Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 31 2018

Hi, I'm Adriene Hill, and welcome back to Crash Course Statistics. We've covered a

lot of statistical models, from the matched pairs t-test to linear regression. And for

the most part, we've used them to model data that we already have so we can make inferences

about it.

But sometimes we want to predict future data. A model that predicts whether someone will

default on their loan could be very helpful to a bank employee. They're probably not

writing scientific papers about why people default on loans, but they do care about accurately

predicting who will.

Many types of Machine Learning (ML) do just that: build models to predict future outcomes.

And this field has exploded over the past few decades. Supervised Machine Learning takes

data that already has a correct answer, like images that have been labeled as "cat"

or "not a cat", or the current salary of a company's CEO, and tries to learn how

to predict it. It's supervised because we can tell the model what it got wrong.

It's called Machine Learning because instead of following strict rules and instructions

from humans, the computers (or machines) learn how to do things from data.

Today, we'll briefly cover a few types of supervised Machine Learning models, logistic

regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and K Nearest Neighbors.


Say you own a microloan company. Your goal is to give short term, low interest loans

to people around the world, so they can invest in their small businesses. You have everyone

fill out an application that asks them to specify things like their age, sex, annual

income, and the number of years they've been in business.

The microloan is not a donation, the recipient is supposed to pay it back. So you need to

figure out who is most likely to do that.

During the early days of your company, you reviewed each application by hand and made

that decision based on personal experience of who was likely to pay back the loan.

But now you have more money and applicants than you could possibly handle. You need a

model--or algorithm--to help you make these decisions efficiently.

Logistic regression is a simple twist on linear regression. It gets its name from the fact

that it is a regression that predicts what's called the log odds of an event occuring.

While log odds can be difficult, once we have them, we can use some quick calculations to

turn them into probabilities, which are a lot easier to work with. We can use these

probabilities to predict whether an individual will default on their loan.

Usually the cutoff is 50%. If someone is less than 50% likely to default on their loan,

we'll predict that they'll pay it off. Otherwise, we'll predict that they won't

pay off their loan.

We need to be able to test whether our model will be good at predicting data it's never

seen before. Data it doesn't have the correct answer for. So we need to pretend that some

of our data is "future" data for which we don't know the outcome.

One simple way to do that is to split your data into two parts.

The first portion of our data, called the training set, will be the data that we use

to create--or train--our model. The other portion, called the testing set, is the data

we're pretending is from the future. We don't use it to train our model.

Instead, to test how well our model works, we withhold the outcomes of the test set so

that the model doesn't know whether someone paid off their loan or not, and ask it to

make a prediction.

Then, we can compare these with the real outcomes that we ignored before.

We can do this using a what's called a Confusion Matrix. A Confusion Matrix is a chart that

tells us what actually happened--whether a person paid back a loan--and what the model

predicted would happen.

The diagonals of this matrix are times when the model got it right. Cases where the model

correctly predicted that the person will default on the loan is called a True Positive. "True"

because it got it right. "Positive" because the person defaulted on their loan.

Cases where the model correctly predicted that a person will pay back the loan are called

True Negatives. Again "true" because it made the correct prediction, and "negative"

because the person did not default.

Cases where the model was wrong are called False Negatives--if the model thought that

they would not default--and False Positives--if the model thought they would default.

Using current data and pretending it was future data allows us to see how this model performed

with data it had never seen before.

One simple way to measure how well the model did is to calculate its accuracy. Accuracy

is the total number of correct classifications--Our True Positives and True Negatives--divided

by the total number of cases. It's the percent of cases our model got correct.

Accuracy is important. But it's also pretty simplistic. It doesn't take into account

the fact that in different situations, we might care more about some mistakes than others.

We won't touch on other methods of measuring a model's accuracy here, but it's important

to recognize that in many situations, we want information above and beyond just an accuracy


Logistic regression isn't the only way predict the future. Another common model is Linear

Discriminant Analysis or LDA for short. LDA uses Bayes' Theorem in order to help us

make predictions about data.

Let's say we wanna predict whether someone would get into our local state college based

on their high school GPA. The red dots represent people who did not

get in, green are people who did.

If we make a couple of assumptions, we can estimate the GPA distributions of people who

did, and did not get their acceptance letter.

If we find a new student who wants to know if they will get in to your local state school,

we use Bayes Rule and these distributions to calculate the probability of getting in

or not.

LDA just asks, "Which category is more likely?" If we draw a vertical line at their GPA, whichever

distribution has a higher value at that line is the group we'd guess.

Since this student, Analisa has a 3.2 GPA, we'd predict that she DOES get in. Since

it's more likely under the "got in" distribution.

But we all know that GPA isn't everything. What if we looked at SAT Scores as well.

Looking at the distributions of both GPA and SAT scores together can get a little more

complicated. And this is where LDA becomes really helpful.

We want to create a score, we'll call it Score X, that's a linear combination of

GPA and SAT scores. Something like this: We, or rather the computer, want to make it

so that the Score X value of the admitted students is as different as possible from

the Score X value of the people who weren't admitted.

This special way of combining variables to make a score that maximally separates the

two groups is what makes LDA really special.

So, Score X is a pretty good indicator of whether or not a student got in. AND that's

just one number that we have to keep track of, instead of two: GPA and SAT score.

For this sample, my computer told me that this is the correct formula:

Which means we can take the scatter plot of both GPA and SAT score and change it into

a one-dimensional graph of just Score X.

Then we can plot the distributions and use Bayes Rule to predict whether a new student,

Brad, is going to get into this school.

Brad's Score X is 8, so we predict that he won't get in, since with a score X of

8, it's more likely that you won't get in than that you will.

Creating a score like Score X can simplify things a lot. Here, we looked at two variables,

which we could have easily graphed. But, that's not the case if we have 100 variables for

each student. Trust me, you don't want your college admissions counselor making admissions

decisions based on a graph like that.

Using fewer numbers also means that on average, the computer can do faster calculations. So

if 5 million potential students ask you to predict whether they get in, using LDA to

simplify will speed things up.

Reducing the number of variables we have to deal with is called Dimensionality Reduction,

and it's really important in the world of "Big Data". It makes working with millions

of data points, each with thousands of variables, possible.

That's often the kind of data that companies like Google and Amazon have.

The last machine learning model we'll talk about is K-Nearest Neighbors.

K-Nearest Neighbors...or KNN for short...relies on the idea that data points will be similar

to other data points that are near it.

For example, let's plot the height and weight of a group of Golden Retrievers, and a group

of Huskies:

If someone tells us a height and weight for a dog--named Chase--whose breed we don't

know...we could plot it on our graph.

The four points closest to Chase are Golden Retrievers, so we would guess he's a Golden


That's the basic idea behind K-Nearest Neighbors! Whichever category--in this case dog breed--has

the more data points near our new data point is the category we pick.

In practice it is a tiny bit more complicated than that. One thing we need to do is decide

how many "neighboring" data points to look at.

The K in KNN is a variable representing the number of neighbors we'll look at for each

point--or dog--we want to classify.

When we wanted to know whether Chase was a Husky or a Golden Retriever, we looked at

the 4 closest data points. So K equals 4. But we can set K to be any number.

We could look at the 1 nearest neighbor. Or 15 nearest neighbors. As K changes, our classifications

can change. These graphs show how points in each area of the graph would be classified.

There are many ways to choose which k to use. One way is to split your data into two groups,

a training set and a test set. I'm going to take 20% of the data, and ignore

it for now.

Then I'm going to take the other 80% of the data and use it to train a KNN classifier.

A classifier basically just predicts which group something will be in. It classifies

it. We'll build it using k equals 5.

And we get this result: Where blue means Golden Retriever. And red means Husky.

As you can see, the boundaries between classes don't have to be one straight line. That's

one benefit of KNN. It can fit all kinds of data.

Now that we have trained our classifier using 80% of the data, we can test it using the

other 20%. We'll ask it to predict the classes of each of the data points in this 20% test

set. And again, we can calculate an accuracy score. This model has 66.25% accuracy. But

we can also try out other K's and pick the one that has the best accuracy.

It looks like using a k of 50 hits the sweet spot for us. Since the model with k equals

50 has the highest accuracy of predicting Husky vs. Golden Retriever. So, if we want

to build a KNN classifier to predict the breed of unknown dogs, we'd start with a K of


Choosing model parameters--variables like k that can be different numbers--can be done

in much more complex ways than we showed here, or could be done using information about the

specific data set you're working with . We not going to get into alternative methods

now, but if you're ever going to build models for real, you should look it up.

Machine Learning focuses a lot on prediction. Instead of just accurately describing our

current data, we want it to pretty accurately predict future data.

And these days, data is BIG. By one estimate, we produce 2.5 QUINTILLION bytes of data per

day. And supervised machine learning can help us harness the strength of that data.

We can teach models or rather have the models teach themselves how to best distinguish between

groups like will pay off a loan and those that won't. Or people who will love watching

the new season of The Good Place `and those that won't.

We're affected by these models all the time. From online shopping, to streaming a new show

on Hulu, to a new song recommendation on Spotify. Machine learning affects our lives everyday.

And it doesn't always make it better we'll get to that. Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Supervised Machine Learning: Crash Course Statistics #36 - Duration: 11:51.


Train Like a Pro: Tomas Tatar stick handling demo - Duration: 1:43.

I used to play a lot of street hockey when I was young.

It was my go-to sport.

I always enjoyed myself because you could do a lot of crazy stuff out there.

It was fun.

I'm just trying to have fun out there, trying new things.

Hockey is fun when you're having fun.

I think that should be the rule.

For more infomation >> Train Like a Pro: Tomas Tatar stick handling demo - Duration: 1:43.


US economic growth could soon face a slowdown - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> US economic growth could soon face a slowdown - Duration: 5:03.


VanEck awaiting SEC instruction for bitcoin ETF - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> VanEck awaiting SEC instruction for bitcoin ETF - Duration: 4:36.


Child Poverty Reduction Bill - Second Reading - Video 8 - Duration: 9:54.

For more infomation >> Child Poverty Reduction Bill - Second Reading - Video 8 - Duration: 9:54.


Child Poverty Reduction Bill - Second Reading - Video 6 - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> Child Poverty Reduction Bill - Second Reading - Video 6 - Duration: 6:57.


SIAMÉS - "Mr. FEAR" [Official Animated Music Video] - Duration: 4:34.



































For more infomation >> SIAMÉS - "Mr. FEAR" [Official Animated Music Video] - Duration: 4:34.


Tech companies ramp up lobbying efforts in DC - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Tech companies ramp up lobbying efforts in DC - Duration: 4:45.


How does Cerenkov radiation work? - Duration: 9:49.

If you know absolutely anything about science- anything at all- you know that it's impossible

to go faster than the speed of light.

And that's pretty much true, although a little caution is required.

There are a few situations where it is actually possible to break that ultimate speed limit,

although if you think that this will lead to something like this-


- you'll be disappointed.

Sorry about that.

I made an entire video on the special cases, which you might want to look up.

In this video, I want to tell you about one of those special cases, but it'll be backwards.

Rather than having an object going near the speed of light and then speeding up, instead

I'm going to talk about a situation where an object is traveling at near the speed of

light and then we slow light down.

That's a bit of a cheat, of course, but it's still pretty interesting.

So let's talk about it.

When we talk about the speed of light, we really mean the speed of light in a vacuum.

When light encounters a transparent medium like glass, plastic, water, or even air, it

slows down.

You may have heard of this if you ever took an introductory physics class.

The phenomenon is called the index of refraction and we know that in glass and plastic, light

travels at about two thirds the speed that light travels in a vacuum.

In water, it's about three quarters.

And, in air, the speed is only a tiny, tiny, tiny bit slowed down.

So that's the trick.

Suppose you had a vacuum with a light beam in it with an electrically charged particle

like an electron or proton traveling alongside it at very nearly the speed of light, say

99.99% that speed or something.

The two of them would stay together pretty much, although the photon would slowly pull


Now, suppose that we shoot the two of them into a huge tank of water.

If we did that, the electron would continue to travel at 99.99% the speed of light in

a vacuum, while the light beam would instantly slow down to 75% its normal speed.

In this situation, the electron would be traveling faster than light.


Mind blown.

So, having a particle travel faster than light is already a kind of cool thing, but it actually

gets even better.

The first person to notice that a liquid surrounding a radioactive substance glowed blue was Marie

Curie, because, well, you know- Marie Curie.

She was totally the bomb.

But the person who typically gets the credit for the first observation of the phenomenon

is a Russian student by the name of Pavel Cerenkov.

He first saw it back in 1934.

Now, before I tell you about the physics, I'd like to talk a little bit about how

to spell his name.

Because he was Russian, the proper way is to use the Cyrillic symbols.

On the other hand, on the English-speaking internet, you typically see it spelled Cherenkov-

with the 'CH', since that's the sound that starts his name.

On the third hand, you'll almost never see it spelled that way in a physics book.

In a physics book, the name starts with just a C, not a CH.

And- occasionally- you'll see the name written with a C with this little accent symbol on

the top of it.

So, I don't know what a real linguist would tell you is the right way to transliterate

the Cyrillic, but I always say that, well, physics is everything.

From that, I conclude that the physics way is the right way.

And, from that, I can authoritatively tell you that you spell it with a C and no H or


Or not.

I'm a physicist, not a linguist.

What do I know?

So, let's move on.

When Cerenkov saw the blue light emanating from water surrounding a radioactive sample,

he told his advisor Sergey Vavilov.

Vavilov shared the observation with two of his colleagues, Igor Tamm and Ilya Frank,

and Tamm and Frank figured out what was going on.

It turns out that when an electrically charged particle moves through a dielectric medium

at a speed faster than light moves through that material, light is emitted, and that

light is called Cerenkov light.

Now the exact, detailed, mechanism whereby the light is emitted is quite complicated-

maybe I'll describe it in a future video- but basically it's created because the electric

field of the charged particle disrupts the electrons of distant atoms and those disruptions

cause even more disruptions to other atoms.

When you add up everything, Cerenkov light is emitted – but only if the charged particle

is traveling faster than light.

If light is emitted at a point, represented by this x here, it radiates from that point

in a sphere.

You can see how it works in this animation.

The sphere grows at the speed of light.

But the particle, which is represented by this red dot, is traveling faster than the

speed of light.

You can see that the dot moves away from the x faster than the sphere grows.

Now suppose light is emitted when the particle is at a different location.

That light will also leave the point in a sphere and the sphere will also grow.

This process can appear again and again and again, with a series of spheres.

The edges of the spheres line up, which you can see here.

And, of course, light isn't emitted just at these locations where the x's are marked.

The light is emitted everywhere along the path of the charged particle and the result

is a cone of light growing around the path taken by the charged particle and traveling


So those are the basics.

A charged particle, traveling faster than light in an appropriate material, results

in the particle and material combining to give off light.

That light tends to be from the purple and blue side of the spectrum.

I'll show you an example of that in a minute.

But scientists can use more information than the simple observation of blue light.

The shape of the cone tells you how fast the particle is going.

If it's going near the speed of light, then the cone is very fat.

But, if the particle is going much faster than light in the medium, then the cone is

very skinny.

Another thing scientists can exploit is the fact that some particles are created in the

transparent medium moving just faster than light and then, because of interactions with

the medium, they slow down below the speed of light.

That means the particle will emit Cerenkov light for a little while and then stop doing


And that means that the light will not be a cone forever.

Instead, you'll see a gap between the two wave fronts.

Now what I've shown you here is in two dimensions, but, of course, it's a three-dimensional


The light comes out as a ring.

This particular feature is very useful in huge Cerenkov detectors.

For instance, the Super-Kamiokande experiment in Japan is a ginormous tank holding 50,000

tons of water.

It's a cylinder about 40 meters both in diameter and height.

That's about 130 feet for Americans.

In the Super-Kamiokande detector, or Super-K, as it's often called, neutrinos enter and

interact with the water.

The neutrinos convert into electrons or muons, which are charged particles that can emit

Cerenkov light.

That's basically how it works.

Some of the neutrinos that interact in the water are low enough energy that electrons

or muons don't travel very far- therefore the Cerenkov light makes rings inside the


Using the size of the rings and the time the light arrives at detectors throughout the

apparatus, scientists can figure out the energy and trajectory of the parent neutrino.

Really a very cool technique.

Cerenkov light is used for many purposes in particle physics experiments, but it's probably

mostly used in these big water neutrino detectors.

If you're interested in other applications, you can, of course, Google it.

Before I close, I want to share a very awesome video.

In this video, a nuclear reactor is surrounded by water and the reactor is turned off.

As the technicians turn the reactor on, it begins to emit countless charged particles

into the surrounding water.

And, as it does, you can see the Cerenkov light begin to be emitted.

It's one of my favorite videos.

Okay, so that was a longish video, but Cerenkov light is a fascinating phenomenon.

If you liked what you saw, please like the video, share it with your friends, and subscribe

to the channel.

I want this channel to have more subscribers than any of America's other national labs.

I'm confident that we'll do that, because, unlike those, well... multipurpose laboratories,

our focus is simply jaw-dropping physics.

And, as I'm sure you'll agree, physics is everything.

For more infomation >> How does Cerenkov radiation work? - Duration: 9:49.


Metal Detecting Action Between Two Hills - With Some Great Results - Duration: 52:19.


I have to delete the previous GPS data first.

First target.

A dog...

Somewhere in the forest I'm about to enter...

A piece of lead, maybe former musket ball.

Another, smaller one.

A pin fire cartridge.

Hmm, just a white, square stone.

A small piece of foil.

What's this?

Some call it a "billhook".

Someone dug it out and threw it away (I can't take it with me today).

A pull tab.

This dog is starting making me nervous...

I'm going in his direction.

It's a button.

The "concave" model.

It's a musket ball.

I hear something...

I think, I saw someone...

Could be the owner of this dog.

Next musket ball.

A musket ball.


This could be WWII related.

Probably part of "something" that was dropped from an airplane...

It is a button.

GPS ("POI") #2.

I'm being attacked by mosquitoes.

I have no other choice but to use "the onion".

On the face...

...and my hat.

They are still flying, even when it got colder...

The dog is almost in my sight.

If he attacks me, I will throw the onion at him!

It looks like a nail, but it's just a weird shaped bullet.

Another musket ball.

Have you heard this?

The Deus (v5.2) tried to disconnect again (there was a short break).

It seems, XP "bypassed" the reboot process, while the cause is still there...

I apologize for this (out of frame) perspective.

I think it's foil.

What is this?

It looks very old.

Could it be Roman?

A bent bronze "key", or something else?


Sounds like iron next to it.

An old nail.

A chunk of iron.

The tip of a bullet.

This one sounds good.

A piece of lead.

Roots and stones...

It's a coin.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1928).

WWII shrapnel.

It's relatively steep, but I believe this slope is worth a try...


Looks like a clip of some sort.

I will show you pictures at the end.

I will go a little bit further, but I have to make one step to the side first...

Aluminum button.

A bent nail, or something similar.

I'm checking if that's a spider web, or another annoying fly.

A deformed piece of lead - a former musket ball?

That's probably a button.

It could be a WWII related item.

I decided to come down and check the other side.

Deus first...

Maybe I will have better chances here...

I don't know what it once was.

Some of my local flies don't even bother to move, when you touch them...

That's why I have to check twice...


Another piece of lead.

I'm not a fan of lead.

Sure, it is an indicator for activities, but it has been fired from a different place.

A bullet.

Remains of the previous detectorist.

I feel like a donkey with a carrot on a stick...

I think it was a pin fire cartridge - sorry about the picture being out of frame.

Like a needle...

Not the "busiest" spot.

Maybe this iron can give me a clue.

It's longer.

Looks like the handle of a sickle.

This is a much better indicator...

...I think, I should look around.

The bird came out of nowhere and showed me the way.

It's a nice bronze buckle.

This is another sickle.

And the guarding ant.

The two last targets were just a few meters above the first sickle.

A button.

A modern "10 (Euro) Cent" coin.

There is more!

This is all I got so far.

Let's see if there is more.

I will "try" to record this with my macro camera.

It will be blurry and shaky, but it wont take long.

1 (Euro) Cent.

"10 Cent".

"1 Cent".

"1 Cent".

And a bug.

Next "1 Cent" coin.

"1 Cent" again.

Part of a button.

"5 (Euro) Cent".


A similar object to the one before.

I'm back at the bottom of the valley with "this".

And this lying right next to it.

The second concave button.

Probably a button too.

A lovely buckle on the left side of the slope.

No, this is correct.

"10 Pfennig" coin (1948-2001).

Out of this hole...

...came this!

It's an awesome looking (iron) key.

It's time to go home...

The coin spill.

The other side.

A rusty "10 Pfennig" coin (1948-2001).

Probably a button.

Part of another one.

The "aluminum button".

The unknown object.

And its round friend.

Musket balls.

More lead...

The sickles.


This one is looking at you!

"1 Reichspfennig" coin.


The concave buttons...

The "clip" (the thread is still intact).

The smaller buckle.

It has a sort of (silver plated?) pattern.

The "bigger" bronze buckle.

I cleaned this part.

I wonder how old both buckles could be...

The mysterious "very old looking" item.

Could it be Roman? A bent/broken "key"?

Now that's a key for sure.

I cleaned it a little bit...

It could be "very old" too.

Distilled water...


And treasure. Detecting time: Unknown

For more infomation >> Metal Detecting Action Between Two Hills - With Some Great Results - Duration: 52:19.


Noam Dar gives a standing ovation to the Cambridge crowd at NXT UK: Exclusive, Oct. 31, 2018 - Duration: 1:20.



For more infomation >> Noam Dar gives a standing ovation to the Cambridge crowd at NXT UK: Exclusive, Oct. 31, 2018 - Duration: 1:20.


This Pirates Of The Caribbean Actress Is Gorgeous In Real Life - Duration: 3:48.

If you're familiar with the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise then you'll no doubt recognize

voodoo enchantress Tia Dalma, but what you might not know is that the woman beneath all

the dreads and makeup is just as alluring as the character she plays.

British actress Naomie Harris made her exciting debut as Dalma in 2006's Dead Man's Chest,

but the story of her life pre-Pirates is equally as interesting.

From her humble beginnings to her arrival in Hollywood, here's a look at the life and

career of the real Tia Dalma, the stunning Naomie Harris.

Teenage novelist

Early on in Harris' life, it became clear that she had a talent for writing as well

as performing.

By the time she was 13 she had completed an entire novel, a fish out of water story inspired

by her upbringing in one of London's less-desirable neighborhoods.

As Harris told The Guardian,

"It was about a middle-class girl whose parents get taken ill and she has to go and live on

a council estate with her aunt.

It was about the escapades she gets into and the culture shock, being from a very middle-class

background and ending up on a council estate."

Cambridge connections

Naomie Harris made her TV debut at the age of nine, but didn't come to the attention

of wider audiences until her mid-20s.

In 2002, she starred as Clara in the British miniseries White Teeth, which was well-received

on both sides of the Atlantic.

She seemed completely at ease with the source material, partly because she went to school

with the woman who wrote it.

The novel upon which the show was based was penned by Zadie Smith, who started at Cambridge

University the same year as Harris.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Harris said,

"She was cool, I was nerdy."

The big break

Naomie Harris marked herself out with her performance in White Teeth, showcasing raw

talent that director Danny Boyle was eager to refine.

In 2002, Harris put in a star turn opposite Cillian Murphy in Boyle's gritty, London-set

zombie apocalypse flick, 28 Days Later.

Harris told Digital Spy,

"[He] really started my career for me, I'm very grateful to Danny Boyle."

The first Bond woman

Harris debuted her version of the iconic Miss Moneypenny in 2012's Skyfall, the twenty-third

film in the James Bond franchise.

Speaking to The Telegraph, she explained how she helped redefine the Bond girl.

The actress revealed how she'd been asked to present an award at the BAFTAs, though

she took issue with what she was asked to read.

Harris was expected to refer to herself as a Bond girl, which wasn't going to fly - so

she decided to change it to "Bond woman."

"I've got some new information."

Moonlight moments

2017 was a huge year for Harris, whose performance as drug addict Paula in the Oscar-winning

Moonlight ensured she was kept busy over awards season.

She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars, Golden Globes and the BAFTAs,

and while she didn't end up winning, just having a seat at the table meant everyone

now knew her name.

Amazingly, Harris almost passed on the critically-acclaimed role because Paula's world was just so far

removed from her own.

Her performance is all the more amazing when you consider the fact that she's practically

teetotal in real life.

Harris told,

"I'm someone who's very clean-living.

I don't drink, I don't smoke."

Officer of the Order

She may have lost out on the highest honor in Hollywood when Viola Davis beat her to

the Oscar podium in 2017, but Naomie Harris was honored by her country for services to

drama that same year when the Queen personally made her an Officer of the Order of the British


Speaking to the BBC, Harris explained why the award was so important to her:

"As a black actress from the background I came from, I think it's incredibly important.

I'm absolutely thrilled to have my work recognized in this way."

The future

We won't be seeing Harris in 2019, but we'll be hearing her.

Harris is voicing the part of Nisha in Mowgli, directed by Andy Serkis.

She claimed she'd "cleared her diary" for the upcoming Bond 25 during her appearance

on The Graham Norton Show, but she doesn't appear to have anything else going on in terms

of acting.

That doesn't mean she isn't going to be busy, however.

When she spoke to Vogue in January 2018, Harris revealed that she was working with the Intermission

Youth Theatre, a year-long drama program for London's inner-city communities.

With this program, Harris hopes to help educate the next generation of performers on how to

survive in showbusiness.

For more infomation >> This Pirates Of The Caribbean Actress Is Gorgeous In Real Life - Duration: 3:48.


How To Stop Hair Loss And Make Hair Grow Faster - Duration: 3:38.

While hair loss is perfectly normal when it comes to aging,

can still catch us off guard.

Depending on how much hair you have You're losing, it could be more than simply

get older.

Excessive hair loss has been attributed poor diet, stress and other factors

environmental impacts.

When you start to see more than just some wires in the sink, or when wicks appear

of hair on your brush, you may think in changing some of their routines.

This does not mean going to the store and buying products expensive.

It is these same products that may be aggravating a normal situation.

Instead, start with something you can create from natural ingredients, which

will not affect your budget.

This treatment will also give shine and strength the wires.

After using it for a short period of time, time, you should notice the growth in these


Next time you're at the grocery store, get these three simple ingredients: eggs,

honey and castor oil.

Here's what each one does:

First, the egg yolk will make your egg hair get stronger with its high content

of protein and fat.

Can also prevent dryness and double tips due to Vitamin A and the lecithin it contains.

Second, one of the most powerful, honey works for

make your scalp healthier and with stronger roots.

The natural sugars in honey will add oil needed for the follicles.

Finally, castor oil completes the recipe, balancing the acidity levels of your hair.

He can also get rid of that annoying dandruff. which you may have seen lately.

Here's how you can do and use this tonic. hair that will make your scalp

appear energized and rejuvenated.

Take the yolk of an egg, a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of

caster and mix in a bowl.

After stirring well, apply the mixture in its roots first.

So spread it all over your hair.

If you have long hair or do not think have enough of the treatment, you can

double the revenue.

Finally, cover the head with a cap and let the three ingredients rest

for some hours.

Shampoo your hair as you normally would.

You can use this treatment up to two Times a week.

For more infomation >> How To Stop Hair Loss And Make Hair Grow Faster - Duration: 3:38.


Isn't It Romantic Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:32.

I kind of feel like Amy Schumer just made this movie...?

For more infomation >> Isn't It Romantic Trailer REACTION - Duration: 5:32.


Here & Now Wednesday October 31 2018 - Duration: 1:03:54.

For more infomation >> Here & Now Wednesday October 31 2018 - Duration: 1:03:54.


#166 どこに行けば英語を実際に話せるようになる?! - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> #166 どこに行けば英語を実際に話せるようになる?! - Duration: 9:13.


Kanye West Breaks Up With Trump: "I've Been Used"! - Duration: 3:59.

Well, keeping with the theme of absolutely stupid news stories that seem to be popping

up every couple of days, I felt it necessary to talk about the fact that Kanye West is

apparently breaking up with Donald Trump and the Republican party.

Yesterday, Kanye West tweeted out the following, in a series of two tweets here.

It says, "I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn't want their

name on it, so she used mine.

I never wanted any association with Blexit.

I have nothing to do with it.

My eyes are now wide open and now realize I've been used to spread messages I don't

believe in.

I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative."

Now, the issue here is that Candace Owens, right wing commentator and the communications

director for Turning Point USA, they created these shirts for Blexit.

In case you haven't heard of Blexit ... Oh God, what a horrible name to even say, just

hits the ear wrong.

But Blexit is supposed to be blacks exiting the Democratic Party.

It's a take on Brexit from the United Kingdom there.

Candace Owens, African American herself, has been this person who kind of spearheaded this.

Kanye West met her not long ago, introduced her to this person to make the shirts, but

like he pointed out, none of them wanted to put their names on it, so he slapped his name

on it to promote this message that, hey, African Americans leave the Democratic Party because

you're a slave to them.

Come over to the Republican Party and help us fight to preserve these Civil War monuments

and the Confederate flag, because that's totally not racist at all.



It's one of the dumbest movements ever run by one of the dumbest political operatives

ever, but that's what we've seen from Turning Point.

They just keep turning out stupid people, and Kanye West has absolutely been a tool

for both Turning Point and for Donald Trump, and now it appears he's woken up to that,

or maybe he's starting to lose a little bit of money over his undying support for Donald


In the last couple weeks, ever since he sat down with Donald Trump and did his little

hosting gig on Saturday Night Live, he's been losing people, specifically other celebrities

that want nothing to do with him, because he's blindly throwing his support behind such

a horrible human being.

Also, part of the fact, he wanted the Amendment, the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery,

he actually called for abolishing that Amendment, which was pretty weird.

I mean, very weird actually, but it's something he said, probably not knowing exactly what

he was even talking about, but Kanye is tired of it.

He is tired of being used by these people, and so he's backing away from politics.

Personally, I don't care.

If he wants to talk about politics all day, every single day, go for it.

You have a right to do it.

Be who you want to be, but right now I think Kanye has realized that the popularity he

got from that is starting to wear off and actually starting to go in reverse.

He has nothing left to gain from aligning himself with these Republican organizations,

and that's why he's backing off.

He hasn't had a change of heart.

I don't even know that he had a change of heart when he decided to start backing Republicans.

I mean, this is a guy, let's not forget, after Hurricane Katrina went on TV and said, "George

Bush doesn't care about black people, a statement that's still true today for the Republican


Kanye was seeking publicity and he got it.

That is all that he wanted to do, and now that he realizes he's tapped that well dry,

he's going to move onto the next thing that he thinks will give them an additional 15

minutes of fame.

For more infomation >> Kanye West Breaks Up With Trump: "I've Been Used"! - Duration: 3:59.


How Eye Control empowers people with disabilities (Audio Description) - Duration: 2:47.

>> Hi. I'm here with Jon Campbell

from the Microsoft Enable team.

And Jon, today, we're going to talk about

Eye Control and what's coming next.

Do you want to tell us a little bit about it?

>> So, people living with ALS, they lose their ability to move.

But they can still use their eyes.

So, Steve Gleason contacted Microsoft

and was asking us how can he use his Surface device

with an eye tracker and software and hardware

in order to use it better to communicate more naturally

with his wife, and to be able to

move his wheelchair independently.

>> That's right.

>> Since that time, the work has evolved.

And so in cooperation with the Windows team,

we created Eye Control for Windows

to allow people to use an eye-tracking interface

to control their Windows device.

>> Yeah, that's just amazing.

I mean, what it has done for anyone with ALS

to be able to, in fact, communicate --

>> Right.

>> --while using Eye Control has been fantastic to see.

>> And so now you're enhancing it in some way?

>> Absolutely, yes.

So, at Build this year, we announced our

Eye Control APIs,

which allow any developer to harness the power

of Eye Control for their own applications

to add accessibility for eye tracking.

>> That's very cool

So, they can start building apps that enhance --

-- or just incorporate Eye Control in the app?

>> Yes. And so one example of that is Eye Drive.

So, it's an open-source initiative that we created

to allow you to do basically a virtual joystick with your eyes.

So you can control things like an RC car

or even a wheelchair.

>> Oh, wow. Do you want to show us that?

>> Absolutely.

>> Okay.

>> So in this research prototype we used an eye tracker

connected to a Surface device.

>> Got it. So, basically, now you're just gazing

where you want to go.

And so this app is just basically a Surface with this app

is what's moving the wheelchair?

>> That's correct. Yep.

I just look where I want to go and it sees where my eyes --

>> And so how do you go back?

Oh, yeah, I see it. You're gazing in the direction --

>> I just look down. Yeah.

So, it's basically just like a virtual joystick.

>> Yeah. That's very, very cool.

So, a developer can just write this

using the Eye Control APIs?

>> Absolutely. Yeah. It's very straightforward.

>> And this remote-control car, same thing?

>> We worked with Team Gleason in order to

create an eye-controlled RC car.

And the basic idea is just how do you have fun

with your loved ones, even though you can

only use your eyes to control your world around you?

We also worked with an individual who was

a former musician, and we made it so he could control

a drum kit with his eyes.

>> Wow.

>> I think we're only just tapping the potential

for what can be done.

Obviously, accessibility is a good entry point,

but I think there's a lot of universal applications as well.

>> That's right. I mean, that's kind of one of the things that

I think developers can really start thinking about, which is

the universal design and these capabilities not only, in fact,

bring more people to participate in

our society and our economy,

>> Right.

>> but it also can enhance the experiences for everyone.

So, where do people go to get started?

>> Yes. So, for more information on

Eye Control for Windows

as well as the Eye Control APIs, you can go to

>> Thank you so much, Jon.

>> Thank you.

>> It's such a pleasure.

For more infomation >> How Eye Control empowers people with disabilities (Audio Description) - Duration: 2:47.


Do We Violate Women Under Anesthesia? | Incident Report 196 - Duration: 7:47.

- Okay guys,

today I wanna talk about something

that's been in the news lately that's got a lot of people

upset, understandably,

and that is unconsented pelvic exams under anesthesia.

Let me talk about what this is.

Okay so when I was a medical student,

and I was rotating on OBGYN, in order to train us,

obviously we would see patients in the clinic

with an attending physician or a resident to supervise us,

and so if we were learning how to do pelvic exams

with a speculum or the bimanual exam,

where fingers are placed inside the vagina

and you're feeling the cervix and the internal structures,

The ovaries and feeling for masses,

you do that with the consent of the patient.

The patient is there, they're awake,

they know you're there

and they purportedly approve that you're gonna do this

and learn from the exam.

But another thing happens,

and this actually I think happened to me,

although I'm trying to remember

if we actually consented patients for this,

when patients go into surgery in obstetrics,

the patient is put under anesthesia, they're asleep.

Now, at this time, when they're asleep,

the surgeon oftentimes will very much benefit

from doing a pelvic exam when the patient is asleep.

There are reasons for this.

Number one, it's less painful both physically

and psychologically when the patient is under anesthesia.

So the structures are softer, there's more relaxation,

you can actually feel better,

you have more time and you're not as concerned

about causing discomfort because the patient

is under anesthesia.

You often need to do that in surgery to feel masses

in the vagina, around the cervix,

to be able to put a speculum in

and actually open it a little bit more than you would

when the patient's awake so you can get a better look

at the areas around the cervix

and decide what your surgical approach is gonna be.

So by taking a very good look in a way that you can't do

when the patient's awake,

you can make decisions in surgery

that will change the outcome.

Do I do an abdominal incision,

do we go through the vaginal incision,

these are major, important decisions.

But the second that happens is,

while the patient is under anesthesia,

a medical student, an intern, a resident,

can perform a pelvic exam in order to learn.

So they can feel the structures,

they can do all the things that the attending can do

and actually be guided as to

how this is gonna influence the surgery.

Now the obstetricians that I've spoken to prior to this show

say this is an essential, crucial part of training.

Medical students, residents, house staff etc.,

in how they're gonna do their pelvic exams.

Now, this is not just one part of the exam.

You're doing quite a few things,

let me walk you through it

and then we're gonna talk about consent.

So one of the things you do is a bimanual exam,

so fingers in the vaginal vault,

feeling the cervix and then pushing on the abdomen

to feel the different structures,

the ovaries etc.,

looking for masses different things like that.

We won't go into full detail.

The second thing you do though as a bimanual exam

is something called a rectovaginal exam.

And this is very invasive.

So one finger in the rectum,

one finger in the vaginal vault

and you're feeling the space between those two structures,

for masses, movement, etc.

There's a lot of things you can do, inflammation.

And this again is a very invasive procedure

and then the third piece of that is the speculum exam

where a speculum is inserted and opened

and you're looking inside.

So all of that done under anesthesia presumably assuming

the anesthesia's good, the woman doesn't feel this.

But here's the rub,

if that woman isn't consented in advance

that this is gonna happen,

these people are doing an exam on a woman

who has not given her permission to have the exam done

as an educational tool.

So as part of the surgery,

the surgeon as part of the consent,

has to do the pelvic exam in order to do the surgery right.

But that doesn't mean that medical students, interns, etc.,

can take turns doing this exam.

But that's exactly what can happen in unconsented exams

for teaching purposes.

And when I was a student even though,

whether or not we did consent I don't remember

because the resident and the attending filled out

the consent, not the student.

But then they would say,

"Okay Zubin, come and do a pelvic exam now

and I want you to feel for this

and I want you to walk me through it.

Do the rectovaginal, do the speculum exam."

Even that, with the patient unconscious,

to me felt like a violation

and of course you don't say no,

it's a hierarchy and you're listening

to the attending physician and you're feeling,

and the attending physician's a woman

and that doesn't make any difference,

you feel deeply uncomfortable doing this on someone

who's asleep,

who hasn't verbally given you their permission to do this.

And it creates a kind of moral distress

that you then build a wall around and go,

"Well everybody's doing this, this is just how we train."

So here's the thing,

now it's becoming public that this is something

that can happen, unconsented, under anesthesia pelvic exams.

And I think to most people and to me,

this is a violation.

This is absolutely unconscionable

and we cannot allow it to continue.

Simple as that.

If you're gonna do an under anesthesia exam

for educational purposes, that should be in the consent.

And the gynecologist that I spoke to said,

"To a one, that's exactly what they put in the consent."

These are the people who would be involved

in that procedure,

do you consent to this?

You can say no.

Now what I would advocate is this,

if it's causing moral distress

to the medical students all right,

then something is wrong already.

That we could use an unconscious body,

somebody's body and violate them this way,

is a deep, deep, deep foundational violation of trust.

It violates the patient's bodily autonomy, their liberty,

and it violates the concept of informed consent,

that you don't do things to people without consent.

So here is the call to action.

First of all, share this video

because a lot of people don't even know this is happening.

If you're somebody that's planning to go under anesthesia

and by the way if you think this is only women,

it's not,

so men can undergo rectal exams, prostate exams,

genital exams under anesthesia.

So this can apply to men too.

If you're planning to go under anesthesia

for any sort of procedure,

you should verbally tell the people taking your consent

that you do or do not want this sort of exam.

You can write it in your consent as a write in,

there's lots of things you can do

to make sure that your wishes are known.

All right?

The other thing we can do is

we can talk about legislation and things like that,

honestly I don't think this should have to be legislated,

this should be part of our ethical code as physicians,

that we get informed consent where we're gonna teach.

Now here's the thing,

I am not saying get rid of pelvic exams under anesthesia.

For all the reasons I've just said,

they are essential not just to teaching,

but to the care of the woman undergoing surgery.

They are essential.

So let's do it right, respectfully,

and in keeping with our hippocratic oath to do no harm.

All right guys call to action,

hit share, like, leave your comments.

If you believe in what we do in our educational process

become a supporter, the $4.99 a month that you give us,

we give you a ton of videos, a ton of exclusive content,

but more importantly,

it helps fund the production and the costs of what we do.

Thank you so much, we out.

For more infomation >> Do We Violate Women Under Anesthesia? | Incident Report 196 - Duration: 7:47.


Mafia Hit Man Freddy Geas Reportedly A Suspect In Whitey Bulger Murder - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Mafia Hit Man Freddy Geas Reportedly A Suspect In Whitey Bulger Murder - Duration: 2:10.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Urban Line | Ambition | Licht&zicht | LED | Extra Voordeel - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Urban Line | Ambition | Licht&zicht | LED | Extra Voordeel - Duration: 0:53.


Verify: Did the authors of the 14th Amendment not intend to offer birthright citizenship to people b - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Verify: Did the authors of the 14th Amendment not intend to offer birthright citizenship to people b - Duration: 2:22.


Official Mockingbird Inc. Christmas Special! - Duration: 1:36.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

In light of the upcoming holiday, we all composed a song for you!

Guys, you know it's not Christmastime, right?

We worked very hard on it and hope you enjoy!

Wrong holiday, guys, it's October!

🎵 Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la! 🎵

🎵 'Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la! 🎵

Guys, it's Halloween, not Christmas.

Wrong holiday. W-what are you even doing, it's-!!

🎵 Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, fa la la la la, la la la la! 🎵

🎵Deck the - 🎵 wait, are there more lyrics here?

I thought we were looping. How are we doing this?


Oh, sorry, he's non-anthropomorphic.

This means, unlike us, he doesn't have human characteristics which allow him to interact in such manners that-

🎵 Follow me in merry measure! 🎵

*awful noises*

Guys! It's Halloween, not Christmas! You know, spooky scary skeletons and that kind of stuff? What are you-?!

Merry Christmas!


It's Halloween, not Christmas! That's two months away!


I feel so stupid.

It's fine; it's fine; let's just try to get things a bit more seasonal, okay?


So, shall I go outside and hide the eggs?



🎵 Fa la la la la, la la la l-HHHHHHHHHHHH

*breaks into laughter*


*more laughter*

For more infomation >> Official Mockingbird Inc. Christmas Special! - Duration: 1:36.


Robert B. Pollock School Unveils New Way To Reward Good Behavior At School - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Robert B. Pollock School Unveils New Way To Reward Good Behavior At School - Duration: 0:50.


Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Innovation Edition S tronic | Virtual Cockpit | - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 TDI 150pk Innovation Edition S tronic | Virtual Cockpit | - Duration: 1:07.


#166 どこに行けば英語を実際に話せるようになる?! - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> #166 どこに行けば英語を実際に話せるようになる?! - Duration: 9:13.


Here & Now Wednesday October 31 2018 - Duration: 1:03:54.

For more infomation >> Here & Now Wednesday October 31 2018 - Duration: 1:03:54.


A call to action to improve the end of life | Mark Ganz | End Well Symposium - Duration: 1:16.

Let's make end of life what it should be, what we want it to be, what we know the people

who we serve want it to be, which is a human, a healing, a sacred experience for individuals

and those who love them.

I urge you, I implore you to go forth from this place with courage that is born from

a deep hope and with a belief that you, you alone, have the power to drive the change

you want to see.

Good luck.

For more infomation >> A call to action to improve the end of life | Mark Ganz | End Well Symposium - Duration: 1:16.


马天宇被问:为何要拒绝王菲主动加好友?他的9字回答太撩了! - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 马天宇被问:为何要拒绝王菲主动加好友?他的9字回答太撩了! - Duration: 2:32.


陈学冬孝顺大姨,对父亲冷脸相待,不承认继母,也不养她儿子儿媳 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 陈学冬孝顺大姨,对父亲冷脸相待,不承认继母,也不养她儿子儿媳 - Duration: 3:09.


马天宇有秋膘保暖,难道就不怕冷了嘛?还是好好穿秋裤吧! - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 马天宇有秋膘保暖,难道就不怕冷了嘛?还是好好穿秋裤吧! - Duration: 3:10.


刘亦菲《嘉人》 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> 刘亦菲《嘉人》 - Duration: 1:17.


CSS Box Model - Part 1 - Basics with HTML and Directory Workflow - Duration: 21:23.

okay so this little video we're gonna just be going over the CSS box model

mostly. we're also gonna be reviewing some HTML and then a little bit of CSS

styling, but mainly just focused around how the CSS box and model operates and

how you can manipulate it and how it is essentially the entire model for any

HTML web page. checking out this diagram we got here you've got it

broken down into four separate parts and you've got the margin the border the

padding and then the content and the content represented what the user is

going to see in addition to being able to add more HTML tags within the content,

which won't show up as HTML tags but the content within it will show up.

the best way to go over this is to just code out a little demo. so I'm

just gonna walk through that process real quick, & I'm gonna create a folder on

my desktop here.

now I don't have anything in this folder

right now but I'm just gonna use it as the launch off point to open vs code.

to open vs code on Mac I can just do command spacebar and launch the vs code from

there. you see right now I don't have any folders in my workspace and I'm gonna

clear this little welcome screen so there are a few ways to add this folder. one, you can

go to > file > add folder to workspace. like that, we'll go ahead and do it that way

CSS box model I'll add it there and first thing you

want to do is add our initial index dot HTML file and again a few ways to do that.

you can right click > new file. Or click this little file icon

right here which is quick and easy so click it index.html. Now, I've got

this handy-dandy little shortcut tool or in VS code you type in an exclamation mark

and there's an autocomplete it's called a snippet then you press Enter you just

got the base code that we need to get our HTML file up and running since we're

talking about something specific we don't need to go through that right now

what we really want to focus on is the body right here. this is everything that

we're gonna be working on. it's gonna get displayed on the actual browser.

Remember every time you see the white little dot up

here you want to make sure to save it get in the habit of doing command+s

which will automatically save every page you're on so I got some notes here then

I'm gonna keep going for these shortcuts and I'll add these now with this video

as well link to it or something and so what knows command is equal to control

right so exclamation mark press ENTER auto fills base HTML code command s go

save so remember the important things are knowing where your code is where the

files are we're just gonna keep it here for now we might move it later but we

can see that the index file has been created so now we can mostly just work

out of our index.html on our vs code okay but if we lose where it is always

remember where it is I'm saving on your computer you can right-click and reveal

and finder okay and it will pull upward we've located it

so if you lose it that's a quick way to do it now we want to open this in a

browser so again we can reveal the finder here double click and it should

open in a browser looks like an external monitor right now and want it to open up

over there so we got it there you can also right-click in copy path same

location now there's nothing showing up here because we haven't wrote any code

for the user yet I so every tag in HTML follows this box model so the body

follows the box model so if we didn't write something in here okay hello and

save it and then refresh our page right you can see okay hello within the body

now if we wanted to add another element within the body element like a div okay

I'm from refresh the page here and we can see that that content was also added

to the HTML page but we had okay hello and then we wrote a div but it didn't

display the div because the browser recognizes that as a tool to tell it

what to do rather than to show it so these don't get shown only the content

within it I'm gonna remove this and I'm going to be working from this one div to

kind of represent our box model going forward so what I need to do now is I

need to add some CSS to it and I could write to see us that's on the same page

but I'm actually going to add a CSS stylesheet to the header here and write

it on a separate Paige so the shortcut for that and BS

codes you just type in link and you can see it pops up right

Emmit abbreviation lets us know that that's gonna be an abbreviation for a

link and these will usually autofill with what we need now remember always do

the path written in the href not the arielle that's telling us what type of

document this is and so we haven't actually created this sheet yet but

we're gonna call it what we reference it here so let's just call it style about

CSS okay now it doesn't exist yet so let's save this go back up here click

our new file to create new file we'll call this style dot CSS now remember if

you put this inside of a folder you would need to reference it within that

folder here so I'm actually gonna do that to illustrate that point let's add

the folder to the workspace but did not mean to do that I meant to do is new

folder okay so we'll just call this CSS because we're gonna put all of our CSS

in there now I can just click the CSS dragging it in its gonna make sure I

want to do this so yeah okay so now it's actually in the CSS folder so since I

did that I need to tell this HTML file to look into the CSS folder before

grabbing this CSS file okay so let's add some CSS code I'm just

gonna keep this as a Dib right now we might change the way that we selected it

let's just open it as a div so all the divs at this point will follow the CSS

rules that we write going forward so the first way we can illustrate what the yes

s box model really looks like is my adding a background color

you know white is default but since it's white on white we can't tell where the

actual margins and the background-color are

located so we'll just do the screen here remember it's very sensitive you want to

have your semicolon after or your CSS property then you have your property

value followed by colon and then remember this is our selector or we've

got an open and closed braces which contain all of our CSS properties that

we're declaring in here so we could also add a margin to our div selector and

like this ten pixels so kind of want this to be big so what that means is

that left right top bottom they're all going to be ten pixels so let's save it

refresh this page okay so remember in our HTML we removed that initial content

so now you can see the entirety of this div represented by the background color

and then the content within it and you can also see that there's space

around the edge about 10 pixels or so that was created when we change the

margin to 10 pixels so if we change this margin to 20 pixels not W pixels away

you're gonna get even more space around here now you actually do command B

so command-b will hide your project folder and if you

do it again ill on hide it so talk about back and forth just give us a little bit

more room to work with on this screen so you can't see what we're dealing with I

also want to give this div font size just one make it bigger so you can see

the text so we'll make the font size 30 pixels save it

refresh it okay you see a little better now let's make the color of the font

which is just in CSS representatives color so that's real easy let make it

white so it stands out on that green a little better okay so we've got our

white text on our green background there and as you can see we have space around

the margin I want to do is copy this div remember when we first made it it did

not look like much it's just normal text so this is Dib to call this one good to

know on the div one and then we got dipped to down here so you can see that

this selector is selecting all of the divs so if we change this from div to

body it would be selecting the body then you can see it was applied to the body

so the background is green and because font sizes are carried to the children

our font size remains 30 pixels let's go back to just doing this as I did so

again make it the padding more we can see it push it more now let's talk about

the margin Mars already how about patty patty we've

behaved similar to the way the margin does except the padding is within the

element itself so if I had 30 pixels here it's not gonna add it to the

outside it's gonna add it to the inside before the content so you need content

here and now this area 30 pixels around is represented by the padding what's the

background color occupies and then the area on the outside represents margin so

again if we keep making this bigger we're gonna get more padding more more

padding so we have our content which is our font size and our actual text that

we wrote into the div itself represented at this level and then we have the

padding at the next level and then the margin on the outside so you kind of

take a mental shot up this right here let's go back to the we can kind of see

this model being played out in our example code one thing we're missing is

the border the border is the border between the padding and the margin see

how we do this okay border now border takes a couple more values than most of

the CSS properties do you first want to tell it what type of border it is and

there's a lot of different borders so I'm gonna go to is border CSS just

search that simply and the CSS borders and w3schools is a good resource and we

can see here is a lot of information about different types of borders you can

use you've got dollar corners - border solid borders double doors group holders

ridge borders so if you mess with those and change them you'll see the different

types so that's the first value that you need

to put when you have a border property so we'll do solid see what that looks

like I'll save it or refresh it okay so what happened there is we saw a little

shift but we didn't actually tell the border what size to be or what color to

be so let's go back to our little helpful resource here at w3 schools

let's see if they have an example I'll show us I can implement size and color

so here's the examples of the borders now those are black so we don't have

that yet let's see if we got some so border style is representing a solid

border width is represented as five pixels so here we see we just did border

we didn't necessarily specify what about the border we wanted to change so I'm

gonna note that out because I want to save that for later but let's just copy

border style style itself all and then order with five pixels paste that into

here save that go back to our document refresh it again we saw a little shift

but we didn't see any changes we might have gone from that one default maybe

one pixel and then it shipped a little bit more there so it looks like maybe we

need something in addition to or style and border width okay so now there's a

different color okay so border color that's what we need

let's copy that guy we'll paste it in here we'll just leave it red for the

example back all right there it is now we see our border red showing up against

our green background here now we can make that a little bigger and that is a

very noisy color going on there so let's change that to brown a little easier on

the eyes okay now we should be able to kind of see our

content there then we've got our padding as green border represented as red then

our margin on the outside which actually isn't the element itself it's just what

the element is pushing against other elements a really good way to kind of

see this in action is to use the developer tools we get crawl and the

developer tools are located under view developer so you can view the source

developer tools and JavaScript console so developer tools there so that opened

up in the console but we might want to do to cook the element here so now when

we hover over these individual elements you also might have to click this little

box here we can see the entire box model by clicking it represented kind of as an

overlay over it but also if you scroll down on this side where you haven't

gotten your Styles toggled you can actually see each element by hovering

over it individually so you've got your content your padding your a border and

your margin that's guys as well on the bottom there is kind of hidden by

clicking on the elements within the code right here

alright let's go back to where I just had border:solid right here and one of

the things you can do to kind of save yourself some space of code that's

taking up I'm just making it a little easier you can actually write these

three values shorthand in one boarder tag and the order is similar to style

with in color 15 pixels brown now I'm not sure if this is the way that it

actually is supposed to be ordered so good way to find out let's just save it

and test it all right refresh it and that likes to be the case so we got the

type of border solid generally will you're gonna use fixed 15 pixels and

then brown let's try another style if it thought it you might not ever find

yourself wanting to use these but there it is you've got your little red dots

cutting around the border one thing to notice is that the background color for

the border continues to the edge of the where the margin starts so it's good to

remember that the background color occupies the content the border the

padding the border but not the margin so a background color is kind of a good

tool to use when you're sort of trying to figure out where your elements are

located because it kind of give you a visual of kind of what area is taking up

and what elements are within it it's a useful tool sort of for debugging

purposes even if you don't use it ultimately for your design all right so

let's just recap real quick here we've got our CSS box model is represented by

four parts the margin on the on the outside sort of separating it from other

elements margins then you've got the border and then you've got the padding

and then you've got the content and then the content

is what the user is going to see and also where you can put additional nested

HTML elements and I this is it for this video go ahead and walk through this see

if you can replicate what I've done here add some more Styles maybe even try a

nested element in there good luck

For more infomation >> CSS Box Model - Part 1 - Basics with HTML and Directory Workflow - Duration: 21:23.


▷ Cómo se resuelven las inecuaciones o desigualdades racionales - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> ▷ Cómo se resuelven las inecuaciones o desigualdades racionales - Duration: 4:49.


Disable - Violet ( Melodic Type Beat ) || Trap Beat 2018 - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Disable - Violet ( Melodic Type Beat ) || Trap Beat 2018 - Duration: 2:25.


Lettres d'amour de Mitterrand à sa Anne Pingeot : "Heureusement que ma mère n'a pas vu ça" ! - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Lettres d'amour de Mitterrand à sa Anne Pingeot : "Heureusement que ma mère n'a pas vu ça" ! - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> Lettres d'amour de Mitterrand à sa Anne Pingeot : "Heureusement que ma mère n'a pas vu ça" ! - Duration: 2:46.


10/31/18 2:56 PM (1807 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 10/31/18 2:56 PM (1807 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


For more infomation >> 10/31/18 2:56 PM (1807 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


10/31/18 3:01 PM (1648 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 10/31/18 3:01 PM (1648 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


For more infomation >> 10/31/18 3:01 PM (1648 N Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


10/31/18 2:51 PM (1807 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 10/31/18 2:51 PM (1807 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


For more infomation >> 10/31/18 2:51 PM (1807 N Parham Rd, Richmond, VA 23229, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


10/31/18 2:11 PM (1381 N Northwood Center Ct, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814, USA) - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> 10/31/18 2:11 PM (1381 N Northwood Center Ct, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814, USA) - Duration: 4:57.


For more infomation >> 10/31/18 2:11 PM (1381 N Northwood Center Ct, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814, USA) - Duration: 4:57.


LIKE A BOSS 😎 BEST COMPILATION 2018 #11 - Duration: 10:10.


Link below

Click the link below to get this backpack!

For more infomation >> LIKE A BOSS 😎 BEST COMPILATION 2018 #11 - Duration: 10:10.


For more infomation >> LIKE A BOSS 😎 BEST COMPILATION 2018 #11 - Duration: 10:10.


Doubts For Voice / Advice - WhatsApp - IberoPistacho - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Doubts For Voice / Advice - WhatsApp - IberoPistacho - Duration: 1:36.


For more infomation >> Doubts For Voice / Advice - WhatsApp - IberoPistacho - Duration: 1:36.


Hayé Sarah: apaiser les fantômes? - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Hayé Sarah: apaiser les fantômes? - Duration: 7:56.


For more infomation >> Hayé Sarah: apaiser les fantômes? - Duration: 7:56.


【Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku】Ghosts Play to the Audience「 Vostfr + Romaji CC」 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 【Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku】Ghosts Play to the Audience「 Vostfr + Romaji CC」 - Duration: 3:51.


For more infomation >> 【Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku】Ghosts Play to the Audience「 Vostfr + Romaji CC」 - Duration: 3:51.


Swimming with Alligators

For more infomation >> Swimming with Alligators


Fiat Panda 1.2 Edizione 2E Eigenaar-Airco-Apk t/m 20-05-2020!! Italie Pakket - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Fiat Panda 1.2 Edizione 2E Eigenaar-Airco-Apk t/m 20-05-2020!! Italie Pakket - Duration: 0:53.


Top 5 Reasons Why Civil Engineers Rock - Duration: 6:08.

Hey, what's up everybody? Isaac Oakeson here with Civil Engineering Academy.

Today we're going to talk about the top 5 reasons why civil engineers Rock, so

stick with me. Alright, so let's talk about why are civil engineers rockin.

This is my own opinion but I'm gonna share with you the top 5 reasons why

they do rock. The first one is obvious, right? Civil engineers build stuff. So

they build some of the coolest structures in the world. I mean if you

check out the Burj Khalifa this thing is over 2,700 feet tall. You can see the sun

set twice by going to this building. You check it out on a lower level and as the

Sun is setting, you cruise up to the top, and you can catch it again. That's how

tall this thing is. It takes a team of engineers to design products or services

and our buildings or structures like this and they built some pretty sweet

things. Have you've seen a bridge or anything out there that you have liked?

I'd love to know a structure or something that you have noticed that you

really like to to check out and I guarantee you a civil engineer has

designed it. The second reason is that a a civil engineering

salary is really not too shabby. Once you graduate, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

says that the average salary for a civil engineer is right around $85,000. So, you

know, put your butt through school and get this thing done. Take the exams that

you need to take and you'll find a job that pays you a pretty decent a pretty

decent wage. If you're in the 75th percentile, you're definitely making

over a $100,000 so you can make a comfortable living for

yourself by getting a civil engineering degree. Pretty sweet if you ask me.

Alright, reason number 3 is that civil engineers are needed. It is

predicted that, well obviously population is going up,

right, and when population goes up civil engineer civil engineers are needed

to build the infrastructure, the buildings, deal with traffic, waterways,

everything to deal with population growth. So because population is growing

civil engineers are in heavy demand. It's predicted that the job growth rate

is going to be 11% so there will be plenty of opportunities for civil

engineers to find a job that they like. Alright, let's talk about the fourth thing. The fourth

thing that I think and the reason why civil engineers Rock is because you have

the opportunity to branch out and grow into other areas that you want to grow

in. Just because you went to school and you know in civil engineering, it doesn't

mean that's the field or the area that you're just gonna do is sitting in a

cubicle crunching numbers all day. Civil engineers have the opportunity to branch

out and go into all kinds of other disciplines. So maybe you do start out as

a civil engineer but you learn that you like project management. You could find

yourself being a project manager or a construction manager or a lot of

engineers even want to start their own business, so they become an entrepreneur,

start at their own firm, and start doing their own work for themselves. It's a

pretty sweet gig. So the beauty of being a civil engineer

is that you're not really stuck in that one particular area, you get to branch out

into all kinds of different areas that your career will take you. So, and then

this is also why your salary will grow as well because you do get to branch out

and experience a lot of different things. So that is reason number 4 of why

civil engineers rock. Reason number 5 is that it kind of goes along with

number four is that you have an opportunity to choose whether you want

to get down and dirty or if you want to stay clean and classy. And what I mean by

that is do you want to stay in an office and have an office job or do you want to

get out in the field and get your hands dirty and work with crews

and seeing how structures are made, putting your designs, getting out there

and seeing how it's made or even managing the crew that's out there doing

this stuff or just managing a project itself? So you have that opportunity to

choose where you want to go so if you want to get down and dirty you can do

that. If you want to stay clean and classy, you can do that, too. You can find

an office job and work your way up through the office, you know, through the

chain of command and you can stay clean classy as much as you want. So lots of

choices, lots of different opportunities for you out there in the civil

engineering field. I think they're all great, so that is the top 5 reasons

why civil engineers Rock and I think you'll like it if you choose this field

for your own personal study. If you have any questions about it, please let me

know. You can reach me at at or go check out our

website at We have tons of tips and tricks to

help you on your PE, your FE, and just general career advice as well. And also

make sure you go join our free Facebook group found at and you

can jump on and join our awesome community where we can help each other

in the civil engineering world to learn and to grow. So anyway, thanks for

being here with me. Let me know your opinion of other reasons why you think

civil engineers Rock or if you don't think they rock that's cool, too, let me

know that. Anyway appreciate you being here and we'll see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Reasons Why Civil Engineers Rock - Duration: 6:08.


"After Dark" Official Fanmade Trailer (2018) | Holland Roden, Nina Dobrev Movie HD - Duration: 2:44.

Every time we talk about your symptoms...

It always comes back to one thing.

The house.

How can a house, just a collection of bricks, wood and glass...

...have that much power over people?

I don't like this place.

I don't think that people who owned this place like this place.

-Yes! -Skull and bones!

Got it.

It's just for a night.

A lot can happen in one night.

There is something seriously wrong with this place.

So, can we get the hell out of here now?

It's not like this place is haunted, right?

Maybe it is.

This house...

It's a strange house.

What happened?

It's very different in the night.

It's different in the dark.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

For all those years trying to understand what happened in that house, you know what I never found?

No, but what if they get in?

What if who gets in?

A reason.

So, don't expect one.

Stiles, why are you whispering?

Because I think there's someone in here with me.

Talk about what happened last night.

In particular, I'd like to talk about what you said about the house.

I'm straight up losing my mind.

Every inch of this house...

It's filled with memories of the people that I love that have died.

When we die, we turn into stories.

And every time someone tells one of those stories it's like we're still here.

We're all...

...stories, in the end.

Open the door!

It's over now, right?

Leave me alone.

It's o-

For more infomation >> "After Dark" Official Fanmade Trailer (2018) | Holland Roden, Nina Dobrev Movie HD - Duration: 2:44.


Metal Detecting Action Between Two Hills - With Some Great Results - Duration: 52:19.


I have to delete the previous GPS data first.

First target.

A dog...

Somewhere in the forest I'm about to enter...

A piece of lead, maybe former musket ball.

Another, smaller one.

A pin fire cartridge.

Hmm, just a white, square stone.

A small piece of foil.

What's this?

Some call it a "billhook".

Someone dug it out and threw it away (I can't take it with me today).

A pull tab.

This dog is starting making me nervous...

I'm going in his direction.

It's a button.

The "concave" model.

It's a musket ball.

I hear something...

I think, I saw someone...

Could be the owner of this dog.

Next musket ball.

A musket ball.


This could be WWII related.

Probably part of "something" that was dropped from an airplane...

It is a button.

GPS ("POI") #2.

I'm being attacked by mosquitoes.

I have no other choice but to use "the onion".

On the face...

...and my hat.

They are still flying, even when it got colder...

The dog is almost in my sight.

If he attacks me, I will throw the onion at him!

It looks like a nail, but it's just a weird shaped bullet.

Another musket ball.

Have you heard this?

The Deus (v5.2) tried to disconnect again (there was a short break).

It seems, XP "bypassed" the reboot process, while the cause is still there...

I apologize for this (out of frame) perspective.

I think it's foil.

What is this?

It looks very old.

Could it be Roman?

A bent bronze "key", or something else?


Sounds like iron next to it.

An old nail.

A chunk of iron.

The tip of a bullet.

This one sounds good.

A piece of lead.

Roots and stones...

It's a coin.

"1 Reichspfennig" (1928).

WWII shrapnel.

It's relatively steep, but I believe this slope is worth a try...


Looks like a clip of some sort.

I will show you pictures at the end.

I will go a little bit further, but I have to make one step to the side first...

Aluminum button.

A bent nail, or something similar.

I'm checking if that's a spider web, or another annoying fly.

A deformed piece of lead - a former musket ball?

That's probably a button.

It could be a WWII related item.

I decided to come down and check the other side.

Deus first...

Maybe I will have better chances here...

I don't know what it once was.

Some of my local flies don't even bother to move, when you touch them...

That's why I have to check twice...


Another piece of lead.

I'm not a fan of lead.

Sure, it is an indicator for activities, but it has been fired from a different place.

A bullet.

Remains of the previous detectorist.

I feel like a donkey with a carrot on a stick...

I think it was a pin fire cartridge - sorry about the picture being out of frame.

Like a needle...

Not the "busiest" spot.

Maybe this iron can give me a clue.

It's longer.

Looks like the handle of a sickle.

This is a much better indicator...

...I think, I should look around.

The bird came out of nowhere and showed me the way.

It's a nice bronze buckle.

This is another sickle.

And the guarding ant.

The two last targets were just a few meters above the first sickle.

A button.

A modern "10 (Euro) Cent" coin.

There is more!

This is all I got so far.

Let's see if there is more.

I will "try" to record this with my macro camera.

It will be blurry and shaky, but it wont take long.

1 (Euro) Cent.

"10 Cent".

"1 Cent".

"1 Cent".

And a bug.

Next "1 Cent" coin.

"1 Cent" again.

Part of a button.

"5 (Euro) Cent".


A similar object to the one before.

I'm back at the bottom of the valley with "this".

And this lying right next to it.

The second concave button.

Probably a button too.

A lovely buckle on the left side of the slope.

No, this is correct.

"10 Pfennig" coin (1948-2001).

Out of this hole...

...came this!

It's an awesome looking (iron) key.

It's time to go home...

The coin spill.

The other side.

A rusty "10 Pfennig" coin (1948-2001).

Probably a button.

Part of another one.

The "aluminum button".

The unknown object.

And its round friend.

Musket balls.

More lead...

The sickles.


This one is looking at you!

"1 Reichspfennig" coin.


The concave buttons...

The "clip" (the thread is still intact).

The smaller buckle.

It has a sort of (silver plated?) pattern.

The "bigger" bronze buckle.

I cleaned this part.

I wonder how old both buckles could be...

The mysterious "very old looking" item.

Could it be Roman? A bent/broken "key"?

Now that's a key for sure.

I cleaned it a little bit...

It could be "very old" too.

Distilled water...


And treasure. Detecting time: Unknown

For more infomation >> Metal Detecting Action Between Two Hills - With Some Great Results - Duration: 52:19.


Hong Shim and Won Deuk || Lights Down Low [100 Days My Prince MV] - Duration: 1:42.

Would you not regret leaving with me?

I believe I would regret...

leaving you more than that.

I will be by your side forever, do not worry.

I am your husband.

I will...

marry you.

Won Deuk!


For more infomation >> Hong Shim and Won Deuk || Lights Down Low [100 Days My Prince MV] - Duration: 1:42.


Arsenal news: £36m-rated Barcelona star could be targeted in January - Duration: 3:22.

 The duo were both keen to sign the talented winger in the summer. However, Barca snared his signature and handed over £36m to Bordeaux

 Malcom has been a peripheral figure at the Nou Camp this season though. He's managed a meagre 25 minutes of football since swapping France for Catalonia

 Mundo Deportivo say Malcom is keen to pack his bags if things don't improve. It's suggested the 21-year-old held crunch talks about his lack of competitive action with manager Ernesto Valverde

 But the former Athletic Bilbao only had limited sympathy and told him to work harder

 The Mirror reckon Arsenal and Spurs could reignite their interest if Valverde green lights his departure

 Despite the speculation, Malcom has dismissed claims he is seeking a move. He's hit back and insisted he will 'continue fighting' to succeed in La Liga

 "About news that came out here in Spain, I want to clarify this: I came to Barcelona with many objectives, and those who know me know that I am a very determined person," the 21-year-old wrote on his Instagram

 "I am very happy with the evolution in my career and I know and every day that passes my dreams and objectives are becoming a reality

 "My family is also adapted to the city. "Anyway, I'm going to continue to fighting for everything I want in my career

" Arsenal could have a lighter wage bill in the second half of the season if Aaron Ramsey is offloaded

 The Wales international is definitely leaving north London in the summer but could move earlier if Arsenal receive a satisfactory offer

 One player being tracked to replace him is Cagliari starlet Nicolo Barella. The 21-year-old made his Italy debut earlier this month and is highly rated

 Italian heavyweights Roma and AC Milan are also sniffing around and Barella has been coy about moving on

 "I'm not the one who sorts out the transfers," he told Sky Italy. "It's the agents, presidents and clubs who do that

 "I only think about Cagliari and to stay up in the league "We'll see about the rest

 "The interest from big clubs is pleasing, and makes me proud. "It means I'm doing the right things


For more infomation >> Arsenal news: £36m-rated Barcelona star could be targeted in January - Duration: 3:22.


Have you ever seen?Hamster to smile complacently【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:33.

The owner is clumsy and puzzled by the setting

Wait a moment, Cheese Jr.

Why do not you eat from the side?

Hey It is over there.

Yum Yum




Yum Yum






Yum Yum






Go for it, me !








Yum Yum

Thank❤See you tommorow❤

LINE stickers and calendars are on sale

For more infomation >> Have you ever seen?Hamster to smile complacently【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:33.


Belongings In The Woods - Duration: 20:41.

The town of Marysville, Washington wasn't the most famous town

But it surely wasn't small. It spanned about 20 square miles and had a population of around 60 or 70 thousand people.

In the midst of thousands of people were

1700 high schoolers that attended the school of Maryville Getchell, in those students, were a small group of freshmen.

They were sitting at a table in lunch room each feasting

whatever they brought or bought. They called themselves

"The Outcast" since it was a pun on the abundance of drama kids in the group at the head of the table

Where they sat every day. There was Kenny Rickson.

They had joined the outcasts after being pulled in by Kris,

The guy sitting next to him today was a quiet non-binary kid who likes to lead the way. They prefer

Kris Lawyer was the most eccentric in the Outcasts, seeing as he always wore pretty much the same thing every day a baggy hoodie

T-shirt jeans, weird looking socks, checkered Vans, heavily prescriptioned glasses,

And his ever iconic Esonstyle headphones.

He knew that he had brought the entire group together, but he would rather just let the outcasts chat amongst themselves.

While he admired them. He had a tendency to disappear from the lunchroom every day. Nobody except for Jacob knew where he ever went.

Jacob Flyer was a tall kid with round glasses

that bore resemblance to the titular character of the Harry Potter franchise, earning him the nickname "Hizard Warry" from his peers.

He's a very smart kid who never hasn't had to point out Kris's eccentricities. A quality that was rare

But Kris appreciated. Nobody ever questioned him because they knew he wouldn't make any sense

But Jacob merely pointed out. Joe Winston was a pink smiley blond kid who had a knack for being a leader.

He was very trusted by everyone in the outcasts and was one of the nicest people they knew.

He had a tendency of looking on the bright side of things and this was a quality that allowed him to help his friends in need. Rowan

Jackson was the other quiet one about costs. Rowan Jackson was the other quiet one in the Outcasts

she had managed to come out of her shell a bit in the sense that she was willing to speak at the lunch table and

Have debates with Joe over dumb topics like if cereal was a soup.

She and Kris liked to bug the other with a bad joke and puns, Rowan and those on the receiving end of it

She was near and dear to the friend group. Even if she'd convinced herself that

everyone disliked her. Mackenzie Rairdia was next to Rowan. She was a blonde girl who liked coffee and exercise

She was essentially Kris's opposite of most things, but

She practically lived with the guy,

even now she hung out with him. They considered each other their sibling.

She was more like the Outcasts, even if she believed otherwise. Then there was Shannia Lewis.

She was a dark-skinned short-haired girl who was never afraid to do with her gut told her

She's one of the more optimistic

Friends in the group that held the rest of them up. Think of a moral compass and Shannia fills that role, alongside

Joe. Finally, there was Kaitlin Flame. She had black straight hair and pale skin

She had been longtime friends with crashed into a middle school while they had separated before rejoining each other at the beginning of freshman year.

Kaitlin had a difficult life, but she managed. she was very quickly welcomed into the Outcasts after only one introduction. Per the usual Kris, disappeared off.

He got his backpack with only half the group noticing

Grabbing his lunch tray before chucking it into the trash and stopping in the snack bar before he left. He grabbed something that the group

couldn't quite see before exiting the

cafeteria, not to be seen until the bell rang for fourth period. "Where do you think he goes every day?"

Joe asked. Jacob simply shrugged. He was the one friend that did know of where Kris went, but he promised that he'd never say

The eccentric nerd liked being alone

Sometimes Jacob would even go with him. "He might be going to talk to his sister. He sits with her and

her friends on fridays." Shannia said, before Kenny shook their head.

"Jamie doesn't have first lunch any other week,

So Kris sits with her on Fridays because they have the same lunch." The group began speculating where exactly Kris went before Jacob stood up and began to leave.

"Where are you going, Warry?" Kaitlin asked.

She knew that it wasn't to where Kris was going,

But she suspected that he knew where he was. "Just to the coffee shop in SFE."

He said. He then held a five-dollar bill to show that he was indeed going there to buy a drink

He slung his bag over his arm and walked out. "What class Kris have after this?"

Kenny asked. Kaitlin bobbed her head up because she knew the answer. "He's going to English with Lambo.

I'm in his class." Joe scratched the back of his head thinking. "what building?" "Bio-Med. Why?"

Joe thought for a moment

"Maybe he waits for class to start in Bio?" Shannia shook her head.

"Nah, man. He's not one for classes. You should know that by now. After a few more minutes of theorizing, the bell rang.

Kaitlin began to head to class. When she got there, she expected Kris to be in his seat.

Doodling in his sketchbook, waiting to begin but to her surprise, he wasn't.

Not even his checkered backpack was by the desk. Was he skipping? He'd never skipped before that's the fact he stated being proud of. Maybe he went home sick?

No, the nurse's office was in the same building as a cafeteria

He went in the opposite direction to leave. She decided that it would be a good idea to text him, so she did.

Kris was usually one to answer texts immediately after seeing them. He checked his phone quite frequently.

She knew something was wrong after only an hour of no response. At the end of class, Kaitlin asked two people;

Emma, a tall girl with brown tied back hair and glasses and Ian, a

Filipino kid that was friends with pretty much everyone he met to let her know if Kris was in fifth

period, cause she knew they both had the same class as him.

Ian even sat right next to him. Ian and Emma sat down in their Spanish class and waited for the bell to ring. Ian motioned for Emma to come sit by him

since their teacher didn't care when they sat she quickly stood up and took the chair that Kris usually sat in everyday. "Where

Do you think he is?" Ian asked. "You know better than me. Maybe he went home early?"

She said quite unsure of herself. Ian pulled out his cell phone texted Mackenzie

Emma then began texting Kaitlin after Kaitlin had given

Emma her cell number in order to let her know if she'd seen Kris. Ian asked Kenzie if she'd seen him and

Kenzie didn't even know that nobody knew where he was

Emma just let Kaitlin know that she had no clue where he was.

In sixth period, Kenny notice that Kris wasn't at a nearby table.

They texted him, once again, nobody could get ahold of him.

What made matters worse is when the school day came to a close. Mackenzie and Jamie were waiting in the car for Kris

so they could go home

"Where's Kris?" Jamie asks, somewhat to herself.

"Ian mentioned he wasn't in fifth period." Kenzie said

What I find weird is that Kris has never skipped class before without being excused.

Jamie quickly locked the backpacks inside the car and led Kenzie to the ACE building. She walked up to the receptionist. "Can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes, can you look at the attendance for Kris Lawyer?" (I accidentally didn't cut out an alternate take, sorry.)

"We've been waiting to go home for a while."

"Yes, ma'am"

The receptionist typed something in her computer and said "he was absent from fourth, fifth and sixth period."

Jamie just stood there and surprised she then asked:

"Can you make an announcement asking if any of the staff has seen him?" the receptionist then made the announcement after a minute of waiting,

there was no answer. Jamie began to panic but through it, she said

"Okay. Thank you. Come on Kenzie"

And they left the building. Jamie dialed 9-1-1 and the next day Kenzie sat down at lunch rather shaken. "Did you find Kris?

Is he here?" Kaitlin asked

Mackenzie, frantically.

Mackenzie then nervously sat up and called everyone's attention, a thing she'd normally never do. She hates drawing attention let alone to give bad news.

"Uh, so yesterday after Kris left the lunch table to go... wherever he goes during lunch,

he didn't make it to any of his classes for the rest of the day.

He never even made it back to the car...

Simply put..." she took a deep breath, trying not to show it the intense fear of the situation

"He's missing..." the rest of the table went dead silent. They all could hear there's a drop of a plastic fork

That Jacob was holding. Everyone's faces were pale their eyes are wide open

All everyone can do was just stare in shock frozen, staring at Mackenzie

It was clear that Kenzie hadn't slept that night and has known for a while. She

then asked if anyone would be willing to go to the police with her and Jamie after school to talk to the

police. Everyone volunteered so they had to squeeze three people into the back of the car, which is a Ford Escape

So the trunk wasn't completely closed.

They could still see and talk to the rest of the group

They all drew straws to decide who'd be sitting in the trunk

Kenny, Shannia and Kaitlin ended up in the trunk while

Mackenzie sat in the passenger seat as Joe, Jacob and Rowan sat in the back seats

Once they got to the police station, they were questioned one by one to create one solid timeline of what happened as

well as getting a good description on what Kris looked like.

when they were all done an african-american

Police officer called them to a back room where she read off the final statement to make sure the police got everything right.

"Yesterday on September 27th (another cut blip :P) Kris Lawyer was last seen at lunch at a table with his friends; Miss Mackenzie

Rairdia, Mex Kenny Rickson. Mr. Jacob flyer

Miss Kaitlin Flame. Mr. Joe Winston. Miss Rowan Jackson and Miss Shannia Lewis.

he had a habit of leaving every day for the

Cafeteria about 15 minutes before the bell rang to go somewhere that nobody knows. This day was no different.

He left the room followed by Mr. Jacob Flyer, five minutes later, but to a separate location

that was the last time he was seen because Miss Kaitlin Flame noticed him absent from fourth period and he wasn't seen afterwards once his

sister realized he was missing, the police were alerted

Kris is an ambiguous looking kid in his early teens with short brown hair and glasses.

He always wear the t-shirt, hoodie, jeans fun socks, and Esonstyle headphones. He has grey-blue eyes and is very pale

Standing a 5 foot 4 and weighing around 140 pounds." She looked up in the paper "this correct?"

She asked Jacob then raised an objection

"actually, I know where he goes but

There would be no way that he would miss fourth period if he went there.

He'd be in the same floor and building right outside the classroom. the officer quickly wrote that down

Jacob realized that now everyone knew where he went. "don't follow him ever and don't tell him that you know

Assuming we'll be able to find him."

He added, glumly. The police officer then placed her fingers together and set her head on them looking at the group

"Look if he doesn't show up in the next 24 hours, we're going to form a search party

I'll put you all in teams on the search as well as his family and acquaintances. Make sure to keep your cell phones on,

We'll contact you tomorrow if he isn't found. Just do as a favor and pass these out at school. We'll be posting them around town."

She then handed each person a stack of missing posters. The next day,

Everyone was excused from first period to give classes the posters and put them around the school

eight students were given a grand total of 2,000 posters to give out to the large population of students as well as

Put a lot of them up.

(How did I not cut THIS out?!)

Put up around the campus

So two students were sent to each building, but the EF building.

One student pass up flyers for each student in each class and another student would staple and went to the walls

The only one who didn't staple them was Rowan. She and Mackenzie went to the bio building. While Mackenzie passed out flyers to the

Classes, Rowan went to every floor and scattered the majority of them on the floor Regina George style

Only stapling them to the walls. Once students exited the classrooms in biomed building

They saw the posters were strewn about everywhere and they were the very same posters

They were holding. Soo enough, the disappearance became common knowledge for the school. Even to people who had never heard of Kris or

They didn't care that he was parties looked around the city and even into the neighboring towns for Kris.

But always came up empty. The only clue they had ever found was the hoodie that Kris was last seen wearing, his red and black Spiderman hoodie.

Recovered in the woods deep behind the school. The Outcasts began to think real possibility that

Kis was dead. After two weeks. The search parties had been called off and nobody looks for him

At least, that's what everybody assumed. But his friends, Kenny, Joe, Mackenzie, Shannia, Jacob, Rowan and Kaitlin

Were all still looking every day after school.

They read group chat, and we're on a group call while they scoured every inch of the streets that they were able to cover

Days passed in almost three weeks after his disappearance, the group walked into the lunchroom, expecting it to be a normal day.

There would be only the empty chair that nobody sat at the table

Nobody wanna sit in it Joe was typically the first one there.

So he walked into the room looking over the table expecting to be empty as always, but to his surprise, it wasn't.

It wasn't. Someone he'd never expected to see was sitting there... Kris.

He just stopped he stared and began shaking his head expecting to be a hallucination and sat down. Kris looked at him.

What's up? Kris asked very casually. he spoke as if he hadn't been missing for three weeks.

Joe was speechless

(I've given up on captions, I'll just caption the important things.)








For more infomation >> Belongings In The Woods - Duration: 20:41.


rosoft Power BI Report Server: Enterprise reporting on-premises (REPEAT) - THR2050R - Duration: 22:54.

For more infomation >> rosoft Power BI Report Server: Enterprise reporting on-premises (REPEAT) - THR2050R - Duration: 22:54.


Liverpool news: Loris Karius Anfield return? Agent reveals all - Duration: 3:09.

 The German ace was sent packing to Besiktas on a two-year loan after his horror show in the Champions League final

 However, rumours have been rife that he could be sent back as the Turkish side aren't happy with him

 Karius' representative, Florian Goll, has rubbished the claims though. He said: "Complete nonsense

 "I wonder where things come from. This news is completely untrue. "Loris is on loan to Besiktas for two years - that's the situation

 "The club has no intention of ending this loan contract prematurely." Express Sport understands the agreement between the Liverpool and Besiktas does not have a clause to allow an early termination

 In the aftermath of the Champions League final, Karius admitted he struggled to come to terms with his mistakes in Kiev

 "Haven't really slept until now," he wrote on Twitter in the aftermath of the Kiev nightmare

 "The scenes are still running through my head again and again. "I'm infinitely sorry to my teammates, for you fans, and for all the staff

 "I know that I messed it up with the two mistakes and let you all down. "As I said I'd just like to turn back the time but that's not possible

 "It's even worse as we all felt that we could have beaten Real Madrid and we were in the game for a long time

" Some Liverpool fans are desperate for Karius to remain in Turkey. "No thanks, you can keep him free of charge," one fan tweeted

 Another said: "Thanks but NO thanks!" "He can only be a ball boy," a third fan wrote

 A fourth supporter simply said: "Noooooooooooooooo." "Should have read the contract carefully it said: 'You assume the responsibility for your purchase, and no refunds will be issued,'" another fan joked

 Alisson's arrival from Roma consigned Karius to the sidelines before he agreed to move to Istanbul

 But Besiktas have struggled this term, winning just half of their Super Lig games and sitting fourth in the table

 Karius has conceded 11 goals in his last four games, including four against Genk in the Europa League

For more infomation >> Liverpool news: Loris Karius Anfield return? Agent reveals all - Duration: 3:09.


Small Town Titans - "You're My Best Friend" - Queen Cover - Duration: 2:56.

ooh you make me live

whatever this world can give to me it's you you're all I see

ooh you make me live now honey ooh you make me live

you're the best friend that I ever had I've been with you such a long time

you're my sunshine and I want you to know that my feelings are true I really love you

ooh you're my best friend

ooh you make me live ooh I've been wandering round but I still come back to you

in rain or shine you've stood by me girl I'm happy at home

you're my best friend

ooh you make me live

whenever this world is cruel to me I got you to help me forgive

ooh you make me live now honey ooh you make me live

you're the first one when things turn out bad

you know I'll never be lonely

you're my only one and I love the things I really love the things that you do

ooh you're my best friend

ooh you make me live

ooh you're my best friend

ooh you're my best friend

ooh you make me live

ooh you make me live

For more infomation >> Small Town Titans - "You're My Best Friend" - Queen Cover - Duration: 2:56.


【Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku】Ghosts Play to the Audience「 Vostfr + Romaji CC」 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> 【Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku】Ghosts Play to the Audience「 Vostfr + Romaji CC」 - Duration: 3:51.


DeltaRune Demo - Duration: 38:26.

For more infomation >> DeltaRune Demo - Duration: 38:26.


QS AL IKHLAS 1- 4 AYAT JUZ AMA' ANAK ANAK - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> QS AL IKHLAS 1- 4 AYAT JUZ AMA' ANAK ANAK - Duration: 0:29.


Singer Sameena Kanwal | Adu Muhnjee | Karaoke Track Hit,s | - Duration: 5:28.

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Singer Sameena Kanwal

Karaoke Track Adu Muhnjo

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For more infomation >> Singer Sameena Kanwal | Adu Muhnjee | Karaoke Track Hit,s | - Duration: 5:28.


Singer Sameena Kanwal | Bhagan Wari Bhairan Wari | Karaoke Track Hit,s - Duration: 5:26.

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Singer Sameena Kanwal

Karaoke Track Bhagan Wari

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For more infomation >> Singer Sameena Kanwal | Bhagan Wari Bhairan Wari | Karaoke Track Hit,s - Duration: 5:26.


Singer Sameena Kanwal Aj Munhnjee Adal Jee Karaoke Track Hit,s - Duration: 5:39.

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Singer Sameena Kanwal

Karaoke Track Aj Muhnjee Adal JEE

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