Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 21 2018

Welcome, uh, patient number, um --

Is that a 2? Hmm?

Ah! I win.

I'm Dr. Roberts.

What seems to be the issue here today?

Every time I fall asleep, I feel like I'm gonna die.

Oh. Hmm.

Doctor, I, uh, I'm at my father's house,

and I'm in the hallway and the walls start throbbing.

It's a tsunami,

and it's coming closer and closer and closer.

Oh! There you are.

Doctor, Patient 21 is suffering from night terrors.

Night terrors, very good.

One heck of shiner you got there.

I slept-walked right into my neighbor's house.


And then I started screaming at the pictures on his walls,

and so he punched my face.



Are you currently on any medications?

Ketamine? Krokodil? Taiwanese bath salts?

Experiencing any, uh, chest pains or loss of appetite?

No, I actually have no appetite at all.

88, can you bring me a tuna casserole?


Oh, no thank you, Doctor. I have no appetite.

Oh, not you -- me. I'm starving.


For more infomation >> Night Terrors (Sneak Peek) | DREAM CORP LLC | adult swim - Duration: 0:57.


【古劍奇譚】云の泣 - 多情只有春庭月【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】♫「愛恨一晃終無跡...」Yun Zhiqi - Spring Moon Lights Forever - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 【古劍奇譚】云の泣 - 多情只有春庭月【歌詞字幕 / 完整高清音質】♫「愛恨一晃終無跡...」Yun Zhiqi - Spring Moon Lights Forever - Duration: 4:35.



For more infomation >> *NEW* ARACHNE SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 6 Skin) - Duration: 14:42.


Miss universe 2018 TOP 16 OCTOBER PREDICTIONS - Duration: 6:23.

hello I'm a pipe and welcome to this new video for this occasion I bring you the top 16 of October Based on your important votes, who of them will be in the top real? remember to vote for your favorite for the top 10 online

I hope you liked it a lot, remember to comment your top 10, subscribe and give him a little hand up

For more infomation >> Miss universe 2018 TOP 16 OCTOBER PREDICTIONS - Duration: 6:23.


Shane Dawson is the Queen of Exposure Therapy (SOCIAL ANXIETY TIPS) - Duration: 12:38.

sorry did you just put my soda on top of my play things like anxiety or social

anxiety or feelings of awkwardness there is so much that you can learn from the

queen of exposure therapy Shane Dawson

what is everybody this is Chris from the reword soul where we talk about the

problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is

all about mental health so what I try to do is pull things from the YouTube

community and pop culture to teach you how to improve your mental health and

that's why today we're talking about anxiety exposure therapy and Shane

Dawson so if any of that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and win that

notification belt and before I jump into exposure therapy I have - yes - real

quick exciting announcements all right so anyways I want to give a shout out to

the channel dose of dad for a little while now little quirks and the things I

say something that he pointed out and something my girlfriend was saying to

this mental health and stuff like that so that is now available in the merch

store if you would like to get one to rep the rewired soul where we talk about

the problem but focus on the solution by the way on the back of all the shirts

it says focus on the solution language second announcement is thank you to

naruto fan 2003 for reminding me that there are other places than Las Vegas so

here in Las Vegas it's still bouncing around from like 60 to 80 degrees it's

not that cold but Naruto fan 2003 was like yo why don't you have any sweaters

and I'm like snaps why don't have any sweaters so by the time you're watching

this video all of the designs in the merch store there are now sweater

options available so now you can be cozy in the winter time while repping some

mental health merch you know what I mean let's get started with the video so yeah

again all of you who know me what I'd like to do is try to take things from

all the stuff that you're currently consuming and teach you the lessons that

you can learn to improve your mental health and I know a ton a ton of you

have come to my channel because of Shane Dawson so a lot of you have been

watching Shane for a while now and you might not even notice but Shane is doing

something for his anxiety and awkwardness and it's called exposure

therapy which is a theory very very very good form of therapy for anybody with

anxiety obsessive compulsive disorder and any kind of any kind of mental

illness that involves anxiety it can also help with PTSD all right so what is

exposure therapy okay alright we're just gonna do it I'm not gonna plan it out

I'm not gonna stress about it that's a lie I'm gonna stress about it I'm

freaking out I'm sweating oh my god oh my god oh my god I just really wanted to

go low exposure therapy is a technique in behavior therapy to help treat

anxiety disorders exposure therapy involves exposing the target patient to

the anxiety source or its context without the intention to cause any

danger doing so is that to help them overcome their anxiety or distress

so yeah that's what exposure therapy is so if you've been watching Shane for a

while before he even started doing these docu-series with like gravy on a girl

and stuff like that you you could see this kind of change and Shane Dawson's

content where you know what I first found and what my girlfriend told me

about him watching because he would eat which he would eat a bunch of food and

make weird food and life hacks and stuff but then he started getting into like

some different content and he wanted to push himself and things like that

and he made some videos about like confronting my ex are talking to this

person and stuff and one of the videos where I just really thought was powerful

was he did a short little mini series was like three episodes long of him

confronting his father so those of you who aren't familiar with Shane Dawson

Shane's father kind of walked out of its life at a young age and Shane was taking

care of his mom and like his dad have talked a few times throughout the years

but he made a whole thing about life just sitting down and talking with its

father about these hard questions throughout all these videos like I

wonder how many of you sat down and thought about how scary that would be

how uncomfortable that would be but with Shane's doing is he's exposing himself

to those fears what that does it builds up our mental resilience so Shane

whether he realizes it or not he is actively decreasing his anxiety and

fears by exposing himself to these things in all honesty like not joking I

definitely feel like we talked about a lot of stuff today a lot of it was

off-camera but a lot of it was on camera I don't know I feel closer definitely I

mean I feel closer to Shane's pushing boundaries

it is like lifting weights to calm down your amygdala amygdala is the part of

your brain for fight flight or freeze so what exposure therapy does is it

actually helps to decrease the activity of the amygdala right so I wanted to

make this video after watching Shane Dawson's finale inside the mind of Jake

Paul where he was just having this like serious one-on-one conversation with

Jake like and what's funny is - real quick this is like extra like awkward

because there's no music in it do you do some drama music music to go with this

so but anyways like you could just see that and like I was getting

uncomfortable and my wife seemed I was like oh was Shane gonna call him out on

this or is he gonna talk about this and like you gotta think you got a sink like

how awkward was that for a shame how difficult was it for Shane

how difficult was it for Jake it seemed like this was one of the times the first

one of the first times Jake has ever had somebody seriously sit down and have a

conversation like this with him they did this for over an hour right what is your

fear my fear with we're talking about it is like it's such like a sticky

situation and like if I talk about it like it's just gonna like bring up all

the it again and like and so Shane is exposing himself to that stuff so by

doing this as part of his job think about how he's able to have these

types of conversations with people like Ryland or when Rheinland made the video

about how they were kicking Morgan out like these are tough tough conversations

but he's exposing himself to those things so again like I don't want you to

just passively watch content I want you to really consume the content and

realize what these people are doing in their videos what can you learn from are

they positive or negative things because exposure therapy is definitely

definitely a positive thing

and this is actually something that I've been doing for myself like like I know a

lot of you can't afford therapy or you don't trust their pets or whatever like

like me personally like when I started working on my mental health I was just

pushing myself more and more and what I would do is I would force myself to go

into uncomfortable situations so I can learn how to be comfortable with being

uncomfortable and here's what I mean by that like I used to have crippling

social anxiety it's one of the reasons why I drank and use drugs and stuff like

that I just could not be around people because my mind was always racing like

what are they thinking about me and all that stuff so when about six years ago

when I still working on mental health like I was like I gotta learn how to

just be okay with this so people would invite me out for like coffee where

they'd be like 30 or 40 people just all meeting up hang out at their house and

play board games and whatever and let me tell you I used to be so awkward

uncomfortable you'd be like 25 30 people around

everybody's like my brain is just telling me how stupid I look how

ridiculous this is more all sorts of stuff but over time it got better

because I just kept pushing myself I kept moving forward I kept exposing

myself through these uncomfortable situations when I started working at the

drug-and-alcohol treatment center a few years ago I was so afraid to do groups

like I was working at a big treatment center some of these groups were in

front of 50 60 70 people sometimes I was so afraid to do it

but I signed up for as many groups as I could I just started doing group after

group after group after group comfortable this is something a lot of

youtubers struggle with summit I've heard a lot of people talking about how

they're still uncomfortable on camera or they're awkward it's interesting too

because by the way youtubers I hate to tell you this

like I notice it I definitely notice it there's so many youtubers who I met

where they're really reserved in their YouTube videos but there's so much more

charismatic in person I realize that a vid summit and like I get it like I was

like that too if you go back and look at my first videos they are not nearly

nearly as energetic as these ones were like I was just really uncomfortable on

camera hello everybody and welcome to the rewire my name is Chris bootay yes

you heard it right my name is Chris bootay so what are the reasons I make so

many videos is because every execution of a video I get a little bit more

comfortable I get a little bit more confidence you know what I mean

so all right not only do I put out a bunch of content for all of you but for

me I expose myself to the things that make me uncomfortable so what can you do

in your life what can you do to expose yourself to these these situations but

like it says for exposure therapy like we don't want you to put yourself in

danger I'm not telling you to expose yourself to like jumping off you know

like or something crazy like just make baby steps maybe your baby step is just

going to a Starbucks and sitting there right

just sitting there around people okay maybe you do that two times a week then

you up it to three times a week then four times a week there's five times a

week and then maybe maybe you start making a priority to talk to one person

just one person something that you might do there's like a gas station that you

go to every single day and you're awkward and uncomfortable make small

talk with the cashier with the person behind the register they're bored all

day you might as well make some conversation with them like expose

yourself to these little things because I'm telling you like this is

scientifically proven okay it will strengthen your resilience when

it comes to these things all right so do little things tiny little things to push

yourself and face one of your fears every single day like Shane Dawson is

doing and I guarantee you will start to reduce your anxiety your social anxiety

your awkwardness and all of that stuff a lot of you asked me how I managed to not

care so much about what people think it's because I've been pushing myself

like this for years now anyway hear from all of you I want to hear from all of

you what either a what do you do right now to expose yourself to get into

uncomfortable situations to kind of build up your resiliency or what can you

do all right let me know down in the comments but that's all I got for you

today so if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're new

here make sure you subscribe and ringback notification about and a huge

thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon and remember

there are some brand new merch s sweaters up in the shop so make sure you

click a tap on that icon right there thanks so much for watching I'll see you

next time

For more infomation >> Shane Dawson is the Queen of Exposure Therapy (SOCIAL ANXIETY TIPS) - Duration: 12:38.


(ENG CC) The 8 characteristics of Asian (Korean) couple - You will agree with us! - Duration: 4:50.

The characteristics of Asian couple

Nothing to do now. Let`s text to Kotomi

(Ringtone of LINE)

I got a message but I have work to do now

I`ll send it after I finished this job

(After 15 minutes)

The text is still not replied

(And 15 minutes later again)

(getting angry)

I`ve done!

What is she doing!?

I`ve got lots of messages from Oppa (means boyfriend in Korea)

Isn`t this too late?

(Replying the text)

No, it`s too late

(had arguing with contact problem)

My shoelaces are undone


My laces are untied

Thank youㅜ.ㅜ

(But he is gentle)

So what are we going to eat today? (Korean and Japanese are mixed up)

Let me think

I would say the meat

But we`ve been eating for a few days

Yeah, including the last dinner lol

We are pork holic

Breakfast meat

Lunch meat

Dinner meat

Your Korean skill have improved a lot

Yes, it is

But still I cannot having communication without putting Japanese in the sentence

But it`a the best way to improve the language skill

(Their Language started to mix up)

(Watching Korean drama "She was pretty" -Main cast: Park Seo-Joon)



Honestly, I can even remember the lines now

His voice is so cooool

Yes, yes, yes

(Hard to explain but I don`t like it)

oh my god oh my god

No, it`s not

It`s better stop watching

Don`t disturb me

You can`t watch it

(Set Park Seo-Joon as restricted word)

What are you doing now?


I got a crucial business to do

You meant the game?

No, it`s not

It`s the game again, right?

How many hours will you get satisfied with playing game?

(Korean guy: playing game desperately)

Is this all?

Yeap that`s all

I`ll pay half of them

It`s okay, it wasn`t that expensive

Let`s go half and half

(Buy the things with one`s own money - Dutch)

We have our own nickname

For you?

Manzyuu San (Manzyuu=Japanese rice cake)


Did I have another nickname?

Hoppe San( Hoppe=cheeks in Japanese)

What about me?

Oppa San (San is a Japanese for Mr.)

I don`t recognize since when did I start to call you Oppa San

Cuz I started with

We will explain this on our next self-introduction video

I tried to make other nicknames like WooJin Koon (Koon is Japanese for after boy`s name)

I hate it lol

Then Woojin Si...? (Si is Mr. for Korean)

It sounds like we are not familiar to each other


(Anyway, have nicknames for each other)

Before dating with Kotomi,

I haven`t ever seen the Ketsuyokara-Yohukashi which is one of the most famous broadcasting program in Japan

But isn`t it pretty fun?


It`s one of my favorite programs

And Hoppe San has started to watch SMTM after dating with me *SMTM: Rap survival program

He gave me an USB when he proposed and SMTM was in it lol

(Learn about each other`s culture)

For more infomation >> (ENG CC) The 8 characteristics of Asian (Korean) couple - You will agree with us! - Duration: 4:50.


Mega Millions Jackpot Grows To $1.6 Billion - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Mega Millions Jackpot Grows To $1.6 Billion - Duration: 1:45.


Jeremy Pruitt Press Conference: Post Alabama - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Jeremy Pruitt Press Conference: Post Alabama - Duration: 12:26.


海賊王最新話:凱多神龍果實實錘,網友反倒表示最佩服紅髮 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 海賊王最新話:凱多神龍果實實錘,網友反倒表示最佩服紅髮 - Duration: 3:46.


中共與习近平是當前最重要的課題! 為了救中共,习近平将要做什么? - Duration: 14:13.

For more infomation >> 中共與习近平是當前最重要的課題! 為了救中共,习近平将要做什么? - Duration: 14:13.


Stephanie Weaver's Saturday Forecast - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Stephanie Weaver's Saturday Forecast - Duration: 3:33.


The Skya Tiny Cabin on a Foundation at Blue Moon Rising | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> The Skya Tiny Cabin on a Foundation at Blue Moon Rising | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:45.


Liquor Pulled From Novato Safeway Shelves After Underage Alcohol Sting - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Liquor Pulled From Novato Safeway Shelves After Underage Alcohol Sting - Duration: 2:18.


赵丽颖;出嫁视频被曝光?身穿婚纱洒满花瓣笑得很幸福,好漂亮 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 赵丽颖;出嫁视频被曝光?身穿婚纱洒满花瓣笑得很幸福,好漂亮 - Duration: 3:58.


'Atajadón' de Blanco al 'Cabecita' Rodríguez - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> 'Atajadón' de Blanco al 'Cabecita' Rodríguez - Duration: 0:49.


Arrest annouced after shooting Sunday on 9th Court North - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Arrest annouced after shooting Sunday on 9th Court North - Duration: 0:20.


Annual Taste Of Soul Festival Fills The Heart And Stomach, Too - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Annual Taste Of Soul Festival Fills The Heart And Stomach, Too - Duration: 1:49.


Ultraman R/B- Episode 17 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:20.

Happy Halloween!

I can't believe its that time of year again!

You're way too festive about this...

You know the true meaning of Halloween is...

You're way too thick-headed, Katsumi...!


What is that thing?!

This doesn't look like some regular-old party to me...

Next time, on Ultraman R/B...

"Episode 17 - Everyone Is Our Friend!"

Color me with your power!


For more infomation >> Ultraman R/B- Episode 17 PREVIEW (English Subs) - Duration: 0:20.


Mega Millions Jackpot Grows To $1.6 Billion - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Mega Millions Jackpot Grows To $1.6 Billion - Duration: 1:45.



(Music Playing)

For more infomation >> KYLIE COSMETICS COLLECTION - PART 2 | COLOURS - Duration: 1:20.


杨颖演技再受争议,可剧里穿搭却无人能比!美到连黄轩都看呆了 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 杨颖演技再受争议,可剧里穿搭却无人能比!美到连黄轩都看呆了 - Duration: 3:59.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅜ - 우 u(u/uː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅜ - 우 u(u/uː) - Duration: 0:31.


吴秀波事件升级!小六出现,19岁的少女都这么好哄? - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> 吴秀波事件升级!小六出现,19岁的少女都这么好哄? - Duration: 0:37.


杨紫开直播失误关掉美颜瞬间,变了样,网友呼叫张一山! - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> 杨紫开直播失误关掉美颜瞬间,变了样,网友呼叫张一山! - Duration: 2:24.


孙杨太强悍了!硬是把长裤穿成九分裤,网友:2米身高真不是噱头 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 孙杨太强悍了!硬是把长裤穿成九分裤,网友:2米身高真不是噱头 - Duration: 2:21.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅜ - 우 U(u) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅜ - 우 U(u) - Duration: 0:31.


Hydro and Fluid - Fall Down Balloon - Cartoons for Children - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes

For more infomation >> Hydro and Fluid - Fall Down Balloon - Cartoons for Children - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes


For more infomation >> Hydro and Fluid - Fall Down Balloon - Cartoons for Children - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes


Block N' Load [Character Test] - Duration: 0:14.

Im going to now try out the weapons

Phew Phew

Lol I fell of

Thanks for watching pls like,comment and subscribe if you want to see more :) BYE!

For more infomation >> Block N' Load [Character Test] - Duration: 0:14.


For more infomation >> Block N' Load [Character Test] - Duration: 0:14.



For more infomation >> *NEW* ARACHNE SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 6 Skin) - Duration: 14:42.


For more infomation >> *NEW* ARACHNE SKIN SHOWCASE WITH ALL FORTNITE DANCES & NEW EMOTES! (Fortnite Season 6 Skin) - Duration: 14:42.


[basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅜ - 우 u(u/uː) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅜ - 우 u(u/uː) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [basic] Korean alphabet - How can I pronounce and write Korean? 모음 vowels ㅜ - 우 u(u/uː) - Duration: 0:31.


[temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅜ - 우 U(u) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅜ - 우 U(u) - Duration: 0:31.


For more infomation >> [temel] Korece alfabesi - Korece nasıl yazabilirim? 모음 Ünlü Harfler ㅜ - 우 U(u) - Duration: 0:31.


SA4 "CRAZY SEXY COOL" M/V - Duration: 3:17.

An irreplaceable and strange charm

It fills me up without any space to breathe

I'm getting a feeling

My actions are already instinctive

We're both reacting to this feeling

We're pulled to each other

Crazy, sexy, cool

The end to this breathtaking feeling

I'm feeling you through the wind

From now on, you're my dream

You're the dance I want to dance

The wind is like your breath

I'm going crazy

So easy to love you

so easy to love you

You're dazzling, gorgeous babe

By your side

An aromatic breath blows over like the wind

(By your side)

I can't escape

I can see my reflection in your eyes

It's a romantic miracle, look carefully, dreams come true

Everything is the first for us

A couple whose each day will be special

That's us

Crazy, sexy, cool

Our eyes have met

You're so pretty, I'll never get sick of you

From now on, it's only us two

You are my rule,

feels like my world has grown

I'm going crazy

So easy to love you

so easy to love you

You're dazzling, gorgeous babe

By your side

An aromatic breath blows over like the wind

(By your side)

I can't escape

To la la love ya

(ooh ooh) ahh baby

To la la love ya

(ooh ooh) ahh yeah

I thought you were just cute

But from close up, you're completely different

Day by day, you change and I fall for you even more

Till the end, I will hold onto you

Pretty sexy face and body

Until the moment I fall for you

I don't need much words darling

It was love at first sight

Crazy, sexy, cool

Closer zoom

When we have stopped

My heart is tilted

It moves to you,

I don't wanna stop

I'm going crazy

So easy to love you

so easy to love you

You're dazzling, gorgeous babe

(So easy to love ya babe)

By your side

You shine even more, I feel it all over my body

(By your side)

I can't escape

So easy to love you

(ooh ooh) ahh baby

so easy to love you

(ooh ooh) ahh baby

To la la love ya

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