Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 5 2018

7 Signs The People You Are With Radiate Negativity

It is important to be with good people.

However, sometimes you just do not know whether someone actually gives you positive or negative

feedback to you.

Here is some signs to reconsider the people around you.

You can either motivate them or avoid them completely for positive life.

if you experience any of these 7 signs, the people you are with are radiating negativity

#1 - Constant worries

People radiating negative energy always worry too much about something.

It goes beyond your thinking and make you want to push yourself from a cliff.

#2 - Pessimist

Small matters are big matters.

They think that something small will affect the whole world of theirs.

Indeed, it is important to look at details.

However, too much work on details take so much time especially if they always think

it cannot be done.

If advice does not work on them, just leave them.

#3 - Frequent whining

Their issues are the greatest, and no one should not complain about that.

Only the negative people can whine and say that their world is the worst that comes to


If you meet this kind of person, you should be ready to bring them back into reality.

#4 - Delusionary

Being afraid of leaving their comfort zone, negative people tend to have monotonous live.

You can identify this, and be sure you ask them to hang out sometimes especially if they

are your friend.

#5 - Never reach the true potential

Negative people are surrounding by monotonous life with no intention to upgrade skills,

ability, attitude, and appearance.

This makes them perform worse in any form of competition.

#6 - Absorbing energy

Your positive energy is traded with their negative energy.

You can imagine that when you are having conversation with them as their topics are related to desperation,

uncertainty, worries, and other negativity.

#7 - Limited experience

Negative people tend to stay in one place as they do not like to improve.

In this case, they basically have little experience compared to other people who are more active.

All in all, that's the signs of people who radiate negativity.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 7 Signs The People You Are With Radiate Negativity - Duration: 2:53.


Doki Doki Song By Oreo | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 5:53.

Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today we're checking out something that I've gotten

a few requests back-to-back-to-back on and this is doki doki literature club

song doki doki forever by oreo featuring Rocchi or a chi chi chi and Kathy Chan

this is on Oreos Channel I do want to say that I don't know what's gonna be in

the songs but if you play the game they do some pretty extreme steps if you

can't handle it stream stuff in the game get like from the game or extreme stuff

in general then just go back to the last video I posted or I'm sure if this is

not the last native today then come back tomorrow or check out there be more

reading there's other stuff too much um you can check out nonetheless I don't

know what the song is gonna entail but I know Oreos does have a great voice I

really love her voice and I'm excited to see what she did with the game because

there'd be some crazy issue and there might be spoilers in it so if you don't

want spoilers to crazy stuff then you've been warned y'all learn

something please thank you alright let get down below in the description box

for you to check out my let's go stop get sorry okay and not for sure alright

those days late start you've been warned again all right there

she goes Oh Yuri Monica Yuri was my favorite

character from the game Oh

they say Ori

oh yeah night Sookie she's like so mean for cute URI

I liked the writing on the things with like poems from the game

so quite

mm-hmm so they're all singing to the character in the game which is you oh

you hear the music kind of changed a little bit

isn't Monica oh he's Yuri oh she's always looking to

the side cuz she's sorry okay so that happened that's like from the game cuz

that's Monica Monica Craig hey you see that oh my good she's in creepy your

diary boy Yuri yeah you don't want to choose one of us yes you should know it

don't set us free yeah that's what she sucks at the end of

the game I don't want to be together with you mica look at Yuri

mm-hmm oh you're oh crap oh dear

that's game one

yeah cuz she does that Monica does that

for once you can be just oh crap see the glitchy look oh okay oh okay

dear oh man this is crazy oh gosh oh is that my Sookie - I'm

interested I've got to continue that Sookie thing oh man oh my gosh that was

like super spot-on I thought that was really great

like if you're not familiar with the game the game is a psychological

thriller it seems it's a story oh there's a storybook anime game and it

seems like oh you're just a guy you're joining the literature Club at your

school and you meet these really cute girls and you're like I you know I want

to get to know them and then you get to know one of them more and more as like

you progressed but then some crazy like seriously crazy ish happens that makes

you scream makes you itch like I am now if it just it's very jarring and like

it's a sighs psychological mind f you know type of thing and it is pretty

intense and I think my hit's phone because the gate like song seems so cute

you know seems to like adorable terminus and the girls are all singing to you cuz

you're the guy in the game and they're singing about being with you or you can

pick one of us the Monica comes in she's like they're gonna fall apart I can set

you free oh you know love me but when will I be the one for once

that was all my song and it was in the game too

I loved it I thought they did a great job I think the song pairs very well

with the game let me know your thoughts down below in the comment section if you

liked that video check out the link in the description box below and support

all the artists there and if you like this video huh how about that like

button don't forget to subscribe and follow me or Instagram I love you guys

as always and I took photos

For more infomation >> Doki Doki Song By Oreo | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 5:53.


Littlest Pet Shop: Totally Super (Episode #15) - Duration: 16:24.

(Rumbling) Huh?



Lola? Lola! Oh my gosh, are you okay?

Lola! Lola, sweetie, wake up!


(Gasp) Mom! Mom!

Oh goodness! ...Lola?

Lola, what's the matter?

Mom, what are dad's robots doing in my room?

What robots?

Right in front of us!

Uhh, I don't see--

Mom, they're right there - two robotic dalmatians? Don't tell me you can't see them.

Uh, Lola...

You really hurt your head from that fall.

Do you remember anything from yesterday?

Um, I was at the cafe with Hudson and... there was an explosion...

No, dear, that was Wednesday, today's Friday. You were in the hospital all day yesterday.

What?! Are you serious?

Well, you went unconscious after you fell. I was there with you all day yesterday

and when you woke up you had trouble remembering and focusing.

The doctor diagnosed you with a concussion, but I'm surprised it wasn't more severe than that.

Then shouldn't I still be at the hospital?

You fell back asleep for a while, but later the doctor came in to check on you and

to our surprise your concussion was just gone. Or, at least, it seemed so.

You seemed exhausted though, so I drove you home last night since the doctor told me you'd be fine

and to call if you were still having symptoms.

You don't remember that?

I don't. I mean, I feel okay.

But, they have no idea how it went away?

No, it was such a surprise,

especially after a fall like that.


Could it have been something to do with my superpowers?

Maybe I have some kind of super-healing?

I suppose.

But... the robots, mom, they're literally standing right in front of us.


I'm serious! Just, like, wave your paw in that area.

(Robotic sound)

Did you hear that? They just beeped!


Should we go back to the hospital?

No, mom, I'm fine, seriously. Like, you can take off these bandages, I don't even need them.

I feel perfectly fine!

Just get some rest, okay?

Are you kidding? I can't sleep with these robots staring at me!

Well, just don't think about them. I'm sure they'll disappear once you close your eyes.

Also, I'm taking a half day from work, so I have to go in later.

Will you be alright staying home alone for a few hours?

Yeah, I'll be okay.

Alright, I love you.

I love you too.

What are you looking at?

What's your problem? Go back to my dad's lab!

Are you even on?

(Metal klank)



(Loud knock) (Scream)

(Panting) What... (Scream) Oof!

Ugh... What happened?

(Gasp) Did you guys do this?!

(Knocking on door) (Gasp) Who's here?

I can't leave looking like this! I don't even remember putting on my necklace.


But how?! What do I do?


Hey Lola!

Uh... Hi Bijou.

Uh, no. I'm Jewel, remember?

Oh! Right, sorry, you're her twin. Um, come on in!

So, what's up?

Why aren't you at school?

Okay, listen, I know we've never really talked before, but this is important.

What is it?

Okay, um, I know your...


What? Secret? Heh, what are you talking about?

That you're Miss Justice.

Uh, no I'm not. Why would you think that?

Lola, stop, I know.

I'll start from the beginning.

Bijou, has gone insane. Not even joking.


One day she just snapped. It started last Monday.

She refused to let me in her room, and she became really rude and mean to us.

Like, nothing we've ever seen from her.

I thought there was something different about her.

And two days ago...

I went into her room when she wasn't there to grab our laptop, because she was hogging it. And, Lola, you won't believe this -

Her walls are completely covered in papers and pictures and maps and drawings and weird things...

I don't even know what they are what they mean.

But she came up behind me and kicked me out and threatened that she'd kill me if I ever went back in there.

She's never said something like that to me before!

But while I was in there I noticed something.

There were pictures of you.

You, your mom, your dad, your sister, and Miss Justice.

So I put two and two together and, well, it would make sense for you to be her.

You sound like her, act like her, you look like her - she has to be you.

Unless she's your sister.

Um, well...

Yes, I am Miss Justice.

Ah! That's so awesome! (Giggles) I'm so smart.

Well, anyways, I need you to come see this stuff.

Wait, how'd you know I'd be home? Why aren't you at school?

Oh! Right, I almost forgot.

I also went into her backpack after she kicked me out of her room

just to see if she had anything in there that could explain how she was acting and stuff,

and I found a note that wasn't in her handwriting, but it said something like,

for Bijou to sneak into your hospital room and give you some kind of medicine that could cure your injuries so you could come home.

Sounds crazy right?

But here you are.

Who wrote it?

Someone called "DS."

(Sighs) Of course. I told her to watch out for them. But why would they give me medicine?

Shouldn't he want me dead or something?

Heh! Never mind. Um, anything else?

Well, I lied to my mom and said that I had a cold so I could stay home,

then I could come over here and tell you all of this and show you what Bijou's room looks like.

Please, Lola, my parents and I are so worried about her, you have to help.

Where's Bijou?

At school.

Are you sure?

Well, I don't know. I'm pretty sure she is.

Well, we've got to go then, and fast... and the only way we can do that is with superspeed. So...


Come on!


Hold on tight!


I'm telling you, you won't believe this...


What does it all say?

I don't know, but hurry. I have a bad feeling.

It looks like some of these are diary entries of... my life...

They're, like, everything I've been doing for the past few days.

Like, she's stalking you and taking notes?

Yeah... wow...

Hey, these are from when I was at the hospital.

Lola... Maybe we should get out of here. What if she's stalking us right now?

Okay, one sec. Let me just...

What do those dots represent?

Hmm. Wait this one's my house. That's the school, your house, Violet's house, and...

I don't know what this one is.

Wait, no, that can't be...

Hudson's house?


Okay, I'll take a picture of it and I'll figure it out when I get back home!

(Shutter noise)

Alright, let's go.

(Creepy ambiance)

Lola... I don't even know what to say...

Hang in there, sweetie.

Lola, you still don't recognize me do you?


You! Wait, I'm not my super form... How do you know my identity?

Oh, we know everything about you, Lola Clawsgrove.

Though, I guess you could say, I know more about you than anyone.

No... you can't be.



Oh, shut up! You thought you were so special having, ooh, "magic powers."

Well guess what, sis, now I'm number one! I have powers now! Yours are nothing compared to mine!

I'm the best, I'm the greatest, and you? Nothing but a little baby.

Paige, what have they done to you? Why are you acting like this?!

Ugh, I'm gonna rip you to shreds!


Stop! Paige, stop!

How does it feel, Lola? How does it feel being second-best?!

Paige, stop, I don't want to fight you!

That's right, because you're a wimp! You were never meant to be a superhero, you don't have the guts!

Stop, please! You know I never wanted this. I didn't ask for it!

Well I didn't ask for you to be my sister!


Who would ever want a sister like you?


(Punching noises)



Hey mom.

Weren't you supposed to be home an hour ago?

Yes, well, I have great news!

Really? What?

The police search team called me a little while ago and told me that someone found Paige!


Yes, isn't this great? I'm on my way to pick her up now!

Wow. Who found her? Where was she?

Someone in Cricketsville found her! I don't know the whole story yet, but we'll be home in about two hours and I'll tell you everything then!

I'll have to drive to the Cricketsville police station to get her.


See you then, I love you.

I love you too.

(Gasp) You two again?!

You've been following me around all day! And don't act like I haven't seen you appearing near me in random places.


Are you helping Bijou write these?

Ugh, get out of here!

(Outgoing message) You've reached James Clawsgrove's business phone.

(Outgoing message) Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Hey dad, it's Lola.


Mom got a call today. They found Paige, I guess.

But where are you?

I mean, I saw you in that cage. Lily showed me. And well...

Dad, I just miss you. I miss the old days when you were here with us, and this whole thing wasn't happening.

I'll try to get you out of this. I just need to know where you are.

And my powers are malfunctioning.

When I don't have the necklace on, I'm Miss Justice, but when I do, I'm Lola.

And I'm having weird visions and dreams, and your dalmatian robots keep following me everywhere...

My friends are disappearing and acting different...

And I just don't know how to stop it.

But I just wanted to say I love you and...

I'm going to rescue you. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Littlest Pet Shop: Totally Super (Episode #15) - Duration: 16:24.


Zara Philips and Mike Tindall Announced They are Expecting Their Second Child - SHOWBIZ GOSSIP - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Zara Philips and Mike Tindall Announced They are Expecting Their Second Child - SHOWBIZ GOSSIP - Duration: 1:52.


Today's Takeaway: Ending The Cycle Of Abuse - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Today's Takeaway: Ending The Cycle Of Abuse - Duration: 2:01.


UnPHILtered: Why Some People Get Stuck In Life - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> UnPHILtered: Why Some People Get Stuck In Life - Duration: 4:56.


How the First Americans Got There - Duration: 4:44.


About 11 and a half thousand years ago, people in what's now central Alaska buried two

babies in a hearth.

One was was less than 6 weeks old, and the other was a late-term stillbirth.

They stayed there until 2013, when archaeologists found their remains.

And this week, a group of researchers published a detailed analysis of one of the babies'

genomes, its full genetic code, in the journal Nature.

Turns out that this one baby's DNA can tell us a lot about our history as a species.

It's the most direct evidence we have for how people first came to the Americas, and

what happened to them afterward.

Over the years, researchers have proposed lots of different theories for how the First

Americans got here.

And these days, there are at least a few things that almost everyone agrees on:

At some point, probably more than 14,000 years ago, people crossed over the Bering land bridge,

between what are now Siberia and Alaska.

From there, they spread through North and South America, splitting off into northern

Native American and southern Native American genetic groups, which are still around today.

There are plenty of unresolved questions about this, though, like when exactly the migration

happened and why the ancient Native American and East Asian genomes are so different.

Enter the babies from this week's paper.

The researchers were only able to isolate enough DNA for a full genome analysis from

the 6-week-old baby, known as USR1.

They sequenced USR1's genome and compared it to both ancient and modern genomes from

more than 2500 people.

And they found that USR1 wasn't nearly as closely related to the northern and southern

Native American groups as you might think.

It's clear they had a common ancestor.

But according to the team, the baby's genetic code was so different that it's part of

a whole separate lineage — a third group they're calling the Ancient Beringians.

That supports what's known as the Beringian standstill model, which suggests that people

first came to the areas near the land bridge, aka Beringia, something like 30,000 years


But then the ice age peaked, and the ice sheets and glaciers made travel so difficult that

the people in Beringia were basically cut off from the rest of the world for thousands

of years.

Hence the "standstill" part of the name.

According to the model, once the climate warmed up a little, people weren't trapped anymore,

and they started to move out into the rest of North and South America.

If the First Americans were stuck in Beringia for a while, breeding amongst themselves and

developing new mutations in their DNA, these changes wouldn't be shared with the East

Asian population they came from.

So you'd expect there to be a lot of diversity in the ancient Native American genome, and

the Ancient Beringian lineage tells us there was.

The findings also fit what researchers found back in 2015, when they looked at the babies'

mitochondrial DNA.

That's the separate, smaller genetic code in a cell's mitochondria, as opposed to

the nucleus.

They were able to get good samples from both USR1 and the other infant, USR2.

Even though the mitochondrial genome doesn't have as much information as the nuclear genome,

it's still a useful tool.

And it was enough to show that the two babies were each part of genetic lines you don't

generally find in today's northern Native American populations.

In other words, it showed that the babies must have come from a pretty diverse population.

But now that we have USR1's nuclear genome, we know there's more to it than that — the

Ancient Beringians were a whole separate group.

And, by comparing USR1's genome to those of other groups, the researchers were also

able to flesh out the Beringian standstill model and come up with a much more solid timeline

of when and how the First Americans moved in.

To be clear, we don't know for sure that this is exactly how it went.

But by combining this new evidence with what archaeologists have found in the past, here's

what the team thinks happened:

People first settled in the area of Northeast Asia near the land bridge around 36,000 years


But for a while after that, there were still people going back and forth to the rest of

East Asia and genes being shared between the populations.

Then, about 24,000 years ago, the cooling climate isolated them from each other.

Around 21,000 years ago, USR1's ancestors and the ancestors of both the northern and

southern Native American groups split into two separate genetic lines.

It's not clear whether they crossed over the land bridge before or after the split,

but either way, they still couldn't get very far because of all the ice.

Then, sometime around 15,700 years ago, the northern and southern Native American groups

split off from each other.

And this was right about when the climate finally warmed up a bit and people started

to move farther east, eventually spreading throughout the Americas.

About 4,000 years later, two babies were born — and died — in Eastern Beringia.

And now, 11,500 years after that, their remains have brought us the closest we've ever been

to understanding how the indigenous peoples and cultures in the western half of the planet

came to be.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow News!

And a special thanks to our President of Space: SR Foxley!

Thanks SR.

Also, if you liked this video, you might like our sister channel PBS Eons, which is all

about the history of life on Earth.

Including some very weird times like when whales walked or when oxygen almost killed


If you want to check it out, just go to


For more infomation >> How the First Americans Got There - Duration: 4:44.


BTS: Invitation To The Set of Season 2 | Divorce | HBO - Duration: 1:36.

One minute you're married and the next minute it's, like,

"Buh-bye, see ya, nice knowin' ya."


Now what? I'm divorced.


We meet Frances and Robert at the beginning of season two,

finalizing their divorce.

I guess in the eyes of the state and the government.


"Congratulations"? Really?

It's spring in Westchester County,

Hasting on Hudson.

Season two really is an attempt at hope.


(GASPS) It's a match, I don't believe it!

What're you writing? What're you writing?

-Wait, wait, wait. -Wait, wait, wait.

Seriously, what're you writing?

It's about them going off and meeting other people

and having other personal interests

and business interests.

Your dream of a pizza oven is my dream.

I can't believe how much I'm diggin' this physical labor.


-ROBERT: Hector? -Si?

Muchas gracias.

DIRECTOR: 15 apple, take two.

There's a freedom in the second season.

There's just a brighter life than what we've seen before.

-(CHUCKLES) -DIRECTOR: Good and cut.

What we got to do this season was show a little bit of what

two particular people at a particular time

at a particular place lived like as newly divorced people.

People who I think really didn't know what it might mean,

perhaps like millions of others who divorce

for the first time.

For more infomation >> BTS: Invitation To The Set of Season 2 | Divorce | HBO - Duration: 1:36.


BREAKING!!! FOOD STAMP Numbers After ONE YEAR!!! - Duration: 7:11.


FOOD STAMP Numbers After ONE YEAR!!!

Since we got rid of the curse that was President Barack Hussein Obama, AKA The Foodstamp President,

and inaugurated President Donald Trump, the US Stock Market has climbed to a whopping

25,000 points.

And the lowest number of Americans are currently unemployed since 1999.

But one number really stands out even more, and of course, the media is silent.

The number of people collecting food stamps has declined by more than two million in only

one year.

The data released by the Department of Agriculture today shows that the number of participants

in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, which is a fancier word for food

stamps has dropped to 42,182,443 for the fiscal year 2017.

That's a decline of over 2 million from the fiscal year 2016 where we still had Obama's


According to Fox News, USDA figures show that the program has gone from costing taxpayers

about $250 million for about 2.8 million recipients in 1969 to a peak of costing nearly $80 billion

for nearly 48 million recipients in 2013.

The numbers have declined since the Trump inauguration partly because of the booming

economy, Another reason might be that some states have restored work requirements needed

to qualify for SNAP.

The 2017 figure of 42.1 million people assisted is the lowest figure since 2010, when the

program assisted 40.3 million people at a cost to taxpayers of $68.2 billion.

Via Fox News:

US employers desperately need workers.

Let's help millions of adults stuck on food stamps move into jobs

Since he took office, President Trump has been clear in his message that unemployed

adults capable of working should expect welfare changes designed to move them off welfare

and into jobs.

"Millions lifted from welfare to work is not too much to expect," President Trump

told a joint session of Congress in February.

Early signals from the Trump administration are positive signs that it is moving forward

with this commitment.

That's a good thing, because with more than 6 million open jobs in the country right now,

employers desperately need adults to trade in their welfare applications for job applications.

President Trump's proposed budget demonstrates his commitment to making this a reality by

making changes to the way the food stamp program (officially called the Supplemental Nutrition

Assistance Program) is administered, closing bureaucratic loopholes that accelerated the

growth in food stamp caseloads.

In addition, President Trump's budget proposes reigning in the expansion of food stamps by

eliminating waivers for work requirements.

Federal law requires childless, able-bodied adults to work, volunteer or train at least

20 hours per week to receive food stamps.

But Obama-era bureaucrats mounted a campaign allowing states to request waivers to opt

out of the work requirement.

While the Trump administration's efforts to reinforce work requirements by stopping

these waivers are commendable, reality persists.

And the reality is that while Congress attempts to accomplish something and the budget sits

on the sidelines, dependency is thriving in America.

Millions of able-bodied adults without children are still stuck on food stamps.

And states continue to submit new waiver requests, ensuring those adults remain trapped on welfare.

It's a sad fact, because when work requirements are in place, these adults don't just go

back to work – their incomes increase and their time on welfare is minimized.

In Kansas and Maine, incomes more than doubled after work requirements for food stamps were


Federal law says that waivers to the work requirement for food stamps can't be granted

unless there is a 10 percent unemployment rate or a real lack of jobs.

But that's not the case now.

So why are these childless, able-bodied adults not working, even when businesses are desperate

for workers?

As it turns out, states continue to ask the federal government to let them keep waiving

the work requirement – and so far, the federal government keeps saying yes.

Take California, for example.

Throughout 2017 California's unemployment rate has been below 5 percent.

Yet the state continues to ask the federal government for permission to let more than

600,000 able-bodied, childless adults receive food stamps without working.

Michigan has just a 4.3 percent unemployment rate, but still ignores the work requirement

for all but four of its counties.

One Michigan county that waives the work requirement has just a 2.7 percent unemployment rate – seven

percentage points under the statutory threshold to waive work requirements.

And one county in Colorado that that has just 1.4 percent unemployment was given permission

by the Obama administration to waive work requirements.

Across the country, there are more than 1,300 "work-free" counties, cities, and other

areas where able-bodied adults, 18-49 years old, with no kids, get a completely free ride

while on food stamps.

There are no work requirements – no incentive for these people to pull themselves out of

government dependency and create a better life, free from welfare.

Of these 1,300 areas, only 28 have unemployment rates above 10 percent – the level that

Congress set when it enacted work requirements into federal law.

With unemployment below 10 percent and 6 million jobs open across the nation, there is no reason

that waivers to the work requirement should continue to be granted.

And the Trump administration doesn't have to continue the trend.

These waivers have been abused because of overreaching regulations and aggressive action

by the Obama administration.

The work requirement law gives the secretary of the Department of Agriculture the authority

to reject these waivers and reinstate the work requirement across the country.

The secretary should do just that, to fast-track the American comeback and help fulfill President

Trump's promise.President Trump has made it clear that he plans to pass legislation

in order to tighten eligibility rules for SNAP recipients, along with having some states

contribute matching funds for the program so they can have some skin in the game.

This legislation might also include Wisconsin's request to begin drug-testing some food stamp

recipients and Maine's plan for limiting the number of family members who can make

purchases using a SNAP card.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! FOOD STAMP Numbers After ONE YEAR!!! - Duration: 7:11.


Is 'Fire and Fury' fact or fiction? - Duration: 13:06.

For more infomation >> Is 'Fire and Fury' fact or fiction? - Duration: 13:06.


Mom Apologizes To Son For Having Him Arrested – How Does He Respond? - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Mom Apologizes To Son For Having Him Arrested – How Does He Respond? - Duration: 1:55.






Few people have been as big of a thorn in the side of Democrats as Julian Assange.

He heads the organization Wikileaks that has the nasty habit of outing corruption whenever

it occurs in Washington and also around the world.

Assange has exposed corruption in almost every corner of the globe, influencing public opinion,

and by extension elections, including the 2016 Presidential election.

Assange has exposed emails from so many DNC members that it's a wonder they trust anything

to remain secret anymore.

One of the emails that he uncovered even exposed the Democrats that were trying to take him


The leaks and hacks that have been so greatly appreciated by Americans have been, obviously,

hated by those that he is exposing.

For this reason, Assange has been on the run for quite some time.

Even though the information he distributes has been proven true time and again, the legality

of what he is doing is questionable at best.

Some say he's a whistleblower, and some say he's just a criminal.

But those who have nothing to hide also have nothing against him.

For that reason, President Trump is working to find a way for Assange to be free from

hiding out.

Neo Nettle reports that Assange might actually leave his asylum and reenter the real world,

thanks to President Trump:

"In the last few days, the wheels have been set in motion for Wikileaks founder Julian

Assange to finally be free from his asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London without

facing arrest.

Wikileaks has now acknowledged that Donald Trump's Administration had ended the US

Government's Grand Jury proceedings against the infamous whistleblower.

On Tuesday, WikiLeaks posted a tweet announcing the end of the eight-year-long grand jury

proceedings against Assange's organization.

The proceedings were expanded in 2017 to cover the WikiLeaks various 'Vault' releases

exposing the CIA's extreme public surveillance through advanced technology and hacking.

Anonymous White House leaker, QAnon, recently revealed that President Trump was preparing

to issue an official pardon for Assange, once he has helped him with extradition to Switzerland,

in return for information.According to Infowars, the WikiLeaks tweet referenced a State Department

press conference held that day, Jan. 2, 2018, in which State Department Spokesperson Heather

Nauert made a strong statement regarding freedom of speech that was couched in a reference

to Iran.

The WikiLeaks tweet confirmed the State Department's reference to freedom of speech in Iran was

a coded communication intended to extend the umbrella of free speech and press rights to

WikiLeaks in a clear reversal of the policy in which both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and

Attorney General Sessions have argued that arresting Julian Assange is a priority.

It is not clear that Assange has violated national security laws, even if it can be

shown he published U.S. national security classified documents.

Specifically, Nauert said the following:

'We support a freedom of the press here in the United States.

We support the right of voices to be heard.

And when a nation clamps down on social media or websites or Google or news sites, we ask

the question, 'What are you afraid of?'

What are you afraid of?

We support the Iranian people and we support their voices being heard.'"

While the legality of what Assange's organization has been doing is questionable at best, when

it comes to legality, there's no doubt that what he has done has furthered the greater

good in a way that most of us could never have imagined doing.

It would be great if the world didn't need a Wikileaks and everyone just did the right

thing because it was the right thing.

However, they do not, and so accountability is a must.

At this point, President Trump is fighting for Assange's right to freedom, just as

hard as Obama was fighting to lock up the purveyor of truth.

"Trump's attorneys argue Assange's First Amendment right to publish

In a motion filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Dec. 29, 2017,

in the case Roy Cockrum vs. Donald J. Trump for President, Trump's attorneys argued

that Julian Assange had a right under the First Amendment to publish the DNC and John

Podesta emails, even if the emails were stolen.

The case was orchestrated by Project Democracy, a group run by former attorneys from the Obama

administration, arguing that then former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone had conspired

with the Russians to publish the DNC and Podesta emails.

In a 32-page motion defending the Trump Campaign, Michael A. Carvin of the Jones Day law firm

and attorney of record representing President Trump, argued that the Trump campaign, and

by inference Julian Assange at WikiLeaks, could not be held liable under the First Amendment

for a disclosure of stolen information if the information published involves "a matter

of public interest" and the speaker was not "involved" in the theft.

Technically, Assange has not yet been indicted of any criminal offense in the United States,

nor is it clear if he committed any crime.

Under the Supreme Court Decisions New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), and

in the Pentagon Papers case, New York Times v. U.S. 403 U.S. 713 (1971), a journalist

is allowed to accept and publish classified documents provided by other sources"

It's time that the United States government encourage accountability instead of trying

to shut it up.

This is the type of environmnet that the Trump administration is attempting to foster, and

the same one that the Obama Administration tried to choke out at any cost.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! ANOTHER PARDON!!! HILLARY'S BIGGEST ENEMY!! - Duration: 6:10.


Iran protests: Will the UN follow lead of US? - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Iran protests: Will the UN follow lead of US? - Duration: 4:07.


'Bomb cyclone' storm leaves record snow, flooding in New England - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 'Bomb cyclone' storm leaves record snow, flooding in New England - Duration: 2:03.


A New, Bubbly Origin Story for the Solar System - Duration: 5:33.

[ ♪ Intro ♪ ]

With all the bigger cosmological mysteries like dark matter, dark energy, or what happens

at the center of a black hole, you might think a question as local as "How was our solar

system born?" was solved a long time ago.


But we might be a little closer to solving that puzzle, thanks to a new paper published

in the Astrophysical Journal a couple of weeks ago.

Right now, the most widely-accepted hypothesis for how the Solar System came to be starts

about 5 billion years ago with a nearby supernova, an exploding star.

The shockwave from the explosion would have triggered the collapse of the large cloud

of gas and dust that eventually became the Sun, planets, and all the other stuff in the

Solar System — including us, eventually.

But here's the problem.

A supernova would also infuse our cloud with certain elements.

They release aluminum-26, a type of aluminum with 13 neutrons, and iron-60, a type of iron

with 34 neutrons that you can only get from the explosion of a massive star.

The thing is, the amount of aluminum-26 and iron-60 we've measured in our solar system

doesn't match what we should have gotten from a supernova.

Meteorites, which are a good way to measure the composition of the Solar System since

they come from space, do have more aluminum-26 than what we find on average across the galaxy.

But we're low on iron-60.

And a supernova would have injected both into our system — not just extra aluminum.

So in this new paper, a group of astronomers proposed a different idea: maybe the Solar

System didn't start with a supernova.

Maybe it started with the wind-blown bubble surrounding a star 40-50 times the mass of

the Sun — a type of star called a Wolf-Rayet star.

Wolf-Rayet stars are basically the most massive and hottest-burning class of stars in the universe.

They've already exhausted all their hydrogen fuel, so they're fusing heavier elements

instead, and they have a really hard time holding themselves together.

Their stellar wind, the gas streaming out from the star, is so strong that they lose

about 3 Earths'-worth of mass every year.

The violence inside them forces heavier elements upward, too, so it's not just a bunch of

helium getting spewed out into space.

In fact, Wolf-Rayet stars release a lot of aluminum-26 … but not iron-60.

Which sure sounds a lot like our solar system!

These stars' high-velocity winds and extreme temperatures create a huge bubble structure,

including a shell of denser gas and dust that could eventually condense into stars.

Based on their computer simulations, the team estimates that anywhere between 1-16% of all

Sun-like stars could be formed in Wolf-Rayet star wind bubbles.

Of course, we don't know for sure.

For one thing, this model assumes the meteorite data gives us a true representation of what

the early solar system looked like, which we'll never be able to know without a time machine.

This is a very new hypothesis, and until we have more research, most astronomers are probably

going to stick with the supernova idea for now.

But it does fit pretty nicely.

While some astronomers are working on solving that 5 billion-year-old puzzle, others are

continuing to explore the system we call home.

And now we've taken the next step in planning another mission!

In late December, NASA announced two finalists for the next New Frontiers mission, which

both sound awesome:

One would sample a comet, and the other would send a nuclear-powered quadcopter to Titan,

Saturn's largest moon.

Even if you've never heard of the New Frontiers mission program by name, you've probably

heard about at least one of the three missions that came out of it: New Horizons, Juno, and OSIRIS-REx.

The first of the two finalists bidding to be the fourth member of this special club

is the Comet Astrobiology Exploration Sample Return mission, or CAESAR.

It would be a follow-up to the ESA's Rosetta mission, which visited and landed the Philae

probe on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014.

But CAESAR would go beyond that mission — it would actually collect a 100-gram sample of

the comet's surface and return it to Earth.

The Japanese space agency JAXA would use its experience from their asteroid sample return

mission Hayabusa to design CAESAR's return capsule, which would return to Earth in November 2038.

That might seem pretty far-off, but this is a whole new space mission we're talking about.

It takes a lot of planning!

If the Dragonfly mission is selected instead, it would arrive at Titan by 2034.

Like 67P, we've landed on Titan before — with the Huygens probe, back in 2005.

It even sent back pictures of the surface.

But this time we'd get to go flying.

With Titan's low gravity and super thick atmosphere, you could actually fly around

by just strapping on wings and flapping your arms a bunch, which sounds like the best thing ever.

But it's tough to send an astronaut all the way out there when we haven't even gotten

one to Mars yet, so a quadcopter is the next best thing.

Because of all those clouds and Titan's distance from the Sun, solar power isn't an option.

So, like a certain famous DeLorean time machine from the 1980s, it would be powered by plutonium.

Legally acquired, though.

And the waste heat produced by the generator would be used to keep the electronics from

getting too cold.

Dragonfly would land at a bunch of different geologic sites covering hundreds of kilometers,

and use a drill to sample pieces of Titan's surface and analyze its composition.

That includes hunting for chemical signatures that could indicate the presence of life.

It would also look for any possible seismic activity and profile atmospheric conditions,

giving us a better sense of what life would be like on this weird alien moon where it

rains methane instead of water.

The teams working on both projects will receive funding through the end of 2018 to keep developing

them, and NASA will select the winner in spring of 2019.

So I guess we'll just have to stay tuned to find out which project gets the go-ahead.

So make sure to hit that red subscribe button so you get all the latest Space News.

In the meantime, thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News, and if you're

interested in learning more about Titan, you can check out our video about all the weirdness over there.

[ ♪ Outro ♪ ]

For more infomation >> A New, Bubbly Origin Story for the Solar System - Duration: 5:33.



For more infomation >> NEW GTA 5 ONLINE DLC UPDATE WITH BRAND NEW VEHICLES SUPERS AND MORE! - Duration: 1:13:56.


Trump Department of Energy Invests $30 Million to Attack US Depe - Duration: 1:55.


Department of Energy Invests $30 Million to Attack US Dependence on Mideast Oil

The Energy Department plowed tens of millions of dollars into projects designed to explore

new fracking technology as the U.S. leans heavily on natural gas amid harsh winter weather.

DOE�s decision will help the agency master oil and gas development in untapped, energy-rich

areas, according to a press statement Wednesday from the agency.

The funding targets the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale in Texas and the Huron Shale, which

spans four states in the Appalachian.

The effort will help �strengthen America�s energy dominance, protect air and water quality,

position the nation as a global leader in unconventional oil and natural gas (UOG) resource

development technologies, and ensure the maximum value of the nation�s resource endowment

is realized,� the statement notes.

DOE�s funding effort comes shortly after Americans consumed a record-breaking amount

of gas during the most-recent cold snap, according to data from PointLogic Energy, an oil and

gas firm that monitors gas usage

For more infomation >> Trump Department of Energy Invests $30 Million to Attack US Depe - Duration: 1:55.


15 People Who Accidentally Became Famous - Duration: 7:31.

● Some people work their whole lives just for a glimpse of fame, and some people stumble

into the limelight completely by accident.

What does it take to catapult someone to worldwide recognition?

Could you end up a celebrity by chance some day?

Here are the ways people accidentally became famous.

15 - David Boreanaz ● The 90s hit TV show Buffy the Vampire

Slayer had some of the most memorable romantic storylines, like Buffy's three seasons with

Angel, a vampire who had a soul.

The part needed a devilishly handsome actor, so the casting director remembered a cute

guy she saw walking his dog around her neighbourhood.

Boreanaz was called to audition and cast immediately, based on the effect he had on the women of

the studio.

He has enjoyed success on TV ever since.

14 - Ken Bone ● The 2016 Presidential race between Trump

and Clinton had many memorable moments, some of which we'd rather forget.

Audiences watching a bitter presidential debate in October were treated to the sight of middle-aged

power-plant operator Ken Bone, asking an innocent question about the energy industry.

America fell in love, paying much more attention to this mustachioed character in an adorable

red sweater than to the debate.

Hundreds of thousands began following and discussing Mr Bone in the weeks that followed.

13 - Olajumoke Orisaguna ● When UK rap artist Tinie Tempah was in

Nigeria on a photoshoot, his photographer noticed a woman who appeared in one of the

shots with bread balanced perfectly on her head.

The woman was so beautiful that he was determined to find her and when he did, an impromptu

photoshoot led to Olajumoke getting a modelling contract, and being able to quit her job as

a bread seller and put her two children through higher education.

12 - Charlize Theron ● Years ago, the oscar-winning actress was

an eighteen-year-old, struggling to find acting work with her strong South African accent.

One day on Hollywood boulevard, she was trying to cash a cheque but she ended up in a loud

shouting match with the bank manager, who refused her request.

Fortunately for Ms Theron, a casting agent who was waiting in line overheard and was

impressed by her flair for the dramatic, and helped her land her first role.

11 - Jamie Oliver ● This East-London chef owns a business

empire of over £200 million, and has cookbooks translated into over 40 different languages,

but he was first noticed during the filming of a British documentary in 1997.

Viewers of the Channel 4 show Christmas at the River Cafe noticed an entertaining and

cheeky junior chef who worked well in front of cameras.

So well, that producers quickly offered him his own show.

10 - Thamsanqa Jantjie ● When beloved South African President Nelson

Mandela died, dignitaries and world leaders all flew in to Johannesburg to attend his

funeral, which was televised and broadcast around the world.

Jantjie, a sign language interpreter, was hired to sign the speeches and eulogies for

deaf viewers.

Except he appeared to be inventing the hand gestures, having no knowledge or qualifications

for the job.

He became a comic figure on the internet for his attempt to improvise an entire language

on camera.

9 - Johnny Depp ● As a poor and struggling rock musician,

a young Depp was introduced to his wife's ex-boyfriend, Nicolas Cage, who encouraged

him to get into acting.

After only seeing small roles as an extra, it was at an audition for the new Wes Craven

movie that Depp struck success.

The director's 13-year old daughter was watching the auditions for A Nightmare on

Elm Street, and her reaction to the heartthrob secured him the part,

8 - The Kingsmen ● In 1963, the then unknown garage band

The Kingsmen paid fifty dollars to record a single take of their cover of 'Louie Louie',

a common blues song.

Despite forgetting most of the lyrics, getting the rhythm wrong and standing too far from

mic, the song became a hit across the States for the Kingsmen.

This may have been due to controversy that the lyrics were obscene and sexual, something

the FBI had a hard time proving, as no one can hear what they're singing.

7 - Danny Trejo ● This grizzled actor is memorable for playing

tough guys, and this is partly due to his experience of serving time in and out of prison

in LA.

Upon release, Trejo got sober and became a drug counsellor for troubled teens.

While helping a teenager on the set of the 1985 movie Runaway Train, Trejo was offered

a role as an extra in a prison scene, an easy role for an ex-con, which started his Hollywood


6 - Guy Goma ● While waiting to go for his job interview

at the BBC headquarters in London, Guy Goma was instead pushed into a news studio, mistaken

for a technology editor and asked questions about a financial legal battle he knew very

little about on live tv.

Amazingly, Goma answered the questions as best he could, and the viewers loved him for

it, a man making the best of a terrifying situation.

5 - Mel Gibson ● After getting into a pretty bad fight

at a bar the night before, a young Mel Gibson drove his mate to the audition for the dystopian

Australian action movie Mad Max.

The casting director saw Gibson's banged-up face and told him he should come back in three

weeks to audition as a villain.

When he returned, his handsome face had healed, and the title role of Mad Max was given to

him then and there.

4 - Rosa Parks ● The famous civil rights protester is often

depicted as a tired old lady who just wanted place to sit on a bus.

In reality, Rosa Parks was advocating for black rights long before 1955.

But on that fateful day, she was ordered to make room for white passengers, even though

she was already in the coloured section.

Her refusal to give in to the driver, and her subsequent arrest became a landmark case

in the history of racial oppression in America.

3 - Justin Bieber ● While flicking through YouTube, music

businessman Scooter Braun stumbled across videos of a twelve-year-old Canadian kid singing

R&B songs recorded by his mum.

The kid turned out to be Justin Bieber, and within a few months he had been introduced

to Usher, who became a mentor, and was signed to Def Jam Records.

I think it's safe to say that Bieber is one of YouTube's biggest success stories.

2 - Harrison Ford ● Not making too much money from acting,

young actor Harrison Ford had turned to carpentry to make ends meet.

He was fitting a portico entrance on Francis Ford Coppola's house when George Lucas,

a friend of Coppola's, came by the property.

The two had worked together on a previous movie, but the chance encounter reminded Lucas

that Ford would be perfect for the ruggedly good-looking smuggler Han Solo in his new

movie, Star Wars.

1 - Cheng Guorong ● In 2009, 34-year-old Cheng was homeless

on the streets of a Chinese city, rummaging through the trash for food and clothing.

But a photographer, who spotted his stylish flair and chiseled facial features, posted

photos online that built up a fanbase, earning Cheng the nickname 'Brother Sharp: China's

sexiest tramp'.

Cheng still struggles with his mental health after so long on the streets, but his fame

gave him the chance to reunite with his family.

For more infomation >> 15 People Who Accidentally Became Famous - Duration: 7:31.


Reporter Asks if Trump is 'Mentally Unfit,' Then Sarah Sanders Rips Him Apart [WATCH] - Duration: 2:24.

Reporter Asks if Trump is 'Mentally Unfit,' Then Sarah Sanders Rips Him Apart [WATCH]

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not one to be messed with.

After a reporter asked if President Trump is 'mentally unfit' to serve as commander-in-chief,

she shredded him apart.

Check this out.

She killed it!

From Daily Caller:

Sanders was asked by a reporter, "What is the president's reaction of the suggestions

in this book that he is mentally unfit?"

"If [Trump] was unfit, he probably would not be sitting there and would not have defeated

the most qualified group of candidates the Republican Party has ever seen.

This is an incredibly — strong and good leader, that is why we have had such a successful

2017 and why we are going to continue to do great things as we move forward in the administration."

The Hill has more: While the concerns are being voiced almost exclusively by Trump critics and media figures,

public figures openly questioning whether the president is mentally unwell is virtually


But White House denials haven't stopped the torrent of speculation on cable news about

the president's mental state, which is also being fueled by Trump's tweet taunting North

Korea's leader over the size of his "nuclear button."

Some people have even floated the far-fetched possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment,

which allows the vice president and the majority of the Cabinet to remove the president from

office if they decide he is "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office."

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Reporter Asks if Trump is 'Mentally Unfit,' Then Sarah Sanders Rips Him Apart [WATCH] - Duration: 2:24.


Why Does WASHINGTON SPEND so Much on its ARMY? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 14:04.

Here's a question:

How much does the US actually pay for its army and all the military operations that

they carry out day after day all over the world?

Well, that's precisely what we will try to answer in this video.

And there's no debate: The military industry is one of the most opaque, most influential

and most powerful industries in the United States.

[Well... in the United States and practically anywhere else in the world, too.]

So, answering the question I asked at the beginning, means opening a debate with rather

large implications.

That military operations bill could be hundreds of billions of dollars.

But with that warning, let's see what's happening within the corridors of both the

Pentagon and the Capitol.

Talking about the US army assumes taking exorbitant figures into account, as well as huge bureaucratic

and political machinery.

So big and so opaque that we are practically talking about a parallel government.

See, in 2015 a report made by the Pentagon itself stated that they had to pay tens of

billions, and I repeat, tens of billions of dollars each year, for extra costs caused

by bad management practices in the Armed Forces.

Bad practices such as paying private contractors more money than would be expected in a competitive


"We're going to be in peril because we're spending dollars like it doesn't matter."

Robert L. Stein Managing Director, Chartwell Capital Management and former chairman of

the Defense Business Board.

And, don't think that it's only the big military industry companies, those that produce

fighters, missiles and other military equipment, not at all.

A good part of all those billions that evaporate each year come from activities such as accounting,

logistics and human resources.

You heard that right!

In fact, the bureaucracy of the US Armed Forces is so big that it employs no less than a little

over 1 million people.

1 million people!

Take a look at this Washington Post graphic:


As you can see, the US army has almost as many people in its offices, doing administrative

activities, as it does people who are preparing for war or performing security or training


And all this, of course, comes at a cost: almost a quarter of the military budget is

invested in these types of tasks... that are well... let's say important... but... a quarter?

In other words, all this bureaucracy, by itself, counts as the third largest military budget

in the world, which wouldn't be far behind the second, China.

And that's not all.

According to a study by the Department of Defense itself, published in October 2017,

approximately 1 out of every 5 installations that the Pentagon has, does nothing, they

are idle… they could be closed with no military consequences and save them many millions of

dollars... but it isn't quite supported by the politicians in Washington.

As you can see, everything that has to do with the Pentagon and the US Department of

Defense, involves talking about gigantic, hyper-bureaucratic and very, very expensive


Well, as we will see later in this video, all this waste is very important in the political


But now, let's see how much money these military adventures really cost the United States.

The United State's military adventures aren't really strange.

If we count the Cold War, the United States has been virtually at war every year since


And besides, since the end of 2001, the US military has been actively in combat every

year... and you know what?

It doesn't look like things will change in the near future.

Syria, operations in the Indian Ocean, in Africa, in Yemen, in Eastern Europe... and

above all, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Can you imagine how much these conflicts have cost?

Well, pay attention, because the numbers are… scandalous.

But first a side-note.

he annual defense budget is one thing... and the operating budget is another.

That is, when we hear about how much the US spends on its army, the cost of wars and military

operations themselves aren't usually taken into account.

Well, the fact is that since 2001, US taxpayers have spent, just on those military adventures,

a whopping 1.7 billion dollars.

1.7 billion!

More than the current economy, Canada's GDP and almost as much as Italy's.

Put another way, in today's dollars, that is more than twice what the Vietnam War cost

or 5 times the cost of the Korean War.

But if you think that this figure is high... just wait because we aren't done.

The cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, for example, isn't over yet... and I'm

not only referring to the military expenditures that lie ahead…

I'm also referring to the costs that have already occurred but which the federal government

will have to pay in the future:

Costs such as long-term medical care for ex-combatants injured in combat, expenses for veterans,

the costs of the debt incurred to finance the war, equipment replacement, etc., etc.

In total, estimates state that these two wars alone will end up costing between 4 and 6

trillion dollars.

That is a lot of money!

To get a better idea of just how much money, it's equivalent to all military expenditures

for every European NATO country in the next 15 to 23 years.

Come on, all these military adventures are truly a problem.

But, you know what?

I think taking a look at this bill would help the US be more prudent in the future.

For example, when visiting the United States, something that draws our attention is the

poor state of its infrastructure: roads, metros, railroads, etc., etc.

In fact, the infrastructure issue is becoming a serious problem.

Well, using only what the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have cost, the United States could have

the best infrastructure in

the world.

So far, I think it's quite clear just how much Washington's military adventures around

the world have cost the American people.

Now, let's see how much the Federal Government really spends every year in Defense.

And I will say in advance, this might be surprising.


We all know, more or less, that the Us defense budget is by far the largest in the world.

Take at a look at 2017, for example, where, as we saw a moment ago, we have to add about

560 billion dollars, plus about 60 billion more for operating expenses.

This is approximately 3 times the military expenditure of China and 9 times the military

expenditure of Russia.

However, these amounts don't include all of the expenses that the military world generates

for the US government.

Consider, for example, the cost of medical treatment for those wounded in combat or the

cost of veteran expenses.

Take a look at this graph:

Yes, as you can see, if we take all these expenses into account, the Armed Forces'

expenses rise above 900,000 million dollars per year!

900,000 million dollars!

And we still need to consider national security expenses, like financing intelligence agencies,

such as the CIA.

But, even if we only take the Department of Defense and nuclear weapons budget, that is

620 billion dollars, we can see how the military effort in GDP terms is one of the largest

in the world.

However we look at it, these numbers are exorbitant...

But before we move on from this question, wait a moment… because US military dominance

is somewhat less impressive when we consider the following factors:

First, price difference, that is, you can't buy the same things with $1 in the US that

you could with $1 in China, for example.

If we correct this, we would see that the US military expenditure would be equal to

the sum of China and Russia's military expenditure.

It's still a lot but it's not as impressive.

And second, and this is very important, if we take the trends of recent years into account.

Allow me to explain, in constant dollars, that is, adjusting for inflation, real defense

expenditures have fallen since 2010 by 25%

The largest reduction in decades.

And in a way, this is what is greatly worrying many analysts and politicians in Washington,

especially the Republican Party.

Could it be that despite all the money that the US is spending today on defense, it isn't


Let's see.


Since the fall of the Soviet Union…

and the consequent end of the Cold War, as could be expected, the size of the United

States Armed Forces has decreased substantially.

We're talking about fewer submarines, fewer aircraft carriers, fewer bombers, fewer soldiers,

etc., etc.

However, new equipment has arrived, such as the F22 "raptor"; the B2 bomber, the recent

F35; a new class of aircraft carriers, new cruisers, or, among other things, high precision

drones and missiles.

Well, all this technological renovation has two consequences:

On one hand it has increased the US's military capabilities, but on the other hand, it has

altered equipment and operational costs.

And of course, as we've seen, the budget has been decreasing for years.

"Years of underfunding have given us a weakened force that, despite the hard work of our brave

troops, is ill-equipped to handle the missions we keep throwing at it."

Edwin J. Feulner, founder and president of The Heritage Foundation.

Due to all of this, the Republican Party and also, it must be said, a large part of the

Democratic party, seem to have something quite clear: the military budget has to be increased.

The ex-candidate to the presidency and famous Arizona Senator, John Mccain, who incidentally

is the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee of the Senate, is one of the politicians who

is most committed to this issue, and has proposed raising the military budget to 800,000 million


They say that the current scarce budget, for example, caused the accidents that the U.S.

Navy has had in the Pacific.

"US Navy relieves admiral in charge of 7th Fleet in wake of deadly disasters at sea".

Washington Post.

As well as new emerging threats, such as that of North Korea or an increasingly strong China,

something we explored here at VisualPolitik, are forcing them to renew their entire strategic


And I can already say that it won't be cheap.

Only redoing and modernizing their nuclear arsenal, that is nuclear weapons; bombers,

missiles and submarines, as Trump promised, implies an investment in the next 30 years

of more than 1.2 billion dollars.

However, my friends, if you spend more than anyone else, much more, and you still don't

achieve your goals, shouldn't you rethink your strategy?

Shouldn't the US perhaps modify its role in some way so as not to be involved in so

many conflicts and crises throughout the world?

Is taking military expenditures much further a matter of National Security or does it interest

the large arms industry, which in one way or another generously finances lobbying and

political campaigns?

These are the questions.

The answers aren't clear.

But now it's your turn.

Do you think that the US should increase its military budget?

Leave your answer in the comments and in this survey.

I really hope you enjoyed this video, please hit like if you did and don't forget to

subscribe to our channel for brand new videos every Monday and Thursday.

Also, don't forget to check out our friends at the Reconsider Media Podcast - they provided

the vocals in this episode that were not mine!

And as always, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Why Does WASHINGTON SPEND so Much on its ARMY? - VisualPolitik EN - Duration: 14:04.


Sofia the First Lovelly Moments Part 137 Best Cartoon For Kids - Kiss Media - Duration: 15:47.

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The princess stays in the picture

Alright class today

You will be making a very spitting is a painting you can

Magically jump into and once you enter it it comes to life perhaps

you've noticed our hallway oven chat with dolphins and

camels with wings

And once you know what you want to create you'll use an enchanted paintbrush in your works of art

So what should we paint mermaids Cove of course oh great idea and Warthog

Still be silly James. We can't have warthogs at a tea party, so let's not paint a tea party too late

In Tavo paint Tavo I have hundreds of enchanting paintings in my castles

It's one of the reasons people like me so much Oh

Hildegard I didn't hear the exit spell

Relax Sofia like I said I haven't hey

Maybe I still can


Now amber, and I will both have the painting we want in Tahoe baby. I know all about enchanted paintings in

Taba hey hallo

It's time in an enchanted painting after all okay

But I think we should go back to class and jump into our painting like we're supposed to well if that's what you want

Sure is it?

Hello yourself how nice of you princesses to come and pay a visit

I've sat across from that classroom for years heard it a million times

Can you tell us what it is of course I can but before you go, maybe you could do me a small favor

But how can we get into that painting if we can't get out of this one?

Oh, that's easy if you have one of those magic paintbrushes you see, let's just go back to class

But he's giving us the exit spell Hildegard this can be our way of thanking him

Fine it's a deal. We'll get the dog for you. Sir. No. I can't I didn't know the warthogs would be so wild

There's the next painting Sofia here we go

Come on let's jump oh

Hello, they'd arrived y-yes actually help over here, please come to watch grace princess no

Anytime this

Nice man moves

I guess we'll have to sail across the lake to get to the next painting. Well. Yes of course

lift the anchor

Okay with eager

Good Sofia you're doing just fine

Are you sure you know how to sail well here I am till 8:00 then maybe I should steer

I told you Sofia. I know all about Stanley

We're lucky we landed here and not in that Lake

Hildegard why didn't you let me steer? I know how to sail around me. I could have gotten us a round get Hildegard

I don't want to talk about it anymore Sofia. Let's just get the dog. We only have one more painting to go through

Busy, I'll be right there

He's hibernating

That's when animals sleep for a really long time Sophia

I know what it means and bulls do not hibernate of course. They do I know all about bull

Good oh stop it Hildegard just stop it you act like you know everything, but you don't and now thanks you

We're going to be stuck in these paintings forever

Sofia you can all have a taste once you sit at the table and show proper manners

Amber what is that warthog food?

Stop what?

Okay, you're right. I don't know how to sail

I don't know anything about bulls, and I have no idea how to find the dog. I just pretended to know I

Hadn't made any friends yet

First day of school out on the yard making new friends was kind hard down and everyone laughed

the entire

playground and that was the day I


Anyway, cuz everybody loves somebody


You're being honest and

Nicer, and that's a better way to make friends than pretending to know it all maybe you're right. This is one thing. I definitely know


The dog come on

I just need to get closer, okay

You better steer Sofia

For that sir

and we brought the dog if you don't mind well just point your brushes out of the painting and

Say the words out old paint tuvo

Thank you, sir. Come back a real adventure, and I learned a lot more than I thought I would glad to hear it

That was the best tea party ever Oh

Hildegard's never helped me like that before

Are you okay miss fauna oh yes dear I will be

No one's there Sophia I finished the haunted Tea Party check it out whoo. I don't know

I can't wait for the party tonight Sophia. This isn't everything I have lots of spooky surprises planned

I know we're all excited for the Halloween party, but let's not let our imaginations get the better of us

Amber we all know there's no such thing as ghosts your father's right

I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this


Curl up in the attic with a good book type of ghost

Wait a second were you the one knocking on the door and blowing out the lights?


that was I so not anymore darling because I'm hosting a ghostly gala tonight a what a

Party for all the ghosts in the kingdom, but I have to throw my power cut at my gala

Which does not give me much time so I'd better get back to it turtle please sir yes

I don't want to let my family down only one of us can have up

That time the coziest most relaxing time hey

What's going on who's there quit it are you kidding?

This is the one day Dax finally lets me go out and do some actual haunting come on no way I'm gonna stop now

But my haunted castle party is tonight and everyone is looking forward to it. What do I do?

Mostly, maybe I'll tell my parents about them

So all I have to do is keep him from scaring everyone until the Sun Goes Down and I get to have my party quick

Bloom coupe. I just have to make whatever he's doing seem not so scary all right

must be Dax oh

Don't worry mom

This is just one of the spooky surprises. I planned for the party I asked mr.. Cedric 20 what abhava?

I'll have you know you spoiled a perfectly good scare. I'm not letting you scare everyone away. We'll see about that

Though one and only hey, I'd love to stay and chat, but I got places to haunt people to spook

You don't want to do that

Why don't you take a break in to have a snack with one ghost out of the way?

I don't see a floating sandwich in fact. I don't see any sandwiches, so you better get back to work

Everything okay? Huh it's okay dad. It's just a magic time Rach. It's one of my haunted castle surprises

And just spooky isn't it Oh see you later?

Princess Sofia

Okay, come on so you can tell me the truth. Okay? There's a ghost in the castle too actually brilliant

I always hope the castle would be haunted Oh

Amber better not so all I have to do is scare princess amber Julia. I can manage that

Hmm because I'm scary enough. I'm frightening enough, and bye, but yeah, this is our room

Come on. Let's begin so

What's with all the portraits? Oh?

Those are all of Dax's friends and family what it's the only chance. I'll get to see my dearly departed family and friends

Once every hundred years

You know Dex you should really tell us to fear about all this. Maybe you two could work something out

Ah, there's nothing to work out. She wants her party. I want mine. Maybe Amber's up in her room


Hold on I'll be right back

No the ghost okay follow my lead mask before you use my silk sheets

Really Sophia is this the best you can do oh, I hope your party is scary Horseman's

I don't know, but we better find out

Which way did he go? That's it no bow mr.. Lu scary ghost?

- Jax. What are you doing?

I'm not going to let you stop my ghostly gala darling and since I haven't been able to scare anyone away

I'm going to summon some creatures who will

James I put so much work into the party and it's all for nothing you tried your best

Sorry Soph I'm gonna go check on mom and dad

No one will attend my gala now no friends no family nobody

a hundred years I

feel terrible I was being so stubborn you both were and now he won't get to see his family I

Don't know what I would do if I couldn't see my family for that long you would miss them

Quite a lot we should have talked about all this in the first place instead of fighting

I'm sorry you can't that is very kind of you princess Sofia, but how are we going to remove all those bats?

Only because James, and I kept getting in the way you can do with his decks your greed you glow no

Spray me you can be frightening right?

All gone, I can't believe it. I really frightened them

I knew you had it in your dad's Thank You princess Sofia sure Dax well. I better go find my family

Rutherford good to see you old chum Charlie my boy our best you have not aged a bit

Hello everyone

Dexter dear the scale is not a ghost indeed. She's not hmm, so we can have our Halloween party

Never worked a girl people always scream and fuss when they see us ghosts

Not if they don't think they're seeing ghosts

You'll be happy to know that everyone is having a wonderful time and the decorations are fantastic

I've never seen such real looking



How is your party going great, thanks to you how's your gala

For more infomation >> Sofia the First Lovelly Moments Part 137 Best Cartoon For Kids - Kiss Media - Duration: 15:47.


【MMD×Undertale】Kill The Lights - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> 【MMD×Undertale】Kill The Lights - Duration: 2:45.


【MMD】Partners In Crime 犯罪共犯 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 【MMD】Partners In Crime 犯罪共犯 - Duration: 3:01.


Busy School Day: Art Class |||| Vlog #5 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Busy School Day: Art Class |||| Vlog #5 - Duration: 2:51.


Kale may help slow cognitive loss, study says - Duration: 4:18.

Today, I'm going to try to blow your mind.

I'm going to drop a bomb on you.

In a good way.

Are you ready for it?

Here it is.

It's a serving of kale.

I can almost picture you rolling your eyes.

I sound like your mom.

Eat your vegetables.

But I think if your mom had told you, "Eat your green, leafy vegetables because new research

says it can delay cognitive decline by the equivalent of 11 years," you might have

been more interested in listening to her.

Hi, I'm Tony Dearing, of, the website for people with mild cognitive impairment.

In these videos, I'm always looking for something new, that just came out, that you

can use right now to help slow or halt cognitive decline.

What I want to talk about today is really new.

It's a study that was published barely a week ago in the journal Neurology.

This study was done by Martha Morris, the founder of the MIND diet.

It followed nearly 1,000 people with an average age of 81.

Over a period of about 5 years, it looked at the kinds of food they ate, and regularly

tested their memory and thinking.

Here's what it found.

The people who ate the most green leafy vegetables, a little more than a serving a day, delayed

cognitive aging of the brain by the equivalent of more than a decade.

If you've been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, that's the kind of benefit you


And you can get it from a variety of sources, including: spinach and chard.

But today, I'm hoping to interest you in kale.

And here's why.

It's because "kale is a nutrition bomb, one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables

in the world."

That's according to the website Be Brain Fit, which is one of my absolute go-to sources

for high-quality information on brain health.

In an article on the 12 best brain foods, which you'll find a link to in the description

accompanying this video, they list 8 different nutrients that kale is loaded with.

For people concerned with cognitive decline, here are 3 key ones.

First, kale starts with K, as in vitamin K, which helps improve our ability to remember


Second, kale offers flavonoids, which are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, both of

which specifically improve brain health.

Perhaps best of all, kale is a rich source of vitamin B, including folic acid.

As Be Brain Fit points out, an Oxford University study in 2013 showed that a combination of

B6, B12 and folic acid could "reduce brain atrophy, improve brain function, and dramatically

reduce brain shrinkage in the part of the brain most affected by Alzheimer's."

So if you're determined to fight for your mind, then bring out the heavy artillery.

Drop a nutrition bomb on yourself.

Eat some kale.

Of course, there are other good brain foods, and to help you learn what they are, and how

to incorporate them into your diet, I've put together this free resource guide, called

"10 Foods to Eat for Better Brain Health."

It's yours absolutely free when you get my weekly newsletter.

If you want this helpful 6-page guide, email me at and I'll be

glad to send it to you.

I hope to hear from you, and I look forward to seeing you again next week.

Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.

For more infomation >> Kale may help slow cognitive loss, study says - Duration: 4:18.


Taiwan CWT-K22 Undertale cosplay - Duration: 5:13.

*You can skip the beginning*

"Hello!welcome to my youtube channel"

"My name is Alice"



"In CWTK22"


"This is flowey!"


This is my mercy! -_-"

"Then I cosplay -_- today"

"If you want to see...."


(*Try moving the camera*)

"I will put photo at the end of the video=)"

"Anyway...Just....let's go?"


"I'm back again~"

(*In make-up*)

"Ivy: I finished(*´∀`)~"

"Ivy:I am going to wear a wig now"


"*trying to take a pictures now...*"

"This is Ivy~(ノ∀`*)"

*Many WTF videos begin...*

*so many Frisk and chara cosplayer (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ*

*I so happy~d(d'∀')*


"(Left)Frisk:no~give me back..."

(friend:*Humming some music*)

"(Left)Frisk:give me back..."

"friend:You lost is the Flowey or red determination?""

"HS(Right)Frisk:determination... determination,determination!~(´-ι_-`)"

"HS(Right)Frisk:Ok okay, you should have given her now~"

"friend:You are honest, so the flowey give you~"

"friend:So the flowey send you~"


"HS(Right)Frisk:wow!This mercy so big!ヽ(*´∀`)ノ"

"HS(Right)Frisk:The mercy so big!"

"friend:so big!"

*All the frisk / chara cosplayer are chatting=)*

"friend:What is big?(◔౪◔)"

"HS(Right)Frisk:My archive(Props) broken....(´;ω;`)"

"HS(Right)Frisk:I feel so sad....(´;ω;`)"

"friend:hey! I ask you all, [What is big?]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"



*I do not know who said it*XD

" enough..._(:3 」∠ )_"

*This music just appeared, too fit*(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ

*dramatic changes!!!*

*The following is what I get/buy*

"picture time!!!!LOL!!!"

For more infomation >> Taiwan CWT-K22 Undertale cosplay - Duration: 5:13.


【Undertale翻唱】Megalovania 罪惡之人 (中文填詞) - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale翻唱】Megalovania 罪惡之人 (中文填詞) - Duration: 2:33.


Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Lightnin...

For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Lightnin...


For more infomation >> Disney/Pixar Cars 3 Lightnin...


King Tim IV - Prinskes - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> King Tim IV - Prinskes - Duration: 3:24.


For more infomation >> King Tim IV - Prinskes - Duration: 3:24.




For more infomation >> EXPLICIT AF CHIT CHAT/GRWM FEAT MY BESTFRIEND (FROM A 2 TO A SOLID 10) - Duration: 17:13.


For more infomation >> EXPLICIT AF CHIT CHAT/GRWM FEAT MY BESTFRIEND (FROM A 2 TO A SOLID 10) - Duration: 17:13.


Makeup Tutorial | Dream St Palette Colourpop - Duration: 12:24.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel!

My name is Alejandra

Thank you so much for being here!

Today's video is a makeup tutorial

of the look I'm wearing right now

It's a makeup that is ideal for a night event

and it's using the new Colourpop x Kathleenlights palette, Dream Street

it's a beautiful palette

and I hope you enjoy the video!!

I always like to start with my brows

And to line and fill them in

I'm going to use the Goof Proof by Benefit in the shade 4

Once I've done that

I like to go with a clear brow gel

I really like this one from Anastasia Beverly Hills

We're going to continue with the eyes

because we're going to be using dark colors

And we don't want to ruin the face makeup

So we're going to start with a primer

I like this one from Wet n Wild

It's really inexpensive and really good

If you don't have a primer you can use any concealer

it will do the job, so don't worry!

First, I'm gonna start with a transition shade

Which will help the other colors blend easier

And we're going to use this color right here

called "Magical"

which is very neutral

This will set our primer

and be our transition shade

We're going to apply this color to the crease

Now, we're going to start adding a bit more color

We're going to use this brush from Colourpop

It is the E9

As you can see, it is a bit smaller

But it's super soft

And we're going to start applying darker colors

We're going to go with this color

called "Potion"

We take just a bit

Tap off the excess

And we're going to place it in the crease as well

But focusing it on the outer part

This will give the eyes a bit more dimension

We already have the 'frame' of the eye

and we're ready to start playing with color

we're going to use this color right here

called "Water Bearer"

using a flat shader brush

and we're going to place this color in the inner and outer corners

So as you can see

I'm applying it in the outer corner, following the eye's shape

The same thing in the inner corner

and I'm leaving the center part untouched

Then, we're going to blend again with a smaller brush

to avoid having harsh edges

Once I've done that

I'm going to take the first brush we used

and dip it into that transition shade

to blend the edges

I can take a while, but remember that any eye look

needs patience and a lot of blending

so it's easy but a bit long

I go back to "Water Bearer"

To intensify the color

And now we're going to use another flat brush

a bit smaller

And we're going to use this color called "Kaleidoscope"

I take a bit of that

And I'm going to place it right in the middle of the lid

For shimmer shadows I prefer using them wet

so that they look more intense

If you want to, you can leave it like this

But in this case, what I like doing is

I dip my brush into the color

And then I take a setting spray

Whatever you use

A lot of people use Mac Fix +

I'm currently using this one

it's the Milani Make it Last

I love it, it's a lot less expensive

it smells delicious and i love it

And I wet the brush

Before doing the lower lash

we're going to do the face

we're going to start with a primer

I use the Porefessional by Benefit

I'm going to apply it on my T-zone

Which is where I tend to have

bigger pores

And today I'm going to use this foundation from Wet n Wild

It costs around $6

In the shade "Golden Beige"

And I'm using this sponge from L'Orèal

to blend that in

Now we're going to conceal

Lately I've been in love with this one

from Catrice , it's a new brand in Colombia

You can find it in Farmatodo

I think it has a really good quality

the only problem is the shade range

there are only 3 colors and this is the darkest

and it's pretty light

This is in the shade 20, "Light Beige"

And I'll put a bit under my eyes

And the center of my face

to highlight

and give it a bit more dimension

and we blend

To avoid the concealer and foundation from creasing or caking up

In our fine lines

We need to set the face

To do this, I use this powder from Wet n Wild

I love it, it's super soft

It doesn't have coverage but it's perfect to set the face

And I'll use a big fluffy brush

For the under eye area I use a different powder

This is a magnetic palette where I depotted a few products

And I use this powder right here

that is also from Wet n Wild

It comes with these 2 products

and it's called

MegaGlo Contouring something

I'll leave the name somewhere around here

And I use a damp sponge

To set this area

Now, we're going to finish the eyes

for the lower lash we're going to use

the same color we used on our crease


And we're going to use a pencil brush

It's a lot denser

but it's soft enough not to hurt ourselves

so we take a bit of that color

tap off the excess

And we're going to apply it on the lower lash line

Now we're going to take another pencil brush

but just a bit smaller

we're going to take this color

the same color we used on the lids

A very small amount

and we're going to place it very close to the lashes

but only on the outer part

Trying to connect it with the upper part

Now, we're going to bronze a bit

I'm not very much into contouring

But I really like this product

this is the butter bronzer

I'm going to use this blush from Burt's Bees

And for highlighter

I'm going to use this one from Wet n Wild in "Precious Petals"

And i'll put in on the tops

of my cheeks

Okay, and now

I'm going to set my face with the Milani Make it Last

I'm going to apply some mascara

It's this one from Essence, you can also find it in Farmatodo

The name is too long but it's the purple one

I like to take the excess off

Because if I don't it is too clumpy

and I hate that

And now for the lips

Since our eyes are dramatic

We're going to go for a nude color

And I'm using this lip liner from colourpop

In the shade BFF

And I'm going to line my lips and fill them in

On top of that I'm using a gloss

This is from the same collection of the palette

this is in the shade "Moonchild"

And there you have it

As you can see it's a very simple look

it just needs time and patience

to blend all the colors

I hope you try this at home

Remember it doesn't matter if you don't have the same products

As long as you have similar colors

You can recreate this look

I hope you liked this video. Don't forget to subscribe

Give this video a thumbs up if you liked it

And I'll see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> Makeup Tutorial | Dream St Palette Colourpop - Duration: 12:24.


For more infomation >> Makeup Tutorial | Dream St Palette Colourpop - Duration: 12:24.


Walnut cookies, easy recipe. - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Walnut cookies, easy recipe. - Duration: 5:37.


For more infomation >> Walnut cookies, easy recipe. - Duration: 5:37.


Television Fanatic

For more infomation >> Television Fanatic


'See the dragon that I'm slaying:' Hospital opens lab to cancer patients - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 'See the dragon that I'm slaying:' Hospital opens lab to cancer patients - Duration: 2:11.


7 Signs The People You Are With Radiate Negativity - Duration: 2:53.

7 Signs The People You Are With Radiate Negativity

It is important to be with good people.

However, sometimes you just do not know whether someone actually gives you positive or negative

feedback to you.

Here is some signs to reconsider the people around you.

You can either motivate them or avoid them completely for positive life.

if you experience any of these 7 signs, the people you are with are radiating negativity

#1 - Constant worries

People radiating negative energy always worry too much about something.

It goes beyond your thinking and make you want to push yourself from a cliff.

#2 - Pessimist

Small matters are big matters.

They think that something small will affect the whole world of theirs.

Indeed, it is important to look at details.

However, too much work on details take so much time especially if they always think

it cannot be done.

If advice does not work on them, just leave them.

#3 - Frequent whining

Their issues are the greatest, and no one should not complain about that.

Only the negative people can whine and say that their world is the worst that comes to


If you meet this kind of person, you should be ready to bring them back into reality.

#4 - Delusionary

Being afraid of leaving their comfort zone, negative people tend to have monotonous live.

You can identify this, and be sure you ask them to hang out sometimes especially if they

are your friend.

#5 - Never reach the true potential

Negative people are surrounding by monotonous life with no intention to upgrade skills,

ability, attitude, and appearance.

This makes them perform worse in any form of competition.

#6 - Absorbing energy

Your positive energy is traded with their negative energy.

You can imagine that when you are having conversation with them as their topics are related to desperation,

uncertainty, worries, and other negativity.

#7 - Limited experience

Negative people tend to stay in one place as they do not like to improve.

In this case, they basically have little experience compared to other people who are more active.

All in all, that's the signs of people who radiate negativity.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 7 Signs The People You Are With Radiate Negativity - Duration: 2:53.


Littlest Pet Shop: Totally Super (Episode #15) - Duration: 16:24.

(Rumbling) Huh?



Lola? Lola! Oh my gosh, are you okay?

Lola! Lola, sweetie, wake up!


(Gasp) Mom! Mom!

Oh goodness! ...Lola?

Lola, what's the matter?

Mom, what are dad's robots doing in my room?

What robots?

Right in front of us!

Uhh, I don't see--

Mom, they're right there - two robotic dalmatians? Don't tell me you can't see them.

Uh, Lola...

You really hurt your head from that fall.

Do you remember anything from yesterday?

Um, I was at the cafe with Hudson and... there was an explosion...

No, dear, that was Wednesday, today's Friday. You were in the hospital all day yesterday.

What?! Are you serious?

Well, you went unconscious after you fell. I was there with you all day yesterday

and when you woke up you had trouble remembering and focusing.

The doctor diagnosed you with a concussion, but I'm surprised it wasn't more severe than that.

Then shouldn't I still be at the hospital?

You fell back asleep for a while, but later the doctor came in to check on you and

to our surprise your concussion was just gone. Or, at least, it seemed so.

You seemed exhausted though, so I drove you home last night since the doctor told me you'd be fine

and to call if you were still having symptoms.

You don't remember that?

I don't. I mean, I feel okay.

But, they have no idea how it went away?

No, it was such a surprise,

especially after a fall like that.


Could it have been something to do with my superpowers?

Maybe I have some kind of super-healing?

I suppose.

But... the robots, mom, they're literally standing right in front of us.


I'm serious! Just, like, wave your paw in that area.

(Robotic sound)

Did you hear that? They just beeped!


Should we go back to the hospital?

No, mom, I'm fine, seriously. Like, you can take off these bandages, I don't even need them.

I feel perfectly fine!

Just get some rest, okay?

Are you kidding? I can't sleep with these robots staring at me!

Well, just don't think about them. I'm sure they'll disappear once you close your eyes.

Also, I'm taking a half day from work, so I have to go in later.

Will you be alright staying home alone for a few hours?

Yeah, I'll be okay.

Alright, I love you.

I love you too.

What are you looking at?

What's your problem? Go back to my dad's lab!

Are you even on?

(Metal klank)



(Loud knock) (Scream)

(Panting) What... (Scream) Oof!

Ugh... What happened?

(Gasp) Did you guys do this?!

(Knocking on door) (Gasp) Who's here?

I can't leave looking like this! I don't even remember putting on my necklace.


But how?! What do I do?


Hey Lola!

Uh... Hi Bijou.

Uh, no. I'm Jewel, remember?

Oh! Right, sorry, you're her twin. Um, come on in!

So, what's up?

Why aren't you at school?

Okay, listen, I know we've never really talked before, but this is important.

What is it?

Okay, um, I know your...


What? Secret? Heh, what are you talking about?

That you're Miss Justice.

Uh, no I'm not. Why would you think that?

Lola, stop, I know.

I'll start from the beginning.

Bijou, has gone insane. Not even joking.


One day she just snapped. It started last Monday.

She refused to let me in her room, and she became really rude and mean to us.

Like, nothing we've ever seen from her.

I thought there was something different about her.

And two days ago...

I went into her room when she wasn't there to grab our laptop, because she was hogging it. And, Lola, you won't believe this -

Her walls are completely covered in papers and pictures and maps and drawings and weird things...

I don't even know what they are what they mean.

But she came up behind me and kicked me out and threatened that she'd kill me if I ever went back in there.

She's never said something like that to me before!

But while I was in there I noticed something.

There were pictures of you.

You, your mom, your dad, your sister, and Miss Justice.

So I put two and two together and, well, it would make sense for you to be her.

You sound like her, act like her, you look like her - she has to be you.

Unless she's your sister.

Um, well...

Yes, I am Miss Justice.

Ah! That's so awesome! (Giggles) I'm so smart.

Well, anyways, I need you to come see this stuff.

Wait, how'd you know I'd be home? Why aren't you at school?

Oh! Right, I almost forgot.

I also went into her backpack after she kicked me out of her room

just to see if she had anything in there that could explain how she was acting and stuff,

and I found a note that wasn't in her handwriting, but it said something like,

for Bijou to sneak into your hospital room and give you some kind of medicine that could cure your injuries so you could come home.

Sounds crazy right?

But here you are.

Who wrote it?

Someone called "DS."

(Sighs) Of course. I told her to watch out for them. But why would they give me medicine?

Shouldn't he want me dead or something?

Heh! Never mind. Um, anything else?

Well, I lied to my mom and said that I had a cold so I could stay home,

then I could come over here and tell you all of this and show you what Bijou's room looks like.

Please, Lola, my parents and I are so worried about her, you have to help.

Where's Bijou?

At school.

Are you sure?

Well, I don't know. I'm pretty sure she is.

Well, we've got to go then, and fast... and the only way we can do that is with superspeed. So...


Come on!


Hold on tight!


I'm telling you, you won't believe this...


What does it all say?

I don't know, but hurry. I have a bad feeling.

It looks like some of these are diary entries of... my life...

They're, like, everything I've been doing for the past few days.

Like, she's stalking you and taking notes?

Yeah... wow...

Hey, these are from when I was at the hospital.

Lola... Maybe we should get out of here. What if she's stalking us right now?

Okay, one sec. Let me just...

What do those dots represent?

Hmm. Wait this one's my house. That's the school, your house, Violet's house, and...

I don't know what this one is.

Wait, no, that can't be...

Hudson's house?


Okay, I'll take a picture of it and I'll figure it out when I get back home!

(Shutter noise)

Alright, let's go.

(Creepy ambiance)

Lola... I don't even know what to say...

Hang in there, sweetie.

Lola, you still don't recognize me do you?


You! Wait, I'm not my super form... How do you know my identity?

Oh, we know everything about you, Lola Clawsgrove.

Though, I guess you could say, I know more about you than anyone.

No... you can't be.



Oh, shut up! You thought you were so special having, ooh, "magic powers."

Well guess what, sis, now I'm number one! I have powers now! Yours are nothing compared to mine!

I'm the best, I'm the greatest, and you? Nothing but a little baby.

Paige, what have they done to you? Why are you acting like this?!

Ugh, I'm gonna rip you to shreds!


Stop! Paige, stop!

How does it feel, Lola? How does it feel being second-best?!

Paige, stop, I don't want to fight you!

That's right, because you're a wimp! You were never meant to be a superhero, you don't have the guts!

Stop, please! You know I never wanted this. I didn't ask for it!

Well I didn't ask for you to be my sister!


Who would ever want a sister like you?


(Punching noises)



Hey mom.

Weren't you supposed to be home an hour ago?

Yes, well, I have great news!

Really? What?

The police search team called me a little while ago and told me that someone found Paige!


Yes, isn't this great? I'm on my way to pick her up now!

Wow. Who found her? Where was she?

Someone in Cricketsville found her! I don't know the whole story yet, but we'll be home in about two hours and I'll tell you everything then!

I'll have to drive to the Cricketsville police station to get her.


See you then, I love you.

I love you too.

(Gasp) You two again?!

You've been following me around all day! And don't act like I haven't seen you appearing near me in random places.


Are you helping Bijou write these?

Ugh, get out of here!

(Outgoing message) You've reached James Clawsgrove's business phone.

(Outgoing message) Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Hey dad, it's Lola.


Mom got a call today. They found Paige, I guess.

But where are you?

I mean, I saw you in that cage. Lily showed me. And well...

Dad, I just miss you. I miss the old days when you were here with us, and this whole thing wasn't happening.

I'll try to get you out of this. I just need to know where you are.

And my powers are malfunctioning.

When I don't have the necklace on, I'm Miss Justice, but when I do, I'm Lola.

And I'm having weird visions and dreams, and your dalmatian robots keep following me everywhere...

My friends are disappearing and acting different...

And I just don't know how to stop it.

But I just wanted to say I love you and...

I'm going to rescue you. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Littlest Pet Shop: Totally Super (Episode #15) - Duration: 16:24.


Easiest Way to Rewet Dry Potting Mix/Media - Duration: 1:54.

how's it going everyone so if you've grown anything in a pot before and

forgot to water it for a while you'll know that it is incredibly hard to make sure

that you're potting mix gets really moist and thoroughly wet again and

doesn't just roll off and drain out the sides so in this video I'm just going to

be you showing you guys a really quick and easy way just to make sure that the

whole root ball is thoroughly wet when your potting mix has dried out okay so

for this all you have to do is get a big bucket of water they can hold of water

and also make sure that I can fit in the pot then basically all you do get your

container and just completely submerge it under and you see all these bubbles

appearing that's what you want that means that the air I'm sorry the water

is displacing the air inside of the soil and is re thoroughly rewetting then slow

so you just want to leave it in here make sure that it stays under so then

you just want to make sure you leave it in here for at least five minutes now

you have to do is take it out and then let the water drain away there you go

guys so pretty much to leave it at that if you liked that video make sure you

give it a big thumbs up and if you want to check out other videos like that

there'll be a playlist just here that you can click on tap on and lastly if

you want to subscribe my face will be popping up around here

in the second so you can click on that and that way you stay updated whenever a

person new video here in YouTube you can come along and check it out also just

forgot if you want to leave any comments suggestions or questions or if you just

want to say g'day pop them down below and I'll get back to as - as soon as I

can other than that I hope like this video

and I hope you're all having a cracker week and I will catch you all next time

For more infomation >> Easiest Way to Rewet Dry Potting Mix/Media - Duration: 1:54.


King Tim IV - Prinskes - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> King Tim IV - Prinskes - Duration: 3:24.


Bitcoin - Why you shouldn't invest in 2018 - Duration: 12:26.

Bitcoin hey guys Simon Jordan here co-founder of lay CEOs and today

I'm gonna be explaining why I'm not investing in Bitcoin, and why I think you shouldn't either

Alright guys, so I know this is probably gonna piss a lot of people off

But I wanted to give you my thoughts on building real businesses and investing in real income

producing assets, and why in

2018 I'll be focusing all my energy of things I can actually control now of course

I'm not saying you can't make any money on Bitcoin of course you can but the truth is the vast vast

Majority of people are gonna lose all their investment than this so in order to explain

Why more clearly I'm gonna jump on my computer right now, and show you

Alright guys, so I know this is gonna turn a lot of people off and you know that's fair enough

If this isn't what you want to hear then you know you can watch another video telling you how amazing?

Bitcoin is and that you should be investing your

Remortgaging your house and throwing it into Bitcoin

You know if that's if that's what makes you happy then you know stick with those videos

but I want to give my own opinion on Bitcoin and

In my opinion bitcoin is a complete waste of money

for the vast vast majority of people now joining in the hype train and

Investing into it so so right now bitcoin is the hot new thing and therefore. I'm sorry before

Before that it was gold and it was silver and before that it was the dot-com

bubble and so on and so on and so on right we see these things


Upon us all the time now all of this

What bitcoin is it? This is speculative investing and if you're looking for a way to change your life and make

Lots of money online. This is probably the worst possible way you could go about doing it

So you're essentially gambling in my opinion okay? You may as well take your money whatever money

You're willing to invest and you know head down to Vegas and throw it in some you know some blackjack games or slot machines

Because you have as much chance there of becoming a millionaire or losing your money as you have in

investing in such a volatile and

Commodity like Bitcoin now. I wouldn't even call it a commodity because it's backed by nothing and has actually no intrinsic value whatsoever

except the value that a newbie investors and put on it, so

The thing about Bitcoin let me just get my pan out here right so Bitcoin mm-hmm

Well the first thing to say that people are extremely

Emotional when it comes to money okay, and so right here

right here

this is

Emotional investing this is what you're seeing here these are

That's what we're experiencing right here with people getting at the Bitcoin who think that they know what they're doing and they're being driven

By extreme optimism right so everyone's telling them that this is amazing

it's gonna go up to this much, and it's gonna keep going on forever and

They're more driven by the fear of missing out right they're seeing news reports

They're seeing


and they're seeing all these YouTube videos of different people telling them to invest and they're seeing it grow and grow and grow and they're

So scared of missing out that they take their money, and they pump it in and that's why you're getting this spike

Right here, that's what that is. This is all the newbies that don't really know what they're doing

being afraid that they're missing out and throwing their money in this super super high risk and


Bitcoin so

All these people that are jumping in they do not have the skillset to be getting involved in this kind of investment

They're total newbies being driven by emotion. Okay, so what you have to understand is that there are people who have spent years

Of their lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars on the best

business and finance schools right there to get their education to know

What they're doing in order to learn how to get in right here, okay?

That's all the people who know what they're doing or even even beforehand even in here right all the people who?

Have invested in their education and understand Vallot. I'll and stocks shares

These all these people have gone in here so that they can milk

all the newbies

Who they will inevitably?

Come in here, okay?

Thinking that this is going to go on forever and that they're gonna get rich quick. Okay. It's fueled by that mentality

You know that they want the easy?

Sexy you get rich quick thing that's on the internet and right now bitcoin

Is that at the point that I'm making here is that yes people who have years of experience?

And a track record of investing in volatile

High-risk stocks will make money

But if you're new to all this and you're thinking that this is an easy get-rich-quick

Investment that you just can't miss out on just be prepared to lose all your money

That's what I'm saying in my opinion a good entrepreneur always

minimizes risk in their investments and

Should not be getting involved in something like this now as we all know as I've said before

Bitcoin is hot right now and everyone and their grandmother are having these these small wins right


You know and there's certainly investment wizards and financial advisors

And this gives people false confidence

So they go for the next wing and the next wing and the next wing and then you know eventually the whole thing

crashes and

you know Uncle Bob the investment wizard for the last two months loses the majority of his investment and

If you want to be successful online doing your own thing building your own business

then you don't want to invest you're

Already high risk online revenue into another high risk super volatile asset


Let's say you're in affiliate marketing like me or you've got a social media agency

Or you're a drop shipping or whatever. This is already a high risk activity, okay?

It's already a high risk business like my business affiliate marketing in the beginning. It's high risk cause you know you learn it

You've got it you gotta figure it all out. You've got to you know get some courses. You don't get some sort of training I

Figure this thing end and I'm tired it's high-risk, but the more you learn and the more you gain control

You know the less the less high-risk

It is so you know

Let's say you make 100k right the last thing you want to do is drop that 100k into another high-risk stock

Like Bitcoin all right you don't want to you don't want to put your money into something

So you know as volatile as this it already takes a lot of time

learning and

Energy to manage. You know my business affiliate marketing so I don't want to have my money in something so high-risk

That's gonna. Take a whole lot more time and learning and energy on top of that so

You know and if you do have money to invest the smartest thing to do is really to put your money

into something like real estate, or safe stocks that actually yield dividends year-on-year, you know like safe stocks and

Assets that have actual real value behind them okay now

I know that these aren't

sexy stocks like Bitcoin

But let's let's take a look at one of the best right the best investors in the world Warren Buffett

So where does Warren put his money does he put it in Bitcoin?

No, he does. Not right let's have a look at Warren Buffett's and stocks

I mean just get this pan off, so let's go into Warren's

Stocks right now. What's Warren got here?

Okay, so if we have a look at

What Warren Buffett is investing into they are all big safe reliable and?

Stocks you know that are gonna yield dividends and like I said, they're not the sexy stocks

They're not that you're gonna. Make you know you're gonna quadruple your your investment overnight, but it's it's it's you know

It's a it's gonna. Do you see here? It's got a dividend growth streak 44 years, Walmart, okay, and

dividend yield 2.1 percent, right a

Bank, or dividend growth streak six years right everything that he's putting his money in is

You know it's big it survived Johnson Johnson fifty five years right and and these stocks are gonna

Give you yields. You know anywhere between sort of two three to ten percent per year

Right, but he knows that he's protecting his initial investment

He's not gonna lose his initial investment

And his money is

Working for him right so he has this diverse portfolio all these different things that he's investing his money

And I'm like I said if it's not stocks. It really should be real estate. You know if you understand real estate and

You know put it into property and investment property

Rental property it has a little coca-cola right so I mean like I said these stocks are not big sexy you know mega

You know quadruple your investment overnight, but what these things?

Do is they mean that you're they mean that your investment is safe and that your money is yielding dividends okay, and that's what smart

Investors do okay, so like I said they're boring

But they're very safe stocks like I like we just went to like coca-cola like Apple like General Motors


Because he knows that his investment is very very low risk that's gonna give him those yields year-on-year

Because these assets have real value and not imaginary value like

Bitcoin okay so bitcoins value

It means nothing okay, its growth is now determined


what a

bunch of beginners

Right think it's going to be worth in the future right. It's it's value is


Determined by that so and those beginners are basing that belief on their emotions that greedy get-rich-quick

fear of missing out

And that drive that makes them jump in and take huge risks with their money ok

Another better thing to invest your money on is yourself right so invest in books

Books on investing you know books on building an online business digital courses. You know things that you can actually

use and grow and you know become successful and in whatever it is you're trying to do and

obviously at life CEOs

We're involved in affiliate marketing is our business

And it's a business we have full and complete control over a safe and predictable monthly

income stream ok so

Like I said before it's it really isn't hard to do well in and it's you know

It's a much safer bet than you know taking this big gamble on big point

You know me mortgaging your house or selling your car to buy bitcoins. You know, it's just

there's so many better ways to invest your money guys really and

so and

Yeah, if you'd like more information on how to get started you know in affiliate marketing

I'll leave a link to our website in the description below

So you can start learning and growing a real online business with us instead of just throwing it all

Into a Bitcoin which is a really really really bad idea in my opinion, so what do you think about Bitcoin?

Are you investing or not leave it in the comments below?

and if you enjoyed this video

Don't forget to give us a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and click that Bell icon

So you don't miss any videos from life CEOs in the future. I'll see you guys in the next one

For more infomation >> Bitcoin - Why you shouldn't invest in 2018 - Duration: 12:26.


Chrząszcz chce czegoś więcej - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Chrząszcz chce czegoś więcej - Duration: 1:22.


"Cold" | Life is Strange SpeedART •• Chloe Price - Duration: 3:24.

🎵 "Cold" by Jeff Williams 🎵

🎵 Vocals by Casey Lee Williams 🎵

🎵 From the Rwby Volume 3 Soundtrack 🎵

"I never felt"

"That it was wise"

"To wish too much"

"To dream too big"

"Would only lead"

"To being crushed"

"Then I met you"

"You weren't afraid"

"Of anything"

"You taught me how"

"To leave the ground"

"To use my wings"

"I never thought a hero"

"Would ever come my way"

"But more than that"

"I never thought"

"You'd be taken away"

"Now it's cold without you here"

"It's like winter lasts all year"

"But your star's still in the sky"

"So I won't say goodbye"

"I don't have to say goodbye"

"My days of doubt"

"Were in the past"

"With you around"

"You helped me feel"

"I had a place"

"Direction found"

"You showed me that"

"A greater dream"

"Can be achieved"

"Enough resolve"

"Will conquer all"

"If we believe"

"The light you gave to guide me"

"Will never fade away"

"But moving forward never felt"

"As hard as today"

"Now it's cold without you here"

"It's like winter lasts all year"

"But your star's still in the sky"

"So I won't say goodbye"

"I don't have to say goodbye"

For more infomation >> "Cold" | Life is Strange SpeedART •• Chloe Price - Duration: 3:24.


Justin Timberlake's "Filthy" Is Here & It's One Of His Funkiest Dance Beats Yet - Duration: 2:42.

Justin Timberlake's "Filthy" Is Here & It's One Of His Funkiest Dance Beats Yet, Over

the river and through the woods — or, more accurately, in a studio — Justin Timberlake

created his new album Man Of The Woods, out Feb. 2.

Now fans can hear Timberlake's new song "Filthy," the first single off his first solo album

in five years.

That's exciting enough, but what makes this release even more exciting is that it offers

a sneak peek at Man Of The Woods, which Timberlake called his most "personal" album yet.

It's a project that, he says, has him going back to his Memphis roots but with "Filthy"

he's clearly sticking to those dance tunes that he does best.

Before the singer even dropped his new single, he was giving fans tips on how to listen.

"This is a song called 'Filthy' by Justin Timberlake," he tweeted.

"This song should be played very loud."

Basically, fans should turn the volume all the way up to 11 to truly get the full effect

of the track.

Though the song veers further into pop territory than anything else, a heavy bass line makes

it crunchier than other hits like "Suit & Tie" from The 20/20 Experience or the more recent

"Can't Stop The Feeling."

Though Timberlake suggested Man Of The Woods is earthier than any album he's done in the

past, "Filthy" is all about the funk.

And on top of releasing the song itself, Timberlake also debuted the music video to go along with


In it, he impersonates Steve Jobs and acts as though he's presenting a new invention

to the world.

Whether you love this song or not, the good news is Timberlake is planning on offering

up more music in the weeks leading up to Man Of The Woods release.

According to Entertainment Weekly, he plans to release three more singles before his new

album drops and before he headlines the 2018 Super Bowl Halftime Show, where he'll undoubtedly

debut new music live.

And maybe, even reunite with *NSYNC.

Timberlake has already teased his new album with a video that paints him as a true outdoorsman:

stomping through the snow, running through cornfields, and striking some messiah poses

in a body of water.

After reading all this, you might not be surprised to hear Twitter has already created Timberlake

Man Of The Woods memes that poke fun at this new persona he's cultivated: a pop star who

is one with the Earth.

"This album is really inspired by my son, my wife, my family, but more so than any other

album I've ever written, where I'm from," he says in the video, which has him palling

around with a whole lot of horses.

It's probably why more than one Twitter user turned Timberlake into the Brawny Man.

Whether you thought his teaser was sincere or a little silly, he's going all in.

Even the music teased in the video sounds a bit more rootsy than what JT fans are used


In fact, it sounds a lot like Bon Iver, who trekked out to the woods of Wisconsin to make

his 2007 debut, For Emma, Forever Ago.

Whether Timberlake was channeling his inner Bon Iver to make this album is unclear.

However, he does have a connection to frontman Justin Vernon, who's worked with Kanye West,

most notably on 2010's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

On a 2012 episode of Saturday Night Live, Timberlake played Vernon in a sketch where

he attempts to write a lullaby for Beyoncé and JAY-Z's daughter Blue Ivy.

Let's assume that song didn't make the cut for Man Of The Woods.

That's because, with his latest solo album, Timberlake's not trying to impersonate anyone;

he's just trying to be himself.

To do that, he might sound a little different, though, it's clear he's not straying too far

from his past.

It's already been announced that he's working with Pharrell, who co-produced more than half

of Timberlake's 2002 debut solo album, Justified with his N.E.R.D. partner Chad Hugo.

And, if you believe Pharrell, there's at least one Man Of the Woods song that is a "smash,"

a direct quote from Skateboard P.

Timberlake is also teaming back up with his longtime producer Timbaland, who co-produced


Like Pharrell, Timbaland had some pretty high praise for Timberlake's new album, telling

Rolling Stone, "The music we just made?

It's gonna put him on another plateau."

A perfect place for the self-professed man of the woods.

For more infomation >> Justin Timberlake's "Filthy" Is Here & It's One Of His Funkiest Dance Beats Yet - Duration: 2:42.


Walnut cookies, easy recipe. - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Walnut cookies, easy recipe. - Duration: 5:37.


Kale may help slow cognitive loss, study says - Duration: 4:18.

Today, I'm going to try to blow your mind.

I'm going to drop a bomb on you.

In a good way.

Are you ready for it?

Here it is.

It's a serving of kale.

I can almost picture you rolling your eyes.

I sound like your mom.

Eat your vegetables.

But I think if your mom had told you, "Eat your green, leafy vegetables because new research

says it can delay cognitive decline by the equivalent of 11 years," you might have

been more interested in listening to her.

Hi, I'm Tony Dearing, of, the website for people with mild cognitive impairment.

In these videos, I'm always looking for something new, that just came out, that you

can use right now to help slow or halt cognitive decline.

What I want to talk about today is really new.

It's a study that was published barely a week ago in the journal Neurology.

This study was done by Martha Morris, the founder of the MIND diet.

It followed nearly 1,000 people with an average age of 81.

Over a period of about 5 years, it looked at the kinds of food they ate, and regularly

tested their memory and thinking.

Here's what it found.

The people who ate the most green leafy vegetables, a little more than a serving a day, delayed

cognitive aging of the brain by the equivalent of more than a decade.

If you've been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, that's the kind of benefit you


And you can get it from a variety of sources, including: spinach and chard.

But today, I'm hoping to interest you in kale.

And here's why.

It's because "kale is a nutrition bomb, one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables

in the world."

That's according to the website Be Brain Fit, which is one of my absolute go-to sources

for high-quality information on brain health.

In an article on the 12 best brain foods, which you'll find a link to in the description

accompanying this video, they list 8 different nutrients that kale is loaded with.

For people concerned with cognitive decline, here are 3 key ones.

First, kale starts with K, as in vitamin K, which helps improve our ability to remember


Second, kale offers flavonoids, which are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, both of

which specifically improve brain health.

Perhaps best of all, kale is a rich source of vitamin B, including folic acid.

As Be Brain Fit points out, an Oxford University study in 2013 showed that a combination of

B6, B12 and folic acid could "reduce brain atrophy, improve brain function, and dramatically

reduce brain shrinkage in the part of the brain most affected by Alzheimer's."

So if you're determined to fight for your mind, then bring out the heavy artillery.

Drop a nutrition bomb on yourself.

Eat some kale.

Of course, there are other good brain foods, and to help you learn what they are, and how

to incorporate them into your diet, I've put together this free resource guide, called

"10 Foods to Eat for Better Brain Health."

It's yours absolutely free when you get my weekly newsletter.

If you want this helpful 6-page guide, email me at and I'll be

glad to send it to you.

I hope to hear from you, and I look forward to seeing you again next week.

Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.

For more infomation >> Kale may help slow cognitive loss, study says - Duration: 4:18.


Copy of team mode 93k score. - Duration: 6:43.

Hi everyone.

I am making another team mode video.

This time I got a 90k score.

But I got it in 40 minutes, which is a longer rate for score/min.

I am playing it in 6x speed for that reason.

I already lost a life in my first or second minute.

Now I'll conquer the territory of the orange person.

This is going to be very fun.

I never expected someone else to be there.

Oh well I'll just take over that too.

I call this the sneaky conquering of a lot of land. You are not visible in the map, so it will be easy to conquer land in empty areas.

except this time, someone has been eating up MY TERRITORY.

I shall get revenge on this team.

Now I have a good 20k score.

I'm sorry for not uploading any videos for the past 2 weeks.

I kept forgetting to edit this video for the past week.

I went afk at this time.

But I don't think you noticed.

I lost a life by hitting a wall. :\

This was kind of risky.

Is this orange player even here?

I finally destroyed the yellow team.

Watch between 3:04 and 3:06. The color changed. :O

What just happened?

Was this a glitch?

Please tell me what you think in the comments.

Another bug. Territory on the map that isn't there.

Um ok.

I'll just conquer it.

I shall have no internal conflicts within my own territory.

I was slowly conquering tiny bits of my territory to see if anyone was taking my land.

I destroyed the holder of the golden spawn spot.

Aha! I caught the person trying to conquer all my territory.

Next time, when you conquer territory, make sure you can see your land.

I lost a life here.

But I destroyed them.

Wow that was easy.

Another good kill.

I shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have tried to conquer the "golden spawn spot", where people spawn half the time.

Well, goodbye. Please subscribe to my channel for more videos.

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