Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 15 2018

16:16 cool let's just start had more time to cool. Hey everybody this is Randy

Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and proud owner of! Very very excited today I'm going for overall win number

497 I'm almost to 500 but I am in the Hamilton area of Newcastle New South

Wales I'm at Eight Bulls I'm taking on New Castle's Biggest Burger Challenge, now

I've got 20 minutes to finish this whole thing here it's really a record

challenge our friend a couple months ago Lemon Blossom he dominated this burger

by eating 14 burger patties all topped with cheese and then a garlic mayo but

Magic Mitch just dominated in 13 minutes and 58 seconds I think it was he ate 15

patty so now I have to break their record by eating 16 patties all with the

cheese and then the garlic mayo but I've got 20 minutes to finish if I win I'll

get this whole burger free and I'll be on their Wall of Fame as the new record

holder so let's get this challenge started!

All right like I said I've got 20 minutes to finish but I'm going to try

to do it and under the 13:58 Magic Mitch just did but got my waters here they've

got time as do I, lets eat! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

Six minutes and 45 seconds in still got plenty of time these burgers are

freaking delicious so let's get them down!

Six patties left!

We're 15 minutes in we've got five minutes left!

17 minutes and 12 seconds it was definitely a delicious burger though

I've heard some great things about the burgers and stuff here at Eight-Bulls

and Hamilton of Newcastle New South Wales but awesome awesome challenge

so now anybody that wants to try the challenge themselves they've got to

break my record of 16 by eating 17 so thank you to Eight Bulls here in

Hamilton, Newcastle New South Wales delicious challenge was able to beat the

New Castle's Biggest Burger Challenge but I'm going to get the entire burger

for free and then I'll be on their Wall of Fame as the new record holder so I

was win number 497 almost to 500 thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> NEWCASTLE'S BIGGEST BURGER CHALLENGE (16 PATTIES) - Duration: 6:45.


FIFA 18 - TOTY RONALDO & MESSI PACK OPENING!! 😱⛔️ - Duration: 10:08.



For more infomation >> FIFA 18 - TOTY RONALDO & MESSI PACK OPENING!! 😱⛔️ - Duration: 10:08.


Top 10 Dumbest Ways People Have Died - Duration: 7:46.

There are hundreds of dumb and stupid ways to die and that's because a lot of people

think that they are invincible or that it would never happen to them.

Well news flash, death is everywhere and it can happen at any moment.

So here is the list of the top 10 dumbest ways people have died.

Starting off this happy list in at number 10 with Testing the strength of a window.

Gary Hoy was trying to show his colleagues and visiting law students just how strong

the bullet proof glass is in the office.


I don't know but as he ran into the glass with his shoulder, he crashed through a window

pane and plummeted 24 floors to his death.

That lawyer should have taught those law students something related to law?

Instead of idiotically running full speed into a window

of a skyscraper.

Guzzling its way into number 9 we have a Drinking competition.

In case you didn't know, drinking enough alcohol can cause alcohol poisoning.

This can be life threatening and it usually requires immediate medical treatment because

the person can become extremely confused, unresponsive, disoriented and have shallow


So one guy thought it would be a great idea to enter a drinking competition where he consumed

six liters of beer.

6 liters!

Well sadly, he collapsed from a heart attack and died as he arrived to the hospital.

Soaking into number 8 is the Bathtub death.

It's no secret that water and electronics don't mix however, a lot of people refuse

to believe this science and continue to use their electronics while they are in the water.

Unfortunaetly, 24-year-old woman from Russia died after she dropped her charging iPhone

into the water while she was taking a bath.

It was reported that she was checking her social media before her phone fell into the


What happened to just reading a book while bathing?

Please kids do not use your phones while you are taking a bath.

This unfortunate death makes it into number 7.

A 23-year-old man fell to his death from a second story balcony in Spain while trying

to find better wifi on his cellphone.

He fell after he lost his balance which caused him to go over the handrail and plummet to

the ground.

They suspect that he might have had some alcohol in his system but this is still a death that

could have easily been avoided.

Wifi is not worth risking your life so that you can see what your friends posted on Instagram.

Here comes the chopa in at number 6.

A man from British Columbia, Canada was unfortunately crushed to death by a helicopter.

He was struck and dragged by the helicopter that crashed to the ground as he was walking

to the mailbox.

He didn't notice that the helicopter was coming because the volume on his noise-cancelling

headphones was up too high.

Because of this incident, a lot of people became concerned over the safe use of headphones

and the volume that people are putting them at.

This Ironic death comes in at number 5.

In New York, about 550 people were in an anti-helmet law rally and they were riding their motorcycles

without a helmet to try to show people that helmets are apparently not needed.

Well, 55-year-old Philip Contos lost control of his bike, went over his handlebars, hit

his head on the pavement and died.

Authorities said that he would have survived the accident if he'd been wearing a helmet.

Number 4, Teen decapitated at Six Flags.

A teenager lost his head after he hopped a pair of fences and entered a restricted area

in order to get his hat that he lost while he was on the ride.

Police said that the ride was going full speed which is about 50mph when it struck the boy.

Luckily no one on the ride was injured but this teenager should've just went to the

ride operators and told them that he lost his hat instead of endangering himself.

Game over comes in at number 3.

A man from South Korea passed away because he was playing an online computer game for

50 hours with only a few breaks.

He was 28 years old and he collapsed after playing Starcraft at an internet café.

During the marathon gaming session, he did not sleep properly and he didn't eat that


He eventually died from heart failure because of his extreme exhaustion.

This is absolutely tragic, employees at the internet café should have endorsed timed

breaks or something because clearly this guy was very addicted to this game and ignored

his basic needs.

Death by planking comes in at number 2.

For those of you who don't know, planking was a dangerous craze in which people would

lie face down on strange places while someone takes their picture.

Well, A 20 year old man fell to his death from a 7 story balcony after he attempted

to plank on the railing.

He lost his footing and he was killed instantly when he hit the ground.

It just isn't worth it people.

Now in at number 1 is the Free zoo ticket.

A tourist was mauled to death by a pack of tigers in front of his wife and child.

He thought it would be a good idea to climb into a zoo enclosure just so that he could

avoid paying the 15-pound entrance fee.

There is footage of the father being mauled to death on the head and the neck by the tiger

as his wife helpless watches.

The tiger was later shot dead because of this man's idiotic decision.

Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Dumbest Ways People Have Died - Duration: 7:46.


Can BANGLADESH avoid RADICALISM? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 11:12.

Bangladesh is the World's best country… if you don't want to be alone.

This country has half of the population of America but concentrated inside an area the

size of Illinois.

It is the most densely populated country on the planet.

This is also one of the fastest growing countries in the last two decades.

In less than 20 years, Bangladesh has cut poverty in half.

Today, they are the leader in textile manufacturing, only surpassed by China.

In fact, I'm sure your shirt, your trousers or something else you're wearing today is

made here.

But wait a minute because it is still too soon to open the champagne bottle!

Yes, Bangladesh grows fast.

But still today, 13% of their population lives on less than 2 dollars a day.

That's 20 million people.

Add to this the fact that Islam is the main religion in the country and you have headlines

like this one.

Terrorist activity increased in Bangladesh in 2016 amid global fall in attacks

Despite the fact that Bangladesh has a secular constitution, adulterous women are stoned

to death in some regions.

And 80% of the population agrees with changing the legislation so it meets the principles

of SHARIA law.

Meanwhile, despite the radicalism of some citizens, the prime minister, SHEIKH HASINA,

is a woman.

And the opposition leader, KHALEDA ZIA, is also a woman.

So the situation is far from quiet.

Especially given that in the next year, 2018, Bangladesh will hold elections that might

be crucial for the future of this country.

So the question to be made here is…

Can Bangladesh become an Islamic Republic?

Why do we think Bangladesh is a demographic bomb?

Today we are going to answer these questions, but before we do, let's take a look back

at history.


In 1947, the British Empire let the Indian colonies become independent.

The parts where HINDUISM was the main religion became what today is INDIA.

The parts with an Islamic majority became PAKISTAN.

But things are not as simple as they seem.

The Muslim part ended up divided into two parts.

As you can see on the screen, India was in the middle, and to the left and right there

was Pakistan, with a political system based on Sharia law.

2,200 kilometres divided these two parts that belonged to the same state.

As you can imagine, this just couldn't work properly.

In fact, putting aside the fact that they had the same religion, these two parts had

nothing in common.

They didn't even speak the same language.

Western Pakistanis despised the Eastern Pakistanis, also known as the bengalies, wanted to have

their own country as well.

So in 1971 the Liberation War started.

Estimates say that between 300,000 and 3 million civilians died in this war.

But, as a result, a brand new country was born.

And this was the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

This is also how MUJIBUR RAHMAN, or as they know him, BANGABANDHU, became the first president.

So since Pakistan was an islamic country and Bangladesh hated Pakistan badly, Bangabandhu

designed a constitution that was completely secular.

In fact, they followed the ideological fashion of the time, so called ARAB SOCIALISM.

This was an ideological cocktail that combined authoritarian leaders, centralized economy

and secularism.

But wait a minute because it was not that easy.

4 years later, BANGABANDHU and his whole family died in a coup d'etat made by those who

supported Pakistani rule during the Liberation war.

Only his two daughters survived.

One of them, SHEIKH HASINA is the current prime minister.

But let's get back to the coup d'etat.

After two years of political stability and the influence of the CIA, General ZIAUR RAHMAN

became the man in charge.

One of his most controversial decisions was to give amnesty to the pro Pakistani, and

therefore, islamist soldiers who killed Bangabandhu.

This is how the big ideological divide was created in Bangladesh.

On one hand, we have the family and the political party of General RAHMAN, the BNP or Bangladesh

National Party.

They are a conservative coalition with a strong presence among islamist parties.

Some of those who participated in the coup d´etat in 1975 became members of this BNP


On the other hand, we have the party of BANGABANDHU, the so-called AWAMI LEAGUE that can be considered

socialist and secularist.

General Rahman ruled the country for 4 years.

Then, of course, came another coup d´etat.

Bangladesh was ruled by the military until 1991, when democracy came back to the country.

But wait a minute because the Bangladesh way of democracy is far from democratic…


Since 1991, those two political parties had two main leaders.

On the BNP side, we have KHALEDA ZIA, the widow of ZIAUR RAHMAN.

On the Awami side there is Sheikh HASINA, the daughter of BANGABANDHU.

Since then, elections have been a fight between two women that alternate in power every 5


Neither one of them can win the elections consistently.

In fact, elections in Bangladesh are absolute hell.

Usually, the opposition party organizes violent protests and never ending strikes that paralyze

the country.

But in 2006, things changed.

Back then, the Awami league, led by Sheikh Hasina disagreed with the way they organized

the elections.

This was business as usual.

But this time, the military tried to make a coup d´etat to put some order in the country

like they had in the 80s.

Elections had to be postponed for two years.

And finally, Sheikh Hasina, won the elections.

In that moment, Hasina learnt a lesson: the important thing is not winning the office

but keeping it.

Remember when I told you that General Rahman gave amnesty to those who killed BANGABANDHU

40 years before?

Well… his daughter Sheick Hasina had a good memory.

And she took those memories from the past to sue all those islamists who might challenge

her power, those who participated in the 1975 coup d´etat.



If this wasn't enough, she broke one of the biggest political traditions in Bangladesh.

Usually, during an elections, the parliament would create a neutral government in order

to guarantee a clean and fair process.

But Hasina was not willing to leave power.

The opposition boycotted the elections.

And Hasina won with 79% of the vote.


In other words… now, in 2017, Sheikh Hasina is the strongest leader in Bangladesh history.

And this is no little thing if we remember this is a country of more than 160 million


So the question now is… is there anyone who can match Hasina's power?

Well… the answer is YES.


As we said at the beginning, over 20 million Bangladeshi citizens live in extreme poverty.

They are young and extremely religious.

In other words, they are the perfect market for a radical islamist movement.

And yes, you might say now…

'But, Simon, Didn't you say Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing countries?'


This is exactly why those 20 million poor citizens are a real problem.

Listen, if you want to start a populist revolution, never go to an extremely poor country.

In fact, most of the radical movements appear when countries are starting to grow or are

stepping out of a crisis.

That's your window of opportunity.

That is the moment when the worse off citizens can feel jealous of those who are getting

wealthier and wealthier.

Those 20 million impoverished citizens are a perfect target for radicalization.

And a real threat to the country's stability.

This is why terrorist attacks have been getting more and more frequent in Bangladesh since


Many of the victims are bloggers who claim to be atheists and tried to spread secularism

in the country.

But the real wake up call came in 2016.

Bangladesh attack: Isis gunmen kill at least 22 people in hostage crisis at Dhaka restaurant

Since then, Sheikh Hasina has been trying to stop terrorism.

Nonetheless, as I said, in 2018, elections will be held.

And the government is trying to gain support from that religious population.

This is why Hasina is letting Saudi Arabia invest 1 billion dollars into the building

of 560 mosques throughout the country.

At the same time, she is making it harder for women to inherit money and easier for

minor girls to get married to much older men.

But not only that!

An Islamic propaganda group called HEFAZAT-E-ISLAM sent their agenda with 13 political suggestions

to the government . For instance, they wanted the religious teachings

given at radical mosques to be considered at the same level as any academic institution.

And, against the odds, Sheikh Hasina has accepted that and other proposals from the radicals.

Don't forget that she and her party are the ones that stand for the secular values

against a more traditional approach from the BNP party.

So this leads to the big question here…

Do you think Bangladesh is at risk of becoming a de facto Islamic republic?

Or is this just a political game for Sheikh Hasina to strengthen her power before the


Please, leave your answer in the comment section below.

And don't forget to visit RECONSIDERMEDIA.COM, the website that provided the voices on this

video that are not mine.

Also don't forget that we publish brand new videos every week so please, subscribe

to VisualPolitik and you will not miss any post.

If you like this video, give us a thumbs up and, as always, I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Can BANGLADESH avoid RADICALISM? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 11:12.


Introducing Amazon Pennywise - Duration: 2:06.


For more infomation >> Introducing Amazon Pennywise - Duration: 2:06.


Thor's Heaviest LEAD-FILLED Hammer DESTROYS ALL - Duration: 10:59.

Hey guys as you know we've been slowly creating a collection of Thor's Hammer's capable of recreating Thor's abilities in the Marvel movies

We've caught lightning with a hammer

We've jump-started a car.. which he hasn't done in a movie. We've created one

That's an electromagnet that only I can pick up and we even put a giant capacitor in one to deliver huge electroshocks.

And in this video we're gonna attempt to

Make the heaviest

Thor's hammer

Now currently the heaviest Thor's hammer in existence was made by a youtuber named brain Fuu and he has a 91 pound

Hammer that he custom made out of steel and filled with lead. Now for our project we're gonna do something similar

We're gonna take one of these replica hammers that we have from The Armor Factory

We're gonna open it up, and we're gonna try and fill it with lead and hopefully we can get more lead in it

So it's heavier than brain-fu's. T bhe first step is getting some lead, but unfortunately lead's actually kind of hard to come by

Ian, wanna find me some lead?

Alright now before you guys call the cops on us for stealing tire weights from unsuspecting vehicles

That was a joke, it would have taken way too long to steal this many tire weights, and this isn't even enough

Now what we actually did was

We went to a whole bunch of mechanics around town and actually bought used tire weights from them

And this is actually something you can do if you guys happen to need lead

Anyways now that we've got the lead. Let's melt it down and fill up the hammer

Alright this is gonna take a while. I've got a question for you in the meantime

Have you ever wanted to be a Norse God?

I know I have and if you have too I have a great game to recommend that's awesome after a long day of work

It's called Vikings: War of Clans the game takes me back to my childhood with good old strategy RPG games

And it's available on mobile with great graphics. Build your empire, develop your own economy, and rule the world by destroying your enemies

And as a special thank you to you guys for supporting the channel Vikings

And I are actually giving away an iPhone X in a random draw at the end of the month.

To enter, it's really simple all you have to do is download the game using my link in the description below and upgrade your palace to level

5 plus whoever gets the highest level will win a MacBook Pro

for more information and contest details check the description below and get a special bonus of 200 gold so download war Vikings today and let

The fun begin now back to the hammer

This is a bit wasteful, but we have way more than we need now that most of the Hammers done

Lead zinc? Ew... I'm gonna use these ones. Avoid the shiny ones.

Wouldn't want to get your fingerprints on that eh? I'd say. Let's get a precision mallet.

Alright, so it's not centered.

We should probably put a giant bevel on that.

So far so good

Really having a strap on here is dangerous because someone's gonna try picking it up and it's just gonna break

Can you carry it with one hand? 70 pounds

I don't think thats possible because I can't curl 80 pounds get that above your head anyway yep

I didn't get the picture

Hold it

There you go

Whoa all right

Yeah, we've got just about as much lead as we can fit in the hammer, so let's see how much it weighs

All right, we're looking at about 33 kilograms, that's around

73 pounds so not quite as heavy as brain-fuus

And I think part of the reason is is because of the way he designed his he was actually able to get a bit more

lead into the hammer than we were

But how could we make Thor's heaviest hammer what other materials could we use besides lead and to figure that out?

We're gonna have to do some math

All right so before we start the hammer weighed about eight pounds without any lead

Which means we put about

65 pounds of lead in here so now that we know how much lead we have in the hammer we can actually use the density

Of lead to calculate the volume available to us in the hammer

Did you know lead isn't actually the heaviest element that we could use?

The first one we thought of was tungsten which is almost twice as dense as lead and in fact if we filled this hammer with

Tungsten it would actually weigh about 51.6 kilograms. Bringing it in over a hundred and ten pounds

So it would actually be the heaviest hammer in existence

Unfortunately tungsten is really expensive. It would cost over five thousand dollars. Just to get that amount of tungsten to make the hammer

But wait there's an element that's even heavier

It's called osmium

And it's got a density of almost 23 grams per centimeter cubed in fact if we were to fill this hammer with

Osmium it would weigh over 60 kilograms, which is nearly a hundred and fifty pounds

the catch

Osmium is worth more money than platinum

That means this hammer would cost over

2.4 million dollars

To make the heaviest Thor's hammer, so it looks like brain foo holds the record for the world's heaviest Thor's hammer

But you know what time it is it's time to test this thing out

I almost fell backwards into the skids

Alright for the views

What? You thought we were done?

Wow that was awesome let's try concrete next

Alright time for the final test

Well I hope you guys enjoyed that video we had a lot of fun attempting to make Thor's heaviest hammer make sure you check out

Our other videos though because we've done a whole bunch of Thor's Hammer's now

And we have this awesome playlist showing off every one that we've done so far and make sure you're subscribed

Because we're gonna do an epic compilation featuring all the hammers in one video. Thanks for watching.

The lightsaber test is coming soon

For more infomation >> Thor's Heaviest LEAD-FILLED Hammer DESTROYS ALL - Duration: 10:59.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:11.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:03.


VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> VW Polo V - Duration: 1:01.


Funny hamster to eat in amazing place! - Duration: 1:40.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny hamster to eat in amazing place! - Duration: 1:40.


♥ LOVE MAGIC MANTRA ♥ Most Powerful mantra - Feel True love & passion - Powerful Mantras - Duration: 11:35.


Radhe Radhe Shyam


Radhe Radhe Shyam


Radhe Radhe Shyam


Radhe Radhe Shyam

Govinda Radhe

Radhe Shyam

Gopala Radhe

Radhe Shyam

Govinda Radhe

Radhe Shyam

Gopala Radhe

Radhe Shyam

Govinda Radhe

Radhe Shyam

Gopala Radhe

Radhe Shyam

For more infomation >> ♥ LOVE MAGIC MANTRA ♥ Most Powerful mantra - Feel True love & passion - Powerful Mantras - Duration: 11:35.


Will the Superhero Bubble Burst in 2018? | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 10:47.

Hello everyone, I'm Andrew and I'm ready for another awesome year of superhero movies.

After all, 2017 definitely had some pretty impressive showings.

'Wonder Woman' wowed us,

'Spider-Man' came home,

and 'Justice League' ushered in a new era of facial hair replacement. ZING!

But as wild as last year was, 2018 could be even crazier.

We've got an unprecedented amount of superhero content coming our way,

which made us stop and wonder:

Are we getting too much of a good thing?

Is there a limit to the comic-book craziness that movie audiences will accept?

And is it possible to stand out from the pack,

or will history repeat itself and let great movies slip through unnoticed?

My fellow nerds, consider this video a State of the Union address for the entire superhero genre,

as we take a look at next year's landscape and ask:

Could the Superhero Bubble Burst in 2018?

Let me give you the rundown.

Don't freeze.

I never freeze.

Marvel Studios is kicking off the year strong with 'Black Panther,'

following it up with the hugely anticipated 'Infinity War' crossover,

And later winding down with 'Ant Man and the Wasp.'

Over at Fox, they're making the most of what could be their last year of independence with two big releases of their own:

'Deadpool 2' for their summer tentpole,

Remember, hugs not drugs.

and 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' in the fall.

As for the Distinguished Competition, DC originally had two DCEU movies on the schedule for 2018,

But now that 'Flashpoint' has been delayed until God knows when,

all they've got is 'Aquaman' in December,

I think we're all gonna die.

And the just-announced 'Teen Titans: Go!' movie.


Throw in 'The Incredibles 2,'

Sony's animated Miles Morales movie,

and whatever the hell they've got planned for Tom Hardy's 'Venom'

and there you have a year absolutely smothered in spandex.

Shout-out to Kya.

Which leads us to the first potential problem:


There are ten superhero movies set to release in 2018,

by far the most of any year, ever.

And realistically, most people just won't be able to watch them all in theaters.

For one thing, if you bought a ticket for every movie, you could end up spending well over two hundred dollars.

That's a lot of cheddar.

Here in New York City, an average 2D ticket costs about 17 bucks,

Multiply it by ten, throw in some popcorn, and well...

I'd rather get an Oculus Rift for that kinda scratch.

But even if you've got that Tony Stark money,

There's only so much CGI punching a person can take.

Don't get me wrong, if your movie has someone in a cape, I'm there,

but that's a given, I'm a nerd. The channel's called 'NowThis Nerd.'

Superhero movies only reached the heights they have today by appealing to the masses,

not just the True Believers.

And with the glut of movies coming out this year,

people are going to pick and choose which ones they shell out for,

and watch the rest from the comfort of their couch or computer chair.

Again, I'm a huge fan of the superhero genre, and I'm looking forward to every single one that's coming out.

But with such a packed calendar,

I'm just worried about smaller movies getting swallowed up by the big fish.

Ten years ago in 2008, only about six superhero movies came out,

and most of them were spaced far enough apart where it didn't matter much.

The ones that hit big were massive game changers like 'Iron Man,' which jumpstarted the whole MCU,

and the ones that flopped were either so-so movies like 'Punisher: War Zone,'

or complete trainwrecks like 'Hancock.'

Call me an airhead one more time.

Then there's the case of 'Hellboy II,' which was an unfortunate victim of an overcrowded box office.

Guillermo del Toro's brilliant film is maybe the best superhero sequel of all time, according to Mike Calabro,

and it had an excellent opening weekend.

Then, it experienced a catastrophic 72% drop,

the worst of any superhero movie ever.

Yup, I'm gonna need a beer too.

The culprit?

A little movie called 'The Dark Knight'

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

that came out the very next week.

Batman utterly annihilated the indie darling Hellboy,

killing del Toro's hopes of finishing his beloved trilogy with one swift batarang.

I think I'll keep this.

Imagine how well it could have done had come out in 2009,

when the only other comic book movies were 'Watchmen' and 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine.'

Let's do this.

The character might have better luck with David Harbour's Hellboy reboot next year,

but if 2018 is any indication, the competition is gonna be even more stacked.

We're experiencing a rapid-fire onslaught of superhero movies,

but so far, the box office hasn't shown signs of spandex fatigue.

This year is going to be a big test for how much comic book action mainstream audiences are willing to endure,

Which is related to the next potential problem:


That 'Infinity War' trailer sure was something, huh?

It was chock full of references that need explaining,

and easter eggs you might have missed.

But the vast majority of the audience isn't watching YouTube explainers before they buy a ticket,

If you are, you should watch ours!

I think a lot of people [e]are gonna be asking the same question as Thor:

Who the hell are you guys?

Granted, there hasn't been a movie yet that was too straight-up weird for audiences,

and I still get a huge kick out of the masses enjoying all the crazy shit about comics that I've loved for years and years.

No school like the old schoo!

This isn't coming from condescension, I genuinely enjoy the fact that the heroes I grew up reading and watching are enjoyed by pretty much everyone now.

However, it is possible 'Infinity War' could take things a step too far...

It's asking a lot of the moviegoer to:

remember all these bizarre characters,

what they've been up to,

and which magic gem is in which fictional country.

Now, we're just playing devil's advocate here,

It's my time now.

Obviously there are a lot of characters and plot-lines to wrangle,

but I have no doubt 'Infinity War' is gonna knock it outta the park.

That begs another question, though:

Where do you go from there?

Marvel Studios has spent a decade preparing fans for the crossover to end all crossovers.

They introduced us to the archvillain six years ago,

That was six years ago?!

Six years ago I was living at home, I was still in college... Wow, Thanos left home and so did I.

and sprinkled Infinity Stones across half a dozen movies,

All for this moment.

So what's gonna happen when Thanos goes down and the good guys win the day in Part 2?

We know there's a new Spidey, Captain Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy in the pipeline,

but will Marvel be able to capture the same magic twice?

And will they be patient enough to wait another ten years for the payoff,

Will we be patient enough to wait another 10 years for the payoff,

especially now that the beloved cast is getting a little long in the tooth.

Keep up old man!

Nobody would know...

Only time will tell,

but the way Hollywood's been going lately,

the movies could lose what made them special in the first place,

thanks to Homogenization

And we're not talking about milk!

Talking about movies. You keeping up?

Another huge side effect of the Marvel Revolution is the corpratization of superhero movies.

Well, it's not that new.

Comic book characters have been making bank for movie studios since the '40s,

but in the wake of the MCU, the major players are exercising air-tight control of their franchises.

Superhero films hardly feel like movies anymore,

They kinda feel like long, expensive episodes of an awesome TV series.

There's too much money at stake to take real risks anymore,

and if you're a filmmaker who doesn't toe the company line,

they'll have no problem getting rid of you for someone who does.

Just ask Edgar Wright and Joss Whedon.

Even a company guy like Zack Snyder saw his movies butchered in the editing suite.

The phenomenon isn't strictly limited to comic book movies, either.

We did a whole video about Disney shitcanning Star Wars directors,

But either way, nothing kills artistic spark and innovation like a ten-year plan mandated by your corporate overlords.

And now, as the companies conglomerate even more,

the content has a real risk of becoming cookie cutter.

Hey, I'm as giddy as anyone about a potential X-Men/Avengers crossover,

but I'm a little sad that we're losing the vibe and style of the Fox films.

Two days on the road, only one meal, and hardly any sleep. She's eleven, I'm freaking ninety!

A long time ago, the comic book industry whittled down to two big players,

Marvel vs. DC. The age-old conflict.

Now, we're seeing the same battle play out on the major stage,

only now it's Disney and Warner Bros locked in eternal combat until one gets big enough to swallow the other.

But, like in comics, there's plenty of originality in the independent scene,

It's just that the cost of entry is much steeper with film.

I mean, giant beams of light that shoot into the sky don't come cheap.

We'll see what changes once the merger goes through,

but for now, 2018 has some pretty exciting stuff.

I've waited 14 years for a sequel to 'The Incredibles,'

Yeah, baby!

and I love the energy and artistic spirit Ryan Coogler's brought to his extremely important 'Black Panther' movie.

We are home.

My king.

Stop it.

Plus, let's be real, 'Infinity War' is going to blow all of our minds,

and in the unlikely event it's a shitshow,

well those can be entertaining too.


Is this going to be the year where capes and cowls go out of fashion?

No capes!

We're definitely starting to see patterns that don't look good for the future,

And we're a little nervous that too much of a good thing,

could be a bad thing.

But judging by 2018's killer lineup,

superheroes are still in a pretty great spot.

Thanks for watching! I want to know what you think: Are you sick and

tired of superheroes yet, or have we barely scratched the surface of comic

book movies? And what superhero films are YOU most looking forward to in

2018? Let us know in the comments, And as always, Please subscribe to

NTN! [a]this changed, we condensed it to a shorter segue [b]we added DCEU

[c]we changed this from 'saw them all in theaters' to 'bought a ticket for

every movie' [d]andrew says oculus rift, which is about the same price

[e]original script said 'us' we changed it to 'people' [f]make sure

you use a take that says Plus, not But [g]this used to be the end, we

changed it [h]this is now the end

For more infomation >> Will the Superhero Bubble Burst in 2018? | NowThis Nerd - Duration: 10:47.


Gucci Gang - Parodia | "VENDO PAN" MONOLOCO - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Gucci Gang - Parodia | "VENDO PAN" MONOLOCO - Duration: 2:42.


Education In Society: Crash Course Sociology #40 - Duration: 11:32.

The average American spends 13 and a half years of their life in school.

And that's not counting the amount of time that you spend watching Crash Course.

Getting a bachelor's degree means spending upwards of 17 years as a student.

And advanced degrees like medical degrees or PhDs can tack on another 4 to 6 years on top of that.

So, why do we spend so much time in the classroom?

With so much information available to us with just a few taps on our phones and computers,

it might seem like sitting in a classroom to learn about the world isn't really necessary anymore.

But educational institutions aren't just places where we learn facts – and Google is no substitute for the social functions that schools provide.

In fact, neither is Crash Course.

So let's take a look at how educational institutions are organized in our society and what those institutional structures can tell us about how our society functions.

[Theme Music]

You know what I mean when I talk about "Education," right?

For our purposes, education is the social institution through which society provides its members with all kinds of important knowledge,

not just basic facts and job skills but also cultural norms and values.

And this can come in the form of formal schooling, where instruction comes from specially trained teachers, but it doesn't have to.

What education has looked like across different eras and different places is very different from the schooling that you probably know.

Historically, education was a privilege of the wealthy.

In fact, the word school comes from the Greek word for leisure – 'Scole'.

In Ancient Greece, wealthy young men spent their free time learning from scholars like Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.

Nowadays, most high-income countries have formal schooling systems that are available to everyone.

So the amount of schooling that the average person gets in most societies is closely tied to the country's level of economic development.

While young people in the US can expect to spend at least 12 years in school,

those who live in lower-income countries are much more likely to never get past middle school.

The US, however, will be the setting that we'll be using to explore how sociology understands education as a social institution.

So let's go right to the Thought Bubble for a quick overview of how schooling is structured in the United States.

In the US, publicly funded schools have existed since almost the beginning of our country.

Thomas Jefferson was an early proponent of separating schools from religious institutions, which at the time were the main providers of education.

The widespread availability of public schools really took off in the middle of the 19th century,

when politician and educational reformer Horace Mann pushed for Massachusetts to create a formalized, state funded system of primary schools.

By 1918, all states had passed mandatory education laws, which required children to attend school until they reached the age of 16.

A major aim of these laws was to promote literacy.

Both Jefferson and Mann pushed for public education systems because they believed that a well-educated populace was a necessary requirement for a democracy.

Nowadays, about 87% of students in the US attend public schools, which start in kindergarten when children are five.

And when I say public schools, this refers to schools funded through the government with taxpayer dollars.

And of course, US public schools are organized into primary and secondary education.

Compulsory education starts with elementary school, which begins for most Americans around age 5 and continues through 5th grade, until ages 10 or 11.

These grades are considered "primary" schooling.

Starting at age 11 or 12, children enter middle- or junior high school, which consists of grades 6th through 8th in most states.

Around age 14, they typically enter high school, which often includes 9th through 12th grades.

Middle and High school are also referred to as "secondary schooling."

And many school districts offer alternatives to the standard high school curriculum,

in the form of Vocational and Technical training schools, sometimes known as VoTech schools.

Votech schools focus on teaching specific skills, like automotive repair or cosmetology,

and students leave school with certifications that help them enter the workforce right away.

Thanks Thought Bubble!

Another educational option is private school – those schools not funded by taxpayer dollars.

Why might a family choose a private school over a public school?

Well, for one thing, private schools are often able to tailor their curricula to specific populations.

Because public schools are open to everybody, they try to serve the widest swath of the student populace – what's sometimes referred to as 'teaching the middle.'

So the 10% of American students who attend private schools might be there in search of a more rigorous education.

Parents of kids with disabilities may also choose a private school that's specially tailored to their child's needs, which may not be available in a public school.

And it's worth pointing out that most private schools in the US are religiously affiliated.

These schools provide religious instruction alongside academic training – a practice that's not allowed in public schools.

You know, because of the whole separation of church and state thing in the Constitution.

Another option for parents who don't want to send their kids to public school is homeschooling.

That's just where a kid is educated at home, typically by a parent.

About 3% of students in the US are homeschooled.

All of these different approaches to education cover the K-12 years, when children are required to attend school.

But some people may choose to keep going to school and enter post-secondary institutions, better known as college or university.

Unlike primary and secondary schooling, post-secondary schooling – in the US at least – is largely funded by the students themselves.

Public state colleges and universities are joint ventures between taxpayers and students, who pay some tuition to attend.

Two-year colleges, sometimes known as junior or community colleges,

typically give associates degrees, technical certifications, and sometimes high-school equivalency degrees, or GEDs.

The highest level of education attained by 28% of Americans over the age of 25 is attending some college or have a two-year degree.

Four-year institutions in the US can either be public universities, funded jointly by state taxes and student tuition,

or private universities funded almost exclusively through tuition and private donations.

The reason I keep talking about funding is that, in the US, paying for college is one of the highest barriers to getting a post-secondary education.

As a result, going to college is by no means a given for Americans.

Only 32.5% of Americans over the age of 25 have graduated with a bachelor's degree from a four-year university.

Of these graduates, about one third will go on to get more education, like medical school or a masters or a doctorate in a discipline like sociology.

12% of American over the age of 25 have some sort of advanced degree.

Education must matter an awful lot for people to willingly choose to spend so much time and money on it.

And, of course, our schools of sociological thought can help us understand how educational systems help shape society,

and why education carries such importance in people's lives.

Today, we'll be looking at Structural Functionalism and Symbolic Interactionism and next week,

we'll look more in-depth at education using a conflict theory perspective.

As you might expect by this point, structural functionalism looks at how formal education helps keep a society running smoothly.

Because structural functionalism looks at everything that way.

And we can think of how education works in society, in terms of both manifest and latent functions.

Manifest functions are the intended consequences of education.

And an obvious example of a manifest function is just...teaching kids the basic facts about the world.

It's pretty hard to get through the world without knowing how to read or write.

And even for people who don't use math every single day, it's pretty useful to be able to calculate a 20% tip without needing to pull out a calculator.

Another manifest function of schooling is socialization.

By going to school outside the home, kids begin to learn norms and values beyond what their parents might teach them.

For example, schools engage in cultural transmission, or passing along knowledge to a new generation of citizens.

Children in public schools start their day by pledging allegiance to the American flag – and by doing so, learn patriotic values.

Similarly, civics and history courses teach them how political processes work, which helps create a well-informed, well-functioning civil society.

In this way, schools also act to promote social integration, taking people from different backgrounds and exposing them to social norms and cultural values,

in an effort to promote a shared understanding of the social world.

And educational institutions do more than just pass on knowledge – they also help us create new knowledge through cultural innovation and research.

Every major advance in our society – whether it's the technology of self-driving cars, or new understandings of the inequalities we see in the world –

has been possible because it built on the knowledge we learn in schools.

Yet another manifest function of schools is to educate the future workforce, teaching the skills that people need to be productive members of society.

So formal education acts as a form of credentialing, a way of establishing someone's qualifications to work in a certain field.

You know that diploma you got when you graduated – or will get when you do graduate?

That's documented proof of your credentials.

And educational credentials are often used as a way of determining social status –

they determine social placement by telling us who can access which jobs, and how much they should be paid for that work –

factors that determine socioeconomic status.

Now, in addition to all of these intended functions of education, there are some unintended consequences, or latent functions, of schooling, too.

One of the more important ones is learning how to be a good 9 to 5 worker.

Horace Mann's original vision of public schools was based on a Prussian model of schooling now known as the 'factory school model,'

because it teaches children how to work within a set schedule and listen to authority figures.

Those are skills that come in handy as an adult when your boss tells you to be at your desk at 9 in the morning.

K-12 Schools also provide childcare that makes working parents' lives easier – not the intended purpose of schools certainly, but a pretty useful latent function.

And a third latent function of schools is that they just help you make friends!

Schools help people form social groups by introducing them to many people around their same age.

This also makes it easy to meet and interact with potential romantic partners around your age –

which might be why we see so many college and high school sweethearts who tie the knot.

Structural functionalism stresses all the ways that schooling helps maintains the order and stability of society.

But our other theories of sociological thought point out the ways that educational institutions may maintain practices that are not beneficial to everyone.

Recall that symbolic-interactionist approaches explore how people create the world that we live in through their day-to-day interactions.

In the context of education, we see this play out in how stereotypes created by society can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Teachers who believe a student has high ability tend to give that student more attention and feedback –

which in turn helps that student believe that they have high ability, which in turn helps that student develop greater academic ability.

Similarly, if you decide you're just not a "math person," you might try to avoid doing math at all and stop taking math classes as soon as your school lets you –

which will pretty much guarantee that you end up not being all that good at math.

Self-fulfilling prophecies can have very real consequences when its beliefs about student's abilities are influenced by stereotypes of race, gender, or class.

The lower graduation rate of racial minorities is one outcome.

So too is women's underrepresentation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields.

Next week, we'll use the lens of social conflict theory to explore more about how schooling can both cause and perpetuate social inequalities.

This week, we discussed the history of education as a social institution, with a specific focus on how the US organizes its educational system.

We also talked about structural functionalist approaches to education and some of the manifest and latent functions associated with education.

Finally, we discussed a symbolic interactionist approach to education that shows us how self-fulfilling

prophecies in educational settings contribute to differences in academic outcomes for students.

Crash Course Sociology is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT, and it's made with the help of all of these nice people.

Our animation team is Thought Cafe and Crash Course is made with Adobe Creative Cloud.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon,

a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support.

For more infomation >> Education In Society: Crash Course Sociology #40 - Duration: 11:32.


Barack Just Made Disturbing Comment About Sasha While She's On Beach Vacay – We Knew It! - Duration: 4:58.

Barack Just Made Disturbing Comment About Sasha While She's On Beach Vacay – We

Knew It!

The Obama family was spotted by paparazzi doing what they're best at doing.

This time it was only partially paid for by taxpayers.

Half of the Obama family was on vacation in Miami, soaking up some sun, spending taxpayer

money on security that had to travel.

That's when it got bizarre.

Former President Obama became quite strange and creepy, even though he wasn't spotted

on the trip, but sure had something odd to say about it.

Only Malia and Michelle were located in Miami, trying to soak up the taxpayer sun, and Barack

still found his way to be mentioned in the article about the girl's vacation.

Nonetheless, Barack was pathetic, but that's nothing new considering he went on an 'apology

tour' during his Presidency.

The Daily Mail captured Malia and Michelle Obama in photographs as they pranced around

Miami, hitting up elegant restaurants and flaunting their body in bathing suits while

the taxpayer-funded security loathed behind begrudgingly.

The article spoke about what the Obama girls were wearing, where they were going, and it

was quite stalkerish.

The job of a paparazzi to legally stalk people while they're doing things is creepy.

But then we bring it back to Barack Obama and his chat about his daughter, and that's

where it becomes strange.

Daily Mail reported: "The former first lady also sported a long

white blouse, a bandanna and large fold hoop earrings for the outing.

Malia was looking similarly casual alongside her mother in a tan hoodie over her swimsuit,

of which just her black bikini bottoms were visible.

The tall teen toted in her hands a pair of white sneakers and her iPhone with a charger.

She also was carrying a hefty-looking book – perhaps a bit of holiday break homework

from Harvard University, where Malia is due to return later this month.

The ladies looked as though they didn't have a care in the world, appearing as though

the post-White House life suits them just fine.

The day at the beach appeared to be all about girl time as former president Barack Obama

was nowhere to be seen.

The former first lady also sported a long white blouse, a bandanna and large fold hoop

earrings for the outing.

Malia was looking similarly casual alongside her mother in a tan hoodie over her swimsuit,

of which just her black bikini bottoms were visible.

The tall teen toted in her hands a pair of white sneakers and her iPhone with a charger.

She also was carrying a hefty-looking book – perhaps a bit of holiday break homework

from Harvard University, where Malia is due to return later this month.

The ladies looked as though they didn't have a care in the world, appearing as though

the post-White House life suits them just fine.

The day at the beach appeared to be all about girl time as former president Barack Obama

was nowhere to be seen."

The Daily Mail spoke about the details of the girl's vacation before it transitioned

into what Barack Obama was up to and talking about.

He was babbling on about his talk with Letterman, and that's where it became 'pathetic'

and readers must have become a bit creeped out.

Obama's chat with Letterman was a drooling confession to his pathetic self, something

many readers have known about since watching the former President rule the greatest country

in the world with no guts, glory, or manhood that fellow men would look up to.

Daily Mail continued: "He discussed her move-in day with David

Letterman on the talk show legend's new Netflix project My Next Guest Needs No Introduction

with David Letterman.

Obama told him that he speaks with his daughter regularly because he is 'pathetic,' adding

President Barack Obama said he was a wreck when he dropped his daughter Malia off at

Harvard University.

The 44th commander-in-chief discussed move-in day when he appeared as the first guest on

David Letterman's new Netflix talk show 'My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with

David Letterman'.

Obama then described how he speaks with the 19-year-old regularly because he's 'pathetic'.

'It was like open-heart surgery man,' Obama told Letterman of moving his oldest

daughter into her college dorm in August 2017.

'And it was was interesting to see how everybody handled things differently.

Michelle had a cleaning glove and was scouring the bathroom…Sasha tries to be cool because

she didn't want to admit that she was going to miss her sister so she was helping make

the bed and fold clothes.

I was basically useless."



Why don't they tell us something we don't know?

It's peculiar to describe yourself as inadequate or pathetic.

That's not what people want to hear considering this was the 44th President of the United


Former Presidents aren't supposed to be pathetic.

They're supposed to be leaders and not weaklings bowing down to their daughters.

How can she look up to him if he's self-professed as pathetic?

That was a bizarre conversation with Letterman.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Barack Just Made Disturbing Comment About Sasha While She's On Beach Vacay – We Knew It! - Duration: 4:58.


The Untold Truth Of The Chew - Duration: 4:12.

The Chew first aired in 2011, and co-hosts Mario Batali, Michael Symon, Clinton Kelly,

Carla Hall, and Daphne Oz quickly won over fans and turned the show into the mega hit

it is today.

But it hasn't all been easy.

Here's a look at the untold truth of The Chew.

Reviews were horrible

Critics were not on board with The Chew when the show first aired.

The New York Daily News said the first episode "often felt overstuffed, as if its celebrity

crew were engaged in a speed-talking contest."

Esquire said that the co-hosts were "hyperactive."

But in spite of the negativity, the critics held out hope that the show would improve

with time, with the Huffington Post saying, "Perhaps your first episode was just a rocky

start…after all, you can only go up from here."

That proved to be prophetic, as The Chew became one of the most popular daytime talk shows

on television.

Former co-host Daphne Oz attributed the show's success to its relatability.

"We show you how we mess up and we show you how we recover, and people really appreciate

that realness in this age of a lot of fluff and smoke 'n mirrors and stuff."

The hosts are friends

The chemistry between the show's co-hosts is undeniable.

Carla Hall told PopSugar,

"The one thing that drew me to The Chew was we all have our different lanes, but we don't

step on each other's toes.

It's this mutual respect, and you realize when you're around different people, you actually

learn more about others."

And Oz agreed, telling Fox News,

"We are all as friendly off-set as you see on-set."

Well, with one exception….

Mario Batali was a jerk

The cast of The Chew might be friendly, but Mario Batali hasn't always been very nice

to his co-hosts.

In the earliest episodes, there was some friction between Batali and Daphne Oz with Batali making

plenty of snide remarks about Oz's healthy eating habits.

"what planet are you from that they don't have hot dogs?"

And in a 2012 interview with Eater, Batali's comments about his hosts seemed a little passive-aggressive.

"I never would have chosen my roommates, but after a year of working with them, I realize

that they don't have weird ulterior motives.

These are pure people.

Their messages are not all yet clear, even after a year, but they're smart and fun."

That was just being a jerk, but in 2017, Batali was fired from the show after several women

came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct spanning decades.

Batali issued a statement that read in part,

"I know my actions have disappointed many people."

"To the people who have been at my side during this time...

I am grateful for your support and hopeful that I can regain your respect and trust.

I will spend the next period of time trying to do that."

Carla Hall has a secret talent

Co-host Carla Hall has turned out to be something of a renaissance woman.

Besides being a chef, she's also a talented artist, and uses her celebrity to promote

the arts.

She told PopSugar,

"When I was in culinary school, I drew all of my illustrations for my papers.

I've always drawn.

I did cartoons as a kid…I like crafts; I like doing this with my hand; I like color."

Clinton Kelly wanted to be a novelist

Co-host Clinton Kelly didn't set out to become a television personality - he actually wanted

to be a novelist.

Instead, he studied journalism, with his magazine articles eventually leading to a co-hosting

gig on the show What Not to Wear.

He's since written a number of books, including a memoir in which he revealed his past struggles

with substance abuse.

But it was his book Freakin' Fabulous which caught the eye of The Chew producers, and

after a successful chemistry screen test with the other co-hosts, Kelly joined the show.

Daphne Oz was raised vegetarian

Daphne Oz, who left the show after its sixth season, is no stranger to show business.

Oz is the daughter of TV personality Dr. Oz and was raised as a vegetarian.

The former co-host sampled plenty of meat dishes on the show, though, having given up

the vegetarian lifestyle when she was 18.

She told The Los Angeles Times,

"I didn't grow up eating meat.

But being on the show, I've been able to try different preparations of it, and I have to

tell you that Michael and Mario are making some wonderful meals."

Diverse dishes

Carla Hall told Eater that after several seasons of the show being on the air that the hosts

felt like they had fallen into a rut.

In the show's first thousand shows, Hall said

"...there were 327 pasta recipes that Mario did, but 47 of them were macaroni and cheese."

"He came back and we said, 'Look, let's really teach cuisines of the world.

We are not just these one-dimensional people or cooks.'"

Secret ingredients

With such talented chefs on the show, you'd think that they would handle all of the recipes,

but they actually get plenty of help.

The Chew has a culinary staff that preps all the food and actually creates most of the

recipes as well, though at least they do consult with the hosts.

Now we finally know how the sausage is actually made!

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of The Chew - Duration: 4:12.


Habs make predictions for NHL200 - Duration: 1:29.

Yeah, probably a lot. I think...

Everyone's seen how much it's changed in 100 years.

I can't even imagine...

Probably rockets on skates, or... something pretty... excessive.

With the technology that's out there and will continue to grow,

I think it's... gonna become even faster.

Which is hard to believe.

Um... I think the sticks are gonna be...

The technologies continue to grow, and you know, shots are going to be harder.

Guys are going to be faster, so...

I think it'll be...

Uh, I think it'll change quite a bit.

I mean every time we say,

"I don't know what... how sticks can get better, or skates could get lighter..."

they somehow find a way, so...

Um, it might get to the point where it might plateau, and...

And things get too fast you can't even watch on TV, so...

Um... I don't know. I...

I couldn't even imagine the game getting faster than it is right now.

Um, there will probably be no hitting.

Maybe robots playing, who knows?


Sticks will be auto-aim...

We might not even be playing hockey anymore!

For more infomation >> Habs make predictions for NHL200 - Duration: 1:29.


Leicester City to block Riyad Mahrez leaving this month despite Liverpool interest ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:18.

Mahrez has impressed at the King Power Stadium since Claude Puel took over - but the boss

will not let him leave.

Claude Puel will block Riyad Mahrez's exit from Leicester this month.

Foxes boss Puel claims that he will not be entertaining offers for his star winger, who

has been linked with switches to Arsenal and Liverpool.

Mahrez has impressed at the King Power Stadium since Puel's arrival and the club want to

try and keep hold of the Algerian for the foreseeable future.

Puel admits that there could be an outgoing this month as Leicester have "six strikers

for only two positions".

On Mahrez, who handed in a transfer request last summer, Puel said: "It's not a question

in our mind.

All the noise is just speculation.

"Of course we are in the transfer window and it's normal for all the best players, but

I'm not afraid about this because there's a fantastic spirit and good attitude in this


"I have confidence in Riyad.

We spoke a lot with him, about different things, and often about football, because he likes

football a lot.

He is now with good maturity, good experience of life, and we can see this in this game.

"He has a fantastic influence on the team, a valuable player for the team.

We can see he is enjoying his football and is happy with his team-mates and with us.

It's important for us to keep our best players.

"The good ambition for him is to continue this hard work, to show his consistency game

after game, until the end of the season.

"He has come back at a good level: he is clinical, with assists, with goals, and it's important

he continues this work and shows people the player he is, without the ball and with it.

He is making progress.

It's a good thing of course that he continues all season

with us."

For more infomation >> Leicester City to block Riyad Mahrez leaving this month despite Liverpool interest ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:18.


Déficit en Vitaminas B: síntomas y remedios. - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Déficit en Vitaminas B: síntomas y remedios. - Duration: 5:58.


VW Polo - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> VW Polo - Duration: 1:08.


Seat Ibiza - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza - Duration: 1:07.


Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:43.


BREAKING NEWS!!! Charlie's Angels Reboot Begins Shooting This Spring - Duration: 3:14.

Charlie's Angels are reportedly going to be back in action very soon Sony has

been in a somewhat under-the-radar fashion developing a reboot of the

Charlie's Angels franchise things have been a bit quiet but it sounds like the

project is coming together behind the scenes and will begin shooting this

spring starting on April 18th filming is expected to take place in Budapest

Hungary which has become a popular filming location in recent years

everyone is on the hunt for a big franchise right now and Sony could

certainly use one while they've got their spider-man spin-offs like venom

and silver and black coming down the pipeline their success is far from

guaranteed not only that but now actually seems like possibly the perfect

time for a Charlie's Angels reboot given the success of female-driven movies

right now if Sony executes this in the right way this could be a big hit and

help with the appetite audiences have to see more powerful women on the big

screen 2017 was massive for female driven movies most notably Wonder Woman

became a massive financial and critical success led by gal Gavin in front of the

camera and with patty Jenkins directing there's also Beauty and the Beast and

star wars the last Jedi both of which made more than 1 billion dollars

worldwide and both of which feature a female lead character with Elizabeth

Banks pitch perfect - an accomplished director and actress attached to direct

this Charlie's Angels reboot and an ensemble of three women leading it Sony

could have time on their side with this one Kristen Stewart Twilight and Lupita

Nyong'o Black Panther were being eyed for two of the lead roles there was also

a report from some time ago that mentioned Janelle monáe but her name

hasn't come up since in the pair of Charlie's Angels movies from the early

2000s it was Lucy Liu Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz at the time Charlie's

Angels and Charlie's Angels full throttle were quite successful

bringing in a combined 523 million dollars worldwide that's not necessarily

with a studio wants from a movie that costs 100 million dollars to make these

days but brand recognition is important too Studios right now which is why

reboots and remakes are so rampant Charlie's Angels originally started as a

TV series which ran for five seasons on ABC from 1976 to 1981 there was also a

short-lived television reboot that aired in 2011 this reboot comes with a script

from David Auburn the lake house and screenwriting duo Doug Murrow and Carla

Bernard the Great Wall

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS!!! Charlie's Angels Reboot Begins Shooting This Spring - Duration: 3:14.


Halejcio zrezygnuje z kariery dla faceta? "Postawił jej ultimatum" - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Halejcio zrezygnuje z kariery dla faceta? "Postawił jej ultimatum" - Duration: 3:42.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Consommez cette boisson avant d'aller dormir et vous allez perdre la graisse du ventre - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Consommez cette boisson avant d'aller dormir et vous allez perdre la graisse du ventre - Duration: 3:29.


For more infomation >> Consommez cette boisson avant d'aller dormir et vous allez perdre la graisse du ventre - Duration: 3:29.


Ghriba Bahla aux amandes et aux sésames اروع والذ وصفه لمحبوبه الجماهير غريبه البهله بمقادير جديده - Duration: 11:40.

For more infomation >> Ghriba Bahla aux amandes et aux sésames اروع والذ وصفه لمحبوبه الجماهير غريبه البهله بمقادير جديده - Duration: 11:40.


For more infomation >> Ghriba Bahla aux amandes et aux sésames اروع والذ وصفه لمحبوبه الجماهير غريبه البهله بمقادير جديده - Duration: 11:40.


Myśląc Ojczyzna – prof. zw. n. med. Krzysztof Bielecki - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Myśląc Ojczyzna – prof. zw. n. med. Krzysztof Bielecki - Duration: 5:34.


For more infomation >> Myśląc Ojczyzna – prof. zw. n. med. Krzysztof Bielecki - Duration: 5:34.


YouTube TV

For more infomation >> YouTube TV


I'm ready for a self-driving car and they may be coming sooner than we think. VLOG # 119 - Duration: 2:00.

Hello, Todd Long CarolinaRealtyWorld.Com So today is one of those days I wish I had

a self-driving car.

Actually I don't know if there's any day now that I think about it that I don't wish.....

I can't think of any circumstance that I would wish I was driving instead of a self-driving


But especially days like today where I've been to Charlotte for a meeting back toHuntersville

go back to Mooresville to the office for a couple of hours to work then going over to

Kannapolis to pick up a client to look at a house.

Heading back to Mooresville.

I mean spending half my day driving a car.

I can get so much more done if I was in that seat over there.

I think self-driving cars are going to be safer than people driving cars.

I had an incident the other and a semi almost ran me into the concrete barrier over here.

I don't think it was his fault but, yeah.

I think computers will be able to drive cars safer than human beings.

What do you think?

Do you have Days you wish you had a self-driving car?

I think it's coming sooner than we think.

February I think it is middle of February one of the car makers I don't know if it's

Tesla or Google, is doing a cross-country trip from California to New York in a self-driving

car to prove that it's feasible.

So what do you think?

Do you think self-driving cars are in our future this Century like by 2020?

Do you approve of self-driving cars?

Do you think it's crazy?

Would you ever own a self-driving car?

I would love to hear what your thoughts are.


For more infomation >> I'm ready for a self-driving car and they may be coming sooner than we think. VLOG # 119 - Duration: 2:00.


M jak miłość: Hanka trafi na terapię? - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość: Hanka trafi na terapię? - Duration: 2:58.


Joanna Jędryka wraca do "M jak miłość" - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Joanna Jędryka wraca do "M jak miłość" - Duration: 3:06.


Adam Iwiński nie żyje - zmarł reżyser M jak miłość - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Adam Iwiński nie żyje - zmarł reżyser M jak miłość - Duration: 2:58.


M jak Miłość - co nas czeka jesienią? - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> M jak Miłość - co nas czeka jesienią? - Duration: 3:30.


M jak Miłość straciło widzów - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> M jak Miłość straciło widzów - Duration: 3:14.



16:16 cool let's just start had more time to cool. Hey everybody this is Randy

Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and proud owner of! Very very excited today I'm going for overall win number

497 I'm almost to 500 but I am in the Hamilton area of Newcastle New South

Wales I'm at Eight Bulls I'm taking on New Castle's Biggest Burger Challenge, now

I've got 20 minutes to finish this whole thing here it's really a record

challenge our friend a couple months ago Lemon Blossom he dominated this burger

by eating 14 burger patties all topped with cheese and then a garlic mayo but

Magic Mitch just dominated in 13 minutes and 58 seconds I think it was he ate 15

patty so now I have to break their record by eating 16 patties all with the

cheese and then the garlic mayo but I've got 20 minutes to finish if I win I'll

get this whole burger free and I'll be on their Wall of Fame as the new record

holder so let's get this challenge started!

All right like I said I've got 20 minutes to finish but I'm going to try

to do it and under the 13:58 Magic Mitch just did but got my waters here they've

got time as do I, lets eat! 1, 2, 3. . . Boom!

Six minutes and 45 seconds in still got plenty of time these burgers are

freaking delicious so let's get them down!

Six patties left!

We're 15 minutes in we've got five minutes left!

17 minutes and 12 seconds it was definitely a delicious burger though

I've heard some great things about the burgers and stuff here at Eight-Bulls

and Hamilton of Newcastle New South Wales but awesome awesome challenge

so now anybody that wants to try the challenge themselves they've got to

break my record of 16 by eating 17 so thank you to Eight Bulls here in

Hamilton, Newcastle New South Wales delicious challenge was able to beat the

New Castle's Biggest Burger Challenge but I'm going to get the entire burger

for free and then I'll be on their Wall of Fame as the new record holder so I

was win number 497 almost to 500 thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> NEWCASTLE'S BIGGEST BURGER CHALLENGE (16 PATTIES) - Duration: 6:45.


Can BANGLADESH avoid RADICALISM? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 11:12.

Bangladesh is the World's best country… if you don't want to be alone.

This country has half of the population of America but concentrated inside an area the

size of Illinois.

It is the most densely populated country on the planet.

This is also one of the fastest growing countries in the last two decades.

In less than 20 years, Bangladesh has cut poverty in half.

Today, they are the leader in textile manufacturing, only surpassed by China.

In fact, I'm sure your shirt, your trousers or something else you're wearing today is

made here.

But wait a minute because it is still too soon to open the champagne bottle!

Yes, Bangladesh grows fast.

But still today, 13% of their population lives on less than 2 dollars a day.

That's 20 million people.

Add to this the fact that Islam is the main religion in the country and you have headlines

like this one.

Terrorist activity increased in Bangladesh in 2016 amid global fall in attacks

Despite the fact that Bangladesh has a secular constitution, adulterous women are stoned

to death in some regions.

And 80% of the population agrees with changing the legislation so it meets the principles

of SHARIA law.

Meanwhile, despite the radicalism of some citizens, the prime minister, SHEIKH HASINA,

is a woman.

And the opposition leader, KHALEDA ZIA, is also a woman.

So the situation is far from quiet.

Especially given that in the next year, 2018, Bangladesh will hold elections that might

be crucial for the future of this country.

So the question to be made here is…

Can Bangladesh become an Islamic Republic?

Why do we think Bangladesh is a demographic bomb?

Today we are going to answer these questions, but before we do, let's take a look back

at history.


In 1947, the British Empire let the Indian colonies become independent.

The parts where HINDUISM was the main religion became what today is INDIA.

The parts with an Islamic majority became PAKISTAN.

But things are not as simple as they seem.

The Muslim part ended up divided into two parts.

As you can see on the screen, India was in the middle, and to the left and right there

was Pakistan, with a political system based on Sharia law.

2,200 kilometres divided these two parts that belonged to the same state.

As you can imagine, this just couldn't work properly.

In fact, putting aside the fact that they had the same religion, these two parts had

nothing in common.

They didn't even speak the same language.

Western Pakistanis despised the Eastern Pakistanis, also known as the bengalies, wanted to have

their own country as well.

So in 1971 the Liberation War started.

Estimates say that between 300,000 and 3 million civilians died in this war.

But, as a result, a brand new country was born.

And this was the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

This is also how MUJIBUR RAHMAN, or as they know him, BANGABANDHU, became the first president.

So since Pakistan was an islamic country and Bangladesh hated Pakistan badly, Bangabandhu

designed a constitution that was completely secular.

In fact, they followed the ideological fashion of the time, so called ARAB SOCIALISM.

This was an ideological cocktail that combined authoritarian leaders, centralized economy

and secularism.

But wait a minute because it was not that easy.

4 years later, BANGABANDHU and his whole family died in a coup d'etat made by those who

supported Pakistani rule during the Liberation war.

Only his two daughters survived.

One of them, SHEIKH HASINA is the current prime minister.

But let's get back to the coup d'etat.

After two years of political stability and the influence of the CIA, General ZIAUR RAHMAN

became the man in charge.

One of his most controversial decisions was to give amnesty to the pro Pakistani, and

therefore, islamist soldiers who killed Bangabandhu.

This is how the big ideological divide was created in Bangladesh.

On one hand, we have the family and the political party of General RAHMAN, the BNP or Bangladesh

National Party.

They are a conservative coalition with a strong presence among islamist parties.

Some of those who participated in the coup d´etat in 1975 became members of this BNP


On the other hand, we have the party of BANGABANDHU, the so-called AWAMI LEAGUE that can be considered

socialist and secularist.

General Rahman ruled the country for 4 years.

Then, of course, came another coup d´etat.

Bangladesh was ruled by the military until 1991, when democracy came back to the country.

But wait a minute because the Bangladesh way of democracy is far from democratic…


Since 1991, those two political parties had two main leaders.

On the BNP side, we have KHALEDA ZIA, the widow of ZIAUR RAHMAN.

On the Awami side there is Sheikh HASINA, the daughter of BANGABANDHU.

Since then, elections have been a fight between two women that alternate in power every 5


Neither one of them can win the elections consistently.

In fact, elections in Bangladesh are absolute hell.

Usually, the opposition party organizes violent protests and never ending strikes that paralyze

the country.

But in 2006, things changed.

Back then, the Awami league, led by Sheikh Hasina disagreed with the way they organized

the elections.

This was business as usual.

But this time, the military tried to make a coup d´etat to put some order in the country

like they had in the 80s.

Elections had to be postponed for two years.

And finally, Sheikh Hasina, won the elections.

In that moment, Hasina learnt a lesson: the important thing is not winning the office

but keeping it.

Remember when I told you that General Rahman gave amnesty to those who killed BANGABANDHU

40 years before?

Well… his daughter Sheick Hasina had a good memory.

And she took those memories from the past to sue all those islamists who might challenge

her power, those who participated in the 1975 coup d´etat.



If this wasn't enough, she broke one of the biggest political traditions in Bangladesh.

Usually, during an elections, the parliament would create a neutral government in order

to guarantee a clean and fair process.

But Hasina was not willing to leave power.

The opposition boycotted the elections.

And Hasina won with 79% of the vote.


In other words… now, in 2017, Sheikh Hasina is the strongest leader in Bangladesh history.

And this is no little thing if we remember this is a country of more than 160 million


So the question now is… is there anyone who can match Hasina's power?

Well… the answer is YES.


As we said at the beginning, over 20 million Bangladeshi citizens live in extreme poverty.

They are young and extremely religious.

In other words, they are the perfect market for a radical islamist movement.

And yes, you might say now…

'But, Simon, Didn't you say Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing countries?'


This is exactly why those 20 million poor citizens are a real problem.

Listen, if you want to start a populist revolution, never go to an extremely poor country.

In fact, most of the radical movements appear when countries are starting to grow or are

stepping out of a crisis.

That's your window of opportunity.

That is the moment when the worse off citizens can feel jealous of those who are getting

wealthier and wealthier.

Those 20 million impoverished citizens are a perfect target for radicalization.

And a real threat to the country's stability.

This is why terrorist attacks have been getting more and more frequent in Bangladesh since


Many of the victims are bloggers who claim to be atheists and tried to spread secularism

in the country.

But the real wake up call came in 2016.

Bangladesh attack: Isis gunmen kill at least 22 people in hostage crisis at Dhaka restaurant

Since then, Sheikh Hasina has been trying to stop terrorism.

Nonetheless, as I said, in 2018, elections will be held.

And the government is trying to gain support from that religious population.

This is why Hasina is letting Saudi Arabia invest 1 billion dollars into the building

of 560 mosques throughout the country.

At the same time, she is making it harder for women to inherit money and easier for

minor girls to get married to much older men.

But not only that!

An Islamic propaganda group called HEFAZAT-E-ISLAM sent their agenda with 13 political suggestions

to the government . For instance, they wanted the religious teachings

given at radical mosques to be considered at the same level as any academic institution.

And, against the odds, Sheikh Hasina has accepted that and other proposals from the radicals.

Don't forget that she and her party are the ones that stand for the secular values

against a more traditional approach from the BNP party.

So this leads to the big question here…

Do you think Bangladesh is at risk of becoming a de facto Islamic republic?

Or is this just a political game for Sheikh Hasina to strengthen her power before the


Please, leave your answer in the comment section below.

And don't forget to visit RECONSIDERMEDIA.COM, the website that provided the voices on this

video that are not mine.

Also don't forget that we publish brand new videos every week so please, subscribe

to VisualPolitik and you will not miss any post.

If you like this video, give us a thumbs up and, as always, I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Can BANGLADESH avoid RADICALISM? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 11:12.


DORAEMON - Evolution - Duration: 18:18.

Thanks for watching, subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> DORAEMON - Evolution - Duration: 18:18.


Funny hamster to eat in amazing place! - Duration: 1:40.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny hamster to eat in amazing place! - Duration: 1:40.


60 Second Training Tip: Emotional neutrality... - Duration: 1:02.

Hey, gang! Sean from The Good Dog with our 60-second training tip and this one is

called: emotional neutrality. Imagine if you will: you're out taking your

actual driver's license test. The part where you're actually driving. And

imagine that the test giver, riding shotgun with you is edgy, anxious, freaked

out, easy to get worked up. And when you make a mistake - you don't put your

blinker on, don't look over your shoulder, or something like that. "Why did you look

over your shoulder, you gotta put your blinker on!" or whatever kind of

corrective information they're trying to share or instructive

information, "turn left up here, make sure you brake in time". Now,

imagine if that kind of emotionally loaded interaction was happening or

transpiring on your test, imagine how it would affect your performance. Imagine

how much more deteriorated your performance would be because you'd be

not just taking in the information, you'd be worried, freaked out, overwhelmed by

the information and how it's being delivered.

For more infomation >> 60 Second Training Tip: Emotional neutrality... - Duration: 1:02.


It's time to stop LunaSFM - Duration: 0:27.


It's-It's time to stop...


This is not okay....

It's time to stop, IT'S TIME TO STOP!


Do you honestly think you're f*cking funny, Seriously?

For more infomation >> It's time to stop LunaSFM - Duration: 0:27.


The Clean MEMZ Virus - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> The Clean MEMZ Virus - Duration: 4:04.


BREAKING! Obama's Multi Million Dollar "BAD DEAL" Comes Back To Haunt Trump! - Duration: 21:47.


Obama's Multi-Million Dollar "BAD DEAL" Comes Back To Haunt Trump!

President Trump has announced that he will not attend the opening ceremony of the new

U.S. Embassy in London.

The president used Twitter to cancel the trip where he was expected to preside over the

ribbon cutting for the new Embassy.

"I'm not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest

embassy in London for 'peanuts,' only to build a new

News sources were quick to jump on the president's assertion, saying the decision to relocate

the Embassy was actually made by Republican President George W. Bush in 2008.

The actual sale of the old Embassy, however, did take place under the Obama administration

in 2009 when it was sold to a Qatar firm for approximately $677 million.

Pundits also took aim at Trump calling the move to postpone his trip an excuse to avoid

protests by Britons who find just about everything about him, including his looks, his taste,

his family, and his wealth offensive.

His blunt comments about terrorism and immigration, in particular, have irritated Prime Minister

Theresa May in the past and have been said to threaten the longstanding "special relationship"

between the two countries.

Trump was also slated to address Parliament and, possibly, meet with Queen Elizabeth II.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has gone so far as to state that Trump would not be welcome,

and in an extraordinary move, encouraged the Prime Minister to rescind any invitation to

the American chief executive.

The recent engagement of Prince Harry to American Meghan Merkle also sparked controversy as

it was reported that Trump would be offended if an invitation to the royal wedding in May

was not extended to him as a matter of protocol.

The prince is now fifth in line to the throne and is friendly with the Obamas, generating

speculation that an invitation might be made to the former president and his wife instead

of the Trumps.

The decision to postpone the trip to London, whether as a way of registering disapproval

of the Embassy deal or not allows Trump to sidestep the planned protests – for now.

Instead, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Do you think the president should have gone to London in spite of planned protests against

him or stayed in the U.S. to continue to work with Congress on immigration and budget funding


For more infomation >> BREAKING! Obama's Multi Million Dollar "BAD DEAL" Comes Back To Haunt Trump! - Duration: 21:47.


What have I done!? - Push Yourself to Learn English - Part #2 - Duration: 12:25.

For more infomation >> What have I done!? - Push Yourself to Learn English - Part #2 - Duration: 12:25.


Thoughts On Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Skit) | James Masters - Duration: 9:01.

Oh hey mate how've you been? Yeah yeah I'm not bad I actually went to see Star Wars the

last Jedi on Thursday I thought it was I thought it was okay I didn't think it

was anything particularly special but then I didn't think it was that bad

either. I mean the story was okay but the pacing was a bit all over the place and

to be honest with you Finn and Roses storyline could have done with not being

there at all I mean yeah I appreciate the fact there was a lot of badass

female characters in it but it seems to come at the expense of making all of the

potentially badass male characters looking like absolute buffoons so I didn't

really appreciate that too much but other than that I don't really have too much of

a problem. Yeah that was one of the most surreal scenes I've seen in a Star Wars

film ever and that includes all the shite that we saw in the prequels yeah I

I think it would have probably been better if Leia had actually died at that

particular point in time he would have had a damn sight more meaning and now

with the reports that she's not actually gonna be in episode 9 at all and yet she

survived until the end of episode 8

I'm not 100% sure why they didn't just kill her off at that point it would have

made her death a damn sight more meaningful so I'm not a hundred percent

sure what they are they were thinking about with that. I've got to be honest I

had no feelings on Rose of one way or the other.

Rose, Rosa whichever one is but yeah you know I don't really have anything to

really say about Rose she was that nondescript for me I just don't really have

much to say about it. To be honest with you this is really what I think I think

if it was just a standalone movie standalone action movie The Last Jedi

would have been... it would have been okay but I think it's as a Star Wars movie

it is a little bit terrible certainly not as good as The Force Awakens and by

no means as good as The Force Awakens but I think it's it's definitely better

than Episode one I think in the prequels but not not by.... not by much. The

acting was pretty good in it I mean I think the acting was good so I can't

really place the blame of the film being really poor on the actors I can't really

do that because I just think the the actual acting performances especially

from Adam Driver were phenomenally good but it was just they just had such

piss-poor dialogue to work with and I placed the blame solely on Rian


solely at Ryan Johnson's doorstep for that and the writing team and the producers... I

think that it's those.... it's that team that that really really screwed things

up I can't lay the blame of this for that are the actors feets feet feets yeah.

All in all if this had just been a standalone movie then this film would

have been a pretty okay action movie but it isn't it's a Star Wars movie and in

that regard it's a terrible Star Wars movie episodes two and three are looking

like masterpieces in comparison to me you know I actually enjoyed episodes 2 &

3 more than I enjoyed episode 8 plus the fact that they've completely and utterly

taken away any interest I have in seeing episode 9. They just completely and utterly

erased any kind of intrigue and anything built up by episode 7 so at the

intrigue in Snoke, Snoke is now dead so that's gone nowhere. Rey's parentage

past off as you know a non mystery, although having said that I think that

they've thrown in a little bit of a red herring in terms of Rey's parentage

because I don't believe Kylo was being entirely honest I think Kylo was trying

to get Rey to lose all hope so that he would actually join sorry that she so

that she would actually join him you know in in ruling the galaxy, but yeah a

lot of the stuff and and yeah Luke was just neutered completely in the film.

I fundamentally disagree with what they did with Luke's character and the

fact that Luke died at the end of the film I think that is just absolute

bollocks basically. I mean the only storyline of

any real consequence now is Kylo and Rey, that's the only storyline of consequence

now... Oh yeah they killed Captain Phasma in this one as well god knows why they

killed Captain Phasma at this point. The whole idea of a trilogy is that

everything comes to a head in the you know in the final episode of that

trilogy so episode 3 that's where everything should have come to a head,

so Snoke should have died in the you know in in Episode nine, Captain Phasma

should have died in Episode nine, Luke should have probably died in Episode

nine and god knows what storyline Poe is on there but it's just a little bit it's

so convoluted and fucked up. Episode eight completely and utterly screwed

the pooch in terms of storytelling it basically tried to introduce.... it put

agendas and themes and metaphors ahead of good storytelling. I mean a lot of the

scenes in that movie are just there for metaphorical purposes

rather than actually good storytelling. Like the burning of the Jedi Temple that

that scene could have done with not being there. As much as I enjoyed seeing

Yoda come back although I really wish they would have decided whether they

wants to use a puppet or CG for Yoda but it was very nice to hear Frank Oz back,

but that entire scene could have done could have done with not being in there.

All it was was just metaphorical nonsense they didn't need to be there in

terms of you know the grand scheme of storytelling it really didn't need to be

there that's all and I wish they hadn't have put it there but hey. The entire

theme was about you know letting go of the past or destroying the

past so... the problem being is they rammed that

theme down your throat you know it wasn't exactly done in a subtle way

it was literally rammed down our throats and I didn't really appreciate that so

well there we go it is what it is. Anyway mate I've gotta get I gotta get going so

uh got uh got some videos to make for my YouTube channel and my Twitch channel in

fact so I gotta go and do that so yeah I'll talk to you again soon.

Alright see you later.

For more infomation >> Thoughts On Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Skit) | James Masters - Duration: 9:01.


Dissertation Boot Camp - Duration: 2:34.

- I would say effective.

- Helpful.

- Efficient.

- Amazing.

- My thesis isn't really going as smoothly as I would hope

and I need this concentrated time to just

get my writing going and it's been fantastic.

- [Woman] Sometimes you get stuck and having an expert that

can help you get unstuck by unpacking what you're doing

or asking some questions that help you

think the process through or think through

what you're trying to convey has been extremely helpful.

- The best part of this week was the one on one

writing consultation with a writing specialist.

I mean, I study agricultural economics so

she's not in that field, but for her to just look

at the flow of my thesis--

- I think just getting that time uninterrupted

to just work on the thesis.

Everyone knew I was here, family, friends, my work,

so there was no interruptions.

I didn't feel guilty about not doing anything else

but coming here and writing and taking that time for myself.

- Leaving this week, I have such a clear idea about

what I have to do that I just didn't have before I got here.

- [Man] I always had this notion that I needed a large

amount of time to get stuff done,

but if you just put a little effort into

planning it beforehand it really helps.

- As the weeks goes on,

they make you see how manageable it is.

Dissertation Boot Camp is highly diverse,

so it caters to the needs of students who are

already excelling and just need that time

or that structure to thrive a little bit more

and it also helps out the students who may

not have those strengths and allow them to develop them.

- I would recommend it to everyone

who does a masters or a PHD here.

- Honestly, I wish I had taken it earlier

is my only regrets.

Everyone take it.

- Coming into it, I had incredibly high expectations

about what I wanted to get done this week

and also what DBC would provide

and it exceeded them in every way.

It's been such a helpful experience.

- It was very encouraging and fostered a

sense of accountability.

- We're all united in our struggles as grad students.

For more infomation >> Dissertation Boot Camp - Duration: 2:34.


Flowey is not a Good Life Coach - Chapter 1 - Spanish Fandub [Proyecto Flower] - Duration: 9:16.

Warning The following video may contain very strong images that may not be suitable for all audiences. Discretion is advised

Proyecto Flower Presents

To a story of UnrestedJade

To a comic of TheFluffySlipper

Translate by CIRUSBMAX

Chapter 1

*Ahh... We've been here for a while now. It's strangely quiet...

*He's strangely quiet.

*I guess even Papyrus can slow once in a while. It's novel, though.

*Novel is good. And novel Papyrus is better.

*You know, it's been a while since i did something like that.

Hey, Papyrus?


You're my favorite skeleton.



Aw, shucks! If i had blood, i'd be blushing right now.



That would be pretty messed up.

*Ahh... Papyrus can always surprise me like no one else.

*No need to rush this...

Papyrus, we're friend, right?


I'm glad.



As matter of fact. Yes, there is something on my mind.

I was just thinking about how tough you are.


Yeah. I feel really safe hanging out with you.

You wanna know a secret?

Did you know i wasn't always a flower?


Yeah, silly goose

There a reason there's no other magical talking flowers around here, you know.

I used to be a really strong monster; a really rare, special one.



I know, right? Don't tell anyone.

I bet you're wondering how a boss monster ended up as a li'l old flower, huh?

It's a super big secret, so i'll whisper it to you.

I died.

Crazy, huh?

I should have disappeared, but i got stuck here, in one of the flowers i fell onto when i died.

Don't ask me how.

I could see my own dust around me when i woke up.



A bunch of humans came after me when i was just a kid

They beat me to death!


Sad huh?


Nah. The real kicker is that i was strong enough to have easily killed them.


Sorry! It's a sore spot.

I'm sure you understand. Getting murdered is no fun at all, gosh!


I didn't believe in fighting back then. I was just a kid! A nice kid.

You weren't born yet, but i net if you'd been there with me, you'd have projected me for sure!




The world is a cruel, could place, Papyrus. It's kill or be killed out there, you know?

I didn't want to believe it, and look where mercy got me.

You always pull your punches, too.

I don't know how strong you are for sure.

Could you really have saved me?

Could you have killed them, or would you have made the same mistake i did?


I don't want to bum you out, Papyrus.

I'd like my sad fate to do some good in the world, you know?

I told you my secret because i thought it might help you.



Well, silly.

I want you to learn the lesson i died to learn.

We're going to try a little exercise, if you don't mind.


I'm going to attack you, Papyrus. For real.

And i want you to fight me.

I want you to fight me for real.

I want to see what you can do when you don't pull your punches.


I know you don't, friend.

But if you don't, then i'll have to find another way to teach you the lesson.

Now, i know the great Papyrus wouldn't dream of running away like a coward, would he?

Because that would disappoint me


Of course we are, you silly goose.

You are my favorite, after all.

Now, are you ready to fight like your life depends on it?



Good boy.

To be continue

Subtitles by Proyecto Flower

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