Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 13 2018

Top 6 Lesser Known Daughters Of Bollywood Actors | You Never Seen

For more infomation >> Top 6 Lesser Known Daughters Of Bollywood Actors - Duration: 3:57.



Ah, guys.

We have some problems!

The title may be alarming to you, but if you're new to the channel or haven't been caught

up on recent events, my pet ants have been infected with mites, and our attempts to get

rid of them have failed.

Now many of you have suggested I release them back into the wild.

I've been trying to come to an ultimate decision, and today I have finally made my choice.

In this episode, I go over all the facts, biological, ethical, and statistical and explain

why I decided to do what I ultimately did.

So, AC Family do keep on watching until the end!

Welcome everyone to the AntsCanada Ant Channel!

Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and hit the bell icon.

Welcome to the AC Family.

Tired of nature channels not showing nature shows.

Just watch this channel.


So let's start with how we got here, for those of you who need a recap.

We recently acquired a colony of pharaoh ants and today they have mites, a lot of them,

covering their bodies and even the queens.

By the way guys, if you're excited about today's video I would really appreciate it if you

could give it a thumbs up and let me know.

Alright so this pharaoh ant colony was named the Tomb Raiders by you the AC Family, by

way of a vote.

The funny thing about this colony was they were actually enemies of ours, because we

found them literally raiding our Garden of Eden, one of the terrariums that house our

Titans, our Asian Marauder ant colony.

So we trapped them, well as much of them as we could anyway, and turned the traps into

mini terrariums for them all connected by tubing.

We couldn't put them in a proper ant farm because the ants are small enough to fit through

the microholes holes of our Hybrid Nests and Omni Nests.

No worries though, as their setup was huge and spanned my entire room!

They went from wild enemy ants to our new captive friends.

A strange mold began to appear in their setup, but we easily gained control of that.

But then last month, we spotted a scary-looking colony of mites all over the bodies of our

Tomb Raiders.

I knew this was very bad news.

So over Christmas we tried to expose the colony to sliced lemons which in the ant keeping

hobby seems to be ant keepers' first go-to solution for mites, and it seemed to have

worked a little bit but not really.

The mites were still visible on the queens.

As soon as I saw the mites I contacted Dr. Kaitlin Campbell from the Biology Department

of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.

Dr. Kaitlin happens to be an acarologist, a mite biologist.

She was also the same biologist whom we consulted for help last year when our Golden Empire,

our yellow crazy ant colony had mites.

Upon inspection of the Tomb Raiders' mite video, Dr. Kaitlin immediately determined

that "I'm confident they are Astigmata and probably Acaridae and therefore unlikely to

be parasitic but are phoretic."


That was good news, and also explains why the colony wasn't wiped out by now.

For those of you who may be new to the world of mites or the word "phoretic" it basically

means that these mites belong to the group called "Astigmata" which are fungivores, bacteriavores,

and scavengers, and were not blood suckers of other insects.

This actually meant that these mites were in fact ant friends, as their biological role

normally was to break down the ants' garbage.

But at this point in time, the mites were phoretic, which meant that they were merely

"body latchers", just hitch-hiking and not sucking the ants' blood.

Dr. Kaitlin explained to us last year that for these Astigmatid mites, phoresis, this

act of attaching themselves to the bodies of other insects, is just a stage in the mite's

life cycle, called the Deutonymph stage, brought about by specific conditions which we will

go into a bit later.

The mites in this Deutonymph stage don't even have mouth parts to feed or anuses to expel


They literally just live to attach themselves on the bodies of other insects.

She said that though phoretic mites don't physically endanger the ants directly, if

the mite population grows out of control, the ants' brood could be in danger.

OK so what caused these mites to enter this Deutonymph stage in the first place and attach

themselves to our ants?

Well, apparently when living conditions are not ideal for either the mites or the ants,

usually when it's too wet or too dry or if there is an abundance or lack of food, or

if the overall health of the ants is compromised somehow, like say if they're diseased, then

deutonymph mites show up on your ants.

So basically that meant, something about our ants' setup or the ants themselves was wrong

or off, but it could have been a whole slew of possible things!

So now AC family, let's recap what we did back when the Golden Empire, our yellow crazy

ants were infected with these same phoretic mites at exactly the same time last year.

First, we attempted lemon therapy, which kinda worked a bit, but not really.

We found the same results with our Tomb Raiders last week.

Second, because unideal conditions were one of the possible causes for the mites to have

become phoretic, we decided to move our infected Golden Empire into this huge terrarium which

was full of plants, soil, and critters.

We hoped this new lush environment would cause the mites to proceed to their next life stage

and detach themselves from our ants.

Third, because compromised health of the ant colony was also one of the possible factors

of mite phoresis, we attempted to improve the Golden Empire's overall health by adding

to their numbers.

Last year we fused a new healthy colony with our infected colony, in hopes that the resulting

improved health from greater numbers would help cause the mites to fall off.

In the end, it was this combination of three therapies that eventually caused the deutnymphs

to proceed to their next life stage and fall off the bodies of our Golden Empire.

So, the answer was simple right?

All we had to do was give the Tomb Raiders this same therapy as the Golden Empire to

cure them right?

But actually, I fear our Tomb Raiders' situation is a bit more of a complicated one.

First, the lemons, fine.

That was easy to do.

But next, moving the Tomb Raiders into their own terrarium caused some concerns.

My only fear is that the Tomb Raiders would be next to impossible to contain while properly

being able to house the plants and critters of the said terrarium.

The only way I've been able to maintain and upkeep the Haciendo Del Dorado, the terrarium

of our Golden Empire is because I could get into it any time I wanted, easily trim and

water the plants, and all that ventilation ensured we didn't have crazy mold outbreaks

or stagnant air.

If I tried to give our Tomb Raiders something similar to the Hacienda Del Dorado, they would

surely escape, especially because they also can cross baby powder.

Sure, we could attempt a perfectly sealed ecosystem, like a sealed terrarium, but the

ants would need to eat at some point, and for those of you thinking, just add organisms

to proliferate in there on their own and just seal the entire tank and that would be it!

Well, based on over 25 years of keeping terrariums I can confidently say that this is not an

easy venture, and a project I was not willing to take on.

About adding to the pharaoh ants' numbers, I am still continuing to catch stray pharaoh

ants that wander my room, but about that!

Man, it seems there are now a lot of pharaoh ants gathering in my room especially around

the pharaoh ants' setup!

I feel our Tomb Raiders are releasing some pheromone that is attracting their old colony

into my room, maybe a distress pheromone or even a build-up of a nesting pheromone that

is beckoning their free-roaming sisters to the ant room!

I am seeing pharaoh ants everywhere!

This is problematic because even in the Garden of Eden, all I see when I put out food out

which is suposed to feed our Titans, are pharaoh ants feeding on the food.

As has been so typical of our Titans, the original inhabitants of the Garden of Eden,

our beloved marauder ants have disappeared now for weeks.

I don't even know if they are still alive!

All I see now when I peak into the Garden of Eden are wild black crazy ants who as you

know from past videos have also taken over these territories scavenging what looks like

a ghost land.

Lots of you have suggested to just release the Tomb Raiders already.

After all, they clearly were not adapting well to captivity nor the setup I designed

for them, and it has caused them to be infected with mites.

So, I launched a poll on our new Youtube community tab to ask if we should just release the Tomb

Raiders or if we should not give up hope and just keep on trying mite therapy, and based

on over 30,000 votes, 53% of you were for releasing the Tomb Raiders and 25% were for

keeping them, and 22% of you were on the fence.

So, majority said release!

But here's the next thing: Where to release the colony?

Though they were captured locally (literally in my ant room, which is as local as it gets),

they also are an invasive species so I don't want to release them near a nest of a native

Philippine species of ant, in fear of them invading it.

But, thinking of the well-being of the ants themselves, I do feel that releasing the Tomb

Raiders somewhere outside where they have all the proper resources they need would certainly

get rid of their body mites, and hopefully these straggler pharaoh ants that are invading

my room more and more.

So now you all understand my plight.

I thought long and hard over several weeks what the best course of action would be, and

AC Family, last night, I finally came to an ultimate decision.

It was the best decision, considering all factors and your input.

And so AC Family, I decided to...

...set the Tomb Raiders free at a garbage dump...

because it's ant love forever.

AC Family, it was certainly sad to say goodbye to our Tomb Raiders, but I trust we did the

right thing.

Thank you to all who gave their very valid input to a very tough decision.

Truth is, you guys astound me week after week with your thoughts and advice.

It's like a collective mass intelligence that I am able to tap into every time I visit the

comments section of these videos, so please be sure to continue leaving yours comments

regarding your thoughts.

I read them every day and take each of them to heart.

There is no comment or idea that I dismiss as stupid or silly.

It's like ant intelligence and we each are like members of a colony, solving life's problems

as it throws them at us!

Now speaking of life and what it throws at us, before proceeding to the hidden video

and AC Question of the Week, in case you didn't see last week's video, I wanted to quickly

plug my new daily vlogging channel, for those who might be curious as to what I work on

in between these weekly ant videos.

You can find my new daily vlogging channel by clicking here, but just a warning, guys,

if you do wander over to that channel, well... mmm... let's just say, it's different.


Many AC Family have already subscribed, so thank you guys who have.

I upload short life vlogs there every single day, which means a lot of nature stuff, too

from my travels around the world!

Alright, AC Inner Colony, I have left a hidden cookie for you here, if you would just like

to watch footage of the actual release of our Tomb Raiders last night.

And now it's time for the AC Question of the Week.

Last Week we asked:

What does the Golden Empire seem to like doing to their emptied

out honey test tubes?

Congratulations to Miann Oblea who correctly answered:

They leave the dead ants in the test tube.

Congratulations Miann, you just won a free ebook handbook from our shop!

In this week's AC Question of the Week, we ask:

What is the name of the life stage where Astigmatid mites attach

themselves to the bodies of insects?

Leave your answer in the comments section and you could also win a free ebook handbook

from our shop!

Hope you can subscribe to the channel as we upload every Saturday at 8AM EST.

Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video to help us keep

making more.

It's ant love forever!

For more infomation >> WHY I RELEASED MY PET ANTS BACK INTO THE WILD - VERY SAD DAY! - Duration: 13:40.


RTR 2018, Scooter Update, & AMAZING Cargo Trailer Build - Duration: 21:19.

good morning guys from Quartzsite Arizona like my coffee cup don't be a

tater hater good morning guys I made it out here by

the way if you don't know Artie R stands for the rubber tram rendezvous it's

hosted by a man named Bob Wells chief Barbee living on YouTube and he got the

permit so unlike being out in the middle of the desert he's kind of responsible

for the group here so he does have some rules and we're gonna find out today

what those rules are and and find out how we can all keep each other happy out

here because I'm not sure if you could tell but there are a ton of RVs out here

in this little area I'm currently out here in the music section of RT R not to

be confused over there by the communal spot where it's the quiet area no dust

no driving fast no music no generators and all that so there are some clear

clear different places out here this is my first year out here I got to park

next to a saguaro cactus and I mean it's just a bunch of really cool a lot of old

friends Terry and Scott are out here in Carolyn

and aza and just tons of people out here that I know and tons more people that I

will get to know can't prevent Kevin's over there I think Kevin and Carolyn are

still coming down with the flu so we're not getting too close to some people

don't mean to make that sound mean but I sure don't want the flu yeah there's an

orientation happenin this morning where Bob Wills is gonna talk to us and give

us a little calendar events about what's going on here

and then basically a lot of people are just gonna hang out here and get to know

people there's some seminars about stuff I may be doing some stuff at my RV just

small group type stuff about editing or filming I would love to meet people if

like I said I put the GPS coordinates where I'm parked in the desert over

there in the video description below so if you're out here you could just follow

it on Google Maps or ways and walk right here after you park so I may not be at

the RV at all times guys because I'm gonna do stuff I'm gonna take the

scooter out and go explore the big tent and

all the vendors and stuff and I may go off into the mountains as well I will

just see this is my time to enjoy the company of others because there are a

lot of introverts out here and this is our time to do as much as we feel

comfortable with with other people and still be able to produce videos I've got

Wi-Fi out here just don't have any TV stations so I will get this uploaded as

soon as possible pretty much as live as I've ever been

with a one-day delay how's that sound yeah okay also out here by my RV I don't

have the cones out but I am just warning people we have a lot of kitty cats in

this part of camp so just letting people know they could be around my neighbor

Greg over there has the bird in the window

hey there skipper I don't know too many nomadic birds so that's pretty cool dude

okay lastly let's just get this out of the way cover this real quick in case a

lot of people are saying here so what a scooter well guys I might be upgrading

to what I really want and so if that were to happen if I were to even

consider that I would physically need to get rid of the scooter so that I would

have room on the back hitch for what I really want so if you're interested and

you're here at the RTR or you're coming to the RTR it's a really good scooter

and I got a good price on it just you know because all the other PC X's that

are on Craigslist are at least 2,500 bucks and so again it's a 2011 it's got

4,500 miles I'm asking 1800 well I might take 1500 and then put that 1,500 into

what I really want to put on the back of the RV so it runs great no problems go

65 mile an hour with me the only imperfections on it are a little bit of

paint up you can see that some paint chip missing right there when it was

laid down once and a little bit right there otherwise I mean I don't want to

call it mint but it runs great it's perfect and like I said the only reason

I'm selling it is because I found what I really want and that's all I'm gonna say

if it doesn't sell I won't be heartbroken I for the right price I

might even you know if you have your RV all

include the hitch the carrier and stuff like that but then I would just need to

rebuy it before I get the other ones so anyway you can hit me up here in the RV

or on my email Eric Jacobs one four six three

so we're still walk-in trying to point look all these road tracks guys cuz

we've hit road trek campervan section it's all over there I guess this is

where they all want to work that's awesome yeah so it looks like nobody

showed up this year guys RTR is a total bust

oh man so we're gonna sign in here and get a button and while I'm back here in

the nosebleed section but I think we'll be able to hear him over the speaker

we'll see look at all the people alright just got back from the first orientation

there by Bob Wells thought I might just fill him a couple things but you know

and I'm not hating there anything but but he there's a lot of rules there's a

lot of rules you can't film him over there at all there's a no camera rule

whatever I did not know that prior to coming and I know there's a lot of

people that still filmed him anyway and they're gonna upload that video but

anyway I'll respect that and as far as other people I'm only going to be

filming people that voluntarily say it's okay because I don't want to intrude on

somebody else's private space but you know there's there's plenty of people

over here that are gonna be happy to be on camera and to share their rig maybe

with you and I as well here on YouTube and we'll just see how that kind of

works out this is an open area so there's no assumption of privacy out

here in the desert yeah yeah like I said I'm not gonna go on and on about it but

yeah lots and lots and lots of rules but most of its common sense guys to be

honest with you so I'm just gonna enjoy the desert out here so Jack's is over

there he thinks it's lunchtime yeah he's been yelling at me and one of

my viewers just came up here look at his shirt he's wearing look at that shirt

that's looking good on you buddy what's your name

Dave Dave nice to meet you what's your YouTube

nobody down the road we go down the road we go I really appreciate it

I like your little setup there yeah that looks good yeah right on I'll put a link

in the video description to your channel case anybody wants to check it out so

they know you're gonna be filming here as well have a good week

what does Jax think about all these people coming by to say hi is that weird

he's like dad how do they all know my name I don't know anybody's name they

all know me so with that dad no man maybe you're famous on YouTube it could

be one of the issues as far as having Jax outside as these burrs that are all

over the place in the rock some of the dog owners have noticed them too but

these are getting stuck in their dog's paws and they're all over hidden in the

rocks and I really really don't like it when Jack steps on those he's not

avoiding them when he's out here so I haven't found a real safe spot for Jax

to really be outside kind of why I'm happy I got the stroller okay I don't

know how much of these I'm gonna do as far as touring and stuff but Lance

actually has a really neat very neat custom cargo trailer over here converted

into an RV and I got a couple looks at it and I mean I was amazed and shocked

and so that's why I really really want to share this with you since he's

allowing us to go in inside and take a look so we're gonna go over there and

look at that but don't worry guys I'm not going to turn this channel into an

RV tour channel it's just really nice to to share a few things with you so let's

go talk to him my name is Lance my youtube channel is lb Rove the camper

here is a 2016 diamond cargo car hauler it's eight and a half feet wide 16 feet

long up to the beginning of the V nose I chose this for a custom install and I'll

show you the inside I decided a a couple years back to to get into the camp and

thing and I was looking at factory builds I wasn't all that impressed with

the quality of them and you know with a little bit of research it wasn't hard to

find out that brand new units rigs are having all kinds of issues with either

leaks or you know just flawed designs and the

thing plus the whole layout thing I didn't find anything that actually

appealed to my layout for me so having the skills to being able to build all

this stuff I just took it upon myself to to do a layout using a car hauler which

I've used cargo trailers throughout my life and I knew they held up well

without leaks or anything like that so I figured that was a great platform to

start with and then it just turned into this the the way I did it was I

basically scaled out the floor I chose the components that are in here that

were set given dimensions and then I cut little scaled versions of those out and

started doing the layout in here using what and my advantage I guess is that

because I build cabinets for 11 I was able to fit cabinets in between any

space I needed to - to do that put it all together basically yeah it was never

my intention to do it full-time but as I got into this I really just enjoyed

being in this space and getting away from the everyday grind of working and

it's been a year and a half I've been in this full-time and although I do station

myself out of a specific area I try and get away as much as possible for as long

as possible just to break that whole monotony up of the everyday work work

thing let me show you around a little bit well this is the living room and

couch which also could be a bed if I need to use it as that and if I'm too

lazy to pull the bed down it's you know it's a convenient place to take a nap

and it also has all the water storage underneath here it's a 44 gallons 222

gallon tanks and then I got the little pump and it's

got a pressure thing too so I can regulate a 50-pound pressure in the

water system this is the Murphy bed that I built I did look into buying the the

kit that had all the pivots and the lift assists and all everything to get this

together but they were kind of pricey and after looking at a few other videos

on Murphy beds I realized you can build this whole system for probably less than

50 bucks and these little blocks are basically the the supports for the bed

that when they come down and then I can also take the tabletop and slide it in

the window here what I have in the bottoms are actually boat swivel seats

as my pivot points that make this hinge like it does and then I just went ahead

and got I think they're 150 or 175 pounds lift assists Springs that help

you know bring that down and pick it back up with a lot more ease than if you

just had the weight of it because it is kind of heavy it is a full 12-inch

memory foam bed and then it's got that cool gel top so I think that help makes

it way a little bit more so the solar system I have a thousand renergie

thousand watts of energy panels up on the top they rant they are ran in series

in parallel the system here this this is just an Ames it's a 24 volt 3000 watt

inverter that will peak I believe at 9,000 for four minutes or so if

necessary but that's totally unnecessary the this is a breaker box if I can shut

any of these components off individually and work with whichever one I need to

which again hasn't been much of an issue to have to deal with anything I got the

classic charge controller and the batteries are all under here where you

see these little van and I can from time to time check the

connections to make sure everything's tightened up there all right here it's a

little tight to get in or I can pull this top right off and get to him if

necessary but everything's been holding up well with all that so this this is

the climate control it's a it's a pioneer

it's a pioneer mini-split inverter and this is for the the air conditioning and

heat the condenser - it's out front and the V nose

all right so these are the cabinets that I generally build in they're the same as

what I would do for any of my customers back in Florida the standard stuff that

I always use is a they're all soft clothes cabinetry every door soft closes

like that and the drawers also these particular ones are a birch veneer

that's just lacquered and it does have here's just the under cabinet lighting

that know if that brightens anything up for you or not but and the drawers same

thing it's all a birch veneer that's put onto an MDF front or door door that I

make up myself the rest of the camper as far as like the ceiling and everything

else that's actually 3/4 inch birch plywood that comes pre finished so I

didn't have to do any finishing on this and that's also what is on the interior

of the cabinets so everything is you know got a nice finish to it the drawers

do have also a soft closed feature that you just it goes right in and the the

boxes of the drawers do have a everything is dovetailed in well as far

as the appliances go I do this is just a little 22 inch wide propane it's a full

stove you got the four burners you got the

of an end a broiler it's a home depot unit same with the sink and faucet that

came from Home Depot and actually this little Avanti fridge to residential size

fridge oh behind the fridge here - I have a three-stage filtration system

it's a pleated charcoal an activated charcoal and a porcelain filter which

enables me say for instance I'm up in the hills of Tennessee and there's a

stream close by I can take that little transfer pump that I had mentioned

earlier out from underneath dropped that right in the creek plug it in and draw

water right from the creek up into my tanks that's already filtered and

drinkable right away and of course I do use the Berkey - on top of that for my

cooking and coffee and I drink a lot of water so well here's how I get clean

this is a I think it's a thirty 32 by 32 vinyl insert shower and I very simply

just grab it also doubles up as my closet you can see I just grabbed the

stuff hanging and I can put it on any of these hooks to open it all up this

little washing machine pops right out it's only about 10 10 12 pounds and I do

have a little more water there but this is the shower and that does have hot

water that I have it's an eco temp l10 in the Vino's above the condenser which

is a on two main hot water system that that works fine for I have nice hot

showers where's your toilet my toilet is under the sink in a bucket in a bag I

personally did not want to deal with a black tank just it's my own pet peeve

thing that kind of schemes me out a little and I just prefer using the bag

and getting rid of it right away typically in other situations I do have

a shovel I'll just go out in the woods I'll dig a hole

do my thing in and that's my my bathroom I can show you my master bath and guest

bath if we want to go outside here's the master bath in the V nose I kind of use

this as a utility shed I have saws hatchets shovels the condenser

- the mini split inside is here I have two I think they're 20 gallon propane

tanks and my hot water heater is up here it would be difficult to see it is a

little tight in there and there is access to all this stuff from inside one

area is behind the oven and the other area is behind the refrigerator so I

could get in that's how I actually have to get the big stuff out but this these

access doors are more or less just for the ventilation for this because it runs

a lot well thanks again for coming and torn the rig again my youtube channel is

lb Rove and if you want to contact me to discuss potential builds you can get me

at lb Rove at pretty awesome right alright so guys here's what we're

gonna do I am NOT going to be here all the time as a matter of fact I want to

take a break already just I just want to keep it fun and I want to keep the

content fresh and I want to go explore and I want to share as much of that with

you as possible so in my next video I won't be here in this exact spot and

more on that later but remember with the week to come you guys can always look in

the video description but live GPS coordinates of my most recent video that

is going to be where I'm really at while I maintain about a two to three day

delay sound good


For more infomation >> RTR 2018, Scooter Update, & AMAZING Cargo Trailer Build - Duration: 21:19.





Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - BRAVE - S11E5 - Duration: 6:01.

previously on mermaid secrets of the deep she explained that the music I heard

could only be heard by a descendant of a long-lost mermaid princess Percy which

meant that I am the mermaid princess now with a special mission to fulfill I

would learn the details from the recordings made by a pack of my

businesses and the ancient music box for the first millennia the seas were as

balanced the kind real mermaid queen we will disease with these only the

stolen mermaid can hear the muse and and here these are in horn according I

listened to all the recordings of fell asleep the aberration of both yup the

pink diamond echoes of Shambala crystal pearl I think I know where this goes

apex apex apex anyone who's freezing if it's would like at this cold hey fetch

must be a space wait I think I remember how to get there

yeah Subban before us I know sick interns has to be close by

whoa what's this bamboo it's dead

I know his bait has Priya around her somewhere

here it is right pilots of all of them do

yes they recognize no the secondary security gate what's the code let's try


access denied

guy get out of here

I'm just gonna have to return the crystal Perl on my own and hope apex is


Cave is on the coasts here somewhere right

follow the seagulls they nested this time of year

around here oh I get over there that'll be easier to get to

I don't know about this this is pretty sketchy

and please subscribe by clicking the pictures and the coins your screen and

like us by clicking the thumbs up

For more infomation >> Mermaid Secrets of The Deep - BRAVE - S11E5 - Duration: 6:01.


[Rant] We need Armor 2.0, NOT Damage 2.5. - Duration: 4:06.

We all know that once enemies go past level 90, Grineer in particular, Armor levels get

so ridiculous that Corrosive Projection becomes mandatory, and in the cases where it's not

used, nothing else can substitute the power of Armor stripping abilities and high-DPS

weapons modded for Corrosive damage.

The problem with our current damage system isn't the fact that Puncture and Impact are

dogshit when compared to Slash.

That's not the issue.

The issue is that Slash is the only basic damage proc worth taking because it's the

only one that actually helps you against enemies that have no business being able to soak up

several magazines' worth of bullets without dying.

30% reduced damage will not do a damn thing against a level 100 Heavy Gunner, unless you

think being killed 1.6 seconds slower actually makes a difference.

Staggering or knocking back an enemy won't do jackshit for you except delay the inevitable.

Bleeds applied onto enemies that are affected by the boomstick in your possession are the

only thing that will actually help you kill; which is the entire fucking point of dealing


Current IPS changes consist of 3 different yet all similarly shitty solutions.

First off, Slash is getting nerfed, because as we all know, the reason why Slash is so

popular among the players is because it can be applied multiple times onto enemies and

NOT because the damage it provides can ignore the bullshit that is enemy Armor.

Secondly, Puncture is getting changed.

It still doesn't do shit in terms of helping you kill shit, but at least you're not being

killed in 0.9 seconds anymore, right?

Finally, Impact is getting tweaked to the point that it'll actually be worse than it

is now.

I don't know what the thought process is over at DE, but a ragdoll isn't an immobilize.

It's a fucking displacement, which is useful when you're not trying to kill enemies.

In other words, changing Impact so it displaces what you're trying to kill is counterproductive.

Allow me to demonstrate what each looks like.

This is an immobilize.

This is a displacement.

This is an immobilize.

This is a displacement.

Got it?


The proposed IPS changes would do nothing but make the high level areas HARDER, not

easier, for the players.

Nerfing Slash kills the one thing that made using other weapons fun, and it makes pure

Slash weapons even more of a necessity, and we all know that having something be even

more of a necessity than it already is is fun.

Tweaking Impact to working against you by becoming capable of ragdolling enemies instead

of making them easier to kill in any way, shape, or form is useless and pointless in the face

of Slash.

Puncture's there too, I guess.

Nobody cares about Puncture.

If changing Slash, Puncture, and Impact is really that important, here's all that needs to be



Make Puncture apply weakspots that when fired at ignore enemy Armor.

When you hear "puncture", the first thing that comes to mind is 'piercing', not debuffing.


Change Impact damage so all damage dealt to staggered enemies ignores shields.

Three, and the most important part: Don't fucking touch Slash.

Crowd control has its place in the game, but shoehorning it into my guns is the equivalent

of introducing an RNG-based resource into an already RNG-based game.

Crowd control should not and never should be forced into Damage 3.0.

The point of dealing damage is to kill shit, not to cage or ragdoll enemies.

If I wanted to apply CC onto an enemy, I would use one of my already in-place abilities to

do the job for me, not my fucking firearm.

Guns are for killing and nothing more, so unless you're going to bring back the Tenno

Space Program, cut it out with this ragdoll bullshit.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> [Rant] We need Armor 2.0, NOT Damage 2.5. - Duration: 4:06.


5 Cheap Dollar Store Decorating Tricks - Duration: 4:14.

Having good-looking decors does not have to be expensive.

There are always so many options

you can try to maximize your minimum budget.

In fact, you can apply so many home decors with small budget

rather than spending much money just for one decor.

In case you want to try the first one,

here are 5 Cheap Dollar store decorating tricks

that you may need to try immediately by

1. Paneled Mirror

This first idea is very cheap, yet so simple.

Costing you not more than $11 for total,

this idea does not require any special tools to make the decor.

All you are going to need is glue and duct tape.

If you think mirror just looks too familiar,

wait until you have done paneling it.

2. Knock-Off Mirror

Still using mirror as the main material,

this time you will need more mirrors.

For this idea, you can reuse mirrors from woman's face powder.

It is guaranteed that woman's face powder includes small mirror inside it.

There will be so many shapes of mirror you can apply,

but it will be easier if you use round mirror.

After that you also need one rounded base for the mirrors.

You can use all materials for the base as long as it can be hanged.

The one thing you should not ignore from this idea is

you are going to need more time to collect the unused mirrors from the woman's face powder.

3. Mirror Boxes

If we use rounded mirrors as the main materials,

this time you are going to need mirrors that have four angles.

You can use either square or rectangle mirrors.

Since they have four angles,

it means you also need four mirrors to make one decor.

You can add one more mirror for each decor as the base,

but it does not have to be a mirror.

Just simply glue them to make the mirror box.

This decor can be used as vases, small bathroom organizers,

jewelry holders, or some places to put small things.

4. Waste Basket

Since we are discussing about cheap home decors,

it will be nice for you if you can maximize all things that are unused anymore.

This idea will really save your money.

If you have any unused cans in your house,

you are going to need it.

Even a simple thing can look great after some treatments.

However, you are not recommended

to use any cans that are already used for trash bin.

It is better to buy the cheap one if you do not have any.

Twist the can with any leftover rope to make it look like a home decor.

5. Fabric Covered Bins

Do not think that bins are always considered as grubby or dirty things.

This decor offers you another way to take care of your bins.

Since there are so many designs of fabric,

this decor really allows you to express your taste.

You can freely apply any kind of fabric design to cover the bins.

This decor surely will not cost you much

since you only need to cover the bins with fabric.

That is why you also need to really select what kind of trash you are going to throw in this fabric covered bins.

That's it. You just learned view Dollar store decorating tricks that will not cost you an arm and a leg

Come back again next time with more home, Kitchen makeover and decorating ideas.

Like this video, comment it, or better yet share it with everyone in your social circle.

Don't forget to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you.

See you again later and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 5 Cheap Dollar Store Decorating Tricks - Duration: 4:14.


Progresiones de acordes de Blues -PARTE 2 CON SUBTITULOS- - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> Progresiones de acordes de Blues -PARTE 2 CON SUBTITULOS- - Duration: 8:16.


CES 2018 Top Picks - JBL Xtreme 2 Audio, Technica QuietPoint Headphones And More! - Duration: 5:58.

CES 2018 is all wrapped up now and a lot of new things got announced.

Almost everything has RGB lighting now and there was a huge push on voice assistants

from almost everyone.

And keeping up with everything that got announced at CES this year can be a little over whelming.

So here are my top picks CES 2018.

First up, I've been calling it now for a few months now but JBL finally announced the

JBL Xtreme 2.

And impersonally very excited for the JBL Xtreme 2 cause the original JBL Xtreme is

just a great work horse of a portable speaker.

Design wise theres really no change.

The rubber end caps are a little more stylized, looks like the legs are little beefed up,

and apparently the carrying strap now has a built in bottle opener.

Concerning tech specs, the JBL Xtreme 2 now has JBL Connect plus so it can connect with

newer Speakers like the Pulse 3, Charge 3, Flip 4, and the JBL Boombox.

Battery life is still at 15 hours, but the JBL Xtreme 2 is now IPX 7 rated… which is

an improvement over the original Xtreme cause its only water resistant.

But we'll have to see is the JBL Xtreme 2 floats.

And obviously the JBL Xtreme 2 is supposed to sound better thanks to upgraded drivers

and brand new 3D bass radiators.

And it should be going on sale in the spring for $299.95.

JBL also announced their Clip 3 with improved battery life, IPX 7 certification, and a slightly

reworked design.

The Clip 3 will also go on sale in the spring for $59.99.

Staying on the topic of speakers, Sony also announced their Sony Xb21, XB31, and XB41.

And it is obvious Sony is coming after JBL with these new speakers.

They all feature a brand new design which I'm a huge fan of and they all have led

light strips built in.

There hasn't been a major battery life improvement over the current Xb20, xb30, and xb41, but

these new speakers are more durable.

They all feature an IP67 rating, so aside of just being water proof like most of JBL's

current speakers, Sony's speakers are both Water and Dust proof to some extent.

So on paper Sony's speakers are supposed to be more durable than JBL's.

And you can now connect up to 100 Sony Xb21 Xb31 and XB41 speakers together.

But there was no mention if this feature will be coming to older XB speakers as well.

The Sony Xb21 will be selling for $99.99, the Xb31 will be selling for $149.99, and

the XB41 will be selling for $249.99 this spring.

Sony also announced their wireless earbuds made specifically for working out.

They're called the WF-SP700N and they're in-ear ear buds that feature an IPX4 rating,

active noise cancelation, a total of 9 hours of battery life with help from the charging

case, and google assistant integration.

They'll be selling for $179.99 and they should be available in the spring.

And speaking of voice assistants, Sony will also be releasing a firmware update for current

headphones which will add google assistant integration just like the Bose QC35 Series


This just means the Sony 1000XM2 and Sony H.ear 2 will be that much better.

Now, its no secret I really like the Sony 1000XM2 and Sony H.ear On 2…

But Audio-Technica also announced their ATH-ANC700BT QuietPoint head points.

If you're somebody thats on a tighter budget then you might be interested in the Quiet

Point cause they'll be selling for $199.

They're supposed to have a 25 hours battery life, come in black or grey, and I'm interested

to see how their ANC technology compares to the ANC on the 1000XM2 come this March.

Next up are DJI's new gimbal systems.

And I'm personally very impressed by the DJI Osomo 2 cause it clearly shows DJI is

listening to their costumers.

First up they slashed the price down from $200 to $130 (which puts them in direct competition

with the Zhiyun - Smooth-Q ) They made it lighter, its not supposed to over heat any

more, and they improved the battery life from 4 and half hours to a whopping 15 hours.

And you can charge your phone as well.

I'm really interested to see how the DJI Osomo 2 compares compares to the Zhiyun.

Now I'm personally really looking forward for the Ronin-S cause its a larger stabilizer

that will hold my mirrorless camera.

The Ronin-S is supposed to go on sale in the spring but priceing hasn't been announced.

Where as the DJI Osomo 2 should be going on sale on January 23 and everywhere

else in February.

And finally theres the Razer Nommo speaker line up.

Now admittedly I currently don't have time to play computer games right now, but I can

appreciate their design and their color changing base.

There are three models to chose from, the base Razer Nommo speakers which are just stereo

speakers for $100, then theres the Razer Nommo Chroma which have the RGB base for $149.99

and then theres the top of the line Razer Nommo Pro for $499.99.

Although the first two are currently available the Razer Nommo Pro still inst up for sale.

And what makes the Nommo Pro special is improved drivers, the addition of tweeters and a downward

firing subwoofer.

So yeah, these are just some of the things I'm currently really looking forward to

from CES 2018.

And I'm also going to do my best to get a hold of all off these products and review

and compare them.

But comment down below, what are you most excited for from CES 2018?

For more infomation >> CES 2018 Top Picks - JBL Xtreme 2 Audio, Technica QuietPoint Headphones And More! - Duration: 5:58.


£50m Arsenal target is desperate for move to Liverpool to play under Klopp ● News Now transfer #LFC - Duration: 2:15.

Coutinho's departure to Barcelona has left a huge void in the Liverpool squad and through

our current team is capable of performing without the Brazilian magician,

it is absolutely necessary that we replace him.

We have been linked with a host of attacking players and Riyad Mahrez is one of them.

Bleacher Report's Dean Jones says Mahrez would love to join Liverpool, adding that

the Reds must act fast with Arsenal also readying a bid for the Algeria winger.

"Riyad Mahrez has won the Premier League and knows the division inside out, but so

far there has been plenty of social media noise about Liverpool signing him.

"At the time of writing, the Leicester City man's representatives have not heard from


"His magic from set pieces could go some way to filling the Coutinho void at Anfield,

and he seems reasonably well-priced at £50m.

"Arsenal are expected to come in for him if Alexis Sanchez joins Manchester City, so

the Reds are running short on time if they are to make a move."

There's no doubt that Mahrez is a quality player but I'd rather prefer having a versatile

attacker, someone in the mould of Oxlade-Chamberlain.

We have two top-class wingers in Sadio Mane and Mo Salah so any attacker who may arrive

at the club will have to fight it out with them.

Mahrez is such an important figure at Leicester and I don't think he'd accept a bench

role at any club, never mind Liverpool.

Klopp deploys a 4-3-3 and given that Mahrez doesn't play in central midfield,

it is a given that he has to fight for his place with Mo Salah, which is next to impossible

given the kind of form that the Egyptian genius is in.

I would advise against Mahrez joining "Klopp's Liverpool".

For more infomation >> £50m Arsenal target is desperate for move to Liverpool to play under Klopp ● News Now transfer #LFC - Duration: 2:15.


Very Important News About Zainab From Kasur - Duration: 3:26.

justice for zainab

killer of zainab

For more infomation >> Very Important News About Zainab From Kasur - Duration: 3:26.


Watch: Rain, icy mix, snow to end; temperatures to tumble - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Watch: Rain, icy mix, snow to end; temperatures to tumble - Duration: 3:24.


Battle Parmesan Leftovers | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Battle Parmesan Leftovers | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.


Wintry mess, snow & wind early this morning - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Wintry mess, snow & wind early this morning - Duration: 1:58.


Nightcore-Hall of Fame (Turkish Lyrics) - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Nightcore-Hall of Fame (Turkish Lyrics) - Duration: 2:38.


Top 5 Bollywood Actresses Horse Riding Moment | Bollywood Actresses Horse Riding Practice - Duration: 3:04.

Top 5 Bollywood Actresses Horse Riding Moment | Bollywood Actresses Horse Riding Practice

For more infomation >> Top 5 Bollywood Actresses Horse Riding Moment | Bollywood Actresses Horse Riding Practice - Duration: 3:04.


Не дай своему мозгу умереть молодым – Как сохранить мозг здоровым и стать умным на всю жизнь - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Не дай своему мозгу умереть молодым – Как сохранить мозг здоровым и стать умным на всю жизнь - Duration: 3:52.


SCP-087-B: Source - Trailer - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> SCP-087-B: Source - Trailer - Duration: 1:24.


BREAKING NEWS!!! Victor Crowley Trailer: The Hatchet Killer Returns to His Swamp - Duration: 3:08.

the hatchet franchise is back in a big bloody way as the new full-length

trailer for Victor Crowley has arrived online director Adam green pulled a fast

one over on horror fans late last year by revealing he filmed hatchet four in

secret by screening the movie for a crowd of fans the movie was then taken

on a tour around the country but now those who couldn't make it out to a

screening or getting the chance to see it as the movie is going to be available

in just a few short weeks to hype up the release we have a super fun and violent

new trailer for Victor Crowley which is loaded down with new footage slasher

movies aren't huge right now but hatchet even though the movies are very

low-budget and campy has tried to keep the genre alive Victor Crowley looks

like it's doing a fine job and based on the footage it looks like this could be

one of the best entries in the franchise to date at the very least quite a few

people are going to die at the hands of fame the swamp monster and quite a few

bad jokes are going to be cracked hatchet 4 is set 10 years after the

events of the other movies in the franchise in which 40 million people

were brutally torn to pieces in the Louisiana honey island swamp Andrew

Young the lone survivor of these brutal events claims that local legend Victor

Crowley was responsible for the horrific massacre these claims had been met with

great controversy but as we see in the trailer he wrote a book about them

anyway which has something of a fan base despite his desire to never return to

the swamp a twist of fate puts him back at the scene of the tragedy Victor

Crowley is resurrected and long along with a group of survivors from a plane

crash must face the bloodthirsty killer even though the franchise doesn't have

much to speak of in the way of box office

hatchet has been quite successful relatively speaking the original movie

received two sequels 2010's hatchet 2 and 2013's hatchet 3 the franchise rests

on the shoulders of Kane hunter who returns as Victor Crowley in the

sequel Potter is best known for having played Jason in several of more recent

Friday the 13th movies the cast for the sequel also includes Laura Ortiz The

Hills Have Eyes Dave Sheridan scary movie and Brian Quinn Impractical Jokers

also Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans may take notice of Jonah ray who shows

up at the beginning of the trailer but it doesn't look like he's going to last

too long the movie arrives on blu-ray DVD and

digital platforms On February 6th

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS!!! Victor Crowley Trailer: The Hatchet Killer Returns to His Swamp - Duration: 3:08.


கள்ளகாதலனுடன் உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட மனைவி செய்த காரியத்தை பாருங்க | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood Seithigal - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> கள்ளகாதலனுடன் உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட மனைவி செய்த காரியத்தை பாருங்க | Tamil Cinema News Kollywood Seithigal - Duration: 1:27.


Opel Corsa ONLINE EDITION 1.0T 90PK 5D - INTELLILINK - COLOR+ - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa ONLINE EDITION 1.0T 90PK 5D - INTELLILINK - COLOR+ - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Corsa EDITION 1.0 TURBO S&S 90PK 3D - WINTERPAKKET - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa EDITION 1.0 TURBO S&S 90PK 3D - WINTERPAKKET - Duration: 1:02.


Kia Picanto 1.2 CVVT 85PK 5D BusinessLine *Open dak! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.2 CVVT 85PK 5D BusinessLine *Open dak! - Duration: 0:56.


5 Cheap Dollar Store Decorating Tricks - Duration: 4:14.

Having good-looking decors does not have to be expensive.

There are always so many options

you can try to maximize your minimum budget.

In fact, you can apply so many home decors with small budget

rather than spending much money just for one decor.

In case you want to try the first one,

here are 5 Cheap Dollar store decorating tricks

that you may need to try immediately by

1. Paneled Mirror

This first idea is very cheap, yet so simple.

Costing you not more than $11 for total,

this idea does not require any special tools to make the decor.

All you are going to need is glue and duct tape.

If you think mirror just looks too familiar,

wait until you have done paneling it.

2. Knock-Off Mirror

Still using mirror as the main material,

this time you will need more mirrors.

For this idea, you can reuse mirrors from woman's face powder.

It is guaranteed that woman's face powder includes small mirror inside it.

There will be so many shapes of mirror you can apply,

but it will be easier if you use round mirror.

After that you also need one rounded base for the mirrors.

You can use all materials for the base as long as it can be hanged.

The one thing you should not ignore from this idea is

you are going to need more time to collect the unused mirrors from the woman's face powder.

3. Mirror Boxes

If we use rounded mirrors as the main materials,

this time you are going to need mirrors that have four angles.

You can use either square or rectangle mirrors.

Since they have four angles,

it means you also need four mirrors to make one decor.

You can add one more mirror for each decor as the base,

but it does not have to be a mirror.

Just simply glue them to make the mirror box.

This decor can be used as vases, small bathroom organizers,

jewelry holders, or some places to put small things.

4. Waste Basket

Since we are discussing about cheap home decors,

it will be nice for you if you can maximize all things that are unused anymore.

This idea will really save your money.

If you have any unused cans in your house,

you are going to need it.

Even a simple thing can look great after some treatments.

However, you are not recommended

to use any cans that are already used for trash bin.

It is better to buy the cheap one if you do not have any.

Twist the can with any leftover rope to make it look like a home decor.

5. Fabric Covered Bins

Do not think that bins are always considered as grubby or dirty things.

This decor offers you another way to take care of your bins.

Since there are so many designs of fabric,

this decor really allows you to express your taste.

You can freely apply any kind of fabric design to cover the bins.

This decor surely will not cost you much

since you only need to cover the bins with fabric.

That is why you also need to really select what kind of trash you are going to throw in this fabric covered bins.

That's it. You just learned view Dollar store decorating tricks that will not cost you an arm and a leg

Come back again next time with more home, Kitchen makeover and decorating ideas.

Like this video, comment it, or better yet share it with everyone in your social circle.

Don't forget to press subscribe button if this channel is new to you.

See you again later and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 5 Cheap Dollar Store Decorating Tricks - Duration: 4:14.


Làm Thế Nào Để Ngừng Giật Mí Mắt - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Làm Thế Nào Để Ngừng Giật Mí Mắt - Duration: 5:30.


Lưỡi Của Bạn Nói Gì Về Sức Khoẻ Của Bạn ? - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Lưỡi Của Bạn Nói Gì Về Sức Khoẻ Của Bạn ? - Duration: 7:45.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


KR STARS| [N컷] "내가 지켜" '화유기' 이승기♥오연서, 로맨틱 보디가드 포옹 - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N컷] "내가 지켜" '화유기' 이승기♥오연서, 로맨틱 보디가드 포옹 - Duration: 4:15.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N컷] "내가 지켜" '화유기' 이승기♥오연서, 로맨틱 보디가드 포옹 - Duration: 4:15.


KR STARS| [N컷] '무도' 유재석, 자필 자소서 최초 공개 "밤새워 준비" - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N컷] '무도' 유재석, 자필 자소서 최초 공개 "밤새워 준비" - Duration: 3:15.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N컷] '무도' 유재석, 자필 자소서 최초 공개 "밤새워 준비" - Duration: 3:15.


9 aliments brûle-graisses à consommer régulièrement - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> 9 aliments brûle-graisses à consommer régulièrement - Duration: 10:40.


For more infomation >> 9 aliments brûle-graisses à consommer régulièrement - Duration: 10:40.


Can I play with Redmi 4A? | Test performance of Games MIUI 9 Benchmark Gaming - Duration: 11:30.

For more infomation >> Can I play with Redmi 4A? | Test performance of Games MIUI 9 Benchmark Gaming - Duration: 11:30.


For more infomation >> Can I play with Redmi 4A? | Test performance of Games MIUI 9 Benchmark Gaming - Duration: 11:30.


Alain Delon explique pourquoi il a refusé de se marier avec Mireille Darc - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Alain Delon explique pourquoi il a refusé de se marier avec Mireille Darc - Duration: 4:55.


For more infomation >> Alain Delon explique pourquoi il a refusé de se marier avec Mireille Darc - Duration: 4:55.


ALEXANDRE DJOUHRI, l'encombrant ami de N. SARKOZY - Monkey - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> ALEXANDRE DJOUHRI, l'encombrant ami de N. SARKOZY - Monkey - Duration: 3:38.


For more infomation >> ALEXANDRE DJOUHRI, l'encombrant ami de N. SARKOZY - Monkey - Duration: 3:38.


Pourquoi Brigitte Macron ne peut pas garder les tenues qu'on lui prête - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Brigitte Macron ne peut pas garder les tenues qu'on lui prête - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> Pourquoi Brigitte Macron ne peut pas garder les tenues qu'on lui prête - Duration: 2:28.


Invented demons: Beelzebub & Belfagor? Here's who they really were! - Duration: 14:09.

MAURO BIGLINO 2018 - Demons invented by the Bible: Beelzebub & Belfagor? Here's who they really were!

For more infomation >> Invented demons: Beelzebub & Belfagor? Here's who they really were! - Duration: 14:09.


For more infomation >> Invented demons: Beelzebub & Belfagor? Here's who they really were! - Duration: 14:09.


1 4 Dance - Is This the Way

For more infomation >> 1 4 Dance - Is This the Way


Watch: Girls' Generation's Taeyeon Releases Soothing "I'm All Ears" MV(News) - Duration: 1:10.

Watch: Girls' Generation's Taeyeon Releases Soothing "I'm All Ears" MV

Girls Generations Taeyeon has gifted fans with a beautiful special video for her comforting song Im All Ears. The track is off Taeyeons December album This Christmas – Winter is Coming, which featured the title track My Christmas.

The songs lyrics encourage the listener to share whats worrying them so they can be comforted, with Taeyeon singing, Tell me everything, its okay if it takes the whole night, so I can melt away your cold day. Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. Her new special video for the song features Taeyeon singing, smiling, and having fun in a pastel palette thats perfect for the soothing sound of the track.

For more infomation >> Watch: Girls' Generation's Taeyeon Releases Soothing "I'm All Ears" MV(News) - Duration: 1:10.


CES 2018 Top Picks - JBL Xtreme 2 Audio, Technica QuietPoint Headphones And More! - Duration: 5:58.

CES 2018 is all wrapped up now and a lot of new things got announced.

Almost everything has RGB lighting now and there was a huge push on voice assistants

from almost everyone.

And keeping up with everything that got announced at CES this year can be a little over whelming.

So here are my top picks CES 2018.

First up, I've been calling it now for a few months now but JBL finally announced the

JBL Xtreme 2.

And impersonally very excited for the JBL Xtreme 2 cause the original JBL Xtreme is

just a great work horse of a portable speaker.

Design wise theres really no change.

The rubber end caps are a little more stylized, looks like the legs are little beefed up,

and apparently the carrying strap now has a built in bottle opener.

Concerning tech specs, the JBL Xtreme 2 now has JBL Connect plus so it can connect with

newer Speakers like the Pulse 3, Charge 3, Flip 4, and the JBL Boombox.

Battery life is still at 15 hours, but the JBL Xtreme 2 is now IPX 7 rated… which is

an improvement over the original Xtreme cause its only water resistant.

But we'll have to see is the JBL Xtreme 2 floats.

And obviously the JBL Xtreme 2 is supposed to sound better thanks to upgraded drivers

and brand new 3D bass radiators.

And it should be going on sale in the spring for $299.95.

JBL also announced their Clip 3 with improved battery life, IPX 7 certification, and a slightly

reworked design.

The Clip 3 will also go on sale in the spring for $59.99.

Staying on the topic of speakers, Sony also announced their Sony Xb21, XB31, and XB41.

And it is obvious Sony is coming after JBL with these new speakers.

They all feature a brand new design which I'm a huge fan of and they all have led

light strips built in.

There hasn't been a major battery life improvement over the current Xb20, xb30, and xb41, but

these new speakers are more durable.

They all feature an IP67 rating, so aside of just being water proof like most of JBL's

current speakers, Sony's speakers are both Water and Dust proof to some extent.

So on paper Sony's speakers are supposed to be more durable than JBL's.

And you can now connect up to 100 Sony Xb21 Xb31 and XB41 speakers together.

But there was no mention if this feature will be coming to older XB speakers as well.

The Sony Xb21 will be selling for $99.99, the Xb31 will be selling for $149.99, and

the XB41 will be selling for $249.99 this spring.

Sony also announced their wireless earbuds made specifically for working out.

They're called the WF-SP700N and they're in-ear ear buds that feature an IPX4 rating,

active noise cancelation, a total of 9 hours of battery life with help from the charging

case, and google assistant integration.

They'll be selling for $179.99 and they should be available in the spring.

And speaking of voice assistants, Sony will also be releasing a firmware update for current

headphones which will add google assistant integration just like the Bose QC35 Series


This just means the Sony 1000XM2 and Sony H.ear 2 will be that much better.

Now, its no secret I really like the Sony 1000XM2 and Sony H.ear On 2…

But Audio-Technica also announced their ATH-ANC700BT QuietPoint head points.

If you're somebody thats on a tighter budget then you might be interested in the Quiet

Point cause they'll be selling for $199.

They're supposed to have a 25 hours battery life, come in black or grey, and I'm interested

to see how their ANC technology compares to the ANC on the 1000XM2 come this March.

Next up are DJI's new gimbal systems.

And I'm personally very impressed by the DJI Osomo 2 cause it clearly shows DJI is

listening to their costumers.

First up they slashed the price down from $200 to $130 (which puts them in direct competition

with the Zhiyun - Smooth-Q ) They made it lighter, its not supposed to over heat any

more, and they improved the battery life from 4 and half hours to a whopping 15 hours.

And you can charge your phone as well.

I'm really interested to see how the DJI Osomo 2 compares compares to the Zhiyun.

Now I'm personally really looking forward for the Ronin-S cause its a larger stabilizer

that will hold my mirrorless camera.

The Ronin-S is supposed to go on sale in the spring but priceing hasn't been announced.

Where as the DJI Osomo 2 should be going on sale on January 23 and everywhere

else in February.

And finally theres the Razer Nommo speaker line up.

Now admittedly I currently don't have time to play computer games right now, but I can

appreciate their design and their color changing base.

There are three models to chose from, the base Razer Nommo speakers which are just stereo

speakers for $100, then theres the Razer Nommo Chroma which have the RGB base for $149.99

and then theres the top of the line Razer Nommo Pro for $499.99.

Although the first two are currently available the Razer Nommo Pro still inst up for sale.

And what makes the Nommo Pro special is improved drivers, the addition of tweeters and a downward

firing subwoofer.

So yeah, these are just some of the things I'm currently really looking forward to

from CES 2018.

And I'm also going to do my best to get a hold of all off these products and review

and compare them.

But comment down below, what are you most excited for from CES 2018?

For more infomation >> CES 2018 Top Picks - JBL Xtreme 2 Audio, Technica QuietPoint Headphones And More! - Duration: 5:58.


How long is your D!CK ? █ Friday with C Lufmench part 10 - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> How long is your D!CK ? █ Friday with C Lufmench part 10 - Duration: 4:50.


의사가 밝히는 건강을 위해 즉시 버려야 할 물건 13가지 - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> 의사가 밝히는 건강을 위해 즉시 버려야 할 물건 13가지 - Duration: 8:01.


(CC ENG) [BEHIND] EP.3 Sewoon's Hongkong Hongkong! 'Sewoon Honey Combination' chapter - Duration: 9:56.

subbed and translated by metamongmashite do not take out translations without permission

(Hello everyone~)

(I'm in ~~~~ Hong Kong ~~~~ Lullu Lalla ~~~~ Unbelievable ~~~~)

(Monsta X's Jooheon enters!) SW: A lot of people are curious about our two-shot!

JH: Ah~ yes

SW: How come the two of us are in the same room?

JH: Uh huh SW: Therefore, I will show everyone our two-shot for once! JH: Okay!

SW: Wow~ Really! JH: Really, the two of us...

(Unimaginable chemistry)

JH: We are really a good combination

JH: Sho- should I hold it? I will hold it

(Jooheon hyung takes the lead!)

JH: I will hold it

JH: Sit here, Sewoon

JH: Sit over here, please!

JH: Okay~

SW: Wow~!! We're like a painting!

JH: If I'm asked what kind of feel he has

JH: Sewoon is like a sika deer!

SW: Sika deer?

JH: Yes, Sewoon kinda looks like a sika deer

JH: In my case, it's...

SW: You know there is a handsome cheetah

JH: You said that on purpose, didn't you?

SW: No!! JH: Just because there's camera here SW: No~

JH: He looks like a very tough sika deer!

SW: Ah... really?

SW: Thank you~ JH: But saying those things make me kinda embarassed~

SW: Whyyy~?

SW: I think hyung is handsome enough You have the confidence

JH: Okay I get it! Because Sewoon has given me some confidence

JH: Now I have the confidence SW:And your heart is more good-looking that anything else (means that he's kind)

JH: Right! SW: Isn't that what makes you the most handsome?

JH: That's right

JH: Just now, when I enter the room with Sewoon

JH: In Sewoon's bag! I saw his bag

JH: His bag is almost- what's this

JH: It's as big as a mountain!

JH: His bag is as big as a mountain!! And he came with a bag like that

JH: Show it here for once!!

SW: But there's nothing in my bag~

JH: There's nothing but why is your bag so big??

JH: So our Sewoon... is like that...

JH: He carried a big bag like that

JH: Then suddenly he took out something for the first time

JH: There was that one thing I am really terrified with that thing

JH: No, how on earth is this friend... SW: Why are you afraid of that

JH: Yes SW: Is it something that bad that you're afraid of it?

JH: Probably in Monsta X, not only me but all the six members will also be surprised

SW: Ah~ really? JH: For me, it's something that-

JH: Honestly

JH: Something like that is

JH: Like putting a doll inside your bag

JH: That's something that couldn't possibly be real~ seriously!

(Clapping while holding the camera clap. clap. clap. clap!)

SW: Moreover~ The one who has reversed charm

SW: Let's take a look at Jooheon's charm

JH: Of course~!!

(Suddenly Sewoon's 'Just U' song can be heard!) SW: Everyone, now we are

SW: Going to sleep and Hong Kong MAMA tomorrow- Oh~ it's teacher's Just U

(Song choice full of sense for the lil' bro!)

SW: Of course, the love for junior is indeed different!

SW: We're going to sleep now~

(He even sings ㅋㅋㅋ) SW: and tomorrow, I'm going to show you the good aspect of me

SW: Bye everyone~

SW: Byeeee~~~~

(Why is this hyung like this ㅋㅋㅋ)

(Good morning, everyone)

(Everyone it's a very good morning ;))

Jooheon and Sewoon have come to eat breakfast!

SW: This is paradise!

SW: Yogurt and tea!

SW: Sweet milk!

(Jooheon suddenly missing?)

SW: He ate with me just now, but then he hurriedly left because he had to go quickly, so he left his breakfast

SW: He left traces behind like this

SW: Look at this rushed spoon!

(lol the aftertaste of the last spoon...)

(Hong Kong MAMA Jung Sewoon's waiting room!!) (found it)

(Yes~ Dance all you want now...) (ㅋㅋ desperation)

(If that's so! Reversed shoot! ㅋㅋㅋ)

SW: Should I take a picture of you?

(No! Thank...)

(No need for initial agreement ㅋㅋㅋ)

SW: Your life shot is out! (meaning: the best picture in your life)

SW: One of the mistake when taking polaroid picture is then when you take out the picture

SW: There is aalllways someone who shakes the picture

(Stop it! Everyone, that way is not going to work~)

SW: Just leave it down will do, like this~

(Please wait patiently~)

(T/N: The hairpin says "Cute Princess")

(But he's not bewildered~)

SW: Hello~ I'm 'Princyess'!

VJ Starship: You suddenly got the "Princess'" feels

The feel receiver Princess Sewoon's instrument parade! ㅋㅋㅋ)

(Familiar sound coming out from somewhere ㅋㅋ)

(The person to steal your heart is me! It's me!)

VJ Starship: Why is your bag so fat?

SW: Why is 'fat belly'

SW: is called a 'fat belly'?

SW: Sit here

VJ Starship: What is this?

SW: Pardon? This part of floor is exceptionally cold!

VJ Starship: Isn't this 'bubble wrap'?

SW: This is often mistaken as bubble wrap But this is not bubble wrap

SW: This is an electronic mattress that will be released around February next year

SW: But I already got sponsored (ㅋㅋㅋ)

SW: So I'm testing it right now! (He's talking nonsense!)

VJ Starship: You said it's not bubble wrap (Sewoon's hands already...)

(Popping as if he's used to this ㅋㅋㅋ)

SW: This is a bubble wrap's function-equipped electric mattress!

SW: If you stick bubble wraps on the windows

SW: There will be an actual effect for real! It blocks the wind~ (from entering the window during winter)

SW: It has the ability to increase room temperature

SW: That is because of the help from the famous bubble wrap

SW: Be bubble wrap~

SW: I miss Kku-kku~ (a puppy)

(Suddenly? lol)

SW: Hurry up and sit here!

(Somehow if I sit there I would've to buy...)

VJ Starship: I don't want to, though?

SW: Hurry up and sit here hyuuungg~

SW: Then, nickname! Before you call my nickname!

VJ Starship: What's your nickname?

SW: Pretty princess!

SW: Inside my body~

SW: Two bullets are stuck

SW: There are two bullets~

(As if impersonating actor Lee Jungjae in a movie ㅋㅋ)

SW: Was it similar?

VJ Starship: Are you a mermaid?

SW: They said it's an egg bread!

SW: Wow!

SW: Wow!!

(Who wants egg bread~)

(Put down the camera for a while and have a bite~)

(Eat a lot of delicious foods and be happy~!!)

SW: This is my first schedule abroad after I debut

SW: And it is in Hong Kong MAMA

SW: So I think this is an honour!

SW: I am also looking forward to the seniors' big performances!

VJ Starship: Excuse me

SW: Who is it?

SW: That was like-

SW: Didn't that look like as if it's from my parents' generation?

SW: Doing this and then suddenly looking at the camera!

(The benign smile of the elders that appear on TV ㅋㅋㅋ)

(MAMA red carpet has started!)

(Senior Soyu~)

(And Monsta X's Jooheon enters!)

(Behind the seniors, Sewoon enters proudly!)

SW: The big system outside

SW: It went around quickly

SW: It was amusing and mind-blowing

SW: But it was fun!

VJ Starship: Are you doing your own makeup?

SW: I'm Jung Sewoon with 15 years of makeup carreer

SW: So I'm going to do makeup today!

(The return of Bluff Sewoon!)

SW: I have done toning my skin!

(Let's see~) (Good choice!)

(Yes it's your pick!)


SW: You have to pat pat pat it like this~

(VJ senses something wrong ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

(He's not done yet lol)

SW: Do this~ and lipbalm!

VJ Starship: Don't you have to mix that with the one with color to use it?

SW: Ah~ That's!

SW: That's my choice!

SW: Do that and fi.nish~!!

(Finally self-makeup finish!)

SW: I look different, right?

VJ Starship: Yeah, you ruined your face

SW: If teacher can come here again, you can redo it

VJ Starship: You said you changed your hairstyle for this stage

SW: Yes, I'm thinking to do the hair styling by myself again~

(Please stop-) SW: I will try to do it on my hair for the second try

SW: Bye~

VJ Starship: Oh! Hello!

(Jooheon has come to play in Sewoon's waiting room!)

SW: Say a word today, please~!

JH: This is the mic? SW: Yes

SW: This is the most trembling side of Jooheon I have ever seen in my entire life until now~

JH: Oh really That's because the members are not here!

JH: Ah~ If the members are not here and I'm alone

JH: I get lonely~

JH: So honestly

JH: Sewoon is also alone

JH: Like when you're doing music broadcast

SW: Right!

JH: He must've felt really nervous~

(He's eating the mic in the middle of this ㅋㅋㅋ) VJ Starship: Jooheon looks really charismatic on stage

VJ Starship: But today since the Monsta X members are not here you must be very nervous!

JH: No~ Although I was walking alone on the red carpet

JH: Sewoon was there behind me

JH: I put my trust on that only!

JH: Since there was Sewoon behind me, and there was also Soyou noona

JH: Ah!

SW: Starship family!

JH: Yes~ So I figured out it was fine

SW: Have one more bite!

JH: Ah okay!

(Lil brother taking care of his hyung ㅠㅠ)

VJ Starship: By the way, this honey combination (meaning: perfect duo)

JH: Ho.Ney!!

JH: The picture that Sewoon took

(Bragging the picture that the lil bro took~)

SW: I have never seen anyone who suits white hair very well

SW: That's why when I look at him I wanna try it once

SW: This is the first time I have that kind of thought!

SW: I think Sewoon in white hair would be awesome

VJ Starship: Which one do you like the most here?

SW: Because I took these myself so I like all!

(Benign smile~)

(Last checking before today's stage!)

(Checking the in-ear toroughly too!)

SW: Heyow!

SW: I am now preparing for the stage~!

(Nectarous voice~)

SW: I will do well and be back! Fighting~!

('Hong Kong MAMA' 's stage all ended with success~)

VJ Starship: Hong Kong MAMA is such a big stage and it's your first time standing on it. How do you feel?

SW: First of all, the stage was so big

SW: And usually I only use one in-ear in one side

SW: If I can hear well, I don't use two

SW: But this time, I use two in-ears

SW: The camera was so far away

SW: I was looking for the camera like this

SW: Like that!

SW: Doing girl groups' songs have some kind of awkward feelings

SW: But I'm glad I can wrap it up well

VJ Starship: Seeing you doing that for the nominees is so amazing!

SW: Ah really? What a relief!

(To: The fans who give support) SW: Thank you for coming and giving your support~!

SW: My first abroad activity!

SW: is performing on a big stage like Hong Kong MAMA

SW: I am still trembling 'till now

SW: But I hope I will have the chance to meet a lot of fans

SW: Please expect it

SW: And please anticipate my next stages to come as well!

SW: Bye~!! (subbed and translated by metamongmashite)

For more infomation >> (CC ENG) [BEHIND] EP.3 Sewoon's Hongkong Hongkong! 'Sewoon Honey Combination' chapter - Duration: 9:56.


2018 New Year Resolution - Duration: 2:42.

let's find out sebastiaono serafini's good intentions for this 2018

and let's hope he will keep them, like the one "I'll go to the gym next monday"

Hello everyone, and let me tell you today my top 10 good intentions for 2018

if you are new to this channel don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, SHARE and LIKE this video

me, like every year, today is jan 1st

I like to make a list of 10 good intentions for this year

so let me tell you what they are, and let's hope they will become all true

number one is keep going on making video everyday

or at least almost everyday

so let's say 300 new videos

2) I would like to release a new album

since it has been two years that I'm releasing new album and I hope I can release a new one this november too

and I gope u will like it!

3) i would like to make a short movie

I'm actually already working on something with akidearest and Joey

4) i would like to write a song for Yuriko

like we had been saying during the vlog about vkei

5) I would like to appear in an italian movie

that I might happened this may, who knows

6) i would like to make a song for a Japanese game

this is also smt that I'm actually already working on

7) I would like to practice a bit my chinese and maybe study in Taiwan or China for a month

since is a language that I've studied a lot and I really like it

8) I would like to record at least 4... or maybe 6 new music video this year too

in 2017 i've released 8 new music video, this year I would prefer do less video but maybe with a higher budget

let 2017 were quite expensive too

9) I would like to grow 10.000-15.000 sub on this new italian channel, so please keep on SUBSCRIBING

10) I would like to keep my tradition from last christmas

make another christmas tree this time with more people than last year

because I guess from now until december there will be lot of new subscribers and people that would like to be on my tree

anyway thank you so much for all the support that you are giving me

and the chances I'm getting this this channel, because I used to have only a music channel in english

so having this channel in italian is a new thing for me

I hope you like it, keep on watching and subscribe, ciao ciao

For more infomation >> 2018 New Year Resolution - Duration: 2:42.



hey guys welcome back to today's video where we are putting to the test Estee

Lauder's nutritious radiant vitality two-in-one foam cleanser this is a

two-in-one foam cleanser that can also be used once a week as a deep cleansing

and purifying treatment today is the perfect time to put this a deep

cleansing mask to the test because right now I am in full filming makeup I'm

talking foundation primer bronzers powders highlighters it has caked on

there right now for the two minutes is up I'm just gonna

wash this mask off with my hands I'm gonna take a cotton pad a little bit of

toner we're gonna do with these swipe tests and see if the skin comes up clean

like always I'll have this product I linked it down below also don't forget

to subscribe and hit that little bell notification so you know exactly when I

upload a new video now before we dive into the ingredients and all of the

beautiful benefits of this deep cleansing mask and daily wash let's go

ahead and get it on this skin would now I have been loving this as a daily

cleanser it's really been working out it foams up so beautifully it smells and

delicious it smells just like cranberry or like a really fruity extract but

let's go ahead and try this out as a deep cleansing treatment just gonna take

a good liberal sized amount here here we go it's kind of the consistency of like

hair conditioner if you can picture that but the smell is just so good let's see

if it spreads beautifully on the skin when it's dry just like when it's wet oh

it's a really milky silky texture whoo I am loving this all right let's

get this spread all over this skin now we're gonna leave this on for two

minutes hey Siri set a timer for two minutes

now let's dig into the benefits and ingredients of this a deep cleansing

face mask all right now Estee Lauder tells me that this is a dual action

cleanser that purifies skin for a look that's a deep clean fresh and radiant

whoo I love it now this treatment purifies the skin in

two ways as a daily cleanser or as a mask like we're trying now sensitive

helps to correct it dullness and lack of radiance

it also says it helps correct lack of energy giving your skin vitality with

multi benefits in one this does have a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars as well

holy macaroni 96% of reviewers that recommend this product all right and

this face wash is great for all skin types combination skin dry skin normal

skin you name it this is for you it's another really cool ingredients in this

face mask are wolfberry cranberry blueberry rice alright now that the two

minutes has passed I'm just gonna go wash my face in this think I'm not gonna

use a Clarisonic or a loo now I'm just gonna use my hands and they're gonna put

this deep cleansing treatment to the test all right first things first I just

want to say my skin literally feels like butter it feels a so well hydrated so

well cleansed but let's put it to the test with the toner and cotton pad

alright let's test out the Estee Lauder radiant fatality two-in-one kolender

here we go now we will know if there is any makeup left on my skin after I do

the white tests alright here we go let's just do one swipe

nothing nothing we have a winner all right let's try around the nose area

nothing the other side nothing nothing you guys there is nothing on this cotton

pad this cleanser worked as a deep cleansing treatment well I am really

impressed magic well guys the Estee Lauder radiant vitality two-in-one foam

cleanser passed the test as a deep cleansing treatment as you guys saw I

was in full filming makeup at the beginning of this video now my skin is

squeaky-clean literally squeezed I can just picture this cleansing treatment

being so great after a night oh you come home you just apply a little layer go do

your thing wash your hands wait two minutes come back to the sink or rinse

it off all your makeup is gone in one fell swoop

it's official the Estee Lauder radiant vitality two-in-one foam with cleanser

did exactly what it said it did it passed the test

it is Trevor approved Ohio his guys I love sitting out and chatting with you

about today's the beauty and skincare products all how this cleanser link down

below so you can try it ASAP leave me a comment and let me know if you have any

favorite deep cleansing treatments and if you need more of me in between now

and next video you can always find me on Instagram snapchat and Twitter oh I

almost forgot Facebook until the next video guys I can't wait to see you then

bye guys

For more infomation >> LUXURY DEEP CLEANSING FACE MASK - Duration: 4:39.


KEF LO - COME NO !? - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> KEF LO - COME NO !? - Duration: 2:11.


[#TubeClash] Monster • w/ ᶜʰᵉʳⁱˢˢʸ ⁺ ˢᵉʳᵉⁿᵃʳᵒˢᵉ - Duration: 3:03.

Gotta clash and gotta fight (3x)

Look at me!

Mirror - never lying

Broken glas - cut - naked the black hole gotta suck in

Shut! I did tell you that when the flames are raging

I see who you betray, the ground is where I'm lying

Wanted to trust the darkess, couldn't see the evil

You said "Don't be like this" Promised you would never leave

I did - shut my eyes

Freeze - the flames are raging

With open eyes - I see you on the demons side.

Always wanted to be friends but I guess we were too scared

And I tired to behave well - Yeah, I know I sometimes failed.

And of fear it could get worse I became an Antihero

Now I'm fighting agains the world, cheated and loud

Because you stepped me into the back!

Run and tell - I'm no hero, just a fallen fake.

Adjusted. No human.

Tell it!

Spread it! - Show the beast it is stuck in the broken reflection of my mirror

And you did that everyone can see it

Write the story and distroy me - what I am

The villlain in disguise.

And there will be only you who knows I was more than just a monster.

Look at me, don't turn away

glitch in your eyes

Burn the last rose petal - Stop, I will not allow this

Shorty, go! Give your best!

Drive the DeLorean

Back, back to the past where you and me still were best friends

Back, back to the past before the shit here started

Before we fought - back there you were boy not man

You and me - it's incredibly rare

Were your hero, you my here - lords of our own world

Always wanted to be friends but I guess we were too scared

Tried to behave well - yeah, I know I sometimes failed

In thoughs of our past you set the world on fire

Put my name on the monument and out of mercy

You cut shackles off my arm

Run and tell - I'm no hero, just a fallen fake.

Adjusted. No human.

Tell it!

Spread it! - Show the beast it is stuck in the broken reflection of my mirror

And you did that everyone can see it

Write the story and distroy me - what I am

The villain in disguise

And there will be only you who knows I was more than just a monster...

For more infomation >> [#TubeClash] Monster • w/ ᶜʰᵉʳⁱˢˢʸ ⁺ ˢᵉʳᵉⁿᵃʳᵒˢᵉ - Duration: 3:03.


How to Create 100% Approved Upwork Account in Bangladesh | How to Earn Money from Upwork (Full 2018) - Duration: 31:16.

How to Create 100% Approved Upwork Account in Bangladesh | How to Earn Money from Upwork (Full 2018)

In this videos I am going to show you how to Create 100% Approved Upwork Account in Bangladesh. Step by Step....

how to approve upwork profile 100% and what is upwork and what is freelancing and how we can make money with freelancing at upwork your all questions

are solved in this vedio so if you will intersted to make money with freelancing at upwork so stay tuned with this vedio and watch still End.

Profile not approved? because of this message: Unfortunately, at this time there are already many freelancers with a similar skillset to yours and we cannot accept your registration. We might find a way to get your profile approved by following these steps and tips.

his video I'll show you how you can create a 100% Complete Professional Profile on Upwork! This video will definitely going to help many of you who want to start their freelance journey on Upwork. !

I will share with you some solving problem 1. Create a Upeork account 2. Approved account 3. Re-submitting prblem talking 4. Basically how to earning from upwork 5. Needs skills for upwork 6. How to really earning from upwork

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For more infomation >> How to Create 100% Approved Upwork Account in Bangladesh | How to Earn Money from Upwork (Full 2018) - Duration: 31:16.


Professor Marston & The Wonder Women | Kissing Scene (lesbian only) ᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:30.



Olive, wait.

I don't know why I let you bait me like this.

I hate you.

I hate you with all my heart.

For more infomation >> Professor Marston & The Wonder Women | Kissing Scene (lesbian only) ᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:30.


Create MMD Models Tutorial (PT-BR) - Duration: 12:08.

Hi, this is a tutorial on how to create MMD models

Well, so far I know three ways to create models some are easier others are more

difficult, then I'll list them a creating those from the beginning using the 3D Modeler

such as Blender, Maya, 3D Studio Max, Metasequoia etc...

this method is a little time-consuming, but you can create a own model of yours

2: Making me nickname "Franksteins", that is, you create a model with parts of other

characters in public libraries in some website

like hair, head, clothes and other things joining them as a puzzle

some of these parts may contain rules how not to redistribute or credit the author

then note before you do not to violate

3: Ripping, and that is, you somehow extract models from some another program the commercial game,

this is the most common to happen and convert to be used in MMD

this method I will not show here, because involves copyright

if you want to do it, do it at your own risk.

For all these cases you will need

a 3D modeler, if you use the first method

is optional in method two, if you want to make some object that have not found

the PMD/PMX Editor

which is an MMD model editor

an image editor to make textures,

but sometimes it is not necessary

and MikuMikuDance to test your model

and see if it is working or not

I will make a simple model using the Blender, but you can use some other

3D modeler of your choice the most common modeler I see in

MMD community to use is Metasequoia.

In my case I really like using the

Blender because I already got used to it

not be able to teach about Blender, since

I know all about him but he has many tutorials about him on YouTube that can teach you

to convert to MMD I'll use a extension called MMD Tools

after converting, we will use the PMD Editor so that the model can work

here I am adjusting the materials so they do not look white

Now I'm going to rename the bones to Japanese

I'm going to use this site to copy the names

and paste in the text boxes is important because Motions Data uses

as the basis of movement, the name of the bones in Japanese

Hey! It was small. I'll try to increase in size

now the final test

now I'll show you how to create templates using third party parts

and I will use a website at Deviantart called MMD Mall

there are several items, but you can download and be able to create your model

I thought about making a fairy ballerina for this tutorial

I'll choose the parts I like the most and download them in a separate folder

I will now decompress the files, generally the most current versions of the

Windows already come with the unzip native,

but usually only supports the ZIP files, so you can use an external program

such as WINRAR or PeaZIP that are free

when you go to assemble the parts,

create a separate folder and copy the textures there, the ones that teach the models can go white.

to add new parts you choose the option ADD after ok

I like to use another PMX Editor window to change the height of an item

When he has physics like this, he gets more easy for me to move on the main model

Ih! The hair ended up bugging ... Oh, never mind!

Shit! The shoe will give me a hard time to fix.

I give up! You're going to be barefoot anyway!

Now the final test in MMD

Well I hope you have enjoyed it and even more people!

For more infomation >> Create MMD Models Tutorial (PT-BR) - Duration: 12:08.


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