My name is Chibi Panda!
This is a card that will foretell your destiny.
My destiny... foretold by a card?
I cast! Illegal Counter!
I send the top card of my deck to the drop zone.
And if that card is a Black Dragon monster, I can place it in Death Count Requiem's soul.
What did he say?
Will it be a monster? Or a different card?
What card could it possibly be?
It's Black Crest Dragon, Earlbow. It's a monster!
Without even waiting for the end of a turn, a chandelier is extinguished!
There's only one left!
Overturn Black Death Dragon!
This ends my turn.
It is now your turn... but due to Abygale's Overturn, it is forced to end.
These were the flames of your destiny.
When all three are extinguished, your destiny is to burn out.
In our quest to stop the Chaosification of monsters, we infiltrated Wisdom Park.
Brutal of the Martial Arts was waiting for us!
Gaito only gave his opponent one turn and used Death Count Requiem to defeat him!
Hey! What are you doing? Let go of me!
I got captured by someone.
Hey! Get me out of here!
What's going to happen now?
Within moments, the Chaosification of all monsters living in Legend World will be complete.
Danger World, Dungeon World, and Magic World have already been Chaosified.
There are only six worlds remaining.
Even the Buddy Police can't ignore this.
But it's too late. All of Earth yearns for the Chaosification of all monsters.
Final Plan Activated! New World Chaos!
Chibi Panda...
Gao. Try to get some sleep.
We looked so hard and couldn't find him. That means...
Wisdom must have...
Yeah. That's all I can think of, too.
I'm going back to Wisdom Park one more time.
I'm going to find Chibi Panda, no matter what!
No way!
But why?
Charging off without thinking first won't help you find Chibi Panda.
Calm down, Gao!
Right now, we have no choice but ask for that geezer's help.
I get it! Let's go see Guru...
Admiral! I sensed several life form energy signals passing through a gate!
Judging from the readings, they're Mini Geargods!
The location is Wisdom Park!
Admiral! You mustn't act without authorization.
Then we'll report this to Senior Tasuku right away!
Yes, sir!
I've prepared the Mini Geargod Reinforcement troops.
And... I brought this, in case you could make some use of it.
If you have no need of it, I'll dispose of it.
I won't dispose of this just yet.
This might provide us with some entertainment in the complete peace of the sacred grounds of Chaos.
There's no mistake!
He's sending massive numbers of Mini Geargods from Wisdom Park to the various parallel worlds!
Unless we take this place down, the Chaosification of the worlds will never end!
Great work!
Now we'll get clearance for a compulsory criminal investigation!
Ladies and gentlemen...
As I promised yesterday, the upgrading of the world has commenced.
This voice...
Danger World. Dungeon World.
Magic World. And Legend World.
The monsters of these worlds have already been turned into harmless monsters by Geargod.
Before long, the monsters of the remaining worlds will all be Chaosified,
and there will be zero risk of them harming humanity.
A time of peace and tranquility will soon arrive.
That bastard!
Oh, good to see you both. I was thinking I should call you over.
This saves me a lot of time! I'm mega-lucky and mega-happy!
Where the heck have you been all this time!
Apparently, Guru has been running around all the different worlds,
trying to stop or slow down the Chaosification.
Wisdom's plan was far greater in scope than my predictions.
Because I wasn't strong enough, I let Kiri and the others go.
We can't let Wisdom do as he likes any longer.
We're going to head to the world that Geargod is in.
But you fellows won't be enough to stop the Chaosification.
Do you still want to go?
Yes. We've all committed to this.
Please, let us go.
All right! I understand!
Just promise me you won't take any risks!
You came here to look for Chibi Panda, right?
Yeah. That's right.
We thought you were the one person who could find him, Guru.
Sorry. I did my best, but I couldn't find him.
I brought them, poko!
Kiri and the others didn't invite you along so that you could look for Chibi Panda.
Batzz! Use your nose to sniff out Chibi Panda!
All right! Leave it to me.
...Is what I'd like to say, but if I could do it, I'd already have done it.
Leave it to me!
My nose! My nose!
How dare you!
I used my life energy to increase your sense of smell a million times!
But the effects will only last a few hours, poko!
Use that time to find Chibi Panda.
Thank you, Guru!
Wherever Chibi Panda is, Wisdom may be there as well.
Be careful, you all!
Where am I?
Are you going to make me a Chaos monster?
I'm going to get Gao and Batzz and slice them into ribbons! Chaos!
Thank goodness... it was just a dream.
I see you're awake.
This is where the Mirage Shrine once stood.
The Mirage Shrine?
I have already used Geargod's power to Chaosify nine worlds.
And after I Chaosify the remaining worlds...
Finally, I will begin conquering the Earth.
But that's...
Our Thunder Empire won't let you get away with that!
You have an important role to play.
Even after I upgrade the world, there will be some who will not obey me. And...
By showing them your defeat, I will crush their hearts and their dreams of rebellion.
Geargod! Begin the Chaosification of Dragon World.
Dragon World?
Yes. Wisdom.
M-My homeland...
Go hide in those caverns over there!
Come on, everybody! Hurry up, yo!
Here we go, everyone!
All right!
How's it going? Can you sense Chibi Panda's scent at all?
You're distracting me! Shut up!
Is this really going to help us find him?
All we can do right now is trust in Batzz.
I'm really glad that you came.
I'm not doing this for you guys.
It's just something that Durandal's Buddy said to me...
I'm giving this back.
Why did you decide to return Durandal to me?
I just got tired of relying on someone else's power to become stronger.
I see.
There was a time that I also tried to become stronger using someone else's power.
Really? You too?
Yes. At the time, a friend saved me.
If you feel any guilt over what you did to me...
Use all your strength to help your friends.
He said that would be atonement for what I did.
I got his scent!
Great work, Batzz!
He's this way!
I've been waiting for you!
Are you the one who kidnapped Chibi Panda?
Chibi Panda? Never heard of him.
If you want to get past me, you're going to have a Buddyfight with me!
Leave this to us. Go on ahead!
-Thanks! -Let's go!
Hey, wait, you jerks!
We won't let you pass.
It's your destiny to stay in this place.
What did you say?
We're your opponents.
We won't let you get away again.
This way!
Wherever there are Buddyfights, you'll find me! Paruko Nanana!
This time, we have a match between Kanata Ozora and Sakate Onigashira of the Chaos Three!
How dare you get in the way of my Buddyfight with Gao!
I'm going to pulverize you!
Kanata! We've got your back. Give it your all!
That's a great comfort.
Now win!
I will!
Kick off to the far reaches of space!
Our brilliance exceeds even the Milky Way Galaxy!
Dragon Sentinels!
Devour a human and become an Oni.
Transcend an Oni and become a deity!
Luminize! Scroll of the Ghoul Deity, Hades Rascal!
Raise the flag!
Star Dragon World!
Katana World!
My turn!
Charge and... draw!
I equip!
Hidden Dark Arms, Yobigatana!
I call Ibuki's Right-hand Man, Kid Ibaraki to the center!
Time to work...
I'll take care of it quickly.
Kid Ibaraki's ability, activate!
Send the top five cards in my deck to his soul, face down!
I accept.
When this guy gets destroyed, I'll be able to activate Ambush as much as I like!
Sakate's starting out by preparing some traps!
When those soul cards that he placed face down are sent to the drop zone,
he'll be able to call those cards, using the ability Ambush!
And he's a master of that skill!
And the monsters called using Ambush can activate various abilities to make the opponent suffer!
I cast and set! Oni Castle of Contraptions!
This beauty of a card increases the power of all Oni Assassin cards on my field by 2000.
Kid Ibaraki! Attack the fighter!
I go forth!
Here he comes, Kanata!
Don't say a word. Shut up and die!
Kanata Ozora takes a heavy hit from that first attack!
I'll start out with a little warm-up...
My turn is over now.
My turn.
Charge and draw!
Heavenly Crystal Dragon, Aldo Athora! Buddy call to the center!
Sakate Onigashira!
No matter how much you may attack using Ambush...
Now that I'm here, I won't let you lay another finger on Kanata!
Thanks to Athora, Kanata won't take any effect damage.
And Aldo Athora has an invincible Overturn.
I cast! Visible Light!
My gauge increases by 3.
Also, I call White Crystal Dragon, Rizzling to the left and right!
Let us go forth.
Due to their effects, I draw two cards.
I equip!
Crystal Greaves!
Now it's time for the kick-off.
Rizzling on the left, attack Kid Ibaraki.
Commencing attack.
Eden Valley!
Looks like it's time for a retreat.
You destroyed Kid Ibaraki!
Now, the barrage of Ambush will begin!
I call to the left!
Blue Fiend, Kid Kuma!
I've been called!
Due to Kid Kuma's effect, the Rizzling on the right loses 3,000 power and defense, and 1 critical.
And Sakate uses the effect of Under the Table to increase his gauge by 3!
I'm going to make things even more exciting!
Buddy call to the right!
Shuten Demonic Deity, Kid Ibuki!
I'm going to pulverize you!
Athora! Attack Sakate!
Prismatic Maser Rain!
Aldo Athora's gorgeous attacks have begun!
Double Attack!
Take this! Sakate Onigashira!
I cast! Ninja Arts, Half-kill.
Sakate uses a counter spell!
This spell nullifies an attack and sends all of that monster's soul cards to the drop zone!
My turn is over.
What is it, Batzz?
There's no mistake. Chibi Panda is this way!
Now it's my turn!
Go ahead and rampage! Kid Ibuki's ability, activate!
I was hoping you'd say that!
The moment you stood before me was the moment you set foot into Hades.
The Rizzlings have been... destroyed.
Special Arts! Demonic Deity Elimination Slash!
Effect damage can't do us any harm!
You annoying pest!
Then we'll start...
By getting rid of him!
I cast!
Banquet for the Unrighteous!
One card from my drop zone...
Goes into Shuten Demonic Deity Kid Ibuki's soul.
And I activate Oni Castle of Contraptions' ability!
I take the card that was just placed in Kid Ibuki's soul...
And send it to the drop zone!
Oni Castle of Contraptions' ability wasn't just to increase the power of Oni Assasins!
The card I sent to the drop zone is Underhanded Means, Piercing Pins.
Because this card was moved from the soul to the drop zone while face down...
Athora's power and defense are both decreased by 10,000!
I'm going to send you to the afterlife!
Because of the Oni Castle of Contraptions and Underhanded Means, Piercing Pins combo,
Athora's defense is down to zero!
Is this the end of the road for Athora?
Here we go!
Heavenly Crystal Dragon!
Aldo Athora!
I discard one hand card and pay 1 gauge, so that during this turn,
all cards on the opponent's field are forced to attack only Aldo Athora, one at a time!
And Athora cannot be destroyed by any attack!
Not only did Sakate's attack go nowhere, Aldo Athora's effect is chipping away at his life!
What's happening?
My body's moving on its own!
Sakate is down to 6 life!
My turn!
Charge and draw!
I cast. Enhancement.
Kanata Ozora increases his gauge by 1 and draws one card!
Kid Ibuki, Move to the center.
Athora! Attack Kid Ibuki.
Kid Ibuki!
I will defeat you!
As if I'd let you!
You have no options left!
Shuten Demonic Deity!
Kid Ibuki!
By paying 1 gauge, I prevent Shuten Demonic Deity Kid Ibuki from being destroyed during this turn!
Just like Kanata Ozora did a moment ago, Sakate chooses this moment to use his Overkill!
During this turn only, Kid Ibuki is unable to be destroyed. He's defended his center!
In that case, Double Attack on Kid Kuma!
What? Me?
Here I go!
Please forgive me!
My turn is over.
Neither Buddyfighter is giving an inch!
Come on, everyone! We have to slow them down, no matter the cost!
We need to slow down the Chaosification, even a little bit!
Because a glimmer of hope still remains!
That's why we're here!
I cast! Radian Shell!
Kanata Ozora uses a counter spell to nullify the attack.
And he deals 1 effect damage!
That cheeky brat.
Oni Castle of Contraptions' ability, activate!
I send one of Kid Ibuki's soul cards to the drop zone!
He's planning another Ambush!
It's an Ambush!
I call to the right.
Oni Boss, Kid Ibuki!
This time, I'll crush you with this summoned fiend!
Now, pulverize Aldo Athora!
Curse you!
Finally, Heavenly Crystal Dragon Aldo Athora has been destroyed!
And this Kid Ibuki has Double Attack, too!
Is this the end for Kanata Ozora?
If he doesn't have any monsters in his hand cards, it's all over!
No. The goddess of destiny smiles upon Kanata.
Gaito? How can you be so sure?
The fight is just beginning.
It's no use acting tough!
You don't have any options left.
Yes I do!
Buddyfight has infinite possibilities and choices!
This is my solution!
I cast!
Prism Order!
This is a counter spell that I can use during my opponent's turn.
I can discard one hand card, and call a Prism Dragon monster from my drop zone!
I call Heavenly Crystal Dragon, Aldo Athora from the drop zone to the center!
U-U-Unbelievable! Once again, Aldo Athora has returned to the field!
I have returned to help Kanata achieve victory!
I'm going to tell you why we wanted to face you in a Buddyfight.
We decided...
To help Gao prepare for his battle against Wisdom...
We wouldn't let Gao waste his time with unimportant Buddyfights.
We feel the same way.
Your destiny was in our hands all along.
I'll make it so you can never open that big mouth of yours ever again!
Kid Ibuki! Pulverize Aldo Athora!
It's no use! I have the Soulguard ability!
Damn it!
Final Phase.
Crystal Greaves' ability, activate!
My gauge increases by 2!
What is this?
I cast!
Game End! Winner, Kanata Ozora!
You'll pay for this!
I won't let him get away.
Leave him.
It's more important that we hurry and join Gao.
If Sakate didn't kidnap Chibi Panda, then...
Yeah. They're probably planning to use Chibi Panda as bait to lure Gao and Batzz in.
Damn! What's going on?
Chibi Panda's scent trail ends here.
So he must be on the other side of the gate.
I'm glad you guys are safe!
So... where's Chibi Panda?
It looks like they used a gate to teleport somewhere else.
Which means Wisdom must have been the one who kidnapped Chibi Panda.
He's sure to have laid a trap for you beyond the gate.
Even if that's true, I'm going to go get Chibi Panda!
This is today's most powerful card!
Prism Order!
During the opponent's turn, discard one hand card to call one Prism Dragon from your drop zone.
Even if the opponent breaks through your center, you can revive your monster right away!
Now, which one is today's most powerful card?
The correct answer is, the card in the middle!
Wisdom. Your Chaosification process tramples over the hearts of monsters.
Our Thunder Empire won't let you get away with it!
Here we go, Batzz! It's time for a Buddyfight!
Next episode: Final Battle! Gao Mikado versus Wisdom!
Join us for a Buddyfight!
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