Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 30 2017

Alcohol is Toxic

Alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances humans

consume, and yet it's socially accepted in many parts of the

world. If you don't do it when going to parties, you are

"uncool" and people consider you an outcast. In fact, many teen,

and especially college, parties consists of this very toxic

substance. People can't seem to have a good time without it.

Dependency is extremely high, as are people using "I was drunk"

as an excuse. Not to also mention the number of deaths

this substance has caused, directly (eg. alcohol poisoning)

and indirectly (eg. drunk driving). Responsible people are

also hard to come by. It's so sad to see the damage this

substance causes to so many people. Alcohol breaks down in

the body to acetaldehyde, which is carcinogenic. Alcohol damages

the body physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The reason it is "legal" and yet other substances that are less

harmful aren't is primarily because there is big money to be

made with alcohol. These stores and bars are strategically

placed in locations to draw in the crowd, especially youth, to

generate a profit off the cheap thrills this substance provides.

Please check out these informative videos.

For more infomation >> Alcohol is Toxic - Duration: 1:56.


15 Dumbest Knockoff Foods Ever - Duration: 7:17.

• What did they call it when Iran opened a knockoff McDonald's?

How did a knockoff for Dunkin' Donuts end up named after an animal's butthole?

From foreign knockoff fast food to weird generic store brands, here are 15 of the dumbest knockoff

foods you can find.

15 – Creme Betweens • Okay, here's the thing.

Oreos are one of the best-known brands of cookie in the world.

And there are TONS of knock-off brands of them.

• Most of them suck, but that's fine.

You've got two dry cookies with some sugary creme in the middle.

That's all we need.

• We DON'T need you to get cute and start calling them "Creme Betweens."

Now it sounds like you're talking about something much different.

14 – Dr. Bob • Soft drinks have even more knockoff varieties

as cookies.

But the one that's always fun to spot is the Dr. Pepper equivalent.

• Apparently, there were a ton of doctors who went on to create no-brand colas.

One of them just goes by Doctor Bob, and features a bottle that says, "Open wide, say ahhhhh!"

This is both creepy and a terrible way to drink cola.

• Which raises the question, what happened to Mr. Pibb?

Did he just not complete medical school?

13 – Pranks • As the line goes, "Silly rabbit, Trix

are for kids."

• Ok, fine then, kids.

Let's go talk to this raccoon on this suspiciously similar box, and see who Pranks are for.

• "Silly raccoon.

Pranks are for NOBODY."

12 – Dominic's Pizza • This wouldn't actually be so bad, actually.

So a guy named Dominic opened a pizza place.

No big deal.

• But now you're literally a letter away from naming your pizza place the same as the

second-largest pizza chain in the world.

• So maybe don't also copy their brand colors, font, and logo design?

That OTHER pizza place might get suspicious.

11 – KFG • These KFG restaurants are all over Asia.

They've popped up in number locations in China and Thailand, they feature the red and

white colors you'd expect, and an old bearded man as a mascot.

• And yes, they serve fried chicken.

At least… they probably do?

• There's no real explanation as to what the "G" means, so tell us in the comments

if you know what it is.

10 – Subday • There are two flavors of knockoff Subway


• One is a gas station sandwich place in California that just lightly referenced the

Subway color scheme, but decided to put it in a font resembling Comic Sans.

• The other appears to be Russian.

They just replaced the "W" in Subway with a "D" and left everything else exactly

the same.

9 – Pizza Hat • If they weren't blatantly ripped off

Pizza Hut, this would be even more absurd.

• Like, pizza is great, but a pizza hat is a pretty awful idea.

• Wouldn't "Pizza Hot" have made a lot more sense?

Those words actually make sense together.

• By the way, this is an Iranian chain, and this is how Pizza Hut is actually spelled

in Iran.

8 – Donkey Donuts • Okay, so the logo looks pretty similar,

and the colors are kinda close.

So this is obviously a Dunkin' Donuts knockoff.

• It's just that… why?

• Why donkeys?

Donkeys and donuts should not be anywhere near each other.

Also, Urban Dictionary defines a donkey donut as a donkey's butthole.

So… yeah.

• Donuts.


7 – Dairy Fairy • China has no need for a queen, so they

just have a Dairy Fairy.

• Dairy Fairy has cups labelled "DF," has uniforms identical to the "DQ" ones,

and serves something called an Oreo "Ice Storm."

• They even serve it upside down.

• The weirdest thing?

China actually has 360 ACTUAL Dairy Queen stores!

But they haven't moved to shut down Dairy Fairy… or its other imitator, "Dairy and


6 – Burger Friends • This place doesn't need to be your king.

It'll settle for just being your friend.

• Just as China downgraded from a queen to a fairy, Iraq is cool with going from king

to friends.

• But they sure didn't even attempt to change the logo.

5 – Sunbucks • The name is Sunbucks coffee instead of


And it's written in a green ring on a white background with a mythical creature in the


• So it's obvious what they're going for.

• But hey, at least they changed the logo enough to get a different, culturally relevant

creature in that logo.

That's a hell of a lot more effort than Burger Friends put in.

4 – Panburger Partner • Discount grocery stores want you to know

what product you're supposed to compare their generic brand stuff to.

• Even if the result is something as stupid-sounding as "Panburger Partner."

• The name would be fine… except that there's no such thing as a panburger.

3 – Mash Donald's • Iran hasn't had a McDonald's since


But they sure can go enjoy a Mash Donald's hamburger.

• Mash Donald's features two golden arches, and beloved mascot RONALD MCDONALD ON THE


• But it's definitely not McDonald's.

That's the important thing to remember here.

Because they also serve hot dogs on baguettes.

2 - Frittles • There is a candy shop in Indianapolis,

Indiana that makes something called Frittle Candy.

• Those are supposedly pretty good, and also not what we're talking about.

• We're talking about these.

The "sour fruity chewy candy," that are obviously just a crappy Skittles knockoff.

1 – Johnnie Worker Red Labial • This one has a lot of layers to it.

Johnnie Walker Red Label is a popular brand of scotch whiskey.

And sure, Johnnie WORKER Red LABIAL is also scotch whiskey.

• But there's a couple of problems here.

First off, "Johnnie Worker Red" sounds suspiciously Communist.

• And also, "Labial" is a word that means something is related to the lips.

It can refer to either the lips on everybody's faces… or the lips that only women have.

The ones that aren't on their faces.

• So… yeah.

Enjoy Johnnie Worker's Red Labial.

For more infomation >> 15 Dumbest Knockoff Foods Ever - Duration: 7:17.


S08E02 "The Damned" - The Most Ridiculous Things From Last Night's The Walking Dead - Duration: 6:34.

A lot of important questions are raised

in this opening face montage.

Rick is squinting, but what is he squinting about?

Daryl is also squinting.

Perhaps he's squinting about the same thing as Rick?

And Ezekiel?

He doth request yee not presently waketh him

from his time of naps.

The king needs yet five more minute markers.

Okay, cool. So we're just going to show

everyone's faces with ominous music?

Sure, that counts as a TV show, I guess. Why not.

Why do the Saviors have year-round Christmas lights

up at the compound?

Don't they know how tacky that looks?

And an outdoor sound system,

as in the kind the attracts zombies

set up by their barbecue?

Wait, I finally figured out.

the Saviors are a bunch of dumb frat dudes.

That makes too much sense.

We'd love to elaborate on this theory but BLAM!


At least since Rick and his crazy friends showed up.

Morgan announcing he doesn't die

is extremely concerning.

That's usually a thing someone says

right before they die.

Nobody says, "I don't die,"

before they eat a salad and get to bed by 10PM.

They scream it. Then snort a pile of blow

and rollerblade down a dark hill in the rain.

You can see the wheels turning in Carol's head

trying to figure out exactly how much longer

she can listen to Ezekiel's nonsense.

Talking about, "The damned are upon us."

and "Ensure no enemies remain in these environments."

It's a good thing that tiger can't actually speak English

because if it understood how dumb this man is

there's no way she'd respect him enough

not to eat him.

Is anyone hitting anything with these bullets?

Sure does seem like a lot of indiscriminate firing

at nothing in a world where ammunition

is a precious commodity.

Thank heavens our gang rolled up

in their bulletproof Ford Tauruses.

I know that bulletproof paint job

sounds like a scam at the dealership,

but you are really happy to have it when you need it.

Morgan rattles a cage of trapped lost souls,

attracting whoever will pay attention to him,

then looks into their dead eyes

while saying nothing worthwhile.

Cool, didn't realize they have dating apps

in the zombie apocalypse.

Alright, who's the jokester that gave

Ol' Shaky Hands a gun and told him to hold it

six inches from Morgan's brain?

Not cool. Give him a job he can handle next time

that isn't so dangerous. Like Chief Deputy of Maracas,

or Lieutenant of Clearing Etch-A-Sketches.

Rick Grimes is using Home Alone map technology

to locate the guns in this hideout,

and considering the way things are going,

this map might as well say,

"The guns are in this place somewhere? Probably?

"I don't know, figure it out, try not to die,"

and it would be equally useful.

This seems like it could have been prevented

by not just standing there and getting shot

when a bunch of bad guys showed up with guns.

I know. That's a controversial strategy,

but sometimes you need to think outside the box

if you don't want to die.

Shoot this guy. Shoot him? Shoot him!


Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him, shoot him.

There's a time and a place for not shooting this dude

and shoot him in the face, please.

WOW. BIG SURPRISE. The dude with pee-pee pants

that they very obviously should have shot,

but instead decided to have a stop and chat sidebar

about ethics and ex-girlfriends, immediately turned on them

at the first available opportunity.

And he stomped Maggie's vitamins?

Not cool,

she needs those for the baby

that she claims to be carrying.

Well, now that he's revealed himself

to be a not nice vitamin stomper,

they will surely shoot him-


How many times are we going to see this happen on this show?

They let someone live who they should have killed,

and it comes back to bite them in the ass?

Because if this happens, like, 37 more times, 39 max,

I am done with this show.

Not only did Morgan not die, he jumped up

and took a brisk jog down the hall.

I think those bullets were soaked in Red Bull.

Every time they cut to Tobin in this gunfight,

I get so nervous.

What if this is it?

The episode we finally say goodbye to Tobin?

He's not just some guy, okay?

He's some guy who has had lines

and has also been in scenes.

What I'm trying to say is, I'll use any reason

to take the day off work, and I really hope my boss buys,

"I don't know how to answer emails professionally

in a world without Tobin," as a reasonable excuse.

If this lady put half as much energy

into fighting off zombies as she did

into yelling at her subordinates,

she probably wouldn't have a dead dude

munching on her neck right about now.

What befell this creature?

If my man Jerry didn't hit him with the ax,

and hats off to Jerry on the excellent ax work this episode,

that zombie probably would have befell

himself off a damn cliff

instead of listening to Ezekiel.

I get that King Zeke wants to fake it until he makes it

and smile.

I fucking get it.

But I'll take frowning and silence over

smiling and talking like an asshole any day of the week.

Daryl opened up this door and was forced to relive

one of the darkest periods of his life,

that time he was a Yelp reviewer.

"Atmosphere and service leave a lot to be desired,

the only thing on the menu is dog food sandwiches.

One star."

Rick. You JUST met this guy.

Do not choke him on the first date.

Are some people into choking?

Sure. But if things get hot and heavy on a first date,

don't just assume they're into getting choked.

Get to know your new special friend.

Have a conversation about physical boundaries.

At least buy the guy a dog food sandwich first.

Then if you get a green light,

choke the shit out of him. It's called manners.

Wow. Morgan, you are completely scaring all of us

with this killing spree.

Who knew Morgan's murder stick

was the only thing slowing him down

from slaughtering 30 dudes a second?

I get Morgan's frustration here.

First he was about killing everyone,

then he wasn't killing anyone,

now he's supposed to kill all the people all the time,

but not these people right now?

That is some extremely confusing shit.

And what the hell are they supposed to do

with all these hostages?

They already have more than enough cast members

for the Hilltop production of Grease.

Also, Jesus sure is acting high and mighty

and holier than thou,

but I guess that's kind of his brand.

Now is not the time to hesitate, Rick.

In battle, sometimes it's either you or a baby.

Do what needs to be done.

Change comes at you pretty fast.

Rick's about to be raising two kids that aren't his.

But a life of Grimes is still safer

than living with whoever was tasked

with keeping this kid alive before.

I didn't go to any fancy Baby College,

to get a degree in Infant Slumber,

but I'm pretty sure hanging a heavy mirror directly

over a sleeping child is not a great way

to make sure they live to see tomorrow.

I'm as thrilled as the next guy that Carol

got to save her munitions, but quick question.

How exactly does she even know who are the bad guys?

Is there a face chart?

Did they pick up a special cologne on the last supply run

and Shiva knows to not attack people

wearing the anti-tiger cologne?

I've thought about this extensively, and

the anti-tiger cologne theory is, no joke,

the closest I can come to explaining this.

So apparently all it takes for Carol to smile

these days is knowing everyone, including herself,

is marching towards a bloodbath.

This smile is now the scariest thing

we've ever seen on this show.

Rick is reunited with this dude from Atlanta

I don't remember at all because are you fucking kidding me?

I can't tell you what I did two Fridays ago.

My stupid life, and the people who come in and out of it,

is a blur. I don't know how you expect me

to keep track of Rick's stupid life too.

I know Morales is a meme for fans,

but he's a third string meme behind T-Dog

and Spaghetti Tuesdays.

So I straight up don't have time for him.

Give me starting bench memes only.

Please don't waste my time.

Tune in next week!

Will Eric be okay?

He'll be fine, that bullet barely killed him.

Will we get another pointless montage of faces

that nobody asked for and does nothing for the plot?

These minutes don't fill themselves, folks!

Will we ever find out if Father Gabriel shit his pants?

Yes, in season 12 when the All Out Pants storyline

kicks into full gear.

Comic readers know what I'm talking about.

None of this and more! Next time on The Walking Dead.

by the end of this first half-season.

For more infomation >> S08E02 "The Damned" - The Most Ridiculous Things From Last Night's The Walking Dead - Duration: 6:34.


Farming Simulator 17 BDBSSB MODS Manure Production Mill - Duration: 11:30.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Special Mod very useful for all of you that you do not like to use the game farms but you gain your profit from grains harvesting.

BDBSSB MODS Manure Production Mill

But first I start to harvest barley I want the straw to make some manure

Mods I use TUNED New Holland CR10.90 CLASS XERION 3800 And recruit KRONE ZX550GD EDIT

With BDBSSB MODS Manure Production Mill You can get FREE manure to fertilize your fields To make manure you Use Grass or Straw or WoodChips Or Slurry or Digestate

I have some grass bales ready to start the presentation

KRONE ZX550GD EDIT 55.000l Capacity 6m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed

Speed up

To Spread the manure I will use a combination from MAN TGS 6x / 8x / 10x-AR- as Pack Check Description for video preview

I think Manure Production Mill is one of the best mods which uses recycling, which is necessary in nature

DynamicHose Test

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 BDBSSB MODS Manure Production Mill - Duration: 11:30.



For more infomation >> Volvo S80 D4 AUT(6) SUMMUM XENON/LEDER/NAVI/BLUETOOTH/PARK ASSIST V+A - Duration: 0:54.


Cute my ass! | Family Feud - Duration: 0:35.











For more infomation >> Cute my ass! | Family Feud - Duration: 0:35.


All Hallow's Read | Parlons culture du viol - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> All Hallow's Read | Parlons culture du viol - Duration: 9:05.


Shoma Uno EX Skate Canada 2017_Refined Audio_ENG & JPN Subbed_ - Duration: 4:03.

And here's the 19 year old from Nagoya,

In Japan.

Aside of the Grand Prix Final,

This year, he surely will be there-


We do hear he's got a problem with an ankle.

It's not 100 percent.

But he's been brilliant here.

Winner of the short, Winner of the free,

It is Shoma Uno.

"This Town"

Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there,

The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air,

It's hard

Yesterday, I thought I saw your shadow runnin' round.

It's funny how things never change in this Old Town.

So far

From the stars

And I wanna tell you everything,

The words I never got to say the first time around.

And I remember everything,

From when we were the children playing in this fair ground.

Wish I was there with you now.

If the whole world was watching,

I'd still dance with you.

Drive highways and byways,

To be there with you.

Over and over, the only truth

Everything comes back to you.

You still make me nervous,

When you walk in the room.

Them butterflies, they come alive

When I'm next to you.

Over and over, the only truth

Everything comes back to you.

And I know that it's wrong,

That I can't move on,

But there's something about you

Coz if the whole world was watching,

I'd still dance with you.

Drive highways and byways,

To be there with you.

Over and over, the only truth

Everything comes back to you.

You still make me nervous,

When you walk in the room.

Them butterflies, they come alive

When I'm next to you.

Over and over, the only truth

Everything comes back to you.

Everything comes back to you.

Simply Gorgeous.

I do have it from a good source that

He is carrying an ankle injury,

But you'd never have known it.

"This Town" by Niall Horan.

Well, there's only one direction this fella..

Is going

And that is..

First place.

He's already with this year,

Won the Asian Games,

He won the Lombardia Trophy,

He won *Didn't understand* -Sorry!-

And now,


He has won Skate Canada.

Shoma Uno.

It's gonna be such a fight

For the gold medal

In Pyongyang, and he's gonna be right there.

For more infomation >> Shoma Uno EX Skate Canada 2017_Refined Audio_ENG & JPN Subbed_ - Duration: 4:03.


👻Ghost - Cirice | Especial Halloween | Cover by Aries🎃 [subtítulos] - Duration: 5:53.

I feel your presence amongst us

You cannot hide in the darkness

Can you hear the rumble?

Can you hear the rumble that's calling?

I know your soul is not tainted

Even though you've been told so

Can you hear the rumble?

Can you hear the rumble that's calling?

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

A candle casting a faint glow

You and I see eye to eye Can you hear the thunder?

Can you hear the thunder that's breaking?

Now there is nothing between us From now our merge is eternal

Can't you see that you're lost?

Can't you see that you're lost without me?

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

Can't you see that you're lost without me?

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you (ooohh)

I can see through the scars inside you

I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart

I can see through the scars inside you

For more infomation >> 👻Ghost - Cirice | Especial Halloween | Cover by Aries🎃 [subtítulos] - Duration: 5:53.


National Grid working to restore power to thousands - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> National Grid working to restore power to thousands - Duration: 2:40.


Why is Transylvania seeking autonomy from Romania? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 11:34.

Transylvania is like CATALONIA with vampires.

Yep, you heard that right.

The land where Dracula was born is also the place of one of the most significant separatists

conflicts in all of Europe.

In other words…

Transylvania is the perfect place to make a VisualPolitik Halloween special.

And… yes, I know what you are thinking.

We read your comments and we know you want a video about Catalonia...

And I'll tell you what!

We are going make it, it's just big, and it's complicated, and I promise it will

be worth the wait…

For now, let's get back to Transylvania, a historical region situated in the centre

of Romania.

Despite being in this country, 20% of its population doesn't even speak Romanian.

Instead, Hungarian is their mother language.

In some areas, the number of Hungarian-speaking people rises to 80%.

This area where the Hungarians are the majority is called as SZEKELY LAND.

Almost every year you can see massive protests of Szekelies demanding more autonomy for their


These demonstrations are celebrated in the main cities of Transylvania as well as Bucharest,

the Romanian capital, and Budapest, the Hungarian capital.

But wait a minute because things are far more complicated that they seem!

In fact, Szekelys don't want to have their own country.

Instead, they want to become a special region inside of Romania, with a very specific fiscal


So the question here is…

Why does this cause so many problems for Romania?

Why are these demands causing such a significant diplomatic conflict?

And more importantly…

What does the Hungarian government have to do with this?

Well, today we are going to answer all of these questions.

But before we do that let's take a look at the history.


For centuries, Transylvania was part of the Kingdom of Hungary.

Back then, Romania wasn't even a country.

The upper classes and the aristocracy spoke Hungarian and Romanian was the language spoken

by the peasants.

At some points in history, Romanian speakers were even prosecuted by the authorities.

We call this process the MAGYARIZATION.

Basically, the Hungarian rulers wanted to impose their culture at any cost.

To those aristocrats, Romanians were sort of hillbillies who had a special love for

stealing things and a bad sense of personal hygiene...

In fact, there was even a term to refer these Romanians...

They were called Szőrös nyelvu which, literally means, 'with a hairy tongue'.

During the 19th century, the Government closed Romanian speaking newspapers and they even

forced a lot of citizens to change their Romanian name to a Hungarian one.

Nonetheless, things changed after the end of World War I.

The Austro-Hungarian empire lost the war.

And one of the things that happens when you lose a war is that you usually lose parts

of your territory too.

One of those parts was Transylvania, which was incorporated into Romania.

Suddenly, those peasants that were oppressed by the Hungarian nobility had power.

And, well, they wanted revenge.

This is how the first attempts to destroy the Hungarian culture started.

And oh boy, it was not an easy job…

Don't forget that, despite being part of Romania, Transylvania was the home of over

1 million Hungarian speaking people.

These were called the SZEKELIS and for generations have been speaking the language of ISTVAN


But things got really a lot uglier during World War II.

Hungary once again chose the wrong side to ally with.

With Hitler's help, they took back their former territories and struck back against

those who wanted to erase Hungarian culture in the country.

As you can imagine, this helped to make the Romanians even more angry.

Then, in 1945, the Germans lost the war.

That included their allies and, of course, the Hungarians.

So Romania, with a brand new communist government took Transylvania back.

This time, with an even bigger taste for a payback.

Maybe you remember this other video where I told you about the dictatorship of Nicolae


If you have seen it, you already know the Communist Romania was the closest thing to

a European North Korea.

1 out of 30 Romanians were part of the political police, and they prosecuted not only those

who opposed the government, but even those who dared to speak Hungarian.

From one day to the other, Ceaucescu closed newspapers and forced those Szekelys to speak

Romanian even in their own homes.

Magyarization, bad as it was, forced a few Romanians to change their names.

Romanization was the same sort of thing, just on a way bigger scale.

But hold on a minute because it doesn't stop here!

On their path to destroy even the last resemblance of Hungarian culture, the Romanian Communist

Party forced thousands of citizens to set in the Hungarian speaking territories.

This way, Hungarian speaking became a small minority in cities like ORADEA or SATU MARE.

Basically, the whole area that borders with Hungary became a Romanian majority region.

Nonetheless, there is a region that managed to keep their language and traditions in tact,

and that is the so-called SZEKELY LAND.


In 1991, Romania passed their brand new democratic constitution.

This constitution recognized the right to speak Hungarian.

But, as you can imagine, after decades of hate against Budapest, those szekelys were

far from happy.

Think about it, fiscally, Romania is a very centralized country.

Almost all the taxes are collected by the central government and then, they share that

money among the regions, with a focus on the poorest ones.

This puts Transylvania in a very bad position, and that's because they are wealthier than

the other regions...

And this, well this, is how a new political party was born: the Democratic Alliance of

Hungarians of Romania, also known as the UDMR.

Unsurprisingly, they won all the elections in regions where Hungarians are the majority...

So, what are their foundations?

Basically, they claim Romania is sucking their blood… and their money.

Yes… it is the same as in the Catalonian case!

And their solution to end Romanian looting is… imitating the fiscal model of another

Spanish region: the BASQUE country.

Let me explain to you what happens here for a moment.

The Basque Country is a region inside of Spain with a very special tax system.

Unlike the other regions, the Basque citizens don't pay their taxes to Madrid but to their

local government instead.

Once the money is collected, the local government has to give some share to the central government.

But the rest is to be managed the way the local government wants…

Alright, so back to Transylvania.

So, this was the system proposed by the Szekelys in 2014.

And guess what the Romanian government replied…

Well, they say it was against the constitution.

The Romanian Constitution starts by saying that that is a sovereign, unitary and in-di-vi-si-ble


Of course, this created lots of protests in different cities.

There were referendum attempts and all sorts of other symbolic objection...

These are all things that hurt the Romanian ruling class.


Attempts that threaten the constitutional order of Romania should be punished with prison.

If you've been following the case of the Catalonian separatists, this might sound familiar

to you...

Well, hold on a second because the best is still yet to come..


If anybody of you has ever been to Hungary, I'm sure you might have seen someone wearing

a T-Shirt with this map.

It represents the shape of Hungary before losing part of their territories before the

World War I.

Yes, even today, in the 21st century, a lot of Hungarians keep dreaming about taking their

old empire back.

Among them there is their president, VIKTOR ORBAN, the Vladimir Putin of the Danube.

Just like the Russian President, Orban is famous for prosecuting the journalists who

dare to criticize him.

He has passed anti gay-laws and wins elections with over 60% the vote.

And, of course, like every good 'Putinist,' Orban likes to rule not only his own country,

but others too.

"Orban supports the autonomy of the szekelis"

OK, I know what you are thinking…

Why does a President from another country mess with the internal politics of another?

At the end of the day, what the Szekelys want is just to have more autonomy but… without

leaving Romania, right?

Well… in fact…

those Szekely citizens are also his citizens.

Hungary Grants Citizenship Rights To Ethnic Hungarians Abroad.

Yep, you heard that right.

All those Transylvanian-born Hungarians have two passports, the right to study in Hungary

and, of course, vote at Hungarian elections.

This last thing is especially good for Orban.

He is popular inside of Hungarian borders, but outside, he absolutely steals the show...

95% of Hungarians from abroad voted for his party, the FIDESZ, at the latest legislative


Meanwhile, Romania considers those rights for the Szekelys as a complete violation of

their own sovereignty.

In their opinion, if you vote in two different countries, you can't be loyal to the one

where you live.

All of this means the diplomatic relations between Hungary and Romania are complicated...

Thanks to this, Orban can use Romania as an antagonist to his nationalist propaganda.

And then Romania has a great chance to give some Hungary some shit when it comes to European


And now you might be wondering…

What does the European Union think about all of this?

The truth is that despite the Council of Europe writing memorandums where they defend the

rights of ethnic minorities, Brussels would never let Hungary win.

At the end of the day, Viktor Orban is like Dracula, Frankenstein and Freddy Krueger of

European politics.

So, as long as things don't turn ugly, don't expect any position from any EU institution

or politician.

But now this is your turn…

Do you think Transylvania should have its own autonomy?

Or, perhaps, this is

nothing by a attempt from Hungary to get back its sway on their former territories?

Please, leave your answer on the comment section below.

Meanwhile, if you want to know more about the old Romanian communist system and the

current Romanian corrupt system, don't forget to click on the video that appears at the

end of this one.

Also, visit RECONSIDER MEDIA.COM, the podcast that provided the voices on this video that

are not mine.

And don't forget that we publish brand new videos every Monday and Every Thursday so

hit that subscribe button and you will not miss any post.

If you liked this video, give us a thumbs up and…

I wish you a terrific Halloween!!!!

For more infomation >> Why is Transylvania seeking autonomy from Romania? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 11:34.


[★eS] Voodoo Doll || Halloween MEP - Duration: 1:59.

You call me when you're hurting

You only disclose it to me, who you want

Should I turn back time, should I give you his heart

When you can't forget you need to take it

Just believe in me and follow

he's coming to me

Time is on your side, just wait

The tears he made you cry, I'll cry them for you

Tick tock tick tock

everything will come true

If you can't have it, I'll just live for you

No matter how much

if it's you I'm ready to get hurt

From now on watch closely what I'm about to do

If it's you my body is not wasted

Just say the name

and I'll bring them to you

Tick tock tick tock

everything will come true

If you smile just once I'm satisfied

I'll do everything instead

everything you wish for

Even if my remaining time diminishes

Whoever this becomes watch carefully

don't make her cry

I don't have anything else to give up

That person doesn't know me

the pain in my heart

Tick tock tick tock

everything will disappear

Should I go Should I stay

Nobody knows

Should I go Should I stay

Nobody knows

Everything will come true

For more infomation >> [★eS] Voodoo Doll || Halloween MEP - Duration: 1:59.


Seth Golden: Horrendous Retail Stocks, Tremendous VIX Product Profits // UVXY TVIX VXX - Duration: 34:01.

Seth Golden: Horrendous Retail Stocks, Tremendous VIX Product Profits // shorting short volatility trading strategies UVXY TVIX VXX strategy stocks selling system contango derivatives options futures index david moadel

welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell I've got a frequent return

guest today he is mr. Seth golden he is in charge of the golden capital

portfolio which has had well really impressive returns that's all I can say

we're talking about doubling your money in some years okay so you know it he's

one of my favorite guests to have on and today we're going to be discussing yes

we'll talk about the short volatility product trade that is so popular but

we're going to start also by discussing retail because that is another area of

expertise for mr. golden you know what's the retail picture what's the overall

picture for JC Penney's Macy's and just overall are we long are we short should

we be cutting back and what's the outlook for 2017 2018 so mr. Seth gold

welcome back to looking at the markets thank you so much David this is really

great opportunity to be here talk to your guests because we've had a lot of

headlines just you know from Friday to this morning regarding retailers or so

fantastic opportunity and hopefully we have a lot of information to share sure

it's it's been intense just today alone I'll look at it really quickly

JC Penney's today down 8% Macy's down a little bit over 4% all of retail got hit

today and it's not even an earnings day for

these companies all right so some big moves so now let's get into the latest

news on this last Friday JC Penney announced a really really bad quarter or

pre announced a really really bad quarter and lowered guidance for the

full year so what's your tick with the stock JC Penney now in the two dollar

range and what's the endgame here for investors okay yeah like I framed that

so stock for a long time now you know since it

was $8 his share last year has been uh no touch for me and you know in most of

my articles since then and there's probably a dozen articles that I've

written since 2016 on JCPenney basically you know kind of weighing the

value proposition of all these number of initiatives that they put forth with the

potential to show some incremental improvement in same-store sales and

earnings and you know my my thesis has basically been don't touch it until you

see that these initiatives are bearing fruit and I like the initiatives you

know I've said many times I think they're doing the right things but doing

the right things and actually you know being rewarded for those right things

takes a long long time doing appliances adding more Sephora shops to your stores

doing Empire flooring in HVAC systems having whole tide apartments in their

stores all of these things are the right thing to do you're giving your customers

more in one shopping location then most retailers are and making the most of

your retail square footage but along with that comes you know the headwinds

or the challenges such as well appliances don't have you know very good

margins so their margin to creative you still have double-digit growth in your

online sales well that's also margin diluted and those are really you know

big initiatives for them closing all the unprofitable stores while the right

thing to do long-term that's never been a a positive for a retailer in in many

senses once you start closing stores you never stop until unfortunately you know

you reach bankruptcy I'm hoping that's not the case I'm hoping that JCPenney is

actually the one that is doing all the right initiatives while closing stores

and meets an eco with equilibrium you know but again I don't invest based

on hope so I you know I wouldn't be in the stock but for investors that have

been holding on I guess what I would say is you know maybe draw a line in the

sand if it breaks this point that's it for me you know you can't go any further

and there's always other opportunities out there look if Macy's is falling

somebody's picking up something so yeah I for me it's a know touch I don't the

results have been consistently poor from the day Marvin Ellison took took over

for the company I think he's missed but it was seven out

of the last eight quarters and II just lose trust from the investor base when

that happens you just lose all the trust and to some extent he's he's being

honest with investors on the conference calls he said during the last conference

call you know we're overhauling the women's

category because we're you know the sell-through rate is poor our sales and

there are down double digits so we're overhauling it and that's what they

reiterated on that pre announcement was you know they basically had to liquidate

a lot of you know merchandise and just do severe markdowns to get rid of it so

he told us you know on one hand what they were going to be doing but on the

other hand he didn't in his guidance he didn't forecast for this so that it's a

half-truth well in my opinion so you know I hope they do better I'm a

frequent shopper I hold a JCPenney credit card but we'll see yeah it's one

thing to shop there it's another to invest in a company that has store

closings liquidations you know that's probably like you say a no touch type of

situation if you're considering a new position especially a long position in

JCPenney I totally understand that do you envision that this JCPenney

situation possibly spreading to the entire retail department suck

it's an ongoing problem you know spreading has been a problem over that I

would say the last three four years where ecommerce sales have just you know

kind of reached a point where brick-and-mortar sales are just being

siphoned you know it's kind of like having two full cup you know one full

cup of water and the other one is not full and the one full cup is the brick

and mortar and it's just pouring their sales in to the e-commerce cup so you

know this has been going on for a number of years now and I I can't foresee a

future where online sales aren't growing at the expense of breaking water sales

so no I I don't see this you know abating anytime anytime soon it may you

may reach a point in uh in you know between online sales in brick-and-mortar

or where brick and mortar has rationalized their footprints to where

you know they can grow profitably at least through you know the generating of

consistent cash flow you know so they're always doing this game of well we can

buy back shares that will increase our earnings that helps the stock sometimes

but then there's the count there's the argument against that which is retailers

are valued on sales they have not been valued against earnings for almost three

years now so when people will start you know there are the price to earnings

multiple has been you know at its lowest level that's because nobody's pricing

these things to earnings at this point they see that Amazon is doing or the

e-commerce space you know it's sales and if they're gonna siphon off all your

sales eventually no matter what you do financially you know to engineer profits

the long the long-term picture is still the same sales they're either there or

they're not so you know a lot of people you know

Maci's oh oh well they can sell real estate assets and that'll give it a

better valuation know no matter who's put that you know no matter how many

assets they have sold they're still gonna be valued on their sales because

that is the core business yeah sales is the bottom line and if the if

it's not a pretty picture then why get involved why why be a hero that's what I

always say yeah now I remember back in January of 2016

almost two years ago now you wrote an article on Macy's this is in seeking

alpha and I'm gonna put a link to that article in the description check that

below the video you actually warned investors about how flawed

you know you believed that you believed at that time the real estate to be when

offered by star board investors and you just gave an overall warning about

retail in general so what do you consider if anything to be the best of

breed in the retail department sector best and breed so brick-and-mortar I

would have to say is Walmart you know their size strength balance sheets it

gives them an opportunity opportunity to do so many things if they want to dive

into e-commerce in a big way like they did with the jet comm acquisition they

can and it won't affect their balance sheet you know target is another good

one but target can't do what Walmart can do otherwise they should have bought a

big brand ecommerce play years ago as well so I mean you could just look at it

from that lens balance sheet the ability to meander through this really

challenging retail environment it has to be Walmart would I be a buyer of Walmart

stock up here probably not but that doesn't mean they're not the best in

breed so I'd say Walmart followed by you know

the likes of Target if you know we're talking department stores but you know

there's other categories of retail but for this conversation yeah so if

somebody feels absolutely compelled if if you if they must invest in

brick-and-mortar retail Walmart maybe Target but really not any of these

sound like a compelling buy right now at these petitions yeah you're gonna get

into a battleground stock if you do anything beyond the likes of a target or

a Walmart you're you're in a battleground stock if it's not being

realized today you better believe it's probably gonna

be realized going out into 2018-2019 and so on so yeah gotcha all right

so bottom line what we're seeing now and based on everything you've said so far

is this the death of retail I mean is can we can we look forward to any good

news on the horizon momentary good news you know so they can beat a quarter if

they lower the bar a lot you know low enough targets done a really good job of

that this year they lowered the bar so much so that in q3 they you know raised

it some and in targets you know kind of writing the sales of a you know of two

consecutive quarterly beads off of those really low numbers but no I mean there's

no death of retail but dying can be equally as uncomfortable as dead so you

know this will go on for years and years that you know in the media media uses

the term death you know it's very it's a lot of hyperbole but they're definitely

you know dying or decaying because you're closing stores you're losing

sales this can go on for years and years I'm at shareholders expense you know

while these companies continue to try and do this and do that and you know

make these tiny acquisitions that don't amount to much yeah the dying is painful

but there's not really death we're always gonna want to you know go out of

our house you know and shop somewhere or dine at a restaurant but not as much as

we used to don't happen yeah yeah all right so not

necessarily death but definitely decay and deterioration and speaking of decay

and deterioration has that for a transition let's talk about Vic's

products shall we an ever popular topic ever since you

were featured in an article in The New York Times

you've become semi-famous shall I say for for maybe some people think of me as

infamous I think Z might think of me and you've been featured in other media

outlets as well for your I'll brag for you even if you're you're humble you're

amazing results year after year when it comes to shorting volatility products

CTP s exchange-traded products the most common ones being you VX Y T VIX VXX and

so on now something a little scary though happened for people who like to

short these products and I want to get your feelings on this you know the the

VIX spiked above 12 and it hasn't been there in a while

what do you think caused that spike and did you have to change your strategy at

all as a result of that yeah that was last week midweek I think it did touch

13 or even just about I may be wrong but what caused that it's hard to pinpoint

one thing I do you know look at a variety of metrics and market indicators

and things of that nature and last week we did have the 10-year yield tick above

2.4 for the first time in a little while you know and that is brushing up against

a December rate hike you know most people are expecting and a new Fed chair

person possibly being announced this week

but you know and that's you know kind of what you heard on whether it was CNBC or

Fox News is oh my gosh you know here's the 10-year yield up above 2.40 for the

first time in a while so you know markets pulled back a little bit from

all-time highs again and you know it's served to spike the

VIX itself which sent you know the likes of you V X Y and T V IX and VXX you know

all went up pretty pretty sharply you know that day subsequently crashed

you know since then but you know it's important for for folks who are

participating in the volatility complex you're asking a perfect question why are

the you know why did it spike and you know that's why I like to look at

everything regarding the the macroeconomic climate and you know what

I recognized and which was you know somewhat validated in on CNBC all all

that day and the following day is the 10-year yield and and it's correlated a

lot in the past as well I tweeted on Twitter you know when it when it was

lasted when it was this high in the past I had informed people keep watching the

10-year yield because as it was rising the VIX was rising and that's not to say

that the VIX will always correlate it to the tenure sir it'll correlate to

whatever it wants for as long as it wants before find something else to

react to so yeah and by the way you talked about tweeting I should mention

and I will mention again people you need to be following Seth golden on Twitter

his handle is at Seth CL and on stock twits dot-com the popular message board

which is a lot like Twitter for financial people stocks and options

traders and on stock twits comm Seth gold and has the

love at seth marcus and that's on your screen right now and in the description

now i wanted to talk more about shorting these volatility products UV x YT VIX

the XX i you know some people might try to simplify the process they might say

you know what every time you v XY goes up five eight

ten percent in a day I'm just gonna short it and I'll be fine well that

might work some of the time but you prefer to have greater reward with less

risk what are some of the things you look at and I'm gonna mention some of

them and tell me if I'm right or wrong I mean I'm thinking that you're looking at

contango I'm thinking yet for for the VIX itself for VIX futures I'm thinking

you're looking at a troll yield I'm thinking you're looking at the

macro-environment how's the economy doing how are corporate earnings doing I

think you're looking at that and today you mentioned you're looking at Treasury

yields because they have an effect on how people feel in terms of fear and

greed are you looking at all those things and yeah how do you how do you

synthesize that how do you put it all together yeah absolutely

um time it's it's definitely taken time just to you know familiarize myself with

all of those variables and to know what to have on my screen at all times

you know I've tabs open on all of my screens you know so that I can see them

in real time or as quickly as they do update you know VIX futures don't update

you know very quickly but you know that it's just yeah I've become accustomed to

this methodology whereby I know what to look at and what's important what's

relevant so like you said you know there's a lot of strategies out there

nowadays for folks that do you know have desire to or continue to short

volatility but you know this year has been a really unusual year you know I've

been shorting volatility for well it'll be six years now

and this year has been one of those years where which hasn't existed largely

in the past where you haven't had a 3% pull back in the market the VIX on

average maybe below 15 this year this hasn't happened before so yeah you could

have short you know if it goes up 8% you could assure no problem that may not be

the case next year or in 2019 or 2020 so to answer the question why do I look at

all those things it's because I want to short with a degree of comfort you know

and and knowledge because next year it may not be the same situation this year

has been really easy anybody who's come in no matter when and

shorted you know the VIX ETP SUV X Y or t VIX as long as they held on to it

they've made good money that may not be the case next year next year they may

short and have to hold it for a week or two weeks or a month or too much you

never know but you know that's why I look at all these different variables

because I want to know and I want to have a comfort level whereby the goes up

8% I know how much I'm going to short you know just in case it goes up but

another 8% on top of that so on and so forth so you know what I've been

expressing you know lately in my tweets and on Twitter I mean I've been trying

to open people up to you know that looking at the different metrics looking

at VIX futures you know that the CBOE and you know having that on your screen

during the day and you use that so that you can look at em1 and em2 the

different monthly futures convicts futures contracts so m1 you know let's

take sample M 1 and M 1 you know is trading today the last price 11 dollars

and 58 cents well what does that mean doesn't mean nothing anything in and of

itself for vixy TPS but if you're trading them you juxtapose the 11:58

price on the m1 futures contract with the VIX spot price itself and VIX spot

right now is 10 dollars and 58 and 50 cents so you've got a dollar 8 you know

roll yield is what we call it you have a gap there and typically you know as we

get closer and closer to that VIX futures contract expiration date it has

to compress and fill that gap and that's where your money is you know so there's

people that don't even play these instruments until they get closer to the

expiry dates but knowing the gap there knowing the role yield the difference

between the fixed futures m1 and the spot gives you a good degree of comfort

that you're still in good territory and that's represented in contango as well

you know you're still on the right side of the trade so far as your short

position if you've got a nice you know gap there between m1 and spot fix

because the closer we get to expiring the DK is gonna ramp up the decay in the

u vxy price or the the TVI x price so gotcha so you want a nice healthy

difference between the VIX spot price what it's selling for now and AM 1 and

m1 meaning a month or the next next the next month's VIX futures which is going

to cost more because that's how it is there's a cost to store these yeah it's

hard to imagine I always imagine like a storage unit what's storing these VIX

futures there's a cost to carry it and hold on to it so you want a nice healthy

difference between spot price and m1 and also I think you would want a nice

healthy difference between m1 and m2 and so on and so forth and

and so people who go along UV x YT VIX they're continuously holding something

that requires the fund to you know sell and saddle oh yeah yeah sell the current

months months you know Vicks product and then buy a more expensive they're

selling low and buying high because these things expire every month

am I correct am I thinking here hundred percent sir okay if a dummy like me can

understand it then you're doing great okay gotcha gotcha wow this is this is

really exciting I'm gonna contend my journey I'm gonna continue my journey to

to learn how to trade these VIX products correctly I'm gonna try to refine it the

way you've been doing it and I hope that people are checking out your tweets

which are free by the way free education and also in stock twits and your

articles on seeking alpha calm talk markets calm look for self golden on

those and I'm going to keep retweet retweeting them as well also speaking of

Twitter I saw you had an announcement regarding all these resources

it's about phenom am i pronouncing it correctly and what's that

all about yes a little while back I had announced that

I would be launching a website come December the website still being

constructed it's going to be a financial news media based website subscriptions

for traders and investors all kinds of research and daily news articles there's

going to be a ton of information and a ton of sharing with regards to you know

VIX trading and the VIX complex because that is a specialty of mine but you know

I I've been on Twitter and on sock twits for for the last year you know trying

you know educating to the best of my ability

you know folks out there but this is going to be you know give give

buddy you know one collective place to get all that information and to get at

me as they say you know where I'm gonna be participating I'm gonna be delivering

my trades my research articles and all that sort so we should be launching in

December we are only going to accept you know during that period a thousand

subscribers will have a free subscription as well as a paid

subscription but you know that one of the goals here besides just the

educational dissemination is you know creating jobs you know I'd love to have

the site visa successful whereby you know I can employ other research

analysts and articles article writers there's going to be the opportunity for

for bloggers to participate with their own articles and thoughts on the website

as well as a chatroom you know just kind of like stock twits where you know

people can engage each other and share their ideas and thoughts and all that

cost money so hopefully you know people will find it of great value any any

persons that are interested because that's where my traits are gonna be

that's where I'm gonna be if you're you're interested please feel free to

contact me directly so you know we can put you on the VIP list because again we

are going to be somewhat you know having an exclusive launch and you know I'll

make sure that you know I have the names that will be delivered the appropriate

communication so that they can go ahead and sign up and face it if they so

choose absolutely and the way to get in on this and again there is limited

participation so you want to let mr. Saif golden know as soon as possible

that you are interested in this if you are and given golden capital portfolios

returns over the past number of years I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to

participate in those returns they've been extraordinary the email address

that you're going to see it on your screen right now and also in the

description of the video below Seth golden at

cooling sitcom co ho li n XIT dot-com shoot him an email he's very accessible

very responsive and once again check them out on seeking alpha calm for his

articles its frequent articles talk

and elsewhere on twitter at seth CL on stocked wits at seth Marcus did I leave

anything out seth golden um no but if i could you know just maybe briefly just

say one more thing sure on you know the VIX participation yes it's complex

you see we see a lot of headlines every single week and you know the headlines

seem to ramp up when volatility ramps up and you know my name gets you know

pushed out there more often than not in these headline articles like the ones

from Zero Hedge last week you know because i seem to be somewhat of a

public figure and and i'm not i don't shy away from from that you know

spotlight if you will but there is some well pointed risk aversion in those

articles and and some some prudent planning you know should be gleaned from

it you know that the fix the short vix trade is a highly profitable one it's a

highly successful one but it's not one that should be entered into lightly

without a basis of knowledge or or resources around an individual trader

and that's it's one of the things that why i've been participating on twitter

so so frequently over the last year is because you know it had become so

popular and i saw people going into shorting or even long these products not

really knowing you know their composition or how they interact or

correlate in the market or with what they correlate so you know take take

those you know hyperbole generated articles

a hedge in the light with the grain of salt but also recognize that I think

what they try to get across is be careful know what you're doing have the

right resources because if you don't what they are you know positioning you

know in the media can't happen to you and nobody wants that nobody wants that

situation so I totally agree sir shorting a mixed product shorting UV X Y

which is leveraged TT VIX leveraged product VXX not leveraged but still

shorting these products is not like buying and holding coca-cola or

McDonald's or something like that it's risky you have to know what you're doing

don't do this unless you've been educated and you have enough capital to

be able to handle unexpected events so and you have to have a certain amount of

risk tolerance as well also known as the iron stomach

that I always talk about so once again the website it's under construction

right now Phenom but you're still welcome to check it out fi n oMG

ro u hey why not take a look at it and it's

not going to be under construction for much longer you're going to start to see

some content on there and you're going to want to get involved yeah we're doing

beta testing in November you know for folks that have frequented seeking out

talk markets and even stocked wits over the year

you know we're constructing the site to kind of give you the you know the best

of all world and sure don't you know takes time for us to generate content

and what have you but you know seeking alpha is a great site to need articles

maybe place a comment but you don't get a lot of interaction stock Thwaites it

stock twits is a great site for interaction you don't really see you

can't read articles there you can be linked to them so what we're hoping with

phenom group is that it kind of brings the both you know the best of both of

those worlds and so far as you know chat rooms it will be moderated so ya know

that languages it won't be a free-for-all

it'll be for educational purposes I like it alright I'm excited about phenom

group comm so check it out put in your bookmarks and keep checking back as they

work on it and fill it out meanwhile contact Seth golden at cooling sitcom

maybe you want to get in on this maybe you want to be a subscriber can't say I

blame you so you want to contact him because it's

limited openings right now at Seth CL on Twitter at Seth markets on stocked wits

calm Seth golden I enjoy having you here it's always an easy conversation you

always make it so you know so easy for me and I really appreciate that

so you welcome back here anytime I'm looking at the markets thank you David

everybody have a fantastic day thank you for watching please like comment and

subscribe and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Seth Golden: Horrendous Retail Stocks, Tremendous VIX Product Profits // UVXY TVIX VXX - Duration: 34:01.


News 4 at 5 p.m. - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> News 4 at 5 p.m. - Duration: 2:46.


Physicists: The Universe Shouldn't Exist - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Physicists: The Universe Shouldn't Exist - Duration: 1:00.


Cast Of Superior Donuts Discuss Season 2, Chicago Setting - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Cast Of Superior Donuts Discuss Season 2, Chicago Setting - Duration: 2:18.


WTF?! An Economic Tour of the Weird with Peter Leeson - Duration: 2:50.

- I just don't think a Genghis Khan party is in good taste.

(chicken clucks) Oh, hi there.

It's me, Pete Leeson.

As you probably noticed, the world's

a pretty weird place.

(action music)

What the...

Okay, an incredibly weird place.

(ragtime music)

Did you know that pre-owned wives were sold at auction

in 19th century England?

That today, in Liberia, accused criminals

sometimes drink poison to determine their fate?

How 'bout the fact that for 250 years,

Italy criminally prosecuted cockroaches and crickets?

I know, it sounds bat (bleep) crazy.

But what if mankind's most outlandish rituals

were, in fact, ingenious solutions to pressing problems,

developed by clever people, and tailor made

for their time and place?

What if hiding in humanity's seeming senselessness,

there was actually a great deal of sense?

(light bulb breaks)

It turns out there is,

and I've got just the tool to help you find it.

(chain saw whirs)

No, not that one.

This one.

Think in terms of incentives.

You know, cost and benefits.

Take my friend here.

(chicken clucks) Just earlier today

he was telling me he wants to be a boxer.

(bell rings)

I pointed out to him that there's a small problem with that.

You've got no arms, man!

The constraints we face, limit our choices.

He could be a marathon runner, though.

That, he says, would require him to give up his cigars.

For him, a major cost.

(horse neighs)

What if I got you that pony you keep going on about?

Ha, now he says he wants to know where he can

sign up to run.

When benefits rise relative to costs, and vice versa,

we make different choices.

- [Group] Oh!

- We just have to make good on your promise

to give up those cigars now, you hear.

(chicken clucks)

If, like detectives, you can sniff out the incentives

inherent in every social practice, my dear Watsons,

you'll have seen the sense in it.

And the instruction manual for learning how to do so

is right here.

It's easy once you get the hang of it.

Not to mention ridiculously fun.

Come join WTF's cast of colorful characters

on a tour through a museum containing

the world's weirdest practices,

guided by yours truly.

Let me show you how to use the logic of incentives

to reveal the hidden sense behind

seemingly senseless behavior, including your own.

Can you handle getting schooled by the strange?

Better hurry.

The tour's about to start.

(whimsical music)

For more infomation >> WTF?! An Economic Tour of the Weird with Peter Leeson - Duration: 2:50.


2ª Parte, LA ESTAFA DEL PROGRAMA DRACO. HABLEMOS CLARO con Sol Ahimsa - Duration: 1:48:47.

For more infomation >> 2ª Parte, LA ESTAFA DEL PROGRAMA DRACO. HABLEMOS CLARO con Sol Ahimsa - Duration: 1:48:47.


Timeline: Shooting Suspect Turns Himself in At CBS11 - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Timeline: Shooting Suspect Turns Himself in At CBS11 - Duration: 2:26.


Imo and Izzy Travel to Alicante - Part 2 ✈🚙 - Duration: 12:32.

For more infomation >> Imo and Izzy Travel to Alicante - Part 2 ✈🚙 - Duration: 12:32.


フランス語会話 簡単・自然なフランス語vol.8 en train de ~をしているところ ハロウィン・メイキングオフ - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> フランス語会話 簡単・自然なフランス語vol.8 en train de ~をしているところ ハロウィン・メイキングオフ - Duration: 0:53.


Omuyizi olubuto lumulumidde mu bibuuzo bya S.4 - Duration: 2:57.

Aisha Kisakye an S4 candidate at Lomalinda High school in Mukono has produced after experiencing abdominal pains amidst her exams

she was doing her chemistry Exam

After producing she was given food to gain the energy for the evening exam

Doctors donated Cloths to cover the baby

she never went for antenatal

she was doing her exams when the pains started and she was rushed here

she was in her final stages to produce and she gave birth to a baby girl

we have advised her to come back to the hospital after her second exam until the next day

hospital statistics show that 27% of girls under age produce from this hospital

she is 19 years old

she was taken back to school for her second exam as the grand mother stayed with the baby at the hospital

For more infomation >> Omuyizi olubuto lumulumidde mu bibuuzo bya S.4 - Duration: 2:57.


Okugoba obwavu mu maka - Duration: 3:36.

Cassava is one of those body building foods.

one can make flour out of it for baby porridge

However,what is the best way to grow Cassava and spin money out of it?

One requires sh400,000 for growing

Akutu is the owner of this cassava plantation

he sells Cassava as well as it stems to other willing farmers

he sells Cassava as well as its stems to other farmers as seeds

Akutu is among the benefactors of government program operation Wealth creation

Where does Akutu sell his Products?

Others i sell them to companies at sh 350,000 each bag

Like Nile breweries want it but in dry form which i can not afford now

There are very many types of cassava but we also know that in the last 20 years we had diseases cassava Mosaic and brown strake

it has the potential to revolutionize every thing in the country because one can eat it at all stages

There so many uses of Cassava and it is among the top food crops on international market

In the next episode we shall show you Cocoa and its products

For more infomation >> Okugoba obwavu mu maka - Duration: 3:36.


Eyagongobala amagulu akyetaaga obuyambi - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Eyagongobala amagulu akyetaaga obuyambi - Duration: 2:49.


Olukung'aana lwa Nabbi Kakande - Duration: 2:32.

Believers this morning have merged at Synagogue Church of all Nations at Mulago, Jubilating in preparation for the worship service at Namboole stadium

Security forces were deployed to keep law and order

At Around 4pm Prophet Kakande came out of the church under tight security

He went through the city centre waving to believers who were waiting

police was deployed heavily

Some of the youths were sweeping clean the road where Prophet was going to pass

He reached Namboole after 4 hours due to tight

Prophet Kakande entering Namboole stadium

By press time worship was going on.

For more infomation >> Olukung'aana lwa Nabbi Kakande - Duration: 2:32.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


All Hallow's Read | Parlons culture du viol - Duration: 9:05.

For more infomation >> All Hallow's Read | Parlons culture du viol - Duration: 9:05.


For more infomation >> All Hallow's Read | Parlons culture du viol - Duration: 9:05.


Rejuvenate through your Relationships : Create them or Save them in 2 questions (Longevity) - Duration: 6:32.

Hello and welcome to this video I am Maryam and this video

Today is the first video of a video series on relationships

a video series in which I approach and I will address

how to live better relationships how to be happy,

happy in a relationship, within relationships, whether Intimate,

personal, professional, friendly, family, any kind of relationship actually.

This first video speaks about the Other, of what may be called the Other.


The first key to a successful relationship is your vision,

your perception of the other in the relationship.

So here I will use a famous expression of Gandhi :

Be the change you want to see in the World. For any relationship to work,

the first key is that simple in theory : Incarnate what you

want to see in the Other, embody what you want to receive from the Other,

Embody what you expect from the Other within the relationship. So,

what does that mean exactly ? It means that you need to ask yourself two questions.

The first question is:

Why do I want this relationship ?

To really understand what you expect from the relationship that you create

or you are creating or you want to create or in which you

live already, simply ask yourself this question: Why do I want from this relationship?

By asking yourself this question you may tell yourself : I want more

tenderness, I want more humor, I want more support in my exercise routine,

if you expect your relationship to boost yourself in a practice,

an activity, an operating mode, a way of life. You may want more

prosperity in a relationship, more attention more honesty,

in short, for anything you may want more of,

or just want : Be aware of what you really want from this relationship

whatever the relationship, be it a

couple relationship, a professional one, a friendship,

be conscious of what you truly want from this relationship,

why you want to live this relationship. And it's ok to list wishes that

can become needs in this case, simply because it is

ok to have needs asa human being, as it is only accepting

the game involved in being a human on earth. Once you are

conscious of what you want, the why of your relationship,

whether it already exists or not yet, ask yourself

Number 2:

What are the qualities required in the Other in this relationship to

make it work the way you want? So that it makes you feel how you want to feel,

because that's the key, what you really want to feel: More joy,

more love, more happiness, more peace ... So the question number 2:

What are the qualities in the Other that seem necessary to you for your

happiness, happiness in this relationship you want to live or

you may already live. By listing these qualities, again,

you are more aware / conscious of the type of energy necessary for the relationship

to function, so between you and between the Other, in other words between

who you want to be and what the other represents in you, in other words

the qualities you list are the qualities you want to see

amplified in you, more activated in you, more concrete in you,

more palpable in you, and in a relationship, the Other allows you to amplify,

boost, propel what you want so see, thus these qualities through

the mirror that the Other represents in this relationship with you. So actually

when you list these qualities necessary in the Other for the

relationship between you and the other to work, what you do

really is listing the points in you, the parts of yourself that you

want to see more amplified or more activated in you, and for which the Other

can be an inspiration, a role model, a booster,

in the chosen relationship.

Obviously it's ok since we are aware of it, we allow the relationship

to run in a harmonious way because we no longer expect the other

to look like this or that, we realize that in fact if

we embody what we want to see in the Other, if we embody these qualities

we listed which we want to see in the Other, then naturally

we will attract someone to us, or people, who have these qualities because we will

be aligned to the energy frequency of these qualities

because energetically, we already work on these qualities in ourselves.

So obviously we can only attract them,

in return, mirrored. That's the easiest way to live a harmonious relationship !

This number one key that is very important :

Embody what you want to see in the other and then you will feel

what you wan to feel in the relationship, with the Other. You want

a person who is honest, who is beautiful, available for you,

skilled in a particular area?

Then Be even more honest, be more beautiful, be more present,

for yourself first. Here is the number one key. It was a joy

to live this moment of rejuvenation with you today,

through this video from youtube channel MaryÂm Petal. Keep embodying

your original version, your best version because you deserve you

to Honor yourself ! To amplify your rejuvenation daily, you can

simply subscribe to this channel, it's totally free, and for more

videos like this one, simply click the thumbs-up

underneath this video! See you soon. (Kiss)

Goodbye !

For more infomation >> Rejuvenate through your Relationships : Create them or Save them in 2 questions (Longevity) - Duration: 6:32.


For more infomation >> Rejuvenate through your Relationships : Create them or Save them in 2 questions (Longevity) - Duration: 6:32.


Kate's Monday Evening Forecast (October 30, 2017) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Kate's Monday Evening Forecast (October 30, 2017) - Duration: 3:46.


For more infomation >> Kate's Monday Evening Forecast (October 30, 2017) - Duration: 3:46.


Every Car Enthusiast Needs ...

For more infomation >> Every Car Enthusiast Needs ...


Mother of NSU student killed in Norfolk: 'Right now I'm shattered inside' - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Mother of NSU student killed in Norfolk: 'Right now I'm shattered inside' - Duration: 2:23.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 325d Touring High Exe Aut met M-Sport, zeer compleet & dealerauto ! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 325d Touring High Exe Aut met M-Sport, zeer compleet & dealerauto ! - Duration: 0:58.


Landmark Medical Center owner hit with $1M fine for misleading state - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Landmark Medical Center owner hit with $1M fine for misleading state - Duration: 1:27.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 53 - Yellow Crab - Duration: 16:27.

Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!

It really is a good toy, Missy oh, I know ain't nothin I play with it or anything

Kitty it's a leopard they're big cats with spots on their fur well. I can't wait to finish this puzzle

Oh, it's gonna be a beauty

Well I'll see you pups when I get all

Our feels bad for ruining your puzzle box, and I feel bad the bombuh said

I wish sir leopards live on the other side of the world in grasslands and forests

We have a new mission find a leopard for Bob so we can finish this plus

I must warn you places and like you just said

Help us to see your only. Hope I

Don't know pretty, please please please. Okay, since you said oh, please oh, please oh, please

Wow this place is huge


There why do I bother I never loved were jet leaves very interesting

Rolly this is the jury your acquaintance so you're not a leopard you're a giraffe

Y'all since Barry's not luck bored

I'm gonna climb that tree and see if I can get a better view to search one we just got here and already

You're a mess. Thank you. It's the way I like it

Since you're not a leopard we need to get back to our leopard finding mission form ah oh oh

Look her there. It looks like a watering hole

If I were a leopard I would go there to bury the giraffe yeah, thanks enjoy your tree leaves

Now - how do you get any of your missions done

Excuse me. Have you by any chance seen a leopard around here?

You know the tide you find on the jigsaw is a pretty hard cat to find

His spots help him blend into the trees where he lives if you want to find the leopard just follow his paw prints

I see him. He's right over there standing in the bushes

We got two

Twigs get loud when they snap

But just try it we need to be quiet, just try it

We need to be quiet

Hmm, this is definitely leopard hair yeah this

Hey, my favorite cat toy. How did that get here?

I forgot I brought in case I felt the urge to play was it well

I don't know someone who has the urge to play with it. I don't even know why I just do

This it does make a pretty funny noise right oh, oh if you squeeze it down lower. It sounds the upper

Please call me Titus whoa mr. Titus

We're on a mission to bring a leopard back to our owner Bob's house, so he can look at it and finish the puzzle

You don't need me you've got your own little leopard right here look at his fur

It's so stained videographer come on guys. We gotta get back home so box and finishes puzzle. Oh

Would you mind if I kept your squeaky clean of course not and thank you for helping us out on our mission

Bob's probably the best puzzle Porter together when I know I wish I knew how he does it Oh

Bob uses the picture on the puzzle box to help show him how to put it together, that's a strange-looking spotty kitty no

Time for work, I was really looking forward to framing this puzzle on hanging it up in my kitchen

I don't know what I'm gonna do now. Well. I'll see you pups when I get home so

All we need to do is find in my new leopard easy

water luck words live Oh

leopards live on the other side of the world in grasslands and forests

And I do like to be alone and hide in high places and your cat like you should

Help us to see your only hope

I don't know look this has a mission college soon

Wow this place is huge

And hot really hot

Very interesting

Rolly this is a giraffe not a leopard oh

You startled me howdy down there puppies. I'm bearing I

Can't move oh my you're stuck to the SAP. What's up, not much? What's tap with you?


Yeah, we need your gas skill stop with spotty cat whoa okay? Oh, yeah, oh

Look who are there it looks like a watering hole


Why of course

You're sitting in one of his paw prints


Not a paw print indeed it is

Leopards are quite big cats. Do you know where the leopard is now? Oh my god leopards

Just try it then we try to talk with him, I'm just gonna have a little snack along the way

Hey my favorite cat away, how did that get here?

I forgot I brought in case I feel the urge to close it by is right oh

Oh if you squeeze it down lower. It sounds even funnier

We really need a leopard right Roley really

You don't need me Oh

Would you mind if I maybe

Kept your squeaky clean of course not and thank you for helping us out on our mission

But thank goodness you did because you look just like a little spotted leopard

Well now that I'm done. I better give you two a bath. I'll go get the water started

Oh, I know Bob Davis s. But since she left couture with Titus. Maybe we can share it

I don't know guys. I'm doing just

Let's Bob. Who though let's took already. Yeah, what's your waiting for he's never going to throw the stick guys

Why else would you wave it around while she's getting ready to throw it Bob is using the stick to pretend like he's an orchestra


I got a little carried away didn't I well that's just because I'm so excited to take you guys to the concert in the park

Tomorrow and since there's a fence around this area you can play with the other dogs will I keep an eye on you?

1 2 3 1 2 he's waking you, but she's never gonna throw that stick

Then I'm gonna find a way to take it I can't leave the concert without my special baton

Did you hear that if the conductor can't leave the musicians without her baton the net will be any answer

We're trying to get that baton stick piggyback to the conductor so the concert will be canceled

Canceled no no no we gotta get that baton

I mean gone. Oh, thank goodness. Here's my baton

Silly doggy. I need to go backstage to get ready the concerts starting soon

Neil's chasing contest if we didn't get all of these sheets back

There won't be any music to read and no music means no concert for Bob

That's how a doggie does that I think we got all the pieces of sheet music rolling

We did it we got the callback to the stage, so now Bob's cats are - saved again

We're pretty good this whole saving thing

You know oh, I know yeah, he needs listen to his favorite music with his two favorite songs. I mean puppies

Just everyone ready to tune up and play

As a special treat

I'd like someone from the audience to help me conduct the orchestra for the famous big gong finale

Me yes you

You two stay here

Pay attention honey watch his baton. He'll tell you when to play here. It comes the big gun finale

I'm so excited

Right now our bingo and Roli blazing

We're trying but his he doesn't want to play how about this?

Lights activated play at all. I just don't play as much as I used to yeah

Hey, everybody. I found this lost kitten hiding in the bushes

I'd be so sad if what have you ever got lost so I'm sure this kittens owner is really worried, too

I'll make some calls at work today and trying to find her home

She's probably too young to know how to talk

Whiskers Mik twitchy tail or Dino rocket blaster

Our visa snuggler and a cuddler bob said he doesn't know where snowflakes homies

And then her all that must be sad that she's lost and she's too young to tell us where none of those things

Will be back as fast as we can okay

fine just

Hurry, please

Bye snowflake, thanks, sissy

Oops, thank snowflake oh right sorry

Do you have a plan how we're gonna find snowflakes home sure do Missy says she played a lot as a kid

So we need to think of things kids like to play with and then go to the places at the right place

I'll check in here

No cat beds lots of yarn. Nope oops. I'll get those

We have time for that

That's a little big for you, huh?

How did you even do that fine, I'll get you out just

hold still

It's this tangle up easy art


Snow yes, oh yes our nuts to play why you are playful

Well it looks like you have giddy sitting under weight

Wants to button is stuck cause any more trouble we're going outside car will clean up inside

There wasn't anyone for a kid to play with in the park, so he had us too must be roller

She's looking for a lost kitty she did seem sad just like Bob said when Bob reads that poster who know where snowflake lives

so he can take

But this is really high up

Also, I'm not sure how to get us both down oh

Don't worry earth can help

Well we're both trapped in a tree so things could be better we could help absolutely

Not don't worry. She

Doesn't really make me feel hmm better

It's just water hey exactly it's water


Snowflake get into the yard

No, we know where she lives

Come on kitty. Let's get you home

Oh, thank you

I looked everywhere for you

Try not to get tangled up in yarn or make a mess chasing lights or get trapped in a tree

But if you do

I'll be around to help you out. It's activated


For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 53 - Yellow Crab - Duration: 16:27.


Seth Golden: Horrendous Retail Stocks, Tremendous VIX Product Profits // UVXY TVIX VXX - Duration: 34:01.

Seth Golden: Horrendous Retail Stocks, Tremendous VIX Product Profits // shorting short volatility trading strategies UVXY TVIX VXX strategy stocks selling system contango derivatives options futures index david moadel

welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell I've got a frequent return

guest today he is mr. Seth golden he is in charge of the golden capital

portfolio which has had well really impressive returns that's all I can say

we're talking about doubling your money in some years okay so you know it he's

one of my favorite guests to have on and today we're going to be discussing yes

we'll talk about the short volatility product trade that is so popular but

we're going to start also by discussing retail because that is another area of

expertise for mr. golden you know what's the retail picture what's the overall

picture for JC Penney's Macy's and just overall are we long are we short should

we be cutting back and what's the outlook for 2017 2018 so mr. Seth gold

welcome back to looking at the markets thank you so much David this is really

great opportunity to be here talk to your guests because we've had a lot of

headlines just you know from Friday to this morning regarding retailers or so

fantastic opportunity and hopefully we have a lot of information to share sure

it's it's been intense just today alone I'll look at it really quickly

JC Penney's today down 8% Macy's down a little bit over 4% all of retail got hit

today and it's not even an earnings day for

these companies all right so some big moves so now let's get into the latest

news on this last Friday JC Penney announced a really really bad quarter or

pre announced a really really bad quarter and lowered guidance for the

full year so what's your tick with the stock JC Penney now in the two dollar

range and what's the endgame here for investors okay yeah like I framed that

so stock for a long time now you know since it

was $8 his share last year has been uh no touch for me and you know in most of

my articles since then and there's probably a dozen articles that I've

written since 2016 on JCPenney basically you know kind of weighing the

value proposition of all these number of initiatives that they put forth with the

potential to show some incremental improvement in same-store sales and

earnings and you know my my thesis has basically been don't touch it until you

see that these initiatives are bearing fruit and I like the initiatives you

know I've said many times I think they're doing the right things but doing

the right things and actually you know being rewarded for those right things

takes a long long time doing appliances adding more Sephora shops to your stores

doing Empire flooring in HVAC systems having whole tide apartments in their

stores all of these things are the right thing to do you're giving your customers

more in one shopping location then most retailers are and making the most of

your retail square footage but along with that comes you know the headwinds

or the challenges such as well appliances don't have you know very good

margins so their margin to creative you still have double-digit growth in your

online sales well that's also margin diluted and those are really you know

big initiatives for them closing all the unprofitable stores while the right

thing to do long-term that's never been a a positive for a retailer in in many

senses once you start closing stores you never stop until unfortunately you know

you reach bankruptcy I'm hoping that's not the case I'm hoping that JCPenney is

actually the one that is doing all the right initiatives while closing stores

and meets an eco with equilibrium you know but again I don't invest based

on hope so I you know I wouldn't be in the stock but for investors that have

been holding on I guess what I would say is you know maybe draw a line in the

sand if it breaks this point that's it for me you know you can't go any further

and there's always other opportunities out there look if Macy's is falling

somebody's picking up something so yeah I for me it's a know touch I don't the

results have been consistently poor from the day Marvin Ellison took took over

for the company I think he's missed but it was seven out

of the last eight quarters and II just lose trust from the investor base when

that happens you just lose all the trust and to some extent he's he's being

honest with investors on the conference calls he said during the last conference

call you know we're overhauling the women's

category because we're you know the sell-through rate is poor our sales and

there are down double digits so we're overhauling it and that's what they

reiterated on that pre announcement was you know they basically had to liquidate

a lot of you know merchandise and just do severe markdowns to get rid of it so

he told us you know on one hand what they were going to be doing but on the

other hand he didn't in his guidance he didn't forecast for this so that it's a

half-truth well in my opinion so you know I hope they do better I'm a

frequent shopper I hold a JCPenney credit card but we'll see yeah it's one

thing to shop there it's another to invest in a company that has store

closings liquidations you know that's probably like you say a no touch type of

situation if you're considering a new position especially a long position in

JCPenney I totally understand that do you envision that this JCPenney

situation possibly spreading to the entire retail department suck

it's an ongoing problem you know spreading has been a problem over that I

would say the last three four years where ecommerce sales have just you know

kind of reached a point where brick-and-mortar sales are just being

siphoned you know it's kind of like having two full cup you know one full

cup of water and the other one is not full and the one full cup is the brick

and mortar and it's just pouring their sales in to the e-commerce cup so you

know this has been going on for a number of years now and I I can't foresee a

future where online sales aren't growing at the expense of breaking water sales

so no I I don't see this you know abating anytime anytime soon it may you

may reach a point in uh in you know between online sales in brick-and-mortar

or where brick and mortar has rationalized their footprints to where

you know they can grow profitably at least through you know the generating of

consistent cash flow you know so they're always doing this game of well we can

buy back shares that will increase our earnings that helps the stock sometimes

but then there's the count there's the argument against that which is retailers

are valued on sales they have not been valued against earnings for almost three

years now so when people will start you know there are the price to earnings

multiple has been you know at its lowest level that's because nobody's pricing

these things to earnings at this point they see that Amazon is doing or the

e-commerce space you know it's sales and if they're gonna siphon off all your

sales eventually no matter what you do financially you know to engineer profits

the long the long-term picture is still the same sales they're either there or

they're not so you know a lot of people you know

Maci's oh oh well they can sell real estate assets and that'll give it a

better valuation know no matter who's put that you know no matter how many

assets they have sold they're still gonna be valued on their sales because

that is the core business yeah sales is the bottom line and if the if

it's not a pretty picture then why get involved why why be a hero that's what I

always say yeah now I remember back in January of 2016

almost two years ago now you wrote an article on Macy's this is in seeking

alpha and I'm gonna put a link to that article in the description check that

below the video you actually warned investors about how flawed

you know you believed that you believed at that time the real estate to be when

offered by star board investors and you just gave an overall warning about

retail in general so what do you consider if anything to be the best of

breed in the retail department sector best and breed so brick-and-mortar I

would have to say is Walmart you know their size strength balance sheets it

gives them an opportunity opportunity to do so many things if they want to dive

into e-commerce in a big way like they did with the jet comm acquisition they

can and it won't affect their balance sheet you know target is another good

one but target can't do what Walmart can do otherwise they should have bought a

big brand ecommerce play years ago as well so I mean you could just look at it

from that lens balance sheet the ability to meander through this really

challenging retail environment it has to be Walmart would I be a buyer of Walmart

stock up here probably not but that doesn't mean they're not the best in

breed so I'd say Walmart followed by you know

the likes of Target if you know we're talking department stores but you know

there's other categories of retail but for this conversation yeah so if

somebody feels absolutely compelled if if you if they must invest in

brick-and-mortar retail Walmart maybe Target but really not any of these

sound like a compelling buy right now at these petitions yeah you're gonna get

into a battleground stock if you do anything beyond the likes of a target or

a Walmart you're you're in a battleground stock if it's not being

realized today you better believe it's probably gonna

be realized going out into 2018-2019 and so on so yeah gotcha all right

so bottom line what we're seeing now and based on everything you've said so far

is this the death of retail I mean is can we can we look forward to any good

news on the horizon momentary good news you know so they can beat a quarter if

they lower the bar a lot you know low enough targets done a really good job of

that this year they lowered the bar so much so that in q3 they you know raised

it some and in targets you know kind of writing the sales of a you know of two

consecutive quarterly beads off of those really low numbers but no I mean there's

no death of retail but dying can be equally as uncomfortable as dead so you

know this will go on for years and years that you know in the media media uses

the term death you know it's very it's a lot of hyperbole but they're definitely

you know dying or decaying because you're closing stores you're losing

sales this can go on for years and years I'm at shareholders expense you know

while these companies continue to try and do this and do that and you know

make these tiny acquisitions that don't amount to much yeah the dying is painful

but there's not really death we're always gonna want to you know go out of

our house you know and shop somewhere or dine at a restaurant but not as much as

we used to don't happen yeah yeah all right so not

necessarily death but definitely decay and deterioration and speaking of decay

and deterioration has that for a transition let's talk about Vic's

products shall we an ever popular topic ever since you

were featured in an article in The New York Times

you've become semi-famous shall I say for for maybe some people think of me as

infamous I think Z might think of me and you've been featured in other media

outlets as well for your I'll brag for you even if you're you're humble you're

amazing results year after year when it comes to shorting volatility products

CTP s exchange-traded products the most common ones being you VX Y T VIX VXX and

so on now something a little scary though happened for people who like to

short these products and I want to get your feelings on this you know the the

VIX spiked above 12 and it hasn't been there in a while

what do you think caused that spike and did you have to change your strategy at

all as a result of that yeah that was last week midweek I think it did touch

13 or even just about I may be wrong but what caused that it's hard to pinpoint

one thing I do you know look at a variety of metrics and market indicators

and things of that nature and last week we did have the 10-year yield tick above

2.4 for the first time in a little while you know and that is brushing up against

a December rate hike you know most people are expecting and a new Fed chair

person possibly being announced this week

but you know and that's you know kind of what you heard on whether it was CNBC or

Fox News is oh my gosh you know here's the 10-year yield up above 2.40 for the

first time in a while so you know markets pulled back a little bit from

all-time highs again and you know it's served to spike the

VIX itself which sent you know the likes of you V X Y and T V IX and VXX you know

all went up pretty pretty sharply you know that day subsequently crashed

you know since then but you know it's important for for folks who are

participating in the volatility complex you're asking a perfect question why are

the you know why did it spike and you know that's why I like to look at

everything regarding the the macroeconomic climate and you know what

I recognized and which was you know somewhat validated in on CNBC all all

that day and the following day is the 10-year yield and and it's correlated a

lot in the past as well I tweeted on Twitter you know when it when it was

lasted when it was this high in the past I had informed people keep watching the

10-year yield because as it was rising the VIX was rising and that's not to say

that the VIX will always correlate it to the tenure sir it'll correlate to

whatever it wants for as long as it wants before find something else to

react to so yeah and by the way you talked about tweeting I should mention

and I will mention again people you need to be following Seth golden on Twitter

his handle is at Seth CL and on stock twits dot-com the popular message board

which is a lot like Twitter for financial people stocks and options

traders and on stock twits comm Seth gold and has the

love at seth marcus and that's on your screen right now and in the description

now i wanted to talk more about shorting these volatility products UV x YT VIX

the XX i you know some people might try to simplify the process they might say

you know what every time you v XY goes up five eight

ten percent in a day I'm just gonna short it and I'll be fine well that

might work some of the time but you prefer to have greater reward with less

risk what are some of the things you look at and I'm gonna mention some of

them and tell me if I'm right or wrong I mean I'm thinking that you're looking at

contango I'm thinking yet for for the VIX itself for VIX futures I'm thinking

you're looking at a troll yield I'm thinking you're looking at the

macro-environment how's the economy doing how are corporate earnings doing I

think you're looking at that and today you mentioned you're looking at Treasury

yields because they have an effect on how people feel in terms of fear and

greed are you looking at all those things and yeah how do you how do you

synthesize that how do you put it all together yeah absolutely

um time it's it's definitely taken time just to you know familiarize myself with

all of those variables and to know what to have on my screen at all times

you know I've tabs open on all of my screens you know so that I can see them

in real time or as quickly as they do update you know VIX futures don't update

you know very quickly but you know that it's just yeah I've become accustomed to

this methodology whereby I know what to look at and what's important what's

relevant so like you said you know there's a lot of strategies out there

nowadays for folks that do you know have desire to or continue to short

volatility but you know this year has been a really unusual year you know I've

been shorting volatility for well it'll be six years now

and this year has been one of those years where which hasn't existed largely

in the past where you haven't had a 3% pull back in the market the VIX on

average maybe below 15 this year this hasn't happened before so yeah you could

have short you know if it goes up 8% you could assure no problem that may not be

the case next year or in 2019 or 2020 so to answer the question why do I look at

all those things it's because I want to short with a degree of comfort you know

and and knowledge because next year it may not be the same situation this year

has been really easy anybody who's come in no matter when and

shorted you know the VIX ETP SUV X Y or t VIX as long as they held on to it

they've made good money that may not be the case next year next year they may

short and have to hold it for a week or two weeks or a month or too much you

never know but you know that's why I look at all these different variables

because I want to know and I want to have a comfort level whereby the goes up

8% I know how much I'm going to short you know just in case it goes up but

another 8% on top of that so on and so forth so you know what I've been

expressing you know lately in my tweets and on Twitter I mean I've been trying

to open people up to you know that looking at the different metrics looking

at VIX futures you know that the CBOE and you know having that on your screen

during the day and you use that so that you can look at em1 and em2 the

different monthly futures convicts futures contracts so m1 you know let's

take sample M 1 and M 1 you know is trading today the last price 11 dollars

and 58 cents well what does that mean doesn't mean nothing anything in and of

itself for vixy TPS but if you're trading them you juxtapose the 11:58

price on the m1 futures contract with the VIX spot price itself and VIX spot

right now is 10 dollars and 58 and 50 cents so you've got a dollar 8 you know

roll yield is what we call it you have a gap there and typically you know as we

get closer and closer to that VIX futures contract expiration date it has

to compress and fill that gap and that's where your money is you know so there's

people that don't even play these instruments until they get closer to the

expiry dates but knowing the gap there knowing the role yield the difference

between the fixed futures m1 and the spot gives you a good degree of comfort

that you're still in good territory and that's represented in contango as well

you know you're still on the right side of the trade so far as your short

position if you've got a nice you know gap there between m1 and spot fix

because the closer we get to expiring the DK is gonna ramp up the decay in the

u vxy price or the the TVI x price so gotcha so you want a nice healthy

difference between the VIX spot price what it's selling for now and AM 1 and

m1 meaning a month or the next next the next month's VIX futures which is going

to cost more because that's how it is there's a cost to store these yeah it's

hard to imagine I always imagine like a storage unit what's storing these VIX

futures there's a cost to carry it and hold on to it so you want a nice healthy

difference between spot price and m1 and also I think you would want a nice

healthy difference between m1 and m2 and so on and so forth and

and so people who go along UV x YT VIX they're continuously holding something

that requires the fund to you know sell and saddle oh yeah yeah sell the current

months months you know Vicks product and then buy a more expensive they're

selling low and buying high because these things expire every month

am I correct am I thinking here hundred percent sir okay if a dummy like me can

understand it then you're doing great okay gotcha gotcha wow this is this is

really exciting I'm gonna contend my journey I'm gonna continue my journey to

to learn how to trade these VIX products correctly I'm gonna try to refine it the

way you've been doing it and I hope that people are checking out your tweets

which are free by the way free education and also in stock twits and your

articles on seeking alpha calm talk markets calm look for self golden on

those and I'm going to keep retweet retweeting them as well also speaking of

Twitter I saw you had an announcement regarding all these resources

it's about phenom am i pronouncing it correctly and what's that

all about yes a little while back I had announced that

I would be launching a website come December the website still being

constructed it's going to be a financial news media based website subscriptions

for traders and investors all kinds of research and daily news articles there's

going to be a ton of information and a ton of sharing with regards to you know

VIX trading and the VIX complex because that is a specialty of mine but you know

I I've been on Twitter and on sock twits for for the last year you know trying

you know educating to the best of my ability

you know folks out there but this is going to be you know give give

buddy you know one collective place to get all that information and to get at

me as they say you know where I'm gonna be participating I'm gonna be delivering

my trades my research articles and all that sort so we should be launching in

December we are only going to accept you know during that period a thousand

subscribers will have a free subscription as well as a paid

subscription but you know that one of the goals here besides just the

educational dissemination is you know creating jobs you know I'd love to have

the site visa successful whereby you know I can employ other research

analysts and articles article writers there's going to be the opportunity for

for bloggers to participate with their own articles and thoughts on the website

as well as a chatroom you know just kind of like stock twits where you know

people can engage each other and share their ideas and thoughts and all that

cost money so hopefully you know people will find it of great value any any

persons that are interested because that's where my traits are gonna be

that's where I'm gonna be if you're you're interested please feel free to

contact me directly so you know we can put you on the VIP list because again we

are going to be somewhat you know having an exclusive launch and you know I'll

make sure that you know I have the names that will be delivered the appropriate

communication so that they can go ahead and sign up and face it if they so

choose absolutely and the way to get in on this and again there is limited

participation so you want to let mr. Saif golden know as soon as possible

that you are interested in this if you are and given golden capital portfolios

returns over the past number of years I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to

participate in those returns they've been extraordinary the email address

that you're going to see it on your screen right now and also in the

description of the video below Seth golden at

cooling sitcom co ho li n XIT dot-com shoot him an email he's very accessible

very responsive and once again check them out on seeking alpha calm for his

articles its frequent articles talk

and elsewhere on twitter at seth CL on stocked wits at seth Marcus did I leave

anything out seth golden um no but if i could you know just maybe briefly just

say one more thing sure on you know the VIX participation yes it's complex

you see we see a lot of headlines every single week and you know the headlines

seem to ramp up when volatility ramps up and you know my name gets you know

pushed out there more often than not in these headline articles like the ones

from Zero Hedge last week you know because i seem to be somewhat of a

public figure and and i'm not i don't shy away from from that you know

spotlight if you will but there is some well pointed risk aversion in those

articles and and some some prudent planning you know should be gleaned from

it you know that the fix the short vix trade is a highly profitable one it's a

highly successful one but it's not one that should be entered into lightly

without a basis of knowledge or or resources around an individual trader

and that's it's one of the things that why i've been participating on twitter

so so frequently over the last year is because you know it had become so

popular and i saw people going into shorting or even long these products not

really knowing you know their composition or how they interact or

correlate in the market or with what they correlate so you know take take

those you know hyperbole generated articles

a hedge in the light with the grain of salt but also recognize that I think

what they try to get across is be careful know what you're doing have the

right resources because if you don't what they are you know positioning you

know in the media can't happen to you and nobody wants that nobody wants that

situation so I totally agree sir shorting a mixed product shorting UV X Y

which is leveraged TT VIX leveraged product VXX not leveraged but still

shorting these products is not like buying and holding coca-cola or

McDonald's or something like that it's risky you have to know what you're doing

don't do this unless you've been educated and you have enough capital to

be able to handle unexpected events so and you have to have a certain amount of

risk tolerance as well also known as the iron stomach

that I always talk about so once again the website it's under construction

right now Phenom but you're still welcome to check it out fi n oMG

ro u hey why not take a look at it and it's

not going to be under construction for much longer you're going to start to see

some content on there and you're going to want to get involved yeah we're doing

beta testing in November you know for folks that have frequented seeking out

talk markets and even stocked wits over the year

you know we're constructing the site to kind of give you the you know the best

of all world and sure don't you know takes time for us to generate content

and what have you but you know seeking alpha is a great site to need articles

maybe place a comment but you don't get a lot of interaction stock Thwaites it

stock twits is a great site for interaction you don't really see you

can't read articles there you can be linked to them so what we're hoping with

phenom group is that it kind of brings the both you know the best of both of

those worlds and so far as you know chat rooms it will be moderated so ya know

that languages it won't be a free-for-all

it'll be for educational purposes I like it alright I'm excited about phenom

group comm so check it out put in your bookmarks and keep checking back as they

work on it and fill it out meanwhile contact Seth golden at cooling sitcom

maybe you want to get in on this maybe you want to be a subscriber can't say I

blame you so you want to contact him because it's

limited openings right now at Seth CL on Twitter at Seth markets on stocked wits

calm Seth golden I enjoy having you here it's always an easy conversation you

always make it so you know so easy for me and I really appreciate that

so you welcome back here anytime I'm looking at the markets thank you David

everybody have a fantastic day thank you for watching please like comment and

subscribe and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Seth Golden: Horrendous Retail Stocks, Tremendous VIX Product Profits // UVXY TVIX VXX - Duration: 34:01.


CINTA FISABILILLAH Eps 6 - Web Series Inspirasi [ENG SUB] [IND SUB] - Duration: 6:28.

<i>Waalaiykumsalam</i> <i>Assalamualaykum</i>

Ridho, I want you to meet Ai and Dewi, they are Asma's friends

Dewi Kevin

Ridho, 30's <i>Juz Hafiz</i>

Bullshit Shut up

So this is the one, right ? Guys who memorize Quran but know nothing....

No, That's not true at all

What's not true ?

Sshhhh, zip it, thanks !

While we gather here.... let me ask you

So Kevin and I discussed about something

and you just told us to shut up


So... Kevin asked...

Can a Non muslim get to Heaven ?

Of Course NOT !

There's an iron rule for that

Heaven is only for a muslim

I think they can, Allah absolutely fair. I can't think why Allah doesn't accept a good soul just because have a different faith

What do you think ?

So... we are in a middle of helping Dewi's Project now. can we just talk about it latter...

But this is interesting !

Hmm... Ai agree with Ridho. I mean, founder of telephone, Alfa Edison

He's done great good to humanity, Ai can't believe he didn't deserve heaven

Ai... it's Alexander Grahambell, not Thomas Alfa Edison

That's right, it's him ! But... You get it, right ?

Here's why, it's like you.... get into collage

No mater how smart you are, if you didn't register and get into the collage, then you can't graduate, right !

Finally! and Asma said she hate debate

How about you Dewi ?

Dewi ?

<i>Ulama</i> of the old also have a different opinion about this

<i>Al-Baqarah</i> : 62, said that...

Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.

Some say according to this verse, every religion may have the right to enter heaven

Some other say that, Al-baqarah 62 verse, doesn't work in modern Jews, Christians and Sabeans

But there are some said that the verse is for retaliation in this world, not afterlife

Iiih Dewi, you are really smart

So the conclusion is...?

It's not my right, it's not even my field of study. I'll just follow people who has credibility to do so

How about you, Big Bro ?

Rather than we judge others who's have the right to enter heaven, It'll be better if we make sure our self have the right to enter.

We should hang out more often

What for ?

To enrich our knowledge, to respect diversity

Don't you feel the positive energy? Hang around with you guys make my life feel more... you know

Didn't we just meet, like today ?

Just meet and we already have good discussion

It's better than just reading and having class all day, probably


But this can become an <i>Ihtilat</i>

We only hanging out in public coffee shop to have a talk about something smart, right Kevin ?

Yeah, it's fun

Now, how about we named our little gang

<b>" Togeher With Ridho To get A Paradise "</b>

What ??? No waaaay !!!!

well, that's my idea

Since then, hanging out with them, it's like a natural things to do

What are you gonna do now ?

Won't it'll be strange ? if I propose to her, Asma, who's one of my close friend ?

Sooner or latter, people gonna get married with someone. And that someone could be y....

Asma clearly fall in love with Herman

Before rings is exchanged and vow be made, nothing wrong with making effort

Sure ?

Failed after trying is better than not trying at all, no regret


For more infomation >> CINTA FISABILILLAH Eps 6 - Web Series Inspirasi [ENG SUB] [IND SUB] - Duration: 6:28.


IMVU: Lance & Lavender Breaks Up *((SH*T GETS REAL))* No clickbait! - Duration: 9:49.

!!!Check out the description box!!!!

For more infomation >> IMVU: Lance & Lavender Breaks Up *((SH*T GETS REAL))* No clickbait! - Duration: 9:49.


Farming Simulator 17 BDBSSB MODS Manure Production Mill - Duration: 11:30.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Special Mod very useful for all of you that you do not like to use the game farms but you gain your profit from grains harvesting.

BDBSSB MODS Manure Production Mill

But first I start to harvest barley I want the straw to make some manure

Mods I use TUNED New Holland CR10.90 CLASS XERION 3800 And recruit KRONE ZX550GD EDIT

With BDBSSB MODS Manure Production Mill You can get FREE manure to fertilize your fields To make manure you Use Grass or Straw or WoodChips Or Slurry or Digestate

I have some grass bales ready to start the presentation

KRONE ZX550GD EDIT 55.000l Capacity 6m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed

Speed up

To Spread the manure I will use a combination from MAN TGS 6x / 8x / 10x-AR- as Pack Check Description for video preview

I think Manure Production Mill is one of the best mods which uses recycling, which is necessary in nature

DynamicHose Test

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

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