Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 19 2018

lee hyebin lee dabin GREAT!!

sung jiyeon! kim taeha!


kim nayun yoo jeongan GREAT!!

lee joowon lee ahin lee seungri BBOOM BBOOM

yeonwoo: hi~

yeonwoo: this place is our music video filming site

yeonwoo: bboom bboom! / nayun: bboom bboom~ / yeonwoo: its our music video set

yeonwoo: many staff workers have been here since dawn

yeonwoo: thank you

nayun: really.. dancing this choreography three times is so tiring

nayun: as soon as we finish, drinking water is really good

ahin: my soles are on fire

ahin: out of all of our songs up until now, this one has the most movement

ahin: it's the most tiring

ahin: just dancing it three times made my feet.. cry

(siren noises)

"no no ahin our legs are dying" - ahins feet

ahin: i'll work hard!!

daisy: this time around i'm in charge of a very cool rap


daisy: bboomeox5 is the point part. look forward to it

daisy: it's very difficult. it sounds like im saying carp (boongeo)

carp carp carp carp carp

nancy: fighting!

taeha: merry, we're filming the music video for our 3rd mini albums title track BBOOM BBOOM

taeha: i don't know how it'll come out

taeha: it should come out alright

title track bboom bboom is / taeha: a little cute, a little sexy, and a little cheerful

taeha: with this combination, you can really see momolands colours

taeha: please give it lots of love

hyebin: today we're wearing really stylish suits. its cool, right?

hyebin: its the first time momoland have worn these kind of outfits

hyebin: i hope that merry like it

i want nobody nobody but you

jooe: when you just look at the mic stands, don't you immediately think of wonder girls?

hyebin: ya i do / jooe: you do?

a scary flow of consciousness

(yeonwoos solo part) yeonwoo: it's the most unprecedented dance of my life

yeonwoo: when preparing the choreography, i thought it would be good if it appeared really sexy

yeonwoo: it was originally like this.. then i did this

staff: AH this was yeonwoos idea / yeonwoo: ye

yeonwoo: 'i've lost weight' is the concept


yeonwoo: fighting! i'll do well

For more infomation >> (cc eng) momoland - bboom bboom m/v making - Duration: 5:39.


15 Smartest People That Have Ever Lived - Duration: 6:49.

• What child prodigy was invited to work for NASA when he was eight years old?

Who offered his wife a share of his Nobel Prize as part of a divorce settlement, three

years before he actually won his Nobel Prize?

From physicists to chessmasters, here are 15 of the smartest people who ever lived.

15 – Ruth Lawrence • Ruth Lawrence became the youngest person

ever admitted to Oxford University in 1981, at 10 years old.

• Then she became the youngest person to graduate from Oxford, at 13 years old.

• She was hailed as a child prodigy, but now she lives a quiet life as a mother of

four as an Orthodox Jewish woman in Israel, teaching math at Jerusalem's Hebrew University.

14 – Noam Chomsky • Noam Chomsky is one of the most celebrated

intellectuals in American history.

• He is known for revolutionizing the way we think about language and grammar, and taught

on those topics for 50 years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

• Chomsky's writings on linguistics have been so influential, they have also caused

the fields of psychology and philosophy to re-think the way the brain processes information.

13 – Scott Aaronson • Scott Aaronson was accepted to Cornell

University as a freshman in high school, despite the fact that he clashed with his teachers

in school and got bad grades.

• He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley at the age of 22.

• Aaronson is currently developing the field of quantum computing, which could change the

way computers process data forever.

12 – Edward Witten • Edward Witten is one of the champions

of string theory, a controversial theory of physics that predicts the existence of a "multiverse."

• It sounds like crazy sci-fi, but in a 1990 cosmology conference, attendees like

Stephen Hawking, Michael Turner and James Peebles were included in a vote that considered

him the smartest living physicist in the world.

11 – Stephen Hawking - 160 • Speaking of Stephen Hawking, let's discuss

the man who is perhaps the best-known living scientist.

• Hawking's work in the field of relativity changed the way science looks at black holes,

and has been influential in the study of the Big Bang.

• He also says we have about 100 years to escape Earth before experiencing a mass extinction


So there's that, too.

10 – Andrew Wiles - 170 • Most people who work on a math problem

might spend a few minutes on it, tops.

• Andrew Wiles spent seven years proving Fermat's Last Theorem – setting to rest

a mathematical conjecture that had eluded the most brilliant minds on Earth since the

3rd century.

9 – Albert Einstein – 160-190 • There's not much that can be said about

Albert Einstein that hasn't already been said.

You already know the basics.

• But did you know the FBI spied on Einstein for 22 years, suspecting him of building a

death ray for the Soviets?

• He also offered his first wife a share in his Nobel Prize money as part of his divorce

settlement with her.

Their divorce was finalized in 1919, but he didn't win his Nobel Prize until 1922, three

years later.

• He was just that sure he would win.

8 – Judit Polgár - 170 • Chessmasters naturally have high IQs,

because they must perform countless calculations as they consider every possibility on the

board several times over in a matter of seconds.

• Judit Polgar is one of the best.

She became the youngest chess grandmaster in history at the age of 15, breaking Bobby

Fischer's record.

• Throughout her career, she was one of the best chess players in the world, thanks

in part to a tough schooling curriculum by her father, who used his three daughters in

an experiment to show that "geniuses are not born, but made."

7 – Leonardo da Vinci – 180-190 • Leonardo da Vinci is well-known for many

things that were ahead of his time.

• Obviously he's best known for his art, but he was also an eccentric that innovated

early concepts of flying machines, parachutes, and several weapons of war.

• He did not, however, create a code so Tom Hanks could find out the secrets of the

Catholic Church.

6 – Marilyn Vos Savant - 190 • Marilyn Vos Savant was found to have the

mental capacity of a 23-year-old when she was just 10, and was recognized by the Guinness

Book of World Records as having the world's highest IQ.

• Her response to this was to criticize the IQ test as being meaningless and unreliable.

• Despite her prodigy status, she lives a quiet life in Manhattan as a columnist for

Vanity Fair, and despite being quite possibly the smartest person in the world, she seems

content to just live a modest lifestyle out of the spotlight.

5 – Garry Kasparov - 194 • Another chessmaster here, Garry Kasparov

is widely considered the greatest chessmaster in the history of the game.

• Though Kasparov had been away from the game for 12 years, he briefly returned to

tournament play in in August of 2017.

• The Russian native emigrated to the United States to avoid potential backlash from being

a vocal political opponent of Vladimir Putin.

4 – Kim Ung-Yong - 210 • Kin Ung-Yong has an IQ of 210 – once

a world record – and like many people on this list, chose to apply it to a simple life.

• Kim was invited to work at NASA at the age of 8, and remained there for 10 years.

But he hated that life, so when he turned 18, he entered an ordinary university in Korea

and took a job as a run-of-the-mill office worker.

• The media – especially in Korea – denounces him as a "failed genius," but he says

he's never been happier with his life.

3 – Christopher Hirata - 225 • Christopher Hirata was doing algebra in

first grade, and was in college-level physics and multivariable calculus at age 12.

• At age 16, he was working with NASA on a Mars colonization project.

• He now works as a professor of physics and astronomy at Ohio State University.

2 – Terence Tao – 225-230 • There have been many child prodigies that

enter a university early and graduate before they turn 18.

• Terence Tao was one of those, getting his bachelor's degree at age 16, and earned

a doctorate from Princeton at age 21.

• But perhaps his most impressive accomplishment is that the math genius earned full, tenured

professorship as faculty at UCLA at the age of 24.

• His colleages at the university refer to him as the "Mozart of Math."

1 – William James Sidis – 250-300 • William James Sidis may be the smartest

person who ever lived.

• He was reading the New York Times before he turned two years old, and at age six he

was speaking English, Latin, French, German, Russian, Hebrew, Turkish and Armenian.

• The child prodigy qualified for admission to Harvard at the age of 9, and eventually,

he became a phenomenon.

He was a media sensation, but he just wanted to be left alone.

• At Harvard, he was relentlessly bullied, and by the time he graduated, he wanted to

be as far away from academia as he could.

• Sidis went into hiding and started moving around the country using an alias.

He published countless books under a variety of different names before dying of a brain

hemorrhage at the age of 46.

For more infomation >> 15 Smartest People That Have Ever Lived - Duration: 6:49.


Brief summary of EXO's theory - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Brief summary of EXO's theory - Duration: 5:45.


UFC 220: Official Weigh-in - Duration: 29:12.

For more infomation >> UFC 220: Official Weigh-in - Duration: 29:12.


BREAKING Look Who Trump Just KICKED OUT OF THE OVAL OFFICE!!! OMG! - Duration: 15:48.



Today President Trump kicked CNN HACK Jim Acosta out of the Oval Office Tuesday after

the network's senior White House correspondent badgered him with racially charged questions.

As you know, Acosta is a liberal pile of crap and today he just wouldn't shut the hell

up and asked useless liberal BS questions and kept interrupting Trump.

Acosta yelled, "Mr. President," three times before finally getting Trump's attention,

Fox News reports.

"Did you say that you want more people to come in from Norway?

Did you say that you wanted more people from Norway?

Is that true Mr. President?"

Acosta frantically shouted.

"I want them to come in from everywhere… everywhere.

Thank you very much everybody," Trump responded as Acosta continued to bark questions.

"Just Caucasian or white countries, sir?

Or do you want people to come in from other parts of the world… people of color,"

Acosta shouted.

What a freaking idiot!

Trump then pointed directly at Acosta and simply said, "Out!"

A Trump staffer in the background can be heard saying, "Jim, thank you," before the CNN

star presumably exited the room.

Acosta then took to Twitter, accusing White House aides of obstructing him from asking


"President Trump orders CNN's Jim Acosta to get OUT of Oval Office after latest outburst."

Acosta has been among the most outspoken critics of President Trump and is a significant part

of CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker's apparent anti-Trump programming strategy.

Trump has famously dubbed CNN "fake news" and pointed directly at Acosta and called

him by the disparaging moniker

in the past.



For more infomation >> BREAKING Look Who Trump Just KICKED OUT OF THE OVAL OFFICE!!! OMG! - Duration: 15:48.


UFC 25th Anniversary Series Press Conference - Duration: 34:08.

For more infomation >> UFC 25th Anniversary Series Press Conference - Duration: 34:08.


BREAKING News!! Secret Service Agent Just Went ALL IN!! Obama is DONE!!! - Duration: 5:54.


Secret Service Agent Just Went ALL IN!!

Obama is DONE!!!

After the FISA memo news was released, a former secret agent named Dan Bongino adds to the

accusations of corruption against Barack Hussein Obama.

The former Secret Service Agent and Conservative Radio Talk Show Host, Dan Bongino, who served

in the White House from 2006-2011 under both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Hussein

Obama, believes this could be the evidence that will finally change the public's view

of Obama and show the world how corrupt this evil man really is.

Bongino also has predicted that to distract from what was actually in the memo, those

opposed to releasing it would likely attack Nunes personally.

We don't fully know what is contained in the actual memo, but we can predict with some

certainty that it has to have something to do with the manner in which the CIA and DOJ

spied on American citizens.

The rumors also suggest that it has something to do with the discredited work of the Clinton

Campaign who likely paid for Trump Dossier.

The info may reveal how it came about and who were the people behind its creation.

However, it's all speculation and rumors since no member of Congress can give us much

more information about the contents without getting into trouble for releasing top secret


For now we're stuck with possibilities and have to piece the puzzle together on our own.The

Los Angeles Times reports:

Secret House Republican memo causes new rifts over Russia investigation

epa05931263 Republican Representative from California and embattled Chairman of the House

Intelligen House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Tulare)

worked on a confidential and controversial memo involving how the Department of Justice

pursued the Russia investigation.

(Jim Lo Scalzo / EPA) Chris Megerian Chris MegerianContact Reporter

Conservative Republicans are pushing to release a memo containing classified information about

the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign, sparking new controversy

in a case that has already caused deep partisan rifts.

The contents of the four-page memo, which was written by staff working with Rep. Devin

Nunes (R-Tulare), who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, have not been publicly revealed.

But President Trump's allies in Congress say that they are explosive.

"It's some of the most alarming things I've ever read, and every single American

citizen should be able to read that material as soon as possible," said Rep. Jim Jordan


Democrats on the committee have dismissed the memo as a dishonest attempt to undermine

the Russia investigation, and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Hillsborough) called it a "pack

of lies."

Republicans have repeatedly said the Russia investigation, currently led by special counsel

Robert S. Mueller III, has been undermined by partisan bias.

Mueller was appointed last May after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.

Rep. Devin Nunes plays defense for Trump by going on hard offense against Justice Department

Freedom Caucus members asked House Speaker Paul Ryan to support releasing the memo during

Thursday night negotiations over the federal budget.

Ryan deferred the issue to the House Intelligence Committee, which made it available to every

member of Congress this week.

It was unclear Friday whether the GOP-led House committee would hold a vote that would

lay the groundwork for making the memo public.

Not everyone in Ryan's caucus wants it out.

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas), who is leading the House Intelligence Committee's inquiry

into Russia's role in the 2016 election, said it would be "real dangerous" to release

the memo because it includes classified information.

The document is the result of Nunes probing how the Department of Justice handled the

Russia investigation.

Nunes has said his work has uncovered serious problems involving the use of secret surveillance


"I believe there's evidence that abuses have occurred," he told Fox News last month.

It wasn't immediately clear if the memo also looked at Republican claims that Mueller's

criminal investigation has been undermined by partisan bias.

The reaction to the memo was sharply split along party lines.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) said the information was "jaw-dropping."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista) said Americans would be "outraged" if they read the memo.

Jay Sekulow, one of Trump's personal lawyers, said on his radio show Friday that it appears

the memo reveals corruption that's "breathtaking in scope."

Sekulow has previously called for the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate

the Department of Justice.

But Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin), another committee member, said the memo was filled

with misinformation and should not be released.

"It is a perversion of the facts to brainwash our members and protect the president,"

he said Tragically this is what happens when the American voting populace is convinced

into electing a person with a highly questionable and mysterious past.

He sometimes went by different names!

Should someone be allowed to run for President if they had their college transcripts and

birth certificate sealed?

We may not ever know the truth about who he was or where he is from.

Maybe now everyone will learn of the dangers of electing a president because of his skin

color over the content of character.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News!! Secret Service Agent Just Went ALL IN!! Obama is DONE!!! - Duration: 5:54.


Trump Just Sent Armed Agents To Raid Politicians' Warehouse – THEY FOUND IT ALL!!! - Duration: 5:27.

Trump Just Sent Armed Agents To Raid Politicians' Warehouse – THEY FOUND IT ALL!!!

President Trump has been attacked for almost everything he's done while in office.

He can't seem to sign his name to anything without the DNC and mainstream media making

it out to be the end of civilization as we know it, and the same extends to his family.

If anyone needed any more proof of that fact, just look back at the way the media treated

Melania Trump when she wore heels on the plane to visit Texas after Hurricane Harvey had

ravaged the Gulf region.

The President and Vice President came under all kinds of fire for how they handled the

relief of each hurricane that hit the United States last year, but none as controversial

as to how he dealt with Puerto Rico.

After a very public PR battle with a public official there, liberals and the media jumped

at the chance to paint him as if he had no crisis management skills.

Unfortunately for them, it appears that they're once again very wrong.

The Intercept reports that it was, in fact, Puerto Rico's Electric Power Authority who

was behind the stall in getting power and water back to the residents.

The government was forced to step in and send armed combatants to liberate the designated

materials needed to restore power to the rest of the area:

"ON SATURDAY, A day after becoming aware of a massive store of rebuilding materials

being held by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, the U.S. federal government — the

Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, along with their

security detail — entered a Palo Seco warehouse owned by the public utility to claim and distribute

the equipment, according to a spokesperson for the Corps.

Rumors of a tense standoff had been circulating on the island, but the encounter was confirmed

to The Intercept in a statement from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Asked if the federal officers were armed when they entered the warehouse, USACE spokesperson

Luciano Vera said they were indeed accompanied by security detail and quickly began distributing

the material after seizing it.

Vera declined to say whether there was a confrontation at the entrance, saying only that PREPA officials

ultimately toured the warehouse along with the feds:

'Leadership responsible for restoring the Puerto Rico power grid and their security

detail toured the warehouse in cooperation with PREPA.

USACE conducted a full inventory and immediately sent out critical materials to contractors

at work sites.

USACE will continue to distribute critical materials from the site to contractors.

The hope is to strengthen the partnership between PREPA and its restoration partners,

while increasing visibility of the inventory of all materials on the island.

PREPA has invited FEMA and the Corps to visit its warehouses anytime and to distribute material

as needed.'

The federal government 'began distributing [supplies] to contractors,' Vera said, including

hard-to-find full-tension steel sleeves, critical to rebuilding.

"We obtained several hundred of these sleeves on Saturday," Vera added.

The armed encounter comes as around half of Puerto Ricans still remain without electricity

well over 100 days after Hurricane Maria.

As PREPA hoards crucial resources that could help remedy the island's dire situation,

the Puerto Rican government is attempting to annihilate the power provider's only


'Warehouse 5' — the one which USACE and FEMA entered Saturday — 'falls under

the control of the [PREPA] transmission division and has lacked transparency in inventory and

accountability,' the email from Vera continued.

Carlos Torres, appointed by Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló to oversee power restoration,

was on site as well.

'Due to the size of the warehouse,' Vera said, accounting for everything contained

therein is still underway days later.

Among the materials recovered so far are '2,875 pieces of critical material to contractors'

along with the sleeves of full-tension steel, a component of Puerto Rican electrical infrastructure

required to erect new power lines.

PREPA did not respond to The Intercept's request for comment, though in a statement

to the Associated Press, it rejected allegations that it had failed to distribute the warehouse's


The AP only reported that 'officials over the weekend also discovered some needed materials

in a previously overlooked warehouse owned by Puerto Rico's Electric Power Authority.'

How they discovered them and how they were obtained is a story that has not been fully


Everyone has the pet group that they want to blame when the government goes wrong.

If you're a liberal you want to say it's conservatives, and if you're a conservative,

you want to say it's the liberals.

The fact of the matter is that this problem, along with many of the others, is all rooted

in selfishness.

We don't know exactly who stood to gain from this exceptionally corrupt move, but

you can bet when they find out who is responsible, it will have been for the purpose of selfish


Once again we find out that if we elected officials who could just follow the golden

rule, we would end up with a lot fewer problems.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Sent Armed Agents To Raid Politicians' Warehouse – THEY FOUND IT ALL!!! - Duration: 5:27.






The House Intel committee passage of New York's Republican Congressman Peter King's motion

to release the FISA abuse memo to fellow House members has rocked Washington, D.C. to its

very core.

And now Lawmakers Matt Gaetz from Florida and Lee Zeldin from New York have added to

the choir by calling for the classified memo's immediate release to the public.

According to Fox News contributor Sara Carter, the contents of the memo are so "explosive

and damaging" that it could end special FBI counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe

once and for all.

And people will not only get fired, but they will also go to prison over this.

Although we don't fully know what is contained in this original memo, we can now safely predict

it has to have something to do with the manner in which the CIA and DOJ spied on American

Citizens on American soil.

And it has to have something to do with the now entirely discredited work of fiction that

is the Trump Dossier.

How it came about, and who were the people behind it.

But at this point, it's all speculation since no member of Congress can give us much

more information about its contents without getting into trouble for releasing top secret


The Hill Reports:

GOP reps demand release of 'shocking' surveillance memo

A growing number of Republicans are demanding the release of a classified report that they

say reveals political bias at the FBI and Department of Justice in the investigation

into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russian election meddling

Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) spearheaded the effort this week to allow lawmakers to view a top-secret

report compiled by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).

Scores of Republicans have since viewed the document in a Sensitive Compartmented Information

Facility on Capitol Hill.

They left expressing shock, saying the special counsel investigation into whether Trump's

campaign officials had improper contacts with Russia is based on politically motivated actions

at the highest level of law enforcement.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) called the memo "shocking."

"I'm here to tell all of a America tonight that I'm shocked to read exactly what has

taken place," Meadows (R-N.C.) said in a speech on the House floor.

"I thought it could never happen in a country that loves freedom and democracy like this


It is time that we become transparent with all of this, and I'm calling on our leadership

to make this available so all Americans can judge for themselves."

Meadows and his allies asked GOP leaders in the House to declassify the report as part

of a short-term spending bill the House passed late Thursday night.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said he wanted to follow House rules on the matter and deferred

to Nunes and the Intelligence Committee.

Nunes could call for a vote to release the report on his panel.

If a majority on the committee agrees to declassify the report, the executive branch would then

need to sign-off to make it public, said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), another Freedom Caucus


"It is so alarming the American people have to see this," Jordan said.

Speculation about the memo and what it might say exploded on social media Thursday night

under the hashtag #releasethedocuments.

Conservative firebrand Sean Hannity kicked off his Thursday night Fox News show with

a message directly to special counsel Robert Mueller.

"Your witch hunt is now over," Hannity said.

"Time to close the doors."

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) said the memo contains widespread evidence of "FISA abuse."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) said the report "raises serious questions about the upper

echelon of the Obama DOJ and Comey FBI as it relates to the so-called collusion investigation."

They have also drawn attention to private communications between FBI agents Peter Strzok

and Lisa Page, who privately disparaged Trump and other political figures.

Strzok had a lead role in the investigation into Clinton's handling of classified material

while secretary of State, and both were on Mueller's team before getting reassigned.

GOP lawmakers have also raised the alarm over Bruce Ohr, a senior Justice Department official,

who appears to have close ties to the opposition research firm that compiled the anti-Trump


"Some of the very people we have been talking about will be exposed as the key reason that

all Americans need to see this memo," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) said on Hannity's show.

"It names names.

It says who was involved with who, how different actors and characters we heard about interacted

with one another, and that is a type of information that we need all Americans to see immediately.This

is what happens when the American people are bamboozled into electing a person with a highly

questionable past.

A man who throughout his life even went by different names.

A person who has had his college transcripts, and even his birth certificate, sealed should

have never become president of the United States of America.We don't know and probably

will never know with 100% certainty who Barack Hussein Obama or "Barry Soetoro" really

was or where he came from.

But maybe now everyone will learn of the dangers that come from electing a president based

only on his skin color and nothing else.

Please share if you want to see the FISA memo released in its entirety.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS From DC!!! FINALLY!! They're GOING TO PRISON…THIS IS HUGE!!! - Duration: 5:56.


Drama in the beauty community, how to deal with insecurity, etc || Q&A - Edward Avila - Duration: 25:19.

For more infomation >> Drama in the beauty community, how to deal with insecurity, etc || Q&A - Edward Avila - Duration: 25:19.


Lady Bird | Time To Fly | Official Featurette HD | A24 - Duration: 1:21.

I want you to be the very best version of yourself

that you can be.

What if this is the best version?

What I love about the character of Lady Bird

is she's always the person driving the action

and I admire her willingness to fling herself

at what she wanted.

When I said I was going to direct I had a moment of

you've always wanted to do it, now it's time to just jump.

So many people have come up to me and said,

"I've been that daughter", or, "I've been that mother"

and I couldn't be more proud of the work that we did

and I couldn't be more grateful

that it's been embraced this way.

The next generation of filmmakers

are coming into this moment

where I think we're really looking

for different kinds of storytellers

and especially female storytellers

and I can't wait to see what they make.

Are you ready to go home?


For more infomation >> Lady Bird | Time To Fly | Official Featurette HD | A24 - Duration: 1:21.


Eight Everyday Struggles Only People Who've Been Described As 'Empaths' Can Relate To - Duration: 3:54.

8 Everyday Struggles Only People Who've Been Described As 'Empaths' Can Relate


Empaths are highly sensitive individuals who have an innate ability to intuitively feel

and perceive other people's energies and emotions.

They can peel away the public façade that people display and reveal their innermost

feelings, which gives empaths a strong capacity to heal emotional wounds.

However, often times, they encounter troubles that are associated with their highly intuitive

and sensitive nature.

Here's a list of some challenges, based on my experiences as an empath, that other

empaths may also likely encounter.


Being able to see the solution to people's problems that they themselves can't see.

Emapths are doctors in a sense: they have deep insights about other people and what

their ailments are, they know what's bothering people at their

core and they may also have the prescription to cure them.

Others may be unable to see themselves through the same lens and so are un-open to accepting

the empaths' help and wisdom, which may leave empaths feeling cast down

and isolated.


Entering an unhealthy relationship in hopes of saving the other person.

Empaths may find themselves gravitating towards people who they see "needs fixing."

They may commit to a relationship in order to save their partner even though they know

that it's not their ideal relationship, but they think the good that may come out

of it is worth all the trouble.


Feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions.

Due to empaths' high sensitivity, negative emotions can be overwhelming.

Hearing sad stories from the news, experiencing conflict and other upsetting situations can

ellicit very strong and painful emotions.


Being an emotional dumping ground for others.

People are comfortable sharing their intimate problems with empaths, as empaths have an

aura of understanding and trust.

However, empaths can only do this in moderation as they may find themselves worn out from

carrying too much of other people's emotional baggage.


Experiencing hurt in an unmutual relationship.

Empaths may also feel disappointed and alone in their relationships if they're one-sided.

They can become very absorbed by another person's world and care a great deal about them only

to discover that the reverse doesn't always happen.


Spreading yourself too thin when trying to save the world.

Empaths are also idealists who want to make the world to be a better place.

They may find themselves burning out from all their endeavours when it comes to trying

to save others.


Second guessing yourself and being quick to accept blame.

Empaths can also be very hard on themselves because they feel accountable and responsible

for many things that are beyond their control, including other people's happiness.


Not saving yourself first.

Emapths may hesitate to save themselves first because they think that doing so is selfish,

which is not the case.

If you're an empath, know how important it is to take care of yourself first in order

to be able to help others.

Sometimes there is only so much you can do for others; you might even be doing everyone

a disservice by stepping over boundaries.

In order to truly help others, show them how they can help themselves by setting a good


So save yourself the trouble and learn where to draw the line.

Realize that you can't save people and can only love them.

Taking care of yourself and simply listening to people is more than enough to make a positive

difference in this world.

All in all, that's the 8 everyday struggles only people who've been described as 'empaths'

can relate to.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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For more infomation >> Eight Everyday Struggles Only People Who've Been Described As 'Empaths' Can Relate To - Duration: 3:54.


Nirn, Tamriel, and How It all Began: Creation of Mundus | The Elder Scrolls Lore - Duration: 15:58.

Planet Nirn, a part of a Mortal Plane poetically called "Mundus" at times.

It includes other 8 planets and is surrounded by Oblivion.

The exact reasons behind Nirn's creation are uncertain, though all sources agree that the

deity Lorkhan was the main lobbyist of the project.

There are many theories of how Lorkhan created Nirn; ranging from the one that claims that

other Et'Ada, also known as the "Original Spirits" agreed to willfully help him, to

the one where Lorkhan tricked them into it.

No matter how it happened, Lorkhan persuaded Magnus and several other et'Ada to help create

the mortal plane, and Magnus was said to have been the architect of Mundus, as he created

the schematics and diagrams needed to construct it.

As Mundus began to form, it became evident that many of the et'Ada would be required

to sacrifice much of their power in order to form the Mortal Plane.

As their aspects began to die off, many of the et'Ada vanished completely.

Those Et'Ada who benefited the creation of Nirn, became known as the Eight Divines,

eight planets of Mundus, while the majority of them gave up on the project after realizing

the cost and became the Daedric Princes, residing in the differing Planes of Oblivion.

Magnus, seeing the cost required, decided to terminate the project.

He fled to Aetherius, the Immortal Plane, in the last of Mundus' birth-pains, and his

departure tore a hole which became Nirn's sun, itself known as Magnus.

The heavens beyond Nirn became star-filled.

These stars are nothing but holes or portals through which other Et'Ada, following Magnus,

left, piercing Oblivion, the realm of the Daedra, in order to reach Aetherius.

Those Et'Ada became known as the Magna Ge.

Though, some believe that the stars are actually fragments of Magnus himself.

Lorkhan died during the creation process, and two moons, Secunda and Masser, orbiting

Nirn, are believed to be parts of his body that was torn apart during the birth of Nirn.

Thus the Dawn Era ended and Merethic Era began.

The Et'Ada who chose to stay on newly created Nirn became known as the Ehlnofey and they,

along with the Hist, a species of giant spore trees, worked to keep the mortal realm viable,

and many of them sacrificed themselves to form the rules of nature, so called "Earth


Others, in order to stay in Mundus, sacrificed themselves into different forms and thus became

the progenitors of the modern races.

Some of them kept living together in solidarity, and it allowed them to retain more of their

ancient knowledge and power.

They became known as Old Ehlnofey, and they were scarce.

Yet, there were the Wanderers as well, those, who were left scattered around Nirn, had a

harder time adapting and became more numerous, as they had been toughened by the hardships

of Nirn.

Eventually, war broke out between the Old Ehlnofey and the Wanderers.

War that reshaped the face of Nirn, creating the first oceans.

Small wonder that the very name Ehlnofey gave the planet – Nirn, means "Arena" in their


Tamriel, meaning Dawn's Beauty in Aldmeris, is the main continent of Nirn and is split

into 9 provinces.

The Summerset Isles were settled by Aldmer, the "First Folk" or "Elder Folk", at the beginning

of the Merethic Era.

They allegedly came from a lost city-continent called Aldmeris, but a number of sources,

including the revered Elder Scrolls, also called the Aedric Prophecies, claim that this

is pure myth.

Altmer, or, the High Elves, one of mer races who eventually took control over the Summerset

isles, consider themselves direct successors of Aldmer and believe that in the Early Merethic

Era, the Aldmeris faced an unspecified threat or crisis, causing the Aldmer to leave in

search of a new home across the seas.

Though Aldmer, Nirns first technologically sophisticated race spread throughout the Tamriel

from the Summerset Isles, it can be rightly said that history began in High Rock province

of Tamriel.

There, at Adamantine Tower, the oldest structure in existence, the Aedra Convention was held

during the Dawn Era, where they discussed the creation of Mundus, or so it is believed.

Before or soon after the start of the First Era, Aldmer came to High Rock from the Summerset

Isles and interbred with Nedes, one of the human races, eventually creating the Breton


The rugged highland strongholds and isolated valley settlements of High Rock, through ages

have encouraged the fierce independence of the various local Breton clans.

Despite the political struggle in the region, or, contrary, thanks to it, Orcs managed to

raise their own City-State Orsinium on the northern tip of central High Rock.

Skyrim, cold and mountainous region, though currently inhabited primarily by Nords, descendants

of those humans who migrated from Atmora throughout the Merethic and First eras, was once heavily

populated by the Snow Elves, also known as the Falmer.

The empire of the Snow Elves was expansive, wealthy, and prosperous in the Merethic Era.

They displayed power beyond what could be expected of the time.

However, they found themselves constantly in conflict with the proto-Nords coming over

from Atmora.

The Nedic peoples, other branch of human race, either co-habitated with or were enslaved

by the elves in other parts of Tamriel at those times, and only in Skyrim did elven

relations with human race break down into widespread conflict.

Ysgramor and the proto-Nords sparked a long, antagonistic chain of conquests that ultimately

expelled the Elves from Skyrim and led to the downfall of Falmer.

Morrowind became home to the Dunmer, also known as the Dark Elves.

Before the Battle of Red Mountain, Dunmer were known as the Chimer, a race of elves

with skin like pale gold who followed the prophet Veloth to Resdayn, now known as Morrowind,

in the seek of religious freedom.They were reborn as Dark Elves from the ashes of the

Battle of Red Mountain that arose because of discovery of the Heart of Lorkhan by Dwemers,

another mer race.

Dwemer planned to use that artifact to power their mechanical god.

Chimers opposed them.

The Battle of Red Mountain around year 700 of First Era led to the death of an ancient

and respected Chimer war leader known as Lord Indoril Nerevar, the destruction of the Chimer

Sixth House, the disappearance of the entire Dwemer race then present on Nirn and the ascension

into godhood of those who betrayed Nerevar, culminating in a curse from Daedra Azura that

transformed the Dunmer into their present appearance.

Black Marsh is a dense swampland province, home to the reptilian humanoid race of Argonians

and sentient trees known as the Hist.

The Hist were bystanders in the Ehlnofey war, but most of their realm was destroyed as the

war passed over it.

A small corner of it survived to become Black Marsh in Tamriel, yet most of their realm

was sunk beneath the sea.

Exactly when and how the Argonians came to be is unknown, but they were already living

in established preliterate tribal communities around the time the Aldmer first began exploring


Region is known as an inhospitable place, where only Argonians and Hist are truly capable

of living, and thus, throughout the history, all foreign agricultural, colonial, and commercial

ventures in the region, except slave-trade, of course, have failed.

Akavir, also known as Dragon Land, never had any lasting diplomatic relations with the

nations of Tamriel.

Two continents warred several times, yet still scarce is known about the nations of Akavir.

There are four distinctive races living on continent, Tsaesci being the most prominent


That is a race of vampiric serpents whose appearance has been described differently

on many occasions.

Some have been described as having human upper bodies and serpentine lower bodies whilst

others - entirely snake-like.

In fact, two of the Tsaesci have ruled Tamriel as Emperors during the first half of the Second


Both of them, father and son, eventually, were killed by assasins.

Overall, Tsaesci left many influences on Imperial institutions and culture in Tamriel, and thus

it seems odd that so little is known about them.

Then, there are the Tang Mo, generous and kind monkey-people, the Ka Po' Tun, a race

of tiger-like "cat-folk" somewhat resembling the khajit race living in the Elsweyr province

in Tamriel, and the fourth race of Akavir – Kamal, or Snow Demons.

The relations between four races are tense, as it is known that the whole continent is

often at the state of war.

As mentioned before, Elsweyr is populated by the Khajiit, cat-like people known for

high intelligence and agility.

What differs Khajiit from any other race, is that they are each subtly bound to the

Lunar Lattice, a mysterious force entitled the ja-Kha'jay in their native tongue.

The Lunar Lattice determines the form a Khajiit assumes in life, according to the phases of

Masser and Secunda at the time of their birth; while Khajiiti newborns appear incredibly

similar to one another at birth, their future form becomes clear in a matter of weeks.

Valenwood is a densely forested, sub-tropical region populated mostly by the Bosmer, cannibalistic

elven clan-folk often referred to as Wood Elves.

Bosmer rejected the stiff, formal traditions of Aldmeri high culture, preferring a more

romantic, simple existence in harmony with the land and its wild beauty and creatures.

Bosmeri cities are usually located on the branches and in the trunks of the graht-oaks,

with some individual tree-houses on the forest floor.

The Green Pact does not allow the Bosmer to shape the trees in the traditional way, so

instead they "convince them to grow into houses" using magic.

However, Valenwood does not consist only of the Bosmeri tree-cities, as some of the cities

are built in other architectural styles.

The Imga, or Great Apes, are native beastfolk of Valenwood.

These intelligent apes are said to have flourished in Valenwood long before the Aldmer ever arrived


They cohabit in the forests with the Bosmer tribes, and also inhabit many of the abandoned

human trading posts.

Some Imga see the Altmeri as their superiors and as a portrait of an ideal, civilized society.

At the same time, Imga feel that Men are beneath them as lesser beastfolk and pretend to find

their smell exceedingly offensive.

For example, when Men are around, Imga are known to hold perfumed corners of their capes

to their noses.

Hammerfell is dominated by the wasteland of the Alik'r desert and is inhabited by the

human race of Redguards, who fled to Tamriel after their home, Yokuda, was destroyed.

Hammerfell is predominately an urban and maritime province, with most of its population confined

to the great port and trade cities.

Before Redguards came, region was populated by the Dwemer Rourken Clan, who settled there

after opposing the creation of the joint Dwemer-Chimer state of Resdayn, now known as Morrowind.

It is said that the leader of the clan threw his mighty hammer, Volendrung, across the

continent, and followed it west to their new home.

The region eventually became known as Volenfell, or "City of the Hammer".

The Dwemer of Volenfell vanished in year 700 of the First Era, along with the rest of the

Dwemer race during the Battle Of the Red Mountain in Morrowind, and their empty cities were

looted by Akaviri and Nordic pirates before being reclaimed by nature.

Pyandonea, or "The Veil of Mist", is an island-continent and a home to the elusive Maormer, who had

been exiled there by the ancient Aldmer during the days of Aldmeris, after they tried to

lead a rebellion against the Aldmer, or so it is believed.

The island is marshy, covered in dense rain forests, and full of insects.

The Maormeri are known to practice a powerful form of snake magic which they use to tame

the sea serpents of Pyandonea for use as mounts and warbeasts.

Thras, known as the Coral Kingdoms and the Thrassian Archipelago is the home of the Sload,

and was the source of the deadly Thrassian Plague that swept Tamriel in year 2200 of

First Era.

The people of Tamriel then managed to sunk the archipelago, yet Sloads somehow recovered

their land.

The geography of Thras appears to change over time, so nothing can be told of those lands

with certainty.

Cyrodiil, also known as the Imperial Province, Dragon Empire, Starry Heart of Nirn, and Seat

of Sundered Kings, and Cyrod in Ayleid language.

Before becoming the center of Empire of humanoid race of Imperials, Cyrod was ruled by Ayleids,

the ancient Aldmer, cousins of all the elven races that exist to this day.

The Nedic people of the region became slave labor for the Ayleids, and thus it was up

until human revolt led by Alessia in year 242 of First Era.

Thus first, Alessian Empire was formed.

Since then Empire has fallen apart, brought back together, transformed and evolved.

Through time Cyrodiil became cosmopolitan and incorporated aspects of many different

cultures present in Tamriel.

Tamriel and other, distant lands are full of fascinating stories, and its history and

lore are immense.

Those stories are often contradicting and full of hints and mysteries.

We're at the start of a great exploration of the world of the Elder Scrolls.

Thank You for watching and keep coming back for more!

For more infomation >> Nirn, Tamriel, and How It all Began: Creation of Mundus | The Elder Scrolls Lore - Duration: 15:58.


Government shutdown can be averted by Democrats: RNC spokesperson - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> Government shutdown can be averted by Democrats: RNC spokesperson - Duration: 8:37.


BREAKING: Conservative Who Offered $130k To Find Seth Rich's Killer Just Paid HORRIFIC Price For It! - Duration: 5:04.

It's long been established that it's a dangerous thing to cross the Clintons, but

America was hit between the eyes with just how dangerous after the murder of Seth Rich.

Rich, who was a DNC staffer, was murdered under the most suspicious of circumstances

shortly after having leaked DNC emails that were quite possibly the tipping point for

Hillary's loss of the 2016 election.

His murder is still unsolved, but conservatives have a very hard time believing that Hillary

wasn't behind it.

Rich isn't the only body that's been piling up around the Clinton Foundation and the DNC,

but he might just be the most high profile.

His murder was front page above the fold with every news organization not in the Clintons'

back pocket for days, but investigations have brought very little to light.

One of those conservatives is a political pundit and strategist Jack Burkman.

Burkman went so far as to offer a hefty reward for information that leads to Rich's murderer.

Burkman is not well loved by the left at all.

He was going about his business when in a classicly tolerant move, someone who obviously

had a beef with his plan to find this murderer, had the gall to drive up into his yard and

attack him in his driveway.

The Washington Post reluctantly reported on the attack, not forgetting to add why their

readers might want to join in hating Burkman:

"A conservative lobbyist known for his controversial positions was attacked and sprayed with a

'caustic substance' outside his Arlington home on Tuesday evening, according to police.

Arlington police say an investigation is ongoing and that there is no indication yet who may

have been behind the attack on Jack Burkman, a Republican strategist and radio host perhaps

best known for his attempts to ban gay men from becoming National Football League players

following Michael Sam's 2014 entry into the league.

On Tuesday evening, Burkman said in an interview, he walked to the grocery store, a short distance

from his quiet Arlington street a few blocks from the Potomac.

He purchased items for dinner and went home, so lost in his own thoughts that he said he

didn't notice the dark SUV in his driveway until he was about 30 feet away.

As Burkman tells it, a man in a black jacket got out of the SUV on the passenger side and,

as he came around to the front of the car, put on a mask that 'looked like something

you would see in one of the movies of a bank robber.'

He had something in his hand, and Burkman said he thought, 'The end is coming.'

Instead, Burkman said the man sprayed him with what he thought may have been pepper


The man yelled an obscenity at Burkman, struck him in the head and, as Burkman screamed and

stumbled, got back inside his SUV and drove off.

Burkman said he wasn't sure if there was another person in the car.

'It looked professional, but who knows,' Burkman said.

Burkman said he couldn't pinpoint who could have been so upset at him for the simple fact

that he has upset so many people in his life.

'You could have 10 different causal nexi,'" he said."

Ladies and gentlemen, the party of tolerance has struck again.

Apparently, it's no longer enough for the left to engage us intellectually, they have

to spray us with pepper spray as well, to make sure we get the point.

In case you're wondering what exactly he did to warrant a personal attack of that magnitude,

the Daily Caller reports a timeline of Burkman's greatest offenses:

"Jack Burkman, who made headlines in 2016 by offering a $130,000 reward for information

on the mysterious murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, was reportedly attacked Tuesday.

Local police told The Washington Post they have not yet determined the perpetrator's


Burkman drew the ire of many in the capital by fanning Seth Rich conspiracy theories and

giving them a platform on a website he created for that purpose shortly after the young staffer's


But the attack may have been motivated by more recent developments.

Trump campaign official Rick Gates, who is under investigation for fraud and conspiracy

due to his overseas lobbying activity, recently appeared in a video shown at a fundraiser

that Burkman organized to raise money for his legal defense.

Gates was chastised during a recent court appearance for appearing the video as it appears

to violate his gag order.

Burkman responded by publicly criticizing the Judge in two news releases and a news


There you go.

Living as a conservative in America is now dangerous.

Not only are those who disagree with Burkman doing harm to him, but they're not even

accomplishing their goal of throwing suspicion off.

If anything, the little outbursts only serve to make everyone more interested in what the

left might be covering up.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Conservative Who Offered $130k To Find Seth Rich's Killer Just Paid HORRIFIC Price For It! - Duration: 5:04.


Trump Finally Named His 'Fake News Awards' Winners, Here's the L - Duration: 6:01.

Trump Finally Named His �Fake News Awards� Winners, Here�s the List

After weeks of anticipation, President Donald Trump finally announced the recipients of

the �Fake News Awards,� with CNN and The New York Times coming away as the biggest


The president was supposed to present the awards earlier this month, but he pushed back

the date to Wednesday, citing their greater-than-anticipated �interest� and �importance.� On Wednesday

night, the president took to Twitter to proclaim the winners.

Trump linked to an article on the official website of the Republican National Committee,

which had a list of 11 �fake news� stories.

Ten of these came from specific outlets, while the final one was the general narrative of

Russian collusion in the 2016 election.

Following the announcement, so many people clicked on the link that the website temporarily

crashed, though it soon came back up, according to Fox News.

The New York Times was at the top the list for a November 2016 column written by economist

Paul Krugman.

Immediately following his election, Krugman claimed Trump�s effect on the economy would

be disastrous.

But Krugman�s prediction proved to be wrong, with many states seeing record-low unemployment

rates and the Dow Jones Industrial Average having closed above 26,000 points for the

first time ever on Wednesday.

The Times made the list one more time for inaccurately claiming in August 2017 that

the president�s administration had attempted to hide a report on climate change.

The paper was later forced to update its story.

Meanwhile, CNN was on the �fake news� list four times.

In December, the network reported that Donald Trump Jr. had early access to documents from


In reality, Trump Jr. could have been able to see the documents at the same time as the

rest of the general public.

Moreover, CNN tried to push a narrative that during Trump�s November visit to Japan,

he overfed fish in a Koi pond.

However, video of the incident showed the president was simply following the lead of

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The left-leaning network also made the list for a June report alleging ties between Anthony

Scaramucci and Russia � which CNN later retracted � as well as a false claim that

former FBI Director James Comey was set to testify before Congress that contrary to what

the president himself stated, Comey never told Trump he was not being investigated.

CNN and The New York Times were by far not the only mainstream outlets Trump took aim


In December, ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross was suspended following his inaccurate

report about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

Ross said Flynn was prepared to testify that Trump directed him to make contact with Russian

officials before the election.

But ABC later had to correct the reporting and note that the directive from Trump came

after he had won the presidency.

The other outlets on the list were Time magazine, The Washington Post and Newsweek.

Nearly a year ago, Time reporter Zeke Miller said a bust of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

had been removed from the Oval Office, which he later admitted was untrue.

Post reporter Dave Weigel was guilty of tweeting out a picture of an arena where Trump was

about to hold a rally in December.

Though the arena was sparsely populated at the time, Weigel�s picture was taken before

Trump came out on the stage.

Finally, Newsweek reported in July that Polish first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda had refused

to shake Trump�s hand in July.

Video footage proved this claim to be inaccurate, and the outlet soon issued a correction.

After noting the times media outlets had lied about the president, the list ended with number

11 � the general notion that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential


�Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people.

THERE IS NO COLLUSION!� the article claimed.

A full, ordered list of the �fake news� awards can be seen here.

While noting that �the media spent 90% of the time focused on negative coverage or fake

news,� the article then pivoted to Trump�s accomplishments � which include helping

build the economy, signing historic tax reform into law, defeating the Islamic State group,

recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, helping military veterans and appointing the

conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Despite calling out mainstream media outlets for their �fake news,� Trump did later

emphasize on Twitter that there are �many great reporters� he respects.

He also touted some of the accomplishments mentioned in the �fake news awards� article.

�ISIS is in retreat, our economy is booming, investments and jobs are pouring back into

the country, and so much more!

Together there is nothing we can�t overcome�even a very biased media.

We ARE Making America Great Again!� the president tweeted.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Trump Finally Named His 'Fake News Awards' Winners, Here's the L - Duration: 6:01.


FPV LIFE Endorsed Pilots - Duration: 1:24.

Sup guys this is ultrafpv for Fpv Life and I am pleased to announce

Our new endorsement program for community members

This program is meant to highlight and give exposure

To all those content creators that share all their hard work

In our community

Could be pilots, freestyle pilots

Racing, micros, long range, any kind

But not just that, reviewers, testers, modders

All that educational content that makes out community

Rich and interesting and that keeps you coming back

We want to give more exposure

And give a bigger audience to them. That means we will be linking and sharing

Their videos on our social media, as well as doing collaborations

With them and having them as guests on the show

As our first endorsed pilot we have muteFPV, his name is

Dimitris and he lives in Greece. His channel is filled with reviews

Mods and all sorts of educational content

He also has a lot of micro quads stuff

And some amazing battery tests

This guy puts out a ton of content

Of extremely high quality. His videos are lean, brief and jam-packed with info

They are designed to give you what you need. Fast.

Some great looking graphics make them all that more enjoyable

Hit him up on the links bellow and expect more of him and of

Other creators that will be featured as endorsed pilots soon

'Till next time, keep flying.

For more infomation >> FPV LIFE Endorsed Pilots - Duration: 1:24.


Remote Viewing A Deadly Game - Duration: 6:36.

Remote Viewing A Deadly Game

BY Nick Redfern

For decades, numerous nations, all around the world, have done their utmost to try and

harness the mysterious powers of the mind and utilize them as tools of nothing less

than espionage. Extra-sensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, precognition, and astral-projection

have all been utilized by the CIA, the KGB, and British Intelligence on more than a few

occasions. As astonishing as it may sound, the world of psychic 007�s is all too real.

It�s a subject that has been researched, with varying degrees of success, for decades.

The earliest indications of serious interest on the part of the U.S. Government in the

field of psychic phenomena are described in a formerly classified CIA document written

in 1977 by Dr. Kenneth A. Kress � then an engineer with the CIA�s Office of Technical

Services � and titled Parapsychology in Intelligence. According to Kress:

�Anecdotal reports of extrasensory perception capabilities have reached U.S. national security

agencies at least since World War II, when Hitler was said to rely on astrologers and

seers. Suggestions for military applications of ESP continued to be received after World

War II. In 1952, the Department of Defense was lectured on the possible usefulness of

extrasensory perception in psychological warfare.

�In 1961, the CIA�s Office of Technical Services became interested in the claims of

ESP. Technical project officers soon contacted Stephen I. Abrams, the Director of the Parapsychological

Laboratory, Oxford University, England. Under the auspices of Project ULTRA, Abrams prepared

a review article which claimed ESP was demonstrated but not understood or controllable.� Kress

added: �The report was read with interest but produced no further action for another


Indeed, it was in the early 1970s that the research began in earnest (although, the FBI

got involved in a strange affair in the 1950s). In April 1972, Dr. Russell Targ, a laser physicist

with a personal interest in parapsychology and the power of the human mind, met with

CIA personnel from the Office of Strategic Intelligence, specifically to discuss paranormal

phenomena. Of paramount concern to the CIA was the fact that Targ informed them that

the Soviet Union was deeply involved in researching psychic phenomena, mental telepathy and ESP.

It did not take the CIA long to realize that the purpose of the Soviet research was to

determine if ESP could be used as a tool of espionage. It was this realization that galvanized

the CIA into action. As the Kress report stated, in 1973: �The Office of Technical Services

funded a $50,000 expanded effort in parapsychology.�

The initial studies utilized a variety of people who were carefully and secretly brought

into the project, and who demonstrated a whole range of seemingly paranormal skills. Those

same skills could not be reliably replicated on every occasion, however. As evidence of

this, Kenneth Kress informed his superiors that, �One subject, by mental effort, apparently

caused an increase in temperature; the action could not be duplicated by the second subject.

The second subject was able to reproduce, with impressive accuracy, information inside

sealed envelopes. Under identical conditions, the first subject could reproduce nothing.�

Similarly, some government-sponsored psychics in the period from 1973 to 1974 located secret

missile installations in the Soviet Union, found terrorist groups in the Middle East,

and successfully remote viewed the interior of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Others, meanwhile, provided data that was sketchy and, at times, simply wrong. And it

was the continuing rate of success versus the frequency of failure that led to heated

debate within the CIA about the overall relevancy and validity of the project.

In Parapsychology in Intelligence, Kenneth Kress confirmed this. After the CIA�s remote

viewing team attempted to broaden the range of its operation and secure extra funding

in mid-1973, said Kress: �I was told not to increase the scope of the project and not

to anticipate any follow-on in this area. The project was too sensitive and potentially


Despite this, the CIA�s research continued, with many of its advances due to a skilled

psychic named Pat Price, who had achieved a number of extraordinary successes in the

field of ESP, including successfully remotely viewing a sensitive installation that fell

under the auspices of the National Security Agency and psychically penetrating missile

sites in Libya. Price�s sudden and untimely death from a heart attack in 1975 indirectly

led the CIA � according to the official story, at least � to minimize its research

into psychic espionage.

Tim Rifat, who has deeply studied the world of top secret, governmental research into

psychic spying, says of Pat Price�s death: �It was alleged at the time that the Soviets

poisoned Price. It would have been a top priority for the KGB to eliminate Price as his phenomenal

remote-viewing abilities would have posed a significant danger to the USSR�s paranormal

warfare buildup. He may also have been the victim of an elite group of Russian psi-warriors

trained to remotely kill enemies of the Soviet Union.�

Murder or just a heart-attack?

Take your pick.

For more infomation >> Remote Viewing A Deadly Game - Duration: 6:36.


Así reaccionó Julián Gil al resultado de la prueba de ADN (entrevista completa) | GyF - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> Así reaccionó Julián Gil al resultado de la prueba de ADN (entrevista completa) | GyF - Duration: 11:49.


Students Showing Their Eagles Spirit Ahead Of Game - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Students Showing Their Eagles Spirit Ahead Of Game - Duration: 2:00.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Ambtion Style - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B180 Automaat Ambtion Style - Duration: 0:59.


【Resident Evil 2】Hard/No Damage - 100% Walkthrough (Claire A) - Duration: 1:38:41.

For more infomation >> 【Resident Evil 2】Hard/No Damage - 100% Walkthrough (Claire A) - Duration: 1:38:41.


iPhone X - A New Light

For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


For more infomation >> iPhone X - A New Light


VIP Toyota Crown in USA- JDM Goals & " Cars n Castles " @CarsnCastles Junction Produce! - Duration: 6:11.

Hi Everyone. I'm Steve.

I can't believe it's 2018 already!

Let's take the Crown S130 for a drive!

Have you set any personal goals for 2018?

I have...

I have set goals for Steve's POV...

and I have set some personal goals for myself as well.

I think setting goals for yourself is a very important thing to do.

One of my goals is to bring more cars like this to the USA.

Cars that people are not aware of...

I like anything that is different and fresh!

If it is different and exciting for me, than I want to try to drive it!

I want to drive as many different cars as I can!

I want to bring cars to the USA that have never been here before.

As Steve's POV, that is something I would like to do more of in 2018!

I want this channel to remain completely different and unique on Youtube!

Scraping in my lowrider!! LOL

I want to create fun content that can't be seen in other places on Youtube.

A lot of people ask me...

What do you do for a living?

For me Youtube and Thumbs Up are not my full-time job.

My main business is...

no... not a car dealer...

Real Estate!

When I'm not making videos I am doing Real Estate.

American and Californian Real Estate...

Investment Properties...

Residential and Commercial too...

I am a licensed Real Estate Agent in Southern California with Keller Williams.

Another goal of mine in 2018 for Steve's POV...

is to do more DIY (Do It Yourself) videos about cars...

but not only about cars...

I want to do some home related videos too...

and house and garage related DIY videos too.

What do you think?

I think it will be fun!

I like driving this car because people look at you a lot!

A long time ago I didn't like being stared at but now I don't mind it too much!

Its because of the rare and unique cars I drive.

Real Estate is a lot of fun too!

It's a lot like cars in someways...

You find a house that needs some work...

You clean it up, modernize it...

and it is as satisfying as doing the same to a car!

Cars and houses go together too!

Where are you going to park your most prized possession?

You definitely want a clean and safe place for your cars...

Before I forget I got a special announcement.

On February 17-18, 2018 at the Yokohama Pacifico will be the Nostalgic 2 Day Classic Car Event.

It's kind of a secret but ....

I'll be bringing 2 very special American classic cars to the show!

They will be displayed in the Steve's POV Booth where we will do live Youtube broadcast...

and have the entire selection of Thumbs Up goods available for sale!

I hope you can come by and say hi!!!

I look forward to bringing you lots of fun content in 2018!

Let's make some good stuff happen together in 2018!

Thanks for watching Steve's POV!

Thanks for Subscribing too!

and Thumbs Up!!

Check this out....

look back there!

check out back there!

Lets do this again!

Look back there!

Oh no! Did it break???

Wait! There it goes!!


I love that!!

For more infomation >> VIP Toyota Crown in USA- JDM Goals & " Cars n Castles " @CarsnCastles Junction Produce! - Duration: 6:11.


For more infomation >> VIP Toyota Crown in USA- JDM Goals & " Cars n Castles " @CarsnCastles Junction Produce! - Duration: 6:11.


17340396 1638128346495556 8359949547249598464 n - Duration: 2:57.

when we say that Allah is never( very) unjust to his followers

Those who are engaged in philosophical debates may say

if you deny an exaggerated quality for someone

you are not denying the quality itself

if you say someone is not an overeater

Does this mean that he doesn' t eat?

This man is not a mastermind

means he has a lot of knowledge

your God is never( very) unjust

can mean he can be unjust

this is its meaning

we deny the exaggerated quality

if you say God is never unfair

this doesn t mean that he can not be unfair

we answer with a big no

may be ou think that God s quality changes upwards and downwards

because his perfectness remains unchanged

but God s quality do not change upwards and downwards

Is it said that God is very unfair to the follower or to followers

if God has the possibility to be unfair with this and that person

the act is being repeated with each follower

so we are using very unfair

but if this unfairness is parallel to capacit

this means you are unfair only with those you can put under your control

in this case he becomes very unfair

because unfairness is proportionate to the capacity of God

and his power is limitless

so God s perfectness is consistent

if they are proportionate to his capacity he would be very unfair

but its effects are different

and if the are proportionate to the number of events he would be very unfair

As an example a young pupil smacked all the class

He would be described as a smacker

in the same way if he smacks badly just one person he would be seen as a smacker

you either exaggerate in the act which is not repeated

or you exaggerate in the repetition of the act no matter how simple it is

For more infomation >> 17340396 1638128346495556 8359949547249598464 n - Duration: 2:57.


For more infomation >> 17340396 1638128346495556 8359949547249598464 n - Duration: 2:57.


ヒュンダイ ベロスター 新型に275hpターボの「N」…デトロイトモーターショー2018で公開 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> ヒュンダイ ベロスター 新型に275hpターボの「N」…デトロイトモーターショー2018で公開 - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> ヒュンダイ ベロスター 新型に275hpターボの「N」…デトロイトモーターショー2018で公開 - Duration: 1:27.


IF YOU RAP YOU LOSE ! PT.1 REACTION - Duration: 4:32.


For more infomation >> IF YOU RAP YOU LOSE ! PT.1 REACTION - Duration: 4:32.


For more infomation >> IF YOU RAP YOU LOSE ! PT.1 REACTION - Duration: 4:32.


Dakar 2018 - Étape 11 : Première victoire pour Ten Brinke - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Dakar 2018 - Étape 11 : Première victoire pour Ten Brinke - Duration: 3:08.


For more infomation >> Dakar 2018 - Étape 11 : Première victoire pour Ten Brinke - Duration: 3:08.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


'I'm Ready For The Parade': Eagles Fan Ready To Go All The Way! - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> 'I'm Ready For The Parade': Eagles Fan Ready To Go All The Way! - Duration: 0:18.


(cc eng) momoland - bboom bboom m/v making - Duration: 5:39.

lee hyebin lee dabin GREAT!!

sung jiyeon! kim taeha!


kim nayun yoo jeongan GREAT!!

lee joowon lee ahin lee seungri BBOOM BBOOM

yeonwoo: hi~

yeonwoo: this place is our music video filming site

yeonwoo: bboom bboom! / nayun: bboom bboom~ / yeonwoo: its our music video set

yeonwoo: many staff workers have been here since dawn

yeonwoo: thank you

nayun: really.. dancing this choreography three times is so tiring

nayun: as soon as we finish, drinking water is really good

ahin: my soles are on fire

ahin: out of all of our songs up until now, this one has the most movement

ahin: it's the most tiring

ahin: just dancing it three times made my feet.. cry

(siren noises)

"no no ahin our legs are dying" - ahins feet

ahin: i'll work hard!!

daisy: this time around i'm in charge of a very cool rap


daisy: bboomeox5 is the point part. look forward to it

daisy: it's very difficult. it sounds like im saying carp (boongeo)

carp carp carp carp carp

nancy: fighting!

taeha: merry, we're filming the music video for our 3rd mini albums title track BBOOM BBOOM

taeha: i don't know how it'll come out

taeha: it should come out alright

title track bboom bboom is / taeha: a little cute, a little sexy, and a little cheerful

taeha: with this combination, you can really see momolands colours

taeha: please give it lots of love

hyebin: today we're wearing really stylish suits. its cool, right?

hyebin: its the first time momoland have worn these kind of outfits

hyebin: i hope that merry like it

i want nobody nobody but you

jooe: when you just look at the mic stands, don't you immediately think of wonder girls?

hyebin: ya i do / jooe: you do?

a scary flow of consciousness

(yeonwoos solo part) yeonwoo: it's the most unprecedented dance of my life

yeonwoo: when preparing the choreography, i thought it would be good if it appeared really sexy

yeonwoo: it was originally like this.. then i did this

staff: AH this was yeonwoos idea / yeonwoo: ye

yeonwoo: 'i've lost weight' is the concept


yeonwoo: fighting! i'll do well

For more infomation >> (cc eng) momoland - bboom bboom m/v making - Duration: 5:39.


BMW X3 2.0d 222pk high executive M-pakket panorama Facelift model - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0d 222pk high executive M-pakket panorama Facelift model - Duration: 1:01.


Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic 5 deurs Blue & Me - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic 5 deurs Blue & Me - Duration: 0:58.


Free Kevin Gates Type Beat 2018 "I'm Him" | Imagine That Type Instrumental [23:59] - Duration: 3:35.

Free Kevin Gates Type Beat 2018 "I'm Him" | Imagine That Type Instrumental [23:59] Welcome home Kevin! 💪🏻 Subscribe: 💳 Purchase: Email me ☁️ Download: 🐦 Twitter: 📷 Instagram: 👻 Snapchat: 🎹 FL Studio 12 "Free" beats are for nonprofit use only. Licensure must be purchased for profitable use. free kevin gates type beat 2018,kevin gates type beat 2018,free kevin gates type beat,kevin gates type beat,kevin gates type beat free,kevin gates type instrumental,kevin gates instrumental,kevin gates imagine that,imagine that instrumental. kevin gates imagine that instrumental,imagine that type beat,free kevin gates instrumental,free kevin gates beat,type beat,type beat free,type beat 2018,kevin gates i'm him Zaytoven Metro Boomin Lil Uzi Vert Tory Lanez young Thug Drake Travis Scott Kodak Black Lil Yachty Post Malone French Montana Lil Wayne Gucci Mane Future Migos Dj Khaled 2 Chainz Madeintyo Meek Mill Desiigner Playboi Carti Kevin Gates Famous Dex Young Dolph Lil Durk G Herbo T.I. PnB Rock Chief Keef Lil Boosie Lil Bibby Rich The Kid Ugly God Rich Homie Quan Dej Loaf Denzel Curry Yo Gotti 808 mafia, atlanta, southside, trap, tm88, future, beats, mixtape, rap, music, fl studio, beat, young sizzle, sonny digital, sizzle, young thug, producer, production, brick squad monopoly, hiphop, hip hop, how to make trap beats, music production, fact tv, against the clock, mike will made it ovo, instrumental, beats, new, hip hop, rap, fruity loops, recording hip hop, beat, rap, rap beats, drake type beat, free beat, j cole type beat, instrumental beats, instrumentals, beats, music, fl studio, sadikbeatztv, g eazy new album, g eazy instrumental, g-eazy type beat, g eazy, g-eazy, hip hop music (musical genre), travis scott (composer), free beats, free hip hop instrumental, free rap instrumental, deep hip hop beat, deep hip hop instrumental, hip hop rap beatsengineer, producer, beyonce type beat, kanye west type beat, tkbeats, taylor king, toronto, young money, partynextdoor, views from the 6, 2016, 2015, take care, nothing was the same, thank me later, octobers very own, six, 6ix, free beats, intstrumentals, partynextdoor type beat, future type beat, new beats, beat, produced, producer, free, thug, young, future, type beat, drake, bandit, boomin, metro, wattba, ds2, bling, hotline, meek, adele, luce, bodeine, curry, kodak black type beat prodlem, kodak black no love, kodak black type beat 2016, prodlem, type beat 2016, hip hop music (musical genre), kodak black, kodak black type beat, work, pressure, beatfuture, type beat, future type beat 2016, beat, type, future type beat, 2016, tm88, free beats, fl studio, metro boomin type beat, metro boomin, future instrumental, instrumental, trap, free, drake, bodeine, producer, produced, by, cashmoneyap, beats, about you, rappers, sonny digital, gucci mane (composer), southside, sonnydigital, atl, rap, adele, television (invention), music (tv genre), future type instrumental 2016, buy future type beats, future type beat free, buy beats, future type instrumental, newtype beat, fetty wap type beat, fetty wap, mjnichols, 2015, free fetty wap type beat, wap, fetty, beat, type, type beats, beats, fetty wap type beat 2016, fetty wap type beat free, fetty wap type beat 2015, instrumentals, free, 2016, type beat 2015, type beat 2016, free beat fridays, producer, fl studio, produced, by, cashmoneyap, fetty wap instrumental, drake, metro boomin, 1738, rich gang, meek mill, young thug, zaytoven, hip-hop, hiphop, future ds2, future type beat 2015, future type beat, futuremadeintyo, instrumental, madeintyo type beat, type beat, beat, lil yachty, playboi carti, 2016, sauce, lil uzi vert, k swisha, lil yachty type beat, rich the kid type beat, beats, lavish, rap beats, freebeat, ubereverywhere, lavi$h, instrumentals, lido, lidolavish, broke boi type beat, famous dex type beat, famous dex, trap beats, trap 2016, trap beat, unotheactivist type beat, unotheactivist, swaghollywood, swaghollywood type beat,og abi,Lil Uzi Vert Type beat,icytwat type beat,Kswisha Drum Kit,Mexikodro

For more infomation >> Free Kevin Gates Type Beat 2018 "I'm Him" | Imagine That Type Instrumental [23:59] - Duration: 3:35.


UFC 25th Anniversary Series Press Conference - Duration: 34:08.

For more infomation >> UFC 25th Anniversary Series Press Conference - Duration: 34:08.


Kourtney Kardashian: Scott Disick Is PISSED I'm Dating Younes Bendjima! | STAR STORY - Duration: 3:31.

Kourtney Kardashian: Scott Disick Is PISSED I'm Dating Younes Bendjima!

At this point, were not even sure if Kourtney Kardashian is still dating Younes Bendjima, but for a long time, those two were inseparable.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians has a production lag-time of several months, so viewers are just now getting some insight into what Kourtney and Younes relationship looked like. And not surprisingly, Scott Disick isnt thrilled with the view.

Scott is dating Sofia Richie these days, but he still doesnt want baby mama Kourtney to move on. Dude has the emotional maturity of a teenager, which is fitting since the father of three is currently dating a teenager.

Anyway, weve known for quite some time that Scott was not happy when he found out about Kourtney and Younes, but were just now hearing the story from a firsthand source.

A preview from the upcoming episode of KUWTK shows Kourtney informing Khloe that Scott came to terms with the news of her new relationship as only he can--with plenty of rage and late night drunken rambling.

Last night, Scott called me at, like, two in the morning, which he never calls me late at night, Kourtney tells Khloe in the clip.

He was just ranting, like, What are we doing in life? What are you doing? What am I doing? And I go, But what are you doing? And then hell say, But what are you doing? Is it any better?.

Well, if youre gonna call someone so late at night, the least you can do is offer scintillating conversation of that caliber. Clearly, Scott was looking for some sort of reassurance from Kourtney.

Fortunately, Kourt was having none of that. By the end of the conversation, I was just like, I have a boyfriend and hes 24 years old! Its not the craziest thing thats ever happened in the world! she tells her sister.

It seems the comment had the desired effect of making Scott freak the eff out:. Then he was like, Hes your boyfriend! Then he hung up the phone, Kourts tale concludes.

Fortunately, Khloe was on hand to offer the advice that Kourtney clearly needed to hear:. Cut the court, she bluntly told Kourtney.

Thankfully, it seems that Kourtney and Scott have finally severed ties for good these days, which is clearly whats best for both of them. Damn, we just jinxed it by saying that, didnt we?.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online for more of rich people treating each other badly.

For more infomation >> Kourtney Kardashian: Scott Disick Is PISSED I'm Dating Younes Bendjima! | STAR STORY - Duration: 3:31.


Drama in the beauty community, how to deal with insecurity, etc || Q&A - Edward Avila - Duration: 25:19.

For more infomation >> Drama in the beauty community, how to deal with insecurity, etc || Q&A - Edward Avila - Duration: 25:19.


Launch of the Official GreenBox Grown Online Smoke Shop - Duration: 4:30.

What's up Cannabis Growers and welcome back to GreenBox Grown.

Today I'm excited to announce I recently launched a new section of the Green Box Grown store,

and that includes all of your smoking accessories, water pipes, dab rigs and And all of that

kind of stuff.

 I'm going to give you a little tour of that new section of our store and I as always I'd

like to remind you guys to check out the clothing and Merch section of our store so you can

get some GreenBox official clothing and hats.

And again don't forget to visit the link Down Below in the description to visit our Patreon

page where you can sign up for one-on-one help from myself ,where I work with you everyday

to help you get the best results from the plants are growing at home.

 Alright now lets get started with the video.

Here we are on the GreenBox Grown website, and you can see it's just right up here, Merch

and smoke.

That's also where we have our clothing section which I'll give you guys a quick look at.

You'll see we have our hats and shirts and I'm always wearing this hat right here as

well as this shirt with the text on it.

But I have that in white.

I would definitely say my favorite item is that hat just because of the cool color combinations

it comes in as we have like 15 different ones.

The camo is pretty sick but yeah the long sleeves are cool in the hoodies as well.

Definitely pick up some merch if you're looking to rep the GreenBox brand.

So we've got water pipes and dab rigs and then Grinders and gear.

The section, I'm going to be adding more, but you'll see we've got some water pipes

here at different price ranges.

I really like the piece with the ducky in it, and it has a little frost on the glass


Then we've got some ash catchers right here and then the dab rigs and some e-nails.

Some rubber smoking utensils and then we got the volcano vaporizers and the mighty.

Some pretty good stuff I'll be adding more stuff like bangers and some titanium Nails.

Accessories Like bowl pieces and you guys can make suggestions here in the comment section.

Grinders and Gear so of course we've got the Grinders on this page and there's some really

nice ones.

I like the rose gold.

These ones with the clear are pretty sweet and I think this one has two different kief

grades, or Fineness of screens.

And then I've got some rolling papers and these palm leaf pre-rolls are really cool.

I don't know if you guys have ever smoked one of them before but it's almost like a

cigar but for weed.

Definitely worth checking those out, $100 bill wraps are pretty cool, and then I've

got the shine gold wraps and the woven blunt pre-rolled which is pretty sick.

Some de-bowlers and rolling trays, and smell proof cases.

I'll be adding more stuff here like blow torches and carb caps as well as dabbers and accessories

like that.

And again you guys can make suggestions and the comment section.

Alright folks, that concludes today's video And I hope you enjoy the new section of our

store with the smoking accessories.

Also don't forget to check out our merch section for official GreenBox gear.

As always if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and comment below with

your feedback.

Also feel free to subscribe to the GreenBox Grown Channel the turn on the notifications

for updates on my latest grows.

 As always, thank you for watching and until next time…

Happy Growing!

For more infomation >> Launch of the Official GreenBox Grown Online Smoke Shop - Duration: 4:30.


Serious Skincare Glycolic Cream Extreme Renewal Facial C... - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Serious Skincare Glycolic Cream Extreme Renewal Facial C... - Duration: 2:02.


Katsugeki Touken Ranbu OP - "Hikari Tatsu Ame" ヒカリ断ツ雨 | English Cover - Duration: 1:36.

If all of it is undoubtedly no one's fault

then who is the one that should take all the blame?

Finally, once this continuous struggle ends,

How much more of this reality will remain?

Chasing after the moving hands of the ticking clock,

we are left further and further behind.

Sorrow is far from being out of breath, defeated,

but this pouring rain extinguishes all.

Engulfing everything, the rain falls steadily, like the relentless flow of time.

It obscures and overclouds our vision, leaving not a trace to be seen.

But if we only have no choice but to proceed, we do not need an answer.

Despite if we'll have to avert our eyes, we will never lose our way,

as long as the truth remains!

For more infomation >> Katsugeki Touken Ranbu OP - "Hikari Tatsu Ame" ヒカリ断ツ雨 | English Cover - Duration: 1:36.


Why Ex-Rabbi Marc Gafni Says He Believes People Started A 'Smear Campaign' Against Him - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Why Ex-Rabbi Marc Gafni Says He Believes People Started A 'Smear Campaign' Against Him - Duration: 5:00.


Eight Everyday Struggles Only People Who've Been Described As 'Empaths' Can Relate To - Duration: 3:54.

8 Everyday Struggles Only People Who've Been Described As 'Empaths' Can Relate


Empaths are highly sensitive individuals who have an innate ability to intuitively feel

and perceive other people's energies and emotions.

They can peel away the public façade that people display and reveal their innermost

feelings, which gives empaths a strong capacity to heal emotional wounds.

However, often times, they encounter troubles that are associated with their highly intuitive

and sensitive nature.

Here's a list of some challenges, based on my experiences as an empath, that other

empaths may also likely encounter.


Being able to see the solution to people's problems that they themselves can't see.

Emapths are doctors in a sense: they have deep insights about other people and what

their ailments are, they know what's bothering people at their

core and they may also have the prescription to cure them.

Others may be unable to see themselves through the same lens and so are un-open to accepting

the empaths' help and wisdom, which may leave empaths feeling cast down

and isolated.


Entering an unhealthy relationship in hopes of saving the other person.

Empaths may find themselves gravitating towards people who they see "needs fixing."

They may commit to a relationship in order to save their partner even though they know

that it's not their ideal relationship, but they think the good that may come out

of it is worth all the trouble.


Feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions.

Due to empaths' high sensitivity, negative emotions can be overwhelming.

Hearing sad stories from the news, experiencing conflict and other upsetting situations can

ellicit very strong and painful emotions.


Being an emotional dumping ground for others.

People are comfortable sharing their intimate problems with empaths, as empaths have an

aura of understanding and trust.

However, empaths can only do this in moderation as they may find themselves worn out from

carrying too much of other people's emotional baggage.


Experiencing hurt in an unmutual relationship.

Empaths may also feel disappointed and alone in their relationships if they're one-sided.

They can become very absorbed by another person's world and care a great deal about them only

to discover that the reverse doesn't always happen.


Spreading yourself too thin when trying to save the world.

Empaths are also idealists who want to make the world to be a better place.

They may find themselves burning out from all their endeavours when it comes to trying

to save others.


Second guessing yourself and being quick to accept blame.

Empaths can also be very hard on themselves because they feel accountable and responsible

for many things that are beyond their control, including other people's happiness.


Not saving yourself first.

Emapths may hesitate to save themselves first because they think that doing so is selfish,

which is not the case.

If you're an empath, know how important it is to take care of yourself first in order

to be able to help others.

Sometimes there is only so much you can do for others; you might even be doing everyone

a disservice by stepping over boundaries.

In order to truly help others, show them how they can help themselves by setting a good


So save yourself the trouble and learn where to draw the line.

Realize that you can't save people and can only love them.

Taking care of yourself and simply listening to people is more than enough to make a positive

difference in this world.

All in all, that's the 8 everyday struggles only people who've been described as 'empaths'

can relate to.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Eight Everyday Struggles Only People Who've Been Described As 'Empaths' Can Relate To - Duration: 3:54.


TLAQUEPAQUE- Guadalajara's Colonial Gem ! (Gringo in Mexico Vlog) - Duration: 8:52.

Tu amigo

I found a new date

You found a new date?

He's going to sing for me.

What is going on members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from Tlaquepaque

A village located about 6 kilometers

From the center of Guadalajara

Try saying that three times fast

It took me about an hour to get the pronunciation down

I don't know if i'm going to say it again

But we are here

For the afternoon

Exploring, checking out this colonial part of Jalisco

It's been recommended to me so many different times

So let's go explore it together

Okay Team Adriana fans she's back for today's vlog

In full I think..

I'm feeling good..

This is your sort of neighborhood right?

You like these colonial charming areas?

Yeah they are pretty cozy

They are beautiful


Very charming

I love them

We are in Jardin Hidalgo right now

Which is the perfect spot to start in tlaquepaque

I hate pronouncing that

It's so hard for me

And there's just a lot of nice little gardens here

It's peaceful

It's calm

And now we're going to expand a little bit

I'm following that app

That I have on my phone

The GPS one that gives you

A little bit of a walking tour

Of a new area in a city




Guys remember when we went to Coyoacan?

He's struggling again

The Sanctuario de Nuestra Senora de la Soledad

A church

Which we are about to go check out

You know what i'm a big fan of

In Mexico

I've seen this in a number of churches

I like the tall palm trees

Right next to the actual structures

It makes for a really photographic experience

We're going to be trying Tortas Ahogadas.. just not in this video

It's coming up soon

I promise

We've come to a street here..

That I think looks so amazing

And it's exactly what I was expecting

From this part of Jalisco

This colonial charm

Yeah me to

I was expecting the colorful

Narrow streets

With a lot of coffee shops

And things like that

And I think this street is perfect

Why don't we show them

I've seen this in Guanajuato

I've seen this in Spain

I love the street names

On the sides of the buildings

I don't think I was expecting

So many colors here

Wow.. the little colonial streets here

They're calm

We've got the cafes everywhere

It's a very charming place

I'm happy that we came

And to think this is only 20 minutes from the center of Guadalajara

Which is a completely different place

One of the things that Tlaquepaque is most well known for..

Is ceramics

And ceramic stores

Like this one right behind me

You sell all of the different examples of it on the wall

And then we can actually show you the inside

It looks really cool

That's a big ceramic pig

It's a huge piggy bank

But you will probably break it in 2 days

You think I would break it?

Oh yeah.

For sure..

Where are we right now?

Casa Del Artesano

Another place that was highly recommended


40 us dollars

And this little cat is yours

Better than the real thing

They were with metal

So they used to put them in the fire..

Until they got hot

And then they were carrying them

But it was pretty messy to

The Casa Del Artesano

Was a really cool place to go shopping

I think i'm going to come back at some point

To pick up that little cantina ceramic thing

But if you want to get gifts for your family

And you're visiting right here

You've got to check that store out

It was pretty cheap I thought

We're on your favorite street

It's Calle Independencia

it's all shopping


What do you want to buy

I want to buy..

I don't know I like everything

As we stroll on Calle Independencia

It's a nice street..

Is it a bit touristy

There's a lot of shops

Some places to buy tequila

So check it out


It's not my favorite spot so far here..

Speaking of tequila

I think we need to try some

Right now

I want to give a shoutout to one of my viewers

Juan Pablo

For this.. recommendation

We're about to head to a spot called

El Abogano

Which has a really famous

Tequila drink

That he was raving about

And he said we've got to try it here

So that's exactly what we're going to do

I have the most expensive drink I've ever ordered in Mexico in front of me

We spent 140 pesos on this

A cazuela

It's this big bowl of tequila, refresco, and citrus

It looks like soup

We're going to find out what it tastes like

Look at this

Look at this

And here's the tequila

I already poured some in

He said to pour all of it at once

So here we go

Our uber driver said that when you drink this

Drink this slowly

Because you can't tell

How much tequila is in this

And I don't taste the alcohol at all

There's so much citrus

It just tastes like..

A nice..

Cocktail on the beach

I'm going to take his advice though

Because I could drink this very very quickly

And I think it would be a bad thing for me

We have just left

That drink hits you pretty hard

I recommend you get some food

With it

I didn't think the food in there

Was that amazing

But trust me..

Do not have.. 2 tequilas like that

On an empty stomach

For our final stop

I needed a coffee first

Because that tequila was just wow


We're going to El Parian

Which I think is the most iconic

Building in the entire neighborhood

They have a lot of restaurants here

But they're most well known for


Mariachis playing

I think in the middle

I heard them

We're going to go see if we can find any

And there are the other ones right there

Could someone in the comments please tell me

What is up with this pig?

Popping up everywhere in this town?

I am so curious

Would you come back here?

Yes.. actually

I'm going to come back


I loved Casa Del Artesano

I'm going to buy some gifts for my family

And it's a beautiful place

Actually I wouldn't recommend to eat here

Unless you can recommend a nice place

For that

But coffee and walking around

Is perfect

Tlaquepaque definitley has to be on your list

For a day trip

Away from Guadalajara

It's only 20 minutes from the city center

And you've got Mariachi

Great tequila drinks

Lots of shopping

Colonial streets

What else could you ask for?

Tell me in the comments

What do you think of this place?

Have you been here before?

Make sure to subscribe if you are new to this channel

We've got a lot more coming up from Guadalajara

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> TLAQUEPAQUE- Guadalajara's Colonial Gem ! (Gringo in Mexico Vlog) - Duration: 8:52.


Dakar 2018 - Étape 11 : Première victoire pour Ten Brinke - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Dakar 2018 - Étape 11 : Première victoire pour Ten Brinke - Duration: 3:08.


Subscribe and you Could Win this Competition - Duration: 2:50.

Subscribe and you Could Win this Competition

Hello everyone my name is Darren Burch and welcome to our YouTube channel

now before I go on any further I'm gonna grab myself a nice cup of coffee

yes my brains a bit mushy moment . If I have a cup of coffee. It will wake me up.

now this competition we're trying to get

5,000 subscribers what can I do try encourage people to subscribe us

right so if you're one of those people out there who don't know who we are I

want to you really really want to it's a you watch you of course yeah I do

my brains a bit mush you can nom hit the subscribe button right if you want to

see more hit the notification bell there but also I want you to put your name

down in the comment section right because I'll put your name into a box

and once we hit 5,000 subscribers never know might hit 10,000 I'll withdraw 3

names from that box and the prize will be I will draw a picture right so

whoever wins the prize they can tell me what they want me to draw them and I'll

draw them on the picture and they're not sign it and then I'll forward it to them

by email ever there for a price right so there will be three lucky winners never

know I might do for and I'll probably do it on live stream as well so there you

go so if you haven't already please subscribe us and have a lovely weekend

and why are you here have a look at all the other videos that we've made we do

adventure shows music drawing shows all sorts of stuff right

so f fun and have a wonderful weekend catch you

later see you


Subscribe and you Could Win this Competition

For more infomation >> Subscribe and you Could Win this Competition - Duration: 2:50.


ASMR Chick-fil-a & bbq chips - Duration: 5:45.




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