Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 18 2018

Most people hire a professional to install a split system air conditioner.

However, if you have some experience with plumbing and electrical work, you can install

the unit on your own.

Each split system or ductless air conditioner is unique to its manufacturer, but this article

explains the general instructions for installing a split system air conditioner.

1 Select an unobstructed location on your interior

wall to mount the indoor air conditioning unit.

Avoid direct sunlight and heat sources.

Avoid locations where gas may leak or where oil mist or sulphur exists.

The indoor unit requires at least 6" (15 cm) of open space surrounding its top and sides.

The unit should also be mounted at least 7 feet (2.13 m) above the ground.

Install the unit at least 3.3 feet (1 m) away from antenna, power or connecting lines that

are used for television, radio, home security systems, intercoms or telephones.

The electrical noise from these sources could cause operational problems for your air conditioner.

2 Secure the mounting plate to the interior


Hold the mounting plate against the wall where you want to install the indoor unit.

Use a level to make sure the plate is both horizontally level.

3 Create a hole in the wall to fit the piping.

Find the best spot for the hole to the exterior based on the opening in the mounting bracket.

You should also consider the length of the pipe and the distance that it needs to travel

to reach the outside unit.

4 Secure the pipes' flare nuts to the corresponding

pipes on the outdoor unit.

5 Bleed the air and humidity from the refrigerant


Remove the caps from the 2-way and 3-way valves and from the service port.

Connect a vacuum pump hose to the service port.

Wrap the joints of the piping with insulating covering and insulating tape.

Direct Relief is a humanitarian nonprofit with a mission to improve the health and lives

of people affected by poverty and emergencies.

Recognized by Charity Navigator and Forbes for its efficiency, Direct Relief equips health

professionals in the U.S. and throughout the world with essential medical resources to

effectively treat and care for patients – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to


For more infomation >> How to Install a Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioner - xd2x - Duration: 5:56.


28 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You are an HSP - Duration: 4:39.

28 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You are an HSP

Highly sensitive persons are classified as people who have higher intensity of emotions.

If you're an HSP, you may often find your heart on your sleeve, easily overwhelmed,

and sometimes have a hard time controlling your intense emotions.

Generally, being an HSP can be a good strength, for instance, you are more sensitive to certain

situations and able to notice even the smallest detail that other people don't.

Although it's undoubtedly become the strongest characteristic of HSP, sometimes they do things

to protect themselves that other people who are not as sensitive as you cannot understand.

Here is the list of 28 things that people usually don't realize you are doing because

you are a highly sensitive person.

#1 - In a crowded place you will feel exhausted and overwhelmed quickly.

It is because of sensory input you receive.

#2 - You are changing channel because seeing animal abuse or any other kind of violence.

You become sick as you can feel the abuse physically.

#3 - You love routine, you enjoy doing things in a certain way without exceptions.

That is why you always follow your daily routine everyday from the morning when you wake up

until bedtime.

You don't like to change things because it scare you and make you uncomfortable.

#4 - Because you love routine, a sudden change to your daily activity can be annoying and


#5 - Highly sensitive people are aware of surrounding.

However, they sometimes are still surprised if someone walks behind you.

#6 - If your friend, family, or anyone yells, you become extremely uncomfortable.

Your heart rate raises, and you have trouble in doing activities afterwards.

#7 - Even though you do not know people around you, you still can feel their emotion, feeling,

and pains.

#8 - When someone scolds your friend, you become so anxious and panic even though you

have nothing to do with it.

#9 - You are too sensitive to time pressure.

That is why this kind of person just does not work well on tight schedule.

#10 - A change in a relationship, from single to be in a relationship, can be overwhelming.

#11 - Most of the time, you just cannot feel your own feeling because others' feeling

are constantly felt.

#12 - Quiet, dark, peaceful room is the best thing that you can have after tedious work.

#13 - You cannot hold the feeling to run away from place that has smell strong.

#14 - You also cannot eat foods that have strong smell in them.

#15 - Highly sensitive people can feel jumps in their blood sugar count.

That is why they tend to be selective when it comes to foods they consume.

#16 - You do not drink coffee or alcohol more than other people because the effect kicks

in strongly than others.

#17 - You like to arrange rooms to make them look and feel pleasing to your preference.

#18 - You are easily moved by music compared to other people.

#19 - Vivid dreams and also nightmare also frequently visit you.

#20 - The physical pain you feel is enhanced.

#21 - Hanging out is impossible after hard work

#22 - Avoiding stores and public places is important for your wellbeing

#23 - You like to control things that make you feel uncomfortable especially loud music.

#24 - You are able to notice subtlety without too much problem, and it is more accurate

than other people

#25 - Getting enough sleep is important because the effect of not doing so is severe.

#26 - When your boss is watching, you perform worse.

#27 - You can feel emotions stronger than other people.

#28 - You like to seek meaning of life.

All in all, that's the 28 things people don't realize you're doing because you are an HSP.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 28 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You are an HSP - Duration: 4:39.





Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Finding TODAY Success After Matt Lauer - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Finding TODAY Success After Matt Lauer - Duration: 6:30.


Freestylin' with The Roots: Want It, Win It, Won It - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Freestylin' with The Roots: Want It, Win It, Won It - Duration: 6:29.


BREAKING: Trump Has Finally Had Enough! He's Sending In The Feds To CLEAN HOUSE - Duration: 5:05.

BREAKING: Trump Has Finally Had Enough!

He's Sending In The Feds To CLEAN HOUSE Ever since Trump got into office, "sanctuary"

mayors and governors keep thumbing their nose at federal law, vowing that they'll continue

harboring illegal criminals in their cities and states.

But that is all about to change.

According to breaking reports, Trump is now sending in the feds to clean house, and what

just came out of a Senate committee's hearing on these illegals has the liberal leaders

of these sanctuary cities and states in a mass panic.

After months of defying President Trump and federal law, it looks like we will finally

see justice in regarding illegal immigration and these illegal "actuary cities" that

are run by ignorant and insane mayors.

Democrats have been doing all they can to stop Trump from cleaning up the immigration

problem, and they have taken it to a place where law enforcement is being prevented from

helping ICE agents do their job.

That combination not only allows for illegals to continue to suck our system dry and in

many cases commit heinous crimes against actual citizens, but it also makes our ICE agents

jobs that much harder and more dangerous.

But that's all about to change.

According to News Week :

The Department of Justice is considering subjecting state and local officials to criminal charges

if they implement or enforce so-called sanctuary policies that bar jurisdictions from cooperating

with immigration authorities.

Immigration advocates argue such a move would be illegal.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen made the disclosure Tuesday

during a Senate committee hearing on the department's operations.

"The Department of Justice is reviewing what avenues might be available," Nielsen

said.The context of this is of course not only putting my [Immigration and Customs Enforcement]

officers at risk, but also finding an efficient and effective way to enforce our immigration


She said it's safer for immigration agents to do their jobs if they have the assistance

of local and state jurisdictions.

The Justice Department's review follows a chilling warning earlier this month from

the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Thomas Homan, who said California

would feel the wrath of his agency because of its decision to become a sanctuary state.

Homan also called for local and state elected officials to be charged with federal crimes

for adhering to sanctuary policies.

Massive new ICE raids are also planned, as President Trump will no longer tolerate federal

law being broken.

Trump seems to be pushing the raids now in order to catch those officials in the act

of standing in his way, which is a very effective strategy.

Fox recently reported :Federal officials are planning a major sweep of the Bay Area and

other Northern California areas in the coming weeks as part of an operation to target more

than 1,500 undocumented immigrants in the area, The San Francisco Chronicle reported,

citing a source familiar with the matter.

The source told The Chronicle that the sweep is expected to be the largest of its kind

since President Trump took office.

ICE officials declined to comment on the operation, the paper reported.

Upon hearing about the planned the operation Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., accused the

Trump administration of trying to make a political point.

California has clashed with law enforcement over immigration enforcement for a number

of years.

In October, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB54 into law, which effectively limits

local police from cooperating with federal authorities.

Trump has repeatedly expressed frustration that such laws encourage immigrants to not

cooperate with local law enforcement and inhibit his goal of enforcing immigration laws.

In October, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB54 into law, which effectively limits local

police from cooperating with federal authorities.

One of the stipulations of the law is that it denies federal officials the ability to

detain illegal immigrants who have been placed in local jails.

ICE officials have warned that such standards would force the agency to arrest undocumented

immigrants in the communities that hold such policies.

Thomas Homan, the acting ICE director, maintained that SB54 "threatened public safety,"

and that under such circumstances, the federal government would be forced to conduct massive

arrests in the communities that hold such policies.

Illegal immigration is currently one of the biggest issues in America, and it needs to

be addressed swiftly and harshly just like previous Democratic Presidents wanted it addressed

way back when.

Don't let their new found hypocrisy confuse you.

They only argue because it is Trump.

They have no true goals for this country.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Trump Has Finally Had Enough! He's Sending In The Feds To CLEAN HOUSE - Duration: 5:05.


Ten Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:24.

10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand

Most people tend to be somewhere in the middle of introversion or extroversion.

They are called ambiverts.

Obviously, outgoing introverts are certainly in that position too, but people rarely understand

this and expect people to be either one or the other.

The outgoing introvert knows this only too well.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 things only outgoing introverts would understand.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!


They feel that extroversion is overdone in our society

They may have done group work at school and team work when employed,

but they feel that quieter time for reflection and the ability to work by themselves should

be more valued in the workplace.

They cannot always work in a group or together.


They can be the life and soul of the party

Outgoing introverts can be chatty, exuberant, funny and great company at a party.

They will be completely drained afterwards and may not want to see anyone for a few hours

or days!


They can make excellent sales persons

Tradition has it that an extrovert is the ideal person to clinch the sale, but the outgoing

introvert has a lot going for them in the sales world it seems.

They know when they should keep quiet and when they should push.

They are also pretty good at tuning into a client's needs and preferences.


They do not enjoy proms

"Everyone shines, given the right lighting.

For some, it's a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamplit desk"- Susan Cain

author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Being forced to take part in certain rites of passage such as proms is a real turn off

for many outgoing introverted.

They would much prefer to stay at home and read a book.


They prefer social media

Social media has helped many an outgoing introvert to cope with all the shenanigans.

It is sufficiently social while allowing for quiet downtime with no chatty interruptions.

They do not have to move too far from their comfort zone.

It's an ideal combination, acting social and being alone!


They prefer to be left alone sometimes

This sometimes causes upset when they start to date.

They can be chatty and great company but then they may seem to withdraw into themselves

because they do not answer texts or calls.

The fact is that their social batteries need recharging and this has to be done alone.


They don't use their phones all the time

One thing you notice about these introverts is that they are deeply focused and they cannot

flit from one chatty remark to a text or a phone call.

Listening and talking are just not compatible with their deep thinking and concentration.


They pick and choose their social events

Going out may mean a lot of small talk and that can be pretty meaningless.

Yes, they enjoy company and social outings but you can bet that they will be pretty choosy

when doing so.

Other social occasions are sometimes risky and tricky for them.

They may go with the flow or they may appear withdrawn.


They value their introversion highly

Silence and moments of quiet are often regarded negatively.

Yet, these qualities have led to great discoveries and advanced our civilization for centuries.

The outgoing introvert regards his introversion as a great strength and is perfectly content

to be that way.

They get very angry when people start to imply that there is something wrong with them!


They find it hard to adapt

Problems arise when they are expected to be outgoing all the time and perform as if they

were circus clowns.

They have to do this to get a job, make friends or network.

They know what society demands and expects.

It is not always easy to switch on extroversion like a light.

It's great being an outgoing introvert but wouldn't it be wonderful if people understood

them a bit more?

Let us know in the comments how being an outgoing introvert has made life easy or difficult.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Ten Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:24.


BREAKING: Nobel Prize Winner Says TRUMP TO BE ASSASSINATED After Midterms, & He's DEAD SERIOUS!! - Duration: 2:38.

BREAKING: Nobel Prize Winner Says TRUMP TO BE ASSASSINATED After Midterms, & He's DEAD


A Nobel Prize winning economist has come forward to warn that President Trump is doing things

that are placing in his life in danger, and it may lead to something bad.Robert Shiller

confessed to CNBC that President Trump's nationalism and patriotism are posing a threat

to the most dangerous people on the planet – those behind the New World Order.

Trump, with his "nationalist" rhetoric, is building a movement that threatens the

status quo and could possibly end the push for globalism, and such a move doesn't come

without its consequences.

"Trump is a revolution unfortunately, (and one) who's reaffirming nationalism," said

Shiller, expressing his desire that Democrats will recapture control of Congress after the

mid-terms so that Trump's agenda is "defanged," according to InfoWars.If the globalists are

unable to take Congress away from Trump, bad things will likely happen, such as an assassination


In fact, according to former CIA agent and CNN analyst Philip Mudd, "the government's

gonna kill" Trump, he admitted on live TV.

Your News Wire has more on Shiller's dire prediction:The Yale University economics professor

indicated that the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos, which Trump will attend, will

see globalists scheme ways of derailing "the international growth of populism and nationalism"

that has surged as a result of Brexit and Trump.

Shiller also reveals that Davos will be hosting a session based on "Narrative Economics"

and "the effects that narratives and stories can have on the global economy."

He explains that many elitists still don't understand that narratives, particularly those

that go "viral," are what shape society.

"Though these narratives are deeply human phenomena that are difficult to study in a

scientific manner, quantitative analysis may help us gain a better understanding of these

epidemics in the future," says Shiller.

So basically, because of the growth of sites like this one, global elites have lost their

monopoly on power and can no longer control the narrative.

As long as President Trump remains in power, that's going to be the case, as well.

So say a prayer for our President that the Lord keeps him safe, because there's plenty

of evil forces at work trying to take him out.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Nobel Prize Winner Says TRUMP TO BE ASSASSINATED After Midterms, & He's DEAD SERIOUS!! - Duration: 2:38.


On the go with EF #60 – Liam jumps in with the Kangaroos in Sydney - Duration: 5:20.

Hello everybody and welcome back to "On the go with EF".

I'm in Sydney, Australia, and today I'm going to see some of the special animals of Australia

here at the wildlife park.

Now we're inside the wildlife park.

And right off the bat, I can see some really cool birds over here.

The big birds over there are very iconic here in Australia.

It's the laughing kookaburra.

Kookaburra is actually an aboriginal word which means "laughing bird."

It's because of the sound that they make, which sounds like they're laughing.

They're actually way bigger in person than I thought.

Let's see what other birds we have here. Crimson rosella.

That's that colourful one there with the red and blue.

Beautiful, beautiful birds!

One of these birds was outside my window this morning making noise, so I couldn't sleep.

At least they're pretty.

These animals we've got here are called red-necked pademelons.

I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that right.

I thought they were wallabies at first, but I don't know,

they seem to be of the same species,

or the same kind of animal, or the same family, I would assume.

That's such a fun way to move around, just bouncing like that.

These little creatures get to move freely around here.

One has just escaped.

It seems to be popular among the tourists.

It's asleep. This must be a wombat. These are closely related to koala bears.

A tour guide told me they spend most of their lives sleeping,

much like the koala bears.

It seems like a relaxed lifestyle.

Woah, those are massive! Australian pelicans.

These also remind me of those birds in Finding Nemo.

They're huge! That beak!

And the beak is kind of loose. I guess it's so they can easily fish up

or kind of swoop down and get the fish in their mouth.

Kangaroos are the only large animals that use hopping as a way to move.

As you can see here, they've got big, powerful hind legs,

a big tail for balance, and a small head.

They can reach speeds of up to 70 km per hour.

They're really fast considering they just jump like that.

Kangaroos are marsupials, which means they carry their young in a pouch.

This guy was very hungry.

I found a little baby kangaroo over there. The babies are known as joeys.

It's really eating from the ground, but I'll try to see if it wants to eat from my hand.

That was really cool. I managed to convince the joey to eat from my hand.

This one looks very relaxed, just lying on its side.

That was one interesting day I've had.

Australia has so many unique animals

and I'm really happy I got to hand-feed a cute little kangaroo.

What's the cutest animal you know?

Leave a comment below and the best answer can win this mug with aboriginal artwork on it.

Alright guys, make sure you watch next week's episode

when Angelina shows you Coronado Island in San Diego.

See you next time!

Next week: Beach life on Coronado Island with Angelina

For more infomation >> On the go with EF #60 – Liam jumps in with the Kangaroos in Sydney - Duration: 5:20.


【海賊王】891話: 專題 與狂暴大媽團終結戰 (中文字幕 cc)【海賊王】 Official ☠️💀🙀😈👽👿🗡️😱🗡️😱🚫🚫🚫🚫🗡️ - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> 【海賊王】891話: 專題 與狂暴大媽團終結戰 (中文字幕 cc)【海賊王】 Official ☠️💀🙀😈👽👿🗡️😱🗡️😱🚫🚫🚫🚫🗡️ - Duration: 4:32.


Everyday Makeup Tutorial | One Brand Tutorial | Benefit Cosmetics Greece - Duration: 15:44.

hey guys so in today's video I'm gonna be showing you how do you know that I'm

wearing right now it's very simple very easy everyday glam

and I just I have some exciting news for you guys and I can't wait to share them

with you okay so I collaborated with a brand and that brand is baby

we came up with this bag it has my name on it and inside we included my three

favorite benefit products let's just open it see what it has inside so the

first thing that you see is a card with my face this is a drawing of me and on

the back there is photos of me showing you how to to use the things that we

included inside the product that we have and here are my favorite product we have

the dandelion highlighter I love it I'm wearing it today we always should have

their roller lash mascara which you guys have seen me use it so many times in my

videos and I think that we all agree that brows nowadays are really important

I just can't imagine doing a makeup look without touching my eyebrows without

doing anything to them so we also included the corral these products are

absolutely amazing in the back itself it's also really convenient because it

has a pouch here where you can put your things and obviously no one can see

what's inside it has one more pouch where you can obviously see what's

inside and a third one where you can put more product and store your makeup of

course we have some place here for your brushes and they're gonna be nice and

protected here and one more pocket where you can put more things because makeup

lovers know that the more makeup the better so it's really nice and

convenient it's perfect for traveling this is available only in Greece and for

those of you who are in Greece - You can find this kit only on

I'll have the link down in the description box,so you can click it and it'll bring you there!

It's limited edition and its initial price is 115€

But because of our collaboration with Benefit Cosmetics Greece

You can purchase it for only 65€!

Don't forget that you can find this kit only on

I'm so glad we've collaborated with Benefit and you can get yourself something from me! It's just wondeful!

It feels so strange talking in Greek right now. I've almost never spoken Greek in my videos

But the moment has come

So I want to thank you so much for everything

And now we continue with the tutorial for this look!

alrighty guys so I'm gonna start off by priming my face and I'm gonna use the

professional mattress to primer by benefit it looks like that it's like

blue really think and I'm gonna work that with my fingers all my face

if you're getting oily throughout the day I recommend you to try out this

primer and I have some visible pores in this area right here so I'm taking the

professional this is their I think that this is their most popular primer so I'm

gonna take some of it on my finger is I'm taking just a very small tiny amount

of it and I'm gonna place it right here where I have a little bit larger pores

just pressing it in okay so now that my face is all nice and primed I'm moving

on to the foundation and I'm very excited because this is going to be the

first time that I'm going to use their hello flawless foundation I have these

in the shade ivory so let's see it's very liquidy look at that

well it looks really natural on the skin it's medium coverage I think though we

didn't cover up some of my blemishes right here but it gives a very nice

healthy dewy finish to my skin but as I said it's like I barely have anything on

my face it's not cakey at all so for concealer I have this one here

this is the point concealer and I have it in the shade one again I'm going to

use my finger stuff white let me try to cover up some of my blemishes with it

once you kind of warm it up with your finger it's getting very very creamy and

it makes everything disappear so that's nice I'm also using that under my eyes

to cover up my dark circles all right huh I feel alive again I mean I think

some concealer under your eyes and coloring the darkness there it makes

such a huge difference I mean you can definitely tell but I look a lot more

awake now all right so moving on to the brows I'm gonna use the brow fo

conditioning primer the applicator is so much fun let me just focus for you guys

so you can see it up close look at that it's not just the usual spoolie you know

that makes it so much more interesting and I'm gonna use it to brush my brow

hairs upward and put them in place

I used to love this product but somehow I lost it somewhere I couldn't find it

anywhere and then the really kind team of benefits sent me a new one and I was


you guys I have really long brown hairs and you know what drives me crazy

these little guys is stacking out like that I don't know if you guys can tell

but okay now I feel better all right now to fill in my brows I'm

gonna use a brush we actually included in the cake and it's the cab brow brow

gel I mean this is absolutely amazing let me just take it out to show you guys

this is it and as you can tell the packaging's

or the benefit products are so cool so what didn't actually do is you can take

out this little thing here put it like that and then use it to fill in your

brows this is actually a small tiny brush so let me just dip it in and make

my brows look nice and full and flawless

it's very easy to work with it because it's not like Joe it's more like like a

creamy gel formula I know how to explain to you guys but you can never like use

too much of it you can you can actually control it which is really important

when you're filling in your brows because sometimes with some Dell

products they're very pigmented this is the exact amount of pigment that an

eyebrow needs they did some kind of a magic when they were creating this this

product but I have no idea what it is no idea how they do it the only thing that

I know is that I love it now I'm taking this day don't stray eyeshadow primer

and I'm gonna just apply that right here on my eyelid I'm not gonna use any

eyeshadow today but I just want to even up the skin tone on my eyelids and I

also kinda want to clean up my eye brows with it let me just go in for you guys

so you can see what I'm doing better

I know if I told you that guys but lately I've been really enjoying the

smoked out eyeliner because if you mess it up a little bit it's not a big deal

you know you don't have to be really precise you can just smudge it there and

it's gonna be fine you know so I find it a lot quicker than doing just a regular

winged eyeliner where you have to be a little bit more precise today I'm going

to use the Dare real push-up liner by benefit this is a very very black

eyeliner like it's very dark the dip looks like that I mean it's a little bit

more unusual but I think that you just need a little bit more time and practice

to get used to it and once you're used to working with it it's very easy so let

me just prepare my smarting bar because this is drying out really quickly which

is a good thing but if you want to smudge your eyeliner you might need to

be a little bit quicker with that it gives you some time but is it you need

to be quick I need a mirror alright what I'm doing is I'm placing the product

very very closely to my lashes

I'm giving it in the outer half of my eye then I'm switching to my smudging

brush and I'm going on started moving it around and just making it look more

smoked out if you guys don't have a smudging brush it you can also use a

q-tip it's gonna do great job as well

now if you're working with a brush and you feel like it's kind of getting full

of product and you can't really smudge very easily just make sure that you

clean your brush in the back of your hand as you can tell this is exactly

what I did and that will make sure that most of the product is you know out of

your brush and you'll be able to smudge better so keep that in mind next we're

moving to the lashes and the mascara is one of the products that we also

included in the kit you guys can see me use the roller life so many times in my

videos I absolutely love this mascara and that's one of the reasons that it

was included in the back now I'm gonna show you how I use it and how I find

that it's working the best for me so what I'm doing first is I'm placing it

very close to the roots of my lashes I'm looking down like I'm always closing my

eyes and I start rotating it there and I'm just wiggling it and coding the rest

of my lashes boom lashes I'm also coating this way the the lashes

in the inner corner so let's do the same on the other eye starting from the roots

rotating and we link coding the rest boom I don't even need a second layer

and one of the things that I love about it is that the brush is not like loaded

with ton of product I wasn't really planning to our forces with this look

and it's totally fine if you want to skip them too but benefits send me some

of their forces and they look very natural so I decided that why not it's

never a bad idea to add some extra hairs on your eyelids that sounded a little

bit like oh yeah this is so cool you guys look at that look at that so

this is how the packaging of the lashes looks and it has this little plastic

thing here and then you pull it and it has the lash style and you can actually

try it out I mean that's so cool you can be like okay that looks good on

me I wasn't expecting that but it's hmm really clever idea okay so I'm gonna

wear this now called girly girly upwash just gonna put them on really quickly

now setting my face with the hello flawless powder its I'm lightly dusting

it all over my face

switching to a smaller brush I also bring it under my eyes to kind of set

that concealer in place and add some color to my face I'm going with the holo

light I've mentioned this bronzer is so many times in my videos and it's one of

my go-to bronzers I just hit pan one more proof that I absolutely love this


you guys know that I love it when my skin is looking glowy and dewy so we

also decided to include a highlighter in the kit and this is their dandelion

twinkle highlighter

I also bring that on my brow bone and in the inner corners oh this brush is a

little bit big

I have this I think the desire lipglosses by benefits and they send me

a couple of them packaging look like bubblegum you guys so cute so let me see

which one I'm gonna use this color looks pretty it's actually called ballgown so

let's go ahead and try it out

and it's a lipgloss but the consistency is not like very thick and heavy it's

it's very smooth they also have a deep red one oh wow let me swatch that

and this is a beautiful guys it's very easy very simple and we had it Oh in

today's video we had first impressions I also imported some of my all-time

favorites I mean it was so much fun and for those of you who are in Greece here

I'm a Potter polypro flipadelphia monkey de millau lindakhaas of Tala here my

parabola patellar beta versus erase a new graph they were pulley or a Brahma

tychicus to instagram case to youtube statistic me my caboose to Renault keep

it up Hara dhaniya cover me up for an excessive courtesy so y'all a flop

anyway I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and if you haven't subscribed

to my channel yet go ahead click that subscribe button you can also follow me

on my Instagram Facebook Twitter and visit my blog all of the links will be

down in the description box I want to thank you guys so much for watching and

hopefully I'll see my next one bye


For more infomation >> Everyday Makeup Tutorial | One Brand Tutorial | Benefit Cosmetics Greece - Duration: 15:44.


Just WHAT is North Korea planning? Shock satellite images reveal HUGE military drills - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:41.

Just WHAT is North Korea planning? Shock satellite images reveal HUGE military drills

NORTH Korea is planning a huge military show of force to coincide with the opening of next

month's controversial Winter Olympics, shock satellite images have revealed.

Yesterday North Korea and South Korea agreed to march under a joint flag at the opening

ceremony in Pyeongchang and play with a unified women's ice hockey team - a huge step forward

for the peninsula.

However, despite these conciliatory moves, satellite images taken over the past few weeks

indicate frantic preparations for a demonstration.

Image analysis by North Korean experts indicates an "upcoming military event or parade"

is expected on February 8 - the day before the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics

across the border.

Huge crowds of soldiers can be seen marching in formation, week after week, in preparation

for some sort of demonstration next month.

Despite blistering cold and snow covering the ground of the parade ring, hundreds if

not thousands of people have been taking part in preparations for the demonstration for

the past two months.

With the eyes of the world on the Korean peninsula for the tournament, despot Kim Jong-un knows

this is a perfect time to show off the might of his army.

Scott LaFoy, an analyst for the US-based Korea Risk Group, said satellite images of the Mirim

Parade Training Ground in the capital of Pyongyang showed something ominous was afoot in the

hermit state.

He said: "At present, the parade appears to involve 28 formations of infantry or other

military personnel, a traditional military band, and possibly additional personnel."

Mr LaFoy said the size of the demonstration was somewhat limited as time was running out

before the presumed February 8 parade date.

He said: "Parades require training and practice so that participants are coordinated.

The October 10, 2015 parade, being a particularly large event, had a sixth month lead time.

This parade will have a little over two months, with drilling occurring during both brutal

weather and the annual winter training cycle.

"Because there are only three weeks until the possible parade date, there is a strict

time limit on how much additional heavy equipment can actually be moved into Mirim.

Vehicles must arrive in Pyongyang with enough time to practice, limiting the possible size

of the parade."

But he said due to the "unusual" timing of the parade, its exact nature was almost

impossible to ascertain just how big or detailed the parade would be.

Mr LaFoy said: "This parade is atypical though.

Parades are not typically held in February, making it difficult to match its preparations

to a more typical event."

Regardless of the exact size of the parade, the sabre-rattling nature of any demonstration

at such a sensitive time for the peninsula will infuriate Seoul and Washington.

While North Korea and South Korea have opened talks for the first time in years this month,

relations between Pyongyang and Washington remain incredibly strained.

Earlier this week North Korea blasted Donald Trump's tweet about his nuclear weapon as

the "spasm of the lunatic".

A state-run newspaper also said he was a "psychopath" and a "loser" who wanted "nuclear war".

The newspaper said: "Trump's bluff is regarded by the DPRK as just a spasm of a lunatic frightened

by the might of Juche Korea and a bark of a rabid dog.

"The spasm of Trump in the new year reflects the desperate mental state of a loser who

failed to check the vigorous advance of the army and people of the DPRK.

"Trump revealed over Twitter who defends peace and who wants a nuclear war.

"Trump earns strong criticism for his tongue-lashing.

He is making bluff only to be diagnosed as a psychopath."

For more infomation >> Just WHAT is North Korea planning? Shock satellite images reveal HUGE military drills - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:41.


#18 COMO PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM RÁPIDO! Exercicios Para Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> #18 COMO PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM RÁPIDO! Exercicios Para Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 9:28.


I-91 lines to be repainted Saturday - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> I-91 lines to be repainted Saturday - Duration: 1:12.


Fairfield woman wins appeal on deportation - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Fairfield woman wins appeal on deportation - Duration: 0:36.


LIVERPOOL TRANSFER NEWS !! Liverpool FC will make 'big' offer for Thomas Lemar in the summer - Duration: 2:14.

Liverpool FC will make a big offer for as Monaco forward Thomas lemur in the

summer according to Sky Sports News reporter cata sole Hickel the France

international was linked with a move to Liverpool FC in the summer but a

transfer deal failed to materialize Arsenal made a deadline day swoop to

sign the 22 year old forward but Lima turned down a proposed 92 million pounds

transferred to the Emirates Stadium lemur has struggled to recreate last

season's form in the current campaign for his Monaco given the speculation

surrounding his future the French striker has been touted as a

potential replacement for Philippe Coutinho after the South American moved

to Barcelona in a 142 million pound deal earlier in the January transfer window

Sky Sports News reporter Sol Hickel hinted that Liverpool FC will make a big

offer to sign Lima in the summer transfer window to further bolster

Jurgen Klopp attacking options at Anfield Liverpool are probably going to

sign Tomas lemur for big money in the summer so old Hickel told the transfer

talk podcast Liverpool FC are in third place in the Premier League table in two

level points with Chelsea in the race to secure a top four finish the Reds will

take on Portuguese giants FC Porto in the Champions League last 16 next month

the Merseyside outfit signed Vergil Vantage gain of 75 million pound deal

from Southampton in the January transfer window

For more infomation >> LIVERPOOL TRANSFER NEWS !! Liverpool FC will make 'big' offer for Thomas Lemar in the summer - Duration: 2:14.


Security Measures Underway In Philly Ahead Of NFC Championship Game - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Security Measures Underway In Philly Ahead Of NFC Championship Game - Duration: 2:28.


Nicole Sullivan Used to Host Epic Game Nights - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Nicole Sullivan Used to Host Epic Game Nights - Duration: 6:37.


Learn English with TV: Seinfeld - Duration: 11:18.

Hoh, here he is.

This is the man I wanted you to see.

Izzy Mandelbaum.

He's eighty years old, but strong as an ox.

Watch this.

See that?

You couldn't do that.

I could, but I choose not to.

Hey Morty.

Who's this?

This is my son Jerry, from New York.

He thinks he can lift more than Izzy.

I..I didn't say that.

Hey, Izzy, this kid says he can lift more than you can.

Your kid's pretty funny, Morty.

Should be a comedian.

Actually, I am a comedian.

That's not so funny.

Think you're better than me, huh?

Izzy used to work out with Charles Atlas in the fifties.


Yeah, that's it.

It's go time.

Let's see you lift that.

Mr Mandelbaum, I...

C'mon, c'mon.

Pump it!


Yeah, wrong attitude.

you're not bringing that trash into my house.



Step aside, stringbean.

I'll show you.

I'm gonna take it up a notch.


My back.



Somebody, call an ambulance.

There's already an ambulance here for Mrs Glickman.

There's room for one more.

How could you do that to Mr. Mandelbaum?

You Should be ashamed of yourself.

He egged me on!

You should be more mature.

He's 80! Ok, tomorrow Jerry and I will visit Izzy and apologize.

This is quite a condo.

The Mandelbaums own the Magic Pan restaurants.

The crepe place?


This is all big crepe money.

There's crepe money?

What are you doing here?

Aw, Mr Mandelbaum, I just wanted to come by and tell you

how sorry I was that you hurt yourself.

What the hell is that?


That shirt.

You think that you are the number one dad?

This was a gift from my son.

Oh, I see how it works now.

He knocks me outta commission, so you can strut around in your

fancy number one shirt.

Well, I'll show you who's number one.

Mr Mandelbaum, please.

It's go time.


My back.

I can't move.

Call an ambulance.

Again, Mr Mandelbaum, this back specialist is supposed to be the best.

So if there's anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to, uh, try and

find my number.

Uh, oh, wait.

How 'bout that, huh?

The World's Greatest Dad.

My son made it for me.

That's very nice.

The best in the world.

Which means I'm better than just number one.

Well, I don't know how official any of these rankings really are.

Hi, son.

Hi daddy.

This is your son?

I got married in high school.

Hey, who are you?

This is Seinfeld's kid.

Oh, you think you're tough, picking on an old man?

Maybe you'd like to try taking on somebody your own age.

You got any kids?

Oh, you think you're better than me?

Go ahead, pick out anything in the room here.

I'll lift it up over my head.

Look, no-one is lifting anything.

The television.

Oh no.

This one's for you, Pop.

It's go time.


My back!

Call an ambulance.

We're already in a hospital.

I swear to you, I didn't know they TV was bolted to the table.

I bet you pulled that trick on my daddy, in Florida.

He couldn't handle the weight.

Oh, so now you think you're better than me?

You think you're better than him?!

Look, let me just state for the record, I think you're

both better than me.


My boys.

My dad.

My grandpa.

Oh, come on!

What happened to him?

He was trying to lift the TV.

That TV?

Oh no.

It's go time.


Why didn't anybody tell me?

It was bolted down!

I still thought you could do it.

Me too.

Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum...

Fellas, fellas, look, I gotta go.

Oh yeah, that's right. Go!

Put us all in the hospital. And you've ruined our business with all your

macho head games.

I think I can help you out. I'll see you later.

Hey, I can't see the TV.


You think you're better than us,don't you?!

For more infomation >> Learn English with TV: Seinfeld - Duration: 11:18.


Matt Hocking chats to us about LEAP's status as a B Corp - Duration: 5:38.

Hi, my name is Matt Hocking and I run a design studio in St Austell Cornwall

called LEAP and we basically do design for websites, UK website hosting,

design for print. Think of something creative, that's what we do. Our difference

maybe with other studios is we have the environment in mind and everything we do.

A B Corp to me is a business that uses its abilities, its team, its products, its

skills for good that can be in a variety of ways you know with that with our

studio it's looking after everything environmentally and socially you're

looking after our people and looking after our local communities and usually

using their profits to make change as well. So we gift a certain amount

of our profits to organisations where we can help them with design hours. It's

businesses with purpose as well, so you'll see that

B Corps out there, Patagonia and Ben and Jerry's in the UK, Pukka Herbs,

Triodos, down to small individuals like ourselves like Leap, just all trying to

do something different with the way we work kind of as I always call it 'make a

living making a difference'. Over Leap's history when we first created in 2004 I

think we won our first award in 2005 and we've won probably about 20, 30 Awards

over our history. But, it was always like we were having to

prove ourselves and the B Corp movement, just all the companies I really love and

aspire to, like Patagonia, a company called Free-Range in America was

the first B Corp that I saw. They produced a video The Story of Stuff

which, if you haven't seen it is amazing, it's how do you get a radio from China

to Asda that cost four quid. How is that possible, what happens to the

human person, what's the pollutants, what's the environmental

impact. So all of that made me go I like what B Corp is and so I just

watched it as it grew and when it came to the UK I just signed up for it

and I didn't quite know what I was signing up for and but I knew it'd be a rigorous

assessment this course sort quantified our environment, our governance,

our impacts, our purpose. It makes me accountable and our team

accountable for how we impact socially and environmentally and it sounds

bizarre for a designer that doesn't like paperwork, I love it! Being a B Corp,

the benefits I feel it gives to our customers is more around, I guess, that

accreditation firstly that we're authentic in what we do. People might not

know what a B Corporation is, it is an American movement, it's growing rapidly

you know we've got a hundred and ten B Corps in the UK now but we've got a

thousand in the pipeline and we'll see the first four or five Cornish B Corps

coming up this year, apart from us. So we've been alone since 2016 and a couple

of them that I've been into a very big companies so for us it was always about

that authentification that we want to say that we work in this way and and

this is certified. 70% of our client base have come to us for because

we understand the environmental and social issues and they want to work

with us as an aligned business. The other side of things, I guess it's

sharing. I think wonderful thing about the B Corp movement and community

is it's so open. I've got nothing to hide, you

can go online now you can type in Leap, you can see all my scores, you can see

how I do it, why we do it. I say I, it's six of us it's not just me and it's

extended family as well so everything's open and so there's a lot

of sharing, so I can go into an organisation and we might start talking

about design, but they might go how do we do this and they kind of feel I think

more reassured again that we're certified that that advice has more

authenticity behind it. Our top tips for a purpose led

business is, I think when you look at it if you look at, we talk about

triple bottom-line in the environment but if you look at it on your business

level it's also you know how you look after your own people, your own business

impact on the environment and how that can extend to your customers or

your products and the one that's wonderful thing here I really

think is is looking at your people and how you care. So my top tip is

just go into the assessment and do the worker section, which it's free you know,

I sound like a salesperson here, but it is free you can go online you can go to

the impact assessment and you can start that assessment with it there's no money

it's open, it's a tool whether you ever become a B Corp or not it doesn't matter

you can still use that tool to see how good am I with my team, how good am I

with the environment. Look at what you're doing, think long not short.

Rather keep an employee for a long length of time because you've looked

after them and you have a lovely business that cares for the people that work

there so they will work later naturally if if they feel that they have the

capacity and space to. Don't ever think you can't start this journey. I think if

we have a purpose, it defines you know where we are going with our business you

know we all want to make profit but we need a healthy planet also

to make profit so I think one of the tips is to reach out, ask questions, don't be

shy again to just go to another business that is doing something you admire and

go I like what you're doing how do you do it?

For more infomation >> Matt Hocking chats to us about LEAP's status as a B Corp - Duration: 5:38.



For more infomation >> Chevrolet Aveo 1.2 16V LS B-CLEVER | AIRCO | EERSTE EIGENAAR | ELEKTRISCH PAKKET | DEALER ONDERHOUDE - Duration: 1:01.


Puigdemont quiere blindarse como eurodiputado en 2019 y la UE dice que no hay impedimento legal - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont quiere blindarse como eurodiputado en 2019 y la UE dice que no hay impedimento legal - Duration: 5:48.


Dental Student Kimsilseup] Unboxing & How to use Zoom H1 handy recorder /w Eng subtitle - Duration: 7:33.

Hello, again! This is Dental Student Kimsilseup.

Microphone, to record the contents which will be uploaded in the future

I wanna introduce zoom H1 handy recorder.

The appearance of the packed box is as you see.

I bought the product which enclose 2GB micro SD card.

Let's unbox it!

When I open the top,

it says 'We are for creators'

It seems that manufacturer emphasizes that many contents creators- ASMR, dubbing, etc- use this microphone.

The inside of the product is like this.

Microphone is with the battery stick to the box,

and manuals are packed with micro SD card.

take the useless box away

main body

It is simpler than I thought

It is great that there is a battery in the box.

When getting the box, if there is no battery,

then users can be disappointed because there is no battery.

I think manufacturer also paid attention to small things.

take the useless box away again

let's see the manuals.

I bought Japanese domestic product because of the price.

So maybe manuals totally in Japanese.

OMG that's true.

If there is a manual in English,

I can read it...

All manuals in Japanese!

Although I studied Japanese in high school,

but I have no confidence...

I will also take out the micro SDcard in the package.

The SD card adapter is also included

Let's see the main body, recorder!

I like to tear vinyl without scratching.

I usually consider selling things as pre-owned.

I also leave vinyl.

Matte black.

It is lighter than I thought

The buttons are also simpler than I thought

It has the appearance of a 'just' recorder.

There is a screen and a button in front. It's simple

volume button of the speaker and MIC input on the left side.

Behind it are three buttons, LO cut, auto level, and rec format.

There is a stereo microphone above.

There is a speaker on the bottom.

I will open the micro SD card slot...

Is this right? why can't I open this?

Then I'll insert the battery first.

fast attitude conversion, TaeSeJeonHwan in Korean

peel this off

insert well

Once again... good!

And put 2GB micro SD card into the slot well.

Let's turn this device on.

The power button is on the bottom right side.


Just simple touch

it doesn't work...

Need long press to turn it on.

I think this is for the safety to prevent it from easily turning on.

When you first start the product,

you should set the date and time.

14th December

Actually I'm on test period...


I'm on shooting this video after lunch.

SD card is accessed,

and display shows 'remain time'

Microphone is now activated.

Let's learn about detail features of zoom H1.

When you change the 'rec format' button,

The format can be changed in two options, .wav or .mp3

.wav is an uncompressed format

in this format, about 3 hours can be recorded for 2 GB micro SD card

in the mp3 format, about 30 hours can be recorded.

If you want high audio quality, then choose .wav format.

On the right side, there is a 'input level' button.

it can be changed from 1 to 100.

accordingly, input level can be changed.

on the screen in front, there is a dB bar.

you should adjust the input level so dB bar is positioned between -6 and -12.

If you want to get the best audio quality

So 'input level' button is important.

The initial value of 'input level' is '50'.

In this video, I'll set this value '50'. (but you should adjust before recording)

Next is, on the rear side, 'auto level' button.

zoom H1 detect the input and adjust input level automatically.

It's automatic,

So you cannot control the input level.

Third, 'LO cut'

'LO cut' button is for turning the low cut filter on.

when 'LO cut' is on, recorder eliminate plosive sound or low frequency rumbling.

'volume' button on the left side can control the volume of speaker or headphone connected to the recorder

If you push the 'fast-forward' button or 'rewind' button,

you can change the bit-rate.

I recommend 44/16 (which is a value initially set) or 48/16

up to here, I'll finish explaining how to use zoom H1.

Thank you for watching this video.

I'll come back with good audio quality.

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Dental Student Kimsilseup] Unboxing & How to use Zoom H1 handy recorder /w Eng subtitle - Duration: 7:33.


Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.

Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers

For more infomation >> Finger Family Rhyme | Kindergarten Kids Songs| Baby Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children |Toddlers - Duration: 37:38.


Mini14 Power! - PUBG Match Highlights #21 - PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Duration: 3:33.

I saw someone

At my side

Did he see you?

He didn't see me

He's inside the hut

I'll throw a grenade in

Both came out. One running to your side

He went to drive


Knocked one

He has cover, I don't

He's using the vehicle as cover?

No, he's behind the shed

He has supressor


I think i saw someone on the rooftop

There someone there on the roof

The people at petrol station shooting there

We can take this chance to move

Down, he headshot him

You mean petrol station headshot the roof?

Roof got headshot. Let's move to the shed, 165

No matter what we still need to push

Let's run

We're just nice in the circle

I still have 5 grenades

Behind harry potter tower, left side there's one

Ok, i'll eat my painkillers first

Harry potter tower first floor

You mean at 255?


Saw him

5 alive

Left 3

There's two at harry potter, they're shooting each other

That's good

One running down from harry potter tower

Yup, from the right side

Knocked one

The other one is on the left, behind harry potter

Two shots

He's gone case

Let him die by himself

I'll stand up and run around

There's one downed at 255 behind the truck

He's running

I didn't even kill anyone

For more infomation >> Mini14 Power! - PUBG Match Highlights #21 - PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS - Duration: 3:33.


她在網咖「被狗嘿咻」 哀號救我~沒人理 - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 她在網咖「被狗嘿咻」 哀號救我~沒人理 - Duration: 4:23.


Dinámica. Fuerza Resultante. Grado Medio. Comunidad de Madrid. 2013 (y II) - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Dinámica. Fuerza Resultante. Grado Medio. Comunidad de Madrid. 2013 (y II) - Duration: 5:09.


MAHWARI HER PANDRA DIN BAD KA ILAJ|خواتین میں ماہواری ہر پندرھ دن بعد کا موثرعلاج - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> MAHWARI HER PANDRA DIN BAD KA ILAJ|خواتین میں ماہواری ہر پندرھ دن بعد کا موثرعلاج - Duration: 2:07.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:42.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:42.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:44.


For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-CONNECTA *DEMOVOORDEEL* - Duration: 0:44.


Haven for birds - Keoladeo National Park - Duration: 2:30.

The Keoladeo National Park more popularly known

as the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is

a small area of hardly twenty-nine square kilometer.

But the wealth of the bird life here

has brought its prominence as a World

Heritage Site in 1985.

The park is renowned the world over for this

aviation presence, although a great

assortment of mammals too can be sighted


Where else in the world would you find such a small place like Bharatpur, which

attracts about 350 species of birds

out of which 125 species nest here.

Like several protected areas in India today

Bharatpur too was once the hunting

preserve for a royal family of the Maharaja of Bharatpur.

In fact he got so

inspired by the wizard where he was invited for a duck shooting by the

royalty of Britain.

Viceroy Lord Curzon inaugurated the first official

duck shoot in December 1st 1902

and the last duck shooting took place in 1964-65

Thanks to the effort taken by late Dr. Salim Ali and the timely action of the

Forest Department of Rajasthan at the duck shooting was totally banned and

the wetlands were declared as the Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary as early

as in March 1956.

During winter months this park is a haven for waterfowl and bats.

Hope you enjoyed watching this video join us to explore India the land

of diversity and subscribe to this channel for exciting travel videos

For more infomation >> Haven for birds - Keoladeo National Park - Duration: 2:30.


For more infomation >> Haven for birds - Keoladeo National Park - Duration: 2:30.


Chimney fire spreads through attic in Corpus Christi home - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Chimney fire spreads through attic in Corpus Christi home - Duration: 0:33.


For more infomation >> Chimney fire spreads through attic in Corpus Christi home - Duration: 0:33.


Le monde sous TRUMP : BILAN de sa PREMIÈRE ANNÉE - Monkey - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Le monde sous TRUMP : BILAN de sa PREMIÈRE ANNÉE - Monkey - Duration: 3:40.


For more infomation >> Le monde sous TRUMP : BILAN de sa PREMIÈRE ANNÉE - Monkey - Duration: 3:40.


Le régime Dukan fonctionne-t-il chez les patients obèses ? - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> Le régime Dukan fonctionne-t-il chez les patients obèses ? - Duration: 8:10.


For more infomation >> Le régime Dukan fonctionne-t-il chez les patients obèses ? - Duration: 8:10.


El Parlamento flamenco tampoco quiere a Puigdemont: duda si invitarle por falta de... - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> El Parlamento flamenco tampoco quiere a Puigdemont: duda si invitarle por falta de... - Duration: 1:58.


For more infomation >> El Parlamento flamenco tampoco quiere a Puigdemont: duda si invitarle por falta de... - Duration: 1:58.


ホンダ、N-BOXスラッシュにスタイリッシュなブラックインテリアを追加 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> ホンダ、N-BOXスラッシュにスタイリッシュなブラックインテリアを追加 - Duration: 5:08.


For more infomation >> ホンダ、N-BOXスラッシュにスタイリッシュなブラックインテリアを追加 - Duration: 5:08.


3 recettes de jus naturels pour réguler les niveaux de sucre dans le sang ! - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> 3 recettes de jus naturels pour réguler les niveaux de sucre dans le sang ! - Duration: 8:20.


For more infomation >> 3 recettes de jus naturels pour réguler les niveaux de sucre dans le sang ! - Duration: 8:20.


Why learn music notation? - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Why learn music notation? - Duration: 4:35.


For more infomation >> Why learn music notation? - Duration: 4:35.


LG FH4G1JCH2N Vaske-tørremaskine - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> LG FH4G1JCH2N Vaske-tørremaskine - Duration: 2:09.


For more infomation >> LG FH4G1JCH2N Vaske-tørremaskine - Duration: 2:09.


Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.


For more infomation >> Origami cube out of paper - Duration: 5:10.


Patrick Sébastien ex-accro aux jeux : "Les emmerdements ont dépassé le plaisir" - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Patrick Sébastien ex-accro aux jeux : "Les emmerdements ont dépassé le plaisir" - Duration: 1:31.


For more infomation >> Patrick Sébastien ex-accro aux jeux : "Les emmerdements ont dépassé le plaisir" - Duration: 1:31.


Metrorit over de spoorbrug in Maassluis! (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Metrorit over de spoorbrug in Maassluis! (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 2:25.


For more infomation >> Metrorit over de spoorbrug in Maassluis! (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 2:25.


KR STARS| [N시청률] '리턴', 첫방부터 수목극 1위… '흑기사' 제쳤다 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N시청률] '리턴', 첫방부터 수목극 1위… '흑기사' 제쳤다 - Duration: 2:01.


For more infomation >> KR STARS| [N시청률] '리턴', 첫방부터 수목극 1위… '흑기사' 제쳤다 - Duration: 2:01.


Dinámica. Fuerza Resultante. Grado Medio. Comunidad de Madrid. 2013 (y II) - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Dinámica. Fuerza Resultante. Grado Medio. Comunidad de Madrid. 2013 (y II) - Duration: 5:09.


For more infomation >> Dinámica. Fuerza Resultante. Grado Medio. Comunidad de Madrid. 2013 (y II) - Duration: 5:09.


林心如, 林心如, 全都是林心如! 网友: 美到犯规! - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> 林心如, 林心如, 全都是林心如! 网友: 美到犯规! - Duration: 6:30.


For more infomation >> 林心如, 林心如, 全都是林心如! 网友: 美到犯规! - Duration: 6:30.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Mazda 2 1.5 GT-M - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.5 GT-M - Duration: 0:59.


Mazda 3 2.0 GT-M - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mazda 3 2.0 GT-M - Duration: 0:57.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD , NAVI+CAMERA , LEDER INT , BOSE SOUND , XENON , LMV 19 INCH - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD , NAVI+CAMERA , LEDER INT , BOSE SOUND , XENON , LMV 19 INCH - Duration: 0:54.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 GT-M 4WD - Duration: 0:57.


Audi A5 1.8TFSI 170PK M-Tronic S-Line B&O - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 1.8TFSI 170PK M-Tronic S-Line B&O - Duration: 0:54.


BMW 2 Serie Cabrio 220i High Executive M-Sport | Prof. Navi | HIFI | Comfort Access - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 2 Serie Cabrio 220i High Executive M-Sport | Prof. Navi | HIFI | Comfort Access - Duration: 1:00.


Random Games On Roblox - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Random Games On Roblox - Duration: 7:11.


Why I Pray With an App - Three-Minute Thursdays #11 - Duration: 3:57.

Welcome to another edition of 3 Minute Thursdays.

I'm Tim Challies and here is my challenge over the next three minutes; to say something

useful, hopefully, helpful about a subject that's of interest to people like you.

Today I want to talk about prayer.

Specifically, I want to talk about why I pray every day using an app.

So, we'll role the intro and then we'll get to it.

Today we're talking about prayer, and why I pray every day using an app.

So, we'll get that three minutes on the clock, and we will get to it.

I'm one of those routine people.

I admit it.

I like to get up every day and follow roughly the same pattern.

So, I come downstairs, grab my cup of coffee, and I head to the living room to do my devotions

using an iPad and a phone.

I've talked before about how I use my iPad to read the Bible.

I use my phone to pray.

Let me tell you how and why I do that.

A few years ago a book in the UK came out with an app called PrayerMate.

This was an app designed to help people like me pray, and I found it very, very helpful.

Now, when a new app or a new program comes along, what you usually find is it takes a

real world paradigm and it just updates it.

It digitizes it.

And that's what he did here.

The paradigm he follows is essentially the prayer method that uses index cards.

So, imagine that you've got an index card box.

Within it, you open it up and you see that there's dividers running along.

And then behind each of the dividers, a series of index cards.

Okay, so the box is the app, it's the prayers, the sum total of the prayers.

Each of the dividers is a different kind of prayer.

A different category of prayer.

And then each of the index cards is an actual prayer.

You might have a name written on it with a scripture text below to pray for that person,

or for that thing.

That's the paradigm he uses.

I find that's a very, very helpful way to pray.

I've actually used it in that older paradigm.

I love that there's an app that does this.

So here's how it works.

Every morning, I grab my phone.

I simply open it up.

And what do I find?

I find PrayerMate app there.

I tap on the app, and that's all it takes.

I'm simply swiping left to pray.

First time I swipe, it shows me the Gospel.

It shows me some scripture passage related to the Gospel.

I simply pray that to the Lord.

I swipe again and I find some prayers of confession.

Things to confess to the Lord.

Swipe again and I'm praying prayers of thanksgiving.

As I keep swiping, then I move into different categories of prayer.

So I'm praying now for my family.

I'm praying for my own character.

I'm praying for the elder qualifications, first for myself, and then for my fellow elders

at the church.

All these different categories of prayer and each card has a prayer on it, has a scripture

text to help develop my prayer, to help, make sure that I'm praying in a way that's honoring

to the Lord.

What better thing can we do than pray God's Words to God?

And so this app has made a big, big difference in my life, in some very, very helpful ways.

First, it's helped me pray more.

It's given me the structure to make sure every day I'm praying to the Lord.

So I'm not praying the same old prayers but it's mixing them up, it's making sure that

I'm praying something a little bit different every day.

So I have five or ten different prayers.

I pray for my kids, one of them each day.

It's also making sure I'm praying for all the things I ought to pray about.

There's so many things I should pray about.

And I like to pray in the concentric circle model.

I pray, first for myself, then for my family, then for my church, then for my neighbors,

then for the world.

And this app is very well geared to do that.

Put it all together.

A very, very helpful app.

I commend it to you.

And I ask you to check it out in the app store related to your device.

See if it's a good way for you to pray as well.

And I'll see you again in another 3 Minute Thursday.

For more infomation >> Why I Pray With an App - Three-Minute Thursdays #11 - Duration: 3:57.


Ten Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:24.

10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand

Most people tend to be somewhere in the middle of introversion or extroversion.

They are called ambiverts.

Obviously, outgoing introverts are certainly in that position too, but people rarely understand

this and expect people to be either one or the other.

The outgoing introvert knows this only too well.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 things only outgoing introverts would understand.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!


They feel that extroversion is overdone in our society

They may have done group work at school and team work when employed,

but they feel that quieter time for reflection and the ability to work by themselves should

be more valued in the workplace.

They cannot always work in a group or together.


They can be the life and soul of the party

Outgoing introverts can be chatty, exuberant, funny and great company at a party.

They will be completely drained afterwards and may not want to see anyone for a few hours

or days!


They can make excellent sales persons

Tradition has it that an extrovert is the ideal person to clinch the sale, but the outgoing

introvert has a lot going for them in the sales world it seems.

They know when they should keep quiet and when they should push.

They are also pretty good at tuning into a client's needs and preferences.


They do not enjoy proms

"Everyone shines, given the right lighting.

For some, it's a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamplit desk"- Susan Cain

author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Being forced to take part in certain rites of passage such as proms is a real turn off

for many outgoing introverted.

They would much prefer to stay at home and read a book.


They prefer social media

Social media has helped many an outgoing introvert to cope with all the shenanigans.

It is sufficiently social while allowing for quiet downtime with no chatty interruptions.

They do not have to move too far from their comfort zone.

It's an ideal combination, acting social and being alone!


They prefer to be left alone sometimes

This sometimes causes upset when they start to date.

They can be chatty and great company but then they may seem to withdraw into themselves

because they do not answer texts or calls.

The fact is that their social batteries need recharging and this has to be done alone.


They don't use their phones all the time

One thing you notice about these introverts is that they are deeply focused and they cannot

flit from one chatty remark to a text or a phone call.

Listening and talking are just not compatible with their deep thinking and concentration.


They pick and choose their social events

Going out may mean a lot of small talk and that can be pretty meaningless.

Yes, they enjoy company and social outings but you can bet that they will be pretty choosy

when doing so.

Other social occasions are sometimes risky and tricky for them.

They may go with the flow or they may appear withdrawn.


They value their introversion highly

Silence and moments of quiet are often regarded negatively.

Yet, these qualities have led to great discoveries and advanced our civilization for centuries.

The outgoing introvert regards his introversion as a great strength and is perfectly content

to be that way.

They get very angry when people start to imply that there is something wrong with them!


They find it hard to adapt

Problems arise when they are expected to be outgoing all the time and perform as if they

were circus clowns.

They have to do this to get a job, make friends or network.

They know what society demands and expects.

It is not always easy to switch on extroversion like a light.

It's great being an outgoing introvert but wouldn't it be wonderful if people understood

them a bit more?

Let us know in the comments how being an outgoing introvert has made life easy or difficult.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Ten Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:24.


Chhote Chhote Peg Yo Yo Honey Singh HD Audio Neha Kakkar Navraj Hans Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Chhote Chhote Peg Yo Yo Honey Singh HD Audio Neha Kakkar Navraj Hans Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety - Duration: 2:51.


28 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You are an HSP - Duration: 4:39.

28 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You are an HSP

Highly sensitive persons are classified as people who have higher intensity of emotions.

If you're an HSP, you may often find your heart on your sleeve, easily overwhelmed,

and sometimes have a hard time controlling your intense emotions.

Generally, being an HSP can be a good strength, for instance, you are more sensitive to certain

situations and able to notice even the smallest detail that other people don't.

Although it's undoubtedly become the strongest characteristic of HSP, sometimes they do things

to protect themselves that other people who are not as sensitive as you cannot understand.

Here is the list of 28 things that people usually don't realize you are doing because

you are a highly sensitive person.

#1 - In a crowded place you will feel exhausted and overwhelmed quickly.

It is because of sensory input you receive.

#2 - You are changing channel because seeing animal abuse or any other kind of violence.

You become sick as you can feel the abuse physically.

#3 - You love routine, you enjoy doing things in a certain way without exceptions.

That is why you always follow your daily routine everyday from the morning when you wake up

until bedtime.

You don't like to change things because it scare you and make you uncomfortable.

#4 - Because you love routine, a sudden change to your daily activity can be annoying and


#5 - Highly sensitive people are aware of surrounding.

However, they sometimes are still surprised if someone walks behind you.

#6 - If your friend, family, or anyone yells, you become extremely uncomfortable.

Your heart rate raises, and you have trouble in doing activities afterwards.

#7 - Even though you do not know people around you, you still can feel their emotion, feeling,

and pains.

#8 - When someone scolds your friend, you become so anxious and panic even though you

have nothing to do with it.

#9 - You are too sensitive to time pressure.

That is why this kind of person just does not work well on tight schedule.

#10 - A change in a relationship, from single to be in a relationship, can be overwhelming.

#11 - Most of the time, you just cannot feel your own feeling because others' feeling

are constantly felt.

#12 - Quiet, dark, peaceful room is the best thing that you can have after tedious work.

#13 - You cannot hold the feeling to run away from place that has smell strong.

#14 - You also cannot eat foods that have strong smell in them.

#15 - Highly sensitive people can feel jumps in their blood sugar count.

That is why they tend to be selective when it comes to foods they consume.

#16 - You do not drink coffee or alcohol more than other people because the effect kicks

in strongly than others.

#17 - You like to arrange rooms to make them look and feel pleasing to your preference.

#18 - You are easily moved by music compared to other people.

#19 - Vivid dreams and also nightmare also frequently visit you.

#20 - The physical pain you feel is enhanced.

#21 - Hanging out is impossible after hard work

#22 - Avoiding stores and public places is important for your wellbeing

#23 - You like to control things that make you feel uncomfortable especially loud music.

#24 - You are able to notice subtlety without too much problem, and it is more accurate

than other people

#25 - Getting enough sleep is important because the effect of not doing so is severe.

#26 - When your boss is watching, you perform worse.

#27 - You can feel emotions stronger than other people.

#28 - You like to seek meaning of life.

All in all, that's the 28 things people don't realize you're doing because you are an HSP.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 28 Things People Don't Realize You're Doing Because You are an HSP - Duration: 4:39.


Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI COMFORTLINE - Duration: 0:54.


Stasera in tv, programmi tv di oggi: questa sera giovedì 18 gennaio - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Stasera in tv, programmi tv di oggi: questa sera giovedì 18 gennaio - Duration: 5:56.



★ Help To 100k Subs ★

For more infomation >> SUMMER TIME 2018 | BEST OF DEEP HOUSE & CHILLOUT MUSIC | KYGO, THE CHAINSMOKERS - SICK BOY - Duration: 1:06:58.


DARA TV │미니시리즈 다라극장 2부작 - 그녀는 살아있다 'THE STAR STILL SHINES' - Duration: 12:16.

Screening Humanity of DARA

Voice - Yoo Byung Jae

Starring - Sandara Park

Special Guest - Lee Chae Rin

The star still shines

Manila , Philippines

Dara starts her day with text messages as always

The place she visits today is a dance studio

She visits here to practice the dance for Tomorrow's concert

G-force Dance Center

"Is this filming now?"

"Can you see me?"

TG is the main choreographer of Dara's concert and normally she works with popular singers in Philippines

She has been practicing the choreography for 3 days to catch up because she didn't dance for a while

This stage is very special and precious for DARA since she has not been on the stage for 3yrs

"I could die while I sing this song 'Go away'"

In fact, High note part is not Dara's part

And this GO AWAY's high note is too difficult to sing so that Park-bom, the main vocalist, also suffered to sing this part.

So Dara is not so confident for this.

"Well, as you know, everyone has one's role in idol band

and the high note part was usually Bom's part so I haven't known until now."

"This time I should do all alone so I felt kind of pressure."

She is all in the sweat after dance practice

but she doesn't really have time to wash so she uses the sweat dryer to go next schedule

"Don't do that Unnie"

"I used to do that.."

"This is my body guard and he started work with me since last year"

"He is so professional and in charge of well known global stars such as Justin Bieber"

"In fact, he is kind of protective to guard stars before the stage,

and this time I went out secretly and he caught me."

"I lied him that 'I'll go to sleep'

and called Uber to go out. when elevator door opened,

he was there..

and he got on Uber with me..

after that he changed his room to my next door and let the door open to see if I go out secretly again"

"Well I'm not a princess .."

" I'm not going out again.."

Gerry's Grill, Manila

Finally she came for dinner after long practice

"Order your drink guys"

Gerry's Grill is one of the famous restaurants in Philippines and she is their regular customer for 10 yrs.

The dishes she ordered come out one by one

and Dara makes the sauce for her staff.

Squeeze the calamansi first and add the chili pepper on it for spicy taste

it's done for making special Dara sauce

"Anybody want this?"

As always, Dara is so busy to take care of her staffs

Today's main dish is..

"beef soup (Kalbi-tang)"

a Philippines spicy beef soup

For manager JJang mae who is always hungry,

"Here you are"

a full bowl of beef soup

Also she never forgets only-soup bowl for picky staff

"Only soup for you"

After she served all dishes to her staffs.. Sandara's din..

After she served all dishes to her staffs.. Sandara's dinner starts..

"Look at this hot pepper"

"This will kill us for sure.."

"Anybody want this?"

But she still worries if she missed anyone's dish..

while she's eating..

"Ew! I ate the pepper.."

She ends up with eating hot peppers by accident

After dinner, Dara came to studio for doing more practice

She need to redouble her efforts for tomorrow's concert

This is Peter, the director who made a lot of music shows in Philippines,

and he was willing to help Dara for her concert

Dara's schedule is so full for upcoming concert

She could be exhausted mentally and physically..

and when she feels down

"Does she answer the phone?"

"Yes she does! hello~"

"I'm doing band rehearsal now"

CL is there for DARA as always.

"I wanna ask her to shout out..

Let's go! or.. Put your hands up!"

Chae Rin is younger sister but she is so mature and has strong leadership so Dara relies on her

"Actually I spend my private time with Chae Rin a lot, not just for work"

"I mean she is my BF"

"Well.. many people think that it's quite surprising (that she is my BF) because we are so different."

Even managers say

"How come you guys are so close and belong together while you are so different?

"They must be a couple in previous life"

"I was so sad and used to cry that Chae Rin is not with me but left to the US for work

but these days I feel like we're together because I see her a lot on FaceTime."

"I see her more than others who are actually in Korea."

"It's 1am. 1:02."

"But I can't go to sleep now..I'm gonna practice more for tomorrow


She rather be practicing than taking a rest after long practice

She seems to be worried for leading the stage alone, not with other members.

"This song is for Blackjack"

"Miss you so much.."

Practices continued all night long but she is not tired,

actually feels so energetic when she think of her fans and tomorrow's concert.

She wants everything perfect for tomorrow but this stupid chair is a problem

"It's too close against the wall"

For more infomation >> DARA TV │미니시리즈 다라극장 2부작 - 그녀는 살아있다 'THE STAR STILL SHINES' - Duration: 12:16.


Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Bob The Train | Kindergarten Video | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 2:03.

Hi Kids,

Would you like to meet miss Polly and her Dolly with Bob the Train?

Miss Polly had a dolly who is sick, sick, sick.

So she phoned for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick.

The doctor came with his bag and his hat

And he knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head

And he said "Miss Polly, put her straight to bed!"

He wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill

"I'll be back in the morning yes I will will will!

Miss Polly gave her dolly lots of care and love

Covered her with blankets and switched the lights off

the doctor came in the morning took a look and smiled

I can see that your dolly is perfectly alright!

I can see that your dolly is perfectly alright!

Wasn't that nice?

Miss Polly loves her Dolly so much!

For more infomation >> Miss Polly Had A Dolly | Bob The Train | Kindergarten Video | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 2:03.


This happens when you use lemon for your partner || ऐसा तब होता है जब आप अपने साथी के लिए नींबू - Duration: 5:32.

This happens when you use lemon for your partner,

In this distribution, I welcome you.

This happens when you use lemons for your partner, the results will surprise you completely!

They are well known from the rich properties of juice extracted from lemon from ancient


This sour fruit can help you to improve the general criteria of your sexual health and

to fight against premature ejaculation in a natural way.

Therefore, if you want to stay on bed for long periods, then it should be included regularly

in your diet daily.

First of all, you should know that lemon can help you reduce your bad cholesterol (I will

tell you what to do).

The antioxidant properties of lemon juice are very good for your body to eliminate cholesterol,

which is not needed.

Bad cholesterol can cause or increase ejaculation before time.

It involves cholesterol arteries and prevents all blood from reaching the genital area and

more accurate gender.

The latter stops you from controlling your orgasms and thus inspires you to speak prematurely,

to ruin your self esteem and leave your partner dissatisfied.

Similarly, lemon juice is a powerful deteroxifier in your body because it contains many beneficial


The latter will assist in eliminating toxic substances stored in the genital area.

More precise on muscles involved in ejaculation Due to this accumulation of toxic substances,

these pelvic muscles do not work properly, which prevents you from controlling intercourse

and therefore causes premature ejaculation.

Finally, large amounts of vitamin C have freshly made lemon juice, which is one of the best

ways to promote your immune system.

How does it help to combat premature ejaculation?

Actually, the immune system is responsible for destroying the body, which does not need

the body or damages it.

Therefore, this system will help you eliminate the above mentioned toxins so that you can

stay on bed for a long time.

Now, I'm supposed to tell you a few ways to make lemon juice to be effective against premature


Here, I want to give one of the most effective and simplest suggestions:

Take lemon juice every morning in hot water.

Preparation is very simple, because it is a glass of water enough to drink a good water

- during the preparation of lemon juice - and squeezing half a lemon for each glass.

By taking your empty stomach juice every morning you will enjoy all the benefits of this fruit

before ejaculation.

And it will also help you in such things as weight loss, if you have to lose weight.

So do not forget to start the day with lemon and some water healthily.

Apart from lemon juice, I have mentioned that enjoying lemon juice in the season before

your meal is a great way to use it to treat ejaculation so that you can stay longer in


I advise you to try to change tradition with lemon juice, an effective and simple

way to enjoy all your health benefits in general.

Finally, you can eliminate inappropriate collard from your diet that can increase the

cases of premature ejaculation.

And when you feel thirsty, you can prepare a delicious home-made lemonade regularly.

Or just when you want a fresh and nutritious drink

With this you will enjoy the properties of lemon for general health.

And also, you will get plenty of sweaty drinks which you can take any time of the day.

In essence, lemon juice can be one of your best colleagues against pain in your bed.

Always consult your doctor for any question about any condition

Thanks for watching the video, if you find it useful, then laugh with your friends and

family and do not hesitate to subscribe, please do like.

For more infomation >> This happens when you use lemon for your partner || ऐसा तब होता है जब आप अपने साथी के लिए नींबू - Duration: 5:32.


I'm Not a Robot - 봇이 아니야 Ep03 HD - Engsub - Drama Torrent - Duration: 28:20.

(Episode 3)

The signal is unstable.

This is Team Alpha. We are in position.

Sending wifi signal.

Team Alpha?

You couldn't figure out your phone. What's with the team name?

We're on a special mission today.

All right.

Everyone, get ready.

Hello, Aji 3.

I love you, master. What...

My goodness!

What happened?


It wasn't me.

My gosh.

Is that who I think it is?

Why is he here?

Then am I at his house?

Wait, what did I just say?

What should I do? I wonder if he knows.

(Director Kim Min Kyu)

Tell him I'm dead.

Tell him I've disappeared.

- Okay. - No, don't.

Yes, Director Kim.

Instead of saying, "I love you, master",

this robot just said, "My gosh! My goodness."

Was she just about to swear at me?

Well, let me explain.

The thing is...

(Friend Mode)

She's in Friend Mode. Yes, that's right.

Friend Mode.

Aji 3 has Operation Mode and Friend Mode.

But I think a small error made Aji 3 suddenly operate...

on Friend Mode.

- "Friend Mode"? - And I think...

she picked up a few swear words...

from the researchers when they tried to install Friend Mode on her.

There's a power button on the back of her neck. You should try...

rebooting her. Then I'm sure she'll go back to Operation Mode.

Yes. Bye, then.

You heard what I just said, right? Please do it correctly this time.

We're doomed. We're doomed.

He'll never believe that.

I know. He has an IQ level of 159.

"Friend Mode"?

How dare you?

Do you think I'm going to let you become my friend?

Should I just beat him up and quit this?

10,000 dollars. 10,000 dollars.

Let's just wait until this job is over.

I'm going to kill Hong Baek Gyoon.

Hi, Aji 3.

I love you, master. What can I help you with?

I love you, master. What can I help you with?

I guess the rebooting worked.

I thought you were supposed to be an AI robot.

But you're no different from a household appliance.

Aji 3, how can you prove that...

you're an AI robot?

How can you prove that you're human?

How can you prove that you're human?

That's a nice answer.

But your Operation Mode started off with an error.

You already got minus points.

I can't believe he just bought that. Unbelievable.

Ssanip, he already saw the real robotic figure of Aji 3.

So he probably can't even imagine...

that what's in front of him is a human being.

He can't see the truth because he's too sure of himself.

You're talking about the Invisible Gorilla Experiment.

Doctor Hong, there's an input error.

That's because Ji A didn't read what she was supposed to at first.

Aji 3's been confused ever since then.

Pai, set Ji A's answers as the preferred value.


Now, it won't be too difficult for her to pass the test.

You're right. Let's hope the electricity doesn't go out.



What's going on? Why isn't this working?

Aji 3.

From this moment on,

I'm going to be testing your hardware.

What? Do I have to answer his questions on my own?

My gosh, what should I do? What am I supposed to say?

Yes, master.

Sit down.

Stand up.

Raise your right foot.

Raise your right foot and left hand.

Raise your right hand.

Raise your left hand twice and raise it again.


keep disappointing me.

Minus two points.


Ji A seemed like a tenacious person.

I'm sure she'll do well.

She has an IQ level of 94.

Our fate is in the hands of a woman who has an IQ level of 94.

I must've been crazy.

We're going to get caught. He's definitely going to find out.

I'm going to test your cognitive...

and problem-solving ability through just one task.

First, solve this calculus problem.

Multiply the total numbers of each fruit.

Find out how many ingredients were used to make that pasta.

Then add up all the results of each question and divide that by three.

When you have the answer, round it off to the nearest whole number.

That's going to be the passcode of that lock.

I want you to find out what's in that box.

My IQ level is 94.

The moment you exceed three minutes,

you're going to get minus points every exceeding second.

I gave up on learning mathematics a long time ago.

Ready, go.

I just need to get the answer right.

What's inside the box is an egg, master.

How can a robot have the ability to solve a problem...

like Nicolaus Copernicus?

I can't believe this.

Whatever that means, it sounds like a compliment. So let's smile.

Okay, fine. Let's see if you can do this as well.

I want you to peel that egg in 10 seconds.

But you can't use any tools...

I can't believe this.

This is the Egg of Columbus.

I didn't know this robot would be so creative and smart.

How sad.

It's my first time hearing someone say that I'm smart.

But I can't believe I'm hearing it from this lunatic.

My gosh, I'm so curious.

I want to know...

what's going on inside that house.

If she got caught,

he would've thrown her out of the house.

There's one more hour left.

Aji, please hang in there for just one more hour.

That's the only way I'll be able to pay off my credit card.

Aji would've made it.

But we're talking about Ji A.

From now on, I'll speak in English.

And I want you to answer in French.

Got it?

Why aren't you answering me?

If he asks you anything in a foreign language, say this.

There's currently an error in my foreign language function.

Please try again after you fix the error.

My gosh, you were doing well. What's with the error again?

Fine. I'm going to test your internet searching skills.

Aji 3.

I want you to tell me the serial number of that figure in the middle.

If you exceed 10 seconds, I'm going to...

The serial number is NC-674865.

MGG Games released their new game worldwide all at the same time.

They also included a limited edition figure as they released their game.

And only 50 figures...

were released in Korea just two days ago.

I went through so much to get you that rare item.

Your internet searching skills are impressive.

Plus five points.

But you dared to run away without paying me?

But I noticed...

something weird about you...

ever since a while ago.

What? What is it? What's wrong?

Oh, I get it now.

I found out what's wrong.

Where is this jerk looking at? You better look somewhere else.

Your breasts are bigger than they were yesterday.

They were always big.

Wait a minute. Is it because her batteries are expanding?

- Let me open it. - What are you looking at?

Stay still. I need to check.

What is he going to check? Is this guy crazy or what?


It's finally working now.

Hey, you lunatic.

You peanut slathered in sesame oil.

You look handsome enough to eat a fox's liver.

Are you the rising star of the psychotic pervert world?

Your brain is lost somewhere in Andromeda.

Shall I get it back for you?

Do you want me to help you see what it feels like to go head-down...

into the Grand Canyon, you son of a witch?

My goodness.

Oh, dear.

What are you looking at?

If it weren't for the money, I'd have killed you already.

Hello, Director Kim.

Who are you...

trying to dupe?

It would be nonsensical if he didn't catch on.

I apologize. The truth is...

Her battery.

You used a cheap model.


Isn't that why she's overheated and swollen up there?

What'll you do if her chest explodes or something?


We can't let that happen, no...

(Running time)

Yes, so, it's the running time.

To extend the running time,

we installed a better battery and that took up more space.

Overheating could be a problem, so don't touch her breasts.

Are you sure?

What an idiot.

One more thing.

That Friend Mode started running again.

Must I restart her again?

No, no, while she's online,

you just have to tell her to go back to Operation Mode.


I can't do this.

I believe in not keeping people who swear close to me.

Why do the curses from a robot...

feel so refreshing and almost euphoric?

Is it because it's so creative?

It's because you're an idiot.

How strange.

Back to Operation Mode.

Yes, master.

Hello, Mr. Jo.

I have a report on the audit on the Head of Social Contributions.

He's been embezzling project funds for the past three years.

Get his resignation.

- Me? - Should I, then?

If he won't resign, say we'll sue him for embezzlement.

There's one more lawsuit to lodge.

Your wifi isn't working. What did you do?

Fess up.

Don't worry, he hasn't caught on.

A robot can't speak or react to...

something it has no input on, I told you.

That's what I'm doing.

You're an avatar right now.

Just do as Aji 3 tells you, okay?

I will, most definitely, sue...

the thief who stole my necklace.

This won't do. How long do we have left?

30 minutes.

Ssanip, Hoktal, use her battery as an excuse to cut the time.

Go and get Aji 3 right now.

(Santa Maria, Daeyang Shipbuilding)

I'll find evidence of the theft...

in my dashboard camera or something.

You just prepare the papers.

Just wait, President Jo.

This is insane.

I will make sure you go to prison.

I didn't take your necklace.

Aji 3.

Now, I will test your morals.

A thief gave me...

damaged goods and took my necklace.

Should I send the person to prison...

or get my necklace back and forgive her?

According to 333 of the Penal Code,

the person can be charged with under three years in prison.

To prevent a recurrence, I recommend a lawsuit rather than forgiveness.

You could victimize an innocent being in the process.

Why don't you look back and see if there was...

a misunderstanding or mistake, master?

Why are you siding with the criminal when I'm your master?

You should always side with your master.

I am always on your side.

You could be wrong about things, master.

How dare you?

You keep calling me master...

while saying things that get on my nerves.

I don't like that.

Minus 20 points.

What did I do so wrong?

What are you doing?

Aji 3 can't run like that. Stop running.

Are you okay?

What... What did you just...

do to me?

(Angry, Pleased)

(No matching emotion)

(New deep-learning subject)

I was fed with data on the basic human facial expressions.

Just now, you were in...

a medical emergency and required assistance.

If you train me well,

I can do many things for you.

- Right foot up, left hand up. - What's that?

Lift your left hand twice...

Why can't she do that?

She'll break her back.

That scared even me.

How ugly. What now?

I'm hungry.

How can you eat after causing this huge mess?

I didn't get caught.

I put up a good defense considering that I was left to my own devices.

Do you even know what that means?

Do you know how much this project cost?

What's inside that head of yours?

Do you care about anything? Do you even think?

- What are you doing here? - Hello.

Why do you do things I didn't ask? Think before you act.

I put you through a lot, didn't I?

You did great.

If we ever meet again,

I'll buy you all a drink. Bye.

Change the robot's face.

I will, right away.

Why did I even use your face? I had lost my mind.

They're way too different.

Sure. It's all in the past.

You paid me 10,000 dollars, and now, we're even.

She always gets me riled up then leaves.

She's still exactly the same.

How can she not change at all?

Let's break up.

Take care.

She's the same.

She's exactly the same.

Welcome, President Martin.

It was such a long trip. You must be tired.

I'll be fine.

The contract is ready. You can take a rest for tonight.


Excuse me for a second.


What's up?

Sale of Daeyang Shipbuilding's research team is canceled.

We can't sell it at the price that Gold Group suggested.

What do you mean? We're signing the contract tomorrow.

I left the sale of Daeyang Shipbuilding...

up to you.

However, I don't think you're good enough yet for such work.

Min Kyu.

Min Kyu.

Is there something wrong?

This is beef thin skirt.

This is beef thick skirt.

This is neck chain.

Lay out a piece of beef brisket instead of lettuce.

Put on some thick skirt.

Top it with a spoon of doenjang.

Wrap it with the brisket...

and take it all in one bite.

We have food at home. It's a waste of money to eat out.

This isn't for you.

It's for my nephew that you're pregnant with.

Thanks, girl.

I'm sorry about yesterday.

I'm the one to apologize.

I also paid off my loan.

Where did you get the money?

I suddenly got money out of nowhere, in an unpleasant way.

How so? I want some too.

By the way, is it yours?

While doing laundry, I found it in your pocket.

That's the necklace.

If you appear now,

I'll completely embarrass myself...

in front of that nasty jerk.

She must be scared that I might sue her.


I'll return the necklace without breaking it if you apologize.

What? Apologize?

You accused me of being a crook and beat me.

It was unfair, so I deserve your apology.

You're joking, right?

If you don't apologize, I won't return the necklace.

Why don't you beg for money instead?

Then I'll consider it.

You lied about stealing my necklace.

Are you asking me to apologize when you lied to me?

That's nonsense. My necklace?

Break it if you want to.

However, remember this.

I'll find you...

and make you pay no matter what.

Then your life will be destroyed.

So give it a try.

Listen, you fool.

Are you sure that you have a brain inside your head?

What did you say?

Why can't you believe me?

Why do you distort the truth?

I hurt my back because of you.

If I needed money, I would've asked you to pay my medical bills.

I said that I didn't take your necklace...

because I didn't remember taking it.

Now that I found it,

I called to return it to you.

You don't have friends, do you?

It's completely obvious.

You're right. I don't have people in my life.

I prefer to be with robots...

than be around someone like you.

What about me? What makes that robot better than me?


I'm about to ship it to you,

so send me the address within a minute.

Otherwise, I'll throw away the necklace.

Throw it away?

Hello? Hey, hey.

You're completely insane!

Is she out of her mind?

Gosh, the light came on.

I sacrificed my soul to make this.

Thank you so much.

You're such a genius.

All I need is a good presentation.

I hope KM Financial will select me.

I want to be selected.


A robot saved my life?

I guess she was useful in a way.

Move more to the left.

More to the left. That's right.

That feels good. Can you go lower?

That feels so good. Can you scratch the right?

Go lower.

If you train me,

I can do more for you, master.

That's right.

This was the robot I needed.

Shall I give it a try and train a robot?

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