There is a table.
How do I increase the car?
Exactly what I need!
Em Gái Dì 3 Đứng Ra Giữ Tiền và Cún Xinh Khuấy Đảo Mâm Cua Hấp - Duration: 13:58.-------------------------------------------
Minecraft : DESTROYING THE EVIL BOSS BABYS SECRET BASE! (Ps3/Xbox360/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE) - Duration: 10:58.l
How to make Hubei Province traditional pancake with sticky rice - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
O čom sníva primár detskej onkológie v Banskej Bystrici - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
【Tried Singing and Dancing】Hayaku Sore ni Naritai / Kinoshita 【RukiRoki SONG SHOW #1】 - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
Why Monji doesn't like snacks - Duration: 4:11.Hi Monji~
Today, we will be filming with Monji and me like this.
Monji is known for not liking snacks, right?
He is always uninterested when the other ones are eating snacks.
So why does Monji not eat snacks?
The reason is
It's actually my fault.
When cats are still kitties, they are supposed to experience many things.
It's because he missed this period.
I didn't know much about cats at first and some of my knowledge was incorrect
like how you're not supposed to give cats too many snacks, or they won't eat their meals.
It's not wrong, but it doesn't mean you're not supposed to give snacks at all.
But I wasn't aware and didn't give anything except dry treats..
no wet treats or snacks..
so Monji became picky with what he eats and doesn't eat much except treats.
When cats only eat dry treats, they don't get enough water
and are prone to getting kidney failure,
and Monji also has this illness right now.
If you are living with a kitty or if you plan on adopting one soon,
It is important to have them experience many different types of treats.
So this brings up another question of
Why is Monji so fat when he doesn't even eat snacks?
Some say it's because he eats too many treats,
But I think it's because he doesn't move much.
As you can see in the past videos,
Monji moves the least out of all four cats.
He's also lazy..
Go ahead, drink more…
So why does Monji not move much?
This just depends on the cat..
Cats all have different personalities
And I don't really know why he became this lazy (probably my fault again..)
I'm really lazy too and
I have no idea how I became so lazy too
Only dad would know the answer
This doesn't mean Monji doesn't move at all.
When in a group hunt, he lets the others play with it
But when he's on his own, he's pretty focused and fast.
Sometimes he hunts without moving lol
When other cats are eating snacks but Monji isn't
Lots of people asked why he's so fat regardless.
I hope this video answers some of those questions.
Monji just wasn't able to eat many different kinds of treats when young
And regardless he is fat
Because he doesn't move much.
Now he's being lazy again
So I gotta make him move some more!
GTA 5 Thực Hiện Pha Mạo Hiểm PARKOUR Bằng Xe Đạp BMX Map Địa Hình Trên Không Cực Khó Khôi Michael - Duration: 18:51.-------------------------------------------
SUPERHERO BABY POLICE STOPS ANGRY WILD BEAR MASHA 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:23.Hi guys. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:
If you feel this video is some kind of cool stop motion animation.
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And don't forget ro hit the ♪BELL♪
Lover For Lucy. Episode 1. Russian Movie. Love Story. StarMediaEN - Duration: 47:35.-------------------------------------------
Paul Dano and Little Miss Sunshine Cast Took a Family Outing in Character - Duration: 5:27.-Looking sharp.
I want to talk about the movie.
But even bigger congratulations. You have a little baby.
Eight weeks ago. Congratulations.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Thank you. Thank you. Yeah.
-She's gorgeous, by the way.
What a beautiful, beautiful baby.
How does it feel to be a dad?
-I'm so tired.
[ Laughter ]
-That's what they don't tell you.
-And I'm so in love, you know.
[ Audience aws ]
Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, it's like --
-It's amazing, right?
-It's so extreme.
You know, your heart has gone, like, supernova in one sense.
And then we landed from London last week,
and she cried for like 24 straight hours.
And you just kind of want to walk through a wall.
[ Laughter ]
It's crazy.
-It's the most bizarre thing in the whole wide world.
Congrats on that. That's fantastic.
A "Little Miss Sunshine" reunion here.
Greg Kinnear was just on the show.
And that was -- [ Cheers and applause ]
Yeah. We have a photo here.
There's Paul in the back there. There's Paul.
-Young man once. -A young man back then.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
-What do you remember from this?
-So I remember in rehearsal,
our directors, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris,
trying to establish a sort of family dynamic, right.
And they said,
"Why don't you guys get in the van in character,
and let's go drive and we'll get some food?
And we'll go bowling
and just stay in character the whole time."
And we're all like, "Okay, great."
And I was 20 or something.
20, looked 12, but this was --
And the second we pulled out of the lot to go on our excursion,
Alan Arkin, playing the grandpa, goes, "I have to pee."
And Greg Kinnear, playing the father, in character was like,
"We just left, Dad. You have to wait."
And Arkin was like, "No, I have to pee.
And Kinnear was like, "You don't have to pee.
We're not pulling the car over."
And Arkin was like,
"At the next red light, I'm getting out to pee."
And Greg Kinnear ran the next red light.
[ Laughter ]
Just because he did not want to give in to Grandpa.
[ Laughter ]
Who clearly needed to pee, just to piss him off.
-Wow. Absolutely.
-And the family dynamic was there.
And, of course, all this is happening.
And my character is mute -- -That's right.
-I mean not mute. He's chosen not to speak.
So I'm sitting in the backseat just going like,
"Okay, did we really just run that red light?"
And Greg I'm sure did it safely.
-Oh yeah, of course. Of course.
-As safe as you can run a red light.
-Of course.
How did it feel directing this movie and writing it?
I mean, this is a big deal.
-Did you always want to write and direct?
-Yeah, I've wanted to make a film for a long time.
Basically, I read this book
which just sort of made my heart leap.
I decided, you know, let me take a stab at a first draft.
-Have you ever written anything before?
-I've never written.
And I didn't know if I could.
So I started kind of dipping my toe in that pond.
And as I was writing I started thinking,
"Okay, this is pretty good. Pretty good."
So I gave it to my partner Zoe, who's a proper writer.
She's written plays and screenplays.
-I love Zoe.
-And she tore it apart.
[ Laughter ]
She came out of the bedroom.
She's like, "It's -- It's good."
And I was like --
-Yeah, that means it's not good.
It's interesting.
-Yeah, yeah, notes on every page.
Every page was dog-eared.
-But you ended up writing it together.
-Well, yeah, we did.
We got through like five pages of notes.
She was like, "You're too stubborn."
I was like, "I'm just being thorough."
And she was like,
"Why don't you just let me do a pass on the script?"
And she did an incredible job.
And so then we just started trading it back and forth.
We never wrote together.
That was not sustainable.
-Oh, interesting.
[ Laughter ]
-But we would do notes together
and then one of us would take it and do a pass.
And it was great.
-Well, congratulations.
I mean, you're getting incredible reviews
for this movie.
It's 98% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
I don't know if that means anything, but it does to me.
[ Laughter ]
Anyways, but tell everyone
what the film's about, and it's based on the book.
-Yeah. It's based on a Richard Ford novel called "Wildlife."
He's a great American writer.
It's -- I guess it's about a kid
seeing his parents change and their marriage break.
And sort of, you know, through your parents,
sort of just being forced into adulthood.
It's sort of a coming-of-age film for a family.
It's about the mystery of who our parents are.
And I think it's really beautiful.
-Great performances
from our buddy Jake Gyllenhaal and Carey Mulligan.
Fantastic. I want to show everyone a clip.
Here are Carey Mulligan and Jake Gyllenhaal
in Paul's film "Wildlife."
Take a look.
-Dad, what's going on?
-Your father is leaving us to go fight those wildfires.
Dad, why? -Answer him, Jerry.
You won't take a job at a grocery store,
but you'll go out with a bunch of deadbeats
and risk getting killed.
-I have to go there and --
-What does it pay?
-What? -What does it pay?
-A dollar an hour.
-Oh, my God.
Jerry, listen, you don't have to do this.
I'm working now. -It won't be for long.
-Not if you get yourself killed.
-It's gonna snow. The fire's gonna go out.
-What if it doesn't?
-They're gonna send everybody home.
-What if never snows at all?
Joe, what do you think? Is this a bad idea?
-Oh, my God. Don't ask him. -He's almost grown!
He has a say in what happens in this family.
-Your father will burn up and you'll never see him again.
-Don't say that, Jean!
-You can't keep running every time
something doesn't go your way!
-Dad, please. -You don't know what I'm doing.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Paul Dano, everybody!
Kevin Nealon Has an Emotional Support Baby - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
外國人介紹台灣:我們去石碇千島湖!Checking out Thousand Island Lake! (中文字幕,4K!) - Duration: 8:51.-------------------------------------------
據報道,博爾頓在俄羅斯試圖說中國壞話,但被莫斯科懟了回去 - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
How to Paint the Eyes:目の塗り方 - Duration: 7:43.If subtitles overlap, please tap the maximize button.
I will paint the eyes.
I will turn off the line drawing of the eye and paint it.
I will make gradients like the figure.
Open the "Layer window".
Add a layer above the eye layer.
Turn on "Clipping".
If you don't use clipping, it will protrude like an image,
but turning clipping on will stop the base color.
I will make a darker color on the "Color window".
Open the "Brush window" and create gradients with the "Airbrush (Normal)".
Fill the entire eye with a darker color.
Put a bright color up at top and bottom.
I painted gradients.
Set blend mode to the "Dodge Color".
Open the "Layer window".
Tap blend mode. Choose the "Dodge Color".
Lower "Layer Opacity" under blend mode.
After I change the blending mode, I will paint edges of eyes with a dark color.
Add a layer below the gradient layer.
Turn on Clipping.
Lowers the "Layer Opacity".
I will make a dark color.
Fill the entire eyes with a darker color.
Change to the "Eraser tool" to erase the center of the eyes.
The brush of eraser is a "Pen (Fade)".
I will paint the shadows.
Add a layer in the same way to paint shadows.
Paint shadows of the eyes and scratch with the eraser.
Paint the pupils on the center.
I will paint falling shadows. It makes a clear eye by making a falling shadow.
Duplicate a shadow layer you created earlier.
Erase the duplicated shadows a little.
I will put a light under the eyes.
Add a layer above the gradient layer and turn clipping on.
Set the blending mode to "Add" and lower the layer opacity.
I will put the highlights.
The impression of the illustration changes according to the position and the shape of the highlights.
Add a layer above to add the highlights.
Thank you for your watching!
2019年存款暴漲的5大生肖,希望有你!如有必轉! - Duration: 6:12.-------------------------------------------
Suspicious Packages Sent to Top Democrats, John Mayer's Sex Partners - Monologue - Duration: 3:32.-Let's get to the news.
The White House issued a statement today
condemning the suspicious packages sent
to the homes of the Clintons, former President Obama,
and CNN's New York City headquarters.
Trump has ordered the FBI to look at several suspects,
including the Clintons, Obama, and CNN.
[ Laughter ]
President Trump said today that his administration
will spare no resources or expense on the investigation
into who sent suspicious packages
to former high-ranking government officials and CNN.
In fact, he said it's the only thing
he wants the FBI investigating.
"Forget Russia. This is too important.
We have to get to the bottom of who was mean to CNN."
[ Laughter ]
According to a new poll, 38% of Americans say
their finances have improved
since President Trump has taken office,
and almost all of them are liquor store owners.
[ Laughter and applause ]
"I'll, uh -- I'll take another bottle."
The United Nations was founded on this day in 1945.
And then just 73 years later, it was dumbfounded.
[ Laughter ]
Yahoo has settled a two-year lawsuit
after agreeing to pay $50 million
to 200 million U.S. consumers
whose information was released during a security breach.
Said the consumers, "I still have a Yahoo account?"
[ Laughter ]
A recent study from Northwestern University
has found new evidence
that animals may be able to judge time,
like this dog that just realized Trump still has two more years.
[ Laughter and applause ]
In a new interview, the creator of the vodka brand Grey Goose
said that one of the biggest vodka-related mistakes
people make is storing liquor in the freezer.
While the number-one tequila-related mistake
is drinking tequila.
[ Laughter ]
Due to a specific strain of salmonella,
the CDC is asking pet chicken owners
to not kiss or snuggle with their birds.
Asked one guy, "Can we still do other stuff?"
[ Laughter ]
Burger King has released
a new Halloween-themed Nightmare King burger that it claims is --
[ Audience oohs ] Ooh!
[ Laughter ]
Nightmare King burger that it claims
is clinically proven to induce nightmares.
Not to be outdone, McDonald's introduced a new Ronald.
[ Laughter and applause ]
Singer John Mayer revealed this week
that he has had sex with around 500 women,
to which his waiter replied,
"I just asked if you wanted still or sparkling water."
[ Laughter ]
That's right. John Mayer revealed this week
that he has had sex with around 500 women,
or as Wilt Chamberlain calls it, "Tuesday."
[ Laughter ]
And finally, John Mayer revealed this week
that he has had sex with around 500 women
and at least one guitar.
[ Laughter ]
If you get a call asking for donations for first responders, just hang up - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
她是小燕子的原定演员,撒贝宁暗恋其20年;如今37岁还是单身贵族 - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 308 1.6 VTi XS panoramadak clima luxe weinig kilometers. - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
CBA常规赛增加8场,姚明:我82场都打过,46场无所谓 - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
"辣妈"昆凌头戴王冠亮相活动,小露事业线女人味十足! - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
杨丽萍把玫瑰花当饭吃,网友:真把自己当孔雀了 - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
100 EUROS SI ELLE OUVRE LA BOÎTE ! 💵 - (TWIN) - Duration: 10:30.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 100 EUROS SI ELLE OUVRE LA BOÎTE ! 💵 - (TWIN) - Duration: 10:30.-------------------------------------------
What is the Despair Code? - Duration: 7:05.What is the despair code?
Only since April has evidence of it surfaced on the internet.
Maybe it does not exist.
Maybe that is what they want you to think.
Their are a number of theories as to who created the despair code, and why.
Some have attributed the despair code to Lovecraft theory.
H.P. Lovecraft wrote about the Old Ones, evil beings or evil gods who inhabited the Earth in bodily
form, before the evolution of man.
The Old Ones are said still to exist in lairs underground.
In comparison to these beings, which pre-date the bible, and whose names are known to men,
the demons of Christianity pale in comparison.
Satan is like a cartoon character, next to the festering malfeasance of Cthulhu.
According to the Lovecraft theory, the Old Ones exert their influence over susceptible
human artists.
The artist introduces the despair code into his work, unaware of its source, and oblivious
of its detrimental effect on the public.
For example, a creative writer, published the following incantation...
loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding
x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, and self=the
dark side.
When this litany is internalized, one source claims, the victim experiences extreme anxiety,
followed by depression, and psychosis.
Then, there is the programming theory.
A formula attributed to the Illuminati can be found on the internet, with detailed instructions
on how to gain Total Mind Control over a human subject.
It involves the use of hypnosis, to program human beings.
This process culminates, in the implantation of a control number in a subject's subconscious,
which is said to cause the subject to despair.
This numerical despair code, is 3223412.
Next, there is the U.S. miltary theory, which holds the despair code, is used to identify
a chemical gas for use on the battlefield, whose effects are not poisonous, but psychological
in nature.
It deprives the enemy of his sense of purpose.
High-brow medical officers call it, "Nietsche's Air", because Nietsche wrote that life is
Test subjects exposed to the gas, entered a deep state of depression within seconds,
unable to summon the will to speak.
Some broke down and cried.
"Blue Horizon" was the name of the only military operation, in which Nietsche's Air is said
to have been used in combat by U.S. forces, during the Gulf War.
The target was one company of the Iraqi Republican Guard.
The enemy turned on their brothers, in melee fighting among themselves.
The result was so gruesome, and the brass so worried about the press, that the gas was
not used again.
Finally, there is the governmental theory.
The government is using the despair code to keep the population under stress.
To keep the people from learning that we are still in an economic depression, whose purpose is to funnel
more money and more power to those that already have both.
For more infomation >> What is the Despair Code? - Duration: 7:05.-------------------------------------------
Soi cầu lô đề chuẩn ngày 25 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Soi Cầu XSMB - Duration: 33:39.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Soi cầu lô đề chuẩn ngày 25 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Soi Cầu XSMB - Duration: 33:39.-------------------------------------------
Spider Man Gameplay Walkthrough Series Part 11 ( Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Pro ) - Duration: 12:14.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Spider Man Gameplay Walkthrough Series Part 11 ( Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Pro ) - Duration: 12:14.-------------------------------------------
Les Sims 4 (PS4) | COMMENT PRENDRE DES JOURS DE CONGÉS ? - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Les Sims 4 (PS4) | COMMENT PRENDRE DES JOURS DE CONGÉS ? - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
【ホンダ N-VAN 試乗】軽バン界に風穴を開けるほどの走行性能、"お一人様"仕様は念頭に…青山尚暉 - Duration: 7:06.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 【ホンダ N-VAN 試乗】軽バン界に風穴を開けるほどの走行性能、"お一人様"仕様は念頭に…青山尚暉 - Duration: 7:06.-------------------------------------------
Gainful - Personalized Protein-------------------------------------------
Fk Shido - What I Do - Duration: 2:16.Yeh, yeh yeh, yeh
I'm so motherfucking good at what I do Cop a car do I want it red or blue
Buy 'em both so I never have to choose Like my bitches like my switches come in twos
Like my bitch is so mean attitude Pop a pill now I'm barely coming two
Women on my side like we never lose Feel like OJ motherfucking juice
Eat em all for breakfast all my Ex's on a checklist
First diamond necklace I don't even try to flex it
Talking vvs's not that old [?] shit Told me count my blessings draw 'em up like
the chances I don't do that stressing it be gone in 60
seconds Yeh I had to learn my lessons just to go and
flunk assements Please don't start no tension no one owns
are we protected That little drug move drug move in my adolescence
Yeh I had a bad start but I never finish second If I did kill em then this song ain't my confession
They all know I rap now those stories needed telling
I been making music you was watching Mac and Devon
I'm so motherfucking good at what I do Cop a car do I want it red or blue
Buy 'em both so I never have to choose Like my bitches like my switches come in twos
Like my bitch is so mean attitude Pop a pill now I'm barely coming two
Women on my side like we never lose Feel like OJ motherfucking juice
Music loud I can't get no peace and quiet Yeh I lived a crazy life now I want a house
of silence You don't brag about it when you really come
from violence Nobody new my dirt smart niggas moving quiet
I got trust issues always looking for a wire If I ever die I ain't going out with wallets
I stay strapped too many niggas getting fired "I don't say strapped I aint really scared
of dying" When ya'll say that I can really tell you
lying When I say that why don't you look me in my
eyes I done seen enough seen too many niggas die
I saw bullets fly before I saw 2005
I'm so motherfucking good at what I do Cop a car do I want it red or blue
Buy 'em both so I never have to choose Like my bitches like my switches come in twos
Like my bitch is so mean attitude Pop a pill now I'm barely coming two
Women on my side like we never lose Feel like OJ motherfucking juice
Boite postale septembre ✉️ - Duration: 14:45.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 Ultra Huge Fresh Seafood Rice Bowl!! [Hachijoshima Aigae Fisheries] 4Kg 6000kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 4:26.hello it's kinoshita yuka
i'm still in Hachijoshima island
and this time i'm in visit to Aigae Fisheries
The Aigai fishery is a dried fish factory with thatched house
they called it fish theme park
and we are going to try plenty new kinds of fish
i'm looking forward to that !
so, let's see that !
okay, we are inside the restaurant
The atmosphere inside is very nice !
It feels like you're in a fishing boat !
and here where we are going to eat !
Jaaan, Seafood Rice Bowl is ready
and it's so fatty !
looks so tasty !
let's add sauce to it
thank you !
look please, it looks much more tastier
this looks so tasty, and because i like the fresh fish meat, i'm so happy about that
and it contains 7 cups of rice
itadakimasu !
it's surrounded by tuna
look at this, it's huge !
fatty and super yummy !!
its flavor explode in your mouth
i don't see the rice yet because all of this toppings
with a nice texture and a good taste
and the taste of the leaves is good as well
tuna is so yummy !
i can see the rice, finally!
Hachijojima's fish is really the best
the sauce is spicy and sweet and this goes so well with the rice
Seriola dumerili, i really like it !
when you chew it you feel the nice flavor
Red seabream, Red seabream is so fatty
it's so fatty and rich with flavor and this made it so tasty
the color of the fish is so beautiful
because of all this tuna, the bowl is so luxurious
this is huge !
still about the half !
and it's goes so well with mustard and yuzu pepper
let's use yuzu pepper !
it's more spicy and hot now, one bite and it's so rich with the flavor, this is tasty
i'm so sorry !!
the last bite, itadakimasu
gochisousamadeshita !
Hachijojima Aigae fish was so tasty
the fish was so fresh and amazing
it's really good thing that Hachijojima island is so rich with an amazing fish
and you too, for the sake of a delicious fish, why you don't visit aigae as well ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye !
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
[ENG SUB] [RECIPE]🌰How to make Chestnut Paste (Marron Latte) chestnut jam 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 4:06.First put in chestnuts in a steamer and steam them.
Cool them down until they're warm enough to touch and peel them out.
I used a spoon to easily peel them out.
Blend the kernels with water in a blender.
Place the mix in a pot , add in black sugar and boil on low heat.
I used black sugar for the color.
Keep stirring as you boil it down.
If you do under high heat, the paste may burn or pop so do under low heat.
When it comes to the right concentration, sieve it.
Store it in a scalded glass bottle.
Before using it for baking, I made Marron Latte with it to have a taste.
Warm up milk with the chestnut paste and place foamed milk over that!
Sweet chestnut paste perfect for fall.
Now, I made chestnut paste for baking and I'll soon show you the recipe!
Simple, homemade chestnut paste~!!!!
Let's soon meet again in a tastier video! Bye :)
Tuscany Italy Road Trip: Lake Trasimeno Siena - Duration: 8:17.Good morning.
It's time to see what the weather has (if I can break out) in store for us
today lovely fresh air
ah yes.
It's gonna be another beautiful day. Let's go get some breakfast.
Farewell Cortona that was a beautiful stay, that concert last night, the nice
small village atmosphere there's so much to explore the great food the nice
It was peaceful and quiet and I got beautiful
weather and views stunning.
But now we're moving on so
today I'm heading to Siena
via the lake.
A little bit of a detour not much,
but hmm what a beautiful day to
be out and about so let's go.
Oh these aren't sunglasses.
I'm sure these were sunglasses.
okay so I followed some markings I made on the map followed a little road and a track
down to find a way to the lakes edge
had to abandon the car now go the rest of
the way on foot
down this little path that goes through vegetation
no idea where it
goes to but I know the lake is somewhere over there and I can see reeds and I can
hear water and birds so hopefully
oh go under these, excuse me
it's gonna take me (ooh, ouch nettles) to the lake
oh oh oh
oh I got a bit excited there.
I was looking around the corner at a lake but no it's just
more reeds
okay oh but now I can see lake.
Let's show you as well
hold on.....
here we go
And, oh wow!
Oh, there's little boats here too
Nobody else here though, oooh beautiful!
We've arrived at my place to stay just outside the city of Siena so let me take
you in and show you around it was a nice hour and a half drive? Via the lake. Lets go in
to see nice looking place
nice little outside area
some lions guarding the
let's go in and show you around.
It's nice off-road parking for the car as well which is nice
so you know then
we head upstairs
changing colour glowy handrail
lovely and quiet and clean
and then up the next set of stairs
next handrail
And we come to a sort of dining
social reception area, this is a room rented in a house,
so this is where the breakfast will be and....
and haha.....
I notice.....
I might be able to sneak a bit of that.
Anyway this will
be the breakfast room I show you bit more of this at breakfast.
Next I'll show you
to my room.
Which is just down the corridor. First got a shared bathrooom
so here's the bathroom, let me just find the light for you
Yes, so here's the bathroom toilet and bidet
a pile of towels
let me try and get to a
corner to give you a view of the basin toiletries shampoo soap flannels
big rain shower in the corner
So that's the bathroom and that's sort of a communal for four or five
Okay then down on to my room
where's my
room key.
Which is my room? How do I know which my room is?
It's not numbered.
I think it was this one I'll try my key.
That worked
Nice double bed, TV, Wi-Fi
no air con or anything
hopefully it won't be needing that and
there's a wardrobe, mirror, little desk.
Neat tiny little room, here you go.
Welcome to Siena!
Now to get those bags unpacked, change and go and explore
Siena. And get some food. Missed dinner last night because I was busy watching
the concert, everything was closed. Had snacks for supper last night so I am hungry!
And I saw some, maybe I can get some of that cake.
I get a little slice that cake.
Then go and get some proper food in town. Come on, let's explore.
Small interruption for some rain.
Everybody run for cover.
PUBG MOBILE : Night mode - Duration:
Thoa kem đánh răng lên môi 3 phút trước khi ngủ, cái kết ngọt ngào khiến triệu phụ nữ muốn làm theo - Duration: 2:17.-------------------------------------------
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