Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 6 2018

3 Intelligent Ways To Heal From The Toxic Triangulation Of Narcissists

In other section, we have discussed how narcissists are toxic to others.

We also covered some tactics they use including triangulation for keeping you under their


So, what is toxic triangulation means?

In a simple way, triangulation is some kind of method that narcissists do to sway another

person (sometimes a group of people) into some certain interaction or relationship with

a purpose to belittle the victim, so he, or she will vie for the attention of the narcissist.

Narcissists often use this method to create love triangles among people just to get some

attention to themselves.

Toxic triangulation is one of the most rotten and heartbreaking tools for psychological


So, if you think you're currently under this exact situation, you have to take some action

as soon as possible.

If you want to know how to be completely free from it, these 3 powerful methods should help

you to heal from the toxic triangulation of narcissists.

Before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Know why you are irreplaceable

You are irreplaceable because your mind have been tricked into believing that there is

no one better than you.

That is why when there is someone coming into your relationship, you have nothing but to

struggle to get attention from the abuser.

At some point you may realize that you have made a wrong move since you are actually feeding

the narcissistic partner.

It is pretty common thing to happen actually since they brainwash you unconsciously, but

it can be adjusted by using the self-appreciation technique.

The dynamic of your inner beauty, skills, and intelligence are far more superior to

theirs, the narcissists.

Please also remember that what they say and do are actually illusions.

#2 - Stop looking at the new person

Triangulation requires at least three people involved: the narcissists, you as the first

victim, and other person as new supply.

Most of the time, you will look the new supply as shiny bright object that is far superior

than you are.

This is where you need to think the otherwise.

Remember that narcissists see the world in reverse.

That is why you need to think the reverse too.

Moreover, it is worth to note that people who have endured narcissists are great because

they are the most toxic person in the world.

When you can get away with them that will be remarkable bonus for your next healthy


#3 - Stop comparing

A tactic commonly used by narcissists is to compare you between you and the new supply.

Spending time just to listen and think about your quality and the new person will only

drive you crazy.

Moreover, with strategic talks from the narcissists, you usually do not have a chance to not think

about it.

To fight against it, you can try engaging in positive activities that your narcissistic

partners cannot see.

A routine mediation practice is also great for you to stop seeing yourself in comparison

to others.

All in all, that's the most intelligent ways you can heal from the toxic triangulation

of narcissists.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 3 Intelligent Ways To Heal From The Toxic Triangulation Of Narcissists - Duration: 3:38.


Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 5x07 Promo "Together or Not At All" (HD) Season 5 Episode 7 Promo - Duration: 0:30.



Show them how we spill blood.

We escape.

To where?

The surface.

Don't tell me that was —

Our way out.

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, new next Friday 9/8c on ABC.

For more infomation >> Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 5x07 Promo "Together or Not At All" (HD) Season 5 Episode 7 Promo - Duration: 0:30.


TVF Bachelors | S02E05 - Bahubully 2 : The Conclusion | Season Finale - Duration: 31:33.

After beating Professor Dahi bhalla, Jitendra Bahubully was our new HOD.

The students went crazy that night. Everyone partied like crazy!

Even the Sindhi and Marwari students contributed to the party.

I was passed out all night.

What a party it was!

The next morning came with Professor Dahi Bhalla's surprise test!

That would occur once every 26 days,

but it still surprised all the students.

-What?! -What?!

And there'd be long lines to get copies of the notes.

Even that day, the photocopy machine hadn't stopped working since morning.

And just like every batch has a 'Sardar' (Sikh) and fat person always,

it was the same even 5 years ago.

Just like the two of you, there used to be a fat guy and a sardar.

Who were waiting in the line since morning for a copy of the notes.

-Get lost now! -??

I just have 2 sheets left. You'll have to make do with it.

I'm even running out of ink.

That'll do for me!

Listen, reduce the font size to 4 and fit all the notes in 2 sheets.

They can also be turned into cheat sheets for the exam.

Hey, I'll take the 2 sheets. I'm from the management quota!


I'm an international student from Lahore.

-I'll take the 2 sheets. -I'll take the 2 sheets.

-I'll take the 2 sheets! -2 sheets...?

-2 sheets...? -2 sheets...?

-2 sheets...? -2 sheets? 2 sheets!

2 sheets? I want those 2 sheets! I want them!

-I want those 2 sheets! -He's gone crazy!

I want those 2 sheets! I want those 2 sheets!

I want them!

The photocopy didn't stop...


The HOD who'll bully us?!

The post that was supposed to be Professor Bhalla's,

was given to that Bahubully.

Professor Bhalla has everything like, more experience,

a deep voice, along with salt and pepper hair!

Which are traits an ideal HOD should have.

And yet, that bloody HOD...!

What do you say, Professor Bhalla,

shall we make him a librarian?

This is not you,

but your cow's pee talking, Brinjal Dev.

Your loyal Phd has arrived.


HOD Bahubully has injured his leg.

He was teaching everyone about the moment of inertia

at my birthday bash last night, by dancing on one leg.

So what?

Do you expect us to bandage him?

No, sir.

He won't be able to teach today.

So he asked Professor Bhalla to do so.


Why didn't he ask me to teach?

Is it 'cause I'm short?

I can draw a complete circle on the board even today inspite of my height!


Your height is not the reason he didn't ask you, sir.

The reason is your half-drawn circle.

Do you know the consequence of talking to a veteran professor like that?

-How would I know? -Randomly guess.

You'll send the person to the library.

You heard everything?

No, sir.

I'm a loyal Phd guy, right? I researched it.

So students, surprise, surprise, surprise!

Your test isn't for 3 hours today, but for 2 and half hours and the time is up.

So submit your answer sheets quickly! Come on now.

Give that to me! You ass! Give that here!

Give me your pen as well. You fatso, give me your pen!

Give me your papers!

Everyone has to give me their papers!

You're next.

Give that to me! How much are you going to write?

-Give me the paper! Let go... -Sir, what you're doing is wrong.

-Let go off the paper! -Sir, what you're doing is wrong.

Let it go!

Take him to Chewingami!

Jasmeet Singh Lahori!

We can deport you back to Rawalpindi

for such indiscipline against Professor Sattupatti.

-Ma'am... -Shut up!

Do you have something to say?

-Bahubully... -Bahubully...

-Bahubully... -Bahubully...

Jassi, tell me clearly, what exactly happened?

The surprise test was to be over at 3 PM, but professor Sattpatti

surprised us again by taking the papers half an hour ealry.

Just because he had a movie to go to at 3 PM.

He began to snatch our answer sheets away!

He was going to do the same with me, so I bit his hand.

That was wrong of you, Jassi!

You don't bite the hnads of professors who make movie plans during college hours,

you get his salary cut!

HOD Jitendra!

Such violence in front of me?

Jasmeet Singh said everything without fear.

I found a ticket to a 3 PM movie in Sattupatti's pocket.

It's a corner seat.

A day's pay of Sattupatti's salary will be deducted.

The decision has been made!

The decision of Sattupati's pay being cut,

is not your decision to make,

but that of the account's department.

What account's department are you talking about?

The one that pays a full salary to professor like Brinjal Dev?

Or the one that fixes the gum holes in your desk

from the dues that students pay at the library?

I've been holding it in!


Dean, do you see the consequence of making him the HOD?

These students adore him and keep chanting his name all around.

He didn't even spare you today.

How do you feel being bullied by him?

Don't you think he should be a librarian?

A HOD is like a chewing gum to a department.

If you don't spit it out at the right time,

it turns bitter.

Professor Jitendra will be your librarian henceforth.

And your new HOD will be...

..Professor Bhalla!

-That's my order. -But, Dean...

My order is extra louder now!

Professor Bhalla...

More experience, a deep voice, salt and pepper hair...

The one you know as Dahi Bhalla, which is me!

I give you my word,

that I will teach you from this day forward...

Our HOD, Professor Bhalla!

-Professor Bhalla! -Professor Bhalla!

Thank you.

Jitendra Bahubully, who is me!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

-Bahubully proffu! -Bahubully proffu!

Guys, it's really an earthquake! Run!

Get out! Get out!


It wasn't fair for them to snatch away your HOD quater, proffu.

We've all put mattresses for you in the corridor.

-Kattapa, if there was a bed... -You come on, sir.

Why are y'all crying?

Such an awesome professor is coming to live in our hostel.

We can get our doubts cleared at anytime now.

Prepare for a night out!

-Where are you going, proffu? -I'm going to sleep.

The B and D wing guys have been waiting for their turn.

They've turned the canteen into their waiting room.

And you're aware that the muggers don't share their notes a night before the exam.

If you fall asleep at a time like this, then who will teach them?

Tell me, tell me, proffu?

Look at this, Bhalla.

If he remains in this college,

he'll be a professor no matter where he is.

What do we do with him, HOD Bhalla?


A few unfaithful students are working on their projects under me.

But go elsewhere to clear their doubts.

It's not like those idiots are going to pass out this year.

You tell me...

Do you want your Phd degree this year or not?

Sir, I come from a village area.

My dad's taken a loan from the World bank for my education.

My mom can't see in the dark clearly.

-We have to demolish one of the floors... -Do you want a degree or not, man?

I do want it, sir.

Here's my project report.

Get Bahubully thrown out of college.

No, sir. I can't do this...

Get him thrown out of college and take your degree.

Or else, be prepared to work on your entire projext report again.

The entire report again?

How do I do this?

Do you have anything on your mind?

Search all their bags.

Brinjal Dev...



It was in hope for peace, you let it go, sir...

Shut up!

-That's mine, sir. -Yours?

It's mine.

Why'd you put it in my bag?

What's this?

Sir, this is a hard disk, it has professor Bahubully's notes in it.

He only gave it to us all.

-Really? -Yes.

We'll find out the truth now.

Plug it in, will you?

Look at this.


Important notes.

Very very important notes.

Bahubully's songs.

Put it on, even I want to listen to them.

Dean's daughter begging to cum...

-Hairy Librarian has a long black... -Stop it, Bhalla!

Don't jump to conclusions.

Bhalla, just play it and check.

It could possibly be a tutorial video.

Look at it.


Do you know what this is, Kattapa?


The students won't turn into 10 pointers over night,

but they'll surely pass.

Now, they don't have to stand in long lines for me to teach them.

I'll give it to Jassi.

Sir, you get some rest.

I'll give him this hard disk.

I'm going to wander outside the girl's hostel anyway now.

I'll even find Jassi there.

It's our daily routine.

Please forgive me, proffu.

Please, forgive me...

Stop it!

Stop it!

Did you see that, Dean? It's got the entire Babesena!

This is not a hard disk, it's the entire Babesena!

He wants to turn this small babes into mountains!

Librarian Jitendra?

You're suspended from the college this very moment!

You are rusticated!

Snatch his ID card.

-No, sir... -Do you want your Phd?


Bahubully's notes are still eternal in Babesena!

And Bhalla teaches them to the 10 pointers till today and boasts of it as his own.

And porn?

It's not there, it's been deleted.

You ass, you should've told us before that Babesena has notes!

We've made a rebel group thinking it was porn!

Guys, Bhalla is throwing a fresher party tomorrow morning.

Come on, let's put on face-packs and sleep!

-Party...? -There's a party, man!

-Party... -Wait, Jeetu!

Where are you going?

There's a party tomorrow, I'm going to sleep, Kattapa.

No, Jeetu!

You can't go anywhere!

-Let me go, I want to party hard! -No, Jeetu!

You're a look alike of our professor Jitendra.

Think like him.

Think like Bahubully!


Sir, all the students have come and they look quite confident.

These idiots don't even know that a party at 7 in the morning doesn't start

but it ends!

Isn't it, Bhalla?

Let them come.

Like always,

there's going to be a surprise test at the fresher party.



What's wrong? Show me.


Babesena is not in these shackles!

This is getting on my nerves!

What's happening here?

We will have our fresher party, sir. But after your surprise test.

The students have a few doubts but there's half an hour to the test.

So clear our doubts until then.

Sir when Benzene hexafluoride is reacted with

tri-hydro-chlorine in presence of aqueous copper sulphate

-then what is the... -Sir,

how much pressure is required for an adiabatic isentropic process

PV to the power gamma minus 1...

In Mughal empire, Babar came to power...

-?? -Sir, when will I get my Phd?

HOD Bhalla...

Clear their doubts, for God's sake you're their HOD!

How will he do it, madam?

He doesn't have this hard disk.

Why are you talking about?

Professor Jitendra Bahubully made these notes with great difficulty.

He put it in this hard disk for students like us to study and pass our exams.

And this man turned this hard disk into Babesena!

Dean, you thought that Bahubully showed them porn and spoilt them,

that he's only making us have fun.

But it was him who conspired to get him thrown out by putting porn in this!

He did!

Is this all true, Bhalla?

Is this true, Bhalla?

She's asking you something, Bhalla.

Below the bubble of my bubblegum, all this kept happening,

but I didn't know anything!

Forgive me, if you can, proffu.

You are immediately suspended from the post of a HOD!

You are rusticated!

-This is my order! -But, Dean...

My last order is larger than louder!

For more infomation >> TVF Bachelors | S02E05 - Bahubully 2 : The Conclusion | Season Finale - Duration: 31:33.


បទថ្មី ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត គ្មានអ្នកណាល្អជាងប្រពន្ធខ្ញុំ សង្សារអើយឲ្យបងសុំទោស new song 2018[nonstop song] - Duration: 38:46.

For more infomation >> បទថ្មី ខេមរៈ សិរីមន្ត គ្មានអ្នកណាល្អជាងប្រពន្ធខ្ញុំ សង្សារអើយឲ្យបងសុំទោស new song 2018[nonstop song] - Duration: 38:46.


Tử Vi Hàng Tuần Của 12 Con Giáp Từ 8/1 Đến 14/1/2018: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc Tình Cảm Và Sức Khỏe - Duration: 16:32.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Hàng Tuần Của 12 Con Giáp Từ 8/1 Đến 14/1/2018: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc Tình Cảm Và Sức Khỏe - Duration: 16:32.


이달의소녀탐구 #249 (LOONA TV #249) - Duration: 0:57.

(The day of Chuu's second photo shooting!)

(LOOΠΔ Long Jacket Squad is here!)

JinSoul: Please introduce yourself!

Chuu: Wow, hi!

Chuu: This is Chuu who loves eating food

Chuu: but practice controlling the passion for food nowadays.

Chuu: Thanks in advance!

JinSoul: What's your charm?

Chuu: I look smart when I'm concentrating on something.

Yves: Who said that? Chuu: Mommy.

'(To Choerry and Chuu) Please reenact the first meeting of you two.'

Choerry: It was like...

Choeery & Chuu: Hello~!

JinSoul: I think we can't interrupt them...

Chuu: You're so cute~

'Are you guys really close?'

(Strong denial?) Chuu: Nope! We're close! Choeery: No~

Chuu: We're close!

JinSoul: But.. you know, real friends can't do like that, right?

Chuu: No, we're really close!

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ / Chuu - Heart Attack"

ViVi: They look like twins.

Chuu: Open your mouth! Choeery: Ah~

Choeery: Here, gift for you!

Chuu: Daddy! Choerry: Daddy?

(New promising duet! Positive girls line!)

Choerry: Cut!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #249 (LOONA TV #249) - Duration: 0:57.


테마영상집: 인피니트 칼군무 5 (feat. 연습실 진화과정)(INFINITE's Sharpest Dance 5) - Duration: 2:41.

(5 Perfect Group Dances by INFINITE)

My eyes can't see anything

But you in the spotlight

(Because I listen to my heart heart heart)

Before the dawn (Ye Ye Ye)

Before the dawn (Ye Ye Ye)

Let me stop you before it's too late

Before the dawn (Ye Ye Ye)

Before the dawn (Ye Ye Ye)

I want to have you till the end

Only with you here's the paradise

The paradise that locked you in

The paradise you can't go when you're awake

The paradise you can be with me forever

Can you save me

Save me

Come back

I want you back back back back back

Back back back back back

The memory of you and I

Don't leave me alone in the time

Bad Bad Bad Bet a Bad Bad Girl

Bad Bad Bad Bet a Bad Bad Girl

Bad Bad Bad Bet a Bad Bad Girl

You've always been a strange girl

Bad Bad Bad Bet a Bad Bad Girl

Bad Bad Bad Bet a Bad Bad Girl

Bad Bad Bad Bet a Bad Bad Girl

You make me nervous endlessly

After a breakup that I couldn't finish

I break up with a breakup

The relations left to me

Even if I try to escape from you

Even if I try to run far away

I am swayed by you again

After a breakup that I couldn't finish

I break up with a breakup

Silly regrets are left to me

I can't forget you I can't erase you

On the charge of seeing you

I am locked in your eyes

I am locked in

For more infomation >> 테마영상집: 인피니트 칼군무 5 (feat. 연습실 진화과정)(INFINITE's Sharpest Dance 5) - Duration: 2:41.


BREAKING: Top Roy Moore Accuser's HOME JUST BURNT DOWN TO THE GROUND! HOLY HELL! - Duration: 2:26.



BREAKING– ALABAMA – Authorities have launched an arson investigation after the home of a

woman who accused Roy Moore of groping her nearly two decades ago burned to the ground

Wednesday, Fox News reports.However, the Etowah County Sheriff's Office said in a statement

that it did not believe the blaze at the home of Tina Johnson "is in any way related to

Roy Moore or allegations made against him."

After neighbors and some utility workers called 911 shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday, the Lookout

Mountain Fire Department responded to the scene.

By the time the flames were extinguished, Johnson and her family had lost everything

they owned.Johnson told Friday that the fire left her Gadsden home a total loss,

saying she was "devastated, just devastated."

"We have just the clothes on our backs," she told the website.Johnson and some of her

neighbors told that a young man with a history of public intoxication was seen

walking around the house before and during the blaze.

According to Johnson, one neighbor told her that the man in question approached the neighbor

and asked if she thought Johnson's house was going to burn.

The Etowah County Sheriff's Office said investigators were "speaking to a person

of interest," but no arrest warrants had been obtained.

Johnson was one of several women who came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct

against Moore, during last year's Alabama Senate runoff election campaign.

The Republican Moore, a former chief justice of Alabama's Supreme Court, lost narrowly

to Democratic candidate Doug Jones.

Johnson accused Moore of grabbing her buttocks in 1991 as she left his law office with her

mother, who had hired Moore to handle a child custody dispute between Johnson and her then-husband.

"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," Johnson told in an article published

Nov. 15.

Johnson was 28 at the time of the alleged incident.

Most of the allegations against Moore related to behavior with teenage girls in the late-1970s.

Well, that sucks and we feel bad about her house being burned down.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Top Roy Moore Accuser's HOME JUST BURNT DOWN TO THE GROUND! HOLY HELL! - Duration: 2:26.


Joker & Griggs Scene | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:50.

Where is she?

It's complex. This is not just her.

Everybody's disappearing.

There's this new law,

where if you're a bad enough bad guy, they stamp "terrorist" on your jacket.

They send you to this swamp in Louisiana. A black site.

That's where she is.

So what are we doing?

Bring the car around.

We're going for a drive.

Lester, Lester! Hit me one more time!

Come on, man!

You gotta call upstairs and tell them to float me another 10 K.

- Hey! - Ow!

- Boss wants to see you. - You know who I am?

Good job, man. He's killing it.

Come on, man. Why am I here?

All right, yeah, I'm down. I get it, all right?

I've had a run of bad decks. Not my fault. All right?

Dude, this is real.

I had to stop these guys from burning down your house with your kids in it.

But you're lucky.

Maybe. Why do you think so?

Yo, slick. What's up?

Griggs. You are?

You might wanna keep your mouth shut.

Can I go, man? What the hell is going on, man?

This is crazy.

Blah, blah-blah, blah-blah.

Blah-blah, blah, blah.

All of that chitchat's gonna get ya hurt.

Oh! My God!


I could tell you meant that.


You're gonna be my friend.

For more infomation >> Joker & Griggs Scene | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:50.


SEVENTEEN - THE8 (Line Evolution) - Duration: 0:59.

With Mingyu

For more infomation >> SEVENTEEN - THE8 (Line Evolution) - Duration: 0:59.


'Resistance' Heads Explode After Sarah Sanders Drops 'Truth Bomb' From Trump - Duration: 4:27.

'Resistance' Heads Explode After Sarah Sanders Drops 'Truth Bomb' From Trump

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders kept a straight face as she addressed the

press corps during her regular scheduled conference.

It seems our beloved press secretary had a secret message from President Donald Trump

just for all those leftist haters out there.

A shocked room of liberal loser reporters looked on in utter silence as Sarah told them

she had a "message from a special guest," telling them to "tune into the screen."

Don't miss this.

President Donald Trump is winning, and he is feeling pretty sassy as he trolls all the

leftist haters who refuse to give him a fair chance.

Over the last year, Trump has achieved more than any modern-day president, and that includes

President Ronald Reagan.

"With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored

81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant

tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according

to the White House," reports The Washington Examiner.

The report adds, "And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and

slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking

down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing

Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax."

According to the White House, the 81 accomplishments are in 12 major categories and include well

over 100 other minor achievements.

Yet, what does he get from the mainstream media haters?

He's being called mentally incompetent, a danger to the world, and worse than Adolf

Hitler and Benito Mussolini combined.

Most of us know these idiots call themselves the "Resistance," except I can't really

explain what they are resisting.

I guess they are resisting "making America great again."

Like we said, Trump has come back from his Christmas holiday all smiles, and insiders

report he is raring to go, telling them, "You ain't seen nothing yet, folks."

So, with that in mind, along with the over the top paranoia coming from the "resist"

nutjobs, the president had a little surprise for the press corps, which he knew would get

reported on all the liberal mainstream media outlets.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders played Trump's "straight man" as she kept a

stern face, announcing, "We have a message from a special guest I'd like to share with

you, so I'll ask you to tune into the screens, and then I'll continue from there."Notice

CNN's "headline," below the video as it plays, says, "President claims the Resistance

is destroyed (It's not)," as if to reassure their useful idiots not to fear this message

from Trump.

CNN is really losing it, and Trump has won that war.

For a major news outlet to post that kind of subtext under this report shows just how

far gone they are.

They've completely morphed into "fake news" and don't seem to care who knows


"So, was this Trump or Sarah Sanders trolling the briefing room?

Because you know heads were TOTALLY exploding everywhere over this message from a 'special

guest' that Sanders shared during this briefing," reported Twitchy.

I'm betting it was Trump's idea, and Sanders, who has a darn good sense of humor, probably

said, "Hell, yes!

I'm in, Mr. President."

Twitchy added, "Yesterday the media was all pissed off because Trump was on the monitors

and not in the room, and today they get a scene from a Star Wars movie.

2018 is already making 2017 look tame in comparison.

Good times."

Good times, indeed.

I predict as the President passes more and more of his agenda and Americans across the

country start to see things get a little better, Trump will widen his base.

This is why the Democrats were going bonkers over the tax cuts because, when people start

to get jobs and the economy takes off, the president will easily win re-election in 2020.

Let the good times roll, all aboard the Trump train.

For more infomation >> 'Resistance' Heads Explode After Sarah Sanders Drops 'Truth Bomb' From Trump - Duration: 4:27.


REBELS vs ROBOTS: Conformity in Japan. Ask Japanese about dangers of living in a conformist society - Duration: 14:03.

The nail that stands out too much of the system can't be hammered down.

Nice one.

You have to create a rule book that you live by.

Japanese tend to conform, but I think having character is more enjoyable.

Hey guys and girls today we have come to Bunka fashion college

for their annual school festival. Today we're gonna ask the stylish people here

What they think... there is gonna be someone walking... into the picture...

Today we are gonna ask the stylish people here

if they think in Japan it's better to be the same as everyone

or if it's better to live a life less ordinary and be different

from everyone. So let's go and ask Japanese.

Do you think being the same like everyone else is good in Japanese society?

Conforming is a very good thing at times.

At the same time I think it's scary.

If you conform and act like everyone, you will never stand out.

Thus nobody will call you out on when you're doing something wrong.

In Japan it's a good thing to lead a quiet life.

At the same time I think it's dangerous.

If your bad habits don't stand out, nobody will call you out on them.

If nobody corrects your bad habits, you will live with them forever.

I think that's a dangerous way of living.

If you are different than others, people might get upset with you.

But you can learn from that. I believe in that.

The world of fashion is the same.

Even if people get upset with your style...

you can keep living with the things you like.

It's natural for people to be opinionated.

You don't have to live like everyone else.

But in case of teamwork, I think you have to conform with everyone.

It's important to stay true to your unique character.

You can adapt your personality to work in a conformed environment.

It's about how you change your personality to work in society.

If it's about wearing color, it's when and how you do it.

You have to create your own rule book by which to live by.

Is it good to conform in society?

It's both good and bad.

It depends on the situation.

It's definitely not bad to be like everyone else...

but living differently is probably more fun.

Conforming in society is good and bad.

Being like everyone will make you feel save.

But there are people who prefer to stand out from the crowd.

That's another form of freedom.

I think it's fun.

It depends on the situation. We all need to develop our personalities somehow.

Japanese tend to conform but I think having character is more enjoyable.

If you live and dress differently in Japan, is it hard?

If you conform you are making yourself less of a target.

People will judge you.

People who can live through that are cool.

Being like everyone else is fun.

But having a unique personality is also important.

Both is important.

What's good about living differently in Japan?

When I look at people who are all wearing the same clothes.

Or people who are all have the same hairstyle.

It doesn't seem fun.

Seeing different hairstyles, haircolors....

and different clothing styles...

I will think those people look nice.

That's their advantage.

If you look around this fashion school you will understand but...

We are all sprouting very different fashion and hairstyles.

That's what makes studying here so much fun.

But in Japan, it is often said Japanese try to conform so...?

We all wear school uniforms in school. Once we work, we have to wear suits.

We have to wear suits like everyone else.

In high school we have strict school uniform policies.

That's where we have to conform.

Is it good to be different then? - I think it might be.

Deciding to wear different clothes to everyone...

or creating a coordinate that nobody has ever thought of...

you create your own world.

Nice way to sum up your thoughts.

Abroad we often hear this saying about Japan...

What was is again? A nail is standing out and people hammer it in.

The nail that sticks out gets hammered down, we say.

The nail that stands out too much of the system can't be hammered down.

Nice one.

Does that work? - I think it does for me.

If you stand out too much of the system, people will just not bother with you.

At our fashion school we have many people who are like that.

I wish there were more.

What's so good about conforming?

At Bunka fashion college there is no one who conforms.

Everyone has a big ego

that's what's good about this school.

We get to learn about and accept people who are different.

If students at a fashion school were all the same, it would be super boring.

Once you leave school though, would you meet problems in the world of work?

I think now but..

People might stare at you in a strange way.

... if you dress to extravagant.

Once you start working, just select a workplace where you can show your personality.

then we won't have a problem.

Nice idea there.

Do you think being the same as everyone else is good?

It's good but also a bit boring.

You need to keep your personality alive, but also conform where you have to

Do the things you want to do. Being able to variate is important.

I think we are already not the same anyways.

We all have our personalities.

If course having a unique personality is a good thing but it's also good to

unite with everyone, for example to make the school festival happen.

While respecting each others personalities, we can work as a team.

In Japanese culture if you decide to openly be different,

doing different things, wearing different clothes,

living a different lifestyle, will you experience difficulties?

We are more restricted than compared to different countries abroad.

If we wear different fashion, people will give us judgemental looks.

That's a sad fact.

Well, girls in America can go out wearing no bra, right?

They can just wear one T-shirt and go out like that. Here ...

people will look at you the wrong way for that.

I think in fashion and similar, it's important to have a certain amount of freedom.

Topless? You mean just one shirt?

Yes no bra underneath.

We have it abroad, but not here in Japan.

If you just wore one t-shirt, people would be "what person are you? Why do you do that?"

"That's dangerous."

Especially older people would say that.

There is a lot of pressure from the older generation.

But then again, in Japan you have the cosplay culture.

That's true.

You don't see that much abroad. - Yeah no.

I guess every country has their own way to freeing people's personality.

That's right.

In Japan is there cultural pressure to be like everyone else?

School uniforms and such.

In High school, some students will try and change their uniforms slightly.

As students we would think how to break out of the mold where possible.

and that is where your own personality comes out.

I think it's better to be different.

Even though we are friends, we are both very different.

Even though we work in the same fashion team.

There are many different personalities working together, it's great.

Conformity and Uniqueness are both just as good.

I have never thought much about it.

What's good to be like everyone else then?

If you can do the same things, you become friends quicker.

You will have common things to talk about, that's fun right?

So what's good about being different then?

You can find out new things.

You can also copy different fashion that you have seen.

That's fun.

I wanted to ask you about your unique fashion today but...

Today we are all wearing the model's hoodies for the show.

It has been decided that all models appearing have to wear this hoody.

But you added badges to the back of yours? - Yes I did.

In the fashion show, every scene expresses a unique part of our fashion school

Every fashion scene has a badge with it.

We got these badges as presents and attached them to our hoodies.

It helped us rehearsing.

Each badge represents a fashion scene.

So being like everyone...

is that good for you?

From my personal experience...

I think being like everyone else is really good.

But coming to a fashion school like this one, I realized how important it is

for everyone to have their own personality.

I will look at those who have been studying before us

see what different styles they have done.

At bunka you really get to meet some unique characters.

But I think it's great that those people manage to protect and maintain their characters.

If you conform with other people, it's less embarrassing.

If you blend in, it's easier to live your daily life.

I think there are many benefits to it.

Once I came to this school, I realized the importance of

using fashion to express your emotions and ideas.

If I look at unique personalities I think they will look fun and I will learn from them.

If you are different, people can look at each other and... how do I say it...

When people are not conforming, they are voicing different opinions

that can lead to people bonding, and it helps in the creation of new things.

Once you decide to live, dress and act differently in Japan...

what's the advantage?

Once you decide to be different, you get a lot of attention.

Here I see a lot of people who want to be seen and stand out.

Getting the attention, perfecting one's style, must make them very proud of themselves.

Conforming is a good thing then?

No it's not good at all. You can't show who you truly are.

It's important to value our personalities.

Is there a pressure in Japan to conform though?

Our school uniform rules are incredibly strict.

We have to wear our hair the same way as everyone else.

We have all to dress the same way. I hate that.

The suits of people who are working are all the same color...

I don't like that at all.

That's true, people on the train all look the same.

What's good about being different then

It's nice when people pay attention to you.

What makes it hard to dress differently to the people around you then?

If you dress differently people will think you are a weirdo.

You might think you look good, but other people will judge you as a weird person.

Especially on the countryside you will stand out a lot for dressing differently.

People will stare at you, or take sneaky pictures of you... it's scary...

Those were our questions. Thank you so much.

Be the same as everyone else or be different.

If you are the same as everyone else, lots of things will be easier.

You might have a quieter life, won't get into certain troubles that people do

when they are different, but

one thing i'd like to say:

Being different is always hard.

It's always harder than being the same as everyone else.

But I find it's more rewarding.

In that sense, if you are different, of course

once you swim against the stream, things are harder

but what I find is it's more rewarding.

You find out who you really are because there is no one else you can copy

you just really have to be yourself.

And stick with that.

And that is a journey that will make your life so much more interesting.

If you are the very first person who says

"I wanna go to Asia" while no one around you wants to

and everyone is just like "home is the best place, why do you wanna go

"and live in a different country?"

Happened to me. Now I am having a very exciting life

and I love what I am doing.

You might be the first person in your family who wants to go to university.

You might be the first who says, "I don't wanna live in this town, I wanna move out."

Always, being different from everyone else is hard

but it's so rewarding and it changes your life a lot.

Even if it's hard, break though it, because it makes you who you are.

On my channel I always end with the slogan

"Do what you love, Love what you Do!"

It's so important, for my life, and I hope it inspired you as well to live a little bit

of a life less ordinary.

On that note, thank you very much for watching. There are more videos

we took at bunka fashion college.

Be sure to check them. If you're curious, come over to my personal channel.

The Cathy Cat channel. Thank you for watching and catch you soon, bye.

For more infomation >> REBELS vs ROBOTS: Conformity in Japan. Ask Japanese about dangers of living in a conformist society - Duration: 14:03.


BREAKING: Obama Is FREAKING OUT After New Report From TOP Govt Agency Just Came Out…. - Duration: 5:06.

BREAKING: Obama Is FREAKING OUT After New Report From TOP Govt Agency Just Came Out….

Look What It Says!

The Dow Jones industrial average has climbed to 25,000 and fewer Americans are unemployed

since Donald Trump became president.



And here's another interesting fact: The number of people collecting food stamps has

declined by more than two million.

Do you see that?

2,000,000 people are not on the government dole!

Yo Democrats, what do you have to say about that?

Oh yeah, you are still obsessed with Russia.

Freaking useless liberal trash.

Data released by the Department of Agriculture show that the number of participants in the

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, dropped

to 42,182,443 for fiscal 2017 – a decline of 2,036,920 from the fiscal 2016 total of


USDA figures since show that the program has gone from costing taxpayers about $250 million

for about 2.8 million recipients in 1969, under President Richard Nixon, to a peak of

costing nearly $80 billion for nearly 48 million recipients in 2013, under President Barack


The numbers have declined since then, in part because of the booming economy and because

some states have restored work requirements needed to qualify for SNAP, Fox News reported.

In many cases the work requirements had been waived because of the recession of 2007-09.

The 2017 figure of 42.1 million people assisted is the lowest figure since 2010, when the

program assisted 40.3 million people at a cost to taxpayers of $68.2 billion.

President Trump has signaled that he wants to tighten eligibility rules for SNAP and

have states contribute matching funds for the program – as ways of continuing to reduce

the number of recipients, reported.

The federal government is also reviewing some rules being considered on the state level

for possible inclusion in federal policy, the website reported.

These include Wisconsin's request to begin drug-testing some food stamp recipients and

Maine's plan for limiting the number of family members who can make purchases using

a SNAP card, the site reported.

Another interesting fact: The number of people collecting food stamps has declined by more

than two million.

Data released by the Department of Agriculture show that the number of participants in the

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, dropped

to 42,182,443 for fiscal 2017 – a decline of 2,036,920 from the fiscal 2016 total of


USDA figures since show that the program has gone from costing taxpayers about $250 million

for about 2.8 million recipients in 1969, under President Richard Nixon, to a peak of

costing nearly $80 billion for nearly 48 million recipients in 2013, under President Barack


The numbers have declined since then, in part because of the booming economy and because

some states have restored work requirements needed to qualify for SNAP, Fox News reported.

In many cases the work requirements had been waived because of the recession of 2007-09.

The 2017 figure of 42.1 million people assisted is the lowest figure since 2010, when the

program assisted 40.3 million people at a cost to taxpayers of $68.2 billion.

President Trump has signaled that he wants to tighten eligibility rules for SNAP and

have states contribute matching funds for the program – as ways of continuing to reduce

the number of recipients, reported.

The federal government is also reviewing some rules being considered on the state level

for possible inclusion in federal policy, the website reported.

These include Wisconsin's request to begin drug-testing some food stamp recipients and

Maine's plan for limiting the number of family members who can make purchases using

a SNAP card, the site reported.

We are winning on every level and Democrats are flipping out and actually endorsing the

terrorist group ANTIFA!


For more infomation >> BREAKING: Obama Is FREAKING OUT After New Report From TOP Govt Agency Just Came Out…. - Duration: 5:06.


Watch Live: The National for Friday January 5, 2018 - Minimum Wage, Paul Haggis, Winter Storm - Duration: 1:04:30.

For more infomation >> Watch Live: The National for Friday January 5, 2018 - Minimum Wage, Paul Haggis, Winter Storm - Duration: 1:04:30.


ଶୀତ ଦିନ, Winter Days Special Thing Odia Funny Video, Sita Dina Berhampuriya Comedy || Berhampur Aj.. - Duration: 4:07.

Thanks To All Subscribers..

Subscribe Channel For More Funny Video's..

For more infomation >> ଶୀତ ଦିନ, Winter Days Special Thing Odia Funny Video, Sita Dina Berhampuriya Comedy || Berhampur Aj.. - Duration: 4:07.



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Republicans will lose the House, Senate: Byron Wien - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Republicans will lose the House, Senate: Byron Wien - Duration: 4:58.


Dow Jones will keep breaking records in 2018: Ralph Acampora - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Dow Jones will keep breaking records in 2018: Ralph Acampora - Duration: 6:28.






SYRIA Once again, the US has been exposed airlifting

ISIS commanders to safety as eyewitnesses watched terrorists get evacuated from the

Deir ez-Zor region in Syria.

By Jay Syrmopoulos �

January 3, 2018

Washington, D.C.

� Once again, the United States has been accused of cooperating with ISIS forces in


Citing eyewitness reports, Syria�s SANA news agency reported that U.S. helicopters

evacuated ISIS leaders from numerous areas across the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor.

The report indicates that the terrorists were evacuated from the Deir ez-Zor region and

flown to al-Hasakah province, which is under the control of U.S. and Kurdish forces.

U.S. helicopters reportedly conducted low-altitude flights into the al-Saad camp for displaced

persons, and delivered the ISIS leaders, as part of an overall plan to create a new U.S.-backed

military force in Syria � the North Syria Army, according to SANA.

Russian has directly accused the U.S. of attempting to reconstitute ISIS under a new name.

A previous report by SANA indicated that U.S. helicopters had evacuated 47 ISIS commanders

to al-Hasakah, where injured militants reportedly received medical assistance.

The U.S. has been repeatedly accused of utilizing terrorist groups in Syria, including ISIS

and al-Nusra (al-Qaeda�s army in Syria), in an effort to destabilize and topple the

Assad government.

According to the Syrian government, the U.S. has supplied ISIS with intelligence in an

effort to assist ISIS offensive operations and has repeatedly used American air power

to rescue ISIS leaders from a rapidly approaching Syrian army.

Just last week, the Syrian government took the U.S. to task at the UN; accusing the U.S.-led

coalition of coordinating actions with ISIS terrorists in Syria.

Last month, Russia leveled charges that the U.S. coalition was using the al-Hasakah-based

camp to train jihadist militants who are being reorganized under a new banner.

According to refugee testimony, most of the estimated 750 militants at the camp are affiliated

with ISIS and al-Nusra � with a core group of 400 ISIS militants who escaped Raqqa in

October 2017 with help from the US military, according to Russian intelligence.

A spokesperson for the US-led coalition denied the Russian accusations, telling Sputnik that

theirallegations were �absurd.�

The Free Thought Project reported similar accusations against the U.S. back in September

from a diplomatic and military source within Syria, noting that the United States Air Force

evacuated 20 ISIS commanders from Deir ez-Zor as Syrian forces liberated the city from terrorist


�Amid successful actions by Syrian government troops in the eastern part of Syria in late

August, a number of field [Daesh] commanders backed by US special services, had been promptly

evacuated from Deir ez-Zor to safer regions in order to use their experience in other

directions,� the source reported.

At that time, the press office of the Combined Joint Task Force of Operation Inherent Resolve,

which is the Joint Task Force established by the US-led international coalition against

the Islamic State, called the allegations �false.�

The initial extraction of ISIS commanders reportedly took place on August 26, with a

�United States Air Force helicopter� airlifting two ISIS field commanders of �European origin,�

along with members of their families, from an area northwest of Deir ez-Zor during the

night, according to information relayed by the source.

According to the data provided by the military and diplomatic source, the U.S. then airlifted

another 20 ISIS commanders and top militant fighters from an area southwest of Deir ez-Zor.

�Militants who lost their commanders due to the Americans, usually tend to cease organized

actions, leave their positions, join other [Daesh terrorist] units or one by one flee.

This eventually contributes to the success of the offensive by the Syrian government

troops in eastern Syria,� the source said.

The airlift of ISIS commanders allegedly happened as Syrian Arab Army forces, backed by Russian

support, were in the process of breaking a three-year ISIS siege of Deir ez-Zor.

The United States has previously airlifted ISIS commanders from a city that was about

to be liberated from the terrorist group, as similar activities were reported by an

Iraqi commander when the central Iraqi city of Ramadi, which was under ISIS control, was

being liberated in late 2015.

�The delay in operations to liberate Ramadi and Fallujah cities in al-Anbar province is

the result of the US interference,� the commander of volunteer forces (Hashd al-Shaabi)

reported at the time.

�It seems that the US intends to evacuate the ISIL terrorist group�s infamous ringleaders

secretly (with helicopters) from Ramadi to unknown places,� he added, according to

a report by the Iranian Fars News Agency.

Interestingly, the U.S. has a history of evacuating top terrorist leaders, warlords and fighters

it deems as useful from battlefields.

Just after the invasion of Afghanistan, in November 2001, the U.S. allowed thousands

of top Taliban commanders and members of Al-Qaeda�as well as their Pakistani advisers�to be airlifted

out of Kunduz in an operation that was eventually deemed the �airlift of evil.�

Essentially, the U.S. needed to rescue the leaders of their proxy army, as having to

train a new batch of would-be terrorists wouldn�t be economical.

Everyone outside the domestically propagandized NATO nations knows Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and al-Nusra

are the mainline, premium-brand, and local down-brand, respectively, of the USA�s proxy

mercenary army.

Make no mistake that the Middle East and African nations are intentionally controlled and destabilized

in this manner as a means of allowing the U.S. to continue to have access to the natural

resources necessary to maintain its global hegemonic status.



BREAKING NEWS About JAMES WOODS… What The HELL! - Duration: 31:25.


What The HELL!

Conservative actor and all around Twitter troll James Woods is at it again, and this

time he has his sights set on none other than the Senate's fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren.

Woods, who rarely keeps his opinions to himself and has no issues calling out progressive

lunatics on social media, took a vicious swipe at Warren after she attempted to deride the

President over a shot he took at the left about global warming.

In a tweet about the extreme cold across the country, President Trump said that we could

use some "global warming" to help warm up the country, which idnd't sit too well

with Warren.

"In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year's Eve on record.

Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country,

but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against.

Bundle up!"

Of course, whenever you mock the left's climate religion, they take serious offense,

and Warren is no exception.

So she did what any good leftist would do and invoked "science" as her reason for

believing man has more impact on the climate than God himself.

"I'm going to say something really crazy: I believe in science.

Climate change is real and we have a moral obligation to protect this Earth for our children

and grandchildren."

Well, it turns out that Woods just happened to be paying attention when she said that,

and boy did he make her look like the idiot she is.

In a single tweet, the certifiable genius obliterated Fauxcahontas for her selective

belief in science.

"DNA is also based in science.

Yours does not show you are Native American.

So either you are an outright liar or you actually don't believe in science.

Which is it, #Liewatha"


Woods managed to take her on in a way nobody else can.

It's also worth noting that while Warren seems to be a huge fan of science, she isn't

such a fan of it when it comes to things like, you know, chromosomes and how they determine

your sex.

In fact, she buys into the notion that a person is capable of choosing their own gender despite

the fact that science tells us there's really only two – male and female – and anything

outside of those, which the left refers to the "gender spectrum," is actually differing

degrees of mental illness, as was defined by the DSM as "gender dysphoria" all of

the way up until the most recent version.

So yeah, while Warren claims to be a believer in science, the truth of the matter is she's

only a believer in things that confirm her warped views, and that's not science; it's

called dogma.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS About JAMES WOODS… What The HELL! - Duration: 31:25.


Whitehall fears Trump backlash over Obama Royal wedding invite Officials fear a royal wedding inv - Duration: 2:56.

Officials fear a royal wedding invite could be seen as a snub to President Trump

Prince Harry and Barack Obama have a close relationship and are firm friends

Mr Obama will appear on the Today show tomorrow presented by Prince Harry

Mr Obama tweeted his congratulations to the prince and Meghan Markle

Top civil servants are afraid a wedding invite from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to Barack Obama could jeopardise British and US relations

Prince Harry has a close relationship with the former US President who will appear on a special edition of Today tomorrow

The former Commander in Chief has been a strong supporter of Harry's Invictus Games initiative for wounded warriors

Whitehall mandarins fear that by inviting Mr Obama and his wife Michelle it could be seen as a snub to Donald Trump

President Trump has been highly critical of his predecessor and Government officials fear the thin-skinned billionaire might take offence if the Obamas receive a wedding invite and he does not

Already there have been threats of mass protests if President Trump visits the UK in February to officially open the new US Embassy

Prime Minister Theresa May received intense criticism over her visit to Washington in January where she extended the offer of a state visit to President Trump

One source toldThe Sun: 'Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it's causing a lot of nervousness.

'Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a Royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.

'Conversations are ongoing about and ministers will eventually have to decide

If the PM lays down the law, Harry will just have to suck it up.'

Shortly after the engagement was announced, Mr Obama tweeted his congratulations to the couple

He said: 'We wish you a lifetime of joy and happiness together.'

For more infomation >> Whitehall fears Trump backlash over Obama Royal wedding invite Officials fear a royal wedding inv - Duration: 2:56.


瞧不起韓流?韓媒說這個組合已經征服美國音樂圈啦! - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 瞧不起韓流?韓媒說這個組合已經征服美國音樂圈啦! - Duration: 4:17.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


Le sosie de David Hallyday a tourné la page - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Le sosie de David Hallyday a tourné la page - Duration: 2:48.


For more infomation >> Le sosie de David Hallyday a tourné la page - Duration: 2:48.












Feel It Still | Mini Pop Kids

For more infomation >> Feel It Still | Mini Pop Kids


asKuma's I'm - Duration: 0:33.

asKuma's I'm

Despite my appearance,

I'm good...

popular among girls.

For more infomation >> asKuma's I'm - Duration: 0:33.


Update Video// I'm back and im better!! - Duration: 4:53.

Please Comment & Subscribe :)

For more infomation >> Update Video// I'm back and im better!! - Duration: 4:53.


G$ - 45mm. - [ Video Oficial ] 2018 ⚡ - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> G$ - 45mm. - [ Video Oficial ] 2018 ⚡ - Duration: 2:32.


Welcome. I'm glad you're here. - Duration: 1:20.

Hey there! My name is Dana Mooney, licensed mental health counselor with

Inner Trek, LLC, and I just want to say thank you for for coming to the website.

And more importantly, thank you for valuing therapy and for valuing the role

that it can play in your life to help you. I think that there's really a lot of

negative messaging out there about being in therapy, and mental health, and that it

means you're broken or that you need to be fixed or something strange like that...

and I just don't buy it. I just, I'm so grateful that you've

pushed through all of that and and that you're here looking for for help. So

thank you. And I'd really love to invite you to check out the website, to click

around and see what's there. I work a lot with the LGBTQ+ community and the

nonmonogamous community. I also specialize in helping with depression, anxiety,

relationship issues, and addiction. So feel free to give me a call and ask any

questions that you have. I'd really love to hear from you hear what you're

struggling with, what you're looking for help with and just to see if we could be

a good fit for therapy. So yeah, I look forward to hearing from you! And be well!

For more infomation >> Welcome. I'm glad you're here. - Duration: 1:20.


Easy Step To Instantly Become More Productive | Freelancer Productivity Hack 2018 - Duration: 5:46.

Hello, and welcome! So, it's the new year it's time to be more productive it's

time to get things done, and that's what we're talking about today. Doing productive

things. I'm gonna talk about how I have managed to keep my calendar in order

and how I'he managed to hit deadlines on time, without hating my life, which is

always a plus, I think :) So here's the most important aspect

about having a calendar or following some sort of to-do list, and it's to not

allow it to take over. It's to not start hating it because it just controls every

single aspect of your life. The key to running it successfully is to treat it

as a friend. Think of it this way, think of it as if you have a free way of

unloading some of your workload on a friend, and that friend is your calendar.

it could be the iOS kinda the Android calendar it kind of on your laptop

whatever there's plenty of free ones out there and they all work great now the

secret to making it work for you is just slowly you start and get used to it so

don't immediately fill up your calendar with months and months of things to do

because you will absolutely hate it we want to do instead as you want to start

slowly you want to start with one task and you want to write it in a few times

a week so what's a good example let's say you've been very busy you haven't

had time to keep up with your tidying up your house or your room so what you want

to do is you want to open up a calendar and later on today you want to add one

slot for half an hour 20 minutes 15 minutes anything is better than nothing

and you want to write down tidying up don't make it a point of tidying up your

entire room or your entire house just spend 15 minutes tidying up I promise

you it will feel amazing once you actually done with that you've done a

you followed through your new calendar you're gonna feel amazing and the point

is is that you're trying to make a friend you're trying to look at your

calendar and not hate it you're trying to look at it anything wow this is the

tool it's the tool that I can use to improve my life is so many ways a few

years ago after I finish University I wanted to get started working for myself

and there is there was quite a while away so I had to figure out how to have

a part-time job or a full-time job eventually on the side while still doing

freelancing and it's it's not easy because you have to wake up in the

morning to go to work work for 6-8 hours come back home but then you have a

project to work on for however many hours sixth another 8 hours and you go

to bed and then you repeat 4 years without seeing any sort of return for a

very long time that's difficult that's very very difficult to do so the best

way to actually do that is to have some sort of plan you need to have an

organized calendar in the recipe most efficient

and doing that for a while can get a bit much

actually you've contemplated questing multiple times

I just thought while I'm just working retail it's safe job it's it's constant

pay just just leave leave the arts and I go out of racket because that's when I

realized that organising my time is the best possible thing that I could have

died at the time so that I could work on more projects so that I could even more

people so that I had the energy because it's not just the time that you need you

need to have the energy and the willpower to actually email people and

get in touch with directors and producers and it's init ographers and go

hey here's what I can do and that is when I picked up the calendar you see

that is when I realized that a calendar was more than just a tool

it was it was almost like a friend someone you could share your schedule

with so instead of having to constantly think oh god I have you know this

deadline tomorrow and I could just write it down and knowing that it's written

down somewhere safely actually allowed me to remember it more easily I really

had to look at the calendar because I started to just know when things were

scheduled so it was it wasn't as much as something that I had to rely on it was

just something that almost gave me the confidence to know what I have to do

next and that makes a far more manageable and you want to slowly feed

your calendar these steps you don't want to go overboard because that's people do

this January everyone goes overboard just gonna go full-on oh I'm gonna do

this without any failure was with in February so you want to feed a calendar

very literal let's start and slowly gauged to a slowly get used

to having this friend along the side who can help his new production Joyce video

fun sailing and informative and all that kind of stuff if you enjoy to smash that

like button subscribe and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Easy Step To Instantly Become More Productive | Freelancer Productivity Hack 2018 - Duration: 5:46.


3 Intelligent Ways To Heal From The Toxic Triangulation Of Narcissists - Duration: 3:38.

3 Intelligent Ways To Heal From The Toxic Triangulation Of Narcissists

In other section, we have discussed how narcissists are toxic to others.

We also covered some tactics they use including triangulation for keeping you under their


So, what is toxic triangulation means?

In a simple way, triangulation is some kind of method that narcissists do to sway another

person (sometimes a group of people) into some certain interaction or relationship with

a purpose to belittle the victim, so he, or she will vie for the attention of the narcissist.

Narcissists often use this method to create love triangles among people just to get some

attention to themselves.

Toxic triangulation is one of the most rotten and heartbreaking tools for psychological


So, if you think you're currently under this exact situation, you have to take some action

as soon as possible.

If you want to know how to be completely free from it, these 3 powerful methods should help

you to heal from the toxic triangulation of narcissists.

Before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Know why you are irreplaceable

You are irreplaceable because your mind have been tricked into believing that there is

no one better than you.

That is why when there is someone coming into your relationship, you have nothing but to

struggle to get attention from the abuser.

At some point you may realize that you have made a wrong move since you are actually feeding

the narcissistic partner.

It is pretty common thing to happen actually since they brainwash you unconsciously, but

it can be adjusted by using the self-appreciation technique.

The dynamic of your inner beauty, skills, and intelligence are far more superior to

theirs, the narcissists.

Please also remember that what they say and do are actually illusions.

#2 - Stop looking at the new person

Triangulation requires at least three people involved: the narcissists, you as the first

victim, and other person as new supply.

Most of the time, you will look the new supply as shiny bright object that is far superior

than you are.

This is where you need to think the otherwise.

Remember that narcissists see the world in reverse.

That is why you need to think the reverse too.

Moreover, it is worth to note that people who have endured narcissists are great because

they are the most toxic person in the world.

When you can get away with them that will be remarkable bonus for your next healthy


#3 - Stop comparing

A tactic commonly used by narcissists is to compare you between you and the new supply.

Spending time just to listen and think about your quality and the new person will only

drive you crazy.

Moreover, with strategic talks from the narcissists, you usually do not have a chance to not think

about it.

To fight against it, you can try engaging in positive activities that your narcissistic

partners cannot see.

A routine mediation practice is also great for you to stop seeing yourself in comparison

to others.

All in all, that's the most intelligent ways you can heal from the toxic triangulation

of narcissists.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 3 Intelligent Ways To Heal From The Toxic Triangulation Of Narcissists - Duration: 3:38.


BREAKING NEWS About JAMES WOODS… What The HELL! - Duration: 31:25.


What The HELL!

Conservative actor and all around Twitter troll James Woods is at it again, and this

time he has his sights set on none other than the Senate's fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren.

Woods, who rarely keeps his opinions to himself and has no issues calling out progressive

lunatics on social media, took a vicious swipe at Warren after she attempted to deride the

President over a shot he took at the left about global warming.

In a tweet about the extreme cold across the country, President Trump said that we could

use some "global warming" to help warm up the country, which idnd't sit too well

with Warren.

"In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year's Eve on record.

Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country,

but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against.

Bundle up!"

Of course, whenever you mock the left's climate religion, they take serious offense,

and Warren is no exception.

So she did what any good leftist would do and invoked "science" as her reason for

believing man has more impact on the climate than God himself.

"I'm going to say something really crazy: I believe in science.

Climate change is real and we have a moral obligation to protect this Earth for our children

and grandchildren."

Well, it turns out that Woods just happened to be paying attention when she said that,

and boy did he make her look like the idiot she is.

In a single tweet, the certifiable genius obliterated Fauxcahontas for her selective

belief in science.

"DNA is also based in science.

Yours does not show you are Native American.

So either you are an outright liar or you actually don't believe in science.

Which is it, #Liewatha"


Woods managed to take her on in a way nobody else can.

It's also worth noting that while Warren seems to be a huge fan of science, she isn't

such a fan of it when it comes to things like, you know, chromosomes and how they determine

your sex.

In fact, she buys into the notion that a person is capable of choosing their own gender despite

the fact that science tells us there's really only two – male and female – and anything

outside of those, which the left refers to the "gender spectrum," is actually differing

degrees of mental illness, as was defined by the DSM as "gender dysphoria" all of

the way up until the most recent version.

So yeah, while Warren claims to be a believer in science, the truth of the matter is she's

only a believer in things that confirm her warped views, and that's not science; it's

called dogma.

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