Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2018

Are You in the 1% of the Population that is Genetically of Higher Frequency?

People of higher frequency is actually hypersensitive people.

They are not only sensitive, but also empathic, intuitive, creative, and complex.

Despite those special characteristics they hold, higher frequency individuals often feel

alone since they comprise so little of the population.

However, it doesn't means they did nothing in this world, in fact, they did a lot of

contribution to the world.

You can say they live almost strategically in different parts of the globe as "light

workers," it says they carry out their important mission or "Cosmic Call to Action," which

is to help our species and planet survive and thrive as a more consciously awakened


There are some common traits of people of higher frequency.


Desire to seek truth

They want to make sure that whatever they live in true reality.

They want to find and confirm the real meaning of life which is always related to people

around them.


Feeling the entities

Existences or entities are abstract things that not all people are aware of.

However, people of higher frequency can detect those entities and their surrounding elements.

A more attuned people of higher frequency even can see the entities clearly.


High goals

Hyper sensitive people actually always have a feeling that they achieve less than they


They have remarkable goals which are usually unachievable.

This, unfortunately, affects to some part of life such as relationship.


Mood swing

It is not like the version of narcissists though.

People of higher frequency tends to change their moods depending on environment and other

people around them.

They absolutely reflect the universe.


A unique moment

Sometimes they experience a brief moment of being awakened or conscious.

It is like an 'eureka' moment in which you are surprised as you know or learn something



Vivid dreams

People of higher frequency have tendency to be close to nature.

They basically live in quite different dimension than the rest of us.

They can have different dreams in which it is so clear that they control it just like

the real world.


Shedding period

It is an intense period where the people of higher frequency slowly throw away relationship,

responsibilities and priorities.


Time is faster

People experience time runs faster occasionally.

However, people with higher frequency tends to experience such condition often.

They are getting lost in daily activities.

Indeed, it is completely weird, but it is what they experience.


Enhanced awareness

They believe that things are not accidental.

There is always a reason behind an action.

There is also something that makes things happen.

All in all, that's some common traits of people of higher frequency.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Are You in the 1% of the Population that is Genetically of Higher Frequency? - Duration: 3:31.


Doing it all Wrong, except i started making videos, starting exercising, my Accounting Business - Duration: 10:36.

yo yo yo CPA strength here back again for another video this one can you

recognize that I'm in a different part of the office I don't know this is gonna

be going into my third taxis and what I've done right what I've done wrong

well we're gonna be watching here we're gonna start right now I went with uh

with my with my framily Mikey I call him Mikey because it's like a Brazilian

thing somebody won his lap dog and with this a one with the beautiful family too

we took the GC oh he don't like what I call golf cart for some reason

so yeah this was the other night I just didn't want you to have to totally stare

at my ugly mug in my office since I did go over there play that's that's the

Dutch man that's a part of that's part of my squad it's my dog I will tell you

I have I was there at the hospital for Jenna and Gianni was not the hospital

for Dutchess birth and yeah I love those kids man I definitely have I have

Dutchess phone number I have Jenna's phone number they know

they can call me whenever but what's going on man so see ya we're going into

our third tax season here I can't believe I'm going through my third tax

season I mean I remember when I gave my two weeks notice to my job and I'm

thinking about I I think I mostly did well say every single thing wrong I

probably did every single thing wrong except start I wouldn't say every single

thing wrong but now

I thought we'll just turn I thought I needed an office I don't think I need an

office I kind of messed that up but why would I have this office for three years

so I don't know maybe the office was fine look I mean this is fine

it's just it's an internal feeling that you know to be I wanna I wanna think of

myself as successful and my own man and

the fact that I lived with my dad is depressing to me so I can't go back in

time if I could I would have I would have had my I would have started renting

my own like just even a little studio apartment I would have rented my own

studio apartment then started the business and then see what happens

that's that's that though

comes to you know I I and I gotta keep telling myself I quit my job because

well I wanted to have my own business but I wanted to lift in the gym and I

wanted to work on my youtube channel so when I when I quit my job I guess I had

50,000 I mean 50,000 you idiot I had fifty

subscribers and now I just have now I have over 36,000 so that's been highly

successful I have been going to the gym even though I was looking around today

and I did not feel I was like dude you've been working out for five you've

been working out for five years and doesn't even look like you lived so the

Johnnies my music critic helix Kodak do my own doom do doom

well let's see um what else what else have I what else have I done wrong I

mean the big one is I didn't need my own place else even go back before I live in

the past too much I didn't just at the time the decision I thought was good and

ain't no move on alright I'm gonna go to my spent $20,000 cash in that vehicle

cuz I I was just so sick of old cars my pricing was trip my pricing was trash I

was just so worried about not having any clients that I went way way too low my

pricing and so now I'm full of full of my absolute I don't have extra

time really full of clients but they're all low price so yeah I need to raise

the prices on that I I don't know much that is the same as when I started you

know to to something years ago when I started this business up mmm my

invoicing is different I guess this is this is the first year I'm not looking

for clients I some happen to tell people no more no I'm not taking it anymore

but I guess the main the main thing I want to say is that I'm glad I started

because I thought I knew it too when I when I started this business on August

of 2015 I thought I knew it all and it's like I I thought I prepped myself enough

and it goes now Les Brown saying you you have to just you jump and grow your

wings and the way down so you know I am I'm - I'm 2 years ahead of things just

so thoughts that I'm coming up I'm coming up for my third third tax season

and didn't want you just stare at me boringly

so yeah I would this was a last weekend when I went over to Mikey and Danielle's

house I call Micah's a designer presider

Brazilian girlfriend this summer and he he's a con she's a real estate developer

and he has a lot of Brazilians that work for him and they say what cut the wine

guy calls him Mikey Mikey it's like his name's mark

it's just so much just I just want alaria this is like typical Brazilian

they're like a mighty good he's like a

but on you Jenna gonna be Jenni gonna be the next superstar she's done she's done

she's a gossip queen and I'm a gossip king so we could we could we like the

gossipers alright so that was that yeah I trying something new out with the

video and I hope you liked it this is definitely long enough so yeah and tilt

until tomorrow this is CPA strength and I'm not going

anywhere I get down in the dumps a little bit but I have I've been talking

like no I've had no idea how many people watch my channel like people keep

telling me in my real life for I see I'm all I've been watching a YouTube channel

mean you've been inspiring me and stuff so you know I have no idea who I'm

reaching it seems like no one notices anything and but I think a lot of people

are noticing 36,000 people have noticed it anyways I just

I wasn't in the best mood before I shot before I before I made this video here

but there's something about being on camera something about the process that

I love and I'm in good spirits now so thank you so much for giving me that and

until tomorrow this is CP a strength I'm out


For more infomation >> Doing it all Wrong, except i started making videos, starting exercising, my Accounting Business - Duration: 10:36.


11 Most Beautiful Daughters Of Bollywood Celebrities 2018 - Duration: 6:48.

11 Most Beautiful Daughters Of Bollywood Celebrities 2018

For more infomation >> 11 Most Beautiful Daughters Of Bollywood Celebrities 2018 - Duration: 6:48.


How the US failed to rebuild Afghanistan - Duration: 6:09.

It runs from the capital, Kabul, to the second biggest city, Kandahar.

It was the cornerstone of the US strategy to rebuild Afghanistan after the invasion in 2001.

It cost over $200 million to build and hundreds of lives were lost defending it.

Despite all that the Kabul to Kandahar Highway, today, is broken.

A 2016 audit report found that the road was

and if it becomes impassable...

To understand how a road this significant and this costly can be falling apart, you

have to ask: Where did the US go wrong in Afghanistan?

Just weeks after 9/11, the US invaded Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda planned the attacks.

They were sheltered by the Taliban, who controlled the Afghan government at the time.

Both groups were driven out of Kabul in a matter of months, so the US strategy soon

shifted from combat, to stabilizing and rebuilding the country.

But Afghanistan is a difficult place to control and rebuild.

It's mountainous, and mostly rural.

The population is fractured among several ethnic groups and local communities often

operated autonomously.

To make matters worse, there were only 50 kilometers of paved roads in 2002, which meant

most of these communities were isolated.

The US decided to change that by rebuilding The Ring Road that was partially built by

the Soviet Union in the 60s but had been destroyed by decades of war.

Starting with the Kabul to Kandahar section, the US and several other countries pledged

$1.5 Billion dollars to the Ring Road.

It would run in a 3,200 kilometer loop, connecting Afghanistan's 4 biggest cities - essentially

tying these communities together.

And it was showing promise: Trade circulated through more places, and medical services

reached more people.

It gave the new government in Kabul more legitimacy around the country.

The Ring Road also allowed the US and NATO military to send troops and supplies around

the country faster, so they could keep the Taliban in check.

"Where the roads end in Afghanistan, the Taliban begin."

"In other words, roads promote enterprise."

"Enterprise provides hope."

"Hope is what defeats this ideology of darkness."

But the US didn't finish the job.

In 2003, the US invaded Iraq.

And Afghanistan become second priority.

Funding, reconstruction, resources, and experienced leadership, including generals and diplomats

were all diverted to the war in Iraq.

The Ring Road was far from complete yet reconstruction funding was cut by $1.2 billion a few years later.

The US preoccupation with Iraq gave the Taliban an opening to return, and they seized it.

When you look at the Taliban activity in the region from 2004 through 2009, you can see

it escalate.

Draw the Ring Road, and you can see where those activities are concentrated.

They set up ambushes, laid roadside bombs, took hostages, killed US soldiers and road

construction crews.

By 2008, the Taliban had taken back significant territory, especially in the south and east,

along the Kabul to Kandahar highway.

Afghanistan was in a full-blown insurgency.

"Afghanistan is not lost, but for several years it has moved backwards."

"There is no imminent threat of the government being overthrown, but the Taliban has gained momentum."

"In short, the status quo is not sustainable."

In 2009, President Barack Obama decided to recommit to the war in Afghanistan.

He sent thousands of troops in what was called The Surge.

The US and NATO made some progress in the south.

But it quickly became clear that the Taliban would not be easily defeated.

The more troops deployed to Afghanistan, the more the Taliban launched attacks.

With the military struggling to clear territory, it became nearly impossible to rebuild roads,

as the Taliban continued to attack road-crews.

The degraded security environment has made this

the most dangerous project our company has attempted. 21 killed. 51 wounded. And 4 missing.

This forced construction companies to hire security,

which caused budgets to skyrocket.

Like this road from Khost to Pakitia, which cost almost $5M per mile mostly because of security.

But 18 months later, time was up.

President Obama announced that he'd start bringing troops back.

"After this initial reduction, our troops will continue coming home

at a steady pace, as Afghan security

forces move into the lead.

Our mission will change from combat to support.

As US troops withdrew, they left behind oversight of infrastructure projects, including roads.

In 2012, USAID, cut funding for road construction.

And even after the US and partnering countries spent $3 Billion dollars on it, the Ring road

was never completed.

Road-building and maintenance became the responsibility of the Afghan government,

which was crippled

by corruption.

Experts estimate that billions of dollars have been lost to corruption in Afghanistan.

In 2015, with only about 11,000 US troops in country, mostly in the major cities, the

Taliban swept back through Afghanistan.

In 2017, they controlled almost half the country -- that's more territory than they've

had since 2001.

And that includess large sections of the Ring Road.

And that's one of the main reasons why the road is in dire shape.

According to a 2016 inspection

The US has no plans to give rebuilding Afghanistan a third chance.

In 2017, President Trump committed more troops but made it very clear:

"We are not nation-building again."

"We are killing terrorists."

As the Ring Road continues to deteriorate, it's no longer a symbol of the US efforts

to rebuild Afghanistan, instead it serves as a reminder of the job that was never finished.

For more infomation >> How the US failed to rebuild Afghanistan - Duration: 6:09.


Dome Rock BLM, Colorado River & RTR Update - Duration: 14:45.

good morning everybody hope you're doing really well I'm out here at BLM land in

Arizona just outside or just inside quartzite and this is a dome rock here

I'm of course very happy to have a cactus tree here at a park next to you

this is free 14-day camping here where the Sun is out over there there is

official dome rock and everybody camps over there this spots just a little

quieter in remote I'm actually camping out here with one friend but I basically

left the group real quick just well do my thing this is my this is my thing

guys it's a nothing magical or special it's just the desert but but I mean in a

lot of ways this is this is what I work for all year-round is to come out here

pop up the solar I've got a full tank of water 58 gallons

my gray and blacks empty and you just can't beat it it's fun it's really

exciting just live off the land out here it's always going to be drawbacks like

gas the cheapest just 235 gallon and you know every two weeks I've got to go into

town to get more water and dump my tanks and stuff but I even thought about if I

was going to stay out in this area do in the long term visitors area pass it's a

hundred and eighty dollars for seven months September through April one

hundred and eighty dollars there for campgrounds here in Arizona too just

inside California and it's still BLM land but you get access to drinking

water a dump station and trash facilities and they have restrooms some

of them have showers and other annemities, so just thought maybe I would do that

even though I'm not even close spend anywhere close to six months out here

but still we'll see I'm really just enjoying the peace and serenity right

now and I will meet up with the group later soon I mean it's my intention to

meet as many cool people as possible but you also have to understand well I went

into the downtown just to go to the swap meet and the big tent down there and

just every other person knows me from YouTube which is really totally exciting

it's just I didn't get to like look at much I was I was talking to people and

taking selfies and that was fun too but I still want to kind of do my own thing

and here about here obviously as well so yeah I

got the stroller out for Jax we took him to see people there - and here's here's

my cactus in front which if somebody has put together a bunch of quartz rocks all

over itself we are in quartzite so that makes sense just desert II and not bad

today I'm still hanging out in the shade over here it's like 75 degrees and I'm

I'm sweaty nobody else seems to be sweating but I'm sweating because pretty

warm for winter can't complain I love it before I forget I get two

channels that is all I get with my big antenna I get Univision and Azteca

Mexican TV so good thing I have four out of five bars of Wi-Fi out here to do my

uploads and Netflix and other shows and stuff otherwise yeah cell service seems

to be really well out here for AT&T at least but not very good TV reception I

got this nice aluminum coffee percolator here at the big tent big as in this is

like a group version okay 12 cups of coffee can be made in this it's it's

that style you know that you put the coffee grounds in and everything so I'll

be able to make coffee to everybody and I also got a new plug cuz - melted on

the inside right there so I'll be doing that as well as a couple other projects

how you doing Jax man yeah wanna go outside? nice and sunny I got other parts

but I want to save those for future projects here in the desert but there's

there's a couple things I want to do to fix the RV make some changes to the RV

while I'm here because for the most part it's just kind of sit down and hang out

unless I'm with other people that I'm probably just talking and hanging out

but feeling good guys I'm feeling really good happy to share this with you out

here I'll put the GPS coordinates where I'm parked right here but dome Rock

camping 14 day BLM is it covers a very wide area you can even go on to Google

Maps and just type dome rock BLM it'll take you right to where you need to

register you do need to register with the hosts on site most times of the year

but yeah I'll show you where I'm at for now I may be back later or I may go to a

different part later we'll see I'm for a little walk today get some

exercise before I take my shower and wanted to share something with you guys

no biggie but I just wanted to share this with anybody else trying to do

packages down here in quartzite you got to be really really careful because

yesterday I went to picked up a few packages one from Amazon and two fairly

large packages with some new merchandise custom merchandise in it all three of

those packages were shipped UPS to an RV park that I was going to stay at

unfortunately the actual city of quartzite you needed to know this they

have a rule that they will not deliver any parcel package I'm not talking about

an envelope through the mail but a parcel package they will not deliver it

unless there is a P o box listed so even if you're at an RV park like I was with

a lot number it still has to below that way on the third line also has to have a

PA Box address otherwise they instantly at UPS and at the post office they

instantly deny it and return it to sender they never even loaded on a truck

and try to deliver anything had I known that because it's kind of weird I would

not have wasted so much money bear with me I'm gonna figure this out guys but

the stroller that I ordered for Kevin on Amazon was shipped back to Amazon and

the two boxes of merchandise both coffee cups and t-shirts that were custom

printed and shipped here I'll have already been returned to the sender

which I'm still in contact with but I cannot move forward until they get

receipt of those back to them and then I can try to figure out something else but

I'm just letting you know you are going to have to find somebody or just go

somewhere else do not try to get an actual parcel package here in court site

because they have weird rules you know they just don't like the idea that

people come here for a couple months it's not even really abuse because like

I said I paid for an RV park and had packages sent to where I was at but like

I said they got some really specific rules and I bet the town's just kind of

tired of people coming here and exhausting all their resources just for

a few months out of the winter so my bad I didn't know that I learned a very very

hard expensive lesson yesterday I'm my merchandise and I hope to give

you guys an update with some better news here soon but I will not have any

merchandise for RTR unfortunately and that's all I'm gonna say about that it

is no biggie I I'm moving on so I'm actually gonna get back on the

road and go north I gotta find a Walmart need some supplies so we're gonna head

up to Parker today

hey everybody I found the lost treasure clearly right this little piece of old

abandoned casino parts here because I'm here at the blue water casino in Parker

Arizona friendly to RV parking overnight and so the casino is right on the water

here on the Colorado River little Inlet marina and this is one of their hotels

anybody see that they've shaped it like a ship here right on the marina which I

think it's kind of creative and neat okay so we're in an area that obviously

gets really really hot in the summertime right and this is a massive casino in

hotel look at the system in place for air conditioning to keep this place cool

in the summer it's massive okay this rock doesn't look abnormal

from this side but if we walk back here or I just walked past this come on guys

tell me that rock doesn't look like a dog with no legs is that funny or what

it's even got the I mean that's a dog that's hilarious yeah so we got the

Colorado River here guys it's beautiful um however all over the

shoreline here the blue water Casino has posted signs that say no swimming it's

curious because I mean it'd be great today is day be a great day to hop in

the Colorado River for a little swim I'm not sure how they're able to enforce

that rule I'll bet people to jump in anyway I mean technically I am standing

on casino property right now but the water the call they don't own the

Colorado River so I'm not sure how they can say that we're not allowed to swim

in the river like the no swimming signs I'm not sure but I am NOT gonna argue

about that no big deal it's just too bad maybe just walk down a quarter-mile and

go swimmin or something the water is green but pretty clear I mean you can

see down to the bottom right here by the dock in case you're wondering I've

actually been here two nights now and what I've been trying to do basically

the last two or three videos is to get more current with my videos so that when

I arrive at RT R I'll kind of have the same delay as everybody else and I'm

shooting for about two or three days there so I've

been spending a lot of time two or three nights and spots and then turning those

into one video that's my way of getting a little more real time with you all

here and this is my last stop before I go back down just to give you an idea

I'm in Parker Arizona about 45 miles straight north of quartzite where the

RTR happens so I'm gonna pack up today and head on back no no I'm sorry I'm

spending tonight here and then going in the morning back down to quartzite to

meet up with the group I had a really nice little break and everything worked

out really well and I don't know exactly what I'm gonna do as far as how long

I'll stay or where I'll be but I but I will just say this in the next few

videos to come RTR is from January 11th to the 21st says Bob wells of cheap RV

living so if I happen to be with a group in a specific part of quartzite I will

be putting live updates in the video description below and then I will be

removing those updates that I write copy and paste the GPS Correns I'll be

removing them when I leave so that's just to kind of help people who are down

here and we're wondering because the desert is a big area and RTR is going to

be spread out over a massive amount of spots and stuff like that so um I do ask

that you just respect everybody's privacy while we're there you know don't

be knocking at all times of the day and understand you know that we're all kind

of doing stuff and we still have a job to film and edit and get stuff done and

probably want a little bit of privacy from here or there but you know if my me

personally if my doors open and my screens shut that doesn't necessarily

mean come on in sometimes it means it's too warm and I want to let fresh air in

but certainly I don't want you to be discouraged from coming to say hi so you

know please just knock and say Eric you got a minute and I'll try to give every

single person at least a few minutes of my time I'll stop whatever I'm doing to

hang out and talk with you and meet you take a picture and chat a little bit I

promise but be looking in the video description of the next four videos or

so I and if you see GPS coordinates as live location and stuff like that that's

where I really am and I will do my best to keep those updated

for you throughout the week

I'm really excited and this should be fun yeah so okay we'll see you in a

couple days guys

For more infomation >> Dome Rock BLM, Colorado River & RTR Update - Duration: 14:45.


In Search of the Best Burger (UMAMI BURGER) - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> In Search of the Best Burger (UMAMI BURGER) - Duration: 6:48.


Q&A Time! Pokémon, Crafting as a Kid, Starting on YouTube | @laurenfairwx - Duration: 8:08.

It's been a little while since I did a Q&A, so I put out a handwritten call on

Twitter, Instagram, and the community tab right here on my youtube channel. So I

thought I would answer some of the questions that you've been asking me!

Rebecca asked, "how old were you when you started getting into sewing and crafts?"

I've been crafty since before I can remember. My mom always tells this story

where I had an art easel set up in our basement with like a tarp under it so if

I made a big mess with the paint, it wasn't a big deal. I was maybe two or

three years old and she would let me go down there and work on my paintings

whenever I wanted. And the easel had like this huge pad of paper and there was one

day that she said I came upstairs with a sheet of paper from that pad and she

describes it as just this beautiful painting of a tree with a squirrel and

she was just completely stunned because apparently it was much better than what

normal two-year-olds would create with some paints on an easel. She likes to

tell people that story. I've heard it a lot. But even as I started to get older,

if there was something I didn't own that I wanted to have like a dollhouse or

clothes for my dolls or things like that, I would make them. I'd get so excited

whenever there was a box my parents were throwing away or I would use paper or

I'd use other items around the house to create stuff and I would just make

things. That's always the way I've been and the Internet has been really great

for me because you can learn to do basically anything for free on the

internet. So anytime I'm excited about a new medium or there's something I really

want to make, I can just look up how to do it and I think that's amazing. George

asked, "when did you start loving Harry Potter?" I believe I was 11 or 12 years

old. It was between when the third book and the fourth book came out and also

the first movie had not come out yet and I was given the first three books as a

gift and I read them all and I loved them and I've been a big Harry Potter

fan ever since. I started getting involved with the Harry Potter fandom

when I was in middle school. I was around Harry's age in the first book so it was

kind of perfect. "Do you have a favorite Pokemon?" Of course I do,

where is it? I thought I had it here somewhere. My son was playing with it, I

don't know where it went, but Emolga is my favorite Pokemon. At some point during,

I think it was pokemon black, I realized that it was just the most unstoppable

pokemon I had ever encountered and also really super cute. I've always liked the

cute ones but if they don't hold their own in battle, I don't waste the spot on

my team for them, but for some reason, the combination of electric and flying-type is

just like, unbeatable. Cause normally with electric pokemon, you'll be worried that

they'll pull out a ground move and then you just will not be able to defend

yourself, but ground moves are not effective on Emolga because it flies! So

basically, you win. Every time, forever, and it's the best. "Which application are you

using to edit your videos?" I edit my videos on Final Cut Pro 10, I really like

it. I was using iMovie before that and I find that it's a very similar interface

so there wasn't a whole lot of a learning curve and I can do a lot more with it so

that's pretty great. What is your favorite DIY craft that you have ever

done? I am pretty obsessed with the bowtruckle plushies that I posted on this

channel a little while ago. Normally when I make stuff I don't usually keep it, I

give them away as gifts and I sell them and this was the first thing that I made

I was like, I'm keeping this. This is mine. I think it's really cute and I loved the

bowtruckles in fantastic beasts and where to find them and I'm just, yeah I'm

really happy with the way it came out and I'm excited that I finally have the

DIY tutorial to share with all of you! David asks "how or why did you get

started with YouTube? has it maintained that original meaning for you? has it

gained additional meetings over time?" When I started on YouTube back in

February 2006, it was a very different website back then. It wasn't the kind of

site where you go into it with a goal to become famous. It wasn't even really a

place where you would present something very polished; a lot of people back then

we're using just the iSight cameras. Some people weren't even editing them at all

and it was just kind of a place where you could express yourself in video. And

I started my channel for two reasons. One was because I liked filming things, I had

a video camera and I would just make little videos and I wanted to be able to

share them with my friends and up until YouTube became a thing, it was very hard

to share video online because you needed a place to host it and you needed enough

bandwidth to support however many people were watching it. So when I discovered

that YouTube was a thing, I thought, perfect. This is a great way to share my

videos that I've been making with my friends. Around that time, I had started

my first wizard rock band and we were performing at shows and there were a lot

of people online who liked our music who couldn't come to see us because we were

only playing like right around where we lived.

So I started filming our shows and putting them up on my YouTube

channel and that's kind of where it all got started, that's how I formed more of

an audience. A couple years later, I started vlogging and just talking to the

camera about my thoughts and I kind of fell in love with the whole idea that

this was a community where people could share their thoughts and feelings and

make things and just express themselves through video and I've been really

enjoying it ever since. "Do you still have time to play guitar?"

Funny thing about time - I don't have time for anything anymore. I don't really play

guitar as often as I should, but I'm really lucky that people have been

inviting me to perform at shows so I have been practicing for those shows and

that's kind of the only opportunity that I get to play guitar anymore, is

when I have a performance that I need to prepare for. But more than anything, I

love being able to play for an audience and getting to be on a stage and have

people singing along with me is just the best feeling in the whole world and I

would love to keep doing that and I'm really lucky that when people plan

events that they think of me and they want me to be there. "If you could have

any magical beast as a pet what would you have and why?" Probably a Bowtruckle. I

know I was talking about Bowtruckles earlier but I probably would have a bowtruckle!

I'd just have like a little friend that would sit in my pocket. And I love

that it looks like a little plant and they have so much personality and yeah.

"As somebody who's followed you since the fiveawesomegirls days I'm curious. What's

been the biggest change in you since graduating from college?" It was an

incredible life change for my mood in general. I did not like college, you

may remember this from my five awesome girls videos. But the whole time

I was kind of forced to study something I wasn't really interested in and I

wanted to be doing creative things and I wanted to be traveling and performing

and working on all of my art. While I was there, I think one of the most important

things I learned is to stop caring what people think of me and that helps me get

through it. It stopped mattering to me that people weren't interested in being

my friend and as soon as I stopped caring about that, I started making

actual friends who did care about me. But once I was finished with college and I

became financially independent, I had the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do

and that was the best result that ever could have happened

out of those miserable four years. After I graduated, I started touring full-time,

I feel like I really came out of my shell because I wasn't so sad anymore.

A lot of good things did come out of my college experience, I met some really

wonderful people and I got to take a lot of really cool art classes and one of my

psychology professors was really amazing and kind of changed my whole outlook on

everything, but I'm glad that I finished and I don't have to do it anymore. I'm so

glad it's over. "Have you had people tell you that what you do isn't a good way to

make a living?" Yes many times, and the wrong so I stopped caring about that. I

had to prove to a lot of people for a long time that what I was doing was

worthy of my time and now people will listen cause I stuck with it. I think they

thought I just woke up one day and wanted to be creative and there may be a

point in my life where I have to get a job just because I need to make more

money than this, but I'm really lucky that I get to do what I love right now

and I'm gonna keep at it for as long as I can. That seems like a good place to

stop. Thanks so much to everyone who sent in questions. Remember to click the

notification bell on YouTube and follow me on social media @Laurenfairwx so

that you catch me the next time I need some questions for a Q&A. It'll also help

you keep up with me and hear about what I'm working on. I hope you're having a

good day, thanks for watching, and I'll see you soon!

For more infomation >> Q&A Time! Pokémon, Crafting as a Kid, Starting on YouTube | @laurenfairwx - Duration: 8:08.


Quả Báo Khiếp Sợ Nếu Bạn BẤT HIẾU Với CHA, MẸ - Truyện Phật Giáo Hay Nhất - Duration: 1:27:11.

For more infomation >> Quả Báo Khiếp Sợ Nếu Bạn BẤT HIẾU Với CHA, MẸ - Truyện Phật Giáo Hay Nhất - Duration: 1:27:11.


The Real Story Of Zainab Anwar From Kasur | Full Detail From Start To End - Duration: 3:15.

real story of zainab anwar

zainab from kasur

For more infomation >> The Real Story Of Zainab Anwar From Kasur | Full Detail From Start To End - Duration: 3:15.


5 Cheap ideas How to Update your Living Room - Duration: 3:22.

Next, you'll learned 5 cheap ideas

how to update your living room

and make it more comfortable?

These ideas are surely affordable for most of us

and you can even make some by yourself.

Let's stop beating around the bush;

and start learning the tricks

This is 5 Cheap Ideas How To Update Your Living Room


1. Clean it thoroughly

To give an update to your living room,

you might want to clean it.

Sweep the floor; remove the dust off the furniture and TV.

You also need to sweep the window glass.

Opening your window can be an update to your living room as well

so that light and air can get inside.

Thus, make the room more relaxing.

Try this idea and you will feel more relaxed to stay in your usual

but cleaned living room.

2. Colorful Pillows

Pillows are great accessories for your living room.

To make a variation to the pillows

you might want to make your own pillow cover.

First, simply cut fabric into 2 sheets with size that will fit the pillow.

Then, put them together and sew them.

Cut off the corners and iron them to make it neater.

Finally, stuff your pillow and it is ready to use.

3. Bring Shore to the Living Room

If you like beach and you want it to be near you,

you can make them into a living room decoration

to update the look of your living room.

When you visited beach, you can always pick the shells.

Make them into a decoration by putting sand-textured paper as the frame background

then glue the shells with hot glue on it.

Insert the background to the frame and it is done.

4. Big Word

To give bold accent to your living room, you can make big words out of plywood.

Simply cut the plywood into shape of a word.

When it's cut, sand the edges to smoothen it.

after that, repaint your wood letter

and it can be put above a table

or just hang on the wall when the paint dried.

5. Plant Wall Art

Wall arts can be anything; pictures, photos, or paintings.

How about a plant wall art?

Well, take your unused picture frame and let's make one.

You need moss sheet to make it as the background;

just simply cut it into the size of the frame socket and insert it there.

Then, take plants of your choice and secure them on the moss by using wire.

Cut little pieces of the moss sheet to cover the wire.

Garnish it with some decorations and hang it on the wall.

Done, You just studied view cheap ideas how to update your living room and make it more livable.

Come back again next time with more home, Kitchen makeover and decorating ideas.

Like this video, comment it, or better yet share it with everyone in your social circle.

Don't forget to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you.

See you again later and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 5 Cheap ideas How to Update your Living Room - Duration: 3:22.


Napolitano to Trump: Don't put the Fourth Amendment at risk - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Napolitano to Trump: Don't put the Fourth Amendment at risk - Duration: 3:54.


Bushcraft Winter Camp 〽️ Outdoor Camp in Deep Snow with Pot Hanger and Cooking - Duration: 4:44.

Winter camp in deep snow

Shit and I thought the tin could be frozen

Sascha, a cheers on this spontaneous day trip

Already subscribed?

For more infomation >> Bushcraft Winter Camp 〽️ Outdoor Camp in Deep Snow with Pot Hanger and Cooking - Duration: 4:44.


Top 10 best places to live in Nevada - Duration: 11:12.

Top 10 best places to live in Nevada.

There are many places to travel in Nevada, but finding an affordable place to live is

entirely a different subject.

As you are going to Nevada not just for day trips but also to find an affordable residence

for you and your family.

You also have to transfer your office to the new city or place in the state of Nevada.

Today, you will be discovering about the best places to live in Nevada.

These cities or places are listed based on the quality of life people enjoy while living

in these great cities of Nevada State.

Other factors are employment rate, tax charges, environment, and safety issues.

1: Boulder City.

Boulder City is not only the best city for a living in Nevada, but people all the states

like to buy their new home in the Boulder city.

A small population, low employment, and happy life would not be a bad idea for any person

of the state.

You should consider the Boulder city as the best place to live in Nevada.

2: Incline Village.

Second to Boulder City is the Incline Village located nearby the Lake Tahoe.

Imagine living a life near a serene lake such as Lake Tahoe, what would be that… a dream


That's not all of us enjoy.

The village has a small population and people live a stress free life.

Median household income for a person living in Nevada is $90281 as recorded in previous


People enjoy their time in traveling to Lake Tahoe, and welcoming people from other states

who would be coming to visit the lake every year, especially during the Shakespeare festival

as celebrated nearby Lake Tahoe.

3: City of Las Vegas.

If you want to know about the best places to live in Nevada, Las Vegas would be one

of the best place you will hear from many of the State's residents.

People love Las Vegas not only just from the US, but others from out of the State also

enjoy their summer vacation visiting the city of Las Vegas.

The thing that might concern some people is the crime rate, which is 3582/100000 people

in a year.

The employment rate is high and people live in a stress free environment.

4: Arden.

Arden is a planned neighborhood made for its peaceful residents.

People enjoy quality life with great employment rate and plenty of business opportunities.

A small crowd of Arden enjoys a peaceful life without any noise pollution and other environmental


Crime, however, would be a problem as the crime ratio of Arden is high as compared to

some of the other places or cities of the state.

5: City of Henderson.

Living in a big city with lots of business and employment opportunity would be the best

thing ever.

The city has a high population of 260068 recorded in the previous years.

The employment rate in the city is high and also there are many fun places to seek out.

Safety is an issue because crime rate for Henderson is high as compared to many other

cities of Nevada State.

6: Mesquite.

People in Mesquite enjoy a safe and healthy life.

The city lies at the border of the state of Nevada and Arizona.

Also, there are lots of business opportunities in Mesquite which is a good news for people

seeking out residency in Mesquite city of Nevada.

7: City of Elko.

Elko is one of the best places to live in the Nevada State of the US.

People enjoy healthy life style.

Low crime rate is another advantage to people living in Elko City.

It also has a smaller population as compared to the other cities illustrated in the list.

Moreover, tax rate is low which is a great news especially for business crowd of Elko


8: Reno City.

Enjoy a happy life in the Reno City nearby the Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

The city is quoted as "the Biggest little city in the World".

People love to travel to this side of Nevada as there are many ski resorts and casinos

in the city of Reno.

People, you can't just miss the opportunity to live in the Reno City of Nevada, or you

will regret it.

9: Sparks City.

Sparks sparkles the beauty of Nevada state due to its beautiful marina state and spectacular


It is the 5th most populated city of Nevada.

Living here in a calm and healthy environment would be a nice thing for the people of the


You should also consider Sparks City as an option for your next residency in Nevada.

10: Fallon City, Churchill County.

The city of Fallon is a good option as it has a nice dry environment, but less population

as compared to other big cities of the State.

It lies under the Rain Shadow of Sierra Nevada, which would give it a dry climate.

However; people love this city because there is a low crime rate and lots of business opportunities.

So it is also a great option if you are moving to Nevada.

For more infomation >> Top 10 best places to live in Nevada - Duration: 11:12.


Every Rolex tells A Story - Rod Laver - Duration: 1:23.

Now I think I just purely love the game of tennis.

My parents played,

I had two elder brothers that played good tennis.

And so the opportunity always came up playing junior tournaments.

I saw those openings

and I thought "I want to be a tennis player."

And then, when I got a little better

and the chance to travel over to Europe

to play on the clay courts in France

then over to the US Open, go to Wimbledon.

And that is how I started off,

and fortunately for me, everything came along well.

And then there was Open tennis!

I think that was the best thing that ever happened to the game.

I was able to get all that experience behind me.

Good things happen if you're prepared to put the effort in.

I think I have probably led a charmed life.

I had a good career, I won a bunch of tournaments.

I reached the pinnacle in tennis.

And getting a Rolex was a crowning moment of my career.

It's probably my best purchase ever!

It's the reputation, it's the quality,

it's the number 1 watch in the world.

And one that you could have all your life.

The Rolex that I have on my wrist today is so embedded in my whole career.

This is what I wanted and this is what I've got.


For more infomation >> Every Rolex tells A Story - Rod Laver - Duration: 1:23.


GARDEN TIPS(Hacks): TOP 25 Seeds & Seedlings Gardening Hacks DIY Ideas Compilation - Part 2 - Duration: 8:53.

Hello Friends ! Today I am glad to release part 2 of the garden tip and hacks compilation

and this edition of around 25 hacks will be about gardening hacks related to seed sowing

and seedlings. Please watch the video till the end. I have tried my best to make the

video useful and interesting. Stay tuned.. Welcome back! If you are a hobby gardener

or interested in growing plants, Consider subscribing to this channel. Also TURN ON

the notification bell icon and you won�t miss anything.

Lets begin ! 1. Watering seeds and seedlings carefully

is very important, and watering with the regular garden can can displace the seeds and damage

the seedlings resulting in bad outcome. Best way to water them is using a tray under the

pot. Whenever there is water requirement, it uptakes it through the drainage holes.

2. To transplant your seedlings use a spoon, dig out as much soil with it including the

roots of the plant and hold the leaves of the plant and not the STEM to pull out, because

this can squeeze and damage the water and food conducting tubes � xylem and phloem

and plant may die. 3. Use sand paper to scrape the hard seed

cover of certain seeds like apple, chickoo and those with hard seed over for faster seed

germination. 4. There are a few bottle recycling hacks

coming up in random here. You can use your plastic bottles to make simple plantars for

sowing seeds or planting small plants. Its upto you if you want decorate it or spray

paint it. 5. Now will make a Simple self watering pot

or automatic watering system using a cotton wick and cutting the bottles as shown here.

The lower end of the wick should be placed in the water reservoir � thats the lower

portion of the plastic bottle. Make a hole in the bottle cap and insert the cotton wick

through it. And the upper portion of the bottle can be inverted with potting mix and plant

in it. Whenever the soil gets dry it will suck the water through the string.

6. Make your own Seedling watering can, Using a bottle, you can make this in two ways, first

by popping out a nozzle by heating the cap. This really works great to water your succulents,

because spilling water directly on succulents like haworthias can be dangerous to the plants.

Another way is to make a simple bottle shower by making multiple tiny holes in the cap and

offer shower effect to your small plants. 7. Mark your garden gloves with inches or

centimeters to evenly plant your seeds or seedlings and similarly if your garden is

big, you can use a long stick and mark the measurements for the same purpose like if

you are planting in a raised bed garden or large space gardening.

8. How to know if my seeds are healthy or unhealthy � first thing you should before

purchase is the packaging date and the best before date. Then pour your seeds in your

hand and closely examine them and the first look itself will tell you which seeds are

healthy looking and which need to be discarded. 9. You can Test your seeds or even start some

seedlings using the Toilet paper method. Just sprinkle the seeds on one layer of toilet

paper and put another layer on top of this and make it moist by spraying water. Place

this either in a zip lock bag or any container and keep in a warm place and check after 24

to 48 hours for sprouts. 10. Just cut out a plastic bottle and use

it as a seedling or small plant protector against any wind blowing away the plant or

from animals and birds. Place this as shown here to protect your seedling.

11. The same can be used as a funnel to transfer your seeds or potting mix into bags or containers.

12. You can also use old forks from your kitchen and bury them around seedlings to protect

them from animals. 13. It�s a good habit to always label your

plants and sown seeds. It can really create confusion if you do not label them.

14. You can make your own labels with pop sticks / candy sticks, plastic bottle strips,

larger pebbles, windows blinds curtain strips, etc.

15. You can Pick small seeds for sowing with a stick or tooth pick dipped in water.

16. You can do perfect seeds spacing for Tiny seeds like spreading them apart in a row on

toilet paper � for better visibility and even spacing and sowing. You can make a seed

tapes either in a row or a square or round seed board specially for carrot seeds for

even spacing and better growth and ease of harvesting.

17. Before sowing seeds, soak them in luke warm water for 24 hours specially for certain

seeds like beans, peas, okra and others. 18. Another Hack for seed soaking is using

Epsom salt solution for soaking like 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of water. This results in faster

germination and healthy seedlings. You can also spray on Epsom salt solution on your

seeds and seedlings for healthy outcome. 19. Make your own trowel with a bottle by

cutting a used plastic bottle like am showing you here. Try to take a harder bottle for

making this. You can use the same as a funnel to transfer your potting mix, seeds and things

like that. 20. Egg trays can be used as seed germination

trays. Either the card board ones or if you are using plastic egg storage container, you

need to make few drainage holes. 21. You can also use egg shells to sow seeds

and directly transplant into soil. 22. Similarly you can make your own biodegradable

seeds starting cups using used tissue paper roll card board. THese can be directly transferred

into the soil along with the seedling. 23. You can also make seed pots by rolling

newspaper and even this is bio degradable and similarly you can directly transplant

with the pot into the soil or into a larger container.

24. You can use small containers like these from your kitchen and make Mini Green houses

and place your seeds inside them for faster germination.

25. Tit bits or tic tac or any small containers like this can be used to store your left over

seeds. 26. If you want to professionally start vegetable

gardening, You can use a Garden planner software at or any other similar software.

27. Once baby seedlings come out of the seeds, Gradually introduce your them to sunlight,

once the leaves have come out. Like 1 hour a day for 3 days, 2 hours for next few days

and then gradually to full sunlight. This process is called Hardening Off.

28. Using a Seedling heat mat or a heat source from a high watt bulb will also help you create

a spring like atmosphere for your seeds to germinate faster.

So there we have it folks, those were the tips and hacks on seeds and seedlings. If

you like the video, please give a thumbs up and share the video. Also write in the comments

section and let me know whether you like to see more gardening hacks compilations like

these. Also Consider subscribing if you are new to the channel. Happy Gardening!

For more infomation >> GARDEN TIPS(Hacks): TOP 25 Seeds & Seedlings Gardening Hacks DIY Ideas Compilation - Part 2 - Duration: 8:53.


Could Iran protests lead to regime change? - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Could Iran protests lead to regime change? - Duration: 8:01.


Complete Video Of Zainab Anwar Namaz e Janaza With Tahir ul Qadri - Duration: 3:19.

nmaz e jnaza of zainab

For more infomation >> Complete Video Of Zainab Anwar Namaz e Janaza With Tahir ul Qadri - Duration: 3:19.


Donald Puts Democrat's Greatest Weakness On Full Display In National TV Battle - Duration: 2:39.

Regardless of what you believe about DACA, we can all agree on one thing.

Democrats don't care about it.

They are using whatever they can find to resist President Trump's goal of immigration reform.

Obama's DACA was a huge overreach of Presidential authority.

Donald Trump has promised to end it, replacing existing immigration policy.

But Democrats refuse to work with the President or the GOP to fix this problem.

So Trump is taking matters into his own hands.

Inviting lawmakers from both parties, he televised a meeting about immigration.

Like a master negotiator, he exposed the hypocrisy of the left.

From Breitbart:

President Donald Trump's riveting spectacle of televised bipartisanship exposed the Democrats'

political weakness in the amnesty debate — and also revealed remarkable GOP unity on the

goal of ending the nation's chain-migration system…

A key moment came when Trump invited GOP Majority leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy to shut down the

Democrats' demand for a quick amnesty by touting the president's immigration priorities

as a must-do item…

Throughout the televised event, Trump played the role of even-handed moderator, even as

he repeatedly invited Republicans to show unity behind his popular immigration principles,

including the border wall…

Trump also made sure to redefine the Democrats' demand for a no-strings "clean DREAM Act"

for 3.25 million illegals into a Trump-style "clean" bill for the 670,000 'DACA'

illegals plus his other reform measures, and also to define a 'DACA' bill as a Trump-style


Democrats are stuck.

They can't save DACA illegals without agreeing to the GOP's demands.

Trump wants the wall, wants to end chain-migration and bring an end to policies like catch and


The only way Democrats can salvage Obama's terrible policy, they have to agree to these

reasonable changes.

Yet Democrats refuse to budge.

All their boasts are falling flat.

Trump has exposed their hypocrisy and weakness.

He proved that liberals aren't really concerned with helping immigrants (legal or otherwise),

but being the opposition party.

Unless they are willing to play ball, the Democrats will fail completely.

They will not be able to protect DACA.

Plus they will lose their plan of importing new voters from third world countries.

The best they can ask for is preserving the ever-shrinking number of DACA recipients left.

But only in exchange for Trump's demands.

Either way, President Trump will have his way.

That's what you get when you elected a master negotiator.

For more infomation >> Donald Puts Democrat's Greatest Weakness On Full Display In National TV Battle - Duration: 2:39.


B-WILD | Talk To Me (Có Nên Dừng Lại) (Dance Cover) - Chi Pu - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> B-WILD | Talk To Me (Có Nên Dừng Lại) (Dance Cover) - Chi Pu - Duration: 4:28.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 d Automaat - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 d Automaat - Duration: 0:59.


FARMHOUSE IN THE WOODS - Vlogging for the first time+almost riding into a lake! - Duration: 6:49.

Hey guys, what's going on? My name is Rishav. I'm here at Bilekal forest

I came here yesterday, and I've been shooting all the while, and I got some cool footage for you to see, watch!

wait for it..

I was gonna start vlogging yesterday, but I had a lot to film. Me and my parents, we're here at this farmhouse,

for a yoga retreat actually. My mom, she's gonna teach some stuff, raise awareness

about yoga, and why it's so important. It is important.

Anyway, we're here for that. We're not actually here to film stuff that I usually film, but I'm taking advantage of that.

This is a pretty cool farm house. And farm, It's huge..

This is not that bad. I'm fine!

I'm fine.

Oh, there's a lake ahead. There's a lake ahead!

That's a lake

Rain water harvesting

Trying to get some of that golden hour footage

So golden hour lasted only two minutes. Perks of living near the equator

If you made it this far through this video, then you might as well finish it.

First of all, thank you all guys, thank you all for watching, It means a lot to me

this was my first time vlogging and

I know there are a few flaws with this vlog for example, the audio was a little all over the place

That's because I'm not using a mic. This is the inbuilt mic on the camera and that's not very nice.

Editing took me a whole week, the placement, color grading and all that it took me a whole week

It shouldn't take that long was it because I'm slow? Am I slow?


No copyright music was hard to find.

Looking back at this video, I see a few things that I would have done differently if I did it now.

I think that's a good thing, it means that I've improved

In the meantime, I went to Kerala and I filmed the whole trip so expect a travel video coming real soon.

I think that's all guys

If you like this video. Please give it a thumbs up! Leave a comment if you so desire, and please subscribe if you haven't already.

I'll see you in the next video

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> FARMHOUSE IN THE WOODS - Vlogging for the first time+almost riding into a lake! - Duration: 6:49.


Avengers Movie News!!! Chris Hemsworth Hopes to Return as Thor After Avengers 4 - Duration: 2:37.

Avengers 4 is currently in production and Chris Hemsworth has just finished up

a seems ending his current contract with EMC you but that doesn't mean it's the

end of the line for the actor playing Thor on the big screen again as he

recently revealed in a new interview Hemsworth is one of a handful of actors

who are finishing up their MCU contracts with the conclusion of Avengers infinity

war in Avengers form some of those characters may not make it out of the

battle with tunnels alive but Thor just might make it through to the very end in

a new interview with IGN Chris Hemsworth spoke about his love of playing Thor

because of the multiple changes that the character has gone through in the

various MCU projects it seems that Hemsworth's work with take

away tyrion thor ragnarok really reinvigorated his love of Thor and

mentions that the character goes through even more changes in the next two

Avengers movies however it seems that the actor didn't always feel the same

way about playing Thor while Chris Hemsworth admits that there have been no

discussions between he and Marvel to negotiate a new deal it seems like it's

definitely something he might want which hints that there could be a place for

him in the post Thanos MCU who knows where he could show up next but

guardians of the galaxy vol 3 might be a safe that since it's looking like Drax

the destroyer might not be coming back elsewhere Chris Hemsworth has revealed

his excitement for the Disney and Fox deal and stated that he'd loved to team

up with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine in the future Jackman swears up and down that

he has retired the character but maybe Thor can coax him out of retirement

Daniel Craig said that he'd never played James Bond again either

so stranger things have happened regardless it's awesome to see how

excited everybody involved with the MCU is for the final two installments of The

Avengers the next two years are going to be huge for the MCU and it will be

interesting to see who makes it through the battle with cantos alive on all of

the dust settles by Chris Hemsworth's own words it looks like there is a

possibility to see the return of Thor in the MCU in some capacity

For more infomation >> Avengers Movie News!!! Chris Hemsworth Hopes to Return as Thor After Avengers 4 - Duration: 2:37.


Opel Meriva Edition 1.4 Turbo 120pk | Navi | Comfortstoelen - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva Edition 1.4 Turbo 120pk | Navi | Comfortstoelen - Duration: 0:59.


EXO's Lay Thoughtfully Treats "Idol Producer" Trainees Behind The Scenes - Duration: 1:49.

EXO's Lay Thoughtfully Treats "Idol Producer" Trainees Behind The Scenes

EXOs Lay recently finished filming for an episode of the Chinese game show Happy Game with some trainees from Idol Producer.

In the teaser for Idol Producer, a Chinese version of Produce 101, Lay shed his pure as a sheep image and became a strict, charismatic producer who wasnt afraid to point out the trainees wrongdoings.

However, behind the scenes of Happy Camp, Lay sweetly brought Changshas famous crawfish for the trainees and even gave them warm advice.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

The first episode of Idol Producer will air on January 19.

GOT7's , PRISTIN's Kyulkyung, and Cosmic Girls' Cheng Xiao will be appearing as as well.

Source ().

For more infomation >> EXO's Lay Thoughtfully Treats "Idol Producer" Trainees Behind The Scenes - Duration: 1:49.


5 Cheap ideas How to Update your Living Room - Duration: 3:22.

Next, you'll learned 5 cheap ideas

how to update your living room

and make it more comfortable?

These ideas are surely affordable for most of us

and you can even make some by yourself.

Let's stop beating around the bush;

and start learning the tricks

This is 5 Cheap Ideas How To Update Your Living Room


1. Clean it thoroughly

To give an update to your living room,

you might want to clean it.

Sweep the floor; remove the dust off the furniture and TV.

You also need to sweep the window glass.

Opening your window can be an update to your living room as well

so that light and air can get inside.

Thus, make the room more relaxing.

Try this idea and you will feel more relaxed to stay in your usual

but cleaned living room.

2. Colorful Pillows

Pillows are great accessories for your living room.

To make a variation to the pillows

you might want to make your own pillow cover.

First, simply cut fabric into 2 sheets with size that will fit the pillow.

Then, put them together and sew them.

Cut off the corners and iron them to make it neater.

Finally, stuff your pillow and it is ready to use.

3. Bring Shore to the Living Room

If you like beach and you want it to be near you,

you can make them into a living room decoration

to update the look of your living room.

When you visited beach, you can always pick the shells.

Make them into a decoration by putting sand-textured paper as the frame background

then glue the shells with hot glue on it.

Insert the background to the frame and it is done.

4. Big Word

To give bold accent to your living room, you can make big words out of plywood.

Simply cut the plywood into shape of a word.

When it's cut, sand the edges to smoothen it.

after that, repaint your wood letter

and it can be put above a table

or just hang on the wall when the paint dried.

5. Plant Wall Art

Wall arts can be anything; pictures, photos, or paintings.

How about a plant wall art?

Well, take your unused picture frame and let's make one.

You need moss sheet to make it as the background;

just simply cut it into the size of the frame socket and insert it there.

Then, take plants of your choice and secure them on the moss by using wire.

Cut little pieces of the moss sheet to cover the wire.

Garnish it with some decorations and hang it on the wall.

Done, You just studied view cheap ideas how to update your living room and make it more livable.

Come back again next time with more home, Kitchen makeover and decorating ideas.

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See you again later and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 5 Cheap ideas How to Update your Living Room - Duration: 3:22.


Learn how to make an origami heart box for Valentine's Day - Duration: 23:11.

Hyo Ahn's Origami

Origami Heart Box for Valentine's Day Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn

Level: Intermediate Base: 4x4 matrix

Published on August 15, 2010 at

If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!

I start with a 6" x 6" (15cm x 15cm) red/gold duo foil. It might be easier for you to start with a larger paper.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.

Prepare to valley-fold in half and then unfold.

Apply a valley-fold in half.

And then unfold.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Prepare to valley-fold in half and then unfold.

Apply a valley-fold in half.

And then unfold.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold in half.

Apply a valley-fold in half.

Prepare to apply another valley-fold in half.

Apply another valley-fold in half.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold in half.

Apply a valley-fold in half.

Prepare to open the paper by unfolding all creases.

Open the paper by unfolding all creases.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 90 degrees.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold in half.

Apply a valley-fold in half.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold in half.

Apply a valley-fold in half.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold in half.

Apply a valley-fold in half.

Prepare to open the paper by unfolding all creases.

Open the paper by unfolding all creases.

You have completed making a 4x4 matrix base (except two diagonal creases). Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a valley-fold.

And then unfold.

Prepare to rotate the paper by 180 degrees.

Rotate the paper by 180 degrees.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a valley-fold.

And then unfold.

Adjust the paper.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Apply a pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold all creases.

Apply a valley-fold.

I guess the corner flap is getting in our way. So I will just fold it away.

And then unfold all creases.

Prepare to apply another pleat fold.

Apply another pleat fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to re-apply a pleat-fold.

Apply a pleat-fold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to fold the flap down.

Fold the flap down.

Prepare to push the bottom layer to flatten the model.

Push the bottom layer to flatten the model.

Prepare to turn the model over.

Turn the model over.

Now, put the corner flap back to the original position.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Apply a mountain-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply pleat-fold.

Apply pleat-fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then unfold all creases

Apply a valley-fold.

And then unfold all creases.

Prepare to apply a pleat-fold.

Apply a pleat-fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to re-apply a pleat-fold.

Apply a pleat-fold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to fold two flaps down.

Fold two flaps down.

Prepare to flatten the model by pressing the bottom layer.

Flatten the model by pressing the bottom layer.

Prepare to apply a swivel-fold.

Apply a swivel-fold.

Prepare to apply two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply two valley-folds.

And then unfold.

Prepare to apply two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply two valley-folds.

And then unfold.

Prepare to apply an inside reverse-fold.

Apply an inside reverse-fold.

Prepare to apply an inside reverse-fold.

Apply an inside reverse-fold.

(1) Prepare to apply a valley-fold (2) and then apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

And then apply a mountain-fold.

(1) Prepare to apply a valley-fold (2) and then apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to apply a swivel-fold.

Apply a swivel-fold.

Prepare to apply two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply two valley-folds.

And then unfold.

Prepare to apply two valley-folds and then unfold.

Apply two valley-folds.

And then unfold.

Prepare to apply an inside reverse-fold.

Apply an inside reverse-fold.

Prepare to apply an inside reverse-fold.

Apply an inside reverse-fold.

(1) Prepare to apply a valley-fold and then (2) apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to repeat the same thing.

Repeat the same thing.

Prepare to flatten the top.

Flatten the top.

Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.

Apply a mountain-fold.

Prepare to rotate the bottom-left flap by 90 degrees.

Rotate the bottom-left flap by 90 degrees.

Prepare to rotate the top-left flap by 90 degrees.

Rotate the top-left flap by 90 degrees.

Prepare to make a bottom floor.

Make a bottom floor.

Touch the inner surface to smooth outer edge.

Congratulation! You have completed making an origami heart box.

For more infomation >> Learn how to make an origami heart box for Valentine's Day - Duration: 23:11.


Ku Cast Ep 1 YouTube news - Duration: 1:04:12.

For more infomation >> Ku Cast Ep 1 YouTube news - Duration: 1:04:12.


Cơ Thể Bạn Có Thiếu Nước? 8 Dấu Hiệu Cho Thấy Bạn Không Uống Đủ Nước - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Cơ Thể Bạn Có Thiếu Nước? 8 Dấu Hiệu Cho Thấy Bạn Không Uống Đủ Nước - Duration: 3:12.


Đây Là Những Điều Kỳ Diệu Khi Bạn Ngậm Téo Tỏi Trong Miệng - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Đây Là Những Điều Kỳ Diệu Khi Bạn Ngậm Téo Tỏi Trong Miệng - Duration: 4:17.


Stan Aizin - "Transición a una Economía Basada en Recursos" - Duration: 11:59.

Stan Aizin was born in the Republic of Moldova in 1978.

He graduated from Moldova State University in 2000 with specialization in law.

He emigrated to the United States in 2007.

At this time, he is pursuing a nursing degree at IRSC.

He has been a volunteer for The Venus Project since 2011.

So I would like to talk about transitional period

and steps we need to take to create conditions

for implementation of the resource-based economy.

As you can see from our presentations, The Venus Project includes

detailed approach to a variety of topics

on behavioral modification, system thinking and social design,

which is impossible to thoroughly describe in the limited amount of time.

So please keep in mind,

that this is just an outline for one of many possible scenarios.

We must emphasize, that it is not possible to achieve social nucleation

and demilitarization, or ANY major changes overnight.

But we are certain that our direction will demonstrate feasibility of our proposals,

that it is indeed possible to create [a] new society

without forced redistribution of wealth and resources.

It is much easier and vastly more productive

to maintain society by providing access to the necessities of life

instead of inventing new legislations, and new ways to wage war,

in order to govern human behavior.

We don't need a political system.

We need a system of abundance with free access

to all that people need to live prosperously and be creative.

Human and animal rights, environmental protection,

safety and security must be [an] essential part of total social design.

The transition to better and saner society, to better global civilization,

can only be achieved by evolution, not by force.

By producing solutions,

which will demonstrate that greater personal and national security goals

can be achieved without use of military force,

we will create enough pressure

to initiate transition from fictitious economies of boom and bust

to sustainable and flexible processes based on dynamic equilibrium.

In other words,

we must make this system subside under [the] weight of its own insufficiencies.

At present, it seems that we are unable to achieve any real progress.

No matter what aspiration and progressive ideas some individuals might have,

most of the people cling to [a] habitually comforting way of thinking

that failed to produce long-term solutions humanity required to evolve.

What we need is an alternative vision,

alternative goals, and alternative environment

to induce and solidify individual and social change.

The Venus Project can provide all of these alternatives

and we are ready to lead civilization into a new era of human evolution.

Our goal is to take every step possible

to make transition to [a] resource-based economy

with minimum amount of social oscillations

that means, without deprivation, hunger, war, suspension of human rights,

and international conflicts.

Right now we're working to present The Venus Project direction

to [the] international community.

We have many groups and individual volunteers around the world

who [are] helping us with these tasks.

Our message is very well received across the cultures.

We are certain that millions in many countries [are] aware of our direction,

and many will [be] joining us soon as we start implementation

of the next phase of The Venus Project.

So our next step, is to showcase our optimistic vision,

allowing people to experience new concepts of the future firsthand.

This can be achieved by realization of the first experimental city system,

which in many varieties of design are conceptualized in our presentations.

This city can be built in any country with sufficient infrastructure

in energy production, construction processes,

and relatively stable economic and political climate.

The Venus Project will provide blueprints, designs,

and guidance for specialists involved.

Our innovative systemic approach to the construction processes

will allow us to build [the] city relatively fast,

with minimum resource waste,

in the same time achieving high quality of the end product.

The city project [is] designed in the way that even in its initial stage,

it can be fully functional as a research and educational center,

greatly improving the region of its location

by sharing technologies and organization processes

with [the] local population.

When fully developed, [the] city [is] going to demonstrate

what our future can be, when we implement [a] resource-based economy.

It's going to be fully sustainable,

practically pollution-free system, with its own energy and food production,

transportation and other services available,

available without use of money within the city.

[A] new environment of social and personal organization

will induce change in values ... of city inhabitants,

providing behavioral modification needed to create [a] society of the future.

The main goal at this stage of operation

is creation of the international network of educational

and research centers, without vested interest in [the] monetary system.

Research projects [are] going to be focused on development of fully automated

mining-to-product-to-recycling systems,

creation [and] advancement of behavioral technology and behavioral science,

social and economical studies,

social cybernetization,

and integrated renewable energy systems,

along with other areas that allow us to create [an] economy of abundance.

Any country will greatly benefit from investment

in the new city systems designed by The Venus Project.

They will spur growth of the new class of socially integrated industries,

attracting [a] variety of specialists in sustainable technologies,

social entrepreneurs, artists and tourists from all around the world,

in the same time increasing energy production,

energy independence, [and] social stability, as well as lessen

regional budget demands.

Our approach can be easily scalable to include multiple regions

and even whole countries, in order to create large-scale sustainable systems.

Specialists will work with local governments to advance and streamline processes

initiated by [the] network of experimental cities,

applying best of our findings to improve quality of life of every citizen

of the host country, without involvement into [the] local political process.

It is very important,

that [a] major portion of the funding for the first experimental cities

will be provided by [the] general public,

not by corporations or other profit-seeking entities.

That way, nobody could buy its way into the city,

and we can keep it clean

from self-centered ideations imposed by [the] monetary system.

We are aiming to build experimental cities in every sufficiently developed country

around the world, in order to get them involved in sustainable operations

as soon as possible.

This network of cities will serve as a scaffold of new global society to come.

In the next phase of our development,

we would extend invitation to other countries to ... participate

into The Venus Project International –

a joint venture that will create [a] highly technological society

on the neutral territory.

One of the major conditions will be proportional investment of the resources

and agreement between participants

to make The Venus Project International

immune to all political decisions of the current system.

New technological society

will be comprised of multidisciplinarians and technicians,

working to research solutions to the common problems of humankind.

The general policies of that society will be military and political neutrality,

studies toward elimination of scarcity,

improvement of [the] human condition,

and ways to bridge the differences between nations.

The Venus Project International

will share research findings with participated countries

and with any other regions that will agree to join us

on the basis of mutual cooperation.

At this stage of development, major indications toward our goal

would be implementation of the wide scale automation by participated countries,

allowing its citizens to shorten the work week

or eliminate certain work occupations entirely.

Governments will have to commit to policies that aim to

full social and economical support of its population.

High level of production at marginal cost,

along with appropriate personal value shift of the general public,

will allow governments to build [the] first free access centers

to provide people with high quality of goods and services without price tags,

greatly reducing crime levels

and the rise [in] standard of living of every individual.

Incentives will be provided to induce interest

into advancement of educational level

and acquiring new specialization needed in automated society.

People who [are] going to enroll into new educational programs

will be provided with best available instructors, equipment, resources,

as well as with highly automated personalized research facilities.

[The] first wave of new specialists will be science promoters and educators

that will work to inspire more people to enjoin new educational programs.

[The] vast military industrial complex

will be converted into Special Contingency Force of first responders.

The advisory board of [the] international technological society

will survey the problematic areas of the globe

to direct Special Contingency Force

in order to deal with real problems,

such as natural and technological disasters,

epidemics, and pollution cleanup operations,

food and water shortage relief,

and other humanitarian activities of that sort.

When international political relationships [become] stabilized

on [the] values of peace and cooperation,

we expect [the] initial merger

of these closely developed countries to form United Continental Systems.

It will initiate [the] first truly global integrated

resource management and distribution processes

that will produce [the] need to create large scale integrated energy

and transportation systems.

Main focus of development will be channeled to lagging regions,

in order to shorten their time to join UCS.

This approach will allow us to break millennia-old relationships

based on mutual distrust and competition.

Unconditional help provided to underdeveloped regions by

United Continental Systems under the guidance

of The Venus Project International,

will allow us to arrive to agreement to declare

[the] Earth's resources as the common heritage of all the Earth's people.

When benefits of freeing people from regimentation and subjugation will become evident,

it will be possible to initiate [a] global survey of available resources

to determine further steps we need to take toward [a] truly planetary society.

This will be a preliminary stage of implementation of the recourse-based economy.

At this stage we anticipate suspension of trade and use of money,

transition from human to cybernetic governments,

eradication of private property, labor, poverty, unemployment,

and most of the crime, elimination of weaponry worldwide,

and [the] end of separate nations.

All goods and services will be produced and delivered

by fully automated systems, and will be available to all people

without restriction, making universal standard of living

higher than at ANY time of our history.

People will peruse scientific knowledge in multiple areas

as a lifelong learning experience.

This society will initiate terraforming mega-projects,

counteracting effects of global warming,

harness power of ocean currents and geothermal energy,

making giant leaps with technologies inconceivable today.

But this will be just the beginning.

We can exceed by far, even wildest dreams

of all utopians of the past by applying best of our thinking,

and best of our technologies directly to our lives.

The future is always changing,

and there are no limitation to change.

There [are] no final frontiers.

It is we who shape the future. Thank you.


For more infomation >> Stan Aizin - "Transición a una Economía Basada en Recursos" - Duration: 11:59.


gurday ki pathri ka ilaj | health tips in urdu | گردے کے درد اور پتھری کا مکمل طور پر دیسی علاج - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> gurday ki pathri ka ilaj | health tips in urdu | گردے کے درد اور پتھری کا مکمل طور پر دیسی علاج - Duration: 2:36.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


N'allumez plus jamais la clim après avoir démarré votre voiture - France 365 - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> N'allumez plus jamais la clim après avoir démarré votre voiture - France 365 - Duration: 5:07.


For more infomation >> N'allumez plus jamais la clim après avoir démarré votre voiture - France 365 - Duration: 5:07.


Gyda'ch help chi, gallwn ni gadw'n dŵr yn llifo - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Gyda'ch help chi, gallwn ni gadw'n dŵr yn llifo - Duration: 0:41.


For more infomation >> Gyda'ch help chi, gallwn ni gadw'n dŵr yn llifo - Duration: 0:41.


르노 메간 R.S. 가격과 스펙 공개..i30 N 정조준 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> 르노 메간 R.S. 가격과 스펙 공개..i30 N 정조준 - Duration: 5:08.


For more infomation >> 르노 메간 R.S. 가격과 스펙 공개..i30 N 정조준 - Duration: 5:08.


LA BONNE POSITION AU PIANO (corps et mains) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> LA BONNE POSITION AU PIANO (corps et mains) - Duration: 3:25.


For more infomation >> LA BONNE POSITION AU PIANO (corps et mains) - Duration: 3:25.


ইজতেমায় অংশ নিচ্ছেন না মাওলানা সাদ, দিল্লি ফিরে যাচ্ছেন।Bangladesh latest news today news update bd - Duration: 2:05.

Bangla latest news

For more infomation >> ইজতেমায় অংশ নিচ্ছেন না মাওলানা সাদ, দিল্লি ফিরে যাচ্ছেন।Bangladesh latest news today news update bd - Duration: 2:05.


For more infomation >> ইজতেমায় অংশ নিচ্ছেন না মাওলানা সাদ, দিল্লি ফিরে যাচ্ছেন।Bangladesh latest news today news update bd - Duration: 2:05.


J'avais l'habitude de jeter la peau de la pastèque jusqu'à ce que mon... - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> J'avais l'habitude de jeter la peau de la pastèque jusqu'à ce que mon... - Duration: 4:19.


For more infomation >> J'avais l'habitude de jeter la peau de la pastèque jusqu'à ce que mon... - Duration: 4:19.


ENGLISH IS EASY! OR NOT. - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> ENGLISH IS EASY! OR NOT. - Duration: 4:23.


For more infomation >> ENGLISH IS EASY! OR NOT. - Duration: 4:23.


Rosa Goes to the City: Learn English with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:38.

Rosa Goes to the City

By Amit Garg

In the middle

of a big city,

there was a small zoo,

and inside

lived a baby elephant.

Her name was Rosa.

The zookeeper

loved little Rosa very much

and cared for her in every possible way.

Many visitors came to see Rosa

Many visitors came to see Rosa

and watched in fascination

as she ate

a dozen bananas in one go.

Rosa was well looked after,

but she missed the company of other elephants.

but she missed the company of other elephants.

but she missed the company of other elephants.

One day,

after feeding Rosa,

the keeper

forgot to lock the door

of her cage.

Soon she was

out of the zoo!

First, she came across

an ice cream vendor standing by the roadside.

He saw Rosa

and ran away.

The curious little elephant

stuck her trunk

into the icebox.

Something tasted so cold,

sweet and delicious

that she simply gulped it all down.

that she simply gulped it all down.

that she simply gulped it all down.

Rosa kept moving about,

her eyes searching for someone.

her eyes searching for someone.

Finally, inside a shop, she saw

a herd of elephants

on a television screen.

"Friends!" she thought,

and marched

into the TV shop.

Everybody inside the shop ran out,

leaving her alone.

Rosa tried

talking to the elephants

on the TV screen,

but they didn't reply.

Confused and disappointed,

she walked out.

Back on the street,

she saw

a coconut-seller,

selling coconuts.

"Wow, I've found a ball!

It's play time now!"

she cried

and kicked

a coconut high into the air.

It flew

across the road

and landed

right beside a boy

playing in the park.

Rosa ran across the road,

Rosa ran across the road,

determined to get her coconut-ball.

Cars screeched,

buses honked,

and drivers

began to yell at each other.

Rosa had created a traffic jam!

The traffic police moved in

to take control.

The zoo was informed.

Ignoring the commotion

around her,

Rosa simply ran

into the park.

She stopped

in front of the little boy, who was smiling at her.

He giggled

and patted the elephant.


trumpeted back

with excitement

at her newfound friend.

By now,

the zookeeper

had reached the park.

Seeing Rosa

in the open space of the park,

he understood

that she would never be happy

in a cage.

The zoo transferred Rosa

to a protected forest,

away from the city,

where many other elephants roamed freely.

where many other elephants roamed freely.

Rosa grew up very happily.


instead of watching Rosa behind bars in a cramped cage,

instead of watching Rosa behind bars in a cramped cage,


could see her

among lots of trees,

still gulping down

dozens of bananas!

For more infomation >> Rosa Goes to the City: Learn English with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:38.


For more infomation >> Rosa Goes to the City: Learn English with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:38.


Centric Atiram Hotel in Andorra la Vella, Andorra (Europe). The best of Centric Atiram Hotel - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Centric Atiram Hotel in Andorra la Vella, Andorra (Europe). The best of Centric Atiram Hotel - Duration: 5:12.


For more infomation >> Centric Atiram Hotel in Andorra la Vella, Andorra (Europe). The best of Centric Atiram Hotel - Duration: 5:12.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


Why Liverpool over Arsenal is a better destination for this £40.5m rated midfield ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.

Liverpool and Arsenal are both interested in January moves for Barcelona star Ivan Rakitic,

who is expected to leave the club in search of newer pastures.

Both clubs could use an extra hand in their midfield area and Rakitic does seem like an

interesting option.

At 29 years of age, the £40.5m-rated player boasts of experience as well as skill but

unfortunately, he has struggled a bit to seal a regular starting spot for himself at the

Camp Nou this season.

Barcelona have never lacked quality midfielders and the situation at present is no different.

Despite his advancing age, Andres Iniesta continues to impress every single person with

his evergreen skills and trickery in the middle of the park.

He can still easily be regarded as one of the best in the world.

And now with Philippe Coutinho in the fray as well, one can understand Rakitic's decision

to leave.

The player has enjoyed his share of good times with the club though, having started out as

a regular ever since he joined Barcelona from Sevilla back in 2014.

He did help them win two La Liga titles as well as the Champions League in that time

and has undoubtedly been a key player for them in the past.

That said, he might find it tough to neglect interest from Arsenal and Liverpool.

At Anfield, with Emre Can expected to leave this summer, Jurgen Klopp will not have too

many quality options in the midfield area.

Also, he mostly deployed Coutinho as an attacking midfielder with Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane

as wingers.

Rakitic may not be the ideal replacement for the Brazilian but he could be a short-term

option until the end of the season.

The Croatian could probably fit better at the Merseyside club as there's a lack of

central attacking midfielders

at the club.

For more infomation >> Why Liverpool over Arsenal is a better destination for this £40.5m rated midfield ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:24.


County M project will allow westbound PD drivers to avoid signal - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> County M project will allow westbound PD drivers to avoid signal - Duration: 2:10.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 318iA M Sport High Executive | M pakket | Glazen panoramadak | HiFi System | Nav - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 318iA M Sport High Executive | M pakket | Glazen panoramadak | HiFi System | Nav - Duration: 0:47.


BMW 3 Serie 320iA High Executive M-Sport Pakket | Sportstoelen | HiFi System | PDC V&A | Navigatie P - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320iA High Executive M-Sport Pakket | Sportstoelen | HiFi System | PDC V&A | Navigatie P - Duration: 0:47.


THANH THẮNG | Talk To Me (Có Nên Dừng Lại) (Dance Cover) - Chi Pu - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> THANH THẮNG | Talk To Me (Có Nên Dừng Lại) (Dance Cover) - Chi Pu - Duration: 4:35.


Do travelers have different characteristics depend on their nationalities? - Korean tour guides - Duration: 7:16.

These are personal opinions depend on experience.

Some opinions can be wrong. Please keep that in mind :)

Do travelers have different characteristics

depend on their nationality?

It is stereotype.

But depends on your experience,

tell me how different they were.

Oh, without a doubt, they have their own characteristics.

They don't like long explanations.

They start to take photos right after they saw it.

They take

a lot of photos.

3 photos for every step.

30 photos for 10 steps.

They are interesting.

When they take a photo,

people start to gather like 'The miracle of Moses."

and it became family photo in the end.

It takes really long time to finish photo time.

Singaporeans are nice.

I love them.

Above all things, they are gentle.

Because of their high income level,

they are used to paying

tour fee and like to

eat and buy something.

Especially in winter,

people who have never seen snow in their countries easily fall in love with snow.

Many tour guides say that they lost their travelers every few minutes.

They just disappear.

They don't need explanation, just snow!.

When we go to a ski resort,

we want to learn ski or

at least try to learn it, right?


when they go there, they suit up first

But they just take it off after taking a photo.

And says, "Ok we done, let's have lunch now~"

When it comes to photo

they don't care beautiful scenery

scenery but themselves in that scenery.

And they want to upload their photos on many social medias

such as Instagram, facebook or Youtube.



Clothes, style,


actor/actress, Drama

and movies especially.

People from Indonesia and Malaysia

use hijab

so they are

interested in buying silk fabric.

They want more details. Rather than simple explanations, they want further,

deep and detailed information.

When I try to take photo of them,

they say 'No, thanks'.

Then, they take photo of scenery,

not photo of themselves.

This difference

is noticeable.

People from Northern Europe

are good listener and ask a lot.

They are punctual.

They are always on time.

But it's hard to feel affection from them.

For them, guide is guide and customer is customer. Nothing more.

In one of Korean TV shows,

German travelers had studied and prepared a lot before they came to Korea.

I think that was really close to reality.

Many people think that German people don't talk much

but it's not true

They are most talkative people I think.

They really are.

Americans are more casual.

casual. easy going.

Hey man, what's up?

Like these attitudes.

And it's easy to hear 'That's awesome! Cool!" from them.

'That's awesome! Cool!" from them.

They make me think I'm a talented tour guide lol.

For them, learning more is important.

They like to hear further explanations

such as political institution,

health insurance system



and foods.

They want detailed information.

Because Americans have tipping culture,

they give us tip and

sometimes in a witty way like this.

Hand shake with 10 dallars!

Oh yeah!

With 1 dallar? What the…. Lol.

On the other hand, European people

never give tip especially German people.

They are sharp.

You can say that again.

English people were not used to giving tip

as well as Canadians.

There are some countries don't give tip.

Northern European people complain

when they think I didn't do as much as I get paid.

It's not about service but

how much knowledge I fulfilled them.

So I study even harder

when my next group is from Europe.

When they are picky in choosing foods.

Gluten free


European people are really interested in North Korea. So they usually ask

news in North Korea,


social issues

and welfare.

this kind of stuffs.

and they like to compare other things.

they compare their countries to Korea.

They don't usually do the shopping.

They don't buy much.

They have a lukewarm reaction on my shopping sign

and they say 'We have it in our country.'


, they like crowded place.

Because many stores in European countries and American countries close early,

they are easily surprised at

places like Myeong-dong.

People from the

Middle East countries and Southern Asia countries like India and Nepal

are really different.

I usually say this as a joke but

I think they started yoga

because they can't endure stresses comes from each other.

It might be easy to get mad at each other

other so it was invented to calm down themselves.

I'm pretty sure about this lol.

for real. LOL

The reason why religion like Buddhism matters to them is because of this.

They feel irritated by each other,

so they started to do yoga

and have a meditation time.

I think this is the reason.

Oh, this is a new approach.

I think that is a culture of SLOW.

It's like aesthetics of slow.

having peace.

You shouldn't rush

even though they are late.

Just wait.

They will show up anyway.

If you are running out of time,

just say that you can't follow the schedule

you can't follow the schedule

cause they were late.

They will just accept it.

they know they were late.

I've waited more than 3 hours before at the hotel.

just seating at the front.

I think there is a reason for that

It seems that they regard lateness

lateness as a usual thing.

Like 'This is our culture~'.

They are super good at calculation.

When it comes to discount,

they keep asking more and they're really good at it.

and they're really good at it.

Their attitude toward women's rights are different.

So, if a tour guide is young woman,

it can't be always good.

I think this is cultural differences.

It's not about which one is right or wrong. It's just cultural differences.

Why did I say only bad things?

Actually, most of them are good people.

Really good people.

It's just a characteristic.

Just based on my experience, generally.

What I like the most about this job is,

I got to understand their religion.

To understand them,

we should know the religion they believe.

For more infomation >> Do travelers have different characteristics depend on their nationalities? - Korean tour guides - Duration: 7:16.


Doing it all Wrong, except i started making videos, starting exercising, my Accounting Business - Duration: 10:36.

yo yo yo CPA strength here back again for another video this one can you

recognize that I'm in a different part of the office I don't know this is gonna

be going into my third taxis and what I've done right what I've done wrong

well we're gonna be watching here we're gonna start right now I went with uh

with my with my framily Mikey I call him Mikey because it's like a Brazilian

thing somebody won his lap dog and with this a one with the beautiful family too

we took the GC oh he don't like what I call golf cart for some reason

so yeah this was the other night I just didn't want you to have to totally stare

at my ugly mug in my office since I did go over there play that's that's the

Dutch man that's a part of that's part of my squad it's my dog I will tell you

I have I was there at the hospital for Jenna and Gianni was not the hospital

for Dutchess birth and yeah I love those kids man I definitely have I have

Dutchess phone number I have Jenna's phone number they know

they can call me whenever but what's going on man so see ya we're going into

our third tax season here I can't believe I'm going through my third tax

season I mean I remember when I gave my two weeks notice to my job and I'm

thinking about I I think I mostly did well say every single thing wrong I

probably did every single thing wrong except start I wouldn't say every single

thing wrong but now

I thought we'll just turn I thought I needed an office I don't think I need an

office I kind of messed that up but why would I have this office for three years

so I don't know maybe the office was fine look I mean this is fine

it's just it's an internal feeling that you know to be I wanna I wanna think of

myself as successful and my own man and

the fact that I lived with my dad is depressing to me so I can't go back in

time if I could I would have I would have had my I would have started renting

my own like just even a little studio apartment I would have rented my own

studio apartment then started the business and then see what happens

that's that's that though

comes to you know I I and I gotta keep telling myself I quit my job because

well I wanted to have my own business but I wanted to lift in the gym and I

wanted to work on my youtube channel so when I when I quit my job I guess I had

50,000 I mean 50,000 you idiot I had fifty

subscribers and now I just have now I have over 36,000 so that's been highly

successful I have been going to the gym even though I was looking around today

and I did not feel I was like dude you've been working out for five you've

been working out for five years and doesn't even look like you lived so the

Johnnies my music critic helix Kodak do my own doom do doom

well let's see um what else what else have I what else have I done wrong I

mean the big one is I didn't need my own place else even go back before I live in

the past too much I didn't just at the time the decision I thought was good and

ain't no move on alright I'm gonna go to my spent $20,000 cash in that vehicle

cuz I I was just so sick of old cars my pricing was trip my pricing was trash I

was just so worried about not having any clients that I went way way too low my

pricing and so now I'm full of full of my absolute I don't have extra

time really full of clients but they're all low price so yeah I need to raise

the prices on that I I don't know much that is the same as when I started you

know to to something years ago when I started this business up mmm my

invoicing is different I guess this is this is the first year I'm not looking

for clients I some happen to tell people no more no I'm not taking it anymore

but I guess the main the main thing I want to say is that I'm glad I started

because I thought I knew it too when I when I started this business on August

of 2015 I thought I knew it all and it's like I I thought I prepped myself enough

and it goes now Les Brown saying you you have to just you jump and grow your

wings and the way down so you know I am I'm - I'm 2 years ahead of things just

so thoughts that I'm coming up I'm coming up for my third third tax season

and didn't want you just stare at me boringly

so yeah I would this was a last weekend when I went over to Mikey and Danielle's

house I call Micah's a designer presider

Brazilian girlfriend this summer and he he's a con she's a real estate developer

and he has a lot of Brazilians that work for him and they say what cut the wine

guy calls him Mikey Mikey it's like his name's mark

it's just so much just I just want alaria this is like typical Brazilian

they're like a mighty good he's like a

but on you Jenna gonna be Jenni gonna be the next superstar she's done she's done

she's a gossip queen and I'm a gossip king so we could we could we like the

gossipers alright so that was that yeah I trying something new out with the

video and I hope you liked it this is definitely long enough so yeah and tilt

until tomorrow this is CPA strength and I'm not going

anywhere I get down in the dumps a little bit but I have I've been talking

like no I've had no idea how many people watch my channel like people keep

telling me in my real life for I see I'm all I've been watching a YouTube channel

mean you've been inspiring me and stuff so you know I have no idea who I'm

reaching it seems like no one notices anything and but I think a lot of people

are noticing 36,000 people have noticed it anyways I just

I wasn't in the best mood before I shot before I before I made this video here

but there's something about being on camera something about the process that

I love and I'm in good spirits now so thank you so much for giving me that and

until tomorrow this is CP a strength I'm out


For more infomation >> Doing it all Wrong, except i started making videos, starting exercising, my Accounting Business - Duration: 10:36.


Are You in the 1% of the Population that is Genetically of Higher Frequency? - Duration: 3:31.

Are You in the 1% of the Population that is Genetically of Higher Frequency?

People of higher frequency is actually hypersensitive people.

They are not only sensitive, but also empathic, intuitive, creative, and complex.

Despite those special characteristics they hold, higher frequency individuals often feel

alone since they comprise so little of the population.

However, it doesn't means they did nothing in this world, in fact, they did a lot of

contribution to the world.

You can say they live almost strategically in different parts of the globe as "light

workers," it says they carry out their important mission or "Cosmic Call to Action," which

is to help our species and planet survive and thrive as a more consciously awakened


There are some common traits of people of higher frequency.


Desire to seek truth

They want to make sure that whatever they live in true reality.

They want to find and confirm the real meaning of life which is always related to people

around them.


Feeling the entities

Existences or entities are abstract things that not all people are aware of.

However, people of higher frequency can detect those entities and their surrounding elements.

A more attuned people of higher frequency even can see the entities clearly.


High goals

Hyper sensitive people actually always have a feeling that they achieve less than they


They have remarkable goals which are usually unachievable.

This, unfortunately, affects to some part of life such as relationship.


Mood swing

It is not like the version of narcissists though.

People of higher frequency tends to change their moods depending on environment and other

people around them.

They absolutely reflect the universe.


A unique moment

Sometimes they experience a brief moment of being awakened or conscious.

It is like an 'eureka' moment in which you are surprised as you know or learn something



Vivid dreams

People of higher frequency have tendency to be close to nature.

They basically live in quite different dimension than the rest of us.

They can have different dreams in which it is so clear that they control it just like

the real world.


Shedding period

It is an intense period where the people of higher frequency slowly throw away relationship,

responsibilities and priorities.


Time is faster

People experience time runs faster occasionally.

However, people with higher frequency tends to experience such condition often.

They are getting lost in daily activities.

Indeed, it is completely weird, but it is what they experience.


Enhanced awareness

They believe that things are not accidental.

There is always a reason behind an action.

There is also something that makes things happen.

All in all, that's some common traits of people of higher frequency.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Are You in the 1% of the Population that is Genetically of Higher Frequency? - Duration: 3:31.


ENGLISH IS EASY! OR NOT. - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> ENGLISH IS EASY! OR NOT. - Duration: 4:23.


Darth Maul: Am I Pissing You Off? - Duration: 0:05.

You need to harness your repressed rage

I don't have any!

Spoken like a person with repressed rage

For more infomation >> Darth Maul: Am I Pissing You Off? - Duration: 0:05.


[THAI ver./CC] MOMOLAND (모모랜드) "BBoom BBoom (뿜뿜)" - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> [THAI ver./CC] MOMOLAND (모모랜드) "BBoom BBoom (뿜뿜)" - Duration: 3:30.


Ku Cast Ep 1 YouTube news - Duration: 1:04:12.

For more infomation >> Ku Cast Ep 1 YouTube news - Duration: 1:04:12.


Tomorrow is built today [Morning Motivation] - Duration: 2:40.

Welcome back, Rebels!

For those of you that don't know me, my name is Tony

Also known as ARC Crow here on the internet And I am trying to turn myself into a hero

that is my dream this video is all about motivating you so

you can follow your dreams if that is the kind of thing that seems interesting

to you, you might want to subscribe because I have

a lot more where this came from Tomorrow is a powerful idea

we never actually get to tomorrow it is always out there in the distance

kinda waiting for us but we never get there

and your tomorrow all depends upon what is you do today

let's say you have a very productive day you can look forward to tomorrow

or you can have a very lazy day and put things off until tomorrow

one of those habits future you is going to be thankful for

and the other future you is going to be rather upset with past you

but what your tomorrow looks like is entirely up to you

you are the one that is responsible for setting up the things that tomorrow is going to give

you and you do that today!

it would be disingenuous of me to say that everything that happens to you today

is a result of what you did yesterday there is random chance

sometimes things just happen but more often than not

you're what caused those things to happen so the question is

what do you what tomorrow to look like for you?

do you want it to be a great day because you got everything done yesterday

that you were supposed to or do you want it to be a hectic day

because you put things off it's up to you

tomorrows are precious we don't get as many of them as we want

we just don't who knows how many we have left right now?

we don't know it's impossible to tell

but how those turn out is possible to tell

it is all based on what you do and the actions that you take in the here and now

what are you going to make your tomorrows look like?

it is all up to you and what you do with today

as for me I am going to try to get as much done today

so I can enjoy my tomorrow as much as I do right now

stick with me rebels we can do this

as always there are links in the description to stuff I talked about, my social media,

and past videos I love likes and comments but the share shows

that you care if you're not subscribed yet now is the time

to do that click on the bell icon as well to get notified

everytime I put something new out

For more infomation >> Tomorrow is built today [Morning Motivation] - Duration: 2:40.


The Real Story Of Zainab Anwar From Kasur | Full Detail From Start To End - Duration: 3:15.

real story of zainab anwar

zainab from kasur

For more infomation >> The Real Story Of Zainab Anwar From Kasur | Full Detail From Start To End - Duration: 3:15.







For more infomation >> MİNECRAFT PLAY! (SURVIVAL GAMES) - Duration: 6:42.


Rosa Goes to the City: Learn English with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:38.

Rosa Goes to the City

By Amit Garg

In the middle

of a big city,

there was a small zoo,

and inside

lived a baby elephant.

Her name was Rosa.

The zookeeper

loved little Rosa very much

and cared for her in every possible way.

Many visitors came to see Rosa

Many visitors came to see Rosa

and watched in fascination

as she ate

a dozen bananas in one go.

Rosa was well looked after,

but she missed the company of other elephants.

but she missed the company of other elephants.

but she missed the company of other elephants.

One day,

after feeding Rosa,

the keeper

forgot to lock the door

of her cage.

Soon she was

out of the zoo!

First, she came across

an ice cream vendor standing by the roadside.

He saw Rosa

and ran away.

The curious little elephant

stuck her trunk

into the icebox.

Something tasted so cold,

sweet and delicious

that she simply gulped it all down.

that she simply gulped it all down.

that she simply gulped it all down.

Rosa kept moving about,

her eyes searching for someone.

her eyes searching for someone.

Finally, inside a shop, she saw

a herd of elephants

on a television screen.

"Friends!" she thought,

and marched

into the TV shop.

Everybody inside the shop ran out,

leaving her alone.

Rosa tried

talking to the elephants

on the TV screen,

but they didn't reply.

Confused and disappointed,

she walked out.

Back on the street,

she saw

a coconut-seller,

selling coconuts.

"Wow, I've found a ball!

It's play time now!"

she cried

and kicked

a coconut high into the air.

It flew

across the road

and landed

right beside a boy

playing in the park.

Rosa ran across the road,

Rosa ran across the road,

determined to get her coconut-ball.

Cars screeched,

buses honked,

and drivers

began to yell at each other.

Rosa had created a traffic jam!

The traffic police moved in

to take control.

The zoo was informed.

Ignoring the commotion

around her,

Rosa simply ran

into the park.

She stopped

in front of the little boy, who was smiling at her.

He giggled

and patted the elephant.


trumpeted back

with excitement

at her newfound friend.

By now,

the zookeeper

had reached the park.

Seeing Rosa

in the open space of the park,

he understood

that she would never be happy

in a cage.

The zoo transferred Rosa

to a protected forest,

away from the city,

where many other elephants roamed freely.

where many other elephants roamed freely.

Rosa grew up very happily.


instead of watching Rosa behind bars in a cramped cage,

instead of watching Rosa behind bars in a cramped cage,


could see her

among lots of trees,

still gulping down

dozens of bananas!

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