Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 12 2018

Here we are !

I'm so happy !

I still don't know, how I will edit these Video


I don't edit tutorial

I'm not a mechanic

But luckily I have a nice place to do my stuff

With all I need to work on my bike

Far from me the idea of giving courses in mechanics

The idea is to following me during the transformation on my MotorBike

Into something Sexier !

With these thhings Here !

There is more to come

Looking for Inspiration !

And it decorate the Shed !

Let begin by removing all the rear Body

Just to see it naked

and discover what's under !

So, here it is

The rear tail is now clear

This little tank will be removal

All the electronics

will be hidden under the new seat

And... it will not be easy...

I don't know where I'm going ! XD

Just take a look...

I now realise

That transform a Junk into a HomeMade Junk

Is not that easy !

It's the design I want to keep

Follow that Gas Tank low line

To the back...

This is the best way to have a good design

It will be a liitle bit harder than I thought

But il look good, I'm confident !


Time Has passed

since the begining

of the disasembling

And it's now cut.

After 2 days :

After a lot of grinding, the rear is now carve up

Clean, and the Seat Bracket is weld

See you soon ! I can translate all the episode, let me know in the comment section ! ;)

For more infomation >> Street Tracker Project - KAWASAKI 500 [GARAGE VLOG #1] - Duration: 5:23.


Вас обидели? Что делать? Психотехника защиты от обидчиков. - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Вас обидели? Что делать? Психотехника защиты от обидчиков. - Duration: 9:22.


How to Cut and Install Tiles Ceramic - Construction Step by Step - Duration: 10:24.

hello, today i will shoot video, how to make brick paste. Let's see it.

Remember to comment and subscribe to support channels offline

For more infomation >> How to Cut and Install Tiles Ceramic - Construction Step by Step - Duration: 10:24.


Правила личных финансов. Как правильно распоряжаться деньгами. - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Правила личных финансов. Как правильно распоряжаться деньгами. - Duration: 3:27.


How to make Crawler Crane from Cardboard - Duration: 12:15.

How to make Crawler Crane from Cardboard

For more infomation >> How to make Crawler Crane from Cardboard - Duration: 12:15.


Расклады на картах Таро. Толкование раскладов Таро. - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Расклады на картах Таро. Толкование раскладов Таро. - Duration: 2:13.


Battle of the Ports - Star Wars (スターワーズ) Show #201- 60fps - Duration: 25:24.

Star Wars was an arcade game produced by Atari and released in 1983.

The game is composed of 3D color vector graphics giving it a unique style when compared to

most games which used bitmapped graphics.

The player assumes the role of Luke Skywalker, as he pilots an X-wing fighter from a first-person


Unlike other arcade games of similar nature, the player does not have to destroy every

enemy in order to advance through the game; he must simply survive as his fighter flies

through the level.

The ultimate goal of the game is to destroy the Death Star through three attack phases.

In the first phase of the game, the player begins in outer space above the Death Star.

The second phase has the player avoid tower attacks on the Death Star's surface.

In the final scenario, the player must navigate the trench of the Death Star until finally

firing a proton torpedo at the correct time for a direct hit on the exhaust port target.

If the player is successful, the Death Star explodes and the player is awarded a bonus

shield up to a maximum of 6.

Should the player fail to hit the exhaust port, a shield is lost and the player must

attempt the trench again.

Once the trench stage is completed the game restarts from the first phase.

Each successive Death Star run greatly increases the difficulty;

So let's start off the ports with the Atari 2600 version.

As you can see it is recognizable as the Star Wars arcade game, just about.

Sadly it's no where near as playable.

For some strange reason you can't move and fire at the same time.

This makes for very stiff gameplay and also ramps up the difficulty on later levels.

Still, this is an Atari 2600 so we can't expect too much.

Only slightly better than the 2600 port, this 5200 port suffers from not actually being

able to navigate during the Tie Fighter sections just like the 2600 port.

Unlike that however you can now move the cursor and fire at the same time making this version

a little more playable.

Nope, this isn't the Atari 5200 port again but the Atari 8bit line of computers version

such as the Atari 600XL and 800XL.

This port is 100% the same as the 5200 version.

Looking much nicer than any of the Atari console and Atari 8 Bit computer ports, this Coleco

Vision port does look promising.

Sadly it's also pretty lame when it comes to game play.

Playing on the easy or normal settings doesn't even put up a challenge.

The tower and trench sections can be played through by just holding down on the joystick

or down and left in the case of the tower section.

Nothing will hit you at all.

That's some lousy programming right there.

This is the first of two Star Wars arcade ports to the Commodore 64.

This version was released around late 1983 / early 1984 and is based upon the same port

by the Parker Brothers which can be found on the Atari consoles and Coleco Vision.

Needless to say it isn't very good.

Well, that's unless you like shooting what looks like bow-ties in space.

In 1987 Vektor Grafix developed a newer version of Star Wars for the Commodore 64 using line

graphics in an attempt to recreate the look of the original vector graphics used in the


In stills this looks pretty good however in motion it's painfully slow resulting in a

game that's barely playable.

Domark published quite a few updated ports around 1987 / 1988 with this Amiga version

being one of them.

It really does look the part apart from running in a lower resolution to the arcade game.

The playability is also here however the controls are reversed!

There's always got to be something wrong with an Amiga port.

You see, Star Wars is one of those games were up should move you down and down should move

you up.

In this port however up moves up and down moves down.

This just feels so wrong.

Still, on the bright side this port does feature much nicer voice samples than the arcade original.

Jurgen Friedrich was the man behind the Amiga port and this Atari ST port so it's funny

to see that the ST port actually has the correct control system found in the arcade game.

Personally I also think the ST port has better graphics looking much more like the vectors

used in the arcade version.

It's smoother too.

In fact it's a better port all-round besides the speech samples which are awful.

After seeing the Commodore 64 port by Vektor Grafix I wasn't looking forward to the Amstrad

CPC port however I needn't have worried.

Sure, this port is rather slow but it does feel quite smooth when playing.

Rather nice for a CPC game.

ZX Spectrum owners received a version of Star Wars based upon the Amstrad CPC port.

It's pretty much the same game apart from running a little slower and having no sound

at all apart from the awful Star Wars theme tune during the loading screen.

Now this is a first for Battle of the Ports.

An Acorn Electron game.

So how is this version?

Well apart from being just like the ZX Spectrum port in terms of speed we do get a choice

of colours for the graphics as well as some rudimentary sound.

I've opted for the red setting to give the game that Virtual Boy feel.

Ah, the good old BBC Micro.

A computer that every British person aged between 35 and 45 will know well as it was

the computer of choice for all schools in the UK.

Considering how basic BBC Micro games can be, this port is actually pretty good.

It may not be the fastest of the 8 bit ports but it does hold up well against the likes

of the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.

Unlike the western developed games, this Japanese game by MNM Software isn't really based upon

the arcade game but it is vector graphic based and does resemble the arcade port so I've

added it here.

For those interested in viewing the entire intro in full well, there's a link to it in

the video's description.

So, the X68000 get's a more open Star Wars game that resembles the Sega Star Wars Arcade

game in terms of gameplay although this came first.

The aim of the first two stages is to take out a certain amount of enemies before you

can move on rather than just surviving like the Atari arcade original.

This leads to a much more frantic game and one that's pretty tough too.

And finally we finish up with the MS Dos port also by Vektor Grafix.

When running at regular speed this port is a little jerky but the beauty with PCs is

that you can run games faster depending on your CPU and that's just what we are doing

here resulting in a game that plays much closer to the arcade experience than any other home


It's just a shame there's no quality soundtrack.

For more infomation >> Battle of the Ports - Star Wars (スターワーズ) Show #201- 60fps - Duration: 25:24.


[ENB SUB] KARD'S FIRST V-LIVE - Duration: 4:22.

BM:We are on?

BM:like this?

MIN: Tilt a little down. Okay.

BM:Yeah okay

BM :Here we go.


Hello ~ We are K.A.R.D


We just begun our first time V-lIVE in earnest.



Bm:Yesterday,, $@^@#%

Woo: come again?

BM:We had the show case yesterday and

Pulled an all nighter for practice and We just finished "pre-recording of show champion"

Following that, now we are taking v-live

Woo:So sorry that we weren't able to see our fans long enough.

Who visited here for only one song.

BM:You can say that again.

I felt so sorry for short time. we somehow met them after performance tou.

Min:To make the matter worse, It was raining.

BM: I was so touched.

MIN:SAME They visited us despite of bad weather condition.


JS :Definitely.

MIN: None of them had an umbrella. Not even one.

So i am worried about if they got home safely.

JS: Did you guys sleep well? Whoever visited us?

We went say hi tou but i get curious you guys got home safely.

WOO: Weather gets cold all of sudden.

JS:For that reason. don't forget have to bundle up.

I am told wearing layers of thin clothes is warmer. "Thin and Layered"

Like a light peddled jumper.

So wear 2~3 layers of light peddled jumpers if possible.

As you know, There is nothing you can do like in this freezing day.

Once you caught a cold, There is nothing you can do.

BM: Definitely.

JS: It's gonna be tough ,so take care that's what i want to say.

Woo:Did you watch the live?

BM:Who who who?

Did you guys watch it?

" I DID" "I Watched it "

How was it? was it nice?

MIN: We visited a broad casting station for a while

BM:We got cold feet.

Min:I wasn't used to this at first.

JF: Me neither.

Min: we just released 2nd album at the most.

We were very clumsy at first.

And now as a second time visit. We were a little embarrassed first but assimilated in soon.

Bm: Yeah you killed it

Thank you for today.

Min: Why are you showing this? LOL

Such an honor that

We are here with amazing and excellent artists.

Min: You guys did well today.

BM: You guys did well !

Woo: Today was so fun and nice watching performance of seniors we respect.


We are going to be active over lots of schedules

So please keep an eye on us. expect us.

So please shuffle our songs infinitely you know what i am saying? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

You nam saeng?

Do nam saeng(Do what i am saying)

So, we will keep doing our best.

And we say good bye smiling.

Will Be back soon.

We will.

Then.. We were K.A.R.D



For more infomation >> [ENB SUB] KARD'S FIRST V-LIVE - Duration: 4:22.


[GOT7:On the Scene] EP 01. Mr. Star Park - Duration: 3:03.

I forgot the lyrics.

Where is this uploaded?

We're here to prepare for "Teenager" performance video

and we're shooting at a cafe,

and the name is "Mr. Star Park"

it feels like I'm running this cafe

so it feels weird. [Is it really owned by "Mr. Star Park"?]

The cafe feels like the 80's

and the outfit of the hyung with the camera

fits so well with this place

They used to sing and play guitars at this kind of place.

♪Tie the shells together♪

♪and hang it on her neck♪ [Jinyoung full with 80's feelings!]

Didn't they wear this kind of clothes a lot back then?

at our mom and dad's generation.

-(Don't you want to turn on the music?) -No, no, no, no

-There's a system. -There's a system? [The "REAL" Mr. Star Park suggesting Jinyoung to sing]

There's your own song, too.

Hello, JB.

Nice to meet you.

He's coming, he's coming. He's excited.

Is there..

-Is there the song "About Romance"? -Yes, we have that song.

You have to sing this kind of song here.

♪Me, to you, like the glow of the sunset♪ [JB rushing(?) in while fixing his hair]

♪Become a beautiful memory♪

What song was this?

[Jinyoung chooses "About Romance" sung by Baek-ho Choi!]

♪A day when rain falls hard♪

♪sit in the absolutely old cafe♪

♪drink a cup of bell flower whiskey♪

♪and listen to the deep sound of the saxophone♪

♪madame with the bright red lipstick♪

♪dressed stylishly in her best♪

♪while making non-sense jokes to her♪

♪listen to the deep sound of the saxophone♪

♪now, at this age♪

♪won't probably forget the sweetness of hardships♪

♪but feels like there's a hole♪

♪somewhere in my heart♪

♪about things we lost♪

For more infomation >> [GOT7:On the Scene] EP 01. Mr. Star Park - Duration: 3:03.


Dance Dance - Bored Ep 95 - VLDL - Duration: 2:16.

* One Direction 'What Makes You Beautiful' music*

* Rowan laughing *

What ya laughing at?

Nothing. What you listening to?

One Direction

Okay... do you like One Direction do you?

Yeah its a pop song - I'm partial to it

Oh no no no - I'm not judging - I'm not judging

Sounds like you are judging though

oooo sounds like a bit of One Direction. Ooooo la la

Look I can -

Nah its fine - you listen to whatever -

I can -

- whatever you get your kicks out of

I can listen to whatever -

You listen to whatever floats your boat

Oh god....

Thats what makes you beautiful

*music still playing*

*Music finishes*

Hey Rowan


Good song aye...

It's alright...

Hey guys - thanks very much for watching

now I have a little favour to ask

if you scroll down a little bit and look beneath this video -

next to our subscribe button is a new button we've been given -

called the sponsorship button

all I want you to do is click on it and check it out

and consider becoming a sponsor

It would mean the world to us

Thanks very much - see you next time

For more infomation >> Dance Dance - Bored Ep 95 - VLDL - Duration: 2:16.


LetterSchool handwriting New Year apk ABCDEFGHI UPPERCASE vs Lowercase letters Best fun tutorial - Duration: 11:33.

LetterSchool handwriting New Year apk ABCDEFGHI UPPERCASE vs Lowercase letters Best fun tutorial

For more infomation >> LetterSchool handwriting New Year apk ABCDEFGHI UPPERCASE vs Lowercase letters Best fun tutorial - Duration: 11:33.


Reasons behind why the spiritual progress is not happening - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 34:18.

the ritual does not mean looking up looking down it is just that you have

realized that what you gather is not you not just intellectually experientially

you know that what is you and what is not you is clear to you now once you

know that you're a dimension beyond your physical nature you are a limitless

possibility cushion of being peaceful and joyful is not even an issue leave it

here if you have questions any kind of question please

can we take questions from here only please please send them on the slip as

we can see I have already got not many questions the audience is getting eager

to say have not many doubts solved by a circle ooh I am getting them through

slips I am getting through my whatsapp I am getting through SMSs so without

wasting any further time I would like to take some questions for circle though we

have a say time limitation so I don't know how many I'd be able to fill up but

the very first question is from a chairperson of I am a mrs. little over

what is the purpose of life what is it that one feels fulfilled with the way he

or she has when it has that one feels fulfilled with the way he or she has

lived the life what is the purpose of life what is the purpose of life well

suppose today you are ecstatic for something whatever reason when you're

ecstatic do you wonder what is the purpose of life do you do you know when

life is becoming burdensome then you ask what is the purpose of life isn't it so

all questions which come from any kind of burdensomeness desperation misery

don't try to answer this questions because you will get wrong answers from

within and wrong answers from anybody else people will tell you the purpose of

life is because God has fixed this and that I want you to know in such a huge

creation maybe they don't even know that you exist be ready for that if you if

you have a family of four people you don't know what the hell is happening

yes or no if you have two children you don't know what the hell they're doing

most of the time so you think somebody knows who you are

and he's got a special purpose for you this is unfortunately in the name of

religion this is spread this is the height of human ego this is too

self-centered first of all to think that existence is human-centric itself is a

wrong idea you just one more creature just understand this you just want more

creature in the creation don't make too much out of yourself it's a tremendous

possibility that's different but do not make too much out of yourself what is

the purpose of life never asked you what you are asking is why creation never

asked why with creation you just asked how if you ask me how to transcend this

burdensomeness I have got a way for you I've got a

method for you I have tools and technologies for you if you ask me how

to transcend my misery I've got ways and tools and technologies

for you if you ask me how to live in such a way that this life finds its

fullness we've got ways and means and technologies but if you ask why there is

no why we can tell you stories I can tell you what shall I tell you the real

story why creation you want to know one day

God was playing marbles and one marble jumped up like this and became planet

Earth so he shot some more nine ten more and it became solar system shall I

continue this is a ridiculous story but I can tell you I can tell you a little

more serious story that many of you would love to believe you need to

understand this if right now if I speak about something which is not yet in your

experience you have only two choices either to believe me or to disbelieve me

if you believe me you will not get any closer to reality if you disbelieve me

you will not get any closer to reality it is just that you will either have a

positive story to tell or a negative story to tell stories are good soul eggs

but never a solution you must you must decide in your life are you looking for

solace or are you looking for a solution if you're looking for solace I will tell

you a nice story not the Marvel story I can make better stories than that but if

you're looking for a solution then never ask beyond your present level of

experience because you will be forced to either believe me or disbelieve me it

will not solve anything for you so why creation never ask ask how to navigate

through this creation we'll show you ways never ask why because then we will

have to go into a dimension which is not yet in your experience which will force

you to believe in this belief

saguru missus lechna Mittal is having a very simple question and she asks

psichology is being happy so really difficult that

it needs to be managed

being happy is not difficult but unfortunately most people don't manage

it because they think it's going to happen to them when you have five years

of age you're quite happy isn't it yes or no I want you to go home and see one

of your pictures when you're five it was like this now it's becoming like this

when you're five years of age if you're so happy by the time you're 30 you

should have been ecstatic if you had grown I mean but by the time they're 30

most people are mess themselves up in so many different ways this is not because

there is some difficulty with life or happiness it is just that as I told you

they gave you a sharp knife you don't have a steady enough hand if you had a

steady hand the sharp knife would be a wonderful instrument if you don't have a

steady hand you keep cutting yourself and now being happy when a knife is

constantly cutting into you he's not he's very difficult for sure yes how

many times has it happened to you in the last 25 years that it so happened

somebody put a knife into you not happened for most of you if it happened

to one or two people I'm sorry even nobody even put a pin in to you isn't it

so no I'm asking how many times it so happened from external sources suffering

came to you know you have mostly and self-help youren self-help isn't it

you don't need anybody's help you such an expert sometimes when I see people I

think they're training to get employment in hell or something they're practicing

here because they are so good at self torture they may be good at of torturing

other people so happiness is neither easy nor

difficult because there is no states like this this is happiness

this is unhappiness he was slipping between this and that any moment isn't

it it's so more it's not like there is a capsule of happiness and the capsule of

unhappiness and they're separate now it is all intermingling one moment like

this one moment like in the same situation one moment joyful one moment

miserable another moment some other way is it not happening so these are not

anything this is just this you are a volatile being right now not stable

enough I told you this evolutionary problem your intellect and your

awareness evolved ahead of your physiology your only one point two three

percent away from a chimpanzee but in intelligence you are big away now your

own intelligence turning against you one simple way of being happy is you go for

a lobotomy you know what this is they mow half of your brain you'll always be

like that so it's easy it's not easy it's not

difficult should it be managed you don't have to

manage happiness you must learn to manage your faculties you the only thing

is just this people are suffering two most important faculties of your mind

your memory and your imagination which sets you apart from every other creature

what happened fifty years ago you can still remember which no other creature

on this planet can probably distinctly and you can project into what may happen

in the next hundred years these memory and imagination are two basic faculties

which makes us human and on top of the evolutionary pile this is what people

are suffering what happened ten years ago they're

still suffering what may happen day after tomorrow they're already suffering

this is not that they're suffering life they're just suffering their memory and

their imagination so happiness don't aim at happiness

just look at yourself how what you call as myself is being conducted if you

conduct it if you know how to conduct it the way you want it you will be

blissed-out this it is not being conducted so happiness and misery is

happening by accident somebody else can cause happiness to you somebody else can

cause misery to you people ask me such guru have you or we

have been with you for 25 years we've never seen you angry do you ever get

angry you want it do I look like somebody was incapable of something like

that if you want I'll give you it's just that I have not given this privilege to

anybody that somebody can make me angry somebody can make me unhappy somebody

can make me happy no I kept these things to myself

you must keep it to yourself - it must be the best hands are you isn't it yes

your joy and misery must be in your hands isn't it if you choose to be

miserable be I am NOT against it but what you want should be happening within

you not otherwise isn't it

and then I have probably a sequel to this question this is through what's up

and somebody wants to know a saloon how can one be happy even if he or she is

married we already went through this marriage is supposed to be about

multiplying your joy if he's about multiplying your misery we should not

there was a time in this country where

70% of the population went into what is called as guru hasta or the married life

30% went into ascetic life because for a whole lot of people whatever their

physical and emotional needs are a passing need they don't have to motivate

their whole life into that there are some people it's strong they can't live

without it they must it's not a question of right and wrong it's not a question

of what is superior and inferior it's a question of what is suitable for you

today we have created a thing that everybody must marry so there are lots

of people who should not have married who are in it and asking these kind of

questions the many people for whom their need for the opposite sex is just a

passing need if they simply close their eyes for a few months it'll be gone for

them it'll never come back but they get into this pact

now once you marry at least till now Sadhguru what is your take on corruption

in the country and what do businessmen do what do businessmen do not follow

suit if it is a way of life there is no corruption in this country who said

there is corruption in this country there is no corruption in this country

it is daylight robbery to banditry this corruption corruption means you want

some favor you go to him with great hesitation under the table he takes

something from you that's corruption now the pointing a gun at your head and say

you pay other way you won't exist this is mandatory this is not corruption we

have to deal with this if you don't deal with this if you don't deal with this

one fundamental thing we will not go very far as a nation we cannot go

because there is a government and a parallel government there is a rule and

a Federal Rule parallels our people when normally when they use this analogy of

being parallel lines people think that they're together no I want you to

understand if you're going crisscross you may meet somewhere parallel lines

will never meet so this parallel economy this parallel set of rules for

everything you know the laws of the land and you must know the loss of you know

the underhand stuff otherwise you can't run a business with parallel lines you

will not go very far this nation cannot go far okay at a certain stage in our

development of this nation so many things have happened we don't have to

look at it morally I want you to look at it practically if it goes like this we

can't get very far for this instead of talking about corruption and

anti-corruption moments and people trying to make a life out of

anti-corruption moments instead of that what we need to look at is our rules

especially the rules of Mayor doing this hello are too ambiguous

nobody understands what the hell these rules are okay it's written one inside

the other in such a way I was you know when I was when I was trying to get my I

already have a FAA license in America but I'm trying to get a license here it

just get endorsed by DGCA and the goddamn thing that things that

they're telling me these rules were made before Wright brothers all right

I I need the person who is the head of BCC and I asked him sir do you do you

understand these rules I know how to fly a goddamn thing but I don't understand

these rules do you he says no I am NOT a pilot I don't understand I am telling

you nobody understands because it's written in such a way that you're not

supposed to understand when you don't understand a damn thing you'll pay

something and get it all right the rules are written in such ambiguous

ways it's time to simplify the laws of doing business it's most important you

know like I don't know how it is here I hear things are much better here now

with your chief minister and in the center it's getting better a few states

are getting better but where we are if you want to get a building permission

we're not building a commercial building or Schrom building alright we know

everybody from top to bottom it takes 14 months to get a building permission it

has to go through some 16 different departments and at every table you have

to move it there must be a team following this finds where it goes

otherwise they'll vanish somewhere I

have a building another ashram in United States there is a codebook that you are

supposed to understand and your architect is supposed to understand and

you discuss it with the local authority and then you build nobody bothers what

the hell you're building you build whatever you want before you occupy it

for inspection if it is according to the code you your building is there if it is

not according to the code your building will go down and you go in there simple

as that why this why is it that we're treating every ordinary citizen a

law-abiding citizen like a criminal you have to get no objection and no

objection why the hell does anybody have objection with my money if I building

this nation why does anybody have a damn objection with my money I'm building

something in this nation that's going to be useful for the people whether it's a

business or an industry or an ashram it doesn't matter what I am building

something with my investment and building the nation

what is your problem why why do you have an objection are you still English are

you still an occupier we're still continuing this loss it's time we change

the laws if you simplify the laws nobody have to pay anything in simplification

of the laws there are complications some misuse will happen but it's okay miss

use as little misuse for some time till we understand how it works is all right

rather than holding the nation at a standstill I think with the time permits

we can take two more questions at this juncture so me gee I'm getting one

question from say not many people's having the same same kind of issue it

has been sent by mr. a loop gain of I am a the same question as I'm lying people

are shouting out questions I think we should take one from the gallery okay

can you just write it down and send to me okay but right now I'm having one

question from this mr. button party and mr. elope Jane both are having more of

the same kind of issue and they say whenever we hear great personalities we

get inspired but that inspiration goes up very fast

how to keep that inspiration permanently

and now if you're just getting influenced by somebody's talk it's not

good enough you have to take some concrete steps so I'm not here to just

inspire you I think everything that I'm saying is little depreciated of many

things that shit doing not very inspiring isn't it I am telling you if

you are interested in your life if you are interested are you

is your life the most precious life in your life it is they you have to pay a

little more attention to this life is not accessories when I when most people

say life they're talking about their work their career their wife their

husband their children their home their car now these are accessories of life in

all these accessories you missed out what is life what is life is what's

happening here within this isn't it yes or no paying attention to life life per

se not the things around you what kind of arrangements you make it's your

choice somebody wants you to live in a small hut on the mountain somebody wants

to live in a palace it's their choice I am NOT I don't want to interfere with

the arrangements of your life you make whatever kind of arrangement seem

sensible to you don't try to make arrangements that somebody else is

making make the kind of arrangements which makes sense to you it's fine but

this life needs more attention how this works what is the basis of this where

does this come from where does this go what is the nature of my existence only

if you grasp this you can conduct your life consciously otherwise only by

accident isn't it when you conduct your life by accident then once in a way when

somebody speaks you will go up and when they leave they will go down this is

exactly what I am talking this is exactly what I am saying many times even

bullshit gets you to the top but it doesn't let you stay there all right

whatever anybody speaks doesn't matter what they speak whatever anybody speaks

till it becomes a living reality for you it's just a lot of bull isn't it so I am

talking about not a philosophy not an ideology not even a teaching I am

talking about simple methods simple Technol

that you can employ you try and see if it works let's do it if it doesn't work

throw it away we'll try some other two simple methods to fix this the way you

want it so don't get inspired by me do not get inspired by me inspiration is

what not the intention of this what the intention of this is to tell you that as

there is a science and technology for external well-being there is a whole

science and technology for inner well-being it is just that anything

beyond survival will not enter your life unless you strive for it see for example

you know when you were 3 4 years of faith that damn a what a complicated

mess it was and there were two versions you had to write hundred times to get it

yes or no today you can close your eyes and write it see but those who did not

strive for it even today they cannot write isn't it

so something as simple as that has taken a lot of striving isn't it so similarly

anything which is beyond your survival what is survival will come to you

naturally what is beyond survival some striving is needed it's not happened

because there is no striving striving does not happen because there is not

enough infrastructure both human and otherwise see for example you know in in

India also the attempt is happening a big way I was just looking at this

aspect in in eighteen hundred and seventy 93 percent of the American

population was illiterate 93 today 100% not literacy education everybody can

read and write how does this happen schoolrooms enough infrastructure has

been built enough teachers have been produced and that's why it's happening

there was a time in this land there is enough infrastructure for inner

well-being of the human being tell me where is it now we are building

cinema theaters we're building hospitals we buildings

fools have we built anything for the inner well-being of the human being have

you done anything about this have they are the parents doing anything about it

teachers doing anything about it no only now small because well you know like

economic success is bringing pain to people now they're looking at it when I

say now they're looking at it do you do not do it doesn't matter in your life if

you do not do what you cannot do that's not an issue but if you do not do what

you can do you're a tragic life I see combined few portions again which are

having the same tone not many people wants to ask about say

contradiction between my inner self and somebody else in a song of cell okapi

from ready caps institute of technology and management dr. Otto pencil and mr.

Jagdish Alma from ima all are having more the same kind of greedy they derive

Swamiji I want to be myself in control of my inner self but I live with my

family and friends and next generation who all have their own inner self this

calls for compromises every day then how to take care of such situation to

realize myself as I want to be I think we've been through this but anime let me

repeat this see right now you are calling your personality and self your

personality is an acquired quality largely unconscious and little bit of it

conscious your body is an acquired thing your mind or the content of your mind is

acquired thing so what is not acquired from outside only that you can call it

self in that there is no such thing as myself and yourself it's like this let

me give you an analogy it's like you have when you were a child at least did

you blow some soap bubbles you did not are useful if you blew soap bubbles they

don't really isn't so there is a bubble what is the most

important aspect of the bubble the air inside isn't it

if it goes poop then there is just this pot of water on the floor or soap water

on the floor but the air where did it go you don't find it anywhere but the most

important aspect of the bubble is the air that it contains

similarly you made a bubble built out of this from this planet you picked up

material and built something for yourself

fine I have nothing against it but to gather this much body and to gadget this

much mind there must be something more fundamental don't jump into conclusions

that there must be something more fundamental than that isn't it so the

physical body and the mind is just software and hardware for the life

within you to function you gathered your software and hardware from outside but

the life within is undeniably there to do a simple process can you see me all

of you you close your eyes can you see me no so now when you're looking at me

are you looking at me or is it your eyes looking at me your eyes much if you

close your eyes are you still there are you still there or you gone you're still

there so your eyes suggest a window if you open the window you see if you close

the window you don't see but you are still there isn't it so whatever that is

let's not give it a name right now we call it you that is not different from

you and me fundamental life making material this is not different

right now if you already have breakfast my breakfast ok what milk is something

more interesting this child's food

okay even if you drank milk are you ate a banana if you eat a banana this banana

goes into you in these two hours it becomes a woman yes or no if a man eats

it it becomes a man if a cow eats it it becomes a cow there is an intelligence

within this which can transform a banana into a human being

isn't it so yes or no if I take a banana in my hand and make it into human being

who would you think I am creator himself isn't it nothing less

than that and every one of you have this competence of know they should know you

have it it's only that it is functioning unconsciously such a phenomena taking a

banana and making a human being out of it is it a small phenomena the

tremendous thing isn't it but you're doing it unconsciously even even if a

drop of this intelligence enters your life in a conscious manner suddenly

people around you think you are superhuman being

so this is all I am telling you if you turn inward this intelligence this

source of creation which can turn a piece of bread into your human being a

banana and you him and being exist within you if you can bring out even a

drop in a conscious way suddenly your life is magical never miserable again so

when we talk about the self there is no such thing as yourself and myself

particularly when you're in a teaching faculty this will happen to you with all

due respect I am saying because you stand on a pulpit and slowly you forget

who you are myself and yourself are two different things

all these others look like aliens actually because my self teaching is a

dangerous profession because you have a captive audience understand they bound

them which is a very dangerous thing because there is no filters for what you

think and what say people make fun of you behind you

but in front of you they'll say okay because they are the best the best it's

a very dangerous profession so don't ever think there is yourself and myself

there is me and you as two different persons in body we are different in the

content of our mind we're different in our memories we are different in our

personalities we're different all this made up by us but the essential

life making thing within which is within us which we call as the self or me in

essential me there is no such thing as you and me everybody has the same stuff

that is why I am talking to you if my stuff was different than you why the

hell will I talk to you because anyway it's not possible for you yes if it was

not possible for you why will I waste my breath talking to you only because you

are also made of the same stuff unrealized you must understand in this

country always enlightenment has been described as a realization not an

achievement not an accomplishment just realization realization means something

that was already there you just saw you didn't invent anything you did not

discover anything you did not make up anything you did not achieve anything

you just realized that which is already there so there is no question of myself

and yourself thank you putting an end to the cycle of birth and

death I always insists that you don't believe anything that is not yet your

experience it doesn't matter whose exit this does not mean disbelief no you

don't know that's all somebody tells you a story you don't know whether it's true

or it's not true so even if I say something don't believe this nonsense

anything that human beings can do is

essentially an expression now for they are somebody sings a song somebody

dances somebody writes a book somebody paints a picture whatever else we do

is an expression of who you are


For more infomation >> Reasons behind why the spiritual progress is not happening - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 34:18.



★ Help To 100k Subs ★

For more infomation >> SUMMER MIX 2018 | THE BEST VOCAL DEEP HOUSE MUSIC | KYGO, MARTIN GARRIX & DAVID GUETTA - Duration: 1:01:22.


Sam Rockwell's Award-Winning Role in Three Billboards Was Written Just for Him - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Sam Rockwell's Award-Winning Role in Three Billboards Was Written Just for Him - Duration: 3:08.


Hashtags: #WorstFirstDate - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Hashtags: #WorstFirstDate - Duration: 4:38.


FOOTBALL Tutorial - Street Football/Futsal Skills! - Duration: 2:59.

Hey guys and welcome to a new video!

It's a new year and tricks.

Today's video is a street football tutorial.

I'll show you a few street football skills so you can learn to do them. Let's go!

There you have four variations of the AKKA football skill.

If you think some of your friends should learn these, share the video with them.

If you enjoyed, give a thumbs up, leave a comment and subscribe.

See you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> FOOTBALL Tutorial - Street Football/Futsal Skills! - Duration: 2:59.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 115kw Blue-efficiency NAVI / XENON - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 200 115kw Blue-efficiency NAVI / XENON - Duration: 1:01.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Titanium - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK Titanium - Duration: 0:59.


李溪芮新劇齊播,網友:就該你火了 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 李溪芮新劇齊播,網友:就該你火了 - Duration: 1:53.


14 ianuarie - Sfinții Cuvioși Părinți uciși în Sinai și Rait - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 14 ianuarie - Sfinții Cuvioși Părinți uciși în Sinai și Rait - Duration: 2:04.


Emmie - Riding In The Train Song | Animal Songs & Nursery Rhymes Collection | For Kids | Babytoonz - Duration: 3:55.

Emmie - Riding In The Train Song | Animal Songs & Nursery Rhymes Collection | For Kids | Babytoonz

For more infomation >> Emmie - Riding In The Train Song | Animal Songs & Nursery Rhymes Collection | For Kids | Babytoonz - Duration: 3:55.


Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Online Edition | Rouge Brown - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Crossland X 1.2 Turbo 110pk Online Edition | Rouge Brown - Duration: 1:00.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


10 ERREURS Dans Les Films De 2017 Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> 10 ERREURS Dans Les Films De 2017 Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées - Duration: 5:21.


For more infomation >> 10 ERREURS Dans Les Films De 2017 Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées - Duration: 5:21.


Street Tracker Project - KAWASAKI 500 [GARAGE VLOG #1] - Duration: 5:23.

Here we are !

I'm so happy !

I still don't know, how I will edit these Video


I don't edit tutorial

I'm not a mechanic

But luckily I have a nice place to do my stuff

With all I need to work on my bike

Far from me the idea of giving courses in mechanics

The idea is to following me during the transformation on my MotorBike

Into something Sexier !

With these thhings Here !

There is more to come

Looking for Inspiration !

And it decorate the Shed !

Let begin by removing all the rear Body

Just to see it naked

and discover what's under !

So, here it is

The rear tail is now clear

This little tank will be removal

All the electronics

will be hidden under the new seat

And... it will not be easy...

I don't know where I'm going ! XD

Just take a look...

I now realise

That transform a Junk into a HomeMade Junk

Is not that easy !

It's the design I want to keep

Follow that Gas Tank low line

To the back...

This is the best way to have a good design

It will be a liitle bit harder than I thought

But il look good, I'm confident !


Time Has passed

since the begining

of the disasembling

And it's now cut.

After 2 days :

After a lot of grinding, the rear is now carve up

Clean, and the Seat Bracket is weld

See you soon ! I can translate all the episode, let me know in the comment section ! ;)

For more infomation >> Street Tracker Project - KAWASAKI 500 [GARAGE VLOG #1] - Duration: 5:23.


For more infomation >> Street Tracker Project - KAWASAKI 500 [GARAGE VLOG #1] - Duration: 5:23.


Pourquoi est-ce si dur de choisir ce qui est bon pour nous ? - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi est-ce si dur de choisir ce qui est bon pour nous ? - Duration: 5:09.


For more infomation >> Pourquoi est-ce si dur de choisir ce qui est bon pour nous ? - Duration: 5:09.


5 smoothies contre les bouffées de chaleur nocturnes - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> 5 smoothies contre les bouffées de chaleur nocturnes - Duration: 11:19.


For more infomation >> 5 smoothies contre les bouffées de chaleur nocturnes - Duration: 11:19.


Burak King - Yanıyoruz Turkish Song Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Burak King - Yanıyoruz Turkish Song Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 4:48.


For more infomation >> Burak King - Yanıyoruz Turkish Song Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 4:48.


Metros in the snow at station Hoogvliet (Dec. 2017) - Duration: 7:44.

Metrostation Hoogvliet

For more infomation >> Metros in the snow at station Hoogvliet (Dec. 2017) - Duration: 7:44.


For more infomation >> Metros in the snow at station Hoogvliet (Dec. 2017) - Duration: 7:44.


[N이슈]"이연수→오연수?" 이하늘, '불청' 뒤집어 놓은 원조악동 - News 24H - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> [N이슈]"이연수→오연수?" 이하늘, '불청' 뒤집어 놓은 원조악동 - News 24H - Duration: 4:43.


For more infomation >> [N이슈]"이연수→오연수?" 이하늘, '불청' 뒤집어 놓은 원조악동 - News 24H - Duration: 4:43.


KR STARS| [N샷] 조세호, 기상캐스터와 인증샷 "동장군 기세 만만찮아" - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N샷] 조세호, 기상캐스터와 인증샷 "동장군 기세 만만찮아" - Duration: 2:18.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N샷] 조세호, 기상캐스터와 인증샷 "동장군 기세 만만찮아" - Duration: 2:18.


KR STARS| [N종합] 장기용·이예나 양측 "이미 결별한 상태…좋은 동료 사이" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N종합] 장기용·이예나 양측 "이미 결별한 상태…좋은 동료 사이" - Duration: 2:34.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N종합] 장기용·이예나 양측 "이미 결별한 상태…좋은 동료 사이" - Duration: 2:34.


KR STARS| [N시청률] '어서와 한국은 처음이지' 영국편으로 4%대 재진입 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N시청률] '어서와 한국은 처음이지' 영국편으로 4%대 재진입 - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N시청률] '어서와 한국은 처음이지' 영국편으로 4%대 재진입 - Duration: 2:28.


Chez mon pote - 5206 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Chez mon pote - 5206 - Duration: 1:01.


For more infomation >> Chez mon pote - 5206 - Duration: 1:01.


IV.Vers une religion complotiste ? Analyse théologique du phénomène - Pt.5 - Editions NAWA - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> IV.Vers une religion complotiste ? Analyse théologique du phénomène - Pt.5 - Editions NAWA - Duration: 6:53.


For more infomation >> IV.Vers une religion complotiste ? Analyse théologique du phénomène - Pt.5 - Editions NAWA - Duration: 6:53.


Voici comment régler tous vos problèmes de sommeil avec la science - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Voici comment régler tous vos problèmes de sommeil avec la science - Duration: 6:05.


For more infomation >> Voici comment régler tous vos problèmes de sommeil avec la science - Duration: 6:05.


Какое личное имущество супругов не подлежит разделу.Раздел имущества супругов.#2Брачный договор азы - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Какое личное имущество супругов не подлежит разделу.Раздел имущества супругов.#2Брачный договор азы - Duration: 2:17.


For more infomation >> Какое личное имущество супругов не подлежит разделу.Раздел имущества супругов.#2Брачный договор азы - Duration: 2:17.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


BMW 1 Serie 116I M-Pakket M-Sport XENON SCHUIFDAK PDC '13 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 116I M-Pakket M-Sport XENON SCHUIFDAK PDC '13 - Duration: 0:54.


Street Tracker Project - KAWASAKI 500 [GARAGE VLOG #1] - Duration: 5:23.

Here we are !

I'm so happy !

I still don't know, how I will edit these Video


I don't edit tutorial

I'm not a mechanic

But luckily I have a nice place to do my stuff

With all I need to work on my bike

Far from me the idea of giving courses in mechanics

The idea is to following me during the transformation on my MotorBike

Into something Sexier !

With these thhings Here !

There is more to come

Looking for Inspiration !

And it decorate the Shed !

Let begin by removing all the rear Body

Just to see it naked

and discover what's under !

So, here it is

The rear tail is now clear

This little tank will be removal

All the electronics

will be hidden under the new seat

And... it will not be easy...

I don't know where I'm going ! XD

Just take a look...

I now realise

That transform a Junk into a HomeMade Junk

Is not that easy !

It's the design I want to keep

Follow that Gas Tank low line

To the back...

This is the best way to have a good design

It will be a liitle bit harder than I thought

But il look good, I'm confident !


Time Has passed

since the begining

of the disasembling

And it's now cut.

After 2 days :

After a lot of grinding, the rear is now carve up

Clean, and the Seat Bracket is weld

See you soon ! I can translate all the episode, let me know in the comment section ! ;)

For more infomation >> Street Tracker Project - KAWASAKI 500 [GARAGE VLOG #1] - Duration: 5:23.


A SHOW ABOUT ART - Street Art! [Episode 4] - Duration: 7:37.

Hi, I'm Nick and this is a show about Art.

This show is all about your art and your creations.

Every episode is different but every episode will challenge you to try new things, learn

new stuff and become a better creator.

Oh, and let's inspire and encourage each other through it all.

Let's get into it!

Hey Artistic badass's!

Last week, your fightclub, I mean, artistic homework was to create an artwork in only

ten minutes!

You awesome people handed in your creations with the hashtag #ashowaboutart on Instagram

and Redbubble.

Let's take a gander at your entries!

Tanij102 used colour pencils to create this batty!

CreateContigency drew this picture of Poland after recently booking flights to visit the


ArleesArt painted an octopus enjoying a healthy dose of chocolate milk!

And BillyArt even filmed his entry of a Roblox keyboard player!

Picked at random, Artlee'sArt will take home the artistic badass sticker prize!

Great work everyone!

Remember, it doesn't matter what your artistic skill level is or what materials you use,

anyone can get featured and anyone can win a prize!

And now it's time to get into some more art inspiration!

Let's boot up the segment machine!

How much do you know about StreetArt?

If you're anything like me, the answer is not much.

Well, it looks like this is a great excuse to learn more about it!

Grab up your popcorn, grab a cup of tea, because here's a short film I made about it.


I'm an ink and watercolour artist.

But there's so many more art styles out there, and I want to learn about them all.

So today, we're going to learn about.

No matter where you go, which ever city, town or country, you'll always find one thing

in common; street art.

You'll find it in Melbourne, San Francisco, Tokyo, London, Brasilia, St. Petersburg, Madrid,


Just making sure you're paying attention.

Antarctica is just full of ice… and.

urghhh…… penguins.

So what is it about street art that makes it found all over the world?

Some say it's because graffiti and street art is a raw, free and gimmickless way of

expressing yourself and how you feel.

Some say it's about conveying a message which everyone can see and absorb in a place

they least expect it.

Others say it's a crucial part of giving the voiceless in society, a voice.

People say a lot of things.


Let's actually ask a street artist why they love street art and why they do it.

So I talked to Melbourne art duo, CreatureCreature, and asked them a few questions.

Here is what they told me: Creature Creature believes street art can change the culture

of a city and help develop it's own unique identity.

More importantly, street art allows people to become more engaged in art and the artists

who create it.

Street art is essentially artistic expression which spills out from the studios and galleries

and onto the streets.

Any venture that brings art into the lives of everyday people is something Creature Creature


When Creature Creature are painting in a public area, they consider the space and people who

pass it everyday.

Public pieces are created for the people who interact with the space and are not always

for the artists own personal tastes and desires.

Sometimes it's a challenge for Creature Creature to create a piece of art for the

immense diversity of the general public.

But they also enjoy finding the artistic solution to this problem.

So what does Creature Creature enjoy the most about creating street art?

Creature Creature enjoys the process of working on a larger scale that paper or canvas can't

afford them.

Street murals also have the power to reach and connect with far more people than a paper

or canvas artwork hanging up in a gallery somewhere.

Even the creation process of street art attracts the interest of those walking past and provides

an immediate source of feedback and encouragement.

That's why Creature Creature loves painting murals and will continue to do so in the future.

There will always be differing opinions on the legality and the value of street art in

almost every city in the world.

However, the benefits of street art are unmistakable in places such as Melbourne where street art

attracts tourism, breathes life into coffee and food culture and provides a vehicle for

self expression like nothing else.

So what are your opinions on Street art?

Do you love it?

Do you hate it?

Let me know in the comment section below.

Thanks for learning more about street art with me.

A special thanks goes out to CreatureCreature for helping me with this episode.

There's a link to their Instagram in the description below, as well as their Redbubble

store where I've managed to get you a 15% discount on their amazing prints, t-shirts

and phone cases.

Just use the codeword that's on screen right now!

I hope you enjoyed it!

I hope I'm not the only one who wants to try out street art for the first time.

I wanna street art all over my canvas and paper!

I think it's time for an artistic challenge!

Artist challenge.

Participate in this challenge with the hashtag #AShowAboutArt on Instagram and Redbubble.

Participants will be featured on the next episode!

Your challenge for this week is to create a Street Art inspired artwork!

I'm a little nervous about this because I've never done it before and I'm not

sure if I can do it.

But this is the reason I created this show, to try new things together.

If you don't have any ideas for a street art inspired piece, try creating your name

in a graffiti font!

But, you can make anything you want.

Just make sure it's inspired by street art!

For my own piece, I'll be taking a street art type font and combining it with a skull!

So this quote says 'Pissed off beats scared, everytime'.

I can't remember exactly where I got that quote from or where I heard it from, but it

makes a lot of sense to me because anytime that I haven't wanted to do something, and

I've been annoyed or pissed off, I've done it.

It's just that extra motivation I guess that just helps me along to do something when

I don't want to do it.

So I thought I'd put it into a shirt design because it was in my head and relevant at

the time.

And then I decided just that quote is not enough so I started to draw this skull design

in the background and I was happy with how the linework came out.

I'm just using a sharpie here for the linework and I cleaned it up with a fineliner pen as

well which made it look so much better.

Now I put it into Photoshop and now I'm putting some cool effects on it.

Here's my final design!

I'm not totally happy with how 'street art' inspired it ended up being.

Maybe I'll have to try this challenge again one day.

None-the-less, I'm uploading it to Instagram and RedBubble with the hashtag #AShowAboutART.

Here's what it looks like on some Redbubble merch.

Entries will be featured in the next episode of A Show About Art, so make sure you're

using the hashtag #ashowaboutart on Instagram and Redbubble so I can see them.

I can't wait to see what street art inspired artworks you guys come up with!

That's it for this week.

Thanks for drawing with me and goodbye for now but not forever!

For more infomation >> A SHOW ABOUT ART - Street Art! [Episode 4] - Duration: 7:37.



★ Help To 100k Subs ★

For more infomation >> SUMMER MIX 2018 | THE BEST VOCAL DEEP HOUSE MUSIC | KYGO, MARTIN GARRIX & DAVID GUETTA - Duration: 1:01:22.


Volkswagen Polo Trendline 1.0MPI/65pk · Armsteun · Radio · Bots waarschuwingssysteem - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo Trendline 1.0MPI/65pk · Armsteun · Radio · Bots waarschuwingssysteem - Duration: 0:48.


Volkswagen Polo Trendline 1.0MPI/65pk · LED Dagrijverlichting · Connectivity pakket · Radio - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo Trendline 1.0MPI/65pk · LED Dagrijverlichting · Connectivity pakket · Radio - Duration: 0:53.


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These Are 6 Things People Do That Introverts Will Never Understand - Duration: 5:17.

6 Things People Do That Introverts Will Never Understand

We're always talking about how it's hard for extroverts to understand introverts.

But let's face it, some things that extroverts do can be pretty perplexing.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 6 things people do that introverts will never


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Well, of course this isn't all people, but every introvert has encountered plenty of

extroverts who share these perplexing qualities.



Now this is a big one.

Introverts don't get how some extroverts can have so much to say about the most mundane


The popular girls were always talking stream of consciousness style with no filter.

Their algorithm for interesting conversation was a complete mystery to introvert.

Topics ranged from boys, to beauty, to the special care instructions for their new naval

rings, and just everything.

To introverts, many of the details they divulged seemed like overkill.


Travelling in packs

Why do some extroverts always have to make it a group thing?

More is not always merrier.

I know this for a fact.

Part of me gets the desire to have your peeps around you.

It's nice to feel the animal warmth of your family and dear friends.

But a lot of extroverts take it to the extreme.

They go to the bathroom in pairs, movies in groups of four or five, pub crawls in slobbering

packs of ten or more.

Toddlers can poop, and crawl and sit in front of a screen by themselves.

Why can't extroverts?


The open door policy

"Come on in anytime, my door is always open!"

Said no introvert ever.

The open door policy was created by and for people-pleasing extroverts who can't stand

being alone.

I can understand keeping the door open sometimes.

But all the time?

I'd rather not spend my days knowing that at any moment someone could barrel into my

office like a bulldozer, and demolish my train of thought.

No, the door is open between 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm on weekdays.

If you need me outside those hours, send me an email, and I will promptly ignore it.


Packing their social calendar

I don't understand the extrovert's incessant need to be doing things all the time.

They try to explain it to me with catchy acronyms, like YOLO ("you only live once") and FOMO

("fear of missing out"), but I don't buy it.

I already feel like I've lived many lives, like a cat.

Sometimes I just want to stay in, lie around, lick my wounds for a while.

To get a little philosophical, we are never really doing nothing.

We are always thinking, or dreaming, or resting our mind from thinking and dreaming (a.k.a


I'm much more afraid of missing out on those things than missing a few stupid parties.


Theme parks

This one I just don't get.

I've gone to my fair share of amusement parks, and expos, mostly because that's

the 'fun' thing to do in your youth.

Extroverts are practically peeing their pants with excitement at these places (well, they

are not really peeing their pants, but they are so excited about it).

But to the average introvert, theme parks are an expensive form of punishment.

You line up and wait to buy tokens or paper tickets, or whatever, and then you line up

and wait to have the shit scared out of you.

Again and again and again.

All the while, you are jostled by crowds of people, and overwhelmed by the scent of cotton

candy mingled with sweat.

Only an extrovert would be insane enough to enjoy such torture.


The more is more mindset

Bigger is better!

Go big or go home! or whatever, these are household phrases that appeal to extroverted


The quest for more and more things, more entertainment, more stimulation, and more fun.

This very much an extrovert's pursuit.

Even though we don't fully understand it, we introverts can easily get sucked in by

the extrovert's more is more mentality.

If there weren't so much pressure to acquire and consume, most introverts would be happy

to live with less.

As long as we have our books, our imagination, and a wide slice of solitude, we're content.

Well, that's the 6 Things People Do That Introverts Will Never Understand.

So, how about you?

I'm sure there are many more things about extroverts that introverts don't understand.

Now, please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> These Are 6 Things People Do That Introverts Will Never Understand - Duration: 5:17.


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