Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 7 2018

kisi k qabz se koi cheez churane ka wazifa | kisi se apny paise wapis lene ka wazifa

For more infomation >> kisi k qabz se koi cheez churane ka wazifa | kisi se apny paise wapis lene ka wazifa - Duration: 5:59.


6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most out of it - Duration: 2:55.

6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most out of it?

You may classified empaths as having the best way to feel people around you.

However, there are actually many kinds of empaths.

Which empaths do you belong to?

Check these list to know the type of your personality and how to make the most out of


#1 - Emotional Empath

It is actually the most common type, and it is sometimes confused with non-empaths.

However, you know that you are absolutely an empath because you can easily feel and

experience the emotion of people around you.

Sometimes, listening to sad stories may make you feel sick and exhausted.

If you feel so, you belong to emotional empaths.

#2 - Medical Empath

This one is quite cool since you can recognize the ailment or disease that people are having.

You can feel the energy of a person, and you can see which part is blocked, preventing

healthy condition.

#3 - Geomantic Empath

Geomantic empath is well-attuned to natural world.

Indeed, the sensitivity of geomantic empath is quite different since it deals with landscape

instead of people.

They can feel something good or nice when they set foot on certain places.

#4 - Plant empath

This one is not common type of empath.

The reason is because modern people live in cities where they cannot understand how trees

grow and survive.

Plant empath is very keen on condition of plants around him, or her.

Emotion changes when trees are burnt and cut down.

Additionally, people with plant empath can recharge their energy quickly around plants

such as in the green park.

#5 - Animal empath

Having strong bound with animal, they can experience and understand the pain of animals.

Even though it sounds weird, it is not.

They train themselves and they usually live with animals more intensely than other people.

#6 - Intuitive empath

It is a type of empath that is like a knife.

Sometimes, you get benefits because you can tell if a person is lying.

However, it hurts you a lot if you know that someone close to you is lying.

Being able to read people's mind is not as fun as it seems.

All in all, that's the 6 types of empaths.

so, which one are you?

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most out of it - Duration: 2:55.


Naučte se vracet, prosím! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Naučte se vracet, prosím! - Duration: 1:00.


10 UNCOMMON DE_MIRAGE TRICKS #4 - Duration: 6:08.

In this video, you will see some more uncommon tricks on De_Mirage.

Hey guys, NadeKing here.

As you are loving those new ideas on Mirage videos, I will continue till I can find something

uncommon on this map and this is already the fourth episode.

Make sure to rewatch the others as well to remind yourself some of those tricks again.

Also, make sure you are following me on Twitter as I will post the quick giveaway info mostly on Twitter.

No more intro talk, let's get right into it!

Let's start off with a cool afterplant smoke idea at B bombsite.

So, some of the times you rush B and get it really easily.

You can then make B retake for CTs even harder with the following smoke.

Go to this corner.

I aim using my classic viewmodels, you can set them to classic in options.

Like this.

Now aim like shown.

And just jumpthrow.

This is thrown in a 128 tick server, for matchmaking you may need to adjust this a little.

Smoke lands nicely to block off the market entrance.

If you throw this quickly enough, it wastes CTs a lot of time or they have to push through the smoke.

Supergeneral smoke.

B short.

You definitely don't know this position.

Climb on this edge with your teammate, ask for a boost like this and then if you can

do this really hard strafe jump you can get to this awesome position.

Just use your imagination how this position could give you an easy ace.

Actually, it is really risky to get there, but if you are playing a fun game why not

to try this out.

This spot itself is pretty cool.

B bombsite.

You can go fast B apps like this.

No need to use the boxes next to the van.

Definitely, trick to use when you want to achieve close B apps position for example

in this corner.

Now you know one more alternative how to climb B apps.


If you got a bad spawn and you know there will be AWP watching for you in the top middle.

Then let your teammate help you and jump over the common left side window angle.

This is probably the angle top mid AWP is holding so you could

actually jump to the right side of the window and he may not even spot you.

Then you can surprise him afterwards as he thinks no one could be on the

right side of the window room.


Just keep in mind if top mid AWP holds really wide angle he can spot you jumping like this..

Be aware.

CT spawn.

If you have retake scenario going on and you are approaching A bombsite from CT you can

actually spot people who are in this newb corner position.

If you know someone is here it makes your life a lot easier, as you can wallbang

or pre-nade this spot and therefore you may get an easy kill.

Even if you don't get an instant kill, the info that someone is in this corner is really

really important.

Ladder room.

You know this peek is kinda hard when there is enemy watching you from a jungle.

You can throw simple nades from ladder room to get the window room control and flank B

or do whatever.

Take a position like this.

Aim at the pole like shown and jumpthrow the smoke.

Aim a bit lower and jumpthrow the molotov.

Now you got the window room control and enemies have to worry about their backs

as well because you can flank B or CT from here.

If you managed to do this then you are in a powerful position to win the round.


Just an uncommon pointless surviving spot for you guys.

Go and crouch here if you are in trouble.

That is how simple it is.

Because this cash machines bottom part is bulletproof.

So if you want to kill anyone who is in this position then

wallbang the table or just rush him down.

You cant wallbang this..

CS:GO has become a life simulator, these things work like in real life.


We all have experienced a situation when we are stuck in palace and enemies are looking

for us from stairs and site.. basically they are everywhere.

This flash is probably one of the best ones for going out here and it does not blind


Throw a flash like this.

Kill stairs, kill blind site guy and try to clutch the round.

Site guys can barely see the flash coming and it pops nicely to get everyone blind here,

even guys camping underbalc will be blind.

So this is definitely a flash to try out.. especially when the situation is too bad anyways,

nothing to lose.

The market once again.

If you are B retaker, you know the bomb is soon going to get planted then be about here

and wallbang like this.

You could actually deny the plant if they try to plant it next to the default spot.

Simple, but it has proven to be a really effective tip.

Just make sure market door is also covered and no one can push you.

By the way, they can still plant to the very default spot and you can't deny this with

the wallbang from market.

And the last trick for this video.


You probably do not know this spot, but you can stay right here.

You will need 2 friendly teammates, make a 3 man boost and get to this awesome position.

Your enemies won't be ready for this and you could get some easy kills from this position.

So if you watched my video that long then definitely subscribe, because I will be producing

more similar content in the future.

Hopefully, you learned something new and thanks for watching!

Now it's right time to watch the next video.

For more infomation >> 10 UNCOMMON DE_MIRAGE TRICKS #4 - Duration: 6:08.


Can Stephen Colbert and Samantha Bee Really Be Mistrusted?: The Daily Show - Duration: 0:43.

(dramatic music)

- Mister President, Stephen Colbert

and Samantha Bee think they're dishonest

and corrupt enough to win

one of your coveted fake news media awards,

but are they more fact than fiction?


- My first guest tonight

is a great big movie star.

Please welcome Tom Hanks.

(applause) - I'm Samantha Bee.

- [Announcer] President Trump, don't be faked out

by their fake fake outs.

(dramatic music) When you cast your ballot

on Monday, vote for The Daily Show

with Trevor Noah.

He covers you very unfairly,

and he's literally un-America.

(speaking in foreign language)

Now that's fake news you can't believe in.

For more infomation >> Can Stephen Colbert and Samantha Bee Really Be Mistrusted?: The Daily Show - Duration: 0:43.


Real Estate Taxes - Huge Benefit of Real Estate Investing - Duration: 9:56.

All of these questions on taxes and real estate in capital gains and today, I'm

going to share with you the six big benefits of investing in real estate and

how you can take maximum control and advantage of all the real estate tax

benefits that are out there just waiting for you.

Everybody, before we start posting in this video, we are not tax advisers

or we do not give tax advice, we are not

professionals in tax. - Take us to your leader. Alright, so we are here to talk

about probably one of the most enthralling topics like all of real

estate land. Taxes. Oh my gosh, so much excitement, right? I mean.. So here's the deal,

right. I mean taxes.. just cause I hit you doesn't mean.. Yeah, okay, probably cool.

Guys, taxes. How do we stay excited about taxes? What is it the tax

provide? Why do we want to talk about taxes? - There's only one reason to be excited.

The exciting thing is real estate does 100% give you hands-down the best tax

advantages the country has to offer, we get to be these blessed Americans in

this country. If you're not from America, then come invest in our real estate and

get some of that real estate action. For those of you that live here, there are a

ton of tax bennies that you pick up along the way. We're going to talk about six

of them. - Tax bennies? Is that Benjamins or is that benefits? - They can totally..

- Either way, right? - Benjamin's. - Okay, either way, tax bennies. Guys, first of all, interest

write-offs. Now you know that when you pay a mortgage payment, there is a

portion of that that is interest, that interest that goes into your real estate

every single month is write off-able. Is that a word? Is it a verb? Write off-able.

- It is now. - I like it. Write off-able. - It's write off-able. Okay, the

reason why that's really important is because your property is producing an

income. If I receive a thousand dollars of rent but I have to pay $700

in mortgage then the IRS is going to look at that, they're going to say,

"Oh, well, we're going to allow you to write off the interest." And you might say, well,

I would expect that, that's a business expense. It's cool that it is classified

that way so that it can be treated as a business expense

but then tax benefit number two that stacks on top of that is what's called

writing off the depreciation of the property and as we break this down, what

that ultimately means, and this is really big, it means that you can show a loss on

paper while you are taking handfuls of money and putting him in your pockets.

Okay, for the first several years that I became a real estate investor, I did not

pay taxes and the reason why is because I got to write off the interest but I

also got to depreciate the property. - Then he spent four years in prison.

No, I'm just kidding.

No, guys, tax, this is the cool thing about real estate taxes is, it can really allow

you to pay, like Kris said, sometimes you can almost pay nothing, sometimes you can

pay nothing in taxes because of all the wonderful things you're taking advantage

of, the interest write-offs, the depreciations. By the way, on a home,

on the structural, on the structure of the home and the structural upgrades on

the home, you can write-off or depreciate that over twenty seven and a half years.

- Let's break that down. Let's say that you had a hundred thousand dollar property

then the IRS will allow you to break that out over twenty seven and a half

years so take a hundred grand, divide that by twenty seven and a half and

that's what you get to write off every year. In that situation, that would be

right around $3,000 a year so here's what that means.. If I were

doing my math and it's like, oh let's say that I made $3,000 of

money this year of cash in hand after I paid my mortgage then if I'm also

writing off an additional three thousand and depreciation, I kept three grand but

it looks like nothing to the government. Depreciation is a really really

really big tax write-off when you're holding real estate long term. Now at

some point, you're going to have to sell property. When you do, there's what's

called a capital gain and the capital gain is any money that you make above

and beyond what you kind of put into the profit. - It's capital, it's money, alright,

it's money gain, this is income. - Yeah, so if I bought the property for $200,000

and I sell it for $300,000, that movement from two to three

hundred, that hundred grand, that's called the gains and they want to tax me on

that and we're going to show you how you can get out of some of that legally and

lawfully with some of the amazing tax loopholes. Here they are.. Number one,

tax defer it through a 1031 exchange. It's a special code that gives you a few

months after the sell of a property to say, hey, I'm filing a paper that says I'm

going to do this special 1031 and I'm going to take it and I'm going to put it in

a similar pret type property and what you're basically saying is, instead of

paying the taxes now, I'm going to defer it and roll it into my next property and I

forego paying those taxes today and instead, I get to roll it into my next

property continuing to pay me. Now rolling that money and actually pays

even more of it down expands your cash flow and guess

who's even richer in real estate now? You are. - So I want to talk about this real

quick and I want to talk about this in terms of a 401k. We've had other videos

where we talk about 401k's and by the way, a 401k, one of the good things

about a 401k is, it helps you to defer taxes, right?

but what real estate does is this actually a much better tax

deferment strategy rather than putting your money in a 401k to defer those

taxes, put it in real estate and then roll it over to more and more and more

real estate through a 1031 exchange and defer those taxes. It's amazing.

- Now, there's another way to defer. Let's say that a 1031 is what you do when you sell

a property. How do I defer any taxes period but still get money out of the

property? You can do that through a rate and term refinance. If you do a cash out

refinance on the property, the money that you get a refinance on a property means

I'm keeping the property, I've got equity into it, I'm working out a deal with the

bank where I'm going to extract some of that so I'm going to get this money cash in

hand and keep the property. Normally, it's like, well you've got more money, you

should pay taxes on that. If you buy it, if you pull it out through a refinance,

it's actually tax deferred so this is another amazing strategy for now not

just having to sell the property like with the 1031, this one is I get to keep

the property and I get money and I don't have to pay taxes on it and I could

either do, well I can do whatever the heck I want but I can also roll it right

back into real estate and keep expanding my cash flow so this is another amazing

tax strategy that comes with real estate. - Friends, if you're doing a real estate

and if you're doing it the right way then your real estate is a business for

you and so one great thing about having a business that you're operating is

there our business right offs also. - Like the example - Yeah, go ahead. - Well like your

cell phone, right? Are you going to talk to a tenant or your property management or a

member of your team? That's part of your tax write-off or the vehicle that you

drive. Where are you going? Right? On a business leased

automobile you can write off the entire lease expense in the name of a business

and there's others as well. You can use up to a certain percentage of your home

as a home office and all the sudden, it's like, well, depending on how much you're

paying each year on your house, there's a percentage of it that you can say, hey, I

don't have to pay taxes on that either because I have

this amazing legal and lawful business. - Absolutely. - My clothes that I'm

wearing, I could not do business without this clothes

so these clothes is important. - These clothes is, it's amazing. Anyways, so the the last one here

that we want to talk about is 2 to 5 years of PR shield. - You can't remember,

that's okay. For those of you, we have a little cheat sheets the side of the camera. I mean we

know this stuff but we have to keep ourselves straight and Steven doesn't

note that last code means. He sucks. - Taxes.

- Alright. Okay, the sixth and final benefit is a really special code for those of you

that are actually living in your home that is your primary residence and

normally when you sell a piece of property, you got to pay capital gains but

there's a special code that says in the last five years, if you spend at least

two years living in that on that property then we're actually going to

exempt you from any capital games. Now this was huge. When I bought my first

property, I bought it for a hundred and ten thousand, ultimately sold it for

around one $165,000 and so there was a

$55,000 gain on that property but I didn't have to pay a

single dollar in any taxes on that increased value and the reason why is

because of this amazing code, which is why we always recommend that even

the home you live in be treated as an investment and as a part of the greater

investment plan and strategy for your real estate empire that you are building

in growing. So friends, this was our video today on the major different tax

benefits and tax write-offs for capital gains and real estate in general. Another

one of the reasons that I love real estate. So if you feel like you're paying

too much in taxes, you likely do not own enough real estate and you know what?

Steven and I, we can take care of that. click this link in the top left corner

up here and what we'll do is, we are going to lay down a custom game plan for

you on how we can get you into more profitable real estate, can give you more

cash flow, feed your retirement and get more of what you need in life while

eliminating your taxes. - We're going to increase everything except for your

taxes. - Yeah and we might not be able to decrease all of your taxes but we

can absolutely add incredible expansive benefits who paying less taxes. - And if we

can keep doing this, Nate will never shut off the camera. - And make sure you that you

subscribe and hit the bell. It's time to get yourself some real estate going and

start taking advantage and cash in on those tax advantages because you can

make your next year way more tax advantageous. Click the link up here,

contact me and my team and we'll start making it happen and dishin' up the good

real estate for you right now.

For more infomation >> Real Estate Taxes - Huge Benefit of Real Estate Investing - Duration: 9:56.


How to Win with Game Theory & Defeat Smart Opponents | Kevin Zollman - Duration: 3:38.

When one is confronted with a situation that's truly zero sum where one party is going to

win and the other party is going to lose, a situation is very complicated and sometimes

difficult to analyze.

Game theory spent much of its early days analyzing zero sum games and trying to figure out what's

the best strategy.

It's a little complicated because it depends critically on how sophisticated you think

the other party is.

If they're very, very, very smart, the chances that you're going to outthink them are not

very high.

In such a situation often times the best strategy is very counterintuitive, because it involves

flipping a coin or rolling a dice or doing something random.

Professional poker players know this and they often times advocate in poker strategy books

that one should occasionally do something completely counterintuitive in order to keep

your opponents off guard.

And in fact game theory has shown that this is good, solid, mathematically well-founded

advice, that often times what you want to do is engage in a kind of random strategy—game

theorists call this a mixed strategy—in order to make sure that your opponent can't

get the leg up on you.

The nice thing about these random strategies is that they ensure that your opponent can

never outthink you.

So even if you think your opponent is a little smarter than you or a little bit more sophisticated

than you or has a little bit more information than you do, the fact that you're being

random to a certain extent means that they can't outthink you.

Now how do you figure out how to be random?

I'm not saying just flip a coin all the time or whatever.

What game theorists have figured out is that in zero sum games the best strategy to pursue

when you're against a sophisticated opponent is to adopt the strategy which minimizes your

maximum loss.

This is sometimes called the mini max strategy.

So the idea is you think: what's the worst case scenario for me?

What could my opponent do that would make me worse off?

And then you figure out what's the best strategy against that, so you're minimizing

your maximum loss.

Game theorists prove that if you use this way of thinking, minimizing your maximum loss,

you ensure that no matter how sophisticated your opponent is you've guarded against

the worst case scenario.

And not only that but in zero sum games you've done the best you can possibly do.

That's not true in games that aren't zero sum, so one has to be very careful about employing

this strategy, because if you're mistaken and you're not in a zero sum interaction

you could end up ruining it for everybody.

But if you're truly in a zero sum interaction this is one of the strategies that you can


Now suppose that you're dealing with an opponent who's not sophisticated, you are

smarter than they are, there it depends very much on: how smart are they?

Can you outthink them?

And what's the individual interaction that you're engaged in?

So to return it to the example of poker players, poker players will engage in interactions

where they're trying to think, "Well does my opponent think I'm going to bluff here,

yes or no?

And maybe I'll do the opposite."

But that's going to depend on how smart is your opponent?

What are they thinking about, and the individual interaction that you're engaged in.

Game theorists have actually proven—although it's not very helpful—but game theorists

have actually proven that there is no the one size fits all strategy in a situation

where you're dealing with an opponent who is not very sophisticated.

For more infomation >> How to Win with Game Theory & Defeat Smart Opponents | Kevin Zollman - Duration: 3:38.


Missing in Action – Sonic the Hedgehog's Lost Fighters - Duration: 10:03.

There's a bit of irony to the fact that a show called Missing in Action has itself

gone action.

But what matters is that we're back, and there's some unfinished business when it

comes the Sonic the Hedgehog's missing friends, which we last checked in on nearly two years


Back then, we focused on the lost members of the Chaotix and Ray the Flying Squirrel.

However, there are still more characters to track down and they're all connected by

the arcade curiosity known as Sonic the Fighters.

So it's time to cast the searchlight on these mostly forgotten fighters from Sonic's


Welcome to Missing in Action where we take a look back at game elements that have mysteriously

gone missing.

Now while Sonic the Fighters might be the starting point for most of these characters,

one of them made their debut two years earlier on the Game Gear in Sonic: Triple Trouble.

Yep, that's good ol...

Nack the Weasel?

Wait, what?!

Well, as it turns out, Fang the Sniper was renamed to Nack the Weasel to be more child

friendly for his English debut, although every game since has reverted to what's become

known as his working name, Fang.

And he has appeared in more Sonic games than any other of these forgotten characters

It wasn't much of a start though.

Despite being one of the billed Troubles in Triple Trouble, Fang only appeared during

the Special Stages and would challenge Sonic for the Chaos Emeralds.

He mostly used his airbike and would attach various weapons in a vain attempt to best

the hedgehog.

Despite only appearing in that limited fashion, Fang would return a year later as a playable

character in the Game Gear racer, Sonic Drift 2.

Here his airbike received its official name: the Marvelous Queen, which could accelerate

quickly, but at the cost of handling.

In addition, Fang's special ability allowed him to toss out oil in an attempt to spin

out other racers.

But Fang's final playable appearance was indeed Sonic the Fighters, although this time

without the Marvelous Queen.

He instead relied on a popgun, as he's not especially strong otherwise except for his

tail which he used for attacks and to spring into the air.

Yet despite all of these appearances, his personality isn't exactly well defined,

beyond being described as a treasure hunter in the Triple Trouble manual.

But that, combined with having "sniper" in his name has lead many to envision him

as greedy and sneaky.

And yeah, there might be some speciesism mixed in there--he is a weasel after all.

Although from what we see in his debut, he's more often defeated by his own traps than

anything else.

Maybe he orders his stuff from ACME, which doesn't have the best track record?

*Wile E. Coyote Clip* That said, in order to be a true fighting

game, Sonic the Fighters was going to need a few more characters, and that's where

the rest of this forgotten crew comes into play.

The first was Bean the Dynamite, a duck that specializes in bombs...but you had to be careful,

as he's vulnerable to the explosions too!

Otherwise, he was able to use his beak like a punch combo.

But Bean also has a bit of a unique history himself as he wasn't an entirely original


Instead, his general appearance is heavily inspired by another Sega AM2 game, 1988's

Dynamite Dux.

Placed sIde by side, you can see the clear resemblance between Bean and his predecessors

Bin and Pin, only now with green feathers instead of red or blue, and dropping the bowties

in favor of a scarf.

Also, was that the f**cking Colonel?

A-anyway, that uncanny resemblance, not to the Colonel, has since been given an official

explanation, at least according to the official Japanese guide book for Fighters Megamix,

a Sega AM2 crossover fighter for the Sega Saturn where Bean appeared as an unlockable


It states that Bean is the son of one of the Dynamite Dux, Bin, and sure enough, he even

has an unlockable costume that makes him look like his father.

But beyond the family resemblance, he's never really been given much a personality.

His fast movements and proclivity toward bombs give the impression of a wild card and this

was pushed even further into the fan mindset thanks to the Archie comics.

There, he's so extremely eccentric that he barely takes anything seriously, even pointing

out once that his word bubbles were upside down.

Oddly enough, the other character that debuted in Sonic the Fighters has a more defined personality...sort

of, because none of it comes from the game itself.

Instead, it all comes from the official guide for Fighters Megamix.

Bark the Polar Bear is described as a nature-lover with a good heart but can be blunt despite

his shyness, and that last trait is one the Archie comics seem to have honed in on as

he's completely silent.

Like Bean, Bark was an unlockable character for that Sega Saturn fighter, where his alternate

costume was a Santa outfit.

You know, because of the cold, and maybe to emphasize his kind nature.

Despite Bean and Bark's inclusion in Fighters Megamix, no other Sonic characters made it

into the game, not even as a cameo, which makes sense since Sega AM2 are the creators

of Bark and Bean.

However, only Bean appeared as a special unlockable character in AM2's Virtua Striker 2, as

part of MVP Yuki Chan's team and it's one of the few times Bark and Bean are not


In fact, they're often paired together in the Sonic comics along with Fang the Sniper

as Team Hooligan, which has become the accepted name for these guys in the fanbase.

But if you want to go truly obscure for Sonic the Fighters characters, it's hard to top

Honey the Cat, who almost wasn't a character at all on account of the fact that she was

cut from the initial release of the game.

However, in true cat nature, she eventually landed on her feet when she was officially

reinserted back into the game for the HD re-release 16 years later on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

And like Bean, her design is based off an existing AM2 character, in this case being

Honey--or Candy, as you may know her from the English release--of Fighting Vipers.

Honey shares the same outfit, fighting style, and moves as her human counterpart.

This is because Sonic the Fighters was initially designed around Fighting Vipers, only with

Sonic characters instead.

And she was likely made a cat because many of Honey the human's moves were named after

cats, like "Cat Scratch" or "Cat Punch."

Interestingly, this also technically makes her the first Cat character in a Sonic game.

Big the Cat was just too slow.

Strangely, Honey the Cat was able to glide in the game like Knuckles thanks to the wings

on the back of her dress.

It still doesn't make a lot of sense, but she is basically just a bonus character.

That would also explain why she has no real discernible personality, as there wasn't

really a reason to give her one.

Although once again the Archie comics help fill in the blanks portraying her as friendly,

yet shrewd when it comes to her fashion business, Honey Brand Clothes and Accessories.

And perhaps unsurprisingly, this is it--she's made no other appearances outside of Archie

Comics, which makes sense seeing as she is indeed a cut character.

As for the rest of the characters, that was pretty much the end of the line--with one

big exception which we'll get to soon enough.

Otherwise, the members of Team Hooligan disappeared from the face of the Earth, making only small

cameo appearances for the next 20 years.

One of the first was in the Game Gear exclusive Tails' Adventure, Fang can be seen on the

icon for the Fang item, which makes every destroyed enemy drop a ring, tying into his

treasure hunting background.

And all of the Sonic the Fighters characters appear as collectible figurines in Shenmue

1 and 2, with the obvious exception of Honey.

As for Team Hooligan, the last time Sonic Team acknowledged their existence was in Sonic

Generations where Wanted posters for all three could be found in City Escape.

Fang's poster even lists both of his names, suggesting that Nack the Weasel is his real

name while Fang the Sniper is his alias.

It also states that he's wanted for theft and extortion while Bean and Bark are shown

together yet again and stated to be armed and dangerous.

And that would've been it for the Hooligans if it weren't for Christian Whitehead and

his team bringing them all back in Sonic Mania as part of Mirage Saloon.

Not only can Wanted posters be found for them in Act 2, one of the three, chosen randomly,

arrives to destroy the Tornado at the end of Act 1.

All of them then return as illusions as part of Heavy Magician's boss fight.

The Fang illusion bounces around on his tail while firing his pop gun, the Bean illusion

tosses bombs, and the Bark illusion pounds the ground to make debris fall from the sky.

And seeing as Sonic Mania is a celebration of Sonic, it was a wonderful surprise to see

these three return...even if these aren't technically the characters themselves, on

account of them being illusions.

Still, it begs the question, could we actually see even more of the Hooligans in a future

Sonic game?

Could Christian Whitehead's team possibly bring back Mighty and Ray from our previous


It's more than a little shocking that something covered on Missing in Action could actually


Up until now, our subjects have felt like lost concepts that were simply abandoned,

but never count out fans with an affinity for the obscure.

What about you though?

Would you like to see the return of the Hooligans in a bigger role?

And is there anything else that's gone missing that you want found?

Let us know by posting in the comments below and we may feature it in a future episode.

Thanks for watching, and make sure to click that subscribe button for future Missing in

Action episodes and even more from GameXplain!

For more infomation >> Missing in Action – Sonic the Hedgehog's Lost Fighters - Duration: 10:03.


22 More Top Best Indie Games for 2018 - Duration: 8:16.

hi everyone and welcome again to get indie gaming such was the response to

our episode of indie games to watch out for in 2018 here today we're gonna

present 22 other indie games that have been mostly inspired by your suggestions

within the comments section of the first video as previously noted much of this

is predictive launch dates no doubt will slip and there's no doubt so that other

big-name games will be announced over the course of the year all the games

including those in the intro and outro have links to their website and if

possible to steam pages so please feel free to check them out for more info as

per others in this type of showcase we'll tackle things off alphabetically

which means first offering in this second part series of indie games we

feel are worth looking at is a pout this is a top-down action game featuring a

violent rampage in guerrilla that features an evolving soundtrack of drums

and cymbals Val accompanies the Apes every punch with a full release lined up

for the summer Baba is you as a puzzle aware the roles of each level are

written into the gaming environment pushing them around can change the rules

meaning you can move through walls alter how you look or even decide that you're

going to change the rules of the games themselves having played the demo this

fun innovative and clever thing needs to be seen first announced on Kickstarter

in early 2016 battalion 1944 is a classic back to basics FPS multiplayer

where the emphasis shall be on raw skill there are no kill streaks or gameplay

altering unlocks expected onto early access and game preview before the

year's end blood-stained ritual of the night is expected to follow the

Metroidvania style of gameplay where we find miriam an orphan afflicted with an

alchemists curse which is slowly turning her skin to crystal to rid her of this

curse you'll explore a dangerous castle to find the person responsible coming to

the PC and consoles this March in chasm you'll explore the depths below a remote

mountain town in this procedurally generated hack-and-slash adventure

platformer that's full of treasure mortal enemies

and abundant secrets to be found if pixel arts your thing then the children

of mortars superbly put together graphics might have you suitably

enthralled encompassing a story that spans a family across generations

procedurally generated dungeons and a wide and varied cast of characters this

one suggests an overall fun and wholesome experience unveiled last year

the third-person shooter crazy justice promises cross play across the Xbox

switch and PC the game will ship with a flexible sandbox design a dedicated

coverage system real time building options and destructible environments in

what already feels like a game that's 90% of the way there dead cells with its

classic Castlevania inspired gameplay pattern based bosses and a nonlinear

progression system with no checkpoints and permadeath dead cells is expected to

leave early access at some point this year recommended many times by people in

the comments section of the first video in this series deaths gambit looks to be

an action side-scrolling RPG within an alien Medi evil planet filled with

beasts knights and plenty of Horrors distortions is a story driven musical

adventure where players will undertake a journey guided by riddles found within a

journal using a violin you'll play unique songs to alter your environment

befriend strange creatures as you progress through the surreal-looking

adventure another game expecting a full release this year ghost in the tail

follows Tylo a plucky courageous mouse and minstrel on a dangerous and perilous

adventure developed for the main by a single person this one will drop on the

PC and later in the year on the Xbox in development for a number of years and

one of the most iconic and striking looking games of recent times manifold

garden is expected to ship this year at its heart we have a physics-based

puzzler offering a sure inspired structures where you'll be able to bend

physical laws and mess around with geometry in makya villain we have a

mansion management and strategy game with its roots in Dungeon Keeper and

prison architect all wrapped together with the cliches of classic hole

movies in this game you'll build your mansion raise your monsters lay down

your traps and kill off your victims to progress through the villainous ranks

Monaco's night market is an adventure merchant simulation game inspired by

games such as Animal Crossing the developers have said that this one

though has a stronger emphasis on story crafting and exploration in it you'll

discover the secrets behind the local town while managing your daily

activities completing various jobs going out on quests and crafting peculiar

items in preparation for the weekly night market while there's precious

little information on kill bite Studios mosaic what we've been showing so far

looks highly attention-grabbing expected across all major platforms the game

appears to be an eerie mysterious game that focuses on urban and social

isolation we're assuming a narrative driven puzzle experience with intrigue

aplenty coming next we have a 2d side-scroller with its handcrafted pixel

sprites complex animations and certainly homage to the 1980s blended together

with a style that combines the past and future of video games also say the devs

with its time and dimension jump mechanics RPG elements with a soundtrack

inspired by analog synthesizers narita boy will pop onto the PC in December

necro barista aside from a name that simply rolls off the tongue is a visual

novel built within a 3d graphical framework while offering a 2d hand-drawn

looking anime inspired art style players will experience the story of a cafe

where the dead are able to return for one night to walk amongst the living and

have one last cup of coffee coming to the PC and the switch later this year

having raised over six million dollars via Kickstarter Shenmue III is a

handsome-looking adventure role-playing game shed Ruta launched in the second

half of this year for the PC and PlayStation 4 the journey and flower

developer that game company will return this year with sky at first launching

exclusively on the iOS with other platforms to follow later in the year

being called a social adventure game people will be able to play with groups

of up to 8 players while for now the details are scarce

we're expecting great things to come from this one who remembers these guys

toejam and earl back in the groove is yet another successful kickstarter where

the team behind it have called this the ultimate successor to the 1991 Mega

Drive in Genesis game that will include randomly generated stacked levels dodgy

weird-looking enemies and a funky inspired soundtrack

Chuba brook looks set to offer a single-player sci-fi mystery with

handmade miniature scenery with inspiration drawn from Twin Peaks the

x-files and Star Trek this one's expected across the PC and

all major consoles and should offer a suspense mystery and thrills aplenty and

finishing things off for today one of the highlights of last year's e3 PC

gaming show we have tunak an isometric action adventure game featuring a

wonderfully looking tiny little fox let's face it from the trailer it looks

very much like a Zelda offering where players are said to be able to explore

the wilderness discover spooky ruins and do battle with terrible creatures with

tunak bringing things to a close it's almost time to bid you a fair goodbye we

hope you've seen over our two indie game 2018 showcase videos things you've liked

and would be keen to see what you all have to say in the comments section

below this year seems it's highly likely that the whole indie scene will take

another leap forwards and we'll be there every step of the way thanks once again

for watching and hope to see you here soon for another video

For more infomation >> 22 More Top Best Indie Games for 2018 - Duration: 8:16.


Dershowitz: Dangerous for liberals to diagnose Trump - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Dershowitz: Dangerous for liberals to diagnose Trump - Duration: 2:20.


Liverpool are NOT interested in signing Riyad Mahrez to replace Philippe Coutinho ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:01.

LIVERPOOL are reportedly not interested in signing Leicester winger Riyad Mahrez.

The Reds are looking for a replacement for talisman Philippe Coutinho, who finally signed

for Barcelona in a £142m deal last night.

The sale has dismantled Jurgen Klopp's 'fab four' and forwards Mohamed Salah, Sadio

Mane and Roberto Firmino will want a new attacker to fill the void.

Riyad Mahrez has been attracting interest from the likes of Arsenal, Chelsea and Barcelona

in recent weeks.

And reports have suggested that a £49m deal is in place and he's due to have a medical

ahead of signing for the club today.

But according to Sky Sports, no approach has been made and Klopp is not looking to sign

the Algerian.

Despite the report, Klopp is still keen to replace Coutinho quickly and is rumoured to

be chasing Monaco winger Thomas Lemar.

Coutinho has been relentlessly linked with a transfer to Barcelona in the last few months

and it remains to be seen whether Liverpool FC could agree to sell him in the January

transfer window.

Liverpool will want to keep up their impressive goalscoring form going into the second half

of the season as they aim to hunt down runaway Premier League leaders Manchester City, who

they host at Anfield next Sunday.

Klopp's side are currently fourth in the table, three points behind second-placed Manchester


For more infomation >> Liverpool are NOT interested in signing Riyad Mahrez to replace Philippe Coutinho ● News Now ● #LFC - Duration: 2:01.


WHAT AN INSANE WEEK - Vierschanzentournee 17/18 - Duration: 5:57.

It's my first time holding a "gorilla pod"

So I'm sorry that I'm not that good at it

Also my first time talking to a camera I'm holding by myself

It is?

Never before?


I can't even hide behind a filter if I look bad, you know

I can't put some random stuff in there to just look OK

I have filter on!

You have?

Do you manage to tell that we have a bag on our lap?

You see... If I was a professional vloger


Semi professional camera man, I would have gotten it right away.

I'm only rambling.


Look at me!

This is brilliant.

Brilliant indeed.

Now we should've played tennis, Burger


Look at Adrian!

This kelner smelled really bad.

I heard...

So every time she came, Adrian went like...

The wind goes straight up

Yes, there!

A bit more

*TALKING SWEDISH* Do you want a spa weekend with your lady?

Then check out Alpland Hotel

In St.Johann

Here can you and your better half

Have a great spa weekend.

For more infomation >> WHAT AN INSANE WEEK - Vierschanzentournee 17/18 - Duration: 5:57.


NEW "SNEAKY SILENCERS" MODE VICTORY GAMEPLAY! (Fortnite: Battle Royale) - Duration: 18:00.

For more infomation >> NEW "SNEAKY SILENCERS" MODE VICTORY GAMEPLAY! (Fortnite: Battle Royale) - Duration: 18:00.


Meghan Markle RINSES William's baldness in front of ENTIRE Royal Family - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle RINSES William's baldness in front of ENTIRE Royal Family - Duration: 1:43.


First drive in my GT3 in 2018! #VLOG - Duration: 10:02.

Hi guys and welcome to the new year

now it's 2018

and today I thought

that I could take the Porsche out for a drive


I got the new winter tires on

and can drive during bad weather, yeah

It's time to drive again, I don't know when I was in the car last time?

Essen Motor Show

yes, right

I didn't drive that much and I could not go fast anyway

And therefore I thought

I can drive today

the weather is..

not good, but

I can enjoy driving again

let's go down to the garage

So these are the new winter wheels

these are the rims from the Porsche Turbo S

and Porsche says that these are the only wheels that you are allowed to put on the GT3

they look really small, because the offset and width are smaller

that's why here is more space now

doesn't look that good anymore, but it serves the purpose

they are only for the winter

and when there is more snow we can have more action we with the car

I really love the wheels. They could be wider but it's okay!

These ones were on the car before

the black ones

Let me do a comparison

for those of you who are interested in that

this is how semi slicks look like

those are still okay! Don't worry if they look totally used

this is how they look like!

the skid depth is not very deep

look how I can put my thumbnail on the rubber

here is a bar somewhere

here is a bar where you can see when to switch the tires


They look really sheer

those tires are softer and have an incredible grip

now let me show you the winter tires

where can I show it to you? let's do it here

you can see how much rubber is on the tire here

well you can barely see it

when I put my finger here

right here

those are some serious winter tires

they allow me to drive faster when it's cold

that's what I do now!

it never gets boring to drive this car

and for me it feels like pure happiness

it doesn't matter how often I was driving this car in my life

for me it is a beautiful car and it will always be beautiful

it's just so much fun to drive this car

there is so much emotion involved while driving this car

I cannot explain why

especially when you haven't driven the car for a long time in the winter

then it is even more fun to get back into the car

I was waiting for ages the we can have nice weather but I gave up hope for that

I think there will be better weather in a few months

that's why I'm driving in the rain today, but it's not that bad

the car is here to drive it

it's okay when it gets dirty again, although it was cleaned a few days ago by Oli

the sealing that is on the car was made to protect the wrap

I'm driving the car to the Porsche dealer, because

they couldn't adjust the track of the car properly when they changed the tires

that was made at a different Porsche dealer, that's why we drive back there

to Porsche Recklinghausen

So basically I'm driving there now and leave the car there

and my boyfriend is driving behind me with the GTI

and he will take me back home


I have to get used to the new tires, it's a different feeling at the moment

it feels way safer on wet roads so far

the temperatures of the car are increasing quickly

when I heat up the GTI it takes a long time until oil and water is up to 90°C

when that car is warm I'm already at my destination

but the GT3 is already at 80°C

I think most of you guys know the car already

but for those of you are interested in some facts

I can tell you some facts

the car has 475hp

it has a 3.8l boxer flat-6 engine

and the acceleration from 0-100km/h is 3.6s

I haven't tried this yet

but these are the facts by Porsche

the GT3 is a car that is pretty quiet up to 4.000rpm

I also got the exhaust valves closed

but from 4.000rpm it really starts screaming

there are so many Porsche standing outside here

There are many 991.1 GT3's coming back to the dealers

because the leasing and financing is over

the cars are already 3 years old

that's why there are so many used GT3's

there is a white one over there too

Finally we made it

nice, nice, nice

look at that, it's manual!

I'm like: manual?

what the hell is a manual?

like from the 18th century

I love walking around the Porsche dealer

then you can spot some new cars maybe

I mean, new cars that are here

there are not so many new cars

no 2018 cars

Gulf blue is also very nice!


I like the green better!

you said it looks too baby-like

yes kinda

the green color is like... it's a matter of taste

I think when you are...

I think when you are in love with green the you like it of course


yes I am!'s gonna be hard to find a buyer for that car

you can drive with that car home

that would have been an appropriate rental car

I really like that GT-silver-metallic color

it has the same tires like ours now

you are waiting for me right?


any drinks?

I'm fine thanks

one espresso and a coke for me please

and still water for me please

they have real good coffee machine here


I'm only here to have coffee!

what tires does it have?

it has even less rubber than ours

these are some serious slicks

and also used ones

look they are on 18" wheels

is that oil or what is it?

looks like oil?

looks burnt!

racecars have usually smaller tires mounted on

look at them, they really look cool with the matte finish

Absolutely, but they are hard to clean

they look very nice, but drive with them and they look dirty

what is that? Is that a safety lock?

that is the PCCB ceramic brake

but it has nothing to do with it, it's just because of the size I guess

okay, I'm back in the car with ice cream

no shrimps this time

but that is fine too

you can deep-fry ice cream too!

that would be cool to deep-fry ice cream!

that would be great!

that is available!

it exists?

I think in Scottland. They deep-fry everything over there!

like Snickers and all that

I have to visit Scottland!

I think they do that in Scottland!

I need deep-fried ice cream!

okay guys! There was nothing special happening today!

I hope you still like the video

I thought I could

take you with me on the first drive with the GT3 of 2018

that's it for now

thank you very much for watching

in case you love the video, leave a thumb up

don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't done that already

see you next time!


Say goodbye too!

bye bye!

For more infomation >> First drive in my GT3 in 2018! #VLOG - Duration: 10:02.


How to Make Amazing Airplane Racing Gameplay from Cardboard - Duration: 6:52.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> How to Make Amazing Airplane Racing Gameplay from Cardboard - Duration: 6:52.



For more infomation >> ZAMİQ HÜSEYNOV - KAMAN GİTAR COVER (ALT YAZILI VERSİYON) - Duration: 1:23.


Repaint! Harry Potter OOAK doll - Duration: 14:38.

Today we leave the horror genre and we are moving to the beautiful world of magic

Harry Potter - i dont know of anyone from my generation who doesn't know this iconic character.

The books and the movies that came after are so popular

that the inspired a true cult of HP, and its numbers are still growing

Persuaded by my beloved sister (hi ;-)) i did a quiz at the pottermore website

o see which house I would be sorted to.

Unfortunately it was not gryffindor but i still like HP all the same Please tell me which house you find yourself in

My today victim is Hunter Huntsman Ever After High

I know, i know, there's a ton of HP dolls out there and they are amazing.

That's why I must admit that this project scared me a little.

I struggled hard but in the end your votes helped me with the choice.

I like the universe very much so I couldn't decide on the version of HP i wanted to make.

Finally i chose Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part-2

It was a very time consuming project, as usual I wanted it as perfect as it can be

did I nail it? in a moment You can be the judge of that

As always the head comes off first.

Easiest way is to submerge it in hot water for several seconds and it becomes soft and flexible.

The face-off. traditional acetone free nail polish remover will be just fine,

u can use pure acetone however, but then act quick and wash it off

or it might damage the head.

Removing the hair comes second. we can use tweezers to take them out from the inside

or we can cut open his head (like Hextian did it a couple of times), remove the hair and glu the head together again.

And of course You can always try out the water exhaust way - just treat the head like a stress relieving ball :)

Before rerooting - To optically thicken the hair I painted the head under it with black paint.

For the tool i use my all time favorite - calipers. Sometimes You ask me about my tools

professional tools are often hard to come by, so virtually anything what can hold a tiny needle will do.

so virtually anything what can hold a tiny needle will do.

Calipers can be found in any office depot, just choose the one with removable needle. In its place we put our diagonally trimmed needle.

Personally i prefer blunt ones - sometimes under pressure they tend to get loose and prick your finger

Hair can be bought in a variety of places, it can also be obtained by brushing acrylic yarn

Natural hair is alway an option if you have your friendly neighborhood hairdresser

The reroot itself can be done in a couple of ways

typical hole after hole insertion until Your done.

Or You can use a spell and finish in no time ;P


Washed, clean and dried head must be secured with water resistant hardener like MSC.

I tried different ones and MSC is still the best in my opinion.

for drawing i use

watercolor pencils

acrylic paint

dry pastels

Remember to save with MSC - its just as your good old CTRL-S ;-)

Outfit - I honestly thought that it would be much easier.

It took me more time than i anticipated - a t-shirt, sweatshirt with zipper, trousers and a jacket i decided to do all by myself.

Not to drag i will show You only the summary of the process.

If more than a 100 of you will ask for it then i'll post a step-by-step tutorial.

Wand - apoxie sculpt, obviously ;-)

How do you like the effect?

Please tell me in the comments and as always if you like my videos pleas leave a like, it would mean a great deal for me

Thank you very much my regular, faithful subscribers who bravely and persistently comment on all my work: ****

thank you, beloved, your support is invaluable to me: ***

For more infomation >> Repaint! Harry Potter OOAK doll - Duration: 14:38.


GİZEMLİ EVDE MAHSUR KALDIM! - (En İyi Oyun) - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> GİZEMLİ EVDE MAHSUR KALDIM! - (En İyi Oyun) - Duration: 12:20.


Winning Powerball Ticket Sold At Local Market In New Hampshire - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Winning Powerball Ticket Sold At Local Market In New Hampshire - Duration: 0:27.


'더유닛' 오늘(5일) 유닛B 신곡 안무 티저 영상 공개 - News 24H - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> '더유닛' 오늘(5일) 유닛B 신곡 안무 티저 영상 공개 - News 24H - Duration: 3:01.


Live act by "Az" at 7th Avenue (Yokohama) on 2018/1/7 - Duration: 32:37.

For more infomation >> Live act by "Az" at 7th Avenue (Yokohama) on 2018/1/7 - Duration: 32:37.


Đoàn máy KUBOTA biểu diễn B2420, L3218, L4018, L5018, M6040 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Đoàn máy KUBOTA biểu diễn B2420, L3218, L4018, L5018, M6040 - Duration: 2:46.


Philippe Coutinho - Welcome To Barcelona - All Skills And Goals At Liverpool - Duration: 3:32.

Philippe Coutinho - Welcome To Barcelona - All Skills And Goals At Liverpool

For more infomation >> Philippe Coutinho - Welcome To Barcelona - All Skills And Goals At Liverpool - Duration: 3:32.


5 Dinge über Uterusmyome, die jede Frau wissen sollte 1 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> 5 Dinge über Uterusmyome, die jede Frau wissen sollte 1 - Duration: 5:26.


Du sitzt am Steuer deiner Gefühle: So funktionieren deine Gefühle - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> Du sitzt am Steuer deiner Gefühle: So funktionieren deine Gefühle - Duration: 11:52.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


10303323 785830948104015 661451711 n - Duration: 0:28.

enjoy hire speed boat tour with captain şaban

For more infomation >> 10303323 785830948104015 661451711 n - Duration: 0:28.


For more infomation >> 10303323 785830948104015 661451711 n - Duration: 0:28.


China President Rallies Troops, Tells Them to Get Ready for War - Duration: 3:18.

It isn't that rare for a leader to review the nation's troops.

It is unusual, however, for President Xi Jinping of China to address the entire military at

once, and seem to rally them for battle.

Xi had a surprisingly hardened and fatalistic message for China's military this past week,

when the often-quiet leader took on a staunch demeanor that seemed almost Soviet.

"President Xi Jinping has issued a blunt call for China's military to be ready for

war and unafraid to die defending the country, as geopolitical tensions mount in Asia,"

reported Agence France-Presse, an international news wire based in Europe.

"Xi's exhortation to the world's largest fighting force, parts of which were revealed

only late Thursday, came during what state media characterised as a rare address by the

Chinese leader to the country's entire military."

The Chinese president addressed a gathering of soldiers Wednesday at the People's Liberation

Army's Central Theater Command in a province near Beijing.

While a mass of troops and tanks assembled near Xi, military members throughout the large

country also watched the president's address over video.

Xi called on China's forces to "neither fear hardship nor death," and pushed for

the military to be prepared for combat in the modern world.

"Create an elite and powerful force that is always ready for the fight, capable of

combat and sure to win in order to fulfill the tasks bestowed by the Party and the people

in the new era," he ordered, according to AFP and the Chinese Xinhua news agency.

In a gesture that could be seen as eerily foreboding, Xi also reportedly visited an

exhibit that commemorated battles the People's Liberation Army fought against American and

United Nations forces during the Korean War.

The Korean Peninsula, of course, has come under renewed scrutiny since that 1950-53


China may once again have a role to play in the region, but it's still unclear if the

powerful nation will be standing with the United States… or against it.

"Temperatures also have risen over North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un thumbing his nose

at the world by repeatedly testing his country's banned nuclear weapons and missiles, while

exchanging tit-for-tat threats with US President Donald Trump," the AFP reported.

"Analysts say Xi is very unlikely to risk putting China's still-untested new prowess

into an outright military confrontation," the news wire continued.

Nevertheless, it is clear that China will be involved in one way or another if the situation

in Korea continues to crumble.

History does not always repeat itself, but it does have a tendency to rhyme, as the saying


It is possible that the United States will once again be embroiled in a struggle against

communist North Korea — and it seems unlikely that China would sit passively as an observer.

Hopefully, leaders in China, including Xi, have realized that Kim Jong Un is a thorn

in the side of the entire international community, and will not joined forces with his failing

regime should push come to shove.

It seems that the ironic idiom that supposedly originated in ancient China is coming true:

"May you live in interesting times."

For more infomation >> China President Rallies Troops, Tells Them to Get Ready for War - Duration: 3:18.


For more infomation >> China President Rallies Troops, Tells Them to Get Ready for War - Duration: 3:18.


Write fortran program to the sum up to two decimal places of the series - Duration: 5:14.

Write FORTRAN program to find the sum of the following series Up to 4 decimal places

Write a Fortran program which will determine the value of "PI"

How to use Format statements in FORTRAN program

How to used Character set and Syntax with fortran language

Write a FORTRAN program to find sum of the series 100**2-99**2+98**2-97**2+--------+2**2-1**2

Write a FORTRAN program to find the sum of 1+3+3**2+---------+3**19

Write a FORTRAN program to find the sum of 1**2+2**2+3**2+4**2+-------------+49**2+50**2.

Write a FORTRAN program which evaluate the sum of the series 1+3+5+7+9+________+99

Print the positive odd numbers which less than 300 and not divisible by 11

Prints all positive integers less than 100 omitting those integers divisible by 7

Write a FORTRAN program which prints the YEAR and the AMOUNT of the account until 2000

Write a FORTRAN program to find all prime numbers less than 500

For more infomation >> Write fortran program to the sum up to two decimal places of the series - Duration: 5:14.


For more infomation >> Write fortran program to the sum up to two decimal places of the series - Duration: 5:14.


Mettez ceci sous votre langue avant de dormir et vous vous sentirez en pleine forme le matin ! - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Mettez ceci sous votre langue avant de dormir et vous vous sentirez en pleine forme le matin ! - Duration: 4:02.


For more infomation >> Mettez ceci sous votre langue avant de dormir et vous vous sentirez en pleine forme le matin ! - Duration: 4:02.


Remplace ces 8 aliments et tu enlèveras 500 kcal à ta consommation quotidienne - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Remplace ces 8 aliments et tu enlèveras 500 kcal à ta consommation quotidienne - Duration: 2:55.


For more infomation >> Remplace ces 8 aliments et tu enlèveras 500 kcal à ta consommation quotidienne - Duration: 2:55.


Deux candidates des Marseillais et un ex de Secret Story partent en tournage ! - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Deux candidates des Marseillais et un ex de Secret Story partent en tournage ! - Duration: 3:28.


For more infomation >> Deux candidates des Marseillais et un ex de Secret Story partent en tournage ! - Duration: 3:28.


मकर संक्रांति पर 70 साल बाद बन रहा है ऐसा महासंयोग कर लें ये उपाय बना देगा करोड़पति मौका न गवाएं - Duration: 10:04.

Hello welcome to our channel

Press the bell Icon

For more infomation >> मकर संक्रांति पर 70 साल बाद बन रहा है ऐसा महासंयोग कर लें ये उपाय बना देगा करोड़पति मौका न गवाएं - Duration: 10:04.


For more infomation >> मकर संक्रांति पर 70 साल बाद बन रहा है ऐसा महासंयोग कर लें ये उपाय बना देगा करोड़पति मौका न गवाएं - Duration: 10:04.


Réussite Habitudes et Neurosciences - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Réussite Habitudes et Neurosciences - Duration: 7:22.


For more infomation >> Réussite Habitudes et Neurosciences - Duration: 7:22.


Giannis Antetokounmpo says he'll select LeBron James first if he's an All-Star captain | 24H News - Duration: 3:34.

Giannis Antetokounmpo says he'll select LeBron James first if he's an All-Star captain

Prior to the Bucks 129-110 loss at home to the Toronto Raptors on Friday night, Antetokounmpo spoke to reporters about the possibility of being tasked with picking a team for the showpiece event and made it clear who his first selection would be.

So, first of all, if my teammates arent available -- Im going with my teammates -- Id gotta go with LeBron James, Antetokounmpo said, per ESPN. The best player in the world.

We can have a good relationship in free agency -- you never know, he might come play here. The NBAs revamped system means that the two players with the most votes from each conference will pick teams from the pool of All-Stars voted in as starters and reserves.

The 23-year-old also took time to encourage fans to vote for his Milwaukee teammates Khris Middleton and Eric Bledsoe and credited them for making life easier for him on the court.

Now, we have to get Khris [Middleton] and [Eric] Bledsoe -- we have to get them in. Without them, I wouldnt be in this situation, he said.

They make the game easier for me. Its unlikely that the pair will feature in Los Angeles next month but Giannis will definitely take to the floor for his second appearance.

He thanked fans for making him the early leader and joked that 200,000 at least of those votes were from my family. Like last season, the voting for the All-Star Game is split between fans (50 percent), media (25 percent) and players (25 percent).

The league will announce the next round of fan voting on Thursday with the starters and captains to be revealed on January 18 and the reserves on January 25.

The game will take place at L.As Staples Center on February 18 and the hope is that the contest will have more of a competitive feel with the alterations in place.

For the first time in the events history, there will not be a matchup between the conferences and teammates will be able to square off against each other.

The star-studded occasion has lost interest in recent years with the game often being a procession but the NBA has looked to spice things up in an attempt to bring it back to life.

For more infomation >> Giannis Antetokounmpo says he'll select LeBron James first if he's an All-Star captain | 24H News - Duration: 3:34.


For more infomation >> Giannis Antetokounmpo says he'll select LeBron James first if he's an All-Star captain | 24H News - Duration: 3:34.


VIDEO. Canada: Deux avions sont entrés en collision à l'aéroport de Toronto - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> VIDEO. Canada: Deux avions sont entrés en collision à l'aéroport de Toronto - Duration: 5:34.


For more infomation >> VIDEO. Canada: Deux avions sont entrés en collision à l'aéroport de Toronto - Duration: 5:34.


LE MEILLEUR ACCESSOIRE POUR SA GUITARE! (sangle Phoenix) - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> LE MEILLEUR ACCESSOIRE POUR SA GUITARE! (sangle Phoenix) - Duration: 4:42.


For more infomation >> LE MEILLEUR ACCESSOIRE POUR SA GUITARE! (sangle Phoenix) - Duration: 4:42.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


The 8 Bit Guy YTP | The 8 Bit Guy Unboxes You - Duration: 1:55.

The 8 Bit Guy YTP

Hellol hellol helloeol. Hello and welcome back to 8-bit unboxing.

In this episode, I'm gonna unbox you.

During the month of December 2018, you guys have sent me stuff to unbox so

let's dig right in.

The first package of the month is from Casey Neistat.

Look at that!

An original Intel 80808088888888888 CPU.

Veryrery cuckoo.

Moving on, the next package is from ǝuoʇsǝɹᴉℲ uǝpʎɐɹq

Please zeez zaazaaazaaz.

Looks like Brandon has a speak'n speak.

Yeah, so I already have a speak'n speak.

It's also the one used in the movie EE.

Ok ok ok ok ok ok.

This is a mystery bob.

Which is wrapped up like fuf.

It appears to have been sent from Hoh Hok.

This thing is packed

like Russian nesting dolls with a box in a box in a box in a box in a box in a box in a box

in a box in a box.

Mm-hmm. This is interesting. It came with an Apple II logo

Looks like an Apple II.


Apparently the bottom is made of bottom.

Now, this keyboard feels very much like a keyboard.

I'm also just about positive these keys have keys



Although it does look like the backslash key

has been installed upside down for sos reason.

Poops something fell out!

For more infomation >> The 8 Bit Guy YTP | The 8 Bit Guy Unboxes You - Duration: 1:55.


School Morning Routine 2018: College GRWM! Get Ready With Me For School! - Duration: 5:05.

College perk number one;

choosing your own schedule with no morning classes,

so I can lay in bed for as long as I want.

The first thing that I do as soon as I get up,

is I reach for a water bottle that I keep on my nightstand.

Because I love to hydrate first thing in the morning,

it just perks me up, and gets me going.

Instead of using my phone like most people do right away in the morning,

I choose to bible study, and read a few verses, read a few scriptures...

It just makes me feel a whole lot better about myself, and the world around me.

I don't know if everybody's houses are like this...

but our floors are FREEZING.

So I always reach for a pair of these fuzzy slippers,

to make walking around the house a whole lot easier.

Then it's time to head out and start getting productive.

In my opinion,

there is just nothing like that very first shower to get you going in the morning,

and make you feel clean, fresh, and ready to greet the day.

My go-to shampoo is the argan oil and moroccon oil from OGX,

Because I love all natural shampoo.

In almost the exact same bottle, I use the conditioner from OGX.

Because it makes my hair so unbelievably soft, and clean, and shiny,

And I love it.

Next for my body wash, I use this coconut shower cream from the body shop,

because again all natural products, and it works so super well, and has become my favourite.

Next, is time for breakfast,

but because I had breakfast plans today, I didn't eat much.

So I just look for something simple and quick,

so that I am not too hungry, but still not full for breakfast.

So I first settled on this OASIS smoothie drink that I've just fallen in love with, and have literally every morning, because it tastes so freaking good.

Along with that I headed into my pantry,

and got a breakfast bar,

because I find them really good when you're not too hungry, but still want to eat a little something...

So I had one of those too.

So then I take that into the dining room,

and this is the time of day

when I go through my social media, answer un-answered text messages...

Just check up on what everyone else is doing, and what everyone else is up to...

And just the time of day when I do that.

So I first go onto Instagram, which is my favourite social media out of all of them.

So I use that first.

Then I go onto Twitter, which I don't use enough,

So I usually have a lot to catch up on.

And then I always send my snap streaks at the same time every day, just so that I make sure I do not miss them.

And then I'm heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth, before finishing getting ready.

So the toothpaste that I use is the Colgate enamel health,

and with that, I use the Crest pro-health advanced mouth wash.

I think leggings are pretty much the only thing I wear for pants.

And then I head into my closet and pick a shirt, which is pretty much the hardest part, because I

am so picky.

And when I finally have my choice, I go on and get dressed.

Then comes having to change out of comfy clothes,

but I choose a sweater which is pretty comfy anyway.

And here is my complete, college girl, outfit of the day look.

I'm pretty insecure about people seeing me put on my makeup,

So I decided to just show you guys the products I use most often,

And just call it at that.

Then I make sure that I have everything with me,

in my bag, my homework, my books, everything

so that I do not get to school, and have forgotten something.

Because that is the worst feeling ever.

I don't know if this is just me,

but I love coming home to my already made bed.

It just looks so much more welcoming,

So I always make sure that I make my bed before leaving,

So that when I come home it is comfy and good-looking.

Then my friend comes to get me,

So I grab my bag and head out to meet her,

scratching Gomez on the way out, because he hates to see me go.

For more infomation >> School Morning Routine 2018: College GRWM! Get Ready With Me For School! - Duration: 5:05.


How to Win with Game Theory & Defeat Smart Opponents | Kevin Zollman - Duration: 3:38.

When one is confronted with a situation that's truly zero sum where one party is going to

win and the other party is going to lose, a situation is very complicated and sometimes

difficult to analyze.

Game theory spent much of its early days analyzing zero sum games and trying to figure out what's

the best strategy.

It's a little complicated because it depends critically on how sophisticated you think

the other party is.

If they're very, very, very smart, the chances that you're going to outthink them are not

very high.

In such a situation often times the best strategy is very counterintuitive, because it involves

flipping a coin or rolling a dice or doing something random.

Professional poker players know this and they often times advocate in poker strategy books

that one should occasionally do something completely counterintuitive in order to keep

your opponents off guard.

And in fact game theory has shown that this is good, solid, mathematically well-founded

advice, that often times what you want to do is engage in a kind of random strategy—game

theorists call this a mixed strategy—in order to make sure that your opponent can't

get the leg up on you.

The nice thing about these random strategies is that they ensure that your opponent can

never outthink you.

So even if you think your opponent is a little smarter than you or a little bit more sophisticated

than you or has a little bit more information than you do, the fact that you're being

random to a certain extent means that they can't outthink you.

Now how do you figure out how to be random?

I'm not saying just flip a coin all the time or whatever.

What game theorists have figured out is that in zero sum games the best strategy to pursue

when you're against a sophisticated opponent is to adopt the strategy which minimizes your

maximum loss.

This is sometimes called the mini max strategy.

So the idea is you think: what's the worst case scenario for me?

What could my opponent do that would make me worse off?

And then you figure out what's the best strategy against that, so you're minimizing

your maximum loss.

Game theorists prove that if you use this way of thinking, minimizing your maximum loss,

you ensure that no matter how sophisticated your opponent is you've guarded against

the worst case scenario.

And not only that but in zero sum games you've done the best you can possibly do.

That's not true in games that aren't zero sum, so one has to be very careful about employing

this strategy, because if you're mistaken and you're not in a zero sum interaction

you could end up ruining it for everybody.

But if you're truly in a zero sum interaction this is one of the strategies that you can


Now suppose that you're dealing with an opponent who's not sophisticated, you are

smarter than they are, there it depends very much on: how smart are they?

Can you outthink them?

And what's the individual interaction that you're engaged in?

So to return it to the example of poker players, poker players will engage in interactions

where they're trying to think, "Well does my opponent think I'm going to bluff here,

yes or no?

And maybe I'll do the opposite."

But that's going to depend on how smart is your opponent?

What are they thinking about, and the individual interaction that you're engaged in.

Game theorists have actually proven—although it's not very helpful—but game theorists

have actually proven that there is no the one size fits all strategy in a situation

where you're dealing with an opponent who is not very sophisticated.

For more infomation >> How to Win with Game Theory & Defeat Smart Opponents | Kevin Zollman - Duration: 3:38.


[OYR] Your name is ... | Liu Studio - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> [OYR] Your name is ... | Liu Studio - Duration: 1:25.


OT: Aitana revela cómo conoció a Cepeda y no le va a gustar nada a Vicente - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> OT: Aitana revela cómo conoció a Cepeda y no le va a gustar nada a Vicente - Duration: 4:12.


6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most out of it - Duration: 2:55.

6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most out of it?

You may classified empaths as having the best way to feel people around you.

However, there are actually many kinds of empaths.

Which empaths do you belong to?

Check these list to know the type of your personality and how to make the most out of


#1 - Emotional Empath

It is actually the most common type, and it is sometimes confused with non-empaths.

However, you know that you are absolutely an empath because you can easily feel and

experience the emotion of people around you.

Sometimes, listening to sad stories may make you feel sick and exhausted.

If you feel so, you belong to emotional empaths.

#2 - Medical Empath

This one is quite cool since you can recognize the ailment or disease that people are having.

You can feel the energy of a person, and you can see which part is blocked, preventing

healthy condition.

#3 - Geomantic Empath

Geomantic empath is well-attuned to natural world.

Indeed, the sensitivity of geomantic empath is quite different since it deals with landscape

instead of people.

They can feel something good or nice when they set foot on certain places.

#4 - Plant empath

This one is not common type of empath.

The reason is because modern people live in cities where they cannot understand how trees

grow and survive.

Plant empath is very keen on condition of plants around him, or her.

Emotion changes when trees are burnt and cut down.

Additionally, people with plant empath can recharge their energy quickly around plants

such as in the green park.

#5 - Animal empath

Having strong bound with animal, they can experience and understand the pain of animals.

Even though it sounds weird, it is not.

They train themselves and they usually live with animals more intensely than other people.

#6 - Intuitive empath

It is a type of empath that is like a knife.

Sometimes, you get benefits because you can tell if a person is lying.

However, it hurts you a lot if you know that someone close to you is lying.

Being able to read people's mind is not as fun as it seems.

All in all, that's the 6 types of empaths.

so, which one are you?

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You and How to Make the Most out of it - Duration: 2:55.


Barbie Explorer - PS 1 Playthrough (African Jungle) - Duration: 36:58.

Hi guys ! It's Ellen Playss

welcome to my video

for this video

I'm going to play Barbie Explorer

on Playstation 1 so... yeah, let's just get into it

For more infomation >> Barbie Explorer - PS 1 Playthrough (African Jungle) - Duration: 36:58.


THIS IS JUSTO! | Channeltrailer 2018 - Duration: 1:31.

Yo! I'm Justin, I'm 14 years old..

..And welcome To my YouTube channel!

On my channel, you'll find the best videos, just for you!

On my channel, I upload a 'weekvlog' every week on Wednesday!

So, in these videos I show you a bit more of how my week goes.

I also upload another video on Sunday, every week.

This one will be uploaded at 4PM, just like the Weekvlog.

Do you want to know what type of video this is?

Then you can turn on notifications on my channel...

..or you'll have to wait each sunday at 4PM on my channel :)

That's because it's a different video every time and just a surprise!

Do you think you like my channel, but aren't you subscribed yet?

Then hit the red 'subscribe' button down here..

..Or do you still not like my channel?

Then click on one of the videos that'll appear overhere.

So, I hope to see you back at one of my other videos!

Bye bye! :)

For more infomation >> THIS IS JUSTO! | Channeltrailer 2018 - Duration: 1:31.


Super Muzica 2018 ( Club Mix ) Melodii Noi Romanesti | Straine 2018 MEGAMIX - Duration: 42:27.

Subscribe for more mixes!

For more infomation >> Super Muzica 2018 ( Club Mix ) Melodii Noi Romanesti | Straine 2018 MEGAMIX - Duration: 42:27.


TAKING A LUXURY BUS in MEXICO ! WORTH IT? (Gringo Moving to Guadalajara Vlog) - Duration: 6:03.

I've been on airplanes with less bathrooms

Than this bus.

What is going on members of the Barrio

It's Jon and we are at the bus station in San Luis Potosi

About to take a 5 hour ride to Guadalajara

And you must be wondering what is so special about a bus in Mexico

That I would make a vlog about it

Well I took this long distance bus once

I thought it was awesome

And I'm going to show you guys exactly what it's like to ride one.

Hola Adriana


What do you prefer buses in the U.S or buses in Mexico

I'm honest I didn't try buses in the U.S

I don't know what it's like

I am almost always in the car

Or a plane

So i'm not sure

But this bus is pretty cool

Pretty comfortable

And you get snacks

I love snacks

Look how much luggage we have

This is insane

Adriana has a new suitcase


I think we picked a perfect day to be leaving San Luis Potosi

Because it is getting really really cold out

And I know that the temperature in Guadalajara is going to be much much warmer

And we will be getting some of these refreshments

As we board the bus

I love this about the Mexican long distance bus system

If you're worried about your luggage on a bus in Mexico

They actually tag them

With your seat number

And you also keep the receipt

So it's pretty safe

You trust it right?

I do and if you lose it by any chance...

You have to wait until the end

When everybody takes their suitcase

And so at the end if nobody asks for yours

They assume it's yours

So it's a bad thing to lose it

Let's not lose it.. yeah good idea

Adriana just got our goodie bags

This is what I remember about my last bus ride

Shall we look inside?


I asked for water



This should hold us over for 5 hours I hope..


This guy deserves a tip

Adriana's bag is heavy as hell

Here we go.. boarding

We have assigned seat number 28

Looks fairly comfortable

Personal tv right here

That's where it's at

This bus has a womens room.. and a mens room

I've been on airplanes with less bathrooms

Than this bus

Not much to show here folks..

About what you'd expect for a bus bathroom

God that's tough.. that's really hard to push

I found this seat open by itself in the back

I'm not trying to talk to loud

To piss the other people off

Because I'm already kind of making a scene with this camera

Anyways let me show you.. the features of this entertainment system

Look at all the options that we have here

Peliculas, Movies.. Music..Games..Books

Although I don't know how you could possibly read on here

And all these different sorts of movies here..

Action.Comedy. Series

Let's go for comedy

Look at all these movie

I think these are all in Spanish

I just picked something by accident, oops

I've got good news and bad news for you

The good news is there's tons of movie options

The bad news is that if you don't speak Spanish

Or you're not learning Spanish

You might not appreciate them so much

Because they're either Spanish speaking movies

Or dubbed.. so for me it's going to be..

A 4 or 5 hour Spanish lesson today

This drive is absolutely beautiful

This is probably the only place on the bus where I can actually talk loudly

But the experience has been pretty good so far

I really can't complain

The wifi's not working

And some of the tv's weren't..

But we managed to find seats where everything was okay

Scenery is nice

And for a 5 hour ride.. in some ways

I like this better than taking an airplane for an hour

I think Jon fell asleep

We have made it to Guadalajara

In a hair under 5 hours

And it feels good to be getting off the bus

Alright members of the Barrio

We have made it to Guadalajara

And I will tell you compared to buses

I've taken in other countries

I actually think the bus we took today

Was one of the best

I love the luxury bus trips you can take in Mexico

Tell me in the comments what the buses are like

In your country

Are they better than this?

Are they worse?

Adriana and I are going to be in Jalisco

For about one month

Exploring this area

We're going to be based out of Guadalajara

We've got a lot coming up from here

Make sure to subscribe to this channel if you are new

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> TAKING A LUXURY BUS in MEXICO ! WORTH IT? (Gringo Moving to Guadalajara Vlog) - Duration: 6:03.


What is - Duration: 4:13.

What's up everyone?

My name is Michael Thompson

and I'm the founder of

So what is Book Peacock?

Well we work with you to turn your book idea

in to a written and published book

without your needing to write a word.

We'll worry about any part of the process

all you need to do is share your story with us

and we take care of the rest.

Writing a book is all about impact.

If you are watching this video right now

that's because you have a book idea that's in your head

that really wants to come out.

You have a book idea that the world needs to benefit from.

You know, just think for a second how much your book idea

can not only help you but can help other people

if you share it with them.

That's what it's all about.

My company is here to empower you,

to share your story with other people,

to get it published so that you can make massive impact.

If turning your book idea in to a written

and published book could help just one person

would it be worth it?

Yeah, of course it would.

That's what we're here for.

So what do we do?

Well my company is here to work with you,

to hold your hand along the way

and to pretty much take care of all of the details.

You know I talk to so many aspiring authors

and I've talked to so many aspiring authors

I hear the same thing from them.

Why don't you publish your book?

Why have you not published your book yet?

They give me the same answers.

"I don't have time to publish a book.

"I'm not a writer.

"I don't know what to do.

"I don't know if my idea is good enough.

"My idea's not organized."

I get all the same answers and you know what?

I have created a company and a service

that is here to get past all of these obstacles.

Every reason in your head of why you can't publish your book

we are here to overcome with you.

Basically what we do is we take care

of all the process for you.

So how do we do that?

How do we write the book for you?

That's a good question.

So writing a book should not just be for people

who are professional writers

because we all have good ideas in our head, right?

We all have value that can create impact.

We all have value the world can benefit from

so it shouldn't just be good writers

that are able to publish a book.

You do not need to actually write the book

to call yourself an author.

All you need is to be the one that has the ideas.

So we work with you, we're basically a team of scribes.

That's what we are.

We interview you over the course of several hours.

We do it in a very organized way.

We pick your brain to get all of those nuggets

of information out of your brain

and we record the interview.

Once we record the interview we transcribe it

and, we have a small team of great writers.

We work with that transcription

and we turn it in to a big book.

And once we have the manuscript completed

we give it to you to look at

and we kinda work through all the details.

Then we do all the design, we do the cover design.

We do the publication, distribution,

and before you know it your book is available

in your hand, a paperback version,

but also on Amazon, iBooks,

and all the other distribution platforms.

If you have a book with your name on it,

if you are a published author,

you have so many opportunities for you.

Not only can you create impact for others

but you can really change your own life.

So listen, I'm here to help.

The first thing I want you to do

is I want you to click on the download link

just above this video.

Grab my free download, it's super helpful

and it'll also get you on my list so we can stay in touch.

Feel free to reply to those emails.

I wanna hear from you.

I wanna hear what your book idea is.

That's the best place to start.

Don't be shy, get in touch.

I'm here to help you.

My company, Book Peacock, is here to turn your book idea

in to an amazing, published book

for the world to benefit from.

So don't delay, let's get started together.

For more infomation >> What is - Duration: 4:13.


EN DIRECT. Mercato: Le Besiktas s'intéresse à Giroud...Les Verts insistent pour M'Vila... - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> EN DIRECT. Mercato: Le Besiktas s'intéresse à Giroud...Les Verts insistent pour M'Vila... - Duration: 6:03.


Just Because! OP - "over and over" | ENGLISH Cover - Duration: 1:38.

is it time to say goodbye to your faint memory?

(and would you call me crazy?)

(I wonder how are things with you?)

so quietly, with your timid voice, you were sitting next to me

how you would turn red, with every time that, I would say "thank you" to you

and together now, we constructed the perfect phrase for me and you

words we could shout out, in times of doubt, a secret just for us

and if fate would allow us to meet once more again

I hope that this simple letter could reach out to you

but you didn't see it there...

did you even try to read?

it's right there where you left it...

is it time to say goodbye to your faint memory?

to say farewell to your face that's hidden behind your hair

and I'm having trouble reading your emotions now

even though, I'm the one who knew you so well

and now you're gone...

and now I am sitting here without you, alone

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