Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 15 2018

Sometimes the most simple quilts can be the most dynamic. I've got a super easy project

that you can customize for your very own state. Let's get started.

I am going to walk you through some very basic steps to create the background and also build

your applique today. But I want you to remember you can make this with whatever state or image

as you really like to make, right? My inspiration from this whole project came when Kaffe Fassett

put out his new collections of these basics. So of course I grabbed this beautiful green,

blue, purple combination, right? But there's several other choices that might be better

for other states based on the colors. So look at that while you're picking what you want

to do. So this is what we made the applique out of. And then Timeless Treasures has these

wonderful ten by ten squares that are really high, bright white on white. You may not even

be able to see the prints. And so I chose that on purpose. I want to build a background

instead of use a solid piece of fabric. One, for the patchwork. But secondly I want to

do that for the construction elements itself. To put a giant applique on a single piece

of fabric could cause a lot of stretching and warping in that single piece of fabric.

So we're actually going to take our ten inch squares. We're going to cut them down

and put them right back together like all good quilters do. And that's going to build

the background and then I'm going to walk you through making your applique for your

own state.

So I've taken my ten inch squares. I have between six and eight of them on the table.

That's based on how well you cut. And I'm going to go ahead and straighten them up as

nice as I can. And I'm going to go ahead and make one ten by five inch rectangle from

all of my pieces. So that is done just like this. Ok? And then the other piece I want

to take and I'm going to make two five by five inch squares. And so I'm taking that

and I'm cutting this down here. So we do that to all 40 pieces of the background fabric,

right? My white on whites. And right now of course all three of these fabrics are the

same so if I just simply pull these two out, set them aside. Pull one more aside. All three

of these are now different. Of course sort all of yours as you go. You can do them in

multiples of three when you cut and then it's an easy swap and stack process. After you

have them sorted out so you have a different fabric in all three positions we're going

to go ahead and piece these together very simply. So I'm going to take the two straight

lines that were cut across here. And I'm actually going to join them at the corner

which has the other two straight cuts. I'm going to use a quarter inch seam allowance

here. And first what I'm doing and for this what I'm doing and I did these squares so

quickly that I didn't even take the time to press in between steps. So I do this way

where I sew together the two five by five squares. And then I simply grab it and I'm

going to take my five by ten rectangle and you see how I have that straight edge, that

straight edge is going to go along the straight edge that I created when I cut the first piece

starting at the top corner to sew this down like this with that same quarter inch seam

allowance. And then I'll go to the iron to press both seams open at once. I'll show

you that trick here in just a second. So we need to move these out of the way for a little

bit. Here's the background that I'm going to show you. And then as I come in here what

I do is iron my two five by fives first. So I'm just going to make sure that that seam

presses in one of the two directions. And then I'm going to go across here and I'm

going to press that rectangle against the squares just like this. And the last step

I would like you to go ahead and do once you've made all of your squares is they should trim

down to 9 ½ by 9 ½. If you want to take them all the way down to nines you can. You

can just start with your square here and take off those two edges. So make sure they're

all the same size so you can start building your background.

And as I was trying to point out, I did the background construction as you hopefully can

see here, I know the white on white may be a little hard to see in the cameras. But again

I didn't want it to stand out but I wanted you to know there was patchwork involved.

And again it's all for the construction. So when I put it back together I also tried

to make sure that my rectangles, I'm hoping you can see that's a rectangle here, matches

up with my two squares. And then maybe a rectangle and a square on the other side. I don't

have a lot of rectangle against rectangle touching. Hopefully no rectangle against rectangle

so that that again manages more of my construction so that it is all built. And once it is all

built I know what size I can make my whole quilt top. You'll have 40 squares, you can

do all kinds of different layouts, squares, rectangles that kind of thing based on your

state. Ah, deep breath. I don't think I came up for oxygen yet.

Now if you look at the state behind me you'll know it is my home state of California. And

it's a big long and tall state. So I put together my squares here. I have six across

and I have seven up the tall I think. Excuse me, I must have five up tall because it finished

55 by 65 when I was all done with the background here. But I did that mathematically so I can

create this large state. So for today because I'm filming in my other hometown of Hamilton,

Missouri. Of course for all of us we're going to go ahead and do the state of Missouri.

And I am going to use the leftover pieces of that wonderful Kaffe Fassett fabric to

show you how. Because I love to use every inch of fabric I possibly can. Now I promised

you information on construction so let's back up a little bit. Here are those Kaffe

fabrics. And what I first did is I unpacked the roll. You can probably see, maybe better

here, that it goes from purple all the way out to green. And if you look at the quilt

down in the bottom is the purple and it goes all the way through up into the green. And

as a matter of fact right here is my center strip so if you look very carefully I put

all of the fabrics in order as they represented to me. Here was my turn around piece. So I

took and I omitted this strip and I saved it for later. It will make great for a quilt

label or something like that. So there's only one of those. And then I continued right

back on the rotation. So those are the same, those are the same, those are the same, and

out you go. You don't have to do it that way but I wanted to manage the colors because

I was thinking of the ocean and the fields and all of the stuff of California. The fabric

represents the state too. So I took all 42 of those Kaffe Fassett prints and I put them

order. And they were 45 inches long when I started. And you can actually see right here

is where the top of California was being cut out from.

And now what we're going to do is we're going to make ourselves an outline that we

can work from for our shape. I'm going to clear off these white squares. So here's

our Missouri. And in our description today I have a really cool website that I've been

using for a long time. It's It's the word poster and the word razor

put together. And it's a free software you can use to take any image and print it whatever

size you like on your regular home printer. It doesn't use much ink because you just

have these small pieces or these small lines. But if you look real carefully here's an

8 ½ by 11 and this was an 8 ½ by 11. So this is just my regular home printer paper.

I printed it out to the size I knew I could make because I already made my background.

So I printed this to fit on this. Hopefully that makes sense. I'm trying to teach you

how to be creative a bit in your work but also be organized enough that you don't

work yourself into a corner later. So hopefully you can see that I have actually all of my

state of Missouri positioned within the strips of fabric I've sewn together. And I'm

going to free cut these right now. It's on top of a cutting mat. And I'm going to

pin with some straight pins my paper template out here along this edge. Of course I'm

going to be cutting right along the edge. And I want to try to keep my fabric itself

as flat as possible because we're going to turn this into our applique here in just

a second. I'm going pretty fast just to get these corners pinned. A pincushion of

sorts or a little weighted, or what am I trying to say, beanbag is the word I'm looking

for right now. That would be another handy thing. Ok so it is secure. This is a great

place to use your shark rotary cutter here.

And what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut on the outside of this line. And I'm

just going to come in here and it doesn't have to be perfect. And I'm going to turn

these raw edges under before I make it into an applique. So the more gradual my curve

the easier my life will be down the road. So I'm just going to kind of soften that

edge there. And then these, the straighter the line I make, the easier my life is going

to be. And you can see here I'm cutting through most of the layers. If I have a little

spot I miss I just come back in, put a little more pressure in there. And that frees that

up like this as we go around. Ok, so let's just finish cutting this out real quick. It

doesn't take long. I want you to go slow because with the shark applicutter you're

holding it like a pen and your left hand is part of the work. So you don't want to roll

over those fingers. I'm also cutting to the outside of the line because that's going

to help me with my seam allowance a little bit. I'm not necessarily adding extra shape

to my state. I'm just using what I see there. Ok let's get some of this stuff cleared

off for me because I just, you know, don't want to have all that mess everywhere. And

here we go. Now while I'm finishing this cut. Let's talk about some applique methods

because what I wanted to do for this is I just turned the raw edge under and made my

life easy for when I was appliquing . But as I was doing that I was thinking, I wonder

if some of that fusible little quarter inch tape or a glue stick or a basting glue would

have been a nice choice as well for what I was trying to do. And you'll see that here

if I start sewing around the edge here in just a second. I just want to get the rest

of my boot heel cut out. So I am ready for the masterful Missouri quilt here. Let's

get these pins out of the way. I believe that's all of them, oh there's one more up there.

And I forgot to point out, make sure your state was in the proper orientation for your

fabrics because I was cutting my fabrics right sides up. I did not transpose this because

I'm not doing any fusible web.

Now what we're going to do we're going to flip this over. And I'm just going to

roll this edge under as I come to the sewing machine. I'm just hiding the raw edge so

I can topstitch the state of Missouri to that white background. So here I come in. I'm

going to try to respect about the width of the foot for my seam allowance . And I'm

going to take it nice and slow. One of my tricks is I'm going to use my needle down

function so if I stop the needle stays down. And that way I don't lose track of where

I'm at. And why don't you treat yourself to practicing on one of your nice borders

for your state lines, it's a straight line like I'm doing here. But I'm also sewing

for your benefit and mine towards that boot heel so you can be able to see the curves

are possible. This might have been one of those spots where a little bit of glue may

have been a benefit. Now I'm approaching my curve so I'm kind of pre cheating the

fabrics over in front of me. I'm hoping you can see that. And then with this hand

over here I'm sliding my fabric underneath slightly out of the way. You may get a little

bit of pucker or ripple along that edge. And that's ok because you're going to be topstitching

it down. And it's not going to show. But I really still want to do as good a job as

I can. And that's why I was thinking maybe the glue would have been a nice third hand

or some sort of basting element or something. But it's not necessary. But I'm coming

off of this corner. So I'm going to sew all the way off. I'm going to cut my threads

because of the way that that finishes like this. And now what I can do is I can come

back in with it folded up and over and kind of out of the way. I know this seems weird

but I'm going to fold this corner up here first. I often use my stiletto when doing

this kind of sewing. I know this looks a little unorthodox but nonetheless I'm trying to

teach you that not everything we do with our sewing machine is as we learned in home ec.

Sometimes we have to get a little creative and rowdy. So it may be tough but I'm going

to take this stiletto and I"m going to roll this edge underneath, lower my presser foot

and then I'm getting that stiletto and I'm bringing it forward here. And that's going

to make a beautiful sewn line just like this. And I'm going to come to this corner here

and then I'm going to hit my caffeinated mode. Now that you know that straight lines

and curves are possible, I need to show you how to get this on the background. So let

me finish putting that raw edge to bed and I'll be right back.

Welcome back. As you can see I've gone ahead and stitched all the way around on the raw

edges of my state of Missouri. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to

bring it over to my ironing surface. And I just want to press these edges down a little

bit. And as I'm looking I do want to point out I did forget to tell you your bobbin thread

will intentionally show up on the top side of your project. So on the quilt behind me

I used a green thread in the bobbin for all of the sewing of the state. But on the video

today I used a little bit of white thread so you can see. So make sure your bobbin thread

matches your quilt applique is what I'm trying to say here. And I stalled just long

enough to get that pressed nice. The other thing we want to do is we want to make sure

our background is awesome before we get too far down the road. This is actually the most

challenging section of the entire project today. And it's not difficult. We just want

to take the time to make sure that the applique goes down as nicely and as crease free or

wrinkle free as possible. So right now I'm just giving again a nice run over the top

of this which is the background to the quilt top. These are those squares and rectangles

all came back together.

And now what we're going to do and we want to make sure we have a rigid surface below

us again here. Is we want to begin to layout our state. And I say rigid because I'm going

to put pins through this. Ok so for Missouri my boot heel goes down to the bottom here.

And then the next thing I start to try to do is I'm looking at my straight lines my

state borders. And I want them to be fairly centered within the project. I want them squared

in the project. So I'm doing a little bit of time of visual layout. Here at the top

here at the bottom, corner, side by side, all of that. And now I'm smoothing it by

hand. I don't want to use a basting spray because this can start to make a mess. So

what I am going to do is I'm going to use my nice little curved safety pins. And the

first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to drop one dead center. And I'm actually

kind of pulling the fabric taut at this moment, even more so than when I baste a quilt. Ok

so we're going to lock this down. And now what I'm really doing is just one part at

a time. You see that smoothing, that repetitive patting of the quilt. I'm going to smooth

here and I'm going to drop in the safety pin right near the edge. Now I'm using the

safety pin because I'm going to go back in here and I'm going to machine stitch

around the top of the applique. But before I sandwich this becoming a quilt. So I'm

treating it as if it was a real quilt top though in my technique. So I brought this

down here. Now I'm going to come out to this corner. The more you secure your outer

edges the less your applique will shift. The less it shifts the better it's going to

look. A little bit of shifting or a little bit of waffling will easily be stitched out

in the quilting process. I think that's where they came up with that term. It will

quilt out. Let's get that little hook secured. A couple more of these pins and then the beautiful

thing that you don't know about being an actor/quilter up here is the funny things

happen that you never know. While I'm trying to make sense out of this pinning I keep poking

myself. And you can't see that look on my face. I can't show you how bad it hurts

when I stick myself in the finger with a pin. So if you kids are watching at home, you can

kind of laugh. Everytime you see me go, oh! It's because I'm sticking myself in my

finger here. I'm stalling just long enough to get the last few pins in. Ok any of those

weird corners we're going to really secure. I think that looks terrific.

Ok now what I want to do is remember the thread is really going to really show up. So let's

take a second and switch threads out. And this is a fun trick. If you don't know this

trick. If you have a machine that has more of an industrial style set up you can often

tie threads together like on a serger and just pull them right through. I do this because

on my Baby Lock Jane there are more little eyelets than clips to snap the thread in.

So it makes it much faster to do it this way. We're going to get this threaded up. Now

I'm still using my feed dogs and my regular presser foot. I am not doing this free motion

style however I could. Let's take one of these nice straight runs. Let's make it

easy on ourselves, right? So what we're going to do is we're going to start up here.

We're going to sew to this corner and then we're going to head into the boot heel right

now. So that we're securing as much as possible. Oh I said that but that's backwards. I'm

coming the other way. So I'm starting from the boot heel coming towards the corner. So

I'm going to slide this in. Again really working against any ripples or wrinkles. Now

what I'm going to do. I'm going to drop my sewing foot so that my thread hopefully

covers up some of that white thread. And I'm going to let the feed dogs and the machine

do the work. I'm also kind of putting a little bit of pressure with my hand on the

Kaffe print fabrics to secure them as they go through. And I'm just going to take it

really nice and slow and we're going to applique this state 100% all the way around

to our background. We're going to stop right here because that safety pin is getting pretty

dang close. Let's pull it out. We don't want to ever sew over safety pins or regular

straight pins, just near them not over them. And we're going to come. You can see I've

got a much slower pace with this part of the project. And I'm really securing it with

all of my fingers when sewing around here. And after I do this corner we are basically

going to talk you through the rest of the machine quilting here. Corner, needle is in

the down position so I can pivot everything. And you can already see how nicely this edge

is sewn down. I have no wrinkles no ripples yet. We're just going to start feeding this

through here. And I'm going to ask you to continue on appliquing topstitch style just

like we're doing right here. But I bet you want to hear about the rest of the machine

quilting in the quilt. So follow me close.

We're going to start in the state itself. Now I used a variegated green and purple thread

so it's a little hard to see. But once I had done the applique stitching you saw me

doing then time for the free motion machine quilting process. Again I started right on

the edge and I quilted along the edge. And I did that on purpose because I wanted to

try to do was create the inner valley of California and the mountain ranges. But you can't see

any of it because I used a matching thread so silly me. But what I did is I stitched

around the outside free motion style, holding all of the layers in the quilt together, the

backing, the batting, the quilt top. Then I cut some lines throughout California hoping

to create some mountain ranges and some texture for fun. It didn't show up real well. I

think I over quilted it a bit. But then for fun I bounced out to the background here and

I did a very easy, what I call the circle grid or concentric circle. I didn't want

your eye to notice too much of what was going on in the background. But what was really

fun about that circle grid, and I have a free motion video for you just on that motif, right,

is is a perfect one where your fabric is already gridded out. And because of the way we made

our background in those rectangles and in those squares I didn't have to do any marking.

And I was able to use the patchwork itself so that I could make my arcs from one seam

allowance to the next. And I could also carry over my little bits of my petals so that it

becomes that wonderful all over circle design when you're all done that is a great anchor

for your quilting. But it is not overly distracting so that your eye was able to bring you right

in to your fantastic state that you can hang proudly on your wall in your home so when

all your guests come over you can say, hey isn't this a great quilt? And we learned

it right here at Man Sewing.

Thanks for being a Man Sewing fan. It's great to have you out there encouraging me

to create fantastic new content. If you've missed any of the videos we've got links

for you here and here. And when you're checking those out make sure you're subscribed. We

don't want you to miss any of the action.

For more infomation >> Make a State Map Applique Quilt with Rob! - Duration: 23:22.


Semiya Upma | वेज सिवईयां पुलाव । Veg Vermicelli Pulao | Semiya Veg kichadi - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Semiya Upma | वेज सिवईयां पुलाव । Veg Vermicelli Pulao | Semiya Veg kichadi - Duration: 3:59.


Speak the Desired End Result - Duration: 23:40.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory.

Today Kenneth Copeland shares the importance of speaking

faith-filled words over every area of your life.

Learn the align your words with God's Word

and start speaking the desired end result.

KENNETH: Father, we come before the Word of God

tonight. We come before it expectantly. Holy Spirit, I

put myself into Your hands, for Your Word says that

greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. And we

depend on You, greater One--(Audience Agrees)--because

without You and without the anointing, we're nothing.

(Audience Agrees) Can do nothing. But we're not without

You. And we thank You that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

for Jesus has anointed me tonight--(Audience Agrees)--to

preach and to teach this Word accurately, please, opening the

eyes, the ears, and the understanding and the minds of

all of us together, that we might know more about Jesus and

to receive revelation from heaven about this life of faith

and this life in the Kingdom of God. And we give You the praise

and the honor and the glory. And once again, I ask you tonight

that not one person leave this place--not one person watching

online, not one person in the sound of my voice will end this

service without being empowered and without being touched by the

service without being empowered and without being touched by the

power of the Almighty God. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Spirit,

soul, and body, financially, and socially. AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: We thank You for it. We give You the praise for it. And

because of that name, we fully expect it to come to pass.

(Audience Agrees) Amen. (Audience "Amens") Hallelujah.

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: Glory to God. AUDIENCE: Glory to

God. KENNETH: Say, "Well, Brother Copeland, what are you

going to talk about?" Ha-ha-ha. Guess. Ha-ha-ha-ha. His name is

Jesus. And we're going to talk about faith. AUDIENCE: Whoo!

Whoo! (Applause) KENNETH: "Oh, Brother Copeland, I've heard

that." Well, you want to come teach it? (Laughter) No. The

apostle Paul said, "I plant it, Apollos watered. But it's God

that giveth the increase." (Audience Agrees) Now, if this

is the first time that you've ever heard the Word of faith

taught and preached, then I'm planting. AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: If you've heard it before, I'm watering. AUDIENCE:

Amen. KENNETH: But either way, it's God that giveth the

increase. (Audience Agrees) Say it. "I receive--" (Audience

Repeats) "--the increase in Jesus' name. I take it. Thank

You, Lord." Praise You, Lord Jesus. And--oh, and you know

what you have to do if you're going to--you know, if you're

going to start talking about faith, you have to go to Mark

11. Now, the reason that we study this from the 11th chapter

of the book of Mark is just simply because the Holy Spirit,

through Mark, the author, goes into more explicit details about

through Mark, the author, goes into more explicit details about

how God's faith works. He is a faith God. I heard in a--well,

how God's faith works. He is a faith God. I heard in a--well,

it's been so long ago, I don't remember now whether I heard it

personally or somebody told me about it. But anyway, it was

wrong--ha-ha--(Laughter)--that God doesn't have faith. He is

the object of our faith. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Well,

now, wait a minute. That's interesting, isn't it? Do you

have faith? (Audience Affirms) Where'd you get it? AUDIENCE:

From God. KENNETH: I thought He didn't have any. (Laughter)

Duh. Ha-ha-ha-ha. That kind of work--that kind of quit in

a hurry, didn't it? Amen. Now--yeah, thank You,

Lord. Hold your place in the book of Mark.

Let's look at that in Hebrews 11, the hall

of fame of faith. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: In

fact--ha-ha-ha--I've had--I've had this question: Why do you

teach on it so much? Well, in the first place, you can't get

saved without it. AUDIENCE: Come on. Amen. Amen. KENNETH: You

can't live the faith of life without it, for the just live by

faith. You can't walk the Christian walk without it

because we walk by faith and not by sight. You can't fight the

Christian fight without it because we fight the good fight

of faith. And you can't overcome the world without it because

this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our

faith. And if that wasn't enough, it's impossible to

please Him without it. (Audience "Amens") Amen. Now, stop and

think about it a moment, though. It's impossible to please

anybody without faith. AUDIENCE: Amen. Praise God. Amen. KENNETH:

"You know, I sure do love you, brother, but I don't believe

nothing you say." (Laughs) Now, that just--try that with your

wife sometime. (Laughter) "I love you, darling, I just don't

believe nothing you--" Ha-ha-ha. No, no, no. See, that's-- "I

love you" is very pleasing, but "I won't do what you say" is

not. So it's impossible-- "All things are possible with God."

Not that. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: It's impossible for God

to lie. And it's just as impossible to please

Him without faith as it is for Him to lie.

Did you ever wonder why it's impossible to

please Him without it? Without it--ha--He can't do

anything for you. AUDIENCE: Amen. Exactly. Amen. KENNETH:

He's not trying to get anything from you. He's trying to get

things to you. AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. KENNETH: Amen. What does

He do with your time? He spends it on your spiritual

development. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: He doesn't need the

money. He needs you. Ha-ha-ha. Amen? (Audience Agrees) Yeah.

Well, it's impossible to please Him without--well, listen to

this, Romans 4:16, "Therefore it is by faith so that it might be

by grace." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: And grace is the big

thing. AUDIENCE: Oh, yeah. KENNETH: Grace, unmerited favor

and so forth--grace is God's overwhelming desire to treat you

and me like sin never happened. (Audience Agrees) Because as far

as God is concerned, the sin problem is finished. (Audience

Agrees) Jesus bore it, defeated it. Amen. (Audience "Amens")

Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Praise God. KENNETH:

Thank You, Lord. So, without faith, there's no connection to

the grace. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: And without the grace,

everything Jesus did is for nothing. AUDIENCE: Amen.

Nothing. KENNETH: Faith is huge. AUDIENCE: It is. Amen. KENNETH:

Hebrews 11, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen." So faith is always now.

Faith is always present tense. The past is the past, and hope

is the future. "For by it the elders obtained a good report.

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the

word of God, so that things," natural material things, "which

are seen are not made of things which do appear." They

weren't--they didn't--it didn't say they were made of nothing.

It said they were made out of something you can't see.

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: So faith is the creative force that

brought all of this into existence. Now, back to Mark 11,

please. Verse 11, Jesus has just come through Jerusalem riding

the little colt. "Hosanna! Blessed is he that cometh in the

name of the Lord," and so forth. And in Verse 11, "And Jesus

entered into the--Jerusalem, and entered the temple: and when he

looked around about him upon all things, and now the eventide was

come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve. On the morrow,

when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry: and

seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply

he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found

nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. Jesus

answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter

forever." Now, notice He said the desired end result. Now, he

left--you remember He said, "The words that I speak unto you--"

14th chapter of John-- "they're not my own: it's the Father that

dwells within me, he does the works"? (Audience Agrees) He

said, "No man eat fruit of you again hereafter forever." He

left it up to the Father that dwelleth within. What happened

to it? He didn't say, "Dry up from the roots." He didn't say

anything about the roots. He just said, "Ain't nobody going

to eat nothing off you ever. You're over, you're done." But

He let--He left the rest of it up to Him. Very important.

Speaking the end result. He wasn't responsible. AUDIENCE:

Amen, amen. KENNETH: Why? Because he already heard his

Father say that. AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. (Laughter) KENNETH: Don't

take long to get happy around here. (Laughs) Hallelujah. Not

when He's got a house full of people like you. I'm telling you

what, you could pull the preach out of a--out of a cedar stone.

Ha-ha-ha. (Laughter) Hallelujah. Now, his disciples heard it. So

how far away was this tree? Well, it was far enough away

that you could see it had leaves, but couldn't see that it

didn't have fruit on it so that, you know, it was several steps

away. And yet they heard it. It was important for them to hear

it. "They come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and

began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and

overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of

them that sold doves; and would not suffer that any man should

carry any vessel through the temple. And he taught--" Now,

cleaning the temple was not the mission. The teaching was the

mission. But the place had to be cleaned up before you could

teach. "--Is it not written, My house shall be called of all

nations a house of prayer? but you've made it a den of

thieves?" That's the message that He preached. But it took

till evening to preach it. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Notice

this: "The scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how

they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the

people were astonished at his doctrine. And when evening was

come, he went out of the city." He cleaned that house and

preached all day. Yes. (Laughter) My kind of preacher,

preach all day, brother. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Amen. "And when

evening was come, he went out of the city." Now, if you look at

the timeline, He spoke to it in the morning, preached all day,

in the evening, went back to Bethany. Nobody said anything

about that tree. You know they looked at it. (Laughter) There

was no way they're going to walk past that tree without looking

at it. See, maybe--it may be gone, you know? We don't know.

That's 12 hours. And there was no visible change in that tree.

Words are the most powerful things in the--in the universe.

AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: We live in a word-created,

word-dominated, word-upheld system, amen, not realizing that

our own words govern our own lives. AUDIENCE: Yes, sir.

KENNETH: And it's not the thing you say a little bit, it's the

stuff you say all the time. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH:

Most Christian people--well, just about everybody--that are

really having a rough time, and they account what's happening in

their lives to the devil, principalities and powers and

rulers of the darkness of this world. And not wrongly so, not

knowing that what actually is taking place is a result of what

they've been saying all their lives. (Audience Agrees) And you

open the door for the devil to get in there. (Audience Agrees)

You built him a nest-- AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: --not knowing.

But, hey. "Well, I don't see why you have to be so picky about

words." (Laughter) "I didn't mean it when I said it tickled

me to death." I know. But you have an accuser, and he's a

legalist. (Audience Agrees) Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH:

Ha-ha. "And in the morning--" Now, this is roughly 24 hours

after Jesus spoke to that tree. "In the morning, as they passed

by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. Peter calling

to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree

which you cursed is withered away. Jesus answering saith unto

them, Have faith in God." Now, here is what He has under--what

He is undertaking to do. He is--He just demonstrated how the

faith of God works. That's what that tree gave its life for, was

to demonstrate that. "Have faith in God."

The cross-reference says, "Have the faith of God."

And other translations, and--and Greek

scholars--say that it literally says, "Have the God

kind of faith." Well, of course, it's the faith of God. It is the

God kind of faith. So now here's the way Jesus--this is what He

demonstrated. And this is the way the force of faith is

released. This is the way it works: "For verily I say unto

you, Whosoever--" So this faith is governed by spiritual law.

"By what law? the law of works? Nay: but by the law of faith."

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: It's a spiritual law. A law is

something that is predictable. And when the proper elements of

that law function properly, it works exactly the same way every

time, and it can be depended on. Amen. (Audience "Amens") You

remember Romans 8:2, "For the law of the Spirit of life in

Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death"?

AUDIENCE: Amen, amen. KENNETH: See, natural physical laws were

created by spiritual law. So natural physical laws, the laws

of physics, mirror spiritual laws. AUDIENCE: Mm.

KENNETH: And people--I don't--well, I started to say

I don't understand why people think this, but

I really do, because it's--religion has

painted this--this "loosey-goosey, you don't ever

know what God's gonna do, and who could figure it out anyway?"

idea. "Why, you could never understand God." You can if He's

the teacher. (Laughter) Amen. You'd shut up and listen. I

mean--(Laughter) And the reason why you can understand God is

because He's a spirit being, and you're a spirit being. And after

all, He created you. And He created you to understand Him.

It's religion that has had the idea that--that God's way up

there and man is this little afterthought down there. I like

what Keith Moore says. He said, you know, that generally people

have the idea that God created all this, put the world out

there and gave it a spin and forgot about it and said, "Well,

there you go." (Laughter) No. Ha-ha-ha. It isn't like that. He

is very involved. AUDIENCE: Yes, Lord. KENNETH: Amen. AUDIENCE:

Amen. KENNETH: It's man that is spinning and walking away from

it, but not Him. Hallelujah. Now--ha-ha-ha. Have the God kind

of faith. Have the faith of God. Now, let's stop right there. He

said, "Have it." He didn't say pray for it. Nowhere in the

Bible does it say, "Pray for faith." He said, "Have it."

Faith cometh. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word

of God," Romans 10:17. That's the only way it comes. "Yeah,

but I believe--" I love you, darling, but I really don't care

what you believe. (Laughter) I don't care what I believe. But

the Bible said, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word

of God." This Word also in the 10th chapter of Romans is called

the Word of faith because God's Word preached, taught,

meditated, read, spoken, creates confidence-- AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: --because God's faith is in His Word. (Audience

Agrees) He filled it with faith when He released it. AUDIENCE:

Amen. KENNETH: And the Word of God is spirit food. AUDIENCE:

Amen. That's right. KENNETH: That born-again human spirit--

AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: --must have it. AUDIENCE: Absolutely.

KENNETH: Jesus said that's an--in Matthew 4:4, "Man

does not live--" Jesus said it. "Man doesn't live by

bread," or food, "alone, but by every word that

proceeds out of the mouth of God."

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> Speak the Desired End Result - Duration: 23:40.


Full Rand Paul: 'Unfair' to call President Trump a racist | Meet The Press | NBC News - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Full Rand Paul: 'Unfair' to call President Trump a racist | Meet The Press | NBC News - Duration: 8:34.


Ford Ranger Returns for 2019 - Duration: 2:06.

after eight long years the Ranger is back in it we haven't seen it since 2011

but now here at the Detroit Auto Show its back and it looks pretty impressive

it looks very interesting styling is very different but has a little bit of

echo to that Global Ranger let's take a closer look from a styling point of view

for designers obviously very interested in aerodynamics you see the bulging hood

channel air up and over the vehicle also the grill itself much wider funneling

air through and underneath around the side very rounded wheel arches on both

sides very neutral almost vanilla looking side body panels but here's the

business end obviously this particular vehicle has the FX 4 package which means

it's going to do well offroad from the inside it looks like Ford have done

their homework very nice interior very clean and simple

everything very close to the driver and passenger nice materials again this is

the FX 4 but they're gonna offer an XL XLT and a lariat and then from the

lariat you can get the FX 2 or FX 4 package but there's only going to be one

wheelbase that's going to be a crew cab with a short bed or it's going to be the

extended cab which they call their super cab with a slightly longer probably six

and a half foot bed

as far as engine choices it's just one the 2.3 liter ecoboost it's going to

have plenty of kick but it's going to be mated to a 10 speed transmission that's

going to be a segment first so that's all we know at this stage but we'll be

getting a lot more information as the year goes on

we don't know pricing we don't know exactly when it goes on sale although

we're hearing rumors that it's going to be the first quarter of 2019 you want to

know more about the Ford Ranger go to pickup trucks calm


For more infomation >> Ford Ranger Returns for 2019 - Duration: 2:06.


Wisdom Of The Crowd - Let Us Help You - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Wisdom Of The Crowd - Let Us Help You - Duration: 2:05.


Wisdom Of The Crowd - A Few Hundred Thousand Friends - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Wisdom Of The Crowd - A Few Hundred Thousand Friends - Duration: 2:21.


Pawn Shop Owner Killed In Attempted Robbery Remember At Vigil - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Pawn Shop Owner Killed In Attempted Robbery Remember At Vigil - Duration: 1:29.


Eric's Sunday 10pm Weathercast - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Eric's Sunday 10pm Weathercast - Duration: 5:42.


Big Boss 11 Winner Name Leaked 2018 | Shilpa Shinde Winner Of Big Boss 11 - Duration: 1:49.


For more infomation >> Big Boss 11 Winner Name Leaked 2018 | Shilpa Shinde Winner Of Big Boss 11 - Duration: 1:49.


New Seismic Hazard Maps Could Influence Northern California Development - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> New Seismic Hazard Maps Could Influence Northern California Development - Duration: 1:55.


India vs South Africa Cricket Live 2nd Test Match Streaming Today 15th January 2018 - Duration: 1:01.

India vs South Africa Cricket Live 2nd Test Match Streaming Today 15th January 2018

For more infomation >> India vs South Africa Cricket Live 2nd Test Match Streaming Today 15th January 2018 - Duration: 1:01.


After Trump Puts Screws To 'Sneaky' Dianne, She's Caught Red handed Working For Traitors - Duration: 25:44.

After Trump Puts Screws To 'Sneaky' Dianne, She's Caught Red-handed Working For Traitors

Senator Dianne Feinstein released closed-room testimony from the Senate Intel hearing on

the "Trump-Russia" case, except she had no right to do so.

However, that's not as bad as lying about "having a cold" as her reason why she

released the hotly debated testimony of Fusion GPS CEO Glenn Simpson, who produced the bogus

"Russian dossier."

Trump put the screws to Feinstein, dubbing the California Senator "Sneaky Dianne,"

and now, she's been caught red-handed working with traitors.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (left), President Donald Trump (right) (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screengrab,

Alex Wong/Getty Images) Senator Dianne Feinstein has some explaining

to do.

Why did the 84-year-old Senator lie twice about her reason for unilaterally releasing

the closed-door testimony of Fusion GPS CEO Glenn Simpson?

First, she said she felt "pressure" to release it.

Then, she contradicted herself 24 hours later and said that "she had a cold" and wasn't

thinking straight, so she released it.

Now, she tells the truth, and it's a major bombshell.

CNN reported, "FEINSTEIN says she's sorry to Grassley for not giving him a heads-up

about the release of the Fusion GPS transcript.

'I meant to tell him, and I didn't have a chance to tell him, and that concerns me,'

she told us.

'I just got pressured, and I didn't do it.'"

One day later, Daily Caller reports, "Feinstein, 84, expressed regret on Wednesday for keeping

Sen. Grassley in the dark, and suggested it was because of a 'bad cold.'"

"The one regret I have is that I should have spoke (sic) with Senator Grassley before,"

she told NBC News.

"And, I don't make an excuse, but I've had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down

my mental facilities (sic) a little bit."


Obviously, "Sneaky Dianne" is hiding something.

Why did she release it, and why is she lying about her reasons for releasing it?

President Donald Trump weighed in, tweeting, "The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein,

who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been

found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way, totally

without authorization, is a disgrace.

Must have tough Primary!"

The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion

between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and

possibly illegal way, totally without authorization, is a disgrace.

Must have tough Primary!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 10, 2018

We know the president is well aware that it is a bit more than her upcoming primary that

is vexing "Sneaky Dianne."

Finally, the Senator's attorneys must have warned her that, if she is caught lying about

communications regarding releasing the Simpson testimony, she'd be in big trouble.

Her only problem is that the truth proves she is colluding with traitors.

Feinstein told Daily Caller that she released the Fusion GPS testimony because the Fusion

GPS lawyers told her to do so.


Yes, we can't make this stuff up.

Daily Caller's report said, "California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told The

Daily Caller that Fusion GPS lawyers asked her to release company co-founder Glenn Simpson's

testimony transcript."

The report goes on, "She released the testimony Tuesday before consulting with Senate Judiciary

Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, which she told TheDC she regrets.

Feinstein is the top Democrat on the committee."

Feinstein said, "We were written to by the lawyers of the company asking that it be released,

and the reason, of course, is because it has been used by rumor and innuendo and falsity

so much that the time came for people to see exactly what was said."

Ok, so, Dianne Feinstein, one of the top Democrats sitting on the Intel Committee, buckles to

the demands of this shady firm, Fusion GPS.

Why in the world would she even consider anything a private, outside, shady firm wants her to


She knows all the facts about who these lowlifes are, and she knows they colluded with the

deep state rats at the FBI and DOJ to produce the totally discredited "Russian dossier."

Glenn Simpson is part of the cabal who spied on Donald Trump and his campaign illegally,

and "Sneaky Dianne" is taking marching orders from him and his attorneys.

Of course, we can only speculate why Feinstein would open herself up to such scrutiny, marking

herself as part of that cabal.

Why did she release Glenn Simpson's testimony and not anyone else's?

Insiders, who have been spot on reporting on this coup attempt, say Fusion GPS wants

to make sure future witnesses align their testimony with Simpson's, so all the rats

would be on the same page.

If you're going to lie, you'd better get all the lies straight.

Still, this does not answer the question as to what they have on ole "Sneaky Dianne"

to make her play ball and out herself like this.

This is just another example of how deep this bogus "Russia-Trump" investigation goes.

Those traitors in the FBI and DOJ are working really hard to cover-up their crimes, and

their big problem is that it's way too late.

For more infomation >> After Trump Puts Screws To 'Sneaky' Dianne, She's Caught Red handed Working For Traitors - Duration: 25:44.


Readers calling MLK newspaper sales ad 'disturbing' - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Readers calling MLK newspaper sales ad 'disturbing' - Duration: 2:41.


Another round of accumulating snow on the way - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Another round of accumulating snow on the way - Duration: 4:00.


Nebraska firms combine to help repair New York subway tunnel - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Nebraska firms combine to help repair New York subway tunnel - Duration: 1:54.


Sinkhole opens up next to State Route 88 roadway in Cortland - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Sinkhole opens up next to State Route 88 roadway in Cortland - Duration: 0:38.


Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist - Duration: 3:29:28.

Title: Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist

For more infomation >> Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist - Duration: 3:29:28.


Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home - How to Make Best Eyelash Growth Serum at Home - Duration: 3:02.

Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home

Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home

Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home

Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home

Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home

Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home

For more infomation >> Best Eyelash Growth DIY Treatment Naturally at Home - How to Make Best Eyelash Growth Serum at Home - Duration: 3:02.


13/1/18 19:41 (2107 ถนน รามอินทรา แขวง รามอินทรา เขต คันนายาว กรุงเทพมหานคร 10220) - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> 13/1/18 19:41 (2107 ถนน รามอินทรา แขวง รามอินทรา เขต คันนายาว กรุงเทพมหานคร 10220) - Duration: 0:37.


【ダカール2018】後半初日に異変、帝王ペテランセルよもやの事態発生で首位陥落…サインツがトップ浮上 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 【ダカール2018】後半初日に異変、帝王ペテランセルよもやの事態発生で首位陥落…サインツがトップ浮上 - Duration: 3:58.


Michael Jackson Funko Pop: ...

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Warren church holds special service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Warren church holds special service to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Duration: 1:35.


[Eng Sub] Zhang Yixing - "Everything Like You" Theme Song for Public Service Film "I Am Beside You" - Duration: 4:45.

Everything Like You, (Public Service) Movie 'I am Beside You' Theme song

Lyrics by: Li Yufei, Huang Zhaohan

Composed by: Feng Da

Sung by: Zhang Yixing

One day

I wake up from a haze

I see you clearly

My life is beautiful because of you

One day

I open my mouth and call you for the first time

You cry tears of joy

Face brimming with happiness


Everything like you

What you've given me is my life's pride

Allow me to ride the wind and soar

Abounding wings


Everything like you

What I seek in life is to grow old with you

Let love surround you

At your fingertips

The shortest distance

One day

You occasionally forget the time

Forgetting the past

For you I will talk about those yesteryears

One day

Maybe one day

Don't leave behind regrets

I will be beside you until forever

(Actress Xie Fang 83 yo) Love

(Ru Lan 97 yo, Yang Jing 89 yo) Everything like you

(Tai Yi 96 yo, Yu Yang 88 yo) What you've given me is my life's pride

(Tian Hua 90 yo, Liu Jiang 93 yo) Allow me to ride the wind and soar

(Peng Yu 84 yo, Lei Keheng 82 yo) Abounding wings

(Xu Huanshan 81 yo)

(Zhang Yongshou 84 yo, Lu Zhong 78 yo, Niu Ben 83 yo) I, everything like you

(Li Mingqi 82 yo, Bang Yuzhi 82 yo) What I seek in life is to grow old with you

Let love surround you

At your finger tips

The closest distance

One day

When I become old

He who I am proud of

Everything like you

(Warmly Releasing "I am Beside You") He who I am proud of. Everything like you

List of participating actors: Yixing's name is listed 3rd row, 5th down

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] Zhang Yixing - "Everything Like You" Theme Song for Public Service Film "I Am Beside You" - Duration: 4:45.


Schwimmbadreiniger Emily – für alle Pooltypen - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Schwimmbadreiniger Emily – für alle Pooltypen - Duration: 2:27.


DIY PET HEALTH: Checking the mouth [CC] - Duration: 3:45.

Hello everyone, and welcome to today's tutorial on how to check the teeth and mouth of a pet!

This method should work for a variety of pets from dogs to mice :)

Here we have Evan, my 8 month old gerbil. He's promised to be our model for today.

You can see he's very calm with me, and your pet should also trust you before you begin training for this.

If you try to do too much with your pet too fast, they might get scared or stressed :(.

Such feelings may lead to anxiety and biting from your pet.

If they do bite you, take it as a sign to do some basic bonding before trying this again! :) Lets begin!

So when they're relaxed with you, your official first step is to make them feel comfortable on their backs.

They will move in the beginning, but this is where the training comes in.

You can see a basic beginner hold of a gerbil to support them.

Make sure not to GRAB them, just hold them gently!

Here, for reference, I show the more relaxed holding style, which trained pets will usually like a lot more.

You can see that Evan is relaxed by the fact that he is not frozen, shaking, biting or trying to get off.

He's already trained, so don't expect this from your pet immediately.

When training, you can use treats to reward good behavior! With my gerbils I tend to use sunflower seeds.

Be sure not to overfeed them :D!

Laying on one's back is not the most comfortable position for most animals.

But, it is a good sign of trust, and will be somewhat necessary to check a pet's mouth, especially for smaller pets.

DON'T rush with this, take it as a great chance to bond with your baby <3 :).

*happy music playing*

Now onto the second step!

Here you can see me gently touching the sides of the gerbils nose

To check the mouth of the pet, we will need to get them used to touching this area.

Again, do NOT rush with this, as this part especially is very prone to getting a biting reaction out of your pet.

To make the process easier, remember to give them treats when they succeed!:)

The third and last step is an extension of the previous one.

We start very gently lifting the pet's head to hopefully see their open mouth.

You should NEVER, EVER forcibly yank their head up, or forcefully hold them.

Doing this can seriously harm your pet!

The pet's neck should be relaxed when you're doing this.

If they yank their head back, you must let them do so.

They will be less prone to doing this if they feel safe, and are given treats as encouragement every time they hold the position for a little bit longer :).

Your pet's life is in your literal hands.

So do not get frustrated with them if it takes time to trust you, and for this to work.

Every animal is different, some might learn this in an hour, and some might never completely allow you to do this.

BUT, I suggest that you do keep trying, since it is a VERY helpful trick for a basic healthcheck of your pet :).

Alright, those are the basic steps! Stay tuned for some ending baby dwarf hamster footage!

Ask in the comments below for any advice that you may need with this.

Thanks for watching, and remember to subscribe! :D

For more infomation >> DIY PET HEALTH: Checking the mouth [CC] - Duration: 3:45.


I ❤ JavaScript: Type conversion and concatenation - Duration: 2:50.

Do you know what you'll get from (5 + true)?

No idea?

I'll tell you: the answer is 6.

Yes, But why?

Let's clear it up.

[Music playing]

Hi, let's talk today about a type conversion and concatenation in JavaScript.

I'm Anatol and you're watching the Good Parts of the FrontEnd development.

[Music playing]

According to ECMAScript Specification the addition operator can perform either string

concatenation or numeric addition.

The compiler evaluates both left and right part of an expression and makes a decision

what to do further: If: at least one those was a "String", then

both are evaluated as "Strings".

Otherwise: the compiler performs a numeric addition.

In our example: neither of two values is of "String" type, the compiler performs a numeric

addition, so both values have to be treated as "Numbers".

5 is already a "Number", but "true" (Boolean type) is not really.

JavaScript coerces a true boolean into the value of 1, and a false boolean into the value

of 0.

In this case, both operands are treated as "Numbers", not "Strings", so the expression

is equivalent to "5+1" , and I can logically assume that their sum is equal to "6".

All these rules are covered by the Type conversion section of ECMAScript Specification.

Consequently, you can see that the following expression 1+'1' will be evaluated as "11",

regardless the left part of expression is a "Number", the right expression is a


Therefore, the concatenation instead the addition operator is performed.

However, the next example 1-'1' is evaluated as "0", since the right side is coerced to

a type Number, because the mathematical subtraction can't be applied to a String.

Thereby you can easily calculate the following expression: 2/''.

The division operator is applied to Numbers only.

The left side is a Number at a time when the right side is coerced to a Number, whereby

it's 0.

Accordingly, 2 divided by 0 is Infinity, it's true only in JavaScript, that follows the

international standard, but not in the real world.

That's it.

So easy.

[Music playing]

If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the

channel and watch other episodes.

Thanks for watching and dive deeper.

For more infomation >> I ❤ JavaScript: Type conversion and concatenation - Duration: 2:50.


SUNDAY CHARITY RIDE - November 27th 2017 - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> SUNDAY CHARITY RIDE - November 27th 2017 - Duration: 3:31.


Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2018 USA Google Doodle - Duration: 2:09.

15 January 2018 Martin Luther King Jr.

Day 2018 "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word

in reality."

-Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., Baptist minister,

Nobel Laureate, and civil rights activist who dedicated his life working tirelessly

for peace, social justice, and opportunity for all Americans - irrespective of color

or creed.

On November 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill creating a federal holiday to

honor Dr. King.

It was federally observed for the first time on January 20, 1986, and over 30 years later,

the day is traditionally celebrated as a day of service, with people volunteering time

and talent to help others, thus paying homage to Dr. King's legacy.

Today's Doodle by guest artist Cannaday Chapman was also developed in collaboration

with the Black Googlers Network (BGN), one of the largest employee resource groups at


The image depicts a young girl perched on her father's shoulders, enthralled by the

power and eloquence of Dr. King's words.

The scene is evocative of Dr. King's dream for children everywhere to one day live in

a better world.

Cannaday shares his thoughts on today's Doodle below: Q: What does MLK and MLK day

mean to you personally?

A: Martin Luther King Jr.'s message is especially relevant today and will be relevant for the

remainder of civilization.

Dr. King is most remembered for fighting for the rights of African Americans, but he fought

for the rights of all Americans.

He believed in fairness and equity for everyone.

As a black man, I wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing today if it wasn't for him and the

brave people of the civil rights movement.

Q: What were your first thoughts

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