greek dish.

I mean, "Golden Girls" is one of the best TV shows.

Can I say "Golden Girls"?

If only she was in "Back to the Future Part III."

I can get that in, finally.

Oh, I just realized that that's not what they meant.

Greek salad.


Oh, that's it. Okay, hey, look, watch new episodes

Thursday night at 10:00 on truTV, as well as --

"Jokers: After Party" is airing with my boy Fatone,

who was in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding,"

although I don't think he's Greek.

But if he was, he'd probably be my favorite dish.

Download the new --

Oh, that's right. We got a game now.

We got an app, the "Impractical Jokers Wheel of Doom" game.

Visit Impractical Jokers: Homecoming exhibit

at the Staten Island Museum through March.

And I have gone twice already and sat there as an exhibit.

So, if you go to the Staten Island Museum for the Jokers exhibit,

I mean, I'll do it again a bunch of times.

I'm just gonna go and sit there and be an exhibit,

and I take pictures and whatnot.

So come on by, check it out.

Thank you, guys, so much. #AskAJoker.

And I'll see you guys soon. Bye.


He does that when he's happy. Yes.

You gonna go punch Murray?

[ Laughter ]

-Not yet. Not yet. All right.

For more infomation >> Impractical Jokers - "Favorite Greek Dish" Ep. 720 (Web Chat) | truTV - Duration: 5:33.


SPOOKY & GLAM HALLOWEEN DIY! - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> SPOOKY & GLAM HALLOWEEN DIY! - Duration: 8:53.


FALL LOOKBOOK 2018 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> FALL LOOKBOOK 2018 - Duration: 1:16.


Amazing Beautiful Blue Shipping Container in The Cedars | Shipping Container Home - Duration: 3:15.

Amazing Beautiful Blue Shipping Container in The Cedars | Shipping Container Home

For more infomation >> Amazing Beautiful Blue Shipping Container in The Cedars | Shipping Container Home - Duration: 3:15.


This Is A Video Essay - Duration: 4:43.

This is a video essay. It has all the intellectual satisfaction as an actual

academic essay but without any of that tough thinking stuff you normally need

to do when parsing a difficult argument. And this is where I make my opening

point. I separate my points with title cards that last about three seconds

longer than they should but you don't mind too much because you like the

excerpt of the song whose artists I didn't ask permission to use while the

title card was on the screen. Never mind that you already lost interest in what I

was saying. What's this essay about? Who cares I'm speaking to you informally.

Doesn't this feel intimate? Doesn't this feel personal? Doesn't this trick your

brain into thinking you finally have a friend? Cuz you do have a friend now, I'm

that cool wise funny friend you've always wanted in your life but never

found because you spent all your time watching video essays. Look at this

editing: fluid, precise, oh wait this is just footage of a nerd writer video but

you don't care and neither does YouTube. Here's some stock footage I got it from

looking up "stock footage" on Google. Look, here's some people walking around here's

a bird, a giraffe, who shot this? who cares, some of the footage is licensed and

requires credit but the only copyright YouTube cares about is songs and full

videos so you can steal as many of these smaller videos as you want and give no

credit to them whatsoever. Who cares about how ethical the media

you consume is, it makes the entertainment neurons fire in your brain!

I could have stolen this footage off a man whose entire life was spent

culminating into this one beautiful shot and all he ever wanted was a credit link

to his Instagram page in the description of this YouTube video and I won't give

it to him. Why? Because I'm a sadistic youtuber who only cares about that sweet

sweet view count like and subscribe bitches!

You'll notice my second point isn't really that different from my first

point if you think hard enough about it but I'm not concerned with that because

first of all you won't think hard enough and second because these overly long

title cards will make you assume I'm arguing entirely different points

between these sections when in reality I just didn't organize my thoughts very

well at all and then put these title cards up to make you think that I had

Here's some data in an academic essay I would be citing my sources here so you

could fact check what I'm saying but I think I'll just leave it up to you to

decide whether I'm lying or not, but if anyone calls me out on this I think I'll

just say I was misremembering the data. What are people gonna do give me a

failing grade? The worst I'll get is a comment on the video saying that I was

lying and who's gonna see that, 15 people? Most people don't consume content

intellectually we don't have time to fact check everything that's said so we end up

believing a bunch of garbage. We prize entertainment over information because

that's what we've come to expect from the things we consume, no wonder when we

get into arguments we end up using a bunch of faulty information we

remember from some video we were barely paying attention to five months ago

I made a typo in that slide I don't care you don't care here's some shots of that

anime you like oh yeah I know you like these visuals I didn't do any work for

them I'm not even directly commenting on them but they just thematically go

with what I'm saying you know? But now it's time for the bridge of this video

essay where I address straw man counter-arguments only an idiot would

say and then expertly rebuke them even though I brought those points up myself

proving that I'm an all-knowing all-powerful intellectual force. One

might ask, are video essays really the worst thing ever created in the history

of mankind? No, they can actually help to illustrate complex points visually and

can make topics appeal to those that would normally be inaccessible through a

regular essay. I don't read academic essays but I regularly consume video

essays. They are really only as lazy's the people making them, but watching a

video essay doesn't make you smart. Most are poorly researched, most win you

over with visuals or actual facts and the sounds and visuals are often stolen

without credit a lot aren't even that well edited, and way too many focus on

the analysis of the same dang things. Now I've reached my conclusion. You don't

fully understand how I got to this conclusion but your brain is telling you

that you understand my argument you might even repeat this argument to

others confident you know what the fuck you're talking about you will think that

you're somewhere even close to grasping the full complexity of whatever I just

dumbed down into this five minute video. You're wrong but you don't care you just

feel like you're right and that's what's important because at the end of the day

this isn't a text book this isn't an academic paper this is a neatly packaged

idea to make you feel smart this is a video essay

For more infomation >> This Is A Video Essay - Duration: 4:43.


Joel Adams - Fake Friends (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:55.

Joel Adams - Fake Friends (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018

For more infomation >> Joel Adams - Fake Friends (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:55.


Real Madrid CRISIS: Lopetegui has until Barcelona match as Perez reads RIOT ACT to players - Duration: 3:24.

 Real Madrid were stunned 2-1 by Levante earlier this afternoon to stretch their winless run to five games

 Julen Lopetegui's men also went a club record 480 minutes without scoring before Marcelo's consolation at the Bernabeu

 Lopetegui's job is now under threat and Real supposedly have Antonio Conte lined up to replace him

 But reports in Spain claim Real Madrid president Florentino Perez will NOT axe the boss just yet

 Real face a tough few days, with a Champions League tie against Plzen proceeded by the first Clasico of the season against Barcelona next weekend

 Lopetegui was given three games to save his job before the Levante defeat but there are calls for him to go sooner rather than later

 Yet Spanish newspaper AS claim Perez is holding off firing the boss just yet. According to the report, the quick turnaround of fixtures between now and the Barcelona game makes sourcing and appointing a new manager difficult

 And Perez would much rather give Lopetegui a final chance to prove himself. AS claim Perez locked himself in the Real dressing room after the game and read the riot act to the players blasting them for their performance

 He then went for a private meeting with Lopetegui, where the manager was assured he will not be sacked just yet

 Asked if he is worried about losing him job less than six months after being appointed manager, Lopetegui said: "Right now that is the last thing I'm thinking about

 "What I want is to get the boys back up as soon as possible and prepare them for the next match we have in three days [against Viktoria Plzen]

 "I feel more motivated than ever to continue, because the team has left everything on the field

 "Sooner or later we will get ahead. We know the injustice that football has had with us, but only the dynamic is changing

 "The dressing room was sad, but with the desire to raise their heads and look at the next game

The team has given their all and is going to leave everything [out on the pitch] to get out of this situation

" After Real's trip to the Nou Camp next week they face Melilla in the Copa del Rey, before a home tie with Valladolid in La Liga

For more infomation >> Real Madrid CRISIS: Lopetegui has until Barcelona match as Perez reads RIOT ACT to players - Duration: 3:24.



For more infomation >> MIKELLINO TIME EP.2 ANIMATION! ☠️MIKE almost DIED! MIKELLINO EP.1 REACTION TIME | MINECRAFT - Duration: 2:26.





[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅑ-야 ya(ja/jaː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowelsㅑ-야 ya(ja/jaː) - Duration: 0:31.


Techno Music Mix + electric guitar - Techno cartoon video - solo experiment - preview episode 3 - Duration: 2:45.

Do you have seen the last video?

not bad right?

well, my name is Ratiug.

I'm here to announce that the third part is about to begin...

Patrick and Frank are in deep trouble

they are over the planet Ellosnoc 23 and their spaceship is damaged

but i won't tell you too much

stay tuned..


subscribe to the channel and click the bell!!!

support us ... support techno electric!!


For more infomation >> Techno Music Mix + electric guitar - Techno cartoon video - solo experiment - preview episode 3 - Duration: 2:45.



For more infomation >> SITI BADRIAH HARUS RINDU SIAPA - TERBARU 2018 - Duration: 4:01.


90年代生まれ、いま手に入れるべきあのクルマ 定番から意外な選択まで その3 - Duration: 13:51.

For more infomation >> 90年代生まれ、いま手に入れるべきあのクルマ 定番から意外な選択まで その3 - Duration: 13:51.



For more infomation >> VOX POPULI: DISTÂNCIA CAI PARA 6 PONTOS - Duration: 3:51.


Kyle Higgins talks Nightwing The New Order - Duration: 3:07.

Kyle: I came to be aware; oh Dan Didio told me, at one point they were looking for kind

of like the next like Superman Red Son, like he wanted to do like an Elseworlds kind of


Not Elseworlds exactly, like they weren't going to bring that name back, but like do

an Elseworlds type story.

And so, I was like; oh, I want to do that, you know, and so, I was thinking about stuff

and I had done 40 issues of Batman Beyond 2.0 with Alex Antone, who's one of my favorite

editors and a very good friend.

And it was going to be in his, to putting these projects together, was going

to be kind of in his jurisdiction.

And so, I remember one day I was like thinking out different stuff and different ideas.

And the low hanging fruit idea that was just sitting there for me was like doing some sort

of like, almost kind of like Dark Knight Returns for Nightwing.

And I asked him, I was like, "Is this stupid?" Like, "Is that such a low hanging fruit

idea?" Like

Omar: No one's done it.

Kyle: Yeah, but like I wrote Nightwing, but now I'm going to do, like can I just, you

know, it's like; God, can Higgins not do anything, like can he do something other than Nightwing

for God's sake?

Omar: But you love it, I mean it's

Kyle: But I do.

And we both agreed like it needed something else, you know, and so, I built out this whole

world in this premise that in a lot of ways kind of an allegory about gun violence and

control and things like that.

But ultimately not really because there's human

Omar: Character.

Kyle: Well, there's like big moral questions that don't map one-to-one as an allegory,

you know, like the powers that you're trying to outlaw are tied to human beings, so it's

not, it's not the same thing.

But the starting point is similar; proliferation of these powers and ultimately,

anyway, ultimately the powers go away and it's tied to something that Dick Grayson did

and how Dick Grayson's Nightwing basically saved the world.

And so, I built out this whole thing and got it approved.

And I got the artist that I was dying to work with since my time at Gates of Gotham,

Trevor McCarthy, we hadn't done anything together interiors Gates of Gotham which was basic

and he did the Knight murder story, and so, the very first thing I did at D.C.

And, it kind of turned into this like perfect little book and I'm so immensely proud of


It's six issues; Trevor, Dean White, Clayton Cowles and I did all six issues, there's

no fill ins.

It's the first time Trevor has done a whole mini-series like that in a long time, and

it's going to be in trade, you know, forever.

Omar: Yeah.

Kyle: And so, it's really, it's really cool and cathartic and if it's the last thing I

do at D.C., like I feel like, I feel very much at peace of like I told the story I wanted

to tell.

It's like; I'm good.

I got to do something that I'm super, super proud of that I think is really good and my

all-time favorite character and like I'm good.

Omar: Yeah, I love it.

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