Speaker's Statement - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Video Captures Ryanair Passenger's Racist Rant At Black Woman | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
Bride Calls Off Wedding, Gives Her Wedding Venue To Complete Stranger | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Abby Cates vs. Delaney Silvernell: Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do" - The Voice 2018 Battles - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
Nurturing Great Relationships - Duration: 9:20.- Everybody wants better relationships because
you and I both know, when your relationship
sucks, your life sucks.
But a ton of people have terrible relationships
and they don't know why.
And they're constantly fighting
and they're always in the argument mode, they're always
like thinking the other person isn't sufficient
isn't delivering for them, isn't happy for them,
isn't supportive enough.
And so you have all these people who have, like,
good people in their lives but their relationships suck.
And sometimes the relationship sucks with their family,
or their friends, or it can be their significant other.
And it's just like, it makes you want to tear your hair out.
So let me give you four ideas
that can actually help you improve your relationships,
nurturing deeper, better relationships with anybody, right.
Friends, family, or your significant other,
your partner, your lover.
So the first idea is, you never know a person
if you don't know their goals.
And if you don't know their goals,
you're never going to be a great friend.
You'll never be their great lover, their great supporter,
their great family member.
And it's weird, though, because most people
actually don't know other people's goals.
I'll ask family members, I'll say
what's your sister's goals?
And they're like, you know, she wants to be a dancer.
Okay, what kind of dancer?
What does she want to do with that career?
Is it short term, is it long term?
Like, you have to really get into people's goals
to understand their heart.
And so that's what I want you to do
is if you want to be a great spouse to somebody,
you've got to re-engage and say hey,
what do you want at this stage of your life?
Because I know what you used to want
and then we had kids, but where are you at now?
And you gotta get that conversation with your partner
and say hey listen, I know we've been through
a couple of weird months where we just haven't really
felt each other out.
It's like, let's just do some personal development.
What do you really want to do right now
at this stage of your life?
Because you have to understand,
when I say this stage of your life, that's very specific.
Meaning a lot of people's goals change.
And it changes like every three months,
every year, every three years.
So if you haven't had the conversation
with the important people in your life recently
about what your goals are.
And about what their goals are.
Then I'm telling you, you're just skimming at the surface.
Cause if you don't support other people's dreams,
how can you ever have a deep relationship with them?
And if you don't share your dreams and your heart
and your desire with other people,
how can they possibly help you meet that hunger?
How can they possibly help you become the best version
of you if you haven't shared it?
So you also have to be very honest with them.
What's your real thoughts?
What's your real feelings?
What's your real dreams?
What do you really want at this stage of your life
with all the important people around you?
It's one of my favorite things to do with high performers
is say, okay, do all the people around you
know what you really want right now?
Are they clear on what your goals are?
Are they clear about how they can support that,
or how much you want them to be involved in it?
It's like, a lot of people start their own business
but they don't tell the other people around them
what that business is, what it requires,
how they'd love their support.
And so we all go it alone.
And isn't going it alone the opposite
of having healthy, supportive relationships?
So first thing you gotta do if you want better relationships
get to know other people's goals.
Second thing you gotta know and you have to share
is people's fears and your fears.
You have to know your spouse, your partner,
your friend's fears because if you don't know their fears
you don't really know them.
Cause isn't it true we're all kind of like
running around sometimes, feeling inadequate
or unworthy or undeserving.
Isn't it true we all have a bad day,
isn't it true we all doubt on ourselves.
Isn't it true sometimes our fears prevent us
from chasing our dreams.
That's part of life.
And if you don't know that part of the life of your partner
or your friend or your spouse or your kids,
do you really know them?
If you don't know what people are scared of,
you don't know their outer limits.
If you don't know what people are scared of, or fear,
you don't know what their real comfort zone is.
Meaning A, you can't make sure that they have
that comfort, that certainty, that stability with you.
And B, you can't help them grow.
And if you're in a relationship with somebody
who can't help you grow or you can't help them grow
they get bored with you, and they move on.
And a lot of relationships that could have been great end
because the people didn't realize
what either the goals were or what their fears were.
Because listen, you might have somebody who's
they're desperately afraid of losing you.
But they've never shared it.
And so they're running around this insecurity
in your relationship all the time
and you're never really getting to know that.
You really don't understand that.
So those nights out when you're late, they're having fears.
Those nights out when you don't respond to texts,
they're having fears.
Those times that you don't reply fast enough,
they start wondering things
and those fears grow into doubts about the relationship
or doubt about your character.
And all of a sudden you're fighting about stupid stuff.
And if you knew that they were worried about
those types of things, or fearful of those types of things
you could preempt those and say, hey listen,
I know this has been an issue for you before.
Or I know this is a concern.
But here's what's happening, here's what's going on.
Meaning once you know someone's fears,
you can over communicate, and you can
cut off those fears in advance.
And now they feel supported, and now they're not scared
in your relationship.
You have to know people's goals and their fears.
The third thing you gotta do is to create
unique, varied experiences.
You know, a lot of people in relationships
they just go through the motions.
Oh, let's go out to the movie,
oh let's go out to dinner.
And then they're out to movies and they're on the phone
or they're out to dinner and they're on their phone.
And they're not even paying attention to the other person
and trying to create magic.
But if you remember at the beginning of a relationship,
you really worked hard to do unique things.
Take someone to a nice restaurant,
to create an experience at the park or at the show.
You worked hard to set up flowers for them
or give them a nice card.
Like you were thinking about experiences.
Oh, I love you so much, let's go to Italy.
Let's go to France, someday let's go and swim with
the, you know, dolphins.
I mean, you had all these ideas for adventures
and unique experiences and then it turned into
Thursday night Netflix, four barrels of popcorn
and a barrel of wine.
And all of a sudden you're like
why don't we have the zest and the pop anymore?
Because you stopped creating experiences
that brought out that newness and that vibrancy
and that adventure and that growth together.
Like the most important thing in great relationships,
they do things together.
And this applies to your friends, too.
Like are you creating situations with your friends
where you go out on an adventure together?
I mean, when's the last time you really hung out
with your friends and you did something new?
Not the same old thing, something new.
When's the last time in your relationship, maybe,
your marriage or your partner,
did you really try to like craft something magical?
And often people, they'll realize
they didn't try to craft something magical in years.
And now they wonder why their marriage is in trouble.
They haven't tried to craft something magical in months
and they wonder why their boyfriend's disinterested.
You have to work hard in relationships.
You have to plan in relationships.
You have to make sure that that variety is there
and that experiences are forming a tighter bond.
Because listen, you can share your goals,
you can share your fears, you can talk all day
you can have great dates
but if you're not having new experiences together
suddenly you get bored with each other
and the magic is gone.
So what geek-out thing could you do together?
What new thing can you see?
What exciting thing can you participate in together?
Is there a show coming up?
I always love to tell people, you should know
everything cool coming to your town this weekend.
So if you want to ask your girlfriend or your friends
or your partner, your spouse, to that thing, you got it.
Listen, it's in the newspaper.
It's like here's everything happening cool in town.
Go do more stuff together.
And the connection deepens.
I would say the fourth big thing that you have to do
is that you have to share your personal growth
journey with others.
I mean, every week, what would it sound like
and what would it be like if you said to someone
hey, here's something I learned about myself this week.
Hey, here's the things I'm working on.
Hey you know, I've got this weakness over here
I'm trying to strengthen it up.
If you shared your growth journey with other people
instead of like feeling or trying to be
so perfect with other people, say, you know what?
I'm really struggling in this area.
But here's what I'm trying to do better at it.
Do you have any advice for me?
If you sought advice from other people
about your personal growth.
If you shared with other people,
what's the books you're reading?
What's the courses you're reading?
Share this video with them, share my podcast with them.
Share whatever you're consuming that's making you better.
Share that more and talk about it more.
Put the conversation of personal development
into your relationships and then those relationships
start to grow automatically because the discussion is there.
If the conversation of personal development
is always present in your relationship,
your relationship is always getting better.
If the conversation about personal development
is never in your relationship,
then your relationship will always be stagnant
cause you're not growing together.
But if you're growing together, you'll be happier together.
You'll be together longer and you will feel
more connected with the very important people in your life.
Relationships bring life to life.
So do a better job at 'em.
(mid tempo electronic music)
Elon Musk Says His First Tunnel Will Open In December | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Six Voices Battle to Songs by Alessia Cara, George Strait and Mariah Carey - The Voice 2018 Battles - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
Protests As President Donald Trump Administration Considers Re-Defining Gender | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Preview: Everyone Gets Nightmares | Season 2 Ep. 6 | THE RESIDENT - Duration: 0:36.-------------------------------------------
Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - October 22, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 20:53.-------------------------------------------
Franc West and Matt Johnson Bring Their A-Game to Alex Clare's "Too Close" - The Voice 2018 Battles - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
Saudi Arabia Journalist Jamal Khashoggi Mystery Deepens | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
Obama hits the campaign trail for Nevada Democrats - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
President Donald Trump Taps Another Mar-A-Lago Member For Ambassadorship | All In | MSNBC - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Question 2 - Kiritapu Allan to the Minister of Finance - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump Announces Intention To Scrap Nuclear Weapon Agreement With Russia | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Former NFL Player Rae Carruth Released From Prison | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
29º Lunes del Tiempo Ordinario – 22 de octubre de 2018 — Ciclo B - Duration: 1:24:01.-------------------------------------------
Sarah Tiana - Duration: 20:48.-------------------------------------------
《色戒》毁了汤唯?还是成就了汤唯? - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
王子文出席活动气质夺人,造型独特显身高,非常漂亮 - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
何炅出櫃真相 何炅與閆肅打得火熱 - Duration: 7:46.-------------------------------------------
陈妍希到底有多爱陈晓,竟把陈晓的胡子粘在衣服上?竟意外好看 - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 10.22.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 10.22.2018 - 07 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.-------------------------------------------
Gainful - Personalized Protein-------------------------------------------
Police investigate fatal shooting on M Street - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
M*A*S*H* star Jamie Farr to join Cleveland Orchestra's Christmas show - Duration: 0:17.-------------------------------------------
Boredem Stream (Cuz i'm that fucking bored) - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Laurita Fernández enfurecida el apodo que le pusieron en el Bailando - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
How To Start A Family Blog | Family Blogging - Duration: 9:15.How To Start A Family Blog | Family Blogging For Beginner's
Hey guys, Bryan with WP Cupid Blog and in this video, I'm going to be showing you
a complete family blogging for beginner's tutorial on how to start a family blog.
Whether your a newbie at technology, have no experience at blog starting, or even if
your a pro.
This family blogging for beginner's tutorial video will be perfect for you.
The great thing about this tutorial is it is extremely easy to follow along with even
if you have no experience in starting and setting up a family blog.
By following this tutorial video, you will have your family blog set up in as little
as 10 minutes.
At the end of this video, you will have your blog successfully started.
I'm going to be providing you with a bunch of helpful resources that will help you in
your blog starting journey towards the end of the video so stay tuned.
The first step I'm going to cover is how to choose and register your own domain name for
To have a blog you have to have a domain name.
Step 2 I'll be going over how to choose a hosting provider.
To have a blog you have to have hosting.
Step 3 is getting your blog set up for free with the most popular blogging software today.
The blogging platform is WordPress.
If you want your blog to rank, reach success, etc.
WordPress is the way to go.
If you don't have time to start your WordPress blog right this second be sure to bookmark
this video so you can come back to it later.
Let's get started.
The first thing you want to do is head on over to Bluehost via the link that I provided
in the description.
Bluehost is where we will be getting a free domain name and up to 63% off web hosting.
Make sure you click the link in the description to get this great deal.
You can also enter wpcupidblog.com/go/bluehost in the search address bar like you see here.
Two have a blog you have to have a domain name for people to find your blog and web
hosting that powers your WordPress blog.
A little about Bluehost.
Bluehost powers over 2 million websites worldwide and over 850,000 blogs around the world.
They are also recommended by WordPress themselves since 2005.
They instantly install WordPress for you which makes starting a blog that much easier.
They provide 24/7 support via chat, email, and phone.
And they have a 30-day money back guarantee.
If for any reason you are unhappy you can cancel and get a refund no questions asked
within the first 30 days.
I do want to mention that the link is an affiliate link and I'll receive a commission which helps
support this channel and helps put out more WordPress tutorial videos.
Once you click the link in the description below or enter wpcupidblog.com/go/bluehost,
you'll be at the Bluehost home page.
You'll see the get started now button on the page.
Click the button.
This is where you can select your hosting plan.
You'll see three different options.
You'll see a Basic plan, Plus plan, and a Choice Plus plan.
I recommend going with the basic plan, and then you can always scale up whenever you'd
If you have more than one website, then you'd want to choose either the plus plan or choice
plus plan.
I'm going to choose the basic plan for this tutorial as this is most common.
Go ahead and hit the select button on whichever plan you would like to use.
We are now brought to a domain page where we can choose the domain name that we want
completely free.
Or if you already have a domain name, you'd enter it in over on the right.
For the new domain you can select if you want it to be a .com, .net, .org, etc.… .com
is the most popular domain extension so I'd recommend going with a .com if you can.
I'm going to type in a domain here and click the next button.
You are now brought to a create your account page.
This is where you will input your information.
We have first name, last name.
Business name is optional.
Put your country address information.
Put a phone number and lastly the best email for you as you'll get emailed a receipt
of payment and a copy of your login credentials, etc.
Below that you will see package information.
You'll see account plan.
This is where you can select the term for your hosting package.
You have 12 months, 24 months, 36 months, and 60 months.
As you can see you'll save money the longer, you purchase your hosting for.
I'm going to select the 12 months package.
Setup fee is free.
Domain registration is free.
Let's Encrypt SSL is free.
This SSL feature is a free SSL Certificate which makes your site secure with the green
bar and with the https.
Domain Privacy is an addon that I highly recommend.
It will prevent telemarketers and marketers getting a hold of your personal contact information
and bugging you with their services.
The domain privacy will show Bluehost's information for the site and not yours.
Sitelock security find is security for your WordPress website and protects it from hackers.
I'd unselect this as there are really good free alternatives.
You'll see Codeguard.
Codeguard creates daily backups and allows you to restore your site with a click of a
button in case something happens.
There are free alternatives that work just the same.
SEO Tools Start you can keep unselected.
This addon will submit your site to search engines and provide a report on your site
ranking and keyword rankings.
Submitting your site to search engines you can do for free.
This isn't necessary to have.
All of these addons are completely optional and up to you to get.
As you can see you're saving a lot for this hosting package.
Below that you will input your payment information.
I'm not going to fill this out for protection of personal information.
Once your information is filled in you want to select the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's
privacy policy and terms of service.
Now click the submit button.
You are now brought to a page where you will choose a password for your Bluehost account.
Click the create your password button.
Input the password you would like.
Click the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's Privacy Policy and Terms and Condition and
click the next button.
You will be directed to a congratulations page.
Click the blue login button to log in to Bluehost.
Bluehost is also going to at this time email your dashboard login information to the email
address you provided.
You will now see pick your Theme.
Bluehost has a bunch of awesome free WordPress themes to choose from.
You can select a Theme now if you want too or below the Themes you can click skip this
If you choose a Theme now, you can always change the theme you pick without any problem
at a later date.
I'll be going over this in more detail, later in the video.
Once you choose your free Theme or click skip this step you'll be at the page here stating
all done.
Click the button that says start building to start building your blog on WordPress.
Once you click that and log in you will be at the WordPress dashboard.
This is what the WordPress dashboard looks like.
It'll ask you a few questions as you can see.
If you don't need help just click the, you don't need help option.
Once you do that you will see this page.
You will see blog posts where you can add new blog posts.
You will see where you can add new pages to your blog.
If you want to change your navigation menus, you can do so easily, and if you are going
to sell products on your site, you can install Woocommerce to do so.
On the far left, you will see tabs.
Hover over them and get to learn them.
Posts is where you can add new posts.
Pages is where you can add new pages.
The media tab is where your images will show that you upload to your blog.
Comments is where you can view comments people leave on your blog.
Plugins is where you can install plugins for your blog.
Almost any customization or feature that you would want more than likely there is a plugin
already made for it.
Appearance is where you can change the look of your theme or change your theme to another
one or a Premium theme.
Select Themes when you hover over appearance.
It will showcase free WordPress themes to you can choose from.
If you select most popular, it will show you the most popular free WordPress themes.
Hover over a Theme and click install and then click activate to make the Theme your WordPress
You should also see add new theme on this page.
This is where you can add a new theme if you got it from another site or it is a Premium
A great resource I have used for several years and recommend for professional WordPress themes
that look like an award-winning design agency did your blog is Creative Market.
This is the Creative Market WordPress Blog Themes page.
You can easily browse WordPress blogging premium themes.
Click on them and get a live preview of Themes as you can see here.
Here's a few examples of Premium WordPress themes that are already pre-made for you to
input your information or change however you'd like.
You'll see they look really good.
Click the link in the description below to check out Creative Market.
In the top left of your WordPress dashboard, you will see welcome here or your site title
towards the top of the page.
Click this to view your site.
To login to your WordPress dashboard, you can do so via the Bluehost CPanel or by typing
in your domain name with a slashwp-admin.
Here's an example.
It'll bring up this page here.
Just input your login credentials to be logged into WordPress.
Another great resource that is helpful and used by over 500,000 users is the drag and
drop editor called Elementor page builder.
Elementor page builder makes starting and creating your WordPress blog easy.
You can make edits by dragging and dropping.
Search elementor page builder on the plugins page and install and activate it if you'd
like to try it out.
Elementor has a free and paid version.
I've provided a link in the description so you can checkout and compare the features
of the free and paid versions.
Another great resource to check out is Fiverr.
Fiverr is a great place to get tasks done for just $5.
It is helpful if you need a logo or something done.
I provided the link in the description below.
And that is my family blogging for beginner's tutorial video on how to start a family blog.
If you have any questions, get in touch as I'm here to help you with anything you need.
Alright guys, thanks for watching.
Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more WordPress video tutorials.
Leave us a comment; we love hearing from you.
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