Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 21 2018

- i wanted to publish this video in the 2nd channel, that's why the atmosphere is different -

hello, it's kinoshita yuka

everyone, that's right, i did in the main channel a video about datema

but i'm now at the seafood market

and i want to try the famous seafood here in Shiogama

what you see here is all what i can eat at Shiogama Fish Market

amazing, there are so many kinds here

and all of it looks so tasty

isn't the oysters so amazing

Shiogama's oysters is among the most famous oysters

and i want to eat all of this with the rice here

it's datema-san special rice

look, isn't so fluffy

and the aroma is so good

let's start eating


looks so tasty

the texture is so nice


amazing, this rice is so rich with the flavor

the rice grains are solid and tasty

and now let's try what called Tuna ribs

looks so tasty


fatty and tasty

it melts in the mouth


it's the oysters, and it's so huge

so jiggly


the best! the taste is strong and so milky

really yummy

there are so many kinds and this made me happy

it's datema-san rice ball

the rice of datema is so good, that's why the rice balls are so tasty as well

mmmm, the best

the last oysters

the last bite, itadakimasu



datema rice was so tasty with all of this seafood here

i really recommend if you are in tokyo to take a shinkansen train and to try this here

but if the shinkansen is not near to you, it's going to be a little bit difficult

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Outdoor Lunch At Shiogama Fish Market!! Sea Urchin, Oysters, Tuna! [Use CC] - Duration: 6:47.


A Day in the Life of Lewis Hamilton's Scooter - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> A Day in the Life of Lewis Hamilton's Scooter - Duration: 3:44.


Криштиано Роналдо. ТОП 10 Фактов и Рекордов про Криштиану Роналду - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Криштиано Роналдо. ТОП 10 Фактов и Рекордов про Криштиану Роналду - Duration: 3:24.


海贼王:两年后的草帽海贼团三大主力,能否与黄猿一战? - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:两年后的草帽海贼团三大主力,能否与黄猿一战? - Duration: 5:38.


Invictus Games Sydney 2018: Day 2 - Cycling (Stream 1) - Duration: 8:55:06.

For more infomation >> Invictus Games Sydney 2018: Day 2 - Cycling (Stream 1) - Duration: 8:55:06.


女排颁奖典礼时隔2年再现抖腿动作,是致敬中国女排?还是挑衅? - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 女排颁奖典礼时隔2年再现抖腿动作,是致敬中国女排?还是挑衅? - Duration: 2:28.


Taking the narrowboat through 22 locks and onto 3 different canals in one day - Duration: 14:00.

Good morning and it is 10 o'clock we're in the first lock of the Wolverhampton flight

which is twenty-one locks I believe. We are going down towards

the junction

Annamarie has already made friends with some boaters just moored up just there

because she went to the lock this morning without her anti-vandal key

they were already up so I think it should be OK

We've been super prepared this morning. By we I mean Annamarie

She's made lunch for us. We are having egg sandwiches.

They are already made and ready. Between us we've also made bacon and lentil soup

which we've put in the wonder bag

and so that will be ready in time for evening meal

It's one of those huffy puffy morning's where I open a lock let the boat in

close the door close the gate open the paddle go to the next lock open the

paddle walk back to the other lock open the gate

let the boat out close the gate that kind of thing that's the kind of day it

is but that's fine I love that kind of stuff

Don't know if you can see Kath behind me there but we've got a really good routine now

I we do three locks each this is lock number nine and I set the lock I come

back when she goes through the lock she will shut the door open the paddle and

stay above the look with the boat and then she'll open one of the gates at the

end and I'll open the other one and she will sail out it means that whoever's

doing the walking is doing more walking but it kind of works

Locks 12 13 14 15 are all very close together so I'm gonna do all of them for

Kath because she is a struggling a little bit

this is at the last lock and I'm pretty wrecked and that's the first boat we

have seen coming up we have another boat hot on our tail

our anti-vandal key is not the best so we've only been able to unlock half of

each of the gates but you know that's life so we have a turning to do now

we're going to turn right and then take our first left

I feel it's only

fitting that I should start the locks in the same way no I feel it's only fitting

that I should end the locks in the same way that we started

on the back of the boat talking to you guys

right in front of me there's a junction that way it's great Hayward

and that way it's Stourport

Good time for me to check which way to turn I'm going that way

Anna's just gone to check to see if there's any oncoming boats and

I think we're all good and then we're going to celebrate going

on to our next new canal now which is only going to be for a short time

I think its the Staffordshire and Worcester and then we're going to turn off of that

one at Autherley Junction when we go through Staffordshire

on the Shropshire Union canal. so three canals in one day 21 locks

Plus a stop lock and we've got still hours of cruising

left to do hours and hours because there's no moorings marked so we'll see how that goes

I should probably get out to open the other door

It's the the shortest part of canal we've been on

Even shorter than when we went on the Coventry canal that first time

Okay so Oxley Marines gonna be on our right and

then the intersections gonna be on our left

just gonna eat my lunch It's three o'clock!

We started at 10 and it's gone 3 now. That's how long those locks took us

We weren't slow. We weren't dilly dallying No we really weren't

we were going as fast as we could

a lady said to me because they're boat caught up with us

just to the last two locks and so she kind of wandered over and she said are

you moored up on the Lock landing and I said no I'm waiting for the lock but

she couldn't understand how I could be waiting at the lock and be at the lock

landing at the same time so she got really cross at me and she said well how

are you gonna get your boat into the lock

Without a man to drive it?? no she didn't say it without a man

but I could kind of possibly see her brain ticking over. Kath had gone ahead to

set the next lock so I was by my little lonesome and I said I'm gonna I'm gonna

go to my Stern and drive my boat and she's just kept looking backwards and


and then I did I was actually a little bit rude I did say to her do you think

I'd be sitting here on a gate with my boat at a lock if I wasn't going to go

into the lock I said something like that it sounded very witty at the time

but you know what they're a really long flight and she done the same flight that

we had done so she had to fill up every single lock so she was just as tired as

we were. And we didn't have to fill up every single lock

Most of the locks were set for us it was awesome

I quite enjoyed it it was a really nice day we've had

awesome weather we've got a really easy kind of journey ahead

For you. Why?

You'll be doing your sits

I gotta go do my sits!

things we are not discussing in this episode How we now hand wash our clothes

thank you so much for joining us today we are heading to a quiet mooring because

we need to spend a couple of days resting and catching up with work

because I'm still participating in it in inktober and I need to today's

painting is done but tomorrow's I need to look at actually what to do just

before we left and just before we sign off I wanted to say that there's one

thing I love with my whole heart and I want to kiss it and never ever stop

I don't know what that is not me it's my new anti-vandal key

yeah Kath bought me a new anti-vandal key £6!! Thank You patreons

yeah you can kind of tell I don't even know we're going through anymore vandal locks

you can kind of tell inside our

anti-vandal key is a bit round and the new highly expensive six pounds anti-vandal key

is square and I think it is just a matter of that

kind of little tiny little bit that makes a difference

When you put our one on to some of the locks it just spins

so I love you. Hold on. I love you so much

I went to marry you

You go off with your anti-vandal key then

do you want me to get you one? I got two now.

For more infomation >> Taking the narrowboat through 22 locks and onto 3 different canals in one day - Duration: 14:00.


「体验把小海龟放回大海 / 巨大海龟在我面前生蛋全程实录!」 海龟一直流泪!砂拉越古晋沙丹岛 Satang Island【CC字幕】 - Duration: 10:48.

For more infomation >> 「体验把小海龟放回大海 / 巨大海龟在我面前生蛋全程实录!」 海龟一直流泪!砂拉越古晋沙丹岛 Satang Island【CC字幕】 - Duration: 10:48.


"Чудо техники": «умная» ванная комната, разведение элитных лошадей и домашний сыр (21.10.2018) - Duration: 42:05.

For more infomation >> "Чудо техники": «умная» ванная комната, разведение элитных лошадей и домашний сыр (21.10.2018) - Duration: 42:05.


哈里梅根太甜了,哈里为演讲排练,而梅根全程陪同甘当彩排观众 , 英国人都是怎么看待卡米拉王妃的?答案和你想的不一样 , 梅根与哈里王子在悉尼海德公园为澳新军团纪念碑修缮后揭幕 - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> 哈里梅根太甜了,哈里为演讲排练,而梅根全程陪同甘当彩排观众 , 英国人都是怎么看待卡米拉王妃的?答案和你想的不一样 , 梅根与哈里王子在悉尼海德公园为澳新军团纪念碑修缮后揭幕 - Duration: 11:36.


1/72 Mig-21 MF video build series - episode five - weathering - Duration: 12:17.

Hello scale modelers!

Welcome to episode 5 of our MiG-21 build.

In this video we are going to weather the model.

But first comes a layer of clear varnish to protect the metallics.

Next I applied the decals.

I used decal setting solution to help me adjust the decals and then bond them to the surface.

These decals are aftermarket and are very thin but they are also very brittle, I had to be very cautious.

I used Q-tip to remove the excess solution and then press the decal in position

Since the decals didn't want to get inside the panel lines I had to cut them with the scalpel blade

and then use strong decal softening solution to tuck them in neatly.

After the decals were done, I applied another coat of clear varnish to protect them.

Next it was time to apply wash in all nooks and cranies.

For this model I chose Dark gray wash from Ammo by MiG

To apply it I used long bristle brush because it holds more liquid.

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After the product dry I removed it using make up applicator sponge.

With almost no pressure I dragged the sponge along the airflow on the horizontal surfaces.

On the vertical surfaces I used top to bottom motion.

The rocket also received treatment with panel line wash. This time it was skygray gray.

Here I remover the excess wash using small cotton swab due to the tight spaces around the fins

For the next step of the weathering process I masked the front panel lines of some panels.

Then, using highly diluted black paint I applied a gradient fading away from the panel line.

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Other panel lines were postshaded freehand, using the same mixture.

For the area over the engine nozzle I did subtle burnt metal effect using filters.

Blue filter on the forward panels and brown filter on the back panels.

This effect is very very subtle and hard to see but it is there and adds to the overal composition.

To immitate streaks of dirt I will use two oilbrusher colours.

First I decanted some starship filth and applied small dots using dental absorbent paper points.

Then using flat brush I dragged the dots along the airflow.

I blended in the streaks to get subtle effect.

Where I wanted more pronounced streaks I manipulated the oil holding the tip of the brush paralell to the streak.

The second color I used was Starship bay sludge and it was applied in the same fashion as the previous

No weathering can be complete without some work on the decals.

To give them faded and worn look I used mixture of flat clear and white paint, which I applied with fine brush.

To fade the green panels I applied small amounts of yellow oil paint and plended it in with flat brush.

This process was carried out in several steps for better control over the final appearance.

With this step we conclude the weathering stage. In the sixth and final episode we are going to do the final assembly of the model.

Make sure you will not miss it, hit the subscribe button and the notification icon so you can get notified for new videos from me.

Thanks for watching and until next time - happy modeling.

For more infomation >> 1/72 Mig-21 MF video build series - episode five - weathering - Duration: 12:17.


「すごく悔しい」松田鈴英、あと一歩プロ初V逃し涙 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 「すごく悔しい」松田鈴英、あと一歩プロ初V逃し涙 - Duration: 2:29.


第一名果然跟陳水扁有關!「最強菜販」韓國瑜十大爆紅事件簿 - Duration: 9:26.

再過不到四十天就是九 合一選戰投票日,


都可以聽到討論韓國瑜 的聲音。

這位代表國民黨出征高 雄的戰將,

在《2018選戰溫度 計》縣市長候選人網 路口碑排行榜中,


514篇的網路聲量穩 居第一名,

遠遠勝過排行第二名的 陳其邁與第三名的柯 文哲(分析期間:2 018/10/10 ~2018/10/ 16) 民進黨在高 雄執政長達20年,

此次派出深耕多年的陳 其邁挑戰市長寶座,

被外界笑稱根本是躺著 選,

豈料殺出韓國瑜這個程 咬金。

基層出身的 韓性格海派,


加上過去擔任北農總經 理,

深諳如何和農民打交道 ,

更靠著上節目、直播等 「空戰」,


今天DailyVie w網路溫度計運用《 KEYPO大數據關 鍵引擎》蒐集網友討 論串,

來看這位「最強菜販」 到底有哪些爆紅事件 ? No .

10 逗趣直播剪頭髮 作風親民的韓國 瑜,

11日特別到左營敦睦 艦隊御用的理髮廳開 直播,

邊洗頭剪髮邊分享心情 ,


直呼「沒看過禿頭上理 髮店」。

直播迅速吸引十萬民眾 觀看,

更在五日內創下39萬 觀看人次。

除了分享跑 行程的心得,

韓國瑜也搞笑和網友互 動,

一下子問「不知道蘇貞 昌怎麼洗頭髮,

我覺得我毛髮比他還多 」,

一下戲稱自己雖是禿頭 ,

但「我們禿頭也有尊嚴 的」,

透露曾被女兒稱讚「史 上最清秀的禿頭」。

延伸閱讀: 韓國瑜直播剪頭髮過 程!網友震驚 終 於換髮型了 N o.

9 失言喊出 陪睡 說 韓國瑜主打經 濟戰,

日前出席「姊妹挺韓國 瑜」成立大會,


致詞時還說只要能來高 雄投資,

「如果有1千個工作機 會,

我就親你的臉一下;如 果有1萬個工作機會 ,



儘管他隨後 改口「是晚上陪你泡 茶聊天,


不過一席「陪睡說」還 是掀起失言爭議,

被綠營抨擊是不尊重女 性、任意開玩笑,

要他不要為了博取關注 「教壞嬰仔大小」。

延伸閱讀: 真的是鋼刷害的!韓 國瑜40年前考古照 曝光「頭髮烏黑茂密 」驚呆 No .

8 「愛情產業鏈」救 高雄 韓國瑜推出 十大競選支票吸引選 民,


不僅要發展地方特色旅 遊,

更主打要將愛河包裝為 愛情之河,

將摩天輪和汽車旅館結 合,

興建全世界唯一的「愛 情摩天輪」,

還可以帶動禮服、樂隊 、嬰兒用品,

吸引全亞洲青年談情說 愛,

將高雄打造成浪漫之都 。

這套韓式專 屬的「愛情產業鏈」 ,



也有網友吐槽「有種在 愛河上開紅燈區」、 「還不如弄亞洲性灣 區」。

延伸閱讀: 韓國瑜最大優勢是這 個!鄉民讚:當今台 灣政壇第一人 No.

7 網路聲量 超邁 趕柯 韓國瑜真性 情的作風,

與四年前的柯文哲如出 一轍,

同樣是非典型政治人物 ,


韓國瑜不只在《201 8選戰溫度計》網路 口碑排行榜上大勝柯 P,

在Google的熱門 搜尋度中,


成為近期最熱門的政治 人物。

與柯、韓都 交過手的民進黨台北 市議員王世堅認為,

韓國瑜就是「沒有頭髮 的柯文哲」,

兩人都是贏在「天時」 ,


韓是國民黨沉寂已久的 新救星,

但無法完全複製柯文哲 模式。


6 支持者做影片卻爆 抄襲 韓國瑜主打 「北漂青年」議題,

支持者以此為主題自製 《韓國瑜─幫我回家 》影片,

片中一聲聲「我要回家 」道盡北漂族艱辛,


讓不少網友都流下眼淚 。

不過這支影 片卻爆出抄襲,

大量剪輯泰國雞精廣告 「賣米線的訣竅」,

及成功大學學生會在2 014年自製「返鄉 投票影片」片段,


讓原創的學生會成員非 常不滿。


韓國瑜團隊強調這是網 路義勇軍的製作,


延伸閱讀: 技術性問題或政治問 題?韓國瑜北漂影片 被控抄襲下架 掀網 友論戰 No.

5 數度槓上段宜康 2016年梅姬颱 風來襲,

全台菜價飆漲近一個月 ,

台北農產遭各界質疑未 能平抑菜價,

綠委段宜康更點名北農 就是最大菜蟲。

韓國瑜不僅投書反擊農 委會,

更帶著30顆曲棍球開 記者會,

嗆段是「小鱉三立委」 ,



你段宜康就像個男人吃 一顆就好,


段宜康接著又 爆出韓夫人用公帑出 國、韓雨災熱舞等,





許多網友更提醒段宜康 :說好的吞曲棍球呢 ? No.

4 PTT爆料是黑道 先前有名嘴爆料 韓國瑜擔任立委時,

曾受人委託陪黑道大哥 的小弟到警局投案,





PTT上也出現一篇網 友發文,

以《你所不知道的韓國 瑜》為題,

直指韓國瑜有黑道背景 ,

根本是 黑色力量。

發文帳號被 原主人打臉是買來的 ,

讓網友更堅信「果然有 網軍買帳號這回事」 ,


若被查到曾入幫派就退 選,

更笑稱自己頻頻被抹黑 ,

「是否印證選情五五波 ,

甚至韓國瑜已經領先了 ? 延伸閱 讀:挖黑歷史猛打反 助長聲勢!韓國瑜人 氣超越柯文哲成南台 灣最大尾 No.

3 大玩藝人網紅專訪 梗 韓國瑜空戰打 不停,


不僅有郭子乾搞笑模仿 橋段,

更接受館長陳之漢和的 專訪直播,

「禿頭菜販和飆捍館長 的PK」暢聊高雄負 債、薪資、母語教學 等議題,


讓網友大讚「看得很過 癮 」,



藝人沈玉琳 則帶著韓國瑜上街,

戴著斗笠隨機和民眾互 動,

全程以「真人秀」的方 式拍攝,

在節目上真實做自己 ,


延伸閱讀: 專訪韓國瑜被臉書關 7天!「政治操作」 館長爆氣:叫陳其邁 來啊 No.

2 提出 母語在家 學 為推廣高雄國 際化,

韓國瑜提出英語教學需 自小紮根,


現在小學教的原住民語 、台語等母語課程都 暫停,

「學校只教中英文」想 學母語可在家自學,

市府另辦理母語認證考 試、發放相關獎金。

「母語在家自 學」政見一出,

從客委會到客語團體通 通出面抗議表不滿,

認為客語流失嚴重更該 重視,


客家大本營美濃更出現 反對布條,

但也有人認為台客原語 的確在家學較實在。

延伸閱讀: 韓國瑜追到當選率只 差1% 高雄全台選 情最膠著! No.

1 曾推倒陳水扁害住 院 二十一年 前,

不滿當時同為立委的前 總統陳水扁將榮民和 豬劃上等號,

出身榮民二代、自己也 當過軍人的韓國瑜上 前翻桌,




韓國瑜曾坦 言很後悔當時年輕不 懂事,




留言提到「原來他以前 還揍過阿扁?那更是 一定要支持他」、「 若能重來一次,

讓他住一個月」;也有 人將此行徑與黑道畫 上等號,


在網路上掀起正反論戰 ,


延伸閱讀: 不幹政治更有才!韓 國瑜榮登網友認證 被政治耽誤的自由 搏擊手

For more infomation >> 第一名果然跟陳水扁有關!「最強菜販」韓國瑜十大爆紅事件簿 - Duration: 9:26.





Lx24 - Мокрые губы (Премьера трека 2018) - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Lx24 - Мокрые губы (Премьера трека 2018) - Duration: 3:12.


1021 Pres. Moon says challenges like climate change should be addressed by all - Duration: 2:16.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in is back in Seoul after nine days of diplomacy in Europe.

On his last stop, in Denmark, he spoke to a newly established international forum...

where the leaders of seven countries met to discuss issues of global concern, such as

climate change.

In that address, he emphasized the need for the international community to help North

Korea in terms of achieving sustainable growth.

Shin Se-min files this report from Copenhagen.

President Moon Jae-in said humankind should aspire to live happily ever after... during

his address to the inaugural summit of the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global

Goals 2030, or the P4G, in Copenhagen.

The South Korean leader stressed that the challenges facing the world require efforts

from governments and private organizations,… and said issues like climate change and global

poverty should be tackled from all sides.

President Moon said he looks forward to the role played by the newly-established group...

as well as the various P4G partnership projects set to be carried out by countries, civic

organizations and industrial circles on each continent.

He added the integration of Asian nations, accounting for more than one-third of the

world population, will ensure sustainable growth can happen in a way that doesn't damage

the environment to the same extent.

He admitted many Asian nations are unable to institute environmental policies as passionately

as they'd like because their economic growth is largely powered by manufacturing, but stressed

the importance of including Asia and encouraging change.

The president also touched upon North Korea.

He said the world should help the North, which doesn't have a strong manufacturing base,...

to pursue a development model that ensures it can achieve economic and sustainable growth

at the same time.

"The curtain has come down on the president's 5-nation, 9-day tour of Europe.

The biggest win from his grueling schedule of meetings was earning the full backing for

his North Korea peace drive from numerous European nations.

He also touted his administration's clean energy policies as the world does it's best

to reverse the perils of climate change.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Copenhagen."

For more infomation >> 1021 Pres. Moon says challenges like climate change should be addressed by all - Duration: 2:16.


中國這一軍艦並不具備攻擊能力:但美國海軍為何卻對它避之不及? - Duration: 12:14.


無數個新型艦艇在中國海軍部 隊爭相綻放,

各式各樣的大型新式艦艇的加 盟,

以及五花八門的軍輔船的加入 ,

都為中國海軍這個大家庭增添 了無窮的魅力。


有一款電子偵察艦一直十分低 調地在海上徘徊著,


因而又被人們親切地稱為「情 報收集船」。


但是卻能夠同時搭載多種偵查 設備,

堪稱海上的情報收集站! 據以往的相關資料顯示 ,


我國海軍在電子偵察艦方面一 直處於弱勢。


我國的第一代軍用電子偵察艦 才正式宣布服役,












854艦和855艦也紛紛服 役。


電子偵察艦最厲害的地方在於 ,

能夠在不花費一個導彈的前提 下,

就能夠調動起來敵軍所有的軍 備防禦力量。


哪裡出現了電子偵察艦的倩影 ,


會嚴格控制軍區內部的電子設 備的使用,




若是一個軍隊的內部機密被敵 軍竊取,




因泄露機密而慘敗的軍隊不在 少數,




電子偵察艦在海上是一個極為 特殊的存在,





電子偵察艦是可以在海上自由 航行的。



任何國家不得攔截電子偵察艦 ,



中國的電子偵察艦的研發事業 迎來了發展的春天,




因為中國的電子偵察艦常常在 美太平洋艦隊司令部所在地 附近徘徊,





馬來西亞買完中國軍艦還不夠 這次要買火箭炮?新加坡被 嚇了一跳! 據媒體報 道在向中國購買了一批軍艦 之後,

中國很可能會向馬來西亞提供 先進的火箭發射器和雷達系 統。

而據消息人士指出中方或將向 馬來西亞提供多達12套A R-3型多管遠程火箭炮系 統,

該採購合同可獲得為期50年 的貸款。

貸款的數額和該武器系統的價 格並未被披露,

相關雷達系統的型號也未被透 露。

雖然這一消息並未得到馬來西 亞官方的認可,

但可以肯定的是中國的武器已 經越發成為了世界軍火市場 的香餑餑。

AR-3火箭炮是中國北方工 業公司研製的一型輪式多管 火箭炮的出口版本,

該型火箭炮是在北方工業AR -2型火箭炮(國產03式 遠程火箭炮的出口版本)基 礎上發展研製而成的。

相對於AR-2火箭炮最大射 程150km來講,

AR-3火箭炮的最遠射程可 以達到220km,





另外採用模塊化製造的AR- 3火箭炮能夠發射無控火箭 彈和制導炮彈,

且共有兩個火箭彈運輸發射箱 ,

分別攜載300毫米口徑火箭 彈和370毫米口徑火箭彈 ,

其中370毫米口徑BRE6 高精彈藥能夠摧毀100~ 200公里內的目標。

屬於火力輸出滿格的恐怖大殺 器。

在對地戰鬥中只需一個的AR -3型火箭炮營就足夠將敵 方大片陣地炸成焦土,

更重要的是AR-3火箭炮系 統操作簡單,


不僅馬來西亞對中國的很多武 器感興趣,



巴基斯坦已訂購了可裝備一個 團的AR-2火箭炮系統用 來提升巴基斯坦軍隊的遠程 打擊能力。

在巴鐵軍隊的裝備體系中中國 武器已經成為主流,





中國武器為什麼會這麼受歡迎 呢?實際上中國武器受寵的 主要客戶是廣大的第三世界 發展中國家,







但國家安全壓力較大且只能向 外購買軍火。

而世界幾大軍火出口國只有中 美國人的東西太貴,

而且需要各種配套設施和保養 程度高。

俄羅斯的東西雖然價格不算太 貴,





在中國現今強大的軍工能力保 障下不僅武器質量好且具有 相當大的價格優勢,

更重要的是不設置任何附加條 件,


雖然這一消息並未得到馬來西 亞官方的認可,

但是也足以讓其鄰國新加坡嚇 一大跳了,

因為如果馬來西亞真的購買了 中國的遠程火箭炮,

對新加坡來講就像頭頂懸著一 把利劍一樣一樣的。

日方:中國軍艦進入「日本領 海」 地點公布 日本共同社6月15日報 道,

日本防衛省15日單方面發布 消息聲稱,

中國海軍的一艘情報收集船於 當地時間當天凌晨3點左右 進入了鹿兒島縣口永良部島 以西的「日本領海」,


原文配圖:日本稱中國一艘軍 艦進入「日本領海」。

【環球網報道】日本共同社6 月15日報道,

日本防衛省15日單方面發布 消息聲稱,

中國海軍的一艘情報收集船於 當地時間當天凌晨3點左右 進入了鹿兒島縣口永良部島 以西的「日本領海」,




中國海軍護衛艦編隊穿越沖繩 。

編隊艦艇分別為053 H3 型飛彈護衛艦嘉興艦、連雲 港艦以及903A型綜合補 給艦高郵湖艦。


高郵湖艦今年1月29日剛剛 入役,

是中國海軍最新銳的綜合補給 艦。




海上自衛隊第五航空群所屬的 P-3C巡邏機和第一海洋 觀測隊所屬的海洋觀測艦「 湘南」號在仲之神島西南約 65千米、與那國島東南約 74千米處海域發現了從太 平洋返回東海的中國海軍艦 艇編隊。




中國海軍護衛艦編隊穿越沖繩 。


中國海軍艦艇編隊圍繞與那國 島航行,



這支艦艇編隊和曾於4月7日 從宮古海峽進入太平洋的中 國海軍編隊為同一編隊。


日本防衛省統合幕僚監部5月 8日發布消息稱,


日本海上自衛隊P-3C巡邏 機在釣魚島(日稱尖閣諸島 )黃尾嶼(日稱久場島)北 部約160公里出拍攝到1 艘中國海軍護衛艦,

並與日本海上自衛隊軍艦對峙 。

圖為與中俄艦隊對峙的日本護 衛艦「瀨霧」號。

印度造百艘軍艦也難敵中國海 軍:都是買的舊航母但差距 咋就那麼大 印度國防 部海軍錶示目前印度造船廠 正在建造32艘軍艦和潛艇 。


印度將陸續建造另外75艘軍 艦,

包括2艘航空母艦、驅逐艦、 護衛艦和大批量兩棲艦船。

那麼印度的新計劃能否抗衡中 國海軍力量在印度洋的擴大 呢?俄國專家表示即使印度 再造百艘軍艦也難抗衡中國 海軍。

據美國媒體報導印度的海軍力 量落後於中國。

中國作戰艦艇的數量是印度的 三倍。

中國海軍官兵人數 是印度的 五倍。

印度的鄰國巴基斯坦和斯里蘭 卡正在大力開發港口。

印度擔心這些港口可能為中國 軍艦提供停泊海港,

擴大中國海軍在印度洋的控制 範圍。

中國海軍的高速發展也引得印 度軍方高度重視,

印度軍方稱中國正在高速發展 海軍,

中國在印度洋上的控制欲顯而 易見。


印度海軍上將稱印度海軍將每 年投入40多億美元,


其中大約百分之六十用於獲取 海軍軍事裝備。


印度海軍打算再次向俄羅斯訂 購第一艘核潛艇下水。


印度這次大張旗鼓的發展海軍 ,

跟中國海軍大量派遣海軍派遣 核動力攻擊潛艇前往印度洋 巡航有必然的關係。

中國的三大艦隊北海艦隊、東 海艦隊和南海艦隊過去歷來 以近海防禦為主。

但是去年中國海軍核潛艇跨過 印度洋,

中國遠洋海軍作業的能力的提 高給印度很大的震動。

90年代美國軍方提出一種珍 珠鍊戰略,

為了保護從南中國海到巴基斯 坦南部海域的運輸安全,

在沿途建立一系列海軍停靠港 口供各國海軍使用。

中國目前派遣軍艦到遠隔重洋 的亞丁灣去執行任務,

實際上也是得宜於珍珠鍊戰略 。


目前中國海軍可以在緬甸和巴 基斯坦的港口停靠。


中國海軍的出現的確給印度帶 來了一定影響。

那麼印度增加100艘軍艦以 後,

是否就能抗衡中國海軍力量的 發展呢?俄國專家表示即使 印度建造了一百艘軍艦,

能否把它們組建成一支海上勁 旅還很難說。

印度國力並沒有中國那樣雄厚 。



目前中國和印度都已經開始建 造國產航空母艦。


兩國都只擁有退役的、或者廢 棄的俄羅斯航空母艦。

印度方面也對中國遼寧號航母 十分關注,

因為印度也是從俄羅斯買的二 手航母,

但是俄羅斯賣給印度後不停的 漲價,




而印度航母交付以後問題不斷 ,

不是航母鍋爐爆炸就是因為港 口放不下停靠不了等等一系 列問題。

包括印度媒體自己都講中印都 是舊航母,


For more infomation >> 中國這一軍艦並不具備攻擊能力:但美國海軍為何卻對它避之不及? - Duration: 12:14.


Apartment fire, explosion injures firefighters, residents - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Apartment fire, explosion injures firefighters, residents - Duration: 1:44.


DIY Colorblock Skirt / DIY 2-farebná sukňa (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:54.


In this video I will show you how I made a colorblock skirt from pink and blue pants.

I started by deconstructing both pants.

I separated the waistband, the zipper and front and back pieces.

Originaly I started making a pencil colorblock skirt

so I sewed 2 front pieces down from the zipper.

I also sewed 2 back pieces together.

I then sewed the sides.

But I didn't like it.

The backseam was wrinkled and the panels were not symmetrical.

So I decided to make a different type of skirt.

I measured my waist and divided that number by 8

and I drew a rectangle with these dimensions onto paper.

I chose 40 cm for the length.

I widened both sides by 3 cm

I added seam allowance and this is the pattern all done.

I cut 4 pink panels and 4 blue panels.

I sewed them together.

I serged the sides.

I folded the skirt in half and pinned it.

I placed it onto paper and traced the top edge.

I measured 8 cm down from the traced edge and connected the points.

I added seam allowance to one side.

I cut the facing band from the scraps twice.

I sewed it together.

I serged the sides and the bottom edge.

Right sides together I sewed the band to the skirt.

I pushed the seam allowance towards the facing band and under stitched it.

Right sides together I sewed zipper to one edge.

Then to the other edge.

I sewed the skirt down from the zipper.

I folded the edge of the waist band 1 cm inwards

flipped the waistband over the zipper and pinned it.

I hand stitched the waistband to the zipper.

I serged the bottom edge.

I folded it inside and sewed it down.

I cut a blue and a pink stripe, 3 cm in width.

I folded the edges inside, folded the stripe in half and sewed along both edges.

I cut 6 cm belt loops out of the stripes.

I sewed 2 blue and 2 pink belt loops onto the skirt.

So this is the skirt.

I hope you liked the video and see you next time.

Bye :)

For more infomation >> DIY Colorblock Skirt / DIY 2-farebná sukňa (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:54.


马思纯又演"双女主"电影,颜值、身材都被对方吊打,太有气质了 - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 马思纯又演"双女主"电影,颜值、身材都被对方吊打,太有气质了 - Duration: 1:29.


Phim Ma Cương Thi - Thần Trảm Cương Thi - Phim Hay - Duration: 1:31:27.

For more infomation >> Phim Ma Cương Thi - Thần Trảm Cương Thi - Phim Hay - Duration: 1:31:27.


Who Was John Blanke? Celebrating this Black Tudor, & ways of interpreting historical figures - Duration: 4:39.

My real passion is the black presence in England and I've studied and written

talked about that since my oh my Open University where I

was introduced to a black Magus and the adoration scene in 1507 in the church in

Devon and that really caught my vision my passion and I've been talking and

writing and ranting about that ever since. We know he existed because they have

an image of him and we have a record; the image is on the Westminster tournament roll,

which is a spectacular document it's in the College of Arms in London and it

celebrates a tournament to celebrate the birth of Henry the Eighth's son to

Catherine of Aragon, New Year's Day that year, 1511, sadly the child died by the

end of that month, but the joust was there to celebrate the birth of the

child and it's extraordinary document it's 60 foot long and it celebrates the

entrance, when it's all the pomp and ceremony of the king arriving and John

Blanke appears twice, on entering and they come in, here comes the King literally

and his entourage and then at the end and somebody wrote about if you want

to understand the document, it'd be like the Olympic Games where the opening ceremony

was two weeks long, you had two days of games and they did a week of closing

ceremony, because this was pure pomp, this was the to the court presenting itself

and John, John Blanke is there, his image you see on twice in it in a troop of six

trumpeters and that presence is recorded in in the records and records in the

National Archive he appears several times book and if he was given

cloth for the tournament roll, you, he was also attending Henry the seventh's funeral and

he played at Henry the eighth's coronation, again it's all recorded cuz

it was, he was paid money, paid money, he was given cloth to take

part in the service and what's really interesting is

he was actually, he actually petitioned the king for a pay increase,

there's a petition where he says I want my wages to be doubled and I want it back-

dated because 'Dominic', one of the trumpeters, had died and I want to be... I should be

treated in the same manner and it's it's documented that Henry the Eighth signed it

and he was um increased from eight pence a day to a sixteen sixteen pence.

Catherine of Aragon had her lady of the bedchamber was a 'Catalina' she was a

black lady, a slave who looked after the most intimate details of

Catherine to do with the bedchamber and there's a was a really interesting

piece of history, she would have been there at the night when Catherine would

have supposed to consume the marriage consummate rather her marriage with

with with them Henry's brother who died and then and that's why Henry took that

and Henry married her so and he only married her because the marriage was not

consummated and and he wanted to divorce Catherine, because he said the marriage

was consummated, but she said it wasn't so the one person who would have known

would have been the lady of the bedchamber, she would have seen the sheets on the

night, but she disappears from history. In Magdeburg Cathedral, an extraordinary

picture, the artist created there's St Maurice, black St Maurice, clearly knew a

black person, it was depicted from life, we don't know who the black person is, we

don't know who the artist is, but 1250 or round about, or maybe a bit later but

the Emperor said he wanted a black Saint Maurice and that place appears there

so we can date him but in terms of who he was in terms of the person who

the artist was, we don't know and one of the debates about who he is perhaps a

prisoner or a slave or a friend or associate that they met in the Crusades,

and would've come back so I'm working on that because I think that it's

understanding the context and in terms of the the black presence is about

connections, you know the they did they didn't just wonder over here they came

through connections through trade, through the war, there was that there was

a definite root to them an understanding that you get the connection.

For more infomation >> Who Was John Blanke? Celebrating this Black Tudor, & ways of interpreting historical figures - Duration: 4:39.


BU NASIL OYUN ? - RUSSIA BATTLEGROUNDS Türkçe Oynanış - Gameplay - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> BU NASIL OYUN ? - RUSSIA BATTLEGROUNDS Türkçe Oynanış - Gameplay - Duration: 10:19.


《下一站传奇》导师阵容豪华,陈伟霆宋茜再合体,火花四射 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 《下一站传奇》导师阵容豪华,陈伟霆宋茜再合体,火花四射 - Duration: 2:46.


Art du déplacement avec Laurent PIEMONTESI et L'ADD Toulouse - Duration: 5:43.

Hi everybody, I hope you are well

today we find ourselves for a particular format

I will film the add toulouse with an exclusive internship

with a guest Laurent PIEMONTESI

with yamakasi movie

thank you to everyone who subscribes

who sharing and like

I wish you a good viewing

it's for you that

a trick and throw your wheel without the hands

tic-tac and come back like that

*No eyes

Me I must guide you ? so do not move !


pull faces

For more infomation >> Art du déplacement avec Laurent PIEMONTESI et L'ADD Toulouse - Duration: 5:43.


张艺谋在节目中不慎爆料:周冬雨演戏拍戏3分钟只能用三秒 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 张艺谋在节目中不慎爆料:周冬雨演戏拍戏3分钟只能用三秒 - Duration: 3:36.


姚明女儿已经八岁了,身高惊人,网友:活到现在也没她高 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 姚明女儿已经八岁了,身高惊人,网友:活到现在也没她高 - Duration: 1:28.


✅ Gパンパンダが優勝!ネルソンズ僅差で敗れる「平成30年度 NHK新人お笑い大賞」 - Duration: 3:16.

 本日10月21日、Gパンパンダが「平成30年度 NHK新 お笑い大賞」の大賞を受賞した

 東京・NHKみんなの広場 ふれあいホールよりNHK総合にて 放送された「平成30年度 NHK新人お笑い大賞」本選

予選参加者322組の中から選ばれたアインシュタイン、インディ ンス、からし蓮根、Gパンパンダ、ネルソンズ、パーパー、ヒガシ ウサカ、ミキの8組がネタバトルを展開し、審査は西川きよし、渡 正行、久本雅美、立川志らく、壇蜜、放送作家の倉本美津留氏とN K制作局部長の7名が務めた

 パーパー、インディアンス、ヒガシ逢ウサカ、ネルソンズのAブ ックからはネルソンズが、ミキ、からし蓮根、Gパンパンダ、アイ シュタインのBブロックからはGパンパンダが勝ち上がり、2組は 本目のネタを披露


 ワタナベエンターテインメント所属の芸歴2年目Gパンパンダは 野光樹、一平からなるコンビ

学生時代にはトゥインクル・コーポレーションが開催する学生芸人 本一決定戦「イイね(笑)グランプリ」で2連覇を果たしたことも る


 「NHK新人お笑い大賞」は前身となる「NHK漫才コンクール から半世紀以上にわたり続いてきた若手芸人の登竜門

近年ではアキナ(2017年)、トット(2016年)、チョコレ トプラネット(2015年)、アイロンヘッド(2014年)が大 を受賞している

For more infomation >> ✅ Gパンパンダが優勝!ネルソンズ僅差で敗れる「平成30年度 NHK新人お笑い大賞」 - Duration: 3:16.


Nonstop Nhạc Sàn Sinh Nhật 2019 Vinahouse cực phiêu bay 9 tầng mây - Duration: 1:05:22.

For more infomation >> Nonstop Nhạc Sàn Sinh Nhật 2019 Vinahouse cực phiêu bay 9 tầng mây - Duration: 1:05:22.


For more infomation >> Nonstop Nhạc Sàn Sinh Nhật 2019 Vinahouse cực phiêu bay 9 tầng mây - Duration: 1:05:22.


Gainful - Personalized Protein

For more infomation >> Gainful - Personalized Protein


NINJAGO DISTRICT ENTSTEHT! | LEGO City Update #13 | Oct 2018 🐉 (deutsch m. englischen Untertiteln) - Duration: 12:42.

hello fellow lego fans, friends of

decent brick combining, this is benbricks

and welcome to a new video

here on my channel and it's definitly

time after more than three long

months for a new city update

and there are some great changes

in the last update i showed you

the city in it's entirety

if you can't remember just click

on the card above

so let's get started

And as always we start at the harbour section

no changes here, i just put some

brown bricks under the piers

the more interesting thing that's been

developed is the beach line

I got al lot of tan plates from my good friend

bricktendo (Channel is in the card above)

and i made the beach line more natural

now i'm just missing some dark tan plates

to give it a more fluent look from

water to beach

the next thing ist, that i put a great

amount of baseplates right here

under the train tracks and compared

to the nothing that was there before it looks

a lot better

the next step would be to put some dark

grey plates under the train tracks

combined with some brown tiles on the

the train tracks to make it look

more interesting

another cool thing that has been

added to my city is the tunnel

and the beginning of the rock wall

to fill up the gap between uptown

and downtown. that's a long time

planned project...

I definitly like the tunnel

turned out with those brick bricks

as i call them

on the top there is some concrete to line

it up with the upper level of the city

there will be more detail added

to those rockwalls but i definitly

like the start...

another funny detail i added to the

cityare those smoking chimneys

i di this but just taking those

ice cream parts made by lego

an put them on the chimneys

and even stack them together

to make it look more natural

you can find this detail also over there

on the parisiean restaurant

but the biggest project i worked on

recently you can see over there in the back

so let's switch over there

So now I can say: welcome to

ninjago district!!!

ninjago city is still here

what a beauty!

right next to it there is

ninjago city docks, also a

brilliant set

to fit it into my layout i had

to take this side as the front

but there are enough details and

beautiful things to watch

so i think it works!

on the ground you can see that there

are just tan basplates because

in ninjago district there will be no

regular street but a walkpath made of

1x1 and 2x2 round grey tiles

filled up with some 1x1 plates to

put figures on and to add more detail

and than this path comes through the district

right over here, passing some cool

food and market stands

and if you have any proposals on

what to put into this place just tell

me in the comments

i really appreciate it!

coherently to the creation of

this new area you can see a big hole

in my downtown part of the city

right next to the brick bank

this was the place where the palace cinema

was placed before. i moved this building

next to ninjago district because

in my opinion the look especially of

the roof fits perfect into this area

i will probably add some cherry blossoms

to the cinema to make it fit even more

and by developing ninjago district

i finally found a perfect place for

the green mech dragon from Lloyd

i love how he sits there and looks down on the street

between the buildings i added those

famous lampion chains to give a more

traditional chinatown look

there will be more details coming

but for now i love how it turned out

even from a distance it looks


richtig gut

maybe there will be another building

released by lego to be added to the

bisschen auch anders box anschließen an

docks but i'm not quite shure

because ninjago movie is out of

cinemas for quite a while

when you see this place you might

be wondering what will build over here

i cutted the baseplates to fit in a

certain position

by the way, i also like this wall

over there to keep the water in place

but what will be place here?

and the solution is: The great temple of

airjitzu will be placed here. I did a

review on this, just click on the card

above. but the temple will not be

just placed, i will put it on a

rocky plateau with a waterfall

coming down. i've seen great pictures

of those mocs and i'm really looking

forward to build my own version

and over here there will be the temple

of resurrection

and maybe i will buy another older temple

to do some sort of entrance portal

as i said i love how it turned out

and i'm really looking forward to

keep on building

and if you have any suggestions

just tell me in the comments

i really hope you liked the video

if you did, then just give me a

big thumbs up

and tell me your opinion in the

comment section below

and if you have any picture that

could be a inspiration to me

just send me an email to

you can find this mail adress

also in the infobox below

I really appreciate every comment

and you guys were the reason

ahy i started working on my city

again much earlier then i wanted

because a lot of you asked me for

for another city update

so here it is!

and if you are new to my channel

then welcome and feel free to

subscribe and leave a comment

on what you think about my city

so i hope to see you in my next video

or livestream and i wish you a great time!

bye bye!

For more infomation >> NINJAGO DISTRICT ENTSTEHT! | LEGO City Update #13 | Oct 2018 🐉 (deutsch m. englischen Untertiteln) - Duration: 12:42.


BMW X3、Mパフォーマンスモデルを追加 最高出力326psの3リットルターボディーゼルを日本初導入 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> BMW X3、Mパフォーマンスモデルを追加 最高出力326psの3リットルターボディーゼルを日本初導入 - Duration: 3:01.


【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Outdoor Lunch At Shiogama Fish Market!! Sea Urchin, Oysters, Tuna! [Use CC] - Duration: 6:47.

- i wanted to publish this video in the 2nd channel, that's why the atmosphere is different -

hello, it's kinoshita yuka

everyone, that's right, i did in the main channel a video about datema

but i'm now at the seafood market

and i want to try the famous seafood here in Shiogama

what you see here is all what i can eat at Shiogama Fish Market

amazing, there are so many kinds here

and all of it looks so tasty

isn't the oysters so amazing

Shiogama's oysters is among the most famous oysters

and i want to eat all of this with the rice here

it's datema-san special rice

look, isn't so fluffy

and the aroma is so good

let's start eating


looks so tasty

the texture is so nice


amazing, this rice is so rich with the flavor

the rice grains are solid and tasty

and now let's try what called Tuna ribs

looks so tasty


fatty and tasty

it melts in the mouth


it's the oysters, and it's so huge

so jiggly


the best! the taste is strong and so milky

really yummy

there are so many kinds and this made me happy

it's datema-san rice ball

the rice of datema is so good, that's why the rice balls are so tasty as well

mmmm, the best

the last oysters

the last bite, itadakimasu



datema rice was so tasty with all of this seafood here

i really recommend if you are in tokyo to take a shinkansen train and to try this here

but if the shinkansen is not near to you, it's going to be a little bit difficult

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Luxurious Outdoor Lunch At Shiogama Fish Market!! Sea Urchin, Oysters, Tuna! [Use CC] - Duration: 6:47.


DIY Colorblock Skirt / DIY 2-farebná sukňa (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:54.


In this video I will show you how I made a colorblock skirt from pink and blue pants.

I started by deconstructing both pants.

I separated the waistband, the zipper and front and back pieces.

Originaly I started making a pencil colorblock skirt

so I sewed 2 front pieces down from the zipper.

I also sewed 2 back pieces together.

I then sewed the sides.

But I didn't like it.

The backseam was wrinkled and the panels were not symmetrical.

So I decided to make a different type of skirt.

I measured my waist and divided that number by 8

and I drew a rectangle with these dimensions onto paper.

I chose 40 cm for the length.

I widened both sides by 3 cm

I added seam allowance and this is the pattern all done.

I cut 4 pink panels and 4 blue panels.

I sewed them together.

I serged the sides.

I folded the skirt in half and pinned it.

I placed it onto paper and traced the top edge.

I measured 8 cm down from the traced edge and connected the points.

I added seam allowance to one side.

I cut the facing band from the scraps twice.

I sewed it together.

I serged the sides and the bottom edge.

Right sides together I sewed the band to the skirt.

I pushed the seam allowance towards the facing band and under stitched it.

Right sides together I sewed zipper to one edge.

Then to the other edge.

I sewed the skirt down from the zipper.

I folded the edge of the waist band 1 cm inwards

flipped the waistband over the zipper and pinned it.

I hand stitched the waistband to the zipper.

I serged the bottom edge.

I folded it inside and sewed it down.

I cut a blue and a pink stripe, 3 cm in width.

I folded the edges inside, folded the stripe in half and sewed along both edges.

I cut 6 cm belt loops out of the stripes.

I sewed 2 blue and 2 pink belt loops onto the skirt.

So this is the skirt.

I hope you liked the video and see you next time.

Bye :)

For more infomation >> DIY Colorblock Skirt / DIY 2-farebná sukňa (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 6:54.


2019 Mercedes AMG G63 Edition 1 - SOUND NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 33:58.

For more infomation >> 2019 Mercedes AMG G63 Edition 1 - SOUND NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 33:58.


Real Madrid players do not want Florentino Perez to replace Julen Lopetegui with THIS boss - Duration: 2:52.

 Real Madrid slumped to a shock 2-1 defeat to Levante yesterday, seeing Lopetegui's position plunged into uncertain waters as a result

 The Spaniard only succeeded Zinedine Zidane at the Bernabeu back in the summer, in a decision that also cost him the chance to oversee Spain's World Cup campaign

 Real Madrid are, though, in freefall. The La Liga giants are winless, and goalless, in five matches with their rivals picking up points around them

 For now, Perez is standing by his man. Yet Solari, who won the Champions League during his time at the Bernabeu as a player, has been tipped to take over

 However, Spanish outlet Ok Diario claim the Real Madrid players remain behind Lopetegui

 And the majority are against Solari replacing the current Los Blancos boss in the dugout

 The former Real winger is currently head of the club's Castilla team. But members of the club's current squad supposedly feel that he is not prepared to take a job of such a huge size

 They also want Lopetegui to stay. Heavyweight figures believe they, as much as the manager, are to blame for their torrid run of form

 And Ok Diario say they are also unimpressed by the job Solari has done with Castilla

 They feel he has made poor decisions regarding Oscar and Martin Odegaard and, consequently, would prefer Perez to stick with Lopetegui

 Meanwhile, Lopetegui has insisted that Real's dire displays are the result of bad luck

 He said: "I'm more motivated than ever. The last thing I'm thinking about is that [the sack]

 "I worry about quickly picking up the boys and keep believing. "Because it's the only way to change this run

 "We have to prepare ourselves for the next game."

For more infomation >> Real Madrid players do not want Florentino Perez to replace Julen Lopetegui with THIS boss - Duration: 2:52.


Episode 26. Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar - Duration: 5:47.

so, we just crossed the border

of China with Mongolia. Now we are in Mongolia

it's our next 97th country

town of Zamyn Uud, starting straight away

so, we stopped in Mongolia

on the way to go to the toliet

that's how it looks like



so, we are now in Ulaanbaatar

went to walk around some monastery


we see what's going on

some drunk guys sitting

that's how area looks like

with yurts

how people living

almost in the center of Ulaanbaatar

that's how it looks like


of Ulaanbaatar

such a camels here

central avenue of Chingis Khan

in Ulaanbaatar

herd of camels


another monastery

where is museum now inside

so is this museum of religion

before it was monastery here

which was abandoned later during the Soviet rule

looks abandoned

in Ulaanbaatar monument to Soviet soldiers

who helped to free


here such view of the city

this is view from the other side

of this hill

new district is growing

posh as we see

so, now we are on the main square of Ulaanbaatar

in front of us parliament

and monument of Chingis Khan

here such

administrative buildings and other hotels


and also another monument to another


as we see in Mongolia they used soldiers to set a stage

for the holiday

which starts in 2 days

many soldiers



so, now it is our second day on Baikal

blossoming from the edge

to the edge

For more infomation >> Episode 26. Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar - Duration: 5:47.


Twilight Syndrome – Search (English), Part 22: FINALE: One More Rumour - Duration: 33:18.

«One More Rumour»

«In the evening, when twilight befalls the library, it always feels so lonely in here. It makes me want to talk to someone.»

«Would anyone like to exchange messages using this desk?»

«Please reply, if you see this.»

«S. H.»

MIHO: "Look at this crap! What kind of idiot does something like this?!"

MIKA: "What a dreamer! This is so embarassing, makes you wanna die! Do such people still exist in this day and age?!"

KIMIKA: "Must be, like, a super lonely social misfit or something!"

MIHO: "Maybe it's a guy?"

KIMIKA: "Hard to tell from just looking at the writing, huh."

MIKA: "Which makes this... what? An exchange diary for lovers or something? How absurd!"

MIHO: "Hey, Mika. I'd say, etiquette dictates you should write a reply! What with you being the one who found it and all."

MIKA: "...Heh, why not?"

KIMIKA: "Damn, Mika, you're rotten to the bone..."

MIKA: "Oh no, I'm no match for you!" [Kimika and Mika used two stock phrases from theater villains here, implying that they are up to no good.]

MIKA STARTS WRITING: «I have seen your message.»

«Is it fine, if I just call you S. H.?»

«As for me: My name is Mika Kishii and I'm in class 1-D! Let's get along!»

«This is the first time I'm doing something like this, so... Please be gentle with me! ♥"

«Dear Mika, thank you very much for your reply!»

«I never expected anyone to actually write back to me, so I am really happy!»

«Although it's one of these library's various desks, not many people come to this particular one. It's a strange place.»

«It would make me very happy, if this exchange of messages between just you and me could continue happily forever.»


«S. H.»

«One More Rumour»

CHISATO: "Exchanging messages using a desk...? That sounds like fun!"

MIKA: "It totally is!"

MIKA: "It's THE constant hot topic between me and my classmates right now!"

MIKA: "We all think about what to reply together each time. The whole class!"

CHISATO: "But that person that you're replying to... they're writing earnest answers, right?"

CHISATO: "I feel kind of sorry for them..."

MIKA: "Oh, who cares! If they find out... Well, they'll learn something about how harsh the real world can be and that's a good thing!"

MIKA: "Getting hurt just makes people grow stronger! Don't you think so?"

A: "I guess so..." B: "Aren't you being a bit mean?"

A: "I guess so..." B: "Aren't you being a bit mean?" [X]

YUKARI: "I think you're going a bit too far here."

MIKA: "Huh? But this person is a creep, anyway!"

YUKARI: "Well, even if this person is a romanticist or whatever, the time will come, when they will grow out of it naturally. They don't need to be hurt by you guys to learn that!"

YUKARI: "You should just stop this and leave them alone already."

MIKA: "But..."

YUKARI: "You might be different, but I at least feel sorry for this person."

YUKARI: "Without even knowing the true face of the one they're writing to, they put all their heart in their replies."

YUKARI: "«That's what Bronson would say.» ...Probably." [She's using the stock phrase of a Japanese music group from the 1994s. See video description for more info.]

MIKA: "......"

MIKA: "...Uhm, do you perhaps know anyone at our school that goes by the initials of S. H.?"

YUKARI: "S. H.?"

MIKA: "Yep. Those are the initials of the person I'm exchanging messages with. They said they're a second-year."

A: "Let me think..." B: "How would I know?"

A: "Let me think..." [X] B: "How would I know?"

YUKARI: "S. H., hm... Well, just the initials alone won't be enough."

YUKARI: "Does S. H. ring a bell for you, Chisato?"

CHISATO: "I might know one or two... maybe... I cannot say for sure right now. I would need more info."

MIKA: "That person also said they like reading."

YUKARI: "Reading, huh... That might actually be a rare hobby these days."

CHISATO: "Do you want to find this person at all costs?"

MIKA: "Hm? Uh, no, it's not that important..."

MIKA: "I'm just wondering, like... you know... what kind of person they might be?"

YUKARI: "Well, they've gotta be kind of dense, considering you guys are just replying to make fun of them and they're not even noticing."

MIKA: "I guess so..."

Desk Correspondence Number 3

«Dear Mika, how are you?»

«I know, I'm one class above you, but that does not mean you have to be particularly polite to me.»

«As for what exact class I'm in and what my real name is, that will have to stay a secret. I'm sorry...»

«There's no deeper meaning behind me keeping that secret, I'm just still a bit embarassed about all this.»


«Let me write some more about myself.»

«My favourite school subject is... classical literature perhaps? ...I really enjoy reading books, so I frequently come to the library.»

«I recently started reading 『The Wind Has Risen』. It's a sad love story that takes place in a sanatorium!» ["Kaze Tachinu" (風立ちぬ) / "The Wind Has Risen" is a novel by Hori Tatsuo, first published in 1936.]

«What kind of literature do you like, Mika?»

A: "I'm totally into Murakami Haruki these days..." B: "Russian literature." C: "Uhm... Manga?"

A: "I'm totally into Murakami Haruki these days..." [X] B: "Russian literature." C: "Uhm... Manga?"

«Dear S. H.,»

«When it comes to literature, Murakami Haruki is pretty cool.»

«Having passed through the bubbly 80s, his books contain a characteristic feeling of nihilism, symbolizing the discouraged generation from the 70s, that resonates with the hearts of us 90s kids, as well.»

↑ «She's just paraphrasing Mr. Uchiyama from modern literature class! In truth, Mika doesn't read books at all!»

↑ «Miho, wrote that! Miho stop disturbing our romantic journal!»

«From: Mika Kishii»

Desk Correspondence Number 5

«Dear Mika, how are you?»

«I have finished reading The Wind Has Risen. It was a wonderful book.»

«I shall lend it to you some day!»

«Right now, the sun is setting.»

«The evening sun looks very beautiful from here.»

«With the sun slowly sinking behind the mountains, the mountains themselves tower on the horizon like their silhouettes are aflame.»

«We should call ourselves very lucky to have such beautiful scenery close to us. Do you not think so, too?»

A: "I'd love to see that, too..." B: "You're a romanticist, aren't you?"

A: "I'd love to see that, too..." [X] B: "You're a romanticist, aren't you?"

«Hi there, this is Mika!»

«Up until now, I never came to the library that often, so I didn't even know about that sunset scenery you mentioned!»

«I'm gonna try and check it out, myself.»

«But I don't really have anyone to watch it together with... You gave me such great info and I can't even make use of it. What a waste, huh! (cry)»

«Well, it's not like I'm really looking for someone right now, anyway!»

Desk Correspondence Number 7

«It has been a while since I last wrote here. I apologise for that.»

«I have never heard of "My Little Lover". Is that a foreign song?» [My Little Lover is a Japanese pop group that started in 1995. This game came out in 1996, so they were probably famous among high school girls at that time. They are still active, by the way.]

«I am rather poorly informed when it comes to popular music...»

«But I can play piano a little. The other day, I finished practicing Nocturne!»

A: "You're still practicing piano?" B: "You DON'T know My Little Lover?!"

A: "You're still practicing piano?" [X] B: "You DON'T know My Little Lover?!"

«Wow, you're still practicing piano? That's amazing!»

«Ah, could it be, you're aiming to enter a college of music?»

«But still... To not even know My Little Lover... That's quite something! I'm shocked!»

«I think you should just listen to as many different things as possible! That widens your musical horizon!»

«You know, if you don't even know anything about basic stuff like My Little Lover, then I'm not even sure what topics to write about here!»

Desk Correspondence Number 8

«I am sorry.»

«I feel like my reply has angered you somewhat, dear Mika.»

«I am a bit different from the people around me, so I may have written something strange.»

«If I have offended you with anything I wrote, then I apologise.»

«You will continue exchanging messages with me, right?»

A: "I shall teach you all about popular music and so on!" B: "It's not like you actually offended me."

A: "I shall teach you all about popular music and so on!" B: "It's not like you actually offended me." [X]

«I'm not actually mad or anything. But you really ARE strange, I'll give you that.»

«I just think you should aim to be more like the other high school girls of this day and age, you know?»

Desk Correspondence Number 9

«Thank you for your concern, Mika. I appreciate it.»

«It might be, because I'm so shy, but I don't talk that much with my friends.»

«Because of that, I'm not very familiar with what is popular these days and what is not.»

«If you do not mind, would you perhaps care to teach me a bit about what is popular these days through these messages that we exchange here?»

«I'm mostly in the library after school.»

«From the window here I can see the schoolyard. I enjoy watching everyone from here, when they are doing their club activities out there.»

«Perhaps we can meet at this desk someday.»

MIHO: "Is this person playing dense on purpose or something?"

KANAE: "Something's strange about this! This person is creeping me out!"

MIHO: "For starters, they write they're in the library all the time, but we haven't seen them even once so far!"

KIMIKA: "And that part about watching the courtyard from this window... The new school building is in the way, so you can't even see the courtyard from here!"

MIHO: "Whoever it is is probably just screwing with us!"

KANAE: "Maybe they don't even belong to our school or something...?"

KIMIKA: "Or maybe it's someone who's kind of fucked up in the head?"

KIMIKA: "What does it even mean that they're not taking part in any club activities themselves? Are they sick or something?"

MIHO: "Do people like that still exist nowadays?"

KANAE: "Mika, we should stop doing this."

KANAE: "It might be better not to get involved any further with this. I grew kinda tired of it, anyway."

MIKA: "Yeah, you're right..."

MIKA: «"ZIPPER" is a magazine for young girls, but if you want to go for something cute, you should give it a try.» ["ZIPPER" is a fashion magazine that started in 1993.]

MIKA: «There's also the magazine "CUTE", but that would be going a bit too far, so better stay away from it.» [Probably refers to "CUTiE", another girls' fashion magazine from the 90s.]

MIKA: "What am I doing...? Who does something like this at my age, anyway...?"

MIKA: "Yukari... Where's Chisato? Still at the archery club?"

YUKARI: "Well, I'm in no club at all and you regularly skip yours – which is why we can go home early like this."

YUKARI: "But Chisato will have preliminary rounds for the Inter High School Sports Festival soon, so it's not like she has the same luxury as us right now."

MIKA: "I see..."

YUKARI: "...What's wrong? You're acting weird."

MIKA: "...Yukari, I'm... beginning to feel kind of... scared..."

YUKARI: "Of what?"

MIKA: "This S. H. person... doesn't seem normal."

YUKARI: "What do you mean?"

MIKA: "How should I put it..."

MIKA: "He or she doesn't give off the vibe of a high schooler from this day and age..."

YUKARI: "Huh!? You're not making any sense!"

MIKA: "It feels like I'm writing to a person from a long time ago..."

YUKARI: "What, you mean you're exchanging messages through time or something? Don't be ridiculous!"

YUKARI: "You started this to mess with them, but it seems you're the one who's being messed with."

MIKA: "No! That's not it! I'm sure of it!!"

YUKARI: "Jeez, what are you getting all worked up for..."

YUKARI: "Then who is this S. H. in your opinion?"

MIKA: "I... don't know, but..."

MIKA: "But... How should I put it..."

MIKA: "It feels like a genuine, natural person..."

YUKARI: "...Well, if it creeps you out that much, then why not just stop exchanging messages?"

MIKA: "Yes, that's what I think I should do, too, but... For some reason, I cannot stop..."

YUKARI: "......"

MIKA: "Yukari, do you know of a book called «The Wind Has Risen»?"

YUKARI: "«The Wind Has Risen»...?"

YUKARI: "Yeah, that came up in that mock exam the other day."

MIKA: "S. H. wants to lend it to me one of these days..."

YUKARI: "......"

Desk Correspondence Number 10

«Dear Mika, thank you for teaching me all these things until now.»

«......It made me really happy. But I...»

«I might not be able to continue replying...»

«Perhaps we won't be able to meet anymore like this...»

A: "What? I'm gonna be lonely without you!" B: "Are you switching schools or something?"

A: "What? I'm gonna be lonely without you!" B: "Are you switching schools or something?" [X]

MIKA: «What? Are you going to change schools? Does that mean our correspondence will be over already?»

Desk Correspondence Number 11

«No, I'm not talking about changing schools.»

«I'm going to go to a place that is far away. Very far...»

A: "What do you mean by far away?" B: "Are you going abroad?"

A: "What do you mean by far away?" B: "Are you going abroad?" [X]

«Even if it's a far away place, you'll come back eventually, right?»

«Ah, are you perhaps going abroad? That would be cool, wouldn't it?»

«I'm kinda envious. I hope you'll have fun! And don't forget to bring me a souvenir!»

Desk Correspondence Number 12

«No... That is not what I meant.»

«The far away place I am going to... does not exist in this world.»

«Soon, I am going to die...»

A: "Why? Are you sick?" B: "Stop it with the jokes..."

A: "Why? Are you sick?" [X] B: "Stop it with the jokes..."

«...Why? Are you sick? Do you have something serious?»

«If this is a joke, I'm going to be really mad!»

Desk Correspondence Number 13

«I am sorry. Are you worried about me?»

«I didn't want to worry you, Mika...»

«I am not sick. But my life is almost over.»

«I can sense that this is so... And I am merely obeying this premonition...»

A: "I won't believe this!" B: "You're just imagining things..."

A: "I won't believe this!" [X] B: "You're just imagining things..."

«Dear S. H., get a hold of yourself! Are you trying to scare me?»

«I'll have you know, I'm immune to scary things!» [Which, I suppose, is a lie, since she admitted earlier to Yukari that she is beginning to feel scared.]

«I won't believe that you'll die, or that it's your destiny to die, or whatever! If you want to turn this into a horror story, do it with someone else!»

Desk Correspondence Number 14

«It cannot be helped, if you won't believe me.»

«I do not want to believe it myself, I guess...»

«But ever since I was little, I have been taught that this time... the time of my destined death, will eventually come.»

«My mother passed away immediately after I was born. My sister died three years ago... So now it is my turn...»

«This is a natural course of events.»

A: "I don't understand what you're talking about!" B: "If you're going to write weird things, I'll stop replying!"

A: "I don't understand what you're talking about!" [X] B: "If you're going to write weird things, I'll stop replying!"

«I don't understand what you're talking about! Stop it already! Otherwise...»

«Otherwise I don't think I have the confidence to continue our correspondence...»

«S. H., do you not want to continue exchanging messages, anymore? Please... Let us write about more pleasant things again!»

Desk Correspondence Number 15

«I apologise. It seems I made you uncomfortable...»

«But I...»

«I'm scared...»

«Mika, do you think there is an afterworld? A world we end up after we die?»

«I have heard that it is a very dark and cold place...»

«Ever since I was little, I tried to be prepared for this, but when I think about the fact that it is going to happen... soon...»

«It terrifies me, after all...»

«Mika... Dying all alone feels... very lonely.»

A: "I am ending this correspondence." [X]

«I am ending this correspondence. I cannot go along with this any more.»

«I'm sorry...»

«Bye, bye!»

«Dear Mika... Have you come to hate me now?»

«It cannot be helped... I only wrote unpleasant things to you, after all...»

«Soon, I will have to say farewell to you. It seems like I really have to go.»

«But, before that...»

«I want to meet you, Mika...»


CHISATO: "Yukari..."

YUKARI: "What is it? You look worried... Did something happen?"

CHISATO: "......"

CHISATO: "Well, I've heard a worrying rumour..."

YUKARI: "About me? Don't worry, I don't mind them."

YUKARI: "It's a common thing, anyw--"

CHISATO: "No, not about you... I've heard a rumour about Mika..."

CHISATO: "It's about the desk scribbles in the library you mentioned. It seems they have become... strange."

YUKARI: "Strange...? Come to think of it, the other day, Mika also mentioned something like that... What exactly is so strange about them, though?"

CHISATO: "Apparently the scribbles started saying things like «I'll die soon» or «I'm lonely»."

YUKARI: "......"

CHISATO: "I just hope, Mika didn't get involved in anything really weird..."

CHISATO: "Where is she now?"

YUKARI: "She said she was going to the library... She wanted to come back directly, but it's been a while already... I wonder what's taking her so long?"

CHISATO: "Maybe she's... writing another reply on that desk...?"

YUKARI: "No, no, she said, she just wanted to go borrow a book."

YUKARI: "I think it was «The Wind Has Risen»?"

YUKARI: "It's a book, this S. H. has been talking about..."

CHISATO: "Hey, don't you think it might be better to go and pick her up?"

A: "Let's wait a bit longer." B: "I guess we can go pick her up..."

A: "Let's wait a bit longer." B: "I guess we can go pick her up..." [X]

YUKARI: "I guess you're right... Might not be wrong to check up on her."

CHISATO: "Yes..."

YUKARI: "Still, what's up with her? Going to the library like this all of a sudden..."

YUKARI: "That's, like, the last place you'd usually find her in..."

CHISATO: "......"

YUKARI: "Well, I'm not one to talk, but still..."

YUKARI: "...Chisato?

CHISATO: "The sunset..."

YUKARI: "Huh?"

CHISATO: "The sunset from here is very beautiful, isn't it...?"

CHISATO: "The mountains kind of look like they're on fire..."

YUKARI: "......"

CHISATO: "For some reason, I feel really uneasy... We should hurry and find Mika..."

YUKARI: "......"

CHISATO: "Yukari, let's go!"

CHISATO: "There's no one here...?"

YUKARI: "...Maybe she went home all by herself?"

CHISATO: "That's not like her!"

CHISATO: "We should hurry and look for her... I have a really bad feeling about this..."

CHISATO: "Yukari, what was the name again of that book that Mika wanted to borrow?"

YUKARI: "I'm pretty sure it was... «The Wind Has Risen». It's probably in the Japanese literature section..."

CHISATO: "Mika is not here..."

YUKARI: "......"

CHISATO: "Yukari."

YUKARI: "Hm...?"

CHISATO: "I think this is «The Wind Has Risen»."

CHISATO: "Maybe Mika didn't borrow it, after all?"

YUKARI: "They probably just have a newer edition that she took. This one is super old. It looks like it'd fall apart just by opening it."

CHISATO: "I hope that's it, but..."

TEACHER: "What are you still doing here? It's almost time to leave the school grounds. You should hurry up and go home already."

CHISATO: "Ah, yes..."

CHISATO: "Uhm... Have you perhaps seen Mika Kishii?"

TEACHER: "Kishii?"

TEACHER: "Ah, her! She's been coming to the library quite often these days."

TEACHER: "She was here today, as well, until just now. Probably just went home?"

TEACHER: "She was gone rather suddenly... ...Huh? Wait, that book you have there..."


TEACHER: "That's «The Wind Has Risen»! So it has finally turned up again..."

YUKARI: "Turned up again...?"

TEACHER: "Yeah. For a long, long time, I couldn't find it anymore."

TEACHER: "A very long time ago, must have been 30 years or so...? Anyway, it was back when I had just graduated. A female student donated this book to the library back then."

TEACHER: "She was what you would have called a bookworm girl back in those days. Would hole herself up in the library all day, you know."

TEACHER: "Probably didn't have any friends, either, I'm guessing... You'd always see her all alone in the library, reading books..."

TEACHER: "She was rather pretty, but..."

YUKARI: "Did something happen to her?"

TEACHER: "There's a cliff in the mountains behind this school, right?"

TEACHER: "She had an accident there and fell to her death."

CHISATO: "......!"

CHISATO: "I am sorry, but... do you happen to know the name of this girl...?"

TEACHER: "Her name, huh... Let's see..."

TEACHER: "Ah! There's a stamp showing that the book is a donation. She probably signed it there!"

YUKARI: "On the back cover...? Here!"

YUKARI: "Year of donation: Shouwa 38 [=1963]. Donated by: Sakura Himegami."

YUKARI: "Sakura... Himegami..."

YUKARI: "S. H.!"

CHISATO: "Yukari! Where is that desk that Mika mentioned?!"

YUKARI: "It should be next to the window..."

«Today, I am leaving.»

«Please meet with me just once, before I go.»

«I will be waiting for you at 6 pm at the shrine in the mountains.»

«S. H.»

YUKARI: "Sakura Himegami wants to meet... with Mika...?"

CHISATO: "Yukari, what should we do?"

CHISATO: "Mika probably went there!"

YUKARI: "Which way to the shrine?"

CHISATO: "It should be... that way!"

YUKARI: "She's not here..."

CHISATO: "......"

A: "Let's look for her here." B: "Let's go a bit further."

A: "Let's look for her here." B: "Let's go a bit further." [X]

CHISATO: "...Yukari?"

CHISATO: "Maybe Mika went a bit further... to the cliff."

YUKARI: "......!"

YUKARI: "Chisato, let's go!"

CHISATO: "There she is!"

CHISATO: "Hurry, Yukari!"

YUKARI: "Mika..."

CHISATO: "Yukari!"

YUKARI: "...? What is it, Chisato?"

CHISATO: "Yukari..."

CHISATO: "Mika is not alone..."

YUKARI: "Not alone...? You mean..."

YUKARI: "...Don't say things like that!"

YUKARI: "Mika..."

MIKA: "......"

YUKARI: "What the hell are you doing here? I waited for you to come back from the library..."

YUKARI: "Mika...?"

MIKA: "......"

YUKARI: "Come on, let's go home already..."

MIKA: "I..."


MIKA: "I have to go..."

YUKARI: "You have to go? Go where?"

MIKA: "To S. H. ..."

CHISATO: "Mika! No! You can't!"

YUKARI: "Mika!"

YUKARI: "Ah!!!"




[Don't skip the credits, the music is pretty cool! Also, there's something after the credits...]




«I have become...»

«...a ghost?!»

"This was not the end to their <horror>..."

Hinashiro High School

"A new series of explorations awaits the young girls."

"A looming danger is coming closer and closer!!"

"All mysteries shall be solved."



Please look forward to it!

For more infomation >> Twilight Syndrome – Search (English), Part 22: FINALE: One More Rumour - Duration: 33:18.


一組1949年蔣介石在老家溪口的老照片 - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> 一組1949年蔣介石在老家溪口的老照片 - Duration: 1:14.




For more infomation >> VIETNAMESE FOOD #76 | SUL BINGSU NGUYEN TRAI - Duration: 3:38.


Chicago and United Airlines with Travel Blogger & Instagrammer Tara Povey - Duration: 3:40.

(upbeat music)

- How was my flight over

on the Polaris Business Class with United?

It was amazing.

My favorite part was probably the fact

that the seats fully recline so it's like a flat bed.

It just made such a difference for comfort

and I felt more refreshed at the end of the flight

and also the dessert trolley, I've never seen

a dessert trolley on a flight ever

and I don't think it's common practice

so it was full trolley layered

with loads of different desserts

and you get to choose and there's a sundae station

and they're like pouring the stuff on

and make you a sundae depending

on what sort of toppings you want

so yeah, it was very unique.

So there's a new United Polaris lounge

in the Chicago O'Hare Airport and that's just stunning,

the design is beautiful and there's

all sorts of wonderful food and it just makes the difference

like it makes you feel more relaxed before your flight.

First time in Chicago actually.

Yeah, and I was just majorly impressed with the city.

I mean, I've heard great things before

but I didn't really know what it was

about the city but it's just, it's magical I think.

There's so much about it to love.

It's super pedestrian friendly,

all the people are just incredibly welcoming

and there's so much to do here, you know,

you've got skyscrapers, you've got beach,

you've got like a giant fresh water lake

that feels like the sea, you can go out on boats,

I mean, deep dish pizza, there's just so much.

I loved the Wicker Park Farmer's Market actually,

that sort of neighborhood was really funky

and a bit different, there's loads of like boutique shops

and street art so it's really colorful,

it felt a bit more like authentic local Chicago.

And then I also loved the Gospel Brunch

because it's unlike anything I've ever seen in my life.

We just don't have anything like that in Ireland

so it was really unique experience, it was very lively.

We stayed in the Dana Hotel

which is sort of modern, funky hotel,

right in the heart of everything.

Minute's walk from like breakfast, shops,

everything you need, all the main landmarks.

Yeah, and it was great, all the staff are friendly.

There's a really good restaurant downstairs,

there's an amazing rooftop bar with great views

over the city, so yeah, it was just perfect location,

would definitely recommend it.

My room was yeah, my room was pretty big actually.

Especially for like a main city in America,

the room was really big, it's not like tiny sort of rooms

you get in London, but yeah, giant windows,

great views over the sort of cityscape

and yeah, lovely modern shower, bathroom,

yeah, and oh, there's a great coffee machine as well.

Lou Malnati's just for the pizza.

You've got to go traditional

and Chicago pizza is kind of what you have to have

when you're in Chicago so Lou Malnati's

was the best place to try it.

I'm a baseball fan now, after watching

the Cubs versus the Reds?

I think that was what I saw.

But yeah, it was, it's a really fun game.

More so for the atmosphere,

like even if you don't understand the game,

it's great just to go and get the vibe of the crowd

and just experience something that's very American

and that we would never have at home, so yeah, it was great.

(upbeat music)

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