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Simpson's Paradox - Duration: 4:40.We often evaluate the success of medical treatments or social programs by how much of the population
they help.
Like, suppose we're treating a disease that afflicts both people and cats, and among 1
cat and 4 people we treat, the cat and 1 person recover and 3 people die.
And of 4 cats and 1 person we don't treat, three of the cats recover while the person
and 1 cat die.
In the real world, these numbers might be more like 300 and 100, or whatever, but we'll
keep them small so they're easier to keep track of.
So, in our sample, 100% of treated cats survive while only 75% of untreated cats do, and 25%
of treated humans survive while 0% of untreated humans do.
Which makes it seem like the treatment improves chances of recovery.
Except that if we aggregate the data, among all people and cats treated, only 40% survive,
while among all people and cats left on their own, 60% recover.
Which makes it seem like the treatment reduces chances of recovery.
So which is it?
This is an illustration of Simpson's paradox , a statistical paradox where it's possible
to draw two opposite conclusions from the same data depending on how you divide things
up, and statistics alone cannot help us solve it – we have to go outside statistics and
understand the causality involved in the situation at hand.
For example, if we know that humans get the disease more seriously and are therefore more
likely to be prescribed treatment, then it can make sense that fewer individuals that
get treated survive, even if the treatment increases the chances of recovery, since the
individuals that got treated were more likely to die in the first place.
On the other hand, if we know that humans, regardless of how sick they are, are more
likely to get treated than cats because no one wants to pay for kitty healthcare, then
the fact that 4 out of 5 humans died while only 1 in 5 cats died suggests that, indeed,
the treatment may be a bad choice.
So if you're doing a controlled experiment, you need to make sure to not let anything
causally related to the experiment influence how you apply your treatments, and if you
have an uncontrolled experiment, you have to be able to take those outside biases into
As a more tangible example, Wisconsin has repeatedly had higher overall 8th grade standardized
test scores than Texas, so you might think Wisconsin is doing a better job teaching than
However, when broken down by race – which, via entrenched socioeconomic differences is
a major factor in standardized-test scores – Texas students performed better than Wisconsin
students on all fronts: black Texas students scored higher than black Wisconsin students,
and likewise with hispanic and white students.
The difference in the overall ranking is because Wisconsin has proportionally far fewer black
and hispanic students and proportionally more white students than Texas – so the takeaway
should not be that Wisconsin has better education than Texas!
Just that it has (proportionally) more socioeconomically advantaged people.
In some situations there's also a nice graphical way to picture Simpson's paradox: as two separate
trends that each go one way, but the overall trend between the populations goes the other
Like, maybe more money makes people sadder, and more money makes cats sadder, but if cats
are both much happier and richer than people to start with, the overall trend appears,
incorrectly, to be that more money makes you happier.
Of course, you can also misinterpret this graph to show that, overall, more money makes
you a cat, which I think helps illustrate very well the ability to lie or reach incorrect
conclusions by blindly using statistics without context!
Of course, this is not to say that statistics are always going to be paradoxical or confusing
– it's quite possible that everything will just make sense from the get-go, like if people
and cats both get sadder when you give them more money, and cats are both poorer and happier
than people, then the overall trend is no longer paradoxical: more money = more sadness.
But it's important to be aware that paradoxes like Simpson's paradox are possible, and we
often need more context to understand what a statistic actually means.
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When life hits you with a challenge do you swing back? - Duration: 1:26.Well I was kind of intimidated at first. Nobody else is trying it, but then I'd feel
even weaker if I didn't even attempt.
Don't be scared of failure. Why not try something?
I mean it was fun. Who cares what you score.
Small challenges give you confidence to take on bigger challenges.
Once you get going, you start completing challenge by challenge by challenge.
If you don't face the challenge, then you'll never know if you're up to the task.
I think it's a good thing because you can get a whole lot better at it.
Challenge Accepted!
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CHI PU DREAM SHOW - Cho Ta Gần Hơn (Offical Trailer) - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
Metallic Dragon Scale Nail Design - Quick & Easy Tutorial - Duration: 8:50.-------------------------------------------
Faith Receives Grace with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 10-24-17) - Duration: 19:47.(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.
I know my God has made the way for me.
ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of Victory,
Kenneth Copeland helps us examine what the Word of God
says we should be saying, versus what's actually coming
out of our mouths. Your words spoken in faith
have the power to bring things to pass.
KENNETH: Let's look at Mark. "Verily I say unto you,
Whosoever shall say--" All right, count with me.
TOGETHER: One. KENNETH: "--unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and
shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe--" Okay,
there's one "believe." So we've got one "say," and one
"believe." "--that those things which he saith--" two "--shall
come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." AUDIENCE:
Three. KENNETH: So where did He put the emphasis, on the
believing? AUDIENCE: No. KENNETH: No, on the saying.
(Audience Agrees) You can be believing and not say it, and
you haven't released the faith. Faith is like money, you've got
to spend it for it to work. (Audience Murmurs) Amen. And so
he put the emphasis on the "saying" part. Turn with me to
Luke--no, I haven't finished reading Mark 11:24, 25.
(Laughter) "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you
desire, when you pray, believe you receive them, and you shall
have them. And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have
ought against any: that your Father which is in heaven may
forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither
will your Father which is in heaven forgive you your
trespasses." Now, let's straighten that out. He's
already forgiven you your trespasses." He's not holding
anything against anybody. He said, "I, even I, am he that
blotteth out your transgressions, and remember
your sins no more, for my own sake." Then, of course, in the
book of Colossians, talks about Jesus blotting out the
transgressions and the note. What is that note, that--that
note that was held against us? Do you know? You remember the
sign that was nailed on that cross? Those were the charges
against Jesus. That was the process. You put the charges on
the cross. And every charge that was against us hung on that
cross and blotted out the--His blood blotted out the
handwriting. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Glory to God. Oh, I tell you, I can
tell the Spirit of God is really interested in us digging deeper
in the Spirit and finding out who we are and stop--and stop
this silly baby church kind of faking and talking and grow up
into Him! (Cheers & Applause) I refuse to say anything that's
unbecoming to Jesus and the blood that He shed. AUDIENCE:
Hallelujah. KENNETH: And I refuse to say anything that I
don't desire to come to pass. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: And if
you have to, just slap the very daylights out of yourself. It'll
wake you up! Now, beating yourself won't help you. That's
penitence. But it don't hurt every once in a while just to
slap the snot out of yourself. (Laughter) You start saying
stuff and start raising your voice to your family, I mean,
it's--it's time for a jaw-slapping. AUDIENCE: Whoo!
KENNETH: And if you will slap yourself, then you don't get
slapped. AUDIENCE: That's right. That's right. KENNETH: The
proper way to say that, "If you judge yourself, you'll not be
judged," with the Word. (Audience Agrees) And you don't
"die prematurely--" (Audience "Amens) "--by
discerning--rightfully discerning the body of Christ."
Now then, your heavenly Father will not forgive your
trespasses. It isn't that He won't. It is that He can't.
AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: You've already forgiven. Did you hear
Creflo last night? "oh, goody, everybody's going to heaven."
No, they're not. I wish they were. But what grace has done,
you're going to have to, by faith, receive it. (Audience
Agrees) You're not the righteousness of God. You're the
righteousness of God in Him. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: You had
to get in Him to get it. AUDIENCE: That's right. That's
right, amen. KENNETH: Amen. So, He is faithful and just to
forgive me my sins. When? When I confess. Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen.
KENNETH: You confess it and be like Him, forget it. AUDIENCE:
Amen. KENNETH: Confess it and forget it. Now, you're going to
have to walk by faith for a while because you kind of
get--you kind of get worried about yourself if you're not
mourning about this. Don't seem like you're all that sorrowful.
"Maybe I need to cry a little while." Crying don't impress
Jesus. (Audience Agrees) He's easily touched with the feelings
of your infirmities. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: But you still
have to, by faith, receive it, because His feelings won't heal
you. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: But His Spirit will.
(Laughs) I--whoa ho-ho. That done me a lot of good right
there. Glory to God. He's easily touched with feelings. So I plan
to take advantage of Him all I can. I'm going to walk in love
and keep the love commandment and just stay--keep my
figure--my finger on repentance all the time and raise your
voice just a little bit and say, "No, baby, I apologize. Forgive
me. I'm in training here." "Thank You, Lord. I receive my
forgiveness of that." AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: It's not
the time you screamed at your wife. It's everyday, day-in,
day-out conduct that causes trouble. AUDIENCE: Right.
KENNETH: You get in the habit of being loud and that kind of
thing. You have to be retrained. And you're--in some areas, you
are still such a baby. You may be well developed over here in
one area, but over here in this area particularly, walking in
the love of God and being slow to anger, slow to speak. Why?
Slow to speak. Some of you talk so fast all the time ain't
nobody can get anything to say. (Laughter) And it's a habit.
AUDIENCE: Yes, it is. KENNETH: Now, you may be like me and
you're naturally that way. Well, that don't give you any excuse
to talk all the time. AUDIENCE: Amen. (Laughter) KENNETH: Amen.
Shut up. (Laughter) Let somebody else say something. Amen. And
you may be like Gloria. She's dispositioned to never say
anything. She said, "Well, you know, you had more than enough
to say for both of us." (Laughter) Now, sometimes
there's some little silly little something like, "Would you shut
up and just listen to what she's got to say?" "Forgive me, sir, I
repent of that." Get back over on the love walk. I'm being
trained. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: I am being--can I say
that? I never thought that in my life until right then. Do I have
to say that? (Laughter) In certain areas--now, you heard
me, I didn't say this because I wanted to. (Laughter) In certain
areas, I'm having to be spiritually potty trained.
(Laughter) Such a baby. Why? Because you haven't taken
authority over your own tongue. AUDIENCE: That's good. KENNETH:
Go to the book of James. "Well, Brother Copeland, it says no man
can tame the tongue." No, it didn't say that. You ain't
getting off that easy. AUDIENCE: Come on! KENNETH: It said, "No
man can tame the tongue with natural force." That goes on to
say that the Word of God will tame it. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH:
Amen. I've got six minutes and 33 seconds. I can read my text
anyway. Luke 5. Thank You, Lord. Luke 5. No, I've got a little
more time than that. I'm going to take a little more time than
that, okay? Because Jerry, bless his heart, he--he quit a little
bit early. I thank God he did. But I--you know, I didn't think
he was through, man. I'm back there, "nah, nah." I was so into
what he was saying. All right. Luke 5:17, "He withdrew
himself--And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was
teaching--" Now say, "Teaching." AUDIENCE: Teaching. KENNETH:
"--as he was teaching--" Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
the Word of God. And "--there were Pharisees and doctors of
the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of
Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the
Lord was present to heal them." Well, certainly, it was. Jesus
was present. He said, "It's the Father that dwells within me, he
does the work." So the power was present to heal everyone there.
"And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a
palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him
before them--before him. And when they could not find by what
way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they
went up on the housetop, and let him down through the tiling
which, with his couch into the midst before Jesus. And when he
saw their faith--" Now, how do you see faith? Well, in the
first place, He saw what they did, their action. AUDIENCE:
That's right. KENNETH: Amen. Now, if you study this out, it's
in three different--it's in three different references. I'm
only going to take two of them this morning. But He was in His
house in Capernaum. It's referred to as the house. So,
I'm--I'm totally convinced of this. I thought--many, many
years, I thought He was in a hostile group, but He was not.
They were in His house. They came to hear Him. High-ranking
people came to hear Him. For a long time, I thought--but if you
carefully read this text, you'll see what I'm talking about. Read
all three of them. Now, they saw their faith. Well, how many
people without faith going to let somebody--you've got the
palsy, you can't walk, "They're going to let you carry me up on
top of the house? Dear Lord, I'm sick now." (Laughter) "You drop
me off this man's house, I'm in trouble." Now, I wasn't smart
enough to think that up. I got that from Brother Hagin. Praise
God. "When they--when he saw their faith, he said," Son--or
"Man, thy sins are forgiven thee." Now, Matthew 9, Jesus
said, "Cheer up! Your sins are forgiven." Cheer up! I'm saying
that to you this morning. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: I don't
know what you did early this morning. I mean, you could
have--you could have robbed a 7-Eleven store before you came
into this building. Cheer up! Your sins be forgiven you!
(Applause) Now, a lot of you--a lot of you, more than a few of
you have certain things wrong with your body and so forth, and
you keep thinking, "Well, it's because of my sin." Repent!
AUDIENCE: Amen! KENNETH: Repent over it! Amen. "Well, I don't
know what it was." Well, then forget it. God's forgotten it.
You can cover that with the blood. Now, if it's something of
long continuance and you know you should have confessed that
before somebody, it may be something back there a long time
ago, and it's bothered you that did something to someone. And
it's important to you to go to that person and say, "I want to
repent of this. God's forgiven me, but the right thing to do is
to--is to ask Your forgiveness and I receive it." Oh, that's
healthy. I don't have to--that's--for additional CDs
by Kenneth--(Laughter) That's part of the love walk. But
anyway, "Cheer up!" He said in Matthew, "Your sins be forgiven
you. The scribes and the Pharisees began to reason,
saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can
forgive sins, but God alone? When Jesus perceived their
thoughts, he answering said unto them, What reason ye you in your
hearts? Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee;
or say, Rise up and walk? But that you may know--" Now, look
at this. Now, read it carefully. "But that you may know that the
Son of man hath power--" "How God anointed Jesus Christ of
Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power" "--to forgive sins, (he
said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee--" Now,
He could have just said, "Rise, take up your bed, and go home."
No. He's activating power. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: He's
activating Mark 11:23. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "My Son--" and
He's demonstrating. Amen? (Audience "Amens") Everything He
ever did and said is an exact Word of God. The power, oh, the
power and the authority, the dominating power of faith-filled
words. The prophet Micah said there's going to be a baby born
in Bethlehem? 715 years later, right--and on time, right in the
right spot. The Word of God dominated men, dominated
nations, dominated armies, dominated everything that it
took, maneuvered everything that it took for 715 years. And
the--and Caesar just decided to have some taxes. Right? Yeah,
right. And He wasn't born in a manger because His parents were
broke. AUDIENCE: That's right. Amen. KENNETH: Broke people
don't have to pay taxes. AUDIENCE: Amen. Yes, preacher,
preach! KENNETH: He was in that manger because there wasn't any
room in the inn. (Audience Agrees) Wrong. He was in that
manger because that's where he was supposed to be born.
(Audience Agrees) I've been wanting to say that for a long
time. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Hallelujah. Where was I? Ha-ha-ha-ha. Thank
You, Jesus. "What is easier to say, Your sins be forgiven thee;
and Rise, take up--rise up and walk? But that you may know that
the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said
unto the sick of the palsy), I say unto thee, Arise, take up
thy couch, and go into thine own--go into thine house. And
immediately he rose up before them, took up that whereon he
lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God." Verse
26, "They were all--" How many of them? AUDIENCE: All. KENNETH:
"--all amazed--" and how many of them? AUDIENCE: All. KENNETH:
"--glorified God--" And how many of them? AUDIENCE: All. KENNETH:
"--were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange
things today." This was not a hostile crowd. Their religion
got ahold of their thinking, and they couldn't listen to Him
anymore. So faith didn't come because they're sitting there
thinking, well, about rules and regulations and laws and
everything. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: He's activating Mark
11:23. AUDIENCE: Yes, yes. KENNETH: "My son," and He's
demonstrating. Amen? Everything He ever did and said is an exact
Word of God. The power, oh, the power and the authority, the
dominating power of faith-filled words.
It's a Goopy Mess When Pines and Beetles Duke it Out | Deep Look - Duration: 4:46.This episode of Deep Look is brought to you by CuriosityStream.
Behold the mighty ponderosa pine, nearly a hundred feet tall.
It rises above it all, right?
Except for this little guy, the size of a grain of rice.
The western pine beetle is the nemesis of millions of ponderosa across California.
And she's on a mission: get into this pine tree.
As she starts boring in, it looks like the tree is just standing there, helpless.
But a secret weapon flows beneath its bark.
It's not sap.
It's resin, the tree's defense.
As the beetle digs, the tree oozes resin.
The beetle fights the deluge, going in and out, in and out, to keep the pathway clear.
They trap air under their wings, like a scuba diver, so they can breathe even when they're
completely coated.
It's a battle of endurance.
If the tree is healthy, it can produce so much resin that the beetle gets exhausted
and trapped as it hardens.
But when there's a drought and the trees aren't getting much water, they simply can't
make enough.
She gets in and sends out pheromones to call her friends.
They go straight to one of the tree's most vital tissues: the phloem, a super-thin layer
under the bark.
The phloem moves nutrients around the tree.
It's a little bit like our blood vessels.
The beetles eat their way through it, carving these winding tunnels … which is why their
nickname is "drunken beetles."
Eventually, they cut off the flow of nutrients and the tree dies … millions of trees if
it's a serious drought.
And the beetles do even more damage.
They've laid their eggs inside the tunnels.
After their larvae hatch, they wiggle their way out into the bark and finish growing there.
There isn't much to eat in the bark.
But western pine beetle larvae come prepared with their own lunchboxes.
See that white fluffy stuff around this larva?
It's a fungus its mother carried into the tree, a continually growing food supply.
Once the larvae mature, tens of thousands of them bust out of the tree … and fly off
to find new pines to try to start their own families.
Will the beetles succeed?
Or will the trees fight them off?
It'll all depend on the weather.
Water is what tips the scale in this long-running struggle.
This episode is brought to you by CuriosityStream, a subscription streaming service that offers
documentaries and non-fiction titles from some of the world's best filmmakers, including
exclusive originals.
Want to learn more about beetles and other insects?
CuriosityStream's video series "Insect Dissection" investigates how insects evolved
to dominate our world.
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Hi there.
It's Lauren again.
That larva is really moving.
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Thanks for watching Deep Look.
Rebels Recon #4.3 and #4.4: Inside "In the Name of the Rebellion" | Star Wars Rebels - Duration: 8:19.Hey there Rebels fans, Andy Gutierrez coming at you from inside Lucasfilm headquarters.
This week Saw Gererra returned and the results were explosive to say the least.
Now I'm here to show you how it all came together.
This is Rebels Recon.
Joining forces with a larger rebel cell on Yavin IV
the ghost crew embarks on a mission to tap into an Imperial satellite.
We must have patched into the main comm circuit by mistake.
We're intercepting all incoming transmissions.
However when the plan goes awry Saw Gererra shows up and saves the day
but not before recruiting Ezra and Sabine for a mission of his own.
The Empire wiped out a whole population because they were building something.
Something they've hidden away.
Searching for clues aboard a civilian freighter
Saw, Ezra, and Sabine discover a giant Kyber crystal that brings the Rebels
closer to discovering what secrets the Empire has in store.
The Empire is already on the verge of winning a war
most of the Rebel Alliance doesn't believe has already begun.
This week we got to see the Rebels finally arrive on Yavin IV
I sat with the cast and crew to talk about the current state of the Rebellion,
what it was like incorporating this legendary setting in the series,
and took a deeper dive into Saw Gererra's motivations.
Our Rebels have finally connected with the larger rebellion on Yavin 4.
What's the state of the stat of the Rebel Alliance at this time?
Is this the Rebel Alliance or is it still individual cells?
Well, I think there's a lot made of what is the definitive moment
of their being a Rebel alliance in the fan base world.
And everybody likes to think what is that moment.
But as a story for us it's not that important of a moment because
we've been fighting the Empire all along.
We've kind of made it clear that they were on their own in the beginning in this Rebel cell
That in the second season they actually linked up with more groups.
Once Mon Mothma gets involved I guess that's when it's more of an Alliance
because she's declaring them pretty openly.
But as we know from Rogue One,
there is still disagreements as to how they're going to operate.
So that's kind of where we are, we're in between those extremes.
What it takes is a threat like the Death Star
to congeal these disparate groups into the proper Rebel Alliance.
The Rebels finally make it to Yavin IV in this episode...
what does it mean for you to be so directly tied into the beginning of the saga?
That hit me on a couple of levels.
I read it in the script
I went and saw Rogue One and so I got another re-energizing for all those feels.
Initially it's really emotional.
Words can't describe how it feels.
Literally when I read the script by myself
I give myself permission to weep openly
so that I can get it together by the time I have to read it in front of a group of people
and then I can sort of be professional.
I mean that's why Star Wars is so sick.
Like everything comes together.
It's cool that everything is in the same world
that's awesome and that's what makes all of it so fun
and why paying attention to every little storyline is cool for fans, I think.
So the Yavin base is obviously an iconic Star Wars setting.
How do you go about creating it for animation?
That was really fun, I actually got to work on Yavin base.
The inner six-year-old in me was like really nerding out when I got to do that.
was really and hurting out and I got to do that but that was fun it was also a
challenge too because a new hope they're working on sets and everything and
actually have to kind of physically make it work with 3d models it was a lot to
figure out actually from reference we knew that visually you had to see these
things that were iconic and Star Wars that would immediately make you think of
that so we didn't stray too much we used reference as much as possible
from the movies that last sequence in a new hope a type of lighting that you
have around like a conference table or everyone's kind of standing you did a
little bit of that with all the people standing around that same table on the
interior Yavin 4 is obviously a very iconic setting from a new hope and now
wine was it always the goal to have the show line up so directly with the film's
no and it's not a goal still you know in some ways you almost want to avoid those
things to keep the characters independent of making their own choices
and having their own path and destiny not serving as some footnote on the
journey of another character when things worked out in talking to Gareth and John
though about the movie rogue one we're like well it seems reasonable with the
scale that you've made the operation on Yavin that our rebels would have gone
there because it's much more of a hub what I really liked about this episode
is we really got some fire out of Mon Mothma
Mon Mothma is all about projecting this implacable cool and confidence and to
see a crack in that veneer I love what Genevieve did and I love that we were
able to take that character there we've been following saw now for half a season
what's it like bringing that character up to speed to where we see him in robot
it was so phenomenal to team up with the road 1 team to bring SAW into our
universe we recorded Forest Whitaker for this role he
really cares about this character and he wanted to know what is his backstory
where is this in the timeline and it was just such an honor to record
him on rebels here really Sabine and Ezra get witness as to what SAW is
willing to do and finally understand what not Nachman and Bail Organa is
position is that this guy's too dangerous and unpredictable for us to
have him as part of our camp kind of fact we made a decision back in Clone
Wars that when Stila died it really altered saws path that he might have
turned out to be a different person if his sister had lived when George and I
have talked about saw we wanted to lay groundwork for his future because he was
always going to be someone that was more of an extremist it gets into this theme
which is the dark and the light are things that are not just the area of the
Jedi innocent we all can make dark choices or selfless choices selfish
choices and saw can't let go of the anger and the hate and the fear he has
over what happened to him when he was very young we all have choices to make
and that's what drives us in the end to who we will be in what will contribute
to the galaxy
do expect a lot bigger than you fixed up shop after last week's premiere you had
quite a few questions for the Lucasfilm story groups Pablo Hidalgo and as always
I delivered for you the fans watch
hello Pablo Andy we're doing these again yeah do you miss me yeah yeah yeah oh I
have two questions for you this week it's last season right yes
so Enoch Robinson asks in stormtrooper armor mode could Sabine's dutchess
weapon have taken out vader no because actually we've said stormtrooper armor
and vader armor are two different things some of our guidebooks have pointed out
that stormtrooper armor is made out of plastic
while Darth Vader's armor is made out of Duras steel so it doesn't seem like the
same setting would affect both okay Curtis Ebanks asks why does Kanan need a
hologram of Hera when he's blind he doesn't but obviously he wants to see
Canaan and the easiest way to do that is a standard two way holographic
communication and besides we the audience want to see Hera so we we went
out in that situation okay thank you all right see you next week have
questions about in the name of the rebellion or any other rebels questions
you want answered tweet them - at Star Wars using the hashtag rebels recon
email answer what we can online and now here's an exclusive first look at the
occupation one of next week's brand-new episodes
look at the sky Kenan what have they done well thought looks like it's dying
your home isn't exactly the place you remember kid they don't repair yourself
supply ship a broken horn we have a lock transmit clearance codes money thanks
for watching rebels recon we'll be back next week with a brand new episode but
if you need more rebels info in the meantime check out the episode guide for
in the name of the rebellion on Star Wars calm right now thanks again and may
the force be with you
Who Is Austria's Far Right Millennial Leader Sebastian Kurz? - Duration: 3:18.A 31-year-old named Sebastian Kurz is projected to be Austria's newest chancellor — and
he's a bit of an anomaly.
He's the youngest leader in the world, and marks a new tide of Millennials reaching the
highest levels of government.
But unlike most Millennials, Kurz is a right wing populist and nationalist.
For many people, he represents the face of the new far right youth movement in Europe.
So, who exactly is Sebastian Kurz, and what does he mean for Austria and the European
Well, Kurz initially rose to prominence at the age of 27, when he was elected Austria's
youngest foreign minister in history.
His laser focus on prominent right wing issues, particularly immigration, pushed him to the
top of the polls.
His rapid advancement since then has been compared to other young leaders such as Canada's
Justin Trudeau and France's Emmanuel Macron.
But instead of capitalizing on left wing youth sentiment, Kurz appears to have modelled his
campaign after Austria's far right 2016 presidential candidate, Norbert Hofer.
In the highly contested election, Hofer came within one percentage point of winning the
Presidency in one round of voting, but the Constitutional Court annulled the results
because of irregularities in voting.
Hofer ultimately lost in a subsequent round, but the surprising success of his extremist
anti-immigrant Freedom Party, which was founded by actual Nazis in 1956, was a major shift
in Austrian politics.
Now, Sebastian Kurz, of the less extremist, but still right-wing People's Party, has
doubled down on anti-immigration sentiments.
As foreign minister, he closed routes in the Balkans preventing migrants from reaching
While campaigning for his party, Kurz has promised to cap refugee benefits, prevent
immigrants from being eligible for assistance for five years, and lower taxes.
The People's Party was also recently responsible for an Islamophobic ban on full-face veils
in public.
As with other countries in the region, particularly post-communist states like Hungary, Poland
and Croatia, the tide of right wing nationalism and anti-immigrant rhetoric has been an effective
tool for some leaders.
By comparison, countries like France and Germany have elected immigrant friendly leaders, creating
a stark divide throughout Europe on how to deal with the influx and resettlement of more
than a million refugees.
Should Kurz combine forces with the extremist Freedom Party, he will lead a parliamentary
right-wing majority, cementing Austria's place in Europe's ideological divide.
And as has been seen in countries like Hungary, which has undergone a significant shift to
the right, democratic ideals have been under fire.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been accused of taking power from the legislative
branch, attacking freedom of speech and press, and manipulating the country's constitutional
court in his own favor.
In short, steps towards dictatorship.
And while Austria is not the only country to see a similar rise of the right, it is
certainly the most recent, with a chancellor who is serving as the youthful face of Europe's
dramatic political division.
So what exactly is fueling this dramatic rise in right wing nationalism throughout Europe,
and what does the future hold in store?
You can find out by watching this video to the right!
Thanks for tuning into NowThis World, don't forget to like and subscribe to catch all
our new episodes, right here!
Welcome To My Channel - Phebez Productions - Duration: 0:56.Hello, And Welcome To My Channel
I do Productions and game plays (often) a week!!
Hope you enjoy my videos!!
I'll do series base on different stories
On different kind of game (mostly roblox)
Nothing up :/
Am i doing this wrong, i think the game broke?
That all folks, see you after the break!
MIKALAUSKAS vs SMIRNOV (EDART.TV Documentary) - Duration: 20:21.-------------------------------------------
Ekattor tv News 24 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today bangla Breaking News BD News all bangla - Duration: 11:23.Ekattor tv News 24 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today bangla Breaking News BD News all bangla
一聲估歌仔(≧▽≦) 咩遊戲黎架? 蜜瓜包估唔估得中? - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
5 Unknown Things About Thor and More! Powers, Ragnarok and Movies - Duration: 10:59.The handsome and buffed up kid of the MCU; THOR,
is a demi-god who jumped out of Norse myths to comic book pages and
a very popular culture figure
but there is a lot of things we don't know about him still!
Beside of the powers we all know, what is the most of Thor represent is his will and certainty.
Firstly to his father and then to Asgard and the 9 relm
makes him worthy to wield the hammer called Mjölnir.
For this mighty hammer who is not wothy may never use;
he can create strong thunders and blizzards.
Thor can even create volvanic blasts and earthquakes and
of course he can fly in lightspeed with his hammer.
Even he is the god of thunder, many resources puts him as a war figure
which is true 'cuz he is a master at close combat, word fighting and wrestling also.
He has a limited magic power but he can protect his mind from strong mental attacks.
At the same time, he can speak all languages as his mothertounge in the 9 relms.
In his past that he is a king and a war leader, he prooved himself as a clever and
a diplomatic person but what he all has is actually his fathers legacy to him
that is called Odinpower, that we shall not forget.
His fathers mighty power gives his spaceship
to go beyond time and to the end of the universe and his magicbelt
called Megingjord doubles all of Thor's powers.
And also if you check the rankings of Marvel heroes,
you'll see that he is one of the strongest being in the universe with a 100 ranking.
We mentioned here before that even Spider-Man as a 10 class character can lift almost 10 tons
so do not underestimate the power of Thor.
You may think Thor Odinson as a man who doesn't have a secret identity
but that wasn't like this always.
When the norse god Thor changed it's origins to fit in to Marvel pages from Myths,
readers started to know him as Donald Blake.
In these stories, Thor was banished to earth due to his fathers punishment program
and so Odin left him as a crippled man with a lost memory of his true identity.
Donald who doesn't remember who he really is
starts to life as a doctor and falls in love with the nurse; Jane Foster.
As a doctor, Thor learns to help the people in need and
earns his fathers respect so Odin seeds and idea into his mind
that makes hi think that he needs to go to Norway on vacation
Poor Donald, didn't know the alien race called Kronans were there to attack.
Desperateley hiding in to a cave, with the anger and frustration,
he hits the staff he found on to a rock and the rock shatters
as the unaware Donald turns into Thor!
Even if he did beat the Kronans there, it took months for him to remember Asgard
As he continues his life with double identity
Odin seperated him from his Donald Blake identity.
Yet still it is not a normal thing for a god to walk among people
this time Thor takes the identity of an arcitecht who has glasses but
at least nowadays everyone accepted him as Thor in this world.
Thor first appeared at 1950 in Greek Goddess Venus comics' 11th issue
but he was like a spare character .
between all these gods and goddess' comics
but things changed in 1962
This issue printed on the same month that the readers met Spider-Man for the first time.
In that time, Stan Lee ve Jack Kirby duo wanted to create a chiaracter that is stronger then the Hulk
and they needed someone more than a human;
they needed a god.
but the Greek gods were very familiar so they went with our Nordic one.
Jack Kirby stated that he created Thor alone years ago for DC Comics
and Jack Kirby's "The Magic Hammer" story in 1957
may proove the fact but still Thor is a character with many stories told in centuries
as a belief, and his copyright cannot be owned by any.
and be sure that neither Marvel or DC are the first ones to tell these stories.
Even if DC didn't care about Thor, Marvel started "The Avengers" series
with using Thor's half brother Loki as the main villain
and as in the MCU, Loki was there to made the group come together in the first place.
At this point Thor became one of the 2000's popular heroes
and Chris Hemsworth made the character shine in a sincerely laughable way
maybe 'cause of that; despite his yellow eyebrows and muscles
no one thought him as a shallow character.
He skinned the character from a Kıvanç TatlıThor stand but we shall remember that Thor's debut before this
because some lines in the new Marvel movies
are easter eggs for this old TV movie.
You know that the comicbook characters have a habit to die and leave their costumes
-or at Thor's story, his powers- to someone else to own.
He is not in a position to use his powers anyway because
Thor's identity and powers are belong to a woman now!
In a time that Jane Foster has breast cancer, Thor,
lost his powers in a fight between him and Nik Fury
and he can't use his dearest hammer
but things are got very strange when Jane Foster lift the hammer up.
Even Thor couldn't handle this easily in the first place, he got used to help her even when he didn^t know
who this girl really is, and he even let her take his name also.
But even having all these new powers,
we can't say that these powers did help to cure her cancer.
Beside that we saw a lot of different Thor variations in time
but the fan favorite one is definetely; Beta Ray Bill.
Bill, who is immune to all diseases and living in a bionic body
has lift Thor's hammer and possessed the powers of Thor!
Odin, asked Thor and Bill to fight to death to understand who is more worthy
and already weakened Thor has lost that fight.
but when Bill refused to kill his rival, he passed Odin's test
and rewarded with his own hammer with the Uru metal
It was the beginning of Bill's adventures but other than him,
arcitecht Eric and Dargo Ktor from the year 2587 claimed Thor's identity too.
But non of them was a good warrior as Throg, the frog Thor that has the spell of Loki.
In Norse mythologhy, Ragnarok means the doom of all the gods
and their recreation again in time
that is a cycle that shall happen through all time
When Marvel transformed that belief into Thor stories, they made little changes
but the logic is the same.
There shall come Winter first. Leave Asgard into sudden darkness.
After this paranoid time, brothers will turn against brothers and then Loki;
will made Hoder almost kill Balder
and when Heimdall blows his horn, Ragnarok shall start officially.
Thor, in every Ragnarok area, has to beat the Serpent of Midgard
but when Asgard is destroyed, the demon called Surtur will finally awake and the apocalypse shall start truly.
After all this ends, Gods will rise again in a new golden age of the Asgardians.
but this time loop shall continue to happen in a timeless time.
The basics in this nordic belief is actually; when people loose their control
and crimes will rise, the world needs to reset itself
in a horrible way and you can see these plots in different shows also.
And if we shall look in our own world,
we can say that Ragnarok may be very close to happen to all of us too.
Thor's most important love and mythological wife is Lady Sif but she is not a well known character.
Let's not forget that this woman merged herself into
Jane Foster once to save her life.
That made Thor the only man to love his ex and new girlfriend in the same body.
Loki is also a character that Thor's servent in mythology
and Thor can shapeshift by using Mjölnir...
You know Thor's mother Frigga but in ancient mythology
Mother earth "Gaea" is his mother who gave birth to him in a cave in Norway.
and that cave is the same cave that
Donald Blake became Thor again, as I mentioned before.
Ayrıca Thor's old English in comics
that has a different font sometimes can make it different to read for the readers.
We will be focusing Hulk and Thor's relationship in the third Thor movie but I gotta say that
is a great tactic because
for a research, almost all of Thor's fans also
fans of the Incredible Hulk.
I wonder if you agree to that, so if you answer the question above,
we might have a little research of our own.
After that don't forget to be here to catch the Thor Ragnarok Movie Review
with pointing all the detailes that you might have miss.
I'll be glas if you'd smash the subscription button to follow my channel quickly!
you can find me on instagram for more,
we'll see each other in the next video!
Ezgi Zorba - Anıl Çelikkaya
Star Wars: YT-1300 Light Freighter - Spacedock - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
কেয়ামতের ১ টি নিদর্শন দাব্বাতুল আরদ ,দাব্বাতুল আরদ অদ্ভূত সেই প্রাণী আসছে , আর বেশি দেরি নেই !! - Duration: 2:18.
কেয়ামতের ১ টি নিদর্শন দাব্বাতুল আরদ ,দাব্বাতুল আরদ অদ্ভূত সেই প্রাণী আসছে , আর বেশি দেরি নেই !!
CHAMAR DE PRINCESA - BISPO ARNALDO - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump will use Asia trip to prevent "darker era" with North Korea - Duration: 4:42.Donald Trump will use Asia trip to prevent "darker era" with North Korea
The President will speak to US and South Korean troops at Camp Humphreys, 55 miles south of Seoul but he is reportedly unlikely to visit the Korean demilitarised zone - a heavily guarded strip of land that divides the North and South - on the advice of President Moon Jae-in.
It is feared that Trump's presence will spark further who have been engaged in a war of words with Trump threatening "fire and fury" against Pyongyang.
A senior White House official defending Trumps tough stance, said: "If we fail to confront and reverse the threat from North Korea we're going to be living in a much darker era.
"The president's rhetoric, and more importantly his actions, have led to the most substantial shift and progress by the international community in confronting this threat than we've seen over the past several administrations.".
The White House and the United Nations have increased economic sanctions on North Korea while the President has escalated his rhetoric In a UN speech last month threaten he would "totally destroy" the North if necessary.
The White House official said the US has tried for 25-years to negotiate a "good faith" agreement with North Korea to rein in its nuclear ambitions and create a productive diplomatic dialogue.
He said: "At every turn, the US has been cheated, the world has been tricked, the UN has been humiliated. "This administration made a good-faith effort to signal to North Korea that our door was open to dialogue.
That olive branch was returned with roughly 20 ballistic missile tests, including a couple launched over Japan; ICBM tests; the test of a large nuclear device; the death of an American hostage; two more hostages — there are now three in North Korea — and the assassination of half brother at an international airport using a nerve agent. Since Ronald Reagan, every president except George H W Bush has visited the demilitarised zone.
will instead spend his 12-day trip to gather international support for continued pressure on North Korea over its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programme. His first stop will be Hawaii where he will visit the Pearl Harbour memorial.
He will then fly to Tokyo and meet with families of Japanese civilians who were abducted by North Korea in the 1970s.
The White House confirmed that will have bilateral meetings with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Moon, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.
In South Korea, Trump will deliver a speech to the South Korean National Assembly and visit the national cemetery to commemorate fallen troops.
He is also due to deliver a speech at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Da Nang Vietnam to show US commitment to a free Asia Pacific.
The President has also pushed for a renegotiation of a US-South Korea trade deal signed by Barack Obama in 2011. In China, will raise the issue of trade differences.
The White House Official said: "We have huge barriers that Americans companies have to surmount to gain access to the Chinese market. "The president is intent on rectifying that situation.".
ମଜାଦାର ଆଳୁ ପୋଟଳ କଶା | Aalu Potala Kasa Recipe | Aloo Parwal Gravy | Odia Authentic - Duration: 7:03.Namaskar. Welcome to
If you enjoy my recipes don't forget to like , share and subscribe
Let's see today's recipe
Today we will make Aalu Potala Kasa
Let's see what are the ingredients required for this recipe
Pointed gourd - 6 pcs ( Cut them diagonally like I have shown)
Diced potato - 1 ( Large)
Sliced onion - 1 ( medium)
Tomato - 1 ( medium)
Green chili - 1
Garlic cloves
Cinnamon / Dalchini powder - 1/4 tsp
Bay leaf - 1
Black pepper corn
Cinnamon stick
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Dry fenugreek leaves
Meat / mutton masala - 1/2 tsp
Turmeric power
Garam masala
Salt to taste
Red chili powder
Water -3/4 glass
And some mustard oil
First take a blending jar for making the masala or paste
Add all these ingredients ( onion, ginger , garlic , green chili and all whole spices)
And make a fine paste by adding 1 - 2 tbsp of water
Turn on the flame and heat the kadhai
Pour 2 tbsp of mustard oil in it
Here I have used mustard oil as it gives very nice aroma and authentic taste to this gravy
You can use any other cooking oil too
Put the cut pointed gourds / parwals
Add little salt
And turmeric powder
Keep the gas flame in low
Flip the sides in between and fry
Here all parwals are turned to golden brown
Take it out into a plate
Fry the potatoes in the same way
Like this
Process for making the gravy ( Ihave taken the same kadhai)
Pour 3 tbsp of mustad oil in it
Then add 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds
And 1 bay leaf
Fry it for 1/2 minute
Then put the prepared paste
Cover it with the lid immediately for few seconds after adding the paste
Otherwise it might come to your face
Add salt according to the taste for this masala or add a pinch
Fry it on medium flame until the raw smell of this masala goes away
After a minute
Put 1/2 tbsp of turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of kashmiri red chili powder
Here the raw smell has gone
Then add cut tomatoes
And cook until it gets softer
Reduce the flame to low and cover it with the lid
Here oil is getting separated from the masala
Tomato is also softer
Then put 1/2 tsp of meat or mutton masala in it
You can use coriander powder and cumin powder instead of meat masala
After 1/2 minute pour 3/4 glass of water
Let the water simmer on high flame
Then add fried pointed gourd and potato
Put salt according to the taste
Reduce the flame to low and cook it for some time
It's been 20 minutes
Both vegetables are nicely cooked
Then put cinnamon powder
Garam masala
And dry fenugreek leaves
Mix everything very nicely
To get the flavour in this gravy cover it for 1/2 - 1 minute
It is done now
Turn off the flame
And get it out into a serving plate
Aalu potala kasa is ready to serve now
It can be serve with steamed rice or roti or with paratha
So try this recipe at home
And share with me your experience
Thank You.
See you soon in my next video
You could subscribe my channel by clicking on this face icon
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Halloween Spending Expected To Near $2B This Year - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Casual Enduro 3 (Part B) - Duration: 12:03.That particular crossing is responsible for what happens next...
Aaand... we go.
The 250 just died...
No, it's not the fuel.
Suffice to say that the bike would not start again.
We had to carry it back home on the back of a pick-up truck.
Long story short: water somewhere on the electrical circuit.
That's basically it for this season.
See you in autumn ;)
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 150 | Airco | Sportpakket | Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 Prestige Urban Camera Panoramadak Trekhaak Automaat - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST Style 100PK - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Lovely Country Style Tiny House for Sale | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 2:19.Lovely Country Style Tiny House for Sale
The deeply controversial proposition that one day physicists could feasibly create an
entire universe, complete with intelligent life, in the context of a laboratory has long
been considered to be an impossibility by most of the scientific community.
However, several scientists now believe that the possibility of the creation of a laboratory-based
universe is closer than ever and perhaps, some have suggested, physicists must pause
to consider the serious ethical implications involved before this ambitious project becomes
a reality.
In 1991, the cosmologist Andrei Linde ruffled a lot of feathers when he submitted a draft
article to the journal Nuclear Physics B. Entitled �Hard Act of the Universe Creation�.
In this article, he outlined that possibility that scientists could one day create a universe
in a laboratory and that this universe could come to evolve into an entirely new cosmos
populated with its own stars, planets and intelligent life.
Linde�s article proved to be highly controversial among a number of circles.
In particular, a quip at the end of the article that our own universe could have theoretically
been created by an alien �physicist hacker� was deemed to be a �dirty joke� by some,
and to some religious people was deemed as essentially offensive as it implied that God
did not create the universe.
However, Linde was not the first person to submit the notion that humanity could one
day create an entire cosmos in a laboratory.
Back in the 1980s, another cosmologist named Alex Vilenkin at Tufts University in Massachusetts
presented the mechanism by which a universe could be created.
He said that the laws of quantum mechanics seemed to suggest that a universe could be
created when there was no time, no space and no matter because of the theory that pairs
of particles can spontaneously pop out of space.
Vilenkin suggested that this meant that a small bubble of space could burst from nothing
at all and that it could then be manipulated to inflate to a cosmic scale.
The conclusion to Vilenkin�s theory was that the Big Bang could have theoretically
been created from nothing.
Naturally, these theories led to other scientists beginning to wonder whether the laws of quantum
mechanics could be utilized by human beings to create a universe of their own.
One of these scientists was a physicist named Eduardo Guendelman who is based at Ben Gurion
University in Israel.
Currently, he is engaged in the research which could form the foundations of the theory that
could bring an entirely new, human-created universe into existence.
Given the vast scale of such a project, it is natural that many people have raised concerns
about the potential ethical and theological implications.
However, Guendelman said that the moral issues of potentially creating intelligent life did
not concern him.
He said that it was akin to having children and knowing that they would live in a world
that was full of suffering as well as happiness.
Other physicists engaged in the same kind of research such as the theorists based at
Nobuyuki Sakai of Yamaguchi University in Japan say that the feasibility of the project
must properly be examined before the ethical implications are thoroughly considered.
At this current time, it appears that the only people truly concerned with the moral
implications of this kind of project are the philosophers such as Anders Sandberg at the
University of Oxford who has argued that the creation of intelligent life forms, in whatever
method that scientists may choose, requires them to assume a moral obligation towards
their creations.
At this current time, the possibility of the creation of a universe in a laboratory is
Physicists believe that the cosmos would have to be created in a design specific laboratory
and use instruments similar to that of the Large Hadron Collider, only of significantly
more power.
The creation of a universe would also require the existence of the seed particle referred
to as the �monopole� by theoretical physicists.
The theory is that if the monopole is allowed enough energy that it would inflate and then
come to bend the fabric of space and time.
This would generate the creation of a tiny black hole and the mouth of a wormhole.
Within that wormhole would be the gateway to a rapidly expanding and brand-new universe.
However, at this time there is no proof that the monopole exists outside of theoretical
While the possibility of this project turning into a reality seems remote to most physicists,
it appears to be absolutely impossible to Don Page.
Page is a renowned physicist and a devout evangelical Christian, best known for his
collaboration with Stephen Hawking on the nature of black holes.
Page says that the most important thing to note is that God created the universe from
absolutely nothing � thereby eliminating the theories of quantum mechanics which suggest
that the universe was brought into existence by processes of physics.
Therefore, the discussion of the creation of the universe seems to be completely irrelevant
and presents no problem to his Christian faith.
Only time will tell whether Page is correct or the lofty ambitions of his colleagues will
eventually come to fruition.
If the latter is the case, then it remains to be seen as to what incredibly complex moral
issues will arise from this deeply controversial area of theoretical physics.
how to make your computer run faster - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
躲浴室啪聲四起 女兒抓包父挺大鵰撞小三 - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
#โปรเจค18สวยรวยตาแตก โปรเจคสุดปัง #จองสิทธิ์ตัวแทน 300 - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
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Earthrise - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
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Kystes de l'ovaire causent de vos douleurs pelviennes chroniques ? Se débarrasser de leur - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
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Système reproducteur masculin guérissent les herbes aphrodisiaques dans Vytalin - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Système reproducteur masculin guérissent les herbes aphrodisiaques dans Vytalin - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Sont dangereux kystes de l'ovaire pendant la grossesse ? - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> Sont dangereux kystes de l'ovaire pendant la grossesse ? - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
efficace façons de traiter les vaginose bactérienne à la maison - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
For more infomation >> efficace façons de traiter les vaginose bactérienne à la maison - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
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BMW 5 Serie 520D HIGH EXECUTIVE M SPORT M pakket Navi Leer Stoelverw. Xenon 184PK! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 150pk 4WD GT-M - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Good Morning Blessings Song - Duration: 1:03.
I know how wonderful it can be to wake up and have a blessing
so I'm Gaianna Love and I'm going to share a blessing
for your wake up, for this morning and every morning
blessings be blessings be lalalalala
Blessings be blessings be lalalalalee
Morning Blessings be blessings be lalalalalee
Blessings be blessings be lalalalalee
Morning Blessings be blessings be lalalalalee
Blessings be blessings be lalalalalee
From my heart to yours, have a beautiful day!
Pumpkin Spice Latte Slime In a Pumpkin! (A Parody) - Duration: 5:27.Hi guys! It's Beauty Makeup Lover Swag 5 Ever
And for Today's video we are going to be making DIY pumpkin spice latte slime, in a pumpkin!
OK guys, so the first step to making this amazing pumpkin spice latte slime in a pumpkin is you need a pumpkin!
Obviously, because you can't make pumpkin spice latte slime in a pumpkin, without a pumpkin!
Ok, anyways, so I sent someone to get me this pumpkin
because, let's face it, I don't have time for that!
Anyways, right here, I have the perfect pumpkin!
pumpkin spice latte slime inside a pumpkin
hashtag zoe
Stefano Bettarini e la sua compagna Nicoletta - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
Référence : 52023 - Box de stockage en PEHD pour 2 fûts - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
GLASS (2019 film) - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE 90PK 5D DSG - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
CHI PU DREAM SHOW - Cho Ta Gần Hơn (Offical Trailer) - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
Serra da Estrela in the autumn. - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
Dua Lipa - New Rules (Flute Cover) - Duration: 1:01.Subscribe | Like | Share
Mary Calvi (10 24 2017) - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Tiny House on Wheels With 'Murphy' Bed | Absolutely Small House Design - Duration: 2:42.Tiny House on Wheels With 'Murphy' Bed
Halloween Cocktail Recipe & Appetizer Inspired by the Crawling Hand - Duration: 2:44.Can you handle more Halloween terror? Today we have recipes inspired by "The Crawling
Hello and welcome to the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en! Our Halloween party continues with
creepy cocktails and eerie appetizers from one of our favorite low budget horror movies,
1963's "The Crawling Hand," starring the homicidal hand of an astronaut who's
blown up in space. Dust off the cocktail shaker and get ready for some serious strangulation!
A wave of stranglings isn't enough to slake a powerful thirst. The EMTs who recovered
the body of the landlady strangled by the hand took time off for a beer break, stating
that "dames like her always keep beer around." This lovely libation is a tribute to her and
her wise decision to always keep beer around. I call it the Strangled Landlady. To make
it, all you do is combine 2 oz of vodka (I'm using Death's Door vodka - perfect for Halloween),
½ oz Nocello walnut liqueur and ¼ oz fresh lime juice. Shake with ice, strain into a
large cocktail glass and top with 1 oz of chilled pale ale. She may be dead, but at
least her beer isn't going to waste!
A Crawling Hand party needs at least one crawling hand and one made from cheese just seems appropriate.
Don't worry if your sculpting skills are subpar - this hand is supposed to look ragged!
To make it, all you do is combine 2 8 oz room temperature bricks of cream cheese, 8 oz crumbled
goat cheese 6 oz sweet red wine, 1 tsp salt, as many grinds of black pepper as you like
and cayenne pepper if you like extra heat. Refrigerate for at least one hour, then form
into a hand! Add slices of almond for fingernails and drizzle with strawberry preserves for
delicious destruction. It looks so wrong, but tastes so right!
If you're looking for unintended horror hilarity this Halloween, add "The Crawling
Hand" to your list! It was it all - angst-ridden teens and the old folks who don't understand
them, gratuitous swimsuit shots, pop music for no particular reason and, of course, the
crawling hand, out to create mayhem wherever it goes! As the trailer says, "The Crawling
Hand demands to live, demands you to see it!"
And you don't want to cross the hand!
No, you don't! Thank you for visiting the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en! Please subscribe
to our channel for lovely libations for all seasons, liquored up live broadcasts and more!
It's always happy hour at the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en!
See you soon!
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