Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 28 2018


What?-- WHAT?!

This is incredible

this--- OH MY GOD

OH MY GOD- this is incredible

holy s***



And ruined...



Why are her boobs bigger than her head?

I-- you can't make the character look stupider than that

if you tried

you can't!

Japanese people what the f*** is wrong...

All right I finally get to play the game here we go baby!



Cause you earn WP and SP... WP that stands for weapon points, that levels up your skills and your arts

SP that's skill points

so uh--- you go to the character menu an---

Now I get to play the game!

Oh tutorial! this is really important

Okay there's three ways to modify your weapons... with the uhh with the core

And you gotta go to setup... type in, put in the right core chips...

Okay so you can spend WP, that's your weapon points to enhance your arts.

And then you gotta go into the affinity chart, and spend your sp on different talents for your talent tree...

And then you gotta plug in the right core chips into your blade uhhhh, of course this is just one of fourteen steps

to uhhh modify your weapon...

Uh-p but hold the phone!

None of that applies to this guy


because it's a robot

Of course you can't go around you know modifying it the normal way

You have to mix micro-chips using a Crystal-- okay this is---


Okay *concerned laughter*

I think-- I think we're done with the tutorials now

16 hours into the game...

Annnnd-- cutscene

Pyra: Now place your hand on my chest

what the f***

Why is there a level 80 guy in the baby starting area...

And you can just aggro him from anywhere on the map.

OH there he is now! Heyyy!

Rex: why here...

Hey that's a good question. Why are you here?

Hello? is this game on?

Am I all alone?

OR is there a Level 75...

Dinosaur here?


Rex: done, why here?

I need a bigger guuuun....

For more infomation >> "Xenoblade Chronicles 2 In a Nutshell" - Videogamedunkey Animated [SFM] [4K] - Duration: 2:24.


RAP AGAINST DICTATORSHIP - ประเทศกูมี REACTION - Duration: 4:20.

Hi everyone, this is me and this is: RAP AGAINST DICTATORSHIP - ประเทศ กู มี Reaction

He is good

He is also very good at rap

This is very good I like

This is so cool

I like how he moves

okay, I must say that it is very cool

It was very cool, each of the boys rapped very well

The whole is good and I like the lyrics too

The music video was black and white and I liked it very much

Really, this group of rappers did a great job

For more infomation >> RAP AGAINST DICTATORSHIP - ประเทศกูมี REACTION - Duration: 4:20.


PAN DULCE | Mexican Survival Guide - Duration: 4:03.

Where is he?

What took you so long?

You're supposed to be my ride to school, now I'm going to be late!

Okay first of all

I don't know why you're in such a hurry to go to a political science class.

Because I wanna learn about the creation of the constitiution

and how it affects our modern day society.


I don't know what you just said but

I'm eating right now so I'm in my happy place and you're

kinda killing my vibe.


So sorry I interrupted your donut session.


Did you just say?

So sorry I interrupted your donut session.

You better put some respect on Pan Dulce's name this is nothing like a donut!

That's what it looks like.

Okay! Okay! It's not a donut!

What is it then?


It's only the most delicious thing to ever grace this planet!

It's a Mexican pastry Chris



So was it really that good?

Try it for yourself.



It tastes like I just bit into a mountain of deliciousness

Hand crafted

by baby Jesus himself!

No, no!

It tastes like a unicorn fell from the sky

and landed on this fluffy piece of bread

and this!

Is the result of that!

Okay, okay I get it! It tastes good.

It's delicious!



is called Pan Dulce?

Well yes and no.

Pan Dulce is the general term for Mexican pastries

But what you are holding is probably the most popular type of Pan Dulce called

A Concha



So there's other types of

Pan Dulce


There's hundreds

So where do you find this?

I don't think I've ever seen this in a Starbucks before?

Oh no

You won't find these at Starbucks.

You have to go to a Panaderia.




It means bakery in Spanish.


Do you wanna go to one?

Uhh no, I have to go to class remember


We're going to

a Panaderia.

Okay, I guess I'll just fail my class then.

And this

Is a Panaderia.

Aww man

It smells like heaven.

And puppy breath

How do you know what

Puppy breath

Smells like?

You don't want to know.

Yeah I don't.


Let me show you

the different kinds of Pan Dulce.


What are you doing? You Shouldn't be back there!


This is my tío's shop.





is called

a cuerno

It's shaped like a horn, hence the name, cuerno.


This is called galleta.

This just looks like a big cookie.

Yeah that's pretty much what it is.



is called an empanada

They're filled with various flavors like pineapple, sweet cream, apple

and anything really.

These are actually a huge reason of...

why I'm fat.


Well it looks good can I try it yet?



These are just a couple types of Pan Dulce.

As you can see

there's way more!


What are you doing?

I thought you said this was your tío's place?!

You know

This actually might be the wrong shop.

You're on your own.

For more infomation >> PAN DULCE | Mexican Survival Guide - Duration: 4:03.


Scientists Are Turning Zika Virus Into a Weapon Against Brain Cancer - Duration: 5:33.

heWhat if we were to find a cure for brain cancer?

And what if that cure were to be found in a common mosquito-carried virus?

Well, it looks like that might just have happened.

A team of researchers from the Texas Medical Branch have made a breakthrough discovery

and reckon they may have found the perfect weapon in the brain-cancer-killing arsenal.

University of Texas Medical Branch led by geneticist Pei-Yong Shi successfully killed

off a bunch of stem cells that allow brain tumors to stay alive and healthy in mice.

So in theory, if this research is continued the team may develop a remedy to fight aggressive

forms of brain cancer in humans.

Let's see how the team came to their conclusions as today on the Infographics show we looking

deep into medical science as we find out exactly why – Scientists are turning Zika Virus

into a Weapon against brain cancer.

First up, just what exactly is Zika?

Well, Zika is a viral disease named after the Zika forest in Uganda where the virus

was first discovered and isolated in 1947.

The virus is a member of the flaviviridae family and is spread by day-active mosquitoes

such as A. aegypti and A. albopictus.

This virus is related to yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, dengue and the West Nile virus.

Post 1950 it had been known to be active along an equatorial strip across Asia and Africa.

Come 2007 to 2016 the virus spread eastwards across the Pacific Ocean to the Americas leading

to an epidemic between 2015 and 2016.

Symptoms of the viral infection or Zika fever are similar to a mild form of dengue fever.

These symptoms include a sudden high fever, headaches, a pain behind the eyes, joint and

muscle pain, fatigue and nausea.

Like dengue there is no specific treatment apart from paracetamol or aspirin and lots

of time.

Since around 2015 huge outbreaks of Zika have ravaged South and Central America.

The epidemic caused by the Zika virus in Brazil spread to other parts of South and North America

along with several islands in the Pacific and Southeast Asia.

In January 2016, the World Health Organization claimed the virus was likely to spread further

but in November they announced the end of the Zika epidemic.

The outbreak gave scientists reason to look at the virus more closely.

It was discovered that the virus could cause serious birth defects in infants whose mothers

were infected while carrying them in pregnancy.

These defects include blindness, deformed limbs and a condition known as microcephaly

- being born with a smaller than normal skull.

All these deformities appeared to emerge from the viral brain damage caused by Zika.

Zika likes to infect a fetus brain cell known as the neural progenitor cell killing off

the growth and development of these cells into fully functioning mature neurons.

It occurred to the team that perhaps Zika's selective appetite could be manipulated into

a more beneficial use since it is designed to attack selective brain cells.

The most aggressive type of brain cancer is known as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and

is almost impossible to cure with a survival rate of just 5 percent.

There is no clear method to prevent the disease and treatment typically involves chemotherapy,

radiation therapy, and surgery.

Despite these treatments this type of cancer normally recurs.

It is not known if it is better to remove the entire tumor or part of it.

A typical survival period once diagnosis is made is usually 12 to 15 months with treatment

and around 3 months without treatment.

It is the most common cancer that begins life in the brain, and after meningioma, is the

second most common type of brain cancer around.

3 in every 100,000 people develop GBM each year.

It is more common in males than females and usually appears when the host is around 64

years of age.

It is understood by some in the medical profession that GBM uses glioma stem cells to rebuild

their stock.

These cells are remarkably similar to the fetal brain cells that Zika attacks.

So Shi and the Texas team of researchers put two and two together and made plans to begin

some research..

And so the experiments began.

The team put their theory to the test by injecting Zika straight into the brains of cancerous


They were encouraged to find that the experiments seemed to prove their theory.

The procedure prolonged the lives of the infected mice, but the test group was rather small.

The team tested the virus on 18 mice with the glioblastomas GBM and compared the results

with 15 injected with a saline control substance.

After a period of two weeks the tumors in the Zika-infected mice had shrunken.

The team's idea was workable and the research continues.

In September 2018 Pei-Yong Shi commented "These findings represent major progress toward developing

the Zika vaccine as a safe and effective virotherapeutic treatment for human glioblastoma."

Now you might be a bit reluctant to have a known dangerous virus injected directly into

your brain and a bit wary of the damage it could likely cause.

But faced with GBM it is a risk most patients would be willing to take.

There is much research to be completed before Zika can be considered a viable option for

cancer patients, but the fact that it attacks those rare adult cells is a relatively good


This different and unconventional approach to treating brain cancer is testament that

creativity is alive and well in the scientific medical research.

What's the strangest and most unlikely cure that you have heard of?

Are there alternative treatments for cancer that actually work?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video Cannibal Island: The Real Battle Royale.

Thanks for watching, and as always, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Scientists Are Turning Zika Virus Into a Weapon Against Brain Cancer - Duration: 5:33.


OOPS! White House Accidentally Admits That Medicare For All Is Great - Duration: 4:14.

Earlier this week, the White House released a report titled The Opportunity Costs of Socialism

and it's a report where they tried to show that United States healthcare policy works

so much better for senior citizens here than socialized medicine works for senior citizens

in other countries, including Canada.

So they included this handy little chart that shows the wait times, the average wait times

that senior citizens have to wait in order to see a specialist.

And as you can see on the chart here, the US, we're way lower than everybody else which

means that our form of healthcare works and everybody else with the socialized medicine,

the Medicare for all, universal healthcare, their system sucks because people have to

wait months to see a doctor.

Here's what the White House left out of their little report.

You see that little piece, all those senior citizens and how short they have to wait,

the vast majority of those people with those really short wait times in the US, those are

people who are currently on Medicare.

Medicare is a form of socialized medicine.

The thing that your entire report was trying to tell us is an evil bad thing.

But instead, what you just did was show us that here in the United States, we actually

know how to put a socialized Medicare system in place and have it be successful.

You know, Medicare is one of the highest rated in terms of approval of all government programs

ever in the United States?

I think it's over 80% of people on Medicare say they really, really like Medicare and

now you're releasing a report showing us that these people who are on socialized medicine

here in the United States don't have to wait very long at all to go see a specialist?

You just made the case even more than the Koch Brothers report from a few weeks ago

that showed that Medicare for all would actually save us a couple trillion dollars in the long


Every way the republicans try to slice it, what they end up inadvertently doing is showing

us that Medicare for all is the correct way to go for the United States.

And I love it.

I love when republicans try to prove something and instead prove the opposite by saying that

Medicare for all doesn't work, all they've been able to do is show that it's the only

way that healthcare in the US can work properly.

It can save us money.

It reduces wait times.

In fact, one of the biggest things and their little report actually showed this that the

US sucks on in terms of healthcare, we're actually at the bottom of the list.

Our chart would be all the way to the end is wait times for average people who don't

have health insurance to go to a doctor.

People who are putting off medical care because they can't afford it.

That's where we lead other industrialized countries, including those with socialized


That's where we lead in people who can't even go to the doctor.

So yeah, Medicare for all, at this point, given the poll numbers for it, given these

wonderful reports that republicans keep putting out showing how great it is, Medicare for

all is an inevitability at this point here in the United States.

It's something that is going to happen.

Maybe it's not going to happen in the next year, maybe not even in the next two or three

or four years, but in time, in a very short time relatively speaking, Medicare for all

will become the standard here in the United States.

It is the only way forward for this country that has struggled for decades to figure out

the best way to run health care in this country.

The answer's staring us in the face.

Republicans want it, democrats want it, independents want it.

The only people who don't seem to want it are the ones representing us in Washington,

DC, and of course, their wealthy donors from the healthcare industry.

For more infomation >> OOPS! White House Accidentally Admits That Medicare For All Is Great - Duration: 4:14.


7 Ridiculous Feats of Strength in the Animal Kingdom - Duration: 9:37.

In the strongman competition of the animal kingdom, you might know some of the usual contenders.

Like the crocodile with its brutal bite force, and the leafcutter ant with its overhead carry, or the ox with its pulling power.

But when it comes to strength, it's not all about big muscles.

So here are 7 animals who have surprisingly powerful abilities and use them in surprising ways.

In the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, there's a small creature that can bear enormous weights: the hero shrew.

The local Mangbetu people showed off its strength to visiting naturalists in 1910

by having a grown man stand on its back for several minutes.

When he stepped off, the shrew scurried away unharmed.

What makes the hero shrew so strong is its unique spinal column — especially its lumbar, or lower back, vertebrae.

Most shrews have 5 round lumbar vertebrae with 2 spinal processes each, the bony projections on the back of each vertebrae.

But the hero shrew has 10 to 12 thicker vertebrae with up to 20 processes each,

letting the bones tightly lock together, which makes the spine more rigid.

That means it doesn't twist as easily or creep, which is engineering speak for deform under pressure.

In fact, scientists have estimated that the hero shrew's spine is 4 times stronger than any other vertebrate.

Plus, the group of muscles that connect the spine to the hips and thigh bone, the iliopsoas, are larger than in other shrews or rats.

Scientists think the hero shrew's spine might act like a crowbar to pry away tough outer palm tree leaves,

so it can reach juicy beetle larvae that no other predator can.

But it's still a bit of an evolutionary mystery.

In 2013, scientists uncovered a new species called the Thor hero shrew.

It also has a tightly interlocking spine, but only 8 lumbar vertebrae and fewer, but bigger, spinal processes.

They think it could be a transitional form, or a species that lies between ancient and modern forms.

But still, no one has done tests on the Thor Hero Shrew to figure out just how strong it is.

And researchers still aren't sure what selective pressures drove the evolution of such a ridiculously strong spine.

The Northern clingfish is found in the salty waters of the Pacific Northwest in the United States.

And it does what its name suggests — it clings onto stuff using a single suction cup on the underside of its body.

It especially hangs onto rocks in the intertidal zone, the area that's above water at low tide and underwater at high tide.

This zone has its perks: waves supply new nutrients and oxygen and

there's quite a bit of algae to go around as food for animals living there.

But it can be pretty rough, too.

The currents coming in and out mean animals might get battered around if they don't have a good way to stay stuck.

The Northern clingfish only weighs between 1.5 and 15 grams, so you might not think it's that impressive that it can hold onto a rock.

But, in experiments, this little fish could cling onto and lift rocks 200 times its body weight.

The secret to this passive strength is that clingfish suction cups are covered in

microscopic little bumps or papillae, which are covered in even tinier little hairs or microvilli.

Unlike the smooth edges of a, say, plastic suction cups,

the rough edges of the clingfish's cup produce friction or can squeeze into little cracks.

That way, it can hold on to all kinds of surfaces, whether they're dry, slippery, or rough.

They can even use their suction cups to pry aquatic snails called limpets off rocks as a snack!

The saying "pick on someone your own size" isn't really true in the animal kingdom.

Most predators hunt prey that's around 20 to 50 percent of their body mass.

But the five species of kingsnakes eat prey the same size or larger than them, all thanks to their strong constriction powers.

In fact, kingsnakes are the strongest constrictors of all snakes by body weight.

They can squeeze at 180 millimeters of mercury.

For comparison, your blood pressure might be around 120 millimeters of mercury.

So if a kingsnake squeezed you hard enough, your heart couldn't pump blood.

What's strange is that kingsnake muscles aren't shockingly thicker or anything

so their strength might have to do with how they coil.

Unlike other snakes which are messy coilers, kingsnakes wrap their bodies around their prey in a neat spiral shape.

That maximizes force and reduces the need to wriggle around and readjust its grip, leading to more consistent pressure.

And even though their muscles aren't huge, they can stay contracted for hours at a time somehow.

But it's not like kingsnakes bite off more than they can chew.

They have a way to squeeze big prey inside a smaller digestive tract.

Kingsnakes do what's called a pterygoid walk, where they bite down with one side of their mouth at a time to maneuver the prey in.

That forces the prey's spinal column to bend and compress like a paper fan to fit.

If only I could do that with a whole pizza.

Copepods are a group of small crustaceans that range in size from 0.2 to 20 millimeters in length.

Some are planktonic and drift around in the ocean, feeding on other tiny things.

So you might not expect that copepods have one of the most powerful jumps on the planet

at least 10 times more powerful than the average land vertebrate.

When they're threatened by fish or when they want to ambush their prey,

they'll launch forward at speeds of up to 500 body lengths per second.

For comparison, the cheetah runs at speeds of around 16 body lengths per second.

But its speed isn't nearly as impressive as the strength of its jump.

It come in between 500 and 1500 Newtons per kilogram of muscle, depending on the species.

For an estimated comparison, NBA player Dwight Howard generates around 112 Newtons for every kilogram of muscle when he jumps.

And copepods actually jump kind of like we do.

They strike backwards rapidly with their four or five pairs of pereiopods, or swimming legs, and push off the water.

Scientists think that copepods' muscle-limb lever system is arranged differently to land vertebrates.

And it's helped by an exoskeleton that muscles can attach themselves to.

Exactly what that lever system looks like is still a bit of a mystery, because no one has really dissected the teeny tiny legs of a copepod.

The secretary bird is up there on the list of birds that are more intense than they look.

It uses its long legs to knock out or kill snakes that are trying to attack it, or lizards that it will later gobble up.

And a study published in the journal Current Biology in 2016 revealed just how powerful this bird's legs are.

Researchers tested Madeline, a secretary bird at the Hawk Conservancy Trust in the UK, who's been trained to kick rubber snakes for shows.

A force plate lying under the rubber snake measured Madeline's kicks at 195 Newtons,

equivalent to 5 times the bird's own body weight.

Unlike copepods pushing off of water, secretary birds don't have anything to push against to generate their powerful kicks — they do it from standing.

And these kicks are also fast.

Madeline's foot only touched the ground for 15 milliseconds.

Because the strike time is so short, scientists think secretary birds rely on a feed-forward motor control system.

It's kind of like when you go to reach for something on a shelf.

You see the object, your brain sets the target, and then it coordinates your shoulder, elbow, and wrist to make it happen.

The birds' brains can predict where the snake is going to be before striking, and coordinate the movement of their long legs.

And their visual system is similar to birds of prey, giving them a sharp view of their target.

The loggerhead shrike might look like an adorable little sparrow.

But once you know its eating habits, you might think twice about calling it cute.

It has a falcon-like bill with a sharp tip, and pierces the neck of its prey to paralyze it — from insects and lizards to small mammals and even other birds.

Then, the shrike will impale its prey on a sharp object like a bit of fence or tree branch.

That makes it easier to eat — like a corndog at the fair.

It's gruesome meal-prep tactics earned it the nickname "butcherbird."

Sometimes though, for larger prey, the loggerhead shrike really needs to use its strength.

It bites down on its prey's neck and shakes its head violently from side to side at a speed of 11 times per second.

That generates an acceleration force of 6g, which is about what someone in a low speed car crash might feel.

And scientists think it has the power to snap the necks or spines of its prey.

Biologists took a closer look at this shaking behavior earlier in 2018.

And they think that little ridges on the bird's beak, called tomial teeth, could help it hold onto its meal.

But the next step is to research the loggerhead shrike's neck and head muscles to learn how it can generate so much force so quickly.

And how they don't snap their own neck in the process.

Now, 6g is pretty impressive.

But it pales in comparison to trap jaw ants, which have mandibles that can snap shut at speeds up to 64 meters per second — around 100,000g of acceleration.

That snap generates a force around 500 times their body weight, which is both faster and stronger than the strike of the mantis shrimp.

Their jaw basically works like a catapult.

Attached to each half is one large, slow muscle that can hold the jaw open 180 degrees — ready to snap.

When something touches tiny sensory hairs on the ant's jaw, a smaller, faster muscle is activated.

This unlocks the jaws and releases the stored energy so they snap shut.

Trap-jaw ants pull out this powerful party trick for a whole range of tasks, from injuring prey to flinging intruding ants away from their nest.

And in 2015, scientists discovered that these ants also used their jaws to escape danger, especially the traps of the pit-building antlion.

This predatory insect digs quicksand-like holes in the sand then lurks at the bottom waiting for a meal to stumble down.

As soon as a trap-jaw ant realizes it's tumbling down a trap, it snaps its jaws shut on the sand to push off and out of the hole.

They can also do this on normal ground to escape the speedy tongues of lizards who might want them as a snack.

In an experiment, ants that had their jaws glued shut were less likely to survive an encounter with an antlion than those that could use their jumping powers.

The researchers think this is evidence that their jaws evolved for escape.

So next time you're at the gym, remember, big muscles and brute force aren't the only forms of strength.

Animals can be capable of some amazing feats of strength that give them an edge in their own unique worlds.

Now, As an additional way of keeping SciShow strong, and helping us continue doing what we do, we've recently enabled channel memberships on this channel.

For roughly $5 a month, you can become a member and get access to some sweet badges and emojis and our members-only posts in the community tab.

Our videos, of course, will continue to be available for everyone, but if you want to become a supporting member and get those extra goodies,

you can just click on that little Join button below the video.

For more infomation >> 7 Ridiculous Feats of Strength in the Animal Kingdom - Duration: 9:37.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode Oct. 28, 2018 - Duration: 26:53.

For more infomation >> PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode Oct. 28, 2018 - Duration: 26:53.


TIN TỨC 24H 29/10/2018 | TIN TỨC VIỆT NAM MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY - THỜI SỰ HÔM NAY E4U - Duration: 24:31.

For more infomation >> TIN TỨC 24H 29/10/2018 | TIN TỨC VIỆT NAM MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY - THỜI SỰ HÔM NAY E4U - Duration: 24:31.


Tin mới 29/10/2018 - Trung Quốc SỤP ĐỔ khi Tổng Thống TRUMP BIẾN TẬP CẬN BÌNH thành "ĐẠI LIỆT SỸ" - Duration: 36:38.

For more infomation >> Tin mới 29/10/2018 - Trung Quốc SỤP ĐỔ khi Tổng Thống TRUMP BIẾN TẬP CẬN BÌNH thành "ĐẠI LIỆT SỸ" - Duration: 36:38.


Red Dead Redemption 2: How To Make EASY/FAST Money Tutorial (RDR2) - Duration: 3:48.

Hey guys, it's TCousteau from FantasticalGamer, and welcome back to the channel!

Money is what makes the world go round, both the real and virtual one.

So it goes without saying that if you really want to buy everything available in the world

of Red Dead Redemption 2, you're going to need some serious money.

It isn't that easy to come by unless you know what you're doing so we've compiled

a list of all the ways you can make some quick money and have ranked them in the order of


So without further ado, let's get on with the video.

Mission Progression: As you progress throughout the game you'll

find yourself traveling around the map quite often doing missions.

Mission completion will yield you some money as a reward, during your treks across the

land, you may run into some people in need of help, help them out and they'll compensate

sometimes by giving you some of their money.

Look around places: The world of RDR2 is huge, and in this huge

world there is a lot of hidden loot and money.

When you're doing missions or just free-roaming in general, don't hesitate to look around

buildings for some hidden money.

More often than not, you'll find some spare change lying around if you're lucky you

may even find $1000.

So remember to look around, you may strike gold.

Bounties: Bounties are a great way to earn some quick


You can start a bounty by undertaking it at the Sherriff's office in the towns.

They're really easy to do and mostly involve chasing down a person and hog-tying them and

reeling them in.

You'll get around $50-100 in a few minutes.

Hunting: Like bounties, you can undertake hunts to

score some easy money.

Hunting takes a bit more time than bounties because it involves tracking down your prey

and then killing it, it's a great way to get resources which you can use to either

craft and sell items or just sell the resources.

Free Gold and Selling: This is a great way to get a ton of money

fast, you can get around $1500 dollars as gold bars sell for $500 a bar.

Though pulling this off is kind of intricate.

To find some gold bars you'll need to make your way towards Donner Falls, once you're

there proceed to move east until you run into a rock formation, be sure to do this in the

morning because there is an opening to a cave which goes pitch black in the night.

Once you're inside the cave and there's daylight outside proceed until you see a small

statue encircled by bigger ones.

The small statue has a hidden compartment which has 3 gold bars in it.

The compartment is locked and to unlock it you need to press the buttons on the bigger

statues in a specific order.

Here's the order in which you need to press them.

If you've done it right the compartment should open and you'll find your gold bars.

Once you have your loot you need to make your way to a fence which is where you can sell

stolen goods.

Sell the gold bars here and you'll find your bank balance suddenly increase.

And well that about does it for how to make some quick money in RDR2, let us know in the

comments below what your preferred method of making money is, did you learn something

new from this video?

We sure hope you did.

That's all for now, see you guys in the next one.

See Ya!

For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2: How To Make EASY/FAST Money Tutorial (RDR2) - Duration: 3:48.


Elimi Bırakma 15. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:47.

Don't approach me, don't touch me

You will always be a valuable person for me.

Hasan, help!

Hüsniye can't breathe, help!

Mert loves Cansu.

Do you know what's my relationship with Cansu?

Girls! Look at him! He is very handsome!

By gosh! Someone is looking here

I think he's looking at melis

it seems to me that he is looking at me but anyway

I will kill you slowly every day!

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma 15. Bölüm Fragman - Duration: 0:47.


S1MPLE AWFUL 0 IQ PLAY! STEWIE2K OBLITERATED! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:44.


For more infomation >> S1MPLE AWFUL 0 IQ PLAY! STEWIE2K OBLITERATED! CS:GO Twitch Clips - Duration: 10:44.


He vuelto a pensar en ti — Cía. - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> He vuelto a pensar en ti — Cía. - Duration: 2:21.


the end of this meme will make you cry - Duration: 6:03.

Let's open pixlr and see what dumb shit we can make today

I want to see my progress in my 10 bongo cat video.

I Think we have seen enough of that

This is perfection

I know what to do

That's what I'm looking for

I don't care if this is copyright

Let's import this and get rid of that bad white background

Look at this sexy man, I don't care if this is copyright

Let's drop this in and watch the magic happen

that is a sexy face

It is time for the fucking bongo cat

Now we can get rid of that fucking background

This is my favorite part

It is time for the Spanky part

What is this I hear a Challenger is approaching

OMG, it's Thanos.

I Guess that means the end of this God meme

For more infomation >> the end of this meme will make you cry - Duration: 6:03.


Trump Triggers Liberal Tears; Repeats 'Lock Him Up' Chant Against Soros - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Trump Triggers Liberal Tears; Repeats 'Lock Him Up' Chant Against Soros - Duration: 3:23.


VIDEO: Dad and son Nazi costumes spark criticism - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> VIDEO: Dad and son Nazi costumes spark criticism - Duration: 2:22.


Formula 1: Lewis Hamilton's "Shower" | Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Formula 1: Lewis Hamilton's "Shower" | Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport - Duration: 0:31.


唐嫣婚礼倒计时,保密措施再升级:已封锁入口不对当地游客开放 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 唐嫣婚礼倒计时,保密措施再升级:已封锁入口不对当地游客开放 - Duration: 5:02.


Getting in the Día de los Muertos Spirit! (+ Mexican Street Snacks) - Duration: 16:00.

Harper, I know it looks like, it looks like-- she doesn't want it

dinosaurs can't climb stairs

okay hey guys Jesse finally had a little bit of a

break so we are out and about and we are gonna try to find stuff to get us in the

mood for Dia de los Muertos so we're looking for sugar skulls and

more pan de muerto and marigolds, let's go!

okay so there is this adorable like Halloween

Dia de Muertos um what is it is it a

it's a craft fair and I got a chocolate skull

with nuts

Jesse got a gummy something, Harper's had few things already

they've got costumes and things to eat all kinds of stuff

baby what what does it taste like? sweet candy

Jesse what are we here at the market for we're looking for a Nutella pan de

muerto we know it exists but we have not seen it

boy there's stuff on your lens, yuck. It is crazy out here today like I think Guanajuato

is trying to feel like Guadalajara a little bit let's just have like

millions of people here

Guadalajara is bigger, so this feels more crowded

okay we stopped to get some kind of thing and Jesse's feeding it to me

oh man. is that mostly chili powder? cause it looked like there sugar in it I wasn't sure

is that a pear or an apple, it's an apple, it's good good but Wow

all right Jesse

looks like you've got lipstick on

what do you think?

so strong yeah tastes a lot like those Tamarindo candies without the inside

being tamarind, right because it's apple. right I do prefer the apple. I still don't really like flavor honestly

it's because he doesn't have a mustache today I have an entire beard, what are you talking about? it's the

mustache that does it though

rip off a piece kind of feels like like dryer fluff, just rip off a part and stick it in your mouth.

see look, Harper... she doesn't want to try it. Harper I know, it looks like a fuzzy thing but it tastes really sweet and delicious

Harper just touch it with your tongue

baby just touch it with your tongue, you're gonna love it, trust me

this is how committed my child is to not trying new things, she will not try the cotton candy

(in the background: it's so good baby. you don't want to try one bite?)

what do you think about that baby

that was pretty funny

so Jesse I hear Harper's favorite color is pink and

you have tongue

I think we're backed up to a concert I think we are it's gonna be great audio

Jesse what do you have? I don't know...borracho? is that what it's called?

translates to little drunk man I think. this is a little drunk man? yes. it looks like a

gummy yeah it's got alcohol in it

yeah but it doesn't really taste like...well

maybe it's something agave-based maybe has a little bit of a tequila-ish... it could have tequila

I said it could have tequila

I prefer normal gummies

garbanzo beans! okay so my Spanish teacher told me to

try to these, these are garbanzos and I got them "con todo" like with everything

it's got salt and lime and chile and all kinds of stuff and you don't eat the skin

two kinds of spicy sauces I believe

oh they're good, really good

I gotta figure out the best way to like get into them

yeah I think this is called pan dulce, dulce? dulce. pan dulce but since we've first

moved here, Harper has called this ankylosaurus bread so that is what we ended up

calling it because it looks like the back of an ankylosaurus dinosaur

whatever she sees one of these she's like ankylosaurus bread can we get ankylosaurus bread

Harper do you like ankylosaurus bread?

yes, she says yes. and this is ankylosaurus bread you're right and then we also have pan de muerto, sin Nutella

it's my favorite yeah no Nutella Jesse couldn't find a Nutella one, we should have just got a jar of

Nutella and dipped it in it like that would've been smart you know what people

say you have to do it this no, have a cup of hot chocolate with it, yeah I can see that it would be like a coffee cake

it would be so good

one of those little dunker donut things

we got these like I don't know what they are they look like cookies

they taste like peanut brittle but really light and they don't

have that like overly sweet flavor and they're so thin

you know it doesn't have that I'm going to break your teeth like peanut brittle

does yeah your teeth feel totally fine eating this this is really good

hey guys we're back and we are just gonna hang out and relax for a little

bit and I'm gonna sit here with my face in these marigolds because they smell so


yeah actually marigolds have always been my most favorite flower ever since I was

a little kid and so the fact that there are marigolds everywhere right now

getting ready for Day of the Dead is just like it's really really cool so uh

guys Harper Harper's got a costume for Halloween Oh

Harper that's funny where are you gonna go now

she said she wanted to be a dinosaur and then Jesse really took it literally Harper

what do you think about being a dinosaur oh boy this is the hoppiest dinosaur I

ever saw I don't know if that dinosaur climbs stairs does it, oh, no!

dinosaurs can't climb stairs

I like these cool pictures

they're even circles

they are

today it was super fun and super tasty and we are really really extra full from

all those snacks um thank you so much for watching and if there's anything

that we need to know about celebrating Day of the Dead please let us know this

is our this is going to be our first Day of the Dead and we want to do it right

so thanks guys thanks for subscribing I love you all I'll talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> Getting in the Día de los Muertos Spirit! (+ Mexican Street Snacks) - Duration: 16:00.


I've got you, brother. - Duration: 2:02.


Jay. What happened?

It could have been a fluke.

The thing is...

Firefights never scared me.

You alright?

I'm sorry.

Yeah, right on.

He wins if you do it.

[echoed voice] This is not how you beat this.

You gotta trust me.

Drop the knife!

Drop it.

It's Jay.

You alright?

I'm okay.

Promise me one thing?

Never go in without backup again.

Hi! What's wrong?

You said if I needed help that you'd help.

I need help.

I promised.

[laughing] I just meant you're messy.

Uh, thank you.

You're a messy person.

If I lost you-

I'm okay.

Alright, go, go!

Drop it! DROP IT!

Back away! Back away!

Turn around! TURN AROUND!

[echoed voice] Where is he?

Open up!

Hey! Do you mind keeping it down?

Am I banging on your door?


Then go back inside.

What's going on?

For more infomation >> I've got you, brother. - Duration: 2:02.



For more infomation >> ÇUKUR 2.SEZON AKIN KOÇAVALI KİM? AÇIKLADIK!!! - Duration: 1:05.


Creating a Personal Brand - Finding Your Story - Duration: 5:29.

all right we are live thank you for hanging out with me on a Sunday morning

good Sunday morning this is something new them and a try a little Sunday

motivation talking to people you know just grab a cup of coffee let's spend

some time on Sunday morning together it's definitely good way to start your

day that's for sure Curtis welcome so today guys I I'm just

doing this on my friends page so I think a lot of you guys already know who I am

but if not my name is Charles Watson thank you for watching the live stream

cliff good morning and I know we run organization called Florida con-artists

that does convention services to local Comic Cons in a state of Florida we have

a crew that we work with we have a great bunch of guy guys we do charity work

stuff like that's who is doing that for about four years and Curtis I am not

aiming these days not so much I really don't have a lot of time but anyway look

let's keep going so um recently we have been exploring

other possibilities things that we can do to kind of branch out and be a little

more creative and stuff like that and if you remember a good morning then it's

it's in the kitchen I gotta go grab a couple weeks ago I put up a poll on my

Facebook page I believe the question was do you believe that you have a story to

offer us story to tell and a a lot of people said yes that they do have a

story they feel like they have a story that they could tell that they could

share with the masses interesting enough though there was a couple people that

said that they they did it they brought whom wanted Justin good morning

comfortable some have anything feel like they had

a story to tell so I've been reading this book by Gary Vaynerchuk Jab Jab Jab

right hook and I funny title it relates like business as boxing and stuff like

that but the key phrase here is how to tell your story in the noisy social

world and that just got me thinking I mean we all have a story to tell right

we are all good at something we all have a skill set that other people don't

possess whether you're an artist whether you're really good at business whether

you're good at construction whether you're good at cosplay building armor we

all have skills that we excel at that we're good at and we enjoy doing and

those my friends are the stories that you need to be telling to other people

there's people all over the place that are want to learn and are searching for

your story so don't ever feel like you're not valuable enough and don't

ever feel like you don't have anything to offer we all have things that that we

can offer people and now really turn the light on for for us when we started our

YouTube channel so I guess we're ten weeks old down T and I are really good

at cosplay we enjoy doing a we enjoy being funny and we enjoy you know our

friends and the company and the convention world and stuff like that so

we wanted to share like our personalities and our story with with

you guys through our YouTube channel and we created dishes and stitches so I

guess today I'm gonna keep it short it's Sunday morning almost 10 o'clock but I

want you guys to start thinking what stories do you have what are you good at

that you could possibly pass on knowledge around because I guarantee

whatever you're good at there is somebody in the world

now wants to be good at it too and is looking for a mentor is looking for

someone to show them how they can be successful down that path so that's

about it just want to know everyone has a story to tell

find yours and start thinking about it we're gonna do more of these let me know

in the comments if you found this helpful if you found it motivating it's

my first one so I'm a little nervous but I think this is good I think we can all

share creative principles and ideas on how to get our stories out there better

how to let people know that hey we have information that we want to share we

want to build a community we want to set a positive example so just a little

challenge but let me know in the comments if you guys like this if you

thought it was it was helpful will definitely do more of these but that's

it we are headed to Melbourne for the day

for some family fun activities I hope you guys continue to have a safe Labor

Day weekend and if you're at DragonCon stay safe let me know in the comments

and we will talk soon alright

For more infomation >> Creating a Personal Brand - Finding Your Story - Duration: 5:29.


Hip-Hop/Reggae Instrumental - "Positive" - Duration: 5:02.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> Hip-Hop/Reggae Instrumental - "Positive" - Duration: 5:02.


《幻乐之城》赵薇评价王菲,那英打断2次,赵薇忍无可忍后回怼 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 《幻乐之城》赵薇评价王菲,那英打断2次,赵薇忍无可忍后回怼 - Duration: 3:21.


赵薇也要垮了?或许倾家荡产都赔不起 引网友热议! - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> 赵薇也要垮了?或许倾家荡产都赔不起 引网友热议! - Duration: 1:15.


吴秀波又出猛料!汤唯也被牵扯,其中还有一个19岁的小姑娘? - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> 吴秀波又出猛料!汤唯也被牵扯,其中还有一个19岁的小姑娘? - Duration: 2:58.


香蜜第二部将开拍?非原班人马就连男主邓伦都是看杨紫面子选的! - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 香蜜第二部将开拍?非原班人马就连男主邓伦都是看杨紫面子选的! - Duration: 3:16.


Custom Vinyl Home Decor Signs - Layering Vinyl & 3D vinyl signs - Duration: 7:09.

I'm here with Alexandra Stapleton and she is gonna teach us how to make this

beautiful sign that you could hang obviously in your home in your workspace

whatever it is to motivate you and a donut is a motivator for me yeah and

they're completely customizable so you're deco scheme is whatever your

commission is you can do a big square exactly an oval whatever you want so

that it can fit the space that you need it to yes so we're gonna be making the

donut one okay and I've already cut out my design onto some black vinyl so I've

done a kiss cut so it's not cut through on that other side it's just through the

top layer of the vinyl and the first thing you want to do is weed and I know

people always talk about weeding but basically you want to remove any of the

negative that you don't want to put onto your sign so the first thing I like to

do is take out my centers inside person I always tell people never bleeding it's

just like you what you're doing gardening can I take your garbage

no thank you very crafty friend and actually one of the things I often do

when I'm weeding is I take a base piece like this big one and I stick the other

pieces I'd say onto it that would just keep it going and if you were really

thrifty you could save all those letters that you're weeding out certainly put

them on to a backing paper of some kind right and then reuse them for something

yep so you could if you're cavalier like we are I just put them in a pile and

throw them away yes so when you have taken all of those

pieces out and then you peel off the larger piece you have your donut sighs

thank you so and the next thing we want to do is put it on to our white and I

tell you this this is a true story the donut would always be eaten in my house

half way oh yeah I never one so I'm using just a wood board that I bought

you didn't paint it it was I painted like that I would suggest you practice

with something just to avoid dust and things so and again you can customize

you can rub things into it you could add crackle you could do anything so if I

can get you to help to help push you trim along yeah this is

the I feel like this is an actual skilled job I thought you just wanted me

to but actually the lines on it make it easy to cut straight yeah and use

nonstick scissors because it makes your life so much easier

I don't even you know I have so many scissors that are gummed up from cutting

sticky things I know on the stickers are your best crafty friend so again you're

going to really kind of just hammer this down and I was gonna say on a piece this

large I often use my thumb to the go sort of get stuff to Nick to a transfer

sheet but it's much easier to use a brayer or something Briah a scrape

anything I do you notice you're working on top of the board which is pretty

textured and you're not worried at all about no it will super easy so I like to

peel away the backing release sheet from the transfer tape I find that it makes

my life so so much easier so you can see there I'm just so when people always ask

why do you use a transfer here I feel like this is the evidence because to

line up each of these letters to get the spacing right again would be so hard

right and you've got the gridlines printed

straight onto the transfer tape so it's really really easy so again also allows

you to reposition it and you want to leave a little bit of room at the bottom

so we can put those donuts on I forgot about the don't now are we gonna take it

off we changed our mind or something this one is a permanent one but you can

get removable ones you can get temporary ones so if you're just decorating for

Thanksgiving you can redecorate that board for

Christmas yes you could just have one board exactly one place like the holiday

but it's almost too in order mines me of is when you put a flag up in front of

your house for all the different holidays and months you could have a

board that you use and you just change it up everything right and you could

keep these transfer sheets and the release paper and just keep putting them

on it also smart enough to do new nail holes or any exactly I love it so I like

to leave these probably for a minute or two

the adhesive then starts to cure and it really sticks to a surface particularly

a textured one you're then going to peel away that transfer tape which is going

to give everything say if it doesn't stick all the way like that did you just

rub again yeah just keep going back and you'll peel it away until you get

the finished doughnut and I also have here my donut pieces so I've already cut

three out using my electronic cutter I can have some glittery as well and then

I was to cut the icing also glittery I have to say it once I got out there was

edible glitter I started putting it on all kinds of things just so fun and of

course you could not get it to put your drinks - really so you can have glittery

Prosecco or glittery orange juice or any of those things so again I like to do

all of my vinyl layering oh you're waiting with a donut before you layer so

you just have to really look for those cut lines and actually you can see them

pretty early really easily so I can pop that transfer tape down peel it away and

then I would weed now that so that all of my donuts are on there now I want a

bit more spacing on here but you could use a larger piece of transfer tape and

put them just straight on there like that but again you're gonna rub and lift

now let's say you're not I don't know why you wouldn't be but let's say you're

not a sparkly donut person okay you've obviously use plain vinyl and I

know we can see here there are a whole bunch of different textures that you can

you guys I really like the wood grain I have to confess but lots of different

stuff so that you can get exact although wood grain donut would be weird but

maybe first yes so you can get glitter it you can get opal you can get

chalkboard finish you can use it like a chalkboard you can get neon finishes you

can get ones that look like glass etching I mean they're literally

anything you can think you're gonna get everybody know I want all the things oh

there you are and then I'm gonna now add those details that you can see in that

one which is this is some paste that has confetti already put into it and then

just with a paintbrush and that gee I want you can add your sprinkles on now

of course you could add glue and then put beads on top sequins I mean you can

get beads that look like sprinkles and things so you really can and you can

color coordinate it and obviously because we use sparkly vinyl maybe

that's why you want to use the sparkly huge sequin glitter thing I mean

actually I feel like you can make your own because you could take a clear gel

medium exactly and you could put glitter or sequins or whatever you ran it into

it so you can completely customize so no matter what you're doing if you wanted

to add texture to your pumpkins you could use a modeling paste or a texture

paste and you could paint that on top as well and of course the pumpkin is

textured vinyl right so that's so cool because you already have the texture you

don't even have to do that step that's really awesome yeah well you know the

other thing that I really like is just some of the coordination because if we

look at the finished one and away design wise that you have three which is

beautiful and then the finished donut Alexandra

you're so good this has been great thanks Julie thank you so much

For more infomation >> Custom Vinyl Home Decor Signs - Layering Vinyl & 3D vinyl signs - Duration: 7:09.


For more infomation >> Custom Vinyl Home Decor Signs - Layering Vinyl & 3D vinyl signs - Duration: 7:09.


VOSTFR - MONSTA X - Underwater - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> VOSTFR - MONSTA X - Underwater - Duration: 3:50.


For more infomation >> VOSTFR - MONSTA X - Underwater - Duration: 3:50.


Soi cầu lô đề chuẩn ngày 29 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Soi Cầu XSMB - Duration: 34:42.

For more infomation >> Soi cầu lô đề chuẩn ngày 29 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Soi Cầu XSMB - Duration: 34:42.


For more infomation >> Soi cầu lô đề chuẩn ngày 29 tháng 10 năm 2018 - Soi Cầu miền Bắc Hôm Nay - Soi Cầu XSMB - Duration: 34:42.


Do Foreigners celebrate Indian Festivals? - Duration: 6:50.

what's up guys this HK welcome to my vlog if you new here

consider subscribing well today I'm going to visit a festival

event of this Arbor in Germany it's called as become a festival this is a

festival de celebrated all over India in North like Gujarat they will call as Navartra...

Navaratri. In Andhra they called as the Dussehra and Telangana they call it as Batukamaa

same festival same goddess different places in different names but

at the end they worship single God. so I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna explore how

exactly do they celebrate this festival in Germany let's not waste time and

let's get Started

and now I would like to introduce to a person who made this thing happen this

program the person behind it who made it happen and I've been doing this thing

I am raghu Chaliganti. i have been in Germany for the Past 18 years.

i came here to do my Maters. completed my PhD here in Germany

I worked 10 Years in Humboldt University.

So the Idea Behind TAG was

There was a time when we Reached to Germany its hard for us to find Telugu People.

They would have come to us and asked if we are from India and later they would asked are u a Telugu guy.

The reason behind this Organisation (TAG) is to gather the same community.

to organise 1 or 2 events

Earlier we used to gather only for Festival events.

but after the Offical Registration, we are willing to create a help Desk for the people who are new to this place or if they are facing any Problems

and to communicate with the local Government.

It was started in they Year 2016

In the Year 2018 it was officially Registered.

It was Stated with four Different families.

Now for every Event nearly 120-160 people attend the event.

Soon there is gonna be a Inauguration Ceremony

we will introduce our board members.

so hi everyone so I'm here to introduce the two people who are light artists and

they came to this event so let's hear in the words so you are I'm Gordon and I'm

sorry so so very fun people we are from Croatia Zagreb Croatia

Croatia is the country in Europe Adriatic on the Adriatic Sea on the

beautiful clear blue sea okay yes you're not lying

laughing love yeah on first sight so how was it even there inside absolute

dancing it's really good yes because I I came then I see I never participated in

such a ritual and I saw them making flowers and I said how did we make it

and they said well you have a plate is it killing join you and then I made a

little basket whatever so so yeah what made you to come here

well we have a very close and loving relationship with the garnish for years

and we visited India three times and as we celebrate the anniversary actually

20th anniversary of our marriage and our friend sent us the photos of Ganesha

temple and then we said okay it sounds like invitation and this is actually the

biggest temple in Europe there is another one the smaller one yeah we

asked it's almost there I mean if you take you a year or so to get in our full

shape one yeah and so we said okay let's so visit the temple at celebrate our

marriage anniversary and visit our friends in the cell you can see here a

t-shirt the Lord Ganesha out there and the disciples how loved was a God close

look here

nice meeting you both yeah so bye guys this is hedge care by

people who work and the description box do go and check it out they have amazing

work done and they have a great Locker was a actuation and Indian gods maybe

have a handful of people do what she different God so they follow the period

you don't really like it to see you guys in the next video search get in and out

in and out

For more infomation >> Do Foreigners celebrate Indian Festivals? - Duration: 6:50.


For more infomation >> Do Foreigners celebrate Indian Festivals? - Duration: 6:50.







BMW 7 Serie 730d M-Sportpakket Aut (ComfortLeder/Memory Schuifdak Navi/Camera HeadUp Softclose Keyle - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> BMW 7 Serie 730d M-Sportpakket Aut (ComfortLeder/Memory Schuifdak Navi/Camera HeadUp Softclose Keyle - Duration: 1:11.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 330D M SPORT EDITION (Head-up Display - Panorama Dak - Xenon) - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 330D M SPORT EDITION (Head-up Display - Panorama Dak - Xenon) - Duration: 0:56.


✅ Testing Weird Clip in Man Buns - Man Bun Monthly Ep6 - Duration: 8:43.

- [Man With Clapperboard] Man Bun Monthly,

Episode Seven, take one.

(board clapping)

(digital effect)

(brass instruments playing)

(digital effect)

- Hey guys, and welcome to Episode Seven

of the Man Bun Monthly series.

If you couldn't already tell what's going on,

you're about to find out.

And yeah, welcome.

If you're brand new here, my name's Thomas,

and I make style and hair-related videos

every single week, so if that's your kind

of thing, make sure you hit the subscribe button.

And you are in fact watching my Man Bun Monthly series

at this point, and essentially what the series is about

is just getting a heap of man bun inspo,

and facts and tips and all things man bun,

and putting it into one series, so you guys can keep

your man buns looking their best.

Now, in today's video you can see

that I've got on this bench some fake man buns.

I don't know if you guys have seen these viral trends going

around at the moment, but, look, in the Facebook group

we always post really cool, quirky things,

and I saw in my moderator section, like, somebody had shared

a video featuring these weird looking things

in the group.

And I thought, okay cool, we'll approve it,

and not even kidding you, about 15 minutes

after that, another one, someone else shared it,

and I think it got shared about three times

in the group in total, and I went, "Okay,

"we gotta look at this and just see

"what the hell is going on here."

These man buns, if we take look at them,

I wasn't really sure what I was gonna

be expecting with these.

I mean they're just like a netted,

a piece of net that has all the hair stitched to it,

and the hair on them is probably about, I think

about three to four inches long.

There's nothing too crazy about them,

so they're actually not even a bun, essentially,

it's just kind of like a hairpiece.

And somebody has gone, "That would be a great viral trend."

And sure enough, it was, and that's how they're

in front of me right now.

So what we're gonna do in this video is

we're actually just gonna try them on,

and see what they're like.

I don't honestly know if I would recommend these

to anyone because they do look very fake

unless your hair colour is exactly the same

and straw-like, like what they are.

Then maybe it's your thing, but we're sussin

it out today.

Which one should we go with first?

The blond one or the brown one?

I think the blond one is the most interesting to me first,

because (laughs) I just have brown hair,

so it's gonna look very funny on my head.

Put my messy man bun in, so I've got all

these pins everywhere.

I didn't think about this before I jumped

on the camera today.

Let it out.

All this curtained hair.

My mirror's dirty again. (laughs)

All right, so what I'm planning to do with this,

if we have a look at the anatomy again,

we've got this little drawstring.

So once you actually cover and pin in the actual hairpiece,

you tighten it with the drawstring and it's supposed

to tighten it around whatever hair

you have sitting there.

So, I'm just gonna have a play around with it.

We'll put it in like a normal bun first.

I have a feeling my normal hair is gonna be

too big to even encompass this thing.

(laughing) It feels so funny.

I'm just clipping these in like that.

I actually haven't worn this thing properly yet,

so I have no idea how it's supposed to work.

And then we'll tighten that drawstring,

to go all around it.


What does it look like?

I can't eve see it.

Oh my God, it's so,

and then what are you meant to do with this thing?

Maybe like twirl it around, and pin it in, I guess.



Side profile.

It's my, aw wait.

I don't even know what to make of this thing.

You can kind of see that top pin in there.

How does it flip around?

This thing is not on my wearable list.

Ha, ha, ta-da!

Well I don't know about it.

Maybe we'll try a high bun as well.

Like, I've gotta try all of these now.

Oh, my God.


It doesn't even look right.

Okay, so that's the blond one out of the way.

Already at this stage, not impressed.

Who else is actually finding humour out of this,

because I just can't believe.

No, get away.

All right, let's have a look at this brown one.

Very similar in shape, the brown one seems to be,

like, a lot chunkier and a lot puffier.

Again, kind of matches my hair colour.

I think my hair's little bit darker than this is, though.

Let's see what it looks like on.

We'll go for the normal again.


Ah, this one actually doesn't look too bad.

Why does the back look like that?


Can yah actually see any of my real bun?

That actually doesn't look too bad.

Maybe not always, ah, the colour is so much different,

though, isn't it?

It's so much lighter.

I guess this one, like, if you could find a man bun fake

that matches your hair colour decently,

I guess you could really use it to help bulk it up a

little bit more, cause like, if you look at it,

my normal bun isn't actually that big.

Right on.

And from what I can tell in the mirror,

like it doesn't look too false.

Like it still looks like it could pass

as my normal hair, so... hmmmm.

On third thought, we just had another idea.

Why don't we try and do, seeing as we're here playing

around with these man buns.

Why don't we try and like to a three man bun hairstyle

or something like that.

Because I hate this blond one, I'm gonna put

it at the back, so I don't have to look at it.

I'm just thinking Facebook videos that have got music

and being done really quick, so it's like,

here, look at this. (electronic music)

Oh my God, wow, woov.

- [Offscreen Voice] That's okay, I got it.

I got it now.

(electronic music) - So we'll put

the first one here, the brown one, the biggest one.

Make it the most obnoxious. (laughs)

Fuck it, we're here.

May as well get my $40 worth out of it.

I got ripped off.


One was called the bun-hawk and it looked very similar

to this, like a mohawk made of buns.

This is just like the bun-hawk remastered, you know.

You've just gotta really get like a nice tight grip on it,

like, cause otherwise it'll look really bad.

And there you have it, so the bunhawk remastered.



How's that back one look.

- [Offscreen Voice] It's falling apart.

- I actually hate these things to the moon and back.

Stupid little bun.

The more I'm playing around with this,

the more I wanna tell you do not get them.

And there you have it, guys.

The bunhawk remastered.


This is hilarious.

Let's be real.

It looks shit as fuck.

I know that.

But, look, I just thought it would be a little bit

of a fun gimmick to try these on and have a go of them.

I think I paid, like, I think, $11 per bun,

and then, like, $20 for the shipping,

so all-up it cost my like 40 bucks,

which, I'm not extremely happy about,

particularly because of the shipping,

but I'm not even gonna go into that, because, whatever.

But I thought it was cool,

and I'd really like to know your thoughts,

in the description box below,

as well, as if any of you have actually tried these,

because I honestly, even through that growing-out process,

if these were an option, I don't think

I would have ever reached for a thing like this.

Hopefully you got some laughter out of this

and we can all just sit back and, no.

Have a great week, and thank you so much

for coming back this month to watch

my Man Bun Monthly series, and I will see

you next month for the next episode.

Oh, make sure you leave comments telling me what

you'd like to see in the man bun series,

because I do have a lot of ideas

but I wanna prioritise them better.

I'm thinking like how to make a man bun

more masculine looking, could be a good way to go,

if any of you guys are interested in that,

you just have to let me know,

and I will make the magic happen.


Thanks a lot guys, I'll catch yah later.



(explosion effect)

Far better finish.

(dance music)

For more infomation >> ✅ Testing Weird Clip in Man Buns - Man Bun Monthly Ep6 - Duration: 8:43.


BMW 5 Serie 528I EXECUTIVE M-Sport ( M-Sport Pakket - Lederen Bekleding - Xenon ) - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW 5 Serie 528I EXECUTIVE M-Sport ( M-Sport Pakket - Lederen Bekleding - Xenon ) - Duration: 1:12.


Como é dentro da Land Rover Discovery Sport 2018? - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Como é dentro da Land Rover Discovery Sport 2018? - Duration: 4:13.


Red Dead Redemption 2: Clothes & Shaving Tutorial (RDR2) - Duration: 3:33.

Hey guys, it's TCousteau from FantasticalGamer, and welcome back to the channel!

Life can be hard in the wild-west, you have gold to steal, damsels to rescue, and enemies

to hog-tie.

All this can take a toll on your character because the game actually shows the after-effect

of say, chasing down an enemy half way across the desert.

When you've captured the enemy take a look at your character's clothes.

They're all stained with mud and blood and his beard is getting out of and.

Sadly you can't trim your hair on the fly so you have to take some time out of setting

the old west aright and focus on yourself.

Today I'm going to show you how to take care of Arthur by shaving and getting some

new clothes.

While the game's ending won't change depending on what beard-style you're rocking.

There's always that bit of your own personality which can impart on your character through

his clothes, and more importantly, his beard.

Let's start off with your facial hair.

Like I mentioned before, you can't just take out your trusty razor and shave in the

middle of a stream.

You have to go to specific locations.

If you're an independent person then you can head off to your camp and shave yourself

but if you're a bit suaver then head out to any major town.

Each major town has a saloon marked by scissors on the map.

For example, the Smithfield's saloon exists in the center of Valentine.

You'll find the barber waiting for you at the back of a saloon behind his traditional

blue and red poles.

When you find him, go ahead and seat yourself on the chair.

You'll be greeted with a selection of different styles.

There are about 11 different hair-styles as well as beard-styles.

Remember though, you need to have an appropriate beard length to be able to pull off a style.

If you barely have a stubble, you won't be able to see the difference between the

different beard and moustache styles offered.

So when you've made you selection, sit back and let the barber get to work.

Be sure to pay him after for a job well done.

Next up, they say that clothing makes the man.

It's indeed true, you don't want to be robbing banks or saving damsels looking like

you haven't showered in the past 10 years, remember, this isn't the zombie DLC, you're

still a man and you're expected to dress as such.

The game goes out of it's way to offer you a plethora of different outfits and individual

articles to try own to truly make Arthur the type of person you want him to be.

Also, remember that the weather system is more than just visually appealing, the type

of weather affects Arthur's stamina and health, so you'd want to wear warm clothes

in cold weather and vice-versa and for that, you need to go shopping.

To start off head towards a town.

There's 3 places where you can get different articles of clothing from.

First there's the tailor.

Head towards the tailor and he'll show you a catalogue of all the available clothing

choices along with their prices.

When you've made your selection you'll be given the clothes.

Your honor ranking affects the variety of clothes offered, some clothes require higher

honor ranking.

Next there's the trapper.

The trapper is a bit more towards the hunting side of things.

He can turn pelts of hunted animals into outfits for you to wear.

You'll need a number of resources to fulfill the requirements needed for the clothes as

well as pay the trapper to make them.

Lastly there's the Fence, there's not much variety here except for masks and wearable


When you've bought your clothes head back to camp and towards your wardrobe to try them

on or get a room in a hotel and try them on there.

And that's about it, remember, there's more to do with the game than just mindless

shooting and missions.

If you really want to be the wildest cowboy out there or the most dapper, then the game

gives you a lot of chances to look the part.

Be sure to have fun and we'll love to see what unique combinations all of you try to

be sure to tell us in the comments down below.

That's it from me, See Ya!

For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2: Clothes & Shaving Tutorial (RDR2) - Duration: 3:33.


Getting in the Día de los Muertos Spirit! (+ Mexican Street Snacks) - Duration: 16:00.

Harper, I know it looks like, it looks like-- she doesn't want it

dinosaurs can't climb stairs

okay hey guys Jesse finally had a little bit of a

break so we are out and about and we are gonna try to find stuff to get us in the

mood for Dia de los Muertos so we're looking for sugar skulls and

more pan de muerto and marigolds, let's go!

okay so there is this adorable like Halloween

Dia de Muertos um what is it is it a

it's a craft fair and I got a chocolate skull

with nuts

Jesse got a gummy something, Harper's had few things already

they've got costumes and things to eat all kinds of stuff

baby what what does it taste like? sweet candy

Jesse what are we here at the market for we're looking for a Nutella pan de

muerto we know it exists but we have not seen it

boy there's stuff on your lens, yuck. It is crazy out here today like I think Guanajuato

is trying to feel like Guadalajara a little bit let's just have like

millions of people here

Guadalajara is bigger, so this feels more crowded

okay we stopped to get some kind of thing and Jesse's feeding it to me

oh man. is that mostly chili powder? cause it looked like there sugar in it I wasn't sure

is that a pear or an apple, it's an apple, it's good good but Wow

all right Jesse

looks like you've got lipstick on

what do you think?

so strong yeah tastes a lot like those Tamarindo candies without the inside

being tamarind, right because it's apple. right I do prefer the apple. I still don't really like flavor honestly

it's because he doesn't have a mustache today I have an entire beard, what are you talking about? it's the

mustache that does it though

rip off a piece kind of feels like like dryer fluff, just rip off a part and stick it in your mouth.

see look, Harper... she doesn't want to try it. Harper I know, it looks like a fuzzy thing but it tastes really sweet and delicious

Harper just touch it with your tongue

baby just touch it with your tongue, you're gonna love it, trust me

this is how committed my child is to not trying new things, she will not try the cotton candy

(in the background: it's so good baby. you don't want to try one bite?)

what do you think about that baby

that was pretty funny

so Jesse I hear Harper's favorite color is pink and

you have tongue

I think we're backed up to a concert I think we are it's gonna be great audio

Jesse what do you have? I don't know...borracho? is that what it's called?

translates to little drunk man I think. this is a little drunk man? yes. it looks like a

gummy yeah it's got alcohol in it

yeah but it doesn't really taste like...well

maybe it's something agave-based maybe has a little bit of a tequila-ish... it could have tequila

I said it could have tequila

I prefer normal gummies

garbanzo beans! okay so my Spanish teacher told me to

try to these, these are garbanzos and I got them "con todo" like with everything

it's got salt and lime and chile and all kinds of stuff and you don't eat the skin

two kinds of spicy sauces I believe

oh they're good, really good

I gotta figure out the best way to like get into them

yeah I think this is called pan dulce, dulce? dulce. pan dulce but since we've first

moved here, Harper has called this ankylosaurus bread so that is what we ended up

calling it because it looks like the back of an ankylosaurus dinosaur

whatever she sees one of these she's like ankylosaurus bread can we get ankylosaurus bread

Harper do you like ankylosaurus bread?

yes, she says yes. and this is ankylosaurus bread you're right and then we also have pan de muerto, sin Nutella

it's my favorite yeah no Nutella Jesse couldn't find a Nutella one, we should have just got a jar of

Nutella and dipped it in it like that would've been smart you know what people

say you have to do it this no, have a cup of hot chocolate with it, yeah I can see that it would be like a coffee cake

it would be so good

one of those little dunker donut things

we got these like I don't know what they are they look like cookies

they taste like peanut brittle but really light and they don't

have that like overly sweet flavor and they're so thin

you know it doesn't have that I'm going to break your teeth like peanut brittle

does yeah your teeth feel totally fine eating this this is really good

hey guys we're back and we are just gonna hang out and relax for a little

bit and I'm gonna sit here with my face in these marigolds because they smell so


yeah actually marigolds have always been my most favorite flower ever since I was

a little kid and so the fact that there are marigolds everywhere right now

getting ready for Day of the Dead is just like it's really really cool so uh

guys Harper Harper's got a costume for Halloween Oh

Harper that's funny where are you gonna go now

she said she wanted to be a dinosaur and then Jesse really took it literally Harper

what do you think about being a dinosaur oh boy this is the hoppiest dinosaur I

ever saw I don't know if that dinosaur climbs stairs does it, oh, no!

dinosaurs can't climb stairs

I like these cool pictures

they're even circles

they are

today it was super fun and super tasty and we are really really extra full from

all those snacks um thank you so much for watching and if there's anything

that we need to know about celebrating Day of the Dead please let us know this

is our this is going to be our first Day of the Dead and we want to do it right

so thanks guys thanks for subscribing I love you all I'll talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> Getting in the Día de los Muertos Spirit! (+ Mexican Street Snacks) - Duration: 16:00.


Hamsters are crying amazingly with all on his buttocks!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:37.

Cheese Jr. enjoys walking

The shadow of a mystery attacks


He is alert.


He is alert.




For more infomation >> Hamsters are crying amazingly with all on his buttocks!【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:37.


Multifandom | Fck you - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Multifandom | Fck you - Duration: 3:32.


Hip-Hop/Reggae Instrumental - "Positive" - Duration: 5:02.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> Hip-Hop/Reggae Instrumental - "Positive" - Duration: 5:02.


Yoe Mase - Take Cover (Subtitle Lyrics) - Duration: 3:56.

I heard them say "love is a game"

But I don't think it's true

Let me try to explain that we're living in vain

Waiting for another clue

Should we keep heading down

Should we keep our heads faced towards the ground?

Do we need another sound?

Telling me and you to take cover

To take cover

What am I doing here thinking I'm alright?

I created a world with some made-up girl that I would never find

Should we keep heading down?

Should we keep our heads faced towards the ground?

Do we need another sound?

Telling me and you to take cover

To take cover

To take cover

Don't run away, don't run away

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe

Don't run away, don't run away

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

Take cover, babe, take cover, babe

For more infomation >> Yoe Mase - Take Cover (Subtitle Lyrics) - Duration: 3:56.


Luis Suárez hits hat-trick as Barcelona demolish insipid Real Madrid - Blog news - Duration: 6:40.

At half-time in the clásico, Luis Suárez walked off with a heavy-legged, frustrated stride, head in his hands, muttering to himself, annoyed that he had wasted the opportunity to end this game – and, quite possibly, Julen Lopetegui's time in charge of Real Madrid

At full-time, Suárez walked off holding the match ball, scorer of a wonderful hat-trick in a match that may well be Lopetegui's last

Real Madrid's manager insisted that he has the "strength" to carry on, and vowed that Madrid will improve, insisting, "this team has a future, I am sure of that" but he must be aware how weak his position is now

The Bernabéu board, already convinced that a change of coach was necessary, did not see anything to alter that view here

"I'm sad, it's a tough blow, but I have strength to continue and the belief that things will improve," Lopetegui said, but few at the club agree and he knows that

"We know how the world of football works; I'm the coach and the coach holds ultimate responsibility although there are other factors," he said

Lopetegui felt his team had deserved more and for a moment, it is true, it appeared that Madrid might react, their managed resuscitated and perhaps even rescued, but ultimately they were ripped apart

When Arturo Vidal headed in, it was Barcelona's fifth.These are not the kind of results from which Madrid managers return, still less in the recent context: Madrid have now won just once in six games – and if this is to be the end for Lopetegui, it was a painful one, leaving his team in ninth place, seven points behind their greatest rivals

Nor was it just the scoreline; it was the sensations too.In the first 45 minutes here, Madrid didn't exist: they were, put bluntly, awful

Simply not there.And while they did react in the second half, while they made a game of this, it was insufficient

In the final minutes, they were beaten and broken, in pieces and at risk of conceding even more

And all that was without Lionel Messi, which rather undermined Lopetegui's laments about injury

The Argentinian watched from the stands as Suárez took centre stage.There was a superb performance too from Jordi Alba

And while Lopetegui's position is ever more precarious, Ernesto Valverde emerged enhanced, his changes making a huge difference: Ousmane Dembélé, Vidal and Sergi Roberto, moved into midfield, were the ones who closed this game out amidst the delighted din

Barcelona took the lead in the 11th minute, 30 passes completed before Ivan Rakitic delivered the ball that broke through, a long diagonal over Nacho to Alba

He raced forward and as Suárez ran into the six-yard box, Madrid's players going with him, Alba pulled back for Philippe Coutinho to finish from by the penalty spot

The Camp Nou erupted; Madrid barely moved.Coutinho had a shot blocked and Arthur Melo drew a sharp save from Thibaut Courtois, but it wasn't the chances that defined this

What did was an overwhelming sense of superiority.It felt almost as if Barcelona could have ended it sooner had they sought to accelerate

The ball was theirs and theirs alone, Rakitic, Arthur and Sergio Busquets exercising control, Alba leaving Nacho exposed and vulnerable

From Madrid, there was no reaction, no resistance, and soon the lead was doubled, Suárez brought down by Raphaël Varane and scoring the penalty himself

The second half saw a Madrid fightback, even if it was to prove short-lived.Lopetegui shifted to three at the back and the response was swift, Marcelo halving the deficit five minutes later, seemingly setting up a whole new game

"We had chances to have equalised or led," Lopetegui said.Sergio Ramos dived to head over, Luka Modric struck the post and Karim Benzema should have scored with a header from nine yards

Barcelona though saw out the storm and in Suárez they had an outlet unlike any other

They also made changes which worked perfectly.Dembélé was sent on by Valverde, and almost straight away was running at defenders

He spread it wide to Sergi Roberto, moved into midfield when Semedo was introduced, who clipped in a cross

Suárez's neck strained and his header, full of intent, flew powerfully into the net beyond Courtois

Soon Sergi Roberto battled with Ramos and released Suárez again, ready to dink the ball wonderfully over Courtois

Madrid were finished but the game was not just yet, Dembélé wriggling clear andcrossing for Vidal to score

"Whoever doesn't bounce is a Madridista!" the stadium chanted and all around they bounced

For more infomation >> Luis Suárez hits hat-trick as Barcelona demolish insipid Real Madrid - Blog news - Duration: 6:40.


Cute DIY No Sew Fox Throw Pillow - Duration: 3:30.

Hey what's up you guys? It's Emily and in this video

I'm going to show you how to make this really cute fox pillow.

In the comments down below let me know what you think about this pillow.

Let's get on with the video!

What you'll need for this DIY is white fabric,

orange, white, and black paint,

scissors, a paintbrush,

a pencil, a ruler, something circular to make the eyes, hot glue, pillow stuffing

and some scrap pieces of paper or cardboard.

The first thing you want to do is to cut out two squares

of any size out of the fabric.

I made my squares to be about 13 by 12 and a half inches.

Then you want to take one square and

draw on the face of the fox with a pencil.

To make the eyes you can trace something circular

and you can draw the pupils on the eyes look how I did.

I used washi tape.

If you want you can use a ruler to

measure where the eyes, the nose, the ears and where the orange fur will be.

When you're done drawing the face of the fox you want to put some scrap pieces of

paper or cardboard under the fabric so

the paint doesn't ruin the surface you're working on.

Then you can paint the fox's face in with orange, white and black paint.

When you're done painting a spot on the fabric you want to pull the

fabric off of the paper or the cardboard so it's not stuck on the fabric.

If you want you can add a line to the top of the nose

to give the nose some shine like how I did.

When the paint is dry you want to lay down the piece of fabric

with a fox on it down with the front side facing up

and then you want to place the second piece of fabric on top

with the front side of the fabric facing the fox.

You want to do this because you'll be flipping the pillow right side out later.

Now you want to lift up the top layer of fabric and you

want to start putting glue on the edge of the bottom layer of fabric with hot glue.

Then you want to put the top layer of fabric in the glue and press the fabric together.

You want to do this all the way around but make sure you leave an opening.

Make sure you be very careful because the glue is hot and you can put

some paper or cardboard under the fabric to avoid getting glue on anything.

Once you're done gluing the fabric together you want to flip it right side out

through the opening you created.

Then you can stuff the pillow with pillow stuffing

and then you can glue the opening shut by falling both sides of the opening and

gluing the opening shut and you're all done.

and that's how you make this adorable fox pillow!

In the comments down below let me know what you think about the DIY

and if you liked this video give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to see more DIYs.

I will see you in the next video bye!

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