Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 24 2018

- From Comedy Central's World News Headquarters

in New York,

"The Daily Show With Trevor Noah" presents...

[upbeat music]

Big Little Allies.

[peppy accordion music]

- French President Emmanuel Macron has arrived

in America for the first state visit

hosted by President Trump.

- While other leaders seem to clash with Trump,

Macron was the belle to Trump's beast.

- Macron has been dubbed "the Trump whisperer" by some

because of their close diplomatic relationship.

- Macron says he and Trump have a special relationship.

- Mr. President, they're all saying what a great

relationship we have, and they're actually correct.

It's not fake news.

Finally it's not fake news.

- Look how excited little Donnie is, man.

Doesn't--doesn't he look like he just invited his best friend

over for a sleepover?

It's actually cute. Yeah.

It really is.

They might even play Truth or Dare.

It would be like, "Okay, my turn.

Dare me to sleep with your wife."

"Uh, how about we do truth instead?"

"Okay, truth: I want to sleep with your wife."

But the ultimate test is how you handle it

when he publicly humiliates you.

- It's a great honor, great honor that you're here.

But we do have a very special relationship.

In fact, I'll get that little piece of dandruff off,

a little piece.

We have to make him perfect. He is perfect.

So it is really--it is really great to be with you,

and you're a special friend.

Thank you. Thank you. - Thank you.

- Yo, you, this dude--

this dude just picked something white off Macron's shoulder

and then announced it to dandruff.

Like, he just announced it as dandruff to the cameras,

like, "Look, look, I found a dandruff.

I found it."

And credit to Macron. He just went with it.

Yeah, that's diplomacy.

Because if I was Macron, I would have clapped back.

He would have been like, "You've got dandruff."

I would have been like, "Excuse me, I have dandruff?

"No, Donald, you are a human dandruff.

"You are the flakes on the scalp of society.

I shampoo you from my life."

But he was calm. He handled it perfectly.

In fact, every moment Macron handled perfectly, you know,

whether it was giving speeches or playing outside.

You could really feel that Macron

was connecting with Trump.

And we all know that Trump is not the sentimental type.

But clearly Macron made him feel a way that he's never,

ever felt before: human.


- Thank you.

Thank you.

- I like him a lot.

That's my prediction.

It's only a prediction.

- Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Look, like, I--I know it's-- I know it's a cliché,

but that's a bromance.

[upbeat percussive music]

President Trump was at the White House hosting

President Buhari of Nigeria.

Although let's be honest.

Trump probably thought he was meeting with

African Ray Charles.

And things got a little awkward at the press conference,

because remember last year when Trump called

African countries shitholes?

Well, that came up.

- Did you address his reported comments from earlier this year

when he reportedly used vulgar language to describe

African nations?

- We didn't discuss it. - [laughs]

- And you do have some countries that are in

very bad shape and very tough places to live in.

- "As I said, shitholes."


[upbeat percussive music]

♪ ♪

President Trump, remember him?

We all know he wants to build a wall,

and now he wants other countries to build one too.

- President Trump has a brand-new border wall

controversy, only this one involves a desert in Africa.

Spain's foreign minister says Trump told him he should build

a border wall across the entire Sahara Desert

to thwart Europe's migrant crisis.


- Imagine--imagine having the world learn about

your Toad penis, and it's still only the second most

embarrassing story about you this week.

And, you know, and, like, to be honest,

I'm disappointed in Trump, because when he first came up

with "the wall," I thought he was, like,

a crazy, out-of-the-box thinker.

But now I realize he's only got one move.

Like, I wouldn't be shocked if Trump uses the wall

as a pickup line, like, he's that guy at the bar who's like,

"Excuse me, Miss.

"Is that drink a wall?

Because somebody else is about to pay for it."

[laughter and applause]

Oh, and... and just--and just by the way,

I can't even believe I have to say this,

but Africa is not a part of Spain,

so they can't just build something

on someone else's land.

[upbeat percussive music]

Today President Trump chaired a meeting

of the UN Security Council, and the good news is,

he now believes that foreign countries do meddle

in U.S. elections, yes.

The bad news is, he only cares if he thinks it will hurt him.

- Regrettably, we found, that China has been attempting

to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election.

They do not want me or us to win,

because I am the first president ever to challenge

China on trade, and we are winning on trade.

We are winning at every level.

- I love how the one China delegate in the background

is like, "Is this thing plugged in properly?

Is this guy saying what I think he's saying?"

Because this is genius.

You realize that Trump is basically saying

that if he gets crushed in the midterms,

it's not because he's bad; it's because he's so good,

China had to do something about it.

Yeah, and by the way, no one knows where he got

this "hacking" claim from, right?

He could have gotten it from the CIA,

or maybe he just got a fortune cookie he didn't like.

You know?

Just, like, "God damn you, China.

"You're hacking me.

"Ahh, nom-nom-nom. I can't stay mad at you.

I can't stay mad at you, China."

[upbeat music]

- Global stunner: the president agrees to meet

face-to-face with North Korea's leader,

something no president has ever done.

The decision to meet came suddenly and dramatically.

Once President Trump heard that Kim Jong-Un

wanted to meet with him, he quickly agreed.

- The president was ecstatic,

poking his head into the White House briefing room

to announce that something big was about to happen.

- This is the cutest story I've heard about Trump

in a long time.

He was so excited Kim Jong-Un wanted to meet him

that he was running around the White House telling everyone.

Just, like, "Did you guys hear?

"I said yes.

"♪ Rocket man ♪

♪ Never had a lover like this before ♪"

Now, a sitting U.S. president meeting with the leader

of North Korea is like a "Sesame Street" episode

about group sex; it's never happened.

- He's not prepared, Jonathan.

That's the problem.

There's no one at the State Department to brief him.

There's--we have no ambassador to South Korea.

Will he be prepared? We don't know.

- But--but, Donna, you have to admit that

the previous White House and the one before that

had some of the most well-prepared,

brilliant foreign policy minds that we've ever seen,

and it was a failure.

- Oh, that's a really good point.

The experts have been trying to solve North Korea for 20 years,

and it's only gotten worse.

So if the smart people can't do it, why not try Trump, right?

It's like--it's like if you had a rare disease

that the world's top doctors couldn't cure,

so you were like, "You know what?

"Why not let that dog in a hat give it a try?

"Yeah. How did he even get that hat?

He's got to be pretty smart."

[dramatic music]

- Earlier before their historic sit-down

in Singapore, the two leaders sizing each other up

with a handshake.

- Yeah, you heard that right.

President Trump said meeting Kim Jong-Un

was his great honor.

I mean, then again, when you have appeared

in a McDonald's commercial talking to Grimace,

everything seems like an honor.

I get it. I get it.

But this alone--this alone is what North Korea has been

pining for for decades, right?

Equal standing with the American president,

shaking hands, their flags side-by-side.

Some may have seen that and thought,

"Oh, Trump's being nice for now,

but when he gets Kim alone in that negotiation room,

he gonna de-nuke his nuts off."

But it turns out only one man lost his nuts in that room.

- Trump and Kim signed a joint document

committing to work towards, "Complete denuclearization

of the Korean peninsula."

The agreement is short on specifics,

like whether the denuclearization will be

verifiable and irreversible.

- There's nothing new in this agreement.

These are vague assertions from North Korea.

- The piece of paper that got signed yesterday is,

frankly, weak.

I mean, this is--this is not a strong piece of paper.

- Because you realize Kim didn't commit to anything.

He basically Facebook RSVP'd a nuclear deal.

That's all he did.

And while Kim gave up nothing major,

he got the American president to give up a lot more.

- President Trump making a massive concession

agreeing to stop joint military exercises

between the United States and South Korea,

exercises that greatly annoyed the North Korean leader.

South Korea caught off guard

by the president's announcement

responding that they need to figure out

the accurate meaning and intention

behind the statement.

- Uh, good luck with that, South Korea.

Yeah, good luck.

We've been trying to figure out Trump's accurate meaning

and intentions since the day he stepped off that escalator.


But this is incredible.

Kim Jong-Un went up against the world's greatest negotiator,

the man who literally hired someone to write

"The Art of the Deal"

and got him to give up something for nothing.

It's almost like Kim Jong-Un did a Jedi mind trick on Trump.

You know, Trump was like, "Yes, I will stop military exercises,

"and I will also pick you up from the airport.

It'll be fun."

Like, Kim Jong-Un, he owned the summit so hard.

By the end, he'd even turned the leader of the free world

into his personal hype man.

- Kim Jong-Un, as you know, has killed family members,

has starved his own people.

Why are you so comfortable calling him "very talented"?

- Well, he is very talented.

Anybody that takes over a situation like he did

at 26 years of age and is able to run it

and run it tough...

- Kim is a brutal dictator.

He runs a police state,

forced starvation, labor camps.

He's assassinated members of his own family.

How do you trust a killer like that?

- His country does love him.

His people, you see the fervor.

They have a great fervor.

I think they're gonna end up with a very strong country

and a country which has people that--

they're so hardworking, so industrious.

- So--so you saw people enslaved in labor camps,

and you thought, "Man, these people love their jobs."

Really, Donald?

This is what happens when you're friends with Kanye West.

I mean...and now--and now, don't get me wrong.

Don't get me wrong.

I'm not saying President Trump shouldn't have negotiated

with Kim Jong-Un at all.

But there's a big gap between being civil with the person

and endorsing the Freddy Krueger of human rights.

The only part of that summit that didn't seem to go

Kim's way is when Donald Trump slipped up

and appeared to make a fat joke about his new friend.


- Yo, yo, the look.

Yo, the look on Kim Jong-Un's face.

It's like a scene out of "The Office."

Like, he's--you can see he's thinking, "Make him look thin.

"You mean I'm not thin?

"Why didn't anyone tell me?

Was it the death camps?"

Why didn't you tell me?"

And I guess from Trump's perspective,

this is what he got out of the whole summit.

Yeah, when he gets back to the White House,

his people are gonna be like, "Mr. President,

you sold America down the river."

And he'll be like, "Yeah, but did you see that fat joke?

Worth it."

Cleary what happened here was Trump didn't feel the need

to prepare for a nuclear summit, because he thought

his million-dollar listing skills would carry him through.

And it turns out if the sales pitch fails,

he knows that he can always fall back on his other skill.

- I think he's--I think, honestly,

I think he's gonna do these things.

I may be wrong.

I mean, I may stand before you in six months and say,

"Hey, I was wrong."

I don't know that I'll every admit that,

but I'll find--I'll find some kind of an excuse.

- Ah, truth Trump, my favorite Trump.

He basically just admitted that this whole deal is as shaky

as one of his casinos, only if this thing falls apart,

instead of bankruptcy, there's a nuclear war.

- First up, after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

attacked his own people with chemical weapons last week,

the world has been waiting to see if President Trump

would respond with military action.

And because this is a decision that could lead to

an all-out war, the president announced his decision

with all the gravitas it demanded.

[dramatic music]

- President Trump is up and firing off tweets

about the situation in Syria.

- "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles

"fired at Syria.

"Get ready, Russia, because they will be coming,

nice and new and 'smart!'"

- It's hard to see how this is anything but the president

of the United States declaring war on Twitter.

- I feel like we joked about this,

and now it's become real.

'Cause when Trump got elected, we were like,

"He's gonna start a war on Twitter.


And then before he got elected, we were like,

He's gonna become president, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha."

Yeah, it turns out every joke about Trump

is just a headline that hasn't happened yet.

And also, why does Trump tweet so weird?

"These missiles are nice and new and 'smart'"?

It sounds like he's trying to fix them up with the missiles.

It's like he's saying to the Russians,

"Look, I know you don't like blind dates,

"but these missiles, they're really nice, really smart.

"Just come. No pressure.

It's just a launch, come on."

[light flute music]

♪ ♪

So late last night Trump reacted

by grabbing his tweet box and creating a problem

for all of us.

- Breaking news, because overnight,

the president threatening war with Iran,

language that raises new concerns.

- President Trump fired off this threat.

"To Iranian President Rouhani, never, ever threaten

"the United States again or you will suffer consequences

"the likes of which few throughout history

have ever suffered before."

- He was in all-caps, which means

he was yelling back at Iran.


- What?

What are you...

why is he explaining caps lock to Fox viewers?

They're old. They're not Amish.

Like, come on.

He's like, "Now, there's also a yellow face with a smile on it.

It's not a real person. That's a..."

But yes, President Trump has made an all-caps threat

to destroy another country, and remember,

this is the same way he threatened

fire and fury on North Korea, yeah,

and then six months later totally caved to Kim Jong-Un,

yeah, so there's a good chance that in a few months

we'll see Trump saluting Iran,

and America will be under sharia law.

Yeah, he'll be like, "I gave Iran everything they wanted,

"folks, and now there will be peace in Shalah.

[stately orchestral music]

♪ ♪

- You know, we all know-- we all know that in America

many people dislike Donald Trump.

But it turns out in England they also don't like him.

- Mr. Trump and the First Lady also visited Windsor Castle

for his first meeting with Queen Elizabeth,

which had some awkward moments.

- As the visit was taking place,

tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets

of London carrying signs with messages like,

"Trump not welcome" and "Dump trump."

- The streets of London swelled with tens of thousands

of people protesting President Trump,

including an inflatable Trump baby blimp

- And if the British disliked Trump before he arrived,

his visits only made things worse.

- The president breached British protocol

by publicly disclosing the details of a conversation

he had with Queen Elizabeth.

- He broke royal protocol by walking in front of the queen,

but she quickly stepped forward to correct the error.

- He also today had tea with the queen.

He did keep her waiting for ten minutes.

- Video recorded the very punctual 92-year-old queen

checking her watch prior to the president's arrival.

- Good lord.

Is there--is there any rule he didn't break?

He's like, "President Trump in hot water

after pushing the queen into the royal swimming pool."

For more on Trump's U.K. visit,

we're joined by an actual British person,

Gina Yashere, everybody.

[cheers and applause]

Gina, in the U.S.--

in the U.S., Trump's U.K. visit seemed to not go so well,

but as a British person, what do you think?

- It was an unmitigated disaster, Trevor.

This cockwomble--yeah, that's what I called him--

he came--came to our country and insulted us.

I mean, look what he did to our queen.

He's cutting her off like he's trying to beat her

to the early bird special.

Look, it wasn't just the protocol that he messed up.

Trump was straight rude.

He insulted our prime minister on tape

before he even met with her,

and then he blamed the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan,

for terrorism.

Obviously because he's Muslim, and it must have been

one of his cousins.

- Wow. You know, like, after this,

I bet you wish that Trump had never come at all.

- Are you kidding? On the contrary.

I wish he'd pop by more often.

- But--but, Gina, you just said that everyone

in Britain hated it.

- Exactly, everyone.

The United Kingdom has never been so united.

I mean, before him, nobody cared about the royals.

We were like, "They don't work.

"They do nothing.

"Our taxes pay for them to live on posh welfare.

They're 'Downton Abbey' meets 'Shameless.'"

But Trump walks in front of our queen, and I was like,

"But this is the mother of our nation, damn it.

"She's the jewel in our crown.

Put his man in stocks and slap his balls with a wet crumpet."


- Slap...slap his balls with a wet crumpet?

- Look, nobody wins here, Trevor.

His balls get crushed,

and we waste a perfectly good crumpet.

[laughter and applause]

- Remember that photo of President Trump

at the G7 summit from a few weeks ago?

Remember that one, where it looked like all the other

world leaders were fighting with Trump

because he refused to take a bath?

Yeah? Well, it turns out

there's a pretty sweet story behind it.

- Chancellor Merkel of Germany

and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada

wanted to press Trump directly to sign the communiqué,

and Trump was sitting there with his arms crossed

clearly not liking the fact that he felt like

they were ganging up on him.

He said, okay, he'll sign it, and at that point,

he stood up, he put his hand in his pocket,

and he took two Starburst candies out,

threw them on the table and said to Merkel,

"Here, Angela, don't say I never give you anything."


- I...cannot believe that Donald Trump would have

two uneaten Starbursts in his pocket.

I also can't believe he threw them at another world leader.

Although knowing Trump, he probably immediately snatched

the second Starburst back.

He was like, "I only meant to give you one.


[upbeat music]

For more infomation >> Big Little Allies | The Daily Show - Duration: 20:27.


Pastor Chris Sizes Up His (6-Pack-Sporting) Competition | Ready To Love | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 1:11.



-So, I was like, yeah.

CHRIS: I'm like, Lord,

tell me I'm not goin' home the first night.

I've gotta check out my competition.


Mike, with all these muscles.

There might be a little challenge.

Alexx, bringin' ladies drinks.

He was a gentleman.

CHRIS: Man, that's amazing. See, you're showin' us up already, Alexx.

Then, there's Aaron.

AARON: Hot out here today.


CHRISTINA: That's my boo. That's mine!

STORMY: That's bae, that's bae!

CHRISTINA: Y'all can look, go ahead. Come on, bae!

CHRIS: He's runnin' around pullin' his shirt up.

ASHLEE: Do it again! I didn't really see it.

CHRIS: Showin' girls his six-pack.

No, I ain't got no six-pack to show these girls.

I'ma talk to my friend right here.


CHRIS: I know in my heart I am an incredible guy.

STORMY: Bye, y'all.

CHRIS: But I don't know if the women truly see

what's right in front of them.

For more infomation >> Pastor Chris Sizes Up His (6-Pack-Sporting) Competition | Ready To Love | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 1:11.


What can US do to stop migrant caravans? - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> What can US do to stop migrant caravans? - Duration: 4:28.


Turkey's president wants to drive a wedge between US and Saudi Arabia: Bryan Suits - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Turkey's president wants to drive a wedge between US and Saudi Arabia: Bryan Suits - Duration: 7:54.


Max Helps His Team Move On - New Amsterdam (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Max Helps His Team Move On - New Amsterdam (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:16.


'Dripping in Finesse' Elimination Official Sneak Peek | Ink Master: Grudge Match (Season 11) - Duration: 10:06.

- Welcome. - Morning.

- The more artists that go home,

the tougher this competition gets.

Only one of you will earn $100,000,

a feature in "Inked" magazine, and the title of Ink Master.

Today, there's no flash challenge.

- What?

- We are moving directly into the next elimination tattoo.

- Ah. - Jesus.

- This week, we're testing finesse.

- Finesse in tattooing is how you seamlessly

flow throughout the tattoo when it comes to your

line work, your shading, your technical application.

You want it to be impeccable.

- For this elimination tattoo,

artists, you will not be creating your own designs.

- Oh, yeah, this could be bad.

- This week, the coaches will be designing the tattoos.

- Oh, all right, all right, all right.

- Coaches, you must each create a line drawing that you

and the artists on the opposing team

will tattoo on separate canvases at the same time.

- What? - Jesus.

- You will be judged directly

against the work of the opposing coach.

- Oh, [bleep].

- Fail to match them, and you'll be up for elimination.

- When someone else draws something, they're gonna have

intentions on the way that it was supposed to come out.

If you can't render it in the way that they had intended,

it can totally look like a [bleep]ed up tattoo.

- The style and subject are completely up to the coaches,

and you will have no input from either team.

- Let's see what they got. - Here we go.

- Any line that is in the stencil

has to be in your tattoo.

We're looking for you to be able to do

whatever they can do.

- To make it to the end, you must show the expertise

and finesse that your coaches show every time they tattoo.

- Fair enough.

- Coaches, this is your chance to knock

an artist from the opposing team

out of the competition and weaken your opponent.

- Oh, yeah. - This is [bleep] ridiculous.

- Be strategic.

As you know, every artist from your team that makes it

to the finale earns you the power to sabotage

your opponent in your final grudge match

for $100,000 of your own.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Artists, head to the loft while your coaches design.

Once their designs are complete,

you'll return to the shop, and we'll bring in your canvases.

Head out.

- I just can't wait to get schooled on my black and gray.

Show me what you got, Kyle. [laughs]

- Coaches, get to work on your designs, and good luck.

- All right. - All right.

- In this challenge, we're looking for the artist to show

finesse with their tattoos.

Whether they draw it or somebody draws it for them,

we want to see smooth,

confident professional tattooing.

- I'm gonna be [bleep] tattooing my ass off, so.

- I like the grip idea.

What else are you gonna put with it?

- I'm gonna do a needle kind of hanging off the end.

- All right.

- The big twist about this challenge

is Christian and Cleen, they can pinpoint

which artist on the other team they really are gunning for.

- I'm going right after Kyle, because he literally told me

he'd go head to head with me anytime, anywhere.

So, here we go, bud.

- They can single someone out

to try to knock them out of this competition.

- Oh my God.

- Black and gray realistic no outline.

What do you think they're gonna do

with that chin and that nose?

- The hair. What are they gonna do with the hair?

- Oh, they're gonna bust that hair.

- I'm a little worried about you guys on Team Cleen.

- You've been talking a lot about wanting to go

head to head with Christian, so.

- Now's my chance.

- Well, this is a perfect time for every single person

in here to put our money where our mouth is.

- Let's put these kids to the test.

- Honestly, today, I feel like it's almost

you and me against them.

♪ ♪

- What's up, guys?

- Well, we're gonna keep it pretty straightforward.

- What you got for us? - Black and gray.

- Okay. - But that's not all.

No liners. Mags only.

A liner is like a pencil.

A mag is like a big paintbrush.

So if you take the pencil away,

they can't do simple lines.

You have to have complete needle control

to be able to pull off this tattoo using only a mag.

Good luck, everybody.

- You son of a bitch.

- All right, what we're gonna do

is a color, new-school, Cleen Rock One style tattoo.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Nice.

- Stoked. - Why you all quiet, TeeJ?

- I'm just taking it, baby.

- Kyle's gonna show me black and gray today.

I'm here for a lesson.

- I can finally go head to head with Christian,

which I'm [bleep] stoked about.

I'm not here to back down.

♪ ♪

- All right, guys, you have six hours.

And your time starts now.

Let's do some [bleep] black and gray with no liners!

Yeah! - Yeah!

- Go for it.

- The coaches are setting the bar here,

and it's a chance to eliminate a competitor from another team.

But for the teams...

- She fits really well.

- This is a chance to shut up a coach.

- Do this. [bleep] hooting and hollering!

- I'm looking for somebody to take what their coach

gives them and run with it, and show me something that

I'm like, wow, you beat him at his own game.

♪ ♪

- Today is gonna be a good day.

I'm just gonna attack this challenge like I would tattoo

any tattoo flash at a shop.

- You have such a steady hand, I can feel it.

- And apply it as best I can.

That's what I do for a living.

Team Cleen definitely has a harder ask today.

♪ ♪

- Kid stuff today.

I'm super stoked.

This is my first chance to go directly at Team Cleen.

- I realized that if I didn't come over and take a peek

at what you were doing, I might kill myself.

- Nothing fancy, trying to lay some blacks in.

I do a type of tattooing that none of them

has any idea how to even approach.

I left my hand over the hair so he can't see it.

[chuckles] - Sneaky.

His problem to figure. - That's right.

If you guys think you can go toe to toe with the big boys,

now's your chance to show it.

- Don't go share your secrets with that boy.

- That's right.

- I would love to beat Christian at his own game.

Do you think it'd be too ballsy to do mag hair?

- You know he's not going to, because you're going to be

putting your piece next to his, I would 100% say don't do it.

- All right.

He walks around like he's king of the castle,

and all kings die someday.

And I want to be that sword he falls on.

- Go for soft.

- Five hours remaining, everybody.

Five hours remaining.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Dude, I [bleep] hate not using a liner.

- Are you pulling lines with that?

- Yeah. - Don't make it too hard, man.

You've got to keep it kind of soft,

because you know Christian, that's what he's good at.

- Yeah, I will.

I outline everything first before I shade it.

But I can't use a liner. I have to use my mag.

And a mag is this [bleep] wide,

compared to a liner, that's a fine point.

So when I have to use this

to outline instead of this, it's hard.

- Three hours left, halfway done.

- That grip is [bleep] sick, dude.

- My whole team is counting on me

to take Christian's team out and put them in the bottom,

and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

- And you're leaving this negative, or are you going to--

- If I've got time, I'm gonna [bleep] pack it.

I am known worldwide for my color.

So I'm gonna make sure

that there is plenty of color flying today.

- You're a bad-ass, dude.

♪ ♪

- People are expecting me to match Cleen so much,

because I do new school, and I'm the only

new school guy here. - Get your outline done?

- I just now finished. - Just finished?

- No, no, I just-- I've been coloring.

Cleen's style is very different from mine

because I like to show a lot of depth.

Cleen, he's a flat, poppy version of new school, which

I'm gonna struggle to master just as much as everyone else.

♪ ♪

- [groans]

- My canvas is taking a lot of breaks right now,

and it's really eating into my time.

- [bleep], it's tender.

- I'm not the fastest tattooer in the room, and I don't know

if I'm gonna be able to finish this tattoo the way I want to.

♪ ♪

- The background, it looks like everybody did purple.

I'm not worried about matching Cleen Rock One's style.

So I've just got to do what TeeJ's gonna do

and make it look good.

I'm gonna do this stipple, kind of coming down through it.

With me being a black and gray tattooer,

people are expecting me to drop the ball,

but they're gonna eat their words.

Hope you hungry.

- Final hour remaining.

- No! - This is your final hour.

[intense music]

- I've got an hour left, and we've got two hours of work.

- Tony, you all right? - Yeah, I'm good.

- Tiffer? - Yo.

- Turk? - Yeah.

- Kyle? - Yeah.

- Okay. - How you doing over there?

- I'm having fun, actually.

♪ ♪

- Five, four,

three, two, one.

That's it, machines down, time is up.

- Done, mother[bleep]!

- No more ink. - [laughs] To the minute.

- All right, girl, we are all done.

- I'm so happy. Thank you so much.

- Yeah, that thing looks sweet.

- It's sick.

Like, you nailed it man, absolutely.

- I don't think there's too many safe people in the room.

- I will say you kicked them all in the balls pretty hard.

- I think they know why we're coaches now.

- Exactly!

For more infomation >> 'Dripping in Finesse' Elimination Official Sneak Peek | Ink Master: Grudge Match (Season 11) - Duration: 10:06.


Report: Gillum accepted 'Hamilton' tickets from FBI agent - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Report: Gillum accepted 'Hamilton' tickets from FBI agent - Duration: 0:22.


Chaffetz, McDaniel on consequences of voting Democrat - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Chaffetz, McDaniel on consequences of voting Democrat - Duration: 3:33.


Children Injured In Hit And Run In South LA - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Children Injured In Hit And Run In South LA - Duration: 0:51.


Historic Mega Millions jackpot prompts rush to buy tickets - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Historic Mega Millions jackpot prompts rush to buy tickets - Duration: 3:09.


Jimmy's Mart sees hundreds for Mega Millions - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Jimmy's Mart sees hundreds for Mega Millions - Duration: 2:05.


Mega Millions: Lump sum or annual payments? - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mega Millions: Lump sum or annual payments? - Duration: 0:52.


Bronx Father Fatally Shot, 5-Year-Old Wounded - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Bronx Father Fatally Shot, 5-Year-Old Wounded - Duration: 1:11.


Night drawing 10 23 18 - Duration: 2:31.










IS --






ARE --








ARE --





















For more infomation >> Night drawing 10 23 18 - Duration: 2:31.


Palmetto school bus driver injured, student being questioned - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Palmetto school bus driver injured, student being questioned - Duration: 1:23.


Are You A Billionaire? New Mega Millions Numbers Are In - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Are You A Billionaire? New Mega Millions Numbers Are In - Duration: 3:02.


Mega Millions Numbers Announced - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mega Millions Numbers Announced - Duration: 0:43.


FBI Investigation Leads To Three Miami Police Officers Facing Federal Charges - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> FBI Investigation Leads To Three Miami Police Officers Facing Federal Charges - Duration: 2:39.


网友爆料赵丽颖B超6个月,赵丽颖方辟谣,那孩子不是他的 - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> 网友爆料赵丽颖B超6个月,赵丽颖方辟谣,那孩子不是他的 - Duration: 7:15.


伪造b超图,散播怀孕6周谣言,赵丽颖回怼"谨慎吃瓜,别闹肚子" - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 伪造b超图,散播怀孕6周谣言,赵丽颖回怼"谨慎吃瓜,别闹肚子" - Duration: 2:29.


So you didn't win the $1.6B Mega Millions jackpot. How about a free Taco Bell taco? - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> So you didn't win the $1.6B Mega Millions jackpot. How about a free Taco Bell taco? - Duration: 0:39.


3度目のBリーグオールスター、テーマは「バスケと街の夢の共演」 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 3度目のBリーグオールスター、テーマは「バスケと街の夢の共演」 - Duration: 3:46.


Piranha (1978) - Duration: 1:34:02.

(Woman) It's got to lead somewhere.

Well, we'll stop and make camp pretty soon. Got your breath?

Yeah. Let's go.

What is this?

It doesn't look like anyone's been here for a while. Let's go inside and check it out.

- Think we should? - Barbara, who'd know the difference?


Besides, a little lawbreaking'll do you good.

(Barbara) Wonder why this place wasn't on your map.

(man) Maybe it's supposed to be a secret.



Far out!

It feels great.

Come on, let's wash off, so it won't be so funky in that sleeping bag.

What if somebody catches us?

Who's gonna catch us?

There's nobody here.

Let's get wet.

- Last one in is a rotten egg. - That's really original.

- Wait a minute. - What?

What if this is some kind of a sewage treatment plant?


Now you're gonna get it.

How is it?

Here I come.

- That's not funny. - What?

You bit me. I can't believe you actually bit me.

What do I look like? A creature from the black lagoon?

You are paranoid, kid. Listen, I'll race you to the deep end.

Barbara! There's something in here!


God damn!




David! David!

(Barbara screams)


- Rent a Jeep? - She'll be on unpaved mountain roads...

All right. Where do I sign?

We're all set. At Indian Springs you'll get a Jeep. The roads are very rough there.

No sweat.

- I can handle it. - I know.

I wouldn't send you if I didn't think you could.

Wait. Got ya.

- I found the bigamist. - Right.

- And the bad-cheque lady? - Right.

- And Mo Schneider. - Three times, but those were all in town.

You're a city kid. These kids are out in the boon...

I can find anything, Earl. I'm two-thirds bloodhound.

I told you that when you hired me.

Oh, my gosh. My ticket. I could have sworn I put it in my pocket.

Where's my ticket?

- I can manage it. - Of course you can.

- It's money in the bank. - My money.

Hello, Brandy. How are you, huh?

This hike from town is gettin' longer every week.

- You oughta get a car, Jack. - I got a car.

It's up on blocks. That's where it belongs.






You're the 7th Cavalry, Jack.

You know, I just ran dry today.

Your corn meal is down there, but I ain't gonna walk down and get it.

Man cannot live by booze alone.

In lieu of rent. What's up in town?

- Same as usual. - I bet you miss it, Jack, huh?

I bet you miss sellin' whatever it was. That plastic fruit.


Got the river.

It wakes me up in the morning.

Gives me a bath.

Does the laundry.

Gives me my dinner. Puts me to sleep real gentle.

I got my river.

I got Brandy.


What have you got up here?

I got scotch, gin, bourbon, and tequila.

- What's it to you, anyhow? - OK.

OK, buddy. I'll see you.

Come on.

Take it easy, Brandy.



(knock at door)

It's open.

Paul Grogan?

Hi. I'm Maggie McKeown. I work for a skip-tracing company.

- What's that? - We find missing people.

Did my ex-wife send you?



I'm looking for a pair of teenage kids.

Some friends said they might be backpacking up here.

I haven't seen'em. Did you talk to the sheriff's people?

- They said it was a big mountain. - They're right. It is.

I figured they may have followed the river. Are there any places to swim near here?

Well, if they'd drowned, they'd be swept down to the dam.

So you're startin' at the wrong end.

Boy, you're the wrong end all right.

Look, am I interrupting something? This is kind of important.


you cool your jets, lady.

I didn't axe-murder your young couple. I can't help you. I haven't seen'em.

Are there any other shacks up here?

Cabins. This is a cabin.

Are there any more of them? Any places where they might be holed up?

There's an old fella named Jack, has a place down the river a bit,

but he's not with them.

And there was some kind of army test site way up the mountain.

- That closed down five or six years ago. - Come on. Let's go.

- Go where? - You're taking me up there.

Oh, no, I'm not.

You think I'm wasting my time, don't you?

No. I think you're wastin' my time.

- Find anything yet? - Not yet, but it's still early in the day.



- What were they testing here? - Who knows?

I hiked up here once with my ex-wife. They had guard dogs out.

The fence was electrified. The works.

"BR." Barbara Randolph.


Man, that is cold.

Their parents said they were excellent swimmers.

Wouldn't they be floatin' up on top by now?

It takes a while for the body to bloat with gas.

Nice business you're in.

You think there's a way to pull the plug on this?

- Tropical fish? - Looks like it's for laboratory rats.

You know, where they had to get through an obstacle course to get a reward.


Still warm.

Come here. Take a look at this.


Let's get outta here. This place gives me the creeps.

Hey! What are you...

Well, they've been here all right.

And they never left.

- I say we drain the pond. - Well, now. Now, wait a minute.

You can't do that without gettin' somebody's permission, you know.

If it works it's the quickest way to know if they're down there.

What are you doing?

(alarm ringing)

Are you all right?

- He's breathing. - No thanks to you.

- What was I supposed to do? - I would have got loose in a second.

- Look at this. You put a dent in it. - Could I have a sip of that, please?

It's not water.

- What is it? - The water's salty.

Where does this drain to?

It was a fish hatchery before the army took it over.

It probably drains underground into the river.


I think it's a dog. I don't suppose they would have fit through here.

Not in one piece.

You think he's all right up there?


Oh, shit.

Oh, my God.

(engine noise fades)

I guess I must have left the keys in it. Huh?

- He's alive. - He's indestructible.


Easy. Easy, now. Easy. Easy.

- Razorteeth. - What's "razorteeth"?

- You drained the pond? - Yes...

- You let them out? - Let who out?

What's he doin'?

You don't know what you've done. Untie me.

The question is, what you've done, mister.

You don't know.

They breed like flies. There'll be no way to stop them.

Would you talk sense, dammit? What about those kids?

I can't tell you. Mother of God, they'll kill us. They'll kill all of us.

OK, mister, listen. They're gonna sweat it out of you in town.

They'll kill us.

What have we done?

Oh, my God.

- He thinks someone's going to kill him. - He's right.

I am, if he steps out of line.

- Do you have any cigarettes? - No.

I quit a year ago. It interfered with my drinking.

Do you mind if I come in for a minute?


So, did you start drinking before or after?

- Before or after what? - Your wife left you.

- What the hell kind of question is that? - Look, I'm sorry. I was just interested.


do you mind if I sit here?

Go ahead.

- How long were you married? - Huh?


ten years.

She was just 17 when we eloped in her father's car.

Man, we thought we had the world by the balls.

Where did you live?

In town. I worked in a smeltin' operation downriver.

The government closed us down. Said we killed too many fish.

They gave it to the army, and the army sold it to some resort outfit.

So you know that somebody's makin' bundles somewhere along the line.

How do you make a living now?

Back pay. Unemployment.

Gonna have to go to work come September.

Keep my daughter in saddle shoes.

- Does your daughter live with you? - Yeah.

- What's wrong? - Hm?

- You're so tense. - Hm?

I don't know. I guess I'm not used to bein' around people.

That's obvious. I've been trying to hint my way under the covers for five minutes.

(Paul) You are really somethin'.

(Paul) There's no way we're gonna get this guy down to town without your Jeep.

We have to do something. He might have fractured his skull.

We gotta get him to the dam. There's usually a ranger there.

- How do we get there? - On a raft.

- Stop kidding. How do we get there? - You'll see.

I read my daughter Huckleberry Finn last summer.

We wanted to light out for the territories so we settled on this as a compromise.

- It looks authentic. - Yeah. We cut all the logs ourselves.

Not a single nail in her. It's all lashing.

- Where's your daughter now? - Summer camp, other side of the dam.

Just how sturdy is this thing?

I think it'll hold three people.

To tell you the truth, we never tried it. My daughter's afraid of the river.

(girls singing) Boys are made of greasy grimy gopher guts

Mutilated monkey meat

Little dirty birdie feet

Sneezed-up snail snot

Bashed-in beetles' brains

All in a bottle of blood

Suzie? Suzie, honey, don't be scared.

You just have to swim out to the marker and back.

You've probably swum twice that far in a pool.

If you don't pass your solo swim you can't get your water badge.

I don't care.

What is it that you're afraid of, honey?

- Things. - You mean like sea monsters?

There's just a few little fish in here.

They eat plants at the bottom of the river.

They're not interested in little girls' fingers and toes.

- Dickinson! - Over here, Mr. Dumont.

Letter for you, Dickinson. That same boy.

Oh, thank you.

Still haven't tackled your solo swim, Grogan?

No, sir.

She's kind of afraid of things in the water.

Things? What things? Fish? People eat fish, Grogan. Fish don't eat people.

Do you wanna be the one to lose the camp competition for the Minnows?

Course you don't.

- She's doing really well on handicrafts. - Handicrafts don't take any nerve.

Any intestinal fortitude. You know what that means, Grogan?

- Yes, sir. Guts. - Right.

Is there any mail for her?

Nope. Skunked again, Grogan.




Come on, let's go. We'll play some Monopoly.

Why don't we try it in an inner tube tomorrow? Huh?

Come on.

Hey, Brandy.

Did I ever tell you about that other dog of mine called Philip?

Philip grew up in Baltimore with me.

He was a good dog.


He run across the street one day,

and he walked right in front of a trolley car.

It ran over his tail. It surprised him.

He turned around and the trolley car...

I'm tellin' you a story. The trolley car ran over his head.

It's what you call losin' your head over a little piece of tail. Pretty funny, huh?


(dog Whines)

What's the matter with you?

You didn't like the story? Want me to tell another? Maybe you didn't get it.

(dog Whines)

Are you soft in the head?

OK, my friend.

Number one: what happened to those kids?

All right, then, try number two: what were you doin' up at the army site?

- Stop that! - Oh, he speaks.


- Keep your hand out of the water. - What's wrong with the water?

Since you're talkin' this morning, buddy, how about a name?

Hoak. Dr Robert Hoak.

- What's wrong with the water? - The water is filled with carnivorous fish.


(Paul) Oh, Christ.

In here? How did they get in?

You let them in when you drained the pond at the test site.

- Paul... - Piranha are tropical fish.

This is cold mountain water. They wouldn't last in here for a minute.

What about that skeleton?

OK. What would piranha be doin' up in that pond?


- Untie me. - Hey...

What if I dipped you in the water a little bit first, Doc?

See if you're makin' the whole thing up or not. Huh?

(dog barking)


That's Jack's dog.

Is he always so ferocious?

(Paul) I don't think I ever heard him do more than roll over and beg for food.

We'd better take a look.

(dog Whines)

Easy, boy. Easy.

He must have dragged himself this far. Bled to death.

I'm sorry.

I'll get a shovel.

He wouldn't wanna be buried in town.

- Even in an inner tube, huh? - Uh-huh.

- It's almost impossible to fall in. - But they can still get you.

They, huh?

OK. If that's really the way you feel about it, I'll try and help you get out of the race.

But we've got to come up with an excuse. Do not lie.

- I got poison ivy. - So does everybody else in the camp.

Hey, maybe you could just be getting your... No, you're too young for that.


Wait a minute. I have an idea. Come with me.

Come here. Sit down here.

Let's see what we have in our magic box. Give me your knee.

OK. Get Darlene to take your place in the race. OK?

And if Dumont squawks, limp a lot.

And, uh, I'll get you a huge bandage for this.

Feels like this thing's snagged on the bottom.

- Got myself tangled in it too. - Want me to help?

No, you better stay there. You might tip the canoe.

I thought you knew all about this kind of fishing, from when you were a boy.

Listen, when I was a boy we made our own nets and made 'em right.

Jesus. It feels like something's snagged in here. Ow!

- Did you get bit? - Ouch!

- Ow! - Dad!

- Stay back! Stay back! - Dad! Dad!


- The government paid you? - Of course they paid.

Where there's germ warfare, the bomb, chemical warfare,

there's plenty of money. Special agencies.

They pay. They pay a lot better than they do in private research.

For raisin' fish.

Oh, no. It's a matter of genetics.

Radiation. Selective breeding.

They called it Operation Razorteeth.

What was it all for?

To destroy the river systems of the North Vietnamese.

Our goal was to develop a strain of this killer fish that could survive in cold water

and then breed at an accelerated rate.

We had everything. Blank cheque.

And then the war ended.

You sound disappointed.

They poisoned the water.

After all that work, they poisoned the water.

But some survived.

We developed a lot of mutants and a few of them were able to resist the poison.

They ate their own. Their own dead.

And then began to breed like some wild species.

Suddenly there were hundreds. Maybe thousands.

- Our tax dollars at work, huh? - That's science in the service of defense.

Sure. Spreadin' strains of bacteria in the subway system.

You put them in the river where they could kill people. Including civilians.

- And kids swimming in the rivers. - I never killed anybody.

If you wanna talk about killing, talk to your politicians, the military.

No, no. I'm a scientist.

- Kids in the water. - What?

The dam.

They let water through every few days to keep the level steady on the new lake.

The resort's down there. Summer camp. All those kids. Come on.

(children scream)

(boy) Hey, stop splashin'!

It was pure research. No scrounging for grant money.

No academic politics. You don't know what that means to a scientist.

You fed them. You kept them alive.

I continued the experiment.

There was so much more I could do with the species.

So much further I could take them.

You're not holding me responsible?

I think you are. You pulled the plug and you're holding me responsible. Incredible.

You're blaming me.

I think if you open your mouth again I'll stick this pole in it.

- You think they've opened the dam yet? - I don't know. We can only hope not.

(boy) Daddy.

(Paul) Let's move it.

- It's sinking, Paul. The canoe is sinking. - Yeah.


Daddy! Daddy! It's going under.

(Paul) Don't do it! Get outta there!

Come on, Maggie.

(Hoak yells)

Hold it here. Hold it.

(Maggie) Come on! Come on! Come here!

Come on! Give me your hand.

Get the doctor. OK, now the doctor.

Easy, Doc.

Here. Here you go.

What do we do? What do we do? How do we stop them?

Oh, Christ.


Campers. No swinging after lunch.

(Paul) So far we know that they can live in cold water.

(Maggie) They seem to be moving downstream.

Gotta find someone who knows how to deal with these things.

There'll be a phone at the dam. We can call on ahead.

- Hey. - What?

I don't know. It seems like the lashing's workin' loose.

Paul... there's something under us.

His blood. It's the doc's blood.

It's seepin' through. They're eatin' away at the lashing to get to it.

- Daddy! - Let go, son. No. We gotta get rid of him.

No. That's what happened to my daddy.

- (Maggie) Let go. - (boy) They're eating him.

They're eating him!

- Come here. - They got my daddy!

You OK, boy? How about you?

- I'm all right. - You gotta stay here.

I'm gonna try to get to the dam before they let 'em through with the water.

(air horn)

(air horn continues)

(TV) Acres and acres of reclaimed land nestled in a scenic mountain valley,

site of the newly formed Lost River Lake.

Swimming, sailing, snorkeling, skin diving, shuffleboard,

and Buck Gardner's Aquarena Amusement Arcade.

So pack up your RVs, your station Wagons, your trailers and cars,

and hustle on up to Lost River Campsite for a free introductory Weekend.

Don't open it! Whatever you do, don't open it.

(man) All right, men, off your butts. Fall in. Move it!

Forgive our skepticism, but we don't come across stories like yours every day.

Piranha are warm-water fish. This is hardly the Amazon.

But I told you, these are mutations. They've already killed five people.

- Science fiction. - You ready with that bait, soldier?

- Yes, sir. - Let her go, son.

Actually, a piranha was caught once in a pond in Miami, in '72, I believe.

But the Fish and Game Commission poisoned the water, and that was that.

- That was that, huh? - The rumors persisted, you know, but...

Pull it in, son.

Sergeant, tell the major to start the pumps.

We should be able to contain them in this area.

Piranha travel in schools, and we've brought heavy doses of rotenone 235.

- Came well-prepared, didn't you? - Won't it ruin the river?

Sometimes you need to destroy in order to save.

What if they realize they're bein' slaughtered and leave?

We're talking about fish, Mr. Grogan.

- They don't realize much of anything. - Who are you trying to kid?

You must've known all along they were here.

OK. You and Miss McKeown are the only two civilians who know about this project.

What the colonel means is that he'd like you to join us. Become one of our team.

It figures.


Look, you're a full colonel, right? I assume you can read a map. Here.

We are here at the dam, OK?

Over here you'll see there's a stream that feeds into it.

Follow the stream back for an eighth of a mile and you see there's a fork.

Take this branch, follow it downstream,

and you'll see it empties into the river on the other side of the dam.

In other words, the piranha have a way to get around the obstacle.

Even if there's a chance he's right, don't you think you should do something?

No. If a bypass exists, piranha haven't the intelligence or the motivation to find it.

But you know Hoak was breeding them for endurance and intelligence and...

- Well, Bob was a dreamer. He, er... - Bob?

Dr Hoak?

You knew him?

Fish genetics is a very small field.

You were friends?

Let's say we were a great deal more than that.

You're covering up.

Is it Waxman? Are you afraid of what the army might do to you if you...

No, I'm not afraid. I'm a scientist. I'm head of my department.

It's just that there are priorities, and...

some things are more important than a few lives.

That's not how Dr Hoak felt. Not at the end.

As I said, he was a dreamer.

- (Waxman) The situation is under control. - (Paul) Hold on. What is this?

Why won't you listen to me?

Would you excuse us for a moment, please?

As far as you're concerned, this project does not exist.

The piranha do not exist.

- And if I make a squawk? - Paul...

The interests of national security permit extreme measures.

Oh, come on! The war's over, dammit!

There'll be other wars, Mr. Grogan.

I think for your own protection we'd better secure your tent for the night.

- Look who's here. - What's goin' on?


Psst! Is he still out there?


- Then you'll have to distract him. - Why?

- So I can get away. - So you can get away? What about me?

- Suit yourself. But first you distract him. - How?

How would I know? Just get him with his back to the opening. Come on to him.

What if he's gay?

Then I'll distract him. Let's go.



Nice night, huh?

- Listen, are you gay? - What?


Well, I was just reading this article in this magazine, and...

- What did you ask me before? - Look! Up in the sky!

It's Superman!

Oh, shit!

- What's wrong? - Have you got a dime?



What? What piranhas? What are you talking about?


Are you crazy? Who is this?

Oh, Grogan. Yeah, I remember you. You're not crazy, you're drunk.

No, I don't wanna talk to her. I'm sure she's as drunk as you are.

You wake me up again, I'll have the cops on you.

What? No, you can't talk to your daughter.

Sober up, Grogan, and fly right!


- Asshole! - He didn't believe you.

- He thinks I'm drunk. - Can you get through to your daughter?

No way. We gotta get down there.


Paul, behind us.

I know. No way we can outrun him in this thing.

Maybe we can talk to him. Maybe he'll believe us.

Piranha, huh? And where did they come from?

From an army test site up on the mountain.

That's posted. There's no trespassing.

Two people were killed up there, and more along the river.

You've gotta believe us.

Now wait. Say, aren't you Grogan?

- Yeah, that's right. - Uh-huh. I remember.

We had you in on a drunk and disorderly last month.

I am not drunk! You give me a breath test, whatever you want, only listen to me!

I think I'm gonna take you up on that, buddy. Back to the station.

And you can explain why you're in an army staff car.

And don't you get any notion, man, cos I got my gun in my other hand here.


Okey-dokey. Let's go.

Yes. We've got a situation up here.

A very delicate situation. And you can help us control it by holding them for us.

Yes, Colonel. Yes, yes. I understand. We'll do it.

Make sure they don't communicate with the outside.

We're tryin' to avoid unnecessary panic.


Their best interests, I agree.

Well, you're welcome, Colonel. Uh...

See you in the mornin'.

Well, you best make yourself comfortable, folks. You'll be spending the night.

- What about a phone call? - I don't wanna hear it.

I don't wanna hear it.

I gotta get back on that road now.

So you folks, you just behave yourselves.

No, wait a minute. You can't just leave!

My daughter's down there!

There are kids down there, and the piranhas are in the river!


The witch and the demons of the forest scoured every corner of the church,

venom dripping from their fangs.

"Where is he?" hissed the witch.

The demons peeled their heavy eyelids back.

There he is!

(Waxman) There's absolutely no cause for alarm. It's a complete hoax, believe me.


I just wanted to warn you in case they were able to get a call through.

Groundless panic wouldn't help our grand opening any.

Uh-huh. I really appreciate the warning. I'll brief my staff. We'll take care of it.

Yeah. Don't worry.

Uh-huh. By the way, are you comin' down tomorrow?

Ah, good. Your presence will lend a certain prestige to the opening.



No. No, Colonel. Nobody knows about your investment.

With me, a silent partner's privacy is sacred.

I swear to you on my honor as a Texan, nobody knows.

Yes, Colonel.

Good night. Good night.


Come on, you guys! Will you haul ass? This stuff's gotta be set by ten o'clock.

What are you doing back there?

Hide, that's all they do. Drink beer and hide.

- Hi. - Hi.

I always like it at night.

Yeah, me too.

It's like it's resting.

- Hey, wanna race me across? - To the island?

Yeah. Ever since I got here, I haven't been able to just swim by myself.

I've always had half a dozen campers hangin' on to me.

I don't know. I don't feel like swimming. But go ahead, I'll watch you.

- What's the matter? - I don't know.

Something... Something's wrong.

Come on, come with me. It'll do you some good.

- You're probably right. - Good. OK.

Grogan, turn off that flashlight!

Don't be alarmed - it's only me.

There's a rumor some campers are coming for a midnight swim.

If I catch them swimming, they'll be in pretty hot water, I can tell you.

- What are you doing out here? - Oh, well, we...

I thought I heard some campers swimming. We came down to look.

- Swimming? Where? - Over by the waterfall.

The waterfall? Is that where they're doing it?

- (splash) - What was that?

It sounded like campers on the other side of the lake.

The other side of the lake?

Thank you. Kim Burrell, is that you?

Well, there's always tomorrow for that swim.

Yeah. Let's do it tomorrow.

(banging on pipe)

- What are you doin'? - Did I tell you about Mo Schneider?

- Who's that? - This guy they sent me to find one time.

He was a plumber. He kept running off and getting busted for indecent exposure.

What are you doin' there?

Mo was in the poky so many times that he developed a regular escape routine.

Being a plumber, he used what he knew best.


What the hell was that?

What are you doing? Are you all right?

Christ, listen.

This, uh, this plan, whatever it is, did it ever work?

No. But he came pretty close a couple of times.

Pretty damn close.

What's all that racket? Sounds like the roof fell in. What's all this water from?

Something's leaking, and I'll catch pneumonia if it doesn't stop.

- What's the matter with that sink trap? - I've tried,

but I'm just not strong enough to put the pipes back together.

All right. Stand back, I'll take a look at it.

What the hell did you do to this thing? Tryin' to crawl through the drainpipe?

- What's happenin'? - He's knocked out, but he's alive.

Get his keys. Can you get his keys?

- They're chained to his pants! - Well, take his pants off, then.

Come on. I'd have thought you could get a man's pants off quicker than that.

Got 'em! I got 'em!

Come on. Let's go.

- What did you hit him with? - A piece of the toilet lid.

- Maybe I should have tried bribery first. - Thank you, Mo Schneider.

Don't suppose one of those keys would fit a patrol car?

I wouldn't be surprised.


Howdy, folks. I'm Buck Gardner.

Thank you.


Thank you. I appreciate that.

On behalf of Buck Gardner's Aquarena Development Corporation,

it gives me great pleasure to invite you here to our opening-day festivities.

If you have any questions about purchasing land up here,

our people will be mingling in the crowd to answer your questions.

You got no obligation to buy anything, only to enjoy yourselves. Annie?

Right there.

Right there.

Try again.

Nice try, kid.

That's it!

Don't forget, free barbecue this afternoon at one o'clock.

Enjoy yourselves.

We got 'em.

No comics! No comics. No discipline.


Water competition. Muster up. Water competition.

Put the arrows away. Put the bows in the tep...

That isn't funny.


Minnows, over here!

Come on, kids.

Come on, you guys.

Guppies! Come on, let's go! Come on, line up. That's right. Come on.

Standing in line. Straight line.

Straighten up. OK. We're gonna have a tube race. Who's gonna win?

- Minnows! - (all) We are!

We are!

All right. OK, you guys.

You cannot swim with your glasses on.

Let's turn this way now. Buddy system. Arms up.

There we go. Stand up straight. Come on.

- Stand up straight. - Come on, be proud you're a Guppy.

That's good. That's good. Hold your stomach in.

(Dumont) Morning, campers. Fall in back here and buddy up.

Mr. Dumont, we're ready for you, sir.


Arms down!

All right now. This is where we separate the tortoises from the hares,

the wheat from the chaff, and the sinkers from the swimmers.

Salt water.

- What? - I just remembered. It was salt water.

- What was? - In the pond at the test site.

- I thought it was strange, then I forgot. - So?

Piranha are freshwater fish. Hoak must have developed a strain

that can live both in fresh and salt. Like salmon.

- That's why they headed downstream. - And if they get to the ocean?

There'll be no way to contain 'em. They'll be able to swim up every river system.


What are you doing? You should be in that race.

- But Betsy told me... - I don't want to hear any excuses.

- Get a tube and get out there. - But I hurt my knee.

On the double, camper!


Listen up, you kids!

We're gonna start the tube race in a minute.

Kathryn! McCarthy! MacBride!

All you campers, come in here. You're too far out.

Goddamn Sunday driver.




(Dumont) Come on! This is a race, people!

Jacobson, put a little muscle in it! Parkinson, a little effort!

Kids, let's get a little leg action!


What's the matter?

What is that?


- Suzie! Suzie, no. Go back! Go back! - Get on the boat.





There's a phone in there. Call the resort and warn 'em. I'll get the kids out.

Operator, get me the number of the Aquarena Springs Resort.

Look in the phone book.

Enjoy yourself. Enjoy yourself. Everything's free today. Enjoy yourself.

Keep 'em moving, Terry.

Wrong away, kid. This is the exit.

- Hey, baby. - Mr. Gardner? Mr. Gardner?

- What is it? - Real important.

- Buck Gardner. - Now listen to me.

This is not a crank call. I am completely serious.


Easy. Easy.

I got you. I got you.

All right.

Please. Please, you've gotta believe me.

- Thank you. - Listen to me! Please, before it's...

Thank you. Piranha.

- They're sending an ambulance. - We gotta drive to the resort ourselves.

- Can you handle this? - Uh, yeah. I think so.

Honey, I'll be back for you real soon, I promise.

So you be brave, huh? Help out here?

That's my girl.

It's OK, Suzie.

He'll be back.

We got plenty of targets. Yes, sir. Right over there.

By the way, sir, they've noticed.

One woman recognized the submarine ride from Florida.

Of course she did. I picked it up second-hand.

Skyway's from Redondo Beach. Boathouse is army surplus.

Dancing chickens? From a carnival in Idaho.

Ralph the Swimming Swine? From Atlantic City.

They're saying, for a new resort, nothing's looking very new.

What do they know? Ralph the Swimming Swine's practically a national monument.

He's been swimming for more years than I can remember.

The other stuff they just don't make. That submarine ride is a piece of Americana.

Yes, sir.

- Maybe they never heard of recycling. - I don't know.

Smile, we're goin' public. Hello, Senator. How are you?


If they get to the media, we're both screwed.

Colonel Waxman. Dr Mengers. What a pleasant surprise.

They busted jail.

- They already called. - Is your staff ready?

- They're all set. - Call your local newspaper.

Warn 'em they might get some crank calls.

- Wouldn't it be better... - You got your orders. Hop to it.

Cool it with the military crap. I'll take care of it.

Whitney? Let's hop to it.

- General Waxman, it's been so long. - It's Colonel, ma'am.

Colonel, still? Oh, I can't imagine why.

Politics, ma'am. Politics.

Stupid cow.

- Ready? - (Water-skier) OK.

Hey, he really does ski great.

- He's such a show-off. - He thinks he's such hot shit.

- Maybe we're not going fast enough. - I can fix that.

Hold it! There's something back here!

Take it in! Now!

- I think something's wrong. - Yeah, we haven't dumped him yet.


Take me in! There's something in here! Come on! Get me outta here!

Slow down. Stop!

Faster! Don't stop!

- Wait. He says... - No!

Speed up. Speed up!




Argh! Argh! Argh!



No, Bob. It's completely false.

There's not a word of truth to it, believe me.

- Sir? - I'm on the phone!

(Whispers) Piranhas.

- Don't even say that word! - But the piranhas...

- What about the piranhas? - They're eating the guests, sir.


Bob, I'm gonna have to get back to you on this. We've got a... a situation down here.


(everybody screaming)

Come on. Get off! You'll tip us over.

Get off!

Dammit, get off!

Where are we going?

The lake narrows where the outlet for the refinery was.

They'll be bunched tight when they come through there.

What then?

If it isn't tapped off, there might be enough waste left in the smelting tanks.

- It'll kill the fish? - It'll kill anything.

We'll pollute the bastards to death.

Oh, Lord. No.

- What's wrong? - It's all flooded.

The control booth is underwater.

- What can we do? - Well, we gotta do somethin'.

- Where's that towline? - It's in the back.

So I want you to start counting slowly up to 100.

Then, whether I'm up to the surface or not, hit that throttle and get outta here.

If I'm not up by then, I'm in trouble, cos that's as long as I can hold my breath.

So, let's count it down together.

- OK? - Yeah.

- One. - One.


- Three. - Three.

- Four. - Four.














Lost River Lake. Terror, horror, death. Film at 11.

- (man) Medic! - (Woman) Help!

What the hell are you filming? What the hell are you filming?!

Try and take some.

Where do we go from here, Dr Mengers?

I'm personally going to head a full-scale investigation into this incident,

to discover who was responsible, and to ensure this could never happen again.

As an expert in tropical species, what danger is there

in the possibility of the piranha reaching the ocean?

Oh, none. Most of them will have been destroyed by pollution at the lake.

If any did get through, there's no way they could survive the salt water.

just resync for BluRay biau.sby

For more infomation >> Piranha (1978) - Duration: 1:34:02.


ចម្រៀងបុណ្យកឋិន បុណ្យអុំទូក ពិរោះៗ - Kontrem Romvong Festival Song - Duration: 52:47.

Kontrem Romvong Festival Song

For more infomation >> ចម្រៀងបុណ្យកឋិន បុណ្យអុំទូក ពិរោះៗ - Kontrem Romvong Festival Song - Duration: 52:47.


Jay King Turquoise and Black Agate 18" Sterling Silver N... - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Jay King Turquoise and Black Agate 18" Sterling Silver N... - Duration: 4:46.


For more infomation >> Jay King Turquoise and Black Agate 18" Sterling Silver N... - Duration: 4:46.


郑爽消息、陈晓照片、罗云熙、唐嫣结婚、景甜春夏新戏 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 郑爽消息、陈晓照片、罗云熙、唐嫣结婚、景甜春夏新戏 - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> 郑爽消息、陈晓照片、罗云熙、唐嫣结婚、景甜春夏新戏 - Duration: 2:46.


Smokey Eye | Copying Allana Davison Makeup - Duration: 22:25.

hello hello hello my name is Chantsy and welcome to my channel in this video

I am doing a makeup look that is inspired by Allana Davison she is my

favorite youtuber I never miss any of her videos I love the products that she

recommends I love that she's Canadian and she's moving a little bit closer to

Ottawa she's moving to Toronto so maybe I'll run into her at some point in this

makeup tutorial you'll see that a lot of the products that I'm using are actually

recommended by Allana and their products that I now enjoy and I want to share

with you guys but I love her spirit she's funny she has got great taste

great style and I just like I said I love her recommendations I find we have

some similar features out other than her like beautiful luscious lips wish I had

those when it comes to the eye makeup and I'll talk about it in the video

you'll see I talked about how it's nice to follow someone that has similar

features because the products that they use and recommend are are good for you

as well because you have the same features ok duh rambling I'm rambling so

before you guys watch the rest of the tutorial to see how I got this look I

just want to mention that this eyeshadow is by wet and wild I picked these up

after watching Allana's video and I just can't believe how affordable these

palettes are it's like six bucks each the pigments are amazing they're so

blendable and the color lasts all day like it's like why aren't we just buying

this it's insane so anyways if you guys want

to see how I got this look keep on watching let's get started I am feeling

very rusty by the way I haven't filmed a makeup video since the summertime so I

hope you guys are enjoying this I'm gonna start with the Jouviance primer

this is a new primer that just came on the market it's called skin perfecting

blur cream and it's very nice especially for the winter time because it's getting

it's a little bit thicker and it has a tiny little bit of radiance to it so

I'll just put that all over the face

for a foundation I'm going to use my favorite favorite foundation this is the

healthy mix by bourjois you'll see it in all my videos and I'm trying to use

up all my products before I get more and to be honest lately I have been just

enjoying my really I have like nice skin these days I'm just enjoying it using a

lot of vitamin C products to get rid of all the pigmentation from the summer the

coverage on this foundation is really nice considering that it's like a

drugstore product I can't believe how good quality I like I can't stop talking

about this foundation you can tell that the dry weather is upon us because like

my nose is all cracked all around and it's like bleeding so gross so

disgusting but actually sometimes what I find I put

some almond oil around my nose like around my nostril and even inside

sometimes and it makes it feel so good and just like moisturizes the inside of

my nose I can't be the only one that has these issues I'm just gonna pull this

down my neck a little bit too this isn't really part of my look but my lips are

so dry so I'm just using this sugar dream from fresh mmm boom that's kind of

pretty sugar advanced therapy next I'm going in

with a little bit of NARS concealer I'm just gonna dab a little bit where my

dark circles start I also have like a lot of veins here that are showing so I

like to cover those up

next I'm going to warm up my face with a little bit of bronzer this one is Laura

Mercier soleil I'm gonna use my favorite bronzing brush for this so just tap

I don't usually contour but the way I apply my bronzer is sort of like a

contouring bronzing duo so I'm just gonna go around my hairline as close as

you can get will look natural of course

what I really like about this color is that it's not very warm it has more of a

cooler tone to it a little bit more of a brown than like a red so I find it more

appropriate as the weather is getting colder out there for eyeshadow and blush

today I'm using wet-and-wild products which I discovered from Allana

Davison we all love her she has such a great style and I love the her makeup

style as well and how she applies it and all the products that she's using so I'm

kind of inspired by her today so I picked up this blush okay they don't

have a color on it it's just called wet and wild color icon blush but it's like

a peachy tone and I'm just gonna warm up the top cheeks

so what's surprisingly shocking is that wet and wild products are highly

pigmented and it's couple dollars for this it's crazy

they also blend very well too so for today's look I wanted to use a couple

new products that I received and some new discoveries and then also just like

the classics that I've been using for the last couple months all right let's

get started with the eye shadow I'm gonna put a little bit more primer just

because I'm going heavy with the eye shadow and I want it to really last

while the primer is drying on my lid I'm just gonna fill in my eyebrows a little

bit I'm using this new pencil by Eva Garden so I went to a beauty event a

couple weeks ago and this was in the little gift with purchase bag so I used

it a couple times and I liked the color match because it has a little bit of a

grayness to it which I like because I find sometimes that the pencils can be a

little bit like orange and that's not really a good match for my color

I haven't filled my eyebrows in for a long time I was usually just using the

clear gel but it's nice to bring it back

and then what I'll do is take the clear gel this is the benefit gel and then

just go over it so you can still see the hair strokes

there you go all right so I have two pallets here they're both equally lovely

they're about six dollars each and I love them both so I don't know maybe

I'll I'll start with this one and we'll see where it takes us

so this is called not a basic peach and this one is rosy in here there are two

more pallets to choose one but I love the colors in here trying to get into a

little bit more color for shadows some other new products that I'll be using

are my new brushes from morphe I bought the like crazy morphe brush set and I'm

just going through them like slowly there are so many in here I don't think

I'll use all of them let me just show it to you there's like a billion brushes

and I'm just making my way through them slowly I love how there's a lot of like

blender brushes which is what I was like using more and more of I'll be using

some more few brushes today so what I like about this palette is that it comes

with two really big transition colors they both have it actually and if it's

the color that we use the most so I really appreciated that and I like that

there's like a light one in like a rich color here depending on your look

okay that's a good base next I'm gonna go in with this really orange color same

brush and then I'm going to go back and forth and this is another transition


I have no plan right now so I'm just like playing but actually what I'm gonna

do I decided I'm gonna do something really smoky with the Browns because the

brown color is probably the most impressive the pigment is so good on it

and it also lasts like all day now what I'll do is dart start darkening the

gradient so I'm going to use this transition color here and come down a

bit lower


and don't worry if it looks a little bit messy because we're going to blend it

all in with a fluffier brush

so you don't need to have both pallets for this look but I'm gonna go in I'm

gonna start getting a little bit darker as we go so I'm gonna use this brown

it's like a brown Burgundy I'll keep it on the outside of the eye I did a look

with this pink color oh my god it was beautiful absolutely gorgeous

okay we're getting there and now I'm going back to that same pallet that I

started with I'm going to deposit some of this really dark brown like it's like

a nice chocolate brown all over the lid here but I'm keeping it on the outside

again I want to keep the center a little bit lighter

and I'm going to bring it up a tad in the corner here but do you see the

pigment on this it's insane it's like six dollars for this thing that's crazy

I really like the direction that Allanna is taking these days like trying to

feature in expensive makeup and trying to give everybody a chance you know but

if you have these like drugstore gems everyone's got to know about them I'm

going to go back into this the other palette and use that Brown red tone here

like a terra cotta

and for this I'm using my NYX brush which I've featured in another video

ooh yeah it really finishes the look with the under-eye

so before I applied the mascara I want to do a couple finishing touches to the

look you could just apply your mascara now or you can keep going so what I want

to do is add a little bit of shine and shimmer in the right places so I'm

taking a highlighter palette and then go in with a lighter pink color here I'll

do that in the inner eye corner a little dab again it just really opens up the

eye you can also bring some under the brow bone here's another Allana's trick

Thank You Allana this is called scattered light and it's in the color foil and

it's by hourglass it's like this luxurious mousse so you just take a

little bit with your finger and it's a glitter and then I like to dab just a

little bit in the center of the lid for like a little reflection or you can just

dab it all over your lid as well

another product you can use to enhance your look are these eyeshadow pencils or

markers I like to call them this one is again by Eva garden and it was from that

Beauty event I went to this one is nice because it's in a triangular shape so

you can use the fine tip as more like a fine line or you can use like the flat

end and use it just like an eyeshadow so what I like to get do with this one it's

more of like a dark bronze is dark in the corners of my eyeshadow it just

somehow intensifies the effect the look and it also makes it last all day and

then I can take this and just run it under my eye as well

these crayons are also really good like on their own I have one that's like a

more of a champagne color too but I don't know can you tell how it like

intensifies it so last thing to finish the look is my new favorite mascara

thanks little Anna this is the NARS climax mascara and it is wonderful

I think the trick with following youtubers and and influencers is really

to find people that look like you but have similar traits similar

characteristics like for example Allana and I have like larger eyes we have long

lashes we're looking for the same thing in a mascara because any time she

suggests something like I find it works for me too

she also has dry skin which is helpful because sometimes people want to use

your recommendations but then if they don't have the same like problems as you

it's really hard to recommend those same products right like I always make sure

to tell people like I have dry skin this works for dry skin it's probably not

going to work for you if you have oily skin or when people that have like

specific skin issues will contact me and be like what do you recommend for this

and I always tell them I'm not a formally trained aesthetician I don't

have that kind of experience only like my own personal experience alright so in

case there's a little bit of fallout I always save my highlighter for the end

so it was a little bit that I had to clean up but I'll just go back with my

bronzer brush here and a new trick that I started doing is using a finer brush

for my highlighter and doing it more in a like controlled manner so I'm gonna go

with the lighter color and do this the top of the cheek here just the top of

the cheek whoa nice and then I found this trick on Nicki's tutorial it was

like the Rihanna's makeup artist from fenty she does this thing where she goes

OOP and I was like is I want to do that now ah nope we're good we

dude I thought my mascara smushed on top of my legs but we argued and I forgot my

nosey nose so another thing that I learned was that you just go digging

right on the tippy tip and then a little line here okay not the whole ice to do

the whole thing in the forehead no no no just a little bit and then like a little

tippy tip to shine hey for now I will just toss on some lipstick for lips

today let's choose something from my new pixie gift box I was gonna do eenie

meenie miney moe but I feel like I want to use this color right here because

it's gonna match but check out this bad boy and I get to mix my own shade and

send it to pixie which I'm so excited about more on that later

so this lippy is called teeny pink I love these like mouth tones

the formula is really runny I love it it has great pigment and it's thin you

don't need a lot

and here's the finished look this is my makeup look that is inspired by Elana

Davison I love watching her makeup videos and I hope you guys enjoy

watching mine and maybe you guys can discover her channel at the same time so

what do you guys think of this beautiful smokey eye look for fall I'm totally

into it I love that it's still kind of bronzed and it's like a nice transition

from like summer days to fall days and then for me like I love a nice bright

lip and this is just like totally my look let me know would you guys do this

what part of this little tutorial did you enjoy the most are there any new

products that you're willing to try what about the wet and wild makeup if you do

decide to try something or if you have any questions make sure you write those

in the comments down below don't forget to like this video

subscribe to my channel over here and you can watch more videos down here

thanks guys we'll see you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> Smokey Eye | Copying Allana Davison Makeup - Duration: 22:25.


For more infomation >> Smokey Eye | Copying Allana Davison Makeup - Duration: 22:25.


Gainful - Personalized Protein

For more infomation >> Gainful - Personalized Protein


Convention center could have $10.6M impact on Muskegon - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Convention center could have $10.6M impact on Muskegon - Duration: 2:46.


LC-M sweeps Silsbee for 3rd palce in 22-4A - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> LC-M sweeps Silsbee for 3rd palce in 22-4A - Duration: 1:27.


5 Cars You'll Regret Owning Immediately After Purchase - Duration: 8:37.

I'm sure I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this video.

Which it's okay by me.

I'll be showing you 5 used cars you really shouldn't buy.

This should be good.

Btw if you're new here my welcome to the channel My name is Cristian, if you enjoy the video

make sure to subscribe for weekly automotive content.

Now let's begin

First car is the Mazda RX-8.

If you ever looked into buying this car you might of noticed that they sell for very cheap,

even the ones with relatively low miles.


Don't get baited.

The RX-8 is a perfect example of cheap to buy but expensive to drive.

Starting with it's main issue, the 1.4L rotary engine which struggles to last a long


In fact there are reports of certain Mazda RX-8s having their engine replaced as early

30K miles.

The engine of the RX-8 failed so often that Mazda extended the powertrain warranty to

8 years 100K miles and on top of that a facility was built in here in the US specifically to

handle the large amount of engine rebuilds.

Another issue you might experience if you buy an RX-8 is how easy you can flood the

engine with fuel.

For example if you were to cold start a RX-8 and immediately turn it off without letting

the engine warm up, you'll most likely flood the engine which will result in having to

tow it to the nearest mechanic shop that can de-flood it.

And that is not a cheap service.

Some other notable concerns with owning a RX-8 is excessive oil consumption, a weak

starter, below average fuel efficiency and a faulty catalytic converter.

A cheap Mazda RX-8 doesn't really sound that cheap anymore does it?

While yes, running costs can be expensive I will say the following.

Those that do own a RX-8 enjoy the hell out of them.

A friend of mine is on his 3rd engine and by the looks of it he'd be perfectly ok

with a 4th engine.

I've driven one myself and pushing it to it's 9500 RPM redline definitely gave me

a rush.

If you want to get one well make sure you have rotary specialist inspect it and make

sure to get a compression test.

If you can try to avoid the 2004 model as those have the most issues.

My question is would you own one?

Second car is the Range Rover.

My guess is that nine out of ten of you knew this car would make it on the list.

Honestly it's impossible to not include it, especially when it comes to the third

generation model.

There are tons and tons of horror stories online from Range Rover owners, especially

those that are no longer under warranty.

One of the biggest issues is the Range Rover's air suspension.

Which is a bit of a sweet sour feature.

If you've ever been a Range Rover equipped with the air suspension you'd know what

I mean when I say it's one of the smoothest and most comfortable riding experiences ever.

That's the sweet part now on the the sour part.

The air suspension is known for having a high rate of failure leaving the Range Rover awkwardly

sagging to one side.

It's so bad that many owners choose to replace the air suspension with with traditional coil


Transmission issues have also been widely reported along with common engine leaks.

Land Rover in generally always towards the bottom of the list when it comes to reliability,

with 2014 Range Rover having an average of 179 problems per 100 vehicles according to

consumer reports.

And since Range Rover is a rather high end luxury suv with complex electronics repairs

aren't necessarily cheap.

There is a reason Range Rovers are typically purchased or leased new under warranty and

then owners get rid of them once out of warranty.

And honestly that's the best way to own a Range Rover, when it's under warranty.

Just ask Doug Demuro, He has a well documented journey of his ownership experience with a

Range Rover that was purchased from Carmax with a bumper to bumper warranty.

I'll link his video down below where he gets into detail about his Rover's repair


Regardless, people will still continue to purchase Range Rovers because they look good,

drive well, and there is an element of prestige to them

Third car is the Fiat 500, this car was chosen by my instagram followers, and if you're

not following me yet, well then go give me a follow me, My goal is to get to 1,000 followers

by the end of the month.

Back to the Fiat 500.

I'm almost positive I'll receive some heat from viewers from both the United Kingdom

and Europe as this car is much more common in their countries, and they seem to cherish

them to.

Here in the US new or used they just don't sell well.

It doesn't even matter what model year you choose to purchase, the Fiat-chrysler cars

has been consistently unreliable most notably the 500L model.

Most common reliability issues being a faulty suspension and the electronics used in the

500 especially when it comes to the infotainment display.

Many reports saying the screen experiences glitching sometimes becomes unresponsive.

But what I think has a bigger impact on sales is not really it's reliability but the driving


I've seen countless complains about it's ride, noisy cabin, non-telescoping steering

wheel, tiny rear seats, and it's poorly engineered convertible top.

It acts like a giant sunroof, and when the top is pulled back rear visibility becomes

an issue.

Performance on the Fiat 500 can also be a concern, The automatic transmission never

seems to get the gear shifting properly according some user reviews.

Several Auto journalist have pointed it out that the Fiat 500 would work well for urban

environments where a 0-60mph of 9.8 seconds doesn't really matter and where having a

small car can help you squeeze into small places such as parking.

If you're looking to travel quickly or to far places with full sized adults in that

back then this car wouldn't be the best choice.

You're able to find Fiat 500s pretty cheap in the used market as they tend to depreciate

by as much as 40% in the first 2 years.

Most people will fall for the 500s pretty face, unique retro look, and pretty colors

but just know many that have bought one have said they regretted it.

4th car is the Ferrari 355.

It was introduced as an entry level Ferrari in 1994 for the 1995 model year, it's arguably

one of the most beautiful Ferrari car built in the modern era.

As beautiful as it might look and sound thanks to its 375HP V8 engine, just know the 355

is known for being a nightmare to own, operate and maintain.

For one the exhaust manifold tend to fail routinely, they start to warp or crack.

Some expert mechanics say they have a 100% failure rate.

Meaning you will have to replace them eventually which could run you around 4-5K.

Another concern are the bronze valve guides which tend to fail no matter at what RPM range

you tend to drive in.

And since weak valve guides can cause bigger and more expensive issues down the road owners

typically tend to change them before they go bad which can cost around 9K to replace.


Also keep in mind that the F355 requires a routine engine out service every 3 years.

Yes you heard that correctly ENGINE OUT.

I'm sure you're wondering why the engine needs to come out.

Well because of the timing belts which cannot be accessed without the engine being pulled


The engine out service will run it's owner around 10K assuming nothing else wrong with

the car at the time of the service.

I came across a video by JR that shows the engine out service totaling nearly 38K in

their first 1K miles of ownership.

In their video they breakdown all the costs so if you guys want to check it out I'll

link it below in the description.

And of course most recently I'm sure you've all heard of Hoovie's F355 that suddenly

went into flames when Parker from Vehicle Virgins was driving it.

And it's not the first F355 to burst into flames, just recently in the UK a parked F355

shot up in flames for no apparent reason.

5th and last car you'll regret buying is the Chrysler 200.

What a surprise another Fiat-Chrysler car on the list.

The Chrysler 200 was suppose to be Fiat-Chrysler's first big success with the brand.

It actually sold pretty well at first but as time went by it was apparent that the model

was plagued with issues in particular the 2015 model receiving the most complains.

Most complains revolving around both the electronics and the transmission.

Apparently the Chrysler 200 comes equipped with a horrible nine speed transmission.

Most issues documented talked about the transmission slipping frequently while driving.

While driving the transmission would slip from drive or reverse into neutral causing

frustration when commuting.

This issue typically ended up in either having to get the transmission rebuilt or replaced

at it's early stages.

I'll tell you this I did drive one before and while I didn't experience the transmission

slipping I did in fact notice that the transmission rarely knew which gear to be in.

Soemtimes I'd be stuck in high revs while just cruising and other times it'd take

forever for the transmission to downshift when I floored it.

Me and other reports also line up when it comes to the 200 having an uncomfortable ride,

excessive road noise and a small rear seat entryway due to the slope of the car's roof.

But don't take my word,The Chrysler 200 made Consumer report's list of worst cars

in 2015.

Before you leave if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like and you haven't already

make sure to subscribe that way you don't miss my next upload.

And if you think I got this list wrong or if I should of included another on this list

make sure and comment below.

Looking forward to reading each and everyone of your comments.

As always Thanks for watching guys, till next time

For more infomation >> 5 Cars You'll Regret Owning Immediately After Purchase - Duration: 8:37.


Painting a tea set colouring and drawing Learn Colors | BCL Art ❤️ - Duration: 10:55.

hey guys today we're going to draw and paint a tea set. Do you like tea?

Let's draw a cup, and a plate. Let's add a heart design. Let's draw our teapot.

let's make the lines extra thick so we can paint inside of them

now let's add sugar cubes

a spoon

and a table cloth

the tea is hot and there's steam coming out of the cup

let's paint

let's paint the tablecloth green

let's color the tea set yellow with orange details

which color would you make the tea set? would you pick yellow?

let me know in the comments

what kind of design would you have on your tea cup?

let me know in the comments!

let's add BLUE

the Tea Party is outside. let's paint a beautiful BLUE sky

let's add RED for the hearts. The tea is also red.

Can you guess which type of tea it is?

the tablecloth is red and green

they are Christmas colors, it must be getting close to Christmas.

if you like Christmas give this video a thumbs up. and if you enjoyed this video please

also give it a thumbs up. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel

okay now that we're finished painting the tea set, let's paint a house.

check out my next video right now

thanks for watching my video please subscribe and give this video a thumbs up

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Painting a tea set colouring and drawing Learn Colors | BCL Art ❤️ - Duration: 10:55.


Obama wants you to subscribe! - Duration: 0:59.

Hi, Barack Obama here.

I'm here with a PSA for you all. I want you all

to know that if you do not have CPTBase

downloaded and installed,

I am going to come to your house,

smash your computer, and make you eat

every last piece. And if you have

VJ Base, well you're a fucking loser

Also, while you are at it. Subscribe

to Cpt. Hazama's channel.

There is a lot of cool shit here.

Modding videos, weeb, I mean anime stuff.

It's all you need in life. And if

you think other wise... I will make sure

Donald Trump adopts you and

feeds you with his titties

Now, enjoy the rest of your day.

Remember, I am always watching you.

Don't think about looking in your closet

for me because I am actually

under your bed with your mother.

For more infomation >> Obama wants you to subscribe! - Duration: 0:59.






For more infomation >> FILM KOREA TERBAPER PASTI NANGIS KUALITAS BLUERAY 2018 SUB INDO - Duration: 2:00:49.


ABC Reporter Ditches Professionalism, Fawns over 'Rock Star' Beto - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> ABC Reporter Ditches Professionalism, Fawns over 'Rock Star' Beto - Duration: 4:34.


ចម្រៀងបុណ្យកឋិន បុណ្យអុំទូក ពិរោះៗ - Kontrem Romvong Festival Song - Duration: 52:47.

Kontrem Romvong Festival Song

For more infomation >> ចម្រៀងបុណ្យកឋិន បុណ្យអុំទូក ពិរោះៗ - Kontrem Romvong Festival Song - Duration: 52:47.


DraftKings NBA Picks: 76ers Targets if Ben Simmons Out October 23 | - Duration: 6:39.

DraftKings NBA Picks: 76ers Targets if Ben Simmons Out October 23 |

The Philadelphia 76ers will likely be without star point guard Ben Simmons Tuesday against the Detroit Pistons.

While this means quite a few things, it specifically has an impact on the DraftKings NBA slate for the night.

Simmons was downgraded from questionable to doubtful for the game, and it seems more likely than not that he sits this game out.

In turn, there'll quite a bit of value that opens up on DraftKings if that proves to be the case.

I'm going to take a look specifically at the 76ers and break down where the value may come from and who'll thrive in his absence.

Before diving into it, it's worth noting that Keith Pompey of the Philly Inquirer revealed Markelle Fultz, who's been starting at shooting guard, will move over to point if Simmons is out.

The Obvious DraftKings Targets to Replace Ben Simmons.

Joel Embiid ($10,400) JJ Redick ($5,300) Markelle Fultz ($4,900).

Joel Embiid and JJ Redick are unquestionably the biggest beneficiaries when Simmons is off the floor.

Although it's a limited sample size from this season, the usage of both players has increased, with Redick seeing a jump from 24.9 to 26.9, per Basketball Monster.

Going back and including last season, Redick's usage still increased (21.9 to 23.9) but Embiid's saw a drastic increase from 33.4 to 37.2.

It's obvious these two are likely the top targets to consider, but Markelle Fultz, who'll get the starting nod, has also seen a big usage increase (21.2 to 24.4).

The only concern with Fultz will be his minutes.

Sixers coach Brett Brown opted to go with T.J.

McConnell over the former No.

1 pick down the stretch of the last game while giving Fultz just 23 minutes.

His price is likely too hard to pass up on in most cases, but I wouldn't use him in 100 percent of lineups.

The Underrated DraftKings Targets Who Benefit.


McConnell ($3,800) Landry Shamet ($3,200) Mike Muscala ($3,200).

McConnell is a top target for me tonight, for a few reasons.

He has the full trust of the coaching staff and if things start to go haywire with Fultz, McConnell will draw big minutes.

The 26-year-old played 25 and 22 minutes in two of the team's three games this season and totaled eight points with four assists and four rebounds in the game Simmons left.

As for Shamet, his price is exceptional when you consider he's played 21 and 29 minutes in the past two games.

Also factoring in that he'll likely become the go-to scoring option off the bench if Redick starts, the rookie sharpshooter could have a very nice night statistically.

Both McConnell and Shamet see a usage increase without Simmons, but the former's is far larger (from 12.7 to 15.3).

Both guards are in play and should be solid value options to help fit in the top options on this slate.

The reason I mentioned Muscala is for a different reason.

Philly will have their offseason acquisition available for the first time this season.

It's unknown how Simmons' status impacts his court time, but one thing we know is that the Sixers are light on bodies inside.

Muscala will take on a huge role and is priced nicely.

With Philly likely running out a pass-first point guard with him in most spots, it makes sense to use him some.

READ NEXT: 76ers Starting Lineup & Roster vs.

Pistons Without Ben Simmons.

For more infomation >> DraftKings NBA Picks: 76ers Targets if Ben Simmons Out October 23 | - Duration: 6:39.


DIY Caraval Inspired Bath Bomb - Duration: 7:31.

Hi I'm Tati and I'm making bath bombs so because I'm really into bath bombs I

thought it would be fun to make some book inspired ones so for this video I'm

going to be making a Caraval inspired bath bomb so step one to make the bath

bombs is to whisk all of the dry ingredients together so that's 1/2 cup

baking soda 1/4 cup epsom salt 1/4 cup citric acid and 1/4 cup corn starch step

2 is to take a separate bowl and mix all the wet ingredients together which means

2 teaspoons of fractionated coconut oil and what I'm going to be using to scent

the bath bomb and I'm using doTERRA Rose essential oil and I'm going to use 5

drops you can sent the bath bombs any way you'd like I'm just using rose because

that's one of the things that stood out to me from the book the next step is to

mix the wet and the dry ingredients together and this is when I like to

start mixing with my hands so I'm going to put some gloves on first now this is

all mixed however it's still too dry to hold shape in the mold so we're going to

use a spray bottle to add some water to it now depending on what size bottle you

use the amount of sprays you're going to need is going to differ using this small

spray bottle I found through my many tests that around 40 to 45 sprays of

water works best

now if the mixture is too moist the bath bombs will lose their fizziness so you

want to be careful about how much water you add I like to mix it after every 10

sprays and if you keep doing that as you go you should be able to tell when the

mixture starts to hold together this is about the consistency you want when you

press it together it holds its shape pretty well but you can still crumble it

apart now at this point you could pack this into a bath bomb mold and you will

have a bath bomb in 24 hours however I'm going to decorate this bath bomb so that

it can be more Caraval inspired so I'm going to pack it all down into the

bottom of the bowl and then I'm going to separate it into three parts two equal

larger parts and then one smaller part

first I'm going to take this clear bath bomb mold I'm going to pack one half of

it with one of the larger parts

now we also want to leave a small space in this half and now we set this to the

side for now I'm going to take the second half of the bath bomb mold I'm

going to put a few gold star sprinkles into the bottom of the mold you can use

as many sprinkles as you'd like for this one I'm using about 20 and now

I'm going to take the smaller portion of our mixture out of this bowl and put it

into a small bowl and now I'm going to take red mica powder and add 1/8 of a

teaspoon to this smaller amount of mixture and then we mix that together

until it's all well combined like that it's all red and then we're going to set

that aside and go back to our larger portion so I'm going to take black mica

powder and add 1/8 teaspoon and now mix this now I know that the mixture actually

looks more gray than black however the color will come out very strong once

it's in the water so you don't want to add too much coloring at this stage once

it's all mixed we'll take the second half of our bath bomb mold with these

stars in the bottom and we're just going to pack it full of the black mixture and

you want to pack it carefully so that you can still see the stars on the

bottom now we also want to make a space in this just like we did with the white

one and now we get to take the red part and put it into that space that's in

both halves

so now we want to take both halves of our bath bomb and push them together and

you want to make sure they're pushed tightly together so that it closes like

that this part can also be a bit tricky because if the bath bomb molds are

overfilled it won't stay closed while it dries but if they're under filled the

two halves won't meet now depending on what kind of mold you use you may have

leftovers like I do I've found usually with one batch of this recipe I can make

one and a half bath bombs so I will just pack the leftovers into a half of a mold

and then I'll let it dry just like that now the bath bombs need to dry for at

least 24 hours before they're taken out of the molds after that they should last

for a while as long as they're kept in a cool dry place so through the magic of

YouTube it's now been actually over 24 hours and here is our Caraval bath

bomb all dry and ready to go

so that was how to make a Caraval inspired bath bomb let me know in the

comments what you thought of this bath bomb especially if you make it if you

liked this video and would like to see me make more book inspired bath bombs

give this video a like and let me know in the comments I try to upload a new

bookish video to this channel every Friday so subscribe if you want to see

more thanks for watching bye

and I'm making bath bombs without dropping it in I'm going to take black

mica powder if I can get it open I have the wrong one I try

insert bath bombs 24 hours later here

there's the stars

For more infomation >> DIY Caraval Inspired Bath Bomb - Duration: 7:31.


মাওলানা সাদ ইহুদীদের দালাল বললেন!! অলিপুরি বিস্ফোরক মন্তব্য? আল্লামা নুরুল ইসলাম অলিপুরি? - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> মাওলানা সাদ ইহুদীদের দালাল বললেন!! অলিপুরি বিস্ফোরক মন্তব্য? আল্লামা নুরুল ইসলাম অলিপুরি? - Duration: 7:29.


How to be more Social? Stop Shyness ( Instantly ) - Your Alpha Dude - Duration: 7:07.

In this video i'm going to show you my 5 tips on how you can be more social,

be more likable by the people and stop your shyness

when you are in a social setting.

All the guys who are successful use these exact same tips

to be more social and make more friends.

I'm Ariel from your alpha dude, a place where you learn to be

bold, free

and masculine.

And today, you're going to learn

the 5 most influential tips to get results fast

for being social.

Keep watching.

Nowadays, people are afraid to laugh.

See was it that hard?

We are afraid to smile, we're just too stressed.

Look everywhere around you and you'll find that

the atmosphere has become very heavy.

Zero room for lightness and some fun.

Hmmmmm..... it's best if you want to become social

and make an impact in everyone's mind about you.

So, my first tip,



Before you have entered that place or before you're around a group of people,

visualise everything about it.

Visualise how you're going to talk to them, walk up to them

and create a light and positive energy in the atmosphere.

Try to imagine as much as you can about that situation,

so that it becomes a very similar situation for you

and you don't feel out of place.

Visualise it with clarity.

Then after that 2.

Learn to Stay Calm

A lot of times, when we're in a social setting or around a

lot of people, thing don't go according to our plans.

But when you're calm everything seems to flow naturally to you.

You are the centre of gravity.

You're the magnet everywhere you go.

REMEMBER It's all in the mind.

By the way, DO you tend to remain calm,

or get frustrated when things don't go your way?

Now, my third tip, Learn to be CAREFREE

Stop caring what others think of you.

Because it doesn't matter what they think.

When you care too much about what other's think of you

they usually think even worse.

Life is a process and it's very important for you to go through everything without skipping

any crucial process.

Be it anxiety, stress,

depression, fear, etc...

Oh, and if you thought that those movie stars or any celeb was born perfect

then you're living in a dream land.

Nobody is perfect.

It's our imperfection that make us perfect.

Hey, if you are liking this video then like and


Maybe there's somebody else out there who might benefit from watching this.

Tip No. 4 Find your tribe

I don't want you to force yourself, into socialising with the wrong people,

or people who you don't vibe well with.

That way you'll look very unnatural and everything you'll do will look very forced.

So, once you enter a social gathering, look for people who you think

you can vibe well with.

And focus on those people only.

The above 3 tips applied with this one will give you instant results.

And now my 5th and final tip is -


Try to have fun.

Why do you want to be social?

So, that you could chill and relax.

Reelease some stress out of your life.

That's the primary reason for socialising.

Yet i see so many people taking this as a challenge.

As if somebody is going to come and hang them if they don't talk well with others.

Do this for yourself.

So, these were my 5 tips.

A quick recap -

You're awkward as fuck.

You try to say something but speak something exactly opposite.

You choke whenever it comes to speaking your minds out.

But here are my 5 tips that'll help you get rid of your problem instantly.


Visualise it, until you realise it's so easy and you got it covered


Be calm , meditate and know that no matter what you're instantly charismatic.

You can also watch my charismatic video from the link here


Be carefree.

Have no filters or worries about who you are and how you are.

You are awesome.

cause you're my DUDE.


Find your tribe.

You don't need to hang around bullshit people.

Birds of a feather flock together So, you also find the people with same likes

and dislikes, and socialise with them.


Have fun.

Relax, take a chill and just try to live it all out,

as you only got one life.

Make the most of it.

And hey, if you liked this video, then subscribe and you can also take my free

cheatsheet for success, freedom and happiness from the

link below.

Thank You.


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