Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 8 2018

Welcome everybody to the 17th Annual No Pants Subway Ride!

For more infomation >> No Pants Subway Ride 2018 - Official Video - Duration: 1:35.


I migliori giochi da tavolo 2017 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> I migliori giochi da tavolo 2017 - Duration: 3:08.


Tech Vlog #26: How to charge the battery of the Archos Drone (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 2:05.

Good Morning ! Here we are again in App Store with one more Tech Vlog !

Today I am going to show you

how to charge the battery of the Archos Drone

which we have here in our channel this is the Archos Drone

and the only thing we need is the baterry charger

and the battery which is inside the drone

so, let's go

for charging the battery, we must removed it from the drone

which is inside this cover , at the back

in this cover is the battery inside

we remove the battery

from the plug

and as you can see

and as you can see, the cable of the battery is connected to this special port

it is connected here

and then the only thing we have to do, is to go to a power socket

like this, and use a USB charger from a smartphone

and then

to put it in the socket

so it is charging with USB !

So this is the way how to charge the battery of the Archos Drone !

See you at my next Tech Vlog !

For more infomation >> Tech Vlog #26: How to charge the battery of the Archos Drone (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 2:05.


Weyland-Yutani Notes on Peter Keyes and the OWLF Task Force - Duration: 5:56.

Throughout his lifetime, Sir Peter Weyland held the strong believe, quite rightly, that

intelligent life existed beyond humanity on Earth.

It has been the position of the Company to pursue any viable possibilities of making

contact with such intelligence, and maintaining the spirit of discovery held so firmly by

Sir Peter.

Our research with Xenomorph XX212, while incomplete, has been extensive, and new data is being

collected every day.

Seeking information from outside resources, in regards to XX121 and any other lifeforms,

has been a crucial process in this pursuit.

Once such instance, dating back to as early as the 1980s, includes research compiled and

later attained by Weyland-Yutani by one Peter Keyes, head of the now liquidated Other World

Lifeform Task Force.

This research has gained insight into an alien lifeform, later classified as the Yautja,

equipped with advanced technology and weaponry, evidently intent on hunting humans, as well

the xenomorph, and other yet-to-be-classified lifeforms, for sport.

The OWLF Taskforce had been closely monitoring Yautja sightings since the Central America

incident, in which Captain Jim Hopper, commander of a U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret

Unit, dispatched to Val Verde to rescue several CIA agents whose helicopter had been shot

down by guerrillas, encountered the species, and was killed a lone Yautja.

Hopper and his team were skinned alive and left to hang in the trees, later discovered

by Major Dutch Schaefer, whose team also encountered the hunter.

According to Keyes, Schaefer had contacted some kind of radiation sickness after his

ecounter, and after a briefing with and subsequent evasion from the OWLF Taskforce, he disappeared

without a trace.

No viable evidence of Schaefer's encounter was retrieved, however, as in what appears

to be a failsafe procedure, the Yautja is equipped with self-destructive technology,

capable of eliminating any and all traces of its hunt.

Keyes, in a dictated memorandum, recalls the aftermath of the event:

"The explosion vaporized two hundred acres of rain forest.

The effect of a low-yieJ.d nuclear blast, with no radioactive fallout.

A remarkable weapon.

The incidents in central America,and now here, are the only verifiable contacts between humans

and an alien species.

In a possible history dating back to seven hundred years dgo, this is the first time

that we know of, one of them has chosen to visit a population center.

To hunt us.

His defensive adaptations are astounding, apparently possessing the ability to bend

light around hirn, a perfect camouflage.

He possesses weaponry constructed of materials so far evolved as to make us seem Stone Age

in cornparison.

They are fearless, Yet in the event of compromise or capture, apparently will not hesitate to

destroy thenselves to protect their technology from falling into our hands."

I admire it.

For what he is.

For what he can give us.

A new era of scientific technology."

With the cooperation of the Los Angeles Police Department, Keyes and his team made an attempt

to capture the specimen, having tracked its habits to a slaughterhouse in which it came

every two days- apparently a carniverous creature, with a particular fondness for beef.

The location was flooded with a radioactive dust that would adhere to the specimen's body,

which, in theory, would render the alien's camoflogue abilities ineffective.

The OWLF Team also installed a powerful ultraviolet lighting system.

It was Keyes belief that the Yautja was only capable of seeing in one spectrum of light

- Infared.

The team, equipped with suits to insulate bodyheat, believed they would appear invisible

to the predator, and would be able to capture and isolate the specimen using liquid nitrogen.

This mission proved to be a failure, however, as the team was unable to account for other

visual capabilities of the alien- Keyes and the mission team were killed in their efforts

to gain the specimen.

Keyes' pursuit, true to the spirit of Peter Weyland's efforts to grasp a better understanding

of life and technology beyond our earth, was certainly not in vain, as it has led to a

better understanding of the opportunities within our our reach.

As these notes date back to 1997, much consideration must be weighed into the limited technology

at the team's disposal at the time, and the incomplete data on the lifeform of their pursuit.

While an unsuccessful endeavor, its ambitious nature should not be taken for granted.

It should also be noted that Keyes' next of kin, in a similar pursuit, ------------

While the OWLF Taskforce has confimed sightings in Central America and Los Angeles, anecdotal

evidence suggests a great deal more occurances.

Files on General Phillips, the U.S. Military Intelligence officer who worked closely with

Major Schaefer during the Val Verde incident, imply similar events may have taken place

in New York and Siberia.

After aquisition of AWOLF's data and resources, the company cross-referenced available intelligence

and information regarding the Alien Hunter's technology, which lead to the discovery of

a ----

For more infomation >> Weyland-Yutani Notes on Peter Keyes and the OWLF Task Force - Duration: 5:56.


Tokyo International Character Introduction Recreation - Sonic Adventure - Duration: 5:49.

"The stones that concealed infinite power, the seven Chaos Emeralds."

"Observing the many joys and sorrows since a distant ancient past."

"And now, once again... what goes around... shall come around."

Hello, everybody!

My name is Sonic!

Sonic the Hedgehog!

In any case, I can't stand around, and no one can outrun me!

One day, I encountered a mysterious liquid life form in the city.

His name is "Chaos," apparently...

Seems like the evil scientist Dr. Eggman is involved in this.

Ha, things are getting interesting!

I can't let Eggman have his way!

How's that? Can you keep up with me?

I'm Sonic!

Sonic the Hedgehog!

I'm Miles "Tails" Prower!

I love tinkering machines, and I guess I have a kind of a gentle personality!

One day, when I was flight testing the new plane model that used the Chaos Emerald's power,

the Emerald was too powerful, and the plane ended up crashing!

But then my idol--Sonic--came to my rescue!

Sonic is the one who encouraged me when I was a bullied kid long ago!

All right!

Together with Sonic, we will search for the Chaos Emeralds!

This time, it's my turn to rescue Sonic!

I'm Knuckles the Echidna.

I've been guarding the Master Emerald without knowing the reason why for as long as I can remember.

It's all that I have and it's got nothing to do with anything else.

However, one night, a streak of lightning broke the Master Emerald.

Then, a mysterious monster emerged from the inside of it!

What is he, anyway...

I can't let him get away with this, but besides that I've got the scattered Master Emerald shards to recover first and foremost.

Then, during my journey of collecting the shards, I started seeing mysterious visions.

This Master Emerald must have a terrible secret...!

I'm Amy Rose!

A lively & lovely girl!

One day, when I was walking the streets, Dr. Eggman's flying fortress, Egg Carrier, was attacking!

A small bird escaped from there!

Oh man, the robot that Eggman dispatched is after the birdie and chasing us!

Okay, leave it to me!

I'll protect you no matter what!

E-102. Codename: γ.

A robot created by Dr. Eggman.

Dr. Eggman is my master.

Master's orders are absolute.

Eliminate everything that stands in my way.

Blue hedgehog is the enemy.

However, is this really okay?

Is what I must do really okay?

Hmm... I am a cat, Big.

I love fishing at a leisurely pace together with my best buddy Froggy.

However, one evening, when I woke up from a loud noise,

Froggy swallowed the Chaos Emerald and ran off somewhere.

What's wrong? Why are you leaving?

Hey, wait for me, Froggy!



I am the world's greatest genius scientist, Dr. Eggman!

Behold, this is Chaos.

A monster who becomes more powerful for every Chaos Emerald it gets.

I'll use it to destroy the city and build Eggmanland over the ruins!

Muhahahaha, destruction, destruction!

Sonic, will you be able to stop Chaos?


For more infomation >> Tokyo International Character Introduction Recreation - Sonic Adventure - Duration: 5:49.


Madam Secretary - Fatherly Protection - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Madam Secretary - Fatherly Protection - Duration: 2:33.



Hi guys and welcome - or welcome back - to my YouTube channel!

Have you ever imagined being able to visit one of the most important factories of musical instruments in the world,

one of the strongest and most recognizable brands on the entire globe?

Let's talk about Sadowsky Guitars and talk about a brand, of a person - Rogers Sadoswky -

who made the production of electric guitars and basses an absolute excellence

Let's take a few examples of some artists who use or have used bass and Sadowsky guitars:

let's focus on electric bass, just to name someone.

We're talking about characters like Will Lee, Oskar Cartaya, Tal Wilkenfeld, Jason Newsted, Marcus Miller and the list could go on and on.

As you can see, among other things, they are all artists that come from different musical genres:

we have metal, fusion, jazz, pop... thus demonstrating the fact that Sadowsky produces transversal tools that can go well for any kind.

Before leaving you to the Factory Tour, I would like to thank Roger Sadowsky for giving me the opportunity

to visit his company and I would like to thank Peter Amos for accompanying me step by step through the visit,

so inside the laboratories, to the interior of the showroom, etc..

Thanks above all to all of you guys who follow me

and that you did grow this bassfamily so much

then giving me the opportunity to introduce myself to people like Roger Sadowsky

and to make videos like this!

Remember to leave a like to share the video with your friends

and subscribe to the channel: the more we are and the more important things we do together!

So… have a good vision and #bassyourlife!

doing a little tour Rob yeah you're hearing just a moment this is the bass

showroom so we keep we do about probably 30 to 40 basis well 30 or 40 instruments

a month we do about about half for dealers and about about half for

customers and about half for and half for stock so all these instruments are

here for people to come and try out if you wanted to buy one and walk out the

door with it there do there most of them for most of our for sale too so we're

constantly building instruments for stock and meeting them in the showroom

here this is also a redo that website photography okay we can do some more on

spend some more time in the base show everyone where when we're or finished up

so actually just sold the food guitars it's a little emptier than it is usually

which is I guess good that we sold a few and not good that it's empty here we got

two major lines of guitars we've got our NYC guitars a jar like our NYC bases

they're solid bodies we do number different body shapes like T style body

shapes neck style body shapes and that's a new body shape for calling our our

Broadway style guitar we've been doing for two years now and then we've got our

arch tops here which are sort of fixed models got a semi hollow and then three

arch tops of various of various body sizes and body depths mm-hmm the same

goes here these are these are for people to come in and play you know it's it's a

it's tricky when we do a lot of custom orders and stuff it's hard for people to

to kind of what what they want so we try

and keep stuff in here for people to come and check out and play and be able

to get a feel for you know feel for how the instruments kind of go and all that

kind of stuff made you know make it make sure we can we can build him what it is

that's gonna work for him so this is sort of the office the office area we

really said we're gonna mean we're gonna be we're gonna we're gonna be Lisa in

the back here very shortly so this is this is office area around the corner

boring office and stuff but this is an online store area karma he who you saw

briefly when you came in he's our online store manager our shipping manager so

this is where when an instruments ready to go comes up here he sees boxing one

up right now he does all that stuff everything that ships that's that that's

done right up here we also have an online store which is basically just

stuff that over the last you know 20 30 35 years that Rogers sort of collected

things that his customers really wanted that they weren't able to get elsewhere

you know and so so we've developed kind of a line of strings that Roger feels

are really really awesome guitar strings bass strings we sell our electronics our

preamps that banker polishes that we use here in the shop that kind of thing

straps then of course t-shirts all that good stuff

so that's all up here that's the online store so if you were to go on the web

site buy some strings that's gonna come

through the comments computer he's gonna he's gonna grab them off the shelf for

you get you ready to roll yeah sit ASCII mug yeah all right my story

dick guards for metros that's my office my office is a little more boring I

don't really have anything laughs so this is this is Rogers office

robbery out of town right now but Roger sorter has one foot you know

he's got he's got office space office space here because he's got you know

he's sort of got one foot in the front office hmm

handling a lot of a lot of business and then the back half of it there is his

workbench where he's sort of all around the shop doing doing work on various

things but it's also final checks every every instrument that leaves the shop so

right there we've got a lot of completed instruments that are gonna there you're

gonna get a final check from ROG when he plays back you know okay you made this

stuff and the finally sits up yep okay yep so Roger is the final stop for all

okay yeah so he does sort of the final inspection of everything sets him up

make sure that they're playing well all that good stuff and that's right that's

what a lot of those instruments are waiting for right there right behind you

you've got the kitchen he's kind of come during the during the lunch hour

Carmen loves being filmed while he's eating oh look that's the lunch area so

right here we've got in the sort of front chunk of the shop is where we do a

lot of pre-production work and that sort of thing so here we've had a couple of a

couple of finished bodies that looks like we're just in the middle of being

inspected you know making sure that there's no sort of irregularities or

anything in the finish that would require us to do any any buffing or

anything like that or anything we don't but uh yeah some cases entirely

refinishing them so we try and try and get

really thorough going-over as soon as they're finished and spray it'll be very

very very very thin finished in slavery any little thing it can be gonna be

tricky so you gotta check them over very very carefully so here we got spalted

maple top this is a 59 a 59 burst or a tobacco works kind of thing actually on

roasted or roasted body wood there yeah

she's really do a lot of the work on a pre-production work on them on the necks

so you know Tring fingerboards doing all the print work all that kind of stuff

that goes on that goes on right here

Eric one of our builders tfcc he's got a he's got a face he's it's getting ready

to getting ready to put together for us so when I say pre-production stuff up

there what we're talking about is a lot of the detail work that goes into

getting each part of the instrument ready so finish sanding and all the fret

work and all that sort of stuff on the next and then once there once they're

sprayed and all that good stuff because we spray the poly finish on the body

then we do a nitro finish on the necks once everything's were ready to roll

they go to one of our builders who-who do the final assembly on the instruments

and and that basically means they take finished body finished neck and they

turn it into a base that you can take home and play so they do you know wire

up the preamp you know all the pickups on there do all the hardware but put the

thing together all sorts of stuff like that so Eric

right now we got a little little luck I burrow there Buckeye burl it's like a

morado fingerboard

black box there

sighing third time yeah

that would be going to one of our dealers in China how many instruments

out for half maybe something like that we have a lot of really awesome dealers

and like all all over the world probably probably half and half I think is a good

that that really big dealer in Japan that's going to a really really awesome

deal that we have in China got another in Hong Kong got several in Europe your

music in Italy yeah if you've checked them out we're gonna be sending them

we're sending them a new baits pretty soon they just bought a really cool bass

out of stock already back out in there but yeah going going all over the place

a lot of it a lot of this stuff we do some of its direct to customers every

season we have a lot of really awesome dealers overseas this is Lisa's bitch

Lisa is our shop manager so she's sort of our head builder and and does a lot

of there's a lot of a lot of this sort of

workshopping an R&B of new designs and cool things we do there the cool cool

new pickup we've been we've been working on that at least it's been going back

and forth with our with our guys at Nordstrom that are helping us with that

and she does she does a lot of repair work for us and then

bill Beaufort and stuff

yep what she's doing right now is we're gonna put a bunch of 421 to disinvest

inside these pick a bunch of cool stuff

so all of our instruments are bolt on sir you know as a body and a neck that

are separate but from even for stock stuff you know that we're building for

the showroom and not for a customer from the second Lisa specs it out and besides

what we're gonna build and we start building it the neck and the body are

paired up you know we don't have a pilot's pile of bodies and sort of put

two together that look cool you know it's very very uh it's a they're they're

they're they're paired up for life so they move through the shop together

they're supposed to move through the shop together but since they're two

parts and they have to have different work done to them at different times

physically there except you know they're in all different places of the shop so

Lisa has the has been really the really excellent task instruments in various

stages of production time so Lisa gets to make sure that all the next over the

next bus speed and all the bodies are in the body's supposed to be which has just

got going on right now a little bit looks like but part of the way we do

that is that actually Lisa and Anna and I are sort of outside a guy we have who

does a lot of a lot of IT stuff for us but they put together a program that

helps us keep track of all that stuff so if you were to call me and wanted to

build a wanted to build a base we'd go through it I pull up my little my little

program that they that they got set up and I'm go through it and I we people

work through all the specs and I've got you know I punch them all in and then

when we're ready to roll I send it back to Lisa and Lisa starts building it but

in the meantime it gets a sign then you go forward to get numbers uh-huh so that

also goes on the body and that's how we keep track of

everything so ideally you know there's a there's a 2043 sitting on the shelf you

know waiting - waiting to be ready to go into final assembly you know there's a

twenty20 but you know so that's what all those all those four-digit numbers are

that's kind of what helps us keep things along these necks are pretty much

finished nothing else really has to go happen to them until they're ready to be

assembled you know and put together with the body but normally they travel around

in a little cardboard sleeve don't get too close to these anyone have like

names and have all that stuff little QR code here and what that is is each of

the each of the builders and all the guys that are doing everything on here

on the production side of things can literally just scan it when they get to

each different step and log log that they're doing the front work on the neck

now a log that they're doing finish standing an inspection on the on the

body so if six months into your build you call me back and you want to know

you know what's going on with it where is it I can actually look back on the on

the same on the same you know thing and go through it and see what's happening

with it and go find it that's our thing all that fun stuff so that helps us kind

of keep track of everything there how long is the process from the order to

the final about 10 months 10 miles yeah which you know it's not an assembly line

there's a lot of stuff that goes into it you know for example like those bodies

being that finishes being inspected if you see something we don't like we

reject it it goes and it does it again and take so things can take longer a lot

of the times things can take sometimes a little less time eight nine ten months

is not unusual but also twelve is it unusual so we usually tell people about

ten months term mouths yeah let me know as we go for we go for right before we

go for go for fast usually you know trying there's a lot of situations where

we try and go do something again or you know spend extra time with something

trying to get it trying to get it looking looking right Oh

single cut the model right now oh we do okay we sure do I can show you that when

we get back up to the showroom if you want you know part of the Tauri people

if you want for the you know part of it for the video we can go through and look

at it you know we go through and look at some of the models and stuff yeah some

of the cool things so these here are necks that are basically waiting for

waiting for body so you see little things like they peep the frets taped up

so so that they don't catch them outdoors yep some of them are and some

of them are some of them are for dealers some of them are gonna be for stock got

some cool things here like this is the sky it's good I mean you sometimes yeah

exactly it's got a cool curly maple fingerboard

uh-huh it's cool roasted maple roasted bird's-eye maple neck well

we're really pretty cool

our our basis we always use maple for the next Museo we use roasted maple we

use roasted flame or bird's-eye maple but that's basically it for the guitars

you do some kind of different things here is some morado right there uh-huh

different things we can do there now you have some problems with in Rosewood yes

yeah yeah starting to get some of it ironed out a little bit um but the

Sadie's agreements that restricted the shipping of Brazilian rosewood back in

the day they they broadened it in January so that it applies now to all

species of all species of Rose or dalbergia is this the science and

everything that everything that falls under that which is all the true Rose

woods like Madagascar rosewood Indian rosewood Brazilian rosewood Amazon

rosewood all that stuff but also a few other other things like cocobolo which

we used for tops show you their African Blackwood which we use for finger boards

sometimes so it's a that was a lot of the tricky tricky thing to to figure out

but uh a year later now you know they've sort of ironed out how all that works

and we're able to ship we're able to ship overseas with with all of them

except for Brazilian Brazilians but the others were able to ship with which is

cool took a long time those a lot of I think probably the different government

agencies kind of figuring out how they

these are cool so these are we chamber all of our bodies just gives us a really

nice lightweight and really that's right yes yeah correct exactly the metros we

don't we find that reduces the weight of the instrument by about a pound or a

pound and a quarter yeah pending and that's kind of what this what this what

this sort of looks like it's what the patents we they're all gonna be a little

different for example if we're gonna put a pick guard on an instrument we have to

make sure there are no chambers under where we're gonna drive screw you know

things like that so you can see for example the strap body you know uh-huh

we've chambered all down here because the bridge goes a little higher you know

on the base body the bridge goes down here so I can't chamber down there you

don't have to have things for the screws to go into the mocks about to do and you

can chamber yeah yeah there's a certain you know because a big concern that

Roger had that a lot of people have in general huh is is you know making sure

that the base still has a lot of sustain that it still has a lot of you know that

it that it's that it's still a really full sounding instrument and everything

is structurally sound and all that's there's only but you know only so much

you can do the Rogers been working on

almost almost 15 years now almost 15 years I might get the date wrong but I

think it's 2003 or 2004 when he started doing some of the chambering and it was

partial chambering then and now we're able to first more but what's that how

long was built the first model with the Chamber's I like I said I might get the

date wrong I can check for sure I've got it in my email huh I think 2003 true

telling truth okay and even then it's what we now call partial chambering so

an instrument from that era is still gonna weigh a little bit more than our

instruments now do cuz Rogers sort of kind of perfected the process a little

bit and figured out how to get the most weight out of the instrument without

okay without you know without compromising anything

else but Rodgers always been into coup stick instruments that sort of thing so

he really really prefers the sound of like a light resonant instrument but

also I mean just the fact of like you're gonna be sound better when you're

comfortable in like two hours into a bar gig that extra passionate extra pounds

you know that's a big difference over here is the probably my favorite stop on

the tour these are all of the figured tops which Roger Roger

selected yeah exactly which Roger cure we would say he curates them you know so

kind of interesting things that happen here when Roger get stops in me and

carmine up front you know we'll get the we'll get the box and we'll throw it

here and Roger comes back any sorts through them all you know decides what

we're gonna keep and what we're not gonna keep and this one he's got guys

that he's been working with for a really really long time and they know what kind

of cuts of what he likes and and and that sort of thing but once we decided

but once Roger decided we're gonna keep we sort it into quilted like for example

quilted maple here we sorted into master grade and standard grade and that comes

from you know back in the 90s Roger would still use like you hear people

refer to figured woods as like 3a or 5a you know which refers to how how how

highly figured they are but the problem with that is that it's really kind of

subjective like you might tell me you want a five a quilt maple top and I

might say great and I picked this top up and you be finish your bass and you get

it and you're like that's five looks more like three to me so what Roger

decided to do instead was just pick stuff that he thinks is particularly

highly figured or that has like a unique look to it and we just call it mastered

rate and Roger photographs it or puts a number on it photographs it and then I

put it up on the website and if you want to order your base that

base you were ordering from me pack up our yeah instead of having to

say oh I want to pay a little bit of extra money and get this five a quote

maple top and kind of hope that you know we pick one you like do you pay a little

extra get a super highly figured table and you go on our website and say wow

now I'm a quilted maple top number 85 that's beautiful and I go and I pick

this up and I write your name and your order number on it this is the top that

goes on here on your base or your guitar with so that's kind of what we ended up

doing with that and it's that's that works a lot that works a lot better

because everybody you know you think people who really you know value the the

figuring patterns and are really paying close attention to it can just pick what

they want exactly what they want which is really cool and you can see for

example how some of this stuff might work for example Buckeye burl mm-hmm we

don't do standard grade at all this is a really good illustration of how some of

these problems might imagine good calls calls

sit down some guitars and once a Buckeye Buckeye burl top and this is what you

have in your head you're like I want a Buckeye burl top this looks so great and

I say awesome Lucca let me go back and fix you a Buckeye burl top and we put

it's totally different right you know so stuff like this we actually don't even

do standard grade just because it's it's they vary so drastic it's so different

looking you know you would be we have no idea what you had in mind with you when

you said that you wanted Buckeye bro yeah they are really cool

one of our favorite Caesar these are really cool yeah well so this this works

a little better you know we had people who would have the same kind of same

kind of problems with with things that don't vary quite as drastically but they

had a particular a particular idea in their head about what they wanted it to

look like and if that's really important to the top mentor requests ooh

well truthfully it's probably quilt quilt maple you know quilt quilt maple

and flame maple there's no one's we get a lot

we've got other really cool tops the Buckeye burl is really popular it's also

really expensive it's hard to get it requires a lot of extra work to sort of

make sure that all these little sort of irregular spots in the wood are taken

care of so it's an expense an expensive top so you don't get quite as many

requests for it which that might be part of it because it's a little a little bit

pricey but there are a lot of other positive yeah this is my favorite it's

malted maple yeah and that one's really popular a lot of guys they like really

sort of unique cool figurine kind of go for this fall stuff it also all sorts of

things wild looking stuff this is cool stuff like that

just really really cool cool stuff you can see how Roger preps them too you

know so we would get a good book match on them you know sort of the reflections


yeah Wow there's some yeah that's really cool thanks fighting this small is fine

fry my favorite or actually I mentioned this one earlier that I'd show it to you

just go back in order we took them all numbered so I'll make sure they go back

in order so I can find them later this is one of the ones I was mentioning that

fell under the new that you say nice because it's a close relative of

rosewood it's a cocobolo where I go meet Lucas in a second too so never fear

very very cool stuff to many other body in order or ash Oh

probably ash a little bit more than all there we that is the the typical sound

of Sadovsky basis generally go sure either one but the the usual pairings

are that people pair up alder with rosewood okay and ash with maple maple

we also do Kume which is a which is similar to mahogany it's lighter but it

sounds like a mahogany so we use it that we like with ebony a lot but we'll also

use it sometimes with with rosewood we'd probably use ash a little more with all

there because when we when you mix them up like we're more likely to use ash

with rosewood then we are alder with maple so you know probably probably more

probably more ash than all there we also probably do a few more maple

fingerboards than we do and indeed rosewood but actually speaking of which


so this is the same sort of situation these are all of our finger boards we do

a similar thing with these where we roll great some is Master Grade we don't

photograph them for the website but if you want to pick your exact fingerboard

you know you can let me know and we'll do a Master Grade when I'll come back

here and I'll pick i'll pick three or four if I'm I'll photograph them for you

you say oh I really like one and two can I get some more like that and we'll go

we'll go through it like that and pick a finger board for you but we've got

Amazon rosewood which Rogers started using when the when the Brazilian

rosewood ended up ended up getting really tightly restricted because Amazon

rosewood looks very similar to Brazilian it's got the nice chocolate brown look

it's got like the nice sort of swirly swirly kind of kind of figure through it

and Brazilian is very similar to it in that way

we also have some cooling madagascar rosewood yes yeah yeah it's got the big

single streaks through it that look really cool

mm-hmm that's well that's my that's one of my favorite I like the magnet looks

like how many best you have bass I'm gonna guitar player Oh

well I've got I've got a few but I've got I've got a sit out ski telly body

that I used that they built for me six six months ago yeah done six months ago

so that's the thing only one is the only one I use yeah so I've never had a ton

of a ton of guitars but right now I only have a couple but I only only use one

but yeah is it M&E yeah it's gotten harder and harder to find that happening

it's sort of jet black it has a lot of this sort of streaking and stuff through

it but it looks really nice

poor user for fabulous miss yeah really popular for fretless it's really hard so

having the strings up you know it's it's sort of practically useful but also um

it's not bright super super bright so it doesn't make the fretless sound like

like thin and tinny I don't know if that makes sense but it's also really punchy

so the tricky part is using some of those softer woods in addition to them

like the strings being able to wear down on the wood they can also start to sound

really muddy but you know using the ebony keeps it really nice and defined

you can hear all the notes so ebony ebony is really good for the front list

once whereas maple is like too too bright it's weird and the Rosewood is

can make it sound muddy but also it's hard to hard to work with usually if we

were to use a rosewood or a morado for a fretless we would we would give it a

hard coating okay which would sort of kind of bring it even a little bit more

to the board of the ebony kind of neck of the woods for the way it sounds

here's the fingerboard spot bird's-eye maple fingerboard yeah

with flame maple

now we're back at the last stop on the tour so this is Lucas Lucas is does

sprays the nitro finish on all of our necks

that's the spray booth there so since Lucas does that that makes him sort of

the last stop for all the next so what he ends up doing it's a lot of sort of

the last bit finished sanding for making sure all the frets are perfect and all

that good stuff before they go to this breakage because once they go into the

spray booth if we have to do anything to them a lot of the time they can be

spraying and that sort of thing so Lucas has to make sure everything's perfect

check it off proceed from there

that's actually typical back

so if you find something where you know it's it's not perfect either bitch does

it fixes it himself or it takes it back up it takes it back up at the front as

it spits spit some extra time with it

that's my job so you know I do that but like if somebody that was doing fret

work before something along its before it got back here

that's not you know that needs to get a little bit touched up like during the

during the finishing process is Lucas supplies the Sadowski decals okay

and he also applies the serial number decals that go on the back of the

headstock so some people get a little bit confused with the way that the

serial numbers work so they're exactly sequential when they get to Lucas so

we'll get to puts you know number seven zero zero zero one one then you put

seven zero zero one then it's you know when it goes down and goes down the list

like that but after Lucas Lisa starts prioritizing which stuff gets built you

know we might you know if a customer if a customer build needs to get finished

we'll do that before we do a stock build and things like that so we'll get

spreads in the showroom of maybe 500 serial numbers like we've got a seventy

nine hundred in the showroom and we've got a 70 to 90

in the showroom so we'll get spreads of a lot and there it because they're

something we prioritize before even comes here for the serial number right a

little be a factory number for the neck that was maybe a few months ago do you

usually natural finish always why on the next on the next yeah do you use natural

finish natural yeah why is that vintage feel you know guitar started out within

a lot you know full-body the instruments are natural for this you know 60s 50s so

it has that real feel of like an old-school instrument mm-hmm but it's

also you know some people say it's hard to work with so you know I find it

actually easier because it blends into like it melts into successive layers of

each other and creates a nice strong finish that's poly urethanes later on

poly other things are also you know two-part chemical mixes it's a lot more

Messier and disposing of stuff and we only have a fine

you know amount of space I mean it is a nice spray blooms but it's not you know

like in California where they have exactly big warehouses one department

cleaning the guns and stuff and so it's also very you know easy to maintain

metro stuff and get acetone you cleans well all their stuff once the two-part

chemical polyurethane drives and solid plastic there's like you know taking

forever to melt they clean it out what not so you know it's that vintage

video the tradition of the feel of it and I'm also working with it from so

many years that we're so used to working with it that it's just so you know you

see told my things yeah easy to maintain everybody loves

the finish you know it's clashing it so we are maybe experimenting a little

polyurethanes for the next to keep them but that's just experimentation sort of

mentioned to us when they're talk about poly finishes on mix is that they start

to feel sticky it's that sort of plastic he filled he was talking about when that

when that wouldn't look from the way they're applied and they start to feel

sticky as your hand sweats or as you're playing these that sort of thing um so

we do a like a satin sort of finish on the nitro so it feels really nice and

comfortable it feels like you're playing against against like it's sanded wood

but as you play it at all so the nitro kind of buffs out a little bit to a

shine that's nice and smooth but it's but it's it's not it's it

doesn't do that same sort of sticky thing that can make it uncomfortable to

play it's really nice and comfortable we'll give the necklace like a lot Rises

range - very easy like maybe Nico's it's not that much for all night

good nature like for you know they loved like old fenders that stop those to be

like 16 20 coats with sealer color

with a very nice thing you know finish and hopefully when you play nothing

wears a

it was like little pair shoes thank you this this is this pretty Lucas does a

lot of things in batches so he'll get a ton of next ready and then get them get

them it looks like he's just starting a new batch so you have somebody sanded or

kind of ready

but you can see here what we'll do see one that's got a really sort of darker

tint to it you know sometimes will do that's that's an older

net but will sometimes do a little bit of a darker tint to it sometimes they'll

do like a really nice kind of kind of natural look to it you see that one next

to the next to the next to this sort of we're all looking when they're but you

will do different sort of shading content a little bit but we do a little

bit of a tint to give it a little bit of color we call it a vintage tint because

you see the next behind him there now the maple looks almost kind of paper

white it's really white so adding a little bit of a tint to it kind of gives

it a little bit more of like a C makes it count a little bit more like a

vintage look to it it looks a little softer yeah but that's that's actually

the tour guys that's the whole tour okay do you want to go back up and look at

the base sure yes yes right is the time to try some basis alright cool let's do

it you want to actually do the yeah

so Dan actually used to be our sales man and it used to be the me for about three

years and then decided he wanted to build bases well see three years I don't

think it was three years yes three years because I was the shipping manager for

three years almost is like two in ten monsters in Peter like to argue yeah I

used to be the shipping manager dual online store stuff and Dan was a sales

manager and just Dan decided he wanted to come he wanted to come back and start

building bases so then Dan came back here I moved to dance dance this is the

final steps before shipping yeah yeah I get a little more check from Roger okay

he does like that final final check and then it goes up it goes up to Carmen so

when we stopped in and saw Erik over here first where he's got the neck and

the body just kind of sitting separately there that's he's just getting started

this is a stand kana and the same process just getting finished up and

these are sadness serious bases which we can show you in the show room I've got

several of them we can we can let you check out dan dan does a lot of work

with the sentence because the assembly not most of the sadness that we do if

you end up on a little bit of a camera here we try to keep it as full as we can

instruments that are for sale some things are just like demos you know so

that we make sure we have one like that single cut there that one's not for sale

we just want to make sure we have a single cut for people to come and try

out so you see these check out some bases right now that's what the show so

a couple of cool things you've got here okay the rest of them are are in our NYC

bases the the metro line bases we make in a shop that Raj set up in Japan

they've been they've been building building instruments for us for 15 years

now maybe a little bit more than that even but the shop manager over there

actually worked when the shop was at Brooklyn worked worked with Roger for a

while and they went back and set this shop so they're unchain bird so they're

all heavier you're gonna pick him up you're gonna notice they're a little

heavier not have not super heavy nine pounds nine and a half pounds is pretty

typical whereas the NYC's eight pounds this guy right here is seven point one

seven pounds

Wow it's really like that's been half that's superlight for like seven and

three-quarter pounds or eight and a quarter pounds is pretty pretty normal

so the metros they use the same pickups we use the same preamp we use like I

said the guy the guy who builds who is in charge of the shop over there like

worked worked with Roger so they're really top-notch bases but the weight is

different and the other big thing you'll notice is that we don't do all the

different options that we do on the end my sponsor so it's gonna be no figured

tops we either do maple fingerboard or those just online that's it exactly yeah

and we've got seven or eight models of them now each of those models we've got

fifteen or twenty finishes there's a lot of options but if it's not one of those

options that's it then we go under the NYC's and with the end with the NYC's we

do figured figured tops we do roasted roasted cool roasted body woods or woods

we do some more variation the pickup to pickup placements and the pickup

varieties actually TC phone ringing see through it do some cool things like that

we do the chambering which makes them really really like well a lot later this

is the second serious yeah said a couple other things within the NYC line we also

started doing about two years ago we started doing what we call the satin

series which are instruments that were able to do here in the New York shop at

a price point that's like a little bit more reachable from people that can't

spend two or already spend the kind of money that we're talking about for some

of these things like that so chamber

when you saw Dan building this adds back that they're built right back with all

the others we do a lot fewer options we do a twenty-one French J let me do it 24

fret modern that's it okay and you do some things like we use the pre wired

preamps instead of hand wiring each one one at a time and we use the Metro

hardware which are still Rogers designs but Hipshot makes it for us and they're

overseas factory the NYC's we use the hip shot us stuff with little things

like that and limiting the options available kind of let us bump the

production times up and they let us keep the prices on down the one you notice

there is when we just finished up those were selling just through our dealers so

your music in Italy actually has been carrying those for us we're calling them

our deluxe satins mm-hmm which the same thing all goes into it but they have

they have figured maple tops and we we open up some some cool aesthetic options

mainly like the pink guard there's new transparent finishes that kind of thing

but your musics had a couple of them in stock and that was just waiting for

waiting for a home it's gonna go to one of our

pretty soon that's kind of it you're welcome to play whatever you like we

have a show the bit there's a bass amp in the guitar showroom will get basses

and plug-in in there you're welcome - thank you yeah of course


For more infomation >> SADOWSKY FACTORY TOUR (ENG/ITA) - Duration: 45:03.


[ MV ] Thất Tình cover - Hoàng phong Đạt (OST 30 Ngày Để Yêu ) - Duration: 6:41.

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Citizen arrests man accused of stealing a Sacramento City Police Car. - Duration: 2:41.

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Simha Rasi 2018 | 2018 Horoscope for Leo | Makar Sankranti 2018 | Bhogi 2018 | Sankranthi Special - Duration: 1:57.


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For more infomation >> 64歲大B哥全家近照曝光,生活艱辛走穴被打,女兒美麗不隨他! - Duration: 6:01.


Recy Taylor is 'a name I know ... you should know, too,' Oprah says - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Recy Taylor is 'a name I know ... you should know, too,' Oprah says - Duration: 1:31.


연기자로도 두각을 나타낸 그는 지난해 SBS 드라마 다시 만난 세계에 출연하며 호평을 받아 2017 [★FULL인터뷰]정채연 제가 닥스훈트? 다리 짧다는 말 속상- 스타뉴스 - Duration: 7:54.

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For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЕ РЕЦЕПТЫ СУПОВ | Суп грибной с шампиньонами | Вкусные рецепты с фото - Duration: 2:41.


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For more infomation >> VIDEO. Au Sénégal, «N'Gor la belle» pleure France Gall - Duration: 3:18.


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For more infomation >> Michel Berger : peu avant sa dispa­ri­tion, il pensait quit­ter France Gall pour une autre - Duration: 3:42.


For more infomation >> Michel Berger : peu avant sa dispa­ri­tion, il pensait quit­ter France Gall pour une autre - Duration: 3:42.


문재인 정부 특별사면 유일한 정치인 정봉주 전 의원 감옥간 이유 BBK 사건이란?|유명인과 소문 - Duration: 6:55.

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Don't set goals for 2018 - Duration: 3:29.

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Муса Мусаев не может успокоить гуляющих по Махачкале коров - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Муса Мусаев не может успокоить гуляющих по Махачкале коров - Duration: 1:24.


Weyland-Yutani Notes on Peter Keyes and the OWLF Task Force - Duration: 5:56.

Throughout his lifetime, Sir Peter Weyland held the strong believe, quite rightly, that

intelligent life existed beyond humanity on Earth.

It has been the position of the Company to pursue any viable possibilities of making

contact with such intelligence, and maintaining the spirit of discovery held so firmly by

Sir Peter.

Our research with Xenomorph XX212, while incomplete, has been extensive, and new data is being

collected every day.

Seeking information from outside resources, in regards to XX121 and any other lifeforms,

has been a crucial process in this pursuit.

Once such instance, dating back to as early as the 1980s, includes research compiled and

later attained by Weyland-Yutani by one Peter Keyes, head of the now liquidated Other World

Lifeform Task Force.

This research has gained insight into an alien lifeform, later classified as the Yautja,

equipped with advanced technology and weaponry, evidently intent on hunting humans, as well

the xenomorph, and other yet-to-be-classified lifeforms, for sport.

The OWLF Taskforce had been closely monitoring Yautja sightings since the Central America

incident, in which Captain Jim Hopper, commander of a U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret

Unit, dispatched to Val Verde to rescue several CIA agents whose helicopter had been shot

down by guerrillas, encountered the species, and was killed a lone Yautja.

Hopper and his team were skinned alive and left to hang in the trees, later discovered

by Major Dutch Schaefer, whose team also encountered the hunter.

According to Keyes, Schaefer had contacted some kind of radiation sickness after his

ecounter, and after a briefing with and subsequent evasion from the OWLF Taskforce, he disappeared

without a trace.

No viable evidence of Schaefer's encounter was retrieved, however, as in what appears

to be a failsafe procedure, the Yautja is equipped with self-destructive technology,

capable of eliminating any and all traces of its hunt.

Keyes, in a dictated memorandum, recalls the aftermath of the event:

"The explosion vaporized two hundred acres of rain forest.

The effect of a low-yieJ.d nuclear blast, with no radioactive fallout.

A remarkable weapon.

The incidents in central America,and now here, are the only verifiable contacts between humans

and an alien species.

In a possible history dating back to seven hundred years dgo, this is the first time

that we know of, one of them has chosen to visit a population center.

To hunt us.

His defensive adaptations are astounding, apparently possessing the ability to bend

light around hirn, a perfect camouflage.

He possesses weaponry constructed of materials so far evolved as to make us seem Stone Age

in cornparison.

They are fearless, Yet in the event of compromise or capture, apparently will not hesitate to

destroy thenselves to protect their technology from falling into our hands."

I admire it.

For what he is.

For what he can give us.

A new era of scientific technology."

With the cooperation of the Los Angeles Police Department, Keyes and his team made an attempt

to capture the specimen, having tracked its habits to a slaughterhouse in which it came

every two days- apparently a carniverous creature, with a particular fondness for beef.

The location was flooded with a radioactive dust that would adhere to the specimen's body,

which, in theory, would render the alien's camoflogue abilities ineffective.

The OWLF Team also installed a powerful ultraviolet lighting system.

It was Keyes belief that the Yautja was only capable of seeing in one spectrum of light

- Infared.

The team, equipped with suits to insulate bodyheat, believed they would appear invisible

to the predator, and would be able to capture and isolate the specimen using liquid nitrogen.

This mission proved to be a failure, however, as the team was unable to account for other

visual capabilities of the alien- Keyes and the mission team were killed in their efforts

to gain the specimen.

Keyes' pursuit, true to the spirit of Peter Weyland's efforts to grasp a better understanding

of life and technology beyond our earth, was certainly not in vain, as it has led to a

better understanding of the opportunities within our our reach.

As these notes date back to 1997, much consideration must be weighed into the limited technology

at the team's disposal at the time, and the incomplete data on the lifeform of their pursuit.

While an unsuccessful endeavor, its ambitious nature should not be taken for granted.

It should also be noted that Keyes' next of kin, in a similar pursuit, ------------

While the OWLF Taskforce has confimed sightings in Central America and Los Angeles, anecdotal

evidence suggests a great deal more occurances.

Files on General Phillips, the U.S. Military Intelligence officer who worked closely with

Major Schaefer during the Val Verde incident, imply similar events may have taken place

in New York and Siberia.

After aquisition of AWOLF's data and resources, the company cross-referenced available intelligence

and information regarding the Alien Hunter's technology, which lead to the discovery of

a ----

For more infomation >> Weyland-Yutani Notes on Peter Keyes and the OWLF Task Force - Duration: 5:56.


Anhänger Arbeitsbühne bedienen | BEYER-Mietservice - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Anhänger Arbeitsbühne bedienen | BEYER-Mietservice - Duration: 3:42.


Master Data Product - Duration: 10:40.

This video will show the example of integration of Sales Transaction from iReap POS Pro into SAP Business One Hana on Cloud

Input new item master data in SAP Business One Hana on Cloud

New item master data saved successfully

We can export the master data manually / ad-hoc into iReap POS Pro, or wait the transaction to be exported automatically base on schedule

Click on "Export Data" to export the transaction to iReap POS Pro manually/ad-hoc

Create another item master data in SAP Business One Hana on Cloud

Next, we set the price list for our new items

After finish with master data creation/setup, you can manually export the data to iReap POS Pro or wait for the export schedule to run automatically.

Now check through mobile apps, the items are now available in iReap POS Pro

Same thing with item master data, we can also add new Vendor and synchronize to iReap POS Pro

We can check in iReap POS Pro Web admin, the new master data has been synchronized from SAP Business One Hana on Cloud

Same thing with Customer master data.

Check in iReap POS Pro mobile apps, master data synchronized


For more infomation >> Master Data Product - Duration: 10:40.


Tokyo International Character Introduction Recreation - Sonic Adventure - Duration: 5:49.

"The stones that concealed infinite power, the seven Chaos Emeralds."

"Observing the many joys and sorrows since a distant ancient past."

"And now, once again... what goes around... shall come around."

Hello, everybody!

My name is Sonic!

Sonic the Hedgehog!

In any case, I can't stand around, and no one can outrun me!

One day, I encountered a mysterious liquid life form in the city.

His name is "Chaos," apparently...

Seems like the evil scientist Dr. Eggman is involved in this.

Ha, things are getting interesting!

I can't let Eggman have his way!

How's that? Can you keep up with me?

I'm Sonic!

Sonic the Hedgehog!

I'm Miles "Tails" Prower!

I love tinkering machines, and I guess I have a kind of a gentle personality!

One day, when I was flight testing the new plane model that used the Chaos Emerald's power,

the Emerald was too powerful, and the plane ended up crashing!

But then my idol--Sonic--came to my rescue!

Sonic is the one who encouraged me when I was a bullied kid long ago!

All right!

Together with Sonic, we will search for the Chaos Emeralds!

This time, it's my turn to rescue Sonic!

I'm Knuckles the Echidna.

I've been guarding the Master Emerald without knowing the reason why for as long as I can remember.

It's all that I have and it's got nothing to do with anything else.

However, one night, a streak of lightning broke the Master Emerald.

Then, a mysterious monster emerged from the inside of it!

What is he, anyway...

I can't let him get away with this, but besides that I've got the scattered Master Emerald shards to recover first and foremost.

Then, during my journey of collecting the shards, I started seeing mysterious visions.

This Master Emerald must have a terrible secret...!

I'm Amy Rose!

A lively & lovely girl!

One day, when I was walking the streets, Dr. Eggman's flying fortress, Egg Carrier, was attacking!

A small bird escaped from there!

Oh man, the robot that Eggman dispatched is after the birdie and chasing us!

Okay, leave it to me!

I'll protect you no matter what!

E-102. Codename: γ.

A robot created by Dr. Eggman.

Dr. Eggman is my master.

Master's orders are absolute.

Eliminate everything that stands in my way.

Blue hedgehog is the enemy.

However, is this really okay?

Is what I must do really okay?

Hmm... I am a cat, Big.

I love fishing at a leisurely pace together with my best buddy Froggy.

However, one evening, when I woke up from a loud noise,

Froggy swallowed the Chaos Emerald and ran off somewhere.

What's wrong? Why are you leaving?

Hey, wait for me, Froggy!



I am the world's greatest genius scientist, Dr. Eggman!

Behold, this is Chaos.

A monster who becomes more powerful for every Chaos Emerald it gets.

I'll use it to destroy the city and build Eggmanland over the ruins!

Muhahahaha, destruction, destruction!

Sonic, will you be able to stop Chaos?


For more infomation >> Tokyo International Character Introduction Recreation - Sonic Adventure - Duration: 5:49.


HSN | M. Asam Beauty 01.07.2018 - 11 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | M. Asam Beauty 01.07.2018 - 11 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


LIVE STREAM | MAFIA 2 | INTEL HD 4000 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> LIVE STREAM | MAFIA 2 | INTEL HD 4000 - Duration: 2:47.


M. Asam VINOLIFT Neck Dcollet Cream BOGO - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> M. Asam VINOLIFT Neck Dcollet Cream BOGO - Duration: 6:23.


Tech Vlog #26: How to charge the battery of the Archos Drone (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 2:05.

Good Morning ! Here we are again in App Store with one more Tech Vlog !

Today I am going to show you

how to charge the battery of the Archos Drone

which we have here in our channel this is the Archos Drone

and the only thing we need is the baterry charger

and the battery which is inside the drone

so, let's go

for charging the battery, we must removed it from the drone

which is inside this cover , at the back

in this cover is the battery inside

we remove the battery

from the plug

and as you can see

and as you can see, the cable of the battery is connected to this special port

it is connected here

and then the only thing we have to do, is to go to a power socket

like this, and use a USB charger from a smartphone

and then

to put it in the socket

so it is charging with USB !

So this is the way how to charge the battery of the Archos Drone !

See you at my next Tech Vlog !

For more infomation >> Tech Vlog #26: How to charge the battery of the Archos Drone (Greek + English subs) - Duration: 2:05.


Newcomers Network's 12th Annual Christmas Day Picnic Lunch Queen Victoria Gardens Melbourne - Duration: 0:52.

Hi my name's Sue Ellson and I'm at the 12th annual BYO Christmas Day picnic

lunch for Newcomers Network which I host in conjunction with Ian Wood from the

Fun Food and Friendship social group so as I said it's the 12th picnic here in

the Queen Victoria Gardens opposite the National Gallery of Victoria on St Kilda

Road in Melbourne and we've got an amazing sized group here so I'll just let you

have a little bit of a look at all the people who are here it's a really big

group this year we're just opposite the first tram stop on St Kilda Road

opposite the National Gallery of Victoria and it's a fantastic day

gorgeous weather nice and cool but lovely in the sun and Merry Christmas

from all of us and Happy New Year! Bye for now

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