Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 11 2018

2017's celebrated adaptation of Stephen King's It is now out on DVD and Blu-ray, and there

are plenty of deleted and extended scenes to savor.

In all, there are 11 added segments included in the film's bonus features, so, let's run

through what's new and how the new clips fit into the overall story.

And of course, here's the all important spoiler alert for anyone still waiting to get spooked

by Pennywise.

Fake out The first scene included in the bonus features

is an alternate take of that iconic opening moment when little Georgie Denbrough chases

his prized paper boat down the rain stream, and it gets sucked into the sewer drain, where

Pennywise the Dancing Clown is hiding.

But instead of having his arm ripped off and being dragged into Derry's dark water, in

this version he simply grabs the boat and wanders off, saying:

"See ya later!"

Pennywise's reaction to Georgie's unexpected escape?

First, it's silent confusion; then, he finally utters:

"Ah s---."

Dad guilt Next up, we have the scene with Stanley's

father chiding him over his lack of preparation for his bar mitzvah.

We already saw him correct his poor pronunciation and remind his son that he's the rabbi.

But in the extended version, he goes for broke with the guilt trip.

Not only does he essentially tell him he needs to take responsibility for his soul, but he

also rattles off a list of exactly who he stands to let down if he messes this up.

With that kinda pressure looming on the home front, it's no wonder Stanley's the most burdened

of the bunch.

Family friction One thing that seemed to be a little lacking

in the theatrical version of It was the emotional toll that Georgie's disappearance would take

on the rest of the Denbroughs.

In a new scene, though, we find out that not only are they completely broken, but it's

Bill who's being inconsiderate and aloof about everything.

His mom is shown silently laboring over the dishes, as his father reads a magazine and

Bill starts prattling on about planning their annual summer park trip.

His mother wants nothing to do with it, and storms off, and that's when his dad informs

him that it's not happening.

This was Georgie's favorite trip, so it doesn't matter how much everyone else liked it.

It's done.

Second skeptic Another scene that's extended is the one when

Bill flees from the basement after seeing a phantom Georgie and Pennywise down below.

"Bill, if you'll come with me, you'll float too."

He runs into his father upstairs and explains what he saw, which prompts his father to explore

the room right away.

Even though Bill can clearly hear his dad sloshing around the flooded basement, his

dad still returns to report that it's "dry as a bone" and that it must have been a bad


Like other clueless adults around town, his dad doesn't see or hear what's really going

on, and thinks it's just a product of Bill's cruel imagination.

Grown ups.

Unhappy home An aspect of the original It story that's

mercifully glossed over in the cinematic adaptation is the abuse Henry Bowers suffers at the hands

of his alcoholic father.

In a new scene, though, he's shown struggling to apply ointment to lashes on his back, implying

he's been whipped by his mean old man — and that this isn't the first time.

Upon Henry's attempt to the leave the house, his father demands that he fetch him another

beer first, and he complies without any ounce hesitation or attitude.

But by the time his friends arrive, Henry's back to wearing his tough guy air.

"That fat f--- knows if he touches me I'll rip his head off."

As they're about to leave, too, they spot Mike Hanlon passing by on his delivery bike,

which sets up the quick scene with Mike being bullied by the trio as Pennywise looks on.

Fighting fear Stanley's emotional defection from the rest

of the Losers is also evident in a new scene from the Neibolt House, when half the Losers

play lookout.

Stan cries to Mike about how he doesn't want to go in the house, and it's clear he just

can't handle what's happening to all of them right now.

Meanwhile, the scene also sets up a pretty tender exchange between Ben and Beverly.

As they wait for the others, he places a hand on her shoulder, and she reciprocates by placing

her hand on top of his own.

An exodus The next scene is only a slight extension

of the Neibolt House scene that scared the hell out of everyone in the theaters.

But in a new piece of the sequence, we get to see how the group reacts to fighting their

way out of Pennywise's clutches the first time.

With Eddie's broken arm, he has to be carted away on Mike's bike, ditching his own ride

in the street, and they're all otherwise in a collective state of panic as they scramble

to flee the scene.

Seeing their post-battle fear in action like this, it's pretty clear why they might be

so quick to disband.

Moody monologue Stanley Uris might be a shrinking violet throughout

the film, but he gets one scene of serious retribution in his bar mitzvah monologue.

In the extended version of his ceremony, he lays into his father and the whole synagogue,

by calling them out for being out of touch with the dangers around town.

"Becoming an adult, according to the holy scripture of Derry, is learning not to give

a s---!"

Perhaps not surprisingly, the only one who claps for him is Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier.

Cast vandal In another briefly extended scene, we're finally

shown what Eddie's face looks like when he realizes that Beverly's bully has signed his

cast with the word "Loser" down at the pharmacy.

And to make matters worse, we also see her tack her chewed up wad of gum on top for an

extra dose of germaphobia.

Slaughter session The most shocking added scene of them all

features Henry Bowers, now possessed by Pennywise, parked outside the Neibolt house with his

face covered in blood.

He watches as the Losers prepare to go in and attempt to rescue Beverly from the clown.

"Like lambs to a slaughter."

That's when the camera pans to the passenger side and we see that both of his sidekicks

have had their necks slashed, presumably by Henry's newly reacquired knife.

It's then that the Losers enter the house, not knowing that they have a twisted Henry

lurking behind them.

If included, the scene might've taken away the element of surprise when Henry shows up

and attacks Mike, but it may have also set up the eventual excuse Derry folks adopt about

all the deaths, as they pin them on Henry.

The walkie talkie In the theatrical version of It, Bill Denbrough

doesn't get a real sign of his brother's fate until after they vanquish Pennywise.

But in an extended version of the scene, he stumbles upon Georgie's walkie talkie first


Considering the condition of the device — it appears to be unbroken and perhaps even functional

— the find might've given him false hope about his brother's condition and caused confusion

in the final fight.

So it's probably for the best that the filmmakers let him have his big showdown with the clown

before handing him Georgie's old stuff.

Family vacation The original film ended after the Losers said

goodbye, but the alternative version of the closing moments would've ended on a slightly

more optimistic note for at least one character.

The unused ending included in the bonus features shows Bill's parents packing up the station

wagon, as his mother comes out to kiss him and say they'll make new memories with a new

vacation spot.

Now that they've all come to accept Georgie's fate, they're finally starting to heal.

But just to make sure no one gets too cozy, the camera eventually pans to the storm drain

that was such a problem for them in the first place, just as it begins to rain.

There's no Pennywise in there — yet — but it's clear his reign of terror is far from


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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The It Movie Scenes You Never Got To See - Duration: 6:57.


I AM NOT A #HOTTRANSGUY // 2 Years Post Double Incision Top Surgery - Duration: 9:18.

Hi, my name is Jackson Bird and I am two years post-top surgery.

"Why's he have his shirt on then?

Isn't that the point of these videos?

His shirt should be off!"

Ain't happenin'! Here's why.

(intro music)

Just a head's up: this video IS gonna be talking

a lot about body image and my own body image issues and dysphoria and all kinds of things

like that.

So proceed with caution.

So on January 6th, 2016 I had double incision top surgery with Dr. Kathy Rumer in Pennsylvania.

You can watch some of my previous videos about like my pre-top surgery thoughts and my recovery,

and my one year post-top video in the playlist over here.

Now, I don't do too many top surgery updates on my youtube channel because, well I mean

I don't post that many updates on my physical transition at all on YouTube.

And part of that is because two years post top surgery and almost three years on T, like

there's not that much to say anymore.

My facial hair still won't grow past my chin.

I think I found another chest hair.

My scars are about the same color they were a year ago.

Eh, they've faded a little bit.

But yeah, that's about the extent of it.

It's not as exciting as the first couple of months.

But the other reason I don't post that many top surgery updates is because…

I don't feel great about how I look with my shirt off.

Not because of my surgery results.

Dr. Rumer does beautiful work.

And I mean, I'm relatively comfortable have my shirt off amongst friends or at the beach.

But I definitely don't feel comfortable enough about my body to be posting lots of

videos and instagram pics without a shirt on.

And a lot of the insecurities that I feel about my torso are the same ones that most

guys feel.

Y'know, I wish I had more muscles and less freckles and less of a gut.

And at least two out of three of those I could be doing something about, which I do sometimes

but also cookies are delicious and I emcee at a bar two nights a week so being a totally

healthy gym rat is never going to be exactly who I am.

And for the most part I'm okay with that.

In fact, in some ways it makes me feel like a normal guy to have natural insecurities

about my body and to not be totally devoted to my diet and appearance.

But where it stops being a normal thing is about... eh, right down here.

My hips.

My hips have not slimmed down since I started testosterone like they do for a lot of people.

In fact, at least the last time I measured, they got bigger.

Because I just got bigger.

All over.

I weigh thirty-five more pounds than I did when I started testosterone.

And that's not all like muscle gain from testosterone.

Some of it is getting older and having a slower metabolism.

Some of it's being happier with myself and having a little bit more money so I'm eating


And y'know it's pretty healthy and normal for me to have gained this weight.

And while a lot of people do get slimmer hips from T, not everyone does.

And I'm one of those not everyone's.

I am completely dysphoric and self-conscious about my hips whether I have a shirt on or


And even when I don't have a shirt on, I still sometimes feel like my hips are making


And y'know this isn't something I like talking about online.

I would much rather make this a normal top surgery update video with my shirt off and

my camera carefully set up to just show the top part of my chest, angled from slightly

from above to make me look thinner – making sure to never show my hips in the shot.

But I think it's important to talk about this because of the other reason that I hesitate

to ever post shirtless pictures of myself and that's this:

That is what I see all the time.

That is what me and every other trans masculine person has to compare ourselves to, that we


What we dream testosterone and just a little bit more self-discipline could do for us.

Or what we think we're supposed to want in order to be trans enough.

And that's true for some people, but for so many of us – for so many more of us that

the internet would lead you to believe – it's not true.

Not everyone thinks that way.

Not everyone looks that way.

Not everyone wants to look that way.

And T affects everyone differently.

Everyone has different genetics that come into play.

You can't expect that you're going to look like all those guys with slim hips and

six packs – even if you do put in the work and take testosterone.

Sometimes even all of that can't combat the simple genetics that you inherited.

For example, could I work out more and eat better?

Absolutely. And I'm working' on it.

But I can feel these hip bones.

I know that even if I worked out super hard and ate well and loss every trace of fat on

my hips – which by the way wouldn't necessarily be super healthy in my case–, my hips would

still stick out because it's just my bone structure.

I can't lose my bones.

There is nothing I can do about that.

Physically anyways.

What I can do is work to feel better about myself and loving my body for what it is.

And I know that is a tall order for people with dysphoria.

I am not saying don't take steps to change your body in the ways that you can and need


And also I don't want anyone thinking I'm faulting all of the trans guys with super

fit bodies who post shirtless pictures all of the time.

One, they're hot.

Keep it coming.

But two, I know that so many of them suffer from insecurities just like the rest of us

and pushing themselves so intensely physically is their method of coping.

I am positive that so many of them still look in the mirror and still see, "not good enough."

"Not masculine enough."

Just like how I'm sure there are some of you looking at me and thinking, how the heck could

he ever feel bad about his body?

But I do!

We all have individual relationships, both good and bad, with our bodies and with our


Some people alleviate their dysphoria by pumping up their serotonin levels at the gym and working

towards their ideal body.

I alleviate it by sitting on my ass at a computer and making videos about it.

We all have our different methods.

And I'm not trying to put anyone down for how they deal with dysphoria or how they do

or don't feel about their own body.

What I am trying to do is point out that even binary trans guys all look different.

We have different body types.

We have different relationships to our bodies.

We have different ideas of what the perfect masculine body type looks like and if we should

even strive for that.

And I would just love to see that represented more.

I want to see more trans bodies of all shapes and sizes.

Not to mention more body love and positivity represented by trans people of color and trans

people with disabilities and trans people who don't physically transition.

I see a lot of those people because I seek them out, but let's work to raise those

people up to the mainstream and make sure that we aren't injecting any more toxic

masculinity into the trans masculine experience than is already there.

Let's work to make sure that trans masculine people early on in their transitions or struggling

with dysphoria at any point have examples of more than just one often impractical ideal.

Let's help each other see the unique, diverse, and realistic expectations of what transition

can do and how all our bodies are beautiful and hot and masculine.

So here are three ways that I propose we start combatting the toxic masculinity in the trans

masculine community – and for that matter, all forms of body shame and misogyny and homogeneity

in trans feminine and nonbinary and agender spaces

First, Ryan Cassata started a hashtag and group a while back called #alltransbodies

which endeavors to shine a light on this exact issue.

So let's fill up that hashtag with selfies or pictures of trans people we admire – that

we get their permission from unless they're like a public figure.

Let's reactivate that tag and show everyone how beautiful all of our different types of

bodies are.

Second: down in the comments, I want to hear one thing that you love about your body.

It can be big or small or intangible.

Even if you're not feeling great about your body in any way, I challenge you to think

of just one thing.

And finally, if you are trans, remember that your experience with transition and your body

unique to you and don't need to be held up to anyone else's standard.

Having goals and working towards achieving a certain look is totally cool.

Being proud of your body, no matter what it looks like, is awesome.

Being uncomfortable with your body at times is also totally fine.

But shaming other people for their bodies or their relationship to their bodies, whether

explicitly or implicitly is not cool.

It is hard enough work to love yourself as a trans person so how about we spend a little

less time spreading judgment and a little more time spreading that love?

I know I tackled a lot of big things and danced around some very sensitive issues here so

hopefully you all understood where I was coming from.

I hope that some of you appreciated this and got some help from it.

Before I go, I want to spread the love real quick about my friend Oliver, who you may

remember from some videos we made together about Fantastic Beasts bac in the day.

They are getting top surgery soon!

Unfortunately, their employer, like so many in the United States, is not covering any

trans-related healthcare so they are paying for this surgery out of pocket.

So if you want to help out my awesome, talented, beautiful friend, I will put a link to their

GoFundMe down in the description box.

Despite everything I just said about my dysphoria and insecurities, it all got so much better

after I had top surgery.

It really is a life-changing experience for so many people and I want to help my friend

Oliver get there, just like I hope everyone else who wants top surgery can get there one


One step at a time!

And as always, you can follow me on social media at jackisnotabird.

And if you liked this video, please do subscribe and smash that notification bell so you always

know when there's a new video.

'Cause usually it's Wednesdays, but like not always.

Alright, that is it for now.

Thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time!

(endscreen music)

For more infomation >> I AM NOT A #HOTTRANSGUY // 2 Years Post Double Incision Top Surgery - Duration: 9:18.


Bacon Soda?! (Vat19 Destruction) - Duration: 10:35.

what is up everybody welcome to Rex today we are doing a vat19 Destruction

extravaganza labyrinth Palooza kind of thing right I think it's a word we have

a kind of like slingshot looking thing I swear that's what this is and we're

gonna be shooting metal bb's out of it if that doesn't do the trick which

sometimes it might not we're gonna be using the sweet candy cane to destroy

stuff as well as who knows our wildest torment of different things that we

could be breaking things with you know Mariah's had a can opener my sharp in

flex my good looks a head your head twice fine so let's get

started we're gonna start my break in a can in a jar but can you believe it oh I

couldn't break it if I tried it's knocking it did you see that no I think

is it not right that literally was just moving know what it does moving a gang

all right that thing doesn't knock I'm gonna shoot from like this area and

we're gonna see if I can get it to break in the front Oh where'd it go I want to

see if I can see it comes come here coming it's falling apart right I gave

you one job sorry I sneak farted on accident again

everybody I'm gonna be honest snuck out didn't mean there's a possible

way to get this off of here I'm gonna be completely honest look it's like

molasses what what do you turn them up watch it

please this is wasting my time watching look you looked away again

let go yeah looks like we have some hi pops

you want to bet you want to buy it we're gonna tape them here treat a little bit

like target practice a little mulling around here we're gonna see how it goes

she whipped it I missed the whole thing oh my gosh wait all right all right all

right I'm gonna try sure I need a bigger target

Oh like unload you can't cheer for bullets alright I means we're gonna use

a candy cane on the next one because mariah is too busy breaking my stuff

without wanting me to break them yet

Mariah's gonna take a hack at it it's like a little pinata hope I oughta IATA

oh my gosh it's a buyout ok here we go spinning

pom pom pom pom yeah products I don't have to look good I'm a genius

oh my gosh I saw this on Shark Tank you saw this on Shark Tank yeah Moscato it

was actually on you should drink it it's it's one wait you're not a cat oh my god

all right Kevin talk about I specifically hired a cat what why do you

keep pointing at that closet convinced nothing's moving this one I'm thinking

we just see if we can pop it with the sledgehammer and that's why I think

we're just gonna see if we can break with the sledge axe nothing makes my cat

personally happier than getting crushed in his wine with some weapon nothing

makes it pur harder what is a hard / sound like a machine

thank you you know I am part cat I knew it Oh purple

Oh shout out the but that was pretty cool Oh my screen oh gosh I love

watching everything going on and everything was going it's floating it's

like it's in that one movie not that grounding but the other gummies with

Jennifer Lawrence that one Hunger Games no Hunger Games how is that probably you

could say that was a ten out of ten right I was pretty good thank you for

the names have a nice night everybody you want to try and break it at the top

do you think you're that accurate well then do you want to do like that this is

your next I told you so strength know you're strong independent woman but

you're not the strongest independent woman what was that sound

yes you shot it out the top you know drop locking pop is what you did it's

like stop lock right or something right no it's not right guys if you're new

here make sure you and Doug Bell icon and subscribe we have awesome videos and

they kind of you'll love them I mean it's less destroying stuff yeah all

right so that brain my way Kobe it's a it's not a brain it's a heart it's a

heart yeah hold on watch this oh let's wait

for Tanner to do something clever

put your hand out right I don't want your heart I'm giving you my heart eat

your heart out oh my cast it I'm on one to that yeah go

far we got four out how to break in anyway oh yeah I'm raised one burn it

what the hell can you just keep the camera on that guy it's gonna happen

look see I didn't see anything you saw it I know you did I'm a pariah

toss it up for me oh I'm gonna take a katana no nope right through it we're

gonna see how it goes where's my katana look at the hips so many hits don't lie

do my house do this oh oh I cut in half tell me I'm not the best Mariah thank

you oh yeah you know half of it no thank you

right Lisa so from this next portion we're gonna

actually try each of these tell you the flavor give me taste and then we're

gonna be be these puppies down and if the baby doesn't work obviously we're

gonna move on to other things like you know you know the thing that didn't just

break right there it's totally fine I need a bottle opener never mind yeah

Bolivar I'm a ding man

I'll test let me take a shot I can't tell you Oh Oh God

shouldn't have gone that deep oh it tastes like celery a little too you

didn't break it but you made it upset since you couldn't break it successful

you have to take another dream why are you drinking like that you are you a dog

I'm guessing you're a dog okay oh let's all talk about hot air and break

anything with a hard candy cane when yeah you have to chug it this time okay

I can't watch it anymore Oh God alright you like a remix of the

big bone remix of the bone remix remix of the baby I got sweet corn and guess

what I hate I got a neck admit I bet you do you're slipping you actually pulled

yourself closer here it's okay it's okay a lot of us can okay yeah that's yours I

can't - one what Oh God who would drink that tastes like dog food if you puked

up oh please just taste it no I'm not doing that smells like urine

yes that was so sick that's what's all about it man yeah you

get this one I'm gonna get this one okay and we're both gonna try ranch you can

do it nope dad mine's great okay

no not PB and Jane ranch together oh I tried it all right not trying just wants

to be dramatic about it no give me a strong swing line up at the base

that was totally wicked nice all right let's put this away safely that was the

coolest thing I've seen since Wonderbread was made the back in 1927 in

the Olympic division of Kentucky yes you shattered one instantly

shattered the second one and this is just they didn't even fit and they turn

on their boosters you know what I'm saying they hit their rocket powder it's

flying everywhere I'm sorry I made you gag like three times by drinking that

nasty stuff and touch and touch and touch guys if you enjoyed this video

make sure you check out our 1,000 degree battle axe versus slime it was a super

cool video this is something that YouTube recommends specifically for you

thanks for watching Kelsey and if you want a shout-out just like Kelsey got

make sure you go follow us on Twitter and Instagram at high five right my

knuckle bro

For more infomation >> Bacon Soda?! (Vat19 Destruction) - Duration: 10:35.


10 Most Absurd Sleeping Bags Ever - Duration: 5:28.

• How can you sleep looking like a delicious microwaved treat?

What is the "Sexy Hotness" sleeping bag, and why is it called that?

From awesome to totally absurd, here are 10 of the most unusual sleeping bags ever.

10 – Condom sleeping bag and pillow • Here's a new way to use a condom in


And no, it's not in one of those weird, magazine cover ways that would never work

in real life.

• No, it's just a sleeping bag and a pillow.

So, you can sleep in a condom, with your face on a condom.

• The pillow even has a special pocket where you can keep – you guessed it – condoms.

• At this point, you have basically no excuse to not practice safe sex.

9 – Egyptian Sarcophagus • The pharaohs of Egypt probably rest really

well, since they're dead and surrounded by gold.

• You might not be surrounded by gold, but you can at least pretend you're a mummy.

• Granted, it's hard to find a real sarcophagus with a hole for your face, but that's because

mummies don't need to breathe.

You do.

8 – Hot Pocket • This is the sleeping bag for you, if you

want most of your body to be boiling lava hot, except for one random part that is infuriatingly

somehow still frozen solid.

• The good news is, the sleeping bag actually looks like a Hot Pocket.

It even has the little paper sleeve that nobody really understands.

• They've even gone so far as to call their insulation system the "microwave."

• The only remaining question is whether you feel like more a pepperoni pizza-type

filling or ham and cheese.

Or something else entirely?

7 – Tauntaun • You know what's great about this?

This is a sleeping bag, so it doesn't smell bad on the inside OR the outside.

• At least, unless you just sweat in it a whole bunch and don't wash it.

But then it's your fault.

• This particular sleeping bag has a bit of a history to it, though.

It originally premiered on ThinkGeek as an April Fool's joke.

• But tens of thousands of people signed up to buy the sleeping bag, even though it

didn't exist.

• So, they started working out licensing rights, and they actually made a real version

of it that you can buy.

And it even has intestines printed on the inside of it.

6 – Burrito • This sleeping bag isn't really a "bag,"


It sort of sits on the ground like a big puffy disc.

• But it also has a couple of spots that can be fastened, and that allows it to be

transformed into a number of different things.

• One of things is to roll it together like a burrito.

But it can also be pulled together to be a chair, pillow, blanket, or basically whatever

else you want it to be.

• Basically, it can be whatever you want it to be.

It just sort of ties together in a bunch of ways, and then you can sit or lay on it however

you feel like it.

5 – Sexy Hotness Sleeping Bag • The Alite Sexy Hotness Sleeping Bag is

a wearable sleeping bag that is best enjoyed in pairs.

• See, where most sleeping bags will feature just the one zipper up the middle of the front,

the Sexy Hotness Sleeping Bag features zippers all over the place.

• You can unzip the legs for some additional breathability, or you can unzip for a bathroom


• But the most important thing you can do is unzip two bags to combine them… just

in case there's some reason you'd want to have room for two people in a sleeping


• There's a reason they're called Sexy Hotness bags.

4 – Sleep Suit • Okay, here's the thing.

If you were to look at someone wearing a Sleep Suit, you might think they'd walked out

of a horror movie.

• It looks like some sort of demonic alien insect took a human body and weaved it into

some sort of weird cocoon.

• But as much as it looks like some kind of torture device, the science behind it is

apparently solid.

• It's built with Dymaxion Sleeping in mind.

This is a system of sleeping in which you take short, 30-minute naps a few times a day,

rather than have one long, extended period of rest.

• These suits basically allow the wearer to take those comfy naps at basically any

time… as long as they're willing to wear this thing around all day.

3 - Shark • After the movie "Jaws" came out, people

had nightmares about being eaten by a shark.

They wouldn't even go in the water out of fear of sharks.

• But that was then.

We've clearly grown beyond that, because kids will now just sleep in a sleeping bag


• In fairness, the shark is actually pretty adorable.

• But don't be fooled.

Thousands of children every year are devoured whole by shark sleeping bags.

2 - Vagina • You could make a case for a lot of sleeping

bags being like female genitalia.

They are, after all, things that split down the middle and occasionally contain human


• But somebody REALLY worked at making this one look like the genuine article.

They even went to the trouble of giving it some oddly realistic-looking public hair.

• Like, there are sleeping bags that LOOK like they're not safe for work.

And then there's THIS, which looks like its only logical use would be putting your

drunk friend in it and taking pictures.

1 – Oxygen Detox Sleeping Bag • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is beginning

to catch on with some athletes as a way to jump-start the body's recovery ability.

• The Mayo Clinic has researched hyperbaric oxygen chambers as a way to treat decompression

sickness in scuba divers.

• So naturally, somebody has made an "at home" version of it for "detox."

The bag advertises "steam sauna, water jets and oxygen mist," which are supposed to

detox your body.

• Apparently, it also has "anti-aging" features.

It's not clear if you're actually supposed to sleep in this thing, or if it actually

does any of the things it's supposed to do.

• After all, "Oxygen Detox" sounds like a nice way of talking about choking to death.

For more infomation >> 10 Most Absurd Sleeping Bags Ever - Duration: 5:28.


How To Make Your Eye Red | 4 PAINLESS Ways! - Duration: 4:09.

Hello Boys and Girls.

Did you miss me?

Well I thought we'd kick off 2018 with a bang!


In this video, I'm going to be telling you how to make your eye red, like you have pinkeye.

Or how to make your eyes red like you're high, or how to make your eye red like you just

motor-boated Tinkerbell, which I guess afterwords, you could call yourself Pinker-Bell.

"Queries of the Interweb."

A couple things I want to say first is I want to thank you guys for helping me break five-thousand

subs which is a pretty significant milestone, but not really.

I also want to thank the following peeps for giving me the inspiration for this video.

You guys will go down in the hall of fame, maybe, I don't know.

So I'm going to explain 4 ways that you guys can make your eyes red.

It's very important that you do not touch your eye balls.

Okay we're not irritating your eye balls directly.

Everything I'm showing you should be able to be done without hurting your eyes.

Do not use anything like mace or pepper spray or like actual pepper.

Any strong irritants, stay away from those.

I don't want angry emails from your mom saying, "My child is blind now because of your video."

I don't need that, and neither do you.

So the first way to make your eye red is to rub onion directly below your eye ball.

Not on your eye ball, not above it, right here, okay.

Take a piece of onion, and rub it right here.

This is going to cause constant exposure to the onion odor.

You know how when you cut onions you cry?

Here you're going to be putting the onion odor directly below your eye so that your

eye is getting constant exposure to that odor.

That's going to make your eye turn red.

If it gets too discomforting or you're crying too much or whatever, go ahead and clean it


This second way to make your eye red is, to go swimming without goggles.

That chlorine, can eff-up your eye bruh!

Most people do this anyway but you'll notice that a lot of times when you come out of the

swimming pool after swimming for a while, your eyes are a little blood-shot.

Go underwater in the swimming pool and just keep those eyes open.

There's usually not any serious damage as a result of this but if you stay under water

long enough, your eyes will turn red.

A third way you can make your eye red is, sleep deprivation.

You'll notice that a lot of people who don't sleep have blood-red eyes because they've

just been staring at their computer screen for eight hours.

So when you go to bed, instead of falling asleep, whip out your i-pad or your i-phone

or your i-device... whatever, hell... screen you have and just watch south park for eight

hours or whatever you're into...keeping up with the cool... cooliges... or the kar...

whatever, the karmeenians, I don't know.

Now this method takes a little longer 'cause obviously you just have to not sleep for a

while, but if you got the time and you don't mind hating yourself in the morning, then

yeah, go ahead and don't sleep.

This fourth and final way I'll show you how to make your eye red without it hurting is

dry out your eye.

Dry eyes are a recipe for red eyes.

How do you dry out your eye?

Don't blink.

Go as long as you can without blinking just like...When it starts to get uncomfortable,

you'll obviously have to blink but if you keep doing this, your eyes will turn red and

Tinkerbell will thank you 'cause now you don't have to go to her and she can keep the name

Tinkerbell instead of Pinker-Bell.

Now you know four ways to make your eyes red.

Thank you so much for helping me break five thousand subs guys.

It's so cool.

I'm seeing my channel grow everyday and I'm only uploading one video every week, every

other week.

I want to be more consistent guys.

If you share my videos, if I'm getting a lot of viewers and a lot of subs, I'm going to

be like yo, I need to upload more frequently bro.

Thanks for those who are still subscribed since the beginning.

Have a fantastic year guys, it's gonna be epic!

It might be mediocre too and you need to be prepared for that. Peace!

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Eye Red | 4 PAINLESS Ways! - Duration: 4:09.


President Trump's top five false or misleading claims as of Jan. 10 - Duration: 2:44.

Oh believe me if it's off by one hundredth of a percent it's like I end

up getting Pinocchios right?

We're the highest taxed nation in the world.

We're one of the highest taxed nations in the world.

We're the highest taxed nation.

We are the highest taxed nation in the developed world.

And I think in the undeveloped world too.

The Russia's a phony story all you see is the Russia story, the Russia story

Russia is fake news.

This Russia thing with

Trump and Russia. You can talk all you

want about Russia.

They do the Russia, the faux Russia,

I call it the fake Russia story.

It's an excuse for the Democrats losing the election.

So they made up this

Russia thing to try and deflect because they're embarrassed by what happened.

I will tell you it's the biggest reduction in taxes in the history of this country.

This is the largest tax cut ever.

Ever, you know, ever approved or ever. It will

be the biggest tax cut in the history of our country.

The biggest tax cut,

biggest reform of all time.

Take a look at what's going on in Michigan with Ford and General Motors

and Fiat Chrysler.

Ford has been phenomenal and I want to thank for

General Motors so many em.

Ford announced last week

Ford announced it

will abandon its plans to build a new factory in Mexico.

We have Toyota we have

big car companies coming back in

Obamacare is a disaster.

Obamacare a disaster

you have to remember Obamacare

is a wreck, it's a mess, it's a disaster known as Obamacare.

It's the worst anybody's ever seen.

The Obamacare disaster.

Disaster known as Obamacare. That was easy.

Better say think otherwise they'll give you a Pinocchio and I don't like those I

don't like Pinocchios.

For more infomation >> President Trump's top five false or misleading claims as of Jan. 10 - Duration: 2:44.


The Young and the Restless - Break In - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> The Young and the Restless - Break In - Duration: 1:14.


ЧТО ВЫТВОРЯЛ ДЕМБЕЛЕ против СЕЛЬТЫ? - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> ЧТО ВЫТВОРЯЛ ДЕМБЕЛЕ против СЕЛЬТЫ? - Duration: 5:25.


Amanda Shires on Austin City Limits "My Love (The Storm)" - Duration: 3:43.

- [Announcer] Next a musical breath of fresh air

from Nashville, by way of Texas, Amanda Shires.

("My Love The Storm")

♪ My love is loud ♪

♪ A thunder cloud ♪

♪ A mother searching ♪

♪ In a crowd ♪

♪ My love is fast ♪

♪ As burnished brass ♪

♪ A serpent hiding ♪

♪ In the grass ♪

♪ I am the storm at summer's end ♪

♪ Watch the willows mourn ♪

♪ Watch the branches bend ♪

♪ And the wind don't know your daddy's name ♪

♪ And the heart will break ♪

♪ All the plans you've made ♪

♪ My love is bored ♪

♪ When it's ignored ♪

♪ A soldier playing with his sword ♪

♪ Our love is mean ♪

♪ It'll cause a scene ♪

♪ Burn a hole ♪

♪ Right through the screen ♪

♪ I am the storm at summer's end ♪

♪ Watch the willows mourn ♪

♪ Watch the branches bend ♪

♪ And the wind don't know your daddy's name ♪

♪ And the heart will break ♪

♪ All the plans you've made ♪

♪ I am the storm at summer's end ♪

♪ Watch the willows mourn ♪

♪ Watch the branches bend ♪

♪ And the wind don't know your daddy's name ♪

♪ And the heart will break ♪

♪ All the plans you've made ♪

(audience applauding)

For more infomation >> Amanda Shires on Austin City Limits "My Love (The Storm)" - Duration: 3:43.


Bipartisan Senate group reaches DACA, immigration agreement - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Bipartisan Senate group reaches DACA, immigration agreement - Duration: 2:09.


American Dad: New Season Premiere February 12 [PROMO] | TBS - Duration: 1:32.

You ever feel like every day of your life

has been leading up to one moment?

The wedding of the century live on "Morning Mimosa"!

[gasp] Look how nervous the groom looks.

Wait, this is a hamster wedding?

Oh, here comes the bride.

She's radiant-- - [squeaks]

--like Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey.

This is so stupid.

The show is all fluff, no substance.

Your mom prefers fluff.

It makes her happy.

But there's so much real news out there.

I feel like I get all I need from "Morning Mimosa."

And I start my day with a smile.

And that smile takes me all the way to my 4:00 PM OxyContin.

You need to expand your mind.

There's a lot of real news out there.

But you need to seek it out.

Seek the truth!

The truth will set you free.

Hey, who are you?

Mom needs to get out of her bubble.

And end up like you?

Look what real news has done to you.

Excuse me.

- Those scowl lines. - Sir?

Mom looks 20 years younger than you.

- Sir! - 20 years younger.

Well, I'm 19.

WOMAN (ON TV): I now pronounce you hampster and wife.

Haley, I have something to tell you.

But it can't leave this room.

Last weekend, I was at that hamster's

bachelor party in Key West.

And he-- oh, my god.

I can't believe I'm betraying his trust.

He was not faithful.

You missed my birthday dinner for a hamster bachelor party?

For more infomation >> American Dad: New Season Premiere February 12 [PROMO] | TBS - Duration: 1:32.


BREAKING!!! Obama's PRESIDENTIAL Library Went Full ISLAM! HOLY CRAP! - Duration: 5:23.


Obama's PRESIDENTIAL Library Went Full ISLAM!


Former President Obama has plans for a library, but there could be more than meets the eye.

He recently unveiled his 3D rendered model and onlookers noticed something bizarre and

disturbing about it.

They couldn't believe what they saw.

Obama spent eight years trying to sympathize with Muslims and get Americans to turn Islamic.

Or at the very least, convince Americans to accept the primitive culture of the Islamic

religion – the one who beheads, murders people for being gay, marry child brides,

honor kills family members, and oppresses women by forcing them to wear specific clothing

and not allowing them to have individual freedoms than men have.

Obama wanted Americans to be accepting of Islam, but Islam isn't accepting of American

values or culture.

The number of uncivilized behaviors that stem from the Islamic religion is just not what

Americans do.

This is our country, our values, and our giant mixing pot of culture.

There is room for civilized culture and behaviors, but there's no room for intolerance, crime,

murder, and oppression.

Obama basically took a knee on our flag every time he sympathized with the Islamic religion

– the same culture that savagely hijacked planes and tore down the World Trade Center.

While Americans are very accepting of people who act and behave in a rational societal

manner, there's still no room for those who frown upon American values and fail to


It's no surprise that Obama leaves office and continues pressing his thumb up his nose

while trying to get Americans to assimilate to Islam.

His newest project, a large library, looks like a mosque.

Does Muslim culture influence his library?

Is he building a secret Trojan Horse to horde his Muslim friends into?

Why does his American library look like there could be a hidden Muslim congregation gathering

in the basement?

Daily Caller reported: The plans for the future Obama presidential

library have just been released, and they are quite progressive, to say the least.

The library is scheduled to be built in Chicago, Illinois and will be within a stone's throw

of the University of Chicago, Jackson Park and the South Shore Cultural Center.

The design includes three buildings: a museum, library and forum.

The library's design and location has been a source of controversy itself within the

Chicago community.

The new 3D renderings for the park — released Wednesday — will only throw fuel on that


Here are a few pictures of Obama's library.When it comes to adding fuel to the fire, its good

to mention that many residents of Chicago don't want anything to do with Obama or

his building.

Even though Chicago may be Obama's "hometown" claim, but that hasn't resonated well with

the residents who have protested the construction of the building.

Obama selected the Jackson Park location and people protested.

They don't want it.

They believe it would cause rapid gentrification which would mean the people who live there

now might be forced out due to higher rent.

Even though gentrification is a good thing in the long run, there's always a period

where societal clashes and class wars could erupt.

The people of Chicago may have used the gentrification topic as an excuse.

Perhaps the people just didn't want to see an increase in Muslim activity.

National Review wrote: In May of this year, protesters began a campaign

to implore the Obama Foundation, the group overseeing the library's construction, to

sign a community benefit agreement (CBA), which would commit the Foundation to setting

aside jobs for residents around the library, protecting low-income housing, supporting

black-owned businesses, and strengthening neighborhood schools.

The Foundation refused, and when a resident asked Obama himself to sign the agreement

at a September public meeting about the library, Obama refused as well.

The issue many Chicagoans take with the library isn't simply the absent CBA or the use of

park land, but the way the Foundation has steamrolled them at every stage of the process.

And it's hard for them to ignore the irony underpinning the whole ordeal: Obama's stated

purpose for his library is to inspire visitors and locals "to make a positive change in

their communities," yet the project has already begun to alienate the very community

it's meant to change.

Maybe Obama should take a hint.

The residents don't want his nonsense in their town.

Does anyone?

Obama alienated America when he went on "apology tours" and wanted everyone to sympathize

with the religion that took down the World Trade Center.

Obama has a long way to go if he genuinely wants to win the hearts of Americans, but

linking himself to Islam is not the way to do it.

For most, it may be too late.

The radical Islamic sympathizer may have already sealed the deal of his legacy.

This atrocious building he's constructing in Chicago isn't receiving the attention

he hoped.

What did he expect?

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! Obama's PRESIDENTIAL Library Went Full ISLAM! HOLY CRAP! - Duration: 5:23.


BREAKING News From DC!!! Trump's Making THEM WORK For IT!!! HELL YEAH!! - Duration: 7:26.

BREAKING News From DC!!! Trump's Making THEM WORK For



Socialists have done their best to destroy America from the inside by flooding the country

with illegals and refugees to water down our culture.

The plan by the anti-American traitors is to collapse our economy by placing as many

people as possible on welfare and other government programs in hopes to usher in the new world


However, those plans were put on hold when Donald Trump was elected as President of the

United States and he's about to destroy the socialist dream of crippling our country

so badly that we look like the second coming of Venezuela.

President Trump has rolled out numerous programs that would slash welfare programs.

In an expected response, the left is steaming like a teapot boiling for days.

Trump has issued another directive that would allow states to require Medicaid recipients

to work for their government-paid insurance.

This will finally get able-bodied people who are lazy and entitled off the couch and into

the job fields.

Except, there's just one problem – those people will get off the couch and spend their

time protesting.

They don't want to work and that's the problem.

Trump's new rule will prompt protests in the streets.

Across the country, there have been unprecedented accounts of welfare fraud that costs the American

taxpayer millions of dollars.

While hardworking Americans have been doing their best to make ends meet and provide for

their families, thousands of others have been working harder to cheat the system.

To make matters worse for the American people, the Obama administration relaxed the requirements

to apply for the benefits allowing more people to take advantage of our government.

Obama's relaxed rules on welfare were a huge detriment to taxpayers and allowed people

to remain entitled, lazy, and unproductive.

Some people are able to work, but simply refuse to.

They milk government programs and in return receive food stamps, welfare money, housing

allowances, and government insurance and they get to sit home and do absolutely nothing

while the working man pays for everything.

President Trump is ready to reform the entire system in a move that has never been seen

before in previous administrations.Here is more from Daily Mail:

"In a major policy shift that could affect millions of low-income people, the Trump administration

has announced it is offering a path for states that want to seek work requirements on Medicaid


The Trump administration said it would allow states to test requiring some Medicaid recipients

to work or participate in community activities such as volunteering or jobs training as a

condition of eligibility for the government health insurance program for the poor.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMMS) issued guidance making it easier for

states to design and propose test programs that implement such requirements.

States must propose such changes through waivers and receive federal approval.

Seema Verma, head of the CMMS, said work and community involvement can make a positive

difference in people's lives and in their health.

Still, the plan probably will face strong political opposition and even legal challenges

over concerns people would lose coverage.

Medicaid is a federal-state collaboration covering more than 70 million people or about

one in five Americans, and that makes it the largest government health insurance program.

It was expanded under President Barack Obama, with an option that has allowed states to

cover millions of more low-income adults; many have jobs that don't provide health


People are not legally required to hold a job to be on Medicaid, but states traditionally

can seek federal waivers to test new ideas for the program.

The administration's latest action spells out safeguards that states should consider

to obtain federal approval for waivers imposing work requirements on 'able-bodied' adults.

Technically, those waivers would be 'demonstration projects.'

In practical terms, they would represent new requirements for beneficiaries in those states.

The administration said 10 states – mostly conservative ones – have applied for waivers

involving work requirements or community involvement.

They are Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina,

Utah, and Wisconsin.

Advocates for low-income people say they expect Kentucky's waiver to be approved shortly.

'Medicaid needs to be more flexible so that states can best address the needs of this

population,' Verma said in a statement.

'Our fundamental goal is to make a positive and lasting difference in the health and wellness

of our beneficiaries.'

For close to a year, the administration has signaled an interest in helping states that

want to institute work requirements.

Advocates for low-income people said work has never been a requirement for Medicaid,

a program originally intended as a health program for the poor and disabled."

The left is probably already up in arms over this proposed policy change.

Before they get their non-gender specific underwear in a twist over disabled people

being forced to work, we should have you know that the Trump administration put in place

safeguards to protect them.

The safeguards include exempting pregnant women, disabled people and the elderly, and

taking into account hardships for people in areas with high employment.

This is because Trump understands that certain situations won't allow people to work or

find a job right away.

Trump knows this and won't hold it against people.

Trump would only like to see that people who take advantage of the system are finally put

to work and do something for our country and themselves.

There is also a safety net for people caring for children or elderly relatives, and another

for allowing people under treatment for substance abuse problems to have their care counted

as 'community engagement' for purposes of meeting a requirement.

It seems like Trump's team has put in protections for everyone who truly needs it.

There are people in America who need a lot of help and we're happy to provide it to


It's just the people who take advantage of the system bring us down as a whole and

they need to realize they can do so much better.

It's going to take a swift kick to get them off the couch, but we can do it!

When President Trump was elected to office, he had a plan to make America great again.

It is time to end the madness after eight years of Barack Obama fostering an age of

entitlement and handouts to those who are not deserving of it.

There are countless able-bodied individuals taking advantage of a system that was only

put in place to help those who were in desperate need of assistance.

Welfare programs were not designed to be a lifetime career, but rather a stepping stone

to help the unfortunate get back on track.

If you need help, then don't be ashamed to use it and get back on track.

But don't abuse the system and do nothing with your life.

We are Americans and we are better than that.

Pick each other up and push each other to make America great!

For more infomation >> BREAKING News From DC!!! Trump's Making THEM WORK For IT!!! HELL YEAH!! - Duration: 7:26.


Spotlight - 2015 Ford F150, Leveled, 20x10 -18's and 33's - Duration: 3:56.

- Hey y'all.

Fuller here with Custom Offsets.

Custom Offsets TV, all new.

We have another vehicle spotlight for you.

This is a 2015 Ford F-150 with EcoBoost,

sitting on some 33's and 20 by 10's.

Let's check it out.

(rap music)

(electronic music)

(electronic music)

Alright guys, so for suspension on this one,

this one's up about two inches.

It's got a TGC leveling kit on it

and then by doing that,

we're able to fit this wheel entire set up.

So these are the brand new Moto Metal M0983.

This is their satin gray finish with the milled accents

kind of around the spokes there.

Also says Moto Metal here which is kinda cool.

This is actually raised up, a lot of them are engraved in

but it's raised up, which is kinda of a neat look there.

For sizing, it's a 20 by 10,

negative 24.

We'll get our bill test.

Whoa, I'm down to one dollar.

I got one dollar left.

20 by 10, negative 24.

All the way back to the edge of that,

you're getting close to that four,

four and a half inch lip.

So, pretty good out of a ten wide, especially.

I really like this finish.

Something new, that's different.

You know, really change it up.

Looks sharp on this white truck.

For tires, we got some old BFG's on here.

The K02 all terrains.

And this is a 305/55.

So what that means is, it's about 33.2 tall

and it's exactly 12 wide.

So you can see, you get a little bit of bulge

from the tire to the wheel cause the tire is wider

than the wheel is.

And then, as far as stance goes, he's just barely poking out

a little bit.

He does have the factory flares out here,

just these little, tiny plastic ones.

Give you about an extra half inch.

But just pokes out nicely.

Overall, full look at the truck.

Keep in mind, he's got the old wheels and tires in the back.

But it sits level if you take those out,

no extra weight back there.

In the rear, obviously you don't run

into any fitment issues.

It's all stock back here.

This is FX4 pack.

We'll take a look at the inside.

Pretty clean truck, all stock on the interior.

Just like to give you a peek at that,

so you can kinda see what these trucks look like.

And then up front, so with the FX4 package,

you get some of the color match options.

So you can see the grill surround is white,

as well as the bumpers, front and rear

are both paint to match.

So that's pretty quick spotlight on this one,

overall really sharp looking truck.

I love these new wheels.

That does it for your 2015 F-150.

Make sure you like us on Facebook,

subscribe on YouTube at


(electronic music)

For more infomation >> Spotlight - 2015 Ford F150, Leveled, 20x10 -18's and 33's - Duration: 3:56.


Could a DACA bipartisan deal be set in principle? - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Could a DACA bipartisan deal be set in principle? - Duration: 4:25.


Where the Trump administration stands in the FISA fight - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Where the Trump administration stands in the FISA fight - Duration: 3:11.


TR 3B Anti Gravity Spacecraft Fleet againts Ufo in South America - Duration: 3:12.

TR-3B Anti Gravity Spacecraft Fleet againts Ufo in South America

This is everything you ever expected not to see when talking about the TR3B!

A fleet of Tr_3b filmed in South America, Brazil coupled with other alien ship.The TR-3B,

a triangular anti-gravity flying platform, powered by nuclear power, appears to be the

new aerospace technology craft designed and created by the (CMITF) Military and Industrial

Technology Complex in the US aerospace, this aircraft until recently Top Secret was developed

and created by the Aurora Program in conjunction with the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

and sponsored with a black budget.

The following document is the translation of the description of this artifact that Edgar

Rothschild Fouche saw in Nevada in 1998.

Mr. Fouche has worked on Government Programs in the Defense Industry for the past 30 years,

including Area 51, the Air Force base of Groom Lake and Nellis for several years, also on

top secret projects.

Fouche describes the TR-3B propulsion system as follows: "It is a circular, plasma-filled

accelerator ring called Magnetic Field Disrupter, (MFD or Magnetic Field Switch) that surrounds

the crew's revolving cockpit, is far beyond any technology imaginable ... The plasma,

based on mercury, is pressurized to 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees

Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 RPM to generate a superconducting plasma with the result of

the interruption of the force of gravity.

The MFD generates a magnetic field vortex, which interrupts or neutralizes the effects

of gravity on any mass that is in the vicinity, in a percentage of 89%.

This means that the "G" force is reduced by 89%.

The MFD that owns the TR-3B causes that the vehicle is extremely light and can carry out

maneuvers that no other airplane could ... My sources say that the possibilities are only

limited by the physical resistance of the human pilots.

Which is a lot really, considering the reduction of 89% of the mass, the G forces are also

reduced by 89%.

The crew of the TR-3B could comfortably support up to 40G ... reduced by 89% the occupants

would only feel 4.2Gs.

For more infomation >> TR 3B Anti Gravity Spacecraft Fleet againts Ufo in South America - Duration: 3:12.


Health care cost may be tied to social services - Duration: 3:03.

The United States spends $3 trillion a year on health care: That's the highest of any

other wealthy nation.

That includes $672 billion a year in Medicare, $565 billion in Medicaid, $329 billion the

pharmaceutical industry pulls in and $1 trillion that goes to hospitals.

And most people agree our current health care system isn't working.

But when lawmakers concentrate on Obamacare or pharma industry regulations, they could

be missing a huge opportunity to fix it all.

And some of them really, really won't like this option.

"How healthy people turn out to be is pretty strongly correlated to what we consider social


For years, researchers have found spending more on things like better education, subsidized

housing and food assistance can help mitigate health issues before they get so bad, you

have to go to the hospital.

In public health lingo, those are called "social determinants of health" — things every American

deals with in some way.

It takes a much broader look at what health care means.

Think of it like this: The country is a boat.

Upstream from the USS America are the social determinants of health.

If we keep looking and fixing those things further ahead, we might not have to keep throwing

money into medicine.

Lawmakers have been reluctant to sign onto this theory in the past because measuring

the health benefits of social programs has been hard.

But that's changing.

"That proof is getting a lot better now.

There are a lot of organizations that are making a lot of effort to run programs where

things are carefully measured and so we can get some results in a reasonably short time

frame that makes it pretty clear that this stuff works."

Cities like Los Angeles; Chicago; Louisville, Kentucky; and Portland, Oregon, have run programs

that work to prove the theory, and each found the theory plays out.

But, those programs have been in a "closed system."

That means the county or city controls both the health care and the social programs.

"The local governments are taking some of the money they used to spend on health care,

and they are shifting it to put it into, for example, better housing for the needy.

And then they can see what happens to their health care cost.

Sometimes within a year and certainly within a few years, the health care cost starts to

drop significantly based on these investments."

But our health care system isn't set up that way.

At all.

So to make this work, there would need to be huge buy-in and a lot of change.

"You need a closed system where the same organization, say for example a government agency

investing in the social conditions, is also in a position to provide the health care.

It's hard to set up; it's very, very hard on the federal level."

For more infomation >> Health care cost may be tied to social services - Duration: 3:03.


Let's Make A Deal - Four Actors - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Let's Make A Deal - Four Actors - Duration: 2:06.


Iran nuclear deal deadline looming - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Iran nuclear deal deadline looming - Duration: 4:36.


Enorme agujero de cientos de kilómetros de ancho se abre sin explicación en la Antártida - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Enorme agujero de cientos de kilómetros de ancho se abre sin explicación en la Antártida - Duration: 2:00.


VW Polo - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> VW Polo - Duration: 1:08.


Des recherches démontrent que les personnes avec ce type de sang sont des extra terrestres - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Des recherches démontrent que les personnes avec ce type de sang sont des extra terrestres - Duration: 5:16.


록을 기반으로 가져가면서 재치있는 리듬이 살아있는 음악을 하고 싶다고 말했다 카더가든 정규 앨범은 히트곡 모음집이 아냐(인터뷰②)- 스타뉴스 - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> 록을 기반으로 가져가면서 재치있는 리듬이 살아있는 음악을 하고 싶다고 말했다 카더가든 정규 앨범은 히트곡 모음집이 아냐(인터뷰②)- 스타뉴스 - Duration: 7:36.


2017 | The Best Year of My Life

For more infomation >> 2017 | The Best Year of My Life


For more infomation >> 2017 | The Best Year of My Life


2016 Vacation (14) - Key West DIA 3/ DAY 3 - Duration: 4:08.

3rd day on the island, and another marvelous day

Took this shot from our hotel window

Our window

Our hotel seen from the pier

Couldn't resist, had to go in again

For more infomation >> 2016 Vacation (14) - Key West DIA 3/ DAY 3 - Duration: 4:08.


For more infomation >> 2016 Vacation (14) - Key West DIA 3/ DAY 3 - Duration: 4:08.


Comment préparer de l'eau verte pour désintoxiquer votre corps en 3 jours - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Comment préparer de l'eau verte pour désintoxiquer votre corps en 3 jours - Duration: 8:34.


For more infomation >> Comment préparer de l'eau verte pour désintoxiquer votre corps en 3 jours - Duration: 8:34.


SCOTLAND VLOG 3/3 I Musée, volcans et balade à 251 mètres d'altitude - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> SCOTLAND VLOG 3/3 I Musée, volcans et balade à 251 mètres d'altitude - Duration: 4:45.


For more infomation >> SCOTLAND VLOG 3/3 I Musée, volcans et balade à 251 mètres d'altitude - Duration: 4:45.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


$10M Reward Extended For Return Of Stolen Gardner Museum Art - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> $10M Reward Extended For Return Of Stolen Gardner Museum Art - Duration: 1:44.


10 Books I'm Looking Forward to Reading in the First Half of 2018 - Duration: 7:59.

Hi, there! I'm Beth. Today I'm gonna give you ten books that I am excited to read

in the first half of 2018

hopefully 2018 is starting off with a bang and not with a whimper for you guys

I know that I'm thinking back on the books that I've read in 2017 I'm so

thankful for the wonderful material that the authors have put out for us.

And it makes me very excited for what's to come in 2018! Especially when I read

about some of these titles that are ready to flow on out for our reading

enjoyment. So I'm gonna give you ten good books that I'm looking forward to

reading in the first half of 2018. Number one is An American Marriage by Tayari

Jones. This book is coming out February 6, 2018. In it, there's a man and woman who

have been married the man is wrongfully accused of murder, put away in jail for

five years, and then he is exonerated and freed. So he comes home to his wife. Well,

of course there's been some sort of irreparable damage done between them.

And so, the book is going to explore that and probably also look at some issues

surrounding wrongful incarceration. Maybe some racial issues that go along with

that. It should be very interesting. I'm looking forward to reading that. Number

two is How to Stop Time by Matt Haig. It is publishing on February 6th 2018. It is...

it sounds kind of like an Age of Adeline meets Twilight, but not quite. It's

a man who has lived for centuries, and the main rule of Centuries-Old Club is

that you don't talk about Centuries-Old Club and you never fall in love. Well of

course, he falls in love with an irresistible, captivating French teacher.

And so it just sounds interesting and fun. I don't know if it's gonna be

serious or not. Maybe I should have looked at the genre, but it sounds like

an interesting setup, so I am looking forward to reading that one as well.

Number three is Sunburned by Laura Lippman. This one is coming out February

20th, 2018. It's a... it's kind of a Hitchcockian whodunit

thriller. A man and a woman meet in a bar a passionate affair ensues. Someone winds

up dead. I think it's a third party who winds up dead. And so then there's a

cat-and-mouse game a dangerous game of who's innocent who's guilty.This book

Sunburn is already gathering a whole lot of buzz. And so it's definitely going to

be sitting on my Kindle for reading. Another book generating a lot of buzz

already is my number four pick, The Merry Spinster by Mallory Ortberg. This

one is coming out March 13th 2018 and it is a series of short tales I believe

it's from her blog called "Children's Tales That Are Very Unsettling" ... something

of the sort. But it's a series of small vignettes that are taken from classic

fairy tales that are turned it dark and deadly. And of course, you had me at dark

and deadly. Number five is Tangerine by Christine Morgan. This one is coming out

March 20th 2018. So a woman rekindles a relationship, not romantic, just a

friendship, with the long-lost old friend in Morocco. And then her husband goes

missing. And so it's another one of those dangerous cat-and-mouse games of

intrigue. Well I guess not a game if your spouse is missing, but it's supposed to

be kind of, oh the Matt Damon an Jude Law movie that also had Gweneth Paltrow...

Talented Mr. Ripley-esque.

And so I am looking forward to

reading that one. I keep saying that! I'm like a broken record. I need to stop

saying it. Take it for granted that I am looking forward to reading all of these!

Number six is How to Be Safe by Tom McAllister. This one is coming out April

3rd 2018. It is another one of those wrongfully convicted stories. Or maybe

actually I think wrongfully suspected. There's a school shooting. That one

almost lost me right there, just because I'm kind of sensitive to stuff like that.

But I think it's not necessarily about the shooting as much as it is about the

wrongfully convicted teacher, or police suspected teacher, who they think

may have had part in it. Well, she's quickly exonerated of all wrongdoing but

still there's a permanent stain on her reputation that remains. And so, I believe

that the book is going to be the aftermath of that and the toll that it

takes on her life. Number seven looks really intriguing to

me. It's called Unbury Carrol by Josh Mallerman and it comes out April 10th 2018.

In it, a woman has a strange medical condition that makes her fall into a

coma and the coma looks like death. She's not really dead. She's just a in a coma, but

because of the strange medical condition that she has, it makes it look like she's

dead. She's married to a greedy husband. Her greedy husband decides to take

advantage. Drama ensues. Number eight is On the Come Up by Angie Thomas that

comes out May 1st 2018. Angie Thomas is the same woman who wrote

The Hate U Give and after The Hate U Give, I will read anything that Angie

Thomas has to put out there. I am really looking forward to this one.

Hopefully not putting it on a pedestal or anything. But in it, there is an

aspiring teen rapper, so I'm guessing it's going to be another YA book, that

he, I think he gets everything that he wants in life and then it deals with how

he handles it. I hope I got that right. Honestly I don't really know a whole lot

about the plot of it. All I knew as I saw was the title from Angie Thomas and my

eyes instantly lit up and I said I have to read that when it comes out, so ... yeah.

Number 9 is by Stephen King. It's called The Outsider. The Outsider comes out May

22nd and in it, an 11 year old boy has been found dead. So we follow the

investigator who's trying to get to the bottom of what happened. And then in true

Stephen King fashion, I believe all sorts of mysticism and supernatural events

will occur surrounding that investigation. So, interesting concept. And

interesting that he would use the title The Outsider considering that one of the

most iconic books that are out there is called The Outsiders by a SE Hinton, but

you know what, he's Stephen King, and if anyone can get away with it, it's him.

Last but not least, number ten is The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware.

Ruth Ware! This is another one of those authors that whatever she drops, I'm

gonna pick it up. It comes out May 29th 2018 and Ruth Ware is the author of

many books of which I have enjoyed, including The Lying Game, The Woman in

Cabin 10, and my personal favorite of hers, In a Dark Dark Wood. In this book, a

woman leaves a large inheritance to someone and then much thrilliness and

suspense happens from there on throughout. The book should be a really

good one. So those are my 10 books for the first half of 2018. If you have any

books that you're looking forward to, leave them in the comments because I

will be happy to take any reading suggestions that you have. Be sure to

like, subscribe, all of that good booktube stuff, and I look forward to talking to

you some more! It's gonna be a really good year for reading.

Have a great 2018.

See you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> 10 Books I'm Looking Forward to Reading in the First Half of 2018 - Duration: 7:59.


털리 TULLY 공식 티저 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> 털리 TULLY 공식 티저 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:35.


School districts consider options as winter weather approaches - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> School districts consider options as winter weather approaches - Duration: 1:45.


I AM NOT A #HOTTRANSGUY // 2 Years Post Double Incision Top Surgery - Duration: 9:18.

Hi, my name is Jackson Bird and I am two years post-top surgery.

"Why's he have his shirt on then?

Isn't that the point of these videos?

His shirt should be off!"

Ain't happenin'! Here's why.

(intro music)

Just a head's up: this video IS gonna be talking

a lot about body image and my own body image issues and dysphoria and all kinds of things

like that.

So proceed with caution.

So on January 6th, 2016 I had double incision top surgery with Dr. Kathy Rumer in Pennsylvania.

You can watch some of my previous videos about like my pre-top surgery thoughts and my recovery,

and my one year post-top video in the playlist over here.

Now, I don't do too many top surgery updates on my youtube channel because, well I mean

I don't post that many updates on my physical transition at all on YouTube.

And part of that is because two years post top surgery and almost three years on T, like

there's not that much to say anymore.

My facial hair still won't grow past my chin.

I think I found another chest hair.

My scars are about the same color they were a year ago.

Eh, they've faded a little bit.

But yeah, that's about the extent of it.

It's not as exciting as the first couple of months.

But the other reason I don't post that many top surgery updates is because…

I don't feel great about how I look with my shirt off.

Not because of my surgery results.

Dr. Rumer does beautiful work.

And I mean, I'm relatively comfortable have my shirt off amongst friends or at the beach.

But I definitely don't feel comfortable enough about my body to be posting lots of

videos and instagram pics without a shirt on.

And a lot of the insecurities that I feel about my torso are the same ones that most

guys feel.

Y'know, I wish I had more muscles and less freckles and less of a gut.

And at least two out of three of those I could be doing something about, which I do sometimes

but also cookies are delicious and I emcee at a bar two nights a week so being a totally

healthy gym rat is never going to be exactly who I am.

And for the most part I'm okay with that.

In fact, in some ways it makes me feel like a normal guy to have natural insecurities

about my body and to not be totally devoted to my diet and appearance.

But where it stops being a normal thing is about... eh, right down here.

My hips.

My hips have not slimmed down since I started testosterone like they do for a lot of people.

In fact, at least the last time I measured, they got bigger.

Because I just got bigger.

All over.

I weigh thirty-five more pounds than I did when I started testosterone.

And that's not all like muscle gain from testosterone.

Some of it is getting older and having a slower metabolism.

Some of it's being happier with myself and having a little bit more money so I'm eating


And y'know it's pretty healthy and normal for me to have gained this weight.

And while a lot of people do get slimmer hips from T, not everyone does.

And I'm one of those not everyone's.

I am completely dysphoric and self-conscious about my hips whether I have a shirt on or


And even when I don't have a shirt on, I still sometimes feel like my hips are making


And y'know this isn't something I like talking about online.

I would much rather make this a normal top surgery update video with my shirt off and

my camera carefully set up to just show the top part of my chest, angled from slightly

from above to make me look thinner – making sure to never show my hips in the shot.

But I think it's important to talk about this because of the other reason that I hesitate

to ever post shirtless pictures of myself and that's this:

That is what I see all the time.

That is what me and every other trans masculine person has to compare ourselves to, that we


What we dream testosterone and just a little bit more self-discipline could do for us.

Or what we think we're supposed to want in order to be trans enough.

And that's true for some people, but for so many of us – for so many more of us that

the internet would lead you to believe – it's not true.

Not everyone thinks that way.

Not everyone looks that way.

Not everyone wants to look that way.

And T affects everyone differently.

Everyone has different genetics that come into play.

You can't expect that you're going to look like all those guys with slim hips and

six packs – even if you do put in the work and take testosterone.

Sometimes even all of that can't combat the simple genetics that you inherited.

For example, could I work out more and eat better?

Absolutely. And I'm working' on it.

But I can feel these hip bones.

I know that even if I worked out super hard and ate well and loss every trace of fat on

my hips – which by the way wouldn't necessarily be super healthy in my case–, my hips would

still stick out because it's just my bone structure.

I can't lose my bones.

There is nothing I can do about that.

Physically anyways.

What I can do is work to feel better about myself and loving my body for what it is.

And I know that is a tall order for people with dysphoria.

I am not saying don't take steps to change your body in the ways that you can and need


And also I don't want anyone thinking I'm faulting all of the trans guys with super

fit bodies who post shirtless pictures all of the time.

One, they're hot.

Keep it coming.

But two, I know that so many of them suffer from insecurities just like the rest of us

and pushing themselves so intensely physically is their method of coping.

I am positive that so many of them still look in the mirror and still see, "not good enough."

"Not masculine enough."

Just like how I'm sure there are some of you looking at me and thinking, how the heck could

he ever feel bad about his body?

But I do!

We all have individual relationships, both good and bad, with our bodies and with our


Some people alleviate their dysphoria by pumping up their serotonin levels at the gym and working

towards their ideal body.

I alleviate it by sitting on my ass at a computer and making videos about it.

We all have our different methods.

And I'm not trying to put anyone down for how they deal with dysphoria or how they do

or don't feel about their own body.

What I am trying to do is point out that even binary trans guys all look different.

We have different body types.

We have different relationships to our bodies.

We have different ideas of what the perfect masculine body type looks like and if we should

even strive for that.

And I would just love to see that represented more.

I want to see more trans bodies of all shapes and sizes.

Not to mention more body love and positivity represented by trans people of color and trans

people with disabilities and trans people who don't physically transition.

I see a lot of those people because I seek them out, but let's work to raise those

people up to the mainstream and make sure that we aren't injecting any more toxic

masculinity into the trans masculine experience than is already there.

Let's work to make sure that trans masculine people early on in their transitions or struggling

with dysphoria at any point have examples of more than just one often impractical ideal.

Let's help each other see the unique, diverse, and realistic expectations of what transition

can do and how all our bodies are beautiful and hot and masculine.

So here are three ways that I propose we start combatting the toxic masculinity in the trans

masculine community – and for that matter, all forms of body shame and misogyny and homogeneity

in trans feminine and nonbinary and agender spaces

First, Ryan Cassata started a hashtag and group a while back called #alltransbodies

which endeavors to shine a light on this exact issue.

So let's fill up that hashtag with selfies or pictures of trans people we admire – that

we get their permission from unless they're like a public figure.

Let's reactivate that tag and show everyone how beautiful all of our different types of

bodies are.

Second: down in the comments, I want to hear one thing that you love about your body.

It can be big or small or intangible.

Even if you're not feeling great about your body in any way, I challenge you to think

of just one thing.

And finally, if you are trans, remember that your experience with transition and your body

unique to you and don't need to be held up to anyone else's standard.

Having goals and working towards achieving a certain look is totally cool.

Being proud of your body, no matter what it looks like, is awesome.

Being uncomfortable with your body at times is also totally fine.

But shaming other people for their bodies or their relationship to their bodies, whether

explicitly or implicitly is not cool.

It is hard enough work to love yourself as a trans person so how about we spend a little

less time spreading judgment and a little more time spreading that love?

I know I tackled a lot of big things and danced around some very sensitive issues here so

hopefully you all understood where I was coming from.

I hope that some of you appreciated this and got some help from it.

Before I go, I want to spread the love real quick about my friend Oliver, who you may

remember from some videos we made together about Fantastic Beasts bac in the day.

They are getting top surgery soon!

Unfortunately, their employer, like so many in the United States, is not covering any

trans-related healthcare so they are paying for this surgery out of pocket.

So if you want to help out my awesome, talented, beautiful friend, I will put a link to their

GoFundMe down in the description box.

Despite everything I just said about my dysphoria and insecurities, it all got so much better

after I had top surgery.

It really is a life-changing experience for so many people and I want to help my friend

Oliver get there, just like I hope everyone else who wants top surgery can get there one


One step at a time!

And as always, you can follow me on social media at jackisnotabird.

And if you liked this video, please do subscribe and smash that notification bell so you always

know when there's a new video.

'Cause usually it's Wednesdays, but like not always.

Alright, that is it for now.

Thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time!

(endscreen music)

For more infomation >> I AM NOT A #HOTTRANSGUY // 2 Years Post Double Incision Top Surgery - Duration: 9:18.


DPS News Now: Broncos Surprise, Cooking from Scratch - Duration: 1:01.

I'm Will Jones.

This is "DPS News Now".

Homemade meals?

Made from scratch?

At school?

Healthy meals like this... are on DPS' lunch menu.

This week, DPS introduced a behind-the-scenes look at these fresh offerings through the

"DPS Delicious" video series.

"DPS Delicious" gives step-by-step instructions on how these freshly prepared meals are made

for our students.

Follow along on social media and make these meals at home.

Last fall, Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall challenged more than 200 2nd, 3rd

and 4th graders at Swansea Elementary School to have perfect attendance.

He promised that he would return and have a pizza party with students in the classes

with the best attendance in each grade level.

This week, Marshall did just that.

He signed autographs.

He took selfies.

And, the kids loved it.

A special thank you to Brandon Marshall for reminding our kids to continue to have good

attendance habits.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> DPS News Now: Broncos Surprise, Cooking from Scratch - Duration: 1:01.


틴 타이탄 고! 투 더 무비 TEEN TITANS GO! To the Movies 공식 티저 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> 틴 타이탄 고! 투 더 무비 TEEN TITANS GO! To the Movies 공식 티저 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:24.


2016 Vacation (13) - Key West DIA 2/ DAY 2 - Duration: 5:51.

Our 2nd day in Key West, we went exploring...

This is the marker for the southernmost point of the USA. Always a long line to take a picture, we didn't wait

1 block from the hotel, this... Butterfly Conservatorium

Shall we go inside?...

Like magic, we have paid and entered...

...and we are marveled of how beautiful it is...

...amazing... not to be missed

... environment duplicates that of a rain forest

This noise is from the flamingos... was mating season...

... they really wanted to mate, i guess...

This lighthouse has quite a history

I paid to go inside, and climb the tower...

... once at the top, you can go outside in the catwalk... i decided to go for it... and immediately knew it was a mistake... was horrifying, but once I started, is it shorter to continue or return?

don't know how i was able to take this picture

nothing to hold onto

was I relieved when i completed the turn... trembled all the way down

did not go in, too expensive

Mile zero at Route 1

Another end to a very hard day

For more infomation >> 2016 Vacation (13) - Key West DIA 2/ DAY 2 - Duration: 5:51.


How To Make Your Eye Red | 4 PAINLESS Ways! - Duration: 4:09.

Hello Boys and Girls.

Did you miss me?

Well I thought we'd kick off 2018 with a bang!


In this video, I'm going to be telling you how to make your eye red, like you have pinkeye.

Or how to make your eyes red like you're high, or how to make your eye red like you just

motor-boated Tinkerbell, which I guess afterwords, you could call yourself Pinker-Bell.

"Queries of the Interweb."

A couple things I want to say first is I want to thank you guys for helping me break five-thousand

subs which is a pretty significant milestone, but not really.

I also want to thank the following peeps for giving me the inspiration for this video.

You guys will go down in the hall of fame, maybe, I don't know.

So I'm going to explain 4 ways that you guys can make your eyes red.

It's very important that you do not touch your eye balls.

Okay we're not irritating your eye balls directly.

Everything I'm showing you should be able to be done without hurting your eyes.

Do not use anything like mace or pepper spray or like actual pepper.

Any strong irritants, stay away from those.

I don't want angry emails from your mom saying, "My child is blind now because of your video."

I don't need that, and neither do you.

So the first way to make your eye red is to rub onion directly below your eye ball.

Not on your eye ball, not above it, right here, okay.

Take a piece of onion, and rub it right here.

This is going to cause constant exposure to the onion odor.

You know how when you cut onions you cry?

Here you're going to be putting the onion odor directly below your eye so that your

eye is getting constant exposure to that odor.

That's going to make your eye turn red.

If it gets too discomforting or you're crying too much or whatever, go ahead and clean it


This second way to make your eye red is, to go swimming without goggles.

That chlorine, can eff-up your eye bruh!

Most people do this anyway but you'll notice that a lot of times when you come out of the

swimming pool after swimming for a while, your eyes are a little blood-shot.

Go underwater in the swimming pool and just keep those eyes open.

There's usually not any serious damage as a result of this but if you stay under water

long enough, your eyes will turn red.

A third way you can make your eye red is, sleep deprivation.

You'll notice that a lot of people who don't sleep have blood-red eyes because they've

just been staring at their computer screen for eight hours.

So when you go to bed, instead of falling asleep, whip out your i-pad or your i-phone

or your i-device... whatever, hell... screen you have and just watch south park for eight

hours or whatever you're into...keeping up with the cool... cooliges... or the kar...

whatever, the karmeenians, I don't know.

Now this method takes a little longer 'cause obviously you just have to not sleep for a

while, but if you got the time and you don't mind hating yourself in the morning, then

yeah, go ahead and don't sleep.

This fourth and final way I'll show you how to make your eye red without it hurting is

dry out your eye.

Dry eyes are a recipe for red eyes.

How do you dry out your eye?

Don't blink.

Go as long as you can without blinking just like...When it starts to get uncomfortable,

you'll obviously have to blink but if you keep doing this, your eyes will turn red and

Tinkerbell will thank you 'cause now you don't have to go to her and she can keep the name

Tinkerbell instead of Pinker-Bell.

Now you know four ways to make your eyes red.

Thank you so much for helping me break five thousand subs guys.

It's so cool.

I'm seeing my channel grow everyday and I'm only uploading one video every week, every

other week.

I want to be more consistent guys.

If you share my videos, if I'm getting a lot of viewers and a lot of subs, I'm going to

be like yo, I need to upload more frequently bro.

Thanks for those who are still subscribed since the beginning.

Have a fantastic year guys, it's gonna be epic!

It might be mediocre too and you need to be prepared for that. Peace!

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Eye Red | 4 PAINLESS Ways! - Duration: 4:09.


2018 Writing Goals - Duration: 8:53.

Hello, it's Diane, the nursing geek, and today I want to talk a little bit about

my writing goals for 2018. In the last video, I talked about my reading goals and

since I also write, I figured I should also have writing goals. And I've divided

those into personal and professional, because I do a bunch of different types

of writing. So on the professional front, I actually learned from another YouTuber

that there's this sort of saying or rule of thumb that you should always have

two things in progress, two things in review, and two things in press. That's

talking primarily about peer-reviewed journal articles or chapters ,or if

you're really writing a lot, actual full-on books. I'm just starting out so

my goal for this year is that by the end of the year I should be at 1-1-1:

something in progress, something in review, something in press.

Actually, I've got the first two covered right now I do have something in ... a

couple of things in progress and one thing in pre-review (being reviewed by a

colleague before I actually submit it for formal review to a peer-reviewed journal)

and then hopefully that (or something) will be in press by the end of the year.

Ao that's my professional writing goal. Again, since I'm just just getting

started, I'm thinking that's a reasonable place to start and maybe

build up to the 2-2-2 over time. That also might be discipline-

specific. The YouTuber that I had heard that recommendation from is in a

completely different discipline, so that might not be a rule that is all that

applicable for nursing, but I'm gonna work with it for the moment anyway,

because I haven't heard anybody gave a similar guideline within nursing.

For personal writing, I write fiction mainly for just my own enjoyment.

I do share it with friends, but I don't go

through the whole formal publishing process for a whole number of reasons.

But I did participate in NaNoWriMo last year, the November National Novel Writing

Month challenge of writing 50,000 words minimum in 30 days, which I actually

succeeded. I have tried that a few times in the past unsuccessfully. This time, I

actually succeeded, in fact in much less than 30 days. So my first goal for this

year is to edit that into a shape that I would want to share it with anyone,

because right now I wouldn't. It barely make sense to me, nevermind would it

make sense anyone else. I also haven't quite finished the ending. Even though I

got past fifty thousand words, that didn't mean it was actually done. I do want to

participate in at least one of the camp NaNoWriMo's

because I've never done that. In fact, I hadn't even heard of camp NaNoWriMo

until this year when a bunch of YouTubers who were doing NaNoWriMo

were talking about it. So I want to try that, probably theJuly one. April is going

to be fairly hectic, being the end of the semester and getting ready for

commencement and everything, so I I'm not sure I'm goingto try that. I might peek

in and try to at least get a sense of it but then July should be a little calmer

so that I can participate then. And then I want to do NaNoWriMo again this

November. I absolutely loved it. It really kicked my writing into gear, got me into

a really good writing daily habit that I haven't entirely sustained but I'm

definitely still continuing to write a lot more both fiction and not that I

normally do. So, great, let's keep that going. And then another thing ... of course

my phone went to sleep. And why am I talking about my phone? Because this is

an e-book that I had read ... or actually no an audiobook ... so I can't

hold it up and show it to you but I can show you the cover. It's Writing Vivid

Settings by Rayne Hall. I actually listened to quite a few books on writing

during November, which I found very helpful and motivational, and one of the

really big takeaways that I got (excuse me) got from that book is to create a

Settings Bank. Just, whenever I'm someplace I am able to do so, just sit

and describe the place. And so I have a notebook that I have dedicated to that

purpose. I actually set it up almost in bullet journal format in that I it will

have an index. So right now I have only a couple of things in there: the local

Starbucks and the local open mic venue, a little club. My plan is that there will

be other things that are along that type of setting that I will have. So my index

so far: bar-slash-club, pages five to six, coffee shop ... I didn't put the pages.

That's seven to eight. Why don't we do that right now? And that way, you know, I'll probably

describe some other coffee shop, maybe a little mom-and-pop or ... oh one of the

really quaint ones up in Putnam in the antiques district. And writing down all

these settings and just having them, it should make it easier to have a

reference to pull on when I need to add some setting into my writing, because

that is, in my fiction writing anyway, my big weak point is I tend to be all

dialogue. I practically write things like a script, which is great for your first

draft, but at some point your readers do want to know where the characters are.

Are they standing in a parking lot? Are they in a building? What does it look

like? And that's always been my weak spot, so that's another practice that I hope

to incorporate this year that will help my writing in general. It's definitely

helped my observation of settings. it's interesting because as a nurse, you have

really intense focus on certain things. You know when you walk into your patient

room you're going to look at this, you're gonna take all of it in

whether you're actively doing so or not because you know you need to know.

What's running on those IVs and is the site you, know that the IV's running into stable

and da-da-da all the things that you look for. It's automatic to take those

things in and it does make you more observant in general, but it has not made

me the type of observer that says, you know the wood on the table was cracked

and old and weathered, or whatever. Those type of things that are really useful

for setting in fiction. So that's another of my goals. And the last one is just to

write more poetry. I ... I write some. I don't write poetry as frequently as I would

like to. I used to write poetry all the time, and I would like to do a

little more of that because that also ... it's really good for wordplay for really

just working the language, and also for description. Like, maybe I'll take some of

those settings and try to turn them into poems. I don't think that the local

Starbucks is gonna be a very inspiring poem, but there probably be other sites

that I will choose that would be more appropriate or more inspirational of

something poetic. So that's another goal. So, those are my basic goals: the ... for the

professional front, not getting into specifics of what type of articles or

anything, just one one and one by the end of the year (one thing in progress one

thing in review and one thing in press), and then personal basically whole lot of

NaNoWriMo. Do more capturing of settings, so that I can work on that aspect of my

fiction writing, and write some poetry. So that's me for 2018. If you would like to

share your writing goals, whether you ... if you have a writing goals video, please

link me if I haven't seen it already and

or if you just want to in the comments

let me know what kind of goals you set for yourself for 2018.

And, until next time, have a wonderful day!

For more infomation >> 2018 Writing Goals - Duration: 8:53.


The landmark Guadalajara - Duration: 1:41.

The Landmark Guadalajara

The Landmark Guadalajara will be a complex located in Puerta de hierro

will have two towers the first will have 35 floors and a height

150 meters with 150 residences of luxury

the smallest department measure at 161 square meters will have two bedrooms 2

and half baths room and bathroom service one of the largest departments

measure to 228 square meters will have three bedrooms three and a half baths fourth and

restroom service the residences will have a minimum price of 10 million pesos

the amenities with which they will have gym spa pool room uses

multiple trial bar garden and sky garden on the 19th floor the building two

measures 100 meters and will be completely of offices The Landmark guadalajara

will have a commercial area of ​​25,000 square meters in the first four

building floors currently this great complex is in

construction but it is expected to be finished for autumn 2018 The Landmark

Guadalajara is from Thorurban and was designed per group sordo madaleno the same as

have designed great projects like reforma colon y park toreó

For more infomation >> The landmark Guadalajara - Duration: 1:41.


SCOTLAND VLOG 3/3 I Musée, volcans et balade à 251 mètres d'altitude - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> SCOTLAND VLOG 3/3 I Musée, volcans et balade à 251 mètres d'altitude - Duration: 4:45.


These Are 5 Ways to Help Introverts Keep From Becoming Lonely - Duration: 5:00.

5 Ways to Help Introverts Keep From Becoming Lonely

Introverts love their alone time, and socializing is draining for many of them, because a lot

of it simply feels like a pointless chit-chat.

But the needs of solitude, also have the potential to turn into harmful social isolation.

So, how much time alone is too much time alone?

How do you know when you've crossed the line from delightful aloneness to fretful loneliness?

As someone who's been through the journey, Kira Asatryan, a certified relationship coach

and author of 'Stop Being Lonely: Three Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and

Deep Relationships.'

Wrote on Psychology today about 5 tips to help introverts keep from becoming lonely.

Like usual, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe to our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future



Pay attention to how aloneness makes you feel.

This is the Number One piece of advice.

The amount of time one can spend alone while still feeling perfectly happy varies from

person to person; for introverts, this amount of time can be substantial.

Monitoring your own individual feelings about the amount of time you're spending alone

is the best way to know when you've crossed the line from tranquil to lonely.

If you choose to be diligent about this effort, keep a regular log of how your aloneness is

making you feel.

Once a day, on a scale of 1 to 10, rate how happy you feel with the amount of aloneness

you've experienced that day.


Focus on hanging out one-on-one or in small groups.

Many introverts strongly prefer socializing with just one other person or in small groups.

They tend to dislike a lot of stimulation, so when they attend a gathering at which large

numbers of people buzz around them, they're likely to leave feeling more distressed than

when they arrived.

One-on-one or small group interactions, on the other hand, are excellent for staving

off introvert loneliness because they provide all the benefits of socializing without the



If attending a large gathering, set expectations about when you will leave.

It's a bit of an introvert's nightmare to go to a large social gathering (especially

if you don't know anyone) without any definite endpoint in sight.

Some people feel an anticipatory anxiety around social gatherings that make them prone to

flake out, not because they don't want to be included, but because they're genuinely


One of the best ways to mitigate anxiety around large gatherings is to make clear, both to

yourself and to whomever else might be invested, what time you need to leave.

Not only will this prevent you from inappropriately ghosting early in the evening, but your host

will appreciate that you came for as long as you could.


Keep to a weekly quota of social interaction.

Some introverts have wiped social interaction off their calendars altogether, while others

feel overwhelmed by the volume of social gatherings they're expected to attend.

A good way to strike a balance between solitude and socializing, no matter which end of the

spectrum you're on is to set a weekly quota.

Let's say you decide to hold yourself to two social interactions per week.

If you currently have no events scheduled, this will prompt you to reach out and start

inviting people into your life.

If you receive many invitations each week, this gives you permission to attend only the

one or two you're most excited about, and to turn down the rest.


Stay smart about your online socializing.

When you find real-life interaction draining, it can be tempting to shift your entire social

world online.

The Internet allows you to chat with people when you feel like it, yet disengage at any


It creates the feeling that you have social support even when you're alone.

No doubt this is an intriguing prospect for many introverts.

But don't rely too heavily on the Internet (or your smartphone) to fulfill your desire

for togetherness.

It's profoundly difficult to get to know another person well through a device.

And if, at any point the person you thought you knew turns out to be a fraud, you'll

likely end up lonelier than you were before you initiated contact.

Well, that's the 5 tips to help introverts keep from becoming lonely according to Kira


No matter if you are an introvert or extrovert, let us know if there are any other qualities

you think an introverted person possess!

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> These Are 5 Ways to Help Introverts Keep From Becoming Lonely - Duration: 5:00.


Audi A5 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 - Duration: 1:09.


Kim Kardashian Says Kanye Sends Her Emails Telling Her What's Trendy & It's Slightly Problematic - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian Says Kanye Sends Her Emails Telling Her What's Trendy & It's Slightly Problematic - Duration: 2:38.


Introduction PrePly Language Tuition Fermando Rosa - Duration: 1:07.

Greetings from Rio! Ôi, tudo bem?

Apa khabar? Nama saya Fernando.

こんにちは。 私はフェルナンドです。


Ik heet Fernando.

I have lived in South Africa and Malaysia.

También he vivido en India

y Francia.

J'ai habité aussi à la Caraïbe,

en Martinique.

I welcome you all to a tutoring session with me.

I have a PhD from the Netherlands.

And I have written and published extensively in English

and also, of course, in Portuguese, Spanish, French.

¡ Hasta la vista !

Tot siens!

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