Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2018

Attack on titan more like attack on Ackerman! Look at what just dropped so

what's up guys Foxen here! Right here this is the latest poster visual for

attack on Titan season 3. Oh this is just so good! Although there might be

something to worry about. Are they doubling down on us? You know

how you found out about season 3 being delayed and could this now be confirming

that season 3 is only gonna be 12 episodes? I'll get back to this first off

the poster so how excited are you? It is freaking amazing to see Kenny's

face in anime form. You got good old Kenny and his cowboy look staring down

at Levi .I know I know Beast Titan wait up. You're gonna have to wait your

turn and look at that just how Kenny is

giving no craps about Levi even with that blade up against his neck and also

look back at Levi about how Kenny is about to blow his freakin head off. I am

kind of surprised that they're showing the guns in this poster and I think they

showed in the last one too but oh well even if your anime only now you know

what to expect. Season 3 is gonna be a crazy ride and

then is interesting the uprising arc in the manga did feel a lot different from

all the arcs that came before it. So far from what they released it just seems

like overall they aren't doubling down on the western aspect for it and feel.

And in case you're anime only just know that a lot of people weren't the biggest

fans of this arc back then. I got a feeling that will change at least what

the anime and even if season 3 is only 12 episodes this could be even better

than season 2 especially if you're a Levi's fan. So definitely let me know

what you think! How excited are you and who are you more excited to see Levi

coming back into action or finally seeing Kenny in the anime? Alright so now

back to the question does is now confirm attack on Titan in season 3 being only

12 episodes? That would sucked so much. I mean now you got a not one but two

visuals promoting the uprising arc nothing at all about what comes

afterwards. I just so you know I still haven't lost hope yet. I mean you got the beast

Titan teaser at the end of season 2 and let's also not forget the season 3

teaser that showed all the manga covers with this latest release. I think I found

something here's something extra that'll give you

some hope. The attack on Titan season 3 website is now officially opened if you

go over there you could check out a couple of things that include something

that you would normally only see at the end credits for season three, and oh look

at what I spotted among all the voice actors listed for season three is the

lovable drunk uncle Hannes! Yeah freakin Hannes. but why is that important?

As you know Hannes unfortunately died in season two however Hannes does come

back for a quick line or two in a flashback. The chapter or this happens

should really be at the beginning of the arc after the uprising arc. Coincidence I

think not! So does this come from 24 episodes for

season 3 I think it more supports that idea but hey that's just an attack on

Titan theory! but what do you think? Do you think season 3 is gonna be 12 or 24

episodes? Would you be disappointed if it was 12 episodes again and do let me know

how excited this poster makes you for season 3. By the way definitely leave a

Colossal Thumbs up and subscribe! More attack on Titan videos are coming and just a

bit of up hands up I probably will be doing full reviews of attack on Titan

season 3 when that happens and by the way do check out my top anime list for

2017. Out of 50 plus anime find out which were the best ones and I'll see you guys


For more infomation >> Levi Vs Kenny!! SHORT Season CONFIRMED for Attack on Titan Season 3? Attack on Titan Anime N - Duration: 3:23.


V.001:- Japanese love Malaysia? - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> V.001:- Japanese love Malaysia? - Duration: 7:44.


[ENG SUB]KARD JSEPH(카드,제이셉) Christmas V-LIVE - Duration: 10:24.





It's been 25s but i am not sure it works properly.

Annyung haseyo. HI!

Nice to meet you.

Hyo jin HI~

John smile hi~

Thank you for your far distance support! from usa, turkey


I see lots of you guys just came in.

Nice to meet you.

Today, i am......

Pink JK just said "You are cute"

Thank you~!

As you can see, i am in ..



I am here, shibuya in japan.

or Harajuku maybe.

Some one said "that's nice, you did a good choice"

KARD(id) said.

Yeah, i did a good choice.

How is your Christmas going?

Merry Christmas !

I am sitting here

Lots of people are looking at me.

I am having nice time drinking a coffee!!

How long has it been after i started?

About 2m

Wow i already got over 2150PPL !

I have been in Japan.

I have had a really nice time.

And enjoyed my vacation.

And i am just taking v-live. Cuz i got curious how you guys are doing.

Nah . they are looking at me not because i am handsome.

Just because i am a stranger from another country.

And i am standing out with a camera too.

I was being hyped by that I am in japan. So i bought this cap.

And i am gonna head over up there to eat nice foods and buy clothes.

I once visited this place when i was 23 and For your information, i am going to become 27 next year.

Back then, i wore this cloth too.

I intended it in order to recall that time.

Thank you.

Hi ! from Chile.

She said "are you an angel?" LOL

I am not an angel.

Yeah, Boston cap.

I gave it a little twist with Boston's feeling.


Hi from mexico.

You guys are doing okay. right?

I miss you too.

I am supposed to take v-live frequently and come to you guys more.

But i couldn't. To make up for this. I came to you guys during a vacation!

to say hello by taking v-live.

I didn't know how to work it, So i asked for help from somin.

Ti amo???? Ti amo too!!

I didn't have a ramen yet.

What is it called? yesterday, I ate sushi and kyudong instead.


I drank beer too. I have been having a nice time here.

That Sushi restaurant was spot on!

Becuz of thick raw fish over rice.

It was really great.

HI from brasil

Annyung ha se yo

HI from peru and mexico.

Yeah i am enjoying my vacation here.

Despite of winter season, Weather is so nice.

I love it.

I am here at starbucks.

Having a cup of Americano.

With other members? i left alone.

I really miss you guys too.

This way

This street is really nice.

and i happened to spot this..


I would have gone say hello If they were on the that vehicle.

But i am not sure so.. you know.

Ya, really glad to see them in another country.

Now, i am gonna get there and


I found the same one while talking.

Can you see that number 47? This guys is from south korea

But there is another one in japan.

I am gonna go there and get another one.

Is it lagging?

I am gonna go shopping now.


I will show you guys what i am gonna get on IG.

I am gonna go on a shopping spree and get what i want.

You guys have a nice Christmas.

She said my smile is nice. Thank you!!

Okay i will show off what i got soon.

TV SHOPPING? nah I prefer "Go and GET"

I have to try on

And check it in detail and get

Cheap one.

Blooming said "Good bye"

"You are gorgeous" Thank you !!

Expect what i am gonna get?

"You are a rational man " (about the how way he shops)

You don't need to wear thick it's warm here.

"Wear,eat,taste and enjoy your vacation" Thank you I will.

And I will be back with v-live soon.

So hyun said "Isn't it cold?" No it is.

Quite warm here.

Not that cold.

So i took out an ice americano. not cold here.

I am gonna post what i have got on MY IG.

Then, You guys merry Christmas!!

Yeah i am happy bye!!

Sorry i got to go.

Got it!! merry christmas

I love you guys bye.

TED is jseph from kard.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB]KARD JSEPH(카드,제이셉) Christmas V-LIVE - Duration: 10:24.


Lego aliens and pizza E03: Pizza delivery to Mars and Area 51 - Duration: 4:58.


Hi, I wondered if you wanted to buy my pizza place.


My pizza place don't come cheap!

Money is no problem!

This amount of money should be enough...

I need you to build something...

The object is much bigger than expected sir,

we need to upscale the operation!

We have permission from Christchurch, send in the planes.

Your project is ready!

Leo will now press the button

which enables the lighting of his project.

Why did you want us to build a huge rocket?

Pizza delivery to Mars!


Let's roll it somewhere, let's fire up the thing!


Go flight!


Go flight!



Darn it, every bloody time!



Oh yeah, go flight...


Go flight!


Go fight!

Uh, go flight I mean


Go flight!

Classic Space Mainframe

Go flight!


Go flight!


Go flight!

We have go for launch...

I hope my Mars lander will perform well!

10 seconds until lift off... 9... Ignition sequence starts...

6... 5... 4... all main engines are a go... 3... 2... 1...

We have lift off for the first pizza delivery to Mars!

What's this?

Again from Earth?

Let's check it out

Look, it has a red button...

What are you waiting for, press it!

Oh that smells good!

Maybe we can eat it?

This is really good stuff, here you try it!

You're right, this is amazing stuff!

Hey look, what's this?

Leo's Interplanetary Pizza Delivery, how cool is that!

I'd call this a grand milestone in the human space program!

The extraterrestrial biological entity has arrived, as expected.

Please advise.

Don't catch him yet, let's see what he's up to...


Ah I finally made it to Area 51

This place looks heavily guarded,

There's no way I'm getting in and smuggling out some parts for my crashed UFO.

Hmm, I doubt if it's wise to somehow covertly enter

this base right now.

Does the high probability of finding parts for my UFO outweigh the chance of being caught?

For more infomation >> Lego aliens and pizza E03: Pizza delivery to Mars and Area 51 - Duration: 4:58.


Science behind creating the Pleasantness in Yogic Culture - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 17:17.

my guest today is a graduate in English literature he ran a construction

business led sort of what's often described is in the wail side in the

sixties a fan of the Beatles hang-gliding BMW and motorways today he

heads the Isha Foundation an international organization with hundreds

of thousands of followers dedicated deeply and committed to social work and

social welfare projects but most significantly he's a teacher a

philosopher embodying the highest aspirations of several Indian traditions

I I suppose that the Hindu tradition pre-eminently I'm delighted to welcome

Deb guru vaselov tell me sir that you described as dragon guru what is who is

a jagadguru oh do you describe yourself as one people describe me as a Sat guru

uh-huh Sadhguru means an uneducated guru in the sense that one does not come from

the scriptures or study of spirituality but one who comes from inner experience

all I have is what I know within myself nice literally read is that a title that

you're comfortable with it's not a title it's more eruption it's more a kind of

description so that people don't expect the way those arrow punishes or whatever

else when they come and sit with you there's only one thing I know I know

this piece of life absolutely and that's all I know and that's more than enough

what about the Guru aspect the teacher or what is a guru but what role do you

see yourself how do you have you seen your work as a guru what does it mean to

be one what Israel to be one the word guru literal

means GU means darkness rule means dispeller one do you see dispelling

darkness whose darkness what kind of blackness when you when you say darkness

it's not in terms of light and darkness as we you know physically it's in terms

of bringing clarity when there is no clarity or in darkness so bringing

clarity of vision bringing clarity of perception what I'm teaching is

fundamentally simple methods a technology to enhance your perception

because what you perceive is all you know what you do not perceive if you

hear from somebody it's just a fairy tale and fairy tales don't transform you

it's only your perception just someone like you pursue happiness Crandall Mitty

well you're enlightened but a person was sort of aspiring to be like you say to

be is it legitimate to pursue happiness from oneself what is happiness they once

you're joyful by your own nature your life will become an expression of you

joining no more in pursuit of happiness if you look back on your own life and

see most of the life maybe in pursuit of happiness but a few moments are an

expression of your joy they are the most significant and beautiful moments in

your life take us in a beauty you know the semantics of it joy bless ecstasy

happiness what is the aspiration so these are not

semantics this is living experience for people we can say if your body becomes

very pleasant we generally call this health and pleasure if your mind becomes

very pleasant we call this peace and joy if your emotions become very pleasant we

call this love and compassion if your energies become very pleasant we call

this bliss and ecstasy so they are not really semantics they are living

experiences for people when you attain enlightenment and what will come to your

II your experience of enlightenment but you never get do you ever get implied

emotions do you feel you know the pain of others of the the suffering of others

is that or is that a response to that pleasant unpleasant or water or a third

emotion maybe I'm simplifying it because I have a limited vocabulary what happens

you know you worked with the victims of tsunami and your people rushed there

immediately you go there and you see the suffering of people what what do you

feel as opposed to you know a mundane stupid person like me you know just sort

of fails confusion why is this happening what is this divine play why must people

suffer what do you feel when you see that see if things were happening

consciously within you if your mind if your emotion was happening consciously

if you see another person separate suffering empathy will happen compassion

will happen suffering will not happen you can shed tears of compassion you can

shed tears of empathy but they need not be tears of pain and if pain comes

naturally bitterness will follow so one cannot be in pain and avoid bitterness

if bitterness comes all kinds of negative actions will follow so the

beauty of life is your inner experience because the seat of experience is within

you you can 100% determine how you experience this life maybe you cannot

100% determine what situations you may face what kind of situations you may be

placed in whether they're Pleasant or unpleasant you may not be able to decide

that but what happens within you is 100% in your control because inside there's

only one ingredient which is you outside there are million ingredients which

nobody has total mastery over we can control them and manage them to some

extent but never 100% but this one what's happening within can be created

100% the way you want it if things within your happening exactly the way

you want it would you be creating bliss or pleasantness or unpleasantness

definitely pleasantness that no matter especially if you're

placed in unpleasant situations is it not all the more important that at least

you keep your insights Pleasant you're watching a conversation with Sadhguru

Jaggi Vasudev we'll be right back after a short break

welcome back to a continuing conversation with Satoru

Jaggi Vasudev we were talking about gurus and there are so many gurus in the

marketplace of spirituality why are the yardsticks what do you know what are the

criteria that as an aspirant when when when when uses to evaluate and and and

work or surrender or buy whatever you want to use and respond to learn from a

guru so how to choose your good yes if you happen to go and sit with somebody

who claims to be a guru if you feel terribly uncomfortable with

him you don't want to be there for a moment but you can't get up and go but

you keep going back again and again everything all reason tells you not to

go there but something within you doesn't helplessly goes there that's

your good if you like him he's not your

is the surrender or relationship with a guru is it important to keep one's

critical faculties alive they are if it's only if only we are following the

path of bhakti surrender becomes a thing surrender is not something that you can

do it is just that if you're overwhelmed by something far larger than you a

certain surrender happens nobody can surrender consciously I have surrendered

he's a horrible statement to make you cannot surrender if a presence which

is far larger than you overwhelms you in such a big way a certain surrender

happens that is not full people surrender in installments so when it

comes to me I am not demanding any kind of surrender all I'm asking a sense you

want to work with something you can only work with what you are you can only work

with what you have on your hands you can't work with that which you don't

have you talk about surrender devotion God and this and that these things you

can't work with because you don't have them in your hands what you have is your

body your mind your emotion your energy you start working with that and as it

works for you you will tend to go further and further naturally surrender

is not always necessarily a must it is see right now whether you like it or not

we have surrender to this planet because it's we are going wherever it goes isn't

it so it is an unconscious surrender so

whether you like it or you don't like it your whole life the very way your body

throbs right now the very way the life and it has happened he is being

controlled by a million things around you so unconsciously we have surrender

to it tell us about about your journey your your your your enlightenment what

was you know you're conducting courses you have people who initiate aspirants

students you had a guru you learnt your guy you had she learnt pranayama and you

said sort of seeking perfection of the mind and the body and and the

enlightenment happened to you did you cultivate it did you seek it was it as

spontaneous you know several hours that you'd undiscovered was a much longer

period of time I did not seek it nor did I cultivate it it's just by

chance I came in touch with yoga when I was just 11 years of age was the yoga a

preparation for this you think in some ways definitely I would like to tell you

how I came in touch with yoga when I was a kid when I was just 11 years along

with my you know a few friends and others it was a sport for us to jump

into your well which was just about eight feet in diameter dropping about 70

80 feet into the water so it is dangerous if you go the wrong way your

brains will become a smear on the wall and to climb

I'm up again because there's no steps or ladders or anything to climb the rock

it's a difficult thing to do it's something that we want to do the boys

we're doing this and I'm good at it then over a man comes with over 70 years of

age and he jumps in without a word and he climbs up faster than me I didn't

like it so I asked okay how he said come under yoga that's how I got into yoga

I'm saying this to you because it doesn't matter how you get into it it

still works because it's a technology it is not a philosophy it is a technology

if you employ the method properly it will naturally lead you on to a certain

possibility so the assumption of technologies of input-output so are you

am i right and understanding that if if those inputs of yoga and pranayama that

you went through that if any individual which we engage in those practices they

would have similar experiences to what you had at age whatever after so many

years is doing that because the minute you call it technology you're using a

certain empiricism you do X and you get Y at a metaphysical level we start

talking about karma and things yes in a much larger context and it ends up when

you're looking at techniques saying that you know you do so many minutes of prana

a movie seven minutes of yoga and you do XYZ and this is what's going to happen

it happened to me is that what you're saying Yoga has a physical dimension to

it and a subjective dimension to it if you deliver the yoga without the

subjective then you go on doing it your back ache will go you become strong and

this that but the other aspects will not come if Yoga has been received not

learnt if it's been received with the necessary subjectivity it is bound to

happen there is no other way so this is the reason why what we are doing right

now is subjective so the training processes are very long and rigorous to

train a simple teacher who has to teach this five-day program five evening

program we train them for four to five years

where intense training full-time because the

subjectivity doesn't happen just with the physicality of yoga it's still my

question then if this is at will it work for everybody and it's predictable is it

predictable that you do these inputs and this is what is going to happen now I

have hundreds and thousands of people who are enlightened as you are who have

experiences which are very high people ask me what's the mission

I tell them my mission is to plant undercover Yogi's now I have housewives

bank manager executive scientist tribal woman in very deep states of experience

very intense and blissful states of experience but have doing normal

activity but tell us about what happened to you when you experienced

enlightenment and and and what what followed so that I may in aspire to it

one day to what will happen may sound very logical and little crazy for people

but anyway you asking for it not only am I asking for it I'm saying

that one day I want to get there - uh-uh-uh-uh-uh I want to be enlightened

I was you know after I finished my education got into business and much

more successful than most people would have imagined in a short span of time

everything happening the way you want it when everything that you touch is

successful generally you get into this mode that the planet doesn't go around

the Sun it actually goes around you so I'm in a condition like that everything

that I do is success I'm dead sure of Who I am what I am all this one

afternoon I'm just sitting on a particular rock in chop you know I come

from my soul on this a hill called Chamundi my eyes are open I'm not doing

anything yoga car meditation all righty I'm just sitting with my eyes open till

that moment I always knew myself means this suddenly I did not know which

is me which is not me what was me was all over the place the

very rock on which I was sitting there that I was breathing that mas fear

everything was me that sounds learning isn't it what was me was just all over I

thought this experience lasted for about 5-10 minutes but when I came back to my

normal senses four and a half hours had passed i sat there at 3 o'clock I know

that very well into 7:30 in the evening my eyes are open

Sun has set I am fully conscious but it's just that time just slipped by like

that this left me drenched in a completely different kind of

blissfulness for the first time in my adult life tears were flowing tears and

me are impossible me and spirituality cannot be because even at the age of 4

or 5 I have questions if my parents cannot answer questions I will not enter

the temples that they're visiting I'll just hang around near the chapel stand

for many hours till they come out but I won't enter because the countenance of

my questions you're watching a conversation with Satguru chai giver so

they will be right back after a short break don't go away


For more infomation >> Science behind creating the Pleasantness in Yogic Culture - Sadhguru 2018 - Duration: 17:17.


Фигурки из Кинетического песка Учим цвета Папа пальчик / Kinetic sand daddy Finger family - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> Фигурки из Кинетического песка Учим цвета Папа пальчик / Kinetic sand daddy Finger family - Duration: 11:38.


Come, fall in love in my Dubai #BeMyGuest - Duration: 1:00.

So what if it's an arranged marriage, this is your honeymoon,

common Bhuppi sweep her off her feet.

This is my Dubai, come fall in love

Come! Be my guest.

For more infomation >> Come, fall in love in my Dubai #BeMyGuest - Duration: 1:00.



david meyler

For more infomation >> ГЛАВНЫЙ ФИФЕР СРЕДИ ФУТБОЛИСТОВ - Duration: 3:01.



For more infomation >> NẾU VIRUSS KHÔNG STREAM NỮA THÌ SẼ LÀM GÌ ?? | STREAMER NGHÈO VƯỢT KHÓ !! - Duration: 13:39.


El Dinero No Lo Es Todo En La Vida 🤑🙏☠ | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:26.

For more infomation >> El Dinero No Lo Es Todo En La Vida 🤑🙏☠ | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:26.


Blue Bloods - Officer Down! - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Blue Bloods - Officer Down! - Duration: 1:48.


Nikki Reed: Ian Somerhalder ist ihr Brustpumpen-Lieferant - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Nikki Reed: Ian Somerhalder ist ihr Brustpumpen-Lieferant - Duration: 2:04.


Blue Bloods - It's Not What You Think - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Blue Bloods - It's Not What You Think - Duration: 2:25.


Mix Veg Namkeen Wheat Daliya Recipe | Tasty And Nutritious Daliya Recipe | Delicious Daliya Recipe - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Mix Veg Namkeen Wheat Daliya Recipe | Tasty And Nutritious Daliya Recipe | Delicious Daliya Recipe - Duration: 6:56.


Firefighter Tells Wife He Delivered Baby At Work, Then Says He's Bringing Her Home - Duration: 3:30.

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

Firefighter Tells Wife He Delivered Baby At Work, Then Says He's Bringing Her Home

Firefighter Marc Hadden was first on the scene when a woman called 911 complaining of stomach


It didn't take long for him to realize this wasn't any old stomachache – the woman

was in labor.

While Marc had saved dozens of lives during his time with the department, this was the

first time he had ever delivered a baby.

He was in awe as he helped bring this new life into the world.

"She struggled from the minute she was put in my hands," Marc recalled.

He administered emergency oxygen to help get the infant breathing on her own.

"It was amazing to hear her cry," he said.

The woman and baby were whisked off to the hospital, but Marc couldn't get them out

of his mind.

He and his wife, Beth, already had two young sons of their own, but they had always wanted

a third child.

Because of complications with their first two pregnancies, they had decided they would

go the adoption route, but it was a long and expensive process.

When Marc overheard that the birth mother wasn't going to be able to take care of

the baby, he told the hospital he was interested in adopting her.

Then he called Beth.

"I delivered a baby," he told her excitedly.

"Can we keep her?"

Beth joked.


That's when he broke the news.

When Beth heard that the baby's mom was a single mother already struggling to raise

a teenage son, she felt compelled to go visit her.

"My heart just went out to this woman," Beth said.

She brought the woman a little prayer book and asked if she could get her anything.

As the two women talked, a doctor walked in and told the mother they were ready to move

forward with the adoption.

That's when the woman turned to Beth and told her, "I can't give my baby to someone

I've never met."

"Suddenly the opportunity was there for me to say that Marc and I had been praying

about adoption for years," Beth recalled.

"And she looked over at me and said, 'I want you to adopt my baby.'

She had the nurse bring her in and I was able to hold Gracie for the first time.

I called Marc and said, 'I think we just had a baby.'"

By the end of the day, temporary-custody papers were signed.

Just 48 hours after Marc helped deliver her, little Rebecca Grace went home with her new


"She is what we prayed for," Beth said.

"It felt like winning the lottery."

That was six years ago.

Today Gracie is an adorable young girl who loves wearing bows and tutus, practicing gymnastics,

and joking around with her older brothers.

Marc and Beth have always been very open about how she came to be part of their family.

"We told her pretty much from day one," Marc said.

"I've taken her to the back of the ambulance where she was born, so she knows — no doubt

about it."

Little Gracie loves to tell people the story of how "my daddy delivered me in the back

of an ambulance [and] helped me take my first breath."

Gracie's story is definitely not a typical one, but the family knows it was meant to


Marc and Beth say they pinch themselves daily because they feel so lucky to have Gracie

in their lives.

"I've always wanted a daughter, and this is just amazing," Marc said.

"Sometimes the best things in life happen in the blink of an eye," Beth added, "and

you can't let them pass you by."

Were you amazed by Gracie's incredible birth and adoption story?

Then share it!

For more infomation >> Firefighter Tells Wife He Delivered Baby At Work, Then Says He's Bringing Her Home - Duration: 3:30.


Murió Asfixiada De Amor 😱🍆😈 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:48.

For more infomation >> Murió Asfixiada De Amor 😱🍆😈 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:48.


Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 50 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 17:38.





Who did this to you?

Jose Angel.


Send them away and get a hold of Tuti.

Talk to your contacts and get going!

-You want your mom? -No, no, no! Don't hurt him!

I want her too, kid.

I want to use her to set an example...

for all those -------- who think they're better than me.



Erick and Vicenta aren't answering.

How long ago did they leave to find Marcelo?

Long enough for them to have arrived there.

Daniel said it was far away.

Maybe there's no signal there.

When is Dad coming back?

Soon, honey.

Marcelo will turn up soon.

Would you like to play a game?

Upstairs. - ALLÁ ARRIBA.

Well, then we'll go get it in a little while.

If you keep quiet, the devil will come for you.

Where is he?

I can't wait to convert him to Christianity.

I'm right here, whore.

What'd you say you'd do to me?


-Nope. -Nope.

I was drunk, but I remember what happened between us.

I admit, you're professionals.

You're two-faced, like every other member of you species.

What's your deal with the Colombian?

I already told your thugs there's nothing going on.

We were hired by Roscas! We don't know why.

So you know nothing about Tuti

and her relationship to the Colombian?

Or Roscas?

What do you know about the Aceros?

Can you answer that?

Haven't you realize we've told you everything we know?

Lumbre, give me your blade.

You're very professional and you're great at what you do...

...but no one will pay to sleep with a scarred whore.

How much would they pay for a whore without breasts?

Isn't that a show on TV?

<i> Without Breasts</i> <i> There's No Paradise</i>

or some ----? -Yes, boss.


She's uglier than me.

Tell me, newbie, what's your connection to Tuti?

I know less that you do, sug.


You don't want to talk now, but you will eventually.

Sooner or later, you'll sell out to the highest bidder.

You're safe now because there isn't enough meat to go around.

If I want the boys working right I have to feed them.

When they're through with you,

and I swear that'll happen very quickly,

you'll make great fertilizer.



What? You thought I wouldn't do it?

I don't make empty threats! I follow through, bitch!

If you don't talk, you don't get a face!

Thanks, man.

Look at those pretty lips.

Go on. Hit her.

I've called them a thousand times.

What happened?

Is my son dead?

No, ma'am. He's fine.

Please take the kids.

Come along.

What happened, Vicenta?


Come in.


Oh, no!

-Oh, God! -Good Lord!

What happened? What'd they do to him?


How could you let this happen?


-What'd they do to him? -Who did this?

We... found him like this next to that bastard Mario's body.

And Mario?

He's dead too. It seems they killed each other.

We'll be able to clear Marcelo's reputation


once they find that ------- Argentine.

I thought you were dead, son.

Why, damn it? Why?

Marcelo Doriga...

will be the last one of us to die.

-Chava? -Salvador!

What's wrong?

Chava! Get his insulin!





-Hang in there, bro! -Chava, Chava, Chava!

It's okay.

Yes! Atencio Rodriguez Sanchez!

Yup, that's my son! That's my boy!

That name isn't that bad.

The name I'd given him was better.

Alvaro Acasio.

I'm so happy!

I can't believe my son's alive!

He's still in this world! He wasn't killed!

I spent years thinking Indio Amaro and Rosa had killed him.

He's alive! He's going to be with me!

I'll never forget that day.

When I found out you were alive...

that was the second happiest day of my life.

First place goes to the day you were born.

When I first saw you,

when I held you in my arms

and I looked into those beautiful eyes you have,

you made me the happiest woman in the world.

I won't let them separate us again.

This is just a game, honey.

They're going to set us free and we'll get to leave.

We're going to be fine.

I promise.

Give Mom a hug.

Everyone's against me, Owl.

The Colombians, the Cubans, the Argentine...

The entire UN has it out for me.

I'm sure Roscas, Tuti and those whores are working together.

They were trying to leave when we cornered them.

Roscas belongs to Romero.

So who's in charge? Romero?


That ------ isn't as smart as me.

Tuti's the one in charge here.

She's the brains.

She found her son.

I underestimated that slut.

First, she got Roscas

-to work for her. -How?

How else?

With that body!

They say ---- have more pull than two yokes of oxen.

Thanks to that fool she found Romero.

That Colombian loves whores.

I'm sure Tuti won him over with her goods.

That damn Colombian got outsmarted 'cause he was horny.

Why does Tuti need Mr. Romero?

To get what she's after.

Yours truly.

She must've heard that fool and I are partners

and easily seduced him to get to me.

That's why her whores wanted the ranch address.

What's with you?

What is it?

Tell me while I'm willing to listen.

It's nothing.

You said you'd killed Teca Martinez's grandson,

but you hadn't.

Do you believe in curses, Owl?

I've never seen one at work.

You don't have to see to believe, doubting Thomas.

Curses are real.

I realized that when that kid was born.

<i> That's when I realized</i> <i>Teca Martinez's line was alive.</i>

<i> As long as that was the case,</i> <i> I was screwed.</i>

<i> I made the Colombian</i> <i> and Rosa believe</i>

Say your goodbyes!

You'll never see him again.

What do you mean I'll never see my son again?

What do you mean by that?

-Get the kid, Rosa. -Give him to Rosa.

Take him away from her.

Hey... Stay right there.

You can't do this to me.

I swear I'll kill you if you take him away from me.

I won't let Teca's heir grow up

and return to take what's mine.

When the moment of truth came,

the time for me to kill him and what he stood for,

I couldn't do it.

I remembered the second curse. The worse one of all.

In Tijuana, it's known as the Narco Curse.

Those who kill the kingpin or anyone who carries his blood,

are ------ forever.

You won't even catch a break in hell.

You'll lose your money, women, merch, and empire.

Take the kid to the border.

I've arranged for him to be handed over to his grandmother.

Her name is Ximena Ladron Guevara.

She can look after him.

Mrs. Rosa said you'd ordered me to shoot him, boss.

I get the last say.

Rosa doesn't need to know about this.

Listen, I don't believe in that ----.

You think that makes you a badass?

No, but I can be useful.


I don't give a damn about curses.

You're Lumbre, right? - ¡AY! LUMBRE SOS VOS, ¿NO?

That's what they call me.

How can I help you?

I have a meeting with your boss.

He probably forgot given the chaotic situation you're in.

Chaotic situation? What do you mean?


I guess I was misinformed.

I think you were, sir.

It's business as usual over here.

See, boss? That's Roscas for you.

The dude always messes up.

You're right.


He's my bodyguard.

He's tall, has a dumb-looking face.

He told you we were in trouble?

Well, he didn't say it, say it.

He texted asking us to pick him up,

but we couldn't find him. He's probably at a brothel.

-With the Cuban broads he likes. -He does like them.

If he didn't have to work, he'd never leave the brothel.

Although, now that I think about it.

I don't have any plans for tonight.

We could call them and have great time.

-Just say the word, boss. -Let's do it.

You got it.

Head to the house and make yourselves at home.

The boss is busy now, but he'll probably meet with you soon.

You're a good soldier.

Lumbre, right?

Good soldier.

If I were your boss, I'd promote you.

You should be his right hand.

You're a good soldier.

Excuse me.

His blood sugar is elevated. You'll be fine, honey.

Bebote, the insulin!

Hang in there, bro.

This was too much for you, but you have to hang in there.

Poor thing.

Phillips, Doriga was like a father to Chavita.

Just like Manuel Caicedo.

He's been orphaned quite a few times.

-Look at me, Chava. -Poor guy.

Chava, Chava...

Look at me, honey.

Look at me.


Damn it, Aracely! Please open your eyes!

Open your eyes!

You promised my mom you'd look after me!

Don't leave me! Not you, not you!


Aracely! ¡ARACELY!

You'll always be my baby.

Whose pretty eyes are those?

Mom... they're yours.

They're your eyes, Mom!

They're yours!

Sorry, I couldn't find syringe.

Poor boy.

There, there, sweetie.

It's okay, sweetie.

Help me. I can't breathe.

Calm down.

Take this off too.

It's okay. Deep breaths, honey.

Salvador is going to be fine. It's okay.

You know what?

I promised Marcelo...

I'd look after Elizabeth if something happened to him.

-I was thinking... -And we will, baby.

We'll look after her as if we were her parents.

We'll keep your promise.

There, there...

I can kill the kid.

I don't have cars, houses, women

or anything to worry about losing.


Forgive the interruption.

The Colombian is here.

He said you had a meeting.


He's probably confused.

Or maybe it's just an excuse to see you.

He's in luck because I want to see him

and make fun of him 'cause he got played.

Should I bring him in?


That ------ can wait.

Let him learn no one just shows up looking for me.

In any case, I send for people.


Boss, that guy outside said we could make ourselves at home.

What would you like to drink?

There's whisky, tequila. What do you want?

Nothing for me.

I need to be alert.

Roscas said Indio's people had brought Tuti and her son here,

but this place looks very peaceful.

Too peaceful.

You're right.

You think that bastard Roscas was telling the truth?

We'll find out soon enough.

Something reeks around here,

and it's not precisely Indio's onion breath.

What happened with our fellow countryman?


I have him eating out of the palm of my hand.

Know what else?

He really scared Salvador Acero's girl.

Know what's the best part?

He did it without realizing it. How about that?

What did Salvador do?

Oh, boss.

You won't like this. He wasn't around.

That ------- sucks.

He was supposed to confront the man who'd raped his woman.

There'll be time for that later.

Hey, boss.

You really look nervous.

Have a drink. It'll help you relax.

Get me coke.

I don't need to be alert. I need to pissed.

Above all, I need to find Tuti.

That moron doesn't know how important she is.

She's given us a wealth of information.

If it weren't for Tuti,

we wouldn't know about Rosario, Salvador, or Pepito.

Oh, Tuti. Where are you?

Above all, where's her son?

He's my nephew, damn it!


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 50 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 17:38.


War technologies №105. M-tac equipment. First planes - Duration: 19:08.

Anton Duhnovsky translation

For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:

War technologies

When most rests, in world do not stop wars and production of guns. Same about it now will go the tale

A partly from release you will know

On which stage located project «Grim-2»?

What a machine can replace soviets Gaz-66?

How many bombs drops first in world battle airship?

What casualties Russia get to know in Syria in new year?

And on what american marines replace М4?

We continue tell about successful producers of military and tactic equipment of Ukraine and world. And now speech goes about fatherlands brand M-TAC

To our filming crew lucks to get into production of this producer and get known many interesting. So same now for you exclusive report of Olexiy Chubashev

Today in their cloth and equipment patrolling Ukrainian cities, participate in international competitions and, sure, defend our independence on Donbas

At start brand МТАС – MILITARY and TACTICAL. 07:48 These subconscious, that we got military line, tactical line and a bit outdoor

Created by revolution and warned by war. Fatherlands brand МТАС now produce widest in Ukraine line of military and merch of double purpose

Here at us experimental workshop of brand МТАС. We produce … commonly all assortment, beginning from underpants to armor-vests. It is and fleece

Different warmers. Winter jackets. It is textile products. It is armor-vests, suspensors. Pouches, rucksack-bag products. Pants, shirts and those etcetera

Part of production produces abroad of state. Something, as shoes, made by outsource, in this count by Ukrainian, enterprises partners

About it, M-TAC'ses over-sure, that trusty control the quality able only on own production. So lions part of it expands same in Ukraine

«War technologies» lovely invited on one from objects

This is our cutting out workshop. Here at us goes main cut-out. Here we prepare work for duplicate workshop. For sewing workshop

All process of cut-out begins from that we receive templates already printed on printer in construction shop

So first than pants, fleece or armor-vest printed on printer, command of designers needed at least month on development of model. First on computer, and only than sewing natural pilot example

When you want to do something new. You need to try. Very often don't succeed. Going to remake all of it. But it is absolutely beautiful process

In apart cases he can take more than a half-year. With it should calculate amount of orders to tactical or military production

human must be in it convenient, comfortable. She must be accessible and trustful, that in any situation no one element of your wardrobe drives you out

Depending on targets and tasks chose responsible materials and furniture. In present case trust can be guarantied exceptionally by tested world brands

In speak about using materials. At us exists elite line. In which using mainly textiles of American production. …Same textiles, which use military force structures of USA for their soldiers

Among such materials original textile, strops and cordura multi-cam. Austrian high-technology warmer G-Loft. And American Hypalon on basis of armed gum

Exists line more budgets. It is don't say, that is textile of low quality. We try to hold single-meaning balance, that textiles were accessible by price for targeted Ukrainian buyer. With it responds to ours questions to quality

Quality of all materials, and already made products, as duty checks own part for control of quality. There for us restrict to filming, replacing that tell about improvised tests simply on production facility

Our managers propose us $200 who just like that wrecks belt

But first than belt will be ready for such tortures, he passes at least four stages of production. First – cutting of strop

After that stops goes to laser – cutting, solder and after that they glued on duplicate pressers. Nest goes stage – it is hits on press…

Do not cut hands. Good goes into clasp. 00084, 02:47 Clasp is of plastic cause she at first lights. … And alloy such, that she holds, …in memory did not cheating me near 200 kg.

Apart of trust constructors of МТАС try to guaranty to user also stylish look

So nice to watch on man who beautiful looks in classy pants. Not watching on that they are tactical, with many pockets, any hidden features. It is very cool

Further already this model with all nuances goes in our sewing shop, to our masters…

Searching for specialists of light industry, btw, additional headache. Search for professional producers guided by whole Ukraine

Marie, for example, from near-front Avdiyivka … war slightly changes specialization

Before than you know, what I sew?.. I sewed stage costumes. 00:31 I'm from zone АТО. My work there stands still, my Palace of Culture. That why what…

This shop can sew out at least 20 such cases for armor-vests on 24hours

But again all these depends from how fast to us gives us work cycle machine

Spec-automats alike this allows significantly automate production, and as consequence accelerate him. And in case of system MOLLE guaranty correct work with responsible interface

I think one of main, what we guided to bring in Ukrainian light industry – this equipment

At us there line of machine fro producing jeans. … Exists machines for light, for middle, for super heavy textiles

Machines for work with textile. Flat sewing machines. Many, among which do not presented in mates enterprises of Ukraine

By expertise, growth of light industry in Ukraine now is helping hand to national security. For example Russian RATNIK, after inserting sanctions, can not be completed at least on 30%

So to not became in-prisoner of changing geopolitical front we may grow own production powers

Already known, what countries in 2018 spend the most costs on defense. Without opposite leader became USA with large sum in 692 billion dollars

China at this year place 200 billions, Great Britain – 60, and Saudis Arabia – record 56 billions of «greens». By these beginning overview of most-important events of MIC by first two weeks of year

31 of December, in last hours of 2017, crew of Navy cutter "Priluki" were forces to use preventive fire, to catch ship of smugglers

Btw, our fleet still do not egt two cutter of board security USA type Island. It is sticks to some conditions from American side about their remount and financation

In internet firstly showed up video of operative-tactical complex «Grim-2», what developed for one of near-east countries. Already successfully pass trials of rocket engine, and complex ready for first field tests

By official data his missiles «ground- ground» strikes targets on distance to 280 kilometers

In Ukraine passing trials machine Tata LPTA 713 TC, which presents Borispol's auto-factory. Different from Indian donor, automobile gets board body with rudder at left and hatch at right

Mass of machine, what can replace soviets Gaz-66, over 5 tons, and load - 2,5. Maximum speed 82 km/h

On Harkiv factory "FED" owned production of system for air filtration of cabin of military technique, which same-time creates needed pressure for pushing out dangerous gases

Earlier this device sends to us Russia. Btw, now enterprise exports its products to China, Turkey, Austria, Portugal, Poland, Czech etc

State science-research institute of chemical products gets order on 30 million grivnas about producing of part for reactive fire-launcher of single usage RPV-16

In time of hit in target, his thermal-baric shell leads to volume detonation and destruction of strong-point or bunker

3 of January Minister of defense Stephan Poltorak signed command №3, what provides in Ukrainian army complex «Е-Zdorovia» for electronic look of patients

He will be attached to Head military clinical hospital, Zaporijjia military hospital and Head Management of communication and info-systems of GenStab till end of March

Ministry of defense RF decided to deny from operational system Microsoft Windows and go to Russian Astra Linux. Developed by company RusBITx, she respond to requirements of security of aggressors army

Btw, in September 2017 to state departments of USA forbid to use program products o russians

Glock announced release of new model pistol 19-X. Btw, police of Estonia decided to fasten to colleagues «nineteen's». Sometime Latvia buying in Germany storm rifles G36 on 13 million euro's on place of «Kalash's»

And Corpus of marines USA officially approve replacing of automatic rifles M4 on М27, what is modification Heckler and Koch 416, about which we told in 82-th release

Company Boeing demonstrate new armored-transporter Striker MSL 8х8 M-Shored equipped with missiles AGM-114 HellFire, what replace system Avanteger on base of Humvee

And Indonesia realize contract on sending 29 armored-transporters Enoe 6х6 for peace-keepers of UN, what based in Central-African republic

Saudis Arabia reordered for self fleet three large missile cutters project Combatante FS-56 for 250 millions euro's

Brasilia purchased in Great Britain descendant helicopter-carrier L-12 Ocean for than 84 million pounds

An China now builds already third own aircraft-carrier, which plan to release on water in 2020

In Aegean sea large drop ship of Black-seas fleet «Yamal», what returns from Syria to Crimea, hit with dry-cargo. In last day of 2017, in Syria crashed Russian helicopter Мі-24, what escort colon

Same time near Latakia mortar team destroyed 4 bombers Su-24, 2 fighters Su-35S, transporter An-72 and arsenal of russians

On Pakistan state avia-building enterprise assemble hundred fighter JF-17 Thunder. In 2017 were released 20 such planes

And royal AF of Thailand gets from South Korea two study-combat planes KT-50Т-H. To base of factory they flew 12 hours, till what passed 6658 kilometers

Most modern plane in world, fighter-bomber 5th generation F-35, end trials of his high-precious guns. From 2012 were provided 183 success tests on launches and drops of missiles and bombs

Btw, costs one such from 83 to 108 million dollars. But from what all started and which were first planes tell Gennadiy Salivon

Advantages of aerial recon militaries marked by first-time after showing up in XVIII century thermal aerostatics. And growth of aviation only increased abilities of air-planes

First true battle usage of planes was at beginning of XX century in-time of Italian-Turkey war. 1 of November 1911 lieutenant of Italian army Gavotti on aero-plane Taube drops 4 bombs of turkey armies from height of 700 meters

It is not cause significant harm to enemy, but called huge panic. To crazy temp of creating of new military planes forced First world war

From very beginning planes used for deep recon. Monitor positions of enemy were able also with horse runs and aero-stats

And on 100 km needed aviation. French, Germans, Russians (generals) says, starting plans thanks to aviation changed radically

At beginning of war number of planed at fighting sides were not significant. Germany got 230 units most of mark Taube

French, Russia and Britain commonly – near 500 machines of different types. It was not armed aero-planes with crew of 2, rare 3 species

Them used for recon, communication and rare, as bombers. With it crew take bombs mostly made in bushes, simply in cabin of plane, or drop on enemy hand grenades

Till 1916 year most known german plane-scout was Albatross B-2. He got 120-power engine, get on 3 km, accelerate speed 120 km and stay in air 4 hours

Albatross powerfully disturbs the enemy, as on west, s on east fronts. Same in fight with Albatross diseased author of «dead loop» stab-captain Nesterov

To him chief of army stuff general Bonch-Brunevich asks, till when Albatrosses will fly over our positions and watch all we got. And Nesterov promised, that he ends with these raids. Was forced to ram, diseased

First meetings in air of enemy planes ends with waving by wings, or cross-fire with pistols or carbines. It is rarely leads to wanted result. Soon in cabin of observer begin mount machine guns

First fights were cross-fires with 2-seats planes. Which take position one near one, upper or lower, to lead fire comfortly for back-seat shooter

When rise need in fighters, variants of armament were most-fantastic

First fighters can be called such Britain two-seats Vikers F.B.5 GunBus and one-seat Dehevelin-2. Both were bi-planes with engine and pushing propeller in back part of gondola

In front part placed movable machine-gun. Already they can go into tail of enemy plane, but scheme with back propeller not allows catch same as Albatross, speed of which in 1915 reach already 134 km/h different from 113 in Vikers

To have ability shoot forward, on bi-planes with classic scheme begin to mount MG on upper wing. So do French on plane Newpor 11

MG loise, or shosha franc. 47 patrons, you shot them, you need to pull down MG, contoling plane, replace drum, rise in stable position and continue shooting

Precisely shoot from such machines were difficult, cause MG placed on 1,5 higher over axis of plane. Were needed to shoot cross screw, but so can damage the blades

Problem solved french's on plane Moran J. They mount on screw steel plates, which simply beat out bullets. With it in vain spends to 10% shots, and screw with time deformates

Revolutional solution proposed Holland inventor. Rising in sky of Europe plane Fokker E-1 in root change situation. Period from summer 1915 to spring 16-th Britain press called Fokker Scourge

Anthony Fokker, says. I will put on plane, MG, which will shoot forward, but when blade would pass barrel, will be no shot. Call synchronizer

Russian empire was only country of Entente, which came in to First Worlds, having heave bomber. Illia Muromec, development of Kiev citizen Igor Sikorskiy, got 4 engines

His crew under 8 man beat-out attacks of fighters with 6 MGs. Modifications with engines Renault might rise plus 1,5 tons of bombs. Other countries begin to build bombers, which we today call strategically, already during war

In 16 year came planes, which do not retreat to Muromec, even were two-engines. In Germany it is were Gotsa-4 and Zeppelin Staaken, and in Britain Handley Page 400

Advantage of Gotse to Zeppelin were speed and more distance of flight, even they take less bombs. Against it Britain machine was obscenity better it is brightly demonstrate attacks of britains. Zeppelins loosing to them

Apart bombardment of enemy backs, support from air asks and armies at battlefield. For this from 15-year spies begin to equip with bomb-carriers, simplest scopes and course machine-guns

Today we would call them fighters-bombers. In Russian empire it were planes of Lebedev, what produced in Petersburg and Anatra Anasal

Fighter-bomber and spy Anatra Anasal accelerate speed 144 km/h, lift on 4300 m. And was developed in Odesa on factory of aero-planes Anatra. Today its Odesa avia-remount factory

Using of fighter-bombers over battlefield leads to huge loss of plane and crews. For such missions needed new machine. So in Germany developed plane Junkers J-1

It was only storm airplane of First worlds and on 20 years earlier from soviets IL-2 get nickname «Flying tank»

It was full-metal plane in which crew sits in fully armored cabin. It was WW1 and motor only 400 h/p. Maneuver not high, speed nonsense. Plane gets greetings, from commandment and so from pilots

Most types of planes from First Worlds, or their replicas in museum and private collections. Not attending on that, from time of projecting passed 100 and more years, they and now well-control flying and even perform figures of high pilotage

And for today that's all and we already prepare for you fresh release. From him you will know about laser imitators of battle and AV Varta Novator. Will be interesting, so do not miss

To find all parts of programm with english subtitles - search in Youtube: TV Show "War Technologies"

For more infomation >> War technologies №105. M-tac equipment. First planes - Duration: 19:08.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 33 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:31.


Of course not.

Who the hell does she think she is?

Natalia Montiel won't play games with me.

She's nuts.

First she pressures me to take my wine,

now she says to leave it.

She's laughing at me and I won't have it.

Stop making stuff up, Dad.

Natalia's upset about what happened when Roberto went

and later Leonardo, who acted like he owned the place.

Listen, my son went as the wine owner.

She's exaggerating.

You know what? I won't take the risk.

I never liked the idea of taking my signature wine

to the Montiels'.

Honey, you can't keep your grain at your enemy's,

much less a wine as delicate as ours.

Besides, I don't need to beg them for favors.

Do what you want.

I did my job.

You can do whatever you want with your wine.

Move it through all of California if you want.

I'm washing my hands of this.

We have to move the wine we're taking from Crisanto today.

I tried to buy time with Aurora,

but I doubt she'll convince her father.

So you have to do it today.

I still think this is a very bad idea.

Using his wine without his consent is wrong.

Do you realize the trouble we'd be in if we got caught?

You have to do it today because we're out of time.

So head to the barrels and transfer Crisanto's wine...

I can't go now.

Juanjo's there. He'd find out.

Oh well, we need to get him out.

It's now or never.

Why'd I quit? Ask your brother-in-law.

He forced me to sign a paper and said he wouldn't pay me.

That's illegal. He has no right.

I don't want to be rude, but please...

Dolores, don't you see I'm on your side?

I want you to get your job back.

That won't happen.

I don't want to get you into trouble

with your dad or brother-in-law.

Please just do me the favor of telling your sister Aurora

I said thank you for everything she did for me.

Let's just drop it.

God bless you.

So? How do you know her?

What did you do with Emilito? Mercedes just called.

Where is he?

With Serena, who offered to watch him.

What? Why didn't you ask me?

And I'm his mother.

I don't need to ask you anything.

Excuse me.

"Check your email for surprises."


-Hey there. -How are you?

Good. Come in.

Serena said she's still at the park with Emilio

so she'll be a little late.

-I'll be back then. -No, wait.

Hang on. I'm cooking.

You could help me.

Or stay and enjoy what I'm making.

Eat what you're making? Then I don't want to stay!

What? Why do you say that?

-You're an awful cook! -What?

According to whom?

I know you.

She's a poor woman running from her husband back in Mexico

because he'd beat her senseless.

And Dad and Roberto unjustly fire her.

It's not fair!

That's why I want MAWA to back me in court

when I file a report against the company.

Your family's winery?

Please tell me you and Mike will stand with me in this.

Let's talk to a lawyer to help her take her case to court.

Or we could begin the <i> Napa: Faces and Stories</i> book

with her story. We'll interview her,

and ask her how she came to work

-at the winery. -Of course!

That's a great idea.

I don't know if it's a great idea.

Keep in mind that when the book comes out

your father and brother-in-law will be exposed

and they'll never forgive you for it.

"Check your email for surprises."

I doubt Dolores will want to do the interview.

When I saw her, she blamed me for her getting fired.

Don't worry, I'll go with you to convince her.

I'm going home.

I need a muscle relaxant because my back is killing me.

What is it?

A spasm.

I'd better sit.

When I was doing my artist-in-residence in Europe,

I had a Japanese friend who showed me these massages...

spectacular ones.

-Well... -Don't look at me that way.

You don't need to undress. Come on.

Let's do it.

It really hurts.

How about my tamales?

How do my tamales taste?

I'll just say this.

That time I ate your tamale,

I don't know if I was chewing on chicken or gum.

You're such a liar! No way!

You can cook anytime you want.

And when would that be?

Wait! Pick that up!

Pick it up before it gets absorbed!

No one's going to eat that! Yuck!

I don't want any cooking classes from you.

If you don't stop me, I'll keep going.

Look, sweetie. Mommy's here.

Let's go.

I love you and I never stopped loving you.

I love you too.

I did it all wrong.

Come here. Oh my.

Roberto, listen.

I was thinking about the wine we're keeping

in the Montiel tanks.

I'm suddenly doubting something.

Maybe Aurora's right and we shouldn't be moving it now.

Maybe it's best it stay there a while longer.

What do you think?

Yes, it might be better it stay with them,

at least until the pressing.

Either way, whatever you decide is fine.


I'll sleep on it.

You look busy, so I'll leave you.

What's with the suitcase?

Hey, Serena!

Mr. Joaquin!

It's Serena!

Hey, darling! Who's that cute little baby?

My godson, Aurora's baby. Remember him?

Of course I do!

Look at those big, beautiful eyes!

-Is my grandson in? -Yes, he is.

-Let's go in. -Let me help.

-Please. -I'll take it.

Go ahead, ladies first.

Let's go, champ!

-Hi! -Hey!

What happened?

-I was helping Juanjo... -I dropped...

I dropped this pot.

Juanjo was cooking, I added some salt...

It's okay, I understand. This kitchen's super tight.

I'm so sorry.

Hi, sweetie! How are you?

Sere, let me help you clean this.

Don't worry. It's fine.

I'll clean it.

That feels amazing.

Here's a knot, just as I expected.

A Gordian knot.

Your whole back is full of knots.

I've always heard of those knots,

but what exactly are they?

Contractions caused by many factors.

In your case, stress.

So my back is a map of my mind and my life.

You only touch it and you can read it.

I wish.

I mean, I'm no expert, but some people are.

Alright. Do you feel better?

Yeah, much better. Thank you.

Stand up and I'll massage your neck.

Can I do it sitting down?

No, it's easier this way. Go on, stand up.

Give me a minute.


do you have an erection?

Aurora asked me to leave.

That's why the suitcase. I'm going to a hotel.

Aurora's a tough one,

but I didn't think she'd be so impulsive.

Me neither.

Every day I understand her less.

It's true we're going through a crisis,

but I'm willing to do anything to get through it.

We even saw a couples therapist who always says

that she needs to manage her impulses.

But it didn't work.

Oh well, you know how important Aurora and my son are to me.

But if she doesn't love me, then I have to go.

But I'm not letting you go to a hotel.

You're family. My house is your house.

So you're coming with us.

I took him to the park and put him on a swing.

He laughed so much! I could've eaten him up.

Of course. He's a magazine cover baby!

Here, let me hold him and finish feeding him.

-Come here. -Let's go!

Come here!

-I want to record you. -No, no.

Smile, come on.

Are you still hungry?

Look what I've got here!

Juanjo looks so great with the baby.

Makes me want to have one with him.


To more moments like this.

-Smile! -Alright!

Say hi.


Who's happy he spent all afternoon with his auntie?

Curly Qs...

what happened...

Aurora, you forgot the wipes. Here.


I know we didn't get a chance to talk about you

and the problem you had with Roberto.

But please know you can count on me for whatever you need.

And you can bring my godson anytime you want.

-It's a pleasure to watch him. -Okay.

Don't forget, more than friends,

we're sisters.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 33 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:31.


California Is One Of The Hardest Hit States This Flu Season - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> California Is One Of The Hardest Hit States This Flu Season - Duration: 1:57.


編集部員が乗った 2017年の"ヨカッタ"クルマたち - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> 編集部員が乗った 2017年の"ヨカッタ"クルマたち - Duration: 7:36.


War technologies №105. M-tac equipment. First planes - Duration: 19:08.

Anton Duhnovsky translation

For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:

War technologies

When most rests, in world do not stop wars and production of guns. Same about it now will go the tale

A partly from release you will know

On which stage located project «Grim-2»?

What a machine can replace soviets Gaz-66?

How many bombs drops first in world battle airship?

What casualties Russia get to know in Syria in new year?

And on what american marines replace М4?

We continue tell about successful producers of military and tactic equipment of Ukraine and world. And now speech goes about fatherlands brand M-TAC

To our filming crew lucks to get into production of this producer and get known many interesting. So same now for you exclusive report of Olexiy Chubashev

Today in their cloth and equipment patrolling Ukrainian cities, participate in international competitions and, sure, defend our independence on Donbas

At start brand МТАС – MILITARY and TACTICAL. 07:48 These subconscious, that we got military line, tactical line and a bit outdoor

Created by revolution and warned by war. Fatherlands brand МТАС now produce widest in Ukraine line of military and merch of double purpose

Here at us experimental workshop of brand МТАС. We produce … commonly all assortment, beginning from underpants to armor-vests. It is and fleece

Different warmers. Winter jackets. It is textile products. It is armor-vests, suspensors. Pouches, rucksack-bag products. Pants, shirts and those etcetera

Part of production produces abroad of state. Something, as shoes, made by outsource, in this count by Ukrainian, enterprises partners

About it, M-TAC'ses over-sure, that trusty control the quality able only on own production. So lions part of it expands same in Ukraine

«War technologies» lovely invited on one from objects

This is our cutting out workshop. Here at us goes main cut-out. Here we prepare work for duplicate workshop. For sewing workshop

All process of cut-out begins from that we receive templates already printed on printer in construction shop

So first than pants, fleece or armor-vest printed on printer, command of designers needed at least month on development of model. First on computer, and only than sewing natural pilot example

When you want to do something new. You need to try. Very often don't succeed. Going to remake all of it. But it is absolutely beautiful process

In apart cases he can take more than a half-year. With it should calculate amount of orders to tactical or military production

human must be in it convenient, comfortable. She must be accessible and trustful, that in any situation no one element of your wardrobe drives you out

Depending on targets and tasks chose responsible materials and furniture. In present case trust can be guarantied exceptionally by tested world brands

In speak about using materials. At us exists elite line. In which using mainly textiles of American production. …Same textiles, which use military force structures of USA for their soldiers

Among such materials original textile, strops and cordura multi-cam. Austrian high-technology warmer G-Loft. And American Hypalon on basis of armed gum

Exists line more budgets. It is don't say, that is textile of low quality. We try to hold single-meaning balance, that textiles were accessible by price for targeted Ukrainian buyer. With it responds to ours questions to quality

Quality of all materials, and already made products, as duty checks own part for control of quality. There for us restrict to filming, replacing that tell about improvised tests simply on production facility

Our managers propose us $200 who just like that wrecks belt

But first than belt will be ready for such tortures, he passes at least four stages of production. First – cutting of strop

After that stops goes to laser – cutting, solder and after that they glued on duplicate pressers. Nest goes stage – it is hits on press…

Do not cut hands. Good goes into clasp. 00084, 02:47 Clasp is of plastic cause she at first lights. … And alloy such, that she holds, …in memory did not cheating me near 200 kg.

Apart of trust constructors of МТАС try to guaranty to user also stylish look

So nice to watch on man who beautiful looks in classy pants. Not watching on that they are tactical, with many pockets, any hidden features. It is very cool

Further already this model with all nuances goes in our sewing shop, to our masters…

Searching for specialists of light industry, btw, additional headache. Search for professional producers guided by whole Ukraine

Marie, for example, from near-front Avdiyivka … war slightly changes specialization

Before than you know, what I sew?.. I sewed stage costumes. 00:31 I'm from zone АТО. My work there stands still, my Palace of Culture. That why what…

This shop can sew out at least 20 such cases for armor-vests on 24hours

But again all these depends from how fast to us gives us work cycle machine

Spec-automats alike this allows significantly automate production, and as consequence accelerate him. And in case of system MOLLE guaranty correct work with responsible interface

I think one of main, what we guided to bring in Ukrainian light industry – this equipment

At us there line of machine fro producing jeans. … Exists machines for light, for middle, for super heavy textiles

Machines for work with textile. Flat sewing machines. Many, among which do not presented in mates enterprises of Ukraine

By expertise, growth of light industry in Ukraine now is helping hand to national security. For example Russian RATNIK, after inserting sanctions, can not be completed at least on 30%

So to not became in-prisoner of changing geopolitical front we may grow own production powers

Already known, what countries in 2018 spend the most costs on defense. Without opposite leader became USA with large sum in 692 billion dollars

China at this year place 200 billions, Great Britain – 60, and Saudis Arabia – record 56 billions of «greens». By these beginning overview of most-important events of MIC by first two weeks of year

31 of December, in last hours of 2017, crew of Navy cutter "Priluki" were forces to use preventive fire, to catch ship of smugglers

Btw, our fleet still do not egt two cutter of board security USA type Island. It is sticks to some conditions from American side about their remount and financation

In internet firstly showed up video of operative-tactical complex «Grim-2», what developed for one of near-east countries. Already successfully pass trials of rocket engine, and complex ready for first field tests

By official data his missiles «ground- ground» strikes targets on distance to 280 kilometers

In Ukraine passing trials machine Tata LPTA 713 TC, which presents Borispol's auto-factory. Different from Indian donor, automobile gets board body with rudder at left and hatch at right

Mass of machine, what can replace soviets Gaz-66, over 5 tons, and load - 2,5. Maximum speed 82 km/h

On Harkiv factory "FED" owned production of system for air filtration of cabin of military technique, which same-time creates needed pressure for pushing out dangerous gases

Earlier this device sends to us Russia. Btw, now enterprise exports its products to China, Turkey, Austria, Portugal, Poland, Czech etc

State science-research institute of chemical products gets order on 30 million grivnas about producing of part for reactive fire-launcher of single usage RPV-16

In time of hit in target, his thermal-baric shell leads to volume detonation and destruction of strong-point or bunker

3 of January Minister of defense Stephan Poltorak signed command №3, what provides in Ukrainian army complex «Е-Zdorovia» for electronic look of patients

He will be attached to Head military clinical hospital, Zaporijjia military hospital and Head Management of communication and info-systems of GenStab till end of March

Ministry of defense RF decided to deny from operational system Microsoft Windows and go to Russian Astra Linux. Developed by company RusBITx, she respond to requirements of security of aggressors army

Btw, in September 2017 to state departments of USA forbid to use program products o russians

Glock announced release of new model pistol 19-X. Btw, police of Estonia decided to fasten to colleagues «nineteen's». Sometime Latvia buying in Germany storm rifles G36 on 13 million euro's on place of «Kalash's»

And Corpus of marines USA officially approve replacing of automatic rifles M4 on М27, what is modification Heckler and Koch 416, about which we told in 82-th release

Company Boeing demonstrate new armored-transporter Striker MSL 8х8 M-Shored equipped with missiles AGM-114 HellFire, what replace system Avanteger on base of Humvee

And Indonesia realize contract on sending 29 armored-transporters Enoe 6х6 for peace-keepers of UN, what based in Central-African republic

Saudis Arabia reordered for self fleet three large missile cutters project Combatante FS-56 for 250 millions euro's

Brasilia purchased in Great Britain descendant helicopter-carrier L-12 Ocean for than 84 million pounds

An China now builds already third own aircraft-carrier, which plan to release on water in 2020

In Aegean sea large drop ship of Black-seas fleet «Yamal», what returns from Syria to Crimea, hit with dry-cargo. In last day of 2017, in Syria crashed Russian helicopter Мі-24, what escort colon

Same time near Latakia mortar team destroyed 4 bombers Su-24, 2 fighters Su-35S, transporter An-72 and arsenal of russians

On Pakistan state avia-building enterprise assemble hundred fighter JF-17 Thunder. In 2017 were released 20 such planes

And royal AF of Thailand gets from South Korea two study-combat planes KT-50Т-H. To base of factory they flew 12 hours, till what passed 6658 kilometers

Most modern plane in world, fighter-bomber 5th generation F-35, end trials of his high-precious guns. From 2012 were provided 183 success tests on launches and drops of missiles and bombs

Btw, costs one such from 83 to 108 million dollars. But from what all started and which were first planes tell Gennadiy Salivon

Advantages of aerial recon militaries marked by first-time after showing up in XVIII century thermal aerostatics. And growth of aviation only increased abilities of air-planes

First true battle usage of planes was at beginning of XX century in-time of Italian-Turkey war. 1 of November 1911 lieutenant of Italian army Gavotti on aero-plane Taube drops 4 bombs of turkey armies from height of 700 meters

It is not cause significant harm to enemy, but called huge panic. To crazy temp of creating of new military planes forced First world war

From very beginning planes used for deep recon. Monitor positions of enemy were able also with horse runs and aero-stats

And on 100 km needed aviation. French, Germans, Russians (generals) says, starting plans thanks to aviation changed radically

At beginning of war number of planed at fighting sides were not significant. Germany got 230 units most of mark Taube

French, Russia and Britain commonly – near 500 machines of different types. It was not armed aero-planes with crew of 2, rare 3 species

Them used for recon, communication and rare, as bombers. With it crew take bombs mostly made in bushes, simply in cabin of plane, or drop on enemy hand grenades

Till 1916 year most known german plane-scout was Albatross B-2. He got 120-power engine, get on 3 km, accelerate speed 120 km and stay in air 4 hours

Albatross powerfully disturbs the enemy, as on west, s on east fronts. Same in fight with Albatross diseased author of «dead loop» stab-captain Nesterov

To him chief of army stuff general Bonch-Brunevich asks, till when Albatrosses will fly over our positions and watch all we got. And Nesterov promised, that he ends with these raids. Was forced to ram, diseased

First meetings in air of enemy planes ends with waving by wings, or cross-fire with pistols or carbines. It is rarely leads to wanted result. Soon in cabin of observer begin mount machine guns

First fights were cross-fires with 2-seats planes. Which take position one near one, upper or lower, to lead fire comfortly for back-seat shooter

When rise need in fighters, variants of armament were most-fantastic

First fighters can be called such Britain two-seats Vikers F.B.5 GunBus and one-seat Dehevelin-2. Both were bi-planes with engine and pushing propeller in back part of gondola

In front part placed movable machine-gun. Already they can go into tail of enemy plane, but scheme with back propeller not allows catch same as Albatross, speed of which in 1915 reach already 134 km/h different from 113 in Vikers

To have ability shoot forward, on bi-planes with classic scheme begin to mount MG on upper wing. So do French on plane Newpor 11

MG loise, or shosha franc. 47 patrons, you shot them, you need to pull down MG, contoling plane, replace drum, rise in stable position and continue shooting

Precisely shoot from such machines were difficult, cause MG placed on 1,5 higher over axis of plane. Were needed to shoot cross screw, but so can damage the blades

Problem solved french's on plane Moran J. They mount on screw steel plates, which simply beat out bullets. With it in vain spends to 10% shots, and screw with time deformates

Revolutional solution proposed Holland inventor. Rising in sky of Europe plane Fokker E-1 in root change situation. Period from summer 1915 to spring 16-th Britain press called Fokker Scourge

Anthony Fokker, says. I will put on plane, MG, which will shoot forward, but when blade would pass barrel, will be no shot. Call synchronizer

Russian empire was only country of Entente, which came in to First Worlds, having heave bomber. Illia Muromec, development of Kiev citizen Igor Sikorskiy, got 4 engines

His crew under 8 man beat-out attacks of fighters with 6 MGs. Modifications with engines Renault might rise plus 1,5 tons of bombs. Other countries begin to build bombers, which we today call strategically, already during war

In 16 year came planes, which do not retreat to Muromec, even were two-engines. In Germany it is were Gotsa-4 and Zeppelin Staaken, and in Britain Handley Page 400

Advantage of Gotse to Zeppelin were speed and more distance of flight, even they take less bombs. Against it Britain machine was obscenity better it is brightly demonstrate attacks of britains. Zeppelins loosing to them

Apart bombardment of enemy backs, support from air asks and armies at battlefield. For this from 15-year spies begin to equip with bomb-carriers, simplest scopes and course machine-guns

Today we would call them fighters-bombers. In Russian empire it were planes of Lebedev, what produced in Petersburg and Anatra Anasal

Fighter-bomber and spy Anatra Anasal accelerate speed 144 km/h, lift on 4300 m. And was developed in Odesa on factory of aero-planes Anatra. Today its Odesa avia-remount factory

Using of fighter-bombers over battlefield leads to huge loss of plane and crews. For such missions needed new machine. So in Germany developed plane Junkers J-1

It was only storm airplane of First worlds and on 20 years earlier from soviets IL-2 get nickname «Flying tank»

It was full-metal plane in which crew sits in fully armored cabin. It was WW1 and motor only 400 h/p. Maneuver not high, speed nonsense. Plane gets greetings, from commandment and so from pilots

Most types of planes from First Worlds, or their replicas in museum and private collections. Not attending on that, from time of projecting passed 100 and more years, they and now well-control flying and even perform figures of high pilotage

And for today that's all and we already prepare for you fresh release. From him you will know about laser imitators of battle and AV Varta Novator. Will be interesting, so do not miss

To find all parts of programm with english subtitles - search in Youtube: TV Show "War Technologies"

For more infomation >> War technologies №105. M-tac equipment. First planes - Duration: 19:08.


Will Smith climbs the Sydney Harbour Bridge during trip to Australia And so it was only fitting - Duration: 2:50.

He's been a pop cultural phenomenon ever since his days on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

And so it was only fitting that on Saturday Will Smith came face to face with another of the world's icons- the Sydney Harbour Bridge

The 49-year-old superstar was seen partaking in the Bridge Climb, a popular activity that allows tourists to scale the famous monument to take in the city's sweeping skyline.

Clearly a fan of the tourist attraction, it's not the first time Will has completed the Bridge Climb

He partook in the activity during another trip to Australia several years ago.

On Saturday, despite the city's humid summer weather, super-fit Will barely broke a sweat as he completed the strenuous activity for the second time.

At one point, the Independence Day actor flashed the peace sign to fans below while making his way along metal scaffolding.

The star was clad in the mandatory blue and grey Bridge Climb jumpsuit, complete with all the requisite safety harnesses.

Clearly not too ostentatious to opt for a private tour, it appeared Will tagged along on a general Bridge Climb as he was seen trailing fellow tourists along one of the walkways.

The Bridge Climb is one of the city's most popular attractions, bringing people in from right around the world.

Oprah, Prince Harry, Usain Bolt, Robert De Niro and Eva Longoria are just a small number of the world's biggest stars who have scaled the monument

Will touched down in Sydney on Friday, although the reason for his surprise visit to Australia has not been made public.

The actor co-stars alongside Aussie Joel Edgerton in the new Netlfix movie Bright, which was the streaming service's highest viewed original film ever during its first week of release

After touching down, the father-of-two was seen taking in the city, sharing a snap to with the Opera House in the background.

'What Up, Sydney? Ya Boy is in the Buildin', he captioned the photo, which was viewed by his 4.7 million followers

For more infomation >> Will Smith climbs the Sydney Harbour Bridge during trip to Australia And so it was only fitting - Duration: 2:50.


Belen Rodriguez replica sui ritocchini e posta la foto del 'lato b' a 15 anni - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez replica sui ritocchini e posta la foto del 'lato b' a 15 anni - Duration: 2:46.


오는 2월 설 개봉을 앞둔 영화 흥부는 붓 하나로 조선 팔도를 들썩이게 만든 천재작가 흥부가 남보다 못한 [Oh!쎈 컷] 정우X김주혁 흥부 티저 예고편 공개 새로운 흥부전이요 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 오는 2월 설 개봉을 앞둔 영화 흥부는 붓 하나로 조선 팔도를 들썩이게 만든 천재작가 흥부가 남보다 못한 [Oh!쎈 컷] 정우X김주혁 흥부 티저 예고편 공개 새로운 흥부전이요 - Duration: 2:55.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Levi Vs Kenny!! SHORT Season CONFIRMED for Attack on Titan Season 3? Attack on Titan Anime N - Duration: 3:23.

Attack on titan more like attack on Ackerman! Look at what just dropped so

what's up guys Foxen here! Right here this is the latest poster visual for

attack on Titan season 3. Oh this is just so good! Although there might be

something to worry about. Are they doubling down on us? You know

how you found out about season 3 being delayed and could this now be confirming

that season 3 is only gonna be 12 episodes? I'll get back to this first off

the poster so how excited are you? It is freaking amazing to see Kenny's

face in anime form. You got good old Kenny and his cowboy look staring down

at Levi .I know I know Beast Titan wait up. You're gonna have to wait your

turn and look at that just how Kenny is

giving no craps about Levi even with that blade up against his neck and also

look back at Levi about how Kenny is about to blow his freakin head off. I am

kind of surprised that they're showing the guns in this poster and I think they

showed in the last one too but oh well even if your anime only now you know

what to expect. Season 3 is gonna be a crazy ride and

then is interesting the uprising arc in the manga did feel a lot different from

all the arcs that came before it. So far from what they released it just seems

like overall they aren't doubling down on the western aspect for it and feel.

And in case you're anime only just know that a lot of people weren't the biggest

fans of this arc back then. I got a feeling that will change at least what

the anime and even if season 3 is only 12 episodes this could be even better

than season 2 especially if you're a Levi's fan. So definitely let me know

what you think! How excited are you and who are you more excited to see Levi

coming back into action or finally seeing Kenny in the anime? Alright so now

back to the question does is now confirm attack on Titan in season 3 being only

12 episodes? That would sucked so much. I mean now you got a not one but two

visuals promoting the uprising arc nothing at all about what comes

afterwards. I just so you know I still haven't lost hope yet. I mean you got the beast

Titan teaser at the end of season 2 and let's also not forget the season 3

teaser that showed all the manga covers with this latest release. I think I found

something here's something extra that'll give you

some hope. The attack on Titan season 3 website is now officially opened if you

go over there you could check out a couple of things that include something

that you would normally only see at the end credits for season three, and oh look

at what I spotted among all the voice actors listed for season three is the

lovable drunk uncle Hannes! Yeah freakin Hannes. but why is that important?

As you know Hannes unfortunately died in season two however Hannes does come

back for a quick line or two in a flashback. The chapter or this happens

should really be at the beginning of the arc after the uprising arc. Coincidence I

think not! So does this come from 24 episodes for

season 3 I think it more supports that idea but hey that's just an attack on

Titan theory! but what do you think? Do you think season 3 is gonna be 12 or 24

episodes? Would you be disappointed if it was 12 episodes again and do let me know

how excited this poster makes you for season 3. By the way definitely leave a

Colossal Thumbs up and subscribe! More attack on Titan videos are coming and just a

bit of up hands up I probably will be doing full reviews of attack on Titan

season 3 when that happens and by the way do check out my top anime list for

2017. Out of 50 plus anime find out which were the best ones and I'll see you guys


For more infomation >> Levi Vs Kenny!! SHORT Season CONFIRMED for Attack on Titan Season 3? Attack on Titan Anime N - Duration: 3:23.


For more infomation >> Levi Vs Kenny!! SHORT Season CONFIRMED for Attack on Titan Season 3? Attack on Titan Anime N - Duration: 3:23.


Jesus is Lord?

For more infomation >> Jesus is Lord?


War technologies №105. M-tac equipment. First planes - Duration: 19:08.

Anton Duhnovsky translation

For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:

War technologies

When most rests, in world do not stop wars and production of guns. Same about it now will go the tale

A partly from release you will know

On which stage located project «Grim-2»?

What a machine can replace soviets Gaz-66?

How many bombs drops first in world battle airship?

What casualties Russia get to know in Syria in new year?

And on what american marines replace М4?

We continue tell about successful producers of military and tactic equipment of Ukraine and world. And now speech goes about fatherlands brand M-TAC

To our filming crew lucks to get into production of this producer and get known many interesting. So same now for you exclusive report of Olexiy Chubashev

Today in their cloth and equipment patrolling Ukrainian cities, participate in international competitions and, sure, defend our independence on Donbas

At start brand МТАС – MILITARY and TACTICAL. 07:48 These subconscious, that we got military line, tactical line and a bit outdoor

Created by revolution and warned by war. Fatherlands brand МТАС now produce widest in Ukraine line of military and merch of double purpose

Here at us experimental workshop of brand МТАС. We produce … commonly all assortment, beginning from underpants to armor-vests. It is and fleece

Different warmers. Winter jackets. It is textile products. It is armor-vests, suspensors. Pouches, rucksack-bag products. Pants, shirts and those etcetera

Part of production produces abroad of state. Something, as shoes, made by outsource, in this count by Ukrainian, enterprises partners

About it, M-TAC'ses over-sure, that trusty control the quality able only on own production. So lions part of it expands same in Ukraine

«War technologies» lovely invited on one from objects

This is our cutting out workshop. Here at us goes main cut-out. Here we prepare work for duplicate workshop. For sewing workshop

All process of cut-out begins from that we receive templates already printed on printer in construction shop

So first than pants, fleece or armor-vest printed on printer, command of designers needed at least month on development of model. First on computer, and only than sewing natural pilot example

When you want to do something new. You need to try. Very often don't succeed. Going to remake all of it. But it is absolutely beautiful process

In apart cases he can take more than a half-year. With it should calculate amount of orders to tactical or military production

human must be in it convenient, comfortable. She must be accessible and trustful, that in any situation no one element of your wardrobe drives you out

Depending on targets and tasks chose responsible materials and furniture. In present case trust can be guarantied exceptionally by tested world brands

In speak about using materials. At us exists elite line. In which using mainly textiles of American production. …Same textiles, which use military force structures of USA for their soldiers

Among such materials original textile, strops and cordura multi-cam. Austrian high-technology warmer G-Loft. And American Hypalon on basis of armed gum

Exists line more budgets. It is don't say, that is textile of low quality. We try to hold single-meaning balance, that textiles were accessible by price for targeted Ukrainian buyer. With it responds to ours questions to quality

Quality of all materials, and already made products, as duty checks own part for control of quality. There for us restrict to filming, replacing that tell about improvised tests simply on production facility

Our managers propose us $200 who just like that wrecks belt

But first than belt will be ready for such tortures, he passes at least four stages of production. First – cutting of strop

After that stops goes to laser – cutting, solder and after that they glued on duplicate pressers. Nest goes stage – it is hits on press…

Do not cut hands. Good goes into clasp. 00084, 02:47 Clasp is of plastic cause she at first lights. … And alloy such, that she holds, …in memory did not cheating me near 200 kg.

Apart of trust constructors of МТАС try to guaranty to user also stylish look

So nice to watch on man who beautiful looks in classy pants. Not watching on that they are tactical, with many pockets, any hidden features. It is very cool

Further already this model with all nuances goes in our sewing shop, to our masters…

Searching for specialists of light industry, btw, additional headache. Search for professional producers guided by whole Ukraine

Marie, for example, from near-front Avdiyivka … war slightly changes specialization

Before than you know, what I sew?.. I sewed stage costumes. 00:31 I'm from zone АТО. My work there stands still, my Palace of Culture. That why what…

This shop can sew out at least 20 such cases for armor-vests on 24hours

But again all these depends from how fast to us gives us work cycle machine

Spec-automats alike this allows significantly automate production, and as consequence accelerate him. And in case of system MOLLE guaranty correct work with responsible interface

I think one of main, what we guided to bring in Ukrainian light industry – this equipment

At us there line of machine fro producing jeans. … Exists machines for light, for middle, for super heavy textiles

Machines for work with textile. Flat sewing machines. Many, among which do not presented in mates enterprises of Ukraine

By expertise, growth of light industry in Ukraine now is helping hand to national security. For example Russian RATNIK, after inserting sanctions, can not be completed at least on 30%

So to not became in-prisoner of changing geopolitical front we may grow own production powers

Already known, what countries in 2018 spend the most costs on defense. Without opposite leader became USA with large sum in 692 billion dollars

China at this year place 200 billions, Great Britain – 60, and Saudis Arabia – record 56 billions of «greens». By these beginning overview of most-important events of MIC by first two weeks of year

31 of December, in last hours of 2017, crew of Navy cutter "Priluki" were forces to use preventive fire, to catch ship of smugglers

Btw, our fleet still do not egt two cutter of board security USA type Island. It is sticks to some conditions from American side about their remount and financation

In internet firstly showed up video of operative-tactical complex «Grim-2», what developed for one of near-east countries. Already successfully pass trials of rocket engine, and complex ready for first field tests

By official data his missiles «ground- ground» strikes targets on distance to 280 kilometers

In Ukraine passing trials machine Tata LPTA 713 TC, which presents Borispol's auto-factory. Different from Indian donor, automobile gets board body with rudder at left and hatch at right

Mass of machine, what can replace soviets Gaz-66, over 5 tons, and load - 2,5. Maximum speed 82 km/h

On Harkiv factory "FED" owned production of system for air filtration of cabin of military technique, which same-time creates needed pressure for pushing out dangerous gases

Earlier this device sends to us Russia. Btw, now enterprise exports its products to China, Turkey, Austria, Portugal, Poland, Czech etc

State science-research institute of chemical products gets order on 30 million grivnas about producing of part for reactive fire-launcher of single usage RPV-16

In time of hit in target, his thermal-baric shell leads to volume detonation and destruction of strong-point or bunker

3 of January Minister of defense Stephan Poltorak signed command №3, what provides in Ukrainian army complex «Е-Zdorovia» for electronic look of patients

He will be attached to Head military clinical hospital, Zaporijjia military hospital and Head Management of communication and info-systems of GenStab till end of March

Ministry of defense RF decided to deny from operational system Microsoft Windows and go to Russian Astra Linux. Developed by company RusBITx, she respond to requirements of security of aggressors army

Btw, in September 2017 to state departments of USA forbid to use program products o russians

Glock announced release of new model pistol 19-X. Btw, police of Estonia decided to fasten to colleagues «nineteen's». Sometime Latvia buying in Germany storm rifles G36 on 13 million euro's on place of «Kalash's»

And Corpus of marines USA officially approve replacing of automatic rifles M4 on М27, what is modification Heckler and Koch 416, about which we told in 82-th release

Company Boeing demonstrate new armored-transporter Striker MSL 8х8 M-Shored equipped with missiles AGM-114 HellFire, what replace system Avanteger on base of Humvee

And Indonesia realize contract on sending 29 armored-transporters Enoe 6х6 for peace-keepers of UN, what based in Central-African republic

Saudis Arabia reordered for self fleet three large missile cutters project Combatante FS-56 for 250 millions euro's

Brasilia purchased in Great Britain descendant helicopter-carrier L-12 Ocean for than 84 million pounds

An China now builds already third own aircraft-carrier, which plan to release on water in 2020

In Aegean sea large drop ship of Black-seas fleet «Yamal», what returns from Syria to Crimea, hit with dry-cargo. In last day of 2017, in Syria crashed Russian helicopter Мі-24, what escort colon

Same time near Latakia mortar team destroyed 4 bombers Su-24, 2 fighters Su-35S, transporter An-72 and arsenal of russians

On Pakistan state avia-building enterprise assemble hundred fighter JF-17 Thunder. In 2017 were released 20 such planes

And royal AF of Thailand gets from South Korea two study-combat planes KT-50Т-H. To base of factory they flew 12 hours, till what passed 6658 kilometers

Most modern plane in world, fighter-bomber 5th generation F-35, end trials of his high-precious guns. From 2012 were provided 183 success tests on launches and drops of missiles and bombs

Btw, costs one such from 83 to 108 million dollars. But from what all started and which were first planes tell Gennadiy Salivon

Advantages of aerial recon militaries marked by first-time after showing up in XVIII century thermal aerostatics. And growth of aviation only increased abilities of air-planes

First true battle usage of planes was at beginning of XX century in-time of Italian-Turkey war. 1 of November 1911 lieutenant of Italian army Gavotti on aero-plane Taube drops 4 bombs of turkey armies from height of 700 meters

It is not cause significant harm to enemy, but called huge panic. To crazy temp of creating of new military planes forced First world war

From very beginning planes used for deep recon. Monitor positions of enemy were able also with horse runs and aero-stats

And on 100 km needed aviation. French, Germans, Russians (generals) says, starting plans thanks to aviation changed radically

At beginning of war number of planed at fighting sides were not significant. Germany got 230 units most of mark Taube

French, Russia and Britain commonly – near 500 machines of different types. It was not armed aero-planes with crew of 2, rare 3 species

Them used for recon, communication and rare, as bombers. With it crew take bombs mostly made in bushes, simply in cabin of plane, or drop on enemy hand grenades

Till 1916 year most known german plane-scout was Albatross B-2. He got 120-power engine, get on 3 km, accelerate speed 120 km and stay in air 4 hours

Albatross powerfully disturbs the enemy, as on west, s on east fronts. Same in fight with Albatross diseased author of «dead loop» stab-captain Nesterov

To him chief of army stuff general Bonch-Brunevich asks, till when Albatrosses will fly over our positions and watch all we got. And Nesterov promised, that he ends with these raids. Was forced to ram, diseased

First meetings in air of enemy planes ends with waving by wings, or cross-fire with pistols or carbines. It is rarely leads to wanted result. Soon in cabin of observer begin mount machine guns

First fights were cross-fires with 2-seats planes. Which take position one near one, upper or lower, to lead fire comfortly for back-seat shooter

When rise need in fighters, variants of armament were most-fantastic

First fighters can be called such Britain two-seats Vikers F.B.5 GunBus and one-seat Dehevelin-2. Both were bi-planes with engine and pushing propeller in back part of gondola

In front part placed movable machine-gun. Already they can go into tail of enemy plane, but scheme with back propeller not allows catch same as Albatross, speed of which in 1915 reach already 134 km/h different from 113 in Vikers

To have ability shoot forward, on bi-planes with classic scheme begin to mount MG on upper wing. So do French on plane Newpor 11

MG loise, or shosha franc. 47 patrons, you shot them, you need to pull down MG, contoling plane, replace drum, rise in stable position and continue shooting

Precisely shoot from such machines were difficult, cause MG placed on 1,5 higher over axis of plane. Were needed to shoot cross screw, but so can damage the blades

Problem solved french's on plane Moran J. They mount on screw steel plates, which simply beat out bullets. With it in vain spends to 10% shots, and screw with time deformates

Revolutional solution proposed Holland inventor. Rising in sky of Europe plane Fokker E-1 in root change situation. Period from summer 1915 to spring 16-th Britain press called Fokker Scourge

Anthony Fokker, says. I will put on plane, MG, which will shoot forward, but when blade would pass barrel, will be no shot. Call synchronizer

Russian empire was only country of Entente, which came in to First Worlds, having heave bomber. Illia Muromec, development of Kiev citizen Igor Sikorskiy, got 4 engines

His crew under 8 man beat-out attacks of fighters with 6 MGs. Modifications with engines Renault might rise plus 1,5 tons of bombs. Other countries begin to build bombers, which we today call strategically, already during war

In 16 year came planes, which do not retreat to Muromec, even were two-engines. In Germany it is were Gotsa-4 and Zeppelin Staaken, and in Britain Handley Page 400

Advantage of Gotse to Zeppelin were speed and more distance of flight, even they take less bombs. Against it Britain machine was obscenity better it is brightly demonstrate attacks of britains. Zeppelins loosing to them

Apart bombardment of enemy backs, support from air asks and armies at battlefield. For this from 15-year spies begin to equip with bomb-carriers, simplest scopes and course machine-guns

Today we would call them fighters-bombers. In Russian empire it were planes of Lebedev, what produced in Petersburg and Anatra Anasal

Fighter-bomber and spy Anatra Anasal accelerate speed 144 km/h, lift on 4300 m. And was developed in Odesa on factory of aero-planes Anatra. Today its Odesa avia-remount factory

Using of fighter-bombers over battlefield leads to huge loss of plane and crews. For such missions needed new machine. So in Germany developed plane Junkers J-1

It was only storm airplane of First worlds and on 20 years earlier from soviets IL-2 get nickname «Flying tank»

It was full-metal plane in which crew sits in fully armored cabin. It was WW1 and motor only 400 h/p. Maneuver not high, speed nonsense. Plane gets greetings, from commandment and so from pilots

Most types of planes from First Worlds, or their replicas in museum and private collections. Not attending on that, from time of projecting passed 100 and more years, they and now well-control flying and even perform figures of high pilotage

And for today that's all and we already prepare for you fresh release. From him you will know about laser imitators of battle and AV Varta Novator. Will be interesting, so do not miss

To find all parts of programm with english subtitles - search in Youtube: TV Show "War Technologies"

For more infomation >> War technologies №105. M-tac equipment. First planes - Duration: 19:08.


Band of Brothers || Hinkel Sweetie, I'm Home - Duration: 2:03.

I've seen this movie thirteen times

Well I haven't so shut up

Anybody seen Lieutenant Dike?

Try Battalion CP, sir.

Lip, favorite part.

Try Hinkel

Hinkel sweetie, I'm home.

Got a penny?

I'm sure that you're all very happy to know

Oklahoma is still playing on broadway.

Got a penny?

Got a penny?


Am I alright?

Yeah, yeah, do you feel alright?

Yeah, quit looking at me like that.

Yo, be honest.

What's in these things anyway, huh?

Nothing you won't eat, Malarkey

I won't eat Malarkey

I have a

case of Vat 69 hidden in your footlocker


Oh, yeah.

son of a bitch

Jesus christ.

The dog?



I swum across the Niagara once

What, in a barrel?

No, god.

I didn't go over the falls, George.

I swam across the river.

ah, 1st Sgt. Lipton?

You organize things here.

and, I'm gonna go for


What the fuck?


What the hell?

You gotta be fucking kidding me!

Someone's gonna fucking die.

It's not even her dog.

It's my dog!

She's taking my dog!

One of those 1st Battalion fuckers

took a dump in my foxhole.

Think they shit in everyone's foxhole, Joe.

For more infomation >> Band of Brothers || Hinkel Sweetie, I'm Home - Duration: 2:03.


ఉద్యోగం లేని వారు ఉద్యోగం కోసం చిన్న పరిహారం | how to get a job fast | Remedies | Rajasudha - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> ఉద్యోగం లేని వారు ఉద్యోగం కోసం చిన్న పరిహారం | how to get a job fast | Remedies | Rajasudha - Duration: 2:38.


Warframe: Limbo + Exodia Contagion | The unbeatable combination (Subtitle) - Duration: 3:06.

Hello. I'm here to explain the details about this video.

As you can see I'm using Balla Dagger to use Exodia Contagion

and you can see my balla dagger build with the riven stats

you can replace the riven with any damage mods or critical chance/damage mods

I'm gonna spawn 20 Corrupted Heavy Gunner level 155 for the test

I'm entering the rift to make sure they dont kill me

and you can see I can attack the enemies outside the rift with exodia contagion

It deals decent amount of damage to the heavily armored enemies.

I cant hurt the enemies outside the rift with my normal attack

I'm gonna spawn 20 corrupted heavy gunners in sortie level, with Pause AI setting.

I used banish to make the enemies enter the rift.

While I'm outside the rift, I can hurt the enemies that are inside the rift

The Exodia Contagion projectile can also enter Limbo's skill 4th

The projectile is not affected by stasis. Which makes this arcane really good

This makes the combination overpowered i guess?..

You can Imagine doing excavation, defense especially in infested mission, this combination will be the best

for defense and offense

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Warframe: Limbo + Exodia Contagion | The unbeatable combination (Subtitle) - Duration: 3:06.


Grandma Has Stroke While Driving, Then 6-Year-Old Jumps In The Front Seat - Duration: 2:28.

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Grandma Has Stroke While Driving, Then 6-Year-Old Jumps In The Front Seat

When siblings Darrell, 8, and Ahnlyse, 6, got in the car with their grandmother, they

thought they were just going out to eat.

They had no idea that by the end of the ride they would both be hailed heroes.

As they drove down the road in Lakeland, Florida, their grandmother seemed to doze off at the


The car wove through the traffic as the kids tried to figure out what was going on.

Little did they know their grandmother had just had a stroke.

Thankfully, the car was only going about 20 miles per hour, but other drivers honked at

them as the car veered over the lines and ran stop signs.

"The car behind us started honking because we were driving too slow and I was waving

my hand out like this," Darrell recalled.

Despite the terrifying situation, the kids managed to stay calm as they tried to figure

out what to do.

Darrell, who was sitting in the passenger seat, grabbed the wheel to steer and then

Googled "how to drive a stick shift," soon discovering that the car was actually


He told Ahnlyse to jump in the front seat.

"Ahnlyse got right here on her lap, and I just grab the wheel and just try to turn

with her," Darrell said.

Ahnlyse used her feet to work the pedals.

Miraculously, the car didn't hit anything and the kids managed to turn the car into

a hotel parking lot.

They finally came to a stop when they hit a curb.

Then they got out and got someone to call 911.

When police arrived, they were blown away by the young kids' heroic actions and how

they were able to stay so calm in such an intense situation.

"I would definitely remember their names, get their autographs now," School Resource

Officer Preston Chatman said.

"They're going to be something in society and the world."

While the scary incident happened in June, Lakeland Police honored Darrell and Ahnlyse

just this week.

The siblings understand the magnitude of what they did that day.

When asked what they think of themselves they said in unison, "a hero."

They certainly are!

They not only saved their own lives and their grandmother's that day, but also protected

countless others who were on the road.

Thankfully, their grandmother is doing well as she recovers from her stroke.

I'm sure Darrell and Ahnlyse are helping to take good care of her!

Were you amazed by what these two young siblings did?

Then share it!

For more infomation >> Grandma Has Stroke While Driving, Then 6-Year-Old Jumps In The Front Seat - Duration: 2:28.


Cara Bikin Logo SaaiHalilintar Di Android Pixel Lab - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Cara Bikin Logo SaaiHalilintar Di Android Pixel Lab - Duration: 8:49.


5 Disgusting Things about the P-orn Industry - Duration: 3:21.

For years, the adult entertainment � or porn � industry has been growing at a rapid


It shows a worrying disregard for sexual privacy, and displays a total lack of understanding

of appreciation of intimacy.

However, the porn industry is far more crooked and depraved than most people likely even


Let�s take a look at some of the most worrying things that makes the porn industry such a

horrible part of modern culture.

5 It has quickly become the most powerful industry

in the world, at least in terms of financial gain.

When you factor in the sub-sectors of the porn industry � strip clubs, prostitution

and more � the sheer volume of money involved becomes eye-opening to say the least.

Every single year, over 10,000 new videos are made and put onto the market.

These new videos can help to bring in billions for the industry � over $13bn, according

to latest estimates.

4 That kind of financial pulling power sets

the porn industry far ahead of the standard movie industry!

.Porn brings in more money than sports, too.

In fact, there is very little in this world that makes more money than the porn industry

� the most likely competitor being the war industry.

The porn industry helps to create a depraved opinion of people in the 18-21 age gaps, fetishizing

younger people.

Porn ruins sex drives and discards the importance of attraction to who we are with � creating

comparisons with porn stars rather than real people.

3 In fact, �teen porn� is both the quickest

growing porn genre and the most commonly searched for porn term.

With over 30,000,000 unique porn watchers at any given time, the industry is one of

the largest spoken about and discussed on the planet.

Close to half of the internet�s content is porn alone.

Porn content dwarves any other form of media, showing our desire for depravity.

Porn has become sex education for the next generation, germinating minds with the idea

that pornographic depravity is normal.

2 With over 25% of all daily searches being

porn-related, the internet is fighting a losing battle.

The vast majority of men can or will admit that they have watched porn, leading to alterations

in their sexual understanding and excitement.

Porn pushes our boundaries into what we can find attractive and ruins the intimacy of


America is apparently the largest publisher of pornography, helping to flood the market

even more.

Every hour, close to one and a half new porn films are made in the US alone.

Homosexual pornography is the most lucrative form of pornography.

1 Porn is being introduced into our conscious

minds at younger ages thanks to the sexualisation of society.

Most young males will find themselves exposed to pornographic material as young as aged

10, according to studies.

Porn indirectly determines many other parts of life � even governmental elections, for


Pornography is even something we look at during work � one fifth of workers claim to watch

porn when on the job.

The attraction to the human body is being diminished � people concentrate on how depraved

someone will be, not necessarily what they look like.

For more infomation >> 5 Disgusting Things about the P-orn Industry - Duration: 3:21.


How to identify Original Samsung mobile part 02 - Bangla Tutorial - Duration: 4:42.

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