Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 29 2018

I can't believe it.

That grandpa's nose is performing Flight of the Bumblebee?

No you goof! I can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car

insurance with GEICO.

Nice. I know right?

Believe it! GEICO could save you 15% or more on car insurance.

For more infomation >> Grandpa's Nose Solo - GEICO - Duration: 0:39.


The World's Easiest Workout - GEICO - Duration: 0:38.

GEICO makes it so easy to manage my policy. With an app that lets me pay my

bill, add a vehicle, or even file a claim, it's not just easy, it's aerobics in a

recliner easy.

And plank! Smoove it!


And step step swivvel. Keep it goin'!

Kick, hold! Kick it out and, and kick, kick!

It's not just easy, it's GEICO easy.

For more infomation >> The World's Easiest Workout - GEICO - Duration: 0:38.


Supergirl 4x04 Promo "Ahimsa" (HD) Season 4 Episode 4 Promo - Duration: 0:22.

- [Alex] Supergirl is alive.

- [Kara] I'm a hero, Alex.

I take risks.

- [Mercy Graves] We'll make her dead.

- [James] Heroes go out there.

That's what makes them heroes.

- [Narrator] Supergirl all new next Sunday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 4x04 Promo "Ahimsa" (HD) Season 4 Episode 4 Promo - Duration: 0:22.


How to Manage Your Cash Flow & Budget for Easy Financial Success || Money Monday - Duration: 11:30.

Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. This video is an incredibly important

one. It is how to manage your cash flow and budgeting. If you can master the art

of managing your cash flow and budgeting. Life is going to be so much easier you.

You will be so much more successful in achieving your personal lifestyle and financial

goals, and it's a lot easier than you think.

Now before if I launch into this video. I want to make sure that, not only you

subscribe to my channel already. But more importantly you've switched on that

notification button. So you know the moment I've uploaded a new video around

getting out of debt, cash flow and budgeting. Investing, building long-term

passive income streams and financial freedom. Also if you really enjoy this

video and want to watch more about it. And learn more about it. I recommend watching

this video over here that I previously filmed. At the end of this video. Alright

let's talk about cash flow and budgeting. Now first of all no one has really

taught how to manage our cash flow budgeting. It's not taught at home and more

often than not is not taught in school or university. But when you know how to do

this you'll actually really enjoy your banking ritual, and you'll feel so

comfortable and so secure financially. Knowing that you're on top and in

control of your cash flow and budgeting. Now first of all I want you have all

your bank accounts with the one bank . No more savings accounts floating around in

cyberspace. Because if you can't see it you'll forget about it. And I know so

many people who've opened up those savings accounts and put $20, $40. After a

certain period of time they've completely forgotten about it and don't

even know how to log in and get that money. I want you to be able to log on to

your internet banking whether it be through your app or your desktop. And see

your entire cash flow situation right then and there. This is about making it

easy and efficient so that you actually do it. The first account that I want you

to have is an everyday to savings account. With a linked ATM debit card. This

account is where you allocate money every time you get paid. To pay for your

daily, weekly, monthly, fortnightly expenses. This is where you set up all

your direct debits to come from. So the gym memberships, the mobile phones.

This is also where your spend to get your coffees and lunches. And your weekend

spending money. You never use credit cards you always just use your everyday

savings account. The next account is your lifestyle and emergency account. Now

before I explain this account. I want to explain why most of us get in

trouble with money, or cash flow and also end up in debt. More often than not our

budgets are not the same month-to-month. We might have a really quiet month where

we don't have as many living expenses. And we might have some money left over.

And it creates a false sense of security. Because we see that money that's left

over we think. 'oh wow I've got a bit more money in the account that I

normally would have. I'm gonna go buy myself something new.' And we go and

spend that money. However the next month, or the following month we get hit

with a bill that we completely forgot about was coming up. And we don't have

enough money in our account so we spent it the month before. So we reach for a

credit card and get ourselves back into debt or even worse we get ourselves

deeper into debt. Now this is why I recommend you have a life and emergency

savings account. This is like your float account. This is where you

stockpile your finances and your cash flow. In preparation to all those ad-hock

or irregular bills. So for example our quarterly bills like electricity bills.

Or biannual bills, or our annual bills. This is where we will always see at

least a couple of thousand dollars in this account. So that when bills come our

way. We are not rattled financially and we can get back on with living our lives.

And building up these accounts again. Now within this life and emergency account

is your SOS money. So this is the money that keeps you out of trouble. If

anything should happen out of the blue an emergency.

Again your financial cage is not rattled. Now the question that's probably

burning on your lips is. 'Well Canna how much money should I have as an emergency

savings amount?' Well there is no one-size-fits-all. Everyone is different

it depends on what stresses you out financially. And what your financial

responsibilities are. Now for someone who is young say living at home. Got a really

good cash flow. They may only want and need say five thousand dollars in

emergency money. It's enough to get them through for a couple of months of living

expenses and not having to borrow money from people. However I say a young family

on one income. With say three young children may need a lot more than that.

It may be closer to say $15,000. However you need to ask yourself, what

number or what amount of money in my savings account. Would help me sleep well

at night. Now once you know what that number is. I want you to nickname this

account with that number in there. So in this example, we would have our life and

$5,000 emergency savings account. As the nickname so we can see that every time

we log on to our internet banking. Now there is a reason or a method to my

madness. It is to stop creating a false sense of security. If we had say

$6,000 in our life account. And one day we decided I'm gonna go and upgrade my

laptop. I'm gonna go and spend you know five or say fifteen hundred dollars

upgrading my laptop. We're going to spend that money but actually we don't really

have that money to blow. Because of that six and a half thousand dollar account

balance, five thousand dollars is allocated for emergency money. So we

cannot be blowing this money unnecessarily. It is for an emergency use

only. I want to make sure you're aware

budgeting and cash flow is not about being mean, or depriving yourself

financially or being the fun police. It's about balance and it's about giving

ourselves spending boundaries that simply all it is. And with boundaries it

makes us accountable. So for the example of when you want to upgrade say a laptop,

or buy a new dress, or a new handbag. That is perfectly fine

we just allocate that to each separate account. Now this would be our lifestyle

account and I want you to nickname that account in align to you goal.

For example new handbag account, or new laptop account or. In my case it's my

holiday savings account. Now the fourth and final account is actually your

financial goal account. This is where I want you to put money in on a regular

basis towards a long-term financial goal, that's important to you. So whether that

be saving up for the deposit on your first home, or whether it be saving up

for an investment portfolio, or even if you're not quite sure what that goal

might be. I want you to still open up this account so you create intention and

purpose and direction for your cash flow. Now for me personally this is my savings

to invest account. I put money into this account on a regular basis and let it

sit there until I know where I want to invest that money, and for what financial

goal. It is really easy to set these accounts up. And these three should be

internet-based account. With the same account this means as these accounts

build up you're actually earning some interest on these savings accounts. Now

the next step is to work out our banking rituals. So we know exactly how much

money to allocate to each of these four accounts. So that we're always on top of

our cash flow I would feel great about our finances. Now I actually have two

tools available for you. If you subscribe to the sugar mama website you will get a

complimentary budget template to work from. Which will help you work out your

total cost of living and how much money you need to allocate to these accounts.

The second tool that's available for you is this sugar budget app. Which you can

download from the iTunes Store. This is a much more advanced version, it's quite

visual. And explains to you exactly the banking instructions to allocate this

money. Now if you'd like to learn more about this I recommend you watch this

video here, which is a tutorial as to how to use the sugar budget. It's something that I use on a daily basis and is really helpful. And the

links to subscribe to the Sugarmamma website are right here. And the link to

download the sugar budget app is also right here. But also in the video

description box below. All right so how do we allocate our money. Say for example

I get paid $2,000 after-tax per month by my employer. And my employer pays my pay

into my everyday account. From using the sugar budget app

or using the complimentary budget template. I know that my living expenses

for the month, are around about $1,200 per month. If I've got that much money in

my account I should be able to survive financially. I then look at all my

upcoming bills that are coming in. I might even check my diary to see what's

due. And I now know that going forward I need to start allocating, approximately

$500 per month into this account. Not only to pay for these upcoming bills. But

also to slowly start building up my $5,000 emergency account. I then look at

my lifestyle goal, which is for example to buy say a new handbag. And it's gonna

cost me $2,000 I'd like to buy it and say ten months time. I know that if I

want to achieve that goal in time I need to start putting $200 a month away into

this savings account. I also want to start doing the thousand dollar project

and buying some shares. So I don't know what shares I want to buy yet. But I'm

gonna start saving anyway in the preparation to that. So I'm going to start

putting say $100 per month into my savings to invest account. This is the

banking ritual I will follow every time I get paid. It is allocating the right

amount of money for what is important to me. However if I decide I really want to

focus on building up this put emergency money sooner. Or I know that iv'e got some

big bills coming in my way sooner rather than later. And I know that they're $500

per month it's going to cut me short. I can do something else. I'm giving you a

quick get out of jail card for free. You can temporarily for go, or simply cut

down on these of two accounts for the time being to quickly stockpile this is

a priority. So for example you might want to hold off on doing this and maybe,

either reduce it to zero or $50 here. And say $100 here, which then allows me to

put a little bit more into my life and emergency account. Like this so you

actually have my permission to occasionally tweak your banking ritual.

As long as you're putting money to each of these

savings account and achieving your financial goal. So the moment you have

more than five thousand dollars in emergency money and a healthy float in

your life account for these quarterly, bi annual annual bills. You can start

beefing up these accounts if that's what's important to you. But the point is

you stick this banking ritual month after month after month. So you don't

even think about it you just simply do it. Now this is something that I

personally do every month. It gives me so much security and comfort knowing that

I'm on top of my cash flow and I never need to rely on a credit card to get me

out of trouble. Now that is it for this video. If you have any other tips or

tricks that you think other people would benefit from. In knowing how you manage

your budget and your cash flow. Please put a comment in the comments box below.

I always absolutely love hearing from you, and as I said before if you want to

learn more about managing your cash flow getting more ideas and inspiration and

education. Make sure you click on this card here to watch the next video. And as

I said make sure you subscribe but also you've switched on that notification

button. And I will see you later in the week for lifestyle love.

For more infomation >> How to Manage Your Cash Flow & Budget for Easy Financial Success || Money Monday - Duration: 11:30.


Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - October 28, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:49.

For more infomation >> Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - October 28, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:49.


唐嫣婚礼誓言原声视频曝光,声音坚定有力,粉丝听后泪奔 - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> 唐嫣婚礼誓言原声视频曝光,声音坚定有力,粉丝听后泪奔 - Duration: 4:48.


錦織世界8位に敗れ準V/エルステバンクOP詳細 <エルステバンク・オープン> - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> 錦織世界8位に敗れ準V/エルステバンクOP詳細 <エルステバンク・オープン> - Duration: 8:00.


Israeli Amb. Dermer on synagogue attack: Don't blame Trump - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Israeli Amb. Dermer on synagogue attack: Don't blame Trump - Duration: 4:44.


岌岌可危的美國債務赤字陷阱!海嘯猛撲美國全面失守!全世界都緊緊盯著中國 - Duration: 16:13.

For more infomation >> 岌岌可危的美國債務赤字陷阱!海嘯猛撲美國全面失守!全世界都緊緊盯著中國 - Duration: 16:13.


Hilton: My plea to the liberal 'Never Trump' elite - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Hilton: My plea to the liberal 'Never Trump' elite - Duration: 4:32.


Así fue el choque entre migrantes y policías en la frontera México-Guatemala - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Así fue el choque entre migrantes y policías en la frontera México-Guatemala - Duration: 2:06.


資深香港演員岳華今日出殯!太太恬妮:他一次「華麗轉身」就走了! - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> 資深香港演員岳華今日出殯!太太恬妮:他一次「華麗轉身」就走了! - Duration: 13:17.


海贼王:实至名归,绿牛果实能力原来早已埋下伏笔 , 与植物无关 - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:实至名归,绿牛果实能力原来早已埋下伏笔 , 与植物无关 - Duration: 11:27.


Sunday Evening Weather Update October 28th, 2018 - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Sunday Evening Weather Update October 28th, 2018 - Duration: 3:43.


Eric's 5:30pm Weather - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Eric's 5:30pm Weather - Duration: 4:47.


錦織世界8位に敗れ準V/エルステバンクOP詳細。 - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> 錦織世界8位に敗れ準V/エルステバンクOP詳細。 - Duration: 8:17.


Real Estate for Bitcoin, Leave Your Estate in Bitcoin | Hodler's Digest - Duration: 8:54.

Ahoy there hodlers, and shiver me timbers, this week Johnny Depp gets into crypto.

He has partnered with an entertainment platform that hopes to stop illegal piracy using blockchain.

Success from this partnership could be a much needed reversal of fortunes for the man behind

Captain Jack.

Depp is perhaps the only pirate to lose, then go in search of his own treasure.

Also this week, Ran NeuNer announced a bombshell

Historic N.Y real estate could be sold for Bitcoin, Elon Musk locked out of Twitter,

a Bakkt launch date announced and find out what happens to Bitcoin in the afterlife.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your weekly Hodler's Digest!

Coinbase can now roll out crypto custody services in New York following approval from state

regulators, NY's Department of Financial Services.

The Coinbase Custody Trust Company LLC will offer a small number of custody services for

cryptos such as Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Ripple, and Litecoin.

Coinbase's president Asiff Hirji welcomed the news:

Launched earlier this year, Coinbase Custody's main focus is institutional customers, and

it is designed specifically to hold substantial amounts of crypto.

Securing the holdings involves several complexly-named measures including on-chain segregation of

crypto assets, offline, multi-sig and geographically distributed transaction protection, and robust

cold storage auditing and reporting.

But hold your horses hodlers, just because they have received approval doesn't guarantee

they will start actually offering all 6 cryptos when the rollout begins.

Despite their speed and beauty, Lambos are notoriously difficult to live in; you really

need somewhere a bit more roomy.

Well, if you're interested, some historic New York real estate is up for sale, located

on the very exclusive Riverside Drive.

The seller is actually a hodler himself.

Hedge fund manager Roy Niederhoffer is bullish on Bitcoin, so much so that despite bearish

trends in the market of late, he will accept the equivalent of $15,995,000 in Bitcoin for

the apartment.

CNBC published an article that told no coiners how much Bitcoin they would have now if they

had invested $1000 5 years ago; a modest profit of $5K, not too bad.

Well, if we take Tim Draper's $250k Bitcoin price prediction seriously, in a little over

three years -- and assuming Niederhoffer hodls -- the hedge fund manager would make the not

so modest sum of: $608,615,000.

We spoke to Niederhoffer about his love of the property and Bitcoin.

My general feeling is that Bitcoin is a transformative, revolutionary new asset, that has first made

me so interested and bullish on the cryptocurrency, but also willing to transact this big property

for Bitcoin because I really wish I had more and I see this as an opportunity to very easily

purchase more.

I did advise a group that was transacting a Stradivarius violin in exchange for bitcoin

and it was a long time ago.

It was in 2014, I believe.

So there was a time when Bitcoin was very low, but a guy had a bunch of bitcoin.

He decided he wanted to buy a violin and the violin appreciated tremendously that he bought,

but not as much as Bitcoin did.

So I'm aware that that was a pretty large transaction: probably two to three million

dollars at that point.

And interestingly we already have two people, serious bitcoin holders, who have already

scheduled showings in the first week.

So we're really excited by the response and the interest that people had.

I think there are a lot of people with a lot of bitcoin and this is a huge opportunity

to transfer some of that wealth into something very very tangible that has been around for

100 years.

It's got the best location of all New York, right on a hill overlooking the water, and

that's a lot different from holding in a Trezor wallet or something like that.

I would like to be the first to do a ten million dollar transaction plus with Bitcoin.

I don't know if anyone's ever done that before, but I would certainly like to be the first.

I'm not bullish on it.

I believe in it.

And I think there'll be ten billion dollar transactions in Bitcoin in our lifetime.

I think they are excited to open their properties up to a new type of buyer.

There is hundreds of billions of wealth in crypto right now, and that can be unlocked

by this type of transaction being available.

The Intercontinental Exchange's digital asset platform is gearing up to launch their

Bitcoin futures offering to the public.

According to Bakkt's official report, the launch of the physical Bitcoin futures is

set for December 12, 2018, and will trade in US dollar terms with one daily contact

listed for trading on each exchange business day.

However, an anonymous source told another tech outlet this week that Bakkt could get

approval for its Bitcoin futures as soon as next week, and that they would be traded on

Chicago trading shop DV trading.

Regardless of when the futures are launched, the crypto world is holding their breath to

see how the market reacts to this new addition to the marketplace, given that the launch

of the --albeit non-physical Bitcoin futures -- from CBOE and CME group last December have

led to poor returns, also leading analysts to debate their role in the market volatility

that seems to arise close to their settlement dates.

Elon Musk's 23 million Twitter followers might have experienced mild panic when they

got radio silence from their hero -- the SpaceX and Tesla CEO was briefly locked out of his

account this week.

The reason -- a strange tweet about anime and a jovial Bitcoin reference that may or

may not have more to it.

It was all very musky...

8,000 likes and 3,000 retweets later, Twitter got a bit trigger happy and locked Musk out

of his account, assuming perhaps, his account had been hacked.

Twitter, it seems, can't take a joke.

It has been speculated in fact that the tweet about Bitcoin was in reference to false reports

that his 'Boring Company' was planning to accept Bitcoin as payment for their flamethrowers,

but who knows really, it's Elon.

He's going to call innocent men sex offenders, fly to Mars and tunnel underneath L.A; no

matter what you say, so better to just let him get on with it, really.

The estate of one of my favorite rappers, the Wu-Tang Clan's Ol' Dirty Bastard,

confirmed its ODB Coin will launch Dec. 1.

It's part of a series of I.A.Os, or Initial Artist Offerings, basically cryptos that help

artists engage with their fans.

But what it made me think of is death, death and crypto, crypto tales from the crypt if

you will.

What happens to your Bitcoin when you die, who do you trust with your private keys?

You can't simply put your private keys in your will, as that eventually becomes a public


It's a legal minefield, I tell you.

A subreddit titled: 'How would you practically let your family inherit your Bitcoins in case

you die?' had some pretty cool suggestions: Smart contract with a dead-man's switch.

If you don't ping it every two months it sends two relatives you trust the key.

But then, of course, there's always that one guy:

Works great.

And then you wake up from your 10-week coma to find your son bought a Lambo and your wife

is in Tahiti with the pool guy LOL.

We got the lowdown on what hodlers should do in their final days from Gordon Fisher,

whose job it is to help people plan their legacies.

We've simply treated it like any other asset and they've made their wishes known as to

who they are and who they want to inherit their cryptocurrency, whether it be their

spouse or somebody completely different.

The worry is there are clients who are not calling me about their cryptocurrency holdings.

My advice to libertarians would be to plan ahead.

You can basically cut the government out of your state plan by doing a revocable living


That would be then private, it would not go through the court process.

It would be between lawyers only.

Your state estate plan would not be public.

It wouldn't be in a government record or an open record.

Can you think of any inventive ways of passing your Bitcoin on after you've passed on?

Let us know in the comments!

And as always: like, subscribe and hodl!

For more infomation >> Real Estate for Bitcoin, Leave Your Estate in Bitcoin | Hodler's Digest - Duration: 8:54.


Tied Up - Overwatch Comic Dub Ft. Captain Spazz - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Tied Up - Overwatch Comic Dub Ft. Captain Spazz - Duration: 0:41.


Incredible Beautiful Ocracoke Tiny House by Modern Tiny Living - Duration: 4:43.

Incredible Beautiful Ocracoke Tiny House by Modern Tiny Living

For more infomation >> Incredible Beautiful Ocracoke Tiny House by Modern Tiny Living - Duration: 4:43.


Ninjago: Age of the Golden Master - Part 3 - Duration: 27:19.

Those handcuffs hold back your elements.

You do realize if I didn't have them on, I'd strike you down right now.

Don't be so arrogant, Cole.

Your grandfather made that mistake once.

How ... how'd you know my grandfather?

During the Serpentine War, we was part of the Elemental Alliance -

a group that wanted to conquer Ninjago!

No -

they were trying to save it!

They acted as heroes while plotting to betray the people! I told your

I told your grandfather of the scheme, and he turned against them.

Because you tricked him!

I told him the truth!

I'm doing the same for you.

You've placed faith in your allies -


cheaters -

they're not your friends.

I want you by my side, so we may finish this war.

You think you'll betray your friends?

They've already betrayed you!

So that's why I'm here, so you can win me over to your side.

Clouse wasn't so patient with you.

But me?

I'm an expert at persuasion.

I will never join you.

I want to know the truth -

what happened to my grandfather?

The Alliance established a truce with the Serpentine -

but I warned both sides that the other would attack, and the war went on.

The Serpentine were imprisoned, the Alliance fell apart -

and after I deceived your grandfather, he became an outcast.

Anthony Reese, of all places.

Funny how it's come to this -

I tried saving Ninjago,

and you're watching them build this weapon.

We can escape, you can destroy it!

I have saved a lot of people in my life, and after all you've done -

why should I save you?

You know you're wasting your time fighting for these people.

You monster -

there are thousands of them out here doing everything they can to survive!

Evil forces have been rising, and now you realize that.

If we escape, we can stop them.

I am not your ticket out of here.

Then we'll both die.

That won't stop my friends.

And whether you like it or not, they will save Ninjago.

No talking Ninja!

We're moving you out!

The farther we travel, the more distance we put between us and The Overlord.

How is it that they keep -

Shh ... wait.

They found you.

You must leave.


I said, leave!

Go Lloyd! And never look back!

Leave, and your father falls!

You should listen to him, Lloyd.


I thought you were ...


Actually, I suffered a worse fate -

digested, in the bowels of the Devourer.

It can wreak havoc on one's complexion.

If you run, he dies.

I surrender.

He is no longer of importance to us.





Be strong son!

I will find you.

I will find you!

We've got trouble.

I'm picking up multiple targets on the other side of the canyon.

Mercer! You okay?

It can't be - it's Pythor!

I have you now, Ninja!

Miss me?

Get us up there!

Have fun!

You can't hide from us!

Well, you can - but what's the point in that?

Well, you look different.

It seems that being in the Great Devourer's stomach had some side effects.

We know what you're up to, Pythor.

The weapon, the Realm Crystal, we know all of it.

Did you know that Lloyd was captured?

It's too late, Ninja!

The end is inevitable!

Well, I guess we're done here.

Ugh, Jay, I was about to ask where Lloyd is!

Oh come on, you really think you would tell us?

If they're operating out of Stiix, Lloyd must be there too!

Aaagh! No!

They've captured Lloyd!

They're taking his power as we speak!

Get in! Quick!

All systems are ready.

Does it really surprise you that I survived?

Where there is light, there will always be shadow.

Upon my resurrection, this body will serve as my own.

With your help, I will rise again,

and destroy everything you've ever known.


Soon, you will be utterly powerless.

Save me, Lloyd Garmadon -

gift me with a rebirth.

yeah this place is definitely off the map

it has visited place looks like the lake flooded their ever destroyed the tomb

the round crystal it's not here we'll never find it it was probably washed

away unless my father hittin outside the to start searching

I'm curious mr. denmark the russian soldier Vladimir what happened his

family wanted him to leave his job left a few months ago for took his place then

maybe the crystal is bare off lost if we can't find it no one well up there

I thought you'd like to see some old friends captain Soto

looks like you're odd-numbered I'll still get what I want

you know where it is solo you led us right to it can you come back now Hector

keep searching we'll hold them off

captain Santo

best be here somewhere they won't stop until they get it

I see it down there they see it people is in here it has to be

pintle for the realm crystal or say goodbye to your friends

give it up solo you both know what's in their chest we have what we came for

the realm crystal is ours

well the ship looks nice we'll get the chest aboard follow me the weapon is

heavily fortified the weakest point seems to be the legs but damaging those

won't bring it down look Lloyd can you hear me guys

Lloyd where's your father I don't know they took him where is

everyone they were just here

they knew we were coming they wanted this look at this

we have the power to destroy Ninjago it seems your journey is over we have to

leave now no we need to get the crystal no we can't stop them here we have to

fall back

for your existence you've been empowered by a lie but the

good guys have always win I defeated you once I'll defeat you

again I never wanted to fight you I just wanted your power all these years I was

trapped yeah Wow - your goat asked

my son dad

Anthony Reese cilia nature we heard what he

thank you see you are most welcome everyone get on board

you're not gonna believe this the serpentine are back there at the

slither pay right now huh I guess they accepted our invitation was to say

they're a problem should we even bother going there maybe they're willing to

help us after all and we need help they wanted to show the people of Ninjago who

they really are this is their chance but before we go

there's something you should all know about the serpentine war what do you

mean the mayor got away where is he

Flin Flon wants to get the chest I don't think they'll be gone long

I thought you were the last of your kind

I thought your species survives they've been extinct my brothers died long ago

not all anacondrai were imprisoned we escaped after the war and here so you're

a coward two imposters I'm strong and a conjurer I would never demean himself

look at yourself what's the difference between the two of us

you're no anacondrai we are and to them we are gods there are no gods here

except me

the Gateway is becoming more stable soon we will have the power to merge to curse

around within Jocko open the portal I'll go into the cursed realm and unite the

prisoners the ultimate weapon will be in the heart of the city jamanakai village

wait what most of jamanakai is a lake you can't

expect them to fight there when the ninja arise any one of us they strike

down can simply return through the portal the weapon immediately master we

retrieved your chair from a camp I'll enjoy this fight

tell me Anthony Reese what do you fear

white why am I here to answer for your crimes you've let so many people die

would you settle for one more men like him are corrupted by you with him you

achieved a better Ninjago where people suffer where the ninja must protect

everyone No everything I've done was for Ninjago I'm

only here to help you listen listen to me leave Cillian alone you want me don't

you leave him out of this

if you want to kill me no we we can talk about this freedom comes at a cost

what matters is how much you're willing to pay we want you to fight for your

freedom whoever thought your reign would end with the ceremony take the spear go

I swear to you let me go I'll never do anything to hurt you

don't let up this day belongs to the 17

a ninja

what what are you doing or did you come back

our last gesture for the city judgment for the tyrants of Ninjago the prophecy

was fulfilled the age of the golden master has already begun

this means nothing more the brink of war and we face an enemy that vastly

outnumbers us then you have no choice but to leave that's not what we're gonna

do here we are fighting enemies from the distant past the Overlord Master Chen

even pythor impossible we saw him die

leave him we'll take it from here no I'll finish him off there's more at

stake right now we need you to trust us tell me did the Anaconda I want peace

during the serpentine war we were ready to end the conflict but your lines

wanted to end the truce that's what Chen told you and he told

the Alliance the same thing about you we couldn't trust you then how can we trust

you now the people need us Salta you're high if there's one thing I remember

about any of you it's not you don't run away from a fight we must put aside our

petty differences we want you to stand with us and the traitor what about you

he'll get what he deserves but first you'll see the damage he's


why are we leaving what's going on we think someone start getting to village

everyone's gotta head out whoa what's that

right here we've got the hovercopter an aerial surveillance drone equipped with

micro missiles and large scale rockets Zane that'll be yours fantastic over

here the ghost taker GT I heard of your

setback with the undead so I created a vehicle that fires deep stone missiles

and is heavily armored Jay this one's yours oh yeah and lastly the blaster

bike coated in deep stone armor with twin carbine blasters made just for this

fight Cole it's all yours awesome they've opened a cursed realm

there in jamanakai you and an army of ghosts but taking the fight to us fair

enough we still have time the weapon must charge in order to warp the cursed

realm but why jamanakai didn't you say walt is bad for the ghosts remember any

ghosts we defeat can return through the portal we have got to get down there

this is getting worse

I've got 400 deep stone bullets 400 rounds will run out pretty quickly

single shots will work best conserve your ammo one shot takes out a ghost yes

but they'll come back for the port all will do is slow him down unless we close

the portal don't know if we can but we'll make do for your own safety mr.

Mercer you cannot go to jamanakai this isn't your fight

Anthony Reese's in custody and there's no way he's staying in power after this

and jogo needs a mayor mr. Mercer we need you to make it through this all

right I'll be here Godspeed ninja

master chen he is anaconda I could serve me stunning aren't they Klaus

I thought pythor killed them all he did not spell but was never found

I think someone used the transformation spell these anaconda I had a result

don't you see they're here to help us win this war our forces will have no

trouble holding their ground still this is some ambitious undertaking the ghosts

are vulnerable to water you've given up those an advantage you overestimate them

critter they're terribly insensitive Vernon ja these ghosts of Knox don't

forget they chose to ally with us they should be grateful they had a choice

my master your army is complete then the village is ours any attempts to stop us

will be in vain agents of - this battle is my reward

whatever happens today is how the world will remember us I was supposed to

protect the golden Power that wasn't your responsibility yes but it will

always be my duty to protect you my city my family both caught in this endless

war what else is there that I left behind that whatever regrets you might

have about the past I want you to know I forgive you you've got to put more trust

in me isn't that what all this is about having faith you are wise beyond your

years my son

hello Brent are you looking for the Commissioner actually I was looking for

you hey thanks again for saving me back there

look I I was wondering is there any chance you need a co-pilot I know you're

a nindroid you can multitask and stuff but but maybe someone can shoot while

you're flying now that you mention it I have someone in mind

it is an honor to have you with us thank you

since even the overlords brought his army to jamanakai once the weapon gains

enough power to transport the cursed realm they won't hesitate to destroy

Ninjago do we have any means of destroying this weapon as of now no but

if we take the crystal the curse run will be out of their reach that way any

ghost we defeat will go back with no way out still their weapon will be

functional and they will use the golden power we've got to take the island once

we have a foothold in the village we can fight our way out what's to say we're

gonna make it through this look at what we're going up against

this is how our journey ends old enemies unite in to destroy us there's no doubt

that the past is haunting us Garrett's right we may not make it through this

we're lost in despair fighting for a way out but if we stand together we will

find our greatest hope in each other I've seen enough suffering enough

fighting I swore to defend my home and I hope everyone will do the same any time

every time well cool where do we go from here

Ford gather your men and come with me we're taking the dbx chi you've got my

bike the overlords given us a blast from the past let's do the same for him I

have no idea what that means but I'm looking forward to get your fear

goes we're moving out let's finish this sensei

I'm gonna need some coordinates you

For more infomation >> Ninjago: Age of the Golden Master - Part 3 - Duration: 27:19.


Beekmantown bests Peru in snowy Class B football championship - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Beekmantown bests Peru in snowy Class B football championship - Duration: 1:17.


31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 4th November 2018 - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> 31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 4th November 2018 - Duration: 5:32.


(Part26) (4K) Don't buy TRD Oiled Air Filter Cleaning Kit!!! 2017 4Runner TRD PRO Cement. - Duration: 7:56.

hey guys welcome back to my channel its tactical expectation and today I want to

review a genuine TRD oiled air filter cleaning kit and that's the part

number and it's a genuine the filter kit from Toyota dealer and this is the oiled

air filter that I use. It is also genuine and that is the part number okay and

this was in my car approximately three months and I always changed the air

filter every three months when I had a paper one so this time I took it out and

I used this product to clean it at this point

okay so I'll show you why this is a bad product and go with the K&N aerosol

oil kit it's better choice for you this kit is unusable okay it's just it's

a junk. I know I bought TRD product because I'm very brand loyal so that's

our actual TRD and I just wanted to use all TRD products okay and I'll show you

what this consists of. so this kit is $45 from Toyota even the you know price

tag is by Toyota so know it's genuine so anyways when you open this up you get

a receipt they don't include the instructions and one I ordered from the

web the picture that I ordered from eBay doesn't match what I ordered and I'll

show you

anyways I will open this up it comes with the two spray nozzles one is for

oil and one is for the cleaning solution and there's oil filter on the air filter

oil solution I guess there's the instructions on the back so this product

works ok you know it's you unscrew this put this in there and spray the filter

so where it soaks up entire way and you soak up the back this is the 30 side

this is the clean side because the air comes in through the bottom and it goes

up and then goes to the engine so the bottom is the 30 side top is the cleaner

side will you spray both areas and you let it sit for about 10 minutes and you

spray water through the top to the bottom so clean side to the 30 side

always so you just run low pressure water go back and forth back and forth

in dirty water and debris will fall out and basically you let this dry you know

an entire day until it's completely dry then you apply the oil okay

what you're supposed to do is plug that in and you spray it right but this

nozzle doesn't work it's so I said it on it's hard to tell but this is set on

stream but you can set on both so there is a spray right I said it I'll spray

and it shoots out stream like you're fuckin pissing okay so you cannot oil

this it doesn't spray on it on a mist form at all like zero so this product is

unusable unless you you pour it before it or you use a brush to brush it or

something but you know you can over oil these filters so I just want to test it

to see if I can use TRD products for my TRD filter but this product failed big

time okay

this is what I would

this is the eBay page and that's because this product I heard really bad reviews

on Amazon okay everybody just gives one-star to start saying this doesn't

spray oil at all so don't buy it and they all returned it so then I did some

research and this is another genuine Toyota TRD air filter cleaning kit same

part number but I thought this oil was a different method of oiling this filter

so that's why I ordered this product for $43 by the way you can order cane and

kit for about $15 will buy that okay I'm not getting sponsored by canon or

anything like that but just for you my viewers you just have to know okay I

tested it Thierry the product out and I failed

okay so just don't waste your time buying this crap I think that's why

they're phasing this out because this oil at least have to be a arrow so can

okay this viscosity is too thick for the spray nozzle to be implementing okay

this is fine this is a generic cleaner okay

and I don't have any problems there but this product is $45 come on guys so I

try to use that to see if it works but they don't have that I think this is the

updated model and this is also genuine cleaning kit so anyways thank you for

viewing and I will come back to do more videos so oiled Eric dr. versus the

paper air filter but the sound difference between the oiled air filter

and paper air filter is night and day even though I have TRD cold air intake

system okay that's why I was gonna throw this away and just just use the paper

filter so I currently have a paper filter but the sound is muted it's I

don't like it so I'm going back to this that's why I might just get the new one

and pay like eighty dollars or I might just get the cane and clean solution kit

and just apply aerosol oil to this filter and reuse it okay but anyways I

think you'll be viewing and I will be back with another video thank you for

viewing my video and please subscribe like my videos thank you

For more infomation >> (Part26) (4K) Don't buy TRD Oiled Air Filter Cleaning Kit!!! 2017 4Runner TRD PRO Cement. - Duration: 7:56.


31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Getting the balance - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Getting the balance - Duration: 9:01.


窦文涛是一粒种子——《锵锵三人行》一周年祭 - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> 窦文涛是一粒种子——《锵锵三人行》一周年祭 - Duration: 8:10.


新戏开拍靳东中途退出?甩手就不干了,投资方强行把她塞进组了! - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> 新戏开拍靳东中途退出?甩手就不干了,投资方强行把她塞进组了! - Duration: 3:18.


胡歌跟刘亦菲在一起的话,会不会全网瘫? - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 胡歌跟刘亦菲在一起的话,会不会全网瘫? - Duration: 2:20.


10/28/18 4:33 PM (5526 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 10/28/18 4:33 PM (5526 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


For more infomation >> 10/28/18 4:33 PM (5526 N Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


How to Manage Your Cash Flow & Budget for Easy Financial Success || Money Monday - Duration: 11:30.

Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. This video is an incredibly important

one. It is how to manage your cash flow and budgeting. If you can master the art

of managing your cash flow and budgeting. Life is going to be so much easier you.

You will be so much more successful in achieving your personal lifestyle and financial

goals, and it's a lot easier than you think.

Now before if I launch into this video. I want to make sure that, not only you

subscribe to my channel already. But more importantly you've switched on that

notification button. So you know the moment I've uploaded a new video around

getting out of debt, cash flow and budgeting. Investing, building long-term

passive income streams and financial freedom. Also if you really enjoy this

video and want to watch more about it. And learn more about it. I recommend watching

this video over here that I previously filmed. At the end of this video. Alright

let's talk about cash flow and budgeting. Now first of all no one has really

taught how to manage our cash flow budgeting. It's not taught at home and more

often than not is not taught in school or university. But when you know how to do

this you'll actually really enjoy your banking ritual, and you'll feel so

comfortable and so secure financially. Knowing that you're on top and in

control of your cash flow and budgeting. Now first of all I want you have all

your bank accounts with the one bank . No more savings accounts floating around in

cyberspace. Because if you can't see it you'll forget about it. And I know so

many people who've opened up those savings accounts and put $20, $40. After a

certain period of time they've completely forgotten about it and don't

even know how to log in and get that money. I want you to be able to log on to

your internet banking whether it be through your app or your desktop. And see

your entire cash flow situation right then and there. This is about making it

easy and efficient so that you actually do it. The first account that I want you

to have is an everyday to savings account. With a linked ATM debit card. This

account is where you allocate money every time you get paid. To pay for your

daily, weekly, monthly, fortnightly expenses. This is where you set up all

your direct debits to come from. So the gym memberships, the mobile phones.

This is also where your spend to get your coffees and lunches. And your weekend

spending money. You never use credit cards you always just use your everyday

savings account. The next account is your lifestyle and emergency account. Now

before I explain this account. I want to explain why most of us get in

trouble with money, or cash flow and also end up in debt. More often than not our

budgets are not the same month-to-month. We might have a really quiet month where

we don't have as many living expenses. And we might have some money left over.

And it creates a false sense of security. Because we see that money that's left

over we think. 'oh wow I've got a bit more money in the account that I

normally would have. I'm gonna go buy myself something new.' And we go and

spend that money. However the next month, or the following month we get hit

with a bill that we completely forgot about was coming up. And we don't have

enough money in our account so we spent it the month before. So we reach for a

credit card and get ourselves back into debt or even worse we get ourselves

deeper into debt. Now this is why I recommend you have a life and emergency

savings account. This is like your float account. This is where you

stockpile your finances and your cash flow. In preparation to all those ad-hock

or irregular bills. So for example our quarterly bills like electricity bills.

Or biannual bills, or our annual bills. This is where we will always see at

least a couple of thousand dollars in this account. So that when bills come our

way. We are not rattled financially and we can get back on with living our lives.

And building up these accounts again. Now within this life and emergency account

is your SOS money. So this is the money that keeps you out of trouble. If

anything should happen out of the blue an emergency.

Again your financial cage is not rattled. Now the question that's probably

burning on your lips is. 'Well Canna how much money should I have as an emergency

savings amount?' Well there is no one-size-fits-all. Everyone is different

it depends on what stresses you out financially. And what your financial

responsibilities are. Now for someone who is young say living at home. Got a really

good cash flow. They may only want and need say five thousand dollars in

emergency money. It's enough to get them through for a couple of months of living

expenses and not having to borrow money from people. However I say a young family

on one income. With say three young children may need a lot more than that.

It may be closer to say $15,000. However you need to ask yourself, what

number or what amount of money in my savings account. Would help me sleep well

at night. Now once you know what that number is. I want you to nickname this

account with that number in there. So in this example, we would have our life and

$5,000 emergency savings account. As the nickname so we can see that every time

we log on to our internet banking. Now there is a reason or a method to my

madness. It is to stop creating a false sense of security. If we had say

$6,000 in our life account. And one day we decided I'm gonna go and upgrade my

laptop. I'm gonna go and spend you know five or say fifteen hundred dollars

upgrading my laptop. We're going to spend that money but actually we don't really

have that money to blow. Because of that six and a half thousand dollar account

balance, five thousand dollars is allocated for emergency money. So we

cannot be blowing this money unnecessarily. It is for an emergency use

only. I want to make sure you're aware

budgeting and cash flow is not about being mean, or depriving yourself

financially or being the fun police. It's about balance and it's about giving

ourselves spending boundaries that simply all it is. And with boundaries it

makes us accountable. So for the example of when you want to upgrade say a laptop,

or buy a new dress, or a new handbag. That is perfectly fine

we just allocate that to each separate account. Now this would be our lifestyle

account and I want you to nickname that account in align to you goal.

For example new handbag account, or new laptop account or. In my case it's my

holiday savings account. Now the fourth and final account is actually your

financial goal account. This is where I want you to put money in on a regular

basis towards a long-term financial goal, that's important to you. So whether that

be saving up for the deposit on your first home, or whether it be saving up

for an investment portfolio, or even if you're not quite sure what that goal

might be. I want you to still open up this account so you create intention and

purpose and direction for your cash flow. Now for me personally this is my savings

to invest account. I put money into this account on a regular basis and let it

sit there until I know where I want to invest that money, and for what financial

goal. It is really easy to set these accounts up. And these three should be

internet-based account. With the same account this means as these accounts

build up you're actually earning some interest on these savings accounts. Now

the next step is to work out our banking rituals. So we know exactly how much

money to allocate to each of these four accounts. So that we're always on top of

our cash flow I would feel great about our finances. Now I actually have two

tools available for you. If you subscribe to the sugar mama website you will get a

complimentary budget template to work from. Which will help you work out your

total cost of living and how much money you need to allocate to these accounts.

The second tool that's available for you is this sugar budget app. Which you can

download from the iTunes Store. This is a much more advanced version, it's quite

visual. And explains to you exactly the banking instructions to allocate this

money. Now if you'd like to learn more about this I recommend you watch this

video here, which is a tutorial as to how to use the sugar budget. It's something that I use on a daily basis and is really helpful. And the

links to subscribe to the Sugarmamma website are right here. And the link to

download the sugar budget app is also right here. But also in the video

description box below. All right so how do we allocate our money. Say for example

I get paid $2,000 after-tax per month by my employer. And my employer pays my pay

into my everyday account. From using the sugar budget app

or using the complimentary budget template. I know that my living expenses

for the month, are around about $1,200 per month. If I've got that much money in

my account I should be able to survive financially. I then look at all my

upcoming bills that are coming in. I might even check my diary to see what's

due. And I now know that going forward I need to start allocating, approximately

$500 per month into this account. Not only to pay for these upcoming bills. But

also to slowly start building up my $5,000 emergency account. I then look at

my lifestyle goal, which is for example to buy say a new handbag. And it's gonna

cost me $2,000 I'd like to buy it and say ten months time. I know that if I

want to achieve that goal in time I need to start putting $200 a month away into

this savings account. I also want to start doing the thousand dollar project

and buying some shares. So I don't know what shares I want to buy yet. But I'm

gonna start saving anyway in the preparation to that. So I'm going to start

putting say $100 per month into my savings to invest account. This is the

banking ritual I will follow every time I get paid. It is allocating the right

amount of money for what is important to me. However if I decide I really want to

focus on building up this put emergency money sooner. Or I know that iv'e got some

big bills coming in my way sooner rather than later. And I know that they're $500

per month it's going to cut me short. I can do something else. I'm giving you a

quick get out of jail card for free. You can temporarily for go, or simply cut

down on these of two accounts for the time being to quickly stockpile this is

a priority. So for example you might want to hold off on doing this and maybe,

either reduce it to zero or $50 here. And say $100 here, which then allows me to

put a little bit more into my life and emergency account. Like this so you

actually have my permission to occasionally tweak your banking ritual.

As long as you're putting money to each of these

savings account and achieving your financial goal. So the moment you have

more than five thousand dollars in emergency money and a healthy float in

your life account for these quarterly, bi annual annual bills. You can start

beefing up these accounts if that's what's important to you. But the point is

you stick this banking ritual month after month after month. So you don't

even think about it you just simply do it. Now this is something that I

personally do every month. It gives me so much security and comfort knowing that

I'm on top of my cash flow and I never need to rely on a credit card to get me

out of trouble. Now that is it for this video. If you have any other tips or

tricks that you think other people would benefit from. In knowing how you manage

your budget and your cash flow. Please put a comment in the comments box below.

I always absolutely love hearing from you, and as I said before if you want to

learn more about managing your cash flow getting more ideas and inspiration and

education. Make sure you click on this card here to watch the next video. And as

I said make sure you subscribe but also you've switched on that notification

button. And I will see you later in the week for lifestyle love.

For more infomation >> How to Manage Your Cash Flow & Budget for Easy Financial Success || Money Monday - Duration: 11:30.


For more infomation >> How to Manage Your Cash Flow & Budget for Easy Financial Success || Money Monday - Duration: 11:30.


Real : Lopetegui n'y résistera pas, Conte arrive pour le remplacer - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> Real : Lopetegui n'y résistera pas, Conte arrive pour le remplacer - Duration: 7:38.


For more infomation >> Real : Lopetegui n'y résistera pas, Conte arrive pour le remplacer - Duration: 7:38.


10/28/18 6:27 PM (6623 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 10/28/18 6:27 PM (6623 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


For more infomation >> 10/28/18 6:27 PM (6623 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


10/28/18 6:32 PM (E Francis Ave & N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208,) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 10/28/18 6:32 PM (E Francis Ave & N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208,) - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> 10/28/18 6:32 PM (E Francis Ave & N Nevada St, Spokane, WA 99208,) - Duration: 3:11.


Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [HD] - Duration: 5:02.

Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [HD]

For more infomation >> Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [HD] - Duration: 5:02.


For more infomation >> Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [HD] - Duration: 5:02.


Masterboy - Feel The Heat Of The Night (1994) Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:57.

Feel the heat of the night

Everything's allright

Feel the power of my heart

Give me all your love

Feel the heat of the night

Everything's allright

Feel the power of my heart

Give me all your love

All you need is feel right now

All you need is feel right now

All you need is feel my love

Jumping jumping up and down from the top right to the ground

Free your soul and free your mind, now set you free right on time

It's weekend and it's party time, feel the heat and free your mind

Put your hands up in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care

Feel the rhythm, stay real tight, feel the heat, feel the night

Let the groove control your move, shake your bud and make me hot

Party people, party dance, shake your body and wave your hands

You know how to do it right, feel the heat of the night

Feel the heat of the night

Everything's allright

Feel the power of my heart

Give me all your love

Feel the heat of the night

Everything's allright

Feel the power of my heart

Give me all your love

All you need is feel right now

All you need is feel right now

All you need is feel my love

Pumping stomping, people jumping, people dancing everywhere

The DJ's playing music loud, so wave your hands up in the air

Move your body shake your bud, the rhythm of the music's so hot

I see you do your turnaround on the dancefloor up and down

Party party, people party, party people, party dance

Come on people, move your body, shake your body wave your hands

Sweat is dropping down all over my face

I feel your sex right in this place

You got to get this rhythm right and feel the heat of the night

Feel the heat of the night

Everything's allright

Feel the power of my heart

Give me all your love

Feel the heat of the night

Everything's allright

Feel the power of my heart

Give me all your love

All you need is feel right now

All you need is feel right now

All you need is feel my love

For more infomation >> Masterboy - Feel The Heat Of The Night (1994) Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:57.


For more infomation >> Masterboy - Feel The Heat Of The Night (1994) Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:57.


Gainful - Personalized Protein

For more infomation >> Gainful - Personalized Protein


Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [HD] - Duration: 5:02.

Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [HD]

For more infomation >> Farmer Nappy - Hookin Meh (Official Music Video) "2019 Soca" [HD] - Duration: 5:02.


Page 200 - Duration: 2:42.

my name is Michelle Rawley and I'm a senior associate here in at SS and K

what we call the symmetric intelligence unit but can be

translated as the research and planning department I unlike an Account Manager

typically work on projects so my projects have a certain amount of time

they wrap up and then I I take up a backseat so I work on a variety of

clients here which is great and I get paid to think and write which is

interesting really all research and planning is is

telling a good story and if you can tell a good story with the beginning middle

and the end then you can convince somebody of something or you know

encourage them to change their their brand philosophy based on the story that

you think that they should be telling but you do have to listen and just think

about how to tell a good story so it's a lot of in the nuts and bolts of what I

do it could be focus groups surveys reading

background material competitive landscape trends profiles in-depth

interviews of photography's and then taking what you hear out of that and

making a compelling story not reporting findings but telling a story with it and

then leading into what so what does that mean what should we do with that

information and that's the strategy that use of the word story is really

interesting and maybe you can talk a little bit more about what that story

how that sort of might be constituted because students might think oh the

story will a story real the story you're telling is real

will you make it real I mean different people can hear different stories

that's why data is so tricky right because I mean just to use the political

environment that we're in you know you can take both sides can take the same

piece of data and tell a different story with it and all data can tell different

stories by the way that you want what you want it to say so you do make a

creative decision on what you want it to say it's not there isn't just we'll just

show the numbers and then you take away something that's not what Communications

is about Communications is I want you to take this message away so I'm going to

help you understand that message and that by helping somebody understand that

message or believing in that message as telling a story I think

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