Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 7 2018

With the New Republic in chaos and disarray, the First Order successfully spread its influence

across the galaxy, becoming the new central government.

Although many feared and distrusted this mysterious new power, only the Resistance of Leia Organa

dared oppose them.

However without the New Republic government to offer support, their rebel movement had

little chance of success.

Following their great victory in destroying Starkiller Base, the rebels retreated to their

headquarters on D'qar, but this location was soon discovered by the First Order, who

laid siege to the planet.

Needing more time to finish their evacuation, the resistance sent pilot Poe Dameron to distract

the enemy fleet, just long enough for the last shuttle to depart.

However Poe, saw an opportunity to destroy the Fulminatrix, a Mandator IV-class Siege

Dreadnought, which was capable of immense destruction, and disobeyed orders for retreat,

pressing the attack and calling in the bombers of Cobalt Squadron.

Through the sacrifice of these brave resistance fighters, a single bomber manages to make

it into position and destroyed the Fulminatrix.

Unfortunately, all the bombers of Cobalt Squadron were lost in the process.

And so the remaining escort fighters returned to the resistance fleet so they might retreat

into hyperspace.

Aboard the first order Flagship Supremacy, Commander Snoke summoned Kylo Ren and scolded

his apprentice being defeated the girl rey, and for the conflict of light and dark still

brewing inside him even after the murder of his father Han Solo.

Kylo Ren then stormed out of the meeting and destroyed his mask, before boarding a Tie

Fighter and joining the next assault against the fleeing Resistance fleet.

Now able to track them through Hyperspace, the First Order descended upon the rebels,

taking out more of their ships and fighters, destroying the brigde of the Star Cruiser

Raddus, killing admiral Ackbar and the rest of the Resistance Leadership.

Leia Organa was also blasted into space during this attack, yet she had grown so powerful

in the force she was able to remain alive, moving herself through the vacuum of space

and returning to the ship.

Unable to escape the First Order, the resistance fleet used their speed to move out of effective

range of enemy weapons.

However this was only a temporary solution, as they knew they would soon run out of fuel.

After tallying their losses, the resistance was down to 400 people aboard 3 ships, with

only a handful of fighters and pilots remaining.

One by one the remaining ships of the resistance fell back into weapon's range and were destroyed,

and so the rebel leadership organized evacuations and began to make plans for their escape.

However with Leia injured, command fell to Vice Admiral Holdo, who refused to reveal

the details of her plan to the pilot Poe Dameron.

The brash young man had been held in special consideration by Leia, but Holdo did not share

their history, and kept him out of high level discussions.

And so when Finn and a maintaince worker named Rose, approached Poe with a plan to destroy

the First Order's hyperspace tracker, he jumped at the chance.

Deducing that the tracker was on the lead ship, Finn and Rose believed that they could

shut it down, allowing the resistance to jump to lightspeed without fear of pursuit.

However in order to board their ship, they needed the expertise of a master code breaker,

and so contacted Maz Kanata, who directed them towards the planet of Cantonica, to locate

a man gambling at a luxury casino in the city of canto bight.

Unwilling to reveal the plan to Holdo, Poe helped Finn, Rose and BB8 stealthily take

a ship and make their way to Cantonica, where they were arrested before reaching the master

code breaker.

While incarcerated, they met another slicer, who claimed to have worked with the First

Order in the past and was familiar with their systems.

Although they were sceptical of his claims, he helped them escape and make their way off

the planet.

As Finn and his team returned to the Resistance and First Order Fleets, Poe Dameron discovered

that Vice Admiral Holdo was making plans to evacuate their last vessels, and tried to

inform her about the plan underway.

Holdo was unwilling to delay their escape, and so Poe led a mutiny, taking control of

the ship to give Finn the time necessary to complete his mission.

Unfortunately Finn, Rose and the slicer were soon captured on board the enemy ship and

taken into custody.

Back on board the resistance ship, Poe was knocked unconscious by Leia Organa, who'd

reawakened and taken back command.

When he awakened, he learned that the evacuation ships were stealthily being sent to an old

rebel base on a nearby planet, where they might hide.

Despite his concerns, Vice Admiral Holdo had a plan all along, and even chose to remain

behind, piloting their last cruiser as it fled the first order, so the other ships could


However, Finn and Rose were soon betrayed by the code breaker, who cut a deal with the

first order, revealing the existence of the escaping rebels.

As a result, the first order fleet began firing upon the shuttles.

Vice Admiral Holdo, seeing their forces being destroyed, pointed her own vessel in the direction

of the Supremacy, and jumped into hyperdrive, sacrificing herself as the ships crashed.

This then allowed the resistance to successfully land on the planet of Crait, making their

way into the rebel base and preparing their defenses.

With the Supremacy breaking apart, Finn battled his old instructor Phasma, defeating her before

making his escape.

Meanwhile, on the planet of Ahch-to, Luke Skywalker, the man many consider the last

hope for the galaxy, at last met with the young force sensitive girl Rey, who sought

to become his apprentice and learn the ways of the Jedi.

But Luke tossed aside the lightsaber she presented, refusing to involve himself in the war and

retreating to his home.

Rey unsure what to do, went to Chewbacca for help, and so he burst through the door and

demanded an explanation.

Although Luke was happy to see his old friend, he could not be convinced to train her, refusing

to speak further on the subject.

For days Rey simply followed him around silently, watching his daily routine, hoping that he

will change his mind, until at Last Luke revealed that he came to this island to die, and that

the Jedi Order must die as well.

He failed in his first attempt to create a new Jedi Order, and will not attempt it again.

Later Luke visited the Milenium Falcon and found R2D2, who greeted him excitedly and

tried to convince him to help the resistance, at last getting through to him by playing

the old message Leia Organa originally sent to Obi Wan Kenobi, asking for aid in bring

down the Empire.

Luke then agreed to train Rey however on the morning of their first lesson, she discovered

a new force sensation she'd never before felt, somehow having her mind temporarily

linked to Kylo Ren.

Hiding this experience from Luke, they began her training with meditation.

Master Skywalker explained the nature of the force, and it's connection to all things.

He states that the force and the lightside will always exist, regardless of whether the

Jedi do, and to believe otherwise is simply arrogance.

However, as Rey connected to the energy of the island, she discovered a pocket of darkside

power, which Luke explained was meant to balance the light.

But Rey quickly embraced the dark side, starting to lose control of her immense powers before

awakening from her trance.

Through this experience she came to realize Luke had cut himself off from the force, while

her master simply looked on with horror, terrified of her raw strength and lack of self control,

as it reminded him of his nephew Ben Solo.

Luke grew uneasy about continuing her training, and so Rey practiced melee and lightsaber

combat on her own, until they once again spoke, and Master Skywalker revealed more about his

past failures.

He explained that after the war with the Empire, he'd taken on a number of students including

his nephew Ben Solo.

But Ben fell to the darkside, destroying their temple and killing his fellow students, save

for a few who fled the planet by his side.

Luke believed he should have seen the darkness inside him sooner, and done something to stop

it, but instead failed his nephew and the galaxy.

Later on as Luke reflected on all that has occurred, he decided to reconnect himself

to the force, sensing his sister Leia, who lay wounded in a resistance ship.

Having restored his force powers, Luke went to go speak to Rey, but was shocked to find

her sitting with Kylo Ren.

When she was alone, Rey had continued to experience a mental connection with Snoke's apprentice,

speaking to him on a number of occasions.

Kylo then explained that on the night he destroyed the temple, he'd awoken to find his uncle

Luke standing over him with a lightsaber ready to kill.

As Rey learned more, she ventured on her own to the area of dark side power, where she

had a vision of her parents, which ultimately ended in seeing her own reflection.

Connecting once again to Kylo Ren, they physically touched hands, and were each granted a vision

of the other ones future.

However it is just at this moment, when Luke finds them, using his powers to destroy the

home and ending their connection.

Luke then demanded she leave the island and turned his back to her, only for her to attack

him, asking why he betrayed his nephew.

Although they briefly duelled with a staff and stick, Rey soon summons a lightsaber which

knocked Luke to the ground.

Luke explained that he sensed evil in kylo Ren, and that snoke had already turned him

to the darkside.

Fearing all the death and destruction another Darth Vader might cause, Luke raised his lightsaber

in a moment of instinct, ready to kill his nephew as he slept.

Yet as looked upon the boy he hesitated, and in that moment Ben Solo awoke.

Believing Luke was about to kill him, he summoned his own lightsaber and destroyed the temple

with his force powers.

Rey then tried to convince Luke there was still conflict in Kylo and that he could be

turned to the light.

However Luke did not agree and refused to involve himself further.

She then declared that Kylo was the last hope of the galaxy, and boarded the millennium

falcon to seek him out.

Luke, distraught by all that had occurred went to burn the sacred jedi texts and put

an end to the order once and for all, but when as he wavered in his decision, the force

ghost of master yoda destroyed it for him, explaining that the ancient texts contained

nothing the girl rey did not already possess.

The old Jedi Master told him failure was the greatest teacher, and encouraged him not to

give up hope.

Rey meanwhile, made her way aboard the First Order flagship, where she was immediately

arrested and brought before Supreme Leader snoke.

Though she tried to convince Kylo to return to the lightside, he was equally convinced

she would turn to the darkness.

When the girl was presented to Snoke, he revealed that she fell right into his trap.

It was he who bridged her mind with Kylo Ren knowing that the conflict within him would

bait her into coming.

Although Rey resisted as much as possible, Snoke proved far more powerful, able throw

her around the room and extract all the information necessary from her mind.

Snoke then ordered kylo to kill her, sensing that the conflict within him gone and he was

now committed to the dark side and ready to kill his enemy.

Yet the Supreme Leader failed to realize the identity of Kylo's true enemy, as he activated

the lightsaber by Snoke's side, killing his darkside master.

Ren and Rey then fought side by side as they defeated the Elite Praetorian Guard who sought

to avenge their leader's death.

But when the battle was over, Rey wanted to save the last remnants of the resistance fleet

that were being shot down on their way to Crait, while Kylo Ren wanted to let the Resistance

die, so that he and Rey could rule the first order together.

Kylo then revealed that Rey's parents had traded her away for drinking money, and that

while she was nobody important to the galaxy, she was important to him.

Though tempted to join him, she ultimately refused, and tried to steal away his lightsaber,

resulting in a stalemate between them until the lightsaber exploded.

This then coincided with Vice Admiral Holdo's suicide run, which destroyed the Supremacy,

separating the force users and allowing for Rey to escape aboard the millennium falcon.

When General Huxx found Snoke dead, Kylo explained that Rey was responsible.

He then declared himself as the new supreme Leader, force choking Huxx into submission.

With Kylo Ren as their new ruler, the First Order continued to chase the last remaining

resistance fighters to the planet of Crait, and sent an army to breach their defenses.

Sending out a distress signal for aid, the last of the rebels prepared a final effort,

sending out their pilots to attempt destroying the first order canon that was readying to

breach their defensive wall.

However the attempt failed, and the resistance soon realized no reinforcements were coming.

Yet just as all hope seems lost, Luke Skywalker suddenly walked into the room and said a final

goodbye to his sister, before going out to face the first order and his nephew.

At first Kylo ordered that the entire army open fire, but when it failed to kill his

old master, he went to meet him, engaging in a lightsaber duel.

Kylo Ren then declared that he had defeated the rebellion, ended the war and would soon

kill the last jedi only for Luke to reply that he was entirely incorrect, as this day

the rebellion was reborn, the war had just begun and he would not be the last Jedi.

As Kylo swung to finish him off, the blow did no damage, and he soon realized Luke was

using a force projection and was not really there.

This illusion then gave the resistance enough time to escape their base with the help of

Rey, in order to make their way off planet aboard the millennium falcon.

Back on Ahch To, Luke had over exerted himself, but was now at peace in the knowledge that

Rey would continue the legacy of the Jedi.

And so he sat up to watch the suns rise in the sky above as he died, becoming one with

the force.

As Rey left Crait, she and Kylo sensed each other one last time, before she closed the

door to her ship and took off.

With the last of the resistance now safely making their escape, Rey shared her concern

with General Leia, that they were too few to start a new rebellion, only for Leia to

reply that they had everything they needed.

For more infomation >> Star Wars History: Episode V - Darkness Rising (Last Jedi Spoilers!) - Duration: 15:05.



For more infomation >> BẮN NHAU TRONG BÓNG TỐI • GTA V ONLINE - THE DOOMSDAY HEIST #3 !! - Duration: 22:41.


KARD, SOMIN(전소민)'S V-LIVE [ENG SUB] - Duration: 12:05.


An nyung ha se yo.



Guys ,what are you doing?


This is a first shot of new y..

Wait, am i right?

I am taking a first v-live of a new year.

Wow, Hello~

Guys, happy new year~

Hope you are all happy with full of smiles and joy in 2018.

Did you have a tteokguk? (Sliced Rice Pasta Soup:Korean eat it whenever a year changes)

tteokguk, tteokguk

You are right. I am 23


I am doing good.

It just came to mind, so i am taking.

I didn't have tteokgug yet, because i don't want to be a year older.

So i am still 22.

Yeah. i did avoid tteokgugk from getting a year older.

I have been preparing for tour concert nowadays.

I was going to have dinner.

But it just came to my mind, so i am taking v-live

Before having dinner.

I am gonna go to dinner table soon.

I love you too~

(Did you ask) What i am gonna eat?

It's still up in the air.

How about you? you guys had dinner?

Just get off to work?

Or at home?

I am gonna leave soon.

Today, i am taking it for a minute and How do i put it?

I will talk longer next time.

I was on the fence between taking it or not.

Because i don't know when exactly we gonna have dinner.

So.. take it too long, they have to wait for me.

I miss you guys.

Been a while after we met.

Today, I had a lot on my plate.

I could have spared some time for this, but today was really hectic

So i could't

I am just taking it because i want to say i miss you guys.

So i will talk longer later.

Guys, Don't be sick.

Cheer up!

I forgot this, I got my nails newly done.


JJAN! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I got red.

Because i love red.

Quite pretty. isn't it?

I was really craving for getting my nails in red.

I was thinking between white and red,

And i chose red which i usually couldn't have.

Red pepper paste? LOL

Because i love red color.

My case is also red.

The reason i look tired is

My nephew came home.

She stayed over night,

My parents left early,

So i had to wake up in the middle of night,take care of her.

But she kept tossing, turning and crying over night.

So i wasn't able to sleep deeply.

But she is super adorable.

She is

She was sleeping in my arms.

Isn't she lovely?

She kept crying So i cuddled her to sleep.

She was so adorable sleeping in my arms.

And in the morning, she woke up and rubbed his cheek into me.

as she tried saying she just woke up. So lovely!

She starts getting words.

So when i say "Se-ah did you sleep well?"

She says "YES!"

These days, How do i put it? There is something you can watch video on tv.

One day, i played a kind of kid stuff song for her in the morning.

But it seems she didn't like it.

She was shaking his heads saying "NO NO"

and gave me a remote controller back to turn the channel.

To watch what she wants

So i keep channel surfing i am like "What se-ah wants? What on earth she likes?"

I somehow find and watch it with her.

She is so lovely. My se-ah

Couldn't be adorable.

She is learning words. She will be cuter when we communicate.

Tomato song takes all the credit.

Tomato song.

It's cute isn't it?

Someone says it's disturbing. (LOL)

It's not what you think.

Don't break the world of the innocence.

You got it, it's tomato nails.

I love tomato.

(especially) Cherry tomato.

I want to go on a trip to USA too.

If i have enough time later.

Guys, What do you think of my next nail art will be? what color will it be?

How about white?


Oh that's compelling.

I was thinking on purple tons of time too !

All colors you guys recommend will be nice!!


If that moment comes, i will take v-live again.

I am gonna get all that i want. I might get 10 different colors for each.


I usually do my nails in black or red when I have to by myself.

That's the best colors i love.

Oh, It's already over 10 minutes.

I said i am gonna take it short though.

I want to talk more with you guys, but i have to go out having dinner.

Sorry, guys.

I will take it longer next time.

I am just taking this. Just because i missed you guys.

But once i started speaking, i couldn't stop.

As expected, i am not good at doing it short.

Because words i want to say keep coming out of my mouth.

Enjoy your meal if you didn't have dinner yet.

You did well today.

Happy new year!

I will be back soon.

Thank you for watching.

Bye, Take care not to catch cold.

Have a good day.


For more infomation >> KARD, SOMIN(전소민)'S V-LIVE [ENG SUB] - Duration: 12:05.


Si te ries pierdes nivel | Clash Royal :v - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Si te ries pierdes nivel | Clash Royal :v - Duration: 1:53.


The past of Lumiere and Noir - Duration: 2:24.

Are you all right?


I'm relieved you wake up.

Where is this?

It's my sweets bakery.

Why did you save me?

If you're involved with me, you'll regret it.

No matter who you are, whoever comes to this shop is a guest.

What are these?

They're sweets.

They'll make you feel better.

Now, try some!

How's it? Don't you feel your heart is glittering?

I'm Lumiere. What's your name?


Let's play, sister!

Let's play!

Sure sure!


Oh, are you interested in it?

Why don't we make sweets?

No, more slowly.

With your whole heart.

It takes more trouble than I thought.

You did it! It worked!



Let's try again!

No use.

I'm different from you.

I was born in a battlefield, and had committed unforgivable sins.

My heart has been dyed with deep and dark darkness.

Even so,

If you still want to make me smile,

Make sweets only for me.


I'm sorry.



Fall into darkness with this town!


I prioritized my mission as a precure, so I wasn't able to save Noir.

For more infomation >> The past of Lumiere and Noir - Duration: 2:24.


Hot Chili Sauce Slime, Egg Slime - Duration: 2:50.

It was hard to remove the slime from the rubber noodles

I was using Naporitan pan

For more infomation >> Hot Chili Sauce Slime, Egg Slime - Duration: 2:50.


Wieder vergeben: YouTube-Unge datet jetzt seine Kollegin - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Wieder vergeben: YouTube-Unge datet jetzt seine Kollegin - Duration: 1:40.



For more infomation >> ТЕСТ: НАСКОЛЬКО ХОРОШО ТЫ РАЗБИРАЕШЬСЯ В ЧАСТЯХ FIFA - Duration: 3:09.


Learn Colors for Children with WOODEN FACE HAMMER XYLOPHONE Colorful Soccer Balls for Kids - Duration: 4:02.

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Children with WOODEN FACE HAMMER XYLOPHONE Colorful Soccer Balls for Kids - Duration: 4:02.


Ewangeliarz OP | 7 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 1, 7-11) - Duration: 2:35.


My God. How many people have I met who completely gave power over themselves to another person,

who ceased to be inner-directed and completely rely on another human being.

They turned another man to a pseudo - God.

And the consequences of such a decision are terrible.

These are often very pious people who expect, for example, a priest to make all the decisions for them,

or some authority in the community, some church and community guru

- they expect these people to tell them what is good, what is bad, let them make decisions for me.

The consequences of this attitude are terrible.

We really need to remember that a man is just a man.

John the Baptist is an icon of such an attitude, he knows - despite the fact that he is very gifted by God -

he knows he is just a man. It is me - man and Jesus Christ who is the Messiah and God.

I know my place - says John the Baptist.

So two things: First - do not overestimate your role, do not try to be a guru in another person's life,

do not try to steer him in his spiritual path.

And secondly - never allow another person to take the role of god in your life.

There is only one God, there is only one Lord, one Shepherd, people are only His helpers.

And only oce they can find their role - humble in essence.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP | 7 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 1, 7-11) - Duration: 2:35.


Κορμός με κουνουπίδι και τυριά - Paxxi (1min156) - Duration: 1:38.

Hello, i'm Irini from Paxxi

let's have a good new year and begging new recipies in a healthier way

we will make cauliflower loaf

an alternative proposal to enrich our food with more vegetables

2 medium patatoes

cover with water

boil for 30 minutes

400 gr cauliflower bouquets

cover with water

boil for 10 minutes

smash the patatoes

smash the cauliflower

1 egg

1/2 tsp salt

1 pinch pepper

70 gr kefalotyri or parmesan cheese

4 TBsp breadcrumbs

2 TBsp olive oil

150 gr mozzarella in cubes


sprinkle with kefalotyri or parmesan cheese

and breadcrumbs

in the oven for 20 minutes at 200*C

For more infomation >> Κορμός με κουνουπίδι και τυριά - Paxxi (1min156) - Duration: 1:38.


Catfish Curry | Thai Food | Gang Ped Pla Duk | แกงเผ็ดปลาดุก - Duration: 1:52.

Catfish Curry

Oil 1 tbsp

Red curry paste 2 tbsp

Coconut cream 1 cup

Catfish 300 g

Coconut milk 2 cup

Fish sauce 2 ½ tbsp

Palm sugar 1 tbsp

Thai eggplant ½ cup

Turkey berry 3 tbsp

Finger root ¼ cup

Thai basil ½ cup

Red chili 2 tbsp

For more infomation >> Catfish Curry | Thai Food | Gang Ped Pla Duk | แกงเผ็ดปลาดุก - Duration: 1:52.


CA Pot Sniffing Dogs May Be Out Of A Job - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> CA Pot Sniffing Dogs May Be Out Of A Job - Duration: 3:08.


Saturday Night Forecast With Brian Hackney - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Saturday Night Forecast With Brian Hackney - Duration: 2:20.


2 PF&R firefighters hurt in SE Portland blaze - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 2 PF&R firefighters hurt in SE Portland blaze - Duration: 1:53.


BREAKING: Clinton Friends Paid $700K For Women To Accuse Trump Before Election(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 11:13.

BREAKING: Clinton Friends Paid $700K For Women To Accuse Trump Before Election

all right here to discuss those questions brought up by Kevin and more

Beverly Hallberg with the Heritage Foundation and former Missouri

congressman Don Callaway great to have you both okay I want to start with Linda

bloom who is one of the attorneys here that we're talking about and excuse me

Lisa this is what she has to say in the New York Times she said it doesn't cost

anything to publicly air allegations security and relocation are expensive

and were sorely needed in a case of this magnitude in a country filled with so

much anger hate and violence Murli she has said this is about

protecting these women if they decided to come forward and not paying them to

manufacture something I think in many ways it's damaging to them if these

claims are true if they're proven true of course they're extremely concerning

but when you have someone saying I'll pay you she's been reached out to

tabloids saying we can even do some type of interview with them if you want she

was going to get a payout herself to do this I actually think there is then

reason as you were just reporting to say hey you're getting paid for this are

these actual allegations something that should be pushed against him and I would

say as well when when you take a look at the allegations against President Trump

I think it also bakes a question why are they having to work so hard to find

women who want to speak out there are some that have but having to pay women I

actually think it hurts their case when they're saying he did something well and

that's the thing is that even if these are legitimate claims if any of these

women when you have the money as Kevin said when money factors and people have

other questions this is from a very prominent attorney Douglas Boyd or who's

also in this New York Times piece he says this if you're getting money from

someone who has an axe to grind against the person you're accusing of unlawful

activity that most certainly opens the door to a line of questioning that very

well could undermine the veracity of your clients story Don it's not good I

used to practice law as a younger fellow and this is a bad fact but it's not a

determinative fact by any means at the end of the day you have to kind of get

past the salacious nature of this whole thing and look to the nature of the

claims is what they're saying true will they have their day in court and

ultimately is it still something that's provable yes or no and in this me too

moment that has affected all of our professional

and public and private lives the president is not the one person who gets

to say well they were paid that's not the case the New York Times The

Washington Post whatever political slant they may take is a pretty standard

practice as Kevin reported to pay witnesses to come forward with various

news pieces again this is not a good fact but it's not a determinant effect

by any means what we should be looking at is whether or not what these women

are saying is true well and in so many of these cases if you're in the middle

of an election as you said it's so important to have due process and have

your day in court but Beverly so many times when these are in the middle of

the campaigns there's not going to be that time so it's now just the court of

public opinion and that can have a significant impact on who gets elected

and doesn't and you were even saying with this this was about Lisa bloom

coming out and saying we wanted to do this prior to the election so this was

also trying to change their trajectory of election which I do have concerns

with I would say when you're taking a look at accusations you have to say can

you corroborate this this information are there multiple people are they

speaking on their own this is where the payment gets a little bit tricky because

if they are getting paid off you wonder why they're doing it so you have to look

at multiple people speaking out figuring out whether or not anybody else can

corroborate it because I think that's what it comes down to and figuring out

whether or not it's actual proof and done folks have done this on both sides

of the aisle I mean there are Democrat strategists Republican strategist people

out there in the New York Times peace talks about going back to Paula Jones

and beyond that I mean there have there been coordinations across the years and

across party lines on this kind of thing there have and so it's not really a

partisan issue but I would also think as Kevin reporter there's very practical

matters to why you would pay a witness or someone to come forward first of all

the day that a woman comes forward her life is no longer her she's a public

figure whether or not she asked for it she's got a media camped out and her

name is in front of the world perhaps that's something that you have to

incentivize someone to do if their claims have any truth secondly if this

thing moves towards legal proceedings as the blooms and Allred's of the world

wanted to happen lawsuits cost money you have depositions you have court

reporters all these things that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay

for that ultimately have to be financed so again I realize that the money is not

a good fact here for big-time Democrats here but it's kind of unfortunately the

reality that we and it doesn't mean that these women do

not have serious claims which should be really looked at well remember like some

of the women over the last few weeks that we've heard about these reports

with Lisa bloom ultimately decided not to come forward they either wanted a lot

more money because they thought their lives we're never gonna be private again

they wanted security and that kind of thing or for whatever reason they

personally decided decided it wasn't worth a personal cost to them and you

have to take that into consideration there is as you were just saying a lot

that can happen to women who do come out their name is out there what does this

mean for their career but I even want to take a look at Lisa bloom and and look

at some of her past a trajectory in these cases she did defend Harry

Weinstein there are some concerns about okay if you are a an attorney who wants

to stand up for women's rights why did you defend Harry Weinstein and why are

you now saying me want to go against Trump it looks political and I think

maybe that's why some of the women decided we don't want her to defend us

in this thing even she has kind of backtracked on that saying maybe that

wasn't the best decision because you know it doesn't you as an attorney you

know we know that you're not always you know in simpatico with your client but

there's no doubt as political and let's just let's just put out that Harvey

Weinstein is the terrible guy right and I think that's one thing that everybody

can agree on in the new year it's extremely political that is absolutely

the case but that's kind of the nature of the game that we've all chosen to

play and so can't deny that it's political but again we also can't deny

that these women might not have very serious claims it should be considered

both of those things can be true at the same time Donna Beverly great to see you

both thank you when are we gonna ask about resolutions and if you've broken a

man attorney Lisa bloom is now under fire after reportedly offering money to

women willing to accuse the president of prior harassment at the very least bloom

engaged in a perverse kind of financial incentive to attract accusers truth

being a perhaps secondary consideration now bloom is going on the attack

smearing the reporter who broke the story John Solomon of the hill calling

him a far-right journalist in reality John has broken many important stories

this year he joins us now with his side of the story

John you far-right journalist the stories about rape in the Congo all

those years ago I mean you want words and so forth but by the way I had I in

law school I had a license plate on my Honda Civic they were getting far right

so does that my part you clearly are everyone thought it was very funny so uh

she's on the attack saying that you're distorting what really happened it's not

fair what's your reaction you know I learned a long time ago I've been an

investigative reporter 30 years if you can't attack the facts you try to do an

ad hominem attack on the reporter the facts are unassailable and it is true

that though she says she wrote represented women pro bono she had a

nice way of collecting a 33% Commission by selling their stories to the tabloids

its unassailable that she ranged for donors possibly related to the election

to pay these women money and and I think the women at least one of the women

described a lot of pressure she felt as the election day got nearer for her to

try to come out and make these allegations against Trump those are

things that are not in dispute this is what Lisa bloom told joy read over the

weekend let's watch donors reached out to us and said my god what can we do to

help her or other women come forward they're in fear you know we have this

very unequal playing field here and we discussed arranging for security and

relocation services for any women who wanted it I want to be very clear

neither Hillary Clinton nor anyone from her campaign was associated with any of

those offers for relocation and security John no one from the campaign Hillary

didn't know anything about it what little factoids did she leave out

in that yeah one of them is she will not answer whether she talked to the Clinton

super PACs which is where the real big money is in the election right the

candidates are capped at $2,400 super PACs can take a lot of money she will

not answer the question I've asked it a hundred times can't get an answer out of

her she also didn't talk about that little mortgage payment for that house

in Queens yeah one of the women got offered

$750,000 you could buy the Secret Service detail for that you don't need

that much protection there was other things going on the woman said one of

them one of their mortgage get paid the other woman said I want my college

tuition for my kids paid it was a lot more than security I want to read an

email a story that you broke tonight on the hill from Jill hearth the New York

make up artist to accuse president Trump in a suit she ultimately dropped in 1997

alleging some type of misconduct this is what she wrote she wrote to Trump's

assistant Rona Graf I also want to put it out there that I would be willing to

say at a rally or somewhere or somewhere how trump help me with my

self-confidence and all positive things about he is with women to counter any

potential negativity that may come out at some point in the campaign now this

is from a woman who opposed suppose I was going to come out and it came out

and said oh he mistreated me but between or to grope me or something like that

that she in between her two accusations there's a much greater context of this

email she wanted a job with the Trump campaign she asked to be his campaign

make up art someone gropes you you actually file a suit that you ultimately

dropped but you obviously can't like him alleged allegedly did this then she

wants to work in the campaign I don't know

makeup artist more than that she wanted him to be the pitchman for her new

cosmetic for anything else no that's it those are the two things about what was

it what was it man scarify what was Donald Trump gonna have like mascara on

what was he possibly gonna put on there was a whole male beauty product well

some sort of pitchman work yeah absolutely yeah but she she came out and

said tonight that oh it I I had gotten over prior but she was mad that Donald

Trump said it didn't happen that's right it's so social this is ridiculous if you

follow her story she was angry at him they're not angry at him do my makeup

line I don't like you yeah working a business deal and they

got angry at him again when he denied the allegations Lisa bloom said that

none of this changes the fact that she did not tell women to make up stories

that's right and that you you wrote that in your

original piece none of the women said they were asked to say anything yet no

there was one episode that is kind of interesting one woman was asked to take

all of her pro-trump comments down from Facebook so that her story would be more

believable so that did happen oh okay but they see what they weren't told you

say this and I'll give you X no not at all well it's so good to talk to a

far-right journalist tonight and all of all of your credentials

weird feeling sound to me all right John it's always great to see you thank you

should thank you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Clinton Friends Paid $700K For Women To Accuse Trump Before Election(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 11:13.


ナタデココスライム作り! - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> ナタデココスライム作り! - Duration: 2:23.


Adını Sen Koy 255 Bölüm سمها ما شئت - Duration: 20:59.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy 255 Bölüm سمها ما شئت - Duration: 20:59.


Tuyển Tập Những Bản Mashup Cover Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:20:23.

For more infomation >> Tuyển Tập Những Bản Mashup Cover Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:20:23.


అమావాస్య రోజు అడ్డు వస్తే ఎం చెయ్యాలి???Chirravuri Foundation Tv Jayam Amavasya Remedy lakshmi pooja - Duration: 1:48.

88855 69579...Chirravuri

88855 69579...Chirravuri

For more infomation >> అమావాస్య రోజు అడ్డు వస్తే ఎం చెయ్యాలి???Chirravuri Foundation Tv Jayam Amavasya Remedy lakshmi pooja - Duration: 1:48.



For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI EDITION AUTOMAAT BI-XENON LED LEDER CAMERA PDC ACTIVE BRAKE - Duration: 1:01.


Benefits That Will Happen To Your Body Of Soaking Okra Overnight And Eating It In An Empty Stomach! - Duration: 2:46.

Benefits That Will Happen To Your Body Of Soaking Okra Overnight In A Glass Of Water

And Eating It In An Empty Stomach!

Okra or also known as Lady's finger, is a plant that many people cannot appreciate

it because of its slimy texture.

It has a unique taste and because of it many people, especially children do not want to

consume it.

However, okra offers plenty of health benefits.

It is packed with vitamins A, B, C, E, and minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium,

iron, and zinc.

What is more, okra is high in mucilaginous fiber.

To optain the optimum benefits of okra, you should consume it in the morning and at night.

Also, it is very important to consume the okra and drink the water at the same time.

Health Benefits Of Okra:

Digestive Health

Adding okra to your diet can increase your overall fiber usage.

Okra contains mucilaginous fiber that can help in moving food through the digestive


It regulates bowel movements and lowers intestinal issues, such as bloating, cramping, constipation,

and gas.

What is more, it prevents diarrhea and gets rid of the high cholesterol.

Immune System

Due to its high antioxidant material, okra can fight free radicals.

Furthermore, it is abundant in vitamin C known for its ability to improve the immune system.

It promotes the immune system to produce white blood cells which can fight foreign pathogens

and material inside the body that can damage the immune system.

High Blood Pressure And Heart Health

Okra is packed with vitamins and minerals such as potassium which is essential for your

overall health.

Potassium helps in stabilizing the salt and can maintain proper fluid balance.

In addition, it relaxes the blood vessels and arteries, which in turn reduces the blood

pressure and the strain on the cardiovascular system.

Vision Booster

Okra is an exceptional source of vitamin A and antioxidant components such as lutein,

xanthene, and beta carotenes.

Antioxidants can destroy and neutralize free radicals which can break down the cells in

the body, including those responsible for vision.

The regular intake of okra can protect your vision and prevent macular degeneration and


Skin Health

Okra promotes quicker recovery and improves the health of your skin.

It can reduce the appearance of scars, acne and eliminate wrinkles.

This is because of the high material of anti-oxidants which can neutralize the free radicals responsible

for the damaged skin cells.

For more infomation >> Benefits That Will Happen To Your Body Of Soaking Okra Overnight And Eating It In An Empty Stomach! - Duration: 2:46.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World 2018 | Best Faster Cars for 2018 | T10 Facts 360 - Duration: 10:30.

top 10 fastest cars in the world 2018 10 Pagani Huayra roadster the Pagani who

our Arad ster is the company's most complicated project ever and began in

2010 with the basic idea of removing the top and adding conventional doors the

Italian exotic automaker says it scrapped the design three years later

and started from the beginning of the design process

calling muhammara roadster a completely new project

9 Zenvo TS 1 GT mounted in the middle of the car is a 5.8 liter flat plane crank

v8 engine created using a null alloy construction providing the boost is a

twin supercharger system that feeds charge air through a two-piece

air-to-air intercooler

eight lick infinera Supersport in 2013 W Motors announced it would manufacture

the second line of supercars the fan our Subaru sport will feature a 4.0 l 20 bro

charged flat 6 with 900 HP 670 kilowatts 910 PS and 810 pounds ft 1100 n M with a

0-60 mph performance time of 2.7 seconds and a top speed over 245 miles per hour

seven Koenigsegg Agera the rich era is what you would consider the ultimate

evolution of the automobile boasting 1.1 megawatts of power or 1400 88.5 to

ponies in horsepower turns from its hybrid as drivetrain and v8 engine

six Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse la finale lapa nolle represents the

450th example of the Veyron and the 150th Roadster model like the standard

Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse the end of the line la finale is powered by

Bugattis massive 8.0 liter w16 engine that produces an astounding 1183

horsepower and one 106 pound-feet of torque allowing the Veyron to continue

to wear the crown as the world's most powerful production car Hennessey Venom

GT the Hennessey Venom GT is a high-performance sports car manufactured

by texas-based Hennessey performance engineering the venom is a modified

version of a British sports car the Lotus Exige on January 21st 2013 the

venom gt set a guinness world record for the fastest production car from 0-100 86

miles per hour 0 - 300 km/h with an average acceleration time of 13 point 6

3 seconds in addition the car set an unofficial record for 0-200 mph 0-3

hundred 22 km/h acceleration at 14.51 seconds beating the Koenigsegg Agera

arse time of 17 point six eight seconds making it the unofficial fastest

accelerating production car in the world for Koenigsegg Adria 1:1 the Koenigsegg

one:1 was presented at Lamar CH 2014 Geneva Motor Show the Koenigsegg one:1

is fitted with a variant of the same 5.0 litre twin-turbocharged v8 engine used

in the other address it produces 1379 PS 1014 kilowatts at 7,500 revolutions per

minute and 1371 n m101 one pounds ft of torque at 6,000 revolutions per minute

doddle weight of the engine is only one hundred ninety seven kilograms 434

pounds thanks to a carbon fiber intake manifold down the alley of many in

construction the transmission is a 7-speed dual clutch paddle shift 3

Koenigsegg a drill RS the Koenigsegg a drill RS was unveiled at the 2015 Geneva

Motor Show the engine RS produces 450 kilograms of downforce at 250 km/h the

5.0 liter v8 engine now produces 865 kilowatts 1160 HP on regular pump

gasoline the optional 1 megawatt package increases the engines powered to 1000

kilowatts 1341

- bugatti chiron the bugatti chiron is a mid-engine two-seater sports car

developed and manufactured in Walsham france by a bugatti automobiles SAS as

the successor to the Bugatti Veyron the Chiron was first shown at the Geneva

Motor Show on March 1st 2016 the Chiron has 1,100 3 kilowatts 1500 PS

1479 bhp of power and 1600 n and 1180 pounds ft of torque starting from two

thousand revolutions per minute one Hennessey Venom f5 the Hennessey Venom

f5 is a high-performance sports car manufactured by Texas based Hennessey

special vehicles a division of Hennessey performance engineering the Hennessey

Venom f5 was unveiled at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas Nevada on November 1st 2017

with high expectations of its intended world beating speed record using its

project 2.0 second 0-60 mph 0-9 t 7 km/h acceleration and projected 301 miles per

hour 484 km/h top speed janessa's venom f5 aims to eliminate the Bugatti Chiron

on all acceleration and speed factors

For more infomation >> Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World 2018 | Best Faster Cars for 2018 | T10 Facts 360 - Duration: 10:30.


For more infomation >> Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World 2018 | Best Faster Cars for 2018 | T10 Facts 360 - Duration: 10:30.


Ewangeliarz OP | 7 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 1, 7-11) - Duration: 2:35.


My God. How many people have I met who completely gave power over themselves to another person,

who ceased to be inner-directed and completely rely on another human being.

They turned another man to a pseudo - God.

And the consequences of such a decision are terrible.

These are often very pious people who expect, for example, a priest to make all the decisions for them,

or some authority in the community, some church and community guru

- they expect these people to tell them what is good, what is bad, let them make decisions for me.

The consequences of this attitude are terrible.

We really need to remember that a man is just a man.

John the Baptist is an icon of such an attitude, he knows - despite the fact that he is very gifted by God -

he knows he is just a man. It is me - man and Jesus Christ who is the Messiah and God.

I know my place - says John the Baptist.

So two things: First - do not overestimate your role, do not try to be a guru in another person's life,

do not try to steer him in his spiritual path.

And secondly - never allow another person to take the role of god in your life.

There is only one God, there is only one Lord, one Shepherd, people are only His helpers.

And only oce they can find their role - humble in essence.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP | 7 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 1, 7-11) - Duration: 2:35.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP | 7 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 1, 7-11) - Duration: 2:35.


Where Do We Go

For more infomation >> Where Do We Go


Citroën Jumpy 20% KORTING: M BlueHDi 95 Club DIRECT LEVERBAAR! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Citroën Jumpy 20% KORTING: M BlueHDi 95 Club DIRECT LEVERBAAR! - Duration: 0:57.


Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS/ 5-deurs/ Elektrische ramen/ Cv op afstand/ apk t/m 09-2018/ Radio cd - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 1.0-12V XS/ 5-deurs/ Elektrische ramen/ Cv op afstand/ apk t/m 09-2018/ Radio cd - Duration: 0:59.


하스타일 HOSTILES 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 하스타일 HOSTILES 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:31.


Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World 2018 | Best Faster Cars for 2018 | T10 Facts 360 - Duration: 10:30.

top 10 fastest cars in the world 2018 10 Pagani Huayra roadster the Pagani who

our Arad ster is the company's most complicated project ever and began in

2010 with the basic idea of removing the top and adding conventional doors the

Italian exotic automaker says it scrapped the design three years later

and started from the beginning of the design process

calling muhammara roadster a completely new project

9 Zenvo TS 1 GT mounted in the middle of the car is a 5.8 liter flat plane crank

v8 engine created using a null alloy construction providing the boost is a

twin supercharger system that feeds charge air through a two-piece

air-to-air intercooler

eight lick infinera Supersport in 2013 W Motors announced it would manufacture

the second line of supercars the fan our Subaru sport will feature a 4.0 l 20 bro

charged flat 6 with 900 HP 670 kilowatts 910 PS and 810 pounds ft 1100 n M with a

0-60 mph performance time of 2.7 seconds and a top speed over 245 miles per hour

seven Koenigsegg Agera the rich era is what you would consider the ultimate

evolution of the automobile boasting 1.1 megawatts of power or 1400 88.5 to

ponies in horsepower turns from its hybrid as drivetrain and v8 engine

six Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse la finale lapa nolle represents the

450th example of the Veyron and the 150th Roadster model like the standard

Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse the end of the line la finale is powered by

Bugattis massive 8.0 liter w16 engine that produces an astounding 1183

horsepower and one 106 pound-feet of torque allowing the Veyron to continue

to wear the crown as the world's most powerful production car Hennessey Venom

GT the Hennessey Venom GT is a high-performance sports car manufactured

by texas-based Hennessey performance engineering the venom is a modified

version of a British sports car the Lotus Exige on January 21st 2013 the

venom gt set a guinness world record for the fastest production car from 0-100 86

miles per hour 0 - 300 km/h with an average acceleration time of 13 point 6

3 seconds in addition the car set an unofficial record for 0-200 mph 0-3

hundred 22 km/h acceleration at 14.51 seconds beating the Koenigsegg Agera

arse time of 17 point six eight seconds making it the unofficial fastest

accelerating production car in the world for Koenigsegg Adria 1:1 the Koenigsegg

one:1 was presented at Lamar CH 2014 Geneva Motor Show the Koenigsegg one:1

is fitted with a variant of the same 5.0 litre twin-turbocharged v8 engine used

in the other address it produces 1379 PS 1014 kilowatts at 7,500 revolutions per

minute and 1371 n m101 one pounds ft of torque at 6,000 revolutions per minute

doddle weight of the engine is only one hundred ninety seven kilograms 434

pounds thanks to a carbon fiber intake manifold down the alley of many in

construction the transmission is a 7-speed dual clutch paddle shift 3

Koenigsegg a drill RS the Koenigsegg a drill RS was unveiled at the 2015 Geneva

Motor Show the engine RS produces 450 kilograms of downforce at 250 km/h the

5.0 liter v8 engine now produces 865 kilowatts 1160 HP on regular pump

gasoline the optional 1 megawatt package increases the engines powered to 1000

kilowatts 1341

- bugatti chiron the bugatti chiron is a mid-engine two-seater sports car

developed and manufactured in Walsham france by a bugatti automobiles SAS as

the successor to the Bugatti Veyron the Chiron was first shown at the Geneva

Motor Show on March 1st 2016 the Chiron has 1,100 3 kilowatts 1500 PS

1479 bhp of power and 1600 n and 1180 pounds ft of torque starting from two

thousand revolutions per minute one Hennessey Venom f5 the Hennessey Venom

f5 is a high-performance sports car manufactured by Texas based Hennessey

special vehicles a division of Hennessey performance engineering the Hennessey

Venom f5 was unveiled at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas Nevada on November 1st 2017

with high expectations of its intended world beating speed record using its

project 2.0 second 0-60 mph 0-9 t 7 km/h acceleration and projected 301 miles per

hour 484 km/h top speed janessa's venom f5 aims to eliminate the Bugatti Chiron

on all acceleration and speed factors

For more infomation >> Top 10 Fastest Cars In The World 2018 | Best Faster Cars for 2018 | T10 Facts 360 - Duration: 10:30.


Black Panther Movie Perks: AMCEE Theaters - Duration: 5:52.

hello my name is Dora M., Outreach and Customer Care Coordinator for AMCEE

Theaters. Right now we're developing and testing a special program to meet all of

your Black needs. We've been working tirelessly to redesign a special portion

of our theaters just for you. Attendees to the opening night of Black

Panther we'll be delighted with a rose-petal entrance fit for Wakandan

royalty. We would like to inform you that we heard your calls and we'll be

honoring the twitter submitted order of ceremonies which includes:

a singing of the black national anthem, swag surf, announcement by your own local

deacons or deaconesses. You can also enjoy our specialty drink menu in the

VIP lounge. We'll be serving Storm or White Gorilla and if you're really brave

you can enjoy our Heart Shaped Herb drink but we do limit customers to just one!

Now we've been testing this Black Panther experience in select cities and

have received an amazing response: I really enjoyed the Black Panther movie

experience the curry goat option at the VIP table was really great. Nice touch!

What really put it over the top what's the benediction tand they started playing

"Before I Let Go" as we were leaving the theater! Classic family reunion "A" PLUS!

Yo my favorite drink what's the Black Panther man it even came with complimentary

or black & milds. Word to Shannon Sharpe man. We want to hear from you, reach out

to us on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #BlackPantherPerks and let us

know what you want to see in your city. AMCEE theaters, it's your night at the


Good evening ladies -gentlemen see yourself out.. now. Mr. Smith had an

unfortunate accident as a result my role has been expanded for the Black Panther

event. I'm in charge of security now. First lesson who among you knows how to

wield a spear? It be ya own Wakandans. You know what? Let me put this prosecco down. If you liked

this video go ahead and subscribe! There will be more where that came from.

Thank you to everybody who participated in the video it was literally friends

and random strangers who agreed to be a part of this and did such an amazing job

so from the bottom of my heart thank you guys so much

y muchas gracias a Señorita Hernandez all of your help means meant

so much -meant t the world oh also there seems to be some rumor that

there's some type of boycott of the Black Panther movie? Listen to me there

is literally nothing that will stop me for being excited about this film.

Look I want you to look at my calendar for January it's filling up it's filling

up I want you to see February -Look at this I have one plan for February IT'S

BLACK PANTHER! Look I don't know if you can see that Valentine's Day is CANCELED this will be

a full week of Black Panther observation. Also Presidents Day is canceled for obvious reasons.

I have my tote ready I've heard that movie they had -the first cut was four hours

I am so ready soon we got my, got some mini wines ready to go. Got the hot

sauces in the bag got this at the Florida Classic. Let's go! And even got some

reading for when I camp out by the theater and you know we're ready to go

feels like there's literally NOTHING that will stop me from being excited

about this film. I don't know where does rumours coming from. We need to be

coordinating! This is going to be a moment, we're gonna soak it all in. This

is gonna be a joyous occasion. Okay? so let's get it together.

So I know I ghosted and I'll do a whole other video about like what I've been

working on. Been playing the long game on a web series. Was a little heartbroken or

real-world heartbroken last year with what happened with Underground but it's

heartening to see all of those people moving on. I heard that DeWanda Wise has

joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that is beyond exciting. Not gonna blow

up her spot like we did Zendaya and and Mary Jane. Really think we almost like messed up a

check for Zendaya because we had NO CHILL when she was cast! So happy for

DeWanda Wise. If you haven't watched Underground like I don't know what

you're doing like go ahead and watch it and then you can check out my reviews

either here or still on the underground app. So I will see you there! In the

comments let's hear what you want to see at Black Panther all right let's have joy

in 2018 and don't forget to always live a life worthy of Chadwick Boseman

portraying you in a biopic. I'll see you guys soon

For more infomation >> Black Panther Movie Perks: AMCEE Theaters - Duration: 5:52.


Investissement Immobilier - 7 stratégies d'investisseurs (2018) - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Investissement Immobilier - 7 stratégies d'investisseurs (2018) - Duration: 6:01.


Vicky Pattison set for Australian version of I'm A Celebrity - Duration: 2:31.

Vicky Pattison set for Australian version of I'm A Celebrity

The reality babe, 30, will jet to South Africa at the end of the month to take part. It is her first major TV role outside of Britain and could launch her as a worldwide star.

A source close to Vicky said: "This is a very big deal.

It will give her the chance to reach a whole new audience and prove she can be a hit outside of the UK." Vicky will net £250,000 for taking part in the series, which is filmed in the Kruger National Park.

"This is a very big deal" Vicky Pattison She is due to live in camp for up to four weeks. British cricketer Freddie Flintoff appeared on the first series of the Oz version and won it.

Since then stars including Shane Warne have done it. A TV insider said: "The Australian version is really popular with viewers. . "Producers saw her on the UK show and loved her.

"They've never asked a contestant from the UK series before but they couldn't resist asking her to take part because they think she'll be brilliant." Vicky won I'm A Celebrity in 2015 and has gone on to carve out a career as a TV presenter.

She fronted the jungle spin-off show in 2016 and regularly appears on This Morning. Her image these days is a world away from her past as a star of Geordie Shore.

Fans saw her have sex on the MTV series as well as getting involved in boozy arguments with co-stars.

For more infomation >> Vicky Pattison set for Australian version of I'm A Celebrity - Duration: 2:31.


Just A Normal Phantom Forces Gameplay - Duration: 9:49.

Hey guys! Welcome to Phantom Forces again.

Its not the continuation of the starter pack challenge but this is a random and ordinary Phantom Forces Gameplay.

I have no idea what to use

eh... let me use the FAMAS because I used to like this gun.

Lots of hill capturers over there.

Oh god... ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

That is a multi collat, with a grenade.

Got to take a screenshot because... just why (─‿‿─)

I think it didn't show the other two people..


This map really lag me..

Before this video goes anywhere.

Shout out Time.

Shout out to...

̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( Tegas Giuseppe ) =ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

Thanks dude for Subscribing.

And if you want to get your own shout out. Read the Description of the video.

AND Thanks for Coming. Hope you'll Enjoy. If you Do, Like if Possible. Press that Subscribe, Click the Bell, To stay Updated. Comment to Suggest. It will Help.

And back to the FAMAS Killstreak

I'am in a streak today ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

That guy tho (;一_一)

Running out of Ammo (°ロ°)☝

Nevermind (>ლ)

Oh god, who did that.


This karambit tryhard.

Hey! thats not you.... ¬_¬

NOPE (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

No comment on that

Still no comment..

Alright, you want to knife? I'll show you how I knife

N̆ͥ͟Oͬ̅̚ M̻̥E͢R̮̥CY͒ͩ̅ T̞͘O ͍͔̋K̳ͮN̛I͕̗F̓̅ÊR̒S̫ͤ̕


I want to votekick someone


I̷̭҉̃͌ ̴̫̠̈́̾̀̏͗̍̀́ͩ͠W̨̧͇͌̓ͭͯ҉ͯͫͬ͗̒Ā̈ͬṊ̸̀̌ͩT̠̞̯̰̖̠̈͆̍ͨ͑ ̶̨̺̜͆ͬ̾̎͘T͍̣ͧ͂̋͘͠O̫͖̭̽ͨ̈̔̔̅ ̮̓ͨ̒M̸̩̙̿ͤͤ̈͜Ų͍̃̈́ͦͬ̀̇ͤ͢͞R̙͍̀͋ͬͤͫͥ̔̚͜͞D̙͈̏̏͊E̼̙̅R̜̭͔ͬ̓͘ ̷̩͎͊ͧͨͫŠ̛̻͍͎̝̖͆ͬͥO̤̻͌̽́̒͋M̸͉̲̌ͯ͆E̼̠͙̰͛̓̔͊͞Ő̠͚̊̏̇̆̚N͎̘̙͗ͪ̕E͖̤͌ ͈̖̩̤̰ͦ̔ͪ̂͠Iͫ͏N̛͚̠̼ ̷͙̯̯͐ͯ̚TH̵̨̢̩̥̘̺̭̻͋ͭ̔̋̐͜I͖̞̠̼̺̎͗̅ͣ͗̒ͬ̉S̵̨̙̯͙̥̖̒̀̅̉̇́̔ ̧̩̬̫̪͂̈́̃̔ͮ̐͞S̜̗E̫͐̈͘͢R͔͎̓̚V̧̼̦͚̻͑ͣ̓E͇͓̹͐̄ͤ̐̎R͚̳̮ͦ̎̃ͫ̓̇͢

How did that guy one shot me. Its not even a headshot. I call hax


I'm very aggressive towards knifers.


Those dukes ☜(˚▽˚)☞

Trade kill

Trade kill with the karambit tryhard

Does anybody has a bazooka, I need to blast this guy off to space or into a black hole


Woah right on the chair. So I'm ready for lunch.

This is going to be the end of the video. Thanks for Watching. Hope you Enjoyed. Comment to Talk. Like if Possible. Press that Subscribe, Click the Bell, To stay Updated. It will Help. AND

JMC logging Out

For more infomation >> Just A Normal Phantom Forces Gameplay - Duration: 9:49.


Outlander Book Review: Book Club Week 4 - Duration: 6:02.

Hi guys this is my Outlander and Dragonfly In Amber book review on Melissa Lee's TV so stay tuned

What's up everyone I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Lee's TV

welcome to week four of book club this is also week

one for Dragonfly In Amber but we will start by wrapping up those last four chapters of Outlander

Diana definitely packs these last chapters when I finished at first I thought not much happened

but as I went back I realized there's a lot going on

chapter 38 brings Jamie and Claire to the Abbey off the

coast of France where Jamie's uncle Abbot Alexander welcomes them in but

their troubles aren't over yet Claire has to fight to save Jamie's life

and soul even to the point of fighting Jamie himself in Chapter 39 it's a

wonder that Jamie doesn't actually kill Claire during the opium induced rage

which she conjures her best Black Jack impression fortunately for them both the

tapestry covering the window comes down in their struggle and lets him fresh air

to break the trance then chapter 40 sees the return of Jamie's will to live as he

heals and Claire tells her truth to Anselm I really enjoyed her relationship

with Anselm he's a great character for Claire to open up to and I love his

curious spirit Claire definitely needed someone to talk to and Anselm offers her

wisdom guidance and compassion for her situation by the end of the book Jamie

and a pregnant Claire decide to head for Rome to join the service of the exiled

King James of Scotland overall I enjoyed Outlander it's an excellent introduction

to Claire and Jamie and a compelling rollercoaster of events I did think that

the ending would be more of a cliffhanger or a little more exciting

Diana definitely wrote it with book two in mine which kind of makes me think

that Outlander doesn't stand on its own but I guess that's not

a bad thing I'm still glad I read it and now on to Dragonfly In Amber

This book has a prologue which in part is only significant because book 1 doesn't but I

can only think that it's meant in some way to signify that Claire is back in

her own time she talks about waking up at 3 different points with three

different emotions and the last time she sees the standing stones which only she

knows the real purpose of kind of but as chapter one starts were propelled twenty

years into the future and in the wake of Reverend Wakefield's death sad pun

intended Claire and her daughter Brianna show up a Roger Wakefield's doorstep

so that Claire can pay her respects and asked Roger to help her with a project

to find out what happened to the members of Clan Fraser that fought at collage

this starts the plot off on this research adventure as Roger begins to

find contradictory information while Claire builds up to telling them the

truth we also see this budding romance between Roger and Bree but all this takes

the backseat to part two the pretenders at the start of chapter 6 where Claire

begins to tell her story picking up from 1744 La Havre France

Somewhere within Claire's description of events we find out that they decided to go to

Paris instead of rome because Bonnie Prince Charlie is heading for France and

Jamie via his Uncle Albert Alexander has been recommended to the king of France

as a translator perhaps the most shocking part to the start of Dragonfly

In Amber isn't so much the time jump but the point of view shift chapter one

starts from Rogers POV and then halfway through shifts to Claire's then there's

a steady back-and-forth between chapters from Rogers to Claire's until Chapter

six another shocking part for me it was

actually when Claire finds Jamie's grave in the kirkyard of St. kilda in Chapter

five I was not expecting that and I totally understand why Claire

screamed and reacted so dramatically it's pretty early in the book to have a

favorite passage at least for me but I did like how Jamie talks about the

responsibilities he bears as laird of lallybroch there's a part of him that

wants to run away from the pending doom of Culloden and just raise a family with

Clare but if he did he says there's a part of my soul would feel force war and

I think I think I would always hear the voices of the people that are mine

calling out behind me it's so beautifully put and it really gets to

the heart of why they're trying to stop the rising and Jaime's lines are the

best of course new book brings new characters we have Roger Wakefield

Brianna Randall Fraser and Jarrett Fraser Jamie's cousin but my favorite so

far is Roger I like Roger he's smart and interesting we don't know that much

about him other than the fact that he's the reverend's adopted son his nephew

really his parents died in World War two and the rubber really did raise him so

we encounter Roger at a fragile time where he's lost his father we do know

he's a professor at Oxford in the history department which makes him well

suited for the job that Claire gives him and he does have imagination as Claire

finds out when she starts telling her story what I like best about Roger is

his feelings towards Bri and how he carries himself when he's around her

sharply contrasted to the way he acts around Fiona but I can't help but like

those parts too because the way he acts with Fiona are among the most comical

parts of this book so far that's it for this week's book club but I have a

question for you guys if you were Claire would you tell Brianna the truth and if

you were Brianna would you believe her let me know in the comment section

thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next week

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