Hello and welcome to February's unboxing, where I'm going to unbox all the stuff that
you guys have sent me.
Now, I want to mention this this the 11th unboxing video I've done.
It's hard to believe it's been that many.
And I got a bunch of great stuff in February, so let's dig right in!
OK, the first package of the month comes from Johan Silkens., from Belgium.
I just hope whatever is in here is okay to be bent because the post office folded it
in half.
Ah yes..
I remember this now.
These are Yamaha playcards.
They are sheet music but they also have a magnetic strip that some Yamaha keyboards
could read that contain digital copies of the music.
I'll be showing these off in the next episode of 8-Bit Keys.
Thank you Johan!
Up next is a box from Philip Hulsey.
It's some kind of little cartridge.
OK, well, it says Mattel Electronics on the back, so this is probably something for the
Aquarius computer.
So you'll probably see this again when I cover that computer.
Thank you Phillip!
All right, next is a little package from Andrew Bailey.
And here we go.
I see a cassette.
Heres a note.
OK,so the two cassette tapes were Zaxxon and Paint Brush for the Commodore 64.
Action Biker, that was one of my favorites as a kid.
And several other Commodore 64 games.
Thank you Andrew.
Next up is a big ole box from Chris Lozaga.
Chris has already donated several high-profile machines to me in the past.
Let's see what mysteries it contains.
Looks like quite a few things packed in here.
OK, so this is a blank 8 inch floppy disk.
I actually already had some of these, but it doesn't hurt to have another!
Admittedly, I've never actually used one of these in a real system.
Here's a PCMCIA hard drive by IBM.
And I think this is the main attraction.
All right, let's get this bubble wrap off of here.
Check that out.
An Amiga 600 in pristine condition!
And he sent along a European power converter.
IN here must be the power supply to the Amiga.
I've been planning an Amiga episode for a while, so this will be a nice addition to
that documentary.
OK, so I see why he included the power transformer, looks like this has the UK style plug on it,
so it must be a 240V system.
I wonder if the Amiga is a PAL unit as well.
It probably is.
There appears to be one other thing here.
I think this is an aftermarket accelerator card for the Amiga 600.
It's probably a 68020 or 030, with what appears to be several megabytes of RAM.
Very nice.
Thank you again, Chris!
OK, next up is an even bigger box from Michael Smythe, from Canada.
And according to the customs paper, it is a computer, vintage.
And first thing we have is a note.
And what we have here is a Tandy Color Computer 3.
This is great because it's the final piece of the puzzle I needed to do an episode on
the Tandy Color Computer series as I now have all of them.
However, this one may need some retrobrite by the look of it.
Otherwise, it seems to be in good condition.
And in that other box there was a bunch of Color Computer cartridge games.
One of which caught my eye.
This appears to be a fully licensed version of Tetris.
You don't see many licensed games for the Tandy machines, which is something I'll
explain when the documentary comes along.
So this is great, thank you very much Michael!
Next up we have a box from….
Who is this from?
Oh, Raymond Ricci.
Looks like a CD-ROM drive.
No idea why anyone would send me that.
I remember now.
This is a lablelflash drive.
I think this was something we talked about last year.
It's a competitor to light scribe and I was planning a video on that at some point.
And it looks like there's a note here too.
All right, well, thank you Raymond.
Here's another small box from Andrew Harris.
I like small boxes these days.
That means hopefully I'll have room for whatever's in there.
Here's a note.
Looks like there are TI99 games inside.
Here we go, these are some interesting ones.
We have Q*bert, and centipede, and Star Trek.
Well, thank you Andrew!
OK, next is a little padded envelope from Dan Spitzley.
And what do we have here?
Ah, a VIC-20 cartridge.
The Machine Language Monitor.
Cool, I didn't have this and I love VIC-20 stuff!
Thank you Dan!
Next up is a big box that came a long way.
This is from Fergus Logan and he shipped this all the way from the U.K. Ah hah.. if this
manual is any indication, this is one of the rare Commodore 1551 disk drives.
Well, let's get this thing out and have a look!
The 1551 was mostly sold in Europe and it was specifically designed for the Plus/4 and
Commodore 16 computers because it uses a cartridge slot interface for high speed data transfer.
Looks like he sent a game too, 3D pool.
However, this says it is for IBM compatibles, so it won't read in this drive.
Of course, I can't even test this thing at the moment, because you'll notice it
says it requires 240V on the back.
But I think I can fix that in a later episode.
Thank you very much Fergus!
OK, I have a big envelope here from China.
The customs paperwork says it is an electronic game.
Well, let's open it and see what it is.
Interesting, Pocket Sprite.
I remember this conversation, I think it is some kind of keychain sized game.
It comes in a nice little box.
OK, looks like a little gameboy.
Wow, this thing is tiny.
I mean, the screen is about the size of my thumbnail.
Looks to be powered by USB.
Let's turn it on.
OK, it wants me to connect to it via WiFi and open that IP address in my browser.
OK, I'll go do that right quick.
OK, long story short, it was super easy to upload some ROMS.
Looks like it will emulate a few different machines, including the gameboy.
So I put a few games on it.
One thing that is obvious is the screen doesn't even have the full resolution of the original
gameboy, but considering how small it is, you aren't likely to notice during casual
The buttons are a bit challenging to use.
And I see another issue, the bottom of the screen is cut off some too.
Still, not a huge deal.
Let's look at the menu here.
You've got volume, brightness.
And change ROM.
Let's try another one.
OK, well..
It's a neat little device, but admittedly too small for my tastes.
Just to give you a better idea of size, here it is compared to my iPhone 6.
Next up I have not one, but 3 boxes here all from the same person.
These are from Sean Hafeez.
Let's start with the smaller one.
Lots of little things in here.
Not even sure what some of this is.
Moving on to the next box.
Here's a keyboard.
And here we go, an IBM PC Junior.
And an extra top cover for some reason.
Very nice, I've been wanting one of these.
And in the larger box, is no surprise, it's a monitor.
So here it is all setup.
I thought I'd go ahead and see if it was working.
Here's a bunch of spare parts that he also sent.
Unfortunately, even though the computer appeared to be booting up, the monitor was just black.
I tried the brightness and contrast knobs to no avail.
Since the PC Junior also has a composite video output, I thought I could use that to at least
test if the computer was producing a video signal, and it definitely does appear to be
So I'm thinking maybe something came loose with the monitor during shipping, as I just
contacted Sean and he said it was working before he shipped it.
I'm kind of paranoid with CRTs so I'm wearing my high voltage gloves.
I couldn't find anything loose, but eventually I just slapped the side of the monitor and
the darned thing came on.
Just an update here, I already featured this in my most recent video on the IBM PCjr, so
if you haven't seen it yet, go check out the repair.
The next package is a funny looking shape and it's from Noah Reyna.
And he's right here in Dallas, Texas.
He could have hand delivered this.
Anyway, let's see what is inside.
Keep on being awesome.
Well, thank you.
OK, yeah, these are some computer manuals I didn't have.
And this appears to be some sort of music software.
So here's the manual to the Commodore 128D.
And then the Apple II, which I certainly didn't have.
Very nice, thank you Noah.
Here's another box.
This one is from Analogue, Incorporated.
Ah Oh.
There's a black envelope.
Doesn't that usually mean somebody you know has died?
Interesting, it's a box for Super Turrican Director's Cut.. but that's it, just the
How odd.
OK, well, there's two other boxes in here.
This appears to be an Analogue Super NT.
And apparently a wireless game controller.
I think this is a super-nintendo compatible gaming system.
The box is very high quality.
Yeah, here it is.
This thing feels really nice.
And on the back is an HDMI output.
In fact, that appears to be its only output.
That looks like an SD card slot.
The bottom is nice and rubbery.
The whole thing has a good weight to it, that doesn't feel like cheap junk that clone
consoles usually are.
Well, you'll probably see this in a future video too.
Next up, this package is from The Future was 8 Bit.
I like the name.
According to the customs information, there is a game and some parts inside.
Here's a note.
Looks like there are several things in here.
This is apparently a blank VIC-20 cartridge.
I guess you could put your own EPROM on there.
Ahh.. ok, and these are the cases for those blanks.
And this appears to be an actual game.
I love the design as it mimics the original design language for VIC-20 game boxes.
Although admittedly, I've never seen a yellow VIC-20 cartridge.
It's called Cheese and Onion.
So this is a brand new game for the VIC-20 and it's on cartridge.
How cool is that.
I can't wait to plug this in and see what it does!
I thought I'd just stick one of these little boards inside one of the cases they sent and
see what it looks like.
OK, here we go.
Pretty neat.
OK, here's yet another package from Serge.
It seems he sends me something every month.
Last time it was a 3D printed case for the little adlib cards he makes.
And this appears to be another such 3D printed case.
Only this is for the CVX4, which is the covox clone.
Let me grab one of my CVX4s and see how it fits.
Very nice fit.
This one doesn't use screws, you have to snap it closed.
Nice, it's a nice tight fit, leaves access to the DIP switches and audio output.
OK, 8-Bit Greetings inside, this comes from Melvin Zill from Germany.
I thought it was just a letter but I can feel something inside of the envelope.
Yeah, there is a letter.
But there's something else in there.
Oh yes.
I know what this is.
This is the little leaf for my clamshell that I got in a previous unboxing episode.
See, it goes right here.
I could probably take care of this right now.
First let me clean out the hole with some alcohol.
Then I'll use some of this plastic epoxy.
You have to mix this stuff up.
And here we go.
I imagine it doesn't need much.
Well, there we go.. that's fixed!
Thank you Melvin!
OK, next we have a little box from Casey Hill.
And inside is a little note.
This is apparently related to TRS-80 computers.
OK, it's a diagnostics cartridge.
Nice, thank you Casey!
And next up is a little envelope from Eli Goldberg.
Reminds me of the TV show the Goldbergs.
Anyone else here watch that?
Nice handwriting, by the way!
And inside we have.
Oh ok.
Yeah, I've always wanted one of these.
This is a double-sided cartridge for the Atari 2600.
You can stick it in one direction and it is Spike's Peak, and the other side is Ghost
I knew these existed but I've never seen one in person.
Cool, thank you Eli!
Next up is a little box from Jac Goudsmit.
OK, I remember this conversation now.
This is another one of those home brew 6502 computers.
I think this one can be configured to emulate more than one type of computer, though.
I seem to recall it could do the Apple 1 and something else.
OK, it's called the L-Star Plus, revision 5.
Well, I'll probably assemble this in a future video.
Thank you Jac.
All right, here's a little package from Daniel Lind in Sweden.
And according to the customs paper, it's a C64 interface, floppy disk, and manual.
Yeah, I think this is some sort of MIDI interface.
Certainly an inventive way to pack this thing, it appears to have worked as it isn't broken.
So yeah, this is a MIDI interface.
Interesting that it has 1 in and 3 outs.
I guess this must be the accompanying software.
Yeah, it's on a nice red floppy disk.
Thank you Daniel!
And this is the last package of the month, which arrived on the last day of the month,
so basically yesterday.
And this is from Ronald Knor, and it was shipped from the Netherlands.
Looking at the customs sheet, it says there is a Commodore 64 inside.
Now you might be wondering why on earth I'd need another one of those.
Let's open it up.
OK, this is a neat way to package a C64.
So the truth is, there's nothing out of the ordinary about this computer.
Except that it is a PAL unit from Europe and I don't currently have a PAL unit and I
want to play Sam's Journey.
So hopefully I can get this one working with my existing power supply and such.
We'll see.
So thank you Ronald, and that's the last package!
OK, well February may be over, but March is already off to a pretty good start!
I literally got these just a few minutes ago, no idea what's in them.
I guess you'll have to wait until April 1st to find out.
But, I did want to say one thing.
There have been some comments complaining about the unboxing videos saying that they
wanted me to do more premium content and stop wasting my time doing these unboxing videos.
And, the only thing I wanted to say about that is that I do film these throughout the
month when the packages come in, and it only takes me usually 1 day at the end of the month
to edit all of this together and produce it.
So, I'm not really sacrificing any time away from my other content to make these.
I mean one day is nothing, because most of my videos take 5 or 6 days to produce.
So, think of it as a freebie.
And you know, obviously nobody is forcing anybody to watch them so, just think of it
as bonus content.
Anyway, so that about wraps it up until next time, so thanks for watching!
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