TOP 7 Lost Hero From Bollywood And How They Look Now | You Won't Believe
Allah pak ki maghfirat hasil karne ka wazifa | Dil ko noorani banane ka wazifa - Duration: 3:12.Allah pak ki maghfirat hasil karne ka wazifa | Dil ko noorani banane ka wazifa
Rebels Recon #4.3 and #4.4: Inside "In the Name of the Rebellion" | Star Wars Rebels - Duration: 8:19.Hey there Rebels fans, Andy Gutierrez coming at you from inside Lucasfilm headquarters.
This week Saw Gererra returned and the results were explosive to say the least.
Now I'm here to show you how it all came together.
This is Rebels Recon.
Joining forces with a larger rebel cell on Yavin IV
the ghost crew embarks on a mission to tap into an Imperial satellite.
We must have patched into the main comm circuit by mistake.
We're intercepting all incoming transmissions.
However when the plan goes awry Saw Gererra shows up and saves the day
but not before recruiting Ezra and Sabine for a mission of his own.
The Empire wiped out a whole population because they were building something.
Something they've hidden away.
Searching for clues aboard a civilian freighter
Saw, Ezra, and Sabine discover a giant Kyber crystal that brings the Rebels
closer to discovering what secrets the Empire has in store.
The Empire is already on the verge of winning a war
most of the Rebel Alliance doesn't believe has already begun.
This week we got to see the Rebels finally arrive on Yavin IV
I sat with the cast and crew to talk about the current state of the Rebellion,
what it was like incorporating this legendary setting in the series,
and took a deeper dive into Saw Gererra's motivations.
Our Rebels have finally connected with the larger rebellion on Yavin 4.
What's the state of the stat of the Rebel Alliance at this time?
Is this the Rebel Alliance or is it still individual cells?
Well, I think there's a lot made of what is the definitive moment
of their being a Rebel alliance in the fan base world.
And everybody likes to think what is that moment.
But as a story for us it's not that important of a moment because
we've been fighting the Empire all along.
We've kind of made it clear that they were on their own in the beginning in this Rebel cell
That in the second season they actually linked up with more groups.
Once Mon Mothma gets involved I guess that's when it's more of an Alliance
because she's declaring them pretty openly.
But as we know from Rogue One,
there is still disagreements as to how they're going to operate.
So that's kind of where we are, we're in between those extremes.
What it takes is a threat like the Death Star
to congeal these disparate groups into the proper Rebel Alliance.
The Rebels finally make it to Yavin IV in this episode...
what does it mean for you to be so directly tied into the beginning of the saga?
That hit me on a couple of levels.
I read it in the script
I went and saw Rogue One and so I got another re-energizing for all those feels.
Initially it's really emotional.
Words can't describe how it feels.
Literally when I read the script by myself
I give myself permission to weep openly
so that I can get it together by the time I have to read it in front of a group of people
and then I can sort of be professional.
I mean that's why Star Wars is so sick.
Like everything comes together.
It's cool that everything is in the same world
that's awesome and that's what makes all of it so fun
and why paying attention to every little storyline is cool for fans, I think.
So the Yavin base is obviously an iconic Star Wars setting.
How do you go about creating it for animation?
That was really fun, I actually got to work on Yavin base.
The inner six-year-old in me was like really nerding out when I got to do that.
was really and hurting out and I got to do that but that was fun it was also a
challenge too because a new hope they're working on sets and everything and
actually have to kind of physically make it work with 3d models it was a lot to
figure out actually from reference we knew that visually you had to see these
things that were iconic and Star Wars that would immediately make you think of
that so we didn't stray too much we used reference as much as possible
from the movies that last sequence in a new hope a type of lighting that you
have around like a conference table or everyone's kind of standing you did a
little bit of that with all the people standing around that same table on the
interior Yavin 4 is obviously a very iconic setting from a new hope and now
wine was it always the goal to have the show line up so directly with the film's
no and it's not a goal still you know in some ways you almost want to avoid those
things to keep the characters independent of making their own choices
and having their own path and destiny not serving as some footnote on the
journey of another character when things worked out in talking to Gareth and John
though about the movie rogue one we're like well it seems reasonable with the
scale that you've made the operation on Yavin that our rebels would have gone
there because it's much more of a hub what I really liked about this episode
is we really got some fire out of Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma is all about projecting this implacable cool and confidence and to
see a crack in that veneer I love what Genevieve did and I love that we were
able to take that character there we've been following saw now for half a season
what's it like bringing that character up to speed to where we see him in robot
it was so phenomenal to team up with the road 1 team to bring SAW into our
universe we recorded Forest Whitaker for this role he
really cares about this character and he wanted to know what is his backstory
where is this in the timeline and it was just such an honor to record
him on rebels here really Sabine and Ezra get witness as to what SAW is
willing to do and finally understand what not Nachman and Bail Organa is
position is that this guy's too dangerous and unpredictable for us to
have him as part of our camp kind of fact we made a decision back in Clone
Wars that when Stila died it really altered saws path that he might have
turned out to be a different person if his sister had lived when George and I
have talked about saw we wanted to lay groundwork for his future because he was
always going to be someone that was more of an extremist it gets into this theme
which is the dark and the light are things that are not just the area of the
Jedi innocent we all can make dark choices or selfless choices selfish
choices and saw can't let go of the anger and the hate and the fear he has
over what happened to him when he was very young we all have choices to make
and that's what drives us in the end to who we will be in what will contribute
to the galaxy
do expect a lot bigger than you fixed up shop after last week's premiere you had
quite a few questions for the Lucasfilm story groups Pablo Hidalgo and as always
I delivered for you the fans watch
hello Pablo Andy we're doing these again yeah do you miss me yeah yeah yeah oh I
have two questions for you this week it's last season right yes
so Enoch Robinson asks in stormtrooper armor mode could Sabine's dutchess
weapon have taken out vader no because actually we've said stormtrooper armor
and vader armor are two different things some of our guidebooks have pointed out
that stormtrooper armor is made out of plastic
while Darth Vader's armor is made out of Duras steel so it doesn't seem like the
same setting would affect both okay Curtis Ebanks asks why does Kanan need a
hologram of Hera when he's blind he doesn't but obviously he wants to see
Canaan and the easiest way to do that is a standard two way holographic
communication and besides we the audience want to see Hera so we we went
out in that situation okay thank you all right see you next week have
questions about in the name of the rebellion or any other rebels questions
you want answered tweet them - at Star Wars using the hashtag rebels recon
email answer what we can online and now here's an exclusive first look at the
occupation one of next week's brand-new episodes
look at the sky Kenan what have they done well thought looks like it's dying
your home isn't exactly the place you remember kid they don't repair yourself
supply ship a broken horn we have a lock transmit clearance codes money thanks
for watching rebels recon we'll be back next week with a brand new episode but
if you need more rebels info in the meantime check out the episode guide for
in the name of the rebellion on Star Wars calm right now thanks again and may
the force be with you
Mashujaa Day Celebration (Long Beach, CA) | MY THOUGHTS ON THE KENYAN ELECTIONS - Duration: 6:07.Today is Mashujaa Day
and I have that feeling of strength in my spirit
I will be speaking at an event that celebrates Mashujaa Day
It will be a celebration of Mashujaa Day
These people are waiting for food
There are a lot of people and a lot of food
*Naming off all the types of foods that are here*
Everything is here. Let's see!
I'm here and i've found a slay queen
The slay queen herself
That's her. She's even wearing a crown
Do you see that crown?
I have found the mothership.. this is it.
You see these??
Say it in Swahili
"She doesn't know Swahili!"
"My name is Cindy Langali"
"My name is Muthoni"
That's good she's done a good job
Othiero of Nairobi. You've heard it here first
We are here with him in Long Beach
This young man is a white guy and he speaks swahili
He speaks Kikuyu and he cooks ugali
Who remembers Christine???
We are here and i'm with my friend
We are grilling some beef
and then we will eat
*Speaking a tribal language that I don't even know*
My name is Justo. But it's really Justin.
But since I am a Kenyan i make it Justo
"Do you still do that work of a conductor?"
Yes of course. Mbao Mbao!
Hello Counselor | "Not funny?" [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.09] - Duration: 26:36.Let's start with "Not funny?"
I'm a comedian of 27 years.
- 27 years? Who is it? / - He's older than we are.
I've been a comedian for 26 years.
He's been a comedian longer than I have.
26 years for me, too. We debuted together?
He's younger than I am, but he speaks casually.
That's my concern. He speaks casually to me.
He must see me as a woman.
Oh, bro.
(A full swing)
(He's quite mischievous)
I didn't want to do that to you.
Whenever I appear on entertainment programs,
I become a wallflower.
"Hey! Talk! The shoot will end soon!"
The shoot will end soon.
On programs with groups of guests,
I have a hard time making comments.
"Please show us your personal talent.
Impersonations? Dancing?"
"I'm good at bungee jumping."
What on earth?
"Where do you get ideas for your gags?"
"I usually look at English materials
to look for ideas that suit the Korean mind."
That's not funny.
I make jokes in my own style to be funny, but...
"Comedians study real hard these days.
I'm impressed."
Why does everyone take me seriously?
That's why I get comments like, "He's not funny!
Is he really a comedian?"
Will I be okay at this rate? This is his story.
I thought of someone.
Do you?
Kim Yeongcheol.
Kim Yeongcheol?
Why would you think it's him?
Kim Yeongcheol debuted a lot later than we did.
He must be hurt.
He's so talkative. This person can't speak.
Kim Yeongcheol didn't debut 27 years ago.
I heard another name over here.
- Kim Suyong. / - Kim Suyong.
He's that boring?
When somebody mentioned Kim Suyong,
they all went, "Oh..."
Everyone knows.
Is it Kim Suyong, or someone else?
Let's bring him out.
Please come on out.
(We knew it!)
(Kim Suyong)
(Everyone knew it was his concern)
Oh, no.
Oh, Suyong.
You should've been funny as you came down.
Then I'll provide laughter with my socks.
You'll slip on banana peel socks.
(Please be nice today)
(Burst of laughter) (Ha ha ha ha)
Please introduce yourself.
Hello. I'm comedian Kim Suyong.
Is this really your concern?
Or did you make it up for this special episode?
I was quite concerned about being on this program.
Is my concern big enough to fill up your time?
He gets concerned about everything.
I made a big decision to be here today.
It's your second golden age.
There's talk of Su Dragon's achievements.
You were on "Hello Counselor" earlier this year.
I was asked to be on many programs since then.
But then that gradually declined.
- Again? / - Yes.
Now I'm on just one program regularly.
Is that so?
(.... Oh....)
We all became quiet all of a sudden.
What's ironic is that
on "Happy Together," my only program currently,
I feel like a wallflower.
On the other program that I can't mention...
It airs at the same time as this?
There, too...
"Same bed, different dreams?"
You can mention it.
"Same bed, different dreams."
What about it?
Is it okay to be this blunt?
Did you decide to quit that program?
(Ha ha ha ha)
All right.
(We got it)
I was hired to be on it briefly from the start.
Isn't that the best answer?
(Was I witty enough?)
I'm surprised to hear about "Happy Together."
You're one of the members of the Morning Group.
We did a "Star Golden Bell" special recently.
We had about 20 guests then.
That's a lot.
I was quiet from beginning to end.
Why? Because there were too many guests?
So many thoughts go through my head.
I decide to make a comment.
Then I think, "Is now not the time?" So I wait.
"I'll say this a little later."
Then someone else starts talking.
So I wait for them to finish speaking.
You were being considerate.
Then it's, "See you next time."
(He ended up not making any comments)
So people say...
People write, "Kim Suyong is lazy.
He gets a free ride on TV programs.
Find another job."
I'm sure some other people were quiet.
Especially if there were 20 guests.
I was the most quiet.
Sometimes the guests look after me.
The guests take care of you?
"I wish Kim Suyong would speak, too."
The guests were looking after me,
and I was embarrassed for myself.
It was a few months ago.
You know Shin Dongyeob's cooking program?
- I was on it, right? / - Yes.
Remember asking, "What programs are you on?"
He was the only guest that day.
He didn't make any comments even then?
He was just watching, like he was the audience.
He looked around the studio.
He knew that the dish was the main star.
Did you ever try to do anything to stand out?
During the "Star Golden Bell" special,
Park Myeongsu took a bathroom break.
Hiding his chair would make him flustered, right?
So I took his chair
and put it in the corner.
Everyone else was busy chatting.
I hid the chair
and was laughing all by myself.
Park Myeongsu came back.
"Where's my chair?"
But he found a seat to sit down.
No one else noticed.
I was the only one laughing.
It was never aired.
So I don't appear on TV often.
There was a program that took place in Mongolia.
I watched that.
Park Suhong, Nam Heesuk, and I went.
Mongolians eat horses' testicles.
As soon as a horse is castrated.
Do they eat them raw?
Park Suhong and Nam Heesuk refused to eat it.
I thought I should take this chance...
You should seize this opportunity?
I wanted to show that I work hard.
- So I ate it. / - Raw testicles?
- Yes. / - That's terrible.
I was on Mongolian TV. What?
We'll take a break. The microphone isn't working.
Why now?
(Why now?)
- He's in despair. / - Why now?
You're so unlucky.
That was the climax of your story.
Why? (He fails to be funny again)
- Is it mine? / - Yes.
Why did it have to be yours?
Even the microphone.
On other programs, you can't tell it's broken.
Because I don't ever speak.
I can't help but cry.
(So sad)
Let's start over with the Mongolia story.
You have to tell it again.
I'm used to it. I'm used to it.
(Suyong's energy permeates the studio)
Everyone in the audience
has become your fan now.
They will react appropriately.
I pity you and want to help you out somehow.
With Park Suhong and Nam Heesuk...
It's already funny.
We went to Mongolia to live like nomads.
Mongolians often eat horses' testicles.
Horses' testicles.
They're eaten raw.
Horses' testicles are eaten raw.
What happens to the horse? (Good job!)
What happens to the horse?
It would die.
No. It's just castrated.
It trots off lightly.
Like this.
It was castrated. (He succeeds in being funny)
They told me to take a bite.
If I refused to eat it,
we wouldn't appear on Mongolian TV.
Why would you care about being on Mongolian TV?
You should focus on being on TV in Korea.
Why cares about Mongolia?
I closed my eyes and swallowed it.
The whole thing?
Not the whole wonton. Just a little piece.
Just a little piece.
"The whole wonton."
How did it taste?
How did it taste?
(Like this)
Its taste was...
But there were so many malicious comments.
Not to me, but to the production staff.
"Our entire family threw up our dinner."
"So gross. Kim Suyong must be crazy."
It was a good experience.
(How sad)
Kim Suyong's close friends are here today.
Please come on out.
(Kim Yeongcheol)
(The balls fly out)
(He enters with a big fuss)
(Kim Saengmin)
Kim Saengmin and Kim Yeongcheol.
(Nice to see you)
Please introduce yourselves.
People who love Kim Suyong.
There's no such club, but if there was,
we would join the group. I'm Kim Saengmin.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
I'm someone who Suyong has been wanting
to humiliate for 19 years. I'm Kim Yeongcheol.
Kim Yeongcheol made a big fuss as he entered.
Balls don't usually spill over like this.
But look at all these balls on the stage.
I was quite shocked before.
You were describing Kim Suyong,
and someone mentioned my name.
I was so hurt.
Does that mean Kim Suyong and I are similar?
Someone over there said it.
Who said it was me?
You won't find out who it was.
Quite a lot of people said it.
The two of you were on "Hello Counselor"
for the emcees' best friend specials.
Kim Saengmin, you said you were concerned that
people didn't recognize you. But that has changed.
So what? Stupid!
His decision was overturned in 28 hours. Stupid.
(He's recognized everywhere now)
Your life is great these days, right?
It's been great since I was on "Hello Counselor."
I'm happy because Dongyeob helped me out a lot.
Did you know about Suyong's concern?
I know what he's been through.
I'm one of the people who feels bad for him.
But I am certain that things will get better
exactly 18 months from now.
Why 18 months later?
It's too early now.
(He's been a comedian for 27 years already)
- Even now? / - He debuted 27 years ago.
People are gradually being immersed in his gags.
Please explain the key points of Suyong's gags.
It's quite difficult to explain.
That's the problem.
There is no foreshadowing for him.
We usually say, "Get set, go!"
But he just says, "Go!"
No one can run.
"Do you want a foreign car? It's only $3,500."
"Why is it so cheap?"
"It doesn't have an engine."
(Ha ha ha ha)
"Isn't it a great car?"
So it's funny if you know who he is, right?
"Have a cookie, Suyong."
"It's good, right?"
"It's suffocating me. I'm about to die."
That kind of gag.
Suyong likes to share R-rated jokes
when we meet after work.
They're supposed to be sexy, but funny.
But his jokes are just dirty and sexy.
They're just dirty.
Sometimes even I think they're so dirty
that I want to cry and block my ears.
Comedians are supposed to act out scenes
during a shoot sometimes.
But he's such a terrible actor.
I'm sorry to say this.
I know that he majored in theatre.
So I asked him, "Didn't you major in theatre?"
"Keep this to yourself.
I majored in reserving movie tickets."
Reserving movie tickets.
His gags don't make you burst out laughing.
They make you laugh and feel embarrassed.
He just blurts out whatever comes to mind.
That's what is funny about him.
Is that story about Guam true?
Tell us that story.
I wanted to go home for the holidays after my debut,
- but there were no tickets. / - Ulsan.
"What's wrong?"
"I want to go home, but the tickets are sold out."
"How many tickets do you need?"
"Just me."
"Hello? There is one ticket left."
"But it stops by Guam first."
At the time...
It wasn't funny at all.
Stopping by Guam to get to Ulsan?
I got so aggravated because I was desperate.
I guess he always wants to tease me.
Because I have great reactions.
"Want to go work overseas for four days?
They'll pay $10,000 for four days."
"Really? Which country?"
"Gather people and hold a singing competition.
You must do it yourself."
That's so funny.
"But it's a minefield. Are you willing to go?"
He's funny, but aggravating.
But it's funny when we talk to him a lot.
He's usually a very funny guy.
Why does he become a wallflower on camera?
What do you two think?
I tell him to smile more.
He needs to walk around with a smile, but...
People who don't know him...
(Like this?)
People who don't know him,
like young scriptwriters, are scared of him.
I tell him to smile and go out to dinner often.
- Get along with people. / - Yes.
But he says, "No! I have nothing to say!"
That's how he usually is.
He doesn't drink, either.
- Not at all? / - Not at all.
I understand that about his relationships,
but those things aren't visible on camera.
He needs to speak in a higher tone.
I don't like his tone.
We usually speak in a high tone. A "sol" note.
I know that I'm a bit excessive.
So you know?
I speak on a "la" note.
La la la la. That tone.
But it's better to be excessive.
It could be edited out.
But he speaks too low. A "do" note.
Both of them are right.
I do speak in a low tone.
I want to change, but I can't.
Let's be honest here.
Out of the three of you,
who do you think is the funniest?
But we're all very different.
Kim Saengmin is bright. He's like healthy food.
It tastes bad, but it's healthy.
Yeongcheol is like a Hong Kong film.
He's funny, but he isn't quite memorable.
I understand what you mean.
You're quite keen.
I'm vexed.
I usually do gags from the dark side.
Dark comedy.
That's who I am.
So we'll call up Song Euni and ask her
what she thinks of Kim Suyong.
Let's find out what a great man he is through her.
We got in touch with Song Euni now.
- Hello. / - Hello.
I'm comedian Song Euni. Nice to meet you.
We have Kim Suyong, Saengmin, and Yeongcheol here.
In your opinion, which of the three
is the least funny?
That's quite cruel for comedians.
Someone who's not funny?
- Not me. / - Not funny.
Not funny? Kim Saengmin.
- Kim Saengmin comes last? / - Kim Saengmin.
His comments are too long.
Who's the funniest one then?
To be honest, I think the funniest one
is Lee Yeongja.
(Song Euni, great!)
That's wrong, Euni.
She's the best on and off camera.
But if I must choose among the guests,
I would say Kim Suyong.
(Happy vs. sad)
That makes me feel the worst.
I hate being a weird second place.
It's better to say I'm not funny.
To be honest, Kim Yeongcheol...
- Hello? / - Keep talking.
Of course we wouldn't just hang up on you.
Kim Yeongcheol, stop with the voice-mimicking.
I got a text from him earlier today.
"I'll be going on 'Hello Counselor' today.
Please tell everyone that I'm the funniest one."
(I want to hide...)
Even if we're close, I can't lie on TV.
Suyong came today saying that he's concerned
about not being funny. Do you understand?
He's so funny.
So I wondered why he can't be funny on TV.
Can you think of any stories about him?
He's funny since he's ridiculous in a serious way.
He once cooked on a radio show.
He got asked, "What have you cooked before?"
He said, "I cross-stitched noodles
on rice paper."
(Why is he a wallflower?)
He was being so ridiculous.
He's very random and quirky.
What would you like to say to Kim Suyong?
You're always so funny and cheerful.
I hope the viewers know that, too.
I hope you never give up.
Thank you so much for talking to us.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
You two went through the same thing before.
I'm sure you were concerned about the same thing.
How did you overcome it?
He would always tease me.
"Hey! Disgusting boy!"
"What? You're a no-fun guy!"
We always tease each other like that.
That's funny.
I'm currently on "Knowing Bros."
I'm in charge of a non-funny character.
That was so upsetting before.
Being a non-funny guy as a comedian.
But then Hodong told me,
"Don't be upset, Yeongcheol."
There it is. There it is.
"This is what I think.
Just be immersed in your character.
You guys tell me I'm old-fashioned.
Do you think I like to be called that?"
Oh. Thinking outside the box.
Then the producer told me this, too.
"Don't stress about not being funny.
Were you stressed?" So I said yes.
"Why would you be stressed out?
People like Sugeun should be stressed.
Sugeun is always funny, so he's burdened
about being funny every week.
You don't have to be funny."
(Attacked with facts)
"I don't?" "You don't have to be funny."
That's great. It's a win-win situation for you.
If you're funny, it's great!
- If not... / - That's how I always was.
I'm so jealous.
So I've been at ease during shoots since then.
I should enjoy being a non-funny guy.
Not being funny has become my persona now.
Him being lethargic can become a persona, too.
Could you please stop talking,
and continue to voice-mimic Kang Hodong?
I was nearly beaten to death by Hodong.
His tone is so funny.
"Yeongcheol, I...
Stop talking, and just do Hodong's voice.
I was just...
What's wrong with you?
(Lee Yeongja really hates this)
(Oh, my)
I debuted before Yeongcheol did.
He mimics me, mocking my painful past.
I even went to court because of that incident.
When he mimics me...
I understand why people murder others.
I just...
(I'm sorry)
It seems as though
you don't talk to others about your concerns?
I usually don't.
It's embarrassing to talk about my feelings.
Suyong has always been unique and charming.
But he was deceived by an older comedian once,
and he went through financial difficulties.
I think he's felt intimidated since then.
I met him a few times during that time.
He was going through a big ordeal then.
He said "I'll live as long as I can breathe."
Because he was having such a hard time.
I was recommended to some scriptwriters.
"Kim Suyong is so funny."
So I was asked to be on some programs.
But it didn't work out for me from the start.
So I ended up being quiet the whole time.
I wiped off my sweat during the shoot.
I just reacted, and when the shoot was over,
I packed up my things to go home.
Then I felt like I heard voices.
"Who asked him to be here?"
You heard that?
"Why would anyone hire him?"
"I was told that he's funny!" I'd hear that.
(He felt a burden to be funny)
(It must've been tough)
There are people who like your type of gags,
so that's why people call you "Su Dragon."
We collected good comments about you.
"When will Suyong's true value be acknowledged?
He's a friend who's really funny..."
Your friend must've written this.
- I guess so. / - It must be your friend.
You must've asked your friend to write that.
"I like Kim Suyong's persona!
The world isn't just for those who are quick.
Instead of watching all five characters be funny,
it's more fun to keep an eye on just one person.
Not everyone needs to be the same."
These are great comments. (Right)
"Because his gags are such high-class,
it takes five seconds for normal people to get it."
People can't understand his high-class gags.
I like that one. "I want to see him.
Su Dragon.
He makes us nervous that he'll be fired.
Will he be on today?
Will he be on next week?"
(Everyone is curious about his future)
There's a fan page that your fans made?
These comments are from that website.
"Suyong Place."
Your fan club's name is Suyong Place?
(Oh, my)
(Who is that boy?)
The boy we used to like back then.
You've changed this much?
How funny. Suyong Place.
Reading these comments...
Yes, I am motivated.
There was an actress. She was
a better actress than Chang Mihee,
but she never became famous.
This is what she said to Chang Mihee.
"You had director Bae Changho behind you."
Saengmin has become popular now
thanks to Song Euni's idea.
You'll shine once you meet someone like that.
I've never worked with anyone before.
But I am doing something with Yeongcheol now.
We have different personalities and styles.
You two are the opposites.
- But we've decided to work together. / - Great.
Song Euni will air it on a podcast.
- That's great. / - That's a great idea.
That's how "Kim Saengmin's Receipt" started.
It's titled "No-Fun vs. Disgusting Show."
- Disgusting and no-fun. / - That's great.
What would you like to tell the viewers?
I won't give up, and I'll continue to work hard.
Fun laughter.
Raise your tone a little more.
I will provide great laughter to you!
(You can do it, Kim Suyong!)
If you can relate to his concern,
please press the button.
(What does the audience think?)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Please stop.
Many people pressed the button.
They are all rooting for you.
Please show us the result.
Kim Suyong's concern.
The last digit.
It's 8.
He got over 100 votes.
Many people are rooting for him.
- We have 200 people here. / - 138 votes.
(He got 138 votes)
Hello Counselor | He's a tyrant [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.09] - Duration: 20:18.We'll start "He's a tyrant!" now.
Hello. We're a male musical group of 22 years.
We are sending in our story
to expose one of our members.
He has a sweet voice and a muscular body.
He is quite popular.
But to be honest, he's a tyrant.
"Hey! Where are you?"
"I'm at home. I'm not feeling well..."
"Forget it. I'm at a cafe. Come here right now."
He always makes us come out.
When we recorded songs for our album...
"Ow! My throat hurts!
It's hard to sing the entire song by myself."
Then he could let us sing a little, too.
He sings the songs all by himself.
When we go on entertainment programs...
"You made a comeback. How have you been?"
"We were busy preparing our new album.
Our concept is...
You're curious about our album concept, right?"
He steals the comments before he's asked.
So I said this to him.
"Hey! Let me speak, too!"
You must be quick.
It's a battlefield out there. Get a grip."
But this is what's even harder.
"He's struggling all by himself to make ends meet
for the other members."
Fans only cheer for that one member.
We have a lot to say, too.
Please reveal our side of the story, too.
Can you guess who they are?
Sechs Kies.
Turbo. Turbo. A three-member group.
Sechs Kies?
You think it's Turbo?
Is it Sechs Kies? Or Turbo?
Please come on out.
(Who's having a hard time because of a tyrant?)
(Turbo's Kim Jeongnam, Mikey)
(Powerful and energetic)
(Korea's only three-man dance group)
(Turbo, band of 22 years!)
- Hello. Nice to meet you. / - It's been a while.
(It's been a while, Turbo!)
You haven't been out much, right, Jeongnam?
You seem so happy.
It's the first time we're on TV without Jongguk.
Is that so?
How do you feel, Mikey?
I'm nervous.
I'm a big fan of "Hello Counselor."
It's amazing to be on the program myself.
Do you want to touch me?
I'm a star.
Since you're here to talk about your concern,
please introduce yourselves.
Hello. I'm Mikey, in charge of rap in Turbo.
Because Mikey is in charge of rap,
I'm confused about who I am.
I'm Kim Jeongnam of Turbo.
The role that Yeongcheol played
- is the one we know? / - Jongguk.
They're saying that Kim Jongguk is the tyrant.
You must be ready to break up the group.
We talked about it earlier.
If we do break up, the two of us can form a team.
But neither of you can sing.
You're right. We both can't sing.
Does Jongguk know about you two being here?
He knows, but he doesn't know why we're here.
He doesn't know it's about him?
You didn't tell him?
I think you should tell him before it's aired.
There will be an aftereffect.
We talked about that, too.
He won't kill us, at least.
He won't kill you...
Why would you come here to talk about it?
I have difficulty talking to him now.
- From your position? / - Yes.
But you're older than Jongguk is.
We're the same in front of Jongguk.
I'm older, but it's awkward.
Your rank.
It's not that easy.
(It's a concern)
Let's start with Mikey's concern.
We got back together in December 2015.
After 18 years.
In the case of Jongguk,
he's on many programs already, and he's popular.
He's too busy.
He's so busy with his personal schedule
that we couldn't promote our album together.
Since he worked hard, too,
we understand that he has his own schedule.
But as Turbo, we should work as a team.
But he promotes the album all by himself.
- Alone? / - Yes.
He was on Cultwo's radio show by himself, right?
He should've gone with us.
(I understand your concern...)
We were told we'd be on "Knowing Bros."
Mikey was there, but I couldn't see Jongguk.
I asked around to see where Jongguk was.
They told me that he had a shoot.
He was at a shoot for "Knowing Bros."
But you were there for the shoot, too.
So I asked, "What's going on here?"
After Jongguk was done with his shoot,
they'd film us singing and dancing for 10 seconds.
You thought you three would be on the program?
Yes, that's right.
That must've been upsetting.
(You're right)
Then we were asked to be on "Radio Star."
(I have nothing to say about that...)
I heard I was not included in the shoot.
Jeongnam has his head down.
- I received notice. / - Jeongnam went.
(Obstacles after obstacles)
That was the second time for me.
Even on "Infinite Challenge," he went by himself.
Jongguk doesn't get to decide that.
The production staff does.
We need Jongguk here to figure out who's right.
A three-party encounter?
We already asked him to be here.
- We told him about the shoot. / - Really?
You sound surprised, Jeongnam.
Why are you flustered? Of course he could come.
What if he really shows up?
Let's see if he's here.
Let's call out his name.
Kim Jongguk.
Please come on out.
Is he here?
(A Kim Jongguk panel is brought out)
(They smile again)
I guess he couldn't be here today.
Why would you leave that there?
(The cause of concern is here!)
Does it make you nervous to look at his picture?
I was just kidding when I said I was nervous.
It really feels like he's here.
The two women behind him look overwhelmed.
Entertainment programs are a battlefield.
It's a monopoly for Jongguk.
What do you mean?
- He never lets us talk. / - Talking.
So I told him during the break.
"Please let us talk. Give us three seconds."
You told him that?
What did he say?
"Do whatever you want then."
Then when the shoot starts again,
his comments just come out automatically.
- It's his instinct? / - Yes.
We're holding a concert these days.
We rehearse for five hours before the concert.
He said his throat hurt.
So we asked why.
He said it was because he talked too much.
That's how much he chats on other programs.
What do you think about Jongguk's concern?
Can you see that singers can have these concerns?
Yes. It must be very tough.
Before Yeongja asked you a question,
did you ever consider
making a comment?
- Not at all. / - You were busy listening to us.
What about you, Suyong?
I've never had a sore throat from talking.
That was your funniest comment today.
(Kim Suyong will start to be funny now)
Jongguk called me over one day.
He told me to speak faster.
This is how I accepted it.
He is my best mentor, best friend,
and best brother.
(King Kim Jongguk)
We're saying that he doesn't let you speak,
and you're thanking him for teaching you?
I learn how to take people's comments from him.
What does that make Mikey then?
(Kim Jongguk is my true mentor)
Please tell us if you have other complaints.
Our new songs mostly have medium tempos.
There are only four measures of rap in each song.
So you don't have much of a part.
We need to divide our parts, right?
Jongguk came and told me this.
"Jeongnam is not a rapper.
He's a dancer."
You never heard this before?
What about the rap in the first and second albums?
- You rapped, right? / - Yes.
He told me that he'd give me a bigger part.
Jeongnam will dance, and I will rap.
I looked forward to it.
But he divided our parts half and half.
Some of our rap lyrics are the same.
Can you give us an example?
Let's not grow old disgracefully.
Let's be manly day by day.
- That's the rap. / - That's it?
His part is exactly the same.
I rapped in my own style.
Demonstrate for us, please.
Let's not grow old disgracefully.
Let's be manly day by day.
(Let's not grow old disgracefully, be manly...)
(We can feel Jongguk's weight so well right now)
I thought a shaman had showed up.
(I won't miss it)
(So funny)
We released a summer album recently.
He told us that it would be rap-based.
This time...
You must've gotten your hopes up.
The rap part is much shorter.
There's a part where we all shout together.
Tonight, we'll dance, dance, dance...
(The part where they shout together!)
(Then it's Jongguk's solo!)
(Then Jeongnam goes under)
He doesn't really need you two then.
There were only four measures of rap.
So the rap part was much shorter.
You should've talked to him about it.
Jongguk pays for all costs of making the album.
We actually recorded "Hot Sugar" last year.
We waited a year and a half for its release.
I don't know how I should say this.
I wanted to call him so many times.
We wrote many messages to him.
"When will we record? Is there a new song?"
We couldn't actually send those messages.
(They felt too guilty to send the messages)
Let's call him up.
I dialed his number earlier.
(Calling Kim Jongguk)
Yes, Mikey.
I'm Lee Taeim.
Say hello to everyone. This is "Hello Counselor."
Oh, hello.
Oh, hello." You've gone into celebrity mode.
Mikey and Jeongnam are here to discuss
their concern about you. Did you know that?
Why are they there?
You have a new nickname now.
What is it?
Tyrant? I'm not like that at all.
They talked about how you are on talk shows.
I get nervous whenever
there's silence during a shoot.
That's why I keep trying to talk.
It's a habit, right?
Yes. That's why.
I told them to cut in while I'm talking.
I'm learning a lot about cutting in thanks to you.
- Thanks. / - He's a traitor.
(Ha ha ha ha ha)
(This must be a battlefield)
Jongguk. This is Kim Suyong.
Give me a lesson one day.
Suyong is asking for a lesson from you.
I acquired this habit because of Jaeseok.
Jongguk. This is Yeongcheol.
They say that you nag at them after the shoot.
I would've done the same thing
if I were in a shoot with you, too.
(There's no safe zone for this talking machine)
He nags at me, too.
You said Mikey is in charge of rap,
and Jeongnam is in charge of dancing.
Then you divided the rap part in half.
I see.
Explain it well.
(Turbo's engine is flustered)
Mikey is the true rapper for Turbo.
Jeongnam is the dancer.
A dancer.
(Let's dance)
Why did you take Jeongnam to "Infinite Challenge,"
but not Mikey?
(He's perplexed again)
I personally feel bad about that, too.
Jeongnam was a big hit that day,
so fortunately, since then,
Mikey is able to be with us, too.
What do you think after hearing their complaints?
Are you surprised?
I think it's time to break up Turbo.
(He doesn't ask questions)
Jongguk, come on. Jongguk!
He's kneeling down.
Jongguk, no!
What would you like to tell these two?
Jeongnam keeps making mistakes.
Even though the rap doesn't change.
Mikey needs to shorten his warm-up time to talk.
You should talk to him directly about your wishes.
Let's meet from time to time and talk.
Why did you have to go on that program to say that?
(You should've told me that sooner)
From our point of view, it seems that
they're awkward with you because you're a star.
You should talk to them more often.
Sure. I will.
You want to end the group after this album?
A little. Yes.
We'll officially invite you on our program soon.
That'd be great.
Tell us what happens after this.
All right. I'll be on "Hello Counselor" soon,
and I'll explain my side of the story.
You seem picky about which shows to go on.
Why did you exclude our program?
That's not it.
- Then keep your promise. / - Sure.
Thank you.
Thank you, Jongguk.
After the team broke up 18 years ago,
I had to find my own life.
Jongguk found his.
It took so long for me to do that.
I finally got a real job
and got an offer from a huge company.
That's when we talked about reuniting as Turbo.
I gave up on my other life all together
to be here as a member of Turbo.
In order to find my own life,
I studied real estate and passed the exam.
But I got so sick within six months.
From depression to a panic disorder.
I thought that I'd have to give up
singing and dancing forever.
Since then, within those six months,
I got sick with so many illnesses.
Because you couldn't do what you wanted.
I couldn't even breathe.
- It's better now that you've reunited? / - Yes.
So you're grateful to Jongguk?
Why did you come here today?
As for Jeongnam,
he's very dependent on Jongguk.
- Dependent? / - Yes.
He is very dependent on Jongguk.
He is almost servile to Jongguk.
How so?
He gets Jongguk's confirmation on everything.
He's older than Jongguk.
But he asks, "How should I do my hair?
What do you think of this outfit?" I see it all.
What do you think about that?
I hate watching him do that.
You feel like he's kissing up to Jongguk?
Yes, sometimes.
Why are you so dependent on Jongguk?
He's older than I am, but he's a senior now.
As a singer and an entertainer.
He's so high in rank now.
He has plenty of experience, too.
I'm working as a member of Turbo now.
I don't want to be a nuisance.
We're glad you came here today.
We have many more days to live.
You'll have to plan things out well.
Talk to Jongguk about your concerns.
Jeongnam, you try to communicate, too.
That's all you need to do.
Tell Jongguk exactly what you want from him.
Jongguk. I am so happy
to be part of Turbo once again.
But offstage, I must face reality,
and I have concerns about so many things.
But I wasn't able to tell you this until now.
Let's talk after our concert is over.
And now...
Jeongnam and I have another concern.
We're hurt by all those malicious comments.
These are the comments we get.
"They don't do anything.
Kim Jongguk saved your lives.
Be good to him."
Yes, we are grateful for the opportunity,
but we also gave up our precious lives
to be part of Turbo.
Please be kind to us.
Yes, those comments are hurtful.
Treating them like bugs.
People shouldn't write things like that.
Why are you looking at Yeongcheol?
Please don't. Okay?
Let's start with Saengmin. Is it a concern?
This is a huge concern.
I think he'll think every story is a big concern.
Starting today,
I think Turbo will have great driving force.
- Yeongcheol. / - I think it's a concern, too.
I think it's a concern.
I hope you muster up your courage
and work well together. I'll cheer for you.
Suyong! You must press your own.
It won't be pressed twice.
(He doesn't know where his button is)
It can't be pressed twice.
He lost his.
- Here you go. / - You found it?
(He's the scene stealer of the day)
(Suyong thinks it's a concern)
He's so funny.
I hope the three of you will communicate more.
Hang in there.
If you can relate to their concern,
please press the button.
"He's a tyrant!"
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Please stop.
Please show us the result.
(Announcing the result)
So far, the highest score was 147.
The final digit.
They'll win if they get 152 votes.
How many votes did they get?
132 votes.
(They got 132 votes)
On this week's specials,
"Revealing herself" has won.
If it counts as a concern, you'll get a reward.
Until the day we are all worry-free,
"Hello Counselor" will continue to counsel you.
Thank you.
Hello Counselor | Revealing herself [SUB : ENG,THAI / 2017.10.09] - Duration: 30:41.Kim Suyong, Kim Saengmin,
and Kim Yeongcheol will stick with us.
Thank you.
You won't stop talking from now on, right?
- I'll start to talk now. / - Seriously.
(I'm just getting started! - Kim Suyong)
This isn't a talk-heavy program for the emcees.
That's why I love this program.
For the first time, we have an actress' concern.
An actress?
It's titled "Revealing herself."
Hello. I'm an actress of 10 years now.
I was loved for my pure image at first,
and I'm known to be sexy now.
But when people look at me, they ask,
Is something wrong?
You're not angry, are you?"
I didn't do anything, but people misunderstand.
No matter how kindly I say,
"I'll get going now."
"What? She's going home early again?"
I wasn't going home early again.
I seem to make a bad impression.
Now, "Hurry, the shoot is about to start."
Wait. Do I look angry?
Do I look mean?"
Since people see me badly,
whenever I have to meet many people,
I take anti-anxiety medication.
What's wrong with me?
Please help me change my image.
I got that a lot, too.
Many people asked me, "Are you angry?"
I wasn't angry at all.
The same goes for me, too.
Suyong spoke. He was able to jump in!
You're tired?
You didn't get much sleep last night?"
Isn't it due to the dark circles under your eyes?
He's become aggressive.
But he never really hits someone.
Right. (I'm sweating from all that work)
(He wants more air time)
That was funny.
I'm curious about this actress.
Do you know who this actress is?
This is fun.
- Can you guess who it is? / - Tell us.
Kim Sumi.
Kim Sumi?
She's very aggressive.
Someone with a sexy image.
Kim Sumi does not have a sexy image.
- Lee Yuri. / - Lee Yuri.
She played a villainess in a drama.
She played the role of Yeon Minjeong.
This could be someone we don't expect.
It's hard for an actress to hear these things.
Let's bring her out here.
Please come on out.
(Who's the actress with a strong image?)
Lee Taeim.
You all started to murmur as soon as you saw her.
Is it because she doesn't have that image?
- Because she's too skinny. / - Too skinny?
How is that related to her concern?
I should be the one to point that out.
Please introduce yourself.
Hello. I'm Lee Taeim, an actress of 9 years.
But taking medication over that issue...
I really do.
Did you take medication before coming today?
No. On purpose.
I thought I should practice being comfortable.
- Since you came to talk about yourself? / - Yes.
Please tell us about what happened.
So... I...
Just a moment, please.
- You're nervous. / - I am.
- Have a glass of water. / - I'm fine.
Mine contains alcohol. You want some?
No, no.
I want to become friends with others,
but I'm afraid that I might be overwhelming.
Will they like me? I get so worried.
So I haven't managed to get close to others.
- So you're quite shy. / - Yes, I am.
When I go to read the scripts for dramas,
I have symptoms of panic disorder...
- So you take anti-anxiety medication. / - Yes.
I debuted through a commercial.
I was loved for having a pure, kind image.
Then in the KBS drama "Marry Me,"
I came out wearing a bathing suit.
Then my image changed completely.
- You switched to sexy. / - You have a hot body.
I ended up with a sexy image.
So I only get urban, haughty roles now.
So rather than having a friendly image,
I ended up with an unapproachable image.
You said you went from being pure to sexy.
We prepared some photos. Let's take a look.
You look sweet.
How beautiful.
And then...?
(When did she get a sexy image?)
You do look sexy.
Your image has changed.
I saw that image a lot on "Entertainment Weekly."
A walking scene.
People say that you look angry often?
- I get that a lot, too. / - Do you?
- Yes. / - Really?
I'm just sitting there,
but my manager comes and tells me
that the others are wondering if I'm angry.
I was shocked to hear that.
I wasn't angry at all.
I get that every day.
Every single day.
I'm a fan of yours. I think that's lovely.
- Let's be angry together. / - Okay.
Then your concern is resolved, right?
I look depressed or sad when I'm relaxing.
- Like something bad happened? / - Yes.
Please show us how you normally look.
On an ordinary day.
No expression.
- You look angry. / - Do I?
But going like this by herself...
That would look weird, too.
Let's all make that same expression.
Let's see if Taeim looks angrier than us.
Please take a look.
Please let us know what you think.
(They all look depressed, too)
(Are you the angel of death?)
You really look scary.
Right after I debuted,
older comedians yelled at me a lot.
When they called my name, I responded.
Then they'd ask, "Are you starting a fight?"
That really happened to me a lot.
So I would respond with a smile like this.
I would just sit still, and then...
- Jung Chanwoo! / - Yes?
That looks so unnatural.
I did that on purpose. Did you try anything?
When I filmed "Woman of Dignity"...
I'm a big fan of Kim Heeseon.
I wasn't able to talk to her during the shoot.
Because I was so shy.
At the party after the drama ended,
I mustered up the courage
to carefully ask for her phone number.
She willingly gave me her number.
That was really a huge effort for me.
- Why? / - You must be introverted.
I am. It's hard for me to do that.
This must be it.
Because you have that image,
you're afraid that they might think badly of you.
You must change that.
It's traumatized me.
Whenever I talk to people.
No one has ever said anything to me.
But they know about my image.
So I wonder, "What do they think of me?"
When you do something, and the other person
reacts a certain way, you're traumatized.
What happened in the past?
I went to say hello, and she'd gotten very skinny.
So I said, "It's so great to see you again.
But you've lost so much weight."
She told an actor next to her,
That's all she has to say to me?
She's weird." I was right there.
That's a traumatic experience.
She said that while I was standing there.
She was wrong to say that.
No, you should've added another comment.
"You look even prettier."
If you just say, "You've become skinny."
She could think, "Do I look sick?"
"Do I look bad?"
Women and men are so different.
Men would think, "Oh, I've lost weight."
Is that how men really are?
"You've lost weight." "Oh, I have?"
You've gained weight." "Oh, I have?"
What? Is he interested in me?
You're crazy.
He said that. He did.
Taeim, you're from Gyeongsang-do?
People from there don't speak nicely.
She's also from Ulsan.
That's right.
I've met her on entertainment programs,
so I never knew she had this concern.
She'd always call out, "Yeongcheol!"
I've only seen her bright side.
Everyone approaches you easily.
No one is intimidated by me.
I have no charisma.
This also happened to me.
I'm not a good drinker.
But you look like you would be.
People offered me drinks, so I drank.
I got so drunk that I went home and slept.
The next day, they had a bad impression of me.
Someone who just went home while drinking.
You lost on both counts.
They all thought badly of me.
Only those who drink can drink well.
I'm sure you showed that you weren't enjoying it,
and you left to go home early. That's why.
Let's help her out.
When you greet senior actresses, you should say,
It's been a while. You look so beautiful.
What is it? Have you lost weight?"
That's it!
You should add that at the end.
Also... "I really can't drink.
My body rejects alcohol, so I passed out before,
but I'll drink today because it's you."
- Yes, that's it. / - That's what you should say.
Don't drink. Don't drink.
Drink up. "Thank you for the drink."
That's great.
(Oh, Dongyeob)
(He's working hard to solve her concerns)
Taeim, you're an actress. This is great.
We should work harder. Look at Dongyeob.
Let's work harder.
It's been a while since I've done a physical gag.
I haven't seen Dongyeob's slapstick for a while.
If you're misunderstood by people for a long time,
your personality starts to change.
I feel like I've lost myself.
The real Lee Taeim?
Do you stay cooped up in your house?
Who are you close friends with?
My younger brother.
Of course that's natural.
I was asking which celebrities
you're friends with.
You're close to your brother?
Is he a celebrity?
What do you do at home with him?
Play games, work out, and chat.
We go out to eat, too. It's fun.
He doesn't spend time on his own?
He has to hang out with me when I'm home.
He has to hang out with you?
What? This is a concern for him.
He should be up on this stage, too.
If he has to spend time with her,
I'm sure it's a great concern for the brother.
Let's meet him.
Your brother is here today?
He's handsome.
- Hello. / - You two look alike.
You hang out with her whenever she's bored?
She lives in Seoul, and I live in Pyeongtaek.
That's far.
But she comes over every two or three days.
- To Pyeongtaek? / - Yes.
He really means it.
She used to be very tomboyish.
She was outgoing and easygoing.
Her personality...
You mean she was free and easygoing, right?
Yes. Like a boy.
When I was young, I was beaten up by older boys.
She'd say, "Let's go!"
And she fought against two boys.
Anyone could tell that she lost.
She was beaten up a lot, too.
- She was? / - Yes.
But she came home and said, "I beat them all!"
"If I'm hurt this badly, they're hurt worse."
So what about now?
She's become so introverted.
Rather than going out to have fun,
she comes over to my place.
Aren't you concerned because your sister
comes and takes away your free time?
When my girlfriend comes over to my place...
Oh, she comes to your place.
Because she's his girlfriend.
I'll say this. Great.
I was supposed to spend time with my girlfriend.
Why did you go over then?
I was there first.
I was there first, and she came over later.
You went over first, and she came later, right?
That means you didn't call him first.
I did.
He told you to come when you called?
Yes. So it's his fault, too.
There are other problems here.
She called on that very day.
My girlfriend and I decided to meet a week before.
Then you should've told your sister not to come,
since your girlfriend was coming over.
You should've told her.
If you set the date a week in advance,
I'm sure you prepared things for that day.
What's going through your mind right now?
It's a precious date with his girlfriend.
My sister was already on the highway.
Oh, she called on her way over.
Suyong! Why don't you say something?
He's still here?
Why don't you ask him a question?
I'm sure this is a concern for you, too.
What else is tough for you?
My sister may look confident to others,
but she's actually very clumsy.
She's very fickle.
She used to send me on errands often.
You're her little brother.
You know shrimp ramen?
She asked me to get it for her.
So I went out and bought her that.
Then she said, "I don't want to eat this now.
Can you go get me fried ramen?"
I know what you mean.
So I went out again to get what she wanted.
Then she said,
"I don't want ramen anymore. You eat it."
She's that fickle.
It seems like it's a bigger concern for him.
He should be the one taking anti-anxiety medication.
I am fickle.
You also sent him on errands?
I did. I beat him up a lot, too.
(She was a tomboy sister)
You were quite a tough kid.
That's how siblings are.
I couldn't beat my sister until middle school.
She always choked me, and it hurt.
- She choked you? / - When we fought.
But once I entered middle school, I was stronger.
I lost back when I was younger.
So there are sisters who choke their brothers.
That really hurt.
You want me to choke you?
Is it because he's obedient?
Yes. He listens to me.
He listens and tells me what he thinks.
We play games together.
We meet people online together.
It's different from what I've imagined.
I thought that you'd have men lined up
to go out with you, and you'd live in a spotlight.
Who knew you'd go to Pyeongtaek three times a week?
Don't you have a boyfriend?
It's been six years since my last relationship.
I'm sure many men are in love with you.
No one has asked you out?
No. I have no chance to meet people.
Don't fellow actors ask you out?
I was asked out once.
Be honest. I was asked out three times, too.
Spill it out.
In her lifetime.
Yeongcheol, Yeongcheol, Yeongcheol.
(Ha ha ha ha ha)
(What about Song Euni, then?)
When I think about starting a relationship,
it just becomes a cumbersome process.
Who's your ideal man?
Who do you want me to say?
What? There isn't anyone.
You're asking us whom we want you to like?
There isn't anyone we have in mind.
Isn't there a type of man you like?
Ha Jungwoo.
You and I like the same type.
Someone who's macho.
A man who'd take care of his woman.
- A kind man. / - A sweet guy.
Can't you introduce her to a man like Ha Jungwoo?
She needs to go out to meet people, but...
That's what I'm saying.
She never goes out to meet people.
Can't you introduce her to someone you know?
Does she not go out?
I've never introduced her to anyone.
You want her to meet people.
It isn't easy to set up your sister with someone.
Do you get frustrated by her often?
Since she's a star, she can't go out freely.
When we eat out, we always eat in the corner.
- Wearing a hat? / - Yes.
She used to be tomboyish and easygoing.
But she's changed, so I'm frustrated.
I will tell you this.
No one cares about you.
They're busy with their own lives.
Nothing will happen.
But her case is a bit different.
It's not that she's afraid of being recognized.
She's afraid that others will criticize her.
This is what happened.
I've become an issue many times.
Whenever I say something,
it becomes an article the next day.
Then people turn it into a controversy.
For example, I did an interview with a reporter.
He asked me about my ideal man,
so as a joke, I said,
"I eat and spend a lot, so wealth is important."
I just blurted it out.
The next day, "Lee Taeim likes wealthy men!"
People said, "I knew you'd be like that."
People were criticizing me.
I realized I must be careful when I speak.
So I began to lose confidence and hide.
You say things that could be misunderstood.
You could've said, "Since I earn money,
I want to meet a man I can spend time with."
I'm not that eloquent.
Reporters are out to find something to write.
There was controversy over my diet.
Yes. You lost too much weight.
I clearly said I ate three spoonfuls of rice a day
and some vitamins.
The article said I ate three spoons for six months.
People criticized me. "Is she human?"
When you go out with your brother,
why do you have to hide in the corner?
I just end up being like that.
She thinks people will think badly of her.
- Whispering. / - But they're actually
whispering about something else.
I think the biggest problem is that
you care more about others than you should.
I've been really sick, too.
Yes, mentally.
It's been about eight years now.
- Once you became a celebrity? / - Yes.
- It must've been tough. / - Yes.
Did you suffer from a panic disorder?
I hear things.
He does, too.
Hold each other's hands.
Cheer up.
What do you hear?
Someone keeps calling my name.
Taeim. Taeim. Like this?
Hey. Hey." Like this.
Then answer them.
If I do that, then I really see ghosts.
So it blew up.
After the controversy, I went into shock.
I ended up in the ER, but I don't remember it.
I was hospitalized for about three weeks.
Then I gradually got worse.
I've gotten much better thanks to medication now.
I've gotten better,
but I'm still on the medication.
- Even as she speaks now... / - She's shaking.
So you couldn't breathe well?
Yes. I couldn't breathe.
My pulse was racing, and blood pressure went up.
I went through an ordeal, too.
You won't understand if you've never dealt with it.
I seriously...
People criticized me online,
and I ended up imagining things.
I thought I could lose my mind this way.
So I ate lots of spicy food.
(He's collapsed laughing many times today)
You must eat spicy things when you're hurting.
It's all about food for her.
That's how she is.
I'll give you a solution, Taeim.
Eat spicy food.
Were you hurt by some comments online?
People sexually harassed me.
After "Woman of Dignity" aired, people wrote,
"Lee Taeim is so ugly."
"I never knew she was this ugly."
"She's nothing compared to Kim Heeseon."
Have you ever gotten bad comments? Suyong?
"Did you get plastic surgery?"
(Blurting out strange comments again)
Taeim is comforting him.
Did you get tattoos under your eyes?" Like that.
Tell us, Yeongcheol.
I once read all 400 comments on my article.
I saw a pattern.
"Distasteful." "No fun." "Disgusting."
So I realized these criticisms don't vary.
Their opinions don't matter to me.
Why should these 400 people ruin my day?
Why am I reading these comments? I realized that.
On "Entertainment Weekly," I hear that
actors usually overcome their hardships
by working on new projects.
The drama with Kim Heeseon was a success.
- That's right. / - I'm sure you'll heal soon.
It sounds like your personality
isn't well-suited to being a celebrity.
- You're right. / - It's the same for me.
- Really? / - Sure.
But I've been doing this for years.
I can't quit now.
- So I do the best I can. / - Me, too.
You must accept it and overcome it.
You must become more confident.
Dang dang dang dang dang dang dang...
Here comes his joke for the day.
I won't miss it.
Yeongcheol is unwell.
I am.
You played a role of the "other woman" this time.
Did people criticize you for that, too?
After the controversy broke out...
After the issue,
I thought my life as an actress was over.
I thought that myself.
I wanted to quit, but like you said earlier,
there was nothing else I could do.
So what I decided was that
I'd start out by playing a small role.
- That's great. / - That's what I thought.
I waited, and like a miracle,
I was offered a role in "Woman of Dignity."
I really worked hard for this drama.
I think people recognized my hard work
and began to love me for who I am.
I'm glad you came out here today because
you got a chance to tell people about yourself.
Some people may leave malicious comments again.
- Sure. / - You can't avoid them.
But that's their decision and their thinking.
Don't be influenced by them, and be confident.
Who worried about your sister the most back then?
Our mother did.
She told our mom, "I'm having a hard time.
I want to die."
- To your mom? / - Yes.
I was quite worried at first, too.
"It's not like her."
But she was able to overcome it
because she always saw herself
as the head of our household.
I'm not surprised.
There were times when we couldn't afford things.
So she paid my college tuition.
- She's a great sister. / - She looked after us.
He has to listen to her.
She's a great sister.
You should kick your girlfriend out instead.
As her family...
She was well-loved in "Woman of Dignity."
What did your parents say?
Dad bragged about her to the neighbors.
What about your mom?
Mom was the happiest.
She was there when Taeim had a hard time.
I wish you wouldn't avoid people anymore.
Go eat at restaurants with confidence.
I'm sure you'll meet people who cheer you on.
"Cheer up, Taeim."
I did. I did.
When you get frustrated,
look up his fan page.
(Suyong Place)
There are many positive comments written there.
- May I see it? / - Sure.
Suyong's fan site.
What kind of image do you want to attain?
I want a friendly, bright image.
Tell them.
I'm sure you're frustrated, but overcome it.
Some people will be understanding,
and some people won't. You can't avoid them.
Please stop badmouthing me.
I'm really trying hard to live a full life.
I'm really frustrated, too.
Stop badmouthing me.
I will do my best.
Please support me.
Yes. That's how it should be done.
We told you to be candid and easygoing.
Stop badmouthing me.
They'll badmouth her again.
They'll badmouth you again.
"I don't want to be criticized anymore."
But instead, "Stop badmouthing me.
I will live my life fully, so stop badmouthing me."
Instead of that, go like this.
Don't be harsh to people when you speak.
"I don't want to be criticized anymore."
It's a skill.
Pretend that you're taking a class.
You're in a classroom.
I'm really doing my best.
Please don't hate me too much.
Please support me.
While you're at it, can you do this, too?
Making comments to senior actresses.
Yeongja is a senior actress. You saw her.
Hello, Yeongja.
I hate you for no reason.
Don't regret it.
You're so thin. You're so beautiful.
- Really? / - You're so beautiful.
- Taeim. / - How did you lose weight?
I just eat a little less.
I'm off to meet my friends.
How about going together?
- Sure. / - Let's go.
- Third situation. / - At business dinners.
Good work.
Let's meet again in another production.
Have a glass.
I don't normally drink, but since it's you...
It's an honor.
Really? What if you get drunk...
I'll throw up and drink again.
(Great two times over!)
I can't do this.
(She's witty)
Taeim has changed.
I'll throw up and drink again.
(Acting his best)
I'll drink again.
Here you go.
I'm fine.
Great. Great.
I'm sure you can't tell from a distance,
but she's at ease now.
Her lips were shaking when she first came out.
You learned how you should speak, right?
I hope that all of you will love her
just the way she is.
She has no friends,
and she goes to Pyeongtaek to see her brother.
I'm sure it was a concern that no one can imagine.
How will her life be in the future?
I think it's a concern, too.
If I get a chance, I'd like to meet with her
and make her laugh.
I'll give you my phone number.
No, no. Don't.
I really.... (Stuttering)
Why are you shaking?
This is your first time, right?
I thought you were a tough woman before.
But now that I met you today,
you're so fragile.
What are you saying?
You guys are just so...
Don't avoid it. Face it and overcome it.
- Face it. / - All right.
Press the button if you can relate to her.
(What does the audience think?)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Time's up.
Your sister came out today to overcome this.
Why don't you say a word to her?
Thanks for always being there for me.
I wish you luck on everything you do.
Thank you, and I love you.
How many votes did she get?
"Revealing herself."
Please show us the result.
Suyong's "Not funny?"
Did she get more votes than he did?
147? 137?
(She got 147 votes)
Steve Bannon, Who Talks To Donald Trump Often, Says He's Trump's 'Wingman' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING: Judge Says New Hillary Email Dump All Evidence Needed To Indict Her & Deep State!!! - Duration: 4:24.Judge Says New Hillary Email Dump All Evidence Needed To Indict Her & Deep State
now we're going to put a pull and old chestnuts out of the fire Hillary
Clinton still has an email problem the latest revelation concerns her
assistant Huma Abedin her husband Andy Weiner
he had 2800 emails on his computer that came from Huma Abedin Hillary's
assistant round and round it goes who better to pass judgments that Judge
Andrew Napolitano was the signature the big picture the significance please the
significance is an FBI acknowledgement that Huma Abedin mrs. Anthony Weiner
when she had a top security clearance as the number-two assistant to Hillary
Clinton when Hillary was Secretary of State
regularly sent copies of sensitive material to her own laptop so she could
look at it at night either knowing or forgetting that her husband had access
to it as well we know of her husband's fate and and his jail sentence which has
nothing to do with this has to do with inappropriate and criminal personal
behavior but this yet again shows the culture in the Hillary Clinton State
Department of a cavalier attitude about the handling of government secrets it
also shows the FBI awareness of it it also shows the president's frustration
with it when in a tweet this morning he said there she goes again crooked
Hillary Jim Comey let her off the hook again something I profoundly agree with
him on is that he should pick up the phone and call general Kelly and say I
want you to call Jeff sessions and rod Rosenstein roses teens the number two
person in the Justice Department tell them to reopen this case and go wherever
the evidence takes them I'm not saying she should be indicted go where the
evidence takes them the evidence will take them to an indictment an indictment
of Hillary Clinton yes for breaking the law by putting classified material onto
an email to Huma yes and Huma will be a witness against her that's the way the
Justice Department works they are not bound by the ill-advised politically
motivated decision that James Comey made in the summer of in July of 2016
not to seek her indictment I thought it had all gone away so did I Sarah we all
thought it had gone away but but but here's how it came out in a Freedom of
Information Act request by our friends at Judicial Watch and the FBI coughed it
up and the Freedom Watch layers are looking at it and saying we never saw
these emails before they were not part of the original trove of emails that
were released these are yet more Hillary Clinton emails that we never saw that
she swore in a row three times she had surrendered to the government when
apparently she hadn't I can't resist bringing Holman into this he's sitting
that patiently waiting to go um do other people around this building who remember
Hillary won't go away no he will not go away but what this shows as Judge
Napolitano laid out perfectly clear the cover-up by the Obama administration was
very clever until they got thrown under the bus recently with those additional
emails secondly that's certainly not gonna go away you have a new
administration that wants to expose the corruption and the cover-up now the
other part of Hillary going away you're right she won't go away because she's
looking for relevance and she's not achieving it the way she thinks she is
with all of the things she's saying all of the attacks all that inherited cetera
so I happen to believe that when and if the president picks up that phone that's
case will be reopened like judge says and it's about time okay well you got it
out there you did 15 minutes left the more she talks the more the president
loves it yes yes he's right and the g8 she's falling right into his net and the
GOP and the Democratic elites are cringing
Korean men react [Jennie Weigel- deep end] - Duration: 6:14.Hello.
Hi Can I use this?
-I'm Seongbak. -I'm Taek.
-We have to pronunciate 'sh'. -'sh'?
Today we're going to meet someone familiar.
Somebody wrote this comment.
This comment is 'liked' by lots of viewers.
I didn't recognize her at first. Because she came back with different name.
Jannine Weigel.
Is Jannine pronounced 'ya'? I think it's 'ja'.
However he knows German and her name is German.
Yeah, I can speak German.
he has been 2 weeks to start learning German. lol
Anyway, we found a Weigel's song.
And Weigel is Ploychompoo!
When we see this MV's thumbnail, we think her image is changed.
She is not just a young girl anymore.
Her hair color is also changed.
It was purple before, but now it's blond hair.
Are you ready to watch?
Going down from the sky
Fall into the ocean.
It's a pop song.
-It's an English. -Yes, all lyrics are English.
Is she a mermaid?
Perhaps, she is a native in this island.
Yeah, she looks like it.
Or she came to uninhabited island.
Then why did she fall?
Was she an angel?
She is wearing a shell necklace.
It's my first time to see a person with blonde hair and black eyebrow.
Oh, she does.
It sounds really like pop song.
Especially her atmosphere.
-She looked like a student before. -She was fresh.
Is it Thailand?
Maybe... Pattaya or somewhere.
Maybe Jeju island. lol
I think it's an uninhabited island. That looks like a help flag.
Help flag?
I'm not sure..
Look at this. She becomes a queen.
She also seems like a natives.
She is not a natives. Because she fell from somewhere at the begining.
She was a fairy from heaven, but she adapted so well to island life. lol
UFO will come to there at the end.
That is an alien's language.
You are very imaginative.
You don't have to communicate only with your mouth. Body motions can be a language.
Good swimmer.
Swimming in the deep inside.
Deep end.
Her change is great.
Her new song is great.
Her young and fresh image changed into another.
She pretended to listen to music with unplugged earphones. She was cute.
Yes yes.
Now she eat well and live well by herself.
She seems to speak two languages well. Since she is half Thai and half German.
Maybe three.
Yeah, additionally English.
In my opinion, the music video is looks like pop song's.
Recently there are more and more cool music videos are created from Thailand.
I also think it looks like and sounds like pop songs.
Perhaps, it's the concept.
I'm happy to watch it.
Yes, her different style is also cool.
-Good bye Ploychompoo. -Bye bye.
-Click 'Like'. -Subscribe us please.
Bye bye.
Cool early, sunny, mild afternoon for some parts _ 102417 - Duration: 2:21.Good afternoon, the single digit morning lows are rising fast to hover around 20 degrees
Celsius, temperatures will be higher than normal for the capital area while the southern
provinces will be cooler than average.
For a closer look, Seoul, Gwangju and Jeju will reach up to 20 degrees Celsius while
Daejeon and Busan will top out at 19 degrees.
Chilly mornings and mild afternoons will continue this week so expect to ride on the temperature
roller coaster for the time being.
In autumn, seafood and fish are popular dishes in Korea.
Low in calories, sodium, and cholesterol, protein-packed seafood is great for your health.
There is plenty of tasty seafood to choose from so try some out
While most regions in South Korea will have mostly sunny skies with mild highs in the
afternoon, North Korea will be under clear skies along with cooler highs.
As for major cities in Asia,... Typhoon Lan, which smashed through Japan, killing at least
four people and leaving a trail of destruction behind,... dissipated yesterday, and Tokyo
will be under partly sunny skies.
Meanwhile, those in Melbourne will need to brace for afternoon rain.
Heading to North America, Chicago could wake up the coldest temperatures of the season
so far while Los Angeles will be continue to be under an Excessive Heat Warning with
highs at nearly 40 degrees Celsius, take precautions to avoid heat illness and heat stress.
As for South America, Monday's rain on Rio de Janeiro will continue into Tuesday.
Taking you to Europe,... those in Madrid will also have large temperature fluctuations of
over 15 degrees, getting up to 24 degrees on Tuesday.
Lastly to Africa, Tripoli will have a wet day with breezy highs.
Trump to press China on North Korea on Beijing visit: White House - Duration: 1:38.Our top story this afternoon...
The White House has revealed that President Trump plans to urge his Chinese counterpart
Xi Jinping to join U.S. efforts to further isolate North Korea.
It appears Trump intends to put his close personal friendship with Xi to the test during
his upcoming trip,... by pressing Beijing to get much, much tougher on the Kim Jong-un
Kim Hyun-bin starts us off.
President Trump is likely to call on China to maximize pressure on North Korea when he
arrives in Beijing early next month.
The statement came during a White House briefing on Monday regarding Trump's Asia tour, which
includes stops in South Korea, China and Japan.
The official added the U.S. feels positively about China's involvement in international
sanctions against the regime, but hinted at the possibility of asking Beijing to slap
unilateral sanctions on its long-time ally.
Most watchers believe there's a high possibility Trump will bring up the issue during his summit
talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Most experts say Beijing holds the key to pressuring the regime as it's the reclusive
state's largest trading partner by far.
During a recent interview with Fox News, President Trump underscored Beijing's role on North
Korea,... saying China has the clout to do something significant.
However Trump said Beijing has been helping the United States on the issues and he emphasized
the exceptional relationship he shares with President Xi.
During his stops in South Korea and Japan, President Trump is expected to send a stern
message to Pyongyang,... while enhancing cooperation to prevent future provocations.
Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.
Me, Myself & I - Hammer Time - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Coronation Street spoilers: 30 October-3 November 2017 - Corrie - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Emmerdale spoilers: 30 October-3 November 2017 - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Bouches d'Halloween bonnes à croquer - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Me, Myself & I - I'm Going To Barstow - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Meet Rural Crime Investigator, Detective Senior Constable Scott Barton - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Defense chiefs of South Korea, U.S., Japan agree on further cooperation against North Korea - Duration: 2:05.The defense chiefs of South Korea, the United States and Japan have agreed to coordinate
their efforts to resolve tensions with North Korea through pressure and diplomacy.
They also vowed to maintain... a high state of readiness against any further provocations
from Pyongyang,... by holding joint military drills.
Yu Joonhee reports.
Seoul's Defense Minister Song Young-moo,... met his U.S. and Japanese counterparts...
James Mattis and Itsunori Onodera,... on the sidelines of the ASEAN security forum in the
Philippines on Monday.
There,... the three defense chiefs agreed to support trilateral efforts... to address
the North Korean nuclear issue through maximum pressure.
They also recognized the need to heighten their military posture... by continuing to
hold trilateral, ballistic missile warning and anti-submarine warfare drills... in light
of the regime's growing threat.
Seoul's defense chief stressed however,... that South Korea does not want to engage in
conflict with the North... and that it was prioritizing a peaceful solution to the crisis.
But he warned that,... if Pyongyang were to use military force on his country,...
South Korea would be forced to take strong action.
(Korean) "We understand the weight of engaging in a
war as such.
We would make all efforts necessary to resolve the issue in a diplomatic and economic way."
Tokyo's defense minister in comparison,... adopted a much tougher tone on Pyongyang,...
for its recent provocations including a pair of missile launches that flew over Japanese
Onodera sounded the alarm on North Korea's growing nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities...
and endorsed Washington's view to consider "all options" on the table.
(English) "The threat posed by North Korea has grown
to the unprecedented, critical and imminent level.
Therefore, we have to take calibrated and different responses to meet with that level
of threat."
Other ASEAN ministers at the meeting also expressed concerns... about escalating tensions
on the Korean Peninsula.
They called on all parties to exercise restraint... and work towards resuming dialogue for the
peaceful denuclearization of North Korea.
Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
20 SINGERS before they were famous - Duration: 2:27.SINGERS before they were famous SINGERS before they were famous
SINGERS before they were famous SINGERS before they were famous
SINGERS before they were famous
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
Rebels Recon #4.3 and #4.4: Inside "In the Name of the Rebellion" | Star Wars Rebels - Duration: 8:19.Hey there Rebels fans, Andy Gutierrez coming at you from inside Lucasfilm headquarters.
This week Saw Gererra returned and the results were explosive to say the least.
Now I'm here to show you how it all came together.
This is Rebels Recon.
Joining forces with a larger rebel cell on Yavin IV
the ghost crew embarks on a mission to tap into an Imperial satellite.
We must have patched into the main comm circuit by mistake.
We're intercepting all incoming transmissions.
However when the plan goes awry Saw Gererra shows up and saves the day
but not before recruiting Ezra and Sabine for a mission of his own.
The Empire wiped out a whole population because they were building something.
Something they've hidden away.
Searching for clues aboard a civilian freighter
Saw, Ezra, and Sabine discover a giant Kyber crystal that brings the Rebels
closer to discovering what secrets the Empire has in store.
The Empire is already on the verge of winning a war
most of the Rebel Alliance doesn't believe has already begun.
This week we got to see the Rebels finally arrive on Yavin IV
I sat with the cast and crew to talk about the current state of the Rebellion,
what it was like incorporating this legendary setting in the series,
and took a deeper dive into Saw Gererra's motivations.
Our Rebels have finally connected with the larger rebellion on Yavin 4.
What's the state of the stat of the Rebel Alliance at this time?
Is this the Rebel Alliance or is it still individual cells?
Well, I think there's a lot made of what is the definitive moment
of their being a Rebel alliance in the fan base world.
And everybody likes to think what is that moment.
But as a story for us it's not that important of a moment because
we've been fighting the Empire all along.
We've kind of made it clear that they were on their own in the beginning in this Rebel cell
That in the second season they actually linked up with more groups.
Once Mon Mothma gets involved I guess that's when it's more of an Alliance
because she's declaring them pretty openly.
But as we know from Rogue One,
there is still disagreements as to how they're going to operate.
So that's kind of where we are, we're in between those extremes.
What it takes is a threat like the Death Star
to congeal these disparate groups into the proper Rebel Alliance.
The Rebels finally make it to Yavin IV in this episode...
what does it mean for you to be so directly tied into the beginning of the saga?
That hit me on a couple of levels.
I read it in the script
I went and saw Rogue One and so I got another re-energizing for all those feels.
Initially it's really emotional.
Words can't describe how it feels.
Literally when I read the script by myself
I give myself permission to weep openly
so that I can get it together by the time I have to read it in front of a group of people
and then I can sort of be professional.
I mean that's why Star Wars is so sick.
Like everything comes together.
It's cool that everything is in the same world
that's awesome and that's what makes all of it so fun
and why paying attention to every little storyline is cool for fans, I think.
So the Yavin base is obviously an iconic Star Wars setting.
How do you go about creating it for animation?
That was really fun, I actually got to work on Yavin base.
The inner six-year-old in me was like really nerding out when I got to do that.
was really and hurting out and I got to do that but that was fun it was also a
challenge too because a new hope they're working on sets and everything and
actually have to kind of physically make it work with 3d models it was a lot to
figure out actually from reference we knew that visually you had to see these
things that were iconic and Star Wars that would immediately make you think of
that so we didn't stray too much we used reference as much as possible
from the movies that last sequence in a new hope a type of lighting that you
have around like a conference table or everyone's kind of standing you did a
little bit of that with all the people standing around that same table on the
interior Yavin 4 is obviously a very iconic setting from a new hope and now
wine was it always the goal to have the show line up so directly with the film's
no and it's not a goal still you know in some ways you almost want to avoid those
things to keep the characters independent of making their own choices
and having their own path and destiny not serving as some footnote on the
journey of another character when things worked out in talking to Gareth and John
though about the movie rogue one we're like well it seems reasonable with the
scale that you've made the operation on Yavin that our rebels would have gone
there because it's much more of a hub what I really liked about this episode
is we really got some fire out of Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma is all about projecting this implacable cool and confidence and to
see a crack in that veneer I love what Genevieve did and I love that we were
able to take that character there we've been following saw now for half a season
what's it like bringing that character up to speed to where we see him in robot
it was so phenomenal to team up with the road 1 team to bring SAW into our
universe we recorded Forest Whitaker for this role he
really cares about this character and he wanted to know what is his backstory
where is this in the timeline and it was just such an honor to record
him on rebels here really Sabine and Ezra get witness as to what SAW is
willing to do and finally understand what not Nachman and Bail Organa is
position is that this guy's too dangerous and unpredictable for us to
have him as part of our camp kind of fact we made a decision back in Clone
Wars that when Stila died it really altered saws path that he might have
turned out to be a different person if his sister had lived when George and I
have talked about saw we wanted to lay groundwork for his future because he was
always going to be someone that was more of an extremist it gets into this theme
which is the dark and the light are things that are not just the area of the
Jedi innocent we all can make dark choices or selfless choices selfish
choices and saw can't let go of the anger and the hate and the fear he has
over what happened to him when he was very young we all have choices to make
and that's what drives us in the end to who we will be in what will contribute
to the galaxy
do expect a lot bigger than you fixed up shop after last week's premiere you had
quite a few questions for the Lucasfilm story groups Pablo Hidalgo and as always
I delivered for you the fans watch
hello Pablo Andy we're doing these again yeah do you miss me yeah yeah yeah oh I
have two questions for you this week it's last season right yes
so Enoch Robinson asks in stormtrooper armor mode could Sabine's dutchess
weapon have taken out vader no because actually we've said stormtrooper armor
and vader armor are two different things some of our guidebooks have pointed out
that stormtrooper armor is made out of plastic
while Darth Vader's armor is made out of Duras steel so it doesn't seem like the
same setting would affect both okay Curtis Ebanks asks why does Kanan need a
hologram of Hera when he's blind he doesn't but obviously he wants to see
Canaan and the easiest way to do that is a standard two way holographic
communication and besides we the audience want to see Hera so we we went
out in that situation okay thank you all right see you next week have
questions about in the name of the rebellion or any other rebels questions
you want answered tweet them - at Star Wars using the hashtag rebels recon
email answer what we can online and now here's an exclusive first look at the
occupation one of next week's brand-new episodes
look at the sky Kenan what have they done well thought looks like it's dying
your home isn't exactly the place you remember kid they don't repair yourself
supply ship a broken horn we have a lock transmit clearance codes money thanks
for watching rebels recon we'll be back next week with a brand new episode but
if you need more rebels info in the meantime check out the episode guide for
in the name of the rebellion on Star Wars calm right now thanks again and may
the force be with you
For more infomation >> Rebels Recon #4.3 and #4.4: Inside "In the Name of the Rebellion" | Star Wars Rebels - Duration: 8:19.-------------------------------------------
VOA Words and their Stories171021 - Duration: 9:31.Now, Words and Their Stories from VOA Learning English.
Each week, this program tells about words and expressions in American English.
Sometimes we give examples through conversations, stories and even songs -- whatever we can
use to help you improve your understanding of American English!
Today we start by asking a question: What sort of friends do you have?
The answer is probably -- all different kinds!
So, we will talk about different expressions that we use for different kinds of friendship.
You've got a friend in me, You've got a friend in me, When the road looks rough ahead, And
you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed.
You just remember what your old pal said, Boy, you've got a friend in me …
When Randy Newman sings "you've got a friend in me," he simply means that he is a good
friend of yours.
But what do you call someone who is not really a friend?
You just, kind of, know them.
Acquaintances are people you know, but not well.
When using this word, there is often a distance between two people.
We often use it when we want to state that the person is not a true friend.
It doesn't mean that you have bad feelings about the other person.
You are simply acquainted with them.
In other words, you know his or her name but that's about it.
An acquaintance could one day be a friend if the two of you spend time together and
you find that you have things in common.
As the adjective suggests, a distant friend is someone you consider a friend, but not
a close one.
Maybe time or distance has come between you.
Or perhaps you know them in a limited way.
Again, calling someone a distant friend does not mean you have bad feelings for them.
Distant friends could also be mutual friends -- people you know through other people.
Mutual friends are friends you have in common, or share, with someone else.
When we don't want to use the word "mutual," Americans often just say a friend of a friend.
For example, I could say, "Oh, I don't know her well at all.
She's just a friend of a friend ... of a friend."
You can add as many "of a friends" as you think necessary.
Your childhood friends are the people you grew up with.
Many people grow apart from their childhood friends.
But some people remain close with those people who were among their first friends.
Fast friends are people who become friends soon after they first meet.
It's as if you were meant to be friends with each other.
These days, there are people who are friends through social media.
As social media developed, the word "friend" has also become a verb, as in this example:
"After she stole my client list, I unfriended her on my social media accounts.
She cannot be trusted."
Now, if you have friends who are important in the community or are extremely wealthy
or powerful, you might say that you have friends in high places.
These friends have power and influence.
They can help you when you're in trouble or when you need something.
Not all of us are lucky enough to have friends in high places.
And that is okay.
Sometimes it's more fun to have the opposite.
'Cause I've got friends in low places, Where the whiskey drowns
And the beer chases my blues away.
And I'll be okay.
If someone is no longer your friend, you can call him or her an ex-friend.
The two of you may have had a "falling out", meaning a disagreement or fight.
And now you are "on the outs," meaning no longer talking to each other.
There's another kind of friend that I'm sure we've all had at one point: the fair-weather
First, what exactly is "fair weather"?
When weather conditions are fair, they are really nice.
Everything from taking a walk to doing home repairs and playing sports is easier to do
in nice weather.
There's no driving rain, heavy snow or strong winds to make things difficult.
As an adjective describing things, the term fair-weather means something is designed for
nice weather use only.
For example, in boating, a fair-weather sail is only good for sailing in good weather.
And a fair-weather tent is only meant to be used when camping in mild, dry conditions.
Well, the same can be said for a fair-weather friend.
Such a person is only there during easy, carefree times.
But as soon as things get difficult, they are nowhere to be found.
We should note that this idiomatic usage describing a type of friend is much more common than
the actual meaning.
One online reference guide gives us another definition of a fair-weather friend as "one
who is helpful, friendly or available" but only when it is convenient for them.
So, this friend will help you if he or she gets something out of the relationship.
If not, you are on your own!
Another online guide defines fair-weather as "insincere and temporary."
Americans often use "fair-weather" when talking about sports.
When a team is doing well, fair-weather sports fans jump on board.
They want to talk about the team morning, noon and night.
But at the first sign of a losing streak, a fair-weather fan jumps ship!
So, a fair-weather friend will not see you through the bad times.
That is why we have close friends and even best friends.
This person will help you through thick and thin.
They are often the wind beneath our wings, as the song says, meaning they lift us up
and help us get to where want to go.
And who doesn't want a friend like that?
And that's Words and Their Stories.
I'm Anna Matteo!
WRITING PROMPT: Do you have a word like "fair-weather friend" in your language?
Let us know in the Comments Section!
Or simply practice with some of these expressions by describing one of your friendships.
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
I seen you around for a long, long time.
I remembered you when you drank my wine.
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
For more infomation >> VOA Words and their Stories171021 - Duration: 9:31.-------------------------------------------
Les banques ont besoin Social Media compétences afin d'améliorer l'expérience client - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Les banques ont besoin Social Media compétences afin d'améliorer l'expérience client - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
NATEWANTSTOBATTLE "Sto...-------------------------------------------
Me, Myself & I - I'm Going To Barstow - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Halloween 4: The Curse of Mike Myers Ghost Bubble at 9 Seconds! - Duration: 0:21.Ghost Bubble at 9 seconds
And here it is again
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