the world might say you are not allowed to yet
I waited a long time out in the world before I gave myself permission to fail
please don't even bother asking don't bother
telling the world you already show it do it
what did Beckett say
ever tried ever failed no matter try again fail again fail better my life
is a testimony in itself into speaking things into existence and you know
living the dream and just kind of you know just recognizing what you want to
be in life and achieving it in that sense so I just want to get out there
kind of explain that and just you know you optimism and even in these times
it's like you got to be able to wake up with a smile and go down feeling really
good you can get defined easily by other people's perceptions of you my whole
life I was convinced when I was a young man I was convinced I was a loser
absolutely convinced until I started getting really good at martial arts I
never thought I was good at anything I just had a very low self-esteem and I
was limiting myself by what I thought were other people's opinions of me this
is when I was a really young kid and I didn't figure this out until I was like
in my 30s but I think that you you absolutely can be limited by your
perceptions of someone's definitions of you but you can break through that stuff
that is that's what you break through with discipline that's where you break
through with hardwork and concentration and focus and that's why it's so
important to have like either a discipline or an art or something that
you're trying to create or something that you're really focusing on because
if you don't have like a point of focus as a human I think it's very hard to get
through this life and have an appreciation for true struggle but you
know I've made the choice to value human life and I made the choice to fight as
hard as I can for that and so ultimately for me I think like the the decision
that I've made is like happiness to me like what I'm happiest is what I'm
pushing towards that and taking time off is nice if it's to recharge to go back
to the war you know and and war doesn't mean necessarily fighting against
something but fighting for something like just fighting for that positive
outcome so don't think of it as a war like whenever because in a certain way
of thinking when you whenever fighting against something like they say
whatever yours is persists so it's not like that kind of resistance right
you don't want to bring resistance into it that's what I was talking about
earlier you don't wanna bring resistance against something into your war but you
want to just think of a happier more more kind of present energy based
outcome and push towards that you just push towards that and use all of your
faculties every faculty that you have honing it internally and externally
honing and honing and honing it to get it to that level just continually
sharpening the sword the inner sword but also your outer abilities to sharpen it
and that's that's life for me look around you and what you see is
average everywhere average is become an epidemic you don't have people living up
to their potential you have people doing almost nothing people retreating backing
up people that are lazy people that have checked out people that are waiting for
handouts and crumbs and think that will give them security look now is the time
to start again your security your family's security your future is left in
your hands your destiny is yours not someone elses nobody else can do this
for you nobody else can do it for me it's your job in my time now is the time
now is the time to start now is the time to start again life has really taught me
is really this small wins matter I mean we sometimes think that an epic life
occurs one Sunday Sunday Friday afternoon when the stars line up and
something revolutionary occurs and what I'm suggesting to you with great love
and great respect is a great life is built not by revolution a great life is
built by evolution small and steady wins the race what you do every day is far
more important than once you what you do once every decade
I want you really think about that idea what you do every day is simply your
life in miniature and as you live every single day so you're crafting your life
what you do over the next hour is is really building your future and if you
can just get and I can just get every single pocket of 24 hours right as best
as we humanly can the rest of our life is gonna take care
of itself so small wins matter make a damn schedule and stick to it okay so
what's the rule with the schedule it's not a bloody prison that's the first
thing that people do wrong is well I don't like to help follow a schedule
it's like well what kind of schedule are you setting up well I should I have to
do this then I have to do this then I have to do this you know and then I just
go play video games because who wants to do all these things that I have to do
it's like wrong set the damn schedule up so that you have the day you want that's
the trick it's like okay I've got tomorrow if I was gonna set it up so it
was the best possible day I could have practically speaking what would it look
like well then you schedule that and obviously there's a bit of
responsibility that's good to go along with that because if you have any sense
one of the things that you're gonna insist upon is that at the end of the
day you're not in worse shape than you were that then at the beginning of the
day right that's a stupid day if you have a bunch of those in a row you just
dig you know you dig yourself a hole and then you bury yourself in it's like
sorry that's just not a good strategy it's a bad strategy
so maybe 20% of your day has to be responsibility and obligation or maybe
it's more than that depending on how far behind you are I am strong I am healthy
I am in shape I am full of energy I am passionate I am talented I am secure I
am valuable I am confident I am a person of excellence
I am full of integrity I am successful I am prosperous my future is bright I'll
run with purpose in every step just as a tiny rudder controls a large ship so the
tongue sets the direction for our life are you going in the right direction
are you seeing increase favour new growth if not check up on what you're
saying when you get your words going in the right direction
your life will go in the right direction the time is now the time is now to
express and for people to believe in themselves the time is now for it to be
okay to be great people in this world shun people for being great for being a
bright colour for standing out but the time is now to be okay to be the
greatest you the goal isn't to be the best every day the goal isn't out to
outdo your competition every day that's a finite construction if I had
said to Microsoft I've got the new iPod touch and it's so much better than your
Zune they would have said can we see it what does it do react react react react
finite players play to be bet to beat the people around them infinite players
play to be better than themselves to wake up every single day and say how can
we make our company a better version of itself today than it was yesterday how
can we create a product this week that's better than the product we created last
week we also have to play the infinite game it's not about being ranked number
one it's not about having more followers on Twitter than your friends it's not
about outdoing anyone it's about how to outdo yourself it's not about selling
more books or getting more TED views than somebody else it's about how to
make sure that the work that you're producing is better than the work you
produced before you are your competition and that is what ensures you stay in the
game the longest and that is what ensures you find joy because the joy
comes not from comparison but from advantage so speaking of
excuses one of my other favorite ones is no excuses no victim mentality the world
owes you nothing the world might come help you but I wouldn't count on it
and if you start from the feeling that you need the world to participate in
order for you to be successful at taking on this new thing that you're
considering doing you're right to be scared am i I wouldn't count on it
though but if you start from the perspective that the world owes you
nothing which it doesn't and then it is not likely to bring you any particular
help you have nothing to lose because really isn't that for every one of the
people you brought onto team isn't that how you want them to feel when they
report to you you don't want excuses that doesn't mean that they you can't
fail or that they can't ever fail but right when you're starting you have
nothing to lose right when you're a huge company you can spend 99% of your time
worrying how not to mess up the billion dollar a year money hose you've created
but you don't have a billion dollar-a-year money hose right now you
have nothing so you can't lose spend 99% of your time imagining what would happen
if things went well and planning for that because there's no downside it's
like a free option on an adventure so once you but once you set up that that
goal structure let's say and that's really in many in many ways that's what
you should be doing at universities is that's exactly what you should be doing
is trying to figure out who it is that you're trying to be right and you aim at
that and then use everything you learned as a means of building that person that
you want to be and and I really mean want to be I don't mean should be even
those things those things are going to overlap and it's important to
distinguish between those because that's partly and this is back down to the
micro routine analysis so as I say while you're gonna try to make yourself more
industrious okay number one specify your damn goals because how are you gonna hit
something if you don't know what it is that isn't going to happen and often
people won't specify their goals too because they don't like
to specify conditions for failure so if you keep yourself all vague and foggy
which is real easy because that's just a matter of not doing as well then you
don't know when you fail and people might say well I really don't want to
know when I fail because that's painful it so I'll keep myself blind about when
I fail that's fine except you'll fail all the time then you just won't know it
until you've failed so badly that you're done and that can easily happen by the
time you're 40 so so I would recommend that you don't let that happen
so that's willful blindness right you could have known but you chose not to
okay so once you get your goal structure set up you think okay if I could have
this life looks like that might be worth living despite the fact that it's gonna
be you know anxiety provoking and threatening and there's gonna be some
suffering and loss involved in all of that obviously the goal is to to have a
vision for your life such that all things considered that justifies your
effort so what I would challenge this young man or young woman to do is you
have to look inside of yourself to see what you really want what are you
passionate about we use these words and these little phrases of only the strong
survive and all this other crap there's all just in words I get so tired
of hearing people just talking like right now someone may think doc is just
talking you don't know me so when I speak I speak from passion I speak from
experience I speak from suffering I want to tell this young man or woman that
the only way I believe this is just my experience in life the only way you're
ever going to get to the other side of this journey is you have got to suffer
to grow to grow you must suffer and some people will get it and some people won't
but they have to see what their journey is to start their journey several people
live to be a hundred years old and they have great lives and they have great
kids that kids go to college and all sort of stuff but somewhere in their
life there was a point where they had the decision to make they can go left or
right on this path left was the easy route right was a hard route a lot of
people take the easy route and they had a good life that way but the better life
was going to the right side and you may have 20 years of pain and
suffering to get past it but a lot of us died never truly starting our journey
and I will tell this young person you got to start your journey it may suck
but it will it will come out the other side where you're coasting but through
all the occupations I'm at I've experienced successes and as you know
failures I'm asked what it felt like to lose to President Obama not as good as
winning failures aren't fun but they are inevitable more importantly failures
don't define who you are some people measure their life by their
secular successes how high on the corporate ladder they got how much money
they made did they do better than their high school classmates if that's the
kind of success you're looking for you're bound to be disappointed life has
way too much chance and serendipity to be assured fame or fortune there is no
one who there's no obstacles in their life you know even Bill Gates hands off
because he's got to figure out how to keep all that money so you know
everybody's got problems and it it really is how you face those problems if
you allow it to be an insurmountable wall then you become the victim and if
you say it's a piece of cake I'm finding my way over under around or through this
obstacle one way or another and you gear yourself to solutions and that's that's
always the answer always be thinking about how I can do something rather than
why I can't do something the step one is obsess get totally focused unleash
your desire that gives the energy step two is not waiting it's massive action
he changed your approach until you find effective execution if you're running
east looking for a sunset I don't care how positive you are you're not going to
see the sunset it's the wrong strategy it's just not going to happen so you got
to have a proven strategy and you can get there faster same way I've done it
with these books is saying I could go this or I could spend four years
interview 50 of the smartest people in the world all
billionaires have started with nothing and find out what they did and take
compress decades in today's that's really the purpose of everything that I
do so when you have that plan and keep changing your approach I always tell
people you know how long would you give your average kid to learn how to walk
before you turn to the kids and said dude it's never gonna happen you're not
a walker just give it up a little you crazy buddy it's gonna keep trying until
well that's really step two you keep changing your approach and so you find
and then the third step to achieve it really is as simple as it may sound if
you're obsessed you know what you want you're taking massive action
maybe you modeled somebody figure out the right action so you get there
quicker and you're executing you still need a little grace some people call it
luck you could call God but I really believe
that there's the part we do and then there's the part that comes to us but I
do know grace shows up a lot more when you do the first two steps on your own
and grace shows up a lot more when you acknowledge grace in your life when you
acknowledge that I was born in the world where I didn't have to build this
Internet that I can pull out of my pocket the answer anything on earth I am
driving on streets I didn't pave I'm reading books I didn't have to write
that's the gift of our lives and I think when we experience that grace we don't
just experienced more achievement but we start to expand it's perfect though and
grace not only affects your ability to get there but it affects what you do and
how you lean you live once you are there it really determines the quality of your
life because unless you live in a state of gratitude yeah I did an interview
with Sir John Templeton who as you know is one of the first billionaire
investors and just a brilliant man he came from nothing and he don't eat and
they still do it the Templeton fund I think it's
750,000,000 dollars a year it's bigger than a Nobel fund that he donates
and one day I asked them I said what is the secret to wealth they looked to me
pause this big smile and his eyes got really bright like they always did and
he said Tony it's what you teach I said well I teach a lot of things you know
it's been he said gratitude he said because you night only no billionaires
that are miserable and it's because they're not grateful for what they have
and we both know people have no money seemingly but they're so grateful for
their health for their husband for their wife for their children they're so
grateful to god they're so grateful for their life that they're rich
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