Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 3 2018

Hello my lovely subscribers

This is GoToe

Today's game is KPOP emoji challenge

I saw other youtuber did this and I thought

That would be nice if I will do it with my subscribers

Today's video is little bit longer than others

We need to start ASAP

This video is 16 minutes

This one is the longest video ever I think?

Let's join together to the end


There are many emoji challenges

with Drama or Movie

10 seconds per question

Background is the hint of the answer

EXO song


A ceremony of joy

I feel so nice today :)

(He always feel good)

That is so....

So easy...

This one is so easy

I can't adjust with this scene...

Everytime when I did this

First 4~5 questions are so easy

but later...

Don't wanna cry

I memorized this choreo cuz I did so many times

First 4~5 is so easy everytime

Somebody didn't answer??

That is so easy too ha?

So~~~~~ easy

If question didn't gave me a hint

That will be very hard

but this video gave us a hint

So It is so easy until now

Cancel saying something easy


I think many people didn't answer it

Main questions are start from now

That was so nice

I responded sensibly

It is getting harder....


Ceremony of joy 2

You know??? That pond was

artificial pond

I found it cuz that was so beautiful

That was so sensitive

(Same cloth and pose with her)

Today is lucky day

I feel so nice today

10/10 until now

When you see this video

That is so easy hah

So easy if you know this song

I've got all

What I want to say before is

Somebody thought I saw this video before recording

That is not true


I swear

I didn't guess anything...


That was good question

I.O.I has

so many songs

They made this video so well

Questions are so sensitive

You always didn't finish your sentence

Many guestions need to use your brain

This one is easy

My favorite SNSD choreo

I got all answers except 1

This MV has really great story

See it if you have enough time

I am sorry

I really like this song and NEWTON

If you didn't know this song

This question is hard to you

It is really good song! I recommend

I feel so good today

(High quality question)

I'm so sorry

I recommend this song too

among SHINee songs

I think many people don't know this song

Really good song

He looks so high today

(I love this background)

I think everyone answer it

I love you

It's been a long time since this song released

Do not go


ENG title is important

Bad timing

I missed only one until now

Someone answered all??

I think nobody

This problem can distinguish between enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts

This question will make a difference in scores

Dance of joy 3

I really love KARD songs

I don't know

What is this?

I can't understand until now

Summer will be coming soon

I can't believe their disband

I want their new song...

Bonus question

I am so sorry

I think choreo looks a bit different

When they turn on the music

They do not turn on main part exactly

a little bit behind

It is easy if you know the ENG title

Choreo start!!!

When BLACKPINK will come back?

I want to listen this song ASAP

Finally coming

I am so sorry

I fall in love with this song

What is this??

Today's condition is the best

Crazy condition today

I just got out of the shower

My brain works well


What is this?

This question is so good

Quality of question is so nice

I need to use my brain hard

They turned on not exactly again

We can't see them too....

You know? I am really big fan of CL

She looks so cool!! I luv it

I know this song...

Even this song is my favorite song of DAY6

Oh I know this

Please turn on the songs at exact beat

You know? maybe 1 years before

I danced 'Chained Up' with VIXX

I am so nervous at that time

So I sweated so much

I didn't see it!!

Actually I saw it but

I can't guess the answer

Question is so nice

What is this??

I feel so good at that time

I want to know when will BTS come back?

Nothing is certain yet right?

THis is so~~ easy

TWICE works a lot in JAPAN nowadays

I don't know their songs well

I know a song with long title

I will listen this song

I saw many vidoes that they cover other idols choreo

like SNSD

But I didn't listened their songs yet

How I didn't know BIGBANG song

I understand the length of this video now

16 minutes feel so short today

I really enjoyed it

Yes we did KPOP game with EMOJI today

I am not sure if you enjoy this video cuz it was really long video

Personally I really enjoy this video today

It is well made video

Even score looks much higher than previous

I am so happy now

I will leave a comment with my score

and I hope many of you will leave a comment too

This is the end of this video

I will be back with my next video

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)Can you guess the title of KPOP songs with EMOJI?? KPOP EMOJI CHALLENGE!! [GoToe KPOP] - Duration: 16:55.


Chinese Aircraft Enters South Korean Identification Zone, Seoul Scrambles ROKAF Fighters - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Chinese Aircraft Enters South Korean Identification Zone, Seoul Scrambles ROKAF Fighters - Duration: 5:31.


Nach 14 Jahren Rasur: Vloggerin steht endlich zu ihrem Bart! - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Nach 14 Jahren Rasur: Vloggerin steht endlich zu ihrem Bart! - Duration: 0:50.


Rosinen für Lemuren | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Rosinen für Lemuren | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - Duration: 2:53.


Exclusive features on the Sony Xperia XZ2 - Duration: 2:16.

Exclusive features on the Sony Xperia XZ2

Exclusive features on the Sony Xperia XZ2

Exclusive features on the Sony Xperia XZ2

Exclusive features on the Sony Xperia XZ2

For more infomation >> Exclusive features on the Sony Xperia XZ2 - Duration: 2:16.


Adidas Glitch TEST - Skin For Football Boots?! - Duration: 7:17.

Can we please put this in?

Hey guys! Martin & Loris from Football4Broz.

We're reporting live from Siberia. It's currently -3 degrees.

But today we want to test for you the Adidas Glitch!

Probably the second most discussed topic about football boots last year.

What's so special about these is that there is an inside boot and an outside skin.

If that really works out, you'll find out now!

Short disclaimer!

My right foot is currently not in a good condition which is why I'm taking the free kicks today with my left weak foot.

There has to be free kicks!

I'm going to bang this one in, trust me!

Notice: You can't just walk in in any football store and buy these boots.

First of all you have to download the Adidas Glitch App for free.

Secondly and more important: You need a code to purchase these!

We're going to giveaway one at the end of the video so stay tuned!

But now let's have a look at the app.

You'll see a lot of different skins.

At the top, you'll find two boot icons.

Click on the left one to switch from skins to the inside boots.

There are two different ones: The High Cut and the Low Cut.

Loris and I are playing in the low cuts.

Of course you have to try out which one suits u most.

The best thing is coming now.

Tap on the top left to find the selection of many configurations.

Change the material of your skin, the underground or even the colours.

What's so special for me is definitly the underground setting.

You can choose between FG and SG!

We're going to discuss this further in our conclusion.

I recommend you to just have a look at the app. There might be a great skin for you as well.

We've decided to play a little Glitch-Challenge.

Who's gonna change two skins faster?!

We're gonna take the time to see whos faster.

Funny thing is, we've already mentioned the -3degrees outside which means our fingers are frozen.

I have to say that I hurt my thumb yesterday while cooking.

You know how important the thumb is!

I want to start the conclusion with two questions most of u might have.

1. Do the skins wear out fast?

2. Are you sliding in these.

I was sceptical at first as well. Though they didn't wear out yet and I've already played some time in these.

At the beginning they're really really tight!

Some skins are tighter than others!

Depends on the material you`re choosing. Leather or synthetic.

The biggest plus on the Glitch might be the SG skins.

Imagine you just have to change the skins to play on difficult conditions (SG) and not change to other boots.

Coming to the second question: Sliding.

Not more than in other boots. Might be even less.

Would you say that the Glitch is a good investment?

In my opinion it is a good investment!

They fit me right. They look good. You can choose between so many different colourways of skins.

Thumbs up for me.

We haven't test them in long terms though. They might wear out after months.

I'd be dissapointed if they don`t last a season.

Now to the promised Glitch-Code to have a chance of purchasing these.

Don't forget: No Code - No Glitch.

Before we say thanks for watching and goodbye, we have something important to tell!

So many of u guys are asking if we could greet them in our videos.

Now we give u guys the chance to get that at the end of every video.

You simply have to comment on our videos WITH using the #teamF4B!

Today we wana greet our moms.

Mom I love you.

See you next time Broz!


Because it's not in!

For more infomation >> Adidas Glitch TEST - Skin For Football Boots?! - Duration: 7:17.


52歲曾被吐糟周海媚慘變村姑!如今只是換了個髮型,顏值直接從回巔峰,年輕30歲!網友:真的被電到了! - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> 52歲曾被吐糟周海媚慘變村姑!如今只是換了個髮型,顏值直接從回巔峰,年輕30歲!網友:真的被電到了! - Duration: 5:29.


Ion Zegri - Не унывай (2018) - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Ion Zegri - Не унывай (2018) - Duration: 3:33.


【海賊王】路飛發威後卡二終於被打敗!但這個細節預示着5檔即將到來 (中文字幕 cc)【海賊王】 Official ☠️💀🙀😈👽👿🗡️😱🗡️😱🚫🚫🚫🚫🗡️ - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 【海賊王】路飛發威後卡二終於被打敗!但這個細節預示着5檔即將到來 (中文字幕 cc)【海賊王】 Official ☠️💀🙀😈👽👿🗡️😱🗡️😱🚫🚫🚫🚫🗡️ - Duration: 2:40.



For more infomation >> CAFÉ ¿BUENO O MALO PARA LA SALUD? - Duration: 9:24.


Salary Of DID Lilttle Masters Season 4 Skippers | Bir Radha Sherpa | Vaishnavi Patil - Duration: 1:41.


For more infomation >> Salary Of DID Lilttle Masters Season 4 Skippers | Bir Radha Sherpa | Vaishnavi Patil - Duration: 1:41.


조민기 딸 조윤경: "그의 아버지의 결백을 증명 하기" - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> 조민기 딸 조윤경: "그의 아버지의 결백을 증명 하기" - Duration: 8:45.


baked Salmon of Desire (Hardcore Foodporn, Mukbang) - Duration: 6:09.

~Baked Salmon of Desire~

This is Baked salmon

I baked it myself (with oven…lol)


With the Dark hands of my desire..

It hasn't changed.

Taste of fire.

Red chili-pepper paste~

Hasn't it been a while?

Caesar dressing

(Caesar dressing is flavored with mayonnaise and vinegar.)

Put the egg on top.

To be honest, I knew the yolk would flow down.

Eggs are rich in protein and healthy nutrients.

Orgasm with fish.

Where are you running to !

Hot sauce.

'Salmon of desire' has ten million views.

Thank you so much !!!!!!!!

(The flag of Norway)

Thanks to the fishermen in Norway who caught us delicious salmon.

Some people wiped it up for eating while spilling.

Please press like, subscribe, and leave comments!

For more infomation >> baked Salmon of Desire (Hardcore Foodporn, Mukbang) - Duration: 6:09.


Natural cure in 5 Days - No More Diabetes Process - Duration: 9:23.

green banana juice cures diabetes bananas are rich in a fiber called

pectin which gives the flesh aids structural form it moderate blood sugar

levels after meals by reducing appetite by slowing stomach emptying it also

helps in weight loss to make this juice we need 2 to 3 green bananas and water

to clean bananas and cut into small pieces along with peel

now take a bowl and add required amount of water and start boiling add banana

peas into boiling water and leave for 15 to 20 minutes after boiling completely

separate pieces and water now add boiled banana pieces into a blender and start

blending finally add banana boiled water to blender and blend thoroughly to

become juice preserve this juice in a glass or container consume 2 to 3

tablespoons of this juice daily early in the morning and after your meals follow

this natural remedy regularly to control your blood sugar level and weight class

walk rock with rice water cure diabetes the seeds and peel of okra have

anti-diabetic properties which led to stabilized blood glucose levels whereas

a moderate amount of healthy whole grains such as brown rice or white rice

instead of processed grains may reduce the risk of complications like diabetic

neuropathy firstly prepare rice water by boiling rice in a bowl

now strain this water into a glass or jar and keep aside take four

medium-sized okra pods cut both ends of parts and make okra into small pieces

you place the okra pieces into your glass

and covered them with the rice water Allah woke reduce it in rice water

overnight space okra pieces before removing from the rice water finally

discard the pieces and gut down the water do this once in a day to reduce

the efforts of existing diabetes or to keep diabetes at bay as a pre-diabetic

person it takes almost no effort on your part and could potentially save your

money in reducing the need for expensive treatments say goodbye to diabetes

without any medications diabetes is one of the most common diseases nowadays

it's a lifelong condition resulting from the body's inability to use and store

the form of sugar called insulin this metabolic disorder affects the way human

body uses digested food for energy the hard mode insulin produced in the

pancreas helps the absorption and use of glucose for energy so if your body is

not able to produce enough insulin or use it effectively it will lead to

diabetes anyone can develop diabetes as there are many factors that can cause

this health condition some of them are obesity hypertension high cholesterol

physical inactivity and the major one genetics the risk of diabetes increases

as we get older so people over the age of 40

especially if they are wore weight have more chances of developing this disease

unfortunately type 2 diabetes is adolescence is becoming more and more

common health problem this is mostly due to the inactive lifestyle followed by

unhealthy diet in most adolescents nowadays although officially there's no

cure for this lifelong health problem there is a way to control it and this

led a normal life you can try this natural remedy before you go with

insulin shots but if you are already taking it try to lower the amount and

stimulate the function of your pancreas this homemade remedy will flush of the

excess fluid from your system and normalize the levels of blood sugar in

your body all you need is just two simple ingredients that can be found in

most kitchens right now required ingredients a leek with fruits liters of

water now let us see the directions wash the leek with roots thoroughly then

empty about two ounce of the bottle with mineral water and put the washed a leek

with the roots in the bottle leave it there for 24 us after this period drink

the water from the bottle throughout the whole day prepare another dosage once

you finish the first one by doing this regularly you can reduce your high blood

sugar levels in a short period of time 3 best home remedies to control diabetes

and blood sugar levels diabetes is a lifetime disease that

requires dieting exercises and medication while there is no cure for

diabetes you can control these sugar levels naturally try these remedies and

effectively control your blood sugar levels make sure you are trying home

remedies in addition to your regular diabetes treatment how to control

diabetes with natural home remedies home remedies like okra water apple cider

vinegar cranberry and cinnamon are very effective in naturally controlling your

blood sugar levels common symptoms of diabetes and increase in blood sugar

levels fatigue a dull feeling in the head is a common symptom a person who is

suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar experiences of fatigue he or she

would get tired very soon when compared to the others weight loss people with

diabetes often see rapid weight loss this one of the common symptom

associated with the diabetes frequent urination people who suffer from high

blood sugar levels use the toilet more often the ERG for urination is felt slow

healing if a person gets cut due to any reason he or she has to be

careful these cuts are bruises take a long time to heal when your blood sugar

levels or high vision problems diabetes causes a blood division in one or both

the eyes this can be a cause of concern for many therefore it is necessary to

keep a check on your sugar levels so that they are under control preparation

okra Watteau for diabetes what is okra water it belongs to the

hibiscus family and the world okra refers to the edible seed pods of a

plant it has many medicinal values and come in a water form powder form and

even as okra fields okra is filled with potassium calcium vitamin B and C and is

low in fiber content okra is known to successfully treat diabetes by the

Centers for Disease Control okra water improves and balances out the blood

sugar levels in Turkey people suffering from diabetes to sue the seeds of okra

to this treatment called diabetes take 2 okra pods and cut off their ends sticky

liquid will ooze out once you slit the pod do not wash it take a glass full of

water and drop these pods into it at night and cover with a dish in the

morning take out the pods and drink the water in the glass apple cider vinegar

and cranberry to control diabetes and blood sugar levels take a glass and add

some cranberry juice mix water with cranberry juice now add 2 spoons of

apple cider vinegar pour few drops of lime juice

to press up its taste and take it daily cinnamon water to control diabetes and

blood sugar drink a cup of water mixed with 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily

you can also add cinnamon powder to beverages smoothies and Baker foods by

doing all the above home remedies you can reduce your high blood sugar levels

thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Natural cure in 5 Days - No More Diabetes Process - Duration: 9:23.


Beautiful Bracklinn Falls | Shooting In The Wild - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Bracklinn Falls | Shooting In The Wild - Duration: 1:41.


WBZ-TV Reporters In Action During Damaging Nor'easter - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> WBZ-TV Reporters In Action During Damaging Nor'easter - Duration: 1:26.


Matemática CBC - Práctica 2 - Ejercicio 6 - B - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Matemática CBC - Práctica 2 - Ejercicio 6 - B - Duration: 0:41.


남궁연 추가 피해자 20여 년 전 바지 벗으라고 해 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 남궁연 추가 피해자 20여 년 전 바지 벗으라고 해 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 5:47.


Notepad++ Tutorial Deutsch #5 – Suchen Ersetzen Funktion, Lesezeichen, Register Suchen - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Notepad++ Tutorial Deutsch #5 – Suchen Ersetzen Funktion, Lesezeichen, Register Suchen - Duration: 3:58.


Lady and the Tramp

For more infomation >> Lady and the Tramp


For more infomation >> Lady and the Tramp


Messieurs, si vous n'êtes pas heureux avec votre femme, peut-être devriez-vous lire ceci - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Messieurs, si vous n'êtes pas heureux avec votre femme, peut-être devriez-vous lire ceci - Duration: 6:21.


For more infomation >> Messieurs, si vous n'êtes pas heureux avec votre femme, peut-être devriez-vous lire ceci - Duration: 6:21.


Dlaczego nie pokazałam chłopaka? DRAMY związkowe! | Billie Sparrow - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Dlaczego nie pokazałam chłopaka? DRAMY związkowe! | Billie Sparrow - Duration: 5:28.


For more infomation >> Dlaczego nie pokazałam chłopaka? DRAMY związkowe! | Billie Sparrow - Duration: 5:28.


Sylvie Vartan et Johnny Hallyday ne se parlaient plus depuis huit ans - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Sylvie Vartan et Johnny Hallyday ne se parlaient plus depuis huit ans - Duration: 1:27.


For more infomation >> Sylvie Vartan et Johnny Hallyday ne se parlaient plus depuis huit ans - Duration: 1:27.


Using Tinder (ft. TimTom) - Duration: 8:01.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another video hosted by the only reason you're subscribed

to this channel. Today we're gonna be getting' down and dirty in the digital space that is…

TINDER! I'm going to be setting up a new profile

and showing you guys how I woo the ladies with this wonderful piece of technology. In

fact, any guy who doesn't have Tinder is just a-

Really, Crash? You have to resort to Tinder to find yourself a girl? Why can't you just

be a handsome, charismatic charmer like yours truly?

Listen here, you egg. Take that back!

I mean I don't ACTUALLY use Tinder… I was just pretending for the video, you know,

to make it more relatable or whatever … This is the first time I'm ever testing it out,

I promise… Ha. Hey, why do I have to wear this? I don't


Anyway, it's clear to see that traditional dating, chivalry, courtly-love etc. is out

the fucking window. We now live in a time where we pick our partners based on nothing

more than a photograph. Can you guys think of anything more vain than that? I sure as

hell can't.

Okay, first thing's first: We need a profile picture. If you're ugly, then you might

need to add a couple different images to try and convince your prey that you're a "good

guy deep down" – but for me, one will be more than enough.

Another tip for you ugly motherfuckers out there: Make your main image (the one that

shows up whilst swiping) a group photo with your much-more-attractive friends. This will

cause confusion and lead the user to look into your profile more than they definitely

would have otherwise. See? I got your back Culture. Your profile picture needs to show

off your best features. Your eyes, your smile, your personality, your charm… your tits.

For me, I think a nice piece of fan-art will do the trick. They always make me look beautiful.

We're just going to sort through all of these until we find something accurate…

realistic… and… lustful. Yeah, that'll do it.

Okay, now what you're about to see is… something I'm not going to be proud of.

I'm going to use Tinder like a thirsty fuckboy who's sexually craving anything with a heartbeat.

Let's do this.

Now… We wait. Mwahahahaaaa "Oof, no wonder you have trouble with the


Also let me just say before we dive into this… I have no fucking idea why so many guys matched

with me… I included both men AND women in my preferences just to make it interesting

(And to keep my sexuality as ambiguous as possible for you perverts). Women were definitely

involved in the process somewhere, trust me… I like women. *sobbing sounds*

Matthew, 24. I can't sleep, I can't eat, but I've

got the cleanest house on the street. Hmm… You're not giving it the hard sell,

are you buddy? Hard sell is my middle name. What's happening

with you? Beary, 59.

… Beary? Now that's a badass name. It's Beary nice

to meet you. I can't Beary puns either to be honest…

When we get married, can we have a bear be the ring Beary-er? Oh my god how coot.

Alex, 49. Woah, this guy looks weathly…

Well good morning, sailor.

Adam, 20. Hey, at least this guy is closer to my age…

Let's look at his bio. "Yeah, I'm DTF… Down. To. Fracking respect

women" ………. Uh, okay, a little out-dated, but a meme is a meme, top job???

"My anthem: Ain't Got Rhythm"… Okay, good save. I'm intrigued. In a non-gay way

of course. Ahem. If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable,

boy. … God I wish that were me… Listen up BUB!

Crash ain't better than Smash! ANGRY REACTS ONLY! Five paragraph essay why here.

Uh, it's "a n g e r y", honey. okay, how about this?

Are you a turkey? Because all I want to do is gobble-gobble!

Come on, it wasn't THAT bad! Fine, if you want to be like that, then I

won't show you his reply. We'll come back to this guy later.

Luciano, 32. Hmm, "Insert a thoughtful message below,

huh?" What… them… legs do?


Connor, 23. Ohhh, only 8 kilometres away from me, huh?

You're so close to where I am that I could tap you on the shoulder using just the length

of my weeny. WHY.

I can't remember this guys name. Or age. Hey, cowboy. Gobble.


Nathan, 23. "Just looking to see what's around"…?

Okay then. What… them… legs do?


P-please mum, I didn't m-m-mean it I swear. "PROFUSE SWEATING INTENSIFIES!" But considering

turkeys live on a diet consisting mainly of seeds and grass, are you implying you're

one of them HECKIN (please excuse my foul language) vegans I keep hearin' aboot? Really

gets the old noggin' joggin' for sure. Frick vegans dude, malnourished and shit

Did you just say the F word? In MY Christian Tinder chat server?! BEGONE, THOT!

I'm finna get right down to the point: do you like thick cartoon characters with a limited

colour scheme, luscious bangs and a flamboyant personality? I'm your dude.

… Also I have a thing for Gandhi but we won't talk about that.

And, once again, we will return to this chat shortly after a few other short interactions.

Cordell, 23. Hey James Cordell, you're a fucking spitting

image of someone I know… Named Crash.


Chris, 20. Hey sexy.

Shit, your profile picture is misleading, I thought you were the oversized lady from

the Toyota commercials that aired in the mid 2000's.

Uhh, I don't even know what that is… but sorry to disappoint. I find you very attractive

if that counts. *gasps*

Well don't you just know how to make a low res computer image temporarily generate dual

ovals of orange hues simulating warmth and appreciation.

Haha. A simulation of warmth is all I need. As we are basically living in a simulation

ran by lizard overlords anyway. Meh. Fuck, just marry me.

Eddie, 19. Oh my. Barely legal, this one.

Cute dog, can I have it? I love demons. You can't have it just yet. She's my demon

for now. Am I talking to a cartoon character or am I just going mad?

I am a real boy, cartoon characters aren't real, don't be silly.

… Unless you want me to be a cartoon character… … Baby.

Sandra, 19. FINALLY, A FEMALE!

I mean, seeing an actual photo of you boy would be LIBERATING! However all of those

criteria I do in fact meet, especially those who are: Shit, I knew I should have updated

my emojis before I did this. "Real"… Photo? WHAT THE FLAP DO YOU



Maybe my papi was right. Maybe I wasn't built for love… Maybe I'm destined to

fade further into irrelevance until there are no pixels left to be viewed…

Also, when I get an erection-

Alright, that is PLENTY enough of that. Bit of a sausage-fest if you ask me.

Now, just to make my head a LITTLE bit bigger… A little bit bigger, just a little bit bigger.

My head's not big… Don't say it is. I'm going to show you what happens when

you have an account… as an ugly person. Shit, LOOK AWAY NOW CHILDREN-

At this rate, you might as well audition for one of those tacky dating shows.

Ugh, you know what?! No, don't! No no no, AAAAH!

A massive thank you goes out to TimTom for being awesome enough to get involved with

the episode! His links are in the description below, and I highly recommend you go and watch

his stuff if you haven't yet! Crash out!

For more infomation >> Using Tinder (ft. TimTom) - Duration: 8:01.


For more infomation >> Using Tinder (ft. TimTom) - Duration: 8:01.


[SSO inspirational music video] → Whatever it takes ← - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> [SSO inspirational music video] → Whatever it takes ← - Duration: 1:05.


For more infomation >> [SSO inspirational music video] → Whatever it takes ← - Duration: 1:05.


Barış Manço Alla Beni Pulla Beni Turkish Song Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Barış Manço Alla Beni Pulla Beni Turkish Song Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 5:08.


For more infomation >> Barış Manço Alla Beni Pulla Beni Turkish Song Reaction | Jay & Rengin - Duration: 5:08.


Chuggington Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Lyrics - Duration: 2:30.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Chuggington Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Lyrics - Duration: 2:30.


For more infomation >> Chuggington Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Lyrics - Duration: 2:30.


Jurassic World (2018)

For more infomation >> Jurassic World (2018)


ヒュンダイがスーパーカー参入を表明。BMW M出身者を中心に高性能車部門を組織 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> ヒュンダイがスーパーカー参入を表明。BMW M出身者を中心に高性能車部門を組織 - Duration: 3:24.


Renault Modus 1.4-16V DYNAMIQUE L/m velgen /86dkm Org NL, Clima, Zeer mooi. - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Modus 1.4-16V DYNAMIQUE L/m velgen /86dkm Org NL, Clima, Zeer mooi. - Duration: 0:58.


'7년의 밤' 장동건 "M 탈모? 촬영 때마다 면도칼로 밀어" - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> '7년의 밤' 장동건 "M 탈모? 촬영 때마다 면도칼로 밀어" - Duration: 2:09.


Jason's CHARMING 3 Day Split "POPEYE ARM" W1D1 (Ep.2) - Duration: 17:52.

For more infomation >> Jason's CHARMING 3 Day Split "POPEYE ARM" W1D1 (Ep.2) - Duration: 17:52.


IM BACK GUYS!!! - Duration: 11:30.

hey guys sorry about primal carnage extinction not working!

For more infomation >> IM BACK GUYS!!! - Duration: 11:30.


Fashion Mission! Making a Look For New Semester From Dongmyo! - Duration: 5:26.

where Is this loud place?

It's Dongmyo, the place that you can find many treasures

Hi guys, it's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

Hwan'e : hi~ it's Hwan'e, a male beauty creator

Today's a fashion mission for us

we're going to show you some new semester looks from Dongmyo!

Today, since I'm with Hwan'e, I'm going to show a girl look and a boy look,

So, please look forward to it

Shall we start?

Go Go~

There were so many people at Dongmyo, since it was Sunday

There was the clothes pile and also some displayed

Now, really starting to shop!

you can see them like this, just choose them and throw it (I teaching Hwan'e)

You can step on them to go inside

Hwan'e : I'm a bit scared Hwan'e is afraid, since it's his first time LOL

you can just throw them away, If you don't like them

Look at he LOL

LOL That's right!

Trying hard to find clothes!

Oh! corduroy pants!

Sir : it's all 2,000 won, 3,000 won, and 5,000 won~

It's corduroy pants

These are good for vintage looks, so I'm going to buy it (My voice can't be heard, due to the sir LOL)

Hwan'e's at the middle

Now, finding clothes naturally

Can he make a new semester look for boys?

Hwan'e : it's hard to live LOL

Kyung-Ah's searching hard

Found something for Hwan'e!

Isn't this nice?

Hwanee : it's pretty!, no clean!

Cleanness is also important along with designs, when searching vintages

Especially, white shirts like this can be polluted easily

Hwan'e : you're really a fashion Youtuber!

But this one's clean!

Hwan'e : and it's pretty

Found a clean shirt?

(Thinking about the top now LOL) I'm thinking about which knit will be nice

Hwan'e : how are you choosing them?

If the clothes are too loose, the body line doesn't look pretty

So, one of them should be fit

Now choosing bags!

Now for the finish of the new semester look, we're choosing bags and this one's so cute

It's like a pack of milk

Hwan'e : it really does look like a milk pack

Since I have to finish a new semester look

Choosing items that match well with the look Is important

This is really cute

I chose this bag!

Hwan'e : guys, you can even change the straps!

I asked to the sir, if he can change the straps, and he said yes! Isn't this nice?

Hwan'e : It's cool!

This is the kindness of Dongmyo vintage market

Finished finding a bag!

Hwan'e found pants now

Hwan'e : I'm going to buy this one~

Yeah, corduroy is nice, it's a similar look with mine

Hwan'e : look guys~

Hwan'e : the shirt I chose ago has some blue, so it'll match well with this one

Hwan'e : and since Kyung-Ah chose red corduroy, it'll go good with that

Yeah, we'll be the best similar look

Hwan'e : yean, I'm done!

It's just good, buy this! Mission End~

This is the end to our Dongmyo shopping

we moved to the studio to show you guys, how the clothes look on us

Actually, wearing clothes from Dongmyo, right away doesn't feel nice

But, since we came here to show you guys quickly, please see them

Shall we start?

Go Go!

Matching the pants fabric makes a real similar look

Didn't we succeed the mission?

well guys, you've seen the Dongmyo VLOG and new semester fashion look with me and Hwan'e

Since these are from Dongmyo, we tried to make an old school look, how is it?

Hwan'e : it's nice! LOL

If you liked them, comment us please

This Is the end to this clip

If It was fun or useful

press the likes and subscribes on the bottom

And subscribe Hwanee also LOL

See ya in the next clip


For more infomation >> Fashion Mission! Making a Look For New Semester From Dongmyo! - Duration: 5:26.


How to be Self Confident | Tips and Hacks for Gaining Confidence - Duration: 6:28.

Hi, I'm Dal Sahota of and in this video I'm going to show you

How to be confident.

So, what is confidence?

Being confident in yourself is being

comfortable in your own skin and feeling sure of who you are

it's about having faith in your abilities and situations which affect

your life. Confidence is also known as self-esteem and it can be developed with

experience and over time. There are many factors which affect your confidence levels

Such as the genes you are born with,

such as the balance of neurochemicals in your brain

and if there is an imbalance then this is something that

can be worked on with the help of a professional over time

Your environment from childhood to when you become an adult

and your view on the world and the choices you make.

Choices you make daily impact your future

as does the way you react to challenges and setbacks.

You've most likely had times in your life when you have faced a challenge such as

starting a new job or giving a presentation and you may have heard the

words "be confident" and wondered to yourself "if only it was that easy"

becoming confident comes down to having courage. The courage to face challenges

head-on, even if you fail. Remember, we often learn the most valuable lessons

through our failures and mistakes, so moving forward without fear is how you

build confidence over time. Start making failure your new friend. Yes, you heard me

right, failing shows us ways that don't work and the quicker you learn what

isn't working, the sooner you will get on the right path and learn the skills and

lessons required to achieve the outcomes you set out to reach. Perseverance is the

key here. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it and you'll have gained more

knowledge and understanding in the process. Turn your thoughts into

actions, small steps are better than no steps at all and by doing a little bit

each day, you will start to realize that you are extremely capable, valuable and

worthwhile. We all have the power to cultivate our confidence and by

consciously taking the necessary steps to do this you will start to see and

feel a shift in your self-esteem and you'll then start becoming the person

that you want to be.

How does being confident make us feel?

we feel more focused, we move forward towards goals daily, we learn from failures and move on quickly

we're not interested in gossip

we don't take life too seriously

we laugh and smile often

and we realize that no one is perfect.

I'm now going to talk you through three tips on how to boost your confidence so that you can

start seeing the world around you in a much more positive way

Tip number one: Visualize

Visualize your success before you actually have it. if you start to see

yourself with the success you want, it will make it seem achievable and keep

you motivated to actually getting what you desire, whether it's passing an exam

launching a successful business, losing weight or finding your dream partner

These things are all possible and once you start gaining and implementing that

self belief, you will be unstoppable

It may be challenging to do this at first

but start with small steps such as putting together a vision board ,writing

out your goals and then spend time each day focusing on this and over time your

faith will grow and your confidence will increase too

Tip number two: Work on strengthening your mindset.

Feed your mind with uplifting and self empowering knowledge via books, videos and other successful people

And if you lack motivation or self awareness hire a coach to assist

you in setting and reaching your full potential

neuroscience supports this theory as it has been shown that the connections in

your brain gets stronger with study and practice. Studies have also shown that

people who have a positive mindset tend to be more successful and achieve the

goals they set out for themselves.

A strong mindset also allows you to face

challenging situations in a calm and well-thought-out manner

Tip number 3: Take care of your health and appearance.

Doing this will help you develop a

positive self-image. Being the best shape you can be and grooming yourself

daily; will have a tremendous impact on your confidence. The better you look and

feel the more confident you will be when in social situations, at work and in

everyday life. Confidence shines from the inside out and if you look after your

skin and body as well as your mind; you will radiate an air of self assurance

which will attract other like-minded people to you as well.

for some suggestions on skin and healthcare products, see the description below.

So, look at your eating habits, your exercise routine and the way you dress

and be the best that you can possibly be. You owe that to yourself and your life.

Start your morning's in the most effective way so that you can make the most of your

day and your life. You can download a free guide on how to create a morning

routine to suit you and your lifestyle. The link is in the description below

Well, I hope you found those three tips on how to begin to be confident helpful

and remember, growing your confidence does take time so the more you practice

the better you will become.

If you liked this video be sure to hit the like button below,

share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe and also

don't forget to hit the bell notification below so that you can stay

up to date on all my latest videos.

Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video :-)

For more infomation >> How to be Self Confident | Tips and Hacks for Gaining Confidence - Duration: 6:28.


Edyta Pazura ostro o byłej żonie aktora: "Płakałam pierwsze 5 lat" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Edyta Pazura ostro o byłej żonie aktora: "Płakałam pierwsze 5 lat" - Duration: 2:34.


[1x66] Nada ni nadie / Lyrics + Translation - Duration: 1:43.

And at the end I understood

Who I really am

If I was confused

There's no way back

Now I'll go

I won't change anymore

If they don't know me

They'll get to know me

I don't care about the sea in the sand

And also not about hearing the sirens

Look around and

You'll hear them talking about me

Nothing and nobody will be able to stop me

There's nothing that could change my luck

Nothing and nobody, nobody

Nobody, nobody, nobody is better than me

Nothing and nobody will be able to stop me

After all I feel stronger

Nothing and nobody, nobody

Nobody is better than me

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