Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 18 2018

welcome to my channel

in this video i'm going to show how to make a container water garden

first i just select a medium size cement pond container to make a water garden


adding some gravels in the base layer of this container

then adding some the soil and spread evenly

next i'm going to plant the water plants

place the water plants and add the remaining soil

these plants are canna lily and black magic elephant ear plant

the soil i just use garden soil and sand

after planting

i just put some fine sand on the top layer


i'm going to fill the water

i just use the sprayer and spray water for preventing the soil crashing


i just plant some additional water plants

these plants name is water hyacinth

after all i just put some small fishes

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How to Make Container Water Garden | Water Garden With Fish | Backyard ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 8:28.


11 PHRASAL VERBS with FILL: fill in, fill out, fill up... - Duration: 15:39.

So, we got to hold on to what we got.

It doesn't make a difference if we...

E, what are you doing?

Want to fill me in?

Oh, thanks: Today's lesson.

Hi. James from engVid.

Today's lesson is on "fill", a common verb that we use in English and has many different

meanings when we put it with prepositions.

In other words, this lesson that I'm going to fill you in on is on phrasal verbs with



I'm going to use three prepositions to show you the different ways we use it, and give

you, you know, the bonus and that a little bit later on.

Let's go to the board.

So: "Fill in the blank" is the first one.

Some of you, if you've been to English-speaking countries, have heard this before; maybe not.

But let's look: What does the word "fill" mean?

First of all, it's a verb, and it means to put somebody or something in a space, a situation,

or a container so it is completely or almost completely full.

So, an example is: If you were to have a cup of coffee and you said: "Fill it up", they

would take the coffee from here and put it in this space or container, and make it go




Let's go to the board and see what else we can do.

I'm going to start with "up".

"Up" is a direction, and it means to increase.


So when someone, for instance, says: "Fill up"-in this case: "Fill up my car"-it means

make it completely full.

If you are going on a long journey or destination and you are taking your car with you, you

might want to fill up the gas.

In this case, make it full.


Now, "fill up" also could be for food.

"I don't want to fill up on French fries before I get my salad", that means be completely



"I'm going to fill up my schedule for next week", make it completely full.

Now, another one with "up" is to "fill up on".

It means to have as much of something, as much of something as possible.

The example I gave you with French fries: "I need to fill up on fruits today; I didn't

have enough yesterday."

That means to have one thing and be completely full of it.


All right.

So, we could say: "We need to fill up on groceries before we go on vacation", completely, right?

Get as much as possible of this thing.

The next one we'll do is "out": "fill out".

"Fill out" can be complete the needed information.

When you go to the government and you have to do a form, and they say: "Please fill this

out", they will give you a piece of paper and there will be places where you might have

to put your name, your address, and all sorts of information that they require in order

to help you.

So: "Fill that out, please."

When you go to the doctors the first time, usually they say: "Please fill out this form",

and you put down all of your information.

So, "to fill out" means to completely put in...

Complete needed information for a form or paper.


Another one for "fill out" is this: To grow or get larger.

When you're young, say you're a young boy, you're usually very small.

And when you become a man, we say you fill out; you get your muscles, you get bigger,

and you get stronger.

Also, when you go to the gym, sometimes you need...

You will fill out.

You will go to the gym for one month, two months, three months - nothing happens.

And then one day, people will say: "You filled out.

Look at your big, wonderful muscles."

They've gotten bigger.


So, in this case: Complete the form; and this one: To grow larger - we grow.


Third one.

"Fill in".

Now, you will notice that "fill in" and "fill out" are similar for the first ones; complete

needed information and complete needed information.

In this case, when someone says: "Please fill in the form" they usually are referring to

the blanks, the empty spaces; while in "fill out", they mean the whole form.

Think of "larger", they want the big thing completed; while in "fill in", they're saying:

"Fill in each blank."

All right?

Next: "fill someone in".

To fill someone in is to give them information.

Let's say Mr. E went to a meeting.


He went to a meeting last week and I wasn't there, and then I come back: "Oh, Mr. E, I

missed the meeting.

Can you fill me in; tell me what happened?"

He'll go: "Okay.

First what happened is Bob over there, he had some coffee, got a little too high off

the coffee.

You know what I'm saying?

Was really excited.

Really excited.

And then Janet, Janet, you know, from dah-dah-dah", he will fill me in; give me information.

That's not the same as fill out a form.

"To fill someone in" means they don't have information, you go and speak to them and

let them know what was going on.

"Fill me in.

Let me know."


"Fill in for someone", this is to act as a substitute.

It doesn't always have to be a person.

Let's just say, for example, Tommy is sick.

"I can't work.

Can someone fill in for me?"

I need a substitute or replacement.

I need someone who can come and work for me.



So: "I need a fill-in for tomorrow because I won't be here."

Or: "Can you fill in for John?

He's sick today."

You can also use something: "to fill in for".

We don't have this coffee anymore.

We can use this coffee to fill in instead, as a substitute or a replacement.

And the last one for "fill in" I have for you is: "fill in", and that's to complete


All right?

So when we say: "I need to fill in a hole in the wall", for example...

Let's just say there's a crack right here...

Okay, and there's a hole.

Well, I need to fill that in, so I'm going to get some glue or some paper, and I'm going

to fill it in, so now the crack is filled in and complete; there's no more hole.


If you shave your eyebrow by accident, you need to fill it in with some pen and paper.

Don't do it; it's not good.

It's not a good look.


Anyway, so you can fill in an eyebrow.

Some ladies do that.

They cut too much hair off their eyebrow, and they fill it in with mascara or something,

I don't know.


Or when you're fixing your house, you need to fill in the holes; complete.


All right.

So, I filled you in with today's lesson.

I think it's time for us to...

You might be...


Have your fill of this...

And get ready for the quiz and bonus.

Are you ready?


And now to my favourite part: Let's fill you in on the bonus, the homework, and the quiz.

All right, so bonus for this one is I'm going to give you an idiom and a word...

Actually probably two idioms and a word for you that use "fill".

If you remember at the beginning, I told you "fill" means to put something into something

else to make it full or, you know...

Or completed.

That's what these idioms have to do with.


The first one, for instance: "You'll have your fill of something", "You have your fill

of something", or "Have your fill of something".

It means you don't want any more.

Example: somebody is talking to you about things you don't want to hear, you've had

your fill: "Enough.

Stop talking.

I don't want to hear you anymore."

Or if you've had too much beer, and you go: "Oh, I've had my fill of beer for the evening.

No more, please.

I don't want anymore", because it means to be almost completely full, that there is no

room for anymore.


So, if you have your fill of something...

"I've had my fill of bad news for today.

Don't tell me anymore bad news.

I'm done.

Finished", "I've had my fill of this conversation.

It's now finished."


All right.

Number two: "a filling".

I have beautiful teeth, as you know; however, I do have a filling back here.

That means my tooth...

I ate too much chocolate, it went bad, and the dentist had to fix it and put something

in there.

Do you remember when I talked about filling in a crack if there's a hole?

Well, when you get a filling, it means there is a hole in your tooth and they have to put

something in.

Sometimes it's material or some people have gold, some people have porcelain, but they

fill the hole in your tooth so you don't have more problems, or

any more problems.

"Fill your face".

Cookie Monster.

It means to put food in your mouth, a lot at one time.

"I need to fill my face."

Sometimes you might look like an animal when you fill your face.


So that's for eating a lot of food at once.


Let's go to the board, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay, so the first one we're going to do is, on our little quiz:

"Mr. E asked James to __________ for him at work because he was sick."

Now, this is from the first part of the lesson.

What did James do for Mr. E?

That's right: "fill in".


"Fill in" means to be a substitute for someone or something.

The next one: "James likes to __________"-and it means to

eat a lot at one time-"with chocolate bars".

This one is a very difficult one.

Look over here, look over here.

That's right: "fill your face".

"James likes to fill his face".

Sometimes I have two or three at the same time.

Now, next one: "If you take your car on a long trip, you

should __________ the gas tank."

You should what the gas tank?

Oh, I know when I go to the gas tank or a gas station, say: "Fill up.

Fill up the gas tank.

Put gas in there.

Fill up the gas tank."

Number four: "After three months of going to the gym, her

muscles are really starting __________." grow.

What's another word for "grow"?


Remember we talked about "fill out"?

Her muscles are filling out, getting bigger.

"Fill out" means to get larger.

And what is the last one we're going to do?

"I went to the dentist last week and I had to get two __________."

Two what?

This is a noun.

So it's not quite a phrasal verb, and we talked about it earlier, so which one is a noun?

That's right.

Remember we talked about the hole in the tooth?


If you have two fillings, you have two holes that need to be fixed in order that you don't

get sick, because if you don't get tooth decay-that's a hole in your tooth fixed-you can actually

get very, very sick.

Now, hope you enjoyed the lesson.

I wonder how you did out of the five.

As you know...

Well, I'm going to tell you where to in a second or two, but before I do, I want to

make sure you do your homework for the week.

This week's homework: I gave you one, two, three, probably 10, 11 variations of using

the word "fill" from using it as a phrasal verb, a couple of idioms, and one noun.

I would like you today to take five of them and use it, or use one five times.

Try and use what you've learned at least five times today, after you hit that video.

Hopefully not...

You're not going to bed; or the next day when you wake up, go out, use it.

"I need to fill up the bathtub.

I'm going to fill out this form.

I had a filling last week.

I want to fill my face with ice cream."

Just use five.


And mark it down.

Write down when you used it and why you used it.

And if you have a problem, check the video; come back and see: "Did I use that correctly?

I'm not sure."

All right?

You're not finished.

Homework for one day.

The day after, so after today, the next day: Try and use it three times.


So it's a little easier, but you haven't seen the video in 24 hours so it might be harder

to remember, but you want to force your brain to start using that English about filling

in something.

"Can you fill in for me tonight?

I've got a date.

I have to do something."

All right?

And then next week, the week after: Try and use each...

Well, one of the phrasal verbs twice in a day.

In Canada...

Or English-speaking countries, we use "fill in" for...

"Fill" for a lot of different things; usually forms, government forms, any kind of credit

card - you're always filling something in or filling out.

If you're going to the gym, you want to fill out your biceps or your back.

You need someone to work for you, you need them to fill in for you.

If you love, you know, filling your face with beer - all of these things, right?

So it's possible for you to find at least one or two ways to use it each day.

The first day might be the most challenging, but I promise you: If you do this for at least

one week, you will not be able to forget the verb "fill" and how to use it as a preposition.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

Now, as always, thank you very much for watching; we appreciate you at engVid.

I would like to make sure you go to www.eng, as in engVid, as in (

to complete the quiz that we have there for you.

Don't forget to subscribe; it's somewhere around here.

Also, there's a little bell.

So, when you do the subscribe thing, hit that bell.

That is special because when some of you say: "I don't get to know when the new videos come

out", that bell will come on your cellphone, on your laptop, on your digital whatever you

have and say: "New video from JamesESL", or any of our other great teachers at engVid.

Anyway, thanks for watching; see you soon.

Got to fill out my timecard now.

For more infomation >> 11 PHRASAL VERBS with FILL: fill in, fill out, fill up... - Duration: 15:39.


How to get rid of pimples easily! specially for teenagers - Duration: 3:41.

Let me show you how to maintain a skin for teenagers.

I'll tell you how to do basic maintenance for your skin in 10 steps.

First they have to cleanse their face at least twice a day

Often they plash cold water on their face .

So, skin might get relax &glow.

Next, cleansing, toning, moisturising also known as CTM.

Definitely they should follow this.

If you do this on routine basics you might get proper skin,without dirt & pimple.

It helps to maintain your skin.

Do scrubbing for once in a week.

For more infomation >> How to get rid of pimples easily! specially for teenagers - Duration: 3:41.


Noah Beckwith ▐ The Little Emperor▐ 10-year-old junior the talented boxer. - Duration: 2:01.

Noah Beckwith one of the most talented junior athletes in the WA.

He is now ten years old. He is a student at St. Vincent's Catholic Primary School.

Noah Beckwith often flies around America or abroad to Thailand to conduct battles and train there.

Оfficially compete in WA, he cannot yet, because he has not turned 12 years old.

In Thailand, Noah is a member of one of the Thai boxing halls; in order to remain their member, he must play at the gym at least four times a year.

In Thailand, he met a Thai star, Buakaw Bunchamek, and even trained with him at his gym in Bangkok.

As his mom says, he trains all year round, Noah trains three or four times a week,

and when it comes to a fight, he undergoes a six-week training.

"He runs five kilometers, and then he trains for three hours.

Incredibly, he already has his sponsors and he is the youngest athlete sponsored by famous food.

For more infomation >> Noah Beckwith ▐ The Little Emperor▐ 10-year-old junior the talented boxer. - Duration: 2:01.


He's never works and always too busy getting treatments!! [Hello Counselor ENG,THA/2018.10.08] - Duration: 21:12.

"A Handsome Man's Private Life."

Handsome man's private life.

- I'm really curious. / - Are you?

Oh Nami.

What's Heo Kyeonghwan's private life like?

I don't know.

All right.

Hello. I'm a man who works

as a coordinator at a dermatologist's office.

There is a tall, handsome counseling director

at our hospital.

"Director! Director! We have a patient."

But I can never find him.

"Oh! Director! I've been looking for you.

What are you doing here?"

(What was more important than his job?)

"I'm getting a facial. I got a zit this morning.

Would you like a facial mask, too?"

Our director never works.

He's always busy getting treatment on himself.

That's why...

"Oh my.

When will the counseling director get here?

I've been waiting for 2 hours."

"I'm sorry. Please wait a little longer."

It is my job to respond to patients' complaints.

"Sir, you're going too far.

The patient was waiting..."

"Forget it.

I don't know why my skin is so dry today.

It's so aggravating. I must go get a shot.

So I'm going home early today."

(When does he work?)

He gets treatments so often that

his face is always bruised. Please stop him.

This is his concern.

What do you think, Nami?

I got Botox shots once.

Your face gets skinnier over time.

I looked worse because I looked like a skeleton.

I never got Botox shots again.

You get facial treatments, right, Haneul?

You get facial treatments, right, Haneul?

(Did you just call me Haneul?)

Yes. I put on a facial mask every day.

Sometimes I do it 3 times a day.

Her name is Iseul, not Haneul.

(Oh no...)

You're so pretty like you're from "haneul," heaven.

I can't come up with any excuses.

I thought I heard it wrong.

Let's bring him out. Please come out.

(Who's concerned about the counseling director?)

(Im Yonghyeok)



(She suddenly gets up)


(What's going on?)

Oh Nami. Oh Nami.

We don't escort the men over.

- I got ahead of myself. / - You unknowingly went?

(I unknowingly went...)

This is Oh Nami.


(Dabbing him with tissue)

What are you doing?

I was afraid he had something on his face.

(We'll root for you)

Does he really not work like you said?

Because he's getting treatments himself?

I've never met a person like him.

He's a director who works in the same office.

He is always too busy getting treatments.

- On himself? / - Yes.

Is he a celebrity? A model?

He's an ordinary man who acts like a celebrity.

(The director is pretending to be a celebrity)

If he gets even a single zit,

he stares at himself in the mirror all day.


Even for a woman, isn't it annoying

if she stares at herself in the mirror all day?

I get stressed, so I don't look at it.

I don't either.

I normally don't look at myself in the mirror.

It's fine that he gets treatments on himself,

but he does it during work hours.

- During work hours. / - He doesn't do his job.

He's gone when there's a patient.

He's busy putting makeup on himself.

Then who talks to the patients?

I make them wait or talk to them myself.

I sometimes do counseling myself.

I'm supposed to get off work at 7,

but I go home late doing his work. I skip lunch.

- It's that bad? / - Yes.

He's making himself look good to talk to

the patients, but he doesn't do it.

He goes to a hair salon every morning.

He's like a celebrity.

He pays $50 every day for his hair and makeup.

Even makeup?

He starts work at 11,

but he comes to work at around 1 or 2 p.m.

- He's always late? / - Yes.

It must get in the way of the hospital work.

He's getting the treatments done on himself

instead of the patients.

(Roles are reversed)

He's lying in the patient's bed.

Don't the patients complain?

We got so many complaints.

People are posting on our website that

the waiting period is too long.

Doesn't the dermatologist say anything?

He sighs, but there's nothing he can do.

The director just makes excuses.

Is he one of the investors?

I think he may have shares in the hospital.

I don't know about that.

He doesn't know if he has shares.

(Then I can't understand how this is possible)

Let's talk to him now.


(We're curious)

(What does he look like?)


I'm sorry, but may we look at your skin?

A close-up.

We'll zoom in on your skin.

(Fair skin)

His skin is fairly nice.

Did you put something on to be on television?

- Yes. / - I'm sure he's wearing makeup.

How much? Just BB cream?

Every product you can think of.

You have full makeup on right now?

He looks like a younger version of Oh Manseok.

- You're right. / - Yes.

You listened to his concerns.

Do you understand it?

I do understand, but there's nothing that can be done.

Why not?

How can you get facials during your work hours?

Why can't you help it?

When I wake up with a zit,

I don't feel confident enough to talk to patients.

The other staff members are doing your work.

What do you think about that?

When I'm not doing my job,

I do think that I'm inconveniencing them.

You just think that?

"He must feel inconvenienced." Like that?

How many hours a day do you work?

I work from 2 to 8 p.m.

When do you get treatments?

Between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

You work from 2 to 8?

He goes during those hours, too.

- What do you mean? / - Between 2 and 8?

He secretly goes to get treatments.

Why do you lie when you know you'll get caught?

I get antsy when I get a zit.

That's why I get treatments repeatedly.

Why don't you notify the employees in advance?

I wish I could do that,

but I cannot make a reservation the day before.

I find out I have a zit when I wake up.

Then you're taking up the patients' beds.

We have many beds at our hospital though.

(He's happy that there are many beds?)

You must have a boss at work.

Doesn't he say anything about that?

If I were an ordinary staff member,

I would be fired or kicked out. But I...

(There's a reason why he isn't fired?)

I'm one of the investors of the hospital.

I have shares.

- He does have shares. / - You have shares?

No wonder he was never fired.

(No wonder...)

Baek Bonggi was quick to realize it.

Right. This isn't possible for other people.

So you're taking advantage of it?

"They can't fire me. I'm a shareholder."

Yes, I love it.

(That's crossing the line)

What kind of treatments do you get?

I get basic treatments every day for 2 hours.

I also get different shots like porcelain shots.

Porcelain shots?

- Is it once a week? / - 2-3 times a week.

What else?

- Salmon shot. / - Salmon shot.

- Salmon? / - Salmon.

Fish salmon shot.

They must get the extract from salmon.

They have that? What about stem cell shots?

I get that done once a month.

Stem cell shots.

If you get so many shots...

How about tequila shots?

(That wasn't funny)

He gets so many treatments.

I watched a show about someone

whose skin melted from it. I'm worried about him.

Patients usually get shots once every 3 weeks.

But he gets it done 3-4 times a week.

Then he must have bruises on his face, too.

His face is always bruised.

I think he's addicted to plastic surgery, too.

- Plastic surgery? / - You got some work done.


I can tell that you got a nose job done.

I think he injected fat under his eyes, too.

What about your lips?

Just a little.

(We got you)

One time, his grandmother came to see him

and she didn't recognize her own grandson.

- His grandmother? / - Yes.

I guess his looks changed.

(How should I put this...)

Is that true?

My relatives came to see me near the hospital.

I said hello to my grandmother.

She said, "Who is he?"

I think it was because my skin improved.

She didn't recognize you because of your skin?

(Get a grip)

In your opinion,

who do you think would look better

with plastic surgery or facial treatments?

- What about me? / - Dongyeob, too.

We normally tell our patients that

if you do your eyes wrong, you could...

You'll look like Shin Dongyeob?

I'm glad I could be of help.

Dongyeob doesn't need any surgeries?

A charming face doesn't need surgery.

What about me?

(So much meaning in that sigh)

All right.

(You look charming)

So you don't think you look charming?

I think I'm too strict on myself.

(Try to change your thoughts then)

All these treatments must be costly.

I spend what I earn. I earn just the right amount.

I think he's lost his mind.


His credit card bill goes up to $9,000 a month.

(Doubting their ears)

He always says, "What am I going to do?"

In some months,

the installments add up to that much.

I normally spend about $3,000 to $4,000.

Just on facial treatments?

Where do you get the money? You're so young.

Are you rich?

No, not at all. I do have debt.

- How much? / - Just an estimate.

Are you asking so that you can pay it for him?

You shouldn't ask unless you're willing to pay.

You can ask him, Yeongja.

How many times have I paid a man's debt?

How much?

Just a ballpark figure.

About the price of a Korean car.

A Korean car.

Tens of thousands?

- About $40,000? / - Yes, around there.

(How do I stop him?)

The director's friend is here as well.

From the looks of it...

You have great skin and you're handsome.

You must get facial treatments, too.

I think he gets treatments, too.

I am forced to get them done because of him.

(How can a man look so pretty?)

We used to work at the same hair salon.

A hair salon.

I was a hair designer and he was in counseling.

He was the same then, too.

He would disappear to get treatments done

and show up with bruises on his face.

He'd talk to customers with a mask on.

Can you relate to his concern?

Yes. He told me to come to his office a few times.

Every time I went, he wasn't there.

Another employee came to talk to me.

(He's the same to his friends, too)

I hate that he talks about my looks.

When I have a zit, he says,

"You look awful since you don't take care of yourself."

He keeps telling me to get plastic surgery.

Where? You look good already.

He told me that I need a nose job.

He also said I need to do my jaws.

- You're handsome. / - He is handsome.

Maybe this is the result of the surgeries.

Oh, I see.

Is that the result?

(Is that the result of surgeries?)


We were deceived.

They did a good job.

Your eyes have bags underneath.

I'm still recovering.

(They'll look good once they recover)

Does he talk to you about your looks, too?

I think you already look charming.

You're the best-looking one of all three.

(A natural handsome man)

When I first joined the hospital,

he said, "You need to do your eyes and nose."

The other day, he told a female doctor and nurses,

"You're getting old. Get a lifting laser done."

He doesn't think before he speaks.

Didn't they say anything about that?

They just sighed and left.

Why did you tell him to get those surgeries?

He has a small face and a nice jawline.

With a little tweak, he could look perfect.

He already looks more handsome than you do.

Everyone has different standards of beauty.

(How frustrating)

I've been a celebrity for years now,

so it is true that we must look after our looks.

But looks aren't everything.

What do you think about your friend?

I'm worried about him.

He's getting too many treatments for his age.

He has low self-esteem.

He won't go out even to a nearby place

if he doesn't have makeup on.

- He doesn't go out? / - Not at all.

He won't even go to a convenience store.

When he goes to get treatment,

the doctors tell him not to do it.

Then he goes somewhere else to get it done.

I can't control myself.

He's addicted.

Do you have an inferiority complex about your looks?

When I was young

my brother and sister had nice skin from birth.

They were good-looking,

so our relatives would say,

"The youngest must be a mutant."

I guess I was stressed by that.

I had allergies and zits as a boy.

So people said, "What's wrong with your skin?

You should get that fixed."

I guess that's built up inside me.

This is what I don't understand.

When you walk down the street

do you look at everyone's skin

and wonder why they're not wearing makeup?

No one really cares that much about others.

When people look at me as they walk by,

they may be looking at something else,

but I think, "Do I not look good enough?"

(He's too sensitive)

Is there anything you can do to help your self-esteem

other than making yourself look good?

I don't think so.

Why don't you watch Jjanggu?

It's comforting and touching.

When I meet people,

I try hard to bring up their self-esteem.

But I don't know how to do that for myself.

When I talk to my friends about my looks,

I need them to say,

"You're overdoing it. Stop."

But everyone around me is just like me.

Rather than talking about looks,

if you talk to other people about your concerns

and listen to their concerns,

you may be able to find people around you

to help raise your self-esteem.

I get very annoyed when my co-workers only

talk about the shoot we did that day.

I'd like to ask you this.

How do you counsel your patients?

Let's say I'm your patient.

What treatments should I get?

Don't spend too much money on a big change.

All you need is to get treatments consistently

because you look good already.

Why aren't you recommending me anything?

Have you given up on me?

I don't have many more years to live.

I want to get a lifting treatment.

There are people who keep getting lifting treatments.

They have 2 moles here

and then realize that their nipples were lifted up.


It was a joke from the 60s and 70s.

(A joke to make everyone laugh)

(I'll be careful, too)

As I talked to you today,

I feel like you're only focused on yourself.

There's that certain angle you look best from.

(That's right...)

(He always kept that certain angle)

Some people only look at themselves in the mirror

as they talk. "Sure, I'm doing well."

You talk to patients at work.

People want to see your natural self.

What do you want from him?

He's a nice guy.

He is kind to others.

He just gets too many treatments on himself?

I want him to stop getting facial treatments

and focus on his job.

I want him to get fewer treatments.

I'm worried about his health, too.

Have you changed your mind today?

I didn't know he cared that much about me.

I will try to be more understanding and

not let my behavior get in the way of others.

If I do get facial treatments,

I will make sure he gets it, too.

(Thanks for the thought)

Is it a concern or not?

I don't think it's a concern.

Because he's handsome

and he's handsome at heart, too.

I thought you were going to end at saying that

he's handsome.

This is unfair treatment at work.

- That's what bothers me. / - Right.

It's a concern.

I don't think it's a concern.

I think it's a concern.

If you think this is a concern,

please press the button.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

How many votes did they get? Please show us.

The last digit is a 0.

Did they get over 100 votes?

What if they get 140 votes?

How many votes?

"Bachelor Husband" got 143 votes.

(They got 140 votes)

"Bachelor Husband" won this week.

For more infomation >> He's never works and always too busy getting treatments!! [Hello Counselor ENG,THA/2018.10.08] - Duration: 21:12.


The time when Changjung won the Grand Prize..[Happy Together/2018.10.04] - Duration: 15:01.

Let me tell you about that time.

- Of course. / - Please tell us.

- You should. / - Back then,

there were enough fans of H.O.T. and

Sechs Kies to fill up all the seats

in the main stadium.

That's how popular both groups were.

If one team won the Grand Prize,

the other team's fans would start a riot.

I guess that's why.

While waiting for the announcement,

fans of both groups chanted their names.

It was chaotic!

The KBS Grand Prize.

(Who will receive the Grand Prize?)

Who will receive the Grand Prize?

(The cheers swallowed the hosts' words.)

Announcer Hwang will reveal the winner.

(H.O.T. or Sechs Kies?)

The Grand Prize goes to

Im Changjung!

- My name was called. / - "Im Changjung!"

I was in the back.

Both teams were ready to receive the trophy in front.

No one could hear me asking them to move.

- Of course. / - The fans were screaming.

I pushed my way to the front.

(He had to make it out by himself.)

"It's me. Move out of the way!"

How were the fans?

They didn't realize my name was called.

That's how loud they were.

Even the artists didn't know who was called.

At that moment,

five seconds felt like a minute,

and no one knew my name had been called.

- That's how loud it was. / - I had to

tell everyone that it was me. On screen...

- "Me?" / - "Why me?"

"Why me instead of H.O.T. or Sechs Kies?"

That's how it looked like.

That's what people thought had happened.

However, I was telling everyone it was me.

So that's what happened.

"Guys, I won the Grand Prize!"

If my memory is right, Jinusean said to me, "You?"

"Yes, me!"

We thought you were dazzled back then.

How did the fans react afterward?

So what happened afterward was...

Well, I've never seen an audience empty

an auditorium so fast.

No way!

Oh, no.

There was only a tiny door,

but they were using it to leave even in the dark.

They looked like ants.

That's how quickly they headed out.

- They all left. / - Yes, they did.

The fans discussed among them

why it wasn't H.O.T or Sechs Kies.

"Who on earth is Im Changjung?"

"Why is he winning someone else's prize?"

That event brought together the fans of both groups.

They bonded over their hatred for me.

(The two group of fans united.)

Over their hatred for me!

"Im Changjung isn't even good."

I remember watching him win the prize.

Didn't you thank the fans for their support?

- Of course. / - The prize wasn't unexpected to us.

We mentioned this earlier,

but you were worthy and well deserving of that prize.

- Exactly. / - I remember hearing fans scream

whenever his song won first place on shows.

Of course.

(The cheers grew louder after the announcement.)

(While singing the encore...)

(Whenever I'm alone)

(The legendary sing-along)

My fans did a great job back then.

From what I hear, they were a match for hundreds.

Other singers had a bigger number of fans,

but my fans weren't intimidated.

- No, they weren't. / - That's right.

H.O.T. and Sechs Kies will have a concert

- on the same day. / - Really?

Why don't you have a concert on the same day?

It will be a three-way fight.

I will have

a nationwide tour from the third week of November.

If I have the time, I want to go

- to their concerts. / - It will be fun.

The girls who used to yell at me

are middle-aged women now.

I want to go

and watch the concert with the audience.

"We apologize for our past behavior."

It was the beginning of this year, right?

I got to watch a performance by H.O.T.

While the performance was good,

the fans really touched me.

Seeing the fans so happy moved me.

The fans are responsible

for the reunion of H.O.T.

- My fans are / - They are amazing.

- the same. / - Of course.

It's incredible that you won against two groups.

That's right. I wasn't intimidated.

- Yoojung was popular / - She was very popular.

- as the mambo girl. / - The mambo girl.

I'm sure these two don't know what we're talking about.

She used to take the stage.

- She was the mambo girl. / - Yes.

Let's see the video.

Gosh, what is that?

Why would you show that video?

Gosh, what is that?

(Pay attention to her face.)

- Look at her face. / - Who is in the middle?

The man in the middle is too excited.

- Seriously. / - What am I doing?

- That's Kim Booyong. / - You are right.

- "Poverty in the Midst of Plenty". / - That's right.

I was in Kim Booyong's music video for

"Poverty in the Midst of Plenty".

Since the music video became a hit,

I performed with him.

How popular were you as the mambo girl?

You were more popular than the singer.

People called me by my name

- when it became known. / - I was active back then,

so I can tell you what it was like.

Let's say you saw Kim Booyong.

"Oh, it's singer Kim Booyong!"

"Who is he?" "He sings next to the mambo girl!"

(Popular versus unpopular)

Their positions were switched.

- She was more popular. / - I bet he was angry.

We are close friends.

(Don't criticize your good friend.)

This is how popular Yoojung was back then.

She bought a 660-square meters house for her mom.

- Did it happen back then? / - Right?

- No, no. / - You saved up money.

While I made more money than most of my peers,

I didn't buy her the house in Yangpyeong right away.

I worked for many years

- and saved up money / - You saved up.

to buy her the house.

It's impressive that you bought your mom a house.


you briefly talked about raising children.

Do they really hate that you act?

One day,

they said they don't want to be adults.

When I asked them why,

they said they don't want to be on TV.

- TV? / - What does it mean?

They thought all adults are on TV.

It's understandable.

They said they don't want to be adults

because they don't want to be on TV.

It means they don't like seeing me on TV.

- Why is that? / - I know why.

I don't usually watch TV,

but I had monitored my scenes briefly three times.

In one scene, I get slapped.

In one scene, the police drag me away.

In another scene, I cry at the hospital.

My children saw those scenes.

On the day they saw the police drag me away,

they tearfully told a kindergarten teacher

that I got arrested.

- My goodness. / - The teachers were lost.

Thankfully, one of them had seen the drama.

She explained it to the others

and said, "If you behave today,"

"we can go and save her."

That wrapped up the situation.

When my children hear that I am going to go act,

they hate it.

They tear up.

"Will a man hit you?" They ask me that.

- They saw those scenes. / - That's right.

When my children hear that I am going to work,

they think it's something different.

They do that

- because they love you a lot. / - They love me.

This is something they asked in passing.

They asked, "Did you struggle when you gave birth?"

I did struggle. I had premature labor.

So I told them I did. "Did it hurt a lot?"

"Yes, it hurt a lot."

"Did Grandma help you?"

"Yes, she did."

They suddenly said,

"Grandma, thank you for helping Mom."

- They love you so much. / - I was touched.

Even if they give you a headache,

- those words melt you. / - They are touching.

They don't need to know how much two plus three is.

- It doesn't matter. / - That's right.

It doesn't matter.

Have you been touched by your children, Changjung?

- I bet it happens often. / - Seriously.

Their presence alone touches me.

Their presence alone touches me.

When your son's friends visited the house,

they saw your trophy from "Music Bank".

(How did they react?)

My trophies are on display at home.

My oldest son's friends know who I am.

- They know who you are. / - Yes.

When they visited and saw the trophies,

they recognized one of it.


"Im Changjung won this a few days ago."

My son said,

"Don't call my dad by his name."

It's understandable.

They didn't know you were a friend's dad.

- They knew, / - I see.

but I am simply Im Changjung to them.

They can't call me "Uncle" or "Mister".

- You are right. / - You are right.

They call me "Now on My Way to Meet You".

My goodness.

"Now on My Way to Meet You".

All right.

How are things in Pyeongyang these days?

(The President was on his way to meet them.)

(I hope for good news.)

(I am "Now on My Way to Meet You".)

Eunhye, I heard that you debuted Park Kiyoung.

What? Did you debut her yourself?

No, I didn't.

We went to the same high school.

We are close since we sat front and back.

She was popular in Incheon for her singing skills.

Back then, there was something called

the Civilian Education Charter.

I haven't heard that in a while.

I changed the wording

to introduce Kiyoung

on the radio show "Rock-Paper-Scissors".

- You sent in a story. / - Byun Jinsub hosted it.

- I sent a story. / - "Rock-Paper-Scissors".

Yes. The story got picked

and Kiyoung got to sing.

She placed first,

performed for a week, a month, and a year later,

she debuted as a singer.

Your submission changed her life.

Eunhye made it possible for us to hear her songs.

- That's right. / - That's right.

Eunhye, can't you tell who will become successful?

- I can. / - I experienced it.

- I said he will succeed. / - Did you say that?

- Yes. / - When did you say that?

- We worked together. / - He was a newbie.

- He wasn't successful. / - No.

- She said that. / - Yang Sehyung.

(Eunhye's second pick, Yang Sehyung)

I asked the scriptwriters

to invite him to my program

so many times. I said he is hilarious.

Nam Changhee will be next.

- Really? / - Really?

Jaeseok has said that for five years.

- Really? / - I continue to follow up on his endeavors.

I think he will be successful.

Changhee will make it someday.

- You keep saying that. / - It saddens me.

- It will occur in a year. / - His success?

- Yes. / - It will be hard.

(I hope that day comes.)

In a year?

He might need more time.

Life is unpredictable.

- That's right. / - I hope it happens.

She has foresight.

(We hope Changhee will succeed in a year.)

Lucas, your parents

must have been proud to see you debut.

They were worried about SM Entertainment.

- Really? / - Yes.

They were worried.

When I attended the audition,

my parents cheered me on and wished me luck.

But when I passed the audition

and received the offer...

SM Entertainment gave you an offer.

Then my parents worried a bit.

"Maybe this is a fake company."

They thought it might be a fake company.

"It can't be SM Entertainment."

It's a big company.

I told my parents,

"Don't worry because I can do well."

"I can do well."

Have you met Lee Sooman?

- Yes, I have. / - When did it happen?

When NCT was in the making,

I had to talk to him.

All the members sat in the meeting room.

I didn't know any Korean back then,

so I pretended to understand.

"Yes, yes." I just nodded.

How much did you actually understand?

Honestly, zero.

- You understood nothing. / - Yes.

You didn't know any Korean back then.

- You just said, "Yes." / - Yes.

Did Lee Sooman think you understood?


The same thing happens at my agency.

When the director talks to Cheng Xiao,

she nods and says yes with a smile

even when she doesn't understand.

"Did you understand?" "No."

- It became a habit. / - That's right.

You are receiving

attention and popularity on variety shows.

I hear you are sad about something.

- That's right. / - What is it?

I look cool when I perform.

When you perform as a member of NCT.

(His charisma commands the stage.)

(Lucas has lethal charms.)

On variety shows,

it saddens me that I look like a fool.

It's typical on variety shows.

I actually look cool on a regular basis.

I sit like this.

I think a lot.

- You look cool. / - He has long legs.

- I do this. / - Okay.

I want to show this side of me.

- You want to show it. / - Yes.

Earlier, Lucas said that

he will rule once he learns Korean.

He will rule.

Why don't you speak in your mother tongue?

- Show us how you speak. / - It will be cool.

(He becomes cool.)

(He is like Takeshi Kaneshiro.)

Can you say what you said in Korean?

Hello, I am...

He pronounces "Hello" in a cute way.

- This is... / - Seriously.

His tone changes.

Lucas can speak Korean very well.

- That's right. / - That's right.

He's learned enough Korean to express himself

on a variety show. It's quite a feat.

- He is smart. / - That's right.

- He is multilingual. / - That's right.

Isn't it hard to study Korean?

Yes. I'm really bad at studying.

How did you study Korean?

My agency offers classes.

- You took classes. / - Yes. However,

I always went in and slept.

- Really? / - Yes.

- He is still good. / - Seriously.

What was the hardest thing about Korean?

Was it the pronunciation?

In Cantonese...


There are no honorifics.

- Honorifics. / - I see.

I still don't know how to talk to a senior singer.

- It gets confusing. / - Yes.

When you leave after a meal, you say,

"Enjoy your meal."

I used to go,

"Eat well."

"Enjoy your meal."

"I will get going now."

He went, "Eat well."

You should have said it to Lee Sooman.

- Goodness. / - "Eat up."

At least he added "Well". What if he said, "Eat"?

"Eat a big meal."

You're sad since you are different on variety shows,

- but that makes you relatable. / - It's your charm.

- That's right. / - An unexpected charm.

You are really cute.

For more infomation >> The time when Changjung won the Grand Prize..[Happy Together/2018.10.04] - Duration: 15:01.


I've sacrificed in my life but he seems to enjoy hobbies still[Hello Counselor ENG,THA/2018.10.08] - Duration: 27:45.

It is titled, "Bachelor Husband."


I'm the mom of 3 kids who are 3, 7 and 9 years old.

"Mom! I need school supplies."

"Mom! Where are my socks?"


It's a battlefield at home every day.

But my husband...

"Watch the baby while I do the dishes."


"No, now."


I died.

I have to play another round."

He doesn't just play games at home.

After work, he goes into his room

and assembles Gundam robots.

He flies drones in the living room.

Drones in the living room?

He does whatever he wants to do.

One day, I was vacuuming our place.

"Where did Gundam's arm go?

Did you clean the room again?

Do you know how much that costs?"

I guess he notices the robot arm being gone,

but not his wife cleaning the house by herself.

I got so angry and threw things, but...

"What more must I do?

I feel suffocated, too."


He even ran away from home.

I've given up everything for our children,

but my husband does whatever he wants to do

as if he's a bachelor.

Can you please talk some sense into him?

What do you think about this concern, Nami?

My ex-boyfriend that I dated before I debuted

loved playing video games.

I would go look for him at internet cafes.

- Really? / - Yes.

But when you're married,

you have to raise the kids together.

I would be very stressed.

What do you think?

I haven't thought about marriage yet,

so I don't know about that.

But we like to play video games, too.

When he said that he must play another round

I thought that was understandable.

- Because you play games, too? / - Yes.

Let's bring her out now.

Please come on out.

(Who's concerned about her husband?)

(Lee Yugyeong)

(Bonggi escorts her)

Baek Bonggi escorted you.

Not Oh Nami.

(Beware of the similarity)

I didn't want her to be mistaken.

Tell us what hobbies your husband has.

- Mobile games. / - Mobile games.

- Computer games. / - On his computer, too.

He likes to assemble Gundam robots.

Now he has started to fly drones.

When we dated...

I never really liked playing computer games.

But we would date in internet cafes.

- I.C. date. / - Yes.

I thought it would stop once we got married,

but even with 3 kids, he still does it.

I think he married his hobbies instead of me.

Does he do his hobbies every day?

Once he gets home from work at 7:30 p.m.,

he goes into his room to play computer games.

He gets changed and goes into his room?

He plays games until I tell him to eat dinner.

One time, I was breastfeeding our youngest.

You are breastfeeding?

Our youngest is 21 months old.

Wow, you've breastfed for a long time.

I was up until late to look after all three kids

and I heard him laugh from his room.

He had his headphones on and

was playing a computer game while chatting.

Hearing his laughter just drains my energy.

You didn't say anything?

"Do I work hard so that you can play games?"

I got so mad and wanted to break something.

So I threw his mouse.

A mouse is important in playing games.

He got mad about that and

left home for a few hours.

(I don't want a husband like that)

How about when he's building Gundam robots?

He goes into his room to build them.

He won't come out for hours at a time.

One time, I cleaned the room and lost a part.

He badgered our kids, including the youngest.

The 3-year-old?

What did he say to the 21-month-old baby?

"What did you do with the part?

Have you seen anything that looks like this?"

"Did you eat it? Open wide."

How many Gundam robots do you have at home?

We have about 20.

If I hadn't stopped him, we might've had 100.

What about drones?

I didn't know before,

but I found out that we have 4 drones at home.

You have 4 drones at home?

So he's into flying drones these days?

Yes. He flies them in the living room.

Three kids in the house and drones. Wow.

We went to the beach recently.

He disappeared while I was watching the kids.

He was off flying his drone.

(He went off by himself to fly drones)

What does he say when you yell at him?

He says he's having a hard time, too.

I said, "Do you think you're still single?

I'm tired, but I'm doing my best for the kids."

I don't know why he won't change.

Did you just cuss?

So you cried alone a lot?

Our youngest hurt her lips and nose

while playing and got a bloody nose.

My husband wasn't at home at the time.

I got so angry that

I yelled at my son for not watching her properly.

Right. The anger gets directed to children.

So my son was crying because I yelled at him.

I was crying because I felt bad.

You all cried. You all cried together.

So your husband doesn't help you out at home?

He says he'll help.

He plays with them for about 10 minutes.

The youngest always asks for me.

When I leave to take a shower,

he can't take care of the crying baby.

So he opens the bathroom door.

Then I have to hurry.

Your husband and baby wait for you?

Yes, they stand by the bathroom door.

He didn't help out since the eldest was born?

- Yes. / - Since the eldest?

But you still had your second child.

Then you still had the third child.

You knew he doesn't help, but kept having kids.

Let's meet your husband now.

He looks like he has a lot to say.

He looks nice. He's very handsome, too.

Let's meet him. Hello.


Let's get it all out today.

Do you understand your wife's concern?

I enjoy watching Hello Counselor.

I saw many addicts come out on this program.

I don't think I'm as bad as any of them.

You're not that bad, so you don't understand?

We did have a man who was into Gundam before,

but you're into Gundam, games and drones.

It's like Kim Gunmo got married and had 3 kids.

(Ugly Duckling Father)

- You're right. / - Right.

Kim Gunmo does all those things by himself.

Since I'm married, I can't do many hobbies,

so I found something I could do by myself.

As for drones,

our eldest is taking drone classes after school.

I bought drones to enjoy them with our son.

My wife said, "Find something you can do at home.

Don't go out." So I started to build Gundams.

- She told you to do it? / - Yes.

He did what you told him to do.

(Who is telling the truth?)

He did what you told him to do.

But I didn't know he would get into it that much.

(He didn't have to listen to me this well)

You didn't know he'd get that into it.

We asked for pictures to see

how many Gundams and drones he has.

(Many Gundams in the room)

They're quite big.

Some are built and some are waiting to be built.

Sure. He didn't throw away any of the boxes.

Four drones.

- The black one... / - That must be expensive.

The black drone can't be flown at home.

It has a GPS feature.

(Oh gee)

He must seem quite annoying to you, right?

Yes. I've sacrificed so much in my life,

but he seems to enjoy his hobbies still.

That's annoying.

I tell her to start hobbies, too.

I can see it. "Let's fly drones together."

"Build the left arm. I'll build the right arm."

What kind of hobbies did you suggest she starts?

I suggested that we play badminton together.

Then who would watch the kids?

You must find someone to watch the kids first.

Kids only want their mom.

That's because you don't play with them.

I said that we'll play once the kids grow up.

So she'll raise them by herself in the meantime?

Your wife wants to enjoy her hobbies, too.

You must take turns watching the kids.

But it sounds like you seem to ignore your wife

when she asks for help. What do you think?

It's not that I ignore her.

It just takes some time before I do something.

It takes time?

My wife hates that, too.

I think for 5-10 minutes before I act.

What do you think about?

What do you do in those 5-10 minutes?

What do you do?

I think to myself, "I must get up."

You think about getting up for 5 minutes?

(He only thinks rather than acts)

I have to get up. I should.

Should I?

Have you ever thought about playing games

or building Gundams with your children?

If I do that,

they try to do it by themselves without me.


You open the bathroom door and rush her

when she tries to take a shower?

I don't rush her.

I just stand by the door with our youngest for an hour.

That is rushing me.

How can your wife enjoy her shower?

You said that you take time to act.

Then why are you quick to stand by the door?

I take time to stand there and wait for her.

Why do you wait for her by the door?

Is it because the baby wants her mom?

I tried everything, like giving her a plane ride.

But she looks for her mom within about 10 minutes.

So I just wait where she can see her mom.

Having hobbies isn't bad.

You need to relieve your own stress, too.

I knew I'd have to give some things up after marriage,

but I didn't know I'd have to give up so much.


(Did he give up?)

Please tell us what you had to give up.

I plan events for a living.

I have to be creative.

Then I physically work when there are events.

I have to find ways to relieve stress.

It'd be nice if he only had hobbies at home.

(There's more?)

There's more?

He has fun outside of the home, too.

What does he do?

He plays basketball and drinks 3-4 times a week.

- Oh my. / - Basketball?

He used to play twice a week.

He's too tired to watch the kids afterwards.

He does act like a bachelor.

When I gave birth to our youngest child,

he was at the basketball court.


(Oh my!)

Maybe he didn't know.


Did you go because you didn't want another child?

(How could you?)

- That's terrible. / - That's bad.

She was close to her due date,

but she told me that I could go.

But that doesn't mean...

She said that I can go,

so I asked her if she meant it.

"Can I really go?"

Then soon after, I got a call.

I rushed to the hospital then.

One time, I got so angry that he was out so late,

so I locked the front door.

We live in a house with a fence.

I was in the living room breastfeeding

and I heard a noise outside.

He was climbing over the fence?

Yes, he was jumping over the fence.

She said that I drink 3-4 times a week.

But I don't get to drink with my friends often.

It's only once in a while.

You drink with them 3-4 times a week.

Be honest with us.

(You got me)

You drink and play basketball.

You do whatever you want.

You're leaving all the work to your wife?

No. Once I get home after work

it's about 7:30 in the evening.

I clean the house, bathe our kids,

lay out their bedding and take out the trash.

It sounds like he does that every day.

I do all those whenever I'm home.

How many times a week?

About 3-4 times a week.

- Is that right? / - No.

She says that you come home late 3-4 times a week

and you say you bathe kids 3-4 times a week.

I guess there are 9-10 days in a week for you.

Maybe he cleans and drinks on some days.

They must have their own calendar.

Alberto was on our program recently.

We asked, "How much do you help your wife?"

He said, "I don't think of it as helping her.

It is both of our jobs."

After our son was born, raising him is

both of our jobs. I'm not helping her.

He's right.

That's when I fell for him.

(Every household needs Alberto)

He does try his best.

When I call while he's out drinking,

he comes home to bathe the kids.

But that's just an excuse.

He does it to drink without feeling guilty.

"I've done my job."

So he can say, "Don't call me. I'm drinking."

Whenever someone calls him to go out drinking,

he never says no. When he hangs up,

he says, "I'll ask my wife and call you back."

His friends...

Other people will think

that I'm a terrible wife.

What else does he do that makes you look bad?

He likes to give me presents on special days.

He got me a bracelet for our 10th anniversary.

He asked, "Why don't you post it on social media?"

(Brag about it on social media)

- He asked you to post it? / - Yes.

He likes to show it off to people.

You must post it saying, "A gift from my husband."

With that title.

I said that I didn't want to bother doing it.

He asked, "What did your friends say?"

He cares about...

- He cares about what others think. / - Yes.

I think she misunderstood me.

As for the bracelet,

I got it for her after our second child was born.

She gave birth at home in the bathroom.

- Really? / - Yes.

So I was kidding when I asked her to post it.

Sure. I can understand that he wants to

look like a good father and husband to others.

When I went out with my kids,

people recognized me.

So for no reason, I held up my son.

(Pretending to look happy)

(We're a happy family)

I wanted to show people that we're happy.

My son was thinking, "What's wrong with Dad?"

I did the same thing at a mall.

I'm curious. Have you ever watched the kids

all by yourself?

I do tell her to go out and leave the kids at home.

But she doesn't go.

It's because she doesn't trust you.

Let's say that I go out,

asking my husband to watch the kids.

But his parents live right above us.

You live in the same building.

One time, when I got home

my mother-in-law was holding our daughter.

(How embarrassing)

I felt so bad and embarrassed.

If his parents can't help, he calls me

and says, "Say Mommy. Ask for Mommy."


I recently went out with a few other moms.

I left at around 10 p.m.

Then at about 10:40 p.m...

- Just 40 minutes later? / - Yes.

He showed up at the bar with our kids.

He brought all of them with him.

- To a bar in the neighborhood? / - Yes.

What did he do?

He sat at a table right behind us.

He sat right behind you with the kids?

That's so much pressure.

The two older kids have fun on their own.

It's not too much work.

But even my mom can't handle the youngest.

No one can get her to stop crying.

I want my wife to come home before she cries.

How can she know when the baby will cry?

You just want your wife to come home.

Her mother-in-law came here today.

- Hello. / - Hello.

What do you think about this concern?

Oh gee.

Please tell us everything. It's all right.

I feel bad and pity her.

But I can't help her out because...

I'm a dance instructor.

- You are? / - Yes.

Oh, I did notice her pants.

They have glitters.

I noticed that her pants are extraordinary.

They're so pretty.

- You're a dance instructor. / - Yes.

Your son is saying that he has given up

a lot of his hobbies to help his wife out.

In your opinion, who's telling the truth?

My daughter-in-law is telling the truth.

When I look out the window at night

and don't see his car in the parking lot,

I call him.

"Come home now."

"All right, Mom. I'll be home soon."

He comes home 3-4 hours later.

Sometimes, he comes home very late.

What were you thinking during those hours?

"Why am I not going home? What am I doing?

I'm so disappointed in myself." Feeling guilty?

How could you show up 3-4 hours later?

So it's 10-15 minutes for your wife

and 3-4 hours for your mother.

What do you think about his hobbies?

You heard about the hobbies he has.

Building robots.

He's so into it that he can't hear anything.

He even caused an accident once.


- Why? / - How?

(This isn't funny anymore)

He'll stay up all night to build a robot.

He plays games. He dozed off behind the wheel

and caused an accident twice.

- Twice? / - That's terrible.

I told him, "Don't do that. Go to sleep."

But he won't listen to me.

It's not because of my hobbies.

I couldn't sleep because of work.

I also suffer from insomnia.

- I haven't slept well for days. / - No.

But you can sleep when you're driving?

I clearly saw it.

- See what? / - I clearly saw it.

I clearly saw it.

- See what? / - I clearly saw it.

Please tell us everything, ma'am.

Please continue.

That night

he was in his room all night

doing something. He was making something.

When I stopped him, he pretended to stop

and started to play games.

That day...

He caused the accident the next day.

I'm really curious, sir.

Why do you lie when you get caught right away?

My mother is mistaken.

No, I'm not. I saw it.

(He is left speechless because of his mother)

Has your son always been slow

in doing things since he was a child?

- Yes. / - Making excuses...

In elementary school, if I didn't go with him,

he would've never made it to school.

(His true self is revealed now)

He would read all the signs along the way.

What about making excuses?

Yes, he always did that, too.

Denying things, too?


He does everything.

It's a habit of his.

- It's a habit of his. / - It's a habit of his.

You didn't know when you dated him?

Making excuses and such.

I thought it was all out of love.

Oh no.

In your opinion,

what is the biggest problem that your son has?

What's the biggest problem?

Oh my... His problem...

(There are too many)

Why didn't you try scolding him then?

He has a big head now. He won't listen.

I have a big head, but I listen.

(Same big heads, but different functions)

Does he play with the children

on his days off?

He either plays games or rests.

Since Dad is playing games,

the kids want to play games, too.

Sure. "If Dad is playing, so will I."

So they play games together.

Our eldest son once asked me, "Dad only drinks

and plays games. Why did you marry him?"

- Your son asked you that? / - Yes.


I would've been shocked.

"Your dad went out to drink again."

"Your dad is playing games again."

My wife always says that to the kids,

so I think they're getting brainwashed by her.

They were not brainwashed.

She said it because she didn't want you to do it.

Did you really ask that to your mom?

- Yes. / - Why?

She married a man who drinks a lot.

(Oh no...)

What don't you like about him drinking?

He doesn't come home early.

Because he comes home late.

Does he play with you when he doesn't drink?

No. He used to, but...

What does he do when he's home?

He plays computer games or watches TV.

That image is engraved in the son's head.

What do you want to do with your dad?

I want to play battling games with him.

Battling games.

The loser must stop playing games.

You need to beat him.

He said that he bought drones for you.

Do you fly drones with him?

- No. / - Why not?

He bought them to fly them with you.

I quit flying drones.

- He quit. / - You quit?

I bought one to fly it with my son.

I quit flying drones. (A lie)

I bathe our two older children.

I don't shower often. (A lie)

I didn't cause the accident because of my hobbies.

No, I saw it. (A lie)

(You can't lie to us anymore)

Has your mom ever gotten mad

because your dad builds Gundams?

"Why are you playing games

without putting the kids to bed?"

(He's copying his mom?)

How cute.

You should become a comedian.

He can do impressions.

What do you want from your dad?

Is there something you want him to do?

I want him to stop flying drones at home.

- What else? / - What else?

I only don't want him to come home late

when he goes out to drink.

It's okay for him to play games and watch TV?


So you can do it, too, right?

(You caught me)

We've been talking for a while now.

Are you willing to change your behavior?

My wife and I have been talking about this.

Once they grow up,

I will go out with them and play with them.

They're at that age. He's 9.

Are you going to wait until he's in high school?

I've been doing that since my son was 6.

Soon, they won't play with you.

They'll be busy with their friends.

(Is that right?)

I'm sure there are things that you want to do.

I want a hobby and to get a license.

I wish I could have just 3 hours

of free time per week.

I want to go where kids can't go.

A smoky BBQ place.

(Moms can relate to it)

A place that's too dangerous for kids.

It has to be smoky so that you can eat a lot.

I want to be able to go and chat all night.

Eat meat and talk about your husband.

(I've had so little free time)

(That I have such a minor wish...)

What is it that you don't want him to do?

When I ask him for help,

I want him to do it right away.

I want him to spend less time on his hobbies.

Rather than waiting until your kids grow up,

help her out until they do.

Rather than saying, "Okay, I'll do it"

just say, "I'll go in 2 hours."

Be honest.

Make a promise.

Can you do what your wife asks you?



Shin Dongyeob's suggestion? Or your wife's?

I promise to do what Dongyeob said.

Why did you have to say that?

Make a promise.

Agree not to go out on spontaneous meetings.


Promise her.

I will not go out with my friends

unless it was set in advance.


(Keep your promise)

What about playing games at home?

I will play after our kids go to bed.

Go out on weekends and ride bikes with them.

Expose them to many experiences.

Let's start with Iseul.

I hope you do your best now

so that you don't regret it in the future.

If he doesn't keep his promise, go to the bar he's at.

Now the entire country knows,

so please post it and expose him.

I think this is the process of being happy.

I hope you can have your own free time.

I think it's a concern.

You should work harder.

What would you like to say to him?

Thank you for listening to my concerns.

The things that I asked for...

Please play games less and go out less.

Let's raise our kids as a happy family.

I love you.

Now that she said that she loves her husband,

let's watch her mother-in-law's dance.

(On the spot)

(Please show us)

(I'll say that I love you instead)

She's so cute.

Press the button if you think it's a concern.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Let's see the result.

How many votes did they get?

The last digit is a 3.

Did they get over 100 votes?

(Please show a low number)

143 votes.

(They got 143 votes)

For more infomation >> I've sacrificed in my life but he seems to enjoy hobbies still[Hello Counselor ENG,THA/2018.10.08] - Duration: 27:45.


Suspect in deadly shooting looks to withdraw guilty plea - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Suspect in deadly shooting looks to withdraw guilty plea - Duration: 1:39.


GOP Steps Up Vote Suppression As Democrats Grow In Determination | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 18:34.

For more infomation >> GOP Steps Up Vote Suppression As Democrats Grow In Determination | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 18:34.


Evelyn Taft's Weather Forecast (Oct. 17) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Evelyn Taft's Weather Forecast (Oct. 17) - Duration: 3:24.


Caught On Camera: Thieves Steal Halloween Decorations In Riverside - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Caught On Camera: Thieves Steal Halloween Decorations In Riverside - Duration: 2:24.


Officers Asked To Retake Bilingual Test After Agency Loses Records - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Officers Asked To Retake Bilingual Test After Agency Loses Records - Duration: 2:17.


Far Left Comedian George Lopez Grabs Trump Supporter's NECK – Realizes BIG Mistake Too Late - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Far Left Comedian George Lopez Grabs Trump Supporter's NECK – Realizes BIG Mistake Too Late - Duration: 3:19.


Congress Blindsides Defiant Sanctuary Cities – Democrats In Deep Trouble - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Congress Blindsides Defiant Sanctuary Cities – Democrats In Deep Trouble - Duration: 4:38.


Hayward City Council Candidate Fights Through Overt Racism, Islamophobia - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Hayward City Council Candidate Fights Through Overt Racism, Islamophobia - Duration: 2:12.


Possible Saudi Fall Guy For Jamal Khashoggi Also Trump Camp Middle Man | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Possible Saudi Fall Guy For Jamal Khashoggi Also Trump Camp Middle Man | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 5:19.


Changjung is a fast learner? [Happy Together/2018.10.04] - Duration: 9:45.

("Save Me, Save You" by WJSN)

She's lovely.

(It's both powerful and innocent.)

(She dances hard and she looks beautiful.)

(She looks beautiful any way you look at her.)

(Her dance makes)

(the men's hearts flutter.)

(Her charms are as infinite as space.)

(She is fatally charming.)

(Everyone claps for her.)

- I love the song. / - Lucas raised his hand.

- I have one too. / - What?

- What is it? / - I can dance too.


- That's very random. / - Are you dancing?

When you dance, the most important thing is

- your feeling / - Your feeling.

- and your facial expression. / - Your expression.

- I will show you. / - Okay.

- Let's go! / - Okay.

(I've been waiting for this moment.)

(He's very tall.)

- Lucas is funny. / - Goodness.


You are good.

- One, two. / - Three, four.

(He's got the facial expression.)

(We need to multiply him.)

(He makes people drop their jaws.)

I can tell...

(I'm in charge of my own airtime.)

(He finishes it with his handsome face.)

- He's good. / - Bravo.

(Thumbs up)

Since he's so tall,

he filled up the stage easily.

Lucas and Bona, thank you for that performance.

Changjung, you claim to be quite athletic.

It's not that I'm good at sports.

I'm just very sharp when it comes to things.

Whenever I do something,

even when I played sports as a kid,

I had a keen eye for the rules.

- You're a fast learner. / - I pick it up quickly,

but my interest dwindles quickly as well.

You're known for being good at sports.

Among them are golf and baseball.

- He's very nimble. / - I am. When I dance,

you can barely see my moves.

I have short limbs, so I'm done in a flash.

You know how it is.

Most of your dance moves go like this.

- You're a great dancer. / - My moves are nimble.

Do your children take after you?

Are they also athletic?

Yes, they are observant as well.

They're quick studies.

In about five months after learning how to golf,

one of them competed in a tournament.

- In five months? / - That's amazing.

Changjung may be athletic,

but he's known more for his vocals.

- Of course. / - He's a great singer.

Being known as a good singer

depends on how others view my singing.

But when it comes to the volume of my vocals...

There's a video that went viral online.

He was singing, when the song suddenly stopped playing.

- Right. / - So without any music,

he finished singing the song live.

(During an outdoor event...)

♪ I truly ♪

(The song starts to drag along.)

(The music gets turned off.)

Don't turn it back on.

♪ Seeing you leave ♪

(He continued the song without any music.)

♪ I tried to empty my heart ♪

♪ But before I knew it ♪

(He overcame the obstacle with his singing ability,)

(and the audience cheered in gratitude.)

- I couldn't believe it. / - I saw that too.

Normally, when that happens,

most would quit singing and can't continue.

However, Changjung didn't give up.

He sang the rest of it without background music.

If I didn't, my fee would've been canceled.

I see.

- He's a professional. / - So that's why.

- I had to work. / - He couldn't bail.

It is said that

his microphone goes down to his belly button.

- What does that mean? / - He voice is that powerful.

When you see other singers with powerful vocals sing,

they lower the microphone away from their faces.

I found that charismatic.

- There's a photo. / - I think it's cool,

which is why I also do it.

Everyone can do that, though.

- No, we can't. / - Yes, you can.

When I lower the microphone,

the audio team increases the volume.

- Really? / - The audio team?

- I didn't expect that. / - What?

He always lowers his microphone when singing,

but he sounds just as loud!

The audio team keeps changing the settings.

What? My gosh.

- That's great. / - I see.

The audio team must be on their toes.

Before I knew that,

I really believed I had powerful vocals.

At first, I was amazed at myself.

Then I saw the audio team turn up the volume.

(They were adjusting the volume.)

They changed the microphone's settings.

- Nevertheless, he's an amazing singer. / - Of course.

Many people enjoy and wait for new songs by Changjung.

Can you tell us about your new single?

Most of my songs are like

"The Love I Committed" or "A Shot of Soju".

This time, my songs will be more aggressive

and have a strong beat to them.

- Really? / - They're different.

So they're different to what we're used to.

The lead single has a very long title.

"There Has Never Been A Day I Haven't Loved You".

It's long, indeed.

In short, I call it "TDL".

- "TDL"? / - "TDL".

Could we hear a snippet of it?

- Please sing it for us. / - Right.

("There Has Never Been A Day I Haven't Loved You")

(by Im Changjung)

♪ Because we don't know at the time ♪

(The music suddenly goes off.)

♪ Because we don't know at the time ♪

(They're all flustered.)

♪ The days we remember ♪

(His voice shines through even without any music.)

♪ What kind of love was ours? ♪


(In my heart)


That was amazing.

- Goodness. / - You still have it.

Why was the music turned off?

I don't know what happened.

The track must've bounced in a weird way.

(It wasn't on purpose.)

It wasn't on purpose, but it happened.

That was great, though.

I couldn't tell that he had a sore throat.

Me neither.

My favorite song of yours is "A Shot of Soju".

- Isn't it because you like soju? / - I do like soju.

Did you write the song while inebriated?

- No, of course not. / - It's a masterpiece.

There are some famous rumors regarding the song.

Many say that the lyrics are something

you'd say during a drunk phone call.

I've heard that a lot.

I was on my way to the recording studio,

but I couldn't reach the lyricist.

I still had no lyrics for the song.

So I wrote how I'd like the song to be,

and kept revising it as I recorded.

- While humming the song? / - Yes, that's right.

Did you write the lyrics yourself?

Yes. The part where the lyrics go,

"Hello, it's me" is familiar to us now,

but it doesn't quite work with the original melody.

That's why the songwriter

wished for us

to release the song much later with new lyrics.

I insisted that the song was great.

I love that part the most.

So I released the song.

- Thankfully, many loved it. / - I love the song.

It wasn't common at the time to write aggressive lyrics

- to a soft ballad. / - It was very direct.

Others won't have made it sound this good.

- Exactly. / - I agree.

It's been a while since you released a song.

Will we see you a lot on music shows?

Yes, of course.

Haven't TV music shows changed a lot now?

I haven't been on hiatus that long,

so I know the drill.

I say hello to idols who come to greet me.

(Don't worry and come greet me.)

Bona, would you and the rest of WJSN

go and greet him too?

- Yes, of course. / - Of course.

Stay put, and I'll come to you.

In terms of "Music Bank",

we all watch the others rehearse.

According to what I hear,

Changjung's live performance

is worthy of a standing ovation.

- Of course. / - That's why these days,

I lip-sync during dry rehearsals to protect my vocals.

(He jokes about lip-syncing.)

Of course.

It'll be really funny

if I lip-synced during rehearsals.

- I did it once. / - Really?

You sing with music accompaniment.

I still ended up ruining the live show.

(The legendary Odongdo Island Incident)

Those who can't sing must practice beforehand.

He's right.

I wasn't able to hit the high notes.

It was a disaster.

Lucas, have you met him at a music show before?

- No, I haven't. / - No.

It hasn't been long since I debuted.

I see.

He probably learned of Changjung today.

If they'd met on "Music Bank" first,

he might have wondered why...

- "What's he doing here?" / - "What brings you by?"

- "Did you release a song?" / - He's the bar owner.

"What about your bar tonight?"

(He's a senior singer from today.)

For more infomation >> Changjung is a fast learner? [Happy Together/2018.10.04] - Duration: 9:45.


人生最得意的6個生肖:家庭美滿,事業順利,財源滾滾! - Duration: 8:52.

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Democrats Just Announce Sick New Way They Plan To Dominate GOP In Midterms To Regain Control - Duration: 3:01.

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美 B-52 폭격기 2대, 남중국해 상공 진입..긴장 고조되나 ➤ korean army - Duration: 7:33.

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B-52又来了,但与以往路线大不相同,专家一眼看穿其背后目的 - Duration: 4:27.

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丹预赛首轮谌龙石宇奇都"跪"了 男单留下35岁老将林丹支撑局面 - Duration: 4:43.

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10/18/18 12:22 PM (No. 162, Nanzi Road, Nanzi District, Kaohsiung City, 811) - Duration: 1:06.

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Mugam Trailer | Latest Tamil Movie | Kalaiyarasan | Achu Rajamani | TrendMusic - Duration: 2:01.

I have a task

Impossible and unethical

Ashok told me Can you explain the problem in detail?

Someone is tapping me Michael

They hack my phone, my home TV, even my laptop and harass me

Within 15th, you should kill the person I name

Even if u try, u can't get out of this mess Atleast to save yourself, you must kill him

Over the next seven days, I have you in the palm of my hand

It seems this is carried out by someone who is technically well equipped

Mr. Kalaiyarasan

Don't frighten me. Who are you?

Kalai. I think you are mentally disturbed. Can we consult a doctor?

Ashok.. There are two options.

1. I should kill the person named by him. 2. Otherwise, I have to find out the hacker.

If I have to kill him to save myself, I will not hesitate from doing that.

There is only one letter difference between true and wrong. But that has changed my life.

This is an acquainted face

For more infomation >> Mugam Trailer | Latest Tamil Movie | Kalaiyarasan | Achu Rajamani | TrendMusic - Duration: 2:01.


For more infomation >> Mugam Trailer | Latest Tamil Movie | Kalaiyarasan | Achu Rajamani | TrendMusic - Duration: 2:01.


Alertswiss-App FR - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Alertswiss-App FR - Duration: 1:33.


For more infomation >> Alertswiss-App FR - Duration: 1:33.


Learn Colors Kinetic Sand Cutting Satisfying Video Colors for kids - Duration: 2:27.

Jack and Jill Went up the hill

Teal Color, To fetch a Pail of Water

Jack fell down and broke his Crown and Jill came tumbling after

Red Color

Up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper

Purple Color

He went to bed to mend his head with Vinegar and Brown paper, Pink Color

Jack and Jill Went up the Hill, to fetch a Pail of Water

Jack fell down and broke his Crown and Jill came tumbling after

Up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper

He went to bed to mend his head with Vinegar and Brown paper

Hickory Dickory dock the Mouse ran up the Clock

The Clock struck ONE, Purple Color

The Mouse ran down, blue color

Hickory Dickory Dock Tick Tock Tick Tock

Hickory Dickory dock the Mouse ran up the Clock

The Clock struck TWO

And down he flew

Hickory Dickory dock Tick Tock Tick Tock

Hickory Dickory dock the Mouse ran up the Clock

The Clock struck THREE

And he did flee

Hickory Dickory dock Tick Tock Tick Tock

For more infomation >> Learn Colors Kinetic Sand Cutting Satisfying Video Colors for kids - Duration: 2:27.


For more infomation >> Learn Colors Kinetic Sand Cutting Satisfying Video Colors for kids - Duration: 2:27.


Alertswiss-App Trailer FR - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Alertswiss-App Trailer FR - Duration: 0:30.


For more infomation >> Alertswiss-App Trailer FR - Duration: 0:30.



in thailand also cooked pancakes really not at all

similar to our but equally tasty roti this is one of the famous

Asian dishes do not try which serious gastronomic crime

the birthplace of this culinary invention India

translation of Sanskrit roti means bread and besides Thailand, it is cooked in many more

Southeast Asia as always brought your own

unique changes after which it seemed would an ordinary dish become so

delicious that sometimes eaters do not ottyanesh from him even behind the ears

probably already a hundred times passed past this dish just did not guess

what this pancakes really ours understanding damn it is something round

roti in finished form is more like fried pies

envelopes from very thin dough to taste a company look around and

look for the nearest makashnitsah with the inscription roti or pancake

it is usually hung with banana buns and next is the turn of saliva

tourists and locals those who rely from patience

on the foot of a large round pan at times can be found

real virtuosos masters of their craft

There are many variations of fillings for Thai pancakes fruit meat and

vegetable and pasta kari sometimes There are exotic for meat lovers

berry jam or condensed milk the classic version that you can

meet thailand almost every the corner is roti with bananas roti like

watered with condensed milk and chocolate

Roti can be tasted almost everywhere it is so popular now that its

are cooked in street makashnits and in It is believed that restaurants in Thailand

tastes best pancakes cook borders with Malaysia prices will depend on the level

establishment and fillings on the street classic company with a banana

can try for 30 baht with an egg for 25 with egg and banana for 40 baht

additional topping of fruit condensed milk honey or nutella jams

add the cost of meals another 10 20 baht

This is the price of a neck

say 40 make 50 butt on pancakes

s average price of 40 50 watts it all depends on






For more infomation >> Subscribe


Recruitment of Kakao M Junior 3rd Generation! supported by Apink(에이핑크가 응원하는 "카카오 M 주니어 3기" 모집 중!) - Duration: 1:00.

(Casting Call for 'The 3rd Kakao M Junior') (Oct. 27, 2018)

Hello, everyone It's Apink here

One of the biggest entertainment management companies in Korea, Kakao M

Is recruiting the 3rd Kakao Juniors

Kakao M Junior is a program to support

The talented persons who will lead the next generation of Korean wave

By 7 entertainment management companies including PLAN A where we belong to and Cre.ker Entertainment

To the 3rd Kakao M Junior students

From vocal and dance training to acting and foreign language training

The best training system will be provided by the best instructors of Korea

And all of this will be free of charge

That's so good

The excellent students will be given the opportunity

To make an exclusive contract with one of the 7 companies of Kakao M

We'll be waiting for the application from you who have dreams and talents

For more information about recruitment

Please check the audition channel of Kakao M Friends

We've been Apink, thank you

(Application Period October 10-21, 2018)

(Target: Aged 8 (born in 2011) - 16 (born in 2003))

(For more information, please check Kakao M Friends audition channel)

For more infomation >> Recruitment of Kakao M Junior 3rd Generation! supported by Apink(에이핑크가 응원하는 "카카오 M 주니어 3기" 모집 중!) - Duration: 1:00.


ONSTYLE IV - BlackHeart X WATID X ONEMORE X M-JAY - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> ONSTYLE IV - BlackHeart X WATID X ONEMORE X M-JAY - Duration: 2:23.



For more infomation >> GLOBAL CHALLENGE CUP FINAL-HNF 6-0 LIS-THE SECOND TROPHY WITH NEW TEAM!!! - Duration: 9:04.


11 PHRASAL VERBS with FILL: fill in, fill out, fill up... - Duration: 15:39.

So, we got to hold on to what we got.

It doesn't make a difference if we...

E, what are you doing?

Want to fill me in?

Oh, thanks: Today's lesson.

Hi. James from engVid.

Today's lesson is on "fill", a common verb that we use in English and has many different

meanings when we put it with prepositions.

In other words, this lesson that I'm going to fill you in on is on phrasal verbs with



I'm going to use three prepositions to show you the different ways we use it, and give

you, you know, the bonus and that a little bit later on.

Let's go to the board.

So: "Fill in the blank" is the first one.

Some of you, if you've been to English-speaking countries, have heard this before; maybe not.

But let's look: What does the word "fill" mean?

First of all, it's a verb, and it means to put somebody or something in a space, a situation,

or a container so it is completely or almost completely full.

So, an example is: If you were to have a cup of coffee and you said: "Fill it up", they

would take the coffee from here and put it in this space or container, and make it go




Let's go to the board and see what else we can do.

I'm going to start with "up".

"Up" is a direction, and it means to increase.


So when someone, for instance, says: "Fill up"-in this case: "Fill up my car"-it means

make it completely full.

If you are going on a long journey or destination and you are taking your car with you, you

might want to fill up the gas.

In this case, make it full.


Now, "fill up" also could be for food.

"I don't want to fill up on French fries before I get my salad", that means be completely



"I'm going to fill up my schedule for next week", make it completely full.

Now, another one with "up" is to "fill up on".

It means to have as much of something, as much of something as possible.

The example I gave you with French fries: "I need to fill up on fruits today; I didn't

have enough yesterday."

That means to have one thing and be completely full of it.


All right.

So, we could say: "We need to fill up on groceries before we go on vacation", completely, right?

Get as much as possible of this thing.

The next one we'll do is "out": "fill out".

"Fill out" can be complete the needed information.

When you go to the government and you have to do a form, and they say: "Please fill this

out", they will give you a piece of paper and there will be places where you might have

to put your name, your address, and all sorts of information that they require in order

to help you.

So: "Fill that out, please."

When you go to the doctors the first time, usually they say: "Please fill out this form",

and you put down all of your information.

So, "to fill out" means to completely put in...

Complete needed information for a form or paper.


Another one for "fill out" is this: To grow or get larger.

When you're young, say you're a young boy, you're usually very small.

And when you become a man, we say you fill out; you get your muscles, you get bigger,

and you get stronger.

Also, when you go to the gym, sometimes you need...

You will fill out.

You will go to the gym for one month, two months, three months - nothing happens.

And then one day, people will say: "You filled out.

Look at your big, wonderful muscles."

They've gotten bigger.


So, in this case: Complete the form; and this one: To grow larger - we grow.


Third one.

"Fill in".

Now, you will notice that "fill in" and "fill out" are similar for the first ones; complete

needed information and complete needed information.

In this case, when someone says: "Please fill in the form" they usually are referring to

the blanks, the empty spaces; while in "fill out", they mean the whole form.

Think of "larger", they want the big thing completed; while in "fill in", they're saying:

"Fill in each blank."

All right?

Next: "fill someone in".

To fill someone in is to give them information.

Let's say Mr. E went to a meeting.


He went to a meeting last week and I wasn't there, and then I come back: "Oh, Mr. E, I

missed the meeting.

Can you fill me in; tell me what happened?"

He'll go: "Okay.

First what happened is Bob over there, he had some coffee, got a little too high off

the coffee.

You know what I'm saying?

Was really excited.

Really excited.

And then Janet, Janet, you know, from dah-dah-dah", he will fill me in; give me information.

That's not the same as fill out a form.

"To fill someone in" means they don't have information, you go and speak to them and

let them know what was going on.

"Fill me in.

Let me know."


"Fill in for someone", this is to act as a substitute.

It doesn't always have to be a person.

Let's just say, for example, Tommy is sick.

"I can't work.

Can someone fill in for me?"

I need a substitute or replacement.

I need someone who can come and work for me.



So: "I need a fill-in for tomorrow because I won't be here."

Or: "Can you fill in for John?

He's sick today."

You can also use something: "to fill in for".

We don't have this coffee anymore.

We can use this coffee to fill in instead, as a substitute or a replacement.

And the last one for "fill in" I have for you is: "fill in", and that's to complete


All right?

So when we say: "I need to fill in a hole in the wall", for example...

Let's just say there's a crack right here...

Okay, and there's a hole.

Well, I need to fill that in, so I'm going to get some glue or some paper, and I'm going

to fill it in, so now the crack is filled in and complete; there's no more hole.


If you shave your eyebrow by accident, you need to fill it in with some pen and paper.

Don't do it; it's not good.

It's not a good look.


Anyway, so you can fill in an eyebrow.

Some ladies do that.

They cut too much hair off their eyebrow, and they fill it in with mascara or something,

I don't know.


Or when you're fixing your house, you need to fill in the holes; complete.


All right.

So, I filled you in with today's lesson.

I think it's time for us to...

You might be...


Have your fill of this...

And get ready for the quiz and bonus.

Are you ready?


And now to my favourite part: Let's fill you in on the bonus, the homework, and the quiz.

All right, so bonus for this one is I'm going to give you an idiom and a word...

Actually probably two idioms and a word for you that use "fill".

If you remember at the beginning, I told you "fill" means to put something into something

else to make it full or, you know...

Or completed.

That's what these idioms have to do with.


The first one, for instance: "You'll have your fill of something", "You have your fill

of something", or "Have your fill of something".

It means you don't want any more.

Example: somebody is talking to you about things you don't want to hear, you've had

your fill: "Enough.

Stop talking.

I don't want to hear you anymore."

Or if you've had too much beer, and you go: "Oh, I've had my fill of beer for the evening.

No more, please.

I don't want anymore", because it means to be almost completely full, that there is no

room for anymore.


So, if you have your fill of something...

"I've had my fill of bad news for today.

Don't tell me anymore bad news.

I'm done.

Finished", "I've had my fill of this conversation.

It's now finished."


All right.

Number two: "a filling".

I have beautiful teeth, as you know; however, I do have a filling back here.

That means my tooth...

I ate too much chocolate, it went bad, and the dentist had to fix it and put something

in there.

Do you remember when I talked about filling in a crack if there's a hole?

Well, when you get a filling, it means there is a hole in your tooth and they have to put

something in.

Sometimes it's material or some people have gold, some people have porcelain, but they

fill the hole in your tooth so you don't have more problems, or

any more problems.

"Fill your face".

Cookie Monster.

It means to put food in your mouth, a lot at one time.

"I need to fill my face."

Sometimes you might look like an animal when you fill your face.


So that's for eating a lot of food at once.


Let's go to the board, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay, so the first one we're going to do is, on our little quiz:

"Mr. E asked James to __________ for him at work because he was sick."

Now, this is from the first part of the lesson.

What did James do for Mr. E?

That's right: "fill in".


"Fill in" means to be a substitute for someone or something.

The next one: "James likes to __________"-and it means to

eat a lot at one time-"with chocolate bars".

This one is a very difficult one.

Look over here, look over here.

That's right: "fill your face".

"James likes to fill his face".

Sometimes I have two or three at the same time.

Now, next one: "If you take your car on a long trip, you

should __________ the gas tank."

You should what the gas tank?

Oh, I know when I go to the gas tank or a gas station, say: "Fill up.

Fill up the gas tank.

Put gas in there.

Fill up the gas tank."

Number four: "After three months of going to the gym, her

muscles are really starting __________." grow.

What's another word for "grow"?


Remember we talked about "fill out"?

Her muscles are filling out, getting bigger.

"Fill out" means to get larger.

And what is the last one we're going to do?

"I went to the dentist last week and I had to get two __________."

Two what?

This is a noun.

So it's not quite a phrasal verb, and we talked about it earlier, so which one is a noun?

That's right.

Remember we talked about the hole in the tooth?


If you have two fillings, you have two holes that need to be fixed in order that you don't

get sick, because if you don't get tooth decay-that's a hole in your tooth fixed-you can actually

get very, very sick.

Now, hope you enjoyed the lesson.

I wonder how you did out of the five.

As you know...

Well, I'm going to tell you where to in a second or two, but before I do, I want to

make sure you do your homework for the week.

This week's homework: I gave you one, two, three, probably 10, 11 variations of using

the word "fill" from using it as a phrasal verb, a couple of idioms, and one noun.

I would like you today to take five of them and use it, or use one five times.

Try and use what you've learned at least five times today, after you hit that video.

Hopefully not...

You're not going to bed; or the next day when you wake up, go out, use it.

"I need to fill up the bathtub.

I'm going to fill out this form.

I had a filling last week.

I want to fill my face with ice cream."

Just use five.


And mark it down.

Write down when you used it and why you used it.

And if you have a problem, check the video; come back and see: "Did I use that correctly?

I'm not sure."

All right?

You're not finished.

Homework for one day.

The day after, so after today, the next day: Try and use it three times.


So it's a little easier, but you haven't seen the video in 24 hours so it might be harder

to remember, but you want to force your brain to start using that English about filling

in something.

"Can you fill in for me tonight?

I've got a date.

I have to do something."

All right?

And then next week, the week after: Try and use each...

Well, one of the phrasal verbs twice in a day.

In Canada...

Or English-speaking countries, we use "fill in" for...

"Fill" for a lot of different things; usually forms, government forms, any kind of credit

card - you're always filling something in or filling out.

If you're going to the gym, you want to fill out your biceps or your back.

You need someone to work for you, you need them to fill in for you.

If you love, you know, filling your face with beer - all of these things, right?

So it's possible for you to find at least one or two ways to use it each day.

The first day might be the most challenging, but I promise you: If you do this for at least

one week, you will not be able to forget the verb "fill" and how to use it as a preposition.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson.

Now, as always, thank you very much for watching; we appreciate you at engVid.

I would like to make sure you go to www.eng, as in engVid, as in (

to complete the quiz that we have there for you.

Don't forget to subscribe; it's somewhere around here.

Also, there's a little bell.

So, when you do the subscribe thing, hit that bell.

That is special because when some of you say: "I don't get to know when the new videos come

out", that bell will come on your cellphone, on your laptop, on your digital whatever you

have and say: "New video from JamesESL", or any of our other great teachers at engVid.

Anyway, thanks for watching; see you soon.

Got to fill out my timecard now.

For more infomation >> 11 PHRASAL VERBS with FILL: fill in, fill out, fill up... - Duration: 15:39.


Congress Blindsides Defiant Sanctuary Cities – Democrats In Deep Trouble - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Congress Blindsides Defiant Sanctuary Cities – Democrats In Deep Trouble - Duration: 4:38.


Po śmierci Pyrkosza rozpłakała się w telewizji. Niesamowita historia legendarnej polskiej aktorki - Duration: 5:19.

 Witold Pyrkosz zmarł w kwietniu 2017 roku. Jednak wspomnienie o nim towarzyszy nie tylko fanom i rodzinie, ale także aktorom, którzy przez lata spotykali się z nim na planie

Teresa Lipowska rozpłakała się w telewizji, opowiadając o swoim serialowym mężu. Witold Pyrkosz był jednym z najpopularniejszych aktorów na polskiej scenie

Jego role zapadły fanom w pamięć na długo. Duńczyk z „Vabank", Bombalina z filmu „Kingsajz", Franek Wichura z „Czterech Pancernych i psa", aż w końcu – Lucjan Mostowiak z „M jak Miłość"

Niezwykły dorobek aktora wspominali najwięksi aktorzy. Mówiąc o nim, rozpłakała się podczas nagrania na żywo Teresa Lipowska

Odszedł wielki aktor. Witold Pyrkosz we wspomnieniach Teresy Lipowskiej – Bardzo ciężko jest mi o tym mówić… ponieważ ja właściwie… Dla mnie to jest wiadomość nagła

Ja żegnałam się z nim dwa miesiące temu jakby nigdy nic – zaczęła Lipowska swoją emocjonalną wypowiedź

Widzowie wściekli na bohaterkę M jak miłość. Jak mogła to zrobić?  Tuż po informacji o jego śmierci, bliscy aktora postanowili opowiedzieć o jego życiu

 Podczas spotkania z dziennikarzem TVP Info, aktorka opowiadała o zmarłym przyjacielu

 – Kiedy wchodziłam na plan i zobaczyłam to krzesło, na którym on zawsze siedzi za stołem Mostowiaków, nie można było grać

Przez 17 lat jesteśmy ze sobą na planie kilka razy w miesiącu, byliśmy w bardzo życzliwych stosunkach – skomentowała relację z Pyrkoszem Lipowska

 Witold Pyrkosz musiał zmierzyć się z problemami zdrowotnymi. Jego stan pogarszał się przez wiele miesięcy

On chciał być aktywny jak najdłużej. Nie potrafił żyć bez grania.  DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄPożegnanie w Grabinie Scenarzyści postanowili wzruszającym sposobem pożegnać aktora

Wątek Lucjana musiał się zakończyć, więc „M jak Miłość" również uczciło postać nestora rodu

Aktorzy, którzy współpracowali z Pyrkoszem wiele lat – przeżywali na planie jego odejście z równym pietyzmem, jak to miało miejsce podczas prawdziwego pogrzebu

Teresa Lipowska – legendarna aktorka Ukończyła kultową Łódzką Filmówkę na Wydziale Aktorskim

Później rozpoczęła współpracę z Teatrem Ludowym. Występowała także na deskach Teatru Syrena

Największą popularność przyniosła jej postać Barbary Mostowiak w „M jak Miłość". To dzięki roli ciepłej, starszej i pełnej cierpliwości kobiety – widzowie pokochali ją

Wielu przyznaje, że to dzięki jej udziałowi tak chętnie siadają przed telewizorami

 Ceniona, nagradzana – potrafiła pomóc każdemu. Przyjaciele z planu wspominają, że ona i Pyrkosz tworzyli nieprawdopodobny duet

Lipowskiej wciąż brakuje serialowego męża. ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Loading . Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Po śmierci Pyrkosza rozpłakała się w telewizji. Niesamowita historia legendarnej polskiej aktorki - Duration: 5:19.


Thierry Henry explains how Guardiola and Wenger will influence what he does as a manager - Duration: 4:16.

 Pep Guardiola will provide the "reference" for Thierry Henry as he begins his managerial career at Monaco

 The Manchester City manager worked with Henry while both were at Barcelona from 2008-2010, and although he was phased out under him, the Frenchman remains an avid admirer

 As with Guardiola at Barca, Henry's first job in management comes at the same club at which he started his playing career

 He is widely recognised to have played his finest football under Arsene Wenger at Arsenal from 1999 to 2007 before returning for a brief loan spell in 2012, but it will not be his fellow Frenchman he will model himself on

 Speaking at the first press conference since his appointment at Monaco, Henry said: "Pep is the reference, for me, I'm not saying for everyone

 "There's no right or wrong; that's the reference for me. We learnt how to play the game when I went to Barcelona under him

With Pep you can talk about the game; he will not even go to sleep and will still talk about the game, you will fall asleep and he's still talking

 "The invention he had in the game; he's well ahead of the game, I saw it closely

 "You learn from people; they inspire you. But you also need to put your own little mix in it

 "Talking about the managers that I had; I learnt with a lot of them, every single one of them

Whether they challenged me, whether sometimes they were doing the wrong stuff; that's when you learn the most – when things are not going well

 "But if I talked about Arsene, Arsene unlocked a lot of stuff in my mind, made me understand what it was to be a professional, what it was to perform

I will never forget that. You know the relationship I had with him so I will always carry some of the stuff that he was doing

 "A lot of people (also) inspired me in France."  Henry had been a significant figure in the great Arsenal team of 2003/04 that went unbeaten throughout the Premier League season, finishing the campaign as champions

 Despite also excelling in Spain, his influence was not the same at Barca after his first year under Guardiola — their team from 2008-2012 is widely regarded as the finest in history — but for all of the glory of his time at both clubs, Monaco also had an emotional pull

 "When the offer came it was quite logical; my heart talked," he explained. "You know the connection I have with one club in London, but this is where I started

This club will always have a big place in my heart.  "So to be able to come here and start here again is a dream come true, I won't lie

There's a lot of work to do, as you can imagine, but I'm more than happy to be here

"  Do YOU want to write for GiveMeSport? Get started today by signing-up and submitting an article HERE: https://www

For more infomation >> Thierry Henry explains how Guardiola and Wenger will influence what he does as a manager - Duration: 4:16.


Noah Beckwith ▐ The Little Emperor▐ 10-year-old junior the talented boxer. - Duration: 2:01.

Noah Beckwith one of the most talented junior athletes in the WA.

He is now ten years old. He is a student at St. Vincent's Catholic Primary School.

Noah Beckwith often flies around America or abroad to Thailand to conduct battles and train there.

Оfficially compete in WA, he cannot yet, because he has not turned 12 years old.

In Thailand, Noah is a member of one of the Thai boxing halls; in order to remain their member, he must play at the gym at least four times a year.

In Thailand, he met a Thai star, Buakaw Bunchamek, and even trained with him at his gym in Bangkok.

As his mom says, he trains all year round, Noah trains three or four times a week,

and when it comes to a fight, he undergoes a six-week training.

"He runs five kilometers, and then he trains for three hours.

Incredibly, he already has his sponsors and he is the youngest athlete sponsored by famous food.

For more infomation >> Noah Beckwith ▐ The Little Emperor▐ 10-year-old junior the talented boxer. - Duration: 2:01.


Bellerin outlines how Emery has instilled a winning mentality - Duration: 3:06.

 Hector Bellerin has claimed that Unai Emery has instilled a winning mentality in the Arsenal dressing room following his appointment as head coach back in May

 Starting the new season with back-to-back defeats against Man City and Chelsea in the league, the Gunners have bounced back in style to register nine successive wins in all competitions

 Confidence is certainly high in the camp at present, as was evident in the win over Fulham last time out, with the team now just two points off the top of the table

 Benefiting from Emery and his coaching staff's meticulous approach, Bellerin has opened up on life under Arsene Wenger and the new head coach

  "They are coaches with a completely different mindset and ways of working," the right-back told Premier League Today

"They both are great managers who will help you improve.  "Under Wenger I became the player that I am today because he's the guy that signed me at 16

 "I owe him a lot and all the time I spent here he made me play so much even when I was really young

 "Those are things you owe him back.  "Now with Emery it's more about following the process of becoming a professional footballer

 "I'm still really young. Personally it's more about improving tactically now and taking experiences game by game

 "The coaching staff are really good.  "They have people who analyse the game to the detail, for that it is important to listen to them and improve every game

"  "The environment we've been living in since the new coaching staff started is very positive," he added

 "The whole mentality that he's instilled in the dressing room is a winning one, a hard working one

 "He wants to make us really competitive and slowly we're showing the improvements

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Bellerin outlines how Emery has instilled a winning mentality - Duration: 3:06.


Cartoon - Every Day Kids Suffer From Babaysitters' Violence | AmoMama - Duration: 1:51.

I was always against a babysitter...

But my daughter had a different opinion

Don't be jealous, Mom!

A babysitter will just help you!

I saw that my grandson didn't like the babysitter

Eric started stuttering

In the morning he wouldn't let his mom fo to work

At night he woke up because of nightmares!

We don't need the babysitter

Mom! Stop being jealous!

My daughter didn't want to listen to me

But when I saw my grandson had a split lip

I knew that I should do something

When the babysitter took Eric for a walk...

I called Mila

It seems that you have forgotten your papers

I knew that she would pass through the playground

And I had nothing to prove

I'm sorry

Every day 16 kids suffer from a babysitters' violence

Trust your children only in the care of those closest to you

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