Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 30 2017

Siva, you are so annoying. Can you leave me alone?

Who is it?

One minute.

Its Siva. we broke up last week.

He is irritating me now.

Put it on speaker.

I will put it on speaker but you can't say anything.

I won't say anything. Put it on speaker.

Yeah, you were shouting something...?

yeah, i was saying...

In your hard times, i have always been beside you.

I was with you when you failed your final year exam.

I was with you when you were searching for a job for 1 year.

When you lost your job in 20 days, i was just next to you.

When there was a fight in Orchard,even then i was right beside you.

He is being correct.


Yeah, its me, K.K's mom.

When you got sick and was admitted to the hospital, he was right next to you.

yes, aunty, you are amazing!

Yes i am.

When you had an accident with the taxi, he was also there beside you.

Yes, K.K, listen to your mother.

What we know from this information is...

Whenever something bad happens to you, siva was right beside you.

Omg, yes aunty, you tell her.

What is the meaning of this?

He is your bad luck.


He is your devil.

If after this, you both get back together and something happens to K.K, i'll come after you.

Are you ready to take that chance?

Mother, priya is on the line. she wants to talk to you.


Her ex-boyfriend is torturing her.

So help her the same way you helped me.

And also, i have 6 girlfriends who have the same problem.

You can totally help them!

Okay, give me your phone.

Hello, priya?

yes, she told me.

I have a question.

Does your mother know about your boyfriend?

She doesn't know? Give the phone to your mother.

For more infomation >> MOM HELPS ME BREAKUP! - Duration: 2:13.


Как рассчитать цену квартиры студии для ее продажи. - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Как рассчитать цену квартиры студии для ее продажи. - Duration: 2:23.


ESO Skin Guide - Get 7 FREE SKINS for the Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 4:46.

Hello everyone, my name is Tianlein and today we talk about

skins which you can acquire for free in the elder scrolls online

I will show you how the skins look like and how and where you can obtain them

With free i mean that you don`t have to buy them with crowns but in this case you will

need to be able to access some of the DLC`s

Also you have to be aware that you have to

complete some difficult content to obtain these skins

For the first two skins you need access to the Shadow of the Hist DLC

Both Dungeons are not the easiest ones and you need to complete multiple achievements

to get these skins

To track your progress you can find an achievement overview in your achievement journal

To acquire the Amber Plasm skin you have to complete the Ruins of Mazzatun challanger

achievement of the Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun Dungeon

For example you have to complete the veteran Ruins of mazzatun dungeon without suffering

a group member death.

Then you have to successfully complete a speedrun of the dungeon in veteran difficulty and

defeat all bosses in 30 minutes Additionaly you have to defeat the dungeon

bosses on veteran hardmode

The Spiderkith Skin is obtainable in the veteran Cradle of Shadows dungeon

and you have to complete the "Cradle of Shadows Challenger" achievement

You have to accomplish also a no death run, a speed run and defeat the last boss on hardmode

on veteran difficulty of the cradle of shadows dungeon

The Dreadhorn Shaman Skin can be obtained in the the Falkreath Hold Dungeon which is

part of the Horns of the Reach DLC

For completing the Falkreath Hold Challenger Achievement you will be awarded with the Dreadhorn

Shaman Skin

here you have to complete a speed run, a no

death run and also defeat the last boss on hardmode on veteran

difficulty of Falkreath Hold Dungeon

If you own the Imperial city DLC you can try to acquire the Soul shriven Skin

Don`t forget that the Imperial City and the Imperial city Sewers are a PvP area

This Skin can be found in the center of the Imperial Sewers, the Barathrum Centrat

In the center of the room are three portals which spawn random Xivkyn generals during

their final wave

After you closed all three portals the boss a simulacrum of Molag Bal will be summoned.

There is a very rare chance to get the Soul Shriven skin by defeating the Simulacrum of

Molag Bal

It's important to note that a maximum of twelve players can earn the event reward,

that means when you fight with more, that some people will get nothing from the Sumulacrum


To receive the following skins you have to complete specfic Trials on veteran difficulty

Not only that you need to find a group of 12 people to be able to complete this trials,

you also have to keep in mind that these veteran trials are one of the hardest contents in

the elder scrolls online

To be able to obtain for the dro-m'athra skin you need to have access to the thieves guild dlc

If complete the Trial Maw of Lorkhaj on veteran difficulty you will be rewarded with the dro-m'athra skin

The next Skin can be obtained in Vvardenfell.

You need to own the Morrowind chapter to be able to access Vvardenfell

If you successfully complete the Trial halls of Fabricaton on Veteran mode you will be

awarded with the Fabrication Sheath

In the clockwork city dlc you have the opportunity to obtain the Sanctified Silver Skin

You have to successfully defeat the bosses Saint Olms and his allies Saint Llothis and

Saint Felms in the Trial Asylum Sanctorium on veteran difficulty.

Only when you fight and defeat all three bosses at the same time, which is the hardest configuration

of the trial, you will earn the Sanctified Silver skin.

I hope you enjoyed my overview of all collectible skins in the elder scrolls online

Thanks for watching and it would be amazing if you subscribe, like or leave me a comment

Have a good day and until next time


For more infomation >> ESO Skin Guide - Get 7 FREE SKINS for the Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 4:46.


Reformation: Why Should I Care? Grace - Duration: 3:40.

Tomorrow marks the 500th anniversary of

the Protestant Reformation.

You may not have known this,

but this is a significant event.

Some people rate this as a top 10 event, top five event,

not just in Christian history, but the history of the world,

how it changed the landscape of the world

and Christianity forever.

So I want to talk about some things that

came out of the Reformation,

and why you should care about this big event.

If you don't know the story,

there was a young monk named Martin Luther.

At 25 years old, he's pretty bright,

they assigned him to teach in the University of Wittenburg.

Then, at the age of 33, he had concerns

about what the church was teaching,

and was it teaching things that were contrary to God's Word?

So he posted on the church doors of Wittenburg,

you can still go there, I would not go this week

because it'll be busy.

But you can still go there today and see,

like, a bulletin board, where he posted

what is known as the "95 Theses."

His intention was not to break up the church.

His intention was not to start his own sect.

His intention was to go back to God's Word

and see what it says.

So what comes from the Reformation?

Why should you care?

If you grew up in a church, or you're part of a church now,

very likely, it's Catholic or Protestant.

And at that point in history, the tree,

the ancestral tree of the church, becomes two branches.

Roman Catholic on one side, and Protestant on the other.

That would include Methodist and Baptist,

non-denominational, Lutheran, Presbyterian.

All of these find their roots way back when

in this Reformation.

So what comes from the Reformation?

It's not just a renewed look at my faith alone.

It's not just getting the Bible into people's hands.

It's not just a new look at how people work and function

and how they can serve God in whatever they do.

The biggest thing

is grace.

God's riches at Christ's expense, grace.

God does everything for us.

I think back to a story 1500 years earlier,

as a man stood before Jesus, and Jesus said,

"Who do you say that I am?"

That man was Peter.

He says, you are the Christ.

You are the son of the living God.

And Jesus' response is this.

We're celebrating a reformation not to celebrate

a human being, let's be very clear.

We're not celebrating even a denomination.

What we're celebrating is Christ.

And I think it's an amazing blessing

that 1500 years before the Reformation,

God, through the Holy Spirit, worked in the heart of Peter

to confess Christ.

In the hearts of all the reformers,

from 1300 to the 1600s, got worked in their hearts

to confess Christ just as he does today in you.

Let's pray.

Dear Lord, as we think about significant events in history,

we think about our own history.

The time that we came to faith,

we think about the time that we have grown up in your Word.

We pray that we always stay true to your Word,

and we're willing to have that same courage of the reformers

as we confess boldly Christ, and we confess boldly grace.


I have some really exciting news to share with you today.

The generous couple that donated, just a few weeks ago,

the dollar for dollar matching grant

were so thrilled with the results,

they want to do it again.

So every gift you give today will be doubled,

dollar for dollar, up to $2,500.

So if you'd like to do that,

just click on the link in this post,

and you can see the impact of your gift doubled.

For more infomation >> Reformation: Why Should I Care? Grace - Duration: 3:40.


Neighbours VS Time Travel - Webisode 1 - Duration: 12:29.

- G'day.

- Awfully quiet with Ben and Elly away for the whole night.

- Sorry, what was that?

- Oh doesn't matter.

D'you think that's enough guitar for one night?

- Oh darling I'm so close to cracking the melody.

This could be a big hit you know.


- Well you do know you've been saying that since 1976?

- Maybe if I wasn't interrupted so often.

- Well excuse me for wanting to have a night

in with you and the blue box.

- The blue box?

- Mm-hm.

So do you think your music career can wait

a couple of hours?

- Just give me five minutes.

Don't start without me.

- Get out.

Get out there.

Go on.


- Paul?

What are you doing?

- You, are you a professional musician?

- Sorry, what?

- Well tell me are you or not?

- Depends.

Does Oodles o' Noodles count?

- No.

- No, no, no, no.

So you're just a doctor yeah?

- Just?

- And you.

You two are married yeah?

- For now.

- I cannot tell you the day that I have had.

- Oh really?

Did you have a peeping tom hiding in your wardrobe?

- Paul, what are you into?

- Hey.

I've seen what's in the blue box, alright?

Yeah, it all started at Lassiters.

Terese was finding ways to press my buttons.

- Am I still the manager of this hotel?

- Yes.

- And is it not part of my job description

to organise special events?

- Yes, but this, this is ridiculous.

I couldn't even get out of the lift for fake cobwebs.

So what are the guests gonna think eh?

- It's Halloween?

- Just get rid of it.

All of it.

- Okay, fine.

- Thank you.

- Tomorrow.

Oh and Paul, before you go.

Trick or treat?

- Are you trying to be the most annoying person

in the world, or does it just come naturally?

- Sorry.

People do say I suck.

- Well are you going to give it to me or not?

The trick?

- They found it in the corner of the mail room.

- So what would you have given me if I'd said treat?

- The same case.

I just would have told you the real cobwebs were real.

I'll leave you to it.

- Oh Terese, come on.

- Trophy wife got you in strife?

- Courtney?


And don't call her that.

No, it's just work stuff.

- I always thought you'd end up with Terese.

- Since when did you have an opinion

on your granddad's love life?

- What's in the box?

- Ah.

You can have it if you want.

- Thanks.

- Yeah you kids aren't really into these

old fashioned techo toys are you?

- Nah.

I mean I used to be when I was a kid but.

- Yeah, why didn't I spend more time with you then, eh?

- Didn't know I existed?

- Hey listen, do you want to have a bit of

a kick around with the footy down at the park?

Come on I've got a mean right foot.

- I'm sorta late for a deathmatch.

But you know, I've got a spare controller

if you'd like to join in.

- Yeah, maybe later.

- Cool, well I'll see you later.

- Okay.

- See ya.

- Yeah.

- For when you wish your life turned out differently.

Use wisely.

Somehow, I'd travelled back to 1985.

Did you hear what I just said?

- Oh, every word.

- And?

- Well, I'm trying to work out whether you've

depleted Lassiters' entire supply of scotch.


- Yeah I know.

It's a little confusing.

- Oh I'm confused alright.

I can't work out whether this is a prank, or a scam?

- No, no, no.

I want to hear all about the '80s.

Don't we Susan?

- Sure.

By all means.

Go ahead.

Tell us more.

Did you meet Wham?

- No actually I met myself.

Even talked to me.

- You talked to you.

- Yeah.

Yeah for hours.

You know actually kind of seemed normal after a while.

- So d'you ever think about what sort

of woman you're going to marry?

- What sort of a question?

What brought that on?

- Look, don't ask why, but when you meet

a woman called Terri Inglis, run a mile.

- Come on I want to know what you're up to.

- I'm just trying to make sure that things work for you.

Us, you know.

Hey could you give me $50?

- 50 bucks?

What for?

- Um, you know.

This and that.

- It's a bit much isn't it expecting me

to cough up that amount of money

and not know where it's going?

- Do you trust us or not.

- You're not doing anything dangerous or illegal are you?

- I can't believe you have to ask.


Oh and don't tell anyone.

- Okay.

- Once I had money invested in all the right places,

it was time to go home.

- Where are you going?

- Back to the future.

- Babe.

I thought you were away on business for a few weeks?

- Ah, yeah something came up.

Urgent account.

For Tim Collins?

- He's left the monastery?

- Yeah, yeah.

I was surprised too.

- I'm just glad you're not a monk, if you get my drift.

Meet me in the spa in 20?

- You mean you, me.

- Well if I'm not wearing any underwear down here

I'm certainly not going to be wearing

any underwear upstairs.

- Yes.

Now this was the Lassiters I had always dreamed of.

- I don't care if Ringo Brown himself wants

to bring his prize poodle,

we do not offer buffets for animals.

- Can you stop for five seconds?

Do I even matter to you at all?

- Of course.

- Then let's go away for the weekend.

Just the two of us.

- Of course we want to be competitive.

On value.

Not price.

Never price.

Can you believe some people?

- You know, sometimes I wonder if you'd even notice

if I wasn't here.

- Hey.

Don't be ridiculous okay.

Come here.

I swear if Chef Amadieu is not in

that kitchen in 30 minutes.

- Piper?

- Dad!

What are you doing here?

- Hang on Dad?

What happened to Brad?

- Drab?

My worthless excuse for a biological father?

The man with no ambition, no drive, no nothing.

The man who's wasting his life sparking one up

on a surfboard.

What about him?

- No, nothing.

Sounds the same as ever.

What's with you two?

- We're fine.

- Later P.

- Some people just don't understand

that work comes first, you know?

- Not today it doesn't.

- Marcel, I swear to God Where have you been?

- Sweetie can you bring me a bottle of bubbly?

I just need something to get me going.

- Yeah, yeah I won't be a tick, babe.

Spirit of philanthropy?

- Dad.

- You stay away from me.

- What?

I was just going to show you my new hunting knife.

- Rob?

- Duh.

Who else would it be?

- Well you know you do have an identical brother.

- You say that like he's still here.

- Is he?

- He's in here Dad.

I know it should have been me.

Fate likes to play games sometimes, doesn't it?

So d'you like it?

- Do you really need one of those?

- You're not planning on cancelling?

- No, no.

Why would I do that?

- Good.

I can't wait.

We're going to get on the fun bus,

go to the ranges together.

There's no one else around.

- Yeah, give us a look at it?


I'll get back to you on that.

I've just got to.

- I even bought us some hats.

- Oh, I've missed you.

Why have you been avoiding me?

- Sonya, I'm a married man.

Okay, why is that so funny?

- That was a joke, no?

It is approximately eight months too late

for those kind of morals Paul.

- Oh boy.

For more infomation >> Neighbours VS Time Travel - Webisode 1 - Duration: 12:29.


Astros walk-off in epic World Series win over Dodgers - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Astros walk-off in epic World Series win over Dodgers - Duration: 3:14.


Social Experiment #48 : DEPRESSION (girl version) - Duration: 8:54.

Hi everyone and welcome for a new social experiment "Would You React".

We know that adolescence isn't an easy period,

so our objective on our channel here, it's giving you some hope.

Everyone in this team had already lived this, but it's just a moment.

So, for this, our two actors of the day, Alex and Laetitia, have accepted to participate to our social experiment.

They will meet unknown people and share their problems, say they feel bad.

So, in your view, do unknown people will come in help to two teenagers they don't know ?

(Girl version)

First try.

- Excuse me. - Yes ?

- Actually, I don't feel good, and considering I don't know you, I'd like to talk about..

Because you take care of kids and maybe I could talk with you.

- But what's the problem ? - I don't know, everything is going bad..

I can't stop fighting with my parents, at school I'm not able to have good results and everyone is bullying me..

- But there is a reason for this ? - I don't know, no, but everything is bad.

- But you know, when everything is going bad.. Me I had, huh... Everyone has already lived this..

But you have to take in consideration the positive aspects of your life.

- But there is no. - There's always something.

- Except your parents, do you have a family ? - Yeah but they never listen to me, as soon as I say something, I do everything bad.

- And the problem about bad results come from this ? Or it's just that you have difficulties ? - I don't know, I can't do it..

- I think you have to focus on one thing : for example, your relation with your parents.

- Try to talk, not to keep the voice up for example.

- But they are not getting me, I don't scream, they're not getting me.

- Exactly, so you have to ask to them : can I talk to you for a moment, just the three of us and have a good conversation?

And like that, you do things step by step. Because if we try to fix everything or if we think that everything is going bad,

the pressure is too high, that's why everything is going bad et will keep going bad.

- Yes, I get it.. - Here, i don't know if it helps a little..

If we think that everything is going bad, everything will keep going bad.

- Being scout influence the open mind towards people ?

- It helps a lot, being chef like animator, it can helps because we try to include everyone without rejetting anyone.

- It can helps you think ? - I think it can helps them very well, yeah.

Anyway, animators are doing the best they can to include them, it's sure.

- Well done! - Thanks you a lot.

Second try.

When we doesn't feel good, we have to ask for help.

People does not propose their help spontaneously.

But at the contrary, they probably would help if we asked for.

How this last couple is gonna react?

-Excuse me, do you speak french ? - Yes.

- Actually, I don't feel very good. I don't know you so can I talk to you ?

- Because I need to talk to someone you know.. I don't feel good.

.. and I don't know what to do, I wanted to talk about it with you, so ..

I feel bad sir, I just need help but I don't know what to do.

I don't feel good physically, I have the impression that people are bullying me, that I suck. Can you get it ?

- okay, it's psychological.. isn't it ?

- You have to accept yourself, you're very young..

It's hard.. People keep insulting me, and, I don't know, I don't have faith in me and I can't to..

- But who is bullying you ? - At school.

- You have to talk about it with your teachers - They don't doing anything..

- How old are you ? - I'm 14.

- At 14 years old, every boys say things that aren't good..

- It's not just boys, but girls too.. Everyone. I don't know who is insulting me precisely.

- Now I have spots, dentures and I feel bad.. I don't know what to do.

- It's not about what to do but have faith and being more adult.. I'm sure that you have friends !

- Not very much, I have one..

- You live here in Brussels, it's a beautiful city, without war..

There are others childrens who have a lot of problems in the countries with war, death, ... but here it's easy..

Okay, there are childs who say bad things but they're young..

It's gonna be okay, don't worry !

- And there are a lot of teenagers that you can find in others groups : theater, ..

- You are a normal person like this one, this other one too.

My sister had problems like you when she was younger.. - And what did she do ?

- She talked with me, the family, she looked for good friends and more than that she had patience because it comes with age.

- But I keep being insulted for my physical and there is, I feel bad..

- You have a normal physical, it's okay, you're not a monster, you're a girl !

There, in our country, you would be very beautiful : have blond hair with blue eyes.. It's very rare in Spain.

Spots ? That's what it's called ? It's something that goes with age.. You have some when you're 14 but it goes when you're 15.

- But I can't overcome it, it's really awful, we have the impression that..

- You become a woman ! You're a kid and then you become a woman.

It's like butterflies, at first they are tracked then they fly away !

- I get it. - People are the same.

- Before, at 14, I didn't have my beard, after I got moustache and now I have beard.. You have to be more adult in your head.

- Even us who come from another country lived this !

A lot of people doesn't speak so they become saddest and saddest.. you have to talk!

When you're very closed with your problems, your problems got bigger, even if it's little at first.

- People respond like you : if you're closed, they will be closed.

- So, if you keep being cheerful, people in front of you are going to be nicer.

Here we are friends, a thing very surprising with girl or boy version :

we noticed that, on 6 unknow people, 5 were ready to help.

So if unknown people in the street are ready to help if we ask to them,

imagine how your friends will be too if you really take the opportunity to ask them.

We saw in the second try, girl version, that if we didn't ask help..

people aren't probably against but we not gonna propose our help.

It's important to know it : people are not gainst the idea to help you,

but it's just, sometimes, if we don't ask to them, they're not going to help us.

It's really the message to keep in mind :

If we have a problem, the impression it will never be fixed,

I have been in the same situation, and I can assure you that, with time, everything is gonna be better !

I kiss you my friends, see you for the next video.

Would You React team loves you !

For more infomation >> Social Experiment #48 : DEPRESSION (girl version) - Duration: 8:54.


Gas Tax Hike Takes Effect Wednesday - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Gas Tax Hike Takes Effect Wednesday - Duration: 2:51.


Abstract Painting Demo Acrylics using brush and water - Resudo - John Beckley - Duration: 2:28.

Thanks for watching this video.

If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me

Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.

If you want to go further and become an painter abstract I have created

a DVD called the secrets of abstract painting to help you.

And best off, you can get this DVD for free!

It's in the description below the video!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Abstract Painting Demo Acrylics using brush and water - Resudo - John Beckley - Duration: 2:28.


Watching world events - Duration: 8:16:19.

For more infomation >> Watching world events - Duration: 8:16:19.


Marvel's Spider-Man Hindi S-1 Ep-14 "Screwball Live" Full HD - Duration: 11:11.

Visit WEIofficial Website to Download Full Episode -

For more infomation >> Marvel's Spider-Man Hindi S-1 Ep-14 "Screwball Live" Full HD - Duration: 11:11.


TPD investigates homicide near University of Arizona - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> TPD investigates homicide near University of Arizona - Duration: 0:29.


No 063 V1.0 Petr Melichárek - blade 1.2379 (D2) 40° TESTER V1.0 - 58,5-59,5HRc - Duration: 37:40.

Hi everyone :) This is the test of the blade made by Petr Melicharek . Laminated D2 ekvivalent steel (1,2379 steel )

The change against the previous test (test . nr. 62) is the different bevel angle . It was changed from 30°to 40°. Everything else stands as it was ...

Lets see the edge with the microscope now and see the BESS sharpness test

Side view of the edge , 300x zoom, bevel angle is 40° , last used sharpening stone was tyrolit 17 micron

other side of the blade

Upper view of the edge , the central line is the edge .

PA rope 10 mm , lets try initial cutting force that is needed to cut this rope ..

As it is now it if force of 5N - negative , 10N - negative , 12,5N - negative

So 15 N it is .

i just want to point out here that, even sharpened this way, the edge is still able to cut into the human hair .

Lets try initial cutting performance on 20 mm rope from Lanex company.Now the force is set to 50 N.

8,71 mm , lets proceed to first ten cuts

Even on first cuts it can be seen what is the difference in cutting performance with the sharpening geometry changed. I need 3 cycles to cut it.

Now even 4 cycles

it is "jumping" a lot

10 cuts , i forgot to put here my box :)))

oh .. i forgot one important thing.I didnt show if it cuts the cigarette paper

But even now it cuts without any problems. I cant feel any no chisps or other damage.

we had 15N before - negative , 20N - negative, 22,5N - negative 25N - negative

27,5N - positive

20 cuts , everything ok . It cuts.

So we had 27,5N - negative now , 30N - negative, 32,5N - negative

35N - positive. Well I better try once more .. yes

30 cuts , well ... it wont cut cigarette paper any more ..

so we reached the cigarette paper "border line"

we had 35N - negative , 40N - possitive , 37,5N - negative. So 40N it is .

40 cuts , no chisps, it starts sliding the paper .

45N - negative , 47,5N positive

50N - edge seems ok , it still cuts a bit

I will start directly with 50N - negative , 52,5 - positive

75 cuts, it still cuts a bit

60N - negative 62,5N - positive

100 cuts , cant feel any chisps , we are done ..

Lets check the force .If we are over 70 N.

65N - negative , 70N - positive -lets try 67,5N - positive

so we will continue until we reach those 70 N.

120 cuts , it cant cut paper any more , we check the force but i think that this is over

70N - negative 72,5N - well .. hardly but positive .

Side view of the edge , lets check from the start , here is the marker ..

that is just some kind of stain

nothing .. No damage can be seen for now , here is something darker

here is the end mark

other side of the blade, I think there is nothing that has to be said .

upper view of the blade, in the middle we can see the brighter and darker spots changing

Where the line is wider and brighter , the edge is duller . This time the edge is more worn out than in previous tests. Lets check from start ..

here is the marker. Edge is fine , some polished spots , little bit more here

no damage at all

summary :

compared with previous tests, when we cut cca 300 times the 20 mm rope .Now it was 120 cuts .

roughly counted every 5° of bevel angle change, results in 50 - 60% of improvement or decrease in cutting performance of the knife.

There is no damage at all after abrasive resistance testing , and we will follow with side force resistance testing and antler striking .

Thanks for watching and have a nice day :)

For more infomation >> No 063 V1.0 Petr Melichárek - blade 1.2379 (D2) 40° TESTER V1.0 - 58,5-59,5HRc - Duration: 37:40.


Animation - episode 1 - Duration: 2:56.

Domino challenge

Domino challenge present

A few minutes later

To be continued


For more infomation >> Animation - episode 1 - Duration: 2:56.


How To Make Crispy MASALA DOSA South Indian Style | Breakfast Recipe | CookWithNisha - Duration: 7:14.

Hello Friend! Welcome to my channel " CookWithNisha"

Today's recipe is South Indian most popular dish "Masala Dosa"

first we will prepare the batter for that wash the rice 1-2 time with plain water

likewise wash the urad daal and methi dana 1-2 times

Now soak them in water for 3 hrs

after 3 hrs they are soaked in water

grind them to a fine paste

keep aside for 5 hrs to get fermented

after 5 hrs it is well fermented

add water to adjust consistency

now we will prepare masala for the dosa

take a pan and add 2 tbsp oil in it

heat it

add Mustard seeds and

add ginger paste and green chili. Saute it

add chopped onion

cook onion until light pink

add curry leaves

onion are cooked add boiled potatoes

add salt, turmeric and red chili powder

mix it well

For more infomation >> How To Make Crispy MASALA DOSA South Indian Style | Breakfast Recipe | CookWithNisha - Duration: 7:14.


The Fine Line Between Selling and Flipping a Car - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> The Fine Line Between Selling and Flipping a Car - Duration: 1:43.


Johnny Hallyday fête l'anniversaire de Jean-Claude Camus avec Laeticia et Patrick Bruel ! - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday fête l'anniversaire de Jean-Claude Camus avec Laeticia et Patrick Bruel ! - Duration: 2:12.


Idaho woman undergoes life saving transplant - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Idaho woman undergoes life saving transplant - Duration: 2:24.


No 063 T1.0 Petr Melichárek - blade 1.2379 (D2) 40° TESTER T1.0 - 58,5-59,5HRc - Duration: 11:23.

This is the spot where force 10N is pushing the blade towards the 6 mm brass roll . Angle is 30° - blade axis / roll .

now it is 30N

Now the force is 50N

Dynamic part of the test - fall from 5 cm , force 10 N

I cant feel any damage there , it cant be even seen now .

we try now to slice the antler .. I cant fell anything, no change there

I think nothing happend again

And now , somewhere in this area 30 strikes to antler

I cant feel any chisps with my nail . There is something bit rough but i think it will be the rests of antler sticked to the blade . I think there will be no damage

this is the side view of the spot where force of 10 N was pushing the blade towards the 6 mm brass roll with angle 30° (blade axis/roll)

I cant see any deformation

here the force was 30N , Again I cant see any damage

here the force was 50N , again nothing , maybe we will see it better from top view

That was the static part of the test

here is the spot where the dynamic part of test was made ,fall from5cm/10Nforce . Cant see any damage here.

maybe now when focused it seems that the edge is rolled a bit , but that is minimal.

This is the spot where the antler was sliced, again no damage

Sorry, THIS is the spot! There rests of antler can be seen here as dark spots.

here is the second mark...

behind this mark, here in central part, it is the spot where one exact strike was made

No damage here. I will make a picture of this.

ok .. and from here it is an area of 30 strikes to the antler

darker spots can be seen there (rests of antler) ,

but I cant see any edge damage

the darker spots are the rests of the antler sticked to the blade. As you can see it can be removed.

Ok .. this is the end .. here is the marker .

we can make picture of this too ...

This is the view from the top , I´ll focus to central part . That is the spot where the static force of 10N was pushing.

no measurable deformation

This is the spot of 30N static force

no measurable deformation

This is a spot of 50N static force

no measurable deformation

here in the middle there is a spot of dynamic part of the test. Fall from 5 cm to brass rod , 10N , angle 30%.

somewhere here is the antler slicing - no damage.

this should be the place of 1 exact strike , again the rests of antler can be seen there

No damage on the edge

and from this mark... bit further ...

this was the area of 30 strikes

No damage

Summary - on this blade I suggest to use 36-40° bevel angle.

You can see that with 40° there is no damage. To be sure I will measure the dynamic part with the microscope ( was added to vid. 0,004 mm).

but it seems that with 40° angle the brittle fracture occures no more .

This is far better than it was with 30°angle , so bevel for this blade 35-36°should be fine or 40° depending on use and purpose of the knife.

Thanks for watching and have a nice day :) :) :)

For more infomation >> No 063 T1.0 Petr Melichárek - blade 1.2379 (D2) 40° TESTER T1.0 - 58,5-59,5HRc - Duration: 11:23.


Iwakuni 2nd graders build creature catchers - Duration: 1:15.

Matthew C. Perry Elementary School second graders expanded their knowledge on science,

technology, engineering and mathematics, also known as STEM, by making creature catchers.

The student's goal was to create a trap that can catch as many spiders as they can,

using things like construction paper, some yarn and a little bit of glue.

"The idea here is that our students will be interested in STEM.

We want to pique their interest so that they know that science, engineering, mathematics

and technology are all fun and interesting and they want to do more of it in their future."

The students tested their creature catcher and plotted the number of spiders they caught

in a line graph, then went back to the drawing board to make improvements if they were needed.

"This is my spider project, I put a little wall down here just in case they slide through

here, but I didn't need this, the fence actually worked because you see that it did

this to all the spiders.

I caught all 50."

Whiteside also said starting STEM education at an early age gives young innovators a goal

to go after.

Reporting from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, I'm Petty Officer Debra Daco.

For more infomation >> Iwakuni 2nd graders build creature catchers - Duration: 1:15.


Smart Factory Logistics - 智能工厂物流 - 如何运作 - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Smart Factory Logistics - 智能工厂物流 - 如何运作 - Duration: 2:10.


Как приготовить карпа с ароматной зеленью в духовке - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Как приготовить карпа с ароматной зеленью в духовке - Duration: 2:39.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Un petit enfant a perdu sa vue à cause de cette petite chose que vous avez probablement chez vous - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Un petit enfant a perdu sa vue à cause de cette petite chose que vous avez probablement chez vous - Duration: 2:46.


For more infomation >> Un petit enfant a perdu sa vue à cause de cette petite chose que vous avez probablement chez vous - Duration: 2:46.


ESP32 Oled display with u8g2 library - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> ESP32 Oled display with u8g2 library - Duration: 3:56.


For more infomation >> ESP32 Oled display with u8g2 library - Duration: 3:56.


Learning English Is Fun™ - A...

For more infomation >> Learning English Is Fun™ - A...


Because I'm Mrs. Claus - Duration: 50:02.

For more infomation >> Because I'm Mrs. Claus - Duration: 50:02.


【SEMA 2017】BMW M5 新型、Mパフォーマンス初公開予定 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 【SEMA 2017】BMW M5 新型、Mパフォーマンス初公開予定 - Duration: 2:54.


Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. DSG - Duration: 0:54.


입대 후 늠름해진 '117번 훈련병' 김수현 훈련소 근황 - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> 입대 후 늠름해진 '117번 훈련병' 김수현 훈련소 근황 - Duration: 2:22.


Progress LRT Palembang Terbaru (Zona 1 - Zona 5) November 2017 - Duration: 46:59.

Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

ZONA 1 Stasiun Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

Stasiun Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

Bandara Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II

Jl. Gubernur H. Asnawi Mangku Alam

Jl. Letjen Harun Sohar

ZONA 2 Jl. Letjen Harun Sohar

Jl. Letjen Harun Sohar

Stasiun Asrama Haji Jl. Letjen Harun Sohar

Jl. Letjen Harun Sohar

Fly Over Simpang Bandara

Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Stasiun Telkom Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

ZONA 3 Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Stasiun RSUD Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Stasiun Polda Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Jl. Kol. H. Barlian

Fly Over Simpang Polda

Jl. Demang Lebar Daun

Stasiun Demang Lebar Daun Jl. Demang Lebar Daun

Jl. Demang Lebar Daun

Jl. Angkatan 45

Stasiun Palembang Icon Jl. Angkatan 45

Jl. Angkatan 45

Jl. Kapt. Arivai

Stasiun Dishub Kominfo Jl. Kapt. Arivai

Jl. Kapt. Arivai

Simpang Charitas

Jl. Jend. Sudirman

ZONA 4 Jl. Jend. Sudirman

Jl. Jend. Sudirman

Stasiun Pasar Cinde Jl. Jend. Sudirman

Jl. Jend. Sudirman

Stasiun Terpadu Jembatan Ampera

Jembatan Ampera Jl. Mayjen H. Moh Ryacudu

Jl. Mayjen H. Moh Ryacudu

Fly Over Jakabaring

Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Stasiun Gubernur Bastari Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

ZONA 5 Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Stasiun Jakabaring Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Stasiun OPI Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

Depo LRT Jl. Gub. H. Bastari

For more infomation >> Progress LRT Palembang Terbaru (Zona 1 - Zona 5) November 2017 - Duration: 46:59.


ESO Skin Guide - Get 7 FREE SKINS for the Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 4:46.

Hello everyone, my name is Tianlein and today we talk about

skins which you can acquire for free in the elder scrolls online

I will show you how the skins look like and how and where you can obtain them

With free i mean that you don`t have to buy them with crowns but in this case you will

need to be able to access some of the DLC`s

Also you have to be aware that you have to

complete some difficult content to obtain these skins

For the first two skins you need access to the Shadow of the Hist DLC

Both Dungeons are not the easiest ones and you need to complete multiple achievements

to get these skins

To track your progress you can find an achievement overview in your achievement journal

To acquire the Amber Plasm skin you have to complete the Ruins of Mazzatun challanger

achievement of the Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun Dungeon

For example you have to complete the veteran Ruins of mazzatun dungeon without suffering

a group member death.

Then you have to successfully complete a speedrun of the dungeon in veteran difficulty and

defeat all bosses in 30 minutes Additionaly you have to defeat the dungeon

bosses on veteran hardmode

The Spiderkith Skin is obtainable in the veteran Cradle of Shadows dungeon

and you have to complete the "Cradle of Shadows Challenger" achievement

You have to accomplish also a no death run, a speed run and defeat the last boss on hardmode

on veteran difficulty of the cradle of shadows dungeon

The Dreadhorn Shaman Skin can be obtained in the the Falkreath Hold Dungeon which is

part of the Horns of the Reach DLC

For completing the Falkreath Hold Challenger Achievement you will be awarded with the Dreadhorn

Shaman Skin

here you have to complete a speed run, a no

death run and also defeat the last boss on hardmode on veteran

difficulty of Falkreath Hold Dungeon

If you own the Imperial city DLC you can try to acquire the Soul shriven Skin

Don`t forget that the Imperial City and the Imperial city Sewers are a PvP area

This Skin can be found in the center of the Imperial Sewers, the Barathrum Centrat

In the center of the room are three portals which spawn random Xivkyn generals during

their final wave

After you closed all three portals the boss a simulacrum of Molag Bal will be summoned.

There is a very rare chance to get the Soul Shriven skin by defeating the Simulacrum of

Molag Bal

It's important to note that a maximum of twelve players can earn the event reward,

that means when you fight with more, that some people will get nothing from the Sumulacrum


To receive the following skins you have to complete specfic Trials on veteran difficulty

Not only that you need to find a group of 12 people to be able to complete this trials,

you also have to keep in mind that these veteran trials are one of the hardest contents in

the elder scrolls online

To be able to obtain for the dro-m'athra skin you need to have access to the thieves guild dlc

If complete the Trial Maw of Lorkhaj on veteran difficulty you will be rewarded with the dro-m'athra skin

The next Skin can be obtained in Vvardenfell.

You need to own the Morrowind chapter to be able to access Vvardenfell

If you successfully complete the Trial halls of Fabricaton on Veteran mode you will be

awarded with the Fabrication Sheath

In the clockwork city dlc you have the opportunity to obtain the Sanctified Silver Skin

You have to successfully defeat the bosses Saint Olms and his allies Saint Llothis and

Saint Felms in the Trial Asylum Sanctorium on veteran difficulty.

Only when you fight and defeat all three bosses at the same time, which is the hardest configuration

of the trial, you will earn the Sanctified Silver skin.

I hope you enjoyed my overview of all collectible skins in the elder scrolls online

Thanks for watching and it would be amazing if you subscribe, like or leave me a comment

Have a good day and until next time


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