... chances, but nothing's quite in it.
Schroyer will play it up top ... Brandt ... and it's in the back of the onion bag again!
Brandt, with magic on her stick!
REACTING TO The Night Shift FEAT Shanna Malcolm - Duration: 7:08.Hey Buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today uh you guys suggested a scary
react scary act next year reminding me that I wanted to be called spooked over
next year it's gonna be called spooked over I know October's not done yet scare
kober's not done yet but spook October would be better for next year I like
that I love the word spoopy it's so cute spoopy so this is the night shift with
Shanna Malcolm and blackboxtv presents from blackboxtv this is a video you guys
suggested and except Shanna's and I've seen a couple of videos I think she's
really funny so I'm like oh well let me check this out so the length of this
video is in the description box so this is either very funny or kind of scary
but we're gonna see it together you know why cuz we're on that no no not yet not
yet okay it will be Laurie Williams tries to make the best of every
situation including your dead-end job but tonight I have plans of asking out
her favorite co-worker are interrupted by a violent stranger okay I'm gonna use
the intro to kind of set up the story I can't think of the words right now
though I wonder what's gonna happen here
that Perrier is anybody alight spearing a I tried it and it's not that wicked I
wish I'd gotten to see wicked in theaters it it's not Oh is she gonna ask
him to go to see wicked oh she's already got the tickets but
thinking I was worried about people already buy tickets is like that's it
now you gotta find somebody else to ask if they say no is she ready your game
girl go ahead girl
hey was this 10 you're early today yeah all right
you can't sticker oh thanks for you sure oh so uh you're
off tomorrow night right yeah well I I happen to have an extra ticket to see
wicked at the Pantages Theatre that's a musical right yeah oh no I
don't started me violent guy and it's supposed to be amazing and I was
wondering if maybe where is she where's who why did you do it yeah we're gonna
go for a Tracey and I just got in an argument she came down here for some
what do you mean yeah what take my dog why are you yelling my face bitching and
you knows best probably staying from people that angry they think about their
breath uh you know hygiene or oral hygiene I would just move cash the bank
it out
if the guy get your friend and get out and what's your life worth your life and
you were just about to ask that guy out - I wanted to know if he likes musicals
or not was that the girl
she got some liquor who rang her up she asked for shot
glasses what just happened what happened what happened what was on the tape I
hope she left why is it all foggy in there now girls you know you got out no
this broad doesn't I mean if there wasn't like that oh my goodness you're
okay oh oh no quickly um was that just some asshole is it gone
yeah he's gone are you okay yeah I'm fine that's all nicer than asked but
Ari enjoys the perks of working the night shift
nice close to the man she loves that's a guy's shirt weight is plenty to eat oh
my gosh I loved it okay so I like I just oh I
loved what they did with her character I thought that something like that
this guy is violent Terrorizer was going to be like the ish that they had to deal
with in this episode or in this situation but really knows her she likes
working the night shift because she she eats people
she's a monster that eats people but she has a soft side that likes musicals and
this is in love with this guy it's a very unique and dynamic type of story or
character to have she did this and then it was something different scary
ish but she's still like this sweet cute character I'm in this song and I wanted
to go to musicals all that was right that was right that's the song let me
know your thoughts down below in the comment section if you liked the video
check out the link in the description box below if you like this video and I
like but don't forget to click that box you're notified when I post
What Elise Could Have Been - Duration: 9:58.What's up guys it's me Jeremy!
Unlike a lot of the other champions we've covered in What Could Have Been videos, there's
actually not a whole lot of information available about her production.
Part of this is down to the fact that Elise is a pretty old champion, from back when Riot
weren't as transparent about the development process.
In addition to that, Elise was heavily based on another cancelled champion, so most of
the available information is about the process that took her from the cancelled concept to
the champion we know today.
This original concept was known at the time as Priscilla, the Spider Queen.
Her development actually began way back in 2009, as a Victorian-esque half spider-woman;
so essentially a spider body with a female torso and head.
As you can probably tell from the concept art, despite being quite far forward on her
development Riot weren't really satisfied with the direction they had chosen for her
gameplay and visuals.
Priscilla's artwork, abilities and spell icons remained in the game for a long time,
so we actually know the names of her original abilities: Camouflage, Corpsemaker, Ensnare,
Inject Spiderlings and Thirst.
As you can imagine, it mostly involves staying out of sight before rooting an enemy and killing
them in all sorts of gross spidery ways.
Although Riot ended up ditching the concept, they clearly found some parts of the design
interesting and didn't want to give up on it entirely.
We don't know what happened in the downtime between Priscilla's cancellation and the
development of Elisa, but in early 2011 a player named Koopatroopa started a poll on
the official League boards.
By this point, the community had learned about the development and subsequent cancellation
of Priscilla.
In a response to a Riot Zileas quote about doing what the community wanted, the poll
was launched in an effort to demonstrate the player base's interest in seeing the Spider
Queen return to complete her development cycle and make it into the game.
Over 24,000 players signed the poll, and although it's not known whether Riot had been secretly
developing Elise before this point, it's generally accepted that it served as motivation
for Riot to explore the qualities that had initially interested them in creating a spider
Riot Morello noted that every time they attempted to create a similarly-themed champion, they
ended up falling a little short.
Once they found an iteration of her design that was good, they went full steam ahead
and powered through the rest of the development.
There were two sources that helped generate this 'spark' that resulted in the creation
of Elise.
The first of which were the qualities that Riot liked about Priscilla; she was an elegant
yet evil noblewoman turned spider.
The second was the work of senior concept artist Paul Kwon, otherwise known as Riot
Zeronis took it on himself to revamp Priscilla into a new character, depicting Elise as we
know her today.
It split Priscilla's shaky design into two separate parts; a sleek, graceful humanoid
form, and a terrifying spider.
Finally Riot had the missing piece to their Spider Queen vision, and just in time to start
development in order to line up with the release of the Shadow Isles and Harrowing.
One of the most difficult tasks for Riot was ensuring that her model, appearance and animations
properly delivered on what players would expect for their first spider champion.
Lead animator Riot Ohmikegoodness shared a lot of information about the process, mentioning
that a lot of work went into keeping Elise's in-game silhouette as recognizable as possible
without being messy or cluttered.
Elise was one of the most visually interesting champions Riot had ever developed at the time,
so it was important that players could appreciate those aspects of her visual design.
Originally, the Spider Queen looked sort of metallic or futuristic, leading many to theorize
that she acted as inspiration for Urgot in addition to Elise.
Riot cgsammu commented that Riot wanted to go for a much more organic design rather than
the sharp segmented plates of the original, leading them to a middle ground that you can
see today in Elise's design.
Ohmikegoodness also talked a lot about the animation process—he spent a lot of time
working on tiny micro-movements of her limbs to give that unnerving feel that a spider
Riot knew from the start that Elise needed to be super creepy to do the theme justice,
but ohmikegoodness apparently went too far at times.
He noted that he tried to create a huge gap between her human and spider forms, so any
elements of her spidery nature in her human form (such as the legs on her back) were also
animated to be twitchy and creepy like real spider legs.
In the end, he had to settle for a less creepy variant—at least for her human form—meaning
she'd stand up straight and be a lot less twitchy.
Prior to the changes, her human form was as equally frightening as her spider form.
Although that's probably a win from a thematic perspective, shifting the creepiness over
to the spider form made the transformation a lot more impactful.
One of the other key issues Riot encountered was making her webs look 'webby' enough.
For starters, webs shouldn't usually be visible, otherwise you'd never walk into
At the same time, they needed her webs to be recognizable as actual webs, but there
also had to be magical and mysterious elements present—she's from the Shadow Isles after
VFX artist Riot STEEN had a fair bit of difficulty combining good looking webs with Elise's
color palette, it just didn't mesh well at all.
In the end, he used realistic looking webs with a few magical VFX elements worked in,
and managed to find a balance that fit Elise thematically whilst also not looking too distracting
in game.
As a character occupying a pretty unique niche in the game as a kind of 'AP Bruiser,'
it was important for Riot to find abilities that properly explored that niche without
turning her into something different.
For example, one of her original passives was a Singed poison trail in her Spider Form.
When you turned back into a human, the silk trail would solidify into terrain that you
could work on, essentially turning Elise into a much more disruptive force.
This iteration of her design didn't actually have her 'bruiser' elements such as Rappel
or her gap-closing Q, so she was more like a mage assassin with a terrain-creation ability.
It was a pretty weird mix, and probably part of what drove them further into bruiser territory.
Another ability that caused similar issues was an AoE web that she could use in her human
If it landed on multiple targets, it would web them together in a similar fashion to
Cocoon, but with a twist; the webbed targets would also share damage.
This is the kind of ability you might find on a mage or support, but for a bruiser/assassin
it wasn't a good fit.
Although the invention of Rappel helped move Elise away from the conventional mage playstyle,
she very nearly had another disruptive ability in her arsenal.
At one point, rather than jumping to her targets with Rappel, she'd create webs that ensnared
all enemies that ran underneath her.
This was apparently only cancelled because there was no time to make it work before Halloween,
when Elise was scheduled for release.
Kirby Battle Royale Demo Trailer - Duration: 0:40.-------------------------------------------
Magneto Pulls Tooth / Bank Scene | X-Men First Class (2011) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:26.Possession of that gold is illegal.
I should inform the police.
Let's not play this game.
Where did you get it?
A friend.
He recommended your bank most highly.
I see.
Do you know our terms, sir?
And you should know mine.
This gold is what remains of my people.
Melted from their possessions.
Torn from their teeth.
This is blood money.
And you're going to help me find the bastards responsible for it.
Don't touch that alarm.
I want Schmidt. Klaus Schmidt.
Where is he?
Our clients don't provide addresses. We're not...
Not that sort of bank?
Metal fillings, eh?
Not gold.
Worried someone might steal them?
Argentina! Schmidt is in Argentina!
Villa gesell! Please!
Thank you.
I would love to kill you.
So mark my words.
If you warn anyone I'm coming...
I will find you.
FreeReid - Duration: 0:03.*SNAP*
Say THIS To Make Her Sleep With You Tonight - Duration: 6:21.You guys have been on a few dates and you're really starting to connect but
every time you try to escalate she resists and pushes you away what the
hell is going on? what I'm about to tell you is pure gold and if you see these
few simple sentences it'll get her to drop her inhibitions start thinking
about sex and even frame you as a sex expert. what's up guys this is Josiah
prise with the attractive man and this is how to get her to sleep with you fast.
my name is Josiah Josiah is a master at daygame love it
we've done all the testing you know what works first I want to warn you this
isn't a way to trick girls in the bed and that all sex should be consensual
and a mutually gratifying experience for everyone. but here's the deal most girls
have what I'd like to call an anti flood defense number one they don't want their
friends to judge them number two they don't want you to judge them and number
three they don't want to feel judged or slut themselves. matter of fact she
thinks that it's better to give you blue balls than to give it up in some cases.
see even the term give it up insinuates that she's losing something by having
sex with you man. Society really screw things up for us if you show her that
it's okay to be sexual around you she's gonna feel more comfortable moving the
relationship forward.
okay let's check out this live demonstration the first thing you're
gonna want to do is start off like bringing up a sexual topic. I usually do
this by accusing her of being a naughty girl you can do that by telling her to
stop looking at you because she's a naughty girl or to stop drinking her
drink that way because she's naughty girl it. doesn't actually matter you can
accuse her of just about anything you have to stop looking at me like that
like what like a naughty girl yeah I know all girls have a naughty girl side.
I'm gonna go into a basically a sexual fact section where I start talking about
a woman's body and anatomy versus a guy's anatomy and how the nerves and how
pleasure actually works for a man and a woman what this does is it creates
basically a frame that you're very knowledgeable about sex and you have an
idea of what you're doing or a good idea what you're doing yeah I mean think
about it women are way more sexual than men I mean you have a part of your body
that's only this big that has 8,000 nerves on it and it's only uses for
pleasure while a man you know we have like 4,000 nerves like half that over a
much larger area and ours does way more than just have sex and women they can
have up to like eight to ten orgasms a night where a man you know can only have
like three or four on top of it women can have up to four different types of
orgasms so after you list some sexual facts you're gonna grab her hand
and give her an example of four different types of orgasms that a girl
can have there's a lot of things that's actually happening inside this it's not
just about showing her you're knowledgeable it's about actually
touching her and when you create a visual and a physical anchor so she
believes that her hand is in the example of her vagina
when you actually rub it and play with it she's going to get the same imagery
in her head and visualization in her head as if you were actually touching
her down there so it's really good to know how to rub it and know how you're
gonna turn a girl along start with like don't go in there just
straight finger blaster in that type of shit cuz that just never works out right
yeah let me see your hand yeah make a fist so first you have the clip
where eight-thousanders are and then you have inside and up in your g-spot and
then you have all the way in you have a deep spot and if you go in and down
you've the a spot it's just unfortunately like society judges you so
much for being so sexual I mean like if i was asleep with like a hundred girls
my friends would call me a rockstar and think of the man but if people found out
that you slept with like a hundred men you know they might call you a slut or a
whore just so unfair how society judges you it is about making her feel
comfortable with sex it basically just frames that you're non-judgmental about
her having sex and it doesn't frame it with an outright like hey I'm not gonna
judge you if you sleep with me it makes you sound more authentic about like
society being fucked up and it's really not fairly you know girls get judged and
actually is what fucks most of us from actually getting fucked there you have
it an awesome technique that gives her permission to be sexual explore her
sexuality with you and all while being judgment-free you know one time my uncle
ben told me it's great power comes great responsibility and by being responsible
I mean you're responsible for her in bed don't mislead her if you're a two-pump
chump then you should watch our other videos on YouTube and subscribe to our
Academy so you know exactly what to do in bed by the way the naughty girls
routine is this one way to escalate the interaction and get her to start
thinking about sex we created a free escalation cheat sheet with our best
ways to create sexual attention turn her on and escalate in the bedroom it's
filled with advanced escalation techniques that will help you term
platonic friendly interaction into a more sexual rip your clothes off type of
vibe this is super used when you're talking to a girl and it's
going nowhere click on the image in the bottom right of this video to download
the free escalation worksheet or check the description below get it man you're
gonna want it handy before you go on your next date also if you're not
subscribed punch that subscribe button and if you personally want to train with
us check out our bootcamp schedule until that next video I'm Josiah price - the
attractive man
#CasaMika2 - PROMO 2 - Duration: 0:40.Don't even try to tempt me with the keys to Taj Mahal
Or leaning tower of Pisa cause I heard it's about to fall
There ain't no pyramids or palaces for me
Already got a home, that's the only place I need
It might be big, it might be small
There ain't no paintings on the wall
And the bed might not be long enough
The neighbours want us all to leave
Then they're callin' the police
Kick us out if they were strong enough
'Cause my house is your house
There's room for yooouuuu
It's my house!
Live Stream 7 | Road To 100 Subscribers With xXxDJTNTxXx | Bedwars Completing The Achievements - Duration: 1:30:12.-------------------------------------------
Mohabbat Tumse Nafrat Hai Last Episode 29 Last Scene - Duration: 10:05.Please Like and share....
Nike Classic Cortez Women's 'Oregon' Sneaker Unboxing with SJ - THE FIRST CORTEZ IN THE COLLECTION - Duration: 10:14.hey YouTube it's SJ here from Pint of Stuff and today we are unboxing my very
first pair of a Nike Cortez so let's get to this
hey YouTube it's SJ and today we are unboxing my very first pair of Nike
Cortez and I am hoping that they are going to fit, let's get the Global
let's get to it. Right sorry that took ages but I need to do that carefully, incase
these need to go back, now as always come and done this upside down have a nice
but, oh white blue and red box, I haven't seen one of these before and
said this is my very first pair of Cortez and I did a lot of research
online people seem to think that these come up small so I really hope that
these are going to fit
anyway let's um instead got to do this carefully
I'm also, it's quite late here so probably look tired
Oh Mr. B's been out and I desperately wanted to open these tonight so we have
to do this late but look at these can you see this people are you picking this
up mr. B on the old sneaker cam this is very cool
now if you watched our Sunday stream streaming Sunday as pair of they're what
they're worth start again, can't get my words out, told you it's late. On Sunday stream
I talked about some Nike Cortez I liked in the Oregon colorway for women and i bagged
a pair. now I'm not very good here I'm just really slowly because I don't want to
ruin anything in case these need to go back come on get them out mr. B I'm just
gonna for this paper is pretty special I honestly can't get the box oh here we
go here we go here we go finally so yeah look at that so it has like the whole
history of the Cortez on the paper and move out the way so you can see this
is really a nice touch from Nike now
let's get to it so these are what I purchased so these are were released
earlier on in the summer as it was the summer of Cortez they actually had a
men's version of this that was the opposite color way so they were yellow
with the green tick obviously these women's so these are the green with the
golden actually yellow it was golden its proper name yes it says classic green
and yellow okra that how you say it I don't know I'm never any gonna say
anything yes there they are so these are the women's version as I said they are
the Oregon colorway these are only available online in limited sizes now I
think I'm actually gonna have to up size just six-and-a-half in there these are
actually a UK six which is a US 8.5 so I'm gonna give them a quick go these
have the lace bag I know you will like your lace bags so these have white laces
in to be honest nicely why didn't you put the golden color in that have looked
at heck with the contrast in lace is white just doesn't really work in these
for me but anyway so these are in nylon here and the the suede the toebox here is
in suede and the panel around the back is in suede then you've got the it's a
nice soft leather that's nike with nike and silver then
inside you've got really nice contrasting grey and white if you can
pick that up and sneak a can great sneaker gram right white I told you you
can't talk entire interior I mean these are really nice but they look a bit
small I'm gonna try them on now quickly these are sort of a test purchase for
another pair of Cortese that I want back in the summer when we were flying off
somewhere mr. B showed me the Cortez ALC collaboration which I loved and I
didn't buy them because they're all in the US must be a bit of a risk of course
now I desperately want them and they're sold out if we were in my you know in a
six and a half but I found them mystics so if these spit I'm like I'm gonna look
really uncool here cuz I thought we did looks good so Kitsch we may have a
winner winner Selena doesn't eat chicken dinner what do we think deny that good
mr. Bailey on hold sneak a thumbs up from you know like like to improvise on
paint stuff there's quite big literally I believe I spent pretty much all day
sunday reading reviews everybody said these come on small but just the stand
up a little bit tight Doc's wagging his tail so I think he likes them um yeah
I'm quite excited that they fit every Larry though they are pretty epic but
they are quite flaring yeah good to see me walking on the street nice why didn't
you put contrasting laces in my qy4 let's talk a bit more about shoe so what
do I think they're very bouncy I couldn't do any exercise in these that's
for sure because they feel too bouncy around the heel and doesn't feel as much
support for any sort of exercise these are definitely very much in life
she and on the inside what I didn't see when I first openly look at that 1972
sneakers they're actually older than this to be gotta be a bit cheeky on this
channel but yeah they are I like this not my usual style sneaker
at all I have to say but it was just think about these when he showed in to
me and I think just been a sneak inch that I needed to scratch and I think I'm
gonna have to get those ALC yeah it means important from the US which means
an expensive delivery charge a risk and a potential tax bill for import as well
so it could be expensive but so I'm quite pleased these fit I'm gonna wait
I'm around the half of it just to sort of double check I definitely do fit me
properly and my feet are gonna rub too much bit yeah don't believe everything
you read they're not that small that I would say they're pretty true to size so
as I said UK six we talk to wrap up pegs
I thought you do know
okay he's Hank green now I need to go shopping for us to new clothes go there
is that enough in in my spa naina we will be doing some on feet of these as
well I think these need to be shown on feet just so that you can get a real
real feel for the shoe I think they're actually a bit of a weird one I don't as
I said it's not a natural shoe for me design-wise you have to see them on the
foot as in for me personally and my taste is
I know it's classic and no it's a classic but it wouldn't be something
that I would naturally be drawn to I'm very predictable when it comes to my
choice of shoe there we go pine stuff that's a bit of a
late night ramble in unboxing there but if you like this sort of thing give us
the old thumbs up thanks to all our new subscribers I think we've hit 160 so
thank you to everybody and thank you for the comments as well and we will see you
very soon in another video if not we will see you on Sunday for stream in
Sunday at 8 p.m. British summer time when it's not really some time anymore
noon on cific and 3 p.m. over in New York with truly global here here Sunday
Alesso & Anitta – Is That For Me (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:01.[Intro] Is that for me?
[Verse 1] Oooh, come a little bit closer
Come and get a little piece of mine, yea Let me, take over
Nothing wrong with feeling right Oh no, don't be selfish
It's getting late look at the time Been thinking 'bout it all day
What we gon' do about it tonight?
[Pre-Chorus] Up against the wall, up against the wall
No holding back now No tapping out now
No turnin' back now Catching feelings no, catching feelings no
Let's go away now Savor the taste now
Wanna know now...
[Break] Is that for me?
Is that for me?
Is that for me?
[Verse 2] Oooh, lemme back up on it
Hold on we going for a ride, yea 'Ready know you want it
Know you wanna take all my time But you can't be stingy
Gotta gimme gimme what I like Been thinking 'bout it all day
What we gon' do tonight?
[Pre-Chorus] Up against the wall, up against the wall
No holding back now (oh no) No tapping out now (oh no)
No turnin' back now Catching feelings no, catching feelings no
Let's go away now Savor the taste now
Wanna know now...
[Break] Is that for me?
Is that for me?
Is that for me?
[Break] Is that for me?
Is that for me?
Is that for me?
PINK FOLKS SHOULD SET DOWN. WIN 20170926 21 15 40 Pro - Duration: 10:21.-------------------------------------------
Xbox One X – Feel True Power Teaser: Veins - Duration: 0:16.[XBOX SOUND]
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road (Werchter 7/9/16) cam mix video - Duration: 6:32.-------------------------------------------
Random Overwatch Highlights - Ep. 60 - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
[한글자막] Alaska Thunderfuck - Valentina (Despacito 패러디) - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
GUMMY FOOD PIZZA!! (GUMMY FOOD VS. REAL FOOD) - Duration: 19:19.oh we got pizza mmm it smells so good let's open it up
gummy pizza whoa and check this out we got gummy hotdogs and gummy hamburgers
too oh yeah Sharer'ss you won't
believe what I got for dessert! What is going on Sharer's welcome to the blog
welcome to another awesome day now yes Sharer's there is still a snake in the
pond somewhere we have still not been able to find it so if you see it come
right now if you see the snake it is somewhere in the pond still and remember
last fall when we said we had a surprise few wool shares yes we have a surprise
for you check out what we got in here shares if
you don't already know what this is if you ever get this box in the mail that
means you want a swag pack that means you got first comment on one of our
videos and your swag pack came in but shares we have a new swag pack you've
got to check this out here come on inside I'll show you oh there's otter
hi baby otter I see you you're all clean yes shares that's right I gave otter a
bath and he's all clean say hi to the shares hi baby
oh and there's Liz whoa whoa hi Liz what's going on what are you wearing is
that what you're gonna be for Halloween
oh it's so epic I'm ordering pizza for Carter because he's trying to snack
again do you want pepperoni on yours oh yeah I love pepperoni yeah oh yeah
shares pizzas on its way okay let's go down the basement let's show Carter what
came in oh did you see the new swag boxes that came in all right come down
to the basement we're gonna show Carter shares something super special or is in
these five packs and there's a bunch of noise in the basement what is going on
Carter what is all that noise down there harder Carter what are you doing you're
making so much noise welcome to the vlog check it out I may take a little box or
village we have to box four and then we also have the
Lego box were making like a little village and it's all in front of the
fans oh oh this looks so good you could pick which house you want to do 24-hour
challenge in I don't know if I want to do it in the Haunted box for because
it's kind of scary yeah I'm like scared to go in there and it's like daytime
we've been in here at night and it was super scary if you haven't seen that
vlog you gotta check it out there was a haunted box where 3 a.m. challenge is so
scary by the way Carter guess what came in the mail the updated swag packs what
yes the shares Carter has not seen this yet but inside is something Carter and I
designed it's so epic and it finally came in so you ready to check it out who
is this so awesome so this is the official new swag pack so shares the
cool thing about a swag pack is they're totally free they're super rare because
they're made by Carter me and the only way to get it is by getting first
comment on one of our videos so if you haven't already subscribe turn on post
notifications is that your alarm because our videos go live at 3 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time so Carter you ready to open it wait so does that mean if you
got first comment on this video you win the swag pack yeah the new swag packs
are out so you'll be winning this okay I can't wait to open it up ready careful
oh it looks so good shares you ready Carter this is the official new swag
pack card check it out it even says and fine print official swag pack winner
this is super official and you flip it over and check it out it's signed by
both Stephen and me and it's got to share the love logos and the best part
about this thing check it out Oh spin so hard
yeah and it's metal so it's super rock solid super sturdy and super official
yeah major shout out to Roman whitey Alex Trent and Kevin Roman because you
all got first common in our last videos so you'll be getting the updated play
button all this thing is so awesome look at the back I love how this spins boom
oh so that's cool I love this thing that straight
shears Eve not erase subscribe hit that subscribe button
Turner post notifications isn't that right corner yeah and win a swag pack
whoa Oh Steve you know home in charge of lunch today hi Liz just ordered pizza
Liz ordered food that's great I worded food too you did yeah what's your order
super delicious food I can't wait to show you when it comes in the meantime
let's sit up a little table so we can eat in the box where village I'm
thinking if you can put like a little table here a little lunch in the box
reveals Oh perfect let's grab a table I would grab the tablecloth oh sure check
this out here is a Lego nerf gun here is the world's smallest low it's so little
it's so little here is a mega Lego nerf gun oh that
thing is huge the dart that goes inside it oh my gosh
that's way bigger than a regular Nerf dart yeah it actually shoots too and
shares check this out I didn't see last vlog check this out
whoa the world's biggest Lego nerf gun yeah this thing is so big check out the
missile of a dart that it shoots it's this big it fits in there and then let's
go back to the world smalls this is the world's smallest it actually shoots and
this thing is so small that it could fit inside here too like the whole gun is so
tiny this gun is massive so yeah we got quite
the collection of Lego nerf guns comment a hashtag Lego if you've seen one of
these blogs they're awesome now let's get these off the table we can
remove this oh this one is my favorite by far and it's just enormous I don't
think any think it's gonna fit on this other table gosh barely gonna fit oh it
just fit you want to see a magic trick yeah now you see it now you just pulled
it off the table you're not a magician oh yeah you want to see your cool magic
trick huh yeah I do let see what you got check this out now
you see me whoa Steven where are you
woah that was screams I did not she was gonna work that was scary yeah how did
you do that go go in a Honda box for those too scary
okay little box I'm all ready to go from lunch today
make this really nice and gourmet let's pull this in half a little big oh yeah
Dada wallah that's a nice little dining table and the little mini box for
village oh yeah let's go you're gonna be the one that's hungry so let's go let's
go I'm so hungry
are you ordered so much oh my gosh sure is why don't we let card to order
food he ordered so much are you really gonna eat all this oh yeah I would be
snacking all day that's definitely more than just Pizza Carter oh yeah I got
like wanted everything on the menu hungry yeah sorry the pizza oh I am off
at the gourmet food counter okay yeah we are gonna be starting with the pizza
today who smells so good doesn't it ah smells good a bit car what kind of did
you order oh yeah I guess what do you think ah I bet you ordered cheese the
kind smells like cheese shares what do you think what flavor a pizza did I
order cumin hashtag Carter and what flavor you think I ordered
I'm guessing cheese hashtag Carter and cheese okay let's see what you guys see
what I got let's see what it is Oh gummy yeah it's a gummy pizza what oh
my gosh it smells even better than regular pizza I know we got to cut it up
we need a pizza slicer I got the pizza slicer right here oh yeah world's cool
yeah it looks like a saw that's how cool this thing is let's see if it'll cut the
gummy pizza oh here we go you ready oh I think it's work is it working no this is
so gummy it's crazy what can't wait to try a slice oh yeah fresh cut slice
pizza it looks like real pizza give it a bite and see how it is to you it is like
multiple flavors are coming is so good what kind of flavors like cherry or what
mmm orange and lemon you think it's vanilla look at
the pizza so maybe the red pepperonis are like sharon cherry and then the
white cheese is vanilla and then what's the bread like the orange on the bottom
is orange oh that's the orange one no good the best thing about this piece
I've even tried it yet is that it smells so good oh so good I can't wait to try
it you gotta try something so amazing nothing nothing the pizzas for you I got
another one for me you ordered yourself another pizza no not another pizza I got
something else entirely for me I'm gonna sit down you're gonna serve it to me
it's right there in the tinfoil this thing yep what is in here is my
cheeseburger your cheeseburger yeah it's open this thing up I'm so
hungry I need to eat something well put it on oh yeah wait that's a gummy
cheeseburger yeah do tell it's gummy it looks like a real looks real whoa you
can see the cheese though meat patty the lettuce oh my gosh even the tomato looks
like you're dripping out this time lookit that looks real and it's got the
sesame seeds on top of the bun oh wow that's so cool this definitely looks
like a real cheeseburger I can't wait to try it should I start with like the
cheese yeah start with the cheese what flavor is it okay what flavor is it
cheese right hmm lemon Pullman hmm it's weird because I'm
thinking of cheese yes lemon taste so good I take a bite of the whole burger I
just bite the whole thing oh I'm so excited I'm so hungry this is like the
perfect snack ever find if I to fight it Oh mmm it's it hard to eat it's probably
hard to eat because it's a giant coming what's it taste like so many different
flavors it's definitely like cherry and a green apple and this one's like orange
and this is the lemon Oh green apple that's so cool so it's like all the best
flavors mixed together into one gummy cheeseburger this is so good Sharon's
would you eat this comment right now hashtag gummy if you eat this whole
thing oh yeah sure is if you love this gummy
lunch that I ordered you're gonna love dessert just stick around and wait till
I show you what I got for dessert uh whatever card I got for dessert
shares is going to be crazy Oh cards you getting for Liz oh I almost forgot yeah
hey Liz I got you some lunch come and eat what'd you get me write this down
a little mini cafe this is our gourmet take Oh mom hungry
oh that's but close your eyes this is gonna be a surprise it's a special kind
of fruit you ready for it okay here we go in three two one giant gummy
watermelon I know I can smell it from here so good I wonder if it's gonna
taste like Waterman home let's look at this real quick
it actually has seeds on in everything it was the best part is that this is
lunch I bite ready and go oh oh it's so gummy oh what's it taste like there's
like a watermelon so really oh it's so oh my gosh mmm hey don't need it all I
want to try some here have a piece I want some of the green yes you try
fusili green what flavor is that mmm oh it's too big he's like watermelon the
Greens watermelon oh this is the best lunch ever I love water below is so good
Wow I didn't know so many people are gonna be joining me for my delicious
lunch we're gonna need more seedings and more tables oh yeah let's expand in
three two one whoa this is much better now I got enough room for all three of
us we got a bigger table now we can eat but we have more food we have the second
course coming out is everyone ready okay the second course we got hot dogs oh
yeah check it out open them up oh my goodness
these looks so cool I got an open mind oh no way look at
this this is an edible gummy hotdog oh my goodness oh this looks so good Steve
it smells like cherry orange and maybe lemon yeah my guess is that the hotdog
part is gonna be watermelon flavor what do you think mm I think it's cherry you
think it's cherry take a bite on the count of three you
both ready yeah okay here we go three two one and hmm
what's the flavor you're having troubles come on bite it fight it Liz what flavor
do you think it is mmm definitely cherry it's definitely orange
and that this is cherry and lemon it's so good oh I wish I had a hot dog that's
okay sure is because for my second course I got something a little better
than just a hot dog is it in this box right here Carter yeah it's in this box
oh okay I need you to guess before over this right now guess what you think my
second course is because I promise you're never gonna guess this one so
crazy I promise no one's gonna guess it Oh chicken leg mm-hmm you gotta get this
crazier than that I've no idea rym so even crazier than that I don't
know Cher's if you know coming right now hashtag gummy and what you think's
inside that box my second course here we go let's open it Oh what it's corn on
the cob that real corn yeah it's real gummy course oh it looks like real-life
corn it does look like real corn whoa yeah that's crazy Cordy you gotta try it
what's on the back and the back is the best because it's green oh it's probably
watermelon on the back yeah I'm trying to be healthy sure so I got myself a
vegetable I'm gonna eat it like a piece of corn to corn on the cob oh my god
can't eat it go go go mmm Oh what flavor is it mmm yeah what's it taste like I'm
so good at lemon watermelon what is it it's two flavors mixed together I can't
sell let me try a bite of the yellow and then a bite of the green and I let's try
to figure it out I would try the green first let's see what is the green flavor
mmm the green is green apple on the back oh no way it tastes so good
and I wonder what the yellow flavor is mm hmm hmm only yellow is definitely
lemon oh that's so cool lemon on the front and green apple on the back it's
so good Liz you gotta try oh it's so gummy Oh listen yuge buy it
yeah that's a big bug this is eating all my candy food all the shares we have so
much got me through cards it's time for dessert
yeah it's almost time for dessert but one more thing it's again this is the
third course and it's for everyone third course for everyone yeah this is
gonna be a good one here comes a third course for the gummi lodge here it is
it's shish kebabs shish kebab marshmallows oh it's all assortments of
different kind of gummies and marshmallows oh my gosh
it would smell so good a little cheeseburger on there oh yeah oh wow
krabby patty I love my gosh Steve what and you won't believe what's right there
look there's a fried egg oh my gosh our Friday I'm gonna pull that off so we can
see Oh check out the Friday it's so cool you gotta try it see what flavor it is
yolk and everything mmm tastes like egg no I'm just kidding it is like pineapple
so oh that sounds so good Liz what did you get on yours my a pink marshmallow
Oh perfect that's so good oh that's so cute Oh check this out I got a pickle on
mine Oh a pickle let's see what it tastes like yeah what
flavor is the pickle mmm it's green apple who hurt your eyes they're so good
okay I can't wait to try my third course okay I'm gonna try this one right here
this looks good Oh got a lot of weird stuff on it too
I'm gonna take off the marshmallow and then immediately like what is this a
mini pizza is this a little mini pizza slice cuz it's like brown it looks kind
of gross yeah you think this is gonna be good Sharon's what do you think he
thinks is gonna taste good yeah I'm gonna try this gonna be good
mmm what whoa what's it taste like it has no flavor Oh little egg oh look I
got a little cheeseburger it's a little krabby patty
oh it's got the bun and then it's got a pickle and what is this yellow one just
oh it's the cheese and I've got the burger and then the bottom bun so it's a
full cheese burger look at this share this is awesome I can't wait
this Oh mmm whoa there's so many different flavor this one's crazy
Cory you see we still a desert sand I'll need everything oh I almost forgot
we have desert oh it's dessert time shares come on let's go get the dessert
I can't wait to show you what we got there it is yours
Stephen listen here is the dessert what is gonna be this dessert it's big I'll
tell you that much right now it's a big chairs what is this let's open it up
you're ready whoa look at this it's a giant gummy bear what how big is that
thing yeah it's pretty big let's open it up and see just how big it really is
what flavor do we get I have no idea oh it's sherry flavor oh yeah let's see
whoa it's so big Stephen hold it up well we got to open this thing whoa heavy
it's the heaviest gummy bear ever yeah I think I said it's five pounds whoa I can
smell it from here it's so smelly it's just no good yeah it's definitely cherry
Wow oh it's such a funny little cute belly button he's got a good nose and
eyes and everything oh it smells so good this is the best dessert ever you ready
to try some yeah let's do it ready yeah three two one go
whoa cherry giant gummy bear Oh lookit are you so cute sure I don't want to
bite him oh but you gotta try this dessert I'm gonna name him Tim oh it's
in the giant gummy bear oh very cool yeah I know it's a that's why shake it
so good I don't want to bite him he's so cute I'm gonna take him home before Liz
takes Tim home shares check out all the food we saw leftover we ate so much of
these gummy foods but Carter Sharer, there's still so much left over you ordered so
much yeah I think I ordered too much we eat a lot but there's still so much food
so what we do with all the leftover shares comment right now a hash tag
gummy and what we should do with our gummy leftovers oh yeah sure as well
this was our yummy and delicious gummy food vlog we hope you liked it oh yeah I
know I like this one there's like where Sarah vlog over
hmm I love the pizza and tomorrow's vlog goes live at 3 p.m. and first concert
gets a swag tag oh yeah sure isn't until next time you
know what to do stay awesome and share the love, peace!
#Two years ago Miguel Britos did THIS to Alvaro Morata... now they meet again - Duration: 3:03.Two years ago Miguel Britos did THIS to Alvaro Morata... now they meet again
ALVARO MORATA will come up against old foe Miguel Britos as Chelsea entertain Watford in the early kick-off.
Back in May 2015, Britos, then playing for Napoli headbutted Juventus striker Morata as his side crashed to a 3-1 defeat.
Last time Miguel Britos came up against Alvaro Morata he headbutted him in a Serie A game.
Unsurprisingly Britos was shown a straight red card and was banned for three games.
Morata was left with a bloody nose from the attack, but won his side a penalty for the crucial third goal.
Now the two players are set for their first meeting since that fateful day, and it could be a tasty affair.
Surprise package Watford make the short trip to Stamford Bridge looking to inflict a third straight Premier League defeat on Antonio Conte.
Alvaro Morata was left with a bloody nose after his last meeting with Miguel Britos.
Juventus went on to win the game against Napoli 3-1 - with Alvaro Morata winning a penalty after being headbutted by Miguel Britos.
The Hornets have been superb this season and are fourth going into this one after a 2-1 win over Arsenal last week.
Defending champions Chelsea have been beaten three times already and went down by the same scoreline to Crystal Palace - who were previously point-less and without a goal.
A 3-3 midweek draw with Roma did nothing to help the mood around the Bridge and the Italian needs his side to bounce back from their recent slump with three points.
Chelsea have an injury crisis in midfield and will have to improvise on Saturday lunchtime.
David Luiz and Tiemoue Bakayoko picked up knocks against Roma, joining Danny Drinkwater and NGolo Kante on the treatment table.
Watford could welcome back Sebastien Prodl and Craig Cathcart is a game-time decision in defence.
Troy Deeney will lead the line and look to build on his goal against Arsenal.
Miguel Britos will be hoping to get the chance to come up against Alvaro Morata again.
Alvaro Morata is expected to be fit to lead the line for Chelsea today.
DIVISION, UNEQUIVOCALLY. WIN 20170927 10 57 45 Pro - Duration: 12:24.-------------------------------------------
CA Technologies Privileged ...-------------------------------------------
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Audi Q5 - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Hemrex Football Cup U14 Lyngby BK - Halmstad BK (3-2) 21.10.2017 - Duration: 51:29.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
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VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Seat Leon - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
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Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
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La césarienne n'est pas une solution de facilité - Duration: 7:19.-------------------------------------------
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NATURE CAT | Run! Hide! Run! Hide! | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:20.Ready or not, here we come!
Found ya! Hi, Nature Cat!
It's me, Hal!
Really, Hal? That took you, like, a second to find me!
Actually half a second.
Nature Cat, if you really wanna win
this year's Neighbourhood Hide and Seek Championship,
Cat Edition, you've got to practice!
You certainly do! And we'll help you train for it!
What do you say?
I say, okay!
I say, hooray!
Oh, hello, Nature Cat!
Hello, Ronald...
Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat.
It doesn't matter how much you practice.
No one can beat me in hide and seek!
Found ya!
Found ya!
Found ya!
I'm the best there ever was!
Wow! He's good! I mean really good.
Probably the best there ever was.
I mean ever! Like, the best. Like the best.
Okay, Hal, we get it...
What do I have to do?
(Blowing whistle)
Yeah, that's it, Nature Cat!
Run! Hide!
Oh, boy.
SQUEEKS: Run! Hide!
Run! Hide! Run!
Oh, he's got it!
Ha ha!
For more infomation >> NATURE CAT | Run! Hide! Run! Hide! | PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Love On Top - Érica e Bernardo envolvidos sexualmente - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Love On Top - Érica e Bernardo envolvidos sexualmente - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Pies with cabbage and meat tbsp - Duration: 8:14.Pirozhki with cabbage and with meat in the oven from the yeast dough
If you get in the way of subtitles - turn them off!
Hello! My name is Dina. I greet you in my kitchen and on the "Recipe Collection" channel.
Today we will prepare pies made of yeast dough, baked in the oven.
As a filling, I will use meat and stewed cabbage, and you can take any other at your discretion.
Dough for these pies I prepared in the previous video, look, if not seen, leave a reference in the description.
From this test, you can also bake pies, poultry or pies with potatoes, mushrooms, onions and eggs, with rice or fish.
Let's start cooking, first we'll prepare the fillings.
For meat stuffing I ground minced meat, I have beef, but you can use any meat or poultry,
and now cut a small cube into one large onion.
For the preparation of stewed cabbage we prepare the following products:
Cut the onion into small cubes.
Carrots rub on a large grater.
Sweet Bulgarian pepper is cut into thin strips.
If desired, you can add finely chopped hot pepper.
Next, prepare the tomatoes.
I took fresh, cut them into slices to grind in a blender.
You can grind them on a meat grinder or completely replace with a ready-made tomato paste or puree,
and also to use any tomato sauce.
It remains to chop the cabbage, which we cut with not very long thin straws.
All products are prepared, go to the stove to cook both toppings.
We install on the stove two frying pans, warm them up and pour in the vegetable oil.
Pour the chopped onion and fry until lightly golden.
In the frying pan, where we will extinguish the cabbage, add the carrots and fry it along with the onion until soft.
Then add chopped sweet and hot pepper and fry all vegetables for a couple of minutes.
We pour tomato puree and mix well.
Meanwhile, in a frying pan, in which we prepare meat stuffing, we spread meat minced meat to a well-fried onion,
all carefully mix and cover with a lid, so that the meat is well-stained.
Then, in a frying pan with tomato sautéed in tomato, spread the cut cabbage, mix it,
cover with a lid and leave the cabbage stew.
Along the way we follow the meat minced meat, periodically stirring it and, if necessary, stretching the meat balls.
You can add a little bit of water or broth
and give him another puff under the lid, so that the meat is fully prepared.
At the end of the cooking, add both salt and pepper to both frying pans,
and in a cabbage filling also add a spoonful of sugar.
Both fillings are ready.
Finished ground beef lightly grind in a blender to make the filling more homogeneous.
Here's to such a state.
But this can not be done.
Before molding pies, you need to give the fillings completely cool,
we put them into separate bowls and while they cool down, let's do the test.
How to make a yeast dough for these pies I showed in a separate video.
Sprinkle the flour on the work surface and put the dough on it.
Cut off the strip of dough from the edge, divide into equal pieces weighing approximately 40 grams.
and roll the palms of smooth balls, spreading them a smooth side on the table.
But there is another way of making such balls, I personally like this option.
Sprinkle the prepared balls with flour and roll out small cakes.
You can each roll out separately or as my case, just a few.
In the middle of each cake we spread the filling
and tear the dough from opposite sides to give the pie a "boat" shape.
This method of modeling is considered the simplest and most common, although there are many other interesting and unusual ways.
We shift the patties with a seam down onto a greased baking sheet, parchment paper or a silicone mat.
Stack the patties not too tightly to each other so that when baking they do not stick together, but turned rosy from all sides.
And now we will prepare the lezon, which we will lubricate the surface of the pies at the end of the proofing before baking.
To do this, in a small bowl, beat out the egg, lightly beat it with a fork,
add 2 tablespoons. a spoonful of milk and mix well, Llezon is ready.
We send baking trays with pies to a warm place without drafts to a proofing, so that they slightly increase in volume.
And while pies with meat are suitable, prepare pies with cabbage.
We repeat all the same actions.
The only difference is that pies with cabbage cook in the form of triangles.
To do this, we patch the sides of the flat cake on three sides so that a triangle is formed,
and immediately turn the pies suture down.
Meanwhile pies with meat came up, they were on a proofing for 20 minutes.
We lubricate them with prepared lezones.
And I also wanted to sprinkle them with sesame seeds.
We send the baking tray into a well-heated oven,
temperature in which 180-200 ° C (356-392 ° F) and bake for 15-20 minutes.
Then we take them out of the oven, and while they are still hot lubricated with melted butter.
And now we lay out pies with cabbage on the baking tray, grease them with lezones and send them to the oven.
The duration of the baking always depends on the size, shape of the product and the taste of the dough.
Small, low and low-cost products are baked faster,
than large, tall and with lots of muffins.
After 20 minutes we take out pies with cabbage from the oven and also grease with melted butter,
which will give them a pleasant creamy flavor and make them softer.
Our patties with cabbage and with meat from yeast dough are ready!
They turned out beautiful, soft, lush, very tasty, with a golden crust.
From one portion of the dough, depending on the size, from 30 to 40 patties are obtained.
I was preparing a double portion of the dough, and in the end I got 66 pieces.
Delicious pies made of dough at home, perhaps,
one of the best options for both sweet and savory baking.
Let me remind you that you can find a reference to the video-recipe for making pastry for these pies in the description under the video.
I wish everyone a pleasant appetite!
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Subscribe to my YouTube channel - "Collection of Recipes" and if you want to receive notifications about new videos, do not forget to click the bell.
I have other recipes for sweet and savory baked goods on the canal, as well as a recipe for these patties.
All links on the screen and in the description.
With you was Dina. Up to new meetings and delicious recipes!
For more infomation >> Pies with cabbage and meat tbsp - Duration: 8:14.-------------------------------------------
Un truc simple pour enlever complètement les pesticides des fruits et des légumes. - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Un truc simple pour enlever complètement les pesticides des fruits et des légumes. - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Voir ce qui arrive quand vous buvez du café sur un estomac vide - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Voir ce qui arrive quand vous buvez du café sur un estomac vide - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
5 aliments magiques pour faire pousser vos cheveux rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 6:36.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> 5 aliments magiques pour faire pousser vos cheveux rapidement - France 365 - Duration: 6:36.-------------------------------------------
Nissan 370Z : pas de révolution mais de belles « Z'évolutions »-Nouvelles De Voitures - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Nissan 370Z : pas de révolution mais de belles « Z'évolutions »-Nouvelles De Voitures - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
[lIVE-PC][FR] RETOUR DES LIVES !!!! - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> [lIVE-PC][FR] RETOUR DES LIVES !!!! - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
As It Is "Okay" [idobi Session]-------------------------------------------
Fishing rod test - Duration: 0:43.Hi there, welcome to my channel!
Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.
I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.
Thanks for the likes and comments!
Lauv - Easy Love (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:46.If you see this, please comment "I love you" on comment section ~
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