Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 21 2018

There are millions of people in this country who can't vote because they live in a United States territory.

"In the U.S. Constitution, if you're a U.S. citizen,

you can vote for president.

We have no voting rights in U.S. federal elections."

A territory is not a state.

They're controlled by the U.S. federal government.

But the people living in these territories

don't have the same rights as those living in the 50 states.

For example, thousands of them have served in the U.S. military.

But they can't even vote for president.

There are currently 4 million people in this situation.

They live in the American territories of Guam,

Puerto Rico, American Samoa,

the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands.

And this doesn't include the many uninhabited islands

that the U.S. controls.

Hey guys, I'm Jun,

and this Sunday we're gonna talk about U.S. territories,

where they are, what rights they have

and what rights they don't have.

If you didn't know that people from most territories are citizens,

you're not alone.

Only about half of Americans are aware that Puerto Ricans are also Americans.

So we're going to start with this island first.

Puerto Rico is the largest territory

and was acquired by the U.S. after the Spanish-American War.

Puerto Ricans have been citizens for over 100 years.

Their status came to the rest of the country's attention after Hurricane Maria

devastated the island in 2017.

Puerto Ricans are American citizens.

But when it came to aid after the storm,

many felt like they were treated differently.

Here's the mayor of San Juan in Puerto Rico pleading for help.

"If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying."

President Trump's response to that plea?

"They want everything done for them."

The reason Puerto Ricans were pleading so desperately for help is because the situation was so dire.

It's estimated that over 4,000 people died as a result of the storm.

10 months after Maria, a thousand people were still without power,

and thousands were homeless.

Taxation was another big topic of conversation – and misinformation – after Maria.

Puerto Rico does not pay federal income taxes,

because it has its own system of self-governance.

But it does pay, and so do the other territories, other federal taxes including Social Security and Medicare.

Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands also pay federal unemployment taxes.

The political limbo of Puerto Rico and the other territories creates a very one-sided relationship

with the rest of the U.S.

Puerto Rico has voted on statehood numerous times,

most recently right before Maria.

And although voter turnout was low,

97% of those who showed up at the polls voted in favor of making it the 51st state.

But the result of their vote can't change Puerto Rico's status.

It's ultimately up to voting members of Congress to determine the island's

and the other territories' political fate.

"Most members of Congress,

they couldn't find Guam on a map,

and they don't want to,

because it's completely off their radar."

In the nearby U.S. Virgin Islands,

the situation is similar.

"About 70% of the territory's 107,000 residents are still without power

more than a month after the storm made landfall."

"I have no power in my own home.

And those of you in Florida and in Texas and in other places would not stand for that.

But you expect us to stand for it."

These small islands

were also hit hard by Hurricane Maria

and the devastating Hurricane Irma that hit right before.

They were both category 5 hurricanes –

though the impact on the U.S. Virgin Islands has gotten much less news coverage.

That could be because their total population is fairly small,

just over 100,000.

The U.S. Virgin Islands were bought from Denmark in 1917 for strategic military purposes.

Though they've had over 90 years of citizenship,

they are still only a non-voting member of Congress.

That representative you heard from, Stacey Plaskett,

she's using every opportunity to remind politicians

in Washington about the millions of people in the territories who have had their rights denied.

"Once again, the people who have no vote on this floor, the people who have no say in this country –

although they are U.S. citizens –

are going to be left out."

Next we're going to talk about American Samoa,

over 7,000 miles away from the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The people here are born on U.S. soil.

They can freely visit and live in the rest of the United States.

But their situation is a little different.

They're U.S. nationals, not citizens.

"American Samoa is home to a great many veterans,

especially on a per capita basis,

as our people enlist at high rates in the U.S. armed forces."

Even if they move to one of the states,

they can't vote, they can't run for office

and are prohibited from certain jobs.

They really are the most disenfranchised of the territories.

Now, the first U.S. Navy presence was established here over a hundred years ago.

Though the Navy governed the island for decades,

it wasn't until 1978 that American Samoa was granted a congressional representative,

and that representative wasn't actually sent to Congress until 1981.

But remember, that person can't vote.

There's also a debate happening on the island right now over citizenship.

Some fear that becoming fully American will mean giving up certain land rights for indigenous people,

opening up a traditional practice of land ownership to discrimination lawsuits.

But others argue that since they're born on U.S. soil,

they should be able to have full voting rights.

These claims were denied by a court in 2015,

citing the racially motivated "Insular Cases."

These cases established the rights of U.S. territories over a hundred years ago,

describing the people in the territories as "uncivilized," "non-white," "alien races."

And then there's Guam.

We just did a whole series where we traveled to the island.

And you can check out the link in the comments.

It's estimated that one in eight adults on the island of Guam are veterans.

That's one of the highest enlistment rates per capita in the country.

But those that serve and come back to Guam

still can't vote for their commander-in-chief, the United States president.

They also have issues accessing medical care, and fly thousands of miles to Hawaii for services.

"All we're asking is the same treatment that any veteran is getting east of Guam,

you know, any veterans getting treatment in the mainland, in Hawaii.

And we just want the same treatment."

This burden is also experienced by veterans in American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands.

The people of Guam have a long history of military service, but also fighting for self-determination.

The first efforts at self-governance date back to 1901,

soon after Guam became a territory of the United States.

This fight eventually led to citizenship in 1950.

Now, 70 years later and with only limited rights,

there's an independence movement picking this fight back up.

If you want to learn more about that movement, watch part 2 of our series.

Now let's talk about the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

There are 14 islands in this territory, also called the CNMI.

The majority of people live on three of these islands.

One of these islands, Tinian, is where the Enola Gay took off before it dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Originally, language and culture connected Guam and the CNMI.

But since 1898, Guam has been politically separate.

In 1983, the CNMI made a deal with the U.S. for citizenship.

In exchange, the U.S. military got a 50-year lease for a small, uninhabited island to practice dropping bombs.

The lease cost less than $21,000.

Now the U.S. military plans to use other islands for bombing and military training sites

that will be part of a military buildup in the region,

which includes moving 5,000 troops from Okinawa, Japan, to Guam.

Authorities and residents in the Northern Marianas oppose this plan.

They're concerned about the impacts of the bombing on their native land,

the environment and the local tourism industry.

The NGO Earthjustice and other community groups have filed a lawsuit.

"Essentially, we're all in the same boat.

We're reliant upon U.S. Congress to determine our rights.

We don't have a vote there,

so we don't have bargaining power.

Anything they do that applies to us,

it's just hit-and-miss."

This history of U.S. territories is one that's rarely taught in schools.

But there's a lot at stake for the people in the territories who are treated like second-class citizens,

whether it's veterans who have served in the U.S. military

or people trying to rebuild after losing everything.

People who live in U.S. territories are born and raised on U.S. soil.

So shouldn't they have the same rights as everyone else?

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the video.

If you think other people should know about the second-class status of people in U.S. territories,

please share this video, and let us know what you think.

Don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

For more infomation >> What Does It Mean To Be From A U.S. Territory? | AJ+ - Duration: 9:38.


Hop high ! | lofi future bass - Duration: 12:24.

R L I F E Presents

a lofi future bass mixtape : Hop High!

Artwork by Vivirin

#1 song : Hz. - Hidden Crystal

For more infomation >> Hop high ! | lofi future bass - Duration: 12:24.


Ai's Charm Techniques | The Bachelor Japan - Duration: 2:54.

Subscribe to our channel for more of the highlights from Yuki and The Bachelor Japan Season 1.

For more infomation >> Ai's Charm Techniques | The Bachelor Japan - Duration: 2:54.


The Key To A Great Life (Subconscious Mind Power, Law Of Attraction) - Duration: 15:57.

The fundamental process of knowing what information you need and gathering it is one of the keys to living the good life.

If you wish to be successful study success. If you wish to be happy

study happiness.

Happiness is not an accident. It is first a study and then a practice. If you wish to be wealthy, study wealth.

Would you like to guess how many people make wealth a study?

Right, very few.

Surely since wealth and happiness and success are all values to cultivate,

You would naturally assume that most people would make a careful study of them.

Why they do not is yet another example of those aspects of life that fall into the category of "mysteries of the mind."

Remember major keys to your better future are going to be ideas and information. If

we have any lack, it is not because we lack money or opportunity or resources.

It is because we lack ideas that have taken form from information. If you search

You will find.

So that is the way to discover ideas and life-changing information:


In order to find, you must search.

You must listen to the cassette programs that can give you breakthrough ideas,

You must go and engage in conversations with people of substance,

You must go looking, go searching.

Rarely does a good idea interrupt you. And

As you make a diligent search, you will find just the ideas you need.

Now here is the next keyword in the process of seeking information that can change your life, and that word is capture.

When you find a good idea capture it. Don't trust your memory.

Capture everything write it down, record it. As a serious student of wealth and happiness,

I would encourage you to make use of a journal as a gathering place for all the ideas that come your way.

So get serious about your search for information and ideas.

Here is the next keyword for expanding your life for the better, that word is review.

Go back over all your life experiences, learn a skill called reflection.

Pondering life's events with the intent of learning. That is so important. I

Call it running the tapes again. The events of your life are some of the best sources of information.

Don't merely go through your days.

get from your days.

Be aware of what's going on around you so that you will drive the grooves in the record of that day deep into your consciousness

Here are some good times to reflect.

First at the end of the day, take a few minutes and go back over your day.

Where you went and what you did and what you said, what worked and what didn't.

What do you want to do again? What do you want to correct?

The colors, the sights, the sounds, the conversations, the experiences.

You see experience can become commodity. Currency, coin, an

incredible source of value.

But only if you take time to reflect on the experience and turn it into something of value.

It's not what happens that makes the difference in how your life works out,

but rather what you do about what happens. And

Part of doing something about what happens is this process of reflection.

Studying an event in order to glean valuable information from it.

Another time to reflect is at the end of the week. Take a few hours.

Take a half a day at the end of the month. Take a weekend at the end of the year.

Reason - to make the past more valuable.

Sophisticated people have learned how to gather up the past and invest it in the future. That's how life can become productive and exciting.

Not just living one more year, but gathering up the years and

investing them in the next one.

By reflecting you can gather up all the conversations you have ever had and invest all that you have learned and

All that you have felt in the next conversation.

Gather all your experiences and invest all that you have learned and felt in your next experience. And

The more value, the more substance, the more information,

The more wisdom you can gather from all of your yesterday's

the more exciting your future becomes.

Probably all of us already know all that we need to know in order to make our lives turn out the way we want.

Except for one thing - how to gather what we've learned in order to invest it in what we want to become.

So start a new discipline that can lead to wealth and happiness. Find out how things work.

Never let it be said you didn't find out.

Now, let me give you a qualifying phrase. You may not be able to do all you find out but make sure

you find out all you can do. And

in studying your own life, be sure to study the negative as well as the positive. Your failures as well as your successes.

Our so-called failures serve us well when they teach us valuable information.

They're frequently better teachers than our successes.

One of the ways we learn how to do something right is simply by doing it wrong.

Doing it wrong is a great school for learning.

Now I would suggest that you not take too long. If you've done it wrong for ten years, I wouldn't suggest another ten.

But what a close at hand an emotionally impactful way to learn from your own


Now those initial confrontations as you come to grips with your own past experiences may be a little painful at first,

especially if you have made as many errors as I did.

But think of the progress you can make

when you have finally confronted those errors by becoming a better student of your own life.

Now the next way to learn is from other people's experiences.

And remember you can learn from other people whether they have done it right, or wrong.

You can learn from negative as well as positive.

There are three ways to learn from other people.

The first is to listen to the cassettes and read the books by and about people who've accomplished great things.

All the successful people I know and work with around the world are good readers.

They just read, read, read. They are so curious.

that they are driven to read because they just have to know.

It is one of the things they all have in common.

Here's a good phrase - all leaders are readers. And

They use cassette programs too - especially while they're in the car or during other times when they can't read.

Cassettes can help all of us easily pick up new ideas and new skills.

Did you know there are cassettes and books on how to be stronger, more decisive, a better speaker, a more effective leader,

have a better effect on other people, become more loving, develop personality,

get rich, develop influence, become sophisticated, and

people don't use them. How would you explain that?

Did you know that hundreds of successful people have written their stories in books and

told how they did it on cassettes like this and people don't want to listen? How would you explain that?

The guy is busy I guess.

He says "well, yeah if you worked for I work by the time you struggle home, it's late

You've got to have a bite to eat watch a little TV and get to bed.

you can't stay up half the night and read, read, read." And

this is the guy that's behind on his bills. He's a good worker, hard worker, sincere.

But remember, you can be sincere and work hard all your life. And wind up broke, confused, and embarrassed.

You've got to be better than a good worker. You've got to be a good reader, a good listener.

Now you don't have to read or listen to educational cassettes half the night, although if you're broke it's a good place to start.

But here is all I asked, just 30 minutes a day.

That's all. Stretch it to an hour if you can, but at least 30 minutes.

Half rich isn't bad.

30 minutes, hear or read something challenging, something

instructional at least 30 minutes a day. And

here's the next key. Every day, don't miss.

Miss a meal but not your 30 minutes.

Hey, you can get along without some meals, but you can get along without some ideas,

examples, and inspiration.

Words nourish the mind, words nourish the soul.

Humans have to have food and words to be healthy and prosperous. Make sure you have a good diet of words every day. I

told my staff one day some people read so little they have rickets of the mind. And

also remember to properly feed the mind. You must have good balance.

Don't just read or listen to the easy stuff. You can't live on mental candy.

Here is a thought:

why not call good books and cassettes tapping the treasure of ideas. And

if somebody's got a good excuse for not tapping the treasure of ideas for at least 30 minutes every day, or

spending the money in getting the books and cassettes. I'd like to hear it.

Some excuses you wouldn't believe. I

say "John, I've got this gold mine. I've got so much gold

I don't know what to do with it all. Come on over and dig. John says "I don't have a shovel." I

Say "well John get you one." He says, "do you know what they want for shovels?"

Hey invest the money. Get the cassettes and books. The

best money you can spend is money invested in your self education.

Don't shortchange yourself when it comes to investing in your own better future.

Become self educated.

Standard education will get you standard results. If you want something better than standard

You must become self educated.

So I went to work on my library and I now have one of the best. I

learned a very valuable lesson. There can be a great deal of difference between cost and value. I

started basing my life on worth instead of cost and everything changed. A

person's library of books and cassettes reveals his or her most dominant desires.

It's interesting to walk into someone's house and browse through the library. What does your library say about you?

So read all the books.

Now here's good news. You don't have to read the all at once.

Try this, two books a week in ten years as a thousand books.

If you read a thousand books in the next ten years, do you think they would greatly influence all the dimensions of your life?

The answer is of course.

Well, here's what's exciting.

It's only two books a week.

However, I would suggest if you haven't read two books a week for the last ten years, you are about a thousand books behind.

Can you imagine the incredible

disadvantage it will be ten years from now

to stride into the marketplace a thousand books behind?

For some confrontations, you won't be a match. And

for some opportunities your knowledge will be too lacking. For some values., your philosophy will be too shallow.

Missing skills, missing knowledge, missing insights, missing values,

missing lifestyle. It could happen if you don't read the books.

Remember the book you don't read won't help.

You can't read too many books,

but you can read too few.

Now the next way to learn from others is to listen.

Become a great listener.

Get around successful people and listen, listen to what they say, and listen to how they say it.

There is something to be said for style as well as content. And

never has listening to successful people been easier or less costly than it is today.

With cassettes like the one you're listening to now. You can own cassette programs by and about the most successful people in

any field. And you can listen to their ideas while you do something else.

While driving your car,

exercising, getting dressed in the morning, anytime.

Listen over and over again until their ideas become your ideas, their inspiration your inspiration.

Ideas, well written, well spoken, well received, well learned, and well invested can be your driving

life force for wealth and


The third way to learn from others is to observe.

Watch what successful people do. Here's why.

Success leaves clues.

Spend the money and time and the effort. They're all investments - time, effort, and money.

But the payoff is so great, it's hard to compare the cost to the reward.

First is the money and it does take some money.

Take a portion of your income each month and set it aside to invest in all the means of the search for knowledge.

Remember the best money spent is the money spent to cultivate the genius of your own mind and spirit.

Make sure you don't spend more for accommodation than you do for education.

The money - small price. The promise -

unlimited potential. Next is the time. That

Is a valuable expenditure. I understand that.

To ask people for their money, that's one thing. But to ask them for their time, that's a major request.

But I don't know any shortcuts to this, it takes time, precious time.

The time you spend is that much less time you have to spend.

You can get more money, but you can't get more time.


life has a unique way of rewarding high investment with high return.

This major investment you're making now, listening, could be that small fine tuning you need for major accomplishment. And

last, the investment in effort.

There is a great deal of difference in casual listening and

serious listening

Listening to know, listening to learn,

listening that opens up the whole mental and spiritual processes is truly an investment in effort.

Bringing heavy attention to bear, that takes effort. A

mental rifle-shot to strike the idea target. That takes a great deal of

concentrated effort.

However, this effort, high gear mental machinery, is the effort investment that opens the floodgates where ideas can

Work their magic for you in the marketplace.

So, I do not hesitate to ask you to spend in deliberate, consistent fashion

the money and the time and the effort.

It's an investment that turns on the lights, opens the windows, sharpens the focus, and starts turning wishes into pride, and

product, wealth, and happiness.


For more infomation >> The Key To A Great Life (Subconscious Mind Power, Law Of Attraction) - Duration: 15:57.


Short Movie BAPER!! | Episode ANTARA AKU, KAMU & ORANGTUAMU | Keluarga Cinta Series | 4 - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> Short Movie BAPER!! | Episode ANTARA AKU, KAMU & ORANGTUAMU | Keluarga Cinta Series | 4 - Duration: 9:12.



For more infomation >> VYSVETLENIE MIRA ŠMAJDU V MINULOM VIDEU l LINK V POPISE!/vstup - Duration: 0:35.


「Nightcore」→ Imposible - Duration: 2:51.

「Nightcore」→ Imposible

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Imposible - Duration: 2:51.


Q&A | KIDS Soon? Moving to CANADA? 아이는 안 갖나요? 캐나다에서 살건가요? 국제커플 질답영상 - Duration: 11:26.

For more infomation >> Q&A | KIDS Soon? Moving to CANADA? 아이는 안 갖나요? 캐나다에서 살건가요? 국제커플 질답영상 - Duration: 11:26.


CBS Miami Live Stream - Duration: 59:57.

For more infomation >> CBS Miami Live Stream - Duration: 59:57.


Celebs Who Refuse To Wear Deodorant - Duration: 3:55.

When celebs hit the red carpet, a lot of attention is focused on the way they look, from their

immaculately styled hair and makeup to their luxury designer duds.

But a lot of these incredibly stylish folks are choosing to go without one product many

people consider an absolute necessity: deodorant.

It's not just gossip: The following Hollywood heavyweights openly admit they don't use the


Cooper's shower strategy

Bradley Cooper may appear to be a vision of dapper perfection every time he steps foot

on the red carpet, but the Hangover star is hiding a secret.

He told Esquire in 2012,

"I don't use deodorant really anymore.

I do take a lot of showers, so maybe that helps."

When the magazine asked him if he took multiple showers a day, Cooper replied,

"In the morning and then at night.

And after I work out, I'll take a shower.

So maybe three a day."

Well, that explains California's drought.

Diaz's stinky theory

While promoting the 2014 film The Other Woman, actress Cameron Diaz told E! News,

"I don't believe in antiperspirant […] It's really bad for you.

I haven't used it for almost 20 years.

[...] You're stinky because you use antiperspirant."

When asked if even men should go without using it to keep the sweat and stench at bay, the

There's Something About Mary actress replied,


Let it go and just trim your armpit hair so it doesn't hold onto the scent."

McConaughey's manly musk

In a candid interview with People magazine, Matthew McConaughey revealed some of his go-to

products, including tea tree oil to keep his locks looking luscious.

He also said that people are shocked to hear that he makes his own face and body creams.

"I'm vain!"

"Part of the job."

"Oh I love it!"

As for smelling so fresh and so clean, the Oscar-winning actor insisted that a man should

smell like "a man," before admitting,

"I haven't worn deodorant in 20 years."

Hey, whatever makes you feel alright.

"Alright alright alright."

Ford's puppy love

Fashion designer and filmmaker Tom Ford was promoting his Black Orchid perfume in 2007

when he revealed to New York magazine that he says N-O to the D-O.

And not only that, he would prefer that the rest of us go deodorant-free, as well!

Ford told the magazine,

"I actually love the way that human beings smell.

[...] My smell is a little sweat, a little dog."

Ford went on to explain that smell is an integral part of attraction, and that cleanliness isn't

a priority for him.

"I don't like clean.

I don't like the smell of soap."

Julia's all-natural armpits

When she famously showed off her underarm hair at the April 1999 premiere of Notting

Hill, Julia Roberts sent the tabloids into a frenzy.

But her atypical armpits are also anti-perspirant free, a hygiene habit she shares with her

Valentine's Day co-star Bradley Cooper.

In a 2008 interview with Oprah Winfrey, she dished about her favorite skincare products

before admitting,

"I don't actually use deodorant.

I don't like to share that with a lot of people.

It's just never been my thing."

Glover's "hippie s--t"

After performing at "Powerhouse 2014" in New York City, actor and rapper Donald Glover,

also known as Childish Gambino, headed backstage to cool off and chat with the hosts of The

Breakfast Club.

The conversation quickly took a turn when the smell emanating from him became too much

for co-host Charlamagne tha God to handle.

"You don't wear deodorant or nothing either, do you?"

"Naw man."

"Yeah, I can tell."

Glover felt the need to explain himself, so the "This Is America" artist proudly proclaimed

that he was on some, quote, "hippie s--t" and rarely washed his clothes.

Kourtney's pungent phase

During a preview for a 2013 episode of Kourtney & Kim Take Miami, fans got a glimpse of just

how far mother of three Kourtney Kardashian had taken her much-touted "natural" lifestyle.

Her sister, Khloé, asked Kardashian's baby daddy, Scott Disick, why her body odor had

been more pungent than normal.

Disick replied,

"[It's] only because she doesn't believe in wearing deodorant because she thinks it's

bad for her breastfeeding or something."

Khloé tried to convince Disick to get her sister to wear "a little dab" of deodorant

to combat the smell, but, at the time, he didn't feel comfortable telling his then-girlfriend

about her stench.

Kardashian announced she was ditching her no-deodorant policy in 2017 on her official

website and would be, quote, "changing over to an all-natural deodorant" instead.

For more infomation >> Celebs Who Refuse To Wear Deodorant - Duration: 3:55.


BTS - IDOL, 방탄소년단 - IDOL Show Music core | Reaction - Australian Asians - Duration: 4:42.

Hey guys, we are Asians Down Under

Today we are gonna react to Idol from BTS at Show Music Core

Don't judge me, I know I am gonna get whipped

Don't judge me

Rach:oh my god, the dance

Law:it's a cool beanie, is that a beanie?

Diane: How can he look so good with the pink hair

Rach: I'm so done right now

Diane: That was cool

I wanna get that hot pink colour

OMG, so sexy, look at Jimin


Diane: I really like their outfit, they were wearing

in the last video we especially said that it looks like Bollywood style

It actually wasn't it

it was like Korean traditional dance and outfit

Diane: What they were wearing here

are traditional African design and patterns

so thanks for your comment,we do read them

hey guys thanks for watching our videos

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For more infomation >> BTS - IDOL, 방탄소년단 - IDOL Show Music core | Reaction - Australian Asians - Duration: 4:42.


Stalked by Pumpkins 5! A Halloween Tale - Duration: 10:37.


it's no use I've dispatched my pumpkin army

daddy's gonna need our help come on not so fast

what are you gonna do to stop us you have no idea the powers you've just

awoken what powers why would I explain myself to the likes of you well you're

the one who brought it up if you don't start talking we're gonna start talking

about a favorite band Smashing Pumpkins your weapons are useless against me get

him Addie my pleasure

It just went right through him Jillian what do you want from us anyway

it's your the ones you woke up my world you must finish what you've started why

don't you just leave us alone I'll leave you alone but first you must

do exactly as I say what do you need us to do I don't trust

him Jillian it's really a simple request I just need you to draw a shape what

shape I don't like where this is going Jillian I need you to draw a long tall

rectangle that goes from floor to ceiling mommy won't let us write on the

walls I think he means on our house drawing Addie oh yeah I guess that makes

sense well we're not doing it not so fast Addie you promise you'll go

away if we draw it oh yes just draw the shape and we'll never think about you

two again who's we dry your father can't stand up

to the pumpkin army much longer

don't do it Jillian trust me Addie I got this hurry the hour

draws nigh you call that a rectangle Jillian you're just stalling for time

draw it sorry isn't finished oh it's finished alright ignite fools you've

just opened a doorway to the dark world now watch as I release the powers of

darkness upon your puny little world he doesn't look so good

what what's happening we just taught you an art lesson you defeated him Jillian

I'd say it was more of a...draw

now we just have to figure out how to get rid of that pumpkin let's check on

daddy first daddy are you okay did the pumpkin army get you pumpkin army what

are you guys talking about what's been going on in here they erased his memory

again Jillian he'll never believe us let's just show them the black pumpkin

right here black pumpkin let me look at that

what just happened Jillian wait a minute why are we standing over here the last

thing that I remember was daddy touching the black pumpkin yeah and we tried to

stop him but now we're over here daddy where are you girls what's going on are

you okay daddy yeah you shouldn't have touched that black pumpkin are you

talking about what black pumpkin the one that's right over it's gone Addie you guys

like pretending for some Halloween thing again everything got erased again

Jillian daddy do you remember the giant cat in our living room what giant cat

now your mother and I were out shopping I just got back he doesn't remember the

cat either now I know he saw that all right daddy we were just checking in on

you oh so I can go now all right thanks guys what does this all mean Jillian I

think this is a total reset Addie reset what are you talking about look the big

drawings gone everything's back to how it was before you drew the cat but why

the first time we both touched that black pumpkin we were put into a trance

I think everything that happened from that point on was part of that trance so

he's saying that there never was a big black cat the house never got big there

wasn't even an evil pumpkin but it all seems so real

well I think it was part of the trance but it also could have been another

reality we just fell into for a while well the crayons are still here and we

need to do something about them yeah I think they're the power behind all of

this come on

so how do we get rid of the crayons Jillian I don't think we can just throw

them out I think we need to draw them out of existence somehow but they can't

just be erased and if we scratch them out something bad will happen hmm maybe

we can just keep them in a secure place where no one can get to them

no daddy or mommy might find them and who knows what could happen to them hmm

I have an idea what are you doing Jillian I'm drawing the safe around it a

safe that even we won't have the key for Jillian look it worked

it won't open perfect now no one can get to the crayons just to be sure we better

put this somewhere safe no pun intended

daddy I really we drew it into existence so he could get better all their sirens

pretty good I looked in the camera yeah terrible I hated it if they want to

fight we'll I know that be careful Jillian and they should it's the black pumpkins

of do but what if they try to drum towards us I feel like a great I feel I

feel like a green ghost well at least it worked

scale what are we well I just what's weird joint is that everything

else in the house except for the maybe we need to stop thinking

see look a lot came at me really love

okay said you're the ones you awoke my world no no I need you to draw a long

tall sorry wait since you're the ones who woke up my world we just caught you

an art lesson you ignorant fools you've just opened the doorway to the dark

world now they're races memory Jillian who'll never believe up believe

okay you guys forgot to scream no or something that record we were supposed

to well so you're saying that there never was a big black cat there I don't

think we can just draw them out I think we need to draw them out of exhibit I

don't think we can

so that was the finale of Stalked by pumpkins did you like it what was your

favorite episode let us know in the comments below and keep on watching baby

teeth more for the rest of the 13 days of Halloween we have a lot more left and

don't forget the Jillian and Addie channel for new videos every Tuesday and

Saturday if you're not following babyteeth4 on Instagram you're missing out

we post new pictures videos and stories every day

happy Halloween goodbye

the baseball bat go

For more infomation >> Stalked by Pumpkins 5! A Halloween Tale - Duration: 10:37.


BITTERSWEET LOVE STORIES of Japanese girls and boys - Duration: 12:07.

She wrote "Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" for a whole page and then on the other page it said...

You used to exchange love letters. - That's from primary school!

Let us know more about your elementary school love letters!

Bittersweet. This is Cathy Cat and this time we are gonna go and Ask Japanese people

here in Tokyo if they ever had a bittersweet Love Story happening in their lives.

Let's go and Ask Japanese.

And hit that subscribe button beforewemoveon.

And hit that subscribe button before we move on.

I spoke a bit too fast there.

Have you ever had a bitter sweet love story happen to you?

YES or NO?


another yes.

Its from when I was in primary school 5th grade.

At 11 I had my first love.

The girl I loved did karate.

But she was still very small and skinny.

I thought she was a really cute girl.

But she had a very strong character.

We were friends but once... well...

She liked teasing me.

She liked winding you up? - Yes like that.

She karate slapped my face and I lost hearing on that side of my face.

I had to go to hospital for it.

I didn't want to tell the teachers, but I was scared because I couldn't hear.

I told the teachers and they gave me leave to go to hospital.

At the hospital they told me it was just a temporary thing.

So I went back to school the next day.

But the teachers got really angry at the girl I liked.

What happened then...

Not directly but... She put a letter of apology into my desk.

A letter in which she apologizes.

The letter said "Sorry sorry sorry sorry..." for a whole page.

and it also had a second page...

I was wondering what the second page would say... it said "SORRY" in bold letters.

She literally just wrote "Sorry" many times but it made me happy.

I really thought she was a nice girl.

But 3 months after that she moved away.

She did? Oh no! That's like in an anime.

It totally is! She moved away.

I tried to tell her how I feel but...

but before moving she asked me over to help her with something...

She said "I haven't told anyone but your friend Mattchan..."

Mattchan was one of my friends...

She said "I am in love with Mattchan"

No way! - Yeah...

I had to help her with her confessing her feelings...

that's why I never told her my feelings and just send her off....

That's so honorable of you but super bittersweet.

My friend next to me and I, we are friends since we were very small.

She has had some bittersweet love stories. - I have not.

Come on, you exchanged love letters. - That was in primary school. We were kids...

Sure, tell us your primary school story.

A boy had liked her for a long time...

Everyone in class knew about it. He made his move ... in the end...

... you agreed to exchange letters with him, right?

And I was in charge of passing those letters on between them.

So you were the postgirl? - That was my job.

That's like a manga story, where the best friend has to pass on the love letters.

I used to read them too...

What both of you together? - We did that.

Some of them had hearts drawn in it.

"We haven't spoken with each other much recently. Let's speak more with each other. ♡ "

You were in charge of their love relationship.

I was their cupid.

The thing naturally fizzled out in the end.

We just grew apart.

And your love story will start from here. - It will!

You're the cupid! You need to fall in love too! - It's difficult!

Wow I am so timid though...

Next time you will be the one who hands over the letters!

I will do it. I'll be your cupid. - Please be!

When I was in middle school, I went to a cram school after school.

I had private lessons with my teacher.

And I started to get a crush on him...

What type of teacher was he?

He was.....

Hard to say with your friends next to you...

He was rather coolish.

But he did the classes really well.

He was really cold.

Would you say cool? - Yes a very cool man.

Was he a student or a normal worker?

He was probably a university student.

Did you ever tell your feelings? - My feelings...

Did you try to tell him? - It was really unrealistic already so...

It was almost impossible... so I never told him.

That's the story.

And just in that moment a truck playing loud love music drives past.

That's what makes Japan crazy.

Nice connection there.

How about your love story?

When I was in primary school 6th grade...

I was living in the Nigata prefecture.

But when I had to move away, the boy I had liked gave me a letter.

He confessed his feelings to me.

But I had to move away, so we could never meet again in the end...

I wish I could meet him again...

You just missed each other there...

What a anime story. You love each other but one has to move away...

I am still sad about it.

Director: What did the letter say?

Inside the letter was a small card that said "I loved you."

"LOVED you." - That's past tense.

Well I was about to be gone so... he understood that.

so he gave me the letter knowing that.

He knew you would leave him ...

You go first.

In primary school... There was a boy I liked for over two years....

If you add middle school, I liked him for about 4 years...

But I could never tell him my feelings.

And graduated school without ever telling him my feelings.

You never told him. - I couldn't.

What type of boy was he? Sporty type?

He was in the soccer club...

You could say he was the sporty type.

Did you try to tell him and fail?

We hung out together but I never told him how I felt about him.

If you could tell your past self a message, what would you say?

I would tell him that I liked him since primary school....

You wish you could have told your past self that. - YEah.

When I was in middle school, I went out with a boy.

We were both very shy. So we barely spoke with each other and broke up because of that.

What made you be so shy?

Even walking home together. I was so shy and didn't know what to say.

So we both didn't talk.

And it all ended in silence too? - That's right.

How long were you going out? - A while. 5-6 months

But you were still too shy?

We would only speak in SNS messages. We could barely talk in real life.

If you could send a message to your past self, what would you say?

I want to tell her "Be more honest with your feelings!"

Please tell me your story!

This is a true story from when I was in primary school.

There was a boy that I loved a lot.

At the time I didn't know if he felt the same.

But when walking home, if we saw each other on the street we would wave at each other.

That was our secret custom.

That was everything really.

He always waved at you?

Whenever your eyes met? - Yes.

That's sweet. Where does the bitter come in?

The bitter part....

Since we were only primary school students, we never became more than that.

You loved him but you were both too young at the time. - Yes.

If you could send your past self a message, what would you say?

"You should tell your feelings a little bit quicker."

If I had done that, things could be different now.

What did you like about him?

When everyone was around, he would act normal. But when it was just us two...

he would show me his nice side. I really liked that about him.

Bittersweet... From middle school until the end of high school I dated a boy...

He was very good looking ...

And everyone liked him.

He did say that he loved me but...

There was a time, when I wasn't sure about that anymore...

There were many other girls around me who were in love with him...

Yes I was dating him but...

But when I saw him talking with other girls who I knew were in love with him....

I got jealous... very jealous...

When I told him how I felt about that...

he took me to Disneyland to make it up to me.

You had love rivals, and he took you to Disney to make you less worried!

He did that for me yes....

It's like sweet-bitter-more sweet for you.

Nice one. - It was like that.

Director: And now? - We're not together anymore.

So in the present tense things are different. - Many things happened after that.

If you could tell your past self something, what would you say?

Right now, I don't understand anymore what it is like to be in love...

I want to ask her, how she managed to fall in love.

I really want to ask her that.

A new love can start from now on!

They say, when you are not looking the right person shows up.

Thank you.

Those were all our questions. Thank you.

Bittersweet love story, oh man!

For more infomation >> BITTERSWEET LOVE STORIES of Japanese girls and boys - Duration: 12:07.


michael + mallory || one way or another - Duration: 1:36.

I can see into the dark places that people desperately try to keep hidden.

I don't have any dark places.


I want a world without the hypocrisy,

with the kinds of people

who wouldn't just eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree,

but who'd cut the fucking tree down and burn it for firewood.

Don't be afraid, Mallory.

I'm offering you a chance to live.

I said let me go!

Watch her


Who are you?

I don't know.

Who are you?

I think you're made for that world, Mallory.

I sense it in you.

For more infomation >> michael + mallory || one way or another - Duration: 1:36.


Inside the First Palestinian Museum in the U.S. | NowThis World - Duration: 7:31.

Palestine to me is the starting point.

It's where I came from.

It's my heritage.

My cultural starting point.

It's people. It's land. And it's a lot of injustice

For many many many years, we watched in the US and the West

in general as the mainstream media have kind of painted Palestinians

in a way that kind of dehumanized them.

We want to educate the public about Palestinians.

We want to do it through the arts.

My story as a Palestinian is not unique,

it's that of millions of other people.

I'm Faisal Saleh, I'm the founder and executive director of Palestine Museum U.S.

I remember Palestine in the '50s and '60s,

I left in 1969, two years after the '67 war.

There was a lot of anguish over the loss of home, loss of land.

When people left, they thought it was going to be like 2-3 weeks

and everything is gonna be settled and everybody would go back.

But that hasn't happened and it's been 70 years.

Originally, my family comes from a village called Salama,

and our family had been there for generations.

In 1948 they had to leave and they lost everything.

In '69 I received a scholarship to come finish the last year of my high school in the U.S.

I've been in the U.S. for 49 years.

In a way I'm American and I'm like any other American here,

and I work and pay taxes, and socialize with people here,

and yet at the same time I'm able to relate the same way to Palestinians.

And somewhere in the middle here there's this

no man's land that's kind of troubling sometimes.

The thought of doing something for Palestine became in the forefront for me.

I really wanted to do something since I had not done anything for a long time.

I began an intensive effort to contact Palestinian artists in Palestine and around the world.

And we had some office space that was vacant for a long time and it was really in bad condition.

We decided to take some of that space and repurpose it for the museum.

In June of 2017 I started work on this project.

We opened in April of this year.

We're at the Palestine Museum U.S., we're in the town of

Woodbridge, Connecticut. And we're about a 2 hour train ride from New York City.

One of the biggest obstacles was to get the art to display,

the majority of the art here is on loan from the artist.

A lot of them came from Gaza.

Some from Jordan, and some from the U.S. also,

it's wherever there are Palestinians, and there are Palestinians everywhere.

But a significant number is from the West Bank and Gaza.

It's difficult shipping from there, you still have to get it through

the Israeli checkpoints, and the borders,

sometimes it took two months to get some shipment out of there.

We have artists who work under extreme conditions,

trying to show that despite all the negatives, all the obstacles,

they're capable of producing masterpieces of work.

It's 100% Palestinian museum,

it's all about Palestine and Palestinians, Palestinian ideas,

funded 100% Palestinian, currently I'm the only source of funding for the museum.

Most people come to the museum are coming from a distance,

they're driving one hours, two hours, sometimes three hours to come here.

For Palestinians, it's like a shrine.

They come here and they tell us, this is the only place that talks to us.

And it's the only place that belongs to us.

It's hard find places where I'm represented,

and I think coming to the Palestine museum made

me prouder of who I am and who I will become.

It makes me feel like I'm still connected to

Palestine even though I'm not there right now.

I had a wonderful experience coming to this museum

and getting to connect with a part of my history and past that I don't normally see.

The idea of a Palestine museum in the U.S. made me so happy.

When Palestinians and Americans visit the museum,

they're really awed by what they see.

They're awed by the photographs from the 1800s and 1900s, they're awed by the paintings.

The drawings on that wall are from the children of Gaza

after the 2008/2009 attack by Israel on Gaza.

As part of the treatment of the children, they were asked to draw what they saw.

And this is some examples of some of the drawings that made it to the U.S. from there.

We have artifacts like these clay pots that are more than 100 years old.

They were used Palestine for storing olive oil.

There's an installation there that shows an ammunition box full of rocks.

It really highlights the asymmetry of the conflict.

There are some paintings that show the Holy Lands.

What we've done here was successful.

But it has a small reach, given the physical location.

We want to take this and branch it out to the 12 largest cities in the United States,

and we want to do it over a couple years.

Our objective, really, is to change the discourse,

from talking about political conflict, talking about war,

terrorism, to talk about the human side of the Palestinians.

We have the artists, we have the poets, we have the writers,

we have the sculptors, and that we are capable of excellence.

It's in your heart, you can't really forget.

Every Palestinian, they have it in their heart.

They know what Palestine is.

And they know how much of a wound that is.

And they're aching to do something about it.

For more infomation >> Inside the First Palestinian Museum in the U.S. | NowThis World - Duration: 7:31.


姐姐&姐夫 IG Q&A|姐弟戀? 女人緣太好? 求婚計畫居然泡湯啦!! - Duration: 18:25.

For more infomation >> 姐姐&姐夫 IG Q&A|姐弟戀? 女人緣太好? 求婚計畫居然泡湯啦!! - Duration: 18:25.


邓伦的东北话为何这么好?邓伦说感谢三个人,网友:满满的都是爱 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 邓伦的东北话为何这么好?邓伦说感谢三个人,网友:满满的都是爱 - Duration: 3:18.


Roman Manipular - Polybian Legion and Triplex Acies - Duration: 12:45.

For more infomation >> Roman Manipular - Polybian Legion and Triplex Acies - Duration: 12:45.


כאן חברו הטוב של | בדירה אחת עם טגו אדום, חתולים, נחשים, טרנטולות וחמוסים - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> כאן חברו הטוב של | בדירה אחת עם טגו אדום, חתולים, נחשים, טרנטולות וחמוסים - Duration: 3:17.


Museum of Human History: Australia - Duration: 2:19.

green your teachers informed me that you've been having trouble staying awake

in class I'm sorry mrs. beige every time I close

my eyes I see it what is it that you see Australia

okay rap with me here green what's in Australia a nightmare island of deadly

animals Sarah British people as loose crocodiles okay

and where did you hear about this amuse am of human history they told us is an

isolated desert full of former criminals living amongst giant spiders and bloomin

onions well bloomin onions doesn't sound so bad

to me learnin onion was a rampant chlamydia carried by all of their tree

hugging teddy bears okay Australia was so terrible people tried

to commit suicide by throwing crook and first place in the air so they could

comes back and flash them in the head wow those people did escape in a sense

right suicide is always a way out of course they needed a way out it was a

hellish world filled with celebrity killing stingrays baby eating Dingles

and kangaroos well kangaroos sound adorable uh-uh they weren't they were

giant squirrels who could box and shove their babies into fanny packs let's see

what criteria has to say about all this okay b-b-but pop-up p2p boop boop it

says here that Australia was a tiny island it was massive with lovely trees

arid desert the lovely people Russell Crowe well miss know-it-all did the

museum gods say how Australia ended what happened the Hemsworth were eaten by

Tasmanian devils so the island went bankrupt and sank into the ocean good on

ya wait what am i Kevin


For more infomation >> Museum of Human History: Australia - Duration: 2:19.


Gunung Yang Cocok Untuk Pemula? (Gunung Guntur, Jawa Barat) - Duration: 12:50.

For more infomation >> Gunung Yang Cocok Untuk Pemula? (Gunung Guntur, Jawa Barat) - Duration: 12:50.


Learn British English Free: important phrasal verb - 'let someone know' - Duration: 4:29.

Hello; my name is Chris and this is a lesson for Learn British English Free,

the YouTube channel. I'm from England in the UK; I live in Cambridge. I want to

tell you about a very important phrasal verb and I will explain how to use it so

that you can sound completely natural like a native speaker here if you want

to. The phrasal verb is to let someone know - to let me know, I'll let you know,

that kind of thing. Now I will tell you how to use it in the correct way. We like

to say 'let someone know' instead of 'tell' sometimes 'tell' - tell someone.

The reason is tell is very short and direct; let you know sounds more polite,

less direct. You probably think I'm crazy and you're right - it's because I'm

British. We love things very small details to make our language softer. We

say it's softer - it's more polite. Here is how we do it,

especially for commands or instructions of course, instead of tell me it sounds

rather hard. We like to say let me know or please let me know when you get the

update that would be especially common in a business situation which is another

reason why I'm telling you this - if you're working with British people

you're likely to hear 'let me know'. I'll let you know instead of tell. We can use

let someone know a lot when we're talking about the future: I'll let you

know tomorrow; she'll let you know next week.

We can use it also with the past perfect: they've let me know; I've let him know.

However, I was thinking about this and I reckon that for the past simple we

don't usually use let someone know that much - we still prefer tell. 'I told him

yesterday.' Of course: 'I told you so.'

And an extra bit - a fixed expression: 'Let me tell you something... blah blah blah...' We

use it as an introduction - we always say let me tell you something... Those are some

ideas. Please add let me know; let you know to your vocabulary - mix it up

instead of 'tell'. You can sound more like a British person if you want to and it

will help if you're speaking to anyone from the UK. Good luck.

What do you think about this lesson? Please let me know by writing a comment.

Thank you for watching; my name is Chris. These lessons are available on Learn

British English Free on YouTube - please subscribe. They're also on Facebook - I

have the British English page and the Learn English Free (public group). We are

on Instagram - it's called Learn British English. I have

the web site:

and you can contact me for private lessons - my email address is there.

It's the one. There are other sites; please look below.

Thanks again; I will be back soon. See you then. Bye.

For more infomation >> Learn British English Free: important phrasal verb - 'let someone know' - Duration: 4:29.


SEREBRO - CHICO LOCO 0+ (Премьера клипа, 2018) - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> SEREBRO - CHICO LOCO 0+ (Премьера клипа, 2018) - Duration: 6:27.


Opel Insignia 1.6 CDTI 136PK SPORTS TOURER - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia 1.6 CDTI 136PK SPORTS TOURER - Duration: 0:54.




For more infomation >> VIETNAMESE FOOD #77 | FAMOUS "TAU HU" BUI VIEN - Duration: 3:29.


HALIFAX : An amazing surprise! - Duration: 3:04.

Hello the migrators!

Welcome to Canada!

today we are going to Halifax

a city in the eastern part of Canada

in Nova Scotia

Let's go!

We are in very popular place :

The Citadel

an old fortress full of the military

past of Halifax

If you are interested by

the Canadian history or the city's one

you should come to visit!

As in london there is

very expressive guards

He don't speak that much...

I love how the cityt was developped

around the ocean

There is quay like this one

everywhere where you can come to relax

If you have in off time

I invite you to have a drink outside

to watch the sunset

In 1917 a ship full of explosive

exploded in the Halifax's bay

and destroyed a third of the city

It's the second biggest human explosion

after Hiroshima.

The area most affected by the explosion

was the Hysrostone area

All the houses around me was destroyed

they had to rebuilt everything again.

If you want to relax after your visit

you can come to the Public Garden

it's the oldest park in Canada.

If you visit the park

have a look to the american agave

it produce once in his life

a huge 9m flower

it would be shame to miss it!

After few hours visitng the city

I realize that this city is so dynamic

there is people everywhere

it's young

I want to discover more!

But this is also a very old city

I feel that there is a lot of history here

I love the mix between the old and the new

It's very well done

That's something I don't see that much

in canadian cities.

Halifax is also the city who rescued

the Titanic passenger

When the Titanic has sunk

it's where the survivors were sent.

The live music is also very popular

and to discover it

someone told me to come at "The Local"

This is the end of this video

I hope you enjoyed discovering

Halifax with me

I invite you subscribe

by clicking on the red button bellow

see you next week for a new vide!


For more infomation >> HALIFAX : An amazing surprise! - Duration: 3:04.


Škoda Superb 1.6 TDI 120pk Greentech Ambition Business - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Škoda Superb 1.6 TDI 120pk Greentech Ambition Business - Duration: 1:09.


Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI 75pk 5drs BlueMotion Executive Plus | 14% Bijtelling | - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI 75pk 5drs BlueMotion Executive Plus | 14% Bijtelling | - Duration: 1:12.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk 5drs Comfortline Executive - Duration: 1:06.


Reggae Instrumental - "Natural" | Reggae Type Beat 2018 / Rasta Trap Instrumental - Duration: 4:27.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> Reggae Instrumental - "Natural" | Reggae Type Beat 2018 / Rasta Trap Instrumental - Duration: 4:27.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅘ - 와 wa(wa/waː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅘ - 와 wa(wa/waː) - Duration: 0:31.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅢ - 의 ui(ωi/ω/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅢ - 의 ui(ωi/ω/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


姚明的童年,很乖很孤独,心事重重的成长 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 姚明的童年,很乖很孤独,心事重重的成长 - Duration: 2:56.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅘ - 와 Va(wa/va/,/oa) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅘ - 와 Va(wa/va/,/oa) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅢ - 의 Iy(ɨy/,/ɨ/,/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅢ - 의 Iy(ɨy/,/ɨ/,/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅟ - 위 Vi(wi/,/y) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅟ - 위 Vi(wi/,/y) - Duration: 0:31.


[basic]Korean alphabet-How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅟ-위 wi(wi/wiː/y/yː /yi/yiː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic]Korean alphabet-How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅟ-위 wi(wi/wiː/y/yː /yi/yiː) - Duration: 0:31.


Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 125pk 5drs Trend Edition Navi 17 inch Trekhaak - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 125pk 5drs Trend Edition Navi 17 inch Trekhaak - Duration: 1:07.


刘涛五年赚3亿,郑恺一天赚7亿,她6个小时赚13亿,网友:打扰了 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 刘涛五年赚3亿,郑恺一天赚7亿,她6个小时赚13亿,网友:打扰了 - Duration: 3:24.


Collective Plus Size Haul + A Chance For You to Win Free Jeans! - Duration: 17:03.

hey everybody today I have another haul for you this is a little bit of a crazy

hectic haul because it is the last thing I am filming before I get my life

together pack my bag and go to China for ten days you're actually going to see

this while I'm in China to kind of hold you over and then I'm gonna have like a

ton of Chinese content when I come back don't you worry there will be tons so

we're gonna kick off the haul today with a special little treat see today's haul

is actually made possible by a brand called Royalty For Me and they are a low

cost affordable denim brand which we all need affordable options especially when

it comes to denim the products are super stretchy and really really comfortable

now the cool thing about this is I want to give you the chance to win $100 to

spend at royalty for me there's gonna be three gift cards I'm giving away and to

enter it's pretty simple all you need to do is click the link to my Instagram

post about the brand down below in the description box and you need to follow

me and follow royalty for me and then leave a comment about something you like

about yourself very very simple so basically go to the Instagram post say

something you like about yourself and follow us both then I'll be picking

three people to get $100 gift card to the brand so since this is the 21st of

October you'll have all the way until the 25th of October at midnight to enter

I'm gonna pick three lucky winners at random and I'm gonna pick them by using

a random comment selector generator thing so very fair what you write

doesn't affect your entry you can only enter once so don't go in there and

enter like a bajillion times cuz it's not worth the effort enter once only

your first entry will be counted so let's just jump right in and I'm gonna

walk you through the jeans I have from them and then we'lll go on with the rest

of the haul which is a collective haul there's all kinds of brands in today's

haul so the first pair of jeans I got from royalty for me is this grey pair

and now I picked these out because I feel like I have a lot of traditional

wash denim and I wanted something like a little funky and a little bit different

I like this grey pair because it's just like this perfect color grey

not so grey that it like clashes with anything it like is its own neutral now

this is their supersoft denim and what I like about it is it really is very very

soft it's very comfortable it's like it's been broken in like somebody else has

worn it but not worn it out and now you get to own it as you can see here it's

really stretchy and really form fits to the body so this is a slim cut so it is

going to all the way down your body

but the stretch allows that to happen one thing I like about them is they have

a pretty good like bounce back on the stretch so it doesn't like stretch out

too much now they also have this innovative technology with the way they

do the back pockets and even the seaming here and it's basically to lift your

butt and make it look supple a supple booty so they're really like into the

booty pop and you even see here that they cut and fold and tab to kind of

give you like a contour for your butt so as I once heard Sheryl Crow say in an

interview it lifts and separates I did hear her say that that is not ad-libbing

for real yo that happened so I really liked these because the color I just

love this like wash grey denim it's really really cute and I think it's a

little bit different than your like everyday denim color now if for some

reason you don't want that like booty shaping I got another pair of jeans so

in case you don't want like the booty lift technology they also have jeans

that don't have that so this is what the back of the Jean looks like without the

booty shaping technology so you'll see the extra seam here is gone and the

fold-over is gone and the pockets look a little bit different so this is more of

a traditional type of Jean still that soft comfortable feeling but definitely

um less like booty lifting action but like a very like worn-in comfy feel

which I really really appreciate now we're gonna get onto the third pair

which is like my ultimate favorite pair I actually went on the site and

purchased these in another color because I was really excited about them because

these are the most comfortable freakin colored jeans I've ever won in my life

and I've been wearing them around like just running errands if you

look at other hauls I've been wearing them during the try-on portions because

they're just that comfortable they're like pants you could fall asleep in

because they feel like leggings but they have a zipper which I appreciate so

these I got in an olive-green and then I also purchased them in a rust but I'm

gonna just be for the sake of time I'm just trying on the green in the video

but you saw the rust color and these come in like I want to say 20 different

colors I first got turned on to them about six seven months ago I was like on

the hunt for yellow pants if you guys remember my saga of not being able to

find yellow pants that fit me well I got them from this brand it was this cut so

this is just a continuing love story for my yellow pants I find those pants I

don't even know where they are right now they're buried in the deep black hole of

fashion that is my apartment my friend says that like clothing just gets sucked

in here it's kind of true um but these are like super comfortable I don't know

how they are so magically comfortable maybe because they just like look at

that stretch this is gonna move with you all freaking day they look great on in

fact I was walking down the street shooting images for the campaign the

image that like allows you to enter to win and this girl like stopped me and

asked me where I got them because she was I was like bending down and doing

like crazy poses and she's like obviously those fit really well if you

feel comfortable like nearly doing the splits and I was like yes these are the

best let me tell you a little story and then I told her the same yellow pants

story I just told you and yes I love them in short I love them that's all

that's all you need to know I really really like these the only thing that

should note about them that may put some of you off is that they don't have front

pockets the back pockets totally functional but the front pockets are

sewn shut and that's just to get like that kind of

more streamlined look some people like that some people don't but you know I'm

empowering you with the knowledge so with that let's jump into the other

brands in this haul because there's there's a lot

it is obviously Halloween time and I would be a failure of a youtuber blogger

whatever the heck my job is I don't know what to call myself to this day

but it's actually something really sweet for Halloween love me some festive wear

and I saw this and I just flipped it is an overall skirt with hands that like

are coming down to grab these are the straps and they're like little hands

someone told me to check out Hot Topic so I did and oh my gosh I'm obsessed

with us it is very lightweight it is very much like I'm gonna have to wear

leggings because it's too damn cold for these right now but I love it I think

this is the most cute kitschy fun Halloween skirt ever get your

hands out of me get your hands off me it's so fun and even here this soft

Jersey skirt actually does have pockets on it so bangin and just so you know the

waist sits pretty high but you can lengthen it if you want I like it

sitting high you'll see it in the try-on I like that kind of almost like 50s feel

where it's like high under the bust so that is why I'm trying it on that way

but yeah awesome well I've gotta hand it to him this skirt is adorable no bones

about it how many other terrible skeleton puns can I make before it gets

old but I just really like it I think it's so cute and it's perfect for

Halloween yeah I don't know what that howl was at the end but it was special

just for you this is a blue jumpsuit and the reason I got this jumpsuit is

because Charlotte Russe expanded their sizing and their sizing like I can fit

in a 3x in most their stuff but like it's cut pretty small so I just wanted

to see like what they're you know expanded sizing looked like and so I got

this jumpsuit in a four which is really more like a 22 24 at their store just so

you know cuz I don't want you to go in there and be like oh if I'm a 26 28

that's gonna fit me it might in something like this that totally might I

felt like I had enough room here but in some other things that probably won't

work in fact I tried on a shirt from them which is not in this haul

there was 3 X and I couldn't even like get it over my boobs and I'm like not

heavy chested so it's kind of still a crapshoot as far as their clothing fits

but I loved this jumpsuit and I had to show it

to you I wore it to a little cocktail reception for skincare brand and

everybody was just fawning over it and it was dirt cheap and so Charlotte Russe

I'm gonna try to incorporate some more things from but again I'm still finding

their sizing super unpredictable and that makes it hard for me to want to

recommend them because it's like so hit-or-miss like it's really like who

knows and that can be a very frustrating shopping process when you buy things you

really want to fit and they just you have no clue amazing color and I just I

feel like a classy lady next is this orange set I got from Prem it's a pair

of wide leg gauzey pants in orange obviously my

favorite color and then this cropped wrap top here are my thoughts on

this I feel like the top runs a little bit small and the pants run really big

so I probably should have size down in the pants the tops about okay I sized up

in the top I don't know why I did that but it did I do wish it was a little bit

longer it's fairly short and that exists very much a summer set I did wear it

with a bomber jacket it looked really really cute but overall it's really not

a practical purchase for this season if you don't live in like Florida or

California it is very like summery there is no weight to it you do not feel like

there's anything on you now that said if I'm traveling somewhere warm in the

winter months I'm probably gonna take this with me because it is a great

fairly you know full coverage I mean they're just having a small piece of

skin here out in the open outfit for like a resort or something

like that so it is really good for like resort season but for winter it feels

very very light I guess you can wear leggings under the pants but it feels it

feels a little bit out of season so this is super comfortable I just kind of wish

that I purchased it more like in the summer because for winter this is just

like these items really don't provide any warmth so I am going to Panama in

December and I'll probably bring this just because it's like that perfect for that climate

not you know outside right now where it's some like 50 degrees I actually

wore a bomber jacket over it and it looked really cute but this section was

cold another brand I wanted to try is pretty little things I got this jumpsuit

from the Ashley Graham launch I have very mixed feelings about it as you can

see I don't know if it's it's too long which is first of all very weird because

I am tall and that is not a problem I typically have and second of all I just

feel like I don't know if I like it like I liked it in the sassy pictures with

the moody lighting and the hair but on me I don't know if I actually like it

the constructions okay it's not like miracle write home write a novel

about its amazingness kind of construction but it's it's okay and on

their site I feel kind of meh about a lot of the designs so I don't know how I

feel about that I feel like I might have to do a full haul to get a better

impression but this overall is fun it's very comfortable it's just I don't know

if I like it I can't make up my mind I can't fully decide how I feel about this

on one hand I feel like Hollywood glamour and on the other hand I feel

like a kid that tried to dress up as Elvis but like the costume was too big

is that all this extra fabric everywhere obviously it fits my thighs well but

like it's so long and I'm tall I don't ever have problems with things being

this long so I don't know what it is it was worth getting tailored or is it like

just give it up girl so the next thing I got is near and dear to like 13 year old

Anna's heart and that's because it's a Lisa Frank t-shirt I don't think

I've been more happy for a t-shirt in my life it's very very soft

I'm loving this rainbow acid wash I don't know how one does that but it's

cool you know it's got my unicorn on the front and honestly the unicorn is my

favorite of the Lisa Frank characters just because I'm like a unicorn I just love it so much I think the

unicorn's name is mystic but I could be wrong I feel like it's mystic um it's

very very soft t-shirt this is from Hot Topic and this is a type of shirt you

could live in and that makes it even better because it's a Lisa Frank t-shirt

that looks really really cute and it's also adorably comfortably soft so pumped

about this one if you question this purchase at all we're not friends

anymore yes Lisa Frank is my homegirl and I have never ever wanted to wear a

brand more on my body then I want to wear Lisa Frank stuff and frankly I wish

there were more high quality Lisa Frank plus-size items cuz I would own them all

so this item is a little bit of a like surprise item it's from a brand called

cable stitch and it's a size XL the reason I'm telling you the size is

because I think it's important sometimes to look at straight sizes and see if

there's something that might work for you just because we are limited in some

ways of our options and it can help expand what's there for you this brand

this sweater is supposed to be oversized for a size XL person for me it's a

fitted sweater I actually really like it fitted I don't know if I would like it

oversized as much as I like it fitted but it's very very cute I love the

stripes of color obviously my favorite right here that mustard yellow but even

this like peach and this beige and it's a fun way to add a little color in the

kind of the darker months which is something I'm really like cognizant of

is that color makes me happy so when it gets colder I want to have some warmer

colors available to me I feel like sometimes we get caught up in like the

dark jewel tones which are beautiful but can be very moody in feeling so I

wanted to just add a couple things to my wardrobe that we're like fun pops of

color but still winter wise appropriate so typically I wear a 2x sometimes it's

three in tops this fit me perfectly fine so I recommend that if you're

that size range you probably could wear this too and we could be twinners it's

not plus-size it was a slightly oversized shirt for a regular girl and

for me it's a fitted Dolman sleeve sweater that I'm obsessed with last but

definitely not least is this adorable crop top from Hot Topic I just really

like it and I want you to know that

I also think it'd look really cute like over it overall like under not over under an overall dress

it's really fun that has huge sleeves and it comes down into like a little

cuff it's made of a different fabric than I thought it would be it's a kind

of a Ponte fabric which I don't know if I love I kind of wish it was either like

niche or something along those lines but I make do where I can it's got a

fun athletic stripe ticking here at the top and it is a true crop it is one

thing I kind of feel like is you'd have to wear at the sports bar or something

underneath it because sometimes when I do this it does get danger like

dangerously close if you're okay with underboob that's not a problem for me

I just feel like I would wear like a sport bra or like a crop underneath it

just to be safe that's a casualty for like a lot of crop

tops that's a problem that happens so it's not unusual to just this shirt but

it's just something I was like maybe I should talk about that when I was trying

it on so thank you so much for watching my collective haul again down in the

description box you can find the link to enter the royalty for me giveaway just

for the US fans and links to everything else I've shown in this haul if you have

any questions comments or concerns leave them down below have an amazing rest of

your day I love you all and peace

For more infomation >> Collective Plus Size Haul + A Chance For You to Win Free Jeans! - Duration: 17:03.


For more infomation >> Collective Plus Size Haul + A Chance For You to Win Free Jeans! - Duration: 17:03.


[URGENT] You Should See This [URGENT] - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> [URGENT] You Should See This [URGENT] - Duration: 0:54.


For more infomation >> [URGENT] You Should See This [URGENT] - Duration: 0:54.


Đất Nước Trọn Niềm Vui | Sáo Trúc | Hoàng Nam Flute - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Đất Nước Trọn Niềm Vui | Sáo Trúc | Hoàng Nam Flute - Duration: 4:26.


For more infomation >> Đất Nước Trọn Niềm Vui | Sáo Trúc | Hoàng Nam Flute - Duration: 4:26.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅘ - 와 wa(wa/waː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅘ - 와 wa(wa/waː) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅘ - 와 wa(wa/waː) - Duration: 0:31.


[basic]Korean alphabet-How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅟ-위 wi(wi/wiː/y/yː /yi/yiː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic]Korean alphabet-How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅟ-위 wi(wi/wiː/y/yː /yi/yiː) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [basic]Korean alphabet-How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅟ-위 wi(wi/wiː/y/yː /yi/yiː) - Duration: 0:31.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅢ - 의 ui(ωi/ω/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅢ - 의 ui(ωi/ω/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅢ - 의 ui(ωi/ω/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅘ - 와 Va(wa/va/,/oa) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅘ - 와 Va(wa/va/,/oa) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅘ - 와 Va(wa/va/,/oa) - Duration: 0:31.


Chirutha (1981) | Deepti Naval, Sulabha Deshpande, Radheshyam, Brij Bhushan Sahni | Old Hindi Movie - Duration: 1:37:37.


For more infomation >> Chirutha (1981) | Deepti Naval, Sulabha Deshpande, Radheshyam, Brij Bhushan Sahni | Old Hindi Movie - Duration: 1:37:37.


For more infomation >> Chirutha (1981) | Deepti Naval, Sulabha Deshpande, Radheshyam, Brij Bhushan Sahni | Old Hindi Movie - Duration: 1:37:37.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅢ - 의 Iy(ɨy/,/ɨ/,/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅢ - 의 Iy(ɨy/,/ɨ/,/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅢ - 의 Iy(ɨy/,/ɨ/,/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅟ - 위 Vi(wi/,/y) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅟ - 위 Vi(wi/,/y) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅟ - 위 Vi(wi/,/y) - Duration: 0:31.


Retired veteran, Ray Wood,

For more infomation >> Retired veteran, Ray Wood,


Plant vs Zombie | Challenges All People To Play (I'm kidding 😂) - Duration: 4:56.

i love game

For more infomation >> Plant vs Zombie | Challenges All People To Play (I'm kidding 😂) - Duration: 4:56.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic Airco_City_Cruise - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic Airco_City_Cruise - Duration: 1:08.


catastrophe ! soudure barre de fenêtre - poste à souder fil fourré PARKSIDE LIDL PFDS 33 - Duration: 4:34.

Reminder: I'm bad at welding!

Bars of windows - training !!

hello, I will show you a try of realization of window bar

realization of safety bars for my window I mean try because

here the bar cut, it only remained for me to weld

there is the bar and 2 supports

supports: 4 mm steel

the bar: rolled steel - full - 14 mm

I think I made two mistakes

What do you think ? error 1 - I used two different steels (steel and rolled steel) is this annoying?

error 2 - the 14 mm bar is too thick? (a hollow bar 2 mm thick is better?)

before welding

I cut the bars and supports (nothing to report)

I set the welding machine at 70A and speed 6

What do you think ? I think I made 2 mistakes again, error 3: 70A is not enough? error 4: speed 6: too low

weld 1 - drawn - no chamfer

I'm going too fast?

you have in front of you the welds the ugliest of youtube!

welding 2 - thrust - no chamfer

it's a little better, but it's ugly

I test the resistance ... the weld 1 (pulled) broke quickly

the welding 2 (thrust) seems a little more resistant

welding 3 - drawn - with a chamfer

fast chamfer ...

welding 3 (drawn) - welding 2 (thrust)

welding 2 - thrust - more resistant?

welding 4 - thrust - with a chamfer

help ! :)

my welds are not strong ... and they are ugly ... I have a lot of progress to make

I break with a simple hammer

if you have any advice, leave a comment, thank you and see you soon ...

For more infomation >> catastrophe ! soudure barre de fenêtre - poste à souder fil fourré PARKSIDE LIDL PFDS 33 - Duration: 4:34.


Django's Cadillac - Fever - Duration: 6:47.

Never know how much I love you Never know how much I care

When you put your arms around me

I get a fever that's so hard to bear

You give me fever when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever in the morning

Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the daytime Moon lights up the night

I light up when you call my name

And you know I'm going to treat you right

You give me fever when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever in the morning Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the daytime Moon lights up the night

I light up when you call my name And I know you gonna treat me right

Romeo loved Juliet Juliet she felt the same

When he put his arms around her he said Julie Baby, you're my flame

You give me fever when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever in the morning Fever all through the night

For more infomation >> Django's Cadillac - Fever - Duration: 6:47.


Q&A | KIDS Soon? Moving to CANADA? 아이는 안 갖나요? 캐나다에서 살건가요? 국제커플 질답영상 - Duration: 11:26.

For more infomation >> Q&A | KIDS Soon? Moving to CANADA? 아이는 안 갖나요? 캐나다에서 살건가요? 국제커플 질답영상 - Duration: 11:26.


Want To Learn How To Make Steampunk Dragons? Join the Polymer Clay Adventure 2019! - Duration: 1:37.

hi there I'm sandy Huntress and I am so excited to once again be teaching one of

my dragons in the polymer clay adventure this time for 2019 by popular demand I

am teaching how to make a steampunk dragon this project has been highly

requested and I'm thrilled to finally be able to bring it to you this polymer

clay dragon is a very detailed project I will show you how to do each and every

step starting with where to find inspiration for the attitude mood and

pose of your dragon I'll give lots of ideas for props and inclusions and extra

things you can add to your creation we'll start by building an armature that

will be the skeleton for your dragons body I'll show you how to build it up

and give tips for achieving exactly the look you want we'll then go on to adding

all sorts of fun details including faux metal plates steampunk views and the

coolest looking wings along the way I will be showing you how to correct

problems how to personalize your project and give design tips so that you will

have an amazing piece of art when you're done we'll even look briefly at just how

gears and clock actually work nothing too technical I promise but this will

help us to get a much more realistic effect join me in making your own a

one-of-a-kind steampunk dragon let's get started

For more infomation >> Want To Learn How To Make Steampunk Dragons? Join the Polymer Clay Adventure 2019! - Duration: 1:37.


Birthday Colorful Cake Style 2018 - Yummy Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation (Oct) #10 - Duration: 10:05.

Thanks for watching

Hope you like our compilation

Please SHARE it and SUBSCRIBE!

For more infomation >> Birthday Colorful Cake Style 2018 - Yummy Cake Decorating Ideas Compilation (Oct) #10 - Duration: 10:05.


Reggae Instrumental - "Natural" | Reggae Type Beat 2018 / Rasta Trap Instrumental - Duration: 4:27.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> Reggae Instrumental - "Natural" | Reggae Type Beat 2018 / Rasta Trap Instrumental - Duration: 4:27.


RTO'S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO RENEKTON - Introduction and General Overview - Duration: 26:43.

My name is RTO

One-trick pony with over 5,000 games played with Renekton. I reached a peak of 320 LP masters in season 8

Considered by many to be the best Renekton player in the world. I am here to teach you everything that

you need to know about Renekton in this series.

We will go over an Introduction to Renekton, Early Laning phase and Basic combos, Late Laning phase and

Advanced Combos, how to become a mid game monster by Split-Pushing,

how to Team Fight as Renekton, how to close out games as Renekton and

Finally introduce you to the Ultimate Matchup guide that teaches you how to play against every single matchup in the game

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Before I teach you how to dominate your opponents with Renekton, first

I want to showcase some of the crazy things that he can do

You can skip to any part of the video that you want with the time stamps listed in the description

Let's go baby. Let's go

Hey y'all, baby, let's go dude

How to play that so well

Since we are probably spending hours together

While I teach you everything you need to know how to take Renekton into Solo Queue and dominate your opponents,

It would be ideal. If you got to know me a little bit first. At the time of filming this video

I am a league of Legends Twitch Streamer who One Tricks Renekton at the highest level of play

Against the best players that North America has to offer. I am a part of the Official League Partnership Program with Riot Games

I am also an active Redditor on subreddits such as /r/Renektonmains and /r/SummonerSchool

Including being a mentor at /r/SummonerSchool subreddit. Long ago before any of that,

I started playing League of Legends in season 1. Played by first rank games in season 2 and peaked out at silver 4.

This is important because I want you guys to know that just because you are a low ranked now,

does not mean that you cannot get high Elo. you've got to put in the work

My first champ was Sion back in the day before the rework.

Phantom Dancers and BloodThirsters. That Ult was Lit.

I also used to play Miss Fortune, Caitlyn

Jinx, Udry, some Vayne and finally Lee sin before I got into Renekton. I

switched to Renekton because while deployed with the US Army to Guam, I

couldn't play lee sin because of the 200-plus ping and needed someone who I could still play at a high level with. I

thought Renekton was a simple champ with a point-and-click stun that took no skill. So I tried hit.

Turns out that he was so much more than that, and I really grew to love him

5000 games later and I'm still not bored of his kit and I play him into every single matchup

This channel is meant to be the Ultimate stop for anything to do with Renekton

We have daily content for Vod Reviews, Matchup videos and Patch Note reviews that focus on Renekton.

All of this is listed in the video description

Hello guys, RTO here and

I'm going to be showing you a video of a

Game, I just played. I had every intention of just split pushing the entire game to show you guys how effective split pushing

Can be if you do it right. This game, you're gonna see my KDA there and it is not good. It's been very bad

KDA. I got caught out a couple times.

But you're gonna notice I am the strongest on the map by far by just by pushing and doing it really well

So in this matchup we went up against a Zed

It was RedMercy. Yes that YouTuber Streamer guy. In this game

You see how I play safe, and I take advantages that are given to me in this game to

Slowly snowball my lead, and then eventually I'm able to 2v1 the Nocturne and the Zed which you will see in the game

Hey guys

RTO here

Here to go over

8.19 for Renekton third thing to start off with this patch is I'm gonna go over Darius and Fiora buffs real quick because

They do impact the lane for Renekton

Darius is actually a champion that Renekton does pretty well into if you know what you're doing

Darius you can avoid his abilities

Renekton is fun because he is easy to learn the basics and be successful

However, also have a very high still cap that takes a ton of practice to be able to master

Renekton has a ton of versatility in his build paths, has good mobility and very high outplay potential.

Renekton is unique in the fact that he uses Fury instead of Mana.

Proper usage of the Fury is essential to doing extreme damage like the clips you're gonna see instead of just you know,

Tickling the enemy. Healing as well as AoE damage

Most champions have a very hard counter that completely shuts them down

Renekton is quite unique in the fact that he can blind picked into any lane and still be somewhat effective

Of course, there are hard lanes, but none of them are impossible

Another really nice thing about Renekton kit is that he is able to push lanes hard and still have two dashes

To make it harder to gank by pushing hard,

He is able to use the enemies minions to dash off of and escape any kind of Jungler gank. Strong early game

but a very strong mid game. There is a reason why he is known as the MID GAME MONSTER!

Once I have a Tiamat, good luck to the other team!

We will really get into the Mid Game Monster part in video 4 of the series.

Single Target Unavoidable hard CC.

Depending on the items built, I can provide a nasty Burst that lets me one shot carries

Once level 6 we're one if not

the strongest champ at that point in the game. One of the few split pushers that can also teamfight effectively when flash is up

Great 1v2 potential in lane

Level 1 and level 2 are surprisingly weak and can be abused by good laners. Range matchups can be very very hard

Very flash reliant for successful team fighting. Falls off late.

Ad Caster, so not strong at Auto Attacking

Bruisers like Jax like Fiora, like Irelia. Champs like that nature.

Exhaust really hurts Renekton because he is so cool down reliant

Renekton is strong in the comps that can't kite him out

for example, if they're using a Sejuani jungler and a Riven top,

We're not going to do much more to them than a Kindred jungle and Gnar top. Renekton is very strong against all

in comps such as Zak, Sejuani,

Leona, Amumu that allows Renekton to get on top of the carries and just do work

however, Renekton is weak against peel comps that protect the carries such as Lulu, Janna, Zilean and even Karma

When you see those comps you're going to have to resort to Split Pushing since you'll have a hard time getting on top of the Carries.

For teammates I am looking for comps that allow for a hard engage and I am not required to initiate

anyone who can start up a fight so that Renekton can put in the work. If

You are looking to splitpush instead of teamfight, you want to have a disengage comp who can hold towers and clear waves while you take


Builds, Runes and even Summoner Spells change on a consistent basis and we'll make this guy an outdated very quickly just like the last time

I released this video

So instead I am making a regularly release patch note video that explains to you what my thoughts are about what builds to take,

spells of use and the general state of Renekton for every single patch

Link is in the card above. I also have a MobaFire guide that update regularly that is in the description below

These are have patch 8.19 this may have changed so use with caution

Renekton's passive is Reign of Anger

Renekton generates five fury each time he lands a basic attack on an enemy

Losing four fury per second if he hasn't dealt or taken damage in the last 12 seconds when at or above 50 fury

Renekton's next basic ability consumes 50 fury to enhance its effects. When Renekton is below 50% health

You will actually gain 50% more fury.

So what that means is when your fury bar is above 50%, you will do a ton of damage. A LOT OF DAMAGE!

So make sure to use those on champions and don't just waste it on either dashing away or using on minions

We will go more in depth on this later as we go through the Ultimate Guide

Renekton's Q is Cull the Meek

Renekton deals physical damage to all nearby enemies

Gaining 2.5 fury as well as healing himself for each unit hit

When your fury is above 50%,

Cull, the meek deals additional damage and triples both the healing and its cap itself. Your Q will be the first one you'll actually

start in about 80 to 90 percent of your matchups

You will start Q because it has the lowest cooldown and it's AOE so you're trying to stay away from actually fighting them

Normally level 1 level 2. So Q is always a very good option

Just remember the more enemies around you the more your q is going to heal and obviously do damage to every single one of them.

There are combos that you can use your q with but I will go in that in later videos

Your Q is the way you sustain in the lane. At the same time, when it has 50 fury

You will heal up a lot, especially when there's champions and minions nearby

Your Q sustain will give you an advantage on champions like Jax,

like Riven, things for that example that don't have sustain in lane like Renekton does

Renekton's W is Ruthless Predator

Renekton's next basic attack within seven seconds gains 50 bonus range and strikes his target twice.

Each hit applies on hit effects and grant's fury dealing physical damage and stunning for 0.75 seconds

Hitting enemy champion grants 10 bonus fury. When your fury is above 50%,

Renekton strikes three times dealing 50% additional damage and

Increasing the stun duration to 1.5 seconds. Ruthless predator resets Renekton's basic Autoattack timer as well.

Your W is your bread and butter, when it comes down to actually dealing damage.

Renekton is probably is the only champion the game where his stun actually does the most damage in his kit. That

1.5 second stun can allow you to trade and then bounce out before they ever even get a trade off on you.

So using your fury right is very important. Renekton's W is an auto-attack reset like I said before

Again, you want to try to get an auto attack off before you W. If you do that

you will compound a ton of damage which again we will go over in future videos. If

you are not able to get onto a target

You can use your W for that 50 additional range to possibly stick on to somebody that you normally would not have been able to

to catch. Renekton's W procs on hit effects

So items like BORK, items like Black Cleaver,

Even Sheen Proc from Triforce really any of those items that stack

It will proc on your W. Your empowered W can instant proc Press The Attack.

So that is why a lot of Renekton mains will choose pta over any other Keystone

Renekton's E is Slice and Dice

Slice. Renekton dashes in the target direction dealing physical damage to all enemies he passes through

Generating fury. 2 per non champion,10 per champion for each unit hit

Hitting an enemy allows Renekton to cast dice within four seconds. Your second cast is Dice

Renekton dashes in the target direction dealing Slice.

Physical damage to all enemies he passes through and generating fury to burn on champion 10 per champion for each unit hit

Slice will not proc your passive

It's above 50% But dice will. if your passive is above 50%

Dice does additional damage to all enemies and reduces their armor for 4 seconds

You should max your E second because it is you're engage and disengage

Tool as well as it puts the second most amount of damage in

Your kit when you upgrade it. By maxing your E, it will actually reduce the cooldown by one second every time you upgrade it.

Even though you are maxing your E second,

You really should never want to use your empowered E, which again I will go over in future videos as to why it's more effective

to use your fury on your Q or your W rather than your E. Your empowered E will be the least effective compared to

your empowered Q and your empowered W, but there are situations where you have to use it

Let's say your Q and your W are both have 4 seconds or longer cool down

then you're probably best off using your empowered e since it's available, or if you are going to tank Renekton and

you are trying to play off of support your teammates,

I suppose then your Empowered E would only make sense in that situation to shred their armor

Besides that though really your W and your Q empowerment is gonna be just way more effective.

Riot just recently buffed Renekton's E so

Maybe they are trying to do something for future patches to make using his empowered E more reliable and effective

But for now, though

It's still empowered W and empowerd Q all the way! Your first E will actually not use fury at all

Instead will actually gain fury and you can use that for future combos that you will possibly do

For example say you have 40 fury and you're wanting that empowered W or Q and you have like 40 then

If you go and dash on a champion

You'll actually get 50 off that and then you could actually use your empower W or whatever from that point on but that is wearing very effective in that regard

Your eat can be used to also dash through walls. Very small walls. One the Screen,

there is a map that shows you every single spot where Renekton can dash through with a link in the description below

Renekton's R is Dominus

Renekton empowers himself for 15 seconds gaining bonus health

increased size and

25 bonus attack range with 20 fury who the duration he deals magic damage

Each half second to all nearby enemies and generates five theory per second with a total of 75 fury

For the first major tip that I want to go over is that he turns into a freaking huge crocodile

Who wouldn't want that?

What I like to do personally is when I used my empowered ability on someone I will actually are to gain more fury

So I can use another empowered ability right afterwards because you are gaining 20 fury as well when you cast the are

Do not use your are when your fury bar is already at a hundred percent

make sure you use an ability first before you actually cast your are where else you're wasting 20 fury right there a

lot of times you're gonna notice that you're gonna want to old early so you build the period before you get into a fight because

Renekton really doesn't do damage unless his abilities are fury related

So you want to make sure you have 50% of your fairy throughout each ability. You can use in a teamfight

When you watch me play you will see me all early and the reasons behind that is because I'm trying to build fury

Before the fight actually happens so I can go up there and possibly even one-shot their carries because I've used my fury management. So well

sometimes I will look really stupid because I'll use my arm and

All of a sudden there's no fight that happens and now I've got a long

127 cooldown because I decided cast early so there are pros and cons to doing that your oldest AoE damage

So let's say there's a target

He's running away kind of low and all your blues gonna cool down just cast on finish them off, you know, also

You know your argued to 25 range

So if you're not able to go on top of a target for any reason just cast out or you get 25 bonus range

Which stacks on your W and your auto-attacks? So that's really useful in those situations

Also, if you kill them with literally just using your R, and it looks really really cool

I highly suggest you guys try out AP wizard lizard. I

Have a video on that too. You got you gotta check it out. Even though your arm scales off AP

It's really not a good idea to actually build ap just stack your heart. You're definitely way better off going ad Renekton

It was just a very basic overview of

Renekton as abilities the ultimate guide series as a whole and what the YouTube channel can offer you if you have additional questions

Feel free to ask me on stream or in the comments below

the rest of series is going to be

Jam-packed with in-depth information that will make you an expert reductant player and calm your way through solo queue the next video

We'll be going over early laning phase and basic combos as Renekton

If you liked this video make sure to leave me a like subscribe and share with your friends. Put it in the comments below

What you are most excited for in this series in anything specific. You want me to cover. I'll see you in episode 2

For more infomation >> RTO'S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO RENEKTON - Introduction and General Overview - Duration: 26:43.


APH Multilanguage: AmeBel, SpaBel - All I Ask Of You [w/S&T] - Duration: 4:31.

SPA: I Ask for Only That DUT: I Do Not Ask More of You

RUS: All I Pray For All I Ask of You

Nobody is going to hurt you anymore

I came to protect you.

I'm here with you.

I guide and take care of you

Just tell me that you love me,

Break the darkness, turn my head,

Tell me; I cannot live without you

Tell me that in truth and in faith

I do not ask more of you

I want to protect you,

I want to be your light.

Be my freedom

Stay close so you can

And you, you will caress me

And share everything with me

That you love me, that you need me!

Wherever you go, I'll always go.

Christine, I ask for only that.

Give me a chance to go with you in life.

Point the way and I will go with you

Be next to me

Say those words

I do, my love.

Love, I ask for only that.

I will share the fate with you.

For more infomation >> APH Multilanguage: AmeBel, SpaBel - All I Ask Of You [w/S&T] - Duration: 4:31.


BTS V Live Taehyung and J Hope Part 2 181020 [Eng Subs][Esp Subs][Indo Subs] - Duration: 13:59.

For more infomation >> BTS V Live Taehyung and J Hope Part 2 181020 [Eng Subs][Esp Subs][Indo Subs] - Duration: 13:59.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅘ - 와 wa(wa/waː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅘ - 와 wa(wa/waː) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅢ - 의 Iy(ɨy/,/ɨ/,/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅢ - 의 Iy(ɨy/,/ɨ/,/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


【Vlog】NoYoC - Joining the world of the Airsoft - Duration: 1:22.

Hi there, I'm NoYoC

Just announce here for everyone, this channel will change the type of the contents

Gameplay contents will transfer to other channel

That means I will manage 2 channels in the same time

The one is Airsoft Channel

The other one is Gaming Channel.

Let's talk about the contents

The Airsoft Channel will be making the originality contents and comply to the law of Taiwan

For example: Airsoft Gun Unbox, Airsoft Gameplay, Maintain and Repair...etc could be found out over here.

I am just starting the channel up

But I would love to hear your Airsoft experiences,

You may leave comments and share them to me on Facebook and YouTube

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I personally not like to see the statistics grow up meaningless

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Do you understand?

Let me have a conclusion

Do remember this information if you would like to follow my activities

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I'm NoYoC

Hope I can still meet with you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 【Vlog】NoYoC - Joining the world of the Airsoft - Duration: 1:22.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅢ - 의 ui(ωi/ω/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅢ - 의 ui(ωi/ω/i/e) - Duration: 0:31.


[basic]Korean alphabet-How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅟ-위 wi(wi/wiː/y/yː /yi/yiː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic]Korean alphabet-How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅟ-위 wi(wi/wiː/y/yː /yi/yiː) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅘ - 와 Va(wa/va/,/oa) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅘ - 와 Va(wa/va/,/oa) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅟ - 위 Vi(wi/,/y) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅟ - 위 Vi(wi/,/y) - Duration: 0:31.




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